CGI* | |
A comprehensive, efficient, subprocess or detached process based CGI environment is available, as used in a
variety of CGI-based scripts.
CGIplus* | |
WASD CGIplus combines the ease of CGI
programming with the efficiency of persistant scripting.
RTE* | |
Run Time Environments
allow "intepreters" for persistant scripting to be built using
the CGI(plus) interface.
WebSocket | |
HTML 5 WebSocket provides an
asynchronous, bidirectional full-duplex connection between agents. WASD
WebSocket server applications provide a multi-client, persistant
scripting environment.
implementation provides the efficiency of persistant scripting and
CGI-like programming via a de facto industry standard interface.
OSU* | |
DECnet and OSU-compatible scripting is available
(though may not be configured for this server).
DCL | |
The CGIUTL utility
eases the processing of POSTed requests, and generating responses, transfering
and uploading files, etc.,
from DCL-based scripts.
Cookies | |
HTTP cookies are available to scripts.
Java | |
Have Java installed on your Alpha or IA64 system? If so check out the
Java-enabled scripting environment
(including persistent CGIplus).
Perl** | |
Have Perl available on the system and want to improve its response-time by a
factor of twenty? Who wouldn't!
PHP** | |
A persistent interface (RTE) to the OpenVMS PHP scripting engine is available.
Python** | |
A persistent (RTE) Python scripting engine is available. It supports CGI,
CGIplus and Python's WSGI interfaces.
gSOAP** | |
A persistent (RTE) gSOAP environment for the VMS port is available.
FastCGI** | |
A high performance interface to applications built using Open Market Inc's
FastCGI specification.