% Librarian T09-20UL _5 _&&&5QhAbout_TCP/IP_ServicesADDnANALYZEpNarpCONVERT CREATEHDEFINEpDELETE" DIRECTORYDISABLE DISCONNECTDISMOUNTENABLEEntering_Commands&EXITEXPORT HELP9ifconfig IMPORT*:LIST1LOOP7DMAP<TMOUNTQ4netstat5nfsstatePINGjREMOVEuripqueryhroute{SEND~SET\SHOWSTARTSTOP_4 sysconfig{B tracerouteUNMAPjREMOVEuripqueryhroute{SEND~SET\SHOWSTARTSTOP_4 sysconfig{B tracerouteUNMAP2ZEROPINGZEROP 5 _1 About_TCP/IP_Services< The TCP/IP Services product provides a management command@ interface you use to configure and manage the software. These0 commands let you perform the following tasks:* o Configure and reconfigure components% o Modify parameters of components+ o Configure customer-developed services+ o Enable and disable running components" o Monitor the running software ww5 _1 Entering_CommandsA To start the management control program, type TCPIP at the DCL prompt. For example: $ TCPIP TCPIP>A At the TCPIP> prompt, you can enter commands described in thisB manual or display online help. Type EXIT to exit the management7 control program, or press Ctrl/C to abort a command.A Help is also available at the DCL prompt by typing HELP TCPIP_ SERVICES. $ HELP TCPIP_SERVICES& NOTEA The word command refers to commands for the TCP/IP Services= software. DCL commands and UNIX commands are explicitly identified.> Management Command Guidelines provides guidelines for using' management control program commands. 2 Management_Command_Guidelines( Table 1 Management Command Guidelines Element GuidelineC Address formats Some commands require that you specify one of7 the following kinds of addresses: o IP!  o Ethernet o FDDI# o Token Ring! o Hardware@ Be sure to use the appropriate format. TheB following examples illustrate an IP address,B an Ethernet address, and a hardware address,# respectively.; TCPIP> SET HOST CROW /ADDRESS= TCPIP> SET ARP AA-BB-04-05-06-07 CONDORP TCPIP> SET BOOTP MACAW /HARDWARE=ADDRESS=08-dd-ff-2a-23-21B Default Refers to the command's behavior if optional- qualifiers are omitted.@ File and When you specify OpenVMS files, follow allA directory names OpenVMS file specification rules. Likewise,B when you specify UNIX files, follow all UNIX/ file specification rules.D Host names and IP To specify a hos !t or network name on a commandC addresses line, you can enter either the host's name or, the host's IP address.? Keywords You can abbreviate commands to the fewest> number of characters, usually four, thatA identify the command. The following commandB lines, for example, have identical meanings:- TCPIP> SH SE NFS/FU/PER> TCPIP> SHOW SERVIC "E NFS /FULL /PERMANENT? Command examples shown in this manual are@ expressed using full command and qualifier( names for clarity.C Multiple values To specify multiple host names, addresses, orD options for parameters and qualifiers, be sureB to separate elements with commas and encloseC the entire list in parentheses. Wildcards areD vali #d unless otherwise stated. A space betweenD multiple elements is optional unless otherwiseC stated. For example, the following qualifiers# are the same:I /qualifier=(option_a:value1,option_b:value2,value3)K /qualifier=(option_a=value1),(option_b=value2,value3)B Wildcards are valid unless otherwise stated.C A space between multiple elements $is optional. unless otherwise stated.A Numeric values Unless otherwise stated, all numeric valuesC are decimal. Values are indicated by either aC preceding equals sign (=) or a colon (:). For example:L TCPIP> SET NAME_SERVICE /SERVER:(SORA,JACANA,PARROT) -J _TCPIP> /ACCEPT:(HOSTS:JACANA,JAY,JUNCO,999.20.40.3)@ Quotation marks On command lines, en%close the following in+ quotation marks when:C o Lowercase and mixed-case names that are toD be stored in a database with the exact case# preserved.? o Directory and file specifications that- contain a slash (/).A o UNIX commands entered on the DCL command line.. Consider these& examples:C 1. To specify a path, enclose it in quotation marks:E TCPIP> MAP "/usr/songbirds/canary" CANARY$DUA2:> 2. To specify host names using lowercaseA letters when you create a proxy entry in& the database:? TCPIP>ADD PROXY COUSINS /GID=10 /UID=40 -A _TCPIP> /HOST=("raven","crow","rook","daw")= ' Note the use of the DCL command-lineA continuation character ( - ) that allowsC you to continue a long command on the next line.> 3. To specify a lowercase host name when? adding the host to the hosts database:E TCPIP> SET HOST "eaglet" /ADDRESS = TCPIP> SHOW HOST EAGLET> ( Note that DCL interprets all input as; uppercase unless you enclose it inA quotation marks. Therefore, you must useB quotation marks to enter the host name inD lowercase in the hosts database. To display@ information about a host, you can enterB either uppercase or lowercase characters.C 4. Use quotes when entering a UN)IX command at5 the DCL prompt. For example:+ $ TCPIP "ifconfig -a"< UNIX commands Follow UNIX syntax and case rules whenB entering UNIX commands at the TCPIP> prompt.@ For example, enter the ifconfig command in( lowercase letters:- TCPIP> ifconfig optionsB The following use of the ifconfig command is inco*rrect:- TCPIP> IFCONFIG optionsB Wildcards If you specify a wildcard on a command line,? you are asked for confirmation before the' command executes.C You can change this default behavior with the8 /NOCONFIRM qualifier. For example:? TCPIP> REMOVE PROXY GRACKLE/GID=*/UID=130H VMS User_name Type User_ID Group_ID Host_na+meF GRACKLE N 269 48 MAPLE" Remove? [N]: 2 Setting_Parameters@ Some commands allow you to enter information in the database;A others modify only the run-time parameters. SET Commands shows1 the SET commands that affect one or the other. Table 2 SET Commands Modify Permanent/ Database Files Modify Dynamic Memory! SET BOOTP SET ARP+ SET CONFIGURATION SET COMM,UNICATION' SET HOST SET INTERFACE* SET MX_RECORDS SET NAME_SERVICE( SET NETWORK SET NFS_SERVER& SET CONTAINER SET PROTOCOL# SET ROUTE SET ROUTE SET SERVICEA Note that the SET ROUTE command affects both the permanent and dynamic routing databases. '2 Modifying_the_Configuration_Database> Unlike the other databases, which have similar objects, theB configuration database holds diverse initialization inf-ormation* for various TCP/IP Services components.< The following commands modify the configuration database: o SET CONFIGURATION BIND% o SET CONFIGURATION COMMUNICATION& o SET CONFIGURATION ENABLE SERVICE! o SET CONFIGURATION INTERFACE$ o SET CONFIGURATION NAME_SERVICE o SET CONFIGURATION PROTOCOL o SET CONFIGURATION SMTP o SET CONFIGURATION SNMP% o SET CONFIGURATION START ROUTING o SET CONFIGURATION TIME 2 Creating_an.d_Deleting_Files; The CREATE commands create the following kinds of files: o Database filesA Compaq strongly recommends that you use the TCP/IP Services@ configuration procedure (TCPIP$CONFIG) instead of manuallyD creating databases. See the Compaq TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS< Installation and Configuration guide for instructions.: Use the following commands to create database files: - CREATE BOOTP - CREATE CONFIGURATION - C/REATE EXPORT - CREATE HOST - CREATE NETWORK - CREATE PROXY - CREATE ROUTE - CREATE SERVICE o UNIX container directoriesD These directories are used by the NFS server software. Use theC following commands to create and delete container directories and files: - CREATE CONTAINER - DELETE CONTAINER - CREATE DIRECTORY - REMOVE DIRECTORY - REMOVE FILE 2 Adding_and_0Deleting_RecordsD To add and delete records from the TCP/IP Services databases, use4 the CONVERT, ADD, and REMOVE management commands.B Use the following commands to add records to and delete records' from the proxy and export databases: o ADD EXPORT o REMOVE EXPORT o ADD PROXY o REMOVE PROXY? You cannot modify information that you enter into databases.D Instead, delete the record with the REMOVE command and then issue a new ADD command.: 1 TCP/IP Services provides the following kinds of CONVERT management commands: o CONVERT/CONFIGURATION BINDA Converts BIND configuration information to BIND Version 8.1 format. o CONVERT/VMS= Populates an existing database with entries from a UNIX database file. o CONVERT/UNIXC Reads a TCP/IP Services database and converts the informationB to a UNIX-formatted (sequential) database file. For example,A CONVERT/UNIX HOST read2s the hosts database and converts the4 records into a UNIX-formatted /etc/hosts file. !2 Starting_and_Stopping_SoftwareD You can start and stop software components interactively by using the following commands: o START MAIL o START ROUTING o STOP ROUTING For example: TCPIP> START ROUTING /SUPPLY> For the server components that are started by the auxiliary= server upon an incoming client request, the ENABLE SERVICE@ command tells the3 the auxiliary server to listen for requests and act upon them.A The DISABLE SERVICE command tells the auxiliary server to stop# listening for incoming requests.D Use the following commands to set components to start when TCP/IP@ Services starts. The permanent configuration is stored in the configuration database.& o SET CONFIGURATION ENABLE SERVICE( o SET CONFIGURATION ENABLE NOSERVICE% o SET CONFIGURATION START ROUTING' o SET CONFIGURATION START NO"4ROUTING 2 Validating_Data_Integrity? Use the following commands to verify the integrity of TCP/IP Services files: o ANALYZE CONTAINER o ANALYZE MAIL o ANALYZE SERVICE 2 Managing_NFS= The NFS server requires the following management commands: o MAP o SET CONFIGURATION MAP o SHOW MAP o SHOW CONFIGURATION MAP o UNMAP o SET CONFIGURATION NOMAP o SET NFS_SERVER o SHOW NFS_SERVER o CREATE#5 EXPORT o ADD EXPORT o REMOVE EXPORT o SET EXPORT o SHOW EXPORT o CREATE PROXY o CONVERT/VMS PROXY o ADD PROXY o REMOVE PROXY o SHOW PROXY 2 Using_NFSD The TCP/IP Services software includes commands for using NFS. UseD the following commands to view container file systems and to copy files to and from them: o CREATE DIRECTORY o DIRECTORY o REMOVE DIRECTORY o REMOVE FILE o CREATE C 6ONTAINER o DELETE CONTAINER o EXPORT o IMPORT> For using the NFS client (working with files that reside onA remote hosts), TCP/IP Services software provides the following commands: o MOUNT o SHOW MOUNT o DISMOUNT 2 Displaying_Information@ The SHOW and LIST commands display configuration, status, and performance information. wwu _ 1 nfsstat SYNOPSIS# nfsstat [-i interval] [-23cnsrz]A The n 7fsstat command displays statistical information about the= network file system (NFS) and remote procedural call (RPC)@ interfaces in the kernel. It can also be used to reinitialize this information. 2 FLAGSC -i interval Specifies the interval of time (in seconds)B to wait between updates to the statisticalD information on display. The default interval% is 4 seconds.@ -s Disp 8lays server NFS and RPC information.1 -n Displays NFS information.1 -r Displays RPC information.: -2 Displays NFS version 2 statistics.: -3 Displays NFS version 3 statistics.C -z Reinitializes the statistics. Use this flag? to set NFS statistics to zero. You mustA have system management or system operator4 privileges to us 9e this flag. 2 DESCRIPTION> Use the nfsstat command to display and reinitialize network> file system (NFS) and remote procedure call (RPC) interface= information for both client and server components. You can? modify the display to include only NFS information, only RPCC information, NFS version 2 or version 3, and only client or only? server information. By default, nfsstat displays statisticalB information for client and server NFS versions 2 and 3, as well( as cl:ient and server RPC information.B If you have SYSUIC, SYSPRV, BYPASS, or OPER privileges, you canB reinitialize the statistics for any or all of these components. wwu _ 1 ifconfig SYNOPSIS> ifconfig interface_id [address_family] [address[/bitmask]! [dest_address]] [parameters]D The ifconfig command assigns and displays an address to a network: interface, and configures network interface parameters. 2 FLAGS; -a Displays inform;ation about all interfaces that are configured on a system. 2 DESCRIPTIONB You use the ifconfig command at boot time to define the networkC address of each interface. You can also use the ifconfig commandD at other times to display all interfaces that are configured on aC system, to redefine the address of an interface, or to set other operating parameters.& NOTE: If you want to redefine the interface address or the> < netmask, you should stop TCP/IP Services. Otherwise, anyA TCP/IP processes currently running will continue to use the( old adddress and netmask and fail.? Any user can query the status of a network interface; only aC privileged user can modify the configuration network interfaces.B You specify an interface with the ifconfig interface_id syntax.C (See your hardware documentation for information on obtaining an interface ID.)< If you specify only an interface_ =id, the ifconfig program? displays the current configuration for the specified network interface only.: If a protocol family is specified by the address_family= parameter, ifconfig reports only the configuration details$ specific to that protocol family.B When changing an interface configuration, if the address familyD cannot be inferred from the address parameter, an address family,D which may alter the interpretation of succeeding parameters, mustA be specified. Thi >s family is required because an interface canB receive transmissions in different protocols, each of which may$ require a separate naming scheme.? The address argument is the network address of the interface= being configured. For the inet address family, the address> argument is either a hostname or an Internet address in the@ standard dotted-decimal notation with or without the optional? Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) bitmask (/bitmask). If@ using the bitmask arg?ument, do not use the netmask parameter.@ The destination address (dest_address) argument specifies the@ address of the correspondent on the remote end of a point-to- point link. 2 PARAMETERSD alias alias_address[/bitmask] Establishes an additional networkC address for this interface. This> can be useful when changing? network numbers and you want@ @ to continue to accept packetsB addressed to the old interface.B If you do not specify a bitmask< or netmask with the alias? address, the default netmaskB is based on the alias address's1 network class.@ If you are using the optionalC A bitmask argument, do not use the4 netmask argument.> -alias alias_address Removes the network address> specified. This can be used< either if you incorrectlyD specified an alias or if an aliasB is no longer needed. The -aliasB parameter functions in Bthe sameB manner as the delete parameter.D aliaslist address_list[/bitmask]Establishes a range of additional= network addresses for this> interface. The range can be< a comma-separated list or< a hyphenated list, and isB inclusive. You can also specify< t Che optional CIDR bitmaskA (/bitmask) argument at the endC of the list. Do not use a comma-B separated list and a hyphenated4 list for a range.= -aliaslist Removes a range of network@ addresses for this interface.C This can be useful when deleting? D network numbers and you want@ to keep the primary interface@ address. The alias list rulesD are the same as for the aliaslist- parameter.? allmulti Enables the reception of all5 multicast packets.@ -allmulti Disables the reception of all5 E multicast packets.A arp Enables the use of the Address< Resolution Protocol (ARP)> in mapping between network-A level addresses and link-levelB addresses. This parameter is on. by default.? -arp Disables the use of the ARP.? F Use of this parameter is notC recommended. See arp(8) for more/ information.? broadcast broad_address Specifies the address to useA to represent broadcasts to theA network. The default broadcast@ address is the address with aA host part consisting of all 1sD G (ones). Note that the computationC of the host part is dependent onB netmask (see the description of: the netmask parameter).> delete [net_address] Removes the network address@ specified. This would be usedB if you incorrectly specified an@ ali Has, or if it was no longerB needed. If you have incorrectly? set an NS address having the@ side effect of specifying the@ host portion, removing all NS> addresses will allow you to> respecify the host portion.> If no address is specified,@ I all network addresses for the9 interface are deleted.D down Marks an interface as not workingA (down), which keeps the systemC from trying to transmit messages= through that interface. IfA possible, the ifconfig command? also resets the inter Jface toA disable reception of messages.A Routes that use the interface,A however, are not automatically, disabled.A ipmtu mtu_value Alters the size of the maximumC transfer unit (MTU) for messagesA that your system transmits. It? mig Kht be necessary to reduce? the MTU size so that bridges= connecting token rings canA transfer frames without error.> metric number Sets the routing metric, orD number of hops, for the interface> to the value of number. The< default value is 0 (zero)> L if number is not specified,A indicating that both hosts areC on the same network. The routing? metric is used by the routedA and gated daemons, with higherD metrics indicating that the route5 is less favorable.D netmask mask Specifies how much of the M address= to reserve for subdividingC networks into sub-networks. ThisB parameter can only be used with@ an address family of inet. Do@ not use this parameter if you? are specifying the CIDR mask> (/bitmask) with the address@ N argument, alias parameter, or7 aliaslist parameter.B The mask variable includes both@ the network part of the local? address and the subnet part,? which is taken from the hostA field of the address. The mask? can be specified as a singleD O hexadecimal number beginning with? 0x, in the standard Internet> dotted-decimal notation, or9 beginning with a name.B The mask contains 1s (ones) forB the bit positions in the 32-bit@ address that are reserved forD the network and sub Pnet parts, andC 0s (zeros) for the bit positionsB that specify the host. The mask> should contain at least the< standard network portion.B The default netmask is based onB the address parameter's network) class.@ up Marks a Qn interface as working? (up). This parameter is usedA automatically when setting theB first address for an interface,> or can be used to enable an> interface after an ifconfigA down command. If the interface< was reset when previouslyA R marked with the parameter down= (see the following section< for a description of this@ parameter), the hardware will4 be reinitialized. wwU _ 1 netstat SYNOPSIS= netstat [-rn | [-an] [-f address_family] [interval]? netstat [-adHimMnrstv] [-f address_family] [interval]3 netstat [-ntSdz] [-I interface] [interval]? The netstat command displays network-related data in various formats. 2 FLAGS> -a Displays the state of sockets related toA the Internet protocol. Includes sockets forB processes such as servers that are currently= listening at a socket but are otherwise inactive.A -d Displays the number of dropped packets; for@ T use with the -I interface or -i flags. You? can also specify an interval argument (in seconds).= -f address_family Limits reports to the specified address> family. The address families that can be< specified might include the following:A inet Specifies reports of the AF_C INET family, if present in the, U kernel.@ all Lists information about allD address families in the system.@ any Lists information about anyD address families in the system.B -H Displays the current ARP table (behaves like arp -a).B -i Displays the state of configured interfaces.@ (Interfaces that a Vre statically configured@ into the system, but not located at system. startup, are not shown.)@ When used with the -a flag, it displays IPB and link-level addresses associated with the! interfaces.> You can use the -i flag to retrieve your0 system's hardware address.> -I interface Displays information about the specified W interface.A -m Displays information about memory allocated@ to data structures associated with network! operations.B -M Displays Internet protocol multicast routingA information. When used with the -s flag, it7 displays IP multicast statistics.B -n Displays network address in numerical format= with network masks in CIDR forma Xt. When@ this flag is not specified, the address isA displayed as hostname and port number. This> flag can be used with any of the display formats.C -r Displays the host's routing tables. When used@ with the -s flag, shows the host's routing; statistics instead of routing tables.< -s Displays statistics for each protocol.B -t Y Displays timer information; for use with the/ -I interface or -i flags.A -v Displays more verbose output when specifiedB with the -r flag. In this case, route metric+ values are displayed.B -z Sets the network interface counters to zero.= This flag must be specified with the -I@ interface flag. In addition, you must be a7 Z privileged user to use this flag. 2 DESCRIPTION> The interval argument specifies in seconds the interval for= updating and displaying information. The first line of the= display shows cumulative statistics; subsequent lines show' statistics recorded during interval. Default DisplayB When used without flags, the netstat command displays a list ofB active sockets for each protocol. The default display shows the following items: o Local and remote[ addresses- o Send and receive queue sizes (in bytes) o Protocol o State? Address formats are of the form host.port or network.port if> a socket's address specifies a network but no specific hostC address. The host and network address are displayed symbolically unless -n is specified. Interface Display; The network interface display format provides a table of+ cumulative statistics for the following: o Interface name% o Maximum Transm\ission Unit (MTU) o Network Address o Packets received (Ipkts)' o Packets received in error (Ierrs)! o Packets transferred (Opkts)' o Outgoing packets in error (Oerrs) o Collisions> Note that the collisions item has different meanings for# different network interfaces. o Drops (optional with -d)! o Timers >((optional with -t) Routing Table DisplayB A route consists of a destination host or network and a gateway< to ]use when forwarding packets. Direct routes are created> automatically for each interface attached to the local host> when you issue the ifconfig command. Routes can be modified? automatically in response to the prevailing condition of the network.B The routing-table display format indicates available routes and. the status of each in the following fields: FlagsC Displays the state of the route as one or more of the following:# U Up, or available.^- G This route is to a gateway.) H This route is to a hostC D This route was dynamically created by a redirect.8 M This route was modified by a redirect.@ S This is a static route that was created by the route command.@ R This is a reject route that was created by the route command. refcnt9 Gives the current number of active uses for the route.C_ Connection- oriented protocols hold on to a single route for theC duration of a connection; connectionless protocols obtain routes. in the process of sending to a destination. useB Provides a count of the number of packets sent using the route. interface6 Indicates the network interface used for the route.D When the -v flag is specified, the routing table display includes= the route metrics. An asterisk (*) indicates the metric is> locked. See route(8) for `additional information on routing. ww _ 1 sysconfig SYNOPSIS$ sysconfig [ -q | -Q | -r | -s |& [subsystem-name] [attribute-list] 2 FLAGS= -q Queries attribute values for the configured? subsystem specified by subsystem-name. If youB omit attribute-list, values of all the specified7 subsystem's attributes are displayed.= -Q Queries information about attributes o af theC configured subsystem specified by subsystem-name.C The information includes the attribute data type,? the operations supported, and the minimum and@ maximum values allowed for the attribute. NoteB that the minimum and maximum values means lengthC and size for attributes of char and binary types,? respectively. If you omit the attribute-list,C info brmation about all attributes in the specified) subsystem is displayed.@ -r Reconfigures the specified subsystem. You must< supply the subsystem-name argument and theA attribute-list argument when you use this flag.? -s Queries the subsystem state for the specified= subsystems. If you omit the subsystem name,D sysconfig displays the state of all the configured c subsystems. 2 DESCRIPTION> The sysconfig command is used to query or modify the kernel? subsystem configuration. You use this command to reconfigureD subsystems already in the kernel and to ask for information about$ (query) subsystems in the kernel.C A subset of kernel subsystems can be managed using the sysconfig: command. This command allows you to modify the value ofC subsystem attributes, so long as the subsystem supports run-time modifications.@ T dhe first argument to the sysconfig command is the subsystem-A name argument. The subsystem-name argument names the subsystemA on which you want to perform the operation specified by one ofB the required flags, such as the -q (query attributes) flag. The? subsystem-name argument is required for all flags except -s.C The attribute-list argument lists attribute names and, dependingA on the operation, attribute values. For reconfigure operations> (-r), the attribute-list argumeent has the following format:+ attribute1=value1 attribute2=value2...B You cannot include spaces between the attribute name, the equal sign (=), and the value.B For query attribute (-q) operations, the attribute-list has the following format: attribute1 attribute2...C The attribute-list argument is required when you use the -r flagA and is optional with the -q flag. Any attribute-list specifies8 with other flags is ignored by the sysconfig command.@ f If you want to modify the value of a subsystem attribute, you? use the -r (reconfigure) flag. When you use the -r flag, the= sysconfig command modifies the named attributes by storing? the value you specify in them. The modifications take effect7 immediately. Changes are only to the running system.@ To get information about subsystem attributes, use either theA -q flag or the -Q flag. You can specify an attribute list withD both these flags. When you use the -q flag, the s gysconfig commandC reads the value of attributes from the kernel and displays those> values on your local display. When you use the -Q flag, theD sysconfig command displays the following information about eitherC each attribute in the subsystem or, if specified, each attribute in the attribute-list: o Attribute datatype.= o Operations supported by the attribute. This information= indicates, for example, whether you can reconfigure the/ attribute using the hsysconfig -r command.2 o Minimum and maximum allowed attribute value.> To get information about the state of subsystems, use the -? s flag. This flag provides a list of the subsystems that areB currently loaded and configured into the kernel. If you specifyC subsystem-name, the command displays information about the stateB of that subsystem. Each subsystem can have one of three states:/ o Loaded and configured (available for use)? o Loaded and unconfigured (not aivailable for use, but still loaded)@ This state applies only to static subsystems, which can be* unconfigured but cannot be unloaded. ww _1 route SYNOPSIS, route [-nqv] command [modifiers] [args] 2 FLAGS: -n Prevents attempts to print host and network names- symbolically when reporting actions.1 -v Causes additional details to be printed. -q Suppresses all output. 2 DESCRIPTIONA The rjoute command is a program used to manually manipulate theA network routing tables. It normally is not needed, as a systemC routing table management daemon, such as gated or routed, should tend to this task.+ The route command accepts five commands: add Adds a route.% flush Removes all routes.