" Debugger plugin using gdb. " " WORK IN PROGRESS - much doesn't work yet " " Open two visible terminal windows: " 1. run a pty, as with ":term NONE" " 2. run gdb, passing the pty " The current window is used to view source code and follows gdb. " " A third terminal window is hidden, it is used for communication with gdb. " " The communication with gdb uses GDB/MI. See: " https://sourceware.org/gdb/current/onlinedocs/gdb/GDB_002fMI.html " " Author: Bram Moolenaar " Copyright: Vim license applies, see ":help license" " In case this gets loaded twice. if exists(':Termdebug') finish endif " Uncomment this line to write logging in "debuglog". " call ch_logfile('debuglog', 'w') " The command that starts debugging, e.g. ":Termdebug vim". " To end type "quit" in the gdb window. command -nargs=* -complete=file Termdebug call s:StartDebug() " Name of the gdb command, defaults to "gdb". if !exists('termdebugger') let termdebugger = 'gdb' endif let s:pc_id = 12 let s:break_id = 13 let s:stopped = 1 if &background == 'light' hi default debugPC term=reverse ctermbg=lightblue guibg=lightblue else hi default debugPC term=reverse ctermbg=darkblue guibg=darkblue endif hi default debugBreakpoint term=reverse ctermbg=red guibg=red func s:StartDebug(cmd) let s:startwin = win_getid(winnr()) let s:startsigncolumn = &signcolumn let s:save_columns = 0 if exists('g:termdebug_wide') if &columns < g:termdebug_wide let s:save_columns = &columns let &columns = g:termdebug_wide endif let vertical = 1 else let vertical = 0 endif " Open a terminal window without a job, to run the debugged program let s:ptybuf = term_start('NONE', { \ 'term_name': 'gdb program', \ 'vertical': vertical, \ }) if s:ptybuf == 0 echoerr 'Failed to open the program terminal window' return endif let pty = job_info(term_getjob(s:ptybuf))['tty_out'] let s:ptywin = win_getid(winnr()) if vertical " Assuming the source code window will get a signcolumn, use two more " columns for that, thus one less for the terminal window. exe (&columns / 2 - 1) . "wincmd |" endif " Create a hidden terminal window to communicate with gdb let s:commbuf = term_start('NONE', { \ 'term_name': 'gdb communication', \ 'out_cb': function('s:CommOutput'), \ 'hidden': 1, \ }) if s:commbuf == 0 echoerr 'Failed to open the communication terminal window' exe 'bwipe! ' . s:ptybuf return endif let commpty = job_info(term_getjob(s:commbuf))['tty_out'] " Open a terminal window to run the debugger. " Add -quiet to avoid the intro message causing a hit-enter prompt. let cmd = [g:termdebugger, '-quiet', '-tty', pty, a:cmd] echomsg 'executing "' . join(cmd) . '"' let s:gdbbuf = term_start(cmd, { \ 'exit_cb': function('s:EndDebug'), \ 'term_finish': 'close', \ }) if s:gdbbuf == 0 echoerr 'Failed to open the gdb terminal window' exe 'bwipe! ' . s:ptybuf exe 'bwipe! ' . s:commbuf return endif let s:gdbwin = win_getid(winnr()) " Connect gdb to the communication pty, using the GDB/MI interface " If you get an error "undefined command" your GDB is too old. call term_sendkeys(s:gdbbuf, 'new-ui mi ' . commpty . "\r") " Interpret commands while the target is running. This should usualy only be " exec-interrupt, since many commands don't work properly while the target is " running. call s:SendCommand('-gdb-set mi-async on') " Sign used to highlight the line where the program has stopped. " There can be only one. sign define debugPC linehl=debugPC " Sign used to indicate a breakpoint. " Can be used multiple times. sign define debugBreakpoint text=>> texthl=debugBreakpoint " Install debugger commands in the text window. call win_gotoid(s:startwin) call s:InstallCommands() call win_gotoid(s:gdbwin) " Enable showing a balloon with eval info if has("balloon_eval") || has("balloon_eval_term") set balloonexpr=TermDebugBalloonExpr() if has("balloon_eval") set ballooneval endif if has("balloon_eval_term") set balloonevalterm endif endif let s:breakpoints = {} augroup TermDebug au BufRead * call s:BufRead() au BufUnload * call s:BufUnloaded() augroup END endfunc func s:EndDebug(job, status) exe 