Eggdrop Tcl Commands
This is an exhaustive list of all the Tcl commands added to Eggdrop. All of the normal Tcl built-in commands are still there, of course, but you can also use these to manipulate features of the bot. They are listed according to category.
This list is accurate for Eggdrop v1.6.20. Scripts written for v1.3/v1.4 series of Eggdrop should probably work with a few minor modifications depending on the script. Scripts which were written for v0.9, v1.0, v1.1 or v1.2 will probably not work without modification. Commands which have been changed in this version of Eggdrop (or are just new commands) are marked with an asterisk (*).
- putserv <text> [options]
Description: sends text to the server, like '.dump' (intended for direct server commands); output is queued so that the bot won't flood itself off the server.
-next: push messages to the front of the queue
-normal: no effectReturns: nothing
Module: server
- puthelp <text> [options]
Description: sends text to the server, like 'putserv', but it uses a different queue intended for sending messages to channels or people.
-next: push messages to the front of the queue
-normal: no effectReturns: nothing
Module: server
- putquick <text> [options]
Description: sends text to the server, like 'putserv', but it uses a different (and faster) queue.
-next: push messages to the front of the queue
-normal: no effectReturns: nothing
Module: server
- putnow <text> [-oneline]
Description: sends text to the server immediately, bypassing all queues. Use with caution, as the bot may easily flood itself off the server.
-oneline: send text up to the first \r or \n, discarding the rest
Returns: nothing
Module: server
- putkick <channel> <nick,nick,...> [reason]
Description: sends kicks to the server and tries to put as many nicks into one kick command as possible.
Returns: nothing
Module: irc
- putlog <text>
Description: sends text to the bot's logfile, marked as 'misc' (o)
Returns: nothing
Module: core
- putcmdlog <text>
Description: sends text to the bot's logfile, marked as 'command' (c)
Returns: nothing
Module: core
- putxferlog <text>
Description: sends text to the bot's logfile, marked as 'file-area' (x)
Returns: nothing
Module: core
- putloglev <level(s)> <channel> <text>
Description: sends text to the bot's logfile, tagged with all of the valid levels given. Use "*" to indicate all log levels.
Returns: nothing
Module: core
- dumpfile <nick> <filename>
Description: dumps file from the help/text directory to a user on IRC via msg (one line per msg). The user has no flags, so the flag bindings won't work within the file.
Returns: nothing
Module: core
- queuesize [queue]
Returns: the number of messages in all queues. If a queue is specified, only the size of this queue is returned. Valid queues are: mode, server, help.
Module: server
- clearqueue <queue>
Description: removes all messages from a queue. Valid arguments are: mode, server, help, or all.
Returns: the number of deleted lines from the specified queue.
Module: server
2. User record manipulation commands
- countusers
Returns: number of users in the bot's database
Module: core
- validuser <handle>
Returns: 1 if a user by that name exists; 0 otherwise
Module: core
- finduser <nick!user@host>
Description: finds the user record which most closely matches the given nick!user@host
Returns: the handle found, or "*" if none
Module: core
- userlist [flags]
Returns: a list of users on the bot. You can use the flag matching system here ([global]{&/|}[chan]{&/|}[bot]). '&' specifies "and"; '|' specifies "or".
Module: core
- passwdok <handle> <pass>
Description: checks the password given against the user's password. Check against the password "" (a blank string) or "-" to find out if a user has no password set.
Returns: 1 if the password matches for that user; 0 otherwise
Module: core
- getuser <handle> <entry-type> [extra info]
Description: an interface to the new generic userfile support. Valid entry types are:
returns the current bot-specific flags for the user (bot-only)
returns a list containing the bot's address, telnet port, and relay port (bot-only)
returns a list of hosts for the user
returns a list containing the unixtime last seen and the last seen place. LASTON #channel returns the time last seen time for the channel or 0 if no info exists.
returns the user's global info line
returns the user's XTRA info
returns the master-visible only comment for the user
returns the user's e-mail address
returns the user's url
returns the user's handle as it is saved in the userfile
returns the user's encrypted password
Returns: info specific to each entry-type
Module: core
- setuser <handle> <entry-type> [extra info]
Description: this is the counterpart of getuser. It lets you set the various values. Other then the ones listed below, the entry-types are the same as getuser's.
if used with no third arg, all hosts for the user will be cleared. Otherwise, *1* hostmask is added :P
This setting has 3 forms. "setuser <handle> LASTON <unixtime> <place>" sets global LASTON time, "setuser <handle> LASTON <unixtime>" sets global LASTON time (leaving the place field empty), and "setuser <handle> LASTON <unixtime> <channel>" sets a users LASTON time for a channel (if it is a valid channel).
sets a users password (no third arg will clear it)
Returns: nothing
Module: core
- chhandle <old-handle> <new-handle>
Description: changes a user's handle
Returns: 1 on success; 0 if the new handle is invalid or already used, or if the user can't be found
Module: core
- chattr <handle> [changes [channel]]
Description: changes the attributes for a user record, if you include any. Changes are of the form '+f', '-o', '+dk', '-o+d', etc. If changes are specified in the format of <changes> <channel>, the channel-specific flags for that channel are altered. You can now use the +o|-o #channel format here too.
Returns: new flags for the user (if you made no changes, the current flags are returned). If a channel was specified, the global AND the channel-specific flags for that channel are returned in the format of globalflags|channelflags. "*" is returned if the specified user does not exist.
Module: core
- botattr <handle> [changes [channel]]
Description: similar to chattr except this modifies bot flags rather than normal user attributes.
Returns: new flags for the bot (if you made no changes, the current flags are returned). If a channel was specified, the global AND the channel-specific flags for that channel are returned in the format of globalflags|channelflags. "*" is returned if the specified bot does not exist.
Module: core
- matchattr <handle> <flags> [channel]
Returns: 1 if the specified user has the specified flags; 0 otherwise
Module: core
- adduser <handle> [hostmask]
Description: creates a new user entry with the handle and hostmask given (with no password and the default flags)
Returns: 1 if successful; 0 if the handle already exists
Module: core
- addbot <handle> <address>
Description: adds a new bot to the userlist with the handle and bot address given (with no password and no flags)
Returns: 1 if successful; 0 if the bot already exists
Module: core
- deluser <handle>
Description: attempts to erase the user record for a handle
Returns: 1 if successful, 0 if no such user exists
Module: core
- delhost <handle> <hostmask>
Description: deletes a hostmask from a user's host list
Returns: 1 on success; 0 if the hostmask (or user) doesn't exist
Module: core
- addchanrec <handle> <channel>
Description: adds a channel record for a user
Returns: 1 on success; 0 if the user or channel does not exist
Module: channels
- delchanrec <handle> <channel>
Description: removes a channel record for a user. This includes all associated channel flags.
Returns: 1 on success; 0 if the user or channel does not exist
Module: channels
- haschanrec <handle> <channel>
Returns: 1 if the given handle has a chanrec for the specified channel; 0 otherwise
Module: channels
- getchaninfo <handle> <channel>
Returns: info line for a specific channel (behaves just like 'getinfo')
Module: channels
- setchaninfo <handle> <channel> <info>
Description: sets the info line on a specific channel for a user. If info is "none", it will be removed.
Returns: nothing
Module: channels
- newchanban <channel> <ban> <creator> <comment> [lifetime] [options]
Description: adds a ban to the ban list of a channel; creator is given credit for the ban in the ban list. lifetime is specified in minutes. If lifetime is not specified, ban-time (usually 60) is used. Setting the lifetime to 0 makes it a permanent ban.
sticky: forces the ban to be always active on a channel, even with dynamicbans on
none: no effectReturns: nothing
Module: channels
- newban <ban> <creator> <comment> [lifetime] [options]
Description: adds a ban to the global ban list (which takes effect on all channels); creator is given credit for the ban in the ban list. lifetime is specified in minutes. If lifetime is not specified, global-ban-time (usually 60) is used. Setting the lifetime to 0 makes it a permanent ban.
sticky: forces the ban to be always active on a channel, even with dynamicbans on
none: no effectReturns: nothing
Module: channels
- newchanexempt <channel> <exempt> <creator> <comment> [lifetime] [options]
Description: adds a exempt to the exempt list of a channel; creator is given credit for the exempt in the exempt list. lifetime is specified in minutes. If lifetime is not specified, exempt-time (usually 60) is used. Setting the lifetime to 0 makes it a permanent exempt. The exempt will not be removed until the corresponding ban has been removed. For timed bans, once the time period has expired, the exempt will not be removed until the corresponding ban has either expired or been removed.
