% VAX-11 Librarian V04-00&AaX"RAaLM5&DANALYZEFATTACH@hBACKACLEAR<<DEFINE>DELETE9Examples9"EXITHELPIZKeypad?NEXT@REFRESH#SHOWAjSPAWNSTART"FSTOPAAa1 HELPF NETTRACE allows you to monitor and analyze network activity on DECnet Phase IV nodes.F See the Problem Solving Guide for the networking product you are using for full details.wwAAa1 START* Sets up tracepoints and starts tracing. Format: START (tracepoint[,...]) 2 tracepoint@ You may specify one or more tracepoints, separated by commas.* Tracepoints have the following formats:  [node::]ETHERNET [node::]DDCMP.line-id [node::]NSP [node::]ROU_ETHERNET' [node::]ROU_SYNC.circuit_name [node::]X25L2.dev-c-u# [node::]X25L3LINE.dev-c-u+ [node::]X25L3CHANNEL.circuit_name [node::]X25GAP.channel [node::]X29.channel" [node::]LLC2LINE.dev-c-u% [node::]LLC2CHANNEL.channel! X25GATEWAY.network.LC-n TRANSPORT INTERNET MAC  QLLC! [node::]SDLC.circuit-id! [node::]CHAN.circuit-id [node::]PU.pu-idF If you specify more than one tracepoint, they must all be on theF same node. When using the TRANSPORT, INTERNET and MAC tracepoints# you may not specify a node name.F Note that you need not specify the tracepoint name in full. TheF second part of the tracepoint name may be shortened or omittedF altogether. For example X25L3LINE.KMX will trace a ll KMX lines at level 3.F The default tracepoint is X25L2, which traces all PSI lines at level 2. 3 ETHERNETF This starts tracing the Ethernet line. There are no options for? use with this tracepoint and only one channel can be traced.3 DDCMP DDCMP.line-idF This starts tracing the synchronous lines on line line-id. If theF line name is not specified, all currently defined lines are traced.3 NSPF This starts tracing the NSP logical lin ks. There are no options for use with this tracepoint.3 ROU_ETHERNETF This starts the tracing of routing on the Ethernet circuit. ThereF are no options for use with this tracepoint and only one channel can be traced. 3 ROU_SYNC ROU_SYNC.circuit_nameF This starts the tracing of routing on the synchronous circuits. IfF the circuit name is not specified, all currently defined; synchronous DECnet circuits (DDCMP and X.25) are traced.3 X25L 2 X25L2.dev-c-uF This starts tracing at level 2 (Frame level) on line dev-c-u. BothF level 2 and level 3 headers will be captured (but see START /CAPTURE_SIZE). 3 X25L3LINE X25L3LINE.dev-c-uA This starts tracing at level 3 (Packet Level) on line dev-c-u.3 X25L3CHANNEL X25L3CHANNEL.circuit_nameF This starts tracing at level 3 (Packet Level) on the named virtual circuit.4 circuit_nameA The format of circuit_name depends on the type of circuit being traced.5 . For PVCs, circuit_name is the name of the PVC.A . For outgoing SVCs, circuit_name is the NW: device unit# number (for example, NWA23).A . For incoming SVCs, circuit_name takes the format dev-c-u_lcn_nn, where:A dev-c-u is the name of the line on which the call arrived,A lcn is the logical channel number of this virtual circuit (in hexadecimal),' nn is a 2-digit sequence number. 5 Examples< To trace all outgoing SVCs at level 3, specify the tracepoint X25L3CHANNEL.NW< To trace all incoming SVCs with a logical channel number< of 420 on line DPV-0-0, specify the tracepoint: X25L3CHANNEL.DPV-0-0_4203 X25GAP X25GAP.channel9 This starts tracing the Gateway Access Protocol (GAP).D To trace on an Access system specify channel in the form HOSTnnn.F To trace on a Multi-host machine specify channel in the form GATEWAYnnn.F As with all tracepoints, the channel name can be shortened or omitted altogether. 3 X25GATEWAY X25GATEWAY.network.LC-nF This starts tracing on an X.25 Gateway. See the VAX P.S.I.* Problem Solving Guide for full details. 3 LLC2LINE LLC2LINE.dev-c-uA This starts tracing at the Medium Access Control (IEEE 802.3)A level for the LLC 2 (IEEE 802.2) line dev-c-u. Both the MAC0 and LLC 2 frame information will be captured. 3 LLC2CHANNEL LLC2CHANNEL.channelA This starts tracing at the LLC2 (IEEE 802.2) frame level.A Both LLC 2 (IEEE 802.2) frame level and L3 packet level information will be captured. 