+ delete Deletes a specific route.C change Changes aspects of a route (such as its gateway).$ The flush command has the syntax: k# route [-n] flush [family]?where the address family may be specified by the -inet keyword.0 The other commands have the following syntax:@ route [-n] command [-net|-host] destination[/bitmask]- gateway modifier [-netmask mask]@ where destination is the destination host or network (with or= without the optional Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR)? mask (/bitmask)), and gateway is the next hop and gateway toA which packets should be addre lssed. Routes to a particular host@ are distinguished from those to a network by interpreting the= Internet address associated with destination. The optionalB keywords -net and -host force the destination to be interpreted: as a network or a host, respectively. Otherwise, if the@ destination has a local address part of INADDR_ANY, or if the@ destination is the symbolic name of a network, then the routeC is assumed to be to a network; otherwise, it is presumed to be a route t mo a host.: For example, 128.32 is interpreted as -host,? 128.32.130 is interpreted as -host; -net 128.32C is interpreted as, and -net 128.32.130 is interpreted as If the route is via an interface rather than via a gateway, the@ -interface modifier should be specified; the gateway given isA the address of this host on the common network, indicating the) interface to be used for transmission.@ The optional modifier ns -rtt, -rttvar, -sendpipe, -recvpipe, -@ mtu, -hopcount, -expire, and -ssthresh provide initial values; to metrics maintained in the routing entry. These may beC individually locked by preceding each such modifier to be lockedB by the -lock meta-modifier, or one can specify that all ensuing8 metrics may be locked by the -lockrest meta-modifier.> The optional modifiers -reject and -blackhole specify route@ behavior different from a normal route. A normal route allowsC packe ots to be forwarded out on it. Packets sent to reject routes@ are dropped and messages designating the route as unreachable@ are sent to the packet originators. Packets sent to blackhole> routes are also dropped, but no notification is sent to the@ packet originators. In both cases, you must specify' (localhost) as the gateway argument.@ The -netmask mask option specifies the subnet mask to use forA the routing entry. Networks that use a nonstandard subnet must> i pnclude this option. Specify this option after any optional> modifiers. Do not specify this option if you specify a CIDR bitmask (/bitmask).@ All symbolic names specified for a destination or gateway areD looked up first as a hostname using gethostbyname. If this lookupD fails, getnetbyname is then used to interpret the name as that of a network.D The route command uses a routing socket and the new message typesB RTM_ADD, RTM_DELETE, and RTM_CHANGE. As such, only a privilqeged& user may modify the routing tables.B If the flush command is specified, route will flush the routing> tables of all gateway entries. One can choose to flush onlyC those routes whose destinations are of a given address family byB specifying an optional keyword describing which address family. ww _1 arp SYNOPSIS arp [-u] hostname arp -a [-u] [system] arp -d hostname6 arp -s [-u] hostname hardware_addr [temp] [pub] ]r 2 FLAGS> -a Displays all of the current ARP entries.@ -d hostname Deletes the entry for hostname if the user? issuing the command is a privileged user.B -s hostname Creates a single ARP entry for hostname. Use= hardware_addr of this flag requires privileges. Here:: [temp] [pub] hostname Specifies the remote host9 identified by the entry.? hardware_ S specifies the hardware address@ addr of the remote host. The address@ is given as 6 hexadecimal bytes5 separated by colons.D temp Specifies that this ARP table entryA is temporary. When this argument@ is not used, the table entry is+ permanent.D pub Ind ticates that the table entry willB be published and that the currentB system will act as an ARP server,D responding to requests for hostnameD even though the host address is not) its own.C [-u] Displays the MAC address in noncanonical formD with address bytes reversed and separated by aD u colon character (:). By default, all addressesB are displayed in canonical form with addressB bytes separated by the hyphen character (-).@ When used with the -s flag, this indicates? that the hardware_addr is in noncanonical form. 2 DESCRIPTIONA The arp command displays or modifies the current ARP entry forD the host specified by hostname. The host may be specivfied by name* or number, using Internet dot notation.@ With no flags, the program displays the current ARP entry for hostname.C The ARP tables can be displayed by any user, but only privileged user can modify them. ww5 _ 1 ripquery SYNOPSIS/ ripquery [-1] [-2] [-[a5] authkey] [-n], [-p] [-r] [-v] [-w time] gateway ... 2 FLAGS< -1 Sends the query as a version 1 packet.; -2 Sends th we query as a version 2 packet (default).; -[a5] authkey Specifies the authentication password= to use for queries. If -a specified, anA authentication type of SIMPLE will be used,B if -5 is specified an authentication type ofC MD5 will be used, otherwise the default is anA authentication type of NONE. AuthenticationC fields in incomi xng packets will be displayed,( but not validated.A -n Prevents the address of the responding hostD from being looked up to determine the symbolic name.: -p Uses the RIP POLL command to requestA information from the routing table. This isA the default. If there is no response to theB RIP POLL command, the RIP REQUEST command yis@ tried. The gated daemon responds to a POLLA command with all the routes learned through RIP.= -r Used the RIP REQUEST command to requestC information from the gateway's routing table.? Unlike the RIP POLL command, all gateways> should support the RIP REQUEST. If there@ is no response to the RIP REQUEST command,> z the RIP POLL command is tried. The gated? daemon responds to a REQUEST command withC all the routes he announces out the specifiedB interface. Because of limitations in the UDPD interface, on systems based on BSD 4.3 Reno orC earlier, REQUESTs respond about the interfaceD used to route packets back to the sender. ThisD can be avoided{ by running ripquery on the host$ being queried.A -v Displays version information about ripquery3 before querying the gateways.C -w time Specifies the time in seconds to wait for theB initial response from a gateway. The default) value is 5 seconds. 2 DESCRIPTION; The ripquery command is used to request all routes known= by a RIP gateway by sending a RIP reque|st or POLL command.= The routing information in any routing packets returned is? displayed numerically and symbolically. The ripquery commandC is intended to be used as a tool for debugging gateways, not forA network management. SNMP is the preferred protocol for network management. ww5 _ 1 traceroute SYNOPSISC traceroute [-A] [-a] [-c stoptime] [-f] [-g gateway] [-h server]K [-i initial_ttl] [-k] [-l] [-m max_ttl] [-N] [-n] [-p port] [-Q m}axquit]L [-q nqueries] [-r] [-S] [-s source_addr] [-t tos] [-v] [-w waittime] host [packetsize]C The traceroute command displays the route that packets take to a network host. 2 FLAGSB -A Looks up the AS-number (Autonomous System)C for each hop's network address at the whois: server specified by the -h option.< -a If the destination host has multipleB addres ~ses, traceroute probes all addresses@ if this option is set. Normally only theD first address as returned by the resolver is" attempted.? -c stoptime Specifies a delay (in seconds) to pauseD between probe packets. This may be necessaryA if the final destination is a router that@ does not accept undeliverable packets in bursts.? -f Disables IP fragmentation. If the given; packetsize is too big to be handledB unfragmented by a machine along the route,C a "fragmentation needed" status is returnedC and the indicator !F is printed. If a gate-D way returns the value of the proper MTU sizeC to be used, traceroute decreases the packetD size automatically to this new value. If theC proper MTU size is not returned, traceroute6 chooses a shorter packet size.@ -g gateway Enables the IP LSRR (Loose Source Record@ Route) option. This is useful for askingD how somebody else, at the specified gateway,4 reaches a particular target.? -h server Specifies the name or IP address of theB whois server that is contacted for the AS-A number lookup, if the -A option is given.? -i initial_ttl Sets the starting time-to-live value toB initial_ttl, to override the default valueC of 1. Effectively this skips processing forC those intermediate hosts that are less than. initial_ttl hops away.@ -k Keeps the connection t o the whois server< permanently open. This makes lookups@ considerably quicker, because connection? setup for each individual lookup is notD necessary. However, all whois servers do not- support this feature.A -l Prints the value of the ttl field in eachA received packet (this can be used to help3 detect asymm etric routing).@ -m max_ttl Sets the max time-to-live (max number of= hops) used in outgoing probe packets.A The default is 30 hops, which is the same9 default used for TCP connections.? -N Displays the network name for each hop.= If a BIND resolver cannot be reached,A network names are retrieved just from the+ /etc /networks file.B -n Prints hop IP addresses numerically ratherD than both symbolically and numerically. ThisA saves a nameserver address-to-name lookupC for each gateway found on the path. It alsoD prevents a reverse lookup for numeric dotted@ quad addresses given on the command lineD (destination host, or -g gateway addresses).=  -p port Sets the base UDP port number used inA probes (default is 33434). The tracerouteB command presumes that nothing is listening< on UDP ports base to base+nhops-1 at> the destination host (so an ICMP "port; unreachable" message is returned to@ terminate the route tracing). If another= process is listening on a port in theA default range, use this option to pick an* unused port range.< -Q maxquit Stops probing this hop after maxquit> consecutive timeouts are detected. TheA default value is 5. Useful in combinationD with -S if you have specified a big nqueries$ probe count.B -q nqueries Sets the number of probes launched at each3 ttl setting (default is 3).D -r Bypasses the normal routing tables and sendsB directly to a host on an attached network.A If the host is not on a directly-attachedB network, an error is returned. This optionC can be used to ping a local host through anC interface that has no route through it (forC example, after the int erface was dropped by/ routed(8) or gated(8)).@ -S Prints a per-hop minimum/average/maximumA rtt (round-trip time) statistics summary.A This suppresses the per-probe rtt and ttlD reporting. For better statistics you need toB increase the default nqueries probe count./ See also the -Q option.A -s source_addr Uses the following IP address (which mustA be given as an IP number, not a hostname)? as the source address in outgoing probe? packets. On hosts with more than one IPD address, use this option to force the sourceA address to be something other than the IPC address of the interface on which the probeD packet is sent. If the IP address is not one A of this machine's interface addresses, an> error is returned and nothing is sent.A -t tos Sets the type-of-service in probe packets> to the following value (default zero).> The value must be a decimal integer in> the range 0 to 255. Use this option to? determine if different types-of-serviceA result in different paths. Not all valuesB of TOS are legal or meaningful. See the IPD specification for definitions. Useful values? are probably -t 16 (low delay) and -t 8* (high throughput).C -v Produces verbose output. Lists any receivedC ICMP packets other than "time exceeded" and& "unreachable".> -w waittime Sets the time (in seconds) to wait for? a response to a probe. The default is 3 seconds. 2 DESCRIPTION= The Internet is a large and complex aggregation of networkC hardware, connected together by gateways. The traceroute command? tracks the route packets follow from gateway to gateway. TheD command uses the IP protocol `time to live' field and attempts toB elicit an ICMP "time exceeded" response from each gateway along! the path to a particular host .B The only mandatory parameter is the destination host name or IPA number. The default probe datagram length is 38 bytes, but youA can increase this by specifying a packet size (in bytes) afterB the destination host name. This is useful when the -f option isA given for MTU discovery along the route. You should start withA the maximum packet size for your own network interface (if theC given value is even bigger, traceroute attempts to select a moreC appropriate value). If no packet size is given when using the -f? option, traceroute determines the initial MTU automatically.D To track the route of an IP packet, traceroute launches UDP probeB packets with a small ttl (time to live) and then listens for an? ICMP "time exceeded" reply from a gateway. Probes start with> a ttl of one and increase by one until either an ICMP "port? unreachable" is returned (indicating that the packet reachedC the host) or the maximum number of hops is exceeded ( the defaultA is 30 hops and can be changed with the -m option). At each ttl@ setting, traceroute launches three probes (you can change the@ number with the -q option) and prints a line showing the ttl,D address of the gateway, and round trip time of each probe. If theD probe answers come from different gateways, traceroute prints theD address of each responding system. If there is no response within@ a 3 second timeout interval (which you can change with the -w6 option), an a sterisk (*) is printed for that probe.@ To prevent the destination host from processing the UDP probeA packets, the destination port is set to an unlikely value. You? can change the destination port value with the -p option, if necessary.& NOTE: This program is intended for use in network testing,= measurement and management. It should be used primarily> for manual fault isolation. Because of the load it could@ impose on the network, do not use traceroute during normal+ operations or from automated scripts. 3 SPECIAL_ANNOTATIONS; Other possible annotations displayed after the time are: !H Host is unreachable. !N Network is unreachable.! !P Protocol is unreachable. !F Fragmentation needed.A This indicator may show up if the -f command line optionC is being used, and the associated gateway requires furtherB fragmentation. In case the desire d new MTU size is known, it is indicated. !S Source route failed.A This should not occur under normal circumstances and the; associated gateway might be broken if you see one.: !T Host or network is unreachable for the given tos.$ !U Destination is unreachable.B This indicator is printed for some of the new unreachable) subcodes as defined in RFC 1812.A !A Some routers fail to generate an ICMP "port unreachable"B message, but send an ICMP "time exceeded" message insteadA if they are the target host. The indicator is printed if this is detected.B !G Some routers erroneously generate ICMP "port unreachable"B instead of "time exceeded" if they are specified as loose@ source route gateway hosts. The indicator is printed if this is detected.; If all the probes result in an unreachable status,3 traceroute stops sending probes and exits. 3 TTL_INDICATION (ttl=n!)@ This indicates that the ttl value in the ICMP "time exceeded"C packet that we received was unexpected. We expected some initialC value, for example, the number of routers between our system andB another system. In other words, if the path from hop 5 to us isD the same as the path from us to hop 5, we expect to receive a ttl value of 4.> There are several common initial values for ICMP ttls: 255,> 60, 59, 30 and 29. 4.3 tahoe BSD an d Cisco routers use 255,< Proteon routers use either 59 or 29 depending on software= release, several other implementations use 60 and 30. This= software uses an initial ttl of 64. The traceroute commandC checks against all of these, making it hard to detect some smallD routing asymmetries. If you want to see the ttl values in all the packets, use the -l option. 2 PARAMETERS= host Specifies the name or IP address of theC destination host. This parameter is required.B packetsize Specifies the default probe datagram length.C This parameter is optional. The default is 38 bytes. 2 EXAMPLES@ 1. The following command traces the route a packet takes from( localhost to the host nis.nsf.net:' localhost> traceroute nis.nsf.netH traceroute to nis.nsf.net (, 30 hops max, 56 byte packet= 1 helios.ee.lbl.gov ( 1 9 ms 19 ms 0 msC 2 lilac-dmc.Berkeley.EDU ( 39 ms 39 ms 19 msC 3 lilac-dmc.Berkeley.EDU ( 39 ms 39 ms 19 msH 4 ccngw-ner-cc.Berkeley.EDU ( 39 ms 40 ms 39 msG 5 ccn-nerif22.Berkeley.EDU ( 39 ms 39 ms 39 ms: 6 ( 40 ms 59 ms 59 ms8 7 ( 59 ms 59 ms 59 ms< 8 ( 99 ms 99 ms 80 ms= 9 129.140. 71.6 ( 139 ms 239 ms 319 ms= 10 ( 220 ms 199 ms 199 ms; 11 nic.merit.edu ( 239 ms 239 ms 239 msD Note that lines 2 and 3 are identical. This is due to a bug inD the kernel on the 2nd hop system, lbl-csam.arpa, that forwardsB packets with a zero ttl (a bug in the distributed version ofC 4.3BSD). The NSFNet (129.140) does not supply address-to-nameB translations for its NSSes. Therefore, you cannot be certain1 of the path the packets take cross-country.9 2. The following is another example of output from the= traceroute com mand. Packets from localhost to the host, allspice.lcs.mit.edu are being traced:0 localhost> traceroute allspice.lcs.mit.eduC traceroute to allspice.lcs.mit.edu (, 30 hops max; 1 helios.ee.lbl.gov ( 0 ms 0 ms 0 msC 2 lilac-dmc.Berkeley.EDU ( 19 ms 19 ms 19 msC 3 lilac-dmc.Berkeley.EDU ( 39 ms 19 ms 19 msH 4 ccngw-ner-cc.Berkeley.EDU ( 19 ms 39 ms 39 msG 5 ccn-nerif22.Berkeley.EDU ( 20 ms 39 ms 39 ms; 6 ( 59 ms 119 ms 39 ms8 7 ( 59 ms 59 ms 39 ms< 8 ( 80 ms 79 ms 99 ms= 9 ( 139 ms 139 ms 159 ms= 10 ( 199 ms 180 m s 300 ms? 11 ( 300 ms 239 ms 239 ms 12 * * *? 13 ( 259 ms 499 ms 279 ms 14 * * * 15 * * * 16 * * * 17 * * *C 18 ALLSPICE.LCS.MIT.EDU ( 339 ms 279 ms 279 msC Note that the gateways 12, 14, 15, 16 and 17 hops away eitherA do not send ICMP "time exceeded" messages or send them withB a ttl too small to reach localhost. Further investigatio n isA required to determine the cause. For example, by contacting? the system administrators for gateways 14 through 17, you> could discover that these gateways are running the MIT C? Gateway code that does not send "time exceeded" messages.? The silent gateway 12 in the example may be the result of@ a bug in the 4.[23]BSD network code (and its derivatives):B 4.x (x <= 3) sends an unreachable message using whatever ttl@ remains in the original data gram. Since, for gateways, theC remaining ttl is zero, the ICMP "time exceeded" is guaranteed to not make it back to us.C When this bug appears on the destination system it behaves as follows:; 1 helios.ee.lbl.gov ( 0 ms 0 ms 0 msC 2 lilac-dmc.Berkeley.EDU ( 39 ms 19 ms 39 msC 3 lilac-dmc.Berkeley.EDU ( 19 ms 39 ms 19 msH 4 ccngw-ner-cc.Berkeley.EDU ( 39 ms 40 ms 19 msG 5 ccn-nerif35.Berkeley.EDU ( 39 ms 39 ms 39 msA 6 csgw.Berkeley.EDU ( 39 ms 59 ms 39 ms 7 * * * 8 * * * 9 * * * 10 * * * 11 * * * 12 * * *D 13 rip.Berkeley.EDU ( 59 ms ! 39 ms ! 39 ms !B Note that there are 12 gateways (13 is the final destinationA and the last half of them are missing. What is happening isD that the host rip (a Sun-3 running Sun OS3.5) is using the ttlB from our arriving datagram as the ttl in its ICMP reply. TheD reply will time out on the return path (with no notice sent toD anyone since ICMPs are not sent for ICMPs) until we probe withC a ttl that is at least twice the path length. This means thatC the host rip is really only 7 hops away. A reply that returnsC with a ttl of 1 is a clue this problem exists. The tracerouteB command prints a ! after the time if the ttl is less than or@  equal to 1. Since many systems continue to run obsolete orC non-standard software, expect to see this problem frequently. wwU _1 ADD 2 EXPORT@ Adds an export entry, in the form of a UNIX path name, to theC export database for a Network File System (NFS) file system. The> path name is a name that is mapped to one of the following: o An OpenVMS disk' o A subdirectory on an OpenVMS disk" o A UNIX container file systemD Related commands: MAP, REMOVE EXPORT, SET CONFIGURATION MAP, SHOW EXPORT, SHOW HOST Applies to: NFS server Format( ADD EXPORT "/path/name" /HOST=host [ /OPTIONS=$ [NO]DATA_CONVERSION$ [NO]NAME_CONVERSION# [NO]PURGE_VERSIONS+ [NO]TYPELESS_DIRECTORIES ] 3 Restrictions_and_Tips< This command requires read and write access to the export? database. The following restrictions and instructions apply:A o Do not use wildcards within a UNIX directory specification.C o For each host, define both its host name and any alias names.? o For each entry, use uppercase and lowercase consistently.? o If you remove an export entry and replace the entry usingB different options; each client must dismount and remount for% the new options to take effect. 3 Parameters "/path/name" Required.- File system to add to the exp ort database.: Separate directory and subdirectory names with slashes. 3 Qualifiers /HOST /HOST=host Required.< The NFS client host or hosts that will have access to the specified NFS file system.7 You may use a wildcard to allow access to all hosts. /OPTIONS /OPTIONS= { [NO]DATA_CONVERSION [NO]NAME_CONVERSION [NO]PURGE_VERSIONS [NO]TYPELESS_DIRECTORIES } Optional.& NOTE; For clients operating in OpenVMS to OpenVMS mode, the> server ignores the options in the export record and uses8 the settings required for OpenVMS to OpenVMS mode.' Options for the specified directory:( o DATA_CONVERSION, NODATA_CONVERSION" - DATA_CONVERSION (default): Converts the following kinds of sequential files: * Variable4 * Variable with fixed-length control (VFC) * Fixed-record formatsD Converts sequential files according to the rules applied by) the following record attributes:1 * Carriage return/carriage control (CR)* * Fortran carriage control (FTN)+ * Print file-format control (PRN)1 Stream formats are returned unconverted.C The data in files with nonstream records cannot be written back to the file. - NODATA_CONVERSION< File data is considered raw and is returned without> c onversion. Nonstream records are returned with their? record control information mixed with the record data.) Files can be rewritten randomly.( o NAME_CONVERSION, NONAME_CONVERSION - NAME_CONVERSION> A non-OpenVMS client can create files with mixed-case? names and names containing characters that are invalidB for OpenVMS file names. The server converts such names toC valid OpenVMS file names, and reverses the conversion when; displaying the file names to a non-OpenVMS client.$ - NONAME_CONVERSION (default)@ Clients can only create files with valid OpenVMS names.B The server performs case-insensitive lookups and displays" directories in lowercase.& o PURGE_VERSIONS, NOPURGE_VERSIONS Default: NOPURGE_VERSIONSD Deletes multiple versions of files. (The NFS CREATE and RENAMEB calls can create multiple versions. The NFS READDIR call can sense multiple versions.)2 o TYPELESS_DIRECTORIES, NOTYPELESS_DIRECTORIES - TYPELESS_DIRECTORIES> Removes .dir.1 from the name of directories. A namingA conflict could arise if, for example, two files exist in the parent directory: DOVE.;1 (regular file)$ DOVE.DIR;1 (directory file)C The name is returned as dove., rather than dove, if a file+ and a conflicting directory exist.) - NOTYPELESS_DIRECTORIES (default)0 Returns names as file.ext and file.dir. 3 Examples/ 1.TCPIP> ADD EXPORT "/gold/finch" /HOST=GOLD> Adds the name of UNIX directory /gold/finch to the export@ database and gives NFS client users on the remote host gold access to this directory.9 2.TCPIP> ADD EXPORT "/gold/finch" /HOST=(PURPLE,FINCH)D Adds the directory /gold/finch to the export database and givesA NFS client users on multiple remote hosts (PURPLE and FINCH) access to this directory. 2 PROXY? Adds entries to the proxy database that give remote users anB OpenVMS identity (account name). Applies to the NFS server, NFSA client, PC-NFS, RSH, LPR/LPD, and customer-developed services.< The proxy database contains communication proxies and NFS proxies: o Communication proxy7 - Provides an identity for users of RSH, RLOGIN,6 REXEC, RMT/RCD, LPR/LPD, and customer-written4 services, if these services are marked with. SET SERVICE /FLAGS=APPLICATION_PROXY., NOTE= The ROOT account does not require a communication@ proxy in the proxy database. The /FLAGS=APPLICATION_? PROXY flag, therefore, is not relevant when you are< setting up a communication proxy for a UNIX root account.2 - Required qualifiers: /HOST, /REMOTE_USER. o NFS proxyB - Provides an identity for users of NFS client, NFS server,> PC-NFS. No two proxies can have the same UID and host combination.0 - Required qualifiers: /HOST, /GID, /UID.? You can combine NFS and communication proxies in one record.B Related commands: SHOW HOST, DCL command AUTHORIZE, CONVERT/VMS" PROXY, REMOVE PROXY, SHOW PROXY# Format for Communication Proxies7 ADD PROXY user { /HOST=host | /REMOTE_USER=user } [ /PERMANENT ] Format for NFS Proxies5 ADD PROXY user { /GID=n | /HOST=host | /UID=n } [ /NFS=options ] [ /PERMANENT ] 3 Restrictions_and_TipsB Requires read and write access to the proxy database and one of the following privileges: o SYSPRV o SYSLCK o OPER< For each host, define both its host name and alias names.< For each entry, use uppercase and lowercase consistently. 3 Parameters user Required.B Local OpenVMS identity for the user of: NFS server, NFS client,$ PC-NFS, remote shell, or LPR/LPD. 3 Qualifiers /GID /GID=n Required for an NFS proxy.* Group identifier (GID) for an NFS user. Wildcards not allowed. /HOST /HOST=host Required.. Host name on which the NFS user is working.A o The host must be seen on the SHOW HOST/LOCAL display. It isD important to use the SHOW HOST command to verify that the hostD is known to TCP/IP Services because ADD PROXY does not do this check. o A wildcard is allowed.B o Compaq recommends that you define both the host name and any alias names. /NFS" /NFS=[ INCOMING | OUTGOING ]/ Optional. Default: /NFS=(INCOMING,OUTGOING).D Creates an NFS proxy for local clients, remote clients, or PC-NFS) clients. Specify one of the following:- o /NFS=OUTGOING - Proxy to use NFS client- o /NFS=INCOMING - Proxy to use NFS serverA  o /NFS=(OUTGOING,INCOMING) - Proxy to use both NFS server and NFS client /PERMANENT< Optional. Default: Both permanent and volatile databases.7 Adds the entry only to the permanent proxy database. o Communication proxy> - If REMOTE_USER is not active, changes are made to the permanent database.D - If REMOTE_user is active, changes to the permanent database; take effect after you restart RSH, RLOGIN, or LPD. /REMOTE_USER /REMOTE_USER=user> Required for a communication proxy. Not valid on NFS proxy.+ Specifies the remote client's user name. A wildcard is allowed. /UID /UID=n Required for an NFS proxy.7 Specifies the user identifier (UID) for an NFS user. Wildcards are not allowed. 3 Examples? 1.TCPIP> ADD PROXY HAWAIIAN_GOOSE /NFS=(OUTGOING,INCOMING) -* _TCPIP> /GID=10 /UID=444 /HOST="nene"C Creates a proxy called HAWAIIAN_GOOSE, authorizing use of both= the NFS client and the NFS server to and from host nene.