% Librarian T09-20U; _5D _ ~c(d 127_0_0_DBW CLIENT_PCY&DHCPCAP)DHCPTAGSIPNODES LOCALHOST_DB  NAMED_CONF7NAMEPOOL:NETMASKS<NETS ROOT_HINT@ SERVER_PCY"SERVICES\ SMTP_CONFIG SYSCONFIGTABbTCPIP$EXTENSION_MIB_RUNmTCPIP$EXTENSION_MIB_SHUTDOWNgTCPIP$EXTENSION_MIB_STARTUPw TCPIP$GATEDR_CONF[TCPIP$PRINTCAP_DATtTCPIP$VMS_SNMP_CONF} XDM_CONFIG|XDM_KEYSy XDM_XACCESS XDM_XSERVERSY _DDNSKEYSTCPIP$LBROKER_CONF[TCPIP$PRINTCAP_DATtTCPIP$VMS_SNMP_CONF} XDM_CONFIG|XDM_KEYSy XDM_XACCESS XDM_XSERVERSY _DDNSKEYS" TCPIP$GATED _DDNSKEYS U _E//-------------------------------------------------------------------//>// Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation, 1998//E// TCPIP$BIND_CONF.TEMPLATE - Sample BIND server configuration file0// (BIND Version 8.1 or later)//&// IMPORTANT//F// This file contains information that is read by the BIND server atA// initialization time. You must edit this file and save it to//7// SYS$SPECIFIC:[TCPIP$BIND]TCPIP$BIND.CONF//%// before starting the BIND server.//E// See the DIGITAL TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Management guide for1// instructions on editing and using this file.//F//____________________________________________________________________ options {' directory "sys$specific:[tcpip$bind]";% named-xfer "tcpip$bind_server_xfer";) check-names master warn; /* default. */ datasize 20M; transfers-in 6; > max-transfer-time-in 30; // number of minutes an inbound zone // transfer may run. recursion yes;};zone "ABC.DEF.DEC.COM" IN { type slave; file "abc_def_dec_com.db"; masters {; }; check-names fail; allow-update { none; }; allow-transfer { any; };};!zone "30.20.10.in-addr.arpa" IN { type slave;! file "30_20_10_in-addr_arpa.db"; masters {; }; check-names fail; allow-update { none; }; allow-transfer { any; };};zone "localhost" IN { type master; file "localhost.db"; check-names fail; allow-update { none; }; allow-transfer { any; };}; zone "0.0.127.in-addr.arpa" IN { type master; file "127_0_0.db"; check-names fail; allow-update { none; }; allow-transfer { any; };}; zone "." IN { type hint; file "root.hint";};wwX#+ _ MILLIGAN NAMED_CONF# _ MILLIGAN 127_0_0_DB%Փ _ MILLIGAN LOCALHOST_DB"U _ MILLIGAN ROOT_HINT+50 _ MILLIGAN TCPIP$LBROKER_CONF J _ MILLIGAN IPNODES!g _ MILLIGAN SERVICES U _ MILLIGAN DHCPCAP! _ MILLIGAN DHCPTAGS!5] _ MILLIGAN NAMEPOOL!M _ MILLIGAN NETMASKSU _ MILLIGAN NETS#V _ MILLIGAN SERVER_PCY#( _  _;D; BIND data file for local loopback interface (reverse translation).;3; Provided for Digital TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS.;$ORIGIN 0.0.127.in-addr.arpa.D@ 1D IN SOA localhost. root.localhost. (@ 42 ; SerialA 3H ; Refresh? 15M ; Retry@ 1W  ; ExpiryA 1D ) ; Minimum;2 1D IN NS localhost.21 1D IN PTR localhost.ww 5  _;D; BIND data file for local loopback interface (forward translation).;3; Provided for Digital TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS.;$ORIGIN localhost.0@ 1D IN SOA @ root (@ 42 ; SerialA 3H ; Refresh? 15M ; Retry@ 1W ; ExpiryA  1D ) ; Minimum;) 1D IN NS @1 1D IN A _;; Data file for initial cache data for root domain servers.;3; Provided for Digital TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS.; ; <<>> DiG 8.1 <<>> @; (1 server found));; res options: init recurs defnam dnsrch;; got answer:6;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 10F;; flags: qr aa rd; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 13, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 13;; QUERY SECTION: ;; ., type = NS, class = IN;;; ANSWER SECTION:;. 6D IN NS H. ROOT-SERVERS.NET.;. 6D IN NS B.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.;. 6D IN NS C.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.;. 6D IN NS D.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.;. 6D IN NS E.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.;. 6D IN NS I.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.;. 6D IN NS F.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.;. 6D IN NS G.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.;. 6D IN NS J.ROOT-SERVE RS.NET.;. 6D IN NS K.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.;. 6D IN NS L.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.;. 6D IN NS M.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.;. 6D IN NS A.ROOT-SERVERS.NET.;;; ADDITIONAL SECTION:3H.ROOT-SERVERS.NET. 5w6d16h IN A 5w6d16h IN A 5w6d16h IN A 5w6d16h IN A OT-SERVERS.NET. 5w6d16h IN A 5w6d16h IN A 5w6d16h IN A 5w6d16h IN A 5w6d16h IN A 5w6d16h IN A 5w6d16h IN A 5w6d16h IN A 5w6d16h IN A;;; Total query time: 608 msec6;; FROM: hageln.ucx.lkg.dec.com to SERVER:!;; WHEN: Mon May 18 15:26:19 1998 ;; MSG SIZE sent: 17 rcvd: 436ww50 _E//-------------------------------------------------------------------//>// Copyright 1998, 2000 Compaq Computer Corporation//H// TCPIP$LBROKER_CONF.TEMPLATE - Sample Load Broker configuration file//&// IMPORTANT//F// This file contains information that is read by the Load Broker atA// initialization time. You must edit this file and save it to//=// SYS$SYSDEVICE:[TCPIP$LD_BKR]TCPIP$LBROKER.CONF//%// before starting the Load Broker.//D// See the Compaq TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Management guide for1// instructions on editing and using this file.