4 channelA To trace a particular LLC 2 data-link connection, specify the1 corresponding DTE address as the channel name.3 X29 X29.channelA This starts tracing at the interface between the NV device andA the X.25 data transfer interface - X.25 Level 3 on VAX PSI: systems, X.25 Gateway Access on VAX PSI Access systems. 4 channelA To trace a particular X.29 connection, specify the4 corresponding NV unit number as the channel name. 3 TRANSPORT TRANSPORT= This starts tracing at the OSI Transport (ISO 8073) level. 3 INTERNET INTERNET< This starts tracing at the OSI Internet (ISO 8473) level.3 MAC MACA This starts tracing at the Medium Access Control (IEEE 802.3) level for the VOTS product.3 QLLC QLLC( This starts tracing the QLLC circuit.3 SDLC SDLC.circuit-idA This starts tracing the synchronous circuit on circuitA circuit-id. If the circuit name is not specified, all) currently defined circuits are traced.3 CHAN CHAN.circuit-idA This starts tracing the channel-attached circuit on circuitA circuit-id. If the circuit name is not specified, all) currently defined circuits are traced.3 PU PU.pu-idA This starts tracing at the Physical Unit level on pu pu-id.A If the PU name is not specified, all currently defined PUs are traced.2 /LIVE /LIVE /NOLIVEF Determines whether tracing and analysis are done in real time, orF whether the unanalyzed data is stored in a file for later analysis.F If you specify /NOLIVE a detached process is created which writesF trace records to a file. If you specify /LIVE, analyze d outputF will appear on your screen. You can then issue ANALYZE commands to) change the type of analysis performed.F /LIVE is not valid with /PRIORITY, /OUTPUT, /BLOCKS, /VERSION_LIMIT or /PROCESS_NAME.F In addition a number of analysis options may be specified if /LIVEF is specified. These are /PAGE, /WIDTH, /DATA, /TRUNCATE, /EVENT,F /DISPLAY, /REVERSE, /PROTOCOL, /SELECT, /NAME andB /SAVE_BUFFER_SIZE. These qualifiers are only valid with /LIVE. The default is /NOLIVE.F Additional analysis options are available for specific protocols,; refer to the relevant product documentation for details.2 /PROCESS_NAME /PROCESS_NAME=process-nameF Allows you to specify an alternative name for the detached processF that is created in a START/NOLIVE command. If you do not specify a2 process-name, the default is username$NETTRACE." Not valid with /LIVE qualifier.2 /CAPTURE_SIZE /CAPTURE_SIZE=n; The amount of data, in bytes, captured from each record.F For example, if you are only interested in level 2 headers, specifyF a capture_size of 5 or 6 bytes. Specify a low value for2 CAPTURE_SIZE to avoid trace records being lost. The default value is 140. 2 /OUTPUT /OUTPUT=output filenameF The name of the output filename. This file will contain unanalyzedF data. While this file is being written, it can be read by another process.F The default filename is TRACE.DAT in your current default directory." Not valid with /LIVE qualifier. 2 /BLOCKS /BLOCKS=nF The approximate size (in blocks) of each output file. Once the= file reaches this size it is closed and a new one created. The default value is 200." Not valid with /LIVE qualifier.2 /VERSION_LIMIT /VERSION_LIMIT=nF The limit on the number of versions of the output file that are< kept. Older versions are purged as new ones are created. The default value is 10." Not valid with /LIVE qualifier.2 /MAXIMUM_BUFFERS /MAXIMUM_BUFFERS=nF The number of buffers that are used internally by TRACE to holdC data. Increasing this value may avoid trace records being lost.F The default value is 3 if a remote node is being traced or 10 if! tracing is being done locally.2 /BUFFER_SIZE /BUFFER_SIZE=nF The size of the buffers that are used internally by TRACE to holdC data. Increasing this value may avoid trace records being lost. The default value is 500. 2 /TIME_OUT /TIME_OUT=n (units of 100 ms)F The time that TRACE will wait before sending partially full trace buffers.) The default value is 2. (i.e 200 ms). 2 /PRIORITY /PRIORITY=baspri; The base priority of the detached process to be created.F In order to avoid losing trace data it is advisable to run the/ detached trace collector at a h$igh priority. The default value is 8." Not valid with /LIVE qualifier.2 /DATA /NODATA /DATA=(data-type,...)4 Use /DATA to specify the format(s) of the output.