" Test for timers if !has('timers') finish endif source shared.vim func MyHandler(timer) let g:val += 1 endfunc func MyHandlerWithLists(lists, timer) let x = string(a:lists) endfunc func Test_oneshot() let g:val = 0 let timer = timer_start(50, 'MyHandler') let slept = WaitFor('g:val == 1') call assert_equal(1, g:val) if has('reltime') call assert_inrange(49, 100, slept) else call assert_inrange(20, 100, slept) endif endfunc func Test_repeat_three() let g:val = 0 let timer = timer_start(50, 'MyHandler', {'repeat': 3}) let slept = WaitFor('g:val == 3') call assert_equal(3, g:val) if has('reltime') call assert_inrange(149, 250, slept) else call assert_inrange(80, 200, slept) endif endfunc func Test_repeat_many() let g:val = 0 let timer = timer_start(50, 'MyHandler', {'repeat': -1}) sleep 200m call timer_stop(timer) call assert_inrange(2, 4, g:val) endfunc func Test_with_partial_callback() let g:val = 0 let meow = {'one': 1} function meow.bite(...) let g:val += self.one endfunction call timer_start(50, meow.bite) let slept = WaitFor('g:val == 1') call assert_equal(1, g:val) if has('reltime') call assert_inrange(49, 130, slept) else call assert_inrange(20, 100, slept) endif endfunc func Test_retain_partial() call timer_start(50, function('MyHandlerWithLists', [['a']])) call test_garbagecollect_now() sleep 100m endfunc func Test_info() let id = timer_start(1000, 'MyHandler') let info = timer_info(id) call assert_equal(id, info[0]['id']) call assert_equal(1000, info[0]['time']) call assert_true(info[0]['remaining'] > 500) call assert_true(info[0]['remaining'] <= 1000) call assert_equal(1, info[0]['repeat']) call assert_equal("function('MyHandler')", string(info[0]['callback'])) let found = 0 for info in timer_info() if info['id'] == id let found += 1 endif endfor call assert_equal(1, found) call timer_stop(id) call assert_equal([], timer_info(id)) endfunc func Test_stopall() let id1 = timer_start(1000, 'MyHandler') let id2 = timer_start(2000, 'MyHandler') let info = timer_info() call assert_equal(2, len(info)) call timer_stopall() let info = timer_info() call assert_equal(0, len(info)) endfunc func Test_paused() let g:val = 0 let id = timer_start(50, 'MyHandler') let info = timer_info(id) call assert_equal(0, info[0]['paused']) call timer_pause(id, 1) let info = timer_info(id) call assert_equal(1, info[0]['paused']) sleep 100m call assert_equal(0, g:val) call timer_pause(id, 0) let info = timer_info(id) call assert_equal(0, info[0]['paused']) let slept = WaitFor('g:val == 1') call assert_equal(1, g:val) if has('reltime') call assert_inrange(0, 30, slept) else call assert_inrange(0, 10, slept) endif endfunc func StopMyself(timer) let g:called += 1 if g:called == 2 call timer_stop(a:timer) endif endfunc func Test_delete_myself() let g:called = 0 let t = timer_start(10, 'StopMyself', {'repeat': -1}) call WaitFor('g:called == 2') call assert_equal(2, g:called) call assert_equal([], timer_info(t)) endfunc func StopTimer1(timer) let g:timer2 = timer_start(10, 'StopTimer2') " avoid maxfuncdepth error call timer_pause(g:timer1, 1) sleep 40m endfunc func StopTimer2(timer) call timer_stop(g:timer1) endfunc func Test_stop_in_callback() let g:timer1 = timer_start(10, 'StopTimer1') sleep 40m endfunc func StopTimerAll(timer) call timer_stopall() endfunc func Test_stop_all_in_callback() let g:timer1 = timer_start(10, 'StopTimerAll') let info = timer_info() call assert_equal(1, len(info)) sleep 40m let info = timer_info() call assert_equal(0, len(info)) endfunc func FeedkeysCb(timer) call feedkeys("hello\", 'nt') endfunc func InputCb(timer) call timer_start(10, 'FeedkeysCb') let g:val = input('?') call Resume() endfunc func Test_input_in_timer() let g:val = '' call timer_start(10, 'InputCb') call Standby(1000) call assert_equal('hello', g:val) endfunc func FuncWithError(timer) let g:call_count += 1 if g:call_count == 4 return endif doesnotexist endfunc func Test_timer_errors() let g:call_count = 0 let timer = timer_start(10, 'FuncWithError', {'repeat': -1}) " Timer will be stopped after failing 3 out of 3 times. call WaitFor('g:call_count == 3') sleep 50m call assert_equal(3, g:call_count) endfunc func FuncWithCaughtError(timer) let g:call_count += 1 try doesnotexist catch " nop endtry endfunc func Test_timer_catch_error() let g:call_count = 0 let timer = timer_start(10, 'FuncWithCaughtError', {'repeat': 4}) " Timer will not be stopped. call WaitFor('g:call_count == 4') sleep 50m call assert_equal(4, g:call_count) endfunc func FeedAndPeek(timer) call test_feedinput('a') call getchar(1) endfunc func Interrupt(timer) call test_feedinput("\") endfunc func Test_peek_and_get_char() if !has('unix') && !has('gui_running') return endif call timer_start(0, 'FeedAndPeek') let intr = timer_start(100, 'Interrupt') let c = getchar() call assert_equal(char2nr('a'), c) call timer_stop(intr) endfunc func Test_ex_mode() " Function with an empty line. func Foo(...) endfunc let timer = timer_start(40, function('g:Foo'), {'repeat':-1}) " This used to throw error E749. exe "normal Qsleep 100m\rvi\r" call timer_stop(timer) endfunc " vim: shiftwidth=2 sts=2 expandtab