/* * console.c -- part of console.mod * saved console settings based on console.tcl * by cmwagner/billyjoe/D. Senso * * $Id: console.c,v 1.39 2011/02/13 14:19:33 simple Exp $ */ /* * Copyright (C) 1999 - 2011 Eggheads Development Team * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #define MODULE_NAME "console" #define MAKING_CONSOLE #include "src/mod/module.h" #include #include "console.h" static Function *global = NULL; static int console_autosave = 0; static int force_channel = 0; static int info_party = 0; struct console_info { char *channel; int conflags; int stripflags; int echoflags; int page; int conchan; }; static struct user_entry_type USERENTRY_CONSOLE; static int console_unpack(struct userrec *u, struct user_entry *e) { struct console_info *ci = user_malloc(sizeof(struct console_info)); char *par, *arg; par = e->u.list->extra; arg = newsplit(&par); ci->channel = user_malloc(strlen(arg) + 1); strcpy(ci->channel, arg); arg = newsplit(&par); ci->conflags = logmodes(arg); arg = newsplit(&par); ci->stripflags = stripmodes(arg); arg = newsplit(&par); ci->echoflags = (arg[0] == '1') ? 1 : 0; arg = newsplit(&par); ci->page = atoi(arg); arg = newsplit(&par); ci->conchan = atoi(arg); list_type_kill(e->u.list); e->u.extra = ci; return 1; } static int console_pack(struct userrec *u, struct user_entry *e) { char work[1024]; struct console_info *ci; int l; ci = (struct console_info *) e->u.extra; l = simple_sprintf(work, "%s %s %s %d %d %d", ci->channel, masktype(ci->conflags), stripmasktype(ci->stripflags), ci->echoflags, ci->page, ci->conchan); e->u.list = user_malloc(sizeof(struct list_type)); e->u.list->next = NULL; e->u.list->extra = user_malloc(l + 1); strcpy(e->u.list->extra, work); nfree(ci->channel); nfree(ci); return 1; } static int console_kill(struct user_entry *e) { struct console_info *i = e->u.extra; nfree(i->channel); nfree(i); nfree(e); return 1; } static int console_write_userfile(FILE *f, struct userrec *u, struct user_entry *e) { struct console_info *i = e->u.extra; if (fprintf(f, "--CONSOLE %s %s %s %d %d %d\n", i->channel, masktype(i->conflags), stripmasktype(i->stripflags), i->echoflags, i->page, i->conchan) == EOF) return 0; return 1; } static int console_set(struct userrec *u, struct user_entry *e, void *buf) { struct console_info *ci = (struct console_info *) e->u.extra; if (!ci && !buf) return 1; if (ci != buf) { if (ci) { nfree(ci->channel); nfree(ci); } ci = e->u.extra = buf; } /* Note: Do not share console info */ return 1; } static int console_tcl_get(Tcl_Interp *irp, struct userrec *u, struct user_entry *e, int argc, char **argv) { char work[1024]; struct console_info *i = e->u.extra; simple_sprintf(work, "%s %s %s %d %d %d", i->channel, masktype(i->conflags), stripmasktype(i->stripflags), i->echoflags, i->page, i->conchan); Tcl_AppendResult(irp, work, NULL); return TCL_OK; } static int console_tcl_set(Tcl_Interp *irp, struct userrec *u, struct user_entry *e, int argc, char **argv) { struct console_info *i = e->u.extra; int l; BADARGS(4, 9, " handle CONSOLE channel flags strip echo page conchan"); if (!i) { i = user_malloc(sizeof(struct console_info)); egg_bzero(i, sizeof(struct console_info)); } if (i->channel) nfree(i->channel); l = strlen(argv[3]); if (l > 80) l = 80; i->channel = user_malloc(l + 1); strncpy(i->channel, argv[3], l); i->channel[l] = 0; if (argc > 4) { i->conflags = logmodes(argv[4]); if (argc > 5) { i->stripflags = stripmodes(argv[5]); if (argc > 6) { i->echoflags = (argv[6][0] == '1') ? 1 : 0; if (argc > 7) { i->page = atoi(argv[7]); if (argc > 8) i->conchan = atoi(argv[8]); } } } } set_user(&USERENTRY_CONSOLE, u, i); return TCL_OK; } static int console_expmem(struct user_entry *e) { struct console_info *i = e->u.extra; return sizeof(struct console_info) + strlen(i->channel) + 1; } static void console_display(int idx, struct user_entry *e) { struct console_info *i = e->u.extra; if (dcc[idx].user && (dcc[idx].user->flags & USER_MASTER)) { dprintf(idx, " %s\n", CONSOLE_SAVED_SETTINGS); dprintf(idx, " %s %s\n", CONSOLE_CHANNEL, i->channel); dprintf(idx, " %s %s, %s %s, %s %s\n", CONSOLE_FLAGS, masktype(i->conflags), CONSOLE_STRIPFLAGS, stripmasktype(i->stripflags), CONSOLE_ECHO, i->echoflags ? CONSOLE_YES : CONSOLE_NO); dprintf(idx, " %s %d, %s %s%d\n", CONSOLE_PAGE_SETTING, i->page, CONSOLE_CHANNEL2, (i->conchan < GLOBAL_CHANS) ? "" : "*", i->conchan % GLOBAL_CHANS); } } static int console_dupuser(struct userrec *new, struct userrec *old, struct user_entry *e) { struct console_info *i = e->u.extra, *j; j = user_malloc(sizeof(struct console_info)); my_memcpy(j, i, sizeof(struct console_info)); j->channel = user_malloc(strlen(i->channel) + 1); strcpy(j->channel, i->channel); return set_user(e->type, new, j); } static struct user_entry_type USERENTRY_CONSOLE = { NULL, /* always 0 ;) */ NULL, console_dupuser, console_unpack, console_pack, console_write_userfile, console_kill, NULL, console_set, console_tcl_get, console_tcl_set, console_expmem, console_display, "CONSOLE" }; static int console_chon(char *handle, int idx) { struct flag_record fr = { FR_GLOBAL | FR_CHAN, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; struct console_info *i = get_user(&USERENTRY_CONSOLE, dcc[idx].user); if (dcc[idx].type == &DCC_CHAT) { if (i) { if (i->channel && i->channel[0]) strcpy(dcc[idx].u.chat->con_chan, i->channel); get_user_flagrec(dcc[idx].user, &fr, i->channel); dcc[idx].u.chat->con_flags = check_conflags(&fr, i->conflags); dcc[idx].u.chat->strip_flags = i->stripflags; if (i->echoflags) dcc[idx].status |= STAT_ECHO; else dcc[idx].status &= ~STAT_ECHO; if (i->page) { dcc[idx].status |= STAT_PAGE; dcc[idx].u.chat->max_line = i->page; if (!dcc[idx].u.chat->line_count) dcc[idx].u.chat->current_lines = 0; } dcc[idx].u.chat->channel = i->conchan; } else if (force_channel > -1) dcc[idx].u.chat->channel = force_channel; if ((dcc[idx].u.chat->channel >= 0) && (dcc[idx].u.chat->channel < GLOBAL_CHANS)) { botnet_send_join_idx(idx, -1); check_tcl_chjn(botnetnick, dcc[idx].nick, dcc[idx].u.chat->channel, geticon(idx), dcc[idx].sock, dcc[idx].host); } if (info_party) { char *p = get_user(&USERENTRY_INFO, dcc[idx].user); if (p) { if (dcc[idx].u.chat->channel >= 0) { char x[1024]; chanout_but(-1, dcc[idx].u.chat->channel, "*** [%s] %s\n", dcc[idx].nick, p); simple_sprintf(x, "[%s] %s", dcc[idx].nick, p); botnet_send_chan(-1, botnetnick, NULL, dcc[idx].u.chat->channel, x); } } } } return 0; } static int console_store(struct userrec *u, int idx, char *par) { struct console_info *i = get_user(&USERENTRY_CONSOLE, u); if (!i) { i = user_malloc(sizeof(struct console_info)); egg_bzero(i, sizeof(struct console_info)); } if (i->channel) nfree(i->channel); i->channel = user_malloc(strlen(dcc[idx].u.chat->con_chan) + 1); strcpy(i->channel, dcc[idx].u.chat->con_chan); i->conflags = dcc[idx].u.chat->con_flags; i->stripflags = dcc[idx].u.chat->strip_flags; i->echoflags = (dcc[idx].status & STAT_ECHO) ? 1 : 0; if (dcc[idx].status & STAT_PAGE) i->page = dcc[idx].u.chat->max_line; else i->page = 0; i->conchan = dcc[idx].u.chat->channel; if (par) { dprintf(idx, "%s\n", CONSOLE_SAVED_SETTINGS2); dprintf(idx, " %s %s\n", CONSOLE_CHANNEL, i->channel); dprintf(idx, " %s %s, %s %s, %s %s\n", CONSOLE_FLAGS, masktype(i->conflags), CONSOLE_STRIPFLAGS, stripmasktype(i->stripflags), CONSOLE_ECHO, i->echoflags ? CONSOLE_YES : CONSOLE_NO); dprintf(idx, " %s %d, %s %d\n", CONSOLE_PAGE_SETTING, i->page, CONSOLE_CHANNEL2, i->conchan); } set_user(&USERENTRY_CONSOLE, u, i); return 0; } /* cmds.c:cmd_console calls this, better than chof bind - drummer,07/25/1999 */ static int console_dostore(int idx) { if (console_autosave) console_store(dcc[idx].user, idx, NULL); return 0; } static tcl_ints myints[] = { {"console-autosave", &console_autosave, 0}, {"force-channel", &force_channel, 0}, {"info-party", &info_party, 0}, {NULL, NULL, 0} }; static cmd_t mychon[] = { {"*", "", console_chon, "console:chon"}, {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL} }; static cmd_t mydcc[] = { {"store", "", console_store, NULL}, {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL} }; static char *console_close() { rem_builtins(H_chon, mychon); rem_builtins(H_dcc, mydcc); rem_tcl_ints(myints); rem_help_reference("console.help"); del_entry_type(&USERENTRY_CONSOLE); del_lang_section("console"); module_undepend(MODULE_NAME); return NULL; } EXPORT_SCOPE char *console_start(); static Function console_table[] = { (Function) console_start, (Function) console_close, (Function) NULL, (Function) NULL, (Function) console_dostore, }; char *console_start(Function *global_funcs) { global = global_funcs; module_register(MODULE_NAME, console_table, 1, 2); if (!module_depend(MODULE_NAME, "eggdrop", 106, 20)) { module_undepend(MODULE_NAME); return "This module requires Eggdrop 1.6.20 or later."; } add_builtins(H_chon, mychon); add_builtins(H_dcc, mydcc); add_tcl_ints(myints); add_help_reference("console.help"); USERENTRY_CONSOLE.get = def_get; add_entry_type(&USERENTRY_CONSOLE); add_lang_section("console"); return NULL; }