%ì Librarian T09-20÷¿3,‘Ÿ÷…×3,‘Ÿ²5Y Error_messages ØEXITHELP .IGNORE 4SET¾SHOW"WATCH ­WÿÕ3,‘Ÿ1 HELPN******************************************************************************N******************************************************************************1 FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY@ Copyright (c) 1986 by Digital Equipment CorporationHThe information in this document is subject to change without notice andJshould not be construed as a commitment by Digital Equipment Corporation.KDigital Equipment Corporation assumes no res ponsibility for any errors thatmay occur in this document. NThis specification does not describe any program or product which is currentlyHavailable from Digital Equipment Corporation. Nor does Digital EquipmentMCorporation commit to implement this specification in any product or program.DDigital Equipment Corporation makes no commitment that this document0accurately describes any product it might make. N******************************************************************************N**** **************************************************************************C The WATCHPOINT UTILITY is an Internal Use Only debugging tool thatB maintains a history of modification that are made to a particular@ location in system (S0) address space. The WATCHPOINT command> interpreter (WP) issues $QIO request to the WATCHPOINT driver? (WPDRIVER) from commands that follow the standard rules of DCL grammar.E Commands may be entered at the WP> prompt to set, delete, and obtain infor mation from watchpoints.> Before invoking the WATCHPOINT command interpreter (WP), the D WATCHPOINT driver (WPDRIVER), must first be installed with SYSGEN. & This can be accomplished as follows:  $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:SYSGEN SYSGEN> CONNECT WPA0:/NOADAPTER SYSGEN> EXITF The WATCHPOINT command interpreter (WP) can then be invoked with the command:  $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:WPC Commands may then be entered at the WP> prompt to set, delete,and % obtain information from Watchpoints.w w­WÿÕ3,‘Ÿ1 Error_messages6 BADASSIGN, unable to assign Watch Point pseudo-device@ INSKIPPED, unreasonable instruction stream - n bytes skipped" INVHEX, invalid hexadecimal value& INVS0ADR, invalid system (S0) address- NOPRIV, no privilege for attempted operation7 TRUNCTT, Trace Table is truncated, n entries remainingC System service messages may be returned if the the Watchpoint driver returns an error. ww­÷…×3,‘Ÿ1 EXIT EXIT  C This command terminates the Watchpoint command interpreter session@ and control returns to DCL. Pressing CTRL/Z performs the sameE action. Watchpoints remain set and the Watchpoint driver continues ; to keep a history of modification made to the watchpoint. ww­÷…×3,‘Ÿ1 IGNORE IGNORE waddrB This command deletes the watchpoint whose address is specified by waddr.2 waddr? Specifies the address of the watchpoint in system (S0) addressF space in hexadecimal radix. The address may be proceed by the letter# 'G' to indicate a system address. 2 Examples WP> IGNORE 8000106A WP> IGNORE G107A WP> IGNORE 1234, %WP-E-INVS0ADR, invalid system (S0) address WP> IGNORE ABCEDFGHI( %WP-E-INVHEX, invalid hexadecimal valueww­÷…×3,‘Ÿ1 SET SET parameter [/qualifier...]2 LOG SET LOGC Begins logging output to a file (WP.LOG) in the current directory.@ All commands and output are displayed on the screen and written to the log file.2 NOLOG SET NOLOG@ Ends logging output to a file. The log file, WP.LOG, is closed, and output is displayed only on the screen.ww­÷…×3,‘Ÿ1 SHOW SHOW waddrD Displays a history of modification made to a particular watchpoint.D If the watchpoint has not been touched, the display is abbreviated.2 waddr? Specifies the address of the watchpoint in system (S0) addressF space in hexadecimal radix. The address may be proceed by the letter# 'G' to indicate a system address. 2 /CONTROL_BLOCK@ Specifies that the watchpoint control block be displayed. This is the default qualifier.2 /TRACE_TABLE8 Specifies that the watchpoint trace table be displayed.2 /FULLA Specifies that both the watchpoint control block and trace table be displayed. 2 ExamplesWP> SHOW G1068/FULL;Base Address = 80001068 Length = 04?Address Touched = 80001068 Type = S ILENTATime Touched = 16:53:04.87 Touched Count = 000000064 Watch Point ContentsHInitial=0000000000000F31 Previous=0000000000000F36 Post=0000000000000F372 Register Contents G R0 = 02000001 R1 = 00000000 R2 = 80222800 R3 = 801ECD00G R4 = 8002D000 R5 = 80000FF8 R6 = 800029D0 R7 = 00000000G R8 = 00000000 R9 = 00000000 R10 = 00000000 R11 = 00000000G AP = 00000000 FP = 00000000 SP = 802531CC PC = 8000CED9 PSL = 040800082 Instruction StreamD FF6483EFD538A3507D2A50E970A5D6 .d.ïÕ8£P}*Pép¥Ö 8000CED9 8000CED9: INCL 70(R5) 8000CEDC: BLBC R0,8000CF09 8000CEDF: MOVQ R0,38(R3)B%WP-W-INSKIPPED, unreasonable instruction stream - 6 bytes skippedBase Address = 80001068IRef. Ref. Ref. Op. PreviousIByte Count Time  Code PC PSL ContentsM00 00000006 16:53:04.87 D6 8000CED9 04080008 0000000000000F36M00 00000005 16:53:04.79 D6 8000CED9 04080008 0000000000000F35M00 00000004 16:53:04.78 D6 8000CED9 04080008 0000000000000F34M00 00000003 16:53:04.71 D6 8000CED9 04080008 0000000000000F33M00 00000002 16:50:45.38 D6 8000CED9 04080008 0000000000000F32M00 00000001 16:50:45.30 D6 8000CED9 04080008 0000000000000F31ww­÷…×3,‘Ÿ1 WATCH WATCH waddrG Sets a watchpoint and specifies action to be taken when the watchpoint is touched.2 waddr? Specifies the address of the watchpoint in system (S0) addressF space in hexadecimal radix. The address may be proceed by the letter# 'G' to indicate a system address. 2 /BYTEB Specifies that the length of the watchpoint is one byte. This is the default qualifier.2 /WORD: Specifies that the length of the watchpoint is two bytes.2 /LONG; Specifies that the length of the watchpoint is four bytes.2 /QUAD< Specifies that the length of the watchpoint is eight bytes. 2 /SILENTD Specifies that no special action is to be taken when the watchpoint; is touched. This is the default qualifier. 2 /XDELTAD Specifies that the Watchpoint driver is to generate an XDELTA break& point when the watchpoint is touched.2 /FATAL@ Specifies that the Watchpoint driver is to generate a bug checkA when the watchpoint is touched. The driver produces a bug check code of WATCHPOINT. 2 Example WP> WATCH G1068 /LONG /SILENTww