% See ANALYZE/DATA for full details.# Only valid with /LIVE qualifier.2 /PAGE /PAGE=n The number of lines per page.# Only valid with /LIVE qualifier.2 /WIDTH /WIDTH=n$ The width of the analyzed output.# Only valid with /LIVE qualifier. 2 /TRUNCATE /[NO]TRUNCATEF Determines whether analyzed data that will not fit on one line is, truncated or is printed on the next line.- For LIVE tracing the default is /TRUNCATE.# Only valid with /LIVE qualifier. 2 /REVERSE /[NO]REVERSEF Determines whether parts of the output will be displayed in REVERSEF video (if your terminal supports this). If you specify /REVERSEF received data will be displayed in reverse video, and titles will be displayed in bold.  The default is /REVERSE.# Only valid with /LIVE qualifier.2 /EVENT /EVENT=(event-type,...)F Determines what types of events are included in the analyzed output.& See ANALYZE/EVENT for full details.# Only valid with /LIVE qualifier. 2 /DISPLAY /NODISPLAY /DISPLAY=(display-option,...)F Specifies which fields appear in the analyzed output. ValidF display options are EVENT, SIZE, TIME, NAME, FLAG, STATUS, FUNCTION_CODE and ALL( See ANALYZE/DISPLAY for full details.# Only valid with /LIVE qualifier. 2 /PROTOCOL /NOPROTOCOL& /PROTOCOL=(protocol-identifier,...)) See ANALYZE/PROTOCOL for full details.# Only valid with /LIVE qualifier. 2 /SELECT /NOSELECT /SELECT=(protocol-identifier)' See ANALYZE/SELECT for full details.# Only valid with /LIVE qualifier. 2 /L3CHANNEL /NOL3CHANNEL! /L3CHANNEL=(channel-range,...)F A list of channel numbe rs and ranges. Only trace recordsF containing a Packet Level channel number within a selected rangeF will be displayed. Each channel range can be either a singleF value, or a range of values, or *. This is only valid for X.25F trace records that contain a packet level field (X25L2,8 LLC2CHANNEL, X25L3CHANNEL, X25L3LINE and X25GATEWAY).. /NOL3CHANNEL will select all trace records.F For example /L3CHANNEL=(0,%x100-*) selects channel 0 and cha nnel2 numbers greater than or equal to 256 (decimal).# Only valid with /LIVE qualifier.2 /NAME /NAME=channel-nameF If you specify /NAME only trace records on channels that match withF this name will be selected for analysis. If you specify only partF of a channel name then all records that start with this string willF be selected. You can use the /DISPLAY=NAME option to see theF channel name in the trace record. /NAME=* will display all recor!ds.# Only valid with /LIVE qualifier.2 /SAVE_BUFFER_SIZE /SAVE_BUFFER_SIZE=nF The number of screens of saved lines that will be kept. These= lines can be examined by using the NEXT and BACK commands. The default value is 30.# Only valid with /LIVE qualifier.2 /BRIEF /BRIEFF Allows you to see brief information on TPDUs or IPDUs -? approximately one line of information for each TPDU or IPDU. This is the default."2 /FULL /FULLF Allows you to see detailed information on TPDUs or IPDUs -@ approximately ten lines of information for each TPDU or IPDU.2 /TRANSPORT_CONNECTION( /TRANSPORT_CONNECTION=(tc1, tc2, ...)? Allows you to select data on specific transport connections. 2 /SESSION /NOSESSION /SESSION=(session-range,...)F A list of SNA session numbers and ranges. Only trace records forF selected sessions will be displayed. Each session rang#e can be5 either a single value, or a range of values, or *.8 /NOSESSION will select trace records on all sessions.F For example /SESSION=(1,%xA-*) selects session 1 and session1 numbers greater than or equal to 10 (decimal).9 This qualifier is only valid for SNA PU trace records.ww؝3Aa1 STOP) Deletes tracepoints and stops tracing. Format: STOP [process-name]2 process-name process-name2 For live tracing do not s$pecify a process-name.F For non-live tracing specify the name of the detached trace process5 that you want to stop, for example SMITH$NETTRACE.1 The default process name is username$NETTRACE.ww؝3Aa1 SHOWF Either shows you all the tracing that