sticky: forces the exempt to be always active on a channel, even with dynamicexempts on
none: no effectReturns: nothing
Module: channels
- newexempt <exempt> <creator> <comment> [lifetime] [options]
Description: adds a exempt to the global exempt list (which takes effect on all channels); creator is given credit for the exempt in the exempt list. lifetime is specified in minutes. If lifetime is not specified, exempt-time (usually 60) is used. Setting the lifetime to 0 makes it a permanent exempt. The exempt will not be removed until the corresponding ban has been removed.
sticky: forces the exempt to be always active on a channel, even with dynamicexempts on
none: no effectReturns: nothing
Module: channels
- newchaninvite <channel> <invite> <creator> <comment> [lifetime] [options]
Description: adds a invite to the invite list of a channel; creator is given credit for the invite in the invite list. lifetime is specified in minutes. If lifetime is not specified, invite-time (usually 60) is used. Setting the lifetime to 0 makes it a permanent invite. The invite will not be removed until the channel has gone -i.
sticky: forces the invite to be always active on a channel, even with dynamicinvites on
none: no effectReturns: nothing
Module: channels
- newinvite <invite> <creator> <comment> [lifetime] [options]
Description: adds a invite to the global invite list (which takes effect on all channels); creator is given credit for the invite in the invite list. lifetime is specified in minutes. If lifetime is not specified, invite-time (usually 60) is used. Setting the lifetime to 0 makes it a permanent invite. The invite will not be removed until the channel has gone -i.
sticky: forces the invite to be always active on a channel, even with dynamicinvites on
none: no effectReturns: nothing
Module: channels
- stick <banmask> [channel]
Description: makes a ban sticky, or, if a channel is specified, then it is set sticky on that channel only.
Returns: 1 on success; 0 otherwise
Module: channels
- unstick <banmask> [channel]
Description: makes a ban no longer sticky, or, if a channel is specified, then it is unstuck on that channel only.
Returns: 1 on success; 0 otherwise
Module: channels
- stickexempt <exemptmask> [channel]
Description: makes an exempt sticky, or, if a channel is specified, then it is set sticky on that channel only.
Returns: 1 on success; 0 otherwise
Module: channels
- unstickexempt <exemptmask> [channel]
Description: makes an exempt no longer sticky, or, if a channel is specified, then it is unstuck on that channel only.
Returns: 1 on success; 0 otherwise
Module: channels
- stickinvite <invitemask> [channel]
Description: makes an invite sticky, or, if a channel is specified, then it is set sticky on that channel only.
Returns: 1 on success; 0 otherwise
Module: channels
- unstickinvite <invitemask> [channel]
Description: makes an invite no longer sticky, or, if a channel is specified, then it is unstuck on that channel only.
Returns: 1 on success; 0 otherwise
Module: channels
- killchanban <channel> <ban>
Description: removes a ban from the ban list for a channel
Returns: 1 on success; 0 otherwise
Module: channels
- killban <ban>
Description: removes a ban from the global ban list
Returns: 1 on success; 0 otherwise
Module: channels
- killchanexempt <channel> <exempt>
Description: removes an exempt from the exempt list for a channel
Returns: 1 on success; 0 otherwise
Module: channels
- killexempt <exempt>
Description: removes an exempt from the global exempt list
Returns: 1 on success; 0 otherwise
Module: channels
- killchaninvite <channel> <invite>
Description: removes an invite from the invite list for a channel
Returns: 1 on success; 0 otherwise
Module: channels
- killinvite <invite>
Description: removes an invite from the global invite list
Returns: 1 on success; 0 otherwise
Module: channels
- ischanjuped <channel>
Returns: 1 if the channel is juped, and the bot is unable to join; 0 otherwise
Module: channels
- isban <ban> [channel]
Returns: 1 if the specified ban is in the global ban list; 0 otherwise. If a channel is specified, that channel's ban list is checked as well.
Module: channels
- ispermban <ban> [channel]
Returns: 1 if the specified ban is in the global ban list AND is marked as permanent; 0 otherwise. If a channel is specified, that channel's ban list is checked as well.
Module: channels
- isexempt <exempt> [channel]
Returns: 1 if the specified exempt is in the global exempt list; 0 otherwise. If a channel is specified, that channel's exempt list is checked as well.
Module: channels
- ispermexempt <exempt> [channel]
Returns: 1 if the specified exempt is in the global exempt list AND is marked as permanent; 0 otherwise. If a channel is specified, that channel's exempt list is checked as well.
Module: channels
- isinvite <invite> [channel]
Returns: 1 if the specified invite is in the global invite list; 0 otherwise. If a channel is specified, that channel's invite list is checked as well.
Module: channels
- isperminvite <invite> [channel]
Returns: 1 if the specified invite is in the global invite list AND is marked as permanent; 0 otherwise. If a channel is specified, that channel's invite list is checked as well.
Module: channels
- isbansticky <ban> [channel]
Returns: 1 if the specified ban is marked as sticky in the global ban list; 0 otherwise. If a channel is specified, that channel's ban list is checked as well.
Module: channels
- isexemptsticky <exempt> [channel]
Returns: 1 if the specified exempt is marked as sticky in the global exempt list; 0 otherwise. If a channel is specified, that channel's exempt list is checked as well.
Module: channels
- isinvitesticky <invite> [channel]
Returns: 1 if the specified invite is marked as sticky in the global invite list; 0 otherwise. If a channel is specified, that channel's invite list is checked as well.
Module: channels
- matchban <nick!user@host> [channel]
Returns: 1 if the specified nick!user@host matches a ban in the global ban list; 0 otherwise. If a channel is specified, that channel's ban list is checked as well.
Module: channels
- matchexempt <nick!user@host> [channel]
Returns: 1 if the specified nick!user@host matches an exempt in the global exempt list; 0 otherwise. If a channel is specified, that channel's exempt list is checked as well.
Module: channels
- matchinvite <nick!user@host> [channel]
Returns: 1 if the specified nick!user@host matches an invite in the global invite list; 0 otherwise. If a channel is specified, that channel's invite list is checked as well.
Module: channels
- banlist [channel]
Returns: a list of global bans, or, if a channel is specified, a list of channel-specific bans. Each entry is a sublist containing: hostmask, comment, expiration timestamp, time added, last time active, and creator. The three timestamps are in unixtime format.
Module: channels
- exemptlist [channel]
Returns: a list of global exempts, or, if a channel is specified, a list of channel-specific exempts. Each entry is a sublist containing: hostmask, comment, expiration timestamp, time added, last time active, and creator. The three timestamps are in unixtime format.
Module: channels
- invitelist [channel]
Returns: a list of global invites, or, if a channel is specified, a list of channel-specific invites. Each entry is a sublist containing: hostmask, comment, expiration timestamp, time added, last time active, and creator. The three timestamps are in unixtime format.
Module: channels
- newignore <hostmask> <creator> <comment> [lifetime]
Description: adds an entry to the ignore list; creator is given credit for the ignore. lifetime is how many minutes until the ignore expires and is removed. If lifetime is not specified, ignore-time (usually 60) is used. Setting the lifetime to 0 makes it a permanent ignore.
Returns: nothing
Module: core
- killignore <hostmask>
Description: removes an entry from the ignore list
Returns: 1 if successful; 0 otherwise
Module: core
- ignorelist
Returns: a list of ignores. Each entry is a sublist containing: hostmask, comment, expiration timestamp, time added, and creator. The timestamps are in unixtime format.
Module: core
- isignore <hostmask>
Returns: 1 if the ignore is in the list; 0 otherwise
Module: core
- save
Description: writes the user and channel files to disk
Returns: nothing
Module: core
- reload
Description: loads the userfile from disk, replacing whatever is in memory
Returns: nothing
Module: core
- backup
Description: makes a simple backup of the userfile that's on disk. If the channels module is loaded, this also makes a simple backup of the channel file.
Returns: nothing
Module: core
- getting-users
Returns: 1 if the bot is currently downloading a userfile from a sharebot (and hence, user records are about to drastically change); 0 if not
Module: core
- channel add <name> [option-list]
Description: adds a channel record for the bot to monitor. The full list of possible options are given in doc/settings/mod.channels. Note that the channel options must be in a list (enclosed in {}).
Returns: nothing
Module: channels
- channel set <name> <options...>
Description: sets options for the channel specified. The full list of possible options are given in doc/settings/mod.channels.
Returns: nothing
Module: channels
- channel info <name>
Returns: a list of info about the specified channel's settings.
Module: channels
- channel get <name> <setting>
Returns: The value of the setting you specify. For flags, a value of 0 means it is disabled (-), and non-zero means enabled (+).
