(--------------------------------------------------------------------) (WASD VMS Web Services\ - Install and Config) <COMMENT>(HTML/OFF) <LINE> <COMMENT>(HTML/ON) <HEAD>(October 2013\hd_date) <P> For version 10.3 release of the WASD VMS Web Services. <P> Versions 2.1 (May 1995) through to 9.3 (March 2008) provided the content of this document as the <QUOTE>(Technical Overview). Over the years this had inflated to some three hundred pages and in an effort to make it more manageable was distributed between this document, <QUOTE>(Install and Config), and one containing other <QUOTE>(Features and Facilities). <COMMENT> <CODE_EXAMPLE> March 2008 (v9.3) November 2006 (v9.2) June 2005 (v9.1) December 2004 (v9.0) June 2004 (v8.5) January 2004 (v8.4) July 2003 (v8.3) April 2003 (v8.2) December 2002 (v8.1) July 2002 (v8.0) July 2001 (v7.2) November 2000 (v7.1) June 2000 (v7.0) December 1999 (v6.1) May 1999 (v6.0) November 1998 (v5.3) September 1998 (v5.2) July 1998 (v5.1) March 1998 (v5.0) November 1997 (v4.5) October 1997 (v4.4) August 1997 (v4.3) July 1997 (v4.2) June 1997 (v4.1) October 1996 (v3.4) December 1995 (initial <EMPHASIS>(freeware) release, v3.1) August 1995 (v2.3) May 1995 (v2.1) <ENDCODE_EXAMPLE> <ENDCOMMENT> <HEAD>(Abstract\hd_abstract) <P> This document introduces the WASD Web Services package and provides detailed installation, update and configuration instructions. <P> For configuration and use of other significant WASD capabilities see <INCLUDE>(doc_features.sdml) <P> For information on CGI, CGIplus, ISAPI, OSU, etc., scripting, see <INCLUDE>(doc_scripting.sdml) <P> And for a description of WASD Web document, SSI and directory listing behaviours and options, <INCLUDE>(doc_environment.sdml) <COMMENT>(HTML/OFF) <P> It is strongly suggested those using printed versions of this document also access the HTML version. It provides online access to examples, etc. <COMMENT>(HTML/ON) <HEAD>(Author\hd_author) <INCLUDE>([-.CONFIG]DOC_AUTHOR.SDML) <COMMENT>(--------------------------------------------------------------------) <HEAD>(Online Search\hd_search_online) <COMMENT>(HTML= <P> Search this document using WASDquery (if available at this site): <P><FORM ACTION="/cgi-bin/query/wasd_root/doc/config/*.html" TARGET="_top"> <TABLE CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=5 BORDER=0 STYLE="border-color:#808080;border-style:solid;border-width:1px;"> <TR><TD BGCOLOR="#eeeeee"> <INPUT TYPE=submit VALUE="Search for:">  <INPUT TYPE=text NAME=search SIZE=20>  <INPUT TYPE=reset VALUE="Reset"> </TD></TR> </TABLE> </FORM> ) <COMMENT>(HTML/OFF) <P><BOX>(online search) <COMMENT>(HTML/ON) <HEAD>(Online PDF\hd_postscript) <COMMENT>(HTML= <P> This document is also available in <A HREF="/wasd_root/doc/config/wasd_config.pdf">PDF</A> for access and subsequent printing by suitable viewers (e.g. Ghostscript), and from the location WASD_ROOT:[DOC.CONFIG]WASD_CONFIG.PDF ) <COMMENT>(HTML/OFF) <P> This book is available in PDF for access and subsequent printing by suitable viewers (e.g. Ghostscript) from the location WASD_ROOT:[DOC.CONFIG]CONFIG.PDF <COMMENT>(HTML/ON) <HEAD>(Online Demonstrations\hd_demonstrations_online) <P> Some of the online demonstrations may not work due to the local organisation of the Web environment differing from WASD where it was originally written. <COMMENT>(--------------------------------------------------------------------) <PAGE> <INCLUDE>(copyright.sdml) <ENDTITLE_PAGE> <CONTENTS_FILE> <ENDFRONT_MATTER> <COMMENT>(--------------------------------------------------------------------) <INCLUDE>(config_install.sdml) <INCLUDE>(config_consider.sdml) <INCLUDE>(config_global.sdml) <INCLUDE>(config_cache.sdml) <INCLUDE>(config_mapping.sdml) <INCLUDE>(config_auth.sdml) <COMMENT>(--------------------------------------------------------------------)