//F//____________________________________________________________________#cluster "example.abc.def.dec.com." { dns-ttl 45; dns-refresh 30; masters {; }; polling-interval 9; max-members 3; members {;;;;;; }; failover;};ww J _#C# *****************************************************************C# * *C# * Copyright Compaq Computer Corporation, 2000 *C# * *C# * The software contained on this media is proprietary to *C# * and embodies the confidential technology of Compaq *C# * Computer Corporation. Possession, use, duplication or *C# * dissemination of the software and media is authorized only *C# * pursuant to a valid written license from Compaq Computer *C# * Corporation. *C# * *C# * RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND Use, duplication, or disclosure *C# * by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set *C# * forth in Subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, *C# * or! in FAR 52.227-19, as applicable. *C# * *C# *****************************************************************# # HISTORY#S# @(#)$RCSfile: ipnodes,v $ $Revision: $ (DEC) $Date: 2000/03/01 14:58:34 $##F# Description: The ipnodes file associates hostnames with IP and IPv6# addresses.#I# Syntax: address hostname.domain.name [alias_1,...,alias_n] [#comments]#7# address can be an IP or an IPv6 addressN# hostname.domain.name the fully qualified hostname, including the domainnameB# alias_n other names or abbreviations for this hostK# #comments text following the comment character (#) is ignored#::1 localhostww #~e _#C# *****************************************************************C# * *C# * Copyright Compaq Computer Corporation, 2000 *C# * *C# * The software contained on this media is proprietary to *C# * and embodies the confidential technology of Compaq *C# * Computer Corporation. Possession, use, duplication or $ *C# * dissemination of the software and media is authorized only *C# * pursuant to a valid written license from Compaq Computer *C# * Corporation. *C# * *C# * RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND Use, duplication, or disclosure *C# * by the U.S. Government is subject to restrictions as set *C# * forth in Subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of DFARS 252.227-7013, *C# * or % in FAR 52.227-19, as applicable. *C# * *C# *****************************************************************# # HISTORY#U# @(#)$RCSfile: services,v $ $Revision: $ (DEC) $Date: 1999/03/23 21:31:45 $#J# Description: The services file lists the sockets and protocols used for"# Internet services.#P# Syntax: ServiceName PortNumber/ProtocolName [alias_1,...,alias_n] [#comme nts]#6# ServiceName official Internet service nameC# PortNumber the socket port number used for the serviceC# ProtocolName the transport protocol used for the service0# alias unofficial service namesK# #comments text following the comment character (#) is ignored#ww'U _## dhcpcap: database for dhcp server#5# $Id: dhcpcap,v 1.29 1996/02/08 19:20:14 hyung Exp $# # DESCRIPTION3# This file is used by the server when running with# the text database.#7# Using the tc= capability to factor out identical data4# from several entries. Multiple tc's permit as many## levels of indirection as desired.># Be careful about including backslashes where they're needed.&# Strange things can happen otherwise.?# The data which follows is (for example only. You should delete:# and add entries appropriate to configuration of your own # networks.'# A global entry which everybody uses.. #.global:\# :yd=alpha.beta.gamma.com:\ # :to=28800:## Next entries for each subnet. . . #subnet32:\# :tc=.global:\# :nw=\# :gw=\# :ba=\# :lt=7200:t1=3600:t2=6300: #subnet64:\# :tc=.global:\# :nw=\# :gw=\# :ba=\# :lt=1200:t1=600:t2=1050:# Individual entries...;# An old-style BOOTP client with the ip address hard-wired.7# This assumes that this BOOTP client will always be on# subnet #.xterm:\## :ht=1:ha=0a0b0c0d0e0f:\# :ip=\# :bf=mybootfile:\# :sa=\# :tc=.global:K# A DHCP client. The lease time here (1day) overrides that specified in the# network entries #.xtermb:\# :ht=1:ha=0a0b0c0d0e1f:\ # :lt=86400:\ # :tc=.globalww * _ # DHCPTAGS#"# This file defines the following:<# Types,descriptions and mnemonics for DHCP/BOOTP options># The display arrangement of data items within the JOIN GUID# These are the so-called "pseudo" tags and types used internally byC# the JOIN server. The only useful edit you can perform on these isA# to change the description. If you delete any of these or change9# the tag number you will undoubtedly disable the server.:513 yi - pseudo IP+ - "yiaddr"M514 sa BOOTP pseudo IP BSOG "Boot File Server Address"A516 ht KEY pseudo String BO "Hardware Type"N515 ha KEY pseudo String BO "Hardware Address/Client ID"L517 nw KEY pseudo IP BS "Net or Subnet IP Address"C519 tc NAME/ID pseudo String BSOG "Member of Group"B520 hd BOOTP pseudo String BSOG "Home Directory"G521 td BOOTP pseudo Stri ,ng BSOG "TFTP root directory"J522 hn BOOTP pseudo Boolean BSOG "Send client's hostname"F523 vm BOOTP pseudo String SOG "Vendor Magic Cookie"9524 ci - pseudo IP - "ciaddr"9525 gi - pseudo IP - "giaddr"I526 ra BOOTP pseudo IP - "Reply Address Override"J# Standard DHCP options. These are defined by the IANA and are universallyG# applicable. Do *not* change the types of any o -f these. You may add toH# the list as new opions are defined. You may also change the long name.I# If you wish you may change the short name but beware: the public domain7# CMU bootpd requires *known* tags to operate properly.11 sm BOOTP - IP BSOG "Subnet