Module: channels
- channel remove <name>
Description: removes a channel record from the bot and makes the bot no longer monitor the channel
Returns: nothing
Module: channels
- savechannels
Description: saves the channel settings to the channel-file if one is defined.
Returns: nothing
Module: channels
- loadchannels
Description: reloads the channel settings from the channel-file if one is defined.
Returns: nothing
Module: channels
- channels
Returns: a list of the channels the bot has a channel record for
Module: channels
- channame2dname <channel-name>
- chandname2name <channel-dname>
Description: these two functions are important to correctly support !channels. The bot differentiates between channel description names (chan dnames) and real channel names (chan names). The chan dnames are what you would normally call the channel, such as "!channel". The chan names are what the IRC server uses to identify the channel. They consist of the chan dname prefixed with an ID; such as "!ABCDEchannel".
For bot functions like isop, isvoice, etc. you need to know the chan dnames. If you communicate with the server, you usually get the chan name, though. That's what you need the channame2dname function for.
If you only have the chan dname and want to directly send raw server commands, use the chandname2name command.
For non-!channels, chan dname and chan name are the same.
Module: irc
- isbotnick <nick>
Returns: 1 if the nick matches the botnick; 0 otherwise
Module: server
- botisop [channel]
Returns: 1 if the bot has ops on the specified channel (or any channel if no channel is specified); 0 otherwise
Module: irc
- botishalfop [channel]
Returns: 1 if the bot has halfops on the specified channel (or any channel if no channel is specified); 0 otherwise
Module: irc
- botisvoice [channel]
Returns: 1 if the bot has a voice on the specified channel (or any channel if no channel is specified); 0 otherwise
Module: irc
- botonchan [channel]
Returns: 1 if the bot is on the specified channel (or any channel if no channel is specified); 0 otherwise
Module: irc
- isop <nickname> [channel]
Returns: 1 if someone by the specified nickname is on the channel (or any channel if no channel name is specified) and has ops; 0 otherwise
Module: irc
- ishalfop <nickname> [channel]
Returns: 1 if someone by the specified nickname is on the channel (or any channel if no channel name is specified) and has halfops; 0 otherwise
Module: irc
- wasop <nickname> <channel>
Returns: 1 if someone that just got opped/deopped in the chan had op before the modechange; 0 otherwise
Module: irc
- washalfop <nickname> <channel>
Returns: 1 if someone that just got halfopped/dehalopped in the chan had halfop before the modechange; 0 otherwise
Module: irc
- isvoice <nickname> [channel]
Returns: 1 if someone by that nickname is on the channel (or any channel if no channel is specified) and has voice (+v); 0 otherwise
Module: irc
- onchan <nickname> [channel]
Returns: 1 if someone by that nickname is on the specified channel (or any channel if none is specified); 0 otherwise
Module: irc
- nick2hand <nickname> [channel]
Returns: the handle of a nickname on a channel. If a channel is not specified, the bot will check all of its channels. If the nick is not found, "" is returned. If the nick is found but does not have a handle, "*" is returned.
Module: irc
- hand2nick <handle> [channel]
Returns: nickname of the first person on the specified channel (if one is specified) whose nick!user@host matches the given handle; "" is returned if no match is found. If no channel is specified, all channels are checked.
Module: irc
- handonchan <handle> [channel]
Returns: 1 if the the nick!user@host for someone on the channel (or any channel if no channel name is specified) matches for the handle given; 0 otherwise
Module: irc
- ischanban <ban> <channel>
Returns: 1 if the specified ban is on the given channel's ban list (not the bot's banlist for the channel)
Module: irc
- ischanexempt <exempt> <channel>
Returns: 1 if the specified exempt is on the given channel's exempt list (not the bot's exemptlist for the channel)
Module: irc
- ischaninvite <invite> <channel>
Returns: 1 if the specified invite is on the given channel's invite list (not the bot's invitelist for the channel)
Module: irc
- chanbans <channel>
Returns: a list of the current bans on the channel. Each element is a sublist of the form {<ban> <bywho> <age>}. age is seconds from the bot's point of view
Module: irc
- chanexempts <channel>
Returns: a list of the current exempts on the channel. Each element is a sublist of the form {<exempts> <bywho> <age>}. age is seconds from the bot's point of view
Module: irc
- chaninvites <channel>
Returns: a list of the current invites on the channel. Each element is a sublist of the form {<invites> <bywho> <age>}. age is seconds from the bot's point of view
Module: irc
- resetbans <channel>
Description: removes all bans on the channel that aren't in the bot's ban list and refreshes any bans that should be on the channel but aren't
Returns: nothing
Module: irc
- resetexempts [channel]
Description: removes all exempt on the channel that aren't in the bot's exempt list and refreshes any exempts that should be on the channel but aren't
Returns: nothing
Module: irc
- resetinvites [channel]
Description: removes all invites on the channel that aren't in the bot's invite list and refreshes any invites that should be on the channel but aren't
Returns: nothing
Module: irc
- resetchanidle [nick] <channel>
Description: resets the channel idle time for the given nick or for all nicks on the channel if no nick is specified.
Returns: nothing
Module: irc
- resetchanjoin [nick] <channel>
Description: resets the channel join time for the given nick or for all nicks on the channel if no nick is specified.
Returns: nothing
Module: irc
- resetchan <channel> [flags]
Description: rereads in the channel info from the server. If flags are specified, only the required information will be reset, according to the given flags. Available flags are:
reset channel bans
reset channel exempts
reset channel invites
reset channel modes
refresh channel topic
refresh memberlist
Returns: nothing
Module: irc
- getchanhost <nickname> [channel]
Returns: user@host of the specified nickname (the nickname is not included in the returned host). If a channel is not specified, bot will check all of its channels. If the nickname is not on the channel(s), "" is returned.
Module: irc
- getchanjoin <nickname> <channel>
Returns: timestamp (unixtime format) of when the specified nickname joined the channel if available, 0 otherwise. Note that after a channel reset this information will be lost, even if previously available.
Module: irc
- onchansplit <nick> [channel]
Returns: 1 if that nick is split from the channel (or any channel if no channel is specified); 0 otherwise
Module: irc
- chanlist <channel> [flags[&chanflags]]
Description: flags are any global flags; the '&' denotes to look for channel specific flags. Examples:
Global Owner
Channel Owner
Global Op, Channel Master
Returns: list of nicknames currently on the bot's channel that have all of the flags specified;. If no flags are given, all of the nicknames are returned. Please note that if you're executing chanlist after a part or sign bind, the gone user will still be listed, so you can check for wasop, isop, etc.
Module: irc
- getchanidle <nickname> <channel>
Returns: number of minutes that person has been idle; 0 if the specified user isn't on the channel
Module: irc
- getchanmode <channel>
Returns: string of the type "+ntik key" for the channel specified
Module: irc
- jump [server [port [password]]]
Description: jumps to the server specified, or (if none is specified) the next server in the bot's serverlist
Returns: nothing
Module: server
- pushmode <channel> <mode> [arg]
Description: sends out a channel mode change (ex: pushmode #lame +o goober) through the bot's queuing system. All the mode changes will be sent out at once (combined into one line as much as possible) after the script finishes, or when 'flushmode' is called.
Returns: nothing
Module: irc
- flushmode <channel>
Description: forces all previously pushed channel mode changes to be sent to the server, instead of when the script is finished (just for the channel specified)
Returns: nothing
Module: irc
- topic <channel>
Returns: string containing the current topic of the specified channel
Module: irc
- validchan <channel>
Description: checks if the bot has a channel record for the specified channel. Note that this does not necessarily mean that the bot is ON the channel.
Returns: 1 if the channel exists, 0 if not
Module: nothing
- isdynamic <channel>
Returns: 1 if the channel is a dynamic channel; 0 otherwise
Module: channels
- setudef <flag/int/str> <name>
Description: initializes a user defined channel flag, string, or integer setting. You can use it like any other flag/setting. IMPORTANT: Don't forget to reinitialize your flags/settings after a restart, or it'll be lost.
Returns: nothing
Module: channels
- renudef <flag/int/str> <oldname> <newname>
Description: renames a user defined channel flag, string, or integer setting.
Returns: nothing
Module: channels
- deludef <flag/int/str> <name>
Description: deletes a user defined channel flag, string, or integer setting.
Returns: nothing
Module: channels
- putdcc <idx> <text> [-raw]
Description: sends text to the idx specified. If -raw is specified, the text will be sent as is, without forced new lines or limits to line length.
