" Tests for diff mode func Test_diff_fold_sync() enew! let l = range(50) call setline(1, l) diffthis let winone = win_getid() new let l[25] = 'diff' call setline(1, l) diffthis let wintwo = win_getid() " line 15 is inside the closed fold call assert_equal(19, foldclosedend(10)) call win_gotoid(winone) call assert_equal(19, foldclosedend(10)) " open the fold normal zv call assert_equal(-1, foldclosedend(10)) " fold in other window must have opened too call win_gotoid(wintwo) call assert_equal(-1, foldclosedend(10)) " cursor position is in sync normal 23G call win_gotoid(winone) call assert_equal(23, getcurpos()[1]) windo diffoff close! set nomodified endfunc func Test_vert_split() " Disable the title to avoid xterm keeping the wrong one. set notitle noicon new let l = ['1 aa', '2 bb', '3 cc', '4 dd', '5 ee'] call setline(1, l) w! Xtest normal dd $ put normal kkrXoxxx w! Xtest2 file Nop normal ggoyyyjjjozzzz set foldmethod=marker foldcolumn=4 call assert_equal(0, &diff) call assert_equal('marker', &foldmethod) call assert_equal(4, &foldcolumn) call assert_equal(0, &scrollbind) call assert_equal(0, &cursorbind) call assert_equal(1, &wrap) vert diffsplit Xtest vert diffsplit Xtest2 call assert_equal(1, &diff) call assert_equal('diff', &foldmethod) call assert_equal(2, &foldcolumn) call assert_equal(1, &scrollbind) call assert_equal(1, &cursorbind) call assert_equal(0, &wrap) let diff_fdm = &fdm let diff_fdc = &fdc " repeat entering diff mode here to see if this saves the wrong settings diffthis " jump to second window for a moment to have filler line appear at start of " first window wincmd w normal gg wincmd p normal gg call assert_equal(2, winline()) normal j call assert_equal(4, winline()) normal j call assert_equal(5, winline()) normal j call assert_equal(6, winline()) normal j call assert_equal(8, winline()) normal j call assert_equal(9, winline()) wincmd w normal gg call assert_equal(1, winline()) normal j call assert_equal(2, winline()) normal j call assert_equal(4, winline()) normal j call assert_equal(5, winline()) normal j call assert_equal(8, winline()) wincmd w normal gg call assert_equal(2, winline()) normal j call assert_equal(3, winline()) normal j call assert_equal(4, winline()) normal j call assert_equal(5, winline()) normal j call assert_equal(6, winline()) normal j call assert_equal(7, winline()) normal j call assert_equal(8, winline()) " Test diffoff diffoff! 1wincmd 2 let &diff = 1 let &fdm = diff_fdm let &fdc = diff_fdc 4wincmd w diffoff! 1wincmd w call assert_equal(0, &diff) call assert_equal('marker', &foldmethod) call assert_equal(4, &foldcolumn) call assert_equal(0, &scrollbind) call assert_equal(0, &cursorbind) call assert_equal(1, &wrap) wincmd w call assert_equal(0, &diff) call assert_equal('marker', &foldmethod) call assert_equal(4, &foldcolumn) call assert_equal(0, &scrollbind) call assert_equal(0, &cursorbind) call assert_equal(1, &wrap) wincmd w call assert_equal(0, &diff) call assert_equal('marker', &foldmethod) call assert_equal(4, &foldcolumn) call assert_equal(0, &scrollbind) call assert_equal(0, &cursorbind) call assert_equal(1, &wrap) call delete('Xtest') call delete('Xtest2') windo bw! endfunc func Test_filler_lines() " Test that diffing shows correct filler lines enew! put =range(4,10) 1d _ vnew put =range(1,10) 1d _ windo diffthis wincmd h call assert_equal(1, line('w0')) unlet! diff_fdm diff_fdc windo diffoff bwipe! enew! endfunc func Test_diffget_diffput() enew! let l = range(50) call setline(1, l) call assert_fails('diffget', 'E99:') diffthis call assert_fails('diffget', 'E100:') new let l[10] = 'one' let l[20] = 'two' let l[30] = 'three' let l[40] = 'four' call setline(1, l) diffthis call assert_equal('one', getline(11)) 11diffget call assert_equal('10', getline(11)) 21diffput wincmd w call assert_equal('two', getline(21)) normal 31Gdo call assert_equal('three', getline(31)) call assert_equal('40', getline(41)) normal 41Gdp wincmd w call assert_equal('40', getline(41)) new diffthis call assert_fails('diffget', 'E101:') windo diffoff %bwipe! endfunc func Test_dp_do_buffer() e! one let bn1=bufnr('%') let l = range(60) call setline(1, l) diffthis new two let l[10] = 'one' let l[20] = 'two' let l[30] = 'three' let l[40] = 'four' let l[50] = 'five' call setline(1, l) diffthis " dp and do with invalid buffer number. 