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Utility directory read-me

A small collection of utilities (and in some cases, scripts) useful in the adminstration of a WASD site.

Some are covered in greater detail in Features and Facilities document, Utilities and Facilities section.

NameSource CodeComment
Apache Bench ab.c This server stress-test and benchmarking tool, as used in the (rather older) Apache Distribution(s). Later versions cannot be utilised as they have increasing Apache source code dependencies.
Calogs calogs.c Consolidate access logs (pronounced the same as the breakfast cereal brand :-) merges multiple HTTP server common and combined format access logs into a single log file with records in time-order.
HTAdmin htadmin.c Command-line administration of the WASD .$HTA authentication databases.
HTTPdMon httpdmon.c One of the fundamental tools for monitoring the status of the WASD server. This command-line utility continuously displays a number of key server process quotas, server counters and latest request data.
Proxy Cache pcache.c This program can act as a command-line utility or CGI(plus)-compliant script. It is used to access the information about or contents of a WASD proxy cache file.
Proxy Munge proxymunge.c Script that munges (rewrites) URIs/URLs to provide a more effective reverse-proxy.
Quick and Dirty
Log Statistics
qdlogstats.c Useful command-line and script utility to generate quick snapshots and elementary statistics of server usage from access logs. Intended for those moments when we think "I wonder how many times that new archive has been downloaded?", "How much data was transfered during November?", "How often is such-and-such a client using the authenticated so-and-so service?", "How much has the mail service been used?" ... and want the results in a matter of seconds (or at least a few tens of seconds :-)
Random Seed randseed.c Small utility designed to populate a file with 2048 bytes of PRNG seed data. The seed should be high entropy.
Security .ch Army Knife sechan.c (Pronounced "session") is used by SECURE.COM and associated procedures to ensure package file system security settings are appropriate. It is also available for direct use by the site administrator.
WASD Bench wb.c An historical utility and analogue to Apache Bench used for similar purposes (testing, exercising and generating performance metrics). It also has the significant performance and granularity advantage of using the underlying $QIO services and not the socket API, and is AST event driven.
Wot's Up? wotsup.c The WASD Over-The-Shoulder Uptime Picket is designed to monitor WASD in a production environment for the purpose of alerting operations staff to conditions which might cause that production to be adversely impacted. The utility runs in a detached process and monitors the server environment by periodically polling various server data. Alert reports can be delivered via any combination of OPCOM message, MAIL, site-specific DCL command, and log file entry.

[FIL]obj_vax/ 2-May-2014 14:23512subdirectory
[TXT]ab.c 2-May-2014 14:2351,580C source
[TXT] 2-May-2014 14:232,679DCL procedure
[TXT]ab_ap_base64.c 2-May-2014 14:2310,235C source
[TXT]ap_config.h 2-May-2014 14:2341,310C header
[TXT] 2-May-2014 14:232,220DCL procedure
[TXT] 2-May-2014 14:231,664DCL procedure
[TXT] 2-May-2014 14:231,584DCL procedure
[TXT] 2-May-2014 14:231,812DCL procedure
[TXT] 2-May-2014 14:231,491DCL procedure
[TXT] 2-May-2014 14:231,870DCL procedure
[TXT] 2-May-2014 14:234,072DCL procedure
[TXT] 2-May-2014 14:232,950DCL procedure
[TXT] 2-May-2014 14:231,449DCL procedure
[TXT] 2-May-2014 14:231,427DCL procedure
[TXT] 2-May-2014 14:231,497DCL procedure
[TXT] 2-May-2014 14:231,617DCL procedure
[TXT]calogs.c 2-May-2014 14:2326,724C source
[TXT]enamel.h 2-May-2014 14:239,983C header
[TXT]htadmin.c 2-May-2014 14:2348,273C source
[TXT]httpdmon.c 2-May-2014 14:23101,530C source
[TXT]pcache.c 2-May-2014 14:2391,029C source
[TXT]proxymunge.c 2-May-2014 14:2353,929C source
[TXT]qdlogstats.c 2-May-2014 14:23161,367C source
[TXT]randseed.c 2-May-2014 14:2310,955C source
[HTM]readme.html 2-May-2014 14:234,343"Utility directory read-me"
[TXT]sechan.c 2-May-2014 14:2370,694C source
[TXT] 2-May-2014 14:231,174DCL procedure
[TXT]wb.c 2-May-2014 14:2381,462C source
[TXT] 2-May-2014 14:231,447DCL procedure
[TXT]wotsup.c 2-May-2014 14:2390,934C source
[TXT] 2-May-2014 14:232,158DCL procedure