is taking place on a6 particular node, or shows you your key definitions.2 TRACE_COLLECTORFormat:@ SHOW TRACE_COLLECTOR [node::][process-name-string][/[NO]FULL]3 node' The node where da%ta is being traced.3 process-name-stringF Process-name-string is a string which is matched against theF process names that are running TRACE. A match occurs with allF TRACE processes that begin with process-name-string. '*' will match all TRACE processes.F If you omit process-name-string from the command, all trace& collecting processes are displayed.3 /FULLF If you specify /FULL, the names of the lines or channels being trace&d are also displayed.2 KEYFormat: SHOW KEY [key-name]F Displays the key definitions defined by the DEFINE/KEY command, orF definitions that have been read from the NETTRACE key definitionF file. This file is pointed at by the logical name NETTRACE$KEY_INIT.3 /ALLF Will display all the key definitions. If you use the /ALL( qualifier, do not specify a key name.3 /STATE /NOSTATE /STATE=state-nameF Specifies the' name of a state table for which the specified keyF definitions are to be displayed. If you do not specify /STATE,9 then the key definitions for all states are displayed.3 /FULLFRequests that all qualifiers that are associated with a definition are displayed.The default is /NOFULL.wwX9Aa 1 ANALYZEF Starts analysis of trace data, or changes the type of analysis performed. Format: ANALYZE [filename] 2 filename: The n(ame of a file that contains unanalyzed trace data. 2 /OUTPUT /OUTPUT=filename? This is the name of the output listing file that is created. The default is SYS$OUTPUT.2 /DATA /NODATA /DATA=(data-type,...)4 Use /DATA to specify the format(s) of the output. Valid data-types are:0 DECIMAL, OCTAL, HEXADECIMAL, ASCII and EBCDIC2 /TRACE_LEVEL) /TRACE_LEVEL=(protocol_identifier,...)F This specifies the type of tracepoint you wish to analyze), if a2 file contains more than one type of tracepoint.A See ANALYZE/PROTOCOL for a list of valid protocol identifiers.4 Protocol identifiers take the following defaults:5 Tracepoint Default Protocol Identifiers( DDCMP DDCMP+ ETHERNET ETHERNET& NSP NSP* ROU_ETHERNET ROUTING* ROU_SYNC ROUTING4 X25L2 L2, L3 *or L2E, L3% X25L3LINE L3% X25L3CHANNEL L3& X25GAP GAP& X25GATEWAY GTW5 LLC2LINE IEEE8023, IEEE8022/ LLC2CHANNEL IEEE8022, L3& X29 X29, TRANSPORT TRANSPORT+ INTERNET INTERNET+ MAC IEEE8022' QLLC QLLC' + SDLC SDLC' CHAN CHAN% PU PU2 /SINCE /NOSINCE /SINCE=[date-time]F Allows you to analyse data traced since a specified time. SpecifyF an absolute date/time of the form [dd-mmm-yyyy:][hh:mm:ss.cc] as* defined in the VMS DCL Concepts Manual. 2 /BEFORE /NOBEFORE /BEFORE=[date-time]F Allows you to analyse data traced before a specified time. SpecifyF an absolute dat,e/time of the form [dd-mmm-yyyy:][hh:mm:ss.cc] as* defined in the VMS DCL Concepts Manual.2 /PAGE /PAGE=nF The number of lines per page. If data is being output to a file,) the default value is SYS$LP_LINES - 6.2 /WIDTH /WIDTH=nF The width of the output. If data is being output to a file, theF default value is 132. If data is being output to your terminal,: the default value is the width of your terminal screen. 2 /TRUNCATE /[NO]TRUNCA-TEF Determines whether data that will not fit on one line is truncated" or is printed on the next line. The default is /NOTRUNCATE. 2 /REVERSE /[NO]REVERSEF Determines whether parts of the output will be displayed in REVERSEF video (if your terminal supports this). If you specify /REVERSEF received data will be displayed in reverse video, and titles will be displayed in bold. The default is /REVERSE. 2 /SCROLL /[NO]SCROLLF Determines .whether data is typed a page at a time, or continuously.F If you specify /NOSCROLL you have to issue the NEXT or BACK commandF to display the next screen. /NOSCROLL is not valid if output is to a file.F ANALYZE/SCROLL will display data continuously following a NEXT orF BACK command, in the direction determined by that NEXT or BACK command. The default is /SCROLL.2 /EVENT /EVENT=(event-type,...)D Determines what types of events should be included in t/he output. Event types are:& TRANSMIT - transmitted data only# RECEIVE - received data only ALL - all events The default is /EVENT=ALL 2 /DISPLAY /NODISPLAY" /DISPLAY = (display-option,...)