HyperShelf - Help

The HyperShelf and HyperReader scripts provide access to Bookreader and other documentation from the hypertext environment, in a format familiar to BNU and Bookreader users. Some similarities to the Bookshelf Navigation Utility (BNU) are obvious, while there are some extensions to that facility's functionality.

HyperReader is a complex gateway that provides a reasonable facsimile of a Bookreader document for HTML browsers. See the HyperReader Help for further information.

Icon Meanings

_|\\_  Shelf ... Selecting a shelf link opens the shelf.

[}{]  Book ... An available Bookreader format document. Selecting the icon results in the document being accessed by the HyperReader script.

[HT]  HTML ... An available HTML document. Selecting the icon results in the document being accessed by the HTTPd server like any other HTML document.

[PS]  PostScript ... An available PostScript document. Selecting the icon results in the document being accessed, and displayed by an external viewer (e.g. GhostView).

[txt]  Plain-Text ... An available plain-text document. Selecting the icon results in the document being accessed and displayed by the browser.

[pdf]  Adobe PDF ... An available Portable Document Format document. Selecting the icon results in the document being accessed and displayed by an external viewer (e.g. Adobe Acrobat).

[prt]  Print ... A print icon is always associated with a PostScript or plain-text icon and document. Selecting the icon results in the HyperPrint script providing a form allowing the user to select the print queue and submit the file for printing at the server site (if the site provides that).

[url]  URL ... The URL icon indicates a Web reference away from the current shelf.


Usage should be fairly intuitive. Move around shelves until the desired document is located. Icon highlighting will indicate the availability of the document in alternate formats. Note that some document types require the browser to have external or plug-in viewers configured.

  HyperShelf v4.6;  October 2000