11 call assert_fails('norm 99999dp', 'E102:') call assert_fails('norm 99999do', 'E102:') call assert_fails('diffput non_existing_buffer', 'E94:') call assert_fails('diffget non_existing_buffer', 'E94:') " dp and do with valid buffer number. call assert_equal('one', getline('.')) exe 'norm ' . bn1 . 'do' call assert_equal('10', getline('.')) 21 call assert_equal('two', getline('.')) diffget one call assert_equal('20', getline('.')) 31 exe 'norm ' . bn1 . 'dp' 41 diffput one wincmd w 31 call assert_equal('three', getline('.')) 41 call assert_equal('four', getline('.')) " dp and do with buffer number which is not in diff mode. new not_in_diff_mode let bn3=bufnr('%') wincmd w 51 call assert_fails('exe "norm" . bn3 . "dp"', 'E103:') call assert_fails('exe "norm" . bn3 . "do"', 'E103:') call assert_fails('diffput not_in_diff_mode', 'E94:') call assert_fails('diffget not_in_diff_mode', 'E94:') windo diffoff %bwipe! endfunc func Test_diffoff() enew! call setline(1, ['Two', 'Three']) redraw let normattr = screenattr(1, 1) diffthis botright vert new call setline(1, ['One', '', 'Two', 'Three']) diffthis redraw call assert_notequal(normattr, screenattr(1, 1)) diffoff! redraw call assert_equal(normattr, screenattr(1, 1)) bwipe! bwipe! endfunc func Test_diffopt_icase() set diffopt=icase,foldcolumn:0 e one call setline(1, ['One', 'Two', 'Three', 'Four', 'Fi#ve']) redraw let normattr = screenattr(1, 1) diffthis botright vert new two call setline(1, ['one', 'TWO', 'Three ', 'Four', 'fI=VE']) diffthis redraw call assert_equal(normattr, screenattr(1, 1)) call assert_equal(normattr, screenattr(2, 1)) call assert_notequal(normattr, screenattr(3, 1)) call assert_equal(normattr, screenattr(4, 1)) let dtextattr = screenattr(5, 3) call assert_notequal(dtextattr, screenattr(5, 1)) call assert_notequal(dtextattr, screenattr(5, 5)) diffoff! %bwipe! set diffopt& endfunc func Test_diffopt_iwhite() set diffopt=iwhite,foldcolumn:0 e one " Difference in trailing spaces should be ignored, " but not other space differences. call setline(1, ["One \t", 'Two', 'Three', 'Four']) redraw let normattr = screenattr(1, 1) diffthis botright vert new two call setline(1, ["One\t ", "Two\t ", 'Three', ' Four']) diffthis redraw call assert_equal(normattr, screenattr(1, 1)) call assert_equal(normattr, screenattr(2, 1)) call assert_equal(normattr, screenattr(3, 1)) call assert_notequal(normattr, screenattr(4, 1)) diffoff! %bwipe! set diffopt& endfunc func Test_diffopt_context() enew! call setline(1, ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7']) diffthis new call setline(1, ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5x', '6', '7']) diffthis set diffopt=context:2 call assert_equal('+-- 2 lines: 1', foldtextresult(1)) set diffopt=context:1 call assert_equal('+-- 3 lines: 1', foldtextresult(1)) diffoff! %bwipe! set diffopt& endfunc func Test_diffopt_horizontal() set diffopt=horizontal diffsplit call assert_equal(&columns, winwidth(1)) call assert_equal(&columns, winwidth(2)) call assert_equal(&lines, winheight(1) + winheight(2) + 3) call assert_inrange(0, 1, winheight(1) - winheight(2)) set diffopt& diffoff! %bwipe endfunc func Test_diffopt_vertical() set diffopt=vertical diffsplit call assert_equal(&lines - 2, winheight(1)) call assert_equal(&lines - 2, winheight(2)) call assert_equal(&columns, winwidth(1) + winwidth(2) + 1) call assert_inrange(0, 1, winwidth(1) - winwidth(2)) set diffopt& diffoff! %bwipe endfunc func Test_diffoff_hidden() set diffopt=filler,foldcolumn:0 e! one call setline(1, ['Two', 'Three']) redraw let normattr = screenattr(1, 1) diffthis botright vert new two call setline(1, ['One', 'Four']) diffthis redraw call assert_notequal(normattr, screenattr(1, 1)) set hidden close redraw " diffing with hidden buffer two call assert_notequal(normattr, screenattr(1, 