Mask"12 to BOOTP - Time SOG "Time Offset"-3 gw BOOTP - IPList BSOG "Routers"24 ts BOOTP - IPList SOG "Time Servers":5 ns BOOTP - IPList SOG "IEN-116 Name Servers"16 d .s BOOTP - IPList BSOG "DNS Servers"17 lg BOOTP - IPList SOG "Log Servers"48 cs BOOTP - IPList SOG "Cookie Servers"19 lp BOOTP - IPList SOG "LPR Servers"510 im BOOTP - IPList SOG "Impress Servers"?11 rl BOOTP - IPList SOG "Resource Location Servers"/12 ho BOOTP - String SOG "Host Name"313 bs BOOTP - Int2 BSOG "Bootfile Size"514 df BOOTP - String SOG "Merit Dump File"515 dn BOOTP - / String BSOG "DNS Domain Name"116 sw BOOTP - IP SOG "Swap Server"/17 rp BOOTP - String SOG "Root Path"518 ef BOOTP - String SOG "Extensions Path"319 br IP - Boolean SOG "IP Forwarding"A20 fn IP - Boolean SOG "Forward Non-Local Datagrams"421 pf IP - IPList SOG "Policy Filters"=22 as IP - Int2 SOG "Maximum Reassembly Size"523 it IP - Byte SOG "IP Time To Live"224 pt IP 0 - Time SOG "PMTU Timeout"325 pl IP - int2list SOG "PMTU Plateaus"326 tu IP - int2 SOG "Interface MTU"727 sl IP - Boolean SOG "Subnets Are Local"728 ba IP - IP BSG "Broadcast Address"<29 md IP - Boolean SOG "Perform Mask Discovery"230 ms IP - Boolean SOG "Supply Masks"=31 rd IP - Boolean SOG "Perform Route Discovery"432 rs IP - IP SOG "Solicit Router"333 sr IP 1 - IPList SOG "Static Routes";34 tr LINK - Boolean SOG "Trailer Encapsulation"735 at LINK - Time SOG "Arp Cache Timeout"<36 ec LINK - Boolean SOG "Ethernet Encapsulation">37 tt TCP - Byte SOG "TCP Default Time To Live"938 ki TCP - Time SOG "Keep Alive Interval"639 ko TCP - Boolean SOG "Keep Alive Octet"540 yd NETWORK - String SOG "NIS Domain Name"141 ys NETWORK - IPList SOG "NIS Servers 2"142 nt TIME - IPList SOG "NTP Servers":44 bw NETBIOS - IPList SOG "NetBIOS Name Servers"C45 bx NETBIOS - IPList SOG "NetBIOS Datagram Dist Servers"746 by NETBIOS - Byte SOG "NetBIOS Node Type"347 bz NETBIOS - String SOG "NetBIOS Scope"<48 xf X - IPList SOG "X Windows Font Servers"@49 xd X - IPList SOG "X Windows Display Managers"B50 ip BOOTP - IP BSOG "Host IP Address (BOOTP only)"051 lt LEA 3SE - Time BSOG "Lease Time"952 ov - - Byte - "Overload File/Sname"253 mt - - Byte - "Message Type"/54 sv - - IP - "Server IP"455 rv - - Opaque - "Request Vector";56 em - - String - "Server Error Message" :57 mm - - Int2 - "Maximum Message Size"758 t1 LEASE - Time BSOG "DHCP Renewal time"959 t2 LEASE - Time BSOG "DHCP Rebinding time"260 ct KEY 4 - String BSOG "Vendor Class"761 ck - - Opaque - "Client Identifier"462 wd NETWORK - String SOG "NetWare Domain"563 no NETWORK - String SOG "NetWare Options"664 zd NETWORK - String SOG "NIS+ Domain Name"265 zs NETWORK - IPList SOG "NIS+ Servers";66 sn BOOTP - String SOG "Boot File Server Name"/67 bf BOOTP - String BSOG "Boot File":68 mh NETWORK - IPList SOG "MobileIP Home Agents"269 sp NETWORK 5- IPList SOG "SMTP Servers"270 po NETWORK - IPList SOG "POP3 Servers"271 nn NETWORK - IPList SOG "NNTP Servers"172 ww NETWORK - IPList SOG "WWW Servers"473 fi NETWORK - IPList SOG "Finger Servers"174 ir NETWORK - IPList SOG "IRC Servers"875 st NETWORK - IPList SOG "StreetTalk Servers"276 da NETWORK - IPList SOG "STDA Servers"077 uc - - String - "User Class"# Tags for JOIN3258 pr JOIN JOIN String 6List SOG "Printers"C259 mf JOIN JOIN StringList SOG "NFS Mounted File Systems"7262 jv JOIN JOIN Byte - "Join Version"8267 cb JOIN JOIN String - "Client Binary"=268 ps JOIN JOIN StringList SOG "SVR4 Printer Setup">269 ss JOIN JOIN String SOG "Name Service Switch"# Tags for OpenVMS port of Join9257 sg TCPVMS TCPVMS String SOG "SMTP Gateway"6258 sz TCPVMS TCPVMS String SOG "SMTP Zone"C259 sd TCPVMS  TCPVMS String SOG "SMTP Substitute Domain"M260 sc TCPVMS TCPVMS Boolean SOG "SMTP Substitute Domain Not Local"9262 jv TCPVMS TCPVMS Byte - "Join Version"# Tags for SUND258 aa SUNW.PCW.LAN SUNW.PCW.LAN IPList SOG "Sun Vendor Option #2"ww 8ִ _;# namepool: pool of names available for dynamic allocation.#5# $Id: namepool,v 1.7 1996/01/15 17:53:11 hyung Exp $# # DESCRIPTIONJ# This file contains names to be allocated to new machines coming onto theH# network. Each group of names is introduced by a single line containingF# two or three fields: the # domain name to which the names apply, theI# machine (name of address) authorised to dispense them, and (optionally)I# a prefix which will be used to generate name 9s automatically within thatH# domain. White space is used to separate these fields; there must be no$# leading whitespace on these lines.#@# Following this are the names. These may be written one or many:# to a line, but each line must begin with a blank or tab.#?# The character '#' introduces comments. The text following '#'<# to the end of line will be ignored by the parsing program.7# Blank lines and lines beginning with '#' are ignored.## In summary format is:## domain_name  server generic_name# hostname...# # Example:1# alpha.beta.gamma.com coastal-areasE# north-utsire south-utsire viking forties cromarty forth tyne doggerww;M _<# Network masks. This file is only needed on those platforms;# which don't provide a netmasks database, either as a text,# file or as a map (NIS, NIS+, .. whatever).