Returns: nothing
Module: core
- dccbroadcast <message>
Description: sends a message to everyone on the party line across the botnet, in the form of "*** <message>" for local users and "*** (Bot) <message>" for users on other bots
Returns: nothing
Module: core
- dccputchan <channel> <message>
Description: sends your message to everyone on a certain channel on the botnet, in a form exactly like dccbroadcast does. Valid channels are 0 through 99999.
Returns: nothing
Module: core
- boot <user@bot> [reason]
Description: boots a user from the partyline
Returns: nothing
Module: core
- dccsimul <idx> <text>
Description: simulates text typed in by the dcc user specified. Note that in v0.9, this only simulated commands; now a command must be preceded by a '.' to be simulated.
Returns: nothing
Module: core
- hand2idx <handle>
Returns: the idx (a number greater than or equal to zero) for the user given if the user is on the party line in chat mode (even if she is currently on a channel or in chat off), the file area, or in the control of a script. -1 is returned if no idx is found. If the user is on multiple times, the oldest idx is returned.
Module: core
- idx2hand <idx>
Returns: handle of the user with the given idx
Module: core
- valididx <idx>
Returns: 1 if the idx currently exists; 0 otherwise
Module: core
- getchan <idx>
Returns: the current party line channel for a user on the party line; "0" indicates he's on the group party line, "-1" means he has chat off, and a value from 1 to 99999 is a private channel
Module: core
- setchan <idx> <channel>
Description: sets a party line user's channel. The party line user is not notified that she is now on a new channel. A channel name can be used (provided it exists).
Returns: nothing
Module: core
- console <idx> [channel] [console-modes]
Description: changes a dcc user's console mode, either to an absolute mode (like "mpj") or just adding/removing flags (like "+pj" or "-moc" or "+mp-c"). The user's console channel view can be changed also (as long as the new channel is a valid channel).
Returns: a list containing the user's (new) channel view and (new) console modes, or nothing if that user isn't currently on the partyline
Module: core
- echo <idx> [status]
Description: turns a user's echo on or off; the status has to be a 1 or 0
Returns: new value of echo for that user (or the current value, if status was omitted)
Module: core
- strip <idx> [+/-strip-flags]
Description: modifies the strip-flags for a user. The supported strip-flags are:
remove all boldface codes
remove all color codes
remove all reverse video codes
remove all underline codes
remove all ANSI codes
remove all ctrl-g (bell) codes
Returns: new strip-flags for the specified user (or the current flags, if strip-flags was omitted)
Module: core
- putbot <bot-nick> <message>
Description: sends a message across the botnet to another bot. If no script intercepts the message on the other end, the message is ignored.
Returns: nothing
Module: core
- putallbots <message>
Description: sends a message across the botnet to all bots. If no script intercepts the message on the other end, the message is ignored.
Returns: nothing
Module: core
- killdcc <idx>
Description: kills a partyline or file area connection
Returns: nothing
Module: core
- bots
Returns: list of the bots currently connected to the botnet
Module: core
- botlist
Returns: a list of bots currently on the botnet. Each item in the list is a sublist with four elements: bot, uplink, version, sharing status:
the bot's botnetnick
the bot the bot is connected to
its current numeric version
a "+" if the bot is a sharebot; "-" otherwise
Module: core
- islinked <bot>
Returns: 1 if the bot is currently linked; 0 otherwise
Module: core
- dccused
Returns: number of dcc connections currently in use
Module: core
- dcclist [type]
Returns: a list of active connections, each item in the list is a sublist containing six elements: {<idx> <handle> <hostname> <type> {<other>} <timestamp>}
The types are: chat, bot, files, file_receiving, file_sending, file_send_pending, script, socket (these are connections that have not yet been put under 'control'), telnet, and server. The timestamp is in unixtime format.
Module: core
- whom <chan>
Returns: list of people on the botnet who are on that channel. 0 is the default party line. Each item in the list is a sublist with six elements: nickname, bot, hostname, access flag ('-', '@', '+', or '*'), minutes idle, and away message (blank if the user is not away). If you specify * for channel, every user on the botnet is returned with an extra argument indicating the channel the user is on.
Module: core
- getdccidle <idx>
Returns: number of seconds the dcc chat/file system/script user has been idle
Module: core
- getdccaway <idx>
Returns: away message for a dcc chat user (or "" if the user is not set away)
Module: core
- setdccaway <idx> <message>
Description: sets a party line user's away message and marks them away. If set to "", the user is marked as no longer away.
Returns: nothing
Module: core
- connect <host> <port>
Description: makes an outgoing connection attempt and creates a dcc entry for it. A 'control' command should be used immediately after a successful 'connect' so no input is lost.
Returns: idx of the new connection
Module: core
- listen <port> <type> [options] [flag]
Description: opens a listening port to accept incoming telnets; type must be one of "bots", "all", "users", "script", or "off":
- listen <port> bots [mask]
Description: accepts connections from bots only; the optional mask is used to identify permitted bot names. If the mask begins with '@', it is interpreted to be a mask of permitted hosts to accept connections from.
Returns: port number
- listen <port> users [mask]
Description: accepts connections from users only (no bots); the optional mask is used to identify permitted nicknames. If the mask begins with '@', it is interpreted to be a mask of permitted hosts to accept connections from.
Returns: port number
- listen <port> all [mask]
Description: accepts connections from anyone; the optional mask is used to identify permitted nicknames/botnames. If the mask begins with '@', it is interpreted to be a mask of permitted hosts to accept connections from.
Returns: port number
- listen <port> script <proc> [flag]
Description: accepts connections which are immediately routed to a proc. The proc is called with one parameter: the idx of the new connection. Flag may currently only be 'pub', which makes the bot allow anyone to connect.
Returns: port number
- listen <port> off
Description: stop listening on a port
Returns: nothing
Module: core
- dccdumpfile <idx> <filename>
Description: dumps out a file from the text directory to a dcc chat user. The flag matching that's used everywhere else works here, too.
Returns: nothing
Module: core
- notes <user> [numberlist]
Returns: -1 if no such user, -2 if notefile failure. If a numberlist is not specified, the number of notes stored for the user is returned. Otherwise, a list of sublists containing information about notes stored for the user is returned. Each sublist is in the format of: {<from> <timestamp> <note text>}.
Module: notes
- erasenotes <user> <numberlist>
Description: erases some or all stored notes for a user. Use '-' to erase all notes.
Returns: -1 if no such user, -2 if notefile failure, 0 if no such note, or number of erased notes.
Module: notes
- listnotes <user> <numberlist>
Description: lists existing notes according to the numberlist (ex: "2-4;8;16-")
Returns: -1 if no such user, -2 if notefile failure, 0 if no such note, list of existing notes.
Module: notes
- storenote <from> <to> <msg> <idx>
Description: stores a note for later reading, notifies idx of any results (use idx -1 for no notify).
Returns: 0 on success; non-0 on failure
Module: notes
- assoc <chan> [name]
Description: sets the name associated with a botnet channel, if you specify one
Returns: current name for that channel, if any
Module: assoc
- killassoc <chan>
Description: removes the name associated with a botnet channel, if any exists. Use 'killassoc &' to kill all assocs.
Returns: nothing
Module: assoc
- compressfile [-level <level>] <src-file> [target-file]
uncompressfile <src-file> [target-file]Description: compresses or un-compresses files. The level option specifies the compression mode to use when compressing. Available modes are from 0 (minimum CPU usage, minimum compression) all the way up to 9 (maximum CPU usage, maximum compression). If you don't specify the target-file, the src-file will be overwritten.
Returns: nothing
Module: compress
- iscompressed <filename>
Description: determines whether <filename> is gzip compressed. Returns 1 if it is, 0 if it isn't, and 2 if some kind of error prevented the checks from succeeding.
Returns: nothing
Module: compress
- setpwd <idx> <dir>
Description: changes the directory of a file system user, in exactly the same way as a 'cd' command would. The directory can be specified relative or absolute.
Returns: nothing
Module: filesys
- getpwd <idx>
Returns: the current directory of a file system user
Module: filesys
- getfiles <dir>
Returns: a list of files in the directory given; the directory is relative to dcc-path
Module: filesys
- getdirs <dir>
Returns: a list of subdirectories in the directory given; the directory is relative to dcc-path
Module: filesys
- dccsend <filename> <ircnick>
Description: attempts to start a dcc file transfer to the given nick; the filename must be specified either by full pathname or in relation to the bot's startup directory
the dcc table is full (too many connections)
can't open a socket for the transfer
the file doesn't exist
the file was queued for later transfer, which means that person has too many file transfers going right now
copy-to-tmp is enabled and the file already exists in the temp directory
Module: transfer
- filesend <idx> <filename> [ircnick]
Description: like dccsend, except it operates for a current filesystem user, and the filename is assumed to be a relative path from that user's current directory
Returns: 0 on failure; 1 on success (either an immediate send or a queued send)
Module: filesys
- fileresend <idx> <filename> [ircnick]
Description: functions like filesend, only that it sends a DCC RESEND instead of a DCC SEND, which allows people to resume aborted file transfers if their client supports that protocol. ircII/BitchX/etc. support it; mIRC does not.
