%ì Librarian T09-20ìVx?J®‰˜x?J®hni CCC(Y  730_ENTRIES œ 730_MAX_RANGE r 730_MIN_RANGE L 750_ENTRIES ä 750_MAX_RANGE ¶ 750_MIN_RANGEŽ 780_ENTRIES( 780_MAX_RANGEü 780_MIN_RANGEÖ 8200_ENTRIESz 8600_ENTRIES( 87XX_ENTRIESÐ 88PS_ENTRIES~ 9AQ_ENTRIES0 9AQ_MAX_RANGE 9AQ_MIN_RANGEð CLASS_NAMESº CLASS_VALUES‚CPU_MODULE_NAMESÊ CPU_TYPESØ CVAX_ENTRIESŽCVAX_MAX_RANGElCVAX_MIN_RANGELDEVICESI¬MARIAH_ENTRIESY‚CPU_MODULE_NAMESÊ CPU_TYPESØ CVAX_ENTRIESŽCVAX_MAX_RANGElCVAX_MIN_RANGELDEVICESI¬MARIAH_ENTRIESKfMARIAH_MAX_RANGEK>MARIAH_MIN_RANGEL"MAX_CLASS_SIZELbMAX_MODULE_NAMESMF MIN_MAX_SIZESNœMIN_MODULE_NAMESO€ NV5_ENTRIESPB NV5_MAX_RANGEQ& NV5_MIN_RANGEQ NVAX_ENTRIESRÆNVAX_MAX_RANGES¬NVAX_MIN_RANGESŒNVAX_PLUS_ENTRIESU^NVAX_PLUS_MAX_RANGEU>NVAX_PLUS_MIN_RANGEV$ RTVAX_ENTRIESQÿÿ CLASS_VALUESÿÿ NVAX_ENTRIESÿÿUVAXII_MIN_RANGEÿÿ XRP_MIN_RANGENGE^RÆNVAX_MAX_RANGES¬NVAX_MIN_RANGESŒNVAX_PLUS_ENTRIESU^NVAX_PLUS_MAX_RANGEU>NVAX_PLUS_MIN_RANGEV$ RTVAX_ENTRIESWÂRTVAX_MAX_RANGEW”RTVAX_MIN_RANGEXr TABLE_SIZESY2TRANSLATE_ENTRY_TABLEZ UNK_MAX_RANGEZî UNK_MIN_RANGE[Ì UV1_ENTRIES\f UV2_ENTRIES^ UVAXII_MAX_RANGE^ÚUVAXII_MIN_RANGE^²UVAX_MAX_RANGE_†UVAX_MIN_RANGE_Z V14_ENTRIESa* V14_MAX_RANGEa V14_MIN_RANGEaàVX8200_MAX_RANGEbÂVX8200_MIN_RANGEV^²UVAX_MAX_RANGE_†UVAX_MIN_RANGE_Z V14_ENTRIESa* V14_MAX_RANGEa V14_MIN_RANGEaàVX8200_MAX_RANGEbÂVX8200_MIN_RANGEbžVX8600_MAX_RANGEcÂVX8600_MIN_RANGEcàVX87XX_MAX_RANGEdÆVX87XX_MIN_RANGEd¦VX88PS_MAX_RANGEeŒVX88PS_MIN_RANGEel XRP_ENTRIESg( XRP_MAX_RANGEgä XRP_MIN_RANGE ­s¹S,‘Ÿ !730_ENTRIES! Record format is:! INDEX = ITEM or ITEM_LIST'! Indexes must be in ascending order. ! This library module defines:F! 1) the number of error log entry types interperted by the cpu image.;! This value must be specified using the zero'th index.F! 2) name of the cpu image to be loaded. This string must be specified! using one as it index.B! 3) a list of error log entry types interperted by the cpu image.! 90 = 6 ! No. of error log en try types in the cpu image.-1 = SYS$SYSTEM:ERFVAX7XX.EXE ! CPU image nameA2 = 2,6,8,37,40,112 ! Error log entry types handled in CPU imageww­GêS,‘Ÿ!! 730_MAX_RANGE table.6! Each item in this table is the max value of a range.B! E.G. 13-31 defines a range and 31 is the max value of the range.!1 = 5,7,10,31,33,63,95,111,127ww­×nóS,‘Ÿ!! 730_MIN_RANGE table.6! Each item in this table is the min value of a range.B! E.G. 13-43 defines a range and 13 is the min value of the range.!1 = 3,7,9,12,33,43,66,102,113ww­¨ÅS,‘Ÿ !750_ENTRIES! Record format is:! INDEX = ITEM or ITEM_LIST'! Indexes must be in ascending order. ! This library module defines:F! 1) the number of error log entry types interperted by the cpu image.;! This value must be specified using the zero'th index.F! 2) name of the cpu image to be loaded. This string must be specified! using one as it index.B! 3) a list of error log entry types interperted by the cpu image.! 90 = 7 ! No. of error log entry types in the cpu image.-1 = SYS$SYSTEM:ERFVAX7XX.EXE ! CPU image nameC2 = 2,6,7,8,37,40,112 ! Error log entry types handled in CPU imageww­7þS,‘Ÿ!! 750_MAX_RANGE table.6! Each item in this table is the max value of a range.B! E.G. 13-31 defines a range and 31 is the max value of the range.!1 = 3,9,31,33,63,95,111,127ww­·7T,‘Ÿ!! 750_MIN_RANGE table.6! Each item in this table is the min value of a range.B! E.G. 13-31 defines a range and 13 is the min value of the range.!1 = 3,9,11,33,43,66,102,113ww­—ÂËS,‘Ÿ !780_ENTRIES! Record format is:! INDEX = ITEM or ITEM_LIST'! Indexes must be in ascending order. ! This library module defines:F! 1) the number of error log entry types interperted by the cpu image.;! This value must be specified using the zero'th index.F! 2) name of the cpu image to be loaded. This string must be specified! using one as it index.B! 3) a list of error log entry types interperted by the cpu image.! 90 = 9 ! No. of error log entry types in the cpu image.-1 = SYS$SYSTEM:ERFVAX7XX.EXE ! CPU image nameF2 = 2,4,5,6,7,8,37,40,112 ! Error log entry types handled in CPU imageww­w_ T,‘Ÿ!! 780_MAX_RANGE table.6! Each item in this table is the max value of a range.B! E.G. 13-31 defines a range and 31 is the max value of the range.!1 = 3,11,31,33,63,95,111,127ww­—T,‘Ÿ!! 780_MIN_RANGE table.6! Each item in this table is the min value of a range.B! E.G. 13-31 defines a range and 13 is the min value of the range.!1 = 3,10,13,33,43,66,102,113ww­T,‘Ÿ! !8200_ENTRIES! Record format is:! INDEX = ITEM or ITEM_LIST'! Indexes must be in ascending order. ! This library module defines:F! 1) the number of error log entry types interperted by the cpu image.;! This value must be specified using the zero'th index.F! 2) name of the cpu image to be loaded. This string must be specified! using one as it index.B! 3) a list of error log entry types interperted by the cpu image.! 90 = 7 ! No. of error log entry types in the cpu image.-1 = SYS$SYSTEM:ERFVX8200.EXE ! CPU image nameD2 = 2,6,8,19,37,40,112 ! Error log entry types handled in CPU imageww­·Ö(T,‘Ÿ! !8600_ENTRIES! Record format is:! INDEX = ITEM or ITEM_LIST'! Indexes must be in ascending order.  ! This library module defines:F! 1) the number of error log entry types interperted by the cpu image.;! This value must be specified using the zero'th index.F! 2) name of the cpu image to be loaded. This string must be specified! using one as it index.B! 3) a list of error log entry types interperted by the cpu image.! :0 = 10 ! No. of error log entry types in the cpu image.-1 = SYS$SYSTEM:ERFVX8600.EXE ! CPU image nameL2 = 2,6,8,13,15,16,17,37,40,112 ! Error log entry types handled in CPU imageww­7&;T,‘Ÿ! !87XX_ENTRIES! Record format is:! INDEX = ITEM or ITEM_LIST'! Indexes must be in ascending order. ! This library module defines:F! 1) the number of error log entry types interperted by the cpu image.;! This value must be specified using the zero'th index.F! 2) name of the cpu image to be loaded. This string must be specified! using one as it index.B! 3) a list of error log entry types interperted by the cpu image.! :0 = 10 ! No. of error log entry types in the cpu image.-1 = SYS$SYSTEM:ERFVX87XX.EXE ! CPU image nameL2 = 2,6,8,15,19,20,21,37,40,112 ! Error log entry types handled in CPU imageww­×áHT,‘Ÿ! !88PS_ENTRIES! Record format is:! INDEX = ITEM or ITEM_LIST'! Indexes must be in ascending order. ! This library module defines:F! 1) the number of error log entry types interperted by the cpu image.;! This value must be specified using the zero'th index.F! 2) name of the cpu image to be loaded. This string must be specified! using one as it index.B! 3) a list of error log entry types interperted by the cpu image.! :0 = 12 ! No. of error log entry types in the cpu image.