attempts to clean up any files known to exist in previous versions and that are
no longer required. Execute it after an update.
Be sure to read about significant changes
(although this is not exhaustive), the revised
Install and Config,
and to a lesser extent the
Features and Facilities
documents. Specific server bug-fixes are described in the code modules.
Version 10.0 to 10.1 or 10.2 or 10.3
Version 9.3 to 10.0
- Before UNZIPing the v10 package and when updating an existing
v9.3 or earlier installation the current root directory must be renamed from
HT_ROOT.DIR to WASD_ROOT.DIR. The v10 package uses [WASD_ROOT] as its
top-level directory in line with the other naming schema changes employing
"WASD". Remember to modify local startup procedures in-line with
this new top-level directory name. Also note that the v10 package is not
suitable for updating from an existing v8.0 or earlier installation.
- WASD_CONFIG_MAP (HTTPD$MAP) must be modified to map /wasd_root/
instead of, or additional to, /ht_root/.
- @WASD_FILE_DEV needs to be executed for every process requiring
access to WASD-specific logical names (see below).
- WASD v10.0 changes global section data structures.
Statistical and activity data will be zeroed at first startup.
- The logical naming schema has changed significantly and any local
customisation may need to be updated.
- To use the private WASD logical name table all processes needing to
access non-SYSTEM defined WASD logical names (e.g. the HT_EXE: used to
activate the server image at the command-line) are required to perform an
- Server and scripting process names now begin "WASD". This will
automatically create a new set of scripting process rights identifiers.
- WASD v9.3 enforced ACME for SYSUAF authentication on Alpha and Itanic, VMS
V7.3 and later. This inadvertantly disabled WASD_NIL_ACCESS. This has been
restored but requires the server image to be INSTALLed with SECURITY privilege
(a $ACM requirement). v10 standard startup procedures do this but customised
local startup might need to be updated.
- When using proxy serving the default fail rule is now enforced (as with
general rule mapping) and so explicit PASS rule(s) are required. From my
pass http://* http://* report=detailed
pass ftp://* ftp://* report=detailed response=gzip=all
pass /*/-/* /wasd_root/runtime/*/*
if (request-method:CONNECT) pass *
pass * "403 Uh-ah"
Version 9.2 to 9.3
- WASD v9.3 changes the primary global section data structure.
Statistical data will be zeroed upon starting v9.3.
Version 9.1 to 9.2
- WASD v9.2 changes the primary global section data structure.
Statistical and activity data will be zeroed upon starting v9.2.
- The cleanup procedure deletes any existing PostScript documents
previously supplied in the [DOC.HTD], [DOC.ENV],
[DOC.SCRIPTING] and [DOC.SDM2HTM] directories.
Version 9.0 to 9.1
- Nothing significant. If moving from v8.1..v8.5 directly to v9.1 then
check the "8.5 to 9.0" notes below.
- Some new command-line /DO= commands require the 64 byte lock value
block provided by VMS V8.2. If this is available, or not available anywhere in
a mixed version/architecture cluster, there are some restrictions (basically
the new v9.1 functionality is not available).
- WASD v9.1 changes the primary global section data structure.
Statistical data will be zeroed upon starting v9.1.
Version 8.5 to 9.0
- CGILIB support for the "#include <cgilib.c>" has been
obsoleted. Source code using the approach must be modified to build against
the CGILIB object library. See the CGILIB.C descriptive prologue or any one of
a number of WASD build procedures for detail on how to accomplish this.
- Proxy caching has changed file handling. Cache files from prior to
v9.0 (actually tagged as v6.0) cannot be used by v9.0 and later. When
encountered they are automatically deleted and the content reloaded. This
means proxy cache responsiveness will be very low to start with and
increasingly improve as it becomes populated with v9.0 format files.
- The v9.0 HTTPd will not use the v8.0 message file. Sections that have
been modified; [auth] message 14 added; [general] has two new messages 14 and
15; [http] has had a number of revisions and additions; [proxy] message 21
added; [upd] has had 18 added and the rest shuffled up. Please update localized
files with reference to
- WASD v9.0 changes the accounting structure. Statistical data will be
zeroed upon starting v9.0.