= 2.TCPIP> ADD PROXY COUSINS /GID=10 /UID=40 /NFS=OUTGOING -* _TCPIP> /HOST=("grackle","blackbird")> Enters an NFS proxy called COUSINS for a local NFS client? user named COUSINS. This user can access remote files from' NFS servers grackle and blackbird., 3.TCPIP> ADD PROXY REMOTE_UGLY_DUCKLING -3 _TCPIP> /REMOTE_USER="cygnet" /HOST="babyswan"3 Adds to the proxy database communication proxyB REMOTE_UGLY_DUCKLING for remote user cygnet at host babyswan. ww< _ 1 ANALYZE 2 CONTAINERA Verifies the integrity of a UNIX container file, including the following checks: o Superblock validation o Inode validation o Directory validation$ o Internal allocation validation$ o Directory hierarchy validationB Reports, and optionally corrects, problems within the structure9 of the container directory. Applies to the NFS server.4 Related commands: DIRECTORY, SHOW CFS, MAP, UNMAP Format( ANALYZE CONTAINER device:path.name( [ /[NO]CONFIRM ]' [ /[NO]REPAIR ] 3 Restrictions_and_TipsB o Before you enter the ANALYZE CONTAINER command, you must mapB the OpenVMS volume on which the container directory resides, using the MAP command.? o Before you enter the ANALYZE CONTAINER command, unmap the? container file system to prevent users from attempting to( access to it while you analyze it.1 o This command requires the BYPASS privilege. 3 Parameters device:path.name Required.- Device and container directory to analyze. 3 Qualifiers /CONFIRM /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM! Optional. Default: /NOCONFIRM.' Use only with the /REPAIR qualifier.; When the software encounters a problem with the services< database, it displays a description and solution and thenD requests confirmation before making each correction. For example:R%TCPIP-E-ANA_SUP_BADIICGSIZE, Problem: Bad initial inode cell group size:bad_value6Solution: Will be replaced by default size: good_value CONFIRM [Y/N/G]:A In respose to the CONFIRM: prompt, enter one of the following: o Y to repair the problem o N to ignore the problem) o G to change to NO CONFIRMATION mode /REPAIR /REPAIR /NOREPAIR Optional. Default: /NOREPAIR. Any errors will be repaired. 3 Examples 1.TCPIP> UNMAP "/wren20"+ TCPIP> ANALYZE CONTAINER DUA0:[WREN20]7 Verifies the integrity of container DUA0:[WREN20]. 2 MAIL@ Verifies the consistency of the SMTP queues with SMTP control files.+ Related commands: REMOVE MAIL, SHOW MAIL Format ANALYZE MAIL [ user ]# [ /[NO]CONFIRM ]' [ /DE#LETE[=options ]! [ /HOLD=time ] [ /LOG=file ]" [ /[NO]REPAIR ] 3 RestrictionsC Requires SYSNAM, SYSPRV, or BYPASS privilege to access mail that is not yours. 3 Parameters user Optional. Default: All users.' User whose mail you want to analyze. 3 Qualifiers /CONFIRM /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM Optional. Default: /NOCONFIRM= Use only with either the /REPAIR or the /DELETE qualifier.D When the software encounters a problem, it displays a description> and solution. It then requests confirmation before making aB correction or deleting each record. Enter one of the following: o Y to repair the problem o N to ignore the problem) o G to change to NO CONFIRMATION mode /DELETE* /DELETE [=BEFORE=time | =SINCE=time]( Optional. Default: Files not deleted.A Deletes each control file without a corresponding queue entry. o =BEFORE=time9 - Deletes files created before the specified time.( - Default: Current date and time. o =SINCE=time8 - Deletes files created since the specified time.$ - Default: Deletes all files.B Use the /DELETE and /REPAIR qualifiers on the same command line- only if their time frames do not conflict.C The following command requeues lost mail created since yesterday! and deletes all previous mail:7 TCPIP> ANALYZE MAIL /REPAIR /DELETE=BEFORE=YESTERDAY /HOLD /HOLD=time/ Optional. Default: Immediate retransmission.> Hold, until the specified time, lost control files that you requeued. /LOG /LOG[=file]C Optional. Default: [current_default_dir]:TCPIP$SMTP_ANALYZE.LOG.5 Writes the ANALYZE MAIL log to the specified file. /REPAIR /REPAIR, /NOREPAIR [=BEFORE=time | =SINCE=time] Optional. Default: /NOREPAIR. Corrects errors as follows:@ o Resubmits for delivery each valid control file in the SMTP/ directory with no entry in an SMTP queue.; o Deletes each invalid control file (fails the internal; consistency check) and the corresponding queue entry.9 o Either requeues or deletes messages placed on hold." Supports the following options: o =BEFORE=time9 - Deletes files created before the specified time.( - Default: Current date and time. o =SINCE=time8 - Deletes files created since the specified time.$ - Default: Deletes all files.A Do not use /REPAIR with /DELETE if their time frames conflict. 3 Examples 1.TCPIP> ANALYZE MAIL /REPAIRA Displays status for the SMTP queues, and requeues each valid9 control file that lacks a corresponding queue entry. 2.TCPIP> ANALYZE MAIL /DELETE? Creates the summary of SMTP queues, and deletes each valid> control file that lacks a corresponding SMTP queue entry. 3.TCPIP> ANALYZE MAIL DRAKE3 %TCPIP-I-ANA_RUNING, ANALYZE runs on node DODO7 %TCPIP-I-ANA_NOENTR, no queue entry found for file4 NEST3$:[DRAKE]93042311394417_DRAKE.TCPIP_DODO;18 %TCPIP-I-ANA_COMPLE, ANALYZE completed on node DODO8 %TCPIP-I-ANA_FEPAIR, found 0 file-queue entry pairs1 %TCPIP-I-ANA_DELQEN, deleted 0 queue entries= %TCPIP-I-ANA_FILNOQ, found 1 files with no queue entries6 %TCPIP-I-ANA_FILHLD, holding 0 files in directoryG %TCPIP-I-ANA_FILDEL, deleted 0 files from the Postmaster directory@ %TCPIP-I-ANA_SUBFIL, submitted 0 files to the generic queue: %TCPIP-I-ANA_FILACE, encountered 0 file access errorsJ %TCPIP-I-ANA_NONCFF,found 0 non-unknown files in Postmaster directoryJ %TCPIP-I-ANA_FILCOR,found 0 corrupted CFfiles in Postmaster directory TCPIP>A Creates a summary of SMTP entries and control files for user DRAKE.A 4.TCPIP> ANALYZE MAIL DRAKE /REPAIR /DELETE=BEFORE=24-SEP-2000D o Creates a summary of SMTP entries and control files for user DRAKE.< o Requeues control files that lack corresponding queue entries.@ o Deletes control files created before September 24, 2000. 2 SERVICED Searches through the services database for corrupted definitions.D Displays invalid records and, with the /REPAIR qualifier, deletes them.. Related commands: SET SERVICE, SHOW SERVICE Format& ANALYZE SERVICE [ /[NO]CONFIRM ]% [ /[NO]REPAIR ] 3 Restrictions; Requires write access to the directory with the services database. 3 Qualifiers /CONFIRM /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM! Optional. Default: /NOCONFIRM.' Use only with the /REPAIR qualifier.D When the software encounters a problem, it displays a description@ and a solution. It then requests confirmation before making a correction.C Respond to the CONFIRM: prompt by entering one of the following: o Y to repair the problem o N to ignore the problem) o G to change to NO CONFIRMATION mode /REPAIR /REPAIR /NOREPAIR Optional. Default: /NOREPAIR! Deletes the corrupted records. 3 Examples 1.TCPIP> ANALYZE SERVICE2 Invalid IP option recordsD Service Port Proto Process AddressD TOE 25 TCP TOED NESTING 560 TCP NEW_EGGS_TCPIP IP option records Total: 0 Invalid: 0 TCP option records Total: 7 Invalid: 2D Displays total and invalid protocol option records found in two* service definitions, TOE and NESTING., 2.TCPIP> ANALYZE SERVICE /REPAIR /CONFIRM2 Invalid IP option recordsD Service Port Proto Process AddressD TOE 67 UDP TOED Remove? [N]: YESD Service Port Proto Process AddressD NESTING 69 UDP NEW_EGGS_TCPIP Remove? [N]: YESB Displays the total protocol option records and deletes, after' confirmation, the invalid records. ww5J _ 1 CONVERTA The TCP/IP Services manag ement program provides three kinds of CONVERT commands:< CONVERT/CONFIGURATION Converts BIND server configurationA BIND information to BIND Version 8.1 format.A CONVERT/VMS Populates a TCP/IP Services for OpenVMSD database with entries from a UNIX database file.> CONVERT/UNIX Reads a TCP/IP Services database and= converts the information to a UNIX-? formatted (sequential) database file. 2 /CONFIGURATION_BINDA Converts the UCX BIND Version 4.x name server configuration to@ the BIND Version 8.1 format. Applies to the BIND name server.? Note: Specify /CONFIGURATION BIND without an underscore when= entering this command. Use this command if you have a BIND? configuration from an earlier release (Version 4.2 or lower)B of the TCP/IP Services software. This command extracts the BINDD configuration information from the file UCX$CONFIGURATION.DAT and* creates the ASCII file TCPIP$BIND.CONF.D Related commands: SET CONFIGURATION BIND, SHOW CONFIGURATION BIND Format1 CONVERT/CONFIGURATION BIND [bind_conf_file]= [/CLUSTER=lbroker_conf_file] 3 Parameters bind_conf_file? Optional. Default: SYS$SPECIFIC:[TCPIP$BIND]TCPIP$BIND.CONF.7 Specifies the alternate name or location of the BIND$ configuration file to be created. 3 Qualifiers /CLUSTER /CLUSTER=lbroker_conf_fileD Optional. Default: SYS$SYSDEVICE:[TCPIP$LD_BKR]TCPIP$LBROKER.CONF< Creates the file used by the load broker for cluster load? balancing. Here, lbroker_conf_file specifies the name of the" load broker configuration file. 3 Examples* 1.TCPIP> CONVERT /CONFIGURATION BIND -C _TCPIP /CLUSTER=SYS$SYSDEVICE:[TCPIP$LD_BKR]TCPIP$LBROKER.CONF7 Converts the UCX BIND server configuration to BIN D: Version 8.1 format and creates the configuration file; SYS$SPECIFIC:[TCPIP$BIND]TCPIP$BIND.CONF. The /CLUSTER@ qualifier creates the configuration file TCPIP$LBROKER.CONF used by the load broker.8 2.TCPIP> CONVERT /CONFIGURATION BIND SITE2_BIND.CONF? Converts the UCX BIND server configuration and creates the( configuration file SITE2_BIND.CONF.B See the Compaq TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Management guide forB more information about the BIND name server, resolver, and load broker. 2 /UNIX@ The CONVERT/UNIX commands read a TCP/IP Services database andD convert the information to a UNIX-formatted (sequential) database file. 3 BIND? Creates a BIND server database and populates it with recordsA from the local host and MX databases. This command will createC either a forward translation file or a reverse translation file.D If you specify a domain.name that ends in IN-ADDR.arpa, a reverse translation file is created., Related commands: SET HOST, SET MX_RECORD Format9 CONVERT/UNIX BIND /DOMAIN=domain.name [ /[NO]LOG ] 4 Qualifiers /DOMAIN /DOMAIN=domain.name Required.B Domain for which to extract data. Determines whether to perform< forward translation or reverse translation. The following' restrictions and instructions apply:. o The domain name must be fully qualified.& o The closing dot is not required. o Do not use wildcards.D o Specify up to four parts of the IP address for varying degrees" of selectivity. For example:0 /DOMAIN=16.IN-ADDR.arpa is less selective.5 /DOMAIN=8.20.16.IN-ADDR.arpa is more selective.A The end of domain.name determines whether a forward or reverse) translation is performed. For example:. o If the domain name ends in IN-ADDR.arpa:* - Reverse translation is performed.@ - The domain is some part of an IP address, reversed, and added to IN-ADDR.arpa.B - The selection includes the contents of the hosts database in the output.< o If the domain name ends in anything else (for example, /DOMAIN=DAW.MAG.COM):* - Forward translation is performed.A - All hosts in domain.name or in any of its subdomains are& selected for the output file.A - CONVERT/UNIX BIND does a forward translation and selects4 hosts in DAW.MAG.COM and in its subdomains. /LOG /LOG /NOLOG Optional. Default: /NOLOG.' Shows records as they are processed. 4 Examples: 1.TCPIP> CONVERT/UNIX BIND /DOMAIN=KESTREL.SMALL.FALCONA On host KESTREL, creates a BIND server database with default@ file name SYS$SPECIFIC:[TCPIP$BIND]KESTREL_SMALL_FALCON.DB./ BIND and MX records for the host's domain,@ kestrel.small.falcon, are extracted, converted, and written to KESTREL_SMALL_FALCON.DB.2 2.TCPIP > CONVERT/UNIX BIND /LOG /DOMAIN=ABC.COMA Creates a BIND server database. The /LOG qualifier indicates: that records will be displayed as they are processed. 3 HOSTD Reads the hosts database and converts the information to an ASCII; file formatted for use as a hosts file on a UNIX system.B The name and location of the hosts database is specified by theD logical name TCPIP$HOST. If this name is not defined, the command6 looks for TCPIP$HOST.DAT in your current di!rectory.5 Related commands: CREATE HOST, SET HOST, SHOW HOST Format, CONVERT/UNIX HOST [ destination_file ]& [ /BYADDRESS ] [ /LOG ] 4 Restrictions Requires:( o Read access to the hosts database." o Write access to []ETC.HOSTS. 4 Parameters destination_file2 Optional. Default: []ETC.HOSTS (UNIX formatted)3 Allows you to specify the name for the new file. 4 Qualifiers /BYADDRESS$ Optional. Default: Sorts by name.5 Sorts entries in the converted file by IP address. /LOG! Optional. Default: No display.) Interactively displays the processing. 4 Examples 1.TCPIP> CONVERT/UNIX HOSTA Converts the hosts database TCPIP$HOST to an ASCII file that? is formatted for use as a hosts file on a UNIX system. The? resulting file is named (default) ETC.HOSTS in the current; directory and can be used on a UNIX system as the file /etc/hosts. 3 NETWORKD Converts the networks database to an ASCII file formatted for use on a UNIX system.A The name and location of the networks database is specified byC the logical name TCPIP$NETWORK. If this name is not defined, theA command looks for TCPIP$NETWORK.DAT in your current directory.> Related commands: CREATE NETWORK, SET NETWORK, SHOW NETWORK Format/ CONVERT/UNIX NETWORK [ destination_file ]) " [ /BYADDRESS ]# [ /LOG ] 4 Restrictions Requires:( o Read access to the hosts database.. o Write access to the file []ETC.NETWORKS. 4 Parameters destination_file6 Optional. Default: []ETC.NETWORKS (UNIX formatted).5 Specifies the name of the new UNIX formatted file. 4 Qualifiers /BYADDRESS$ Optional. Default: Sorts by name.. Sorts the converted file by network number. /LOG! Optional. Default: No display.1 Displays messages generated during processing. 4 Examples% 1.TCPIP> CONVERT/UNIX NETWORK /LOG@ Converts the networks database (TCPIP$NETWORK) to the ASCII> file []ETC.NETWORKS. This resulting file can be used as a? networks database file /etc/networks on a UNIX system. The< /LOG qualifier displays each record as it is converted.- 2.TCPIP> CONVERT/UNIX NETWORK NETWORKS.TXT@ Converts the networks database (TCPIP$NETWORK) to the ASCII? file []NETWORKS.TXT. The resulting file may be used as the; networks database file /etc/networks on a UNIX system. 2 /VMSD The CONVERT/VMS commands populate a TCP/IP Services database with% entries from a UNIX database file. 3 BOOTPB Populates the existing BOOTP database with entries from a BIND-% formatted UNIX /etc/bootptab file.< If the logical name TCPIP$BOOTP is defined, it is used to; specify the directory and file name for the database. IfC TCPIP$BOOTP is not defined, the database is created as [current_ directory]TCPIP$BOOTP.DAT.8 Related commands: CREATE BOOTP, SET BOOTP, SHOW BOOTP Format' CONVERT/VMS BOOTP [ source_file ]% [ /ADD_HOST ]0 [ /FILE=sys_image_file ] 4 Restrictions Requires:A o Read and write access to the hosts database (if using /ADD_ HOST qualifier).( o Read access to the hosts d atabase. 4 Parameters source_file? Optional. Default: []ETC.BOOTPTAB in your current directory. File to be converted. 4 Qualifiers /ADD_HOST Optional. Default: No adding.> Adds new host names found in the UNIX /etc/bootptab file to TCPIP$HOST.DAT. /FILE /FILE=sys_image_file Optional. Default: None.C Specifies the name of the client's system image file to download2 if this file name is not in the BOOTP database. 4 Examples1 1.TCPIP> CONVERT/VMS BOOTP BOOTP.DAT /ADD_HOST? Converts a UNIX ASCII boot data file to an OpenVMS indexedD file. BOOTP.DAT specifies the source UNIX boot file to convert.@ For new hosts, the /ADD_HOST qualifier adds the host to the hosts database. 3 HOSTA Populates the existing hosts database with entries from a UNIX /etc/hosts file.B The name and location of the hosts database is specified by theD logical name TCPIP$HOST. If this name is not defined, the command6 looks for TCPIP$HOST.DAT in your current directory.5 Related commands: CREATE HOST, SET HOST, SHOW HOST Format& CONVERT/VMS HOST [ source_file ] [ /LOG ]" [ /UPCASE ] 4 Restrictions Requires:2 o Read and write access to the hosts database.3 o Read access to the UNIX formatted hosts file.* o Exclusive use of the hosts database. 4 Parameters  source_file: Optional. Default: ETC.HOSTS in your current directory.A UNIX formatted file to be converted to the TCPIP$HOST database file. 4 Qualifiers /LOG! Optional. Default: No logging.0 Displays records as they are being processed. /UPCASE" Optional. Default: Not created.1 Creates an uppercase alias name for each host. 4 Examples 1.TCPIP> CONVERT/VMS HOST; Converts the UNIX formatted hosts database file to the@ file TCPIP$HOST.DAT. The name of the UNIX formatted file is) ETC.HOSTS in your current directory.& 2.TCPIP> CONVERT/VMS HOST HOSTS.TXTD Converts the UNIX formatted host database file HOSTS.TXT to the file TCPIP$HOST.DAT. 3 NETWORKD Populates the existing networks database with entries from a UNIX /etc/networks file.A The name and location of the networks database is specified byC the logical name TCPIP$NETWORK. If this name is not defined, theA command looks for TCPIP$NETWORK.DAT in your current directory.> Related commands: CREATE NETWORK, SET NETWORK, SHOW NETWORK Format) CONVERT/VMS NETWORK [ source_file ]" [ /LOG ]% [ /UPCASE ] 4 Restrictions Requires:5 o Read and write access to the networks database.$ o Read access to []ETC.NETWORKS.- o Exclusive use of the networks database. 4 Parameters source_file=  Optional. Default: ETC.NETWORKS in your current directory.$ Name of the file to be converted. 4 Qualifiers /LOG' Optional. Default: Log file created.> Interactively displays records as they are being processed. /UPCASE( Optional. Default: Alias not created.= Specifies that an uppercase alias name be created for each network name. 4 Examples 1.TCPIP> CONVERT/VMS NETWORK? Converts a UNIX formatted /etc/networks database file into? a TCP/IP Services formatted networks database. The OpenVMS? file name of /etc/networks is ETC.NETWORKS in your current directory.' 2.TCPIP> CONVERT/VMS NETWORK /UPCASEA Converts a UNIX formatted database file to a TCP/IP ServicesD formatted networks database. An uppercase alias name is created for each network name. 3 PROXYA Populates the existing proxy database with entries from a UNIX /etc/passwd file.B The name of the proxy database is specified by the logical nameB TCPIP$PROXY. If this name is not defined, the command looks for- TCPIP$PROXY.DAT in your current directory., Related commands: ADD PROXY, CREATE PROXY- Applies to: NFS server, NFS client, PC-NFS Format0 CONVERT/VMS PROXY [ source_file ] [ /LOG ] 4 Restrictions Requires:2 o Read and write access to the proxy database.$ o Read access to []ETC.PASSWORD.* o Exclusive use of the proxy database. 4 Parameters source_file; Optional. Default: ETC.PASSWD in your current directory.= ASCII file to convert to a TCP/IP Services proxy database. 4 Qualifiers /LOG! Optional. Default: No display.0 Displays records as they are being processed. 4 Examples 1.TCPIP> CONVERT/VMS PROXY= Converts a UNIX formatted /etc/passwd file to an OpenVMSC formatted proxy database. The OpenVMS file name of /etc/passwd- is ETC.PASSWD in your current directory.. 2.TCPIP> CONVERT/VMS PROXY UNIX_PASSWDS.TXT= Converts a UNIX formatted /etc/passwd file to an OpenVMS> formatted proxy database. In this example, the file UNIX_/ PASSWDS.TXT contains the /etc/passwd data. wwd _ 1 CREATE 2 BOOTP? Creates an empty BOOTP database, TCPIP$BOOTP.DAT, located in SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE].D If the logical name TCPIP$BOOTP is defined, CREATE BOOTP uses theA definition to create the directory and file name for the BOOTPC database. If TCPIP$BOOTP is not defined, the database is created) as [current.directory]TCPIP$BOOTP.DAT.1 Related commands: CONVERT/VMS BOOTP, SET BOOTP Format CREATE BOOTP 3 Restrictions2 Requires write access to the directory with the6 BOOTP configuration database. (Default directory is SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE].)' CAUTIONB Do not execute this command unless you intend to reconfigure your entire cluster. 3 Examples 1.TCPIP> CREATE BOOTP% Creates the empty BOOTP database( SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]TCPIP$BOOTP.DAT. 2 CONFIGURATIOND Creates an empty configuration database, TCPIP$CONFIGURATION.DAT," located in SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE].6 If the logical name TCPIP$CONFIGURATION is defined,9 CREATE CONFIGURATION uses the definition to create the= directory and file name for the configuration database. IfA TCPIP$CONFIGURATION is not defined, the database is created as. SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]TCPIP$CONFIGURATION.DAT. Format CREATE CONFIGURATION 3 Restrictions@ Requires write access to the directory with the configuration database.' CAUTIONB Do not execute this command unless you intend to reconfigure your entire cluster. 3 Examples 1.TCPIP> CREATE CONFIGURATION- Creates the empty configuration database0 SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]TCPIP$CONFIGURATION.DAT. 2 CONTAINER# Creates a UNIX file system with:+ o An empty OpenVMS style root directory@ o An empty local directory that corresponds to the UNIX root directory: o A container file in the OpenVMS style root directory Applies to: NFS server Format6 CREATE CONTAINER device:directory [ /HOST=host ]# [ /[NO]LOG ]' [ /OWNER=[uic] ]' [ /ROOT_MOD%E=n ]- [ /SIZE=option=value ]! [ /UID=n ]3 [ /USER_NAME=vms_user_name ] 3 Restrictions Requires:B o Read and write access to the specified device and directory.! o SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege. 3 Parameters device:directory Required.. Device and directory of the UNIX container. 3 Qualifiers /HOST /HOST=host Required. Default: None.@ If the proxy database has multiple entries with the same user@ name and UID, the NFS server selects the entry specified with this qualifier. /LOG /LOG /NOLOG= Optional. Default: Displays host, UID, GID, and user name.> Displays a full description of the specified proxy database: record for you to determine ownership (see /USER_NAME). /OWNER /OWNER=[uic]7 Optional. Default: UIC in the selected proxy record.B OpenVMS ownership of the container file directory and container file.D (The other files in this directory are owned by the OpenVMS usersD whose proxy database entries correspond to the UNIX owner UIDs of the individual files.) /ROOT_MODE /ROOT_MODE=n@ Optional. Default: 755 (provides the following protection for& owner, group, and world rwx-rx-rx).B UNIX protection of the default container files: root directory, bit map, and superblock.D Specify octal values in the following order: for user, for group, for others. The values are: o 0 - No access o 1 - Execute access o 2 - Write access" o 3 - Write and execute access o 4 - Read access! o 5 - Read and execute access o 6 - Read and write access) o 7 - Read, write, and execute access( For example, /ROOT_MODE=751 provides:+ User Read, write, and 7 rwx execute access* Group Read and execute 5 rx access) Other Execute access 1 x /SIZE /SIZE=option=value@ Optional. Default: /SIZE=(INITIAL=8917,EXTEND=160,MAXIMUM=0).0 Specifies the following file size attributes: o INITIAL; Specifies the initial size, in OpenVMS blocks, of the% container. Maximum value: 8917. o EXTENDD When an extension is necessary, specifies the number of blocks> by which the container is extended. Maximum value: 8192.)  NOTE? Using large values might impact system performance and> disk usage. In most cases, the default is sufficient. o MAXIMUM2 Specifies the maximum size of the container.> If the value is zero, the size of the container file can increase without limits. /UID /UID=n7 Optional. Default: UID in the selected proxy record.< Specifies the owner of the UNIX container root directory. /USER_NAME  /USER_NAME=vms_user_name Required.= Specifies the user name of the owner of the container file; system. The user name must be in the proxy database. TheB specified user becomes the owner of the internal root directory of the container. 3 Examples> 1.TCPIP> CREATE CONTAINER DUCK$4:[DUCKLING] /HOST=MALLARD -7 _TCPIP> /OWNER=[300,12] /ROOT_MODE=755 /UID=7015 - _TCPIP> /USER_NAME=G_JONES= Creates container directory DUCK$4:[DUCKLING]. The localC OpenVMS owner is [300,12]. Remote users see the root directoryA as owned by UID 7015. The root directory is writable only byB UID 7015; it is readable and executable by all others. Before? you execute this command, user G_JONES should have both anC OpenVMS account with UIC [300,12] and an incoming proxy record) specifying UID 7015 on host MALLARD. 2 DIRECTORY9 Creates a directory within an existing UNIX container. Applies to: NFS server0 Related commands: DIRECTORY, REMOVE DIRECTORY Format2 CREATE DIRECTORY "/path/name" [ /HOST=host ]# [ /[NO]LOG ]" [ /MODE=n ]! [ /UID=n ]3 [ /USER_NAME=vms_user_name ] 3 Restrictions Requires:4 o Read and write access to the parent directory.A o SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege if you specify /USER_NAME with a name other than your own.A The container file sy!stem must be mapped with the MAP command. 3 Parameters "/path/name" Required., Name of the directory you want to create. 3 Qualifiers /HOST /HOST=host5 Optional. Default: Uses the first user name found.@ If the proxy database has multiple entries with the same user> name and UID combination, the value of /HOST determines the specified record. /LOG /LOG /NOLOGB Optional. Default: Displays values for host, UID, GID, and user name.> Displays a full description of the specified proxy database: record for you to determine ownership (see /USER_NAME). /MODE /MODE=n@ Optional. Default: 755 (provides the following protection for' owner, group, and world: rwx-rx-rx).( UNIX protection of the new directory.D Specify octal values in the following order: for user, for group, for others. The values are: o 0 - No access o 1 - Execute access o 2 - Write access" o 3 - Write and execute access o 4 - Read access! o 5 - Read and execute access o 6 - Read and write access) o 7 - Read, write, and execute access# For example, /MODE=751 provides:+ User Read, write, and 7 rwx execute access* Group Read and execute 5 rx access) Other Execute access 1 x /UID /UID=n Optional. Default: None.A Entry in the proxy database that determines, if necessary, the- ownership of the container root directory. In the proxy database:< o UID and GID fields determine the root directory's UNIX identity.7 o User name field determines the OpenVMS ownership.A Required to access an entry in the proxy database that lacks a/ unique UID, user name, and host combination.D You can use /UID with the /HOST and /USER_NAME qualifiers. If youA do not have SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege, the values you specify@ must correspond to the values for your user name in the proxy database. /USER_NAME /USER_NAME=vms_user_nameC Optional. Default: UID=0 and GID=1 (if you have SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege).C Selects an entry in the proxy database and creates the UID, GID,+ and OpenVMS UIC for the directory files.A To select a user name that has a UIC different than the UIC ofA the process running the management program, you need SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege.= You can use /USER_NAME in combination with /HOST and /UID.> However, if you do not have SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege, theA values you specify must correspond to the values for your user name in the proxy database. 3 Examples& 1.TCPIP> MAP "/user" dua0:[group_a]2 TCPIP> CREATE DIRECTORY "/user/umbrella.bird"6 Creates a UNIX directory for user UMBRELLA called umbrella.bird.6 In this example, the user UMBRELLA is running the:  TCP/IP Services management program from the directoryA ([UMBRELLA.BIRD]). The UIC for [UMBRELLA] is [340,6] and the- TCPIP$PROXY entry is defined as follows:% User UID GID Host" UMBRELLA 300 12 *" SYSTEM 0 1 *> If UMBRELLA does not have SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege, the% directory is created as follows: UID = 300 GID = 12 UIC = [340,6]A If UMBRELLA has SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege, the directory is created as follows: UID = 0 GID = 1 UIC = [SYSTEM] 2 EXPORT) Creates an empty export database file.B If the logical name TCPIP$EXPORT is defined, CREATE EXPORT uses? the definition to create the directory and file name for theC export database. If TCPIP$EXPORT is not defined, the database is2 created as SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]TCPIP$EXPORT.DAT., Related commands: ADD EXPORT, SHOW EXPORT Applies to: NFS server Format CREATE EXPORT 3 RestrictionsC Requires write access to the directory with the export database.' CAUTIONB Do not execute this command unless you intend to reconfigure your entire cluster. 