-1 = SYS$SYSTEM:ERFVX87XX.EXE ! CPU image nameR2 = 2,6,8,14,15,19,20,21,22,37,40,112 ! Error log entry types handled in CPU imageww­—%kV,‘Ÿ !9AQ_ENTRIES! Record format is:! INDEX = ITEM or ITEM_LIST'! Indexes must be in ascending order. ! This library module defines:F! 1) the number of error log entry types interperted by the cpu image.;! This value must be specified using the zero'th index.F! 2) name of the cpu image to be loaded. This string must be specified! using one as it index.B! 3) a list of error log entry types interperted by the cpu image.! :0 = 15 ! No. of error log entry types in the cpu image.,1 = SYS$SYSTEM:ERFV9000.EXE ! CPU image nameZ2 = 2,3,6,8,15,16,17,21,25,33,34,37,40,43,112 ! Error log entry types handled in CPU imageww­·0‹V,‘Ÿ! 9AQ_MAX_RANGE table.6! Each item in this table is the max value of a range.B! E.G. 13-31 defines a range and 31 is the max value of the range.!.1 = 5,7,14,20,22,24,27,29,31,63,95,97,111,127ww­wî{V,‘Ÿ! 9AQ_MIN_RANGE table.6! Each item in this table is the min value of a range.B! E.G. 13-31 defines a range and 13 is the min value of the range.!-1 = 4,7,9,20,22,24,26,29,31,44,66,97,102,113ww­—¨vT,‘Ÿ ! CLASS_NAMES.! This table defines valid device class names.2! THESE MUST BE IN THE SAME ORDER AS CLASS_VALUES.1 = DC$_DISK ! 12 = DC$_TAPE ! 23 = DC$_SCOM ! 324 = DC$_LP ! 675 = DC$_REALTIME ! 966 = DC$_BUS ! 1287 = DC$_WORKSTATION ! 708 = DC$_MISC ! 200,!*******************************************,! ADD NEW ENTRIES TO THE END OF THIS TABLE.*,!*******************************************ww­÷VT,‘Ÿ! CLASS_VALUES4! This table defines the numeric value of the device! classes in the CLASS_DIR.1 = 1 ! DC$_DISK2 = 2 ! DC$_TAPE3 = 32 ! DC$_SCOM4 = 67 ! DC$_LP5 = 96 ! DC$_REALTIME6 = 128 ! DC$_BUS!7 = 70 ! DC$_WORKSTATION8 = 200 ! DC$_MISC,!*******************************************,! ADD NEW ENTRIES TO THE END OF THIS TABLE.*,!*******************************************ww­WŒT,‘Ÿ!CPU_MODULE_NAMES!P! This module specifies the names of library modules used to define CPU support.!1 = ns ! Unknown cpu62 = 780_entries,750_entries,730_entries ! 780,750,730;3 = 8600_entries,8200_entries,87xx_entries ! 8600,8200,87XX-4 = uv1_entries,uv2_entries ! uVAX1,uVAXIIC5 = cvax_entries,xrp_entries,9aq_entries ! CVAX,v9RR,9xxx(AQUARIUS)F6 = rtvax_entries,88ps_entries,mariah_entries ! RTVAX,88PS, Mariah/XMPg7 = nvax_entries, v14_entries, nvax_plus_entries! nvax,v440&v660_entries,nvax_plus_entries,nv5_entries;ww­—G›T,‘Ÿ! ! CPU_TYPES#! This table defines the CPU types.!F1 = 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,10 ! 780,750,730,790,8200,87XX,uVAX,uVAXII,CVAXP2 = 11,14,16,17,18,19,20 !XRP,9xxx(AQUARIUS),RTVAX,88PS,Mariah/XMP,NVAX,pvax23 = 23 !NVAX_plusww­wVT,‘Ÿ!! CVAX_ENTRIES! Record format is:! INDEX = ITEM or ITEM_LIST'! Indexes must be in ascending order. ! This library module defines:F! 1) the number of error log entry types interperted by the cpu image.;! This value must be specified using the zero'th index.F! 2) name of the cpu image to be loaded. This string must be specified! using one as it index.B! 3) a list of error log entry types interperted by the cpu image.! :0 = 16 ! No. of error log entry types in the cpu image.+1 = SYS$SYSTEM:ERFCVAX.EXE ! CPU image name]2 = 2,4,6,8,14,15,19,23,24,25,26,27,29,37,40,112 ! Error log entry types handled in CPU imageww­×KaT,‘Ÿ!! CVAX_MAX_RANGE6! Each item in this table is the max value of a range.B! E.G. 13-31 defines a range and 31 is the max value of the range.!(1 = 3,5,13,17,22,31,33,63,95,97,111,127ww­7úkT,‘Ÿ!! CVAX_MIN_RANGE table.6! Each item in this table is the min value of a range.B! E.G. 13-31 defines a range and 13 is the min value of the range.!'1 = 3,5,9,16,20,30,33,43,66,97,102,113ww­׉ªT,‘Ÿ ! DEVICES-! This module defines supported device types.! Record format is:>! INDEX = DEVICE_CLASS,MODULE_VERSION,DEVICE_NAME,IMAGE_NAME! ! INDEX is the device type.! DEVICE_CLASS is:! 1 for disk (DC$_DISK)! 2 for tape (DC$_TAPE))! 32 for sync communaction (DC$_SCOM)! 67 for line printer! 70 for Workstations! 96 for real time! 128 for buses! 200 for misc.I! MODULE_VERSION is the version number of the device specific module in! in the loadable image./! DEVICE_NAME is the 2 character device name.K! IMAGE_NAME is the directory and file name of the image which generates!!  the report for the device.!! ! HISTORY:!)! PFJ0026 Paul Joseph 24-Jun-1993! - Add TZ865 *! MAG0167 Marty Gingras 04-May-1993?! Add disks: EZ31, EZ32, EZ33, EZ34, EZ35, EZ31L, EZ32L, EZ33L,=! EZ56R, RZ28L, RZ26M, RW504, RW510, RW514, RW516, RWZ51,-! RWZ52, RWZ54, RWZ31, HSZ15H! Add tapes: TZ88, TZ875, TZ885, TZ887, TZ89, TZ895, TZ897, TL810,%! TL820, TLZ07, TLZ7!! DISK DEVICES! 31 = 1, 1, DM, SYS$SYSTE !M:ERFDISK.EXE ! RK06 DISK 32 = 1, 1, DM, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFDISK.EXE ! RK07 DISK 33 = 1, 1, DB, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFDISK.EXE ! RP04 DISK 34 = 1, 1, DB, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFDISK.EXE ! RP05 DISK 35 = 1, 1, DB, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFDISK.EXE ! RP06 DISK 36 = 1, 1, DR, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFDISK.EXE ! RM03 DISK 37 = 1, 1, DR, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFDISK.EXE ! RP07 DISK C8 = 1, 0, ns, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFNULL.EXE ! RP07 DISK WITH HEAD/TRACK 39 = 1, 1, DL, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFDISK.EXE ! RL01 DISK 310 = 1, 1, DL, SYS$SYSTEM:ER "FDISK.EXE ! RL02 DISK 311 = 1, 1, DY, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFDISK.EXE ! RX02 DISK 312 = 1, 0, ns, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFNULL.EXE ! RX04 DISK 313 = 1, 1, DR, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFDISK.EXE ! RM80 DISK .14 = 1, 1, DD, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFDISK.EXE ! TU58 315 = 1, 1, DR, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFDISK.EXE ! RM05 DISK 316 = 1, 1, DX, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFDISK.EXE ! RX01 DISK 317 = 1, 1, EM, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFDISK.EXE ! ML11 disk 618 = 1, 1, DQ, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFDISK.EXE ! R02 ON RB730 619 = 1, 1, DQ, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFDISK.EXE ! R80 ON RB73 #0 G20 = 1, 1, DU, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFMSCP.EXE ! R80 ON INTELLIGENT CONTROLLER G21 = 1, 1, DU, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFMSCP.EXE ! R81 ON INTELLIGENT CONTROLLER I22 = 1, 1, DJ, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFMSCP.EXE ! PINON ON INTELLIGENT CONTROLLER B23 = 1, 1, DA, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFMSCP.EXE ! RC25 8.0 REMOVABLE / RZ01@24 = 1, 1, DA, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFMSCP.EXE ! RCF25 8.0 FIXED / RZF01D25 = 1, 1, DU, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFDISK2.EXE ! RD51 5.25 FIXED DISK DRIVEE26 = 1, 1, DU, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFDISK2.EXE ! RX50 5.25 FLOPPY DISK DRIVED27 $ = 1, 1, DU, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFDISK2.EXE ! RD52 5.25 FIXED DISK DRIVED28 = 1, 1, DU, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFDISK2.EXE ! RD53 5.25 FIXED DISK DRIVEC29 = 1, 0, DU, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFMSCP.EXE ! RD26 5.25 FIXED DISK DRIVE>30 = 1, 1, DU, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFMSCP.EXE ! RA82 FIXED DISK DRIVE.31 = 1, 1, DU, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFDISK2.EXE ! RD31.32 = 1, 1, DU, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFDISK2.EXE ! RD54H33 = 1, 0, DU, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFMSCP.EXE ! CRX50 (RX50) 5.25 CONSOLE DRIVE634 = 1, 1, DU, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFMSCP.EXE ! CDR50 (RRD50):35 = 1, %1, DU, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFMSCP.EXE ! Generic DU device.36 = 1, 1, DU, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFDISK2.EXE ! RX33-37 = 1, 0, DU, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFMSCP.EXE ! RX18-38 = 1, 1, DU, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFMSCP.EXE ! RA70-39 = 1, 1, DU, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFMSCP.EXE ! RA90.40 = 1, 1, DU, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFDISK2.EXE ! RD32<41 = 1, 1, DE, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFMSCP.EXE ! SVS00 DISK642 = 1, 0, ns, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFNULL.EXE ! RX35643 = 1, 1, DI, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFMSCP.EXE ! RF30644 = 1, 1, DI, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFMSCP.EXE & ! RF71645 = 1, 1, DU, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFDISK2.EXE ! RD33446 = 1, 1, DU, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFMSCP.EXE ! ESE20 (SSD)647 = 1, 0, ns, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFNULL.EXE ! TU56648 = 1, 1, DK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! RZ22649 = 1, 1, DK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! RZ23650 = 1, 1, DK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! RZ24651 = 1, 1, DK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! RZ55/52 = 1, 1, DK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! RRD40S.53 = 1, 1, DK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFMSCP.EXE ! RRD40<54 ' = 1, 1, DK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! GENERIC DK655 = 1, 1, DU, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFDISK2.EXE ! RX23656 = 1, 1, DI, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFMSCP.EXE ! RF31657 = 1, 1, DI, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFMSCP.EXE ! RF72:58 = 1, 0, ns, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFNULL.EXE ! RAM_DISK659 = 1, 1, DK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! RZ25660 = 1, 1, DK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! RZ56661 = 1, 1, DK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! RZ57762 = 1, 1, DK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! (RX23S763 = 1, 1, DK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! RX33S-64 = 1, 1, DU, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFMSCP.EXE ! RA92965 = 1, 1, DU, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFMSCP.EXE ! sstripe966 = 1, 1, DK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! RZ23L 967 = 1, 1, DK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! RX26 968 = 1, 1, DK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! RZ57i 969 = 1, 1, DK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! RZ31 970 = 1, 1, DK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! RZ58 771 = 1, 1, DK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCS )I.EXE ! RWZ01772 = 1, 1, DK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! RRD42;73 = 1, 0, ns, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFNULL.EXE ! CD LOADER774 = 1, 1, DU, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFMSCP.EXE ! ESE25775 = 1, 1, DI, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFMSCP.EXE ! RFH31776 = 1, 1, DI, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFMSCP.EXE ! RFH72677 = 1, 1, DI, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFMSCP.EXE ! RF73778 = 1, 1, DI, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFMSCP.EXE ! RFH73679 = 1, 1, DU, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFMSCP.EXE ! RA72780 = 1, 1, DU, S *YS$SYSTEM:ERFMSCP.EXE ! RAH72681 = 1, 1, DI, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFMSCP.EXE ! RF35782 = 1, 1, DI, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFMSCP.EXE ! RFH32783 = 1, 1, DI, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFMSCP.EXE ! RFF31684 = 1, 1, DK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! RZ72685 = 1, 1, DK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! RZ73686 = 1, 1, DK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! RZ35787 = 1, 1, DK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! RZ24L788 = 1, 1, DK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! RZ25L789 = 1, +1, DK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! RZ55L790 = 1, 1, DK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! RZ56L791 = 1, 1, DK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! RZ57L-92 = 1, 1, DU, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFMSCP.EXE ! RA73-93 = 1, 1, DK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! RZ26-94 = 1, 1, DK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! RZ36-95 = 1, 1, DK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! RZ74.96 = 1, 1, DU, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFMSCP.EXE ! ESE52.97 = 1, 1, DU, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFMSCP.EXE ! ESE56.98 = 1, 1, DU, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFMSCP.EXE ! ESE58-99 = , 1, 1, DK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! RZ27-100= 1, 1, DK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! RZ37.101= 1, 1, DK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! RZ34L.102= 1, 1, DK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! RZ35L.103= 1, 1, DK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! RZ36L-104= 1, 1, DK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! RZ38-105= 1, 1, DK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! RZ75-106= 1, 1, DK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! RZ59-107= 1, 1, DK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! RZ13-108= 1, 1, DK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! RZ14-109= 1, 1, DK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFS -CSI.EXE ! RZ15-110= 1, 1, DK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! RZ16-111= 1, 1, DK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! RZ17-112= 1, 1, DK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! RZ18-113= 1, 1, DK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! EZ51-114= 1, 1, DK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! EZ52-115= 1, 1, DK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! EZ53-116= 1, 1, DK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! EZ54-117= 1, 1, DK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! EZ58-118= 1, 1, DI, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFMSCP.EXE ! EF51-119= 1, 1, DI, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFMSCP.EXE ! EF52-120= 1, .1, DI, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFMSCP.EXE ! EF53-121= 1, 1, DI, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFMSCP.EXE ! EF54-122= 1, 1, DI, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFMSCP.EXE ! EF58-123= 1, 1, DI, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFMSCP.EXE ! RF36-124= 1, 1, DI, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFMSCP.EXE ! RF37-125= 1, 1, DI, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFMSCP.EXE ! RF746126= 1, 1, DI, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFMSCP.EXE ! RF758127= 1, 1, DK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! HSZ10 6128= 1, 1, DK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! RZ28E129= 1, 0, ns, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFNULL.EXE ! FOREIG/N DISK TYPE 1E130= 1, 0, ns, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFNULL.EXE ! FOREIGN DISK TYPE 2E131= 1, 0, ns, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFNULL.EXE ! FOREIGN DISK TYPE 3E132= 1, 0, ns, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFNULL.EXE ! FOREIGN DISK TYPE 4E133= 1, 0, ns, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFNULL.EXE ! FOREIGN DISK TYPE 5E134= 1, 0, ns, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFNULL.EXE ! FOREIGN DISK TYPE 6E135= 1, 0, ns, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFNULL.EXE ! FOREIGN DISK TYPE 7E136= 1, 0, ns, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFNULL.EXE ! FOREIGN 0DISK TYPE 86137= 1, 1, DK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! RZ297138= 1, 1, DK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! RZ26L7139= 1, 1, DK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! RRD437140= 1, 1, DK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! RRD447141= 1, 1, DU, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFMSCP.EXE ! HSX007142= 1, 1, DU, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFMSCP.EXE ! HSX017143= 1, 1, DK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! RZ26B7144= 1, 1, DK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! RZ27B7145= 1, 1, DK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFS 1CSI.EXE ! RZ28B7146= 1, 1, DK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! RZ29B7147= 1, 1, DK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! RZ73B7148= 1, 1, DK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! RZ74B7149= 1, 1, DK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! RZ75B7150= 1, 1, DK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! RWZ217151= 1, 1, DK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! RZ27L7152= 1, 1, DK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! HSZ207153= 1, 1, DK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! HSZ407154= 1, 1, DK, 2 SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! HSZ157155= 1, 1, DK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! RZ26M7156= 1, 1, DK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! RW5047157= 1, 1, DK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! RW5107158= 1, 1, DK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! RW5147159= 1, 1, DK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! RW5167160= 1, 1, DK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! RWZ527161= 1, 1, DK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! RWZ537162= 1, 1, DK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! RWZ54 37163= 1, 1, DK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! RWZ316164= 1, 1, DK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! EZ316165= 1, 1, DK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! EZ326166= 1, 1, DK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! EZ336167= 1, 1, DK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! EZ346168= 1, 1, DK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! EZ357169= 1, 1, DK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! EZ31L7170= 1, 1, DK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! EZ32L7171= 1, 1, DK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! 4EZ33L7172= 1, 1, DK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! RZ28L7173= 1, 1, DK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! RWZ517174= 1, 1, DK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! EZ56R! ! TAPE DEVICES! 61 = 2, 1, MT, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFTAPE.EXE ! TE16 MAGTAPE 62 = 2, 1, MT, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFTAPE.EXE ! TU45 MAGTAPE 63 = 2, 1, MT, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFTAPE.EXE ! TU77 MAGTAPE 64 = 2, 1, MS, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFTAPE.EXE ! TS11 MAGTAPE 65 = 2, 1, MF, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFTAPE.EXE ! TU78 MAGTAPE 66 = 2, 1, MU, 5 SYS$SYSTEM:ERFMSCP.EXE ! TA78 MAGTAPE 67 = 2, 1, MS, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFTAPE.EXE ! TU80 MAGTAPE 68 = 2, 1, MU, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFMSCP.EXE ! TU81 MAGTAPE 59 = 2, 1, MU, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFMSCP.EXE ! TA81 MAGTAPE610 = 2, 1, MU, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! TZK50 MAGTAPE)11 = 2, 0, ns, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFNULL.EXE ! )12 = 2, 0, ns, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFNULL.EXE ! 613 = 2, 1, MS, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFTAPE.EXE ! TSU05 MAGTAPE614 = 2, 1, MS, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFTAPE.EXE ! TSV05 MAGTAPE515 = 2, 1, MU, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFMSCP.EXE ! 6 TK70 Magtape-16 = 2, 1, MU, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFMSCP.EXE ! RV20-17 = 2, 0, ns, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFNULL.EXE ! TK60318 = 2, 1, MU, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFMSCP.EXE ! GENERIC TU619 = 2, 1, MU, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFMSCP.EXE ! TA79 MAGTAPE 320 = 2, 1, ME, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFMSCP.EXE ! SVS00 TAPE621 = 2, 1, MU, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFMSCP.EXE ! TA90 MAGTAPE -22 = 2, 1, MI, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFMSCP.EXE ! TF85-23 = 2, 1, MI, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFMSCP.EXE ! TF70-24 = 2, 1, MU, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFMSCP.EXE ! RV60-25 = 2, 1, MK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFS 7CSI.EXE ! TZ30-26 = 2, 1, MU, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFMSCP.EXE ! TM32-27 = 2, 1, MK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! TZX0328 = 2, 1, MK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! Generic MK.29 = 2, 1, MK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! TK50S.30 = 2, 1, MK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! TZ30S.31 = 2, 1, MU, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFMSCP.EXE ! TK70L/32 = 2, 1, MK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! TLZ04 .33 = 2, 1, MK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! TZK10;34 = 2, 1, MK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! TSZ07 ;35 = 2, 