Returns: 0 on failure; 1 on success (either an immediate send or a queued send)
Module: filesys
- setdesc <dir> <file> <desc>
Description: sets the description for a file in a file system directory; the directory is relative to dcc-path
Returns: nothing
Module: filesys
- getdesc <dir> <file>
Returns: the description for a file in the file system, if one exists
Module: filesys
- setowner <dir> <file> <handle>
Description: changes the owner for a file in the file system; the directory is relative to dcc-path
Returns: nothing
Module: filesys
- getowner <dir> <file>
Returns: the owner of a file in the file system
Module: filesys
- setlink <dir> <file> <link>
Description: creates or changes a linked file (a file that actually exists on another bot); the directory is relative to dcc-path
Returns: nothing
Module: filesys
- getlink <dir> <file>
Returns: the link for a linked file, if it exists
Module: filesys
- getfileq <handle>
Returns: list of files queued by someone; each item in the list will be a sublist with two elements: nickname the file is being sent to and the filename
Module: transfer
- getfilesendtime <idx>
Returns: the unixtime value for when a file transfer started, or a negative number:
no matching transfer with the specified idx was found
the idx matches an entry which is not a file transfer
Module: transfer
- mkdir <directory> [<required-flags> [channel]]
Description: creates a directory in the file system. Only users with the required flags may access it.
can't create directory
directory exists but is not a directory
could not open filedb
Module: filesys
- rmdir <directory>
Description: removes a directory from the file system.
Returns: 0 on success; 1 on failure
Module: filesys
- mv <file> <destination>
Description: moves a file from its source to the given destination. The file can also be a mask, such as /incoming/*, provided the destination is a directory.
Returns: If the command was successful, the number of files moved will be returned. Otherwise, a negative number will be returned:
invalid source file
invalid destination
destination file exists
no matches found
Module: filesys
- cp <file> <destination>
Description: copies a file from its source to the given destination. The file can also be a mask, such as /incoming/*, provided the destination is a directory.
Returns: If the command was successful, the number of files copied will be returned. Otherwise, a negative number will be returned:
invalid source file
invalid destination
destination file exists
no matches found
Module: filesys
- getflags <dir>
Returns: the flags required to access a directory
Module: filesys
- setflags <dir> [<flags> [channel]]
Description: sets the flags required to access a directory
Returns: 0 on success; -1 or -3 on failure
Module: filesys
- bind <type> <flags> <keyword/mask> [proc-name]
Description: You can use the 'bind' command to attach Tcl procedures to certain events. flags are the flags the user must have to trigger the event (if applicable). proc-name is the name of the Tcl procedure to call for this command (see below for the format of the procedure call). If the proc-name is omitted, no binding is added. Instead, the current binding is returned (if it's stackable, a list of the current bindings is returned).
Returns: name of the command that was added, or (if proc-name was omitted), a list of the current bindings for this command
Module: core
- unbind <type> <flags> <keyword/mask> <proc-name>
Description: removes a previously created bind
Returns: name of the command that was removed
Module: core
- binds [type/mask]
Returns: a list of Tcl binds, each item in the list is a sublist of five elements: {<type> <flags> <name> <hits> <proc>}
Module: core
- logfile [<modes> <channel> <filename>]
Description: creates a new logfile, which will log the modes given for the channel listed. If no logfile is specified, a list of existing logfiles will be returned. "*" indicates all channels. You can also change the modes and channel of an existing logfile with this command. Entering a blank mode and channel ("") makes the bot stop logging there.
Returns: filename of logfile created, or, if no logfile is specified, a list of logfiles such as: {mco * eggdrop.log} {jp #lame lame.log}
Module: core
- maskhost <nick!user@host> [masktype]
Description: masks the given irc hostmask, so that it can match a wider set of nick/user/host combinations. The masktypes supported are compatible with mIRC's standard types.
Available types are:
You can also specify types from 10 to 19 which correspond to types 0 to 9, but instead of using a * wildcard to replace portions of the host, only numbers in hostnames are replaced with the '?' wildcard. Same is valid for types 20-29, but instead of '?', the '*' wildcard will be used.
Returns: masked hostmask for the string given according to the masktype.
Module: core
- timer <minutes> <tcl-command>
Description: executes the given Tcl command after a certain number of minutes have passed
Returns: a timerID
Module: core
- utimer <seconds> <tcl-command>
Description: executes the given Tcl command after a certain number of seconds have passed
Returns: a timerID
Module: core
- timers
Returns: a list of active minutely timers. Each entry in the list contains the number of minutes left till activation, the command that will be executed, and the timerID.
Module: core
- utimers
Returns: a list of active secondly timers. Each entry in the list contains the number of minutes left till activation, the command that will be executed, and the timerID.
Module: core
- killtimer <timerID>
Description: removes a minutely timer from the list
Returns: nothing
Module: core
- killutimer <timerID>
Description: removes a secondly timer from the list
Returns: nothing
Module: core
- unixtime
Returns: a long integer which represents the number of seconds that have passed since 00:00 Jan 1, 1970 (GMT).
Module: core
- duration <seconds>
Returns: the number of seconds converted into years, weeks, days, hours, minutes, and seconds. 804600 seconds is turned into 1 week 2 days 7 hours 30 minutes.
Module: core
- strftime <formatstring> [time]
Returns: a formatted string of time using standard strftime format. If time is specified, the value of the specified time is used. Otherwise, the current time is used.
Module: core
- ctime <unixtime>
Returns: a formatted date/time string based on the current locale settings from the unixtime string given; for example "Fri Aug 3 11:34:55 1973"
Module: core
- myip
Returns: a long number representing the bot's IP address, as it might appear in (for example) a DCC request
Module: core
- rand <limit>
Returns: a random integer between 0 and limit-1
Module: core
- control <idx> <command>
Description: removes an idx from the party line and sends all future input to the Tcl command given. The command will be called with two parameters: the idx and the input text. The command should return 0 to indicate success and 1 to indicate that it relinquishes control of the user back to the bot. If the input text is blank (""), it indicates that the connection has been dropped. Also, if the input text is blank, never call killdcc on it, as it will fail with "invalid idx".
Returns: nothing
Module: core
- sendnote <from> <to[@bot]> <message>
Description: simulates what happens when one user sends a note to another
the send failed
the note was delivered locally or sent to another bot
the note was stored locally
the user's notebox is too full to store a note
a Tcl binding caught the note
the note was stored because the user is away
Module: core
- link [via-bot] <bot>
Description: attempts to link to another bot directly. If you specify a via-bot, it tells the via-bot to attempt the link.
Returns: 1 if the link will be attempted; 0 otherwise
Module: core
- unlink <bot>
Description: attempts to unlink a bot from the botnet
Returns: 1 on success; 0 otherwise
Module: core
- encrypt <key> <string>
Returns: encrypted string (using the currently loaded encryption module), encoded into ASCII using base-64
Module: encryption
- decrypt <key> <encrypted-base64-string>
Returns: decrypted string (using the currently loaded encryption module)
Module: encryption
- encpass <password>
Returns: encrypted string (using the currently loaded encryption module)
Module: encryption
- die [reason]
Description: causes the bot to log a fatal error and exit completely. If no reason is given, "EXIT" is used.
Returns: nothing
Module: core
- unames
Returns: the current operating system the bot is using
Module: core
- dnslookup <ip-address/hostname> <proc> [[arg1] [arg2] ... [argN]]
Description: This issues an asynchronous dns lookup request. The command will block if dns module is not loaded; otherwise it will either return immediately or immediately call the specified proc (e.g. if the lookup is already cached).
As soon as the request completes, the specified proc will be called as follows: <proc> <ipaddress> <hostname> <status> [[arg1] [arg2] ... [argN]]
status is 1 if the lookup was successful and 0 if it wasn't. All additional parameters (called arg1, arg2 and argN above) get appended to the proc's other parameters.
Returns: nothing
Module: core
- md5 <string>
Returns: the 128 bit MD5 message-digest of the specified string
Module: core
- callevent <event>
Description: triggers the evnt bind manually for a certain event. For example: callevent rehash.