'bwipe! ' . s:ptybuf exe 'bwipe! ' . s:commbuf let curwinid = win_getid(winnr()) call win_gotoid(s:startwin) let &signcolumn = s:startsigncolumn call s:DeleteCommands() call win_gotoid(curwinid) if s:save_columns > 0 let &columns = s:save_columns endif if has("balloon_eval") || has("balloon_eval_term") set balloonexpr= if has("balloon_eval") set noballooneval endif if has("balloon_eval_term") set noballoonevalterm endif endif au! TermDebug endfunc " Handle a message received from gdb on the GDB/MI interface. func s:CommOutput(chan, msg) let msgs = split(a:msg, "\r") for msg in msgs " remove prefixed NL if msg[0] == "\n" let msg = msg[1:] endif if msg != '' if msg =~ '^\(\*stopped\|\*running\|=thread-selected\)' call s:HandleCursor(msg) elseif msg =~ '^\^done,bkpt=' || msg =~ '^=breakpoint-created,' call s:HandleNewBreakpoint(msg) elseif msg =~ '^=breakpoint-deleted,' call s:HandleBreakpointDelete(msg) elseif msg =~ '^\^done,value=' call s:HandleEvaluate(msg) elseif msg =~ '^\^error,msg=' call s:HandleError(msg) endif endif endfor endfunc " Install commands in the current window to control the debugger. func s:InstallCommands() command Break call s:SetBreakpoint() command Delete call s:DeleteBreakpoint() command Step call s:SendCommand('-exec-step') command Over call s:SendCommand('-exec-next') command Finish call s:SendCommand('-exec-finish') command -nargs=* Run call s:Run() command -nargs=* Arguments call s:SendCommand('-exec-arguments ' . ) command Stop call s:SendCommand('-exec-interrupt') command Continue call s:SendCommand('-exec-continue') command -range -nargs=* Evaluate call s:Evaluate(, ) command Gdb call win_gotoid(s:gdbwin) command Program call win_gotoid(s:ptywin) " TODO: can the K mapping be restored? nnoremap K :Evaluate if has('menu') nnoremenu WinBar.Step :Step nnoremenu WinBar.Next :Over nnoremenu WinBar.Finish :Finish nnoremenu WinBar.Cont :Continue nnoremenu WinBar.Stop :Stop nnoremenu WinBar.Eval :Evaluate endif endfunc " Delete installed debugger commands in the current window. func s:DeleteCommands() delcommand Break delcommand Delete delcommand Step delcommand Over delcommand Finish delcommand Run delcommand Arguments delcommand Stop delcommand Continue delcommand Evaluate delcommand Gdb delcommand Program nunmap K if has('menu') aunmenu WinBar.Step aunmenu WinBar.Next aunmenu WinBar.Finish aunmenu WinBar.Cont aunmenu WinBar.Stop aunmenu WinBar.Eval endif exe 'sign unplace ' . s:pc_id for key in keys(s:breakpoints) exe 'sign unplace ' . (s:break_id + key) endfor sign undefine debugPC sign undefine debugBreakpoint unlet s:breakpoints endfunc " :Break - Set a breakpoint at the cursor position. func s:SetBreakpoint() " Setting a breakpoint may not work while the program is running. " Interrupt to make it work. let do_continue = 0 if !s:stopped let do_continue = 1 call s:SendCommand('-exec-interrupt') sleep 10m endif call s:SendCommand('-break-insert --source ' \ . fnameescape(expand('%:p')) . ' --line ' . line('.')) if do_continue call s:SendCommand('-exec-continue') endif endfunc " :Delete - Delete a breakpoint at the cursor position. func s:DeleteBreakpoint() let fname = fnameescape(expand('%:p')) let lnum = line('.') for [key, val] in items(s:breakpoints) if val['fname'] == fname && val['lnum'] == lnum call term_sendkeys(s:commbuf, '-break-delete ' . key . "\r") " Assume this always wors, the reply is simply "^done". exe 'sign unplace ' . (s:break_id + key) unlet s:breakpoints[key] break endif endfor endfunc " :Next, :Continue, etc - send a command to gdb func s:SendCommand(cmd) call term_sendkeys(s:commbuf, a:cmd . "\r") endfunc func s:Run(args) if a:args != '' call s:SendCommand('-exec-arguments ' . a:args) endif call s:SendCommand('-exec-run') endfunc func s:SendEval(expr) call s:SendCommand('-data-evaluate-expression "' . a:expr . '"') let s:evalexpr = a:expr endfunc " :Evaluate - evaluate what is under the cursor func s:Evaluate(range, arg) if a:arg != '' let expr = a:arg elseif a:range == 2 let pos = getcurpos() let reg = getreg('v', 1, 1) let regt = getregtype('v') normal! gv"vy let expr = @v call setpos('.', pos) call setreg('v', reg, regt) else let expr = expand('') endif call s:SendEval(expr) endfunc let s:evalFromBalloonExpr = 0 " Handle the result of data-evaluate-expression func s:HandleEvaluate(msg) let value = substitute(a:msg, '.