1, MK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI. 8EXE ! TSZ08 ;36 = 2, 1, MU, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFMSCP.EXE ! TA90E ;37 = 2, 1, MK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! TZK11 ;38 = 2, 1, MK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! TZ85 ;39 = 2, 1, MK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! TZ86 ;40 = 2, 1, MK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! TZ87 ;41 = 2, 1, MK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! TZ857 :42 = 2, 0, ns, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFNULL.EXE ! EXABYTE @43 = 2, 0, ns, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFNULL.EXE 9 ! TAPE_LOADER_1 644 = 2, 1, MU, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFMSCP.EXE ! TA91745 = 2, 1, MK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! TLZ06-46 = 2, 1, MU, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFMSCP.EXE ! TA85.47 = 2, 1, MK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! TKZ60648 = 2, 1, ns, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! TLZ6749 = 2, 1, ns, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! TZ867750 = 2, 1, ns, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! TZ877751 = 2, 1, MU, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFMSCP.EXE ! TAD85752 = 2, 1, MI, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFMSCP.EXE : ! TF86 753 = 2, 1, MK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! TKZ09654 = 2, 1, MU, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFMSCP.EXE ! TA86655 = 2, 1, MU, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFMSCP.EXE ! TA87656 = 2, 1, MU, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFMSCP.EXE ! TD34657 = 2, 1, MU, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFMSCP.EXE ! TD44758 = 2, 1, MU, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFMSCP.EXE ! HST00759 = 2, 1, MU, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFMSCP.EXE ! HST01760 = 2, 1, MK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! TLZ07661 = 2, 1, MK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ; ! TLZ7662 = 2, 1, MK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! TZ88763 = 2, 1, MK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! TZ885764 = 2, 1, MK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! TZ887665 = 2, 1, MK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! TZ89766 = 2, 1, MK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! TZ895767 = 2, 1, MK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! TZ897768 = 2, 1, MK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! TZ875769 = 2, 1, MK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! TL810770 = 2, 1, MK, SYS$SYSTEM:ER <FSCSI.EXE ! TL820771 = 2, 1, MK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! TZ865! *! SYNCHRONOUS COMMUNICATIONS DEVICE TYPES! /1 = 32, 0, ns, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFNULL.EXE ! DMC11/2 = 32, 0, ns, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFNULL.EXE ! DMR11K3 = 32, 1, XK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFBUS.EXE ! DUP-11 FOR 3271 PROTOCOL EMULATOR ?4 = 32, 0, ns, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFNULL.EXE ! DUP-11 FOR 2780 P. E.@5 = 32, 0, ns, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFNULL.EXE ! X25 PROTOCOL EMULATOR 36 = 32, 0, ns, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFNULL.EXE ! X29 P. E. =<7 = 32, 1, SB, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFBUS.EXE ! ISB-11 DEC dataway 38 = 32, 0, ns, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFNULL.EXE ! MX_MUX200/9 = 32, 0, ns, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFNULL.EXE ! DMP11/10 = 32, 1, XG, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFMISC.EXE ! DMF32111 = 32, 0, ns, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFNULL.EXE ! XV_3271,12 = 32, 0, ns, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFNULL.EXE ! CI,13 = 32, 0, ns, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFNULL.EXE ! NI/14 = 32, 0, ns, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFNULL.EXE ! UNA11015 = 32, 0, ns, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFNULL.EXE ! YN_X25016 = 32, 0, ns, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFNULL.EXE ! YO >_X25217 = 32, 0, ns, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFNULL.EXE ! YP_ADCCP018 = 32, 1, YQ, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFBUS.EXE ! YQ_3271719 = 32, 0, ns, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFNULL.EXE ! not supported720 = 32, 0, ns, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFNULL.EXE ! not supported721 = 32, 0, ns, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFNULL.EXE ! not supported722 = 32, 0, ns, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFNULL.EXE ! not supported723 = 32, 0, ns, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFNULL.EXE ! not supported724 = 32, 0, ns, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFNULL.EXE ! not supported725 = 32, 0, ns, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFNULL.EXE ! not supp ?orted726 = 32, 0, ns, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFNULL.EXE ! not supported/27 = 32, 1, SI, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFMISC.EXE ! DMB32728 = 32, 0, ns, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFNULL.EXE ! not supported/29 = 32, 1, ET, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFBUS.EXE ! AIE-NI/30 = 32, 1, SJ, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFMISC.EXE ! DSV11/31 = 32, 1, SL, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFMISC.EXE ! DSB32532 = 32, 1, ZS, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFMISC.EXE ! DST32/DSH32733 = 32, 0, ns, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFNULL.EXE ! not supported.34 = 32, 1, ET, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFBUS.EXE ! DEBNI035 = 32, 1, EZ, SYS$ @SYSTEM:ERFBUS.EXE ! EZ_SGEC.36 = 32, 1, EX, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFBUS.EXE ! DEMNA737 = 32, 0, ns, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFNULL.EXE ! not supported738 = 32, 0, ns, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFNULL.EXE ! not supportedA39 = 32, 1, EF, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFMISC.EXE ! FT_NI (V520 - ethernet)D40 = 32, 1, EP, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFMISC.EXE ! EP_LANCE (V520 - ethernet)741 = 32, 0, ns, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFNULL.EXE ! not supportedE42 = 32, 1, SM, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFMISC.EXE ! SM_DSF32 - CIRRUS SYNC COMM.43 = 32, 1, FX, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFBUS.EXE ! DEMAFA3!43 = 32, 1, SE, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFMISC.EXE ! SE_DPV11244 = 32, 1, SE, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFMISC.EXE ! SE-DUP11!! LINE PRINTERS!