Returns: nothing
Module: core
- traffic
Returns: a list of sublists containing information about the bot's traffic usage in bytes. Each sublist contains five elements: type, in-traffic today, in-traffic total, out-traffic today, out-traffic total (in that order).
Module: core
- modules
Returns: a list of sublists containing information about the bot's currently loaded modules. Each sublist contains three elements: module, version, and dependencies. Each dependency is also a sublist containing the module name and version.
Module: core
- loadmodule <module>
Description: attempts to load the specified module.
Returns: "Already loaded." if the module is already loaded, "" if successful, or the reason the module couldn't be loaded.
Module: core
- unloadmodule <module>
Description: attempts to unload the specified module.
Returns: "No such module" if the module is not loaded, "" otherwise.
Module: core
- loadhelp <helpfile-name>
Description: attempts to load the specified help file from the help/ directory.
Returns: nothing
Module: core
- unloadhelp <helpfile-name>
Description: attempts to unload the specified help file.
Returns: nothing
Module: core
- reloadhelp
Description: reloads the bot's help files.
Returns: nothing
Module: core
- restart
Description: rehashes the bot, kills all timers, reloads all modules, and reconnects the bot to the next server in its list.
Returns: nothing
Module: core
- rehash
Description: rehashes the bot
Returns: nothing
Module: core
- stripcodes <strip-flags> <string>
Description: strips specified control characters from the string given. strip-flags can be any combination of the following:
remove all boldface codes
remove all color codes
remove all reverse video codes
remove all underline codes
remove all ANSI codes
remove all ctrl-g (bell) codes
Returns: the stripped string
- matchaddr <hostmask> <address>
Description: checks if the address matches the hostmask given. The address should be in the form nick!user@host.
Returns: 1 if the address matches the hostmask, 0 otherwise.
Module: core
- matchcidr <block> <address> <prefix>
Description: performs a cidr match on the specified ip addresses. IPv6 is supported, if enabled at compile time.
Returns: 1 if the address matches the block prefix, 0 otherwise.
Module: core
- matchstr <pattern> <string>
Description: checks if pattern matches string. Only two wildcards are supported: '*' and '?'. Matching is case-insensitive. This command is intended as a simplified alternative to Tcl's string match.
Returns: 1 if the pattern matches the string, 0 if it doesn't.
Module: core
NOTE: All config file variables are also global.
- botnick
Value: the current nickname the bot is using (for example: "Valis", "Valis0", etc.)
Module: server
- botname
Value: the current nick!user@host that the server sees (for example: "Valis!")
Module: server
- server
Value: the current server's real name (what server calls itself) and port bot is connected to (for example: "") Note that this does not nececerilly match the servers internet address.
Module: server
- serveraddress
Value: the current server's internet address (hostname or IP) and port bot is connected to. This will correspond to the entry in server list (for example: ""). Note that this does not necessarily match the name server calls itself.
Module: server
- version
Value: current bot version "1.1.2+pl1 1010201 pl1"; first item is the text version, second item is a numerical version, and any following items are the names of patches that have been added
Module: core
- numversion
Value: the current numeric bot version (for example: "1010201"). Numerical version is in the format of "MNNRRPP", where:
major release number
minor release number
sub-release number
patch level for that sub-release
Module: core
- uptime
Value: the unixtime value for when the bot was started
Module: core
- server-online
Value: the unixtime value for when the bot connected to its current server
Module: server
- lastbind
Value: the last command binding which was triggered. This allows you to identify which command triggered a Tcl proc.
Module: core
- isjuped
Value: 1 if bot's nick is juped(437); 0 otherwise
Module: server
- handlen
Value: the value of the HANDLEN define in src/eggdrop.h
Module: core
- config
Value: the filename of the config file Eggdrop is currently using
Module: core
You can use the 'bind' command to attach Tcl procedures to certain events. For example, you can write a Tcl procedure that gets called every time a user says "danger" on the channel.
Some bind types are marked as "stackable". That means that you can bind multiple commands to the same trigger. Normally, for example, a bind such as 'bind msg - stop msg:stop' (which makes a msg-command "stop" call the Tcl proc "msg:stop") will overwrite any previous binding you had for then msg command "stop". With stackable bindings, like 'msgm' for example, you can bind the same command to multiple procs. When the bind is triggered, ALL of the Tcl procs that are bound to it will be called.
To remove a bind, use the 'unbind' command. For example, to remove the bind for the "stop" msg command, use 'unbind msg - stop msg:stop'.
bind msg <flags> <command> <proc>
procname <nick> <user@host> <handle> <text>Description: used for /msg commands. The first word of the user's msg is the command, and everything else becomes the text argument.
Module: server
bind dcc <flags> <command> <proc>
procname <handle> <idx> <text>Description: used for partyline commands; the command is the first word and everything else becomes the text argument. The idx is valid until the user disconnects. After that, it may be reused, so be careful about storing an idx for long periods of time.
Module: core
bind fil <flags> <command> <proc>
procname <handle> <idx> <text>Description: the same as DCC, except this is triggered if the user is in the file area instead of the party line
Module: filesys
bind pub <flags> <command> <proc>
procname <nick> <user@host> <handle> <channel> <text>Description: used for commands given on a channel. The first word becomes the command and everything else is the text argument.
Module: irc
bind msgm <flags> <mask> <proc>
procname <nick> <user@host> <handle> <text>Description: matches the entire line of text from a /msg with the mask. This is useful for binding Tcl procs to words or phrases spoken anywhere within a line of text. If the proc returns 1, Eggdrop will not log the message that triggered this bind. MSGM binds are processed before MSG binds. If the exclusive-binds setting is enabled, MSG binds will not be triggered by text that a MSGM bind has already handled.
Module: server
bind pubm <flags> <mask> <proc>
procname <nick> <user@host> <handle> <channel> <text>Description: just like MSGM, except it's triggered by things said on a channel instead of things /msg'd to the bot. The mask is matched against the channel name followed by the text and can contain wildcards. If the proc returns 1, Eggdrop will not log the message that triggered this bind. PUBM binds are processed before PUB binds. If the exclusive-binds setting is enabled, PUB binds will not be triggered by text that a PUBM bind has already handled.
Module: irc
bind notc <flags> <mask> <proc>
procname <nick> <user@host> <handle> <text> <dest>Description: dest will be a nickname (the bot's nickname, obviously) or a channel name. mask is matched against the entire notice and can contain wildcards. It is considered a breach of protocol to respond to a /notice on IRC, so this is intended for internal use (logging, etc.) only. Note that server notices do not trigger the NOTC bind. If the proc returns 1, Eggdrop will not log the message that triggered this bind.
New Tcl procs should be declared as
proc notcproc {nick uhost hand text {dest ""}} { global botnick; if {$dest == ""} {set dest $botnick} ... }for compatibility.
Module: server
bind join <flags> <mask> <proc>
procname <nick> <user@host> <handle> <channel>Description: triggered by someone joining the channel. The mask in the bind is matched against "#channel nick!user@host" and can contain wildcards.
Module: irc
bind part <flags> <mask> <proc>
procname <nick> <user@host> <handle> <channel> <msg>Description: triggered by someone leaving the channel. The mask is matched against "#channel nick!user@host" and can contain wildcards. If no part message is specified, msg will be set to "".
New Tcl procs should be declared as
proc partproc {nick uhost hand chan {msg ""}} { ... }for compatibility.
Module: irc
bind sign <flags> <mask> <proc>
procname <nick> <user@host> <handle> <channel> <reason>Description: triggered by a signoff, or possibly by someone who got netsplit and never returned. The signoff message is the last argument to the proc. Wildcards can be used in the mask, which is matched against '#channel nick!user@host'.
Module: irc
bind topc <flags> <mask> <proc>
procname <nick> <user@host> <handle> <channel> <topic>Description: triggered by a topic change. mask can contain wildcards and is matched against '#channel <new topic>'.
Module: irc
bind kick <flags> <mask> <proc>
procname <nick> <user@host> <handle> <channel> <target> <reason>Description: triggered when someone is kicked off the channel. The mask is matched against '#channel target reason' where the target is the nickname of the person who got kicked (can contain wildcards). The proc is called with the nick, user@host, and handle of the kicker, plus the channel, the nickname of the person who was kicked, and the reason.
Module: irc
bind nick <flags> <mask> <proc>
procname <nick> <user@host> <handle> <channel> <newnick>Description: triggered when someone changes nicknames. The mask is matched against '#channel newnick' and can contain wildcards. Channel is "*" if the user isn't on a channel (usually the bot not yet in a channel).
