Project to serve as a convenient packaging of the Ada Reference Manual formatter and sources. What is the Ada Reference Manual? ================================= The Ada Reference Manual is the free (libre) version of the international standard ISO/IEC 8652:2012(E). It describes a programming language called "Ada". The Ada Reference Manual was last revised in 2012, and approved by ISO in 2013; it is called "Ada 2012". Previous versions are labeled Ada 95 and Ada 2005. The official version of the Ada Reference Manual is available at It provides versions of the manual with change markup. For each year version, there are two different versions of manual, one that contains just the text of the official standard, and one which contains additional annotations for compiler writers, language lawyers etc. The latter version is called the "Annotated Ada Reference Manual" (or AARM for short). Both versions are provided by this package. Why aren't these files the same as upstream? ================================================ The text and HTML files are the same as upstream (processed by the same tool from the same Scribe sources). The upstream release does not include an info version; this package uses the upstream tool to produce texinfo format from the upstream Scribe sources, and then standard tools to produce info format. The upstream PDF files are produced from the Scribe sources using Microsoft word as an intermediate step. The PDF file built by this package is produced from the texinfo intermediate; it is intended for paper printing only, since it has no hyperlinks. Why don't these PDF files have hyperlinks? ========================================== The upstream PDF files don't have hyperlinks either. The problem is the intermediate processors; they don't generate proper hyperlinks for PDF (they do for HTML and info). To get hyperlinks in PDF, we would need to adapt the Ada code to produce PDF directly from the original source. Where do these files come from? =============================== The "upstream" for this distribution is a CVSWeb HTML interface at The file build/ provides simple tools to download the upstream source; that is run from build/Makefile. Usage ===== There are two monotone branches in the ada-france monotone server at (contact Ludovic Brenta for access): org.adaic.arm_form.upstream Verbatim copy of the sources in the AdaIC CVS web server except that: the file names are converted to lowercase. the line endings in the source directory are converted to unix. org.adaic.arm_form Local branch with minor changes, the texinfo generator, and a Makefile that builds everything. To do a release: build/Makefile if necessary, update AVAILABLE_YEARS for latest version if no new version, bump trailing digit in ZIP_VERSION otherwise, reset digit to 1 update_upstream (dvc-status "../org.adaic.arm_form.upstream") commit message "update from upstream" (dvc-propagate-one "../org.adaic.arm_form.upstream" ".") build/Makefile all publish verify the following in progs/arm_texi.adb: Z:: no entries for Z? look near end of arm.texinfo Update web page /Projects/Web/stephe-leake/ada/arm.html ~/Web/Makefile edit ARM_INFO_ZIP_VERSION arm_info sync (dvc-status ".")