*1 = 67, 0, ns, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFNULL.EXE ! *2 = 67, 0, ns, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFNULL.EXE ! *3 = 67, 0, ns, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFNULL.EXE ! :4 = 67, 1, LC, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFMISC.EXE ! LC_DMF32 PRINTER:5 = 67, 1, LI, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFMISC.EXE ! LI_DMB32 PRINTER! ! REALTIME DEVICE TYPES! 21 = 96, 1, LA, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFRLTIM.EXE ! LPA-11 02 = 96, 1, XF, SYS$SYSTEM:E BRFRLTIM.EXE ! DR78013 = 96, 1, XF, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFRLTIM.EXE ! DR750 04 = 96, 1, XA, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFRLTIM.EXE ! DR11W@5 = 96, 1, LR, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFRLTIM.EXE ! PCL11 RECEIVER (CSS) A6 = 96, 1, LT, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFRLTIM.EXE ! PCL11 TRANSMTTER (CSS)C7 = 96, 0, ns, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFNULL.EXE ! DR11C PARALLEL INTERFACE /8 = 96, 1, BS, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFRLTIM.EXE ! DT07*9 = 96, 0, ns, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFNULL.EXE ! *10 = 96, 0, ns,SYS$SYSTEM:ERFNULL.EXE ! *11 = 96, 0, ns,SYS$SYSTEM:ERFNULL.EXE C! *12 = 96, 0, ns,SYS$SYSTEM:ERFNULL.EXE ! *13 = 96, 0, ns,SYS$SYSTEM:ERFNULL.EXE ! 314 = 96, 1, XA,SYS$SYSTEM:ERFRLTIM.EXE ! DRV11-WA715 = 96, 1, UQ,SYS$SYSTEM:ERFRLTIM.EXE ! DRB32! ! BUS CLASS DEVICES! /1 = 128, 1, PA, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFBUS.EXE ! CI780/2 = 128, 1, PA, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFBUS.EXE ! CI75073 = 128, 1, PU, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFBUS.EXE ! UDA50, UQPORT04 = 128, 1, PU, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFBUS.EXE ! UDA50A55 = 128, 1, PU, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFBUS.EXE ! LESI - RC2536 = 128 D, 1, PT, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFBUS.EXE ! TU81 PORT/7 = 128, 1, PU, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFBUS.EXE ! RDRX138 = 128, 1, PT, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFBUS.EXE ! TK50 PORT49 = 128, 1, PU, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFBUS.EXE ! RUX50 PORT310 = 128, 0, ns, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFBUS.EXE ! RC26 PORT411 = 128, 1, PU, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFBUS.EXE ! QDA50 PORT412 = 128, 1, PU, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFBUS.EXE ! BDA50 PORT413 = 128, 1, PU, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFBUS.EXE ! RRD50 PORT414 = 128, 0, ns, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFBUS.EXE ! QDA25 PORT515 = 128, 1, PA, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFB EUS.EXE ! BCI750 PORT216 = 128, 1, PA, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFBUS.EXE ! BCA PORT/17 = 128, 1, PU, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFBUS.EXE ! RQDX3018 = 128, 1, PE, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFBUS.EXE ! NI-SCA519 = 128, 1, PB, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFBUS.EXE ! AIO (KFBTA)520 = 128, 1, PB, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFBUS.EXE ! AIE (DEBNT)<21 = 128, 1, PB, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFBUS.EXE ! BSA (KSB50, HSB50)322 = 128, 1, PT, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFBUS.EXE ! TK70 Port323 = 128, 1, PT, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFBUS.EXE ! RV20 Port+24 = 128, 0, ns, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFNULL.EXE ! 225 F = 128, 1, PI, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFBUS.EXE ! SII Port/26 = 128, 1, PU, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFBUS.EXE ! KFQSA.27 = 128, 1, PA, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFBUS.EXE ! SHAC/28 = 128, 1, PA, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFBUS.EXE ! CIXCD529 = 128, 1, PK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFBUS.EXE ! N5380 port 530 = 128, 1, PK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFBUS.EXE ! SCSII port /31 = 128, 1, PU, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFBUS.EXE ! KDM70332 = 128, 1, PL, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFBUS.EXE ! TM32 PORT533 = 128, 1, PT, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFBUS.EXE ! TQK70L PORTD34 = 128, 1, PW, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFBUS.EGXE ! SWIFT PORT - (V520 - DSSI)035 = 128, 1, PK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFBUS.EXE ! N53C94/36 = 128, 1, PA, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFBUS.EXE ! KFMSA537 = 128, 1, PK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFBUS.EXE ! SCSI XTENDR;38 = 128, 1, PK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFBUS.EXE ! VAX ft trace ram 939 = 128, 1, PA, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFBUS.EXE ! VME bus adapter!)! Packet processor for ZERO_CLASS entries!:1 = 0, 1, na, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFADPTR.EXE ! UBA interrupts 972 = 0, 1, na, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFADPTR.EXE ! UBA errors 11;3 = 0, 1, na, SYS$SHYSTEM:ERFADPTR.EXE ! MBA interrupts 12C4 = 0, 1, na, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFCNTRL.EXE ! System startup message 32F5 = 0, 1, na, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFCNTRL.EXE ! System powerfail recovery 34L6 = 0, 1, na, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFCNTRL.EXE ! ERRLOG.SYS file created message 35E7 = 0, 1, na, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFCNTRL.EXE ! Powerfail (warm restart) 3678 = 0, 1, na, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFCNTRL.EXE ! Time stamp 38;9 = 0, 1, na, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFCNTRL.EXE ! SNDERR message 39=10 = 0, 1, na, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFCNTRL.EXE ! Operator m Iessage 41<11 = 0, 1, na, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFCNTRL.EXE ! Network message 42912 = 0, 1, na, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFCNTRL.EXE ! Volume mount 64<13 = 0, 1, na, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFCNTRL.EXE ! Volume dismount 65@14 = 0, 1, na, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFADPTR.EXE ! Undefined interrupt 97615 = 0, 1, na, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFMSCP.EXE ! Log status 99816 = 0, 1, na, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFMSCP.EXE ! Log message 100617 = 0, 1, na, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFMSCP.EXE ! Log MSCP 101=18 = 0, 1, na, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFADPTR.EXE ! BI adapter error 18>19 = 0, 1,J na, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFADPTR.EXE ! XMI adapter error 28!! WORKSTATION devices!81 = 70, 1, VB, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFMISC.EXE ! VAXSTation 100!! MISCELLANEOUS devices!