%{help=chaninfo}%{+m|m} ### %bchaninfo%b This lists all the settings for the bot on the given channel. It shows any of the following: %bchanmode%b These modes are enforced on the channel. Both + and - modes can be enforced. %bidle-kick%b Kick idle users that are not +f or above on the channel after how many minutes (set this to 0 to disable). %{+n} %bATTENTION:%b Due to security concerns, only permanent owners can set the need-* modes. %bneed-op%b This Tcl command will be executed when the bot doesn't have ops. %bneed-invite%b This Tcl command will be executed when the bot needs an invite to the channel (i.e. the channel is +i). %bneed-key%b This Tcl command will be executed when the bot needs the key to the channel to join. %bneed-unban%b This Tcl command will be executed when the bot needs to be unbanned from the channel to join. %bneed-limit%b This Tcl command will be executed when the bot needs the channel limit to be raised to join. %{+m|m} %bstopnethack-mode%b This setting will make the bot de-op anyone who enters the channel with serverops. There are seven different modes for this settings: 0 turn off 1 isoptest (allow serverop if registered op) 2 wasoptest (allow serverop if user had op before split) 3 allow serverop if isop or wasop 4 allow serverop if isop and wasop 5 If the channel is -bitch, see stopnethack-mode 3 If the channel is +bitch, see stopnethack-mode 1 6 If the channel is -bitch, see stopnethack-mode 2 If the channel is +bitch, see stopnethack-mode 4 %brevenge-mode%b This settings defines how the bot should punish bad users when revenging. There are four possible settings: 0 Deop the user. 1 Deop the user and give them the +d flag for the channel. 2 Deop the user, give them the +d flag for the channel, and kick them. 3 Deop the user, give them the +d flag for the channel, kick, and ban them. %bban-type%b This setting defines what type of bans should eggdrop place for +k users or when revenge-mode is 3. Available types are: 0 *!user@host 1 *!*user@host 2 *!*@host 3 *!*user@*.host 4 *!*@*.host 5 nick!user@host 6 nick!*user@host 7 nick!*@host 8 nick!*user@*.host 9 nick!*@*.host You can also specify types from 10 to 19 which correspond to types 0 to 9, but instead of using a * wildcard to replace portions of the host, only numbers in hostnames are replaced with the '?' wildcard. Same is valid for types 20-29, but instead of '?', the '*' wildcard will be used. %bban-time%b Set here how long temporary bans will last (in minutes). If you set this setting to 0, the bot will never remove them. %bexempt-time%b Set here how long temporary exempts will last (in minutes). If you set this setting to 0, the bot will never remove them. The bot will check the exempts every X minutes, but will not remove the exempt if a ban is set on the channel that matches that exempt. Once the ban is removed, then the exempt will be removed the next time the bot checks. Please note that this is an IRCnet feature. %binvite-time%b Set here how long temporary invites will last (in minutes). If you set this setting to 0, the bot will never remove them. The bot will check the invites every X minutes, but will not remove the invite if a channel is set to +i. Once the channel is -i then the invite will be removed the next time the bot checks. Please note that this is an IRCnet feature. %baop-delay%b This is used for autoop, autohalfop, autovoice. If an op or voice joins a channel while another op or voice is pending, the bot will attempt to put both modes on one line. aop-delay 0 No delay is used. aop-delay X An X second delay is used. aop-delay X:Y Random delay between X and Y is used. The following can be set + or - (e.g. .chanset #channel -enforcebans) %benforcebans%b When a ban is set, kick people who are on the channel and match the ban? %bdynamicbans%b Only activate bans on the channel when necessary? This keeps the channel's ban list from getting excessively long. The bot still remembers every ban, but it only activates a ban on the channel when it sees someone join who matches that ban. %buserbans%b Allow bans to be made by users directly? If turned off, the bot will require all bans to be made through the bot's console. %bdynamicexempts%b Only activate exempts on the channel when necessary? This keeps the channel's exempt list from getting excessively long. The bot still remembers every exempt, but it only