Version 8.4 to 8.5
- Nothing significant. If moving to 8.5 directly from 8.0 or earlier,
those noted in "8.0 to 8.1" below.
I'll quit this warning as soon
as WASD hits version 9!
- WASD v8.5 changes the accounting structure and lock resource names.
Make doubly sure any existing version is shut down before beginning the update.
Statistical data will be zeroed upon starting v8.5.
Version 8.3 to 8.4
- Again, nothing really significant. If moving to 8.4 directly from 8.0
or earlier, those noted in "8.0 to 8.1" below.
- The IA64 support is somewhat tentative running as it does on the
pre-production HP OpenVMS Industry Standard 64 Evaluation Release Version
Version 8.2 to 8.3
- Nothing really significant again. If moving to 8.3 directly from 8.0
or earlier, those noted in "8.0 to 8.1" below.
Version 8.1 to 8.2
- Nothing obvious, except if moving to 8.2 directly from 8.0 or earlier,
those noted in "8.0 to 8.1" below.
Version 8.0 to 8.1
Version 7.2 to 8.0
- The configuration of multiple instances on a single node will require
an additional global section for the shared authentication cache and another
additional global section for the shared session cache if the Secure Sockets
Layer (SSL) image is used, plus an variable number of additional global pages
depending on the configured size of each of these. One more (making a total of
three or four) is used to store the activity statistics. This also now
requires 816 global pages.
- On sites that use authentication extensively the size of the shared
authentication cache may require explicit adjustment via the
[AuthCacheEntiresMax] configuration directive.
- Sites that use the /PROFILE functionality and have accounts with a
large number of rights identifiers may need to increase [AuthCacheEntrySize].
- The service directives [ServiceSSLclientVerify] and
[ServiceSSLclientVerifyCAfile] have been changed to [ServiceSSLverifyPeer] and
[ServiceSSLverifyPeerCAfile] respectively (previous versions continue to be
available for backward compatibility). This was done to try and avoid
confusion with the [ServiceSSLclient..] directives that provide configuration
for outgoing SSL connections.
- The v8.0 HTTPd will not use the v7.0 message file. Sections that have
been modified; [htadmin] message 09 has an additional component; [proxy] has
three new messages 17, 18 and 19; [put] has message 01 added and all the rest
shuffled up by one number (sorry, wasn't thinking :^)
Please update localized files with reference to
Version 7.1 to 7.2
- "Monitor" data and "control" directives (/DO=) now
communicate via shared memory in a global section. This is significantly more
efficient and versatile. Server images must now be installed with PRMGBL,
SHMEM (VAX only) and SHRGBL. Failure to provide these privileges will make it
impossible to use HTTPDMON and provide CLI control directives.
- For the reason described immediately above WASD now consumes one global
section as well as 16 global page(let)s on Alpha and 4 global pages on VAX, per
server process.
Version 7.0 to 7.1
- Changes to the CGI environment can make scripting buffer space
marginal. Scripts may report "Mailbox is full ... SYS$COMMAND" or "Mailbox is
full ... CGIPLUSIN". Increase [BufferSizeDclCommand] and
[BufferSizeDclCgiPlusIn] appropriately.
- Versions of the server prior to 4.3 supplied the full request (header
then body) to the script. This was not fully CGI-compliant. Versions 4.3 and
following supply only the body. Versions 4.4-7.0 provided a [DclFullRequest]
configuration directive which allowed backward compatibility behaviour. This
has been removed. Backward compatibility may still be enabled by defining the
system-wide logical HTTPD_DCL_FULL_REQUEST. The obsolete [DclFullRequest]
directive may be removed from configuration files.
Version 6.n to 7.0
- .HTA and .HTL authentication databases require renaming to .$HTA and
.$HTL. This has become necessary as Microsoft begin to use the file type
.HTA for one of it's client-based processing technologies and the WASD server
flatly refuses to serve files with an .HTA type (for the obvious reason that
you don't want to be exporting your authentication database to any one
requesting it!)