*1 = 200, 0, ns, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFNULL.EXE ! *2 = 200, 0, ns, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFNULL.EXE ! *3 = 200, 0, ns, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFNULL.EXE ! *4 = 200, 0, ns, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFNULL.EXE ! =5 = 200, 1, DK, SYS$SYSTEM:ERFSCSI.EXE ! GENERIC SCSI Deviceww­×ÏU,‘Ÿ! ! XMP_ENTRIES! Record format is:! INDEX = ITEM or IT KEM_LIST'! Indexes must be in ascending order. ! This library module defines:F! 1) the number of error log entry types interperted by the cpu image.;! This value must be specified using the zero'th index.F! 2) name of the cpu image to be loaded. This string must be specified! using one as it index.B! 3) a list of error log entry types interperted by the cpu image.! :0 = 16 ! No. of error log entry types in the cpu image.*1 = SYS$SYSTEM:ERFXRP.EXE ! CPU image name]2 = L2,4,6,8,14,19,23,24,25,26,27,29,31,37,40,112 ! Error log entry types handled in CPU imageww­÷WãU,‘Ÿ!! XMP_MAX_RANGE6! Each item in this table is the max value of a range.B! E.G. 13-31 defines a range and 31 is the max value of the range.!(1 = 3,5,13,17,22,30,33,63,95,97,111,127ww­—©ØU,‘Ÿ!! XMP_MIN_RANGE table.6! Each item in this table is the min value of a range.B! E.G. 13-31 defines a range and 13 is the min value of the range.!'1 = 3,5,9,15,20,3M0,33,43,66,97,102,113ww­ÆT,‘Ÿ! MAX_CLASS_SIZEN! This value is used to allocate the necessary memory for device class tables.J! Max class size currently supports: DC$_DISK, DC$_TAPE, DC$_SCOM, DC$_LP,B! DC$_REALTIME, DC$_BUS, DC$_ZERO_CLASS, DC$_WORKSTATION, DC$_MISC41 = 9 ! Max. number of device classes (e.g. DC$DISK)ww­w¯ÐT,‘Ÿ!! MAX_MODULE_NAMESM! This table list the names of library modules which define max range tables.!1 = UNK_MAX_RANGE02 = 780_M NAX_RANGE, 750_MAX_RANGE, 730_MAX_RANGE93 = VX8600_MAX_RANGE, VX8200_MAX_RANGE, VX87XX_MAX_RANGED4 = UVAX_MAX_RANGE, UVAXII_MAX_RANGE, CVAX_MAX_RANGE, XRP_MAX_RANGEG5 = 9AQ_MAX_RANGE, RTVAX_MAX_RANGE, VX88PS_MAX_RANGE, MARIAH_MAX_RANGEF6 = NVAX_MAX_RANGE, v14_max_range, NVAX_PLUS_MAX_RANGE, NV5_MAX_RANGEww­wäÜT,‘Ÿ!! MIN_MAX_SIZESD! This table list the number of ranges for each CPUs min max tables.1 = 7 ! UNKNOWN CPUK2 = 8, 8, 9, 8, 11, 12, 8, 19 ! 780,750,730,VAXO8600,8200,87XX,uVAXI,uVAXIIR3 = 12,13, 14, 9, 12,12,12,12 !CVAX,XRP,9xxx(AQUARIUS),RTVAX,88PS,XMP,NVAX,PVAX24 = 12,12 !NVAX_PLUS, NV5ww­×’çT,‘Ÿ!! MIN_MODULE_NAMESM! This table list the names of library modules which define min range tables.!1 = UNK_MIN_RANGE02 = 780_MIN_RANGE, 750_MIN_RANGE, 730_MIN_RANGE93 = VX8600_MIN_RANGE, VX8200_MIN_RANGE, VX87XX_MIN_RANGED4 = UVAX_MIN_RANGE, UVAXII_MIN_RANGE, CVAX_MIN_RANGE, XRP_MIN_RANGEG5 = 9AQ_MIN_RANGE, RTVAX_MIPN_RANGE, VX88PS_MIN_RANGE, MARIAH_MIN_RANGEF6 = NVAX_MIN_RANGE, v14_min_range, NVAX_PLUS_MIN_RANGE, NV5_MIN_RANGEww­wKV,‘Ÿ! ! NV5_ENTRIES! Record format is:! INDEX = ITEM or ITEM_LIST'! Indexes must be in ascending order. ! This library module defines:F! 1) the number of error log entry types interperted by the cpu image.;! This value must be specified using the zero'th index.F! 2) name of the cpu image to be loaded. This string must be specified! usQing one as it index.B! 3) a list of error log entry types interperted by the cpu image.! :0 = 20 ! No. of error log entry types in the cpu image.+1 = SYS$SYSTEM:ERFNVAX.EXE ! CPU image namej2 = 2,4,6,8,14,18,19,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,31,37,40,44,102,112 ! Error log entry types handled in CPU imageww­×ýaV,‘Ÿ!! NV5_MAX_RANGE table.6! Each item in this table is the max value of a range.B! E.G. 13-31 defines a range and 31 is the max value of the range.!(1 = 3,5,13,17R,22,30,33,63,95,97,111,127ww­ÖXV,‘Ÿ!! NV5_MIN_RANGE table.6! Each item in this table is the min value of a range.B! E.G. 13-31 defines a range and 13 is the min value of the range.!'1 = 3,5,9,15,20,30,33,45,66,97,103,113ww­WîU,‘Ÿ!! NVAX_ENTRIES! Record format is:! INDEX = ITEM or ITEM_LIST'! Indexes must be in ascending order. ! This library module defines:F! 1) the number of error log entry types interperted by the cpu image.;! This S value must be specified using the zero'th index.F! 2) name of the cpu image to be loaded. This string must be specified! using one as it index.B! 3) a list of error log entry types interperted by the cpu image.! :0 = 20 ! No. of error log entry types in the cpu image.+1 = SYS$SYSTEM:ERFNVAX.EXE ! CPU image namej2 = 2,4,6,8,14,18,19,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,31,37,40,44,102,112 ! Error log entry types handled in CPU imageww­—} V,‘Ÿ!! NVAX_MAX_RANGE table.6! Each iTtem in this table is the max value of a range.B! E.G. 13-31 defines a range and 31 is the max value of the range.!(1 = 3,5,13,17,22,30,33,63,95,97,111,127ww­—HýU,‘Ÿ!! NVAX_MIN_RANGE table.6! Each item in this table is the min value of a range.B! E.G. 13-31 defines a range and 13 is the min value of the range.!'1 = 3,5,9,15,20,30,33,45,66,97,103,113ww­79V,‘Ÿ!! NVAX_PLUS_ENTRIES! Record format is:! INDEX = ITEM or ITEM_LIST'! Indexes must U be in ascending order. ! This library module defines:F! 1) the number of error log entry types interperted by the cpu image.;! This value must be specified using the zero'th index.F! 2) name of the cpu image to be loaded. This string must be specified! using one as it index.B! 3) a list of error log entry types interperted by the cpu image.! :0 = 21 ! No. of error log entry types in the cpu image.+1 = SYS$SYSTEM:ERFNVAX.EXE ! CPU image namem2 = 2,4,6,8,14,15,18,19,23,2V4,25,26,27,28,29,31,37,40,44,102,112 ! Error log entry types handled in CPU imageww­·ˆ)V,‘Ÿ!! NVAX_MAX_RANGE table.6! Each item in this table is the max value of a range.B! E.G. 13-31 defines a range and 31 is the max value of the range.!(1 = 3,5,13,17,22,30,33,63,95,97,111,127ww­—ç!V,‘Ÿ!! NVAX_MIN_RANGE table.6! Each item in this table is the min value of a range.B! E.G. 13-31 defines a range and 13 is the min value of the range.!'1 = 3,5,9,16,20W,30,33,45,66,97,103,113ww­÷3ïT,‘Ÿ!! RTVAX_ENTRIES! Record format is:! INDEX = ITEM or ITEM_LIST'! Indexes must be in ascending order. ! This library module defines:F! 1) the number of error log entry types interperted by the cpu image.;! This value must be specified using the zero'th index.F! 2) name of the cpu image to be loaded. This string must be specified! using one as it index.B! 3) a list of error log entry types interperted by the cpu image.X! 90 = 7 ! No. of error log entry types in the cpu image.+1 = SYS$SYSTEM:ERFUVAX.EXE ! CPU image nameD2 = 2,6,8,24,37,40,112 ! Error log entry types handled in CPU imageww­wNõT,‘Ÿ!! RTVAX_MAX_RANGE6! Each item in this table is the max value of a range.B! E.G. 13-31 defines a range and 31 is the max value of the range.! 1 = 5,23,31,33,63,95,97,111,127ww­—ïüT,‘Ÿ!! RTVAX_MIN_RANGE table.6! Each item in this table is the min value of a range.B! YE.G. 13-31 defines a range and 13 is the min value of the range.!1 = 3,9,25,33,43,66,97,102,113ww­·U,‘Ÿ ! TABLE_SIZES1! These values are used to allocate the necessary! memory for supported tables .!$1 = 19 ! Max. number of cpu types.%2 = 174 ! Max. number of disk types.%3 = 71 ! Max. number of tape types.%4 = 44 ! Max. number of scom types."5 = 5 ! Max. number of lp types.)6 = 15 ! Max. number of realtime types.