#># This file should contain an entry for each network for which=# the netmasks is other than the standard A,B or C mask. Each=# entry has two fields: the network and the mask. The network:# must be written with trailing zeros: e.g For net 192.1.1# you do not enter # # 192.1.1## but##;# This file also supports variable subnetting: i.e. if each8# subnetted net can in turn be subnetted with a variable8# mask then the subnets can also appear on the LHS. Thus#$#$# # Network netmaskww=U _L# nets: pool of addresses available for allocation by specific join servers.#2# $Id: nets,v 1.11 1996/01/15 17:50:00 hyung Exp $# # DESCRIPTIONK# This file instructs the server which nets and subnets it is to administer?# and the addresses which are available for dynamic allocation.#<# Each non-comment line in this file has up to three fields:# Subnet IP address;# IP address or name of host "owning" the address range.# The address range itself@# >If there are fewer than three fields then the subnet and ownerA# are implied by previous entries. The address range is specified@# as one or two IP addresses. If two then they must be separated@# by a dash "-", with no whitespace intervening. Multiple rangesB# may be specified for any owner. The IP addresses are checked forB# syntax, for uniqueness of ownership, and validity on the network=# specified. If the owner of a range is multi-homed, then theD# name used must be its canonical name (e.?g. as echoed by hostname),=# or, if specified by address, the address must correspond to+# the canonical name as given in /etc/hosts#F# For OpenVMS with DHCP configured on multiple cluster nodes (ie. DHCPC# cluster failover) enter in the "owning" DHCP server field # (field 2).# # Examples:7# # DHCP cluster failover example:7# _&# server.pcy: server side policy file.#7# $Id: server.pcy,v 1.25 1997/02/24 06:22:45 robs Exp $# # DESCRIPTIONH# This is a template server.pcy file. A particular site may need to makeK# modifications to this, especially to the name service and name allocation# policies in force#A# Default time-to-live for an address lease if not specified on a*# per host, per subnet or per class basis.default_ttl 86400## Time to live on provisional list  provisBional_ttl 60=# Size of the internal array specifying the number of address=# blocks held on the free list. This number should not be tooB# high, or the server will "forget" about all previous allocations=# of expired leases very quickly. It should not be too low or# performance will suffer.free_list_size 89# Define type of name service. The name service is one of# { dns, local, nis, nis+}.C# local means use text files on the local system (i.e. /etc/hosts).(# On OpenVMS leave C this option as "dns".name_service dns=# Specify whether the name service is dynamically updateable.9# NIS and NIS+ are dynamically updateable, but the system9# administrator may choose to disable this capability. In9# both cases the server must be in the same domain as the7# name server, and the JOIN server's key must be in the7# publickey database. NIS also requires the creation of8# a pseudo map, "join", and the installation of the file6# "updaters" in /var/yp on the name serverD. See manual:# for further details. This option can be enabled for DNS.0# The default is not to permit dynamic updating.#name_service_updateable # Name policy?# The name may be choosen according to three possible policies:# assign_name_by_hwaddr:B# A particular client (identified # by its hardware address)?# always has the same name wherever possible. This option># may only be choosen if the name service is updateable.# assign_name_by_ipaddr:<# The clie Ent gets a name from the IP address which was:# assigned to it, as found in the name service. This:# option is incompatible with assign_name_by_hwaddr.# accept_client_name:4# This toggle is valid only when the policy is<# assign_name_by_hwaddr. When "on" the server will use;# the name suggested by the client and bind it to the:# IP address delivered by the DHCP protocol. This is># true even if the client in question already has a name;# in t Fhe server's DB which is not the name suggested.:# The old name continues to be "owned" by the client4# and may have a valid IP address bound to it.;# When this toggle is "off" the server will return toA# client a pre-existing name bound to the client identifier># or hardware address, regardless of the name the client# suggests to the server.# ># If no name can be found by the application of one or more of@# these policies, the server will generate a nGame for the domain6# by using the name prefix in the "namepool" database.assign_name_by_ipaddr#J# Note: The following two settings are most appropriate when you are usingM# dynamic DNS updates. To set this up on the DHCP server side uncomment these?# lines and delete the line above with "assign_name_by_ipaddr".#assign_name_by_hwaddr#accept_client_nameA# When the naming policy is assign_name_by_hwaddr the server willA# not allow a client to use a name which is "owned" by some HotherB# client. I.e. A name that is already bound to a different Client E# identifier or MAC address. When this toggle is on, this prohibition,# is lifted and the name will be re-assigned#ignore_name_owner# Bootp.B# Remove this line if the server is not to support old-style Bootp support_bootp:#This boolean is only valid if Bootp clients are supported;#(support_bootp option is enabled). When present it permits8#the server to permanently assign an IP address from its;#free Ipool to a BOOTP client in the event that no permanent8#binding exists in dhcpcap. Normally the JOIN server can@#only service BOOTP clients for which such a binding pre-exists.