Module: irc
bind mode <flags> <mask> <proc>
proc-name <nick> <user@host> <handle> <channel> <mode-change> <target>Description: mode changes are broken down into their component parts before being sent here, so the <mode-change> will always be a single mode, such as "+m" or "-o". target will show the argument of the mode change (for o/v/b/e/I) or "" if the set mode does not take an argument. The bot's automatic response to a mode change will happen AFTER all matching Tcl procs are called. The mask will be matched against '#channel +/-modes' and can contain wildcards.
If it is a server mode, nick will be "", user@host is the server name, and handle is *.
Note that "target" was added in 1.3.17 and that this will break Tcl scripts that were written for pre-1.3.17 Eggdrop that use the mode binding. Also, due to a typo, mode binds were broken completely in 1.3.17 but were fixed in 1.3.18. Mode bindings are not triggered at all in 1.3.17.
One easy example (from guppy) of how to support the "target" parameter in 1.3.18 and later and still remain compatible with older Eggdrop versions is:
Old script looks as follows:
bind mode - * mode_proc proc mode_proc {nick uhost hand chan mode} { ... }To make it work with 1.3.18+ and stay compatible with older bots, do:
bind mode - * mode_proc_fix proc mode_proc_fix {nick uhost hand chan mode {target ""}} { if {$target != ""} {append mode " $target"} mode_proc $nick $uhost $hand $chan $mode } proc mode_proc {nick uhost hand chan mode} { ... }Module: irc
bind ctcp <flags> <keyword> <proc>
proc-name <nick> <user@host> <handle> <dest> <keyword> <text>Description: dest will be a nickname (the bot's nickname, obviously) or channel name. keyword is the ctcp command (which can contain wildcards), and text may be empty. If the proc returns 0, the bot will attempt its own processing of the ctcp command.
Module: server
bind ctcr <flags> <keyword> <proc>
proc-name <nick> <user@host> <handle> <dest> <keyword> <text>Description: just like ctcp, but this is triggered for a ctcp-reply (ctcp embedded in a notice instead of a privmsg)
Module: server
bind raw <flags> <keyword-mask> <proc>
procname <from> <keyword> <text>Description: previous versions of Eggdrop required a special compile option to enable this binding, but it's now standard. The keyword is either a numeric, like "368", or a keyword, such as "PRIVMSG". from will be the server name or the source user (depending on the keyword); flags are ignored. The order of the arguments is identical to the order that the IRC server sends to the bot. The pre-processing only splits it apart enough to determine the keyword. If the proc returns 1, Eggdrop will not process the line any further (this could cause unexpected behavior in some cases).
Module: server
bind bot <flags> <command> <proc>
proc-name <from-bot> <command> <text>Description: triggered by a message coming from another bot in the botnet. The first word is the command and the rest becomes the text argument; flags are ignored.
Module: core
bind chon <flags> <mask> <proc>
proc-name <handle> <idx>Description: when someone first enters the party-line area of the bot via dcc chat or telnet, this is triggered before they are connected to a chat channel (so, yes, you can change the channel in a 'chon' proc). mask is matched against the handle and supports wildcards. This is NOT triggered when someone returns from the file area, etc.
Module: core
bind chof <flags> <mask> <proc>
proc-name <handle> <idx>Description: triggered when someone leaves the party line to disconnect from the bot. mask is matched against the handle and can contain wildcards. Note that the connection may have already been dropped by the user, so don't send output to the idx.
Module: core
bind sent <flags> <mask> <proc>
proc-name <handle> <nick> <path/to/file>Description: after a user has successfully downloaded a file from the bot, this binding is triggered. mask is matched against the handle of the user that initiated the transfer and supports wildcards. nick is the actual recipient (on IRC) of the file. The path is relative to the dcc directory (unless the file transfer was started by a script call to 'dccsend', in which case the path is the exact path given in the call to 'dccsend').
Module: transfer
bind rcvd <flags> <mask> <proc>
proc-name <handle> <nick> <path/to/file>Description: triggered after a user uploads a file successfully. mask is matched against the user's handle. nick is the IRC nickname that the file transfer originated from. The path is where the file ended up, relative to the dcc directory (usually this is your incoming dir).
Module: transfer
bind chat <flags> <mask> <proc>
proc-name <handle> <channel#> <text>Description: when a user says something on the botnet, it invokes this binding. Flags are ignored; handle could be a user on this bot ("DronePup") or on another bot ("Eden@Wilde") and therefore you can't rely on a local user record. The mask is checked against the entire line of text and supports wildcards.
NOTE: If a BOT says something on the botnet, the BCST bind is invoked instead.
Module: core
bind link <flags> <mask> <proc>
proc-name <botname> <via>Description: triggered when a bot links into the botnet. botname is the botnetnick of the bot that just linked in; via is the bot it linked through. The mask is checked against the botnetnick of the bot that linked and supports wildcards. flags are ignored.
Module: core
bind disc <flags> <mask> <proc>
proc-name <botname>Description: triggered when a bot disconnects from the botnet for whatever reason. Just like the link bind, flags are ignored; mask is matched against the botnetnick of the bot that unlinked. Wildcards are supported in mask.
Module: core
bind splt <flags> <mask> <proc>
procname <nick> <user@host> <handle> <channel>Description: triggered when someone gets netsplit on the channel. Be aware that this may be a false alarm (it's easy to fake a netsplit signoff message on some networks); mask may contain wildcards and is matched against '#channel nick!user@host'. Anyone who is SPLT will trigger a REJN or SIGN within the next wait-split (defined in the config file) minutes.
Module: irc
bind rejn <flags> <mask> <proc>
procname <nick> <user@host> <handle> <channel>Description: someone who was split has rejoined. mask can contain wildcards, and is matched against '#channel nick!user@host'.
Module: irc
bind filt <flags> <mask> <proc>
procname <idx> <text>Description: party line and file system users have their text sent through filt before being processed. If the proc returns a blank string, the text is considered parsed. Otherwise, the bot will use the text returned from the proc and continue parsing that.
Module: core
bind need <flags> <mask> <proc>
procname <channel> <type>Description: this bind is triggered on certain events, like when the bot needs operator status or the key for a channel. The types are: op, unban, invite, limit, and key; the mask is matched against '#channel type' and can contain wildcards. flags are ignored.
bind need - "% op" needop < handles only need op
bind need - "*" needall < handles all needsModule: irc
bind flud <flags> <type> <proc>
procname <nick> <user@host> <handle> <type> <channel>Description: any floods detected through the flood control settings (like 'flood-ctcp') are sent here before processing. If the proc returns 1, no further action is taken on the flood; if the proc returns 0, the bot will do its normal "punishment" for the flood. The flood types are: pub, msg, join, or ctcp (and can be masked to "*" for the bind); flags are ignored.
Module: server
bind note <flags> <mask> <proc>
procname <from> <to> <text>Description: incoming notes (either from the party line, someone on IRC, or someone on another bot on the botnet) are checked against these binds before being processed. The mask is matched against the receiving handle and supports wildcards. If the proc returns 1, Eggdrop will not process the note any further. Flags are ignored.
Module: core
bind act <flags> <mask> <proc>
proc-name <handle> <channel#> <action>Description: when someone does an action on the botnet, it invokes this binding. flags are ignored; the mask is matched against the text of the action and can support wildcards.
Module: core
bind wall <flags> <mask> <proc>
proc-name <handle> <msg>Description: when the bot receives a wallops, it invokes this binding. flags are ignored; the mask is matched against the text of the wallops msg. Note that RFC shows the server name as a source of the message, whereas many IRCds send the nick!user@host of the actual sender, thus, Eggdrop will not parse it at all, but simply pass it to bind in its original form. If the proc returns 1, Eggdrop will not log the message that triggered this bind.
Module: server
bind bcst <flags> <mask> <proc>
proc-name <botname> <channel#> <text>Description: when a bot broadcasts something on the botnet (see 'dccbroadcast' above), it invokes this binding. flags are ignored; the mask is matched against the message text and can contain wildcards. 'channel' argument will always be '-1' since broadcasts are not directed to any partyline channel.
It is also invoked when a BOT (not a person, as with the CHAT bind) 'says' something on a channel. In this case, the 'channel' argument will be a valid channel, and not '-1'.
Module: core
bind chjn <flags> <mask> <proc>
proc-name <botname> <handle> <channel#> <flag> <idx> <user@host>Description: when someone joins a botnet channel, it invokes this binding. The mask is matched against the channel and can contain wildcards. flag is one of: * (owner), + (master), @ (op), or % (botnet master). Flags are ignored.
Module: core
bind chpt <flags> <mask> <proc>
proc-name <botname> <handle> <idx> <channel#>Description: when someone parts a botnet channel, it invokes this binding. The mask is matched against the channel and can contain wildcards. Flags are ignored.
