%{help=chemail}%{+m} ### %bchemail%b [email address] Sets the email address for a user. This info isn't really used by the bot for any reason except to display. If you don't specify an email address, the bot will show you the user's email address it currently has set for the user (if any). ### %bchemail%b none clears a user's email address. %{help=churl}%{+m} ### %bchurl%b [url address] Sets the url address for a user's web site. This info isn't really used by the bot for any reasons except to display. If you don't specify an url address, the bot will show you the user's url address it currently has set for the user (if any). ### %bchurl%b none clears a user's url address. %{help=chbf}%{+m} ### %bchbf%b [boyfriend] Sets the boyfriend for a user. This info isn't really used by the for any reasons except to display. If you don't specify a boyfriend, the bot will show you the user's boyfriend it currently has set for the user (if any). ### %bchbf%b none clears a user's boyfriend. %{help=chgf}%{+m} ### %bchgf%b [girlfriend] Sets the girlfriend for a user. This info isn't really used by the bot for any reasons except to display. If you don't specify a girlfriend, the bot will show you the user's girlfriend it currently has set for the user (if any). ### %bchgf%b none clears a user's girlfriend. %{help=chirl}%{+m} ### %bchirl%b [real life name] Sets the 'In Real Life' name for a user. This info isn't really used by the bot for any reasons except to display. If you don't specify an 'In Real Life' name, the bot will show you the user's 'In Real Life' name it currently has set for the user (if any). ### %bchirl%b none clears a user's 'In Real Life' name. %{help=chdob}%{+m} ### %bchdob%b [date of birth] Sets the date of birth for a user. This info isn't really used by the bot for any reasons except to display. If you don't specify the date of birth, the bot will show you the user's date of birth it currently has set for the user (if any). ### %bchdob%b none clears a user's date of birth. %{help=email} ### %bemail%b [email address] sets your email address. this data isn't really used by the bot, but it will show up if someone does a %b'whois'%b on you. if you don't specify an email address, the bot will show you the email address it currently has set for you (if any). ### %bemail none%b clears your email address. %{help=url} ### %burl%b [url site address] sets your url address. this data isn't really used by the bot, but it will show up if someone does a %b'whois'%b on you. if you don't specify an url address, the bot will show you the url address it currently has set for you (if any). ### %burl none%b clears your url address. %{help=bf} ### %bbf%b [boyfriend] sets your boyfriend. this data isn't really used by the bot, but it will show up if someone does a %b'whois'%b on you. it's also used by the seen script. if you don't specify a boyfriend, the bot will show you the boyfriend it currently has set for you (if any). ### %bbf none%b clears your boyfriend. %{help=gf} ### %bgf%b [girlfriend] sets your girlfriend. this data isn't really used by the bot, but it will show up if someone does a %b'whois'%b on you. it's also used by the seen script. if you don't specify a girlfriend, the bot will show you the girlfriend it currently has set for you (if any). ### %bgf none%b clears your girlfriend. %{help=irl} ### %birl%b [irl] sets your 'in real life' name. this data isn't really used by the bot, but it will show up if someone does a %b'whois'%b on you. if you don't specify a 'in real life' name, the bot will show you the 'in real life' name it currently has set for you (if any). ### %birl none%b clears your 'in real life' name. %{help=dob} ### %bdob%b [date of birth] sets your date of birth. this data isn't really used by the bot, but it will show up if someone does a %b'whois'%b on you. if you don't specify a date of birth, the bot will show you your date of birth it currently has set for you (if any). ### %bdob none%b clears your date of birth. (woah, no more showing ID ;) %{help=showfields}%{+m} ### %bshowfields%b shows currently loaded user info fields. %{help=userinfo}%{+m} ### %buserinfo script%b this nifty little script lets you define arbitrary strings for each user that they can set themselves or a master can set. the default script contains the entries URL, BF (boyfriend), GF (girlfriend), IRL (in real life name), EMAIL, and DOB (date of birth). each entry has a '.' command for users and a '.ch' command for masters, also there is a /msg command to change each one. for a complete list of currently loaded user info fields type '.showfields'.