#bootp_addr_from_poolE# Timeout value for ping in milliseconds. Before the server offers anC# address it pings (using ICMP echo) it: if a reply is received theK# server assumes that it is in use and makes another choice. "ping_timeout"A# is the number of milliseconds the server will wait for a reply.ping_t Jimeout 500E# Registered clients. When this flags in on DHCP service will only beI# granted to clients which have been pre-registered in the JOIN database.G# To pre-register a client used jdbreg or xjdbreg. This feature is only## available starting in release 2.3#registered_clients_onlyJ# Instructs the server to check whether or not the dhcpcap file appears toF# have changed each and every time a client configuration is required.F# If the file has changed (as indicated by its time Kstamp), the server# will read and parse it anew. auto_rereadJ# Before a BOOTP client is given a hard-wired IP address the server checksI# that the client is indeed connected to the logical IP network for whichG# the address is valid. If not an error is logged and no response sent.G# In order for this to work properly the netmasks file must contain theC# network numbers and masks for any non-standard IP Class A, B or C# configuration.#check_bootp_client_netI# Before an IP L address is given to a BOOTP client the server first checksH# to see whether or not it is in use by sending an ICMP echo. If a replyK# is received an error is logged. If the address was from the dynamic poolK# it will be marked un-available, and a new address selected from the pool.J# If the address was statically configured the server refuses to configure # the client.#ping_bootp_clientsK# The server will by default ignore any packets forwarded to it via a relayL# agent whose giMaddr field shows it to be directly connected to the server -H# the server will, presumably, hear the clients broadcast directly. This/# option forces the server to reply regardless.#reply_to_relay_on_local_netK# The server will not send a complete configuration to a DHCP client unlessL# this toggle is set. Resolving a client configuration can be time consumingK# and, in a multi-server environment, the client may select another server.#send_options_in_offerF# Minimum packet size Nfor DHCP requests. By modifying this parameter,C# the DHCP server can be configured to work with some non-compliantH# DHCP clients that send DHCP requests smaller than the minimum requiredC# packet length. By default, the minimum packet size is 300 bytes.minimum_bootp_packet_size 300?# Set this true if you want to automatically delete leases when?# the client changes its net. I.e. if the server has leases for@# the client on several nets, and the client boots on a specificB# net, s Oay X, the all the leases on all the nets except X, whether!# expired or not will be deleted.#@# Note that some HW, notably SUN workstations, use a MAC address:# or client identifier which is the same regardless of theC# interface being configured. Therefore, two interfaces of a client=# of this tupe may appear to the server to be a single client;# which has changed network. You would probably not want to"# auto delete leases in this case. #auto_release@# Finite Bootp lease supportP. When this parameter is non-zero it?# instructs the server to grant FINITE leases to BOOTP clients.@# BOOTP clients don't know this, so before the server can re-use?# these leases it must ping the IP address. If a reply is heardJ# the server automatically extends the lease by this time interval (secs).?# Note that the *original* lease conferred on a BOOTP client is?# determined by the dhcpcap file, which need not be the same as?# this extension. Also that this capability is only relevant tQoE# BOOTP clients which are dynamically addresses (bootp_addr_from_pool # toggle on).bp_auto_extension 08# Set auto_sync_dbs to flush the server database to disk7# after each update. This is more reliable in the event*# of a failure, but slows the server down. auto_sync_dbs7# This toggle is used to ignore the so-called client ID4# and instead always use the MAC address to identify5# the client. It is useful to turn this on if you are5# trying to migrate clients either from RBOOTP or from0# a vendor stack which doesn't set the ID to one # which does.#use_macaddr_as_idG# Turn on if you want to support Microsoft's Proxy Remote Access ServerC# (RAS). The RAS server generates a BOOTP packet with a MAC addressB# of 16 octets. JOIN recognizes these packets and will ignore them@# (and complain about them in the log) unless this toggle is on.4# This option is not currently supported on OpenVMS.#support_microsoft_ras4# Turn on if you are using Token Ring SSource Routing5# Currently this is only supported on HPUX platforms.#tr_source_routing8# Use canonical_name to override the default (which will:# normally be the value returned by "gethostname". This is/# primarily for multihomed hosts which have the4# canonical name corresponding to an interface which+# is ignored by JOIN (e.g. ATM interfaces).:# and for high-availability servers which have per-service?