WASD VMS Web Services - Features and Facilities

2 - Package Overview

2.1 - Server Behaviour
2.2 - VMS Versions
2.3 - TCP/IP Packages
2.4 - International Features
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The most fundamental component of the WASD VMS Web Services environment is the HTTP server (HyperText Transport Protocol Daemon, or HTTPd). WASD has a single-process, multi-threaded, asynchronous I/O design.

The following bullet-points summarise the features and facilities, many of which are described in significant detail in following chapters.



Access Control


2.1 - Server Behaviour

The technical aspects of server design and behaviour are described in WASD_ROOT:[SRC.HTTPD]READMORE.TXT

2.2 - VMS Versions

The WASD server is supported on any VMS version from V6.0 upwards, on Alpha, Itanium and VAX architectures. The current version (as of late 2009), V8.3 Alpha and Itanium, as is commonly the case on VMS platforms, required nothing more than relinking. Obviously no guarantees can be made for yet-to-be-released versions but at a worst-case these should only require the same.

Non-server account scripting requires a minimum VMS V6.2, to provide the $PERSONA services required for this functionality. Equivalent functionality on earlier versions of VAX VMS (i.e. 6.0 and 6.1) is available using the PERSONA_MACRO build option (see "WASD VMS Web Services - Install and Config"; 2.12 - VMS 6.n ).

The WASD distribution and package organisation fully supports mixed-architecture clusters (Alpha, Itanium and/or VAX in the one cluster) as one integrated installation.

2.3 - TCP/IP Packages

The WASD server uses the Compaq TCP/IP Services (UCX) BG $QIO interface. The following packages support this interface and may be used.

To deploy IPv6 services this package must support IPv6.

2.4 - International Features

WASD provides a number of features that assist in the support of non-English and multi-language sites. These "international" features only apply to the server, not necessarily to any scripts!

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