activates a exempt on the channel when it sees a ban set that matches the exempt. The exempt remains active on the channel for as long as the ban is still active. %buserexempts%b Allow exempts to be made by users directly? If turned off, the bot will require all exempts to be made through the bot's console. %bdynamicinvites%b Only activate invites on the channel when necessary? This keeps the channel's invite list from getting excessively long. The bot still remembers every invite, but the invites are only activated when the channel is set to invite only and a user joins after requesting an invite. Once set, the invite remains until the channel goes to -i. %buserinvites%b Allow invites to be made by users directly? If turned off, the bot will require all invites to be made through the bot's console. %bautoop%b Op users with the +o flag as soon as they join the channel? This is insecure and not recommended. %bautohalfop%b Halfop users with the +l flag as soon as they join the channel? This is insecure and not recommended. %bbitch%b Only let users with the +o flag have op on the channel? %bgreet%b Say a user's info line when they join the channel? %bprotectops%b Re-op a user with the +o flag if they get deopped? %bprotecthalfops%b Re-halfop a user with the +l flag if they get dehalfopped? %bprotectfriends%b Re-op a user with the +f flag if they get deopped? %bstatuslog%b Log the channel status line every 5 minutes? This shows the bot's status on the channel (op, voice, etc.), the channel's modes, and the total number of members, ops, voices, regular users, and +b, +e, and +I modes on the channel. A sample status line follows: [01:40] @#chan (+istn) : [m/1 o/1 v/4 n/7 b/1 e/5 I/7] %brevenge%b Remember people who deop/kick/ban the bot, valid ops, or friends and punish them? Users with the +f flag are exempt from revenge. %brevengebot%b This is similar to to the 'revenge' option, but it only triggers if a bot gets deopped, kicked or banned. %bautovoice%b Voice users with the +v flag when they join the channel? %bsecret%b Prevent this channel from being listed on the botnet? %bshared%b Share channel-related user info for this channel? %bcycle%b Cycle the channel when it has no ops? %bdontkickops%b Do you want the bot not to be able to kick users who have the +o flag, letting them kick-flood for instance to protect the channel against clone attacks? %binactive%b This prevents the bot from joining the channel (or makes it leave the channel if it is already there). It can be useful to make the bot leave a channel without losing its settings, channel-specific user flags, channel bans, and without affecting sharing. %bseen%b Respond to seen requests in the channel? The seen module must be loaded for this to work. %bnodesynch%b Allow non-ops to perform channel modes? This can stop the bot from fighting with services such as ChanServ, or from kicking IRCops when setting channel modes without having ops. %bstatic%b Allow only permanent owners to remove the channel? The following are flood settings, they are set via ".chanset flood-type number:seconds", where number and second are integers indicating the number of times in how many seconds the flood will be triggered. Setting one of these to 0:0, 0:1, or 1:0 will deactivate the respective flood setting. %bflood-chan%b Set here how many channel messages in how many seconds from one host constitutes a flood. Setting this to 0 or 0:0 disables text flood protection for the channel. %bflood-ctcp%b Set here how many channel ctcps in how many seconds from one host constitutes a flood. Setting this to 0 or 0:0 disables ctcp flood protection for the channel. %bflood-join%b Set here how many joins in how many seconds from one host constitutes a flood. Setting this to 0 or 0:0 disables join flood protection for the channel. %bflood-kick%b Set here how many kicks in how many seconds from one host constitutes a flood. Setting this to 0 or 0:0 disables kick flood protection for the channel. %bflood-deop%b Set here how many deops in how many seconds from one host constitutes a flood. Setting this to 0 or 0:0 disables deop flood protection for the channel. %bflood-nick%b Set here how many nick changes in how many seconds from one host constitutes a flood. Setting this to 0 or 0:0 disables nick flood protection for the channel. %{+n|n} See also: %{+n}+chan, -chan,%{+n|n} chansave, chanset