1)) diffoff redraw call assert_equal(normattr, screenattr(1, 1)) diffthis redraw " still diffing with hidden buffer two call assert_notequal(normattr, screenattr(1, 1)) diffoff! redraw call assert_equal(normattr, screenattr(1, 1)) diffthis redraw " no longer diffing with hidden buffer two call assert_equal(normattr, screenattr(1, 1)) bwipe! bwipe! set hidden& diffopt& endfunc func Test_setting_cursor() new Xtest1 put =range(1,90) wq new Xtest2 put =range(1,100) wq tabe Xtest2 $ diffsp Xtest1 tabclose call delete('Xtest1') call delete('Xtest2') endfunc func Test_diff_move_to() new call setline(1, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]) diffthis vnew call setline(1, [1, '2x', 3, 4, 4, 5, '6x', 7, '8x', 9, '10x']) diffthis norm ]c call assert_equal(2, line('.')) norm 3]c call assert_equal(9, line('.')) norm 10]c call assert_equal(11, line('.')) norm [c call assert_equal(9, line('.')) norm 2[c call assert_equal(5, line('.')) norm 10[c call assert_equal(2, line('.')) %bwipe! endfunc func Test_diffexpr() if !executable('diff') return endif func DiffExpr() silent exe '!diff ' . v:fname_in . ' ' . v:fname_new . '>' . v:fname_out endfunc set diffexpr=DiffExpr() set diffopt=foldcolumn:0 enew! call setline(1, ['one', 'two', 'three']) redraw let normattr = screenattr(1, 1) diffthis botright vert new call setline(1, ['one', 'two', 'three.']) diffthis redraw call assert_equal(normattr, screenattr(1, 1)) call assert_equal(normattr, screenattr(2, 1)) call assert_notequal(normattr, screenattr(3, 1)) diffoff! %bwipe! set diffexpr& diffopt& endfunc func Test_diffpatch() " The patch program on MS-Windows may fail or hang. if !executable('patch') || !has('unix') return endif new insert *************** *** 1,3 **** 1 ! 2 3 --- 1,4 ---- 1 ! 2x 3 + 4 . saveas! Xpatch bwipe! new call assert_fails('diffpatch Xpatch', 'E816:') for name in ['Xpatch', 'Xpatch$HOME', 'Xpa''tch'] call setline(1, ['1', '2', '3']) if name != 'Xpatch' call rename('Xpatch', name) endif exe 'diffpatch ' . escape(name, '$') call assert_equal(['1', '2x', '3', '4'], getline(1, '$')) if name != 'Xpatch' call rename(name, 'Xpatch') endif bwipe! endfor call delete('Xpatch') bwipe! endfunc func Test_diff_too_many_buffers() for i in range(1, 8) exe "new Xtest" . i diffthis endfor new Xtest9 call assert_fails('diffthis', 'E96:') %bwipe! endfunc func Test_diff_nomodifiable() new call setline(1, [1, 2, 3, 4]) setl nomodifiable diffthis vnew call setline(1, ['1x', 2, 3, 3, 4]) diffthis call assert_fails('norm dp', 'E793:') setl nomodifiable call assert_fails('norm do', 'E21:') %bwipe! endfunc func Test_diff_hlID() new call setline(1, [1, 2, 3]) diffthis vnew call setline(1, ['1x', 2, 'x', 3]) diffthis redraw call assert_equal(synIDattr(diff_hlID(-1, 1), "name"), "") call assert_equal(synIDattr(diff_hlID(1, 1), "name"), "DiffChange") call assert_equal(synIDattr(diff_hlID(1, 2), "name"), "DiffText") call assert_equal(synIDattr(diff_hlID(2, 1), "name"), "") call assert_equal(synIDattr(diff_hlID(3, 1), "name"), "DiffAdd") call assert_equal(synIDattr(diff_hlID(4, 1), "name"), "") wincmd w call assert_equal(synIDattr(diff_hlID(1, 1), "name"), "DiffChange") call assert_equal(synIDattr(diff_hlID(2, 1), "name"), "") call assert_equal(synIDattr(diff_hlID(3, 1), "name"), "") %bwipe! endfunc func Test_diff_filler() new call setline(1, [1, 2, 3, 'x', 4]) diffthis vnew call setline(1, [1, 2, 'y', 'y', 3, 4]) diffthis redraw call assert_equal([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0], map(range(-1, 7), 'diff_filler(v:val)')) wincmd w call assert_equal([0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0], map(range(-1, 6), 'diff_filler(v:val)')) %bwipe! endfunc func Test_diff_lastline() enew! only! call setline(1, ['This is a ', 'line with five ', 'rows']) diffthis botright vert new call setline(1, ['This is', 'a line with ', 'four rows']) diffthis 1 call feedkeys("Je a\", 'tx') call feedkeys("Je a\", 'tx') let w1lines = winline() wincmd w $ let w2lines = winline() call assert_equal(w2lines, w1lines) bwipe! bwipe! endfunc