- The v7.0 HTTPd will not use the v6.1 message file. The entirely new
[http] section provides descriptions of common HTTP responses (and used when
generating error and success response pages). The [status] section has
undergone minor revision with the 6.1 messages 03 and 15 being removed, with a
new 14 being the new response format and 15 a revised "additional
- The server is now more careful when using BYTLM for scripting
subprocesses. It may be necessary to increase the server account's quota to
allow the same number of scripts to be concurrently in use.
- Command-line control directives (i.e. HTTPD/DO=) can now report process
information of the originator. To enable this facility existing installations
will need to add WORLD privilege to the INSTALL ADD in STARTUP.COM.
- Previous versions allowed a proxy service certificate to be specified
following the service name using something like
";HT_ROOT:[LOCAL]MYCERT.PEM". This must now be prefixed with
cert= as follows ";cert=HT_ROOT:[LOCAL]MYCERT.PEM".
- The [LogPerService] directive now generates longer log file names.
Version 6.0 to 6.1
- The v6.1 HTTPd will not use the v6.0 message file. Messages 10, 11, 12
and 13 have been added to the [auth] section, and the [version] of the file is
now 6.1. Please update localized files with reference to
- The authorization environment underwent some considerable revision for
agent support. Please check your authorization environment
carefully to ensure nothing has been overlooked.
- The /PROFILE qualifier and associated behaviours have been bug-fixed
and modified slightly. If in use please check your authorization environment
- DCL scripting now requires greater BYTLM quota. If a site supports
many concurrent DCL scripting subprocesses please review the server account's
BYTLM quota and increase by approximately 25% if necessary.
- Proxy caching now requires an HTTPD$CONFIG directive to be enabled,
regardless of what is configured against an service(s). Please add
"[ProxyCache] enabled" to this file if using proxy caching.
- A new HT_ROOT:[EXAMPLE]STARTUP.COM is available reflecting the demise
of NETLIB support. Sites previously using NETLIB versions of the server should
check the new startup environment.
Version 5.n to 6.0
- The v6.0 HTTPd will not use the v5.n message file. A new file
has been necessary to support the proxy serving messages. One new section,
"[proxy]", one additional "[status]" message (number 17),
and one additional "[script]" message (number 9) are included.
Please update localized files with reference to
- When implementing proxy services it may be necessary to update
"[status]" message 16 to include the local host name into each of the
error code informational links.
- Changes in support of SSL and in the example server and CA certificates
may mean certificates loaded into browsers need to be deleted, and/or browsers
shutdown and restarted before correct behaviour occurs. Typical is Netscape
reporting I/O errors when communicating via "https:".
- Authorization and authentication has changed significantly. This is
all designed to be backwardly compatible (possibly with some HTTPd startup
qualifier change, /SYSUAF=ID to /SYSUAF=WASD_ID) ... hopefully.
Please check carefully!
- The HTTPD$CONFIG [Service] directive behaviour has changed slightly.
If a fully qualified host name is provided that becomes the service name,
regardless! This allows an alias to be used as the server's official name. An
absent or unqualified host name adopts the host's interface name.
- Administration menu paths have some changes. Bookmarks may have been
- If using the MadGoat NETLIB package it is necessary to have at least
NETLIB022 installed. NETLIB021 has a problem processing socket shutdown
Version 5.2 to 5.3
- Variable-length to stream-LF file conversion requiring [StreamLFpaths]
configuration in v5.2 is now superceded by the mapping SET rule. There is no
backward compatibility.
- The STARTUP.COM procedure has been changed to support the new
STARTUP_SERVER.COM procedure. It provides backward compatibility, executing
[HTTP$SERVER]HTTPD_BATCH.COM and as a result HTTPD80.COM if the v5.3
procedure(s) are not present. There are advantages in moving to the new
- The rule mapping check facility has been superceded by the WATCH
Version 5.1 to 5.2
- Variable-length to stream-LF file conversion now requires specific
paths to be enabled using the [StreamLFpaths] directive. Any site using this
functionality MUST provide paths.
