" Tests for the swap feature " Tests for 'directory' option. func Test_swap_directory() if !has("unix") return endif let content = ['start of testfile', \ 'line 2 Abcdefghij', \ 'line 3 Abcdefghij', \ 'end of testfile'] call writefile(content, 'Xtest1') " '.', swap file in the same directory as file set dir=.,~ " Verify that the swap file doesn't exist in the current directory call assert_equal([], glob(".Xtest1*.swp", 1, 1, 1)) edit Xtest1 let swfname = split(execute("swapname"))[0] call assert_equal([swfname], glob(swfname, 1, 1, 1)) " './dir', swap file in a directory relative to the file set dir=./Xtest2,.,~ call mkdir("Xtest2") edit Xtest1 call assert_equal([], glob(swfname, 1, 1, 1)) let swfname = "Xtest2/Xtest1.swp" call assert_equal(swfname, split(execute("swapname"))[0]) call assert_equal([swfname], glob("Xtest2/*", 1, 1, 1)) " 'dir', swap file in directory relative to the current dir set dir=Xtest.je,~ call mkdir("Xtest.je") call writefile(content, 'Xtest2/Xtest3') edit Xtest2/Xtest3 call assert_equal(["Xtest2/Xtest3"], glob("Xtest2/*", 1, 1, 1)) let swfname = "Xtest.je/Xtest3.swp" call assert_equal(swfname, split(execute("swapname"))[0]) call assert_equal([swfname], glob("Xtest.je/*", 1, 1, 1)) set dir& call delete("Xtest1") call delete("Xtest2", "rf") call delete("Xtest.je", "rf") endfunc func Test_swap_group() if !has("unix") return endif let groups = split(system('groups')) if len(groups) <= 1 throw 'Skipped: need at least two groups, got ' . string(groups) endif try call delete('Xtest') split Xtest call setline(1, 'just some text') wq if system('ls -l Xtest') !~ ' ' . groups[0] . ' \d' throw 'Skipped: test file does not have the first group' else silent !chmod 640 Xtest call system('chgrp ' . groups[1] . ' Xtest') if system('ls -l Xtest') !~ ' ' . groups[1] . ' \d' throw 'Skipped: cannot set second group on test file' else split Xtest let swapname = substitute(execute('swapname'), '[[:space:]]', '', 'g') call assert_match('Xtest', swapname) " Group of swapfile must now match original file. call assert_match(' ' . groups[1] . ' \d', system('ls -l ' . swapname)) bwipe! endif endif finally call delete('Xtest') endtry endfunc