Module: core
bind time <flags> <mask> <proc>
proc-name <minute> <hour> <day> <month> <year>Description: allows you to schedule procedure calls at certain times. mask matches 5 space separated integers of the form: "minute hour day month year". minute, hour, day, month have a zero padding so they are exactly two characters long; year is four characters. Flags are ignored.
Module: core
bind away <flags> <mask> <proc>
proc-name <botname> <idx> <text>Description: triggers when a user goes away or comes back on the botnet. text is the reason than has been specified (text is "" when returning). mask is matched against the botnet-nick of the bot the user is connected to and supports wildcards. flags are ignored.
Module: core
bind load <flags> <mask> <proc>
proc-name <module>Description: triggers when a module is loaded. mask is matched against the name of the loaded module and supports wildcards; flags are ignored.
Module: core
bind unld <flags> <mask> <proc>
proc-name <module>Description: triggers when a module is unloaded. mask is matched against the name of the unloaded module and supports wildcards; flags are ignored.
Module: core
bind nkch <flags> <mask> <proc>
proc-name <oldhandle> <newhandle>Description: triggered whenever a local user's handle is changed (in the userfile). mask is matched against the user's old handle and can contain wildcards; flags are ignored.
Module: core
bind evnt <flags> <type> <proc>
proc-name <type>Description: Description: triggered whenever one of these events happen; flags are ignored; valid events are:
called on a kill -HUP <pid>
called on a kill -TERM <pid>
called on a kill -ILL <pid>
called on a kill -QUIT <pid>
called when the userfile is saved
called just after a rehash
called just before a rehash
called just before a restart
called when the logs are switched daily
called when the bot is done loading
called after userfile has been loaded
called just before we connect to an IRC server
called when we actually get on our IRC server
called when we disconnect from our IRC server
Module: core
bind lost <flags> <mask> <proc>
proc-name <handle> <nick> <path> <bytes-transferred> <length-of-file>Description: triggered when a DCC SEND transfer gets lost, such as when the connection is terminated before all data was successfully sent/received. This is typically caused by a user abort.
Module: transfer
bind tout <flags> <mask> <proc>
proc-name <handle> <nick> <path> <bytes-transferred> <length-of-file>Description: triggered when a DCC SEND transfer times out. This may either happen because the dcc connection was not accepted or because the data transfer stalled for some reason.
Module: transfer
bind out <flags> <mask> <proc>
proc-name <queue> <text> <queued|sent>Description: triggered whenever output is sent to the server. Normally the event will occur twice for each line sent: once before entering a server queue and once after the message is actually sent. This allows for more flexible logging of server output and introduces the ability to cancel messages. Mask is matched against "queue status", where status is either 'queued' or 'sent'. Queues are: mode, server, help, noqueue. noqueue is only used by the putnow tcl command.
Module: server
bind cron <flags> <mask> <proc>
proc-name <minute> <hour> <day> <month> <weekday>Description: similar to bind TIME, but the mask is evaluated as a cron expression, e.g. "16/2 */2 5-15 7,8,9 4". It can contain up to five fields: minute, hour, day, month, weekday; delimited by whitespace. Week days are represented as 0-6, except Sunday which can be either 0 or 7. Symbolic names are not supported. The bind will be triggered if the mask matches all of the fields, except that if both day and weekday are not '*', only one of them is required to match. If any number of fields are omitted at the end, the match will proceed as if they were '*'. All cron operators are supported. Please refer to the crontab manual for their meanings. Flags are ignored.
Module: core
bind log <flags> <mask> <proc>
proc-name <level> <channel> <message>Description: triggered whenever a message is sent to a log. The mask is matched against "channel text". The level argument to the proc will contain the level(s) the message is sent to, or '*' if the message is sent to all log levels at once. If the message wasn't sent to a specific channel, channel will be set to '*'.
Module: core
Several bindings pay attention to the value you return from the proc (using 'return <value>'). Usually, they expect a 0 or 1, and returning an empty return is interpreted as a 0. Be aware if you omit the return statement, the result of the last Tcl command executed will be returned by the proc. This will not likely produce the results you intended (this is a "feature" of Tcl).
Here's a list of the bindings that use the return value from procs they trigger:
Return 1 to make Eggdrop log the command as:
(nick!user@host) !handle! command
Return 1 to make Eggdrop log the command as:
#handle# command
Return 1 to make Eggdrop log the command as:
#handle# files: command
Return 1 to make Eggdrop log the command as:
<<nick>> !handle! command
Return 1 to ask the bot not to process the CTCP command on its own. Otherwise, it would send its own response to the CTCP (possibly an error message if it doesn't know how to deal with it).
Return "" to indicate the text has been processed, and the bot should just ignore it. Otherwise, it will treat the text like any other.
Return 1 to ask the bot not to take action on the flood. Otherwise it will do its normal punishment.
Return 1 to ask the bot not to process the server text. This can affect the bot's performance by causing it to miss things that it would normally act on -- you have been warned.
Return 1 to ask the bot not to process the partyline join event.
Return 1 to ask the bot not to process the partyline part event.
Return 1 to make Eggdrop not log the message that triggered this bind.
Return 1 to make Eggdrop not process the note any further. This includes stacked note bindings that would be processed after this one, as well as the built-in eggdrop note handling routines.
Return 1 to make Eggdrop not log the message that triggered this bind.
Return 1 to make Eggdrop not log the message that triggered this bind.
Return 1 to make Eggdrop not log the message that triggered this bind.
Return 1 to make Eggdrop drop the message instead of sending it. Only meaningful for messages with status "queued".
Using the 'control' command, you can put a DCC connection (or outgoing TCP connection) in control of a script. All text received from the connection is sent to the proc you specify. All outgoing text should be sent with 'putdcc'.
The control procedure is called with these parameters:
procname <idx> <input-text>
This allows you to use the same proc for several connections. The idx will stay the same until the connection is dropped. After that, it will probably get reused for a later connection.
To indicate that the connection has closed, your control procedure will be called with blank text (the input-text will be ""). This is the only time it will ever be called with "" as the text, and it is the last time your proc will be called for that connection. Don't call killdcc on the idx when text is blank, it will always fail with "invalid idx".
If you want to hand control of your connection back to Eggdrop, your proc should return 1. Otherwise, return 0 to retain control.
Eggdrop allows you to make two types of TCP ("telnet") connections: outgoing and incoming. For an outgoing connection, you specify the remote host and port to connect to. For an incoming connection, you specify a port to listen on.
All of the connections are *event driven*. This means that the bot will trigger your procs when something happens on the connection, and your proc is expected to return as soon as possible. Waiting in a proc for more input is a no-no.
To initiate an outgoing connection, use:
set idx [connect <hostname> <port>]
$idx now contains a new DCC entry for the outgoing connection.
All connections use non-blocking (commonly called "asynchronous", which is a misnomer) I/O. Without going into a big song and dance about asynchronous I/O, what this means to you is:
assume the connection succeeded immediately
if the connection failed, an EOF will arrive for that idx
The only time a 'connect' will return an error is if you give it a hostname that can't be resolved (this is considered a "DNS error"). Otherwise, it will appear to have succeeded. If the connection failed, you will immediately get an EOF.
Right after doing a 'connect' call, you should set up a 'control' for the new idx (see the section above). From then on, the connection will act just like a normal DCC connection that has been put under the control of a script. If you ever return "1" from the control proc (indicating that you want control to return to Eggdrop), the bot will just close the connection and dispose of it. Other commands that work on normal DCC connections, like 'killdcc' and 'putdcc', will work on this idx, too. The 'killdcc' command will fail with "invalid idx" if you attempt to use it on a closed socket.
To create a listen port, use:
listen <port> script <proc>
Procs should be declared as:
procname <newidx>
For example:
listen 6687 script listen:grab proc listen:grab {newidx} { control $newidx listen:control }When a new connection arrives in port 6687, Eggdrop will create a new idx for the connection. That idx is sent to 'listen:grab'. The proc immediately puts this idx under control. Once 'listen:grab' has been called, the idx behaves exactly like an outgoing connection would.
The best way to learn how to use these commands is to find a script that uses them and follow it carefully. However, hopefully this has given you a good start.
Many of the bindings allow match characters in the arguments. Here are the four special characters:
matches any single character
matches 0 or more characters of any type
matches 0 or more non-space characters (can be used to match a single word)
matches 1 or more space characters (can be used for whitespace between words)
Copyright © 1997 Robey Pointer
Copyright © 1999 - 2011 Eggheads Development Team
Eggheads Development Team