3 Examples 1.TCPIP> CREATE EXPORT& Creates an empty export database. 2 HOST& Creates a hosts database file with: o One entry for LOCALHOST" o LOCALHOST's alias, localhost$ o LOCALHOST's address, If the logical name TCPIP$HOST is defined, CREATE HOST uses theA definition to create the directory and file name for the hostsB database. If TCPIP$HOST is not defined, the database is created( as SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]TCPIP$HOST.DAT.: Related commands: SET HOST, SHOW HOST, CONVERT/VMS HOST Format CREATE HOST 3 Restrictions Requires:< o Write access to the directory with the hosts database.2 o Read and write access to the hosts database.' CAUTIONB Do not execute this command unless you intend to reconfigure your entire cluster. 3 Examples 1.TCPIP> CREATE HOST; Creates a hosts database with one entry for LOCALHOST. 2 NETWORK+ Creates an empty networks database file.? If the logical name TCPIP$NETWORK is defined, CREATE NETWORKD uses the definition to create the directory and file name for theC networks database. If TCPIP$NETWORK is not defined, the database6 is created as SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]TCPIP$NETWORK.DAT.C Related commands: SET NETWORK, SHOW NETWORK, CONVERT/VMS NETWORK Format CREATE NETWORK 3 Restrictions; Requires write access to the directory with the networks database.' CAUTIONB Do not execute this command unless you intend to reconfigure your entire cluster. 3 Examples 1.TCPIP> CREATE NETWORK(  Creates an empty networks database. 2 PROXY( Creates an empty proxy database file.D If the logical name TCPIP$PROXY is defined, CREATE PROXY uses theA definition to create the directory and file name for the proxyC database. If TCPIP$PROXY is not defined, the database is created) as SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]TCPIP$PROXY.DAT.= Related commands: ADD PROXY, SHOW PROXY, CONVERT/VMS PROXY Format CREATE PROXY 3 RestrictionsB Requires write access to the directory with the proxy database.' CAUTIONB Do not execute this command unless you intend to reconfigure your entire cluster. 3 Examples 1.TCPIP> CREATE PROXY% Creates an empty proxy database. 2 ROUTE3 Creates an empty permanent routes database file.D If the logical name TCPIP$ROUTE is defined, CREATE ROUTE uses theB definition to create the directory and file name for the routesC database. If TCPIP$ROUTE is not defined, the database is created) as SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]TCPIP$ROUTE.DAT.* Related commands: SET ROUTE, SHOW ROUTE Format CREATE ROUTE 3 RestrictionsC Requires write access to the directory with the routes database.' CAUTIONB Do not execute this command unless you intend to reconfigure your entire cluster. 3 Examples 1.TCPIP> CREATE ROUTEA Creates an empty routes database file TCPIP$ROUTE.DAT in the# directory SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]. ww _ 1 DEFINE 2 COMMUNICATION_CONTROLLERB Adds new mapping correspondence to the internal TCP/IP Services? table. Use this command to add support for new communicationC controller devices that are added to an OpenVMS system after the2 latest release of TCP/IP Services is installed.3 Related commands: LIST COMMUNICATION_CONTROLLER,: DELETE COMMUNICATION_CONTROLLER, all INTERFACE commands Format0 DEFINE COMMUNICATION_CONTROLLER controllerC /INTERNET_INTERFACE=character3 /TYPE=options; [ /DESCRIPTION=text ] 3 Parameters controller Required.D Specifies the OpenVMS device name of the communication controller1 (as displayed by the DCL SHOW DEVICE command).D You must specify the controller. For examples of controllers with@ their corresponding device names, see the LIST COMMUNICATION_A CONTROLLER command. See the Compaq TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS) Management guide for more information. 3 Qualifiers /DESCRIPTION /DESCRIPTION=text Optional. Default: None.C Specifies entry. For example, specify the device's name, such as DEFZA or DEUNA. You can modify this value. /INTERNET_INTERFACE# /INTERNET_INTERFACE=character Required.? Specifies the first letter of the interface name. The secondA character of the two-character interface name is automaticallyC assigned, depending on what you specify for the /TYPE qualifier.: If you prefer a standard name, call your Compaq supportA representative. If a standard interface name is not important,= you can use any unique alphabetic character for this first character. /TYPE /TYPE=options Required.A Specifies the controller type and implies the  second character@ of the interface name. You must specify one of the following:B Ethernet, FDDI, PPP, Serial or Token_Ring. You can specify only@ one type at a time. If you specify Ethernet, then the impliedD second character of the interface name is E. If you specify FDDI,@ then the implied second character of the interface name is F.? If you specify PPP, then the implied second character of the? interface name is P. If you specify Serial, then the implied> second character of the interface name is L. If you specifyA Token_Ring, then the implied second character of the interface name is T.: To change this definition, enter the following command:8 TCPIP> DEFINE COMMUNICATION_CONTROLLER controller -) _TCPIP /TYPE=([NO]old_type,new_type)% The old_type,new_type options are: o CLUSTER@ - The interface can join an internet cluster. To do this,+ also issue SET INTERFACE /CLUSTER.< - You can specify CLUSTER with a controller type, for+ example, /TYPE=(ETHERNET,CLUSTER). o [NO]ETHERNET o [NO]FDDI o [NO]TOKEN_RING 3 Examples1 1.$ TCPIP DEFINE COMMUNICATION_CONTROLLER XE -8 _$ /INTERNET_INTERFACE=D /TYPE=(ETHERNET,CLUSTER) - _$ /DESCRIPTION=DEUNA2 Defines interface D as the OpenVMS device XE. ww5 _ 1 DELETE 2 COMMUNICATION_CONTROLLER; Deletes an entry for a communication controller from the configuration file.5 Related commands: DEFINE COMMUNICATION_CONTROLLER, LIST COMMUNICATION_CONTROLLER Format2 DELETE COMMUNICATION_CONTROLLER [controller]4 [/[NO]CONFIRM]E [/INTERNET_INTERFACE=character] 3 Restrictions Requires OPER privilege. 3 Parameters controller" Optional. Default: All devices.D OpenVMS device name of the communication controller (as displayed#  by the DCL command SHOW DEVICE).8 Specify the controller name that you entered with the+ DEFINE COMMUNICATION_CONTROLLER command. 3 Qualifiers /INTERNET_INTERFACE# /INTERNET_INTERFACE=character" Optional. Default: All letters.B Deletes the specified letter (which represents the first letter of an interface name). /CONFIRM /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM5 Optional. Default: /CONFIRM if you use a wildcard.? Displays a message asking you to confirm the delete request. 3 Examples. 1.TCPIP> DELETE COMMUNICATION_CONTROLLER EZD Deletes all the entries for the Ethernet controller with device name EZ.- 2.TCPIP> DELETE COMMUNICATION_CONTROLLER -! _TCPIP /INTERNET_INTERFACE=E= Deletes all the communication controller entries with an? Internet interface name that begins with the letter E from? the table used to match OpenVMS device names with Internet interface names. 2 CONTAINER8 Deletes a container file system and all its contents. Applies to: NFS server/ Related commands: CREATE CONTAINER, SHOW CFS Format, DELETE CONTAINER container_file_system 3 Restrictions Wildcards are not allowed.9 Requires both read and delete access to the directory. Requires BYPASS privilege. 3 Parameters container_file_system Required.B Device and directory name of the container file (no wildcar ds)./ The container file has file type .CONTAINER. 3 Examples8 1.TCPIP> DELETE CONTAINER WORK1$:[DOVE.NEST_BUILDING]@ Deletes the container directory WORK1$:[DOVE.NEST_BUILDING]B along with the container file, all subdirectories, and files. ww5 _ 1 DIRECTORY9 Displays a list of files, along with typical directory. information, in a UNIX container directory. Applies to: NFS server Format/ DIRECTORY "/path/name" [ /FU" LL ] [ /VMS ] 2 Restrictions Requires:7 o Read access to the specified container directory. o BYPASS privilege. 2 Parameters "/path/name" Required.< Name of the UNIX container directory for which you want a6 directory listing and, optionally, directory names. 2 Qualifiers /FULL$ Optional. Default: Brief display.> Displays a comprehensive list of information, including the$ OpenVMS file name, for each file.  /VMS5 Optional. Default: No OpenVMS file names provided.> Provides the corresponding OpenVMS file name for each file. 2 Examples, 1.TCPIP> DIRECTORY/FULL "/nest_container" Directory: /nest_container .F OpenVMS file: _$1$DISK:[SYSTEM.NEST.HATCHLING]00012301$BFS.DIR;1: Size File ID: 74497/ Blocks: 4 Owner: Bytes: 1915 UID: 0: Created: 1 -NOV-1997 13:17:18.91 GID: 1K Revised: 1-NOV-1997 13:17:19.24 Mode: 755 Type: Directory: Accessed: 1-NOV-1997 13:16:20.52 Links: 2 ..F OpenVMS file: _$1$DISK:[SYSTEM.NEST.HATCHLING]00012301$BFS.DIR;1: Size File ID: 74497/ Blocks: 4 Owner: Bytes: 1915 UID: 0: Created: 1-NOV-1997 13:17:18.91 GID: 1K Re vised: 1-NOV-1997 13:17:19.24 Mode: 755 Type: Directory: Accessed: 1-NOV-1997 13:16:20.52 Links: 2 .SUPER.SYS) OpenVMS file: no corresponding file: Size File ID: 6145/ Blocks: 1 Owner: Bytes: 54 UID: 0: Created: 1-NOV-1997 13:17:18.91 GID: 1F Revised: 1-NOV-1997 13:17:17.24 Mode: 644 Type: File: Accessed: 1-NOV-1997 13:16:18.52 Links: 1 .BITMAP.SYS) OpenVMS file: no corresponding file: Size File ID: 6657/ Blocks: 16 Owner: Bytes: 8187 UID: 0: Created: 1-NOV-1997 13:17:18.91 GID: 1F Revised: 1-NOV-1997 13:17:17.24 Mode: 644 Type: File: Accessed: 1-NOV-1997 13:16:18.52 Links: 1 .HISTORY .SYS) OpenVMS file: no corresponding file: Size File ID: 66305/ Blocks: 1 Owner: Bytes: 129 UID: 0: Created: 1-NOV-1997 13:17:18.91 GID: 1F Revised: 1-NOV-1997 13:17:17.24 Mode: 644 Type: File: Accessed: 1-NOV-1997 13:16:18.52 Links: 1C Displays a full directory listing of the container file system /nest_container.( 2.TCPIP> DIRECTORY "/dove/nest/plans"D Displays names of the files in UNIX directory /dove/nest/plans. ww _ 1 DISABLE 2 SERVICEA For most services, this command disables the specified service< but does not stop the current process. This allows you toA perform an orderly shutdown of the service, which prevents new> connections while allowing current connections to continue.+ To stop and restart the current process:A 1. Wait until the process exits, or stop it using the service-9 specific shutdown command procedure (TCPIP$service_ SHUTDOWN.COM).D 2. Restart the service using the service-specific startup command+ procedure (TCPIP$service_STARTUP.COM.A Note that, for the NFS server, TELNET, and RLOGIN, the DISABLE- SERVICE command stops the current process.> Related commands: ENABLE SERVICE, SET SERVICE, SHOW SERVICE Format DISABLE SERVICE service-  [ /ADDRESS=IP_address ]! [ /PORT=n ]* [ /PROCESS=process ], [ /PROTOCOL=protocol ] 3 Parameters service Required.@ Service you want to disable. Specify any service that appears> in the SHOW SERVICE display. To disable all services, use a wildcard. 3 Qualifiers /ADDRESS /ADDRESS=IP_address Optional. Default: Disables only the services for the spec#ified address. /PORT /PORT=n Optional. Default: All ports.< Disables the service communicating at the specified port. /PROCESS /PROCESS=process$ Optional. Default: All processes.9 Disables the service running as the specified process. /PROTOCOL /PROTOCOL=protocol$ Optional. Default: All protocols.> Disables only the services that use the specified protocol. 3 Examples" 1.TCPIP> DISABLE SERVICE TELNET  Disables TELNET.7 2.TCPIP> DISABLE SERVICE RLOGIN /ADDRESS= Disables the remote login process that is bound to address wwu _ 1 DISCONNECT 2 DEVICE_SOCKET0 Interactively terminates a TCP/IP connection. Format. DISCONNECT DEVICE_SOCKET dev_sock_number 3 Parameters dev_sock_number Required.A Number of the device socket associated with the connection you want to terminate. 3 Examples* 1.TCPIP> DISCONNECT DEVICE_SOCKET BG123D Interactively terminates the connection at DEVICE_SOCKET BG123. wwu _ 1 DISMOUNT: Makes a physically remote file system that is currently* accessible to local users inaccessible.@ Dismounts a remote file system or directory from local device DNFSn: (the mount point).< Required order of command keywords: the DISMOUNT keyword,B immediately followed by mount_point. Example: DISMOUNT DNFS03:.& Related commands: MOUNT, SHOW MOUNT Applies to: NFS client Format- DISMOUNT { mount_point | logical_name } [ /ALL ] [ /HOST=host ] [ /[NO]WAIT ] 2 Restrictions9 Dismounting a /SYSTEM mount requires SYSNAM privilege.8 Dismounting a /GROUP mount requires GRPNAM privilege. 2 Parameters mount_point> Required (if you omit logical_name and the /ALL qualifier). Default: None.B DNFS device (and optional directory tree) required to dismount.4 Specify this mount point as one of the following: DNFSn: DNFSn:[dir.subdir] DNFSn:[dir.subdir]file where:! n Value from 1 to 9999. [dir] Directory to mount@ or (up to eight in addition to the [000000] directory). [dir.subdir]( file Individual file to dismount.& NOTEB Type the device name immediately after the keyword DISMOUNT.A If you use the /ALL qualifier, you must specify DNFSn: without the directory tree. logical_name= Required (if you omit mount_point and the /ALL qualifier). Default: None.> Logical name that you defined with the MOUNT command of the device to dismount. 2 Qualifiers /ALL Optional." Dismounts one of the following:6 o All file systems from all servers: DISMOUNT /ALL= o All file systems on the specified server: DISMOUNT /ALL /HOST=hostD o All file systems on the specified device: DISMOUNT DNFSn: /ALLC If you dismount using the /ALL qualifier, the dismount operation; completes even if the server is not currently reachable. /HOST /HOST=host Optional. Default: None.< Dismounts all file systems from the specified NFS server. /WAIT /WAIT /NOWAIT Optional. Default: /NOWAIT. o /WAITA - Does not dismount the mounted file system if outstanding activities exist.5 - Waits until the dismount has been completed.? - If you try to access any files on the mount point, the dismount fails. o /NOWAIT6 - The client completes the command immediately.D - Dismounting does not actually occur until all file activity has completed. 2 Examples 1.TCPIP> DISMOUNT DNFS3:9 Makes the file system mounted on local device DNFS3:! inaccessible to local users.$ 2.TCPIP> DISMOUNT DNFS4:[USR.MNT]B Dismounts only the specified mount point, [USR.MNT], on local device DNFS4:.! 3.TCPIP> DISMOUNT DNFS5: /WAITA Dismounts the DNFS5:[000000] mount point and waits for it to occur. 4.TCPIP> DISMOUNT /ALL/ Dismounts all mount points on all devices.' 5.TCPIP> DISMOUNT /ALL /HOST="robin"5 Dismounts all mount points served by host robin. wwu _ 1 ENABLE 2 SERVICE= Enables a service on the running TCP/IP Services software.2 Related commands: DISABLE SERVICE, SHOW SERVICE Format$ ENABLE [NO]SERVICE [ service ]0 [ /ADDRESS=IP_address ]$ [ /PORT=n ]- [ /PROCESS=process ]/ [ /PROTOCOL=protocol ] 3 Parameters service# Optional. Default: All services.B Specifies the service to enable. The service must be defined inD the services database. ENABLE NOSERVICE removes the entry for the- service from the list of enabled services. 3 Qualifiers /ADDRESS /ADDRESS=IP_address Optional. Default: Binds the service only to the specified address. If your hostC is multihomed, use this qualifier to configure the service to be, offered on a specific Internet interface. /PORT /PORT=n6 Optional. Starts the service on the specified port. /PROCESS /PROCESS=process Optional.- Runs the service as the specified process. /PROTOCOL /PROTOCOL=protocol Optional. Default: TCP.0 Runs the service with the specified protocol. 3 Examples! 1.TCPIP> ENABLE SERVICE TELNET' Initializes TELNET communications.6 2.TCPIP> ENABLE SERVICE RLOGIN /ADDRESS= Starts the Remote Login service for users on the host with IP address 3.TCPIP> ENABLE SERVICE SMTP< Starts the SMTP receiver. To start the SMTP sender, see= the START MAIL command. For instructions on how to start@ the SMTP sender when TCP/IP Services starts up, see the SET* CONFIGURATION ENABLE_SERVICE command. ww _1 EXIT% Exits from the management program. Format EXIT ww _ 1 EXPORT@ Copies a file from within a container directory to an OpenVMS file.&"  Related commands: IMPORT, DIRECTORY Format' EXPORT "/path/name" vms_file_name 2 Restrictions No wildcards. 2 Parameters "/path/name" Required.B Specifies the container directory and name of the file you want to copy. vms_file_name Required.> Specifies the target OpenVMS file name for the copied file. 2 Examples> 1.TCPIP> EXPORT "/upland/sand/piper" USER1$:[BIRDY]JOBS.TXTD Copies the file piper from !the container directory /upland/sandA to the regular OpenVMS file JOBS.TXT in directory [BIRDY] on disk USER1$:. ww _1 HELPC For help with a TCP/IP Services management command, type part of9 the command or the full name of the command. Examples: TCPIP> HELP SET# TCPIP> HELP SET CONFIGURATION, TCPIP> HELP SET CONFIGURATION PROTOCOL+ For a list of available commands, type ? ww _ 1 IMPORT? Copies $"an OpenVMS file to a UNIX file located in a container directory.& Related commands: EXPORT, DIRECTORY Applies to: NFS server Format' IMPORT vms_file_name "/path/name" [ /[NO]CONVERT ] [ /HOST=host ] [ /[NO]LOG ] [ /MODE=n ] [ /UID=n ]) [ /USER_NAME=vms_user_name ] 2 Restrictions No wildcards. 2 Parameters vms_file_name Required. # Name of the file to copy. "/path/name" Required.D Specifies the name of the UNIX container directory into which you) want to copy the file and a file name. 2 Qualifiers /CONVERT /CONVERT /NOCONVERT Optional. Default: /CONVERT.D Converts OpenVMS record files to STREAM_LF files. (The NFS server* stores UNIX files in STREAM_LF format.) /HOST /HOST=host Optional.A Selects specific hosts if the proxy database $has multiple host+ entries with the same user name and UID. /LOG /LOG /NOLOGB Optional. Default: Displays values for host, UID, GID, and user name.> Displays a full description of the specified proxy database) record for you to determine ownership. /MODE /MODE=n@ Optional. Default: 755 (provides the following protection for' owner, group, and world: rwx-rx-rx).8 Specifies a UNIX protection mask for a new directory.D Spe%cify octal values in the following order: user, group, others. The values are: o 0 - No access o 1 - Execute access o 2 - Write access" o 3 - Write and execute access o 4 - Read access! o 5 - Read and execute access o 6 - Read and write access) o 7 - Read, write, and execute access# For example, /MODE=751 provides:+ User Read, write, and 7 rwx execute access* Group Read and execute 5 rx& access) Other Execute access 1 x /UID /UID=n7 Optional. Default: Determined with CREATE DIRECTORY.B Selects a specific entry in the proxy database to determine the ownership of the UNIX file. In the proxy database:1 o UID and GID fields identify UNIX ownership.3 o User name field identifies OpenVMS ownership.A If you want to access an entry in the proxy database without aB unique UID and user name combinatio'n, you might need to specify? the /HOST qualifier. For example, the same UID and user name. combination could appear on multiple hosts.C You can use the /UID qualifier in any combination with the /HOSTC and /USER_NAME qualifiers. However, if you do not have SYSPRV orB BYPASS privilege, the values you specify must correspond to the3 values for your user name in the proxy database. /USER_NAME /USER_NAME=vms_user_name Optional. Default: None.B Selects a ( specific entry in the proxy database to determine the ownership of the UNIX file.< The UID and GID fields in this entry establish the file's@ UNIX identity, while the user name field provides the OpenVMS ownership.A If you want to access an entry in the proxy database without aB unique UID and user name combination, you might need to specify? the /HOST qualifier. For example, the same UID and user name. combination could appear on multiple hosts.@ If you have SYS )PRV or BYPASS privilege and do not specify theC /USER_NAME qualifier, the proxy record with a UID of 0 and a GID of 1 is selected.? SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege is required to select a user nameC that has a UIC different from the UIC of the process running the management program.C You can use the /USER_NAME qualifier in any combination with theC /HOST and /UID qualifiers. However, if you do not have SYSPRV orB BYPASS privilege, the values you specify must correspond to* the3 values for your user name in the proxy database.C If you do not specify the /USER_NAME qualifier, the proxy recordC with a GID of 1 and a UID of 0 is selected. If there is no proxy( entry for the UID of 0, IMPORT fails. 2 Examples> 1.TCPIP> IMPORT USER1$:[BIRDY]JOBS.TXT "/upland/sand/piper"D Copies the file JOBS.TXT to the new file piper in the container@ directory /upland/sand. The file's ownership depends on the> directory information specified w+ith the CREATE DIRECTORY command. ww _1 LIST 2 COMMUNICATION_CONTROLLER= Displays the communication controllers known to the TCP/IP Services software.5 Related commands: DEFINE COMMUNICATION_CONTROLLER," DELETE COMMUNICATION_CONTROLLER Format4 LIST COMMUNICATION_CONTROLLER [ controller ] [C /INTERNET_INTERFACE=character ] 3 Restrictions Requires OPER privilege. 3 P,arameters controller" Optional. Default: All devices.= Displays information about the OpenVMS device specified by controller.D Specify the controller name that was used when the device was set7 up with the DEFINE COMMUNICATION_CONTROLLER command. 3 Qualifiers /INTERNET_INTERFACE /INTERNET_INTERFACE=letter" Optional. Default: All letters.C Displays entries with the specified letter, which represents theD first letter of an interfac-e name. See the Compaq TCP/IP Services5 for OpenVMS Management guide for more information. 3 Examples) 1.TCPIP> LIST COMMUNICATION_CONTROLLER? Communication Controller Configuration- Controller: LO Internet Interface: L* Description:1 Type: LOCAL- Controller: WI Internet Interface: W* Description:4 . Type: WIRELESS- Controller: EC Internet Interface: C* Description:< Type: CLUSTER ETHERNET- Controller: XE Internet Interface: D* Description:< Type: CLUSTER ETHERNET- Controller: EF Internet Interface: F* Description:< Type: CLUSTER ETHERNET- Controller: /CL Internet Interface: I< Description: ATM Classical IP0 Type: FDDI- Controller: EL Internet Interface: L< Description: ATM Emulated LAN0 Type: FDDI- Controller: PP Internet Interface: PC Description: Point to Point Protocol/ Type: PPP- Controller: EB Interne 0t Interface: B= Description: Shared Memory LAN< Type: CLUSTER ETHERNET- Controller: EI Internet Interface: IB Description: Fast Ethernet - I82558< Type: CLUSTER ETHERNET- Controller: FA Internet Interface: A* Description:8 Type: CLUSTER FDDI- Controller: FC Inter1net Interface: C* Description:8 Type: CLUSTER FDDI- Controller: IC Internet Interface: C* Description:> Type: CLUSTER TOKEN_RING- Controller: IR Internet Interface: R* Description:> Type: CLUSTER TOKEN_RING- Controller: SL Internet Interface: S* 2 Description:2 Type: SERIAL- Controller: CL Internet Interface: I< Description: ATM Classical IP0 Type: FDDI TCPIP>D Displays all the information in the table used to match OpenVMS0 device names with Internet interface names. wwU  _1 LOOPA Sends ICMP ECHO packets to hosts to determine whether they are$ active. Same as t 3he PING command. Format LOOP [ host ]# [ /ADDRESS=xx.xx.xx.xx ] [ /ALL ] [ /FULL ] [ /NUMBER_PACKETS=n ] [ /PACKET_SIZE=n ], [ /PATTERN="hexadecimal-string" ] [ /[NO]ROUTE ] [ /WAIT=n ] 2 Parameters host Optional. Default: None.B Specifies the host to which the test packets are sent. OmittingA the host parameter and the /ADDRESS qualifier tes4ts the TCP/IP@ Services software on the local node, as defined by the system logical TCPIP$INET_HOST. 2 Qualifiers /ADDRESS /ADDRESS=xx.xx.xx.xx Optional.A Specifies the IP address of the host to which the test packets are sent. /ALL' Optional. Default: Not all requests.B Displays all ICMP ECHO_REQUESTs, even if not in direct response to this operation. /FULL Optional.D Numeric output only. No attempt is made t5o look up symbolic namesD for host addresses. This occurs only when displaying ICMP packets other than ECHO_RESPONSE. /NUMBER_PACKETS /NUMBER_PACKETS=n Optional. Default: 4 packets= Specifies the number of packets to send. If you specify 0,= packets are sent continuously until you terminate the LOOP command with Ctrl/C. /PACKET_SIZE /PACKET_SIZE=n Optional. Default: 64 bytes./ Specifies the size of the ICMP ECHO_REQUEST. 6/PATTERN! /PATTERN=hexadecimal-string Optional.> Fills out the packet you send with up to 16 bytes, which isB useful for diagnosing data-dependent problems. The hexadecimal-B string is a string of hexadecimal digits of up to 32 characters (16 bytes).A For example, /PATTERN="ff" causes the sent packet to be filled with ones (1). /ROUTE /ROUTE /NOROUTE Optional. Default: /ROUTE.B /ROUTE Request is routed through the normal7 routing tables.1 /NOROUTE Normal routing tables are bypassed.> If the host is not on the LAN, you get an error. /WAIT /WAIT=n Optional.C Specifies the number of seconds to wait between sending packets. 2 Examples 1.TCPIP> LOOP thrush5 Tests the connectivity path to UNIX host thrush. 2.TCPIP> LOOP. Tests the local TCP/IP Services software. 3.TCPIP> LOOP /NOROUTE thrush@ Tests the path to the UNIX host8 thrush without using normal routing tables. ww _1 MAPA Maps (logically links) one of the following to the NFS server:B o OpenVMS disk - Requires one execution of MAP to map the disk to a UNIX path name.A o Container file system - Requires two executions of MAP. The? first maps the disk, and the second maps the file system.A Mapping creates a logical file system, also called an NFS file= system. A logical file system (with an en9try in the export< database) is accessible to NFS client users for mounting.D To make a file system available on all nodes of a cluster, map it on each node.B Mapping is one step in the tasks necessary to give remote users@ access to a file system that physically resides on an OpenVMS host running an NFS server: 1. Map the file system.C 2. Export the file system (add an entry in the export database).9 3. Give potential users entries in the proxy database.=: MAP settings are not permanent. To map file systems in the< permanent configuration database, issue SET CONFIGURATION [NO]MAP.@ Related commands: ADD EXPORT, SHOW EXPORT, REMOVE EXPORT, SET= CONFIGURATION MAP, SET CONFIGURATION NOMAP, SHOW MAP, SHOW CONFIGURATION MAP, UNMAP Format0 MAP "file system name" logical_file_system 2 Restrictions) Requires SYSPRV and BYPASS privileges. 2 Parameters "file system name" Required.A S;pecifies the name for the file system or disk. In the case ofC mapping a disk, the "/path" can be only one level from the root.C This parameter specifies the name by which users will access the file system. logical_file_system Required.= Specifies the file system to make known to the NFS server.3 To map an OpenVMS file system, specify its disk: MAP "/disk" disk:; To map a container file system, specify the disk and the directory name:; TCPIP<> MAP "/container_name" disk:[vms.directory.name] ) 2 Examples# 1.TCPIP> MAP "/usr" CANARY$DUA2:D Maps local disk CANARY$DUA2: to /usr. This disk can be exported, as /usr to users on remote NFS clients.