= Specifies which fields will appear in the analyzed output.F Display options are [NO]EVENT, [NO]SIZE, [NO]TIME, [NO]NAME,6 [NO]FLAG, [NO]STATUS, [NO]FUNCTION_CODE and [NO]ALL3 EVENTF Shows whether this was a received or transmitte0d data buffer, or some other event.3 SIZE( The original size of the data buffer.3 TIME2 The time at which the trace record was created.3 NAME0 The name of the line or channel being traced.3 FLAG# A flag word in the trace record.3 STATUSF The status field in the trace record. For some types of tracingC this will show whether the I/O operation completed successfully.3 FUNCTION_CODE@ The function code of the event that caused this tra1ce record.3 ALL; ALL is equivalent to specifying all the DISPLAY options. 2 /PROTOCOL /NOPROTOCOL& /PROTOCOL=(protocol-identifier,...)F Use /NOPROTOCOL if you want to examine the data without any$ protocol headers being formatted.F The /PROTOCOL qualifier will change the type of analysis that is$ done, so it is not normally used.F The /PROTOCOL qualifier will also change the protocols that are% displayed (see /SELECT qualifier).F The2 default protocol-identifiers depend on the tracepoint being analyzed.3 Protocol-identifiers# Valid protocol identifiers are :6 DDCMP - DECnet protocol for synchronous lines5 ETHERNET - Ethernet protocol for Ethernet lines6 NSP - DECnet protocol for NSP logical links; ROU_ETHERNET - Ethernet protocol for Ethernet circuits9 ROU_SYNC - DECnet protocol for synchronous circuits> L2 - X.25 frame level for lines with protocol LAPB? 3 L2E - X.25 frame level for lines with protocol LAPBE+ L3 - X.25 Packet Level protocol( GAP - Gateway Access Protocol3 GTW - used for tracing X.25 gateway only, IEEE8022 - LLC 2 frame level protocol.: IEEE8023 - LLC 2 Medium Access Control level format.' TRANSPORT - ISO TRANSPORT protocol& INTERNET - ISO Internet protocol= QLLC - SNA Qualified Logical Link Control protocol.< SDLC - SNA Synchronous Data Link Control4 protocol.- CHAN - SNA 3174 Data Link protocol.E PU - SNA Transmission Header and Request/Response Header.F See ANALYZE/TRACE_LEVEL for the default protocols for each type of tracepoint. 2 /SELECT /NOSELECT /SELECT=(protocol-identifier)F The /SELECT qualifier allows you to specify which of the protocol, headers you want to appear in the output.@ The default is to format and display all the protocol headers3 protocol-identifier- S 5ee ANALYZE/PROTOCOL=(protocol-identifier) 2 /L3CHANNEL /NOL3CHANNEL! /L3CHANNEL=(channel-range,...)F A list of channel numbers and ranges. Only trace recordsF containing a Packet Level channel number within a selected rangeF will be displayed. Each channel range can be either a singleF value, or a range of values, or *. This is only valid for X.25F trace records that contain a packet level field (X25L2,F LLC2CHANNEL, X25L3CHANNE6L, X25L3LINE and X25GATEWAY). Note thatF channel numbers are displayed in HEXADECIMAL in the analyzed output.. /NOL3CHANNEL will select all trace records.F For example /L3CHANNEL=(0,%x100-*) selects channel 0 and channel2 numbers greater than or equal to 256 (decimal).2 /NAME /NAME=channel-nameF If you specify /NAME only trace records on channels that match withF this name will be selected for analysis. If you specify only partF of a channel na7me then all records that start with this string willF be selected. You can use the /DISPLAY=NAME option to see the$ channel name in the trace record.2 /SAVE_BUFFER_SIZE /SAVE_BUFFER_SIZE=nF The number of screens of saved lines that will be kept. These= lines can be examined by using the NEXT and BACK commands. The default value is 30.2 /BRIEF /BRIEFF Allows you to see brief information on TPDUs or IPDUs -? approximately one l8ine of information for each TPDU or IPDU. This is the default.2 /FULL /FULLF Allows you to see detailed information on TPDUs or IPDUs -@ approximately ten lines of information for each TPDU or IPDU. 2 /DIRECTORY /DIRECTORYF (Applies to non-interactive tracing only.) Allows you to see a list of transport connections.2 /TRANSPORT_CONNECTION( /TRANSPORT_CONNECTION=(tc1, tc2, ...)