17. Projects: manipulating gpr files¶
The package GNATCOLL.Projects provides an extensive interface to
parse, manipulate and edit project files (.gpr
Although the interface is best used using the Ada05 notation, it is fully compatible with Ada95.
Here is a quick example on how to use the interface, although the spec file itself contains much more detailed information on all the subprograms related to the manipulation of project files:
pragma Ada_05;
with GNATCOLL.Projects; use GNATCOLL.Projects;
procedure Test_Project is
Tree : Project_Tree;
Files : File_Array_Access;
Tree.Load (GNATCOLL.VFS.Create (+"path_to_project.gpr"));
-- List the source files for project and all imported projects
Files := Tree.Root_Project.Source_Files (Recursive => True);
for F in Files'Range loop
Put_Line ("File is: " & Files (F).Display_Full_Name);
end loop;
end Test_Project;
17.1. Defining a project with user-defined packages and reading them.¶
If you want to use GNATCOLL.Projects with a GPR file that contains specific packages and attributes, you must procede in several steps. The following example will show you how to do it:
pragma Ada_05;
with GNATCOLL.Projects; use GNATCOLL.Projects;
procedure Test_Project is
Tree : Project_Tree;
Virtual_File : VFS; -- We assume it points to a valid file.
-- 1
Register_New_Attribute ("String", "Package_Name");
Register_New_Attribute ("List", "Package_Name", Is_List => True);
Register_New_Attribute ("Index", "Package_Name", Is_Index => True);
-- 2
Tree.Load (Root_Project_Path => VFS,
Packages_To_Check => All_Packs);
declare -- 3
String_Attribute := constant Attribute_Pkg_String :=
Build ("string", "package_name")
Index_Attribute := constant Attribute_Pkg_List :=
Build ("index", "package_name")
List_Attribute := constant Attribute_Pkg_List :=
Build ("list", "package_name")
begin -- 4
for Val in Tree.Root_Project.Attribute_Value (List_Attribute).all loop
Put_Line ("Value:" & Val.all);
end loop;
Indexed_Value : constant String := Tree.Root_Project.
Attribute_Value (Index_Attribute, Index => "Index").all
Put_Line ("Indexed_Value:" & Indexed_Value);
end Test_Project;
- Step 1: We register all the attributes that we want for a given package.
- If the package does not already exists it is created.
- Step 2: We load the project into the projects hierarchy. We tell Tree.Load to
- check all packages otherwise it will not load any packages.
- Step 3: We read the Attributes from the project. An attribute can be an
- Attribute_Pkg_String (representing a plain string) or an Attribute_Pkg_List (representing a list or an index).
- Step 4: We can do something with those values. Here we print the plain string
- and the content of the list, aswell as an indexed value from the index.