%{help=set files-path}%{+n} ### %bset files-path%b specifies where the bot's dcc file directory is. if you don't want a file transfer section on your bot, define this as "". otherwise, the directory given will be the root directory for users in the file section. they may move into any subdirectory and download any file you make visible, but may never move out past the files-path directory. see also: set incoming-path %{help=set incoming-path}%{+n} ### %bset incoming-path%b specifies the directory where files dcc'd to the bot will go. if you have turned off the file section by setting %b'files-path'%b to "", then this has no effect since all files offered by dcc to the bot will be rejected anyway. if you have set the %b'upload-to-pwd'%b to 1, then this will be ignored, and all files uploaded (sent) to the bot will go into whichever directory the user is in currently, or was in last. see also: set files-path, set upload-to-pwd %{help=set filedb-path}%{+n} ### %bset filedb-path%b specifies where database files for the file system should go. (this only matters if your bot has a file system.) if this is left blank, a hidden file is created in each subdirectory of the file system. if you set a filedb-path, though, the bot will store all the file system database files in the path you specify. this is useful if you only have read access to the files-path, or just don't want hidden files lurking around. see also: set files-path %{help=set max-filesize}%{+n} ### %bset max-filesize%b <#> specifies the maximum allowable size (in kilobytes) of a file that the bot will accept in a dcc send. the default is 1024, which is 1 meg. see also: set max-dloads, set max-file-users %{help=set max-file-users}%{+n} ### %bset max-file-users%b <#> specifies the maximum number of people to allow in the bot's file system at one time. this can be used to keep your file system from being abused if you offer a lot of files. see also: set max-dloads, set max-filesize %{help=set upload-to-pwd}%{+n} ### %bset upload-to-pwd%b <0/1> specifies whether uploads to the bot's file area go to the user's current directory (1), or to the directory specified in %b'incoming-path'%b (0). see also: set incoming-path