? Allows you to select data on specific transport con9nections. 2 /SESSION /NOSESSION /SESSION=(session-range,...)F A list of SNA session numbers and ranges. Only trace records forF selected sessions will be displayed. Each session range can be5 either a single value, or a range of values, or *.8 /NOSESSION will select trace records on all sessions.F For example /SESSION=(1,%xA-*) selects session 1 and session1 numbers greater than or equal to 10 (decimal).9 This qualifier is only valid for SN:A PU trace records.wwXEAa1 EXITF Exits from TRACE. If live tracing is in progress, it is stopped,F and the tracepoints deleted. Any detached trace processes are unaffected by this command.wwXEAa 1 Examples$ NETTRACE> START/LIVE NODDY::DDCMP7 Will start tracing all DDCMP lines on node NODDY' NETTRACE> START/LIVE NODDY::ROU_SYNCF Will start tracing routing on all synchronous circuits on node NODDY.;, NETTRACE> START/LIVE NODDY::X25L3LINE.KMXD Will start tracing at level 3 on all KMX lines on node NODDY. NETTRACE> STARTF Will create a detached process which will trace all PSI lines= at level 2 and write the unanalyzed data to TRACE.DAT.5 NETTRACE> START/LIVE X25L3LINE/NODISPLAY/NOSELECT-) _/CAPTURE_SIZE=20/DATA=ASCII/WIDTH=132F Will start tracing all PSI lines at level 3 and write the dataF to your terminal. Only the data part of ea<ch trace record will be displayed.< NETTRACE> ANALYZE /DISPLAY=NAME/DATA=(HEX,ASC)/NOTRUNCATEF Will attempt to open and analyze trace.dat and will write the& analyzed data to your terminal.( NETTRACE> SHOW TRACE_COLLECTOR */FULL= Will show all tracing being done on your current node.! NETTRACE> START/LIVE TRANSPORT2 Starts tracing at the VOTS transport level. NETTRACE> START/LIVE PU* Will start SNA tracing at PU level.9 N=ETTRACE> START/LIVE ALACK"SYSTEM SECRET"::CHAN.CHAN-0F Will start tracing on channel-attached circuit CHAN-0 on node ALACK.2 NETTRACE> START/LIVE CLIFF"SYSTEM SECRET"::SDLCF Will start tracing on all synchronous circuits currently defined on node CLIFF.wwsGAa1 DEFINE DEFINE/KEYF Associates a string and a set of attributes with a key on the6 terminal keyboard. The /KEY qualifier is required.F See the DCL h>elp on DEFINE/KEY for a full definition of this command. Format:0 DEFINE/KEY key-name equivalence-string 2 key-nameF The key-name you are defining. See the DCL help on DEFINE/KEY for a list of these keys.2 equivalence-stringF Specifies the string to be processed when you press the key. IfF the string contains any spaces, enclose the string in quotation marks.2 /ECHO! See the DCL help on DEFINE/KEY 2 /IF_STATE! See? the DCL help on DEFINE/KEY 2 /LOCK_STATE! See the DCL help on DEFINE/KEY 2 /SET_STATE! See the DCL help on DEFINE/KEY 2 /TERMINATE! See the DCL help on DEFINE/KEYwwHAa1 DELETE DELETE/KEYF Deletes key definitions that have been defined by the DEFINE/KEY, command. The /KEY qualifier is required.F See the DCL help on DELETE/KEY for a full definition of this command. Format: DELETE/KEY key-name @2 key-name The key-name you are deleting2 /STATEF Specifies the state for which the specified key defintion is beingF deleted. The default is the current state. See the DCL help on DELETE/KEYww8JAa1 NEXT Format: NEXTF This command types out the next screen of analyzed data. If youF are analyzing a file, this also has the effect of anF ANALYZE/NOSCROLL command, so that only one screen of data at a timeAF will be displayed. ANALYZE/NOSCROLL has no effect if you are tracing /LIVE.ww8JAa1 BACK Format: BACKF This command types out the last screen of analyzed data. This isF saved data that has already been analyzed and so will not beF affected by any trace analysis options that have changed. ThisF also has the effect of an ANALYZE/NOSCROLL command, so that only2 one screen of data at a time will be displayed.wwB8JAa 1 REFRESHF This command redraws the screen. By default the key will issue this command. Format: REFRESHwwLAa1 CLEARF This command