# IP addresses which differ from any "physical" ip host address #canonical_nam Te glenroyB# Expand the BOOTP reply packet to 548 bytes (BOOTP clients only).I# Normally joind replies with a packet of 300 octets (the legal minimum),B# or a size equal to the size of the packet received, whichever isC# the bigger. Setting this parameter on causes all replies to BOOTPE# clients to be 548 octets. (These sizes are exclusive of the UDP (8)B# IP (20, usually) and LINK LAYER (14 of 10MBPS ethernet) headers#expand_bootp_packetA# Dynamically created name to IP mappings inU the DNS are normally<# permanent. Toggle this parameter "on" to have the mappings0# in the DNS expire when the DHCP lease expires.#dns_tracks_dhcp_leaseL# If a DHCP client needs a bootfile, send the name of that file in the BOOTPH# 'file' field, not as a DHCP option (option 67). BOOTP clients *always*H# receive a bootfile name in the 'file' field, regardless of this option#bootfile_not_sent_as_optionF# Ignore the hardware type field. For client s which *don't* use DHCPE# client i Vdentifiers, this toggle tells the server to use the clientsA# hardware address as its identifier, *BUT* to ignore the hadwareG# type field. In the JOIN DB the identifier is stored with a type fieldC# of zero (which is also the type for those clients which are using# client idetfifiers)#ignore_hardware_typeF# When "on" server ignores the value of the "broadcast bit" and alwaysE# broadcasts reply, even when the client can receive a pseudo unicast;# reply. This was needed by some Cabletron "smart" bridges.#force_broadcast_reply.ww( _class_id TCPVMSrequest routersrequest host_namerequest dns_serversrequest dns_domain_nameww~ MILLIGAN CLIENT_PCY"B _ MILLIGAN _DDNSKEYS+5Ca _ MILLIGAN TCPIP$PRINTCAP_DAT$u _ MILLIGAN SMTP_CONFIG0s _ MILLIGAN TCPIP$EXTENSION_MIB_RUN4u _ MILLIGAN TCPIP$EXTENSION_MIB_STARTUP5o _ MILLIGAN TCPIP$EXTENSION_MIB_SHUTDOWN,m _ MILLIGAN TCPIP$VMS_SNMP_CONF$ _ MILLIGAN TCPIP$GATED$C _ MILLIGAN XDM_XACCESS!"c _ MILLIGAN XDM_KEYS# _ MILLIG ZB _# # DESCRIPTION#N# This file describes each DNS domain and the DNS name server to which to sendO# dynamic updates for that domain. The first field is the domain. The second isK# the DNS server to receive updates for the domain. There is a third as yetO# unsupported field for use with secure dynamic DNS updates. In most common use<# there will be entries for forward and reverse translation.#I# This example defines the DNS server at IP address to receive?# dynamic updates for the compaq.com domain (A records) and the*# 10.10.in-addr.arpa domain (PTR records).##compaq.com _## LOCAL PRINTERS#TCPIP$LPD_QUEUE:\ :lp=TCPIP$LPD_QUEUE:\ :sd=TCPIP$LPD_SPOOL:ww ]u _!TCPIP-Version: V5.1!N! This is a template for the SMTP.CONFIG file. The SMTP.CONFIG file holds SMTPC! configurable fields. The real SMTP.CONFIG file must reside in theP! TCPIP$SMTP_COMMON directory (SYS$SPECIFIC:[TCPIP$SMTP] if you don't define theP! TCPIP$SMTP_COMMON logical yourself). At this time the only configurable fieldsL! supported in SMTP.CONFIG are those affecting the behavior of the anti-SPAML! features. However in future versions of TCPIP new fields in this f ^ile willO! replace all configuration information currently stored in TCPIP$CONFIGURATIONP! from the SET/SHOW CONFIGURATION SMTP command along with the SMTP configuration ! logicals.!! Notes:O! - Do not modify this file. It exists for documentation purposes and will be*! updated periodically in the TCPIP kit.L! - The field names for each supported field are listed below. Each one isJ! preceded by three exclamation points. If you want to create an initial3! SMTP.CONFIG without _the comments from this file! do a!2! $ SEARCH/OUT=TCPIP$SMTP_COMMON:SMTP.CONFIG -/! $_ TCPIP$SMTP_COMMON:SMTP_CONFIG.TEMPLATE!! Search for three !'s! M! This template file contains examples of each supported field. This templateN! does not document the purpose of the fields, their defaults, their syntax orP! the way they interact. Regarding defaults note that all fields that require aP! default have one built into SMTP which means that configurations which require`:! all the defaults need not even have an SMTP.CONFIG file.!K! For more information on the anti-SPAM features of SMTP see the Management! Guide! ! Examples for supported fields:!;!!!Good-Clients: relay.dec.com,,!#!!!Bad-Clients:,!!!!Relay-Zones: dec.com,!!! digital.com,!!! compaq.com!N!!!RBLs: rbl.maps.vix.com, dul.maps.vix.com, relays.orbs.org, mr-out.imrss.org!!!!Relay-Based-On-Mx: TRUE!%!!!Raeject-Unbacktranslatable-IP: TRUE!#!!!Accept-Unqualified-Senders: TRUE!$!!!Accept-Unresolvable-Domains: TRUE!?!!!Reject-Mail-From: *.xyz.com, known.spammer@*, *the_internet*!J!!!Accept-Mail-From: *@notabadguy.xyz.com, the_internet_news@somehwere.com!!!!!SPAM-Action: OPCOM, ACCOUNTING!!!!Security: FRIENDLY!N!!!Unbacktranslatable-IP-Text: Your IP address is unbacktranslatable. SPAMMER!(!!!Bad-Clients-Text: You dirty SPAMmer.<!!!Client-In-RBL-Text: I Spotted you in an RBL. SPAMBREATH!8!!!Reject-Mail-From-Text: Haven't you SPAMmed me before?D!!!Unqualified-Sender-Text: MAIL FROM who? You've got to be kidding.9!!!Unresolvable-Domain-Text: MAIL FROM where? Yeah right.Q!!!SPAM-Relay-Text: Trying to launch your SPAM from my site will get you nowhere.wwcs _ $ GOTO BEGIN$!+'$! TCPIP$EXTENSION_MIB_RUN.COM$! V5.1-00$!-$! Copyright 1998 Compaq Computer Corporation$!9$! COMPAQ Registered in U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.$!?$! Confidential computer software. Valid license from Compaq orB$! authorized sublicensor required for possession, use or copying.G$! Consistent with FAR 12.211 and 12.212, Commercial Computer Software,E$! Computer Software Documentation, and Technical Data for CommercialD$! Itemsd are licensed to the U.S. Government under vendor's standard$! commercial license.