*value="\(.*\)"', '\1', '') let value = substitute(value, '\\"', '"', 'g') if s:evalFromBalloonExpr if s:evalFromBalloonExprResult == '' let s:evalFromBalloonExprResult = s:evalexpr . ': ' . value else let s:evalFromBalloonExprResult .= ' = ' . value endif call balloon_show(s:evalFromBalloonExprResult) else echomsg '"' . s:evalexpr . '": ' . value endif if s:evalexpr[0] != '*' && value =~ '^0x' && value != '0x0' && value !~ '"$' " Looks like a pointer, also display what it points to. call s:SendEval('*' . s:evalexpr) else let s:evalFromBalloonExpr = 0 endif endfunc " Show a balloon with information of the variable under the mouse pointer, " if there is any. func TermDebugBalloonExpr() if v:beval_winid != s:startwin return endif call s:SendEval(v:beval_text) let s:evalFromBalloonExpr = 1 let s:evalFromBalloonExprResult = '' return '' endfunc " Handle an error. func s:HandleError(msg) if a:msg =~ 'No symbol .* in current context' \ || a:msg =~ 'Cannot access memory at address ' \ || a:msg =~ 'Attempt to use a type name as an expression' \ || a:msg =~ 'A syntax error in expression,' " Result of s:SendEval() failed, ignore. return endif echoerr substitute(a:msg, '.*msg="\(.*\)"', '\1', '') endfunc " Handle stopping and running message from gdb. " Will update the sign that shows the current position. func s:HandleCursor(msg) let wid = win_getid(winnr()) if a:msg =~ '^\*stopped' let s:stopped = 1 elseif a:msg =~ '^\*running' let s:stopped = 0 endif if win_gotoid(s:startwin) let fname = substitute(a:msg, '.*fullname="\([^"]*\)".*', '\1', '') if a:msg =~ '^\(\*stopped\|=thread-selected\)' && filereadable(fname) let lnum = substitute(a:msg, '.*line="\([^"]*\)".*', '\1', '') if lnum =~ '^[0-9]*$' if expand('%:p') != fnamemodify(fname, ':p') if &modified " TODO: find existing window exe 'split ' . fnameescape(fname) let s:startwin = win_getid(winnr()) else exe 'edit ' . fnameescape(fname) endif endif exe lnum exe 'sign unplace ' . s:pc_id exe 'sign place ' . s:pc_id . ' line=' . lnum . ' name=debugPC file=' . fname setlocal signcolumn=yes endif else exe 'sign unplace ' . s:pc_id endif call win_gotoid(wid) endif endfunc " Handle setting a breakpoint " Will update the sign that shows the breakpoint func s:HandleNewBreakpoint(msg) let nr = substitute(a:msg, '.*number="\([0-9]\)*\".*', '\1', '') + 0 if nr == 0 return endif if has_key(s:breakpoints, nr) let entry = s:breakpoints[nr] else let entry = {} let s:breakpoints[nr] = entry endif let fname = substitute(a:msg, '.*fullname="\([^"]*\)".*', '\1', '') let lnum = substitute(a:msg, '.*line="\([^"]*\)".*', '\1', '') let entry['fname'] = fname let entry['lnum'] = lnum if bufloaded(fname) call s:PlaceSign(nr, entry) endif endfunc func s:PlaceSign(nr, entry) exe 'sign place ' . (s:break_id + a:nr) . ' line=' . a:entry['lnum'] . ' name=debugBreakpoint file=' . a:entry['fname'] let a:entry['placed'] = 1 endfunc " Handle deleting a breakpoint " Will remove the sign that shows the breakpoint func s:HandleBreakpointDelete(msg) let nr = substitute(a:msg, '.*id="\([0-9]*\)\".*', '\1', '') + 0 if nr == 0 return endif if has_key(s:breakpoints, nr) let entry = s:breakpoints[nr] if has_key(entry, 'placed') exe 'sign unplace ' . (s:break_id + nr) unlet entry['placed'] endif unlet s:breakpoints[nr] endif endfunc " Handle a BufRead autocommand event: place any signs. func s:BufRead() let fname = expand(':p') for [nr, entry] in items(s:breakpoints) if entry['fname'] == fname call s:PlaceSign(nr, entry) endif endfor endfunc " Handle a BufUnloaded autocommand event: unplace any signs. func s:BufUnloaded() let fname = expand(':p') for [nr, entry] in items(s:breakpoints) if entry['fname'] == fname let entry['placed'] = 0 endif endfor endfunc