clears the screen of analyzed data. By default the( key will issue this command. Format: CLEARwwLAa1 SPAWNF Creates a subprocess of the current process. See the DCL help on SPAWN for full details. Format: C SPAWN [command-string]2 command-stringF Specifies a command string to be executed in the context of theF created subprocess. When the command completes, the subprocessF terminates and control is returned to the parent process. If youF use both the /INPUT qualifier and a command string, commands areF obtained from the input file after the specified command string executes.2 /INPUT /INPUT=file-specF Specifies an input file containing on De or more DCL commands to beF executed by the spawned subprocess. If you specify a commandF string with the SPAWN command and an input file with the /INPUTF qualifier, the command string is processed before the input file.F Once processing of the input file is complete, the subprocess is terminated.2 /LOGICAL_NAMES /[NO]LOGICAL_NAMESF Determines whether the system passes process logical names andF logical name tables to the subprocessE. The default is /LOGICAL_NAMES 2 /OUTPUT /OUTPUT=file-specF Requests that the output from the SPAWN operation be written to the specified file. 2 /PROCESS /PROCESS=subprocess-nameF Specifies the name of the subprocess to be created. By default, aF unique process name is assigned with the same base name as theF parent process and a unique number. The default subprocess name format is: usernamen 2 /PROMPT /PROMPT[=string]F F Specifies the prompt string for DCL to use in the subprocess. ByD default, SPAWN copies the current prompt from the parent process. 2 /SYMBOLS /[NO]SYMBOLSF Determines whether the system passes DCL global and local symbols to the subprocess. The default is /SYMBOLS2 /WAIT /[NO]WAITF Controls whether the system waits until the current subprocess isF completed before allowing more commands to be issued in the parentF process. The /NOWAIT qualiGfier allows you to issue new commandsF while the specified subprocess is running. When you use theF /NOWAIT qualifier interactively, be sure to use the /OUTPUTF qualifier as well so that output from the subprocess is directed toF a file rather than to your terminal. Otherwise, your terminal will5 be used by more than one process at the same time.1 See the DCL help on SPAWN for further details.wwX"RAa1 ATTACHF Enables you to switch conHtrol from your current process to anotherF process in your job. You can only specify one of process-name, /IDENTIFICATION or /PARENT. Format: ATTACH [process-name]2 process-nameF Specifies the name of the process to which the connection is to be/ made. You cannot connect to the process if:/ o The process is your current process7 o The process is not part of your current job& o The process does not existF If youI specify process-name you cannot specify /PARENT or /IDENTIFICATION.2 /IDENTIFICATION /IDENTIFICATION=pidF Specifies the process identification (PID) of the process to which% terminal control will be switched.F If you specify /IDENTIFICATION you cannot specify /PARENT or process-name. 2 /PARENT /PARENTF This is only valid if issued from a sub-process. It specifies that- you want to attach to your parent process.F If you specJify /PARENT you cannot specify process-name or /IDENTIFICATION.wwX"RAa1 KeypadF The NETTRACE keypad is set up from the file pointed to by theF logical name NETTRACE$KEY_INIT. In addition you can define keys byF using the DEFINE/KEY command in NETTRACE. The command SHOW KEY6 /ALL will display a list of currently defined keys. 2 Default; +-----------------------------------+; | GOLD |HELP KEY|S KHOW KEY|SHOW TR |; | | | | |; | | | |SH TR/FU|; |--------+--------+--------+--------|; | ASCII | HEX | OCTAL | DEC |; | | | | |; | | | | |; |--------+--------+--------+--------|; |ASC ONLY| |DISP ALL|TR LUNCATE|; | | | | |; | | | NODISP | NOTRUN |; |--------+--------+--------+--------|; | | START | STOP | |; | | | | |; | |STAR/LIV| | |; |-----------------+--------| |; | NEXT | BACK | |; | | | |; | ANALYZE/SCROLL | | |; +-----------------------------------+ww