$!C$! Command procedure to do run for optional extension sub-agents. F$! Assumption is that this procedure is called from TCPIP$SNMP_RUN.COM=$! and required privileges are already enabled by the caller.$!$! Modifications$!.$! 28-JUL-1998 Sheldon Bishov sdb-v5.0-00B$! - Initial version, based on code in TCPIP$SNMP_STARTUP.COM$!.$! 24-sep-1998 Sheldon Bishov sdb-v5.0-01G$! - Check efor protection on image. Otherwise run/detached can go:$! ok but process disappears without any message.$!*$! 07-mar-2000 Sheldon Bishov V5.1-00,$! Update with current example (Chess).$!O$!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------$!$BEGIN:$!$ ON CONTROL_Y THEN GOTO EXIT$! $ GOTO EXIT$!E$! If planning to run the Chess example copy TCPIP$CHESS_SUBAGENT.EXEI$! from TCPIP$SNMP_EXAMPLES, or from location where built, to SYfS$SYSTEM.($! Remove or comment out the GOTO above.9$! The name used as PROCNAME must be the same one used inL$! TCPIP$EXTENSION_MIB_SHUTDOWN.COM, and be have no more than 15 characters.$!C$! Edit the next two lines and replicate all three lines as needed.$$ IMAGENAME = "TCPIP$CHESS_SUBAGENT"F$ PROCNAME = "TCPIP$CHESS_AGT" ! Process name limit is 15 characters.$ GOSUB RUN_AGENT$!$EXIT:$ EXIT$!$RUN_AGENT: ! sdb-v5.0-01;$ PROTSTRING = F$FILE("SYS$SYSTEM:''IMAGENAME'.EXE", "PRO")>$ IF F$LOCATE("WORLD=RE",PROTSTRING) .GE. F$LENGTH(PROTSTRING)$ THENW$ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "%TCPIP-W-PROTECT, protection not W:RE on image ''IMAGENAME'.EXE."$ ELSE $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:'IMAGENAME' - /DETACHED -3 /ERROR=SYS$SYSDEVICE:[TCPIP$SNMP]'IMAGENAME'.ERR -4 /OUTPUT=SYS$SYSDEVICE:[TCPIP$SNMP]'IMAGENAME'.LOG - /PROCESS_NAME='PROCNAME' - /UIC=TCPIP$SNMP$ ENDIF$ RETURNwwhq _ $ GOTO BEGINO$!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------$!+ $$! TCPIP$EXTENSION_MIB_STARTUP.COM $! V5.1-00 $! .$! Copyright 1998 Compaq Computer Corporation $! :$! COMPAQ Registered in U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. $! @$! Confidential computer software. Valid license from Compaq or C$! authorized sublicensor required for possession, use or copying. H$! Consistent with FAR 12.211 and 12.212, Commercial Computer Software i, F$! Computer Software Documentation, and Technical Data for Commercial E$! Items are licensed to the U.S. Government under vendor's standard $! commercial license. $! $!+ A$! Command procedure to install images for extension subagents. K$! Assumption is that this procedure is called from TCPIP$SNMP_STARTUP.COM >$! and required privileges are already enabled by the caller. $! ,$! 28-jul-1998 Sheldon Bishov sdb-v5.0-00 ?$! - Initial version, adapted from TCPIP$SNMP_STARTUPj.COM $!'$! 10-aug-1999 Sheldon Bishov V5.1-00 '$! - Add check for missing images.;$! - Neaten up with gosub and explicit error message. $! ($! 07-mar-2000 Sheldon Bishov V5.1-00 ,$! Update with current example (Chess).$!O$!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------$! $BEGIN: $! $ ON CONTROL_Y THEN GOTO EXIT $! $ ON WARNING THEN GOTO NO_SHARED$! $ GOTO EXIT $! E$! If planning to run the Chess example copy TCP kIP$CHESS_SUBAGENT.EXEI$! from TCPIP$SNMP_EXAMPLES, or from location where built, to SYS$SYSTEM.$!N$! In addition, use the following instructions if images need to be installed,$! with or without privileges:O$! - Specify any required privileges as IMAGE_PRIVS; if more than one privilege-$! is required, use a comma separated list.+$! - Remove or comment out the GOTO above. F$! - Edit the next two lines and replicate all three lines as needed. 1$ LIBRARY = "SYS$SYSTEM:TCPIP$CHESS_SUBAGElNT.EXE"$ IMAGE_PRIVS = ""$ GOSUB INSTALL_IMAGE$!$EXIT:$ EXIT$! $NO_SHARED:/$ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "Failed to install image(s)"7$ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "TCPIP subagent requires ''LIBRARY'" $ GOTO EXIT$!$INSTALL_IMAGE: ! V5.1-00!$ IF F$SEARCH (LIBRARY) .EQS. "" $ THENC$ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "-TCPIP-E-SNMPCONF, image ''LIBRARY' missing.")$ ELSE IF .NOT. F$FILE (LIBRARY,"KNOWN") $ THEN$ IF IMAGE_PRIVS .EQS. "" $ THEN'$ INSTALL CREATE 'LIBRARY'/HEADER/SHARE $ ELSEB$ INSTALL CREATE 'LIBRARY'/HEADER/SHARE/PRIVILEGED=('IMAGE_PRIVS') $ ENDIF $ ENDIF$ ENDIF$ RETURNwwn _ $ GOTO BEGINO$!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------$!+$$! TCPIP$EXTENSION_MIB_SHUTDOWN.COM $! V5.1-00$!.$! Copyright 1998 Compaq Computer Corporation $! :$! COMPAQ Registered in U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. $! @$! Confidential computer software. Valid license from Compaq or C$! authorized sublicensor required for possession, use or copying. H$! Consistent with FAR 12.211 and 12.212, Commercial Computer Software, oF$! Computer Software Documentation, and Technical Data for Commercial E$! Items are licensed to the U.S. Government under vendor's standard $! commercial license. $!+$!E$! Command procedure to remove images and stop processes for optionalJ$! extension subagents. Assumption is that this procedure is called from L$! TCPIP$SNMP_SHUTDOWN.COM and privileges are already enabled by the caller.$!+$! 28-jul-1998 Sheldon Bishov sdb-v5.0-00?$! - Initial version, adapted from TCPIP$SNpMP_SHUTDOWN.COM$!*$! 