& 2.TCPIP> MAP "/remote" VERDIN$DUA3:7 TCPIP> MAP "/flyers" VERDIN$DUA3:[UNIX_BIRD_FILES]< Maps [UNIX_BIRD_FILES], a container file system on disk? VERDIN$DUA3:, to /flyers. This file system can be exportedD as /flyers to NFS server users. (The =first MAP command maps the% underlying OpenVMS file system.) ww _1 MOUNTC Makes a physically remote file system accessible to local users. Applies to: NFS client? Mounts a remote directory to local device DNFSn:. Similar in> function to the UNIX /etc/mount command, MOUNT gives a fileA system a UNIX path name. (In format and style, MOUNT resembles the DCL command MOUNT.)5 You can mount either OpenVMS or UNIX file systems.) Related> commands: DISMOUNT, SHOW MOUNT Format9 MOUNT mount_point [ volume_label ] [ logical_name ] [ /HOST=host ]" [ /PATH="/path/name" ]# [ /ACP_PARAMS=options ]! [ /[NO]ADF[=option] ], [ /AUTOMOUNT[=INACTIVITY:time] ]% [ /BACKGROUND[=options] ]( [ /CACHE_TIMEOUT[=options] ] [ /[NO]CONVERT ] [ /DATA=[options] ]" [ /FILEIDS[=options] ] ? [ /[NO]FORCE ] [ /GID=gid ] [ /GROUP ] [ /OWNER_UIC=n ]% [ /PROCESSOR=acp_option ]' [ /PROTECTION=protections ] [ /RETRIES=n ]! [ /SERVER_TYPE=type ] [ /SHARE ]" [ /[NO]SUPERUSER=uid ] [ /SYSTEM ]+ [ /TIMEOUT=OpenVMS_delta_time ] [ /UID=uid ] [ /USER=user ] [ /[NO]WRITE ] 2 Restricti @ons_and_TipsB If you mount remote OpenVMS directories where the NFS server isD running TCP/IP Services software, use the /NOADF qualifier on theA MOUNT command line unless you are using the OpenVMS-to-OpenVMS integration feature.B The /NOADF requirement applies only if the remote NFS server isC running versions of TCP/IP Services earlier than Version 3.3 andA cannot participate in OpenVMS-to-OpenVMS mode operation. Other tips include:< o Required order of command Akeywords: the MOUNT keyword,A immediately followed by mount_point. Example: MOUNT DNFS01:C o For the qualifiers that require a time value, specify OpenVMS delta time.? o Whenever you specify multiple options and values, use the following syntax:9 /qualifier=(option_a:value1,option_b:value2,value3) 2 Parameters mount_point Required.C Local device (and optional directory tree) on which to mount theA remote NFS file system. SpeBcify this mount point as one of the following: DNFSn: DNFSn:[dir.subdir] DNFSn:[dir.subdir]file where:@ n Specifies the unit number. Specify a value from 0 toC 9999. Specifying 0 causes the client to choose the nextD available unit number. (It does not mount a device named DNFS0:.), [dir] Specifies the directory to mountC or (up to eight subdirectories in addition to the [000000] [dir.subdir]ectory).C3 file Specifies the individual file to mount.& NOTE> Type the device name (mount_point) immediately after the keyword MOUNT. volume_labelC Optional. Default: First 12 characters of the combined values of" the /HOST and /PATH qualifiers.B Specifies the ODS-2 volume label used for the remote path name.A You can use this qualifier to provide a unique volume label on@ a system where there is a label conflict. The cDlient does the following:A o Accepts only the first 12 characters for all other entries.B o Applies volume_label only on the first mount of a particular disk.? o Ignores volume_label with subsequent mounts on that disk. logical_name Optional. Default: None.9 Specifies the logical name associated with the volume.B The client creates the following logical definitions, depending on what you specify:A o If you mount DNFSn:[000000], the cElient defines the logical name as DNFSn:B o If you mount DNFSn:[dir.dir], the client defines the logical@ name as DNFSn:[dir.dir.] The extra dot allows for relativeC directory specifications. If you issue the following command:$ $ SET DEFAULT logical:[subdir]* The full default definition becomes: DNFSn:[dir.dir.subdir]@ The client places the logical name in the SYSTEM logical name@ table, unless you specify the /GROUP or /SHARE qualifier. TheFA client deletes the logical name from the SYSTEM table when youA dismount the volume. The process must have SYSNAM privilege toB mount a system mount point. Without SYSNAM or GRPNAM privilege,@ the user must specify /SHARE for a JOB mount. (See the /SHARE# qualifier for more information.) 2 Qualifiers /ACP_PARAMS /ACP_PARAMS= { BUFFER_LIMIT=n DUMP IO_DIRECT=n IO_BUFFERED=n MAX_WORKSET=pages PAGE_FILE=file PRIORITY=base-prioritGy WORKSET=pages } Optional.D Specifies modifiable process parameters for the ancillary control process (ACP).< These parameters are dynamic. The NFS client applies your* settings at each first start of an ACP.< For descriptions of these options, see the section on RUN+ (PROCESS) in the OpenVMS DCL Dictionary. /ADF /ADF=CREATE /NOADF" Optional. Default: /ADF=CREATE.D If attributes data files (ADFs) exist on the NFS server, the /ADFH qualifier lets you use them.? The server uses ADFs to store OpenVMS file attributes. TheseA files appear on the server as .$ADF$file files, but you cannot1 view them directly on the local client system. The option is: o CREATED The client uses and updates the ADFs, and creates ADFs for new files.( /NOADF - No ADFs are created or used. /AUTOMOUNT" /AUTOMOUNT[=INACTIVITY:time] Optional. Defaults:A o If you omit this qualifi Ier, automounting is not enabled for this file system.: o If you include the /AUTOMOUNT qualifier but omit theC INACTIVITY keyword, file systems are automatically dismounted' after five minutes of inactivity.D This qualifier enables automounting for the file system. The fileA system is automatically mounted when you access its path name.A You can include the optional INACTIVITY keyword to specify theC number of minutes of inactivity before automatically diJsmountingA the file system. Be sure to specify the time as hh:mm:ss. WhenB this inactive period expires, the NFS client dismounts the path name. /BACKGROUND: /BACKGROUND [= {DELAY:OpenVMS_delta_time | RETRY:n}] Optional. Defaults:A o If you omit this qualifier, background mode mounting is not attempted.D o If you omit the DELAY keyword, background mode mounting is set4 up with /BACKGROUND=(DELAY:00:00:30,RETRY:10).? This qualifier enable Ks background mode for mounting the file system.> The optional DELAY time specifies amount of time to wait if; the mount attempt fails before trying again. Specify the@ time as hh:mm:ss. The maximum delay period you can specify is? approximately 49 days. The default delay time is 30 seconds.> The optional RETRY keyword specifies the number of times toB repeat the attempt to mount the file system. RETRY:0 means thatB the client uses the first try only. The default number Lof times to retry is 10.> If you use the /BACKGROUND qualifier, you must also use the? /RETRIES qualifier and specify a nonzero value. For example:F $ TCPIP MOUNT DNFS0: /BACKGROUND=RETRY:9 /RETRIES=4 /HOST="robin" - _$ /PATH="/USR/USERS/GEORGE"@ In this example, you are asking for four data retries on eachB mount attempt and nine mount attempts, for a total of 36 tries.= If you use the default value for /RETRIES, the first mountC attempt can never complete exceptM by succeeding, and the process@ doing the mount will hang until the server becomes available. /CACHE_TIMEOUT /CACHE_TIMEOUT=# [ DIRECTORY:OpenVMS_delta_time ]# [ ATTRIBUTE:OpenVMS_delta_time ] [ READ_DIRECTORY ] Optional. Defaults:> If you omit this qualifiier, the file system is set up with caching timeouts as follows:9 /CACHE_TIMEOUT=(DIRECTORY:00:00:30,ATTRIBUTE:00:00:15)D Specifies the following caching timeout information for the mountN point:" o DIRECTORY:OpenVMS_delta_timeA - Amount of time that the client waits between rereading a( directory's status or contents.0 - Specify OpenVMS_delta_time as hh:mm:ss." o ATTRIBUTE:OpenVMS_delta_timeA - Amount of time that the client waits between rereading a/ file's attributes from the NFS server.0 - Specify OpenVMS_delta_time as hh:mm:ss. o READ_DIRECTORY@ - Forces the client to read the contents of theO directoryD requested when the cache timeout occurs rather than relying* on the directory's modified time.C - By reading the directory contents, the client can be awareD of any changes to the number of files within the directory,= even if the directory's modify time was not updated. /CONVERT /CONVERT /NOCONVERT Optional. Default: /CONVERT.C Converts files with the following attributes to STREAM_LF files: o SequenPtial o Variable length/ o Carriage return/carriage control (VAR-CR)A The convert feature works with some utilities and DCL commands= but not with others. For example, it works with the CREATE= command and with EDIT/TPU, but it does not work with COPY,? BACKUP, or EDIT/EDT. There is no simple way to identify what@ works. However, for the feature to take effect, the following conditions must be satisfied:B o The file attributes must be sequential, variable lQength, and' carriage return/carriage control.C o The file must be opened for exclusive write access (generally$ true for newly created files).? o The file must be opened with the FAB$M_SQO bit set in the FAB$L_FOP field.B o The file creation and the open for write must be done in one> step. That is, if the program first creates the file and@ afterward opens it for write, the convert feature does not work.> You can convert only those fileRs that were opened using RMS@ sequential access. For additional information, see the Compaq1 TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Management manual. /DATA* /DATA [= {read_bytes | write_bytes}]( Optional. Default: /DATA=(8192,8192).D Largest amount of NFS data received or transmitted in one network operation. The options mean:6 o read_bytes - Data received. Minimum value = 512.: o write_bytes - Data transmitted. Minimum value = 512.D If you specify only oneS value, it applies to both READ and WRITE.B You do not need to use /DATA unless a remote NFS server imposes? a restriction on data size. If the server requests a smallerA transfer size than you specified, the server's requested value overrides the one you set. /FILEIDS' /FILEIDS [= {UNIQUE | NONUNIQUE}]& Optional. Default: /FILEIDS=UNIQUE.D With UNIQUE, the client uses the file name and 32-bit NFS file IDC when processing the directory information returneTd by the server4 to determine whether cached information is valid.A With NONUNIQUE, the client uses the file handle instead of theD file ID. This can refresh directory entries in the client's cacheB more quickly. However, this can degrade performance because theD client must issue additional RPC requests to get the file handle. /FORCE /FORCE /NOFORCE Optional. Default: /NOFORCE.> Performs an overmount or a mount that can cause file system occluUsion. Required privileges: o OPER/ o SYSPRV (for overmounting a /SYSTEM mount). o GRPNAM (for overmounting a /GROUP mount) /GID /GID=n Optional. Default: -2.8 Default GID if no GID mapping exists for file access.' Restriction: Requires OPER privilege /GROUP# Optional. Default: User mounted.@ Adds the logical name to the group logical name table. If theC mount is the first one on the volume, /GROUP marks the volume asV being group-mounted. Restrictions: o Requires GRPNAM privilege0 o /GROUP and /SYSTEM are mutually exclusive. /HOST /HOST=host Required.D Remote NFS server on which the physical files reside. Type either$ domain-name or IP-address format. /OWNER_UIC /OWNER_UIC=n7 Optional. Default: Ownership recorded on the volume.; UIC-assigned ownership of the volume while you mount it.2 Applied only on the first mount of an NFS dWisk. /PATH /PATH="/path/name" Required.B Path name on the NFS server (specified by /HOST). Must match an@ exported directory, subdirectory, or file of an exported file system on the server.B The /path/name is mounted as the master file directory (MFD) of the specified device. /PROCESSOR4 /PROCESSOR= {UNIQUE | SAME:DNFSn: | FILE:file}- Optional. Default: New ACP for each mount.? Associates an ancillary control process (ACP) to procesXs the< volume, overriding the default manner in which the client@ associates ACPs with NFS devices (starting a new ACP for each# mount request). The options are: o UNIQUE2 - Creates a new ACP for the new NFS device.! - Requires OPER privilege. o SAME:DNFSn:3 - Uses the same ACP as the specified device.! - Requires OPER privilege. o FILE:fileB - Creates a new ACP running the image specified by file. Do; not use wYildcards, host names, or directory names.+ - Requires CMKRNL or OPER privilege. /PROTECTION /PROTECTION=protections@ Optional. Default: /PROTECTION=(S:RWED,O:RWED,G:RWED,W:RWED).> Protection code for the volume. If you omit a category, the1 client denies access to that category of user.D Applied only on the first mount of an NFS device and ignored with$ subsequent mounts on that device.) Restrictions: Requires OPER privilege. /RETRIES Z /RETRIES=n@ Optional. Default: /RETRIES=0 (the client retries the request) forever or until the server responds).B Maximum number of read or write retries if the NFS server fails to respond.@ /RETRIES=0 is a close equivalent to a UNIX hard mount. If youC attempt to abort a command or program while it is still retryingA the I/O operation on a client device, the process enters RWASTC state and remains in that state until the NFS server responds. AB process in [RWAST state cannot be terminated. If the server does@ not become available, the only way remove the process withoutB rebooting the client host is to dismount the client device with the /ALL qualifier. /SERVER_TYPE /SERVER_TYPE=type Optional. Default: UNIX.B Operating system of the host running NFS server. The values for type are: o UNIX o IBM_VM> If the server is TCP/IP Services Version 3.3 or later, thisD qualifier is ignored because th\e client and server always operate in OpenVMS-to-OpenVMS mode. /SHARE< Places the logical name in the job logical name table and@ increments the volume mount count regardless of the number ofD job mounts. When the job logs out, all job mounts are dismounted,< causing the volume mount count to be decremented. See the@ Compaq TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Management manual for more information. /SUPERUSER /SUPERUSER=uid /NOSUPERUSER# Optional. D]efault: /NOSUPERUSER.? Maps users with SYSPRV, BYPASS, or READALL privileges to the= superuser UID. The NFS server must allow superuser access.! The normal superuser UID is 0. /NOSUPERUSER: No mapping. /SYSTEM% Optional. Default: System mounted.B Places the logical name in the system logical name table unlessA you specify the /GROUP or /SHARE qualifier. The client deletes? the logical name from the system table when you dismount the volume. R^estrictions: o Requires SYSNAM privilege.= o The /GROUP, /SYSTEM, and /SHARE qualifiers are mutually exclusive.C o Without SYSNAM or GRPNAM privilege, you must use /SHARE for a job mount. /TIMEOUT! /TIMEOUT=OpenVMS_delta_time& Optional. Default: ::01 (1 second).A Minimum timeout period for initial remote procedure call (RPC)0 request retransmissions. Use the format ::ss.B Specify seconds as your estimate of the typical round-trip ti_me> for RPC requests. For slower-speed links - for example, NFS> traffic over SLIP - specify a value that is larger than the default.@ Example: For a maximum read/write size of 8192 (see the /DATAD qualifier) over a 19,200-baud SLIP line, set the absolute minimum timeout value as follows: 10240 bytes*8 bits per byte- --------------------------- = 4.27 seconds 19,200 bits per secondC Here, the 10240 bytes is 8192 data bytes plus the worst-case RPCA overh`ead. Because 4.27 seconds is the absolute minimum, a moreA realistic value for this link is 15 to 30 seconds to allow for other traffic. /UID /UID=n Optional. Default: -2.8 Default UID if no UID mapping exists for file access.( Restriction: Requires OPER privilege.@ Both the NFS server and NFS client use the proxy database for@ access control. Compaq strongly recommends that you provide a5 proxy with a unique UID for every NFS client user.C Iaf you need to provide universal access to world-readable files,< you can use the default UID to avoid creating a proxy for@ every NFS client user. You should avoid using the default UID? if clients require additional file access; otherwise, client> users may see unpredictable and confusing results when theyB try to create files. See the Compaq TCP/IP Services for OpenVMSC Management manual for a detailed discussion about using proxies,1 the default user, and security consideratbions. /USER /USER=user# Optional. Default: USER account.@ Existing OpenVMS account to which the NFS client maps unknown UIDs.C If the client does not find the USER account, the DECnet account> becomes the default. If the client does not find the DECnet* account, [200,200] becomes the default. /WRITE /WRITE /NOWRITE Optional. Default: /WRITE.% Mounts files with WRITE privilege.& /NOWRITE mounts files as read-only. c 2 Examples? 1.TCPIP> MOUNT DNFS2: /HOST="loon" /PATH="/usr/users/curlew"9 Mounts, on local device DNFS2:, the remote directory9 /usr/users/curlew, which resides on NFS server loon.( 2.TCPIP> MOUNT DNFS3: /HOST="sigma" -0 _TCPIP> /PATH="/usr" /AUTO=(INACT:00:10:00)A Using automounting, this command mounts the /usr file systemC from sigma onto the OpenVMS mount point when it references theA path name. The client keeps the path mounted for an inactiv deB period of 10 minutes, after which it dismounts the path name.5 3.TCPIP> MOUNT DNFS4: /HOST="sigma" /PATH="/usr" -9 _TCPIP> /BACKGROUND=(DEL:00:01:00,RET:20) /RETRIES=4C Attempts to mount the /usr file system. If it cannot, it waits8 1 minute and retries the connection up to 20 times.> 4.TCPIP> MOUNT DNFS5:[USERS.MNT] /HOST="sigma" /PATH="/usr"= %DNFSMOUNT-S-MOUNTED, /usr mounted on _DNFS5:[USERS.MNT]K TCPIP> MOUNT DNFS5:[USERS.MNT] /HOST="sigma" /PAT eH="/usr/users" /FORCEP %DNFSMOUNT-S-REMOUNTED, _DNFS5:[USERS.MNT] remounted as /usr/users on SIGMAC Specifies a lower level in the NFS server path with the secondC mount. This constitutes another path name and qualifies for an overmount.E 5.TCPIP> MOUNT DNFS22:[USERS.SMITH.MNT] /HOST="sigma" /PATH="/usr"D %DNFSMOUNT-S-MOUNTED, /usr mounted on _DNFS22:[USERS.SMITH.MNT]H TCPIP> MOUNT DNFS22:[USERS.SMITH] /HOST="sigma" /PATH="/usr" /FORCE? %DNFSMOUNT-S-MOfUNTED, /usr mounted on _DFS22:[USERS.SMITH]K %TCPIP-I-OCCLUDED, previous contents of _DNFS22:[USERS.SMITH] occludedB The /FORCE qualifier performs an occluded mount. If you issue? the DIRECTORY command, the NFS client occludes (hides fromA view) the subdirectory dropped from the first MOUNT command.? To make the directory visible again, either issue the SHOW< MOUNT command (both mounts will be visible) or dismount DNFS22:[USERS.SMITH]. ww gH _1 PINGA Sends ICMP ECHO packets to hosts to determine whether they are$ active. Same as the LOOP command. Format PING [ host ]# [ /ADDRESS=xx.xx.xx.xx ] [ /ALL ] [ /FULL ] [ /NUMBER_PACKETS=n ] [ /PACKET_SIZE=n ], [ /PATTERN="hexadecimal-string" ] [ /[NO]ROUTE ] [ /WAIT=n ] 2 Parameters host9 Specifies the host to which the test packhets are sent.@ Omitting host tests the TCP/IP Services software on the local: node, as defined by the system logical TCPIP$INET_HOST. 2 Qualifiers /ADDRESS /ADDRESS=xx.xx.xx.xx Optional.A Specifies the IP address of the host to which the test packets are sent. /ALL' Optional. Default: Not all requests.B Displays all ICMP ECHO_REQUESTs, even if not in direct response to this operation. /FULL Optional.D Numeric outiput only. No attempt is made to look up symbolic namesD for host addresses. This occurs only when displaying ICMP packets other than ECHO_RESPONSE. /NUMBER_PACKETS /NUMBER_PACKETS=n Optional. Default: 4 packets= Specifies the number of packets to send. If you specify 0,D packets are sent continuously until you terminate it with Ctrl/C. /PACKET_SIZE /PACKET_SIZE=n Optional. Default: 64 bytes./ Specifies the size of the ICMP ECHO_REQUEjST. /PATTERN# /PATTERN="hexadecimal-string" Optional.> Fills out the packet you send with up to 16 bytes, which isA useful for diagnosing data-dependent problems. The string is a8 hexadecimal string of up to 32 characters (16 bytes).A For example, /PATTERN="ff" causes the sent packet to be filled with ones (1). /ROUTE /ROUTE /NOROUTE Optional. Default: /ROUTE.B /ROUTE Request is routed through the normal routing tableks.1 /NOROUTE Normal routing tables are bypassed.> If the host is not on the LAN, you get an error. /WAIT /WAIT=n Optional.C Specifies the number of seconds to wait between sending packets. 2 Examples 1.TCPIP> PING dented@ Specifies that the local host test the connectivity path to host dented. wwH _ 1 REMOVE 2 DIRECTORYC Removes a link to a directory within a UNIX container directory#l.? If there are no other links to it, the directory is deleted.0 Related commands: CREATE DIRECTORY, DIRECTORY Applies to: NFS server Format# REMOVE DIRECTORY "/path/name" 3 Restrictions Requires:3 o Read and write access to the parent directory o BYPASS privilege 3 Parameters "/path/name" Required.. Directory with the link you want to remove. 3 Examples- 1.TCPIP> REMOVE DIRECTORY "/eagles/eaglet"4m Removes a link to the directory /eagles/eaglet. 2 EXPORTD Deletes directory names from the export database so that they are/ not available for mounting by an NFS client.D Related commands: ADD EXPORT, SHOW EXPORT, MAP, SET CONFIGURATIONA MAP, SET CONFIGURATION NOMAP, SHOW MAP, SHOW CONFIGURATION MAP Applies to: NFS server Format REMOVE EXPORT "/path/name"$ [ /[NO]CONFIRM ]" [ /HOST=host ] 3 Restricntions9 Requires read and write access to the export database. 3 Parameters "/path/name" Required.5 Directory name to delete from the export database. 3 Qualifiers /CONFIRM /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM5 Optional. Default: /CONFIRM if you use a wildcard.B When the software encounters a match, it displays a descriptionC and solution and then requests confirmation before deleting each& record. Enter one of the following: o Y oto delete the record o N to save the record /HOST /HOST=host* Optional. Default: /HOST=* (all hosts).B Host, running NFS client, that will become unable to access the! specified container directory. Format for multiple hosts:# /HOST=("host0","host1", "host2") 3 Examples( 1.TCPIP> REMOVE EXPORT "/house/finch"B Removes the name of container directory /house/finch from the? export database. This directory is now inaccessible to pNFS client users.A 2.TCPIP> REMOVE EXPORT "/oceans/swamps" /HOST=("tern","crane")7 Modifies the accessibility of local UNIX directory? /oceans/swamps. This directory is now unavailable to usersD working on hosts tern and crane, which run NFS client software. 2 FILEB Removes a link to a file within a container directory. If there1 are no other links to it, the file is deleted.0 Related commands: DIRECTORY, REMOVE DIRECTORY Applies to: NFS serve$qr Format REMOVE FILE "/path/name" 3 Restrictions Requires:3 o Read and write access to the parent directory o BYPASS privilege 3 Parameters "/path/name" Required.) File with the link you want to remove. 3 Examples8 1.TCPIP> REMOVE FILE "/peacock/feather.care/preening"/ Removes the NFS link to the file preening. 2 MAIL* Deletes mail messages from SMTP queues.C Without the user parameter, all mressages from the user name that6 correspond to your process's user name are deleted.) Related commands: SEND MAIL, SHOW MAIL Applies to: SMTP Format REMOVE MAIL [ user ]+ [ /[NO]COPY=[directory] ]" [ /[NO]CONFIRM ] [ /ENTRY=n ] 3 RestrictionsA Requires SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege for mail messages that are not yours. 3 Parameters user@ Optional. Default: All mail message ss with your process's user name.6 Removes messages sent from the specified user name. 3 Qualifiers /COPY /COPY=[directory] /NOCOPY=[directory]; Optional. Default: Messages copied to the user's default directory.< Copies messages to be deleted to the specified directory.$ /NOCOPY: Messages are not copied. /CONFIRM /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM Optional. Defaults:1 o With an entry number specified - /NOCONFIRM2t o Without an entry number specified - /CONFIRM< If you omit an entry number, requests confirmation before deleting each message. Enter:" o Y to delete the mail message o N to save the mail message) o G to change to NO CONFIRMATION mode /ENTRY /ENTRY=n Optional. Default: All.5 Queue entry numbers to remove from the SMTP queue. 3 Examples 1.TCPIP> REMOVE MAILB Removes all messages for your process's user name, or deletesu> everything in the SMTP queue if you have either SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege." 2.TCPIP> REMOVE MAIL /ENTRY=781B Removes message 781, if it corresponds to your process's user< name, or if you have either SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege. 3.TCPIP> REMOVE MAIL BROODC Removes all messages for BROOD, if your process's user name is= BROOD, or if you have either SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege.E 4.TCPIP> REMOVE MAIL /USER_NAME=COCKATOO /COPY=[COCKATOO.OLD_MAIL]Av Removes all messages for COCKATOO, if this is your process'sA user name, or if you have either SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege.> Before deletion, copies this queued mail to the specified directory. 2 PROXYB Deletes entries from the volatile and permanent proxy database.* Related commands: ADD PROXY, SHOW PROXY< Applies to: NFS server, NFS client, PC-NFS, Remote Shell,+ LPR/LPD, and customer-developed services Format REMOVE PROXY [ user_name ]w% [ /COMMUNICATION ]# [ /[NO]CONFIRM ] [ /GID=n ]! [ /HOST=host ]# [ /NFS=options ]! [ /PERMANENT ]( [ /REMOTE_USER=user ] [ /UID=n ] 3 Restrictions Requires:1 o Read and write access to the proxy database& o One of the following privileges: - SYSPRV - SYSLCK - OPER x 3 Parameters user_name3 Optional. Default: All entries (REMOVE PROXY *).9 Deletes the specified entries from the proxy database. 3 Qualifiers /COMMUNICATION9 Optional. Default: Both communication and NFS entries.+ Deletes communication (non-NFS) proxies. /CONFIRM /CONFIRM NOCONFIRM. Optional. Default: /CONFIRM with wildcards.B Requests confirmation before deleting records. Enter one of the following: o !yY to delete the record o N to save the record) o G to change to NO CONFIRMATION mode /GID /GID=n Optional. Default: All GIDs.A Deletes only proxies for the specified group identifier (GID). /HOST /HOST=host Optional. Default: All hosts./ Deletes only proxies for the specified host. /NFS /NFS=INCOMING /NFS=OUTGOING/ Optional. Default: /NFS=(INCOMING,OUTGOING).6 Deletes an NFS proxy. Specify one ozf the following:/ /NFS=OUTGOING Proxy to use NFS client/ /NFS=INCOMING Proxy to use NFS server> /NFS=(OUTGOING,INCOMIProxy to use NFS client and NFS server /PERMANENT Optional. Default: None.: Deletes entries only from the permanent proxy database. /REMOTE_USER /REMOTE_USER=user Optional. Default: None.6 Deletes entries for the specified remote user name. /UID /UID=n Optional. Default: All UIDs.< Lim{its the search of entries to delete to proxies for the specified UID. 3 Examples7 1.TCPIP> REMOVE PROXY "peacock" /HOST=GOLDEN /UID=83A Removes authorization for UID 83 on host GOLDEN from OpenVMS account peacock.- 2.TCPIP> REMOVE PROXY /HOST=GOLDEN /UID=837 Removes authorization for UID 83 from host GOLDEN.1 3.TCPIP> REMOVE PROXY /HOST=("goose","grouse")C Removes authorization for all users on hosts goose and grouse. 4.TCPIP> REMOVE| PROXY /UID=83. Totally removes authorization for UID 83.; 5.TCPIP> REMOVE PROXY VMS_USER /REMOTE=PARTRIDGE /HOST=*B Removes authorization for remote user PARTRIDGE on all hosts. wwUU _1 SEND 2 MAILD Requeues a mail message for delivery. Releases jobs that are in a hold state.+ Related commands: REMOVE MAIL, SHOW MAIL Applies to: SMTP Format SEND MAIL [ user ] [ /AFTER=time ] #} [ /[NO]CONFIRM ] [ /ENTRY=n ] 3 RestrictionsD SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege required to requeue mail messages that1 do not correspond to your process's user name. 3 Parameters user Optional. Default: All.7 Requeues messages sent from the specified user name. 3 Qualifiers /AFTER /AFTER=time1 Optional. Default: Immediate delivery attempt.0 Time after which delivery is to be attempted. /CONFIRM~ /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM Optional. Defaults:1 o With an entry number specified - /NOCONFIRM2 o Without an entry number specified - /CONFIRMC Requests confirmation before deleting each message when you omit/ an entry number. Enter one of the following: o Y to delete the message o N to save the message) o G to change to NO CONFIRMATION mode /ENTRY /ENTRY=n Optional.A Queue number of the mail message to be re-queued fo#r delivery. wwUU _1 SET 2 ARP> Maps between an IP address and either an Ethernet or a FDDI6 address. SET NOARP removes an address-mapping pair. Related command: SHOW ARP Formats SET ARP mac_address( [ host_name | IP_address ]! [ [/[NO]PERMANENT ] [ /[NO]PUBLIC ]( SET NOARP [ host_name|IP_address] 3 Restrictions Requires OPER privilege. 