Index of  //*.*

Documents and files to exercise and test the HTTPd server.
Also performance testing procedures and raw results.

[FIL]  Name                                 Revised         Size  Description
[TXT]  0k.txt                      2-May-2014 14:23            0  plain text
[TXT]  16k.txt                     2-May-2014 14:23       16,000  plain text
[TXT]  32k.txt                     2-May-2014 14:23       32,000  plain text
[TXT]  48k.txt                     2-May-2014 14:23       48,000  plain text
[TXT]  64k.txt                     2-May-2014 14:23       64,000  plain text
[TXT]  aaaa_test                   2-May-2014 14:23           10  plain text
[HTM]  escherknot.html             2-May-2014 14:23           25  HyperText Markup Language
[IMG]  escherknot.xbm              2-May-2014 14:23       34,261  X-bitmap
[TXT]               2-May-2014 14:23          381  DCL procedure
[TXT]  face2face.php               2-May-2014 14:23           31  PHP source
[TXT]                2-May-2014 14:23           58  Perl source
[TXT]  index.php                   2-May-2014 14:23          490  PHP source
[IMG]  ismap.gif                   2-May-2014 14:23        5,386  GIF image
[HTM]  ismap.html                  2-May-2014 14:23        1,606  "ISMAP Demo"
[txt]  ismap_cern.ismap            2-May-2014 14:23          241  Clickable-image mapping
[HTM]  ismap_circle.html           2-May-2014 14:23           43  HyperText Markup Language
[txt]  ismap_ncsa.ismap            2-May-2014 14:23          272  Clickable-image mapping
[HTM]  ismap_outside.html          2-May-2014 14:23           58  HyperText Markup Language
[txt]  ismap_point.ismap           2-May-2014 14:23          139  Clickable-image mapping
[HTM]  ismap_point_circle.html     2-May-2014 14:23           65  HyperText Markup Language
[HTM]  ismap_point_poly.html       2-May-2014 14:23           77  HyperText Markup Language
[HTM]  ismap_point_rect.html       2-May-2014 14:23           68  HyperText Markup Language
[HTM]  ismap_poly.html             2-May-2014 14:23           55  HyperText Markup Language
[HTM]  ismap_rect.html             2-May-2014 14:23           30  HyperText Markup Language
[IMG]  openvms.gif                 2-May-2014 14:23        1,536  GIF image
[HTM]  openvms.html                2-May-2014 14:23           40  HyperText Markup Language
[HTM]  readme.html                 2-May-2014 14:23          121  HyperText Markup Language
[htm]  shtml.shtml                 2-May-2014 14:23        5,693  HyperText Markup Language (pre-processed)
[FIL]  shtml.shtml$                1-Feb-2025 15:49            4  
[HTM]  shtml_include1.html         2-May-2014 14:23           88  HyperText Markup Language
[htm]  shtml_include1.shtml        2-May-2014 14:23          236  HyperText Markup Language (pre-processed)
[TXT]        2-May-2014 14:23        2,310  DCL procedure
[TXT]  this$20is$20a$20pathwork+   2-May-2014 14:23          278  plain text
[TXT]  this$7ais$7aan$7a$sri$7a+   2-May-2014 14:23          268  plain text
[TXT]  this_is_$2balso$2b$2epat+   2-May-2014 14:23          256  plain text
[FIL]  this_is_$5kalso$5k.$sri$+   2-May-2014 14:23          244  
[FIL]  url_doc.url                 2-May-2014 14:23           94  
[FIL]  url_doc_relative.url        2-May-2014 14:23           84  
[FIL]  url_none.url                2-May-2014 14:23           30  
[FIL]  url_openvms.url             2-May-2014 14:23           52  
[FIL]  url_wasd.url                2-May-2014 14:23          134