24-jun-1999 Sheldon Bishov V5.1-00J$! Improve selection of processes starting with suggestion from Jason/$! Fountain for using f$context() lexical.$!*$! 07-mar-2000 Sheldon Bishov V5.1-00,$! Update with current example (Chess).$!O$!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------$!$BEGIN:$!$ ON CONTROL_Y THEN GOTO EXIT$ ON ERROR THEN GOTO EXIT$!$ GOTO DEINSTALL$!J$! Insert/substitute into PROC qLIST the names of extension/custom subagentsD$! as a comma-separated list. Remove or comment out the GOTO above.G$! Also see the instructions to edit the INSTALL DELETE commands below.>$! Note that the name here must correspond to the one used in D$! TCPIP$EXTENSION_MIB_RUN.COM, and have no more than 15 characters.$ PROCLIST = "TCPIP$CHESS_AGT"$!$ ELEMNUM = -1$ CONTEXT = ""$! $GET_PID:3$ IF F$TYPE(CONTEXT) .eqs. "PROCESS_CONTEXT" THEN -3 TEMP = F$CONTEXT ("PROCESS", CONTEXT, "CrANCEL")$ ELEMNUM = ELEMNUM + 1-$ CURPROC = F$ELEMENT(ELEMNUM, ",", PROCLIST)*$ IF CURPROC .EQS. "," THEN GOTO DEINSTALL@$ TEMP = F$CONTEXT("PROCESS", CONTEXT, "PRCNAM", CURPROC, "EQL")$ PROCPID = F$PID(CONTEXT),$ IF PROCPID .EQS. "" THEN GOTO DEINSTALL*$ PRCNAM = "''F$GETJPI(PROCPID,"PRCNAM")'"$ STOP /ID='PROCPID'&$ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "''PRCNAM' stopped"$ GOTO GET_PID$! $ DEINSTALL:J$! This last check here should not be needed, keep in case of some unusual$! loop exit conditions.3$ IF F$TYPE(CONTEXT) .eqs. "PROCESS_CONTEXT" THEN -3 TEMP = F$CONTEXT ("PROCESS", CONTEXT, "CANCEL")$! $ ON WARNING THEN GOTO NO_SHARED$! $ GOTO EXIT$!!$! If images have been installed:*$! - Remove or comment out the GOTO above6$! - Edit the next two lines and replicate as needed.1$ LIBRARY = "SYS$SYSTEM:TCPIP$CHESS_SUBAGENT.EXE"?$ IF F$FILE("''LIBRARY'","KNOWN") THEN INSTALL DELETE 'LIBRARY'$!$EXIT:$ EXIT$! $NO_SHARED:5$ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "Failed to delete installed image"<$ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "TCPIP SNMP subagents require ''LIBRARY'" $ GOTO EXIT$!ww um _O#------------------------------------------------------------------------------#E# TCPIP$VMS_SNMP_CONF.dat - Sample config file for SNMP configuration'# extensions.#O#------------------------------------------------------------------------------#,# Note about general format, tab vs. spaces.# Note about # as comment.#J# Keyword "config" precededs any options which will be assigned to processJ# usermode logical. "TCPIP$" is prependedv to each logical, so for example3# SNMP_TRACE becomes logical name TCPIP$SNMP_TRACE.## Some default, some no need value. # Examples:#config SNMP_TRACE#+#if want process visible, first #config is:#config SNMP_SYSTEM_LOGICALS0# Keyord "accept" controls for remote subagents.#;# Other keywords as in UNIX snmpd.conf. Note about sysname#sysname Moxie909!#config snmp_allow_inet_transport#trap v1 trapme snmp_gen_logfile#config snmp_trace#config agentx_inet_port 245#config agentx_local_port 247#config agentx_inet_port 248!#config snmp_enable_authen_traps wwx _O#------------------------------------------------------------------------------#B# TCPIP$GATED.CONF - Sample config file, preconfigured for RIP v1.#O#------------------------------------------------------------------------------# interfaces { interface all passive ; };# # Protocols:#rip on { broadcast;& interface all ripin ripout version 1; };# redirect on;routerdiscovery server off; hello off; ospf off;egp off;bgp off; snmp off;## Static routes:# #static {/# mask gateway;# default gateway;# };# # Policy:##export proto rip {!# proto static { all metric 1; };# proto direct { all; };# proto rip { all; };# };wwzA _9# $XConsortium: Xaccess,v 1.5 91/08/26 11:52:51 rws Exp $#+# Access control file for XDMCP connections#)# To control Direct and Broadcast access:# # pattern## To control Indirect queries:#/# pattern list of hostnames and/or macros ...## To define macros:# # %name list of hosts ...#?# The first form tells xdm which displays to respond to itself.K# The second form tells xdm to forward indirect queries from hosts matching7# the spec{ified pattern to the indicated list of hosts.#D# In all cases, xdm uses the first entry which matches the terminal;C# for IndirectQuery messages only entries with right hand sides canF# match, for Direct and Broadcast Query messages, only entries without# right hand sides can match.#&* #any host can get a login window#=# To hardwire a specific terminal to a specific host, you can?# leave the terminal sending indirect queries to this host, and# use an entry of the form:##terminal-a host-aww "c _## Security Key File#+# Excursion Display ID Excursion Cookie:#test123456 123457### Exceed Display ID: Exceed Key:# HCLpcXserver:629409365 1234568#ww 5; _!6! Default SYS$SPECIFIC:[TCPIP$XDM]XDM_CONFIG.CONF file!GDisplayManager.keyFile: SYS$SPECIFIC:[TCPIP$XDM]XDM_KEYS.TXTGDisplayManager.servers: SYS$SPECIFIC:[TCPIP$XDM]XSERVERS.TXTFDisplayManager.accessFile: SYS$SPECIFIC:[TCPIP$XDM]XACCESS.TXT'DisplayManager*RemoveDomainname: truewwAN XDM_CONFIG%S _ MILLIGAN XDM_XSERVERS% _ MILLIGAN SYSCONFIGTAB ̧ _##K# This file can be uses to suppport X terminals which do not support XDMCP.#0# For each terminal, add a line that consists of# DisplayName:0 foreign#!# Where DisplayName is a IP name.# rufus.compaq.com:0 foreignww 5D _#"# TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS V5.1# sysconfig parameter file#nfs: tcp_threads=8 udp_threads=8vfs: vnode_age=120ww