3 Parameters mac_address Required.@ Specifies the physical Ethernet or FFDI network address to be5 mapped to an IP address. Not valid with SET NOARP. host_name Optional.A Specifies the host on which the targeted interface resides. IfA you do not supply a host name, you must supply its IP address. IP_address Optional.? Specifies the 32-bit address that identifies the network and> host. If you do not specify the host's IP address, you must specify its host name. You cannot use wildcards. 3 Qualifiers /PERMANENT /PERMANENT /NOPERMANENT! Optional. Default: /PERMANENT.7 Specifies whether the mapping information is cached.? /NOPERMANENT removes ARP mapping after the caching interval. Not valid with SET NOARP. /PUBLIC /PUBLIC /NOPUBLIC Optional. Default: /PUBLIC.@ Specifies whether the local ARP responds to ARP requests from% other hosts to the specified host.* /NOPUBLIC maps only for the local host. Not valid with SET NOARP. 3 Examples, 1.TCPIP> SET ARP AA-BB-04-05-06-07 CONDOR8 Permanently maps CONDOR's host name to FDDI address AA-BB-04-05-06-07. 2 BOOTP0 Creates client entries in the BOOTP database./ SET NOBOOTP does not require any qualifiers.2 Related commands: CONVERT/VMS BOOTP, SHOW BOOTP Format SET [NO]BOOTP host! [ /FILE=file]1  /HARDWARE=ADDRESS=hex_address' [ /GATEWAYS=hosts ]0 [ /NETWORK_MASK=IP_address ]* [ /SERVERS=type=host ], [ /TIME_OFFSET=seconds ] 3 RestrictionsA Requires read, write, and delete access to the BOOTP database. 3 Parameters host Required.@ Specifies the client to which your system will download files1 upon request. Enter a host name or IP address. 3 Qualifiers /FILE /FILE=file Optional.C Specifies the name of the client's system image or other file to download upon request.@ o By default, upon receiving a request, BOOTP looks for this@ file in TCPIP$TFTP_ROOT:[host], where host is the client's& host name, excluding the domain.3 o If this directory does not exist, BOOTP uses: TCPIP$TFTP_ROOT:[000000].@ o When the TCP/IP Services software receives a boot request,9 BOOTP verifies the existence and size of this file. /GATEWAYS /GATEWAYS=hosts /NOGATEWAYS=hosts Optional. Default: None.+ Specifies the gateways used for routing. /HARDWARE /HARDWARE=ADDRESS=hex_addr Required.B Specifies the client's hardware address. For hex_addr, specify: hh-hh-hh-hh-hh-hh. /NETWORK_MASK /NETWORK_MASK=IP_address3 Required if you use subnets; otherwise optional.C Specifies the part of the host field of an IP address identified as the subnet.@ The software calculates the default by setting the following:2 o The bits representing the network field to 1/ o The bits representing the host field to 0@ You can divide the host field into a site-specific subnetworkB and a host field. If you use subnets, you must specify a subnet field. /SERVERS /SERVERS=type=host Optional.C Specifies other servers whose names BOOTP can supply to cli ents.A Here, host specifies a host name or IP address and type can be one or more of the following:# [NO]COOKIE Cookie server) [NO]IEN_NAME IEN-116 name server; [NO]IMPRESS Impress network image server (IMAGEN)0 [NO]LPR Berkeley 4BSD print server0 [NO]LOG MIT-LCS UDP logging server& [NO]NAME BIND name server0 [NO]RESOURCE Resource Location Protocol, (RLP) server (RFC-887)4 [NO]TIME  Internet time server (RFC-868) /TIME_OFFSET /TIME_OFFSET=seconds Optional. Default: 0 seconds.B Specifies the time difference, in seconds, between the client's> time zone and Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) expressed inA seconds. This value is zero (0) in the British Isles and parts> of Europe, a positive number for locations east of the zeroA meridian, and a negative number for locations west of the zero meridian. 3 ExamplesB 1.TCPIP > SET BOOTP PLOVER /HARDWARE=ADDRESS=08-00-2D-20-23-21 - _TCPIP> /FILE=PLOVER.SYSC Adds client host PLOVER, with hardware address 08-00-2D-20-23-A 21 to the BOOTP database. BOOTP can respond to a remote bootB request from client PLOVER with a reply packet containing the6 name of the file to down load and its IP address.? 2.TCPIP> SET BOOTP ERN /HARDWARE=ADDRESS=98-00-2D-20-23-21 -* _TCPIP> /SERVERS=COOKIE=(PLOVER,GULL)B Adds client host ERN to the BOOTP database and specifies that4 ERN will use PLOVER AND GULL as cookie servers.C 3.TCPIP> SET BOOTP PLOVER /HARDWARE=ADDRESS=08-00-2D-20-23-21 -. _TCPIP> /SERVERS=(COOKIE=GULL,NAME=BIRDS)@ Adds client host PLOVER to the BOOTP database and specifiesB that PLOVER will use GULL as a COOKIE server and BIRDS as its name server. 2 COMMUNICATIONB Modifies the IP, TCP, UDP, and INET_ACP software on the running system.: Related commands: SET CONFIGURATION COMMUNICATION, SHOW COMMUNICATION Format+ SET COMMUNICATION [ /ACCEPT=options ]2 [ /CLUSTER_TIMER=minutes ]* [ /DOMAIN=domain ], [ /LOCAL_HOST=host ]& [ /PROXIES=n ]+ [ /REJECT=options ] 3 Restrictions Requires OPER privilege. 3 Qualifiers /ACCEPT? /ACCEPT { =[NO]HOSTS=(hosts) | =[NO]NETWORKS=(networks) }1 Optional. Default: All hosts and all networks.? Accepts communication from the hosts and networks specified.A Do not specify the same hosts or networks for both /ACCEPT and /REJECT.D To delete an /ACCEPT entry, specify it again using the NOHOSTS or NONETWORKS option. Specify one of the following: o [NO]HOSTS=hosts? Hosts that can access TCP/IP Services. Maximum is 32. For example:: /ACCEPT=HOSTS=(host1_name,host2_name, host3_address)  o [NO]NETWORKS=networks> Networks that can access TCP/IP Services. Maximum is 16. Use the following syntax:4 NETWORKS=(net1[:net1mask],net2[:net2mask],...)D For each network, specify: network:[network_mask]. The network? mask is optional. (Default: class number of your network.B For example, the default for is For example:@ /ACCEPT=NETWORKS=(net1_name,net2_addr,net3_addr:net3_mask) /CLUSTER_TIMER /CLUSTER_TIMER=nA Optional. Default: 5 minutes. (If set to 0, the host holds theD cluster host name until you either stop TCP/IP Services or delete the interface.)@ Specifies the maximum time given for a node to respond to the cluster name. /DOMAIN /DOMAIN=domain Optional.@ Specifies your system's local domain. This qualifier requires% either SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege. /LOCAL_HOST /LOCAL_HOST=host Optional.: Defines the following logical names for the local host: o TCPIP$INET_HOST=host-nameC This logical is always set with the primary host name even if+ the alias name was specified as host.) o TCPIP$INET_HOSTADDR=host-IP-address? If the local host has multiple IP addresses, this logicalB name is set with a name for each address, called TCPIP$INET_3 HOSTADDRn, where n is a number starting at 2.= This qualifier requires either SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege. /PROXIES /PROXIES=nC Optional. Default: Number of communication proxies plus 10, with a minimum of 20.D Specifies the maximum size of the proxy cache. If you plan to addD entries to the proxy database after you start the TCP/IP Services= software, set /PROXIES to a value higher than the default.B You cannot change this value if the TCP/IP Services software is running. /REJECT /REJECT = { [NO]HOSTS=(hosts) [NO]NETWORKS=(networks)  [NO]MESSAGE=(message) }$ Optional. Default: No rejections.@ Specifies the hosts or networks that cannot access the TCP/IPA Services software, including the rejection message that TCP/IP might return.= (For remote login, remote shell, and remote executive, the@ rejection message is preceded by a byte with a value of 1 and. terminated by a byte with a value of zero.)A Do not specify the same hosts or networks for both /ACCEPT and /REJECT.C To delete a /REJECT entry, specify it again using the NOHOSTS or NONETWORKS option. Specify one of the following:= o [NO]HOSTS=hosts to list hosts that cannot access TCP/IP- Services. Maximum is 32. The syntax is:9 /REJECT=HOSTS=(host1_name,host2_name,host3_address)? o [NO]NETWORKS=networks to list networks that cannot access3 TCP/IP Services Maximum is 16. The syntax is:5 NETWORKS=(net1[:net1mask],net2[:net2mask],... )A For each network, specify network:network_mask. The networkB mask is optional. Default: Class number of your network. ForC example, the default for is The syntax is:C /REJECT=NETWORKS=(net1_name,net2_address,net3_addr:net3_mask) 3 Examples 1.TCPIP> SET COMMUNICATION -I _TCPIP /REJECT=NETWORK=(, Sets all the services to inaccessible to the two specified networks. 2 CONFIGURATION> For some co mponents, the TCP/IP Services management program; includes two kinds of configuration commands, those that> modify volatile memory, and those that modify the permanentC database files. Commands that modify volatile memory take effect? immediately, but may be overwritten when the TCP/IP Services< software is restarted. Commands that modify the permanentC database take effect after the TCP/IP Services software has been restarted.4 Those commands are listed in the followin g table.< Commands that modify Commands that modify the permanent( volatile memory database files4 Not applicable SET CONFIGURATION [NO]BIND9 SET COMMUNICATION SET CONFIGURATION COMMUNICATION> ENABLE [NO]SERVICE SET CONFIGURATION ENABLE [NO]SERVICE9 SET [NO]INTERFACE SET CONFIGURATION [NO]INTERFACE< SET NAME_SERVICE SET CONFIGURATION [NO]NAME_SERVICE1 UNMAP SET CONFIGURATION NOMAP4 SET PROTOCOL SET CONFIGURATION PROTOCOL0 Not applicable SET CONFIGURATION SMTP0 Not applicable SET CONFIGURATION SNMP9 START ROUTING SET CONFIGURATION START ROUTINGC Whether permanent or volatile, the configuration information for? each pair of SET and SET CONFIGURATION commands is the same. 3 BIND; Configures the BIND name server. Creates the BIND server= configuration file, which holds the following information: o Cluster alias or aliases5 o Server type (primary, secondary, or forwarding) o Domains to be servedB o Location from which the BIND server gets initial information for lookups0 You can configure the BIND server as follows:& o For one or more internet domainsD o As one kind of BIND server (primary, secondary, or forwarding)' o As multiple kinds of BIND servers3 o On TCP/IP clusters for cluster load balancing@ This command does not create a BIND 8.1 configuration. If you< want to take full advantage of the new features available@ with the BIND 8.1 implementation, you should set up your BINDA environment by editing the TCPIP$BIND.CONF configuration file.C See the Compaq TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Management manual for detailed instructions.< If you choose to configure your BIND environment with the= SET CONFIGURATION BIND command, you must enter the command2 CONVERT/CONFIGURATION BIND before running BIND.- Related commands: SHOW CONFIGURATION BIND, CONVERT /CONFIGURATION BIND Format3 SET CONFIGURATION [NO]BIND [ /CACHE=options ]7 [ /[NO]CLUSTER=names ]8 [ /FORWARDERS=options ]5 [ /PRIMARY=options ]7 [ /SECONDARY=options ] 4 Restrictions' Requires SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege. 4 Qualifiers /CACHE* /CACHE=([NO]DOMAIN:do,[NO]FILE:file) Optional. Default: None.B Specifies the cache server for the specified domain. Do not use6 with /FORWARDERS. Use with /PRIMARY and /SECONDARY.C The cache tells the primary or secondary server how to use hints> to find the file. These hints let a server find a root nameA server. With this ability, the server can answer requests evenA if it does not have the information. You can use the following options:7 o DOMAIN keys to a particular record within a type.! NODOMAIN deletes the entry.0 o FILE specifies the name of the hints file.% If you use /CACHE with no options:& o DOMAIN defaults to "." ("root"). o FILE defaults to NAMED.CA. /CLUSTER /CLUSTER=name /NOCLUSTER=name0 Required to configure cluster load balancing.? Identifies the name of a TCP/IP cluster as the first step to% setting up cluster load balancing.@ For information about the remaining procedure, see the Compaq1 TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Management manual.@ /NOCLUSTER=name deletes the specified name as a cluster load- balancing host. /FORWARDERS! /FORWARDERS=([NO]HOST:host) Optional.# Specifies the forwarding server. NOHOST deletes hosts. /PRIMARY, /PRIMARY=([NO]DOMAIN:do,[NO]FILE:file) Optional. Default: None.@ Specifies the primary server for the specified zone. Multiple; primary servers are allowed if each is associated with a different domain.) o DOMAIN keys to a particular domain.! NODOMAIN deletes the entry.- o FILE specifies the domain to be served.D If you do not specify a file, the default file name is created< from the value that you supply with the DOMAIN option./ NOFILE specifies that no file is created. /SECONDARY< /SECONDARY=([NO]DOMAIN:do,[NO]FILE:file,[NO]HOST:host) Optional. Default: None.B Specifies the secondary server for the specified zone. Multiple= secondary servers are allowed if each is associated with a different domain.7 o DOMAIN keys to a particular record within a type.! NODOMAIN deletes the entry./ o FILE specifies the name of the boot file.D If you do not specify a file, the default file name is created< from the value that you supply with the DOMAIN option./ NOFILE specifies that no file is created.D o HOST is a list of hosts from which the secondary server copies  the database file.. NOHOST deletes hosts from the host list. 4 Examples$ 1.TCPIP> SET CONFIGURATION BIND -1 _TCPIP> /PRIMARY=(DOMAIN:RHEA.LAB.UBIRD.EDU)9 Configures the host as the primary server for domain RHEA.LAB.UBIRD.EDU.$ 2.TCPIP> SET CONFIGURATION BIND -7 _TCPIP> /SECONDARY=(DOMAIN:JACANA.LAB.UBIRD.EDU) -4 _TCPIP> /SECONDARY=(FILE:JACANA.DB,HOST=MARSHY)9 Configures the host as a secondary server for domain< JACANA.LAB.UBIRD.EDU and names the boot file JACANA.DB.C Omitting the file name would default to file JACANA_LAB_UBIRD_ EDU.DB.$ 3.TCPIP> SET CONFIGURATION BIND -? _TCPIP> /SECONDARY=(DOMAIN:0.192.IN-ADDR.ARPA,HOST:WEBBED)> Configures the host as a secondary server for the reverse> lookup domain for addresses that have the form 192.0.*.*.A The boot file name defaults to 0_192_IN-ADDR_ARPA.DB and the0 host copies this file from the host WEBBED.) 4.TCPIP> SET CONFIGURATION BIND /CACHEC Points the server to the cache file (NAMED.CA), which contains' hints about the root name servers. 3 COMMUNICATIONB Enters information into the configuration database to start theA IP, TCP, UDP, and INET_ACP software when the system starts up.C When TCP/IP Services starts up, this configuration overrides the default settings.6 Related commands: SHOW CONFIGURATION COMMUNICATION, SET COMMUNICATION Format9 SET CONFIGURATION COMMUNICATION [ /ACCEPT=options ]@ [ /CLUSTER_TIMER=minutes ]8 [ /DOMAIN=domain ]: [ /LOCAL_HOST=host ]4 [ /PROXIES=n ]9 [ /REJECT=options ] 4 Restrictions Requires OPER privilege. 4 Qualifiers /ACCEPT? /ACCEPT { =[NO]HOSTS=(hosts) | =[NO]NETWORKS=(networks) }1 Optional. Default: All hosts and all networks.? Accepts communication from the hosts and networks specified.A Do not specify the same hosts or networks for both /ACCEPT and /REJECT.D To delete an /ACCEPT entry, specify it again using the NOHOSTS or NONETWORKS option. Specify one of the following: o [NO]HOSTS=hosts? Hosts that can access TCP/IP Services. Maximum is 32. For example:9 /ACCEPT=HOSTS=(host1_name,host2_name,host3_address) o [NO]NETWORKS=networks> Networks that can access TCP/IP Services. Maximum is 16. The syntax is:4 NETWORKS=(net1[:net1mask],net2[:net2mask],...)D For each network, specify: network:[network_mask]. The network? mask is optional. (Default: class number of your network.B For example, the default for is For example:@ /ACCEPT=NETWORKS=(net1_name,net2_addr,net3_addr:net3_mask) /CLUSTER_TIMER /CLUSTER_TIMER=nA Optional. Default: 5 minutes. (If set to 0, the host holds theD cluster host name until you either stop TCP/IP Services or delete the interface.)@ Specifies the maximum time given for a node to respond to the cluster name. /DOMAIN /DOMAIN=domain Optional.@ Specifies your system's local domain. This qualifier requires% either SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege. /LOCAL_HOST /LOCAL_HOST=host Optional.: Defines the following logical names for the local host: o TCPIP$INET_HOST=host-nameD This logical is always set with the primary host name, even if+ the alias name was specified as host.) o TCPIP$INET_HOSTADDR=host-IP-address? If the local host has multiple IP addresses, this logicalB name is set with a name for each address, called TCPIP$INET_3 HOSTADDRn, where n is a number starting at 2.= This qualifier requires either SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege. /PROXIES /PROXIES=nC Optional. Default: Number of communication proxies plus 10, with a minimum of 20.D Specifies the maximum size of the proxy cache. If you plan to addD entries to the proxy database after you start the TCP/IP Services= software, set /PROXIES to a value higher than the default.B You cannot change this value if the TCP/IP Services software is running. /REJECT /REJECT = { [NO]HOSTS=(hosts) [NO]NETWORKS=(networks)  [NO]MESSAGE=(message) }$ Optional. Default: No rejections.@ Specifies the hosts or networks that cannot access the TCP/IPA Services software, including the rejection message that TCP/IP might return.= (For remote login, remote shell, and remote executive, the@ rejection message is preceded by a byte with a value of 1 and+ terminated by a byte with a value of 0.)A Do not specify the same hosts or networks for both /ACCEPT and /REJECT.C To delete a /REJECT entry, specify it again using the NOHOSTS or NONETWORKS option. Specify one of the following:= o [NO]HOSTS=hosts to list hosts that cannot access TCP/IP- Services. Maximum is 32. The syntax is:: /REJECT=HOSTS=(host1_name,host2_name, host3_address)? o [NO]NETWORKS=networks to list networks that cannot access3 TCP/IP Services Maximum is 16. The syntax is:5 NETWORKS=(net1[:net1mask],net2[:net2mask],... )A For each network, specify network:network_mask. The networkB mask is optional. Default: Class number of your network. ForC example, the default for is The syntax is:C /REJECT=NETWORKS=(net1_name,net2_address,net3_addr:net3_mask) 4 Examples- 1.TCPIP> SET CONFIGURATION COMMUNICATION -I _TCPIP /REJECT=NETWORK=(,< In the configuration database, sets all the services to0 inaccessible to the two specified networks. 3 ENABLE_SERVICE< Note: Specify SET CONFIGURATION ENABLE SERVICE without anC underscore when entering this command. Starts specified services< when TCP/IP Services starts up. This command modifies the$ permanent configuration database.? SET CONFIGURATION ENABLE NOSERVICE removes the entry for theA service from the list of enabled services in the configuration database.7 Related commands: SHOW CONFIGURATION ENABLE SERVICE, ENABLE SERVICE Format6 SET CONFIGURATION ENABLE [NO]SERVICE [ service ] 4 Parameters service Required.2 Specifies the service to configure to start up. 4 Qualifiers /COMMON$ Optional. Default: Node specific.; Enters information in the configuration database for the1 clusterwide enabling or disabling of services. 4 Examples3 1.TCPIP> SET CONFIGURATION ENABLE SERVICE TELNET6 In the configuration database, initializes TELNET communications.3 2.TCPIP> SET CONFIGURATION ENABLE SERVICE RLOGIND In the configuration database, starts the Remote Login service.1 3.TCPIP> SET CONFIGURATION ENABLE SERVICE SMTP> In the configuration database, enables the SMTP receiver.D For more information about starting SMTP, see the Compaq TCP/IP+ Services for OpenVMS Management guide. 3 INTERFACED Enters information into the configuration database, which defines7 one of the following when TCP/IP Services starts up:@ o An Internet interface (hardware connection to the network): o A serial line Internet interface (a form of hardware connection to the network)= o A pseudointerface (a data structure that extends subnetA routing so that, on the same physical network, an interface1 acts as a gateway between multiple subnets)2 Related commands: SHOW INTERFACE, SET INTERFACE Applies to: Routing Format/ SET CONFIGURATION [NO]INTERFACE interface1 [/[NO]ARP ]8 [/[NO]AUTO_START ]C [/BROADCAST_MASK=IP_address ]C [/C_BROADCAST_MASK=IP_address' ]> [/C_NETWORK=IP_address ]: [/[NO]CLUSTER=host ]: [/COMPRESS=options ]@  [/DESTINATION=IP_address ]2 [/[NO]DHCP ]5 [/FLOWCONTROL ]3 [/HOST=host ]6 [/[NO]LOOPBACK ]A [/NETWORK_MASK=IP_address ]5 [/[NO]PRIMARY ]> [/SERIAL_DEVICE=device ] 4 Restrictions This command requires: o OPER privilege' o Read access to the hosts database* o Read access to the networks database; o Read, write, and delete access to the routes databaseB Every host on the same network must have the same network mask. 4 Parameters interface Required.@ Specifies an interface name for the communication controller,D such as RF1, RT1, ZE0, XE0, SL0, SL1, SL2, PP0, PP1, PP2. See theA chapter on configuring network interfaces in the Compaq TCP/IP? Services for OpenVMS Management manual for more information. 4 Qualifiers /ARP /ARP /NOARP Optional. Default: /ARP.< Enables IP address-to-hardware address (Ethernet or FDDI) mapping.> /ARP is valid when you create an interface but not when you modify an existing interface. /AUTO_START /AUTO_START /NOAUTO_START" Optional. Default: /AUTO_START.? Valid for a SLIP or PPP interface. Automatically creates the) interface when TCP/IP Services starts. /BROADCAST_MASK /BROADCAST_MASK=IP_address Optional.A Sets the Internet interface to receive all broadcast messages.C TCP/IP Services calculates the default by the following methods: o Using the network number4 o Setting all bits in the host number field to 1 /C_BROADCAST_MASK" /C_BROADCAST_MASK=IP_address Optional.; Sets the cluster broadcast mask to receive all broadcast messages.@ The software calculates the default by the following methods: o Using the network number4 o Setting all bits in the host number field to 1 /C_NETWORK /C_NETWORK=IP_address Optional.= Sets the network mask of the cluster network. This mask is( specific to the cluster host network.= The software calculates the default by using the following methods:; o Setting the bits representing the network fields to 17 o Setting the bits representing the host field to 0 /CLUSTER /CLUSTER=host /NOCLUSTER Optional. Default: None.; Specifies the cluster host name (alias host identifier).A Before using this qualifier, first define the same name in the hosts database.? /CLUSTER=host associates the alias host identifier with each interface in a cluster.C /NOCLUSTER disables Internet cluster processing on the specified interface.'  CAUTIONB When you specify /NOCLUSTER, active communication is aborted7 for applications bound to the cluster alias name. /COMPRESS' /COMPRESS= {ON | OFF | AUTOMATIC}? Optional. Default: For PPP interface: /COMPRESS=ON; for SLIP interface: /COMPRESS=OFF% Valid for SLIP and PPP interfaces.. Enables or disables TCP header compression.B /COMPRESS=AUTOMATIC turns off compression unless the remote end begins to use it. /DESTINATION /DESTINATION=IP_address Optional. Valid for a PPP interface.< Used on the local host to provide dialup access to remote@ systems. The value specified is the IP address to be given to@ remote clients for use while the PPP connection is active. If@ using /DESTINATION, you must provide the address of the local% host by using the /HOST qualifier. /DHCP /DHCP /NODHCP Optional.A Designates the interface as a DHCP-controlled interface in the permanent database. /FLOWCONTROL& Optional. Default: No flow control.> Valid for a SLIP interface. Enables the handling of XON and@ XOFF characters to interoperate properly with modems that are4 configured to interpret these characters locally.@ Specify /FLOWCONTROL only if the host at the other end of the# line is running TCP/IP Services. /HOST /HOST=host= Required when first setting the interface; optional if the; interface is already defined. Always required for a SLIPA interface. Optional for a PPP interface unless you are settingC up the local host as a dialup provider by using the /DESTINATION qualifier.< Local host name or IP address using the interface. If notA specified for a PPP interface, PPP obtains the correct address from the remote host.2 If your host is multihomed, specify an address. /LOOPBACK /LOOPBACK /NOLOOPBACK" Optional. Default: /NOLOOPBACK. Sets loopback mode. /NETWORK_MASK /NETWORK_MASK=IP_address Required if you use subnets.A The part of the host field of the IP address identified as the subnet.@ The software calculates the default by the following methods:; o Setting the bits representing the network fields to 17 o Setting the bits representing the host field to 0D An IP address consists of a network number and a host number. YouA can also divide the host field into a site-specific subnetwork and host field. /PRIMARY /PRIMARY /NOPRIMARY Optional.@ For DHCP-controlled interfaces, designates the interface fromB which system-wide configuration options (such as the IP address of the BIND server) are used. /SERIAL_DEVICE /SERIAL_DEVICE=device= Required for SLIP and PPP interfaces; otherwise, not used.B Identifies the OpenVMS terminal device used as a serial device.? Specify an arbitrary terminal device name. (Unlike Ethernet,C FDDI, and Token Ring interface names, a serial interface name is+ not related to the OpenVMS device name.) 4 Examples8 1.TCPIP> SET CONFIGURATION INTERFACE SL5 /HOST=LARK -? _TCPIP> /NETWORK_MASK= /SERIAL_DEVICE=TTA3: -& _TCPIP> /COMPRESS=ON /FLOWCONTROL> Configures SLIP interface SL5, using the local IP address@ assigned to host LARK, with a subnet mask of The inter face uses the terminal device TTA3:.D The /COMPRESS qualifier enables TCP header compression (CSLIP).C The /FLOWCONTROL qualifier enables special handling of XON andD XOFF characters, for proper interoperation with modems that are6 configured to interpret these characters locally.; 2.TCPIP> SET CONFIGURATION INTERFACE FF0 /HOST=KESTREL -( _TCPIP> /NETWORK_MASK= -, _TCPIP> /BROADCAST_MASK= /ARPA For new interface FF0 on host KESTREL, sets the network maskC to, sets the broadcast mask to, enables& ARP, and activates the interface.B 3.TCPIP> SET CONFIGURATION INTERFACE PP0 /SERIAL_DEVICE=TTA0: -3 _TCPIP> /HOST= /DESTINATION= Configures the interface as a PPP serial device. This commandD specifies that the local host is a dialup provider. The addressA specified with the /DESTINATION qualifier ( is theA address assigned to the client system requesting an address.A See the Compaq TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Management manualB for more information about setting up interfaces for SLIP and PPP communication. 3 MAP; Adds information to the configuration database that maps< (logically links) one of the following to the NFS server:D o OpenVMS disk - Requires one execution of SET CONFIGURATION MAP@ to map the disk to a UNIX path name (logical file system).< o Container file system - Requir es two executions of SET@ CONFIGURATION MAP. The first maps the disk, and the second maps the file system.A Mapping creates a logical file system, also called an NFS file system.C When the NFS server starts up, it issues a GENERATE MAP command,C which creates the mappings for disks and container file systems;9 these mappings are viewable with the SHOW MAP command.A Related commands: ADD EXPORT, SHOW EXPORT, REMOVE EXPORT, MAP,C UNMAP, SET CONFIGURATION NOMAP, SHOW MAP, SHOW CONFIGURATION MAP FormatB SET CONFIGURATION MAP "file system name" logical_file_system 4 Restrictions( Requires SYSPRV and BYPASS privilege. 4 Parameters "file system name" Required.? Specifies the name for the file system or disk. When mapping@ a disk, the "/path" can be only one level from the root. This> parameter specifies the name by which users access the file system. logical_file_system Required.= Specifies the file system to make known to the NFS server.