- Users unused to being challenged after the initial entering of
authentication information may become annoyed at the requirement to reenter it
after an idle period. This may be disabled by setting
[AuthRevailidateUserMinutes] to zero but this is discouraged due to the
additional security such a mechanism provides.
Version 5.0 to 5.1
- The package's build support and distribution format has undergone a
significant overhaul. Executables are no longer provided! All
installations and updates will require a link prior to any other activity.
- The v5.1 HTTPd will not use the v5.0 message file. [SSI] section
messages 18, 19 and 20 were needed to support the new SSI functionality. Add
these from the
example message file. Sorry for any inconvenience.
- Some changes in the appearance of script output may be initially
disconcerting. In short time however the advantages of the consistent
look-and-feel and customizable colour schemes will become obvious (I
hope ;^)
- The Conan and HyperShelf scripts were extensively reworked to
disengage them from dependencies on the WASD HTTPd. They should now be vanilla
CGI scripts (if such a thing, other than a "hello world", exists).
Hopefully this does not break any installations out there.
Version 4.n to 5.0
- There is one changed configuration directive, [DirDescription], a
boolean has been modified to be an integer, [DirDescriptionLines], the number
of lines an HTML file is searched for a directory description. Backward
compatibility is maintained.
- There is a new HTTPd qualifier, /SSL=, and a new configuration logical
name, HTTP$SSL_CERT to support the optional SSL functionality. If this is not
in use then they are of no consequence.
- The example startup file has been extensively modified to (hopefully)
ease startup configuration and to support the optional SSL functionality. You
might like to check these out in the
HT_ROOT:[EXAMPLE] directory.
- The v5.0 HTTPd will not use the v4.4 message file. Please copy the
to where-ever this is located for your local site. If you have customized it
then you will need to carefully compare the two and migrate one into the other
somehow. The [dir], [general], [ssi], and
[upd] sections have changed. Sorry for any inconvenience.
- For sites using DTSS the HTTPD$GMT logical is no longer required.
WASD will calculate the GMT offset using the SYS$TIMEZONE_DIFFERENTIAL logical
(and thus automatically detect changes involving daylight saving).
Version 4.4 to 4.5
- Checking against
provide revised mappings for "/echo*",
"/tree*" and "/xray*"
- Additional configuration parameters can be supplied to control cache
behaviour, logging and scripting environments.
- The caching module has only been extensively exercised during testing.
WASD intranet sites are not busy sites, so the cache is essentially untried
with a real-world load and data profile! Should it be suspected of giving
problems disable it immediately and contact the author.
- Message file version number 4.4 is compatible with v4.4 and v4.5
- Muhammad Muquit's WWW Counter has been unbundled from v4.5, but
is obtainable as a separate WASD-ready package.
Version 4.n to 4.4
- Due to changes in connection request processing some NETLIB supporting
TCP/IP packages can no longer provide DNS lookup (it now occurs at AST level,
see the NETLIB documentation).
- This version has a separate, configurable message database capable of
supporting multiple, concurrent languages. A logical name, HTTPD$MSG, needs to
be provided to locate it for the server. A default file may be copied from
HT_ROOT:[EXAMPLE]HTTPD$MSG.CONF to wherever the site places configuration
- The configuration directives "ErrorInfo",
"ErrorSysAdmin" and "AuthVMS" have been retired, and the
following introduced, "DirDescription", "DirNoPrivIgnore",
"ErrorSourceInfo", "LogFormat" and "Service".
- SYSUAF-authentication (previously "AuthVMS") is now
controlled using the server qualifier /SYSUAF. The qualifiers /PROFILE and
/SERVICE have been introduced.
- Minor changes to configuration (including mapping for the echo
and Xray facilities) and startup files can be checked in the
HT_ROOT:[EXAMPLE] directory.
Version 3.n to 4.n
- There are some significant changes in configuration file format and
server startup (as well as functional and performance improvements for that
price :^)
- If at all possible, restoring the new version 4 tree, reviewing the new
configuration and mapping files, etc., adjusting startups, and then migrating
any local applications into it, might be the cleanest approach.