Index of  //*.*

Note: Some directory icons have monochrome (the default) and colour alternatives. Copy the alternate set using the ALTICONS.COM procedure. View the icons in this directory using the GLIST script.
[FIL]  Name                     

[TXT] [IMG] app.gif [IMG] back.gif [IMG] binary.gif [IMG] binhex.gif [IMG] blank.gif [IMG] compressed.gif [IMG] compressed_c.gif [IMG] compressed_m.gif [IMG] directory.gif [IMG] directory_c.gif [IMG] directory_m.gif [IMG] doc.gif [IMG] dummy.gif [IMG] error.gif [IMG] file.gif [IMG] ftp.gif [IMG] gzip.gif [IMG] gzip_c.gif [IMG] gzip_m.gif [IMG] html.gif [IMG] image.gif [IMG] image_c.gif [IMG] image_m.gif [IMG] index.gif [IMG] index2.gif [IMG] movie.gif [IMG] movie_c.gif [IMG] movie_m.gif [IMG] pdf.gif [IMG] pdf_c.gif [IMG] pdf_m.gif [IMG] postscript.gif [IMG] ps.gif [HTM] readme.html [htm] reporterror.shtml [HTM] servicenotfound.html [IMG] sound.gif [HTM] status1xx.html [HTM] status2xx.html [HTM] status3xx.html [HTM] status4xx.html [HTM] status5xx.html [HTM] statushelp.html [IMG] tar.gif [IMG] telnet.gif [IMG] text.gif [IMG] unknown.gif [HTM] updfilters.html [HTM] updhelp.html [IMG] updpreview.gif [IMG] url.gif [IMG] uu.gif [BIN] wasd.js [IMG] wp.gif [IMG] x-script.gif [IMG] x-shtml.gif