> To map an OpenVMS file system, specify its disk as follows:( $ SET CONFIGURATION MAP "/disk" disk:; To map a container file system, specify the disk and the directory name as follows:1 TCPIP> SET CONFIGURATION MAP "/container_name" disk:[vms.directory.name] ) 4 Examples5 1.TCPIP> SET CONFIGURATION MAP "/usr" CANARY$DUA2:D Maps local disk CANARY$DUA2: to /usr. This disk can be exported, to users on remote NFS clients as /usr.: 2.TCPIP> SET CONFIGURATION MAP "/remote" VERDIN$DUA3: -J _TCPIP> SET CONFIGURATION MAP "/flyers" VERDIN$DUA3:[UNIX_BIRD_FILES]< Maps [UNIX_BIRD_FILES], a container file system on disk? VERDIN$DUA3:, to /flyers. This file system can be exportedD to NFS server users as /flyers. (The first MAP command maps the% underlying OpenVMS file system.) 3 NAME_SERVICEC When TCP/IP Services starts up, configures the BIND resolver and9 designates a BIND server. All settings are systemwide.& Related commands: SET NAME_SERVICE," SHOW CONFIGURATION NAME_SERVICE Format5 SET CONFIG [NO]NAME_SERVICE [/[NO]SERVER=host]9 [ /[NO]DOMAIN=domain ]7 [ /[NO]PATH=domain ]? [ /RETRY=number of retries ]7 [ /TIMEOUT=seconds ]:  [ /TRANSPORT=protocol ] 4 Qualifiers /CLUSTER /CLUSTER=dev:[directory] Optional.C Specifies the common BIND directory. By default, the clusterwide@ common database common-disk:[TCPIP$BIND_common] is used. ThisB qualifier reloads the BIND database on every master BIND server running the OpenVMS cluster. /DOMAIN /DOMAIN=domain /NODOMAIN' Optional. Default: The local domain. Defines the default domain.2 /NODOMAIN deletes the definition of the domain. /PATH /PATH=domain /NOPATH=domain; Optional. SYSNAM privilege is required for this command.< Defines the BIND resolver domain search list. The /NOPATH+ qualifier removes domains from the list.C To specify multiple domains, list them by search preference. TheC resolver starts with the first domain on the list, and continues> to search each domain until the name is found (or until all5 domains have been exhausted and the lookup fails).9 If you define a domain list and then issue another SETD CONFIGURATION NAME_SERVICE /PATH command, TCP/IP Services appends* the new domains to the end of the list.D If a search list is not defined, the default behavior of the BINDB resolver is to do a lookup on the name as you typed it. If thatC lookup fails, then the default domain is appended and the lookup is attempted again. /RETRY /RETRY=number of retries# Optional. Default: Four retries.D Number of times that the BIND resolver attempts to contact a BIND# server if previous tries failed. /SERVER /SERVER=host /NOSERVER=host Optional.C Host name or address of the BIND server or servers that the BIND resolver will query.B To specify multiple hosts, list them by request preference. TheC resolver sends the first lookup request to the first host on the list.) /NOSERVER removes hosts from the list.5 If you define a server list and then issue anotherB SET CONFIGURATION NAME_SERVICE /SERVER command, TCP/IP Services2 appends the new servers to the end of the list. /TIMEOUT /TIMEOUT=seconds Optional. Default: 4 seconds.> Timeout interval for the BIND resolver's requests to a BINDB server. Represents the length of time to wait for a reply after each retry attempt.$ The total timeout period will be:/ timeout_value * retry_value * number_servers  /TRANSPORT /TRANSPORT=protocol Optional. Default: UDP.C Protocol used for communicating with a BIND server. Specify one: o UDP o TCP 4 ExamplesG 1.TCPIP> SET CONFIGURATION NAME_SERVICE /SERVER=(PARROT,SORA,JACANA)A When TCP/IP Services starts, defines hosts PARROT, SORA, and JACANA as BIND servers.; 2.TCPIP> SET CONFIGURATION NAME_SERVICE /SERVER=OSPREY -, _TCPIP> /PATH=(abc.dec.com,xyz.dec.com)A When TCP/IP Servi ces starts, defines host OSPREY as the BIND> server. The BIND resolver searches the abc.dec.com domain5 first, and then searches the xyz.dec.com domain. 3 NOMAP@ Removes map records from the configuration database that wereC previously added with SET CONFIGURATION MAP. When the NFS server? starts up, it issues a GENERATE MAP command that creates the1 mappings for disks and container file systems.+ Related commands: SET CONFIGURATION MAP,B SHOW CONFIGURATION #MAP, ADD EXPORT, SHOW EXPORT, REMOVE EXPORT, MAP, UNMAP, SHOW MAP Format; SET CONFIGURATION NOMAP "/path/name" [ /[NO]CONFIRM ] 4 Restrictions( Requires SYSPRV and BYPASS privilege. 4 Parameters "/path/name" Required.) UNIX name of the file system to unmap. You can use wildcards. 4 Qualifiers /CONFIRM /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM5 Optional. Default: /CONFIRM if you use a wildcard.; Requests confirmation before unmapping each file system. 4 Examples0 1.TCPIP> SET CONFIGURATION NOMAP "/disk_host"A Unmaps the NFS file system /remote, making it unavailable to. client users when TCP/IP Services starts. 3 PROTOCOLC Enters information into the configuration database that sets theD parameters for ICMP, IP, TCP, and UDP when TCP/IP Services starts up.> Related commands: SET PROTOCOL, SHOW CONFIGURATION PROTOCOL Format$ SET CONFIGURATION PROTOCOL ICMP7 [ /[NO]REDIRECT ]" SET CONFIGURATION PROTOCOL IP4 [ /[NO]FORWARD ]A [ /REASSEMBLY_TIMER=seconds ]# SET CONFIGURATION PROTOCOL TCP> [ /[NO]MTU_SEGMENT_SIZE ]7 [ /[NO]DELAY_ACK ]< [ /DROP_COUNT=seconds ]= [ /PROBE_TIMER=seconds ]/ [ /QUOTA=[= SEND=bytes,RECEIVE=bytes( ] ]: [ /[NO]WINDOW_SCALE ]# SET CONFIGURATION PROTOCOL UDP7 [ /[NO]BROADCAST ]5 [ /[NO]FORWARD ]7 [ /QUOTA=options ] 4 Restrictions Requires OP*ER privilege. 4 Parameters {ICMP | IP | TCP | UDP} Required.0 Specifies the protocol software to configure. 4 ICMP_Qualifiers /REDIRECT /REDIRECT /NOREDIRECT" Optional. Default: /NOREDIRECT. Sends ICMP_REDIRECT messages. 4 IP_Qualifiers /FORWARD /FORWARD /NOFORWARD! Optional. Default: /NOFORWARD.' Forwards IP messages to other hosts. /REASSEMBLY_TIMER /REASSEMBLY_TIMER=n7 Optional. Default: 7 seconds. Valid range: 1 to 126.< Sets the maximum time for trying to reassemble a received datagram. 4 TCP_Qualifiers /MTU_SEGMENT_SIZE /MTU_SEGMENT_SIZE /NOMTU_SEGMENT_SIZE* Optional. Default: /NOMTU_SEGMENT_SIZE.D If a connection is more than one hop away, sets the segment size. Specify one of the following:C /MTU_SEGMENT_SIZE Sets the segment size as close as possible to; the maximum transfer unit (MTU) size.C /NOMTU_SEGMENT_ Sets the segment size as close as possible to- SIZE the standard 512 bytes. /DELAY_ACK /DELAY_ACK /NODELAY_ACK! Optional. Default: /DELAY_ACK.> Enables or disables a delay before sending acknowledgments:6 /DELAY_ACK ACKs are generated with a delay.; /NODELAY_ACK ACKs are generated without any delay. /DROP_COUNT /DROP_COUNT=n! Optional. Default: 10 minutes.@ Specifies the maximum number of seconds to probe for idle TCP7 connections before a TCP connection close times out. /PROBE_TIMER /PROBE_TIMER=n! Optional. Default: 75 seconds.> Specifies the number of seconds between probes for idle TCPC connections. Also indicates the maximum number of seconds before& a TCP connection request times out. /QUOTA' /QUOTA=[SEND=bytes,RECEIVE=bytes] Optional.4 Specifies the queue size (in bytes) for messages.6 The options for setting TCP message queue size are:: o RECEIVE:n - Receive queue size. Default: 4096 bytes.4 o SEND:n - Send queue size. Default: 4096 bytes. /WINDOW_SCALE /WINDOW_SCALE /NOWINDOW_SCALE Optional.6 Turns TCP window scaling on and off. Default is on.D Scaling allows windows larger than 64 KB to be represented in the? normal 16-bit TCP window field. Large windows allow improved< throughput. Turning this option off may help troubleshoot= communication problems with another TCP/IP implementation. 4 UDP_Qualifiers /BROADCAST /BROADCAST /NOBROADCAST# Optional. Default: /NOBROADCAST.5 Enables privilege checking for broadcast messages.C o /BROADCAST - Nonprivileged users can send broadcast messages.= o /NOBROADCAST - To send broadcast messages, users need a: privileged UIC or SYSPRV, BYPASS, or OPER privilege.A Sun RPC applications use broa dcast messages and need privilege checking disabled. /FORWARD /FORWARD /NOFORWARD! Optional. Default: /NOFORWARD. Forwards IP messages. /QUOTA /QUOTA=options Optional.4 Specifies the queue size (in bytes) for messages.6 The options for setting UDP message queue size are:: o RECEIVE:n - Receive queue size. Default: 9000 bytes.4 o SEND:n - Send queue size. Default: 9000 bytes. 4 Examples2 1.TCPIP> SET CONFIGURATION PROTOCOL IP /FORWARD@ Sets IP to forward messages to other hosts, including other Internet cluster nodes.: 2.TCPIP> SET CONFIGURATION PROTOCOL TCP /PROBE_TIMER=50? Sets the TCP protocol probe timer parameter to 50 seconds. 3 SMTPA Modifies the SMTP configuration in the configuration database.? SET CONFIGURATION NOSMTP with no qualifiers deletes all SMTP records., Related commands: SHOW CONFIGURATION SMTP Format7 SET CONFIGURATION [NO]SMTP [ /ADDRESS_RETRIES=n ]9 [ /GATEWAY=option=host ]9 [ /HOP_COUNT_MAXIMUM=n ]6 [ /INTERVAL=options ]4 [ /[NO]LOG=[file] ]5 [ /OPTIONS=options ]. [ /QUEUES=n ]= [ /RECEIVE_TIMEOUT=minutes ]: [ /SEND_TIMEOUT=minutes ]? [ /SUBSTITUTE_DOMAIN=options ]7 [ /[NO]ZONE[=domain] ] 4 RestrictionsD For clusters, issue this command only on the nodes where the SMTPC queues reside - that is, on nodes that are not using clusterwideB queues and are not managing clusterwide queues for other nodes.' Requires SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege. 4 Qualifiers /ADDRESS_RETRIES /ADDRESS_RETRIES=n Optional. Default: 16.@ Maximum number of different addresses to which SMTP will sendC as it tries to deliver mail. Beyond this number of attempts, the message is undeliverable.D A message is also undeliverable if SMTP fails to deliver after it9 attempts all the possible addresses from an MX lookup. /GATEWAY /GATEWAY=option=host Optional. Default: None.? An alternate route through which SMTP sends mail if delivery fails. o [NO]ALTERNATE=hostA - Alternate host or domain to which delivery is attempted.C - Used by ZONE, if a zone is defined, as the last chance for, delivery (see the /ZONE qualifier).? - NOALTERNATE deletes an existing alternate destination. o [NO]GENERAL_PURPOSE=host; - Gateway to handle non-SMTP mail, for example, UUCP addresses.@ - NOGENERAL_PURPOSE deletes the specified destination for# protocols other than SMTP. /HOP_COUNT_MAXIMUM  /HOP_COUNT_MAXIMUM=n Optional. Default: 16.= Maximum number of relays (hops) between routers until SMTP$ considers the mail undeliverable. /INTERVAL /INTERVAL=! { INITIAL="OpenVMS_delta_time" RETRY="OpenVMS_delta_time"! MAXIMUM="OpenVMS_delta_time" }< Optional. Defaults: INITIAL=30 minutes, RETRY=60 minutes, MAXIMUM=3 days.> Time intervals related to repeated attempts before deliveryD fails. Specify the value within quotation marks as follows: "dddd hh:mm:ss:cc." For example: dddd = days (0-9999) h = hours (0-24) m = minutes s = seconds cc = milliseconds( You can modify the following options:B o INITIAL="OpenVMS_delta_time" is the amount of time that SMTP6 waits before making a second attempt to deliver.? o RETRY="OpenVMS_delta_time" is the time SMTP waits betweenC retries, starting with the second attempt. (Recommended time:" twice the initial interval.)C o MAXIMUM="OpenVMS_delta_time" is the maximum elapsed time that SMTP retries delivery. /LOG /LOG=[file] /NOLOG=[file]: Optional. Default: SYS$SPECIFIC:[TCPIP_SMTP]TCPIP$SMTP_ LOGFILE.LOG./ File to which SMTP queue activity is logged. /OPTIONS /OPTIONS=options5 Optional. Defaults: NOEIGHT_BIT, HEADERS, NORELAY., The following SMTP options are available: o [NO]EIGHT_BIT? All characters must have the eighth bit clear. Allows the' transmission of 8-bit characters.3 o Header control. Specify one of the following:> HEADERS Headers are printed at bottom of messages.( NOHEADERS Headers are omitted.; TOP_HEADERS Headers are printed at top of messages.6 NOTOP_ Resets TOP_HEADERS to the default. HEADERS o [NO]RELAY? Relays mail to other hosts by functioning as an end node. /QUEUES /QUEUES=n Optional. Default: 1.6 Number of execution queues for the specified nodes.? Use this qualifier only on nodes that own the SMTP queues, -D that is, nodes not using clusterwide SMTP queues or managing SMTP& clusterwide queues for other nodes. /RECEIVE_TIMEOUT /RECEIVE_TIMEOUT=minutes Optional. Default: 5 minutes.: Maximum time between socket receipts of a message for a particular dialog.D If a message is not received within this interval, the connection2 is broken and the mail control file is deleted. /SEND_TIMEOUT /SEND_TIMEOUT=minutes Optional. Defaults: DATA - 3 minutes INITIAL - 5 minutes MAIL - 5 minutes RECEIPT - 5 minutes TERMINATION - 10 minutesC Maximum time between remote host acknowledgments of a particular SMTP command.B If an acknowledgment is not received within the specified time,? it is assumed that there are communication problems with theC remote host. If the next delivery attempt takes place before theD mail's delivery date, the mail is rescheduled for later delivery. /SUBSTITUTE_DOMAIN9 /SUBSTITUTE_DOMAIN=([NO]NAME=fully_qualified_domain |[NO]HIDDEN) Optional.! o /SUBSTITUTE_DOMAIN=NOHIDDEN@ In the From: and Return-Path fields, displays the sender's& name and fully qualified domain. o /SUBSTITUTE_DOMAIN=HIDDEN? In the From and Return-Path fields, substitutes the valueB give n in name for the host name. The following example shows% how this qualifier can be used.< For this example, the sender's host is configured with? /SUBSTITUTE_DOMAIN=HIDDEN,NAME=eagle. User magpie on hostC condor.hawk.eagle.org sends mail to daw on another host. WhenA it arrives, it appears to be from magpie@eagle, rather than# magpie@condor.hawk.eagle.org. This is what daw sees:C #707 18-NOV-2000 14:02:02.71 MAIL! From: SMTP%"magpie@eagle", To: SMTP%"daw@crow.ravin.rook.org" CC: Subj: Big sale today! /ZONE /ZONE[=domain] /NOZONE[=domain]5 Optional. Default: /NOZONE (no gateway searching).A Domain for your environment (probably a superset of your local domain).= Mail sent to another network must be sent to this gateway.D With no value, /ZONE defaults to one level higher than your local domain.B For example, if your local domain is a.b.com, the default valueC of /ZONE is b.com because TCP/IP Services has been started; this$ assumes that the domain is known.D Mail for delivery outside of your zone is sent to its destination9 by the alternate gateway (see the /GATEWAY qualifier). 4 ExamplesC 1.TCPIP> SET CONFIGURATION SMTP /INTERVAL=(INIT="0 00:10:00.00")C The system waits 10 minutes before making its first attempt to deliver the message.D 2.TCPIP> SET CONFIGURATION SMTP /INTERVAL=(RETRY="0 00:20:00.00")- Specifies the wait time between retries.B 3.TCPIP> SET CONFIGURATION SMTP /INTERVAL=(MAX="3 00:20:00.00")B Specifies the maximum amount of time to retry before an error message is issued.E 4.TCPIP> SET CONFIGURATION SMTP /GATEWAY=(ALTERNATE:route_gateway)= Specifies the alternate host or domain to which delivery< is attempted if mail cannot be delivered to the primary destination.B 5.TCPIP> SET CONFIGURATION SMTP /GATEWAY=(GENERAL:uucp_gateway)A Specifies a general-purpose gateway to handle non-SMTP mail.5 6.TCPIP> SET CONFIGURATION SMTP /ZONE=rsch.opt.com? Specifies that rsch is a domain that can be used to divert0 messages to nodes outside the local domain. 3 SNMP) Configures SNMP on an individual host.< SET CONFIGURATION NOSNMP does not require any qualifiers.@ After making changes to the SNMP configuration, shut down andB restart the master agent and any subagents. Issue the following commands:% $ @SYS$STARTUP:TCPIP$SNMP_SHUTDOWN$ $ @SYS$STARTUP:TCPIP$SNMP_STARTUP+ Related command: SHOW CONFIGURATION SNMP Format6 SET CONFIGURATION [NO]SNMP [ /[NO]ADDRESS=host ]: [ /[NO]COMMUNITY="name" ]1 [ /[NO]CONFIRM ]2 [ /CONTACT=name ]2 [ /FLAGS=options]6  [ /LOCATION=options ]2 [ /TYPE=options ] 4 Restrictions' Requires SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege.: If you add a new community and do not specify the /TYPE7 qualifier, the value of /TYPE defaults to read only.= If you add a new community and do not specify the /ADDRESS- qualifier, the default address is 4 Qualifiers /ADDRESS /ADDRESS=(IP_address) /NOADDRESS=(IP_address) Optio nal. Default: Specifies hosts that belong to a particular community. You can specify multiple addresses.B This qualifier is meaningful only if you include the /COMMUNITY? qualifier. A remote host cannot access information from this= host unless its address appears in one or more communities; of type READ or WRITE. For communities of type TRAP, theC addresses specify the hosts that receive trap messages. For more( information, see the /TYPE qualifier.D If you add a new community and do not specify this qualifier, the" new entry's address is If you use the /ADDRESS qualifier with a community that alreadyB exists, these addresses are added to the existing address list.= /NOADDRESS deletes addresses from an existing list. If the? deleted address is the only address listed for the community3 name, this qualifier also deletes the community. /COMMUNITY /COMMUNITY="name" /NOCOMMUNITY="name"D Optional. Default: To enable the standard "public" community, you& can run the TCPIP$CONFIG procedure.C Used with the /ADDRESS qualifier. Name of the community that theB SNMP agent recognizes. Optionally, specify a type of access and@ a list of host addresses. Enclose the name in quotation marks? to preserve lowercase characters. See the /TYPE and /ADDRESS# qualifiers for more information./ [NO]COMMUNITY=name removes a community name. /CONFIRM /CONFIRM  /NOCONFIRMD Optional. Default: /CONFIRM with wildcards; otherwise, /NOCONFIRMA When you delete communities (with the /NOCOMMUNITY qualifier),$ first asks for your confirmation. /CONTACT /CONTACT=name Optional. Default: None.D Name of the system administrator (or other contact person) of theB host on which the SNMP agent runs. The name field has a maximum length of 235. /FLAGS /FLAGS=options Optional. The options include: o SETSC Lets the master agent process SET commands from SNMP clients. o AUTHEN_TRAPS= Lets the master agent send trap messages in response to7 unauthorized community strings from SNMP clients. /LOCATION /LOCATION=options Optional. Default: None.? Location of the system on which the SNMP agent runs. Maximum" total length is 215 characters. The options include: o [NO]FIRST=textA Specifies the first part of the location. Maximum length of text is 200 characters. o [NO]SECOND=text@ Specifies the last part of the location. Maximum length of text is 200 characters.? If you specify two options, they are appended when sent to a= client in response to an SNMP request for syslocation. For? example, if FIRST is abc and SECOND is def, the value of theD location is abcdef with no spaces. The total number of characters must not exceed 215. /TYPE. /TYPE= {[NO]READ | [NO]TRAP | [NO]WRITE} Optional. Default: READ.B Sets the type of access (to your local MIB data) to allow for a specified community.C o Type READ allows the master agent to accept GET, GETNEXT, and: GETBULK commands from clients (management stations).< o Type TRAP allows the local master agent to issue traps< to members of a specified community. Members of a trap> community receive SNMP Trap-PDUs for significant events,B includin g coldStart traps when the agent is initialized, andA authenticationFailure traps when the agent receives an SNMP> request that specifies an unauthorized community string.D o Type WRITE allows the master agent to accept SET commands from$ clients (management stations).C READ access is present by default when specifying TRAP or WRITE.A Also, you can remove the read access without affecting the way5 the agent responds to a read request. For example:: $ SET CONFIGURATION SNMP /COMMUNITY="name" /TYPE=NOREAD 4 Examples8 1.TCPIP> SET CONFIGURATION SNMP /COMMUNITY="public" -# _TCPIP> /CONTACT="Sam Spade" -D _TCPIP> /LOCATION=(FIRST="Falcon Building",SECOND="Los Angeles, California")C Configures SNMP with the standard public community, taking theB default type (READ) and address ( for that community.- Both contact and location are specified.8 The first and second parts of the location text are@  concatenated when displayed by an SNMP client. For example:- Falcon BuildingLos Angeles, CaliforniaA If no update to the location text is done by an SNMP client,C the display produced by SHOW CONFIGURATION SNMP is as follows: Location First: Falcon Building& Second: Los Angeles, California> If the text is updated by an SNMP client (for example, toB change "Falcon" to "Falconi"), the original formatting is notB preserved and the dis play produced by SHOW CONFIGURATION SNMP is as follows: Location6 First: Falconi BuildingLos Angeles, California@ 2.TCPIP> SET CONFIGURATION SNMP /COMMUNITY="rw" /TYPE=WRITE -. _TCPIP /ADDRESS= /FLAGS=SETSC Configures a community with only read/write access to the hostC with the address specified. Other hosts still have read accessD through the public community. Also sets the SETS flag to enableC the SNMP agents to process write requests from SNMP clients on host 3.TCPIP> SET CONFIGURATION SNMP /NOCOMMUNITY="rw"> Removes the rw (read/write) community (set in example 2.)C 4.TCPIP> SET CONFIGURATION SNMP /COMMUNITY="trapit" /TYPE=TRAP -! _TCPIP> /ADDRESS= Configures SNMP so that agents can send trap messages to theD well-known UDP port 162 on the host identified with the address 5.TCPIP> SET CONFIGURATION SNMP /FLAGS=AUTHEN_TRAPS - . _TCPIP> /COMMUNITY="trapit2" /TYPE=TRAP -/ _TCPIP> /ADDRESS=(,; Configures SNMP with the AUTHEN_TRAPS flag so that the> master agent sends trap messages when it detects a clientB request containing an invalid community name. Also configures; an additional trap community. Trap messages, includingA authentication traps, go to all three addresses specified inC the trap communities configured in this example and in example 4. B 6.TCPIP> SET CONFIGURATION SNMP /COMMUNITY="rw2" /TYPE=WRITE -0 _TCPIP> /ADDRESS=(, Configures community rw2, which gives read/write access toB two hosts. Note that one address can appear for more than oneA community, although a given address cannot be specified more& than once for a single community. 3 START_ROUTINGB Note: Specify START ROUTING without an underscore when enteringC this command. Enters information into the configuration database8 to start dynamic routing when TCP/IP Services starts.D Related commands: SHOW CONFIGURATION START ROUTING, START ROUTING Format3 SET CONFIGURATION START [NO]ROUTING [/GATED ]2 [ /LOG ]? [ /SUPPLY[=DEFAULT] ] 4 Qualifiers /GATED Optional.. Enables the gateway routing daemon (GATED).; If you enable dynamic GATED routing, you will be able to> configure this host to use any combination of the followingA routing protocols to exchange dynamic routing information with other hosts on the network:: o RIP (Routing Information Protocol), Versions 1 and 2' o RDISC (Router Discovery Protocol)% o OSPF (Open Shortest Path First)% o EGP (Exterior Gateway Protocol)* o BGP (Border Gateway Protocol), BGP-4 o Static routes /LOG! Optional. Default: No logging.- Applies to ROUTED. Do not use with /GATED. Logs routing activity to0 SYS$SYSDEVICE:[TCPIP$ROUTED]TCPIP$ROUTED.LOG. /SUPPLY /SUPPLY[=DEFAULT]< Optional. Applies only to ROUTED. Do not use with /GATED.= Broadcasts routing information to other hosts in 30-second intervals.> If you specify /SUPPLY=DEFAULT, the local host supplies the default network route. 4 Examples3 1.TCPIP> SET CONFIGURATION START ROUTING /SUPPLYC Starts ROUTED dynamic routing when TCP/IP Services is started.@ The local host both broadcasts and receives network routing information. 2 GATED? Configures the Gateway Routing Daemon (GATED). GATED obtainsB information from several routing protocols and selects the bestC routes based on that information. These protocols are configured in the file TCPIP$GATED.CONF.> Related commands: START ROUTING /GATED, STOP ROUTING /GATED Format% SET GATED [ /CHECK_INTERFACES ] ! [ /FILE=file ] [ /SAVE_STATE ]! [ /TOGGLE_TRACE ] 3 Qualifiers /CHECK_INTERFACES Optional.A Instructs GATED to scan the kernel interface list for changes. /FILE /FILE=file Optional.C Specifies the name of the GATED configuration file. Use with the /SAVE_STATE qualifier. /SAVE_STATE Optional.0 Causes GATED to save the current state of all3 tasks, timers, protocols, and tables to the file8 SYS$SYSDEVICE:[TCPIP$GATED]TCPIP$GATED.DMP (default).@ Use the /FILE qualifier to specify a file name other than the default. /TOGGLE_TRACE Optional.D Use to close the trace file. A subsequent set GATED /TOGGLE_TRACED command reopens the trace file. This allows the file to be copiedD regularly. Valid only when a trace file is specified in the GATED configuration file. 3 Examples! 1.TCPIP> SET GATED /SAVE_STATED This example causes GATED to save its current state to the file0 SYS$SYSDEVICE:[TCPIP$GATED]TCPIP$GATED.DMP.1 2.TCPIP> SET GATED /SAVE_STATE /FILE=STATE.DMPD This example causes GATED to save its current state to the file named STATE.DMP. 2 HOST5 Defines or deletes an entry in the hosts database.? Equivalent to maintaining the /etc/hosts file on UNIX hosts./ Related command: SHOW HOST, CONVERT/VMS HOST Format+ SET [NO]HOST host /ADDRESS=IP_address( [ [/[NO]ALIAS=alias ]# [ /[NO]CONFIRM ] 3 RestrictionsA Requires read, write, and delete access to the hosts database. 3 Parameters host Required.= Name of a host that is a source or destination of internet communications.& NOTE? To define a name in lowercase or mixedcase, enclose it in quotation marks.> If you define a mixed-case name, also define an alias $in7 either all uppercase or all lowercase characters.7 You cannot delete a host by specifying its alias. 3 Qualifiers /ADDRESS /ADDRESS=IP_address Required for SET HOST. Host's IP address. /ALIAS /ALIAS=alias /NOALIAS=alias Optional.. Add or remove an alternate name for a host. Do not use with SET NOHOST. /CONFIRM /CONFIRM NOCONFIRM5 Optional. Default: /CONFIRM if you use a wildcard.? Used with the SET NOHOST command, prompts you to confirm the delete request. For example:6 TCPIP> SET NOHOST MOA /ADDRESS= /CONFIRM LOCAL database Host address Host name MOA Remove? [N]: 3 Examples. 1.TCPIP> SET HOST MOA /ADDRESS= -, _TCPIP> /ALIAS=("moa","bigbrd","nofly")B Sets the IP address of host MOA to and establishes4 moa, bigbrd, and nofly as aliases for host MOA.' 2.TCPIP> SET HOST MOA /ALIAS="MOA_2"0 Establishes MOA_2 as an alias for host MOA./ 3.TCPIP> SET HOST MOA /ADDRESS = Establishes a second IP address for host MOA.> 4.TCPIP> SET HOST MOA /ADDRESS = /ALIAS="MOA_3"C Establishes MOA_3 as an alias for host MOA's second IP address 5.TCPIP> SET HOST MOA /NOALIAS="MOA_2", Deletes MOA_2 as an alias for host MOA.% 6.TCPIP> SET NOHOST MOA /NOCONFIRM3 Deletes MOA and all of its associated aliases. 2 INTERFACE Defines one of the following: o An Internet interface@ o A serial line IP (SLIP) or point-to-point (PPP) connection= o A pseudointerface (a data structure that extends subnet routing)C Before you issue SET INTERFACE, do the following to identify the name of an interface:B o Issue the LIST COMMUNICATION_CONTROLLER command to find your system's controller.? o Use the first character of the associated interface name.B See the Compaq TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Management manual> for more information about specifying an interface name.@ SET NOINTERFACE deletes a record. No qualifiers are required.@ Related commands: SHOW INTERFACE, SET CONFIGURATION INTERFACE Format! SET [NO]INTERFACE interface$ [ /[NO]ARP ]+ [ /[NO]AUTO_START ]6 [ /BROADCAST_MASK=IP_address ]8 [ /C_BROADCAST_MASK=IP_address ]1 [ /C_NETWORK=IP_address ]- [ /[NO]CLUSTER=host ]- [ /COMPRESS=options ]3 [ /DESTINATION=IP_address ]! [ /DHCP ]( [ /FLOWCONTROL ]& [ /HOST=host ]) [ /[NO]LOOPBACK ]4 [ /NETWORK_MASK=IP_address ]$  [ /PRIMARY ]1 [ /SERIAL_DEVICE=device ] 3 RestrictionsD Before you issue the SET INTERFACE command, disable the interface( by using the SET NOINTERFACE command. This command requires: o OPER privilege' o Read access to the hosts database* o Read access to the networks database; o Read, write, and delete access to the routes databaseB Every host on the same network must have the same network mask. 3 Parameters interface Required.@ Specifies an interface name for the communication controller,< such as RF1, RT1, ZE0, XE0, SL0, SL1, SL2, PP0, PP1, PP2. 