$7 = 39 ! Max. number of bus typeZs.78 = 20 ! Max. number of packet processors. (entries) +9 = 1 ! Max. number of Workstation types.-10 = 5 ! Max. number of Miscellaneous types.,!*******************************************,! ADD NEW ENTRIES TO THE END OF THIS TABLE.*,!*******************************************ww­w¸ U,‘Ÿ!! Zero class entries table!22 = 9, 11, 12 ! uba_inter, uba_err, mba_interA3 = 32, 34 ! sys startup message, sys power fail recovery@4 = 35, 36, 38 ! err_log.s[ys created, power fail, tim_stamp .5 = 39, 41, 42 ! snderr, oper msg, net msgD6 = 64, 65, 97 ! volume mount, volume dismount, undef_interrupts17 = 99, 100, 101 ! log status, log msg, logmscp:8 = 18,28,14 ! BI adp err, XMI adp err, crd entryww­7J/U,‘Ÿ!! Unknown cpu max range table.6! Each item in this table is the max value of a range.B! E.G. 13-31 defines a range and 31 is the max value of the range.!1 = 31,34,63,95,97,111,127ww­·d5U,‘Ÿ\!! Unknown cpu max range table.6! Each item in this table is the min value of a range.B! E.G. 13-31 defines a range and 13 is the min value of the range.!1 = 2,33,43,66,97,102,113ww­wíU,‘Ÿ! ! UV1_ENTRIES! Record format is:! INDEX = ITEM or ITEM_LIST'! Indexes must be in ascending order. ! This library module defines:F! 1) the number of error log entry types interperted by the cpu image.;! This value must be specified using the zero'th index.F! 2)] name of the cpu image to be loaded. This string must be specified! using one as it index.B! 3) a list of error log entry types interperted by the cpu image.! 90 = 6 ! No. of error log entry types in the cpu image.+1 = SYS$SYSTEM:ERFUVAX.EXE ! CPU image nameA2 = 2,7,8,37,40,112 ! Error log entry types handled in CPU imageww­×›$U,‘Ÿ! ! UV2_ENTRIES! Record format is:! INDEX = ITEM or ITEM_LIST'! Indexes must be in ascending order. ! This library m ^odule defines:F! 1) the number of error log entry types interperted by the cpu image.;! This value must be specified using the zero'th index.F! 2) name of the cpu image to be loaded. This string must be specified! using one as it index.B! 3) a list of error log entry types interperted by the cpu image.! 90 = 7 ! No. of error log entry types in the cpu image.+1 = SYS$SYSTEM:ERFUVAX.EXE ! CPU image nameD2 = 2,6,8,37,40,46,112 ! Error log entry types handled in CPU image_ww­×=U,‘Ÿ!! UVAX_MAX_RANGE6! Each item in this table is the max value of a range.B! E.G. 13-31 defines a range and 31 is the max value of the range.! 1 = 5,17,31,33,63,95,97,111,127ww­W CU,‘Ÿ!! UVAX_MIN_RANGE table.6! Each item in this table is the min value of a range.B! E.G. 13-31 defines a range and 13 is the min value of the range.!1 = 3,9,20,33,47,66,97,102,113ww­wÁJU,‘Ÿ!! UVAX_MAX_RANGE6! Each item in this table is the max` value of a range.B! E.G. 13-31 defines a range and 31 is the max value of the range.!1 = 5,31,33,63,95,97,111,127ww­}XU,‘Ÿ!! UVAX_MIN_RANGE table.6! Each item in this table is the min value of a range.B! E.G. 13-31 defines a range and 13 is the min value of the range.!1 = 3,9,33,43,66,97,102,113ww­·cÓS,‘Ÿ$! Nisheeth DAs created Mar_12_90 ! v14_ENTRIES! Record format is:! INDEX = ITEM or ITEM_LIST'! Indexes must be in ascending order a. ! This library module defines:F! 1) the number of error log entry types interperted by the cpu image.;! This value must be specified using the zero'th index.F! 2) name of the cpu image to be loaded. This string must be specified! using one as it index.B! 3) a list of error log entry types interperted by the cpu image.! :0 = 12 ! No. of error log entry types in the cpu image.*1 = SYS$SYSTEM:ERFV14.EXE ! CPU image nameR2 = 2,6,8,15,24,26,27,37,40,44,45,112 ! Error log enbtry types handled in CPU imageww­7~ÙS,‘Ÿ!! SOC_MAX_RANGE6! Each item in this table is the max value of a range.B! E.G. 13-31 defines a range and 31 is the max value of the range.!(1 = 3,5,14,17,22,31,33,63,95,97,111,127ww­WáS,‘Ÿ!! SOC_MIN_RANGE table.6! Each item in this table is the min value of a range.B! E.G. 13-31 defines a range and 13 is the min value of the range.!'1 = 3,5,9,16,20,30,33,46,66,97,102,113ww­·8fU,‘Ÿ!! 8200_McAX_RANGE table.6! Each item in this table is the max value of a range.B! E.G. 13-31 defines a range and 31 is the max value of the range.!$1 = 4,5,7,11,17,31,33,63,95,111,127ww­×ÙmU,‘Ÿ!! 8200_MIN_RANGE table.6! Each item in this table is the min value of a range.B! E.G. 13-31 defines a range and 13 is the min value of the range.!$1 = 3,5,7,10,13,20,33,43,66,102,113ww­—wU,‘Ÿ!! VX8600_max_range table.F! Each item in this table is the max value of da range of entry numbersG! that are not supported by the VAX8600. (ie. the entries ranging from /! 13 thru 31 are not supported by the VAX8600).!1 = 3,11,31,33,63,95,111,127ww­}U,‘Ÿ!! VX8600_min_range table.F! Each item in this table is the min value of a range of entry numbersG! that are not supported by the VAX8600. (ie. the entries ranging from /! 13 thru 31 are not supported by the VAX8600).!1 = 3,10,18,33,43,66,102,113ww­W^ŒU,‘Ÿ!! 87XX_MeAX_RANGE table.6! Each item in this table is the max value of a range.B! E.G. 13-31 defines a range and 31 is the max value of the range.!'1 = 4,5,7,11,14,17,31,33,63,95,111,127ww­W“˜U,‘Ÿ!! 87XX_MIN_RANGE table.6! Each item in this table is the min value of a range.B! E.G. 13-31 defines a range and 13 is the min value of the range.!'1 = 3,5,7,10,13,16,22,33,43,66,102,113ww­·A£U,‘Ÿ!! 88PS_MAX_RANGE table.6! Each item in this table is the max valfue of a range.B! E.G. 13-31 defines a range and 31 is the max value of the range.!'1 = 4,5,7,11,13,17,31,33,63,95,111,127ww­ð­U,‘Ÿ!! 88PS_MIN_RANGE table.6! Each item in this table is the min value of a range.B! E.G. 13-31 defines a range and 13 is the min value of the range.!'1 = 3,5,7,10,13,16,23,33,43,66,102,113ww­7‘µU,‘Ÿ!! V9RR_ENTRIES! Record format is:! INDEX = ITEM or ITEM_LIST'! Indexes must be in ascending order. ! This lib grary module defines:F! 1) the number of error log entry types interperted by the cpu image.;! This value must be specified using the zero'th index.F! 2) name of the cpu image to be loaded. This string must be specified! using one as it index.B! 3) a list of error log entry types interperted by the cpu image.! :0 = 17 ! No. of error log entry types in the cpu image.*1 = SYS$SYSTEM:ERFXRP.EXE ! CPU image name`2 = 2,4,6,8,14,19,23,24,25,26,27,29,31,37,40,44,112 ! Error log entrhy types handled in CPU imageww­wÓÄU,‘Ÿ:! DEC/CMS REPLACEMENT HISTORY, Element V9RR_MAX_RANGE.TXT<! *2 28-FEB-1989 16:18:46 PAYNE "Add eeprom msg support"(! *1 10-JAN-1989 13:37:09 HARTMAN "":! DEC/CMS REPLACEMENT HISTORY, Element V9RR_MAX_RANGE.TXT!! V9RR_MAX_RANGE6! Each item in this table is the max value of a range.B! E.G. 13-31 defines a range and 31 is the max value of the range.!+1 = 3,5,13,17,22,30,33,43,63,95,97,111,127ww­·«»U,‘Ÿ:! DEC/C MS REPLACEMENT HISTORY, Element V9RR_MIN_RANGE.TXT(! *1 10-JAN-1989 13:37:18 HARTMAN "":! DEC/CMS REPLACEMENT HISTORY, Element V9RR_MIN_RANGE.TXT!! V9RR_MIN_RANGE table.6! Each item in this table is the min value of a range.B! E.G. 13-31 defines a range and 13 is the min value of the range.!*1 = 3,5,9,15,20,30,33,43,45,66,97,102,113ww