3 Qualifiers /ARP /ARP /NOARP Optional. Default: /ARP.< Enables IP address-to-hardware address (Ethernet or FDDI) mapping.> /ARP is valid when you create an interface but not when you modify an existing interface. /AUTO_START /AUTO_START /NOAUTO_START" Optional. Default: /AUTO_START.? Valid for a SLIP or PPP interface. Automatically creates the) interface when TCP/IP Services starts. /BROADCAST_MASK /BROADCAST_MASK=IP_address Optional.A Sets the Internet interface to receive all broadcast messages.- TCP/IP Services calculates the default by:4 o Using the network number from the network mask4 o Setting all bits in the host number field to 1 /C_BROADCAST_MASK" /C_B ROADCAST_MASK=IP_address Optional.; Sets the cluster broadcast mask to receive all broadcast messages.* The software calculates the default by:4 o Using the network number from the network mask4 o Setting all bits in the host number field to 1 /C_NETWORK /C_NETWORK=IP_address Optional.= Sets the network mask of the cluster network. This mask is( specific to the cluster host network.* The software calculates the default by:; o  Setting the bits representing the network fields to 17 o Setting the bits representing the host field to 0 /CLUSTER /CLUSTER=host /NOCLUSTER Optional. Default: None.; Specifies the cluster host name (alias host identifier).A Before using this qualifier, first define the same name in the hosts database.? /CLUSTER=host associates the alias host identifier with each interface in a cluster.C /NOCLUSTER disables internet cluster processi ng on the specified interface.' CAUTIONB When you specify /NOCLUSTER, active communication is aborted7 for applications bound to the cluster alias name. /COMPRESS' /COMPRESS= {ON | OFF | AUTOMATIC}? Optional. Default: For PPP interface: /COMPRESS=ON; for SLIP interface: /COMPRESS=OFF% Valid for SLIP and PPP interfaces.. Enables or disables TCP header compression.B /COMPRESS=AUTOMATIC turns off compressi on unless the remote end begins to use it. /DESTINATION /DESTINATION=IP_address Optional. Valid for a PPP interface.< Used on the local host to provide dialup access to remote@ systems. The value specified is the IP address to be given toD remote clients for use while PPP connection is active. If you useD /DESTINATION, you must provide the address of the local host with the /HOST qualifier. /DHCP Optional.A Designates the interfac e as a DHCP-controlled interface in the? volatile database. This qualifier affects only the currently running interface.C Before you enter the SET INTERFACE command, be sure to enter theB SET NOINTERFACE command first and specify the interface you are changing. /FLOWCONTROL& Optional. Default: No flow control.> Valid for a SLIP interface. Enables the handling of XON and@ XOFF characters to properly interoperate with modems that are4 configured to interpret these characters locally.@ Specify /FLOWCONTROL only if the host at the other end of the0 line is another host running TCP/IP Services. /HOST /HOST=host= Required when first setting the interface; optional if the; interface is already defined. Always required for a SLIPA interface. Optional for a PPP interface unless you are settingC up the local host as a dialup provider by using the /DESTINATION qualifier.= Local host name or IP address using the interface. If this@ information is not specified for a PPP interface, PPP obtains, the correct address from the remote host.2 If your host is multihomed, specify an address. /LOOPBACK /LOOPBACK /NOLOOPBACK" Optional. Default: /NOLOOPBACK. Sets loopback mode. /NETWORK_MASK /NETWORK_MASK=IP_address Required if you use subnets.A The part of the host field of the IP address identified as the subnet.* The software calculates the default by:; o Setting the bits representing the network fields to 17 o Setting the bits representing the host field to 0D An IP address consists of a network number and a host number. YouA can also divide the host field into a site-specific subnetwork and host field. /PRIMARY Optional.@ For DHCP-controlled interfaces, designates the interface fromB which system-wide configuration options (such as the IP address of the BIND server) are used. /SERIAL_DEVICE /SERIAL_DEVICE=device< Required for SLIP and PPP interfaces; otherwise not used.B Identifies the OpenVMS terminal device used as a serial device.? Specify an arbitrary terminal device name. (Unlike Ethernet,C FDDI, and Token Ring interface names, a serial interface name is+ not related to the OpenVMS device name.) 3 ExamplesF 1.TCPIP> SET INTERFACE SL5 /HOST=LARK /NETWORK_MASK= -; _TCPIP> /SERIAL_DEVICE=TTA3: /COMPRESS=ON /FLOWCONTROL> Configures SLIP interface SL5, using the local IP address@ assigned to host LARK, with a subnet mask of The interface uses the terminal device TTA3:.D The /COMPRESS qualifier enables TCP header compression (CSLIP).C The /FLOWCONTROL qualifier enables special handling of XON andA XOFF characters, to ensure proper interoperation with modems? that are configured to interpret these characters locally.G 2.TCPIP> SET INTERFACE FF0 /HOST=KESTREL /NETWORK_MASK= -0 _TCPIP> /BROADCAST_MASK= /ARPA For new interface FF0 on host KESTREL, sets the network maskC to, sets the broadcast mask to, enables& ARP, and activates the interface.4 3.TCPIP> SET INTERFACE PP0 /SERIAL_DEVICE=TTA0: -3 _TCPIP> /HOST= /DESTINATION= Configures the interface as a PPP serial device. This commandD specifies that the local host is a dialup provider. The addressA specified with the /DESTINATION qualifier ( is theA address assigned to the client system requesting an address.A See Compaq TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Management manual for? more information on setting up interfaces for SLIP and PPP communication. 4.TCPIP> SET NOINTERFACE DE2' TCPIP> SET INTERFACE DE2 /LOOPBACK . . . TCPIP> SET INTERFACE DE2? Deletes interface DE2, sets loopback mode for testing this3 interface, and, after testing, reactivates it. 2 MX_RECORD? For routing mail, adds routing information to the local Mail Exchanger (MX) database.? Each entry contains a list of hosts that can accept mail for= the specified destination. The list is in order of routing preference.= The local MX information is stored in the routes database.C The MX entry is one of the record types in the BIND database. In6 addition, a BIND server might provide an MX record.D SMTP is designed to determine where the sending system should tryC to relay mail. It is also designed to identify where the sending= system actually tries to relay mail. To find a destination@ address, the MX routing lookup process follows this sequence: 1. Local MX database 2. Remote MX database 3. BIND database 4. Local hosts database" Related command: SHOW MX_RECORD Formats; SET MX_RECORD destination /GATEWAY=h ost /PREFERENCE=n% SET NOMX_RECORD [ destination ]' [ /GATEWAY=host ] 3 Restrictions9 Requires read and write access to the routes database. 3 Parameters destination Required for SET MX_RECORD. Optional for SET NOMX_RECORD.7 Host name or domain name to which mail will be sent. 3 Qualifiers /GATEWAY /GATEWAY=host@ Required with SET MX_RECORD. Do not use with SET NOMX_RECORD.C Gateway through which mail will be relayed. Must have an address; in either the local hosts database or the BIND database.D A destination can have multiple gateways, each with an associated preference value. /PREFERENCE /PREFERENCE=n Required.D Arbitrary number for ranking multiple gateways for a destination.D The smaller the number, the higher the preference in sending mail by way of that gateway.# Do not use with SET NOMX_RECORD. 3 Examples<  1.TCPIP> SET MX_RECORD JUNO /GATEWAY=MARS /PREFERENCE=100C Assigns MARS as the gateway for host JUNO with a preference of 100.= 2.TCPIP> SET MX_RECORD JUNO /GATEWAY=VENUS /PREFERENCE=200D Assigns VENUS as the gateway for host JUNO with a preference of 200. 2 NAME_SERVICE@ Configures the BIND resolver and designates a BIND server. By. default, all settings are process specific.@ o To make modifications that are systemwide, use the /SYSTEM qualifier.B o The local host's domain is used as the default domain unless you also specify /DOMAIN.> o To reload the BIND server databases, use the /INITIALIZE qualifier.- o /NOSERVER does not require any options.' Related commands: SHOW NAME_SERVICE,! SET CONFIGURATION NAME_SERVICE Format4 SET NAME_SERVICE [ /CLUSTER=dev:[directory] ]$ [ /DISABLE ]. [ /[NO]DOMAIN=domain ]#  [ /ENABLE ]' [ /INITIALIZE ], [ /[NO]PATH=domain ]4 [ /RETRY=number of retries ], [ /[NO]SERVER=host ]# [ /SYSTEM ], [ /TIMEOUT=seconds ]1 [ /TRANSPORT=protocol ] ) 3 Restrictions= The /SYSTEM qualifier requires SYSPRV or BYPASS and SYSNAM privileges. 3 Qualifiers /CLUSTER /CLUSTER=dev:[directory] Optional.C Specifies the common BIND directory. By default, the clusterwide< common directory is common-disk:[TCPIP$BIND_COMMON]. ThisB qualifier reloads the BIND database on every master BIND server" running in the OpenVMS Cluster.> This qualifier must be used with the /INITIALIZE qualifier. /DISABLE Optional.C Disables the BIND resolver. All name and address lookups are now: directed to the local hosts database. Use with /SYSTEM. /DOMAIN /DOMAIN=domain /NODOMAIN=domain Optional.@ Defines the default domain. The default domain is appended to4 host name references made from the local process.C /NODOMAIN deletes the process-specific definition of the domain. Do not use with /SYSTEM. /ENABLE" Optional. Default: Not enabled.8 Enables the BIND resolver. Must be used with /SYSTEM. /INITIALIZE# Optional. Default: No reloading.% Reloads the BIND server databases. /PATH /PATH=domain /NOPATH=domain Optional.2 Defines the BIND resolver's domain search list.? To specify multiple domains, list them by search preference.= The resolver starts with the first domain on the list, andC continues to search each domain until the name is found or until8 all domains have been exhausted and the lookup fails.) /NOPATH removes domains from the list.? If you define a domain list and then issue another SET NAME_D SERVICE /PATH command, TCP/IP Services appends the new domains to the end of the list.A If no search list is defined, the default behavior of the BINDB resolver is to do a lookup on the name as you typed it. If thatC lookup fails, then the default domain is appended and the lookup is attempted again. /RETRY /RETRY=number of retries# Optional. Default: four retries.C Specifies the number of times that the BIND resolver attempts to 0 contact a BIND server if previous tries fail. /SERVER /SERVER=host /NOSERVER=host Optional.C Specifies the host name or address of the BIND server or servers that the resolver will query.B To specify multiple hosts, list them by request preference. TheC resolver sends the first lookup request to the first host on the list.) /NOSERVER removes hosts from the list.5 If you define a server list and then issue another@ SET NAME_SERVIC!E /SERVER command, TCP/IP Services appends the& new servers to the end of the list.% Do not use /NOSERVER with /SYSTEM. /SYSTEM3 Optional. Default: Changes are process specific." Makes your settings systemwide. /TIMEOUT /TIMEOUT=seconds Optional. Default: 4 seconds.B Specifies the timeout interval for the BIND resolver's requests to a server.> When the BIND resolver is used by the auxiliary server, the! following conditions are true:"# o The number of retries is one.' o The timeout interval is 1 second.A o The timeout interval increases by the power of two for each- retry, as shown in the following table: For example: Retries=4 Current settings: Timeout=4% Retry Times out in... First 4 seconds Second 8 seconds Third 16 seconds Last 32 seconds5 Total = 1 #minute for one server= If a second BIND server exists and both9 servers time out, total = 2 minutes /TRANSPORT /TRANSPORT=protocol Optional. Default: UDP.B Protocol used for communicating with a BIND server. Specify one of the following: o UDP o TCP 3 ExamplesI 1.TCPIP> SET NAME_SERVICE /SERVER=(PARROT,SORA,JACANA) /SYSTEM /ENABLE> Defines hosts PARROT, SORA, and JACANA as systemwide BI$ND- servers. Also enables the BIND resolver.+ 2.TCPIP> SET NAME_SERVICE /SERVER=OSPREYB For your process, defines host OSPREY as the BIND server. The= servers that are defined systemwide will not be queried. 2 NETWORK8 Defines or deletes an entry in the networks database.B Equivalent to maintaining the /etc/networks file on UNIX hosts.6 Related commands: SHOW NETWORK, CONVERT/VMS NETWORK Format SET [NO]NETWORK network- %% [ /ADDRESS=IP_address ]* [ /[NO]ALIAS=alias ]& [ /[NO]CONFIRM ] 3 RestrictionsD Requires read, write, and delete access to the networks database. 3 Parameters network Required. Name of the network.; You cannot delete a network by specifying an alias name. 3 Qualifiers /ADDRESS /ADDRESS=IP_address Required for a new entry. IP address of the network. /ALIAS& /ALIAS=alias /NOALIAS=alias Optional." Alternate name for the network.$ o Do not use with SET NONETWORK.& o /NOALIAS=alias deletes an alias.% o /NOALIAS=* deletes all aliases. /CONFIRM /CONFIRM NOCONFIRM5 Optional. Default: /CONFIRM if you use a wildcard.B When used with SET NONETWORK, prompts you to confirm the delete request. 3 Examples@ 1.TCPIP> SET NETWORK MYNA /ADDRESS= /ALIAS=MYNA_1B' Creates an entry for network MYNA at IP address,4 and its alias MYNA_1, to the networks database.* 2.TCPIP> SET NETWORK MYNA /ALIAS=MYNA_2* Adds a second alias for network MYNA., 3.TCPIP> SET NETWORK MYNA /NOALIAS=MYNA_2@ Deletes the alias MYNA_2 from the network MYNA entry in the networks database.D 4.TCPIP> SET NETWORK "jungle" /ALIAS=("parrot","canary","motmot")@ For network jungle, creates the aliases parrot, canary, and motmo(t. 2 NFS_SERVER6 Modifies the parameters of the NFS server software.= You can dynamically modify some characteristics, but other@ values are static. Modifications take effect by shutting down* and restarting the NFS server software:( o Dynamically modifiable qualifiers: - /GID_DEFAULT - /INACTIVITY_TIMER - /UID_DEFAULT o Static qualifiers: - /THREADS- To make your changes permanent, modify the1 SYS$STARTUP:TCPIP$N)FS_SERVER_STARTUP.COM file.< To shut down the NFS server, issue the following command:* $ @SYS$STARTUP:TCPIP$NFS_SHUTDOWN.COM@ To enable the server to restart, issue the following command:- $ @SYSSTARTUP:TCPIP$NFS_SERVER_STARTUP.COMB The auxiliary server automatically restarts the NFS server upon an incoming client request.5 Related commands: SHOW NFS_SERVER, ZERO NFS_SERVER Format SET NFS_SERVER' [ /GID_DEFAULT=n ], $* [ /INACTIVITY_TIMER=n ]# [ /THREADS=n ]' [ /UID_DEFAULT=n ] 3 Restrictions% Requires the following privileges: o SYSNAM o WORLD o SYSPRV or BYPASS 3 Qualifiers /GID_DEFAULT /GID_DEFAULT=n Optional. Default: -2.C Default GID associated with files not created by the NFS server. /INACTIVITY_TIMER /INACTIVITY_TIMER=n Optional. Default: 02:00.@+ Maximum length of time that unaccessed NFS files remain open.A Specify mm:ss, where mm is the number of minutes and ss is the number of seconds. /THREADS /THREADS=n Optional. Default: 20.> Maximum number of simultaneous requests that the NFS server processes. /UID_DEFAULT /UID_DEFAULT=n Optional. Default: -2.C Default UID associated with files not created by the NFS server. 3 Examples2 1.TCPIP> SET NFS_SERVER /IN,ACTIVITY_TIMER=03:00C Sets the length of time that unaccessed NFS files remain open. 2 PROTOCOL. Sets parameters for ICMP, IP, TCP, and UDP.> Related commands: SET CONFIGURATION PROTOCOL, SHOW PROTOCOL Format) SET PROTOCOL ICMP [ /[NO]REDIRECT ]& SET PROTOCOL IP [ /[NO]FORWARD ]3 [ /REASSEMBLY_TIMER=seconds ]0 SET PROTOCOL TCP [ /[NO]MTU_SEGMENT_SIZE ]) [ /[NO]DELAY_ACK ]. - [ /DROP_COUNT=seconds ]/ [ /PROBE_TIMER=seconds ]< [ /QUOTA=[ SEND=bytes,RECEIVE=bytes ]. [ /[NO]WINDOW_SCALE ] )) SET PROTOCOL UDP [ /[NO]BROADCAST ]' [ /[NO]FORWARD ]) [ /QUOTA=options ] 3 Restrictions Requires OPER privilege. 3 Parameters {ICMP | IP | TCP | UDP} Required.0 Specifies the protocol software to configure.$. 3 Qualifiers_for_ICMP /REDIRECT /REDIRECT /NOREDIRECT" Optional. Default: /NOREDIRECT. Sends ICMP_REDIRECT messages. 3 Qualifiers_for_IP /FORWARD /FORWARD /NOFORWARD! Optional. Default: /NOFORWARD.' Forwards IP messages to other hosts. /REASSEMBLY_TIMER /REASSEMBLY_TIMER=n7 Optional. Default: 7 seconds. Valid range: 1 to 126.= Maximum time for trying to reassemble a received datagram./ 3 Qualifiers_for_TCP /MTU_SEGMENT_SIZE /MTU_SEGMENT_SIZE /NOMTU_SEGMENT_SIZE* Optional. Default: /NOMTU_SEGMENT_SIZE.D If a connection is more than one hop away, sets the segment size. Specify one of the following:C /MTU_SEGMENT_SIZE Sets the segment size as close as possible to> the maximum transmission unit (MTU) size.C /NOMTU_SEGMENT_ Sets the segment size as close as possible to- SIZE the standa0rd 512 bytes. /DELAY_ACK /DELAY_ACK /NODELAY_ACK! Optional. Default: /DELAY_ACK.; Enables or disables a delay before sending the following acknowledgments:6 /DELAY_ACK ACKs are generated with a delay.; /NODELAY_ACK ACKs are generated without any delay. /DROP_COUNT /DROP_COUNT=n! Optional. Default: 10 minutes.> Maximum number of seconds to probe for idle TCP connections+ before a TCP connection close times o1ut. /PROBE_TIMER /PROBE_TIMER=n! Optional. Default: 75 seconds.B Number of seconds between probes for idle TCP connections. AlsoB indicates the maximum number of seconds before a TCP connection request times out. /QUOTA' /QUOTA=[SEND=bytes,RECEIVE=bytes] Optional.& Queue size (in bytes) for messages.6 The options for setting TCP message queue size are:: o RECEIVE:n - Receive queue size. Default: 4096 bytes.4 o SEND:n - Sen2d queue size. Default: 4096 bytes. /WINDOW_SCALE /WINDOW_SCALE /NOWINDOW_SCALE Optional.6 Turns TCP window scaling on and off. Default is on.? Scaling allows windows larger than 64KB to be represented inC the normal 16-bit TCP window field. Large windows allow improvedC throughput. Turning this option off may help you to troubleshoot= communication problems with another TCP/IP implementation. 3 Qualifiers_for_UDP / /[NO]B3ROADCAST# Optional. Default: /NOBROADCAST.5 Enables privilege checking for broadcast messages.C o /BROADCAST - Nonprivileged users can send broadcast messages.= o /NOBROADCAST - To send broadcast messages, users need a> privileged UIC or the SYSPRV, BYPASS, or OPER privilege.A ONC RPC applications use broadcast messages and need privilege checking disabled. /FORWARD /FORWARD /[NO]FORWARD! Optional. Default: /NOFORWARD. Forwa4rds IP messages. /QUOTA /QUOTA=options Optional.4 Specifies the queue size (in bytes) for messages.6 The options for setting UDP message queue size are:: o RECEIVE:n - Receive queue size. Default: 9000 bytes.4 o SEND:n - Send queue size. Default: 9000 bytes. 3 Examples$ 1.TCPIP> SET PROTOCOL IP /FORWARD@ Sets IP to forward messages to other hosts, including other Internet cluster nodes., 2.TCPIP> SET PROTOCOL TCP /PROBE_TIMER=5506 Sets the TCP probe timer parameter to 50 seconds. 2 ROUTED Defines a routing path in either the permanent or volatile routes database.? Routes in the permanent, on-disk routes database are static.? Static routes can be supplemented by routes that the dynamic4 routing server receives. Defaults are as follows:; o If the network is not active, the command affects the permanent database.@ o If the network is active, the command affects the volati6le: database. (To modify the permanent database, use the /PERMANENT qualifier.)# Note the following restrictions: o You can add routes.: o You cannot use SET NOROUTE to remove a route that is% maintained by the route daemon.@ o To have full manual control over your routing table, first2 issue STOP ROUTING and then use SET NOROUTE.2 o SET NOROUTE does not require any qualifiers.- Related commands: SHOW ROUTE, STOP ROUTING& 7 NOTE8 Compaq strongly recommends that you do not specify< alias names with the destination parameter or with the /GATEWAY=host qualifier. Format SET [NO]ROUTE destination$ [ /[NO]CONFIRM ]& [ /DEFAULT_ROUTE ]% [ /GATEWAY=host ]) [ /MASK=mask_length ] [ /NETWORK ]" [ /PERMANENT ] 3 Restrictions Requi8res OPER privilege if:- o The TCP/IP Services product is running.9 o The routes database requires read and write access. 3 Parameters destination< Required unless you specify the /DEFAULT_ROUTE qualifier.A Host or network through which to route packets. Specify one of the following:4 o A host, as it is defined in the hosts database: o A network, as it is defined in the networks database! Not valid with /DEFAULT_ROUTE. 3 Qualifier 9s /CONFIRM /CONFIRM NOCONFIRM5 Optional. Default: /CONFIRM if you use a wildcard.% Prompts you to confirm the change. /DEFAULT_ROUTE Optional. Default: Defines a second route to use if the first try to route a packet fails.. You must also specify a value for /GATEWAY., Not valid with the destination parameter. /GATEWAY /GATEWAY=host Optional. Default: None.@ Gateway for the route. Necessary to: send packets to a host on another network. /MASK /MASK=mask_length Optional. Default: None.A Defines the Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) mask length.C (The mask length is sometimes referred to as the prefix length.)? CIDR is a method of associating blocks of Internet addressesD through the use of a mask. With CIDR, a route is a combination ofC the IP address and a value describing the length of the leftmost contiguous set of bits. ;/NETWORK Optional. Defaults:C o Destination is classified based on its Internet network class (A, B, or C).; o If the address is clearly a network number, SET ROUTE& interprets the number correctly.( Defines the route as a network route.C Use this qualifier if the network number could be misinterpreted; as an IP host address, for example, if a network mask is4 nonstandard, or if the IP address is abbreviated. /PERMANENT Optional. Default<s:A If the network is not active, the permanent routes database isB changed. If the network is active, the volatile routes database is changed.. Changes only the permanent routes database. 3 Examples( 1.TCPIP> SET ROUTE DODO /GATEWAY=RHEA9 Defines a route for local host DODO to send packets., 2.TCPIP> SET ROUTE 101.81 /GATEWAY=100.42? Defines a gateway for routing packets for the host with IP address 101.81.7 3.TCPIP> SET ROUTE 100.45.0 /=GATEWAY=REMOTE /NETWORKC Sets a route through the network whose IP address is 100.45.0.: 4.TCPIP> SET ROUTE /DEFAULT /GATEWAY=DEFGATE /PERMANENTC Sets a default route with host DEFGATE as the default gateway.: Adds the definition to the permanent routes database. 2 SERVICE> Defines a new entry in the services database or modifies an existing entry. Related command: SHOW SERVICE Format SET [NO]SERVICE service+ { /F>ILE=startup_file* /PORT=n*, /PROCESS_NAME=process*4 /USER_NAME=vms_user_account* }) [ /ACCEPT=options ]- [ /ADDRESS=IP_address ]( [ /FLAGS=options ]" [ /LIMIT=n ]. [ /LOG_OPTIONS=options ]4 [ /PROTOCOL=protocol=options ]) [ /REJECT=options ]% ? [ /RPC=values ]+ [ /SEPARATOR=option ]1 [ /SOCKET_OPTIONS=options ] 3 Restrictions? You cannot modify the following fields in an existing entry: o service o /ADDRESS o /PORT o /PROCESS_NAME2 o /PROTOCOL (except for the optional settings)C To make changes to these fields, use SET NOSERVICE to delete the& entry and then re-create the entry.& NOTE? @ There is no RCP service. RCP uses the RSH server process.> Compaq strongly suggests that, for the services provided by< TCP/IP Services, you do not use this command to reset the following: o The required qualifiers@ o The /FLAGS qualifier, except for the APPLICATION_PROXY and CASE_INSENSITIVE options.< Using SET NOSERVICE without either a specified service or= specified qualifiers deletes all entries for all services.; Requires write access to the diArectory with the services database. 3 Parameters service8 Required for SET SERVICE; optional for SET NOSERVICE.B Service you want to enter into the services database. Specify a! string of up to 10 characters. 3 Qualifiers /ACCEPT= /ACCEPT {=[NO]HOSTS=(hosts) | =[NO]NETWORKS=(networks)}< Optional. Default: Offers the service to all hosts on all networks. o /ACCEPT=HOST=(host)4 - Grants host or hosts access to the seBrvice.* - Denies access to all other hosts.B o /ACCEPT=NOHOST=host removes access to the service for a host6 that previously gained access with /ACCEPT=HOST.' The following options are available: Option MeaningB HOSTS=hosts Makes the service available to the specified hosts.C Denies all other hosts access to the service.$ Maximum is 32.A NOHOSTS=hosts Removes the spec Cified hosts from the accept< list so they cannot gain access to theC service. You can specify a wildcard characterB (*) in place of the hosts list to remove all1 hosts from the accept list.$ Maximum is 32.B NETWORKS=networks Makes the service available to the specifiedC networks. Denies access to the service to all% other networks.$ D Maximum is 16.B For each network, you can optionally specify@ the network mask. The default network maskA equals network's class number. For example,C for the network, the default mask# is NONETWORKS[=networks]moves the specified networks from theC accept list so they cannot gain access to theC serv Eice. You can specify a wildcard characterA (*) in place of the networks list to remove8 all networks from the accept list.$ Maximum is 16.B For each network, you can optionally specifyC the network mask. The default net mask equals> network's class number. For example, for> network, the default mask is 255.0.F0.0.O /ACCEPT=NONETWORKS=(net1_name,net2_address,net3:net3mask) /ADDRESS /ADDRESS=IP_addressD Optional. Default: (all local interfaces receive incoming requests for the service).@ If you have multiple Internet interfaces and, therefore, moreD than one IP address, /ADDRESS specifies the particular address on( which incoming requests are received.= To define a service name more than once, use /ADDRESS with> different values Gfor each instance. A reason to duplicate a? service name, for example, is that your local host has three@ interfaces and you want to make a service available on two of4 them. Each service/interface pair must be unique. /FILE /FILE=startup_file Required.. Name of the service's startup command file. /FLAGSD /FLAGS= {[NO]APPLICATION_PROXY | [NO]MULTITHREAD | [NO]PROXY | [NO]CASE_INSENSITIVE} Optional. The flag options are:: o H[NO]APPLICATION_PROXY. Default: NOAPPLICATION_PROXY.: The service does its own proxy checking. This allows+ connections based on defined proxies.C Applies to: remote shell (RSH) and line printer daemon (LPD).) NOTE@ The ROOT account does not require a communication proxyB in the proxy database. The setting of /FLAGS=APPLICATION_$ PROXY flag is not relevant.. o [NO]MULTITHREAD. Default: NOMULTITHREAD.@I While connecting a socket to a remote host and passing theD socket to the requested server, the auxiliary server continues& to listen for incoming requests." o [NO]PROXY. Default: NOPROXY.: User account information is from the proxy database.6 o [NO]CASE_INSENSITIVE. Default: CASE_INSENSITIVE.; Case sensitivity of the remote user name in the proxy database. Use with /PROXY. /LIMIT /LIMIT=n Optional.C Maximum numJber of copies of the requested service allowed to runB on the system. If the maximum number is reached, any additional) requests for the service are rejected. /LOG_OPTIONS /LOG_OPTIONS= [ [NO]ACCEPT ] [ [NO]ACTIVATE ] [ [NO]ADDRESS ] [ [NO]ALL ] [ [NO]CONNECT ] [ [NO]DEACTIVATE ] [ [NO]ERROR ] [ [NO]EXIT_CLEANUP ] [ [NO]LOGIN ] [ [NO]LOGOUT ] [ [NO]MODIFY ] [ [NO]REJECT ]= Sets the specified logging options for the Kservice you are configuring.3 The logging options have the following meanings: Option Meaning@ [NO]ACCEPT Message is logged when a request is accepted.C [NO]ACTIVATE Message is logged when the service is activated.< [NO]ADDRESS For auxiliary server messages and OpenVMS? security events, the message displays the IP@ address as a host name. If host names are not? relevant, Compaq recommends that Lyou specify [NO]ADDRESS.6 [NO]ALL Messages are logged for all events.> [NO]CONNECT Message is logged when the auxiliary server? issues a connect request back to the client.B The services that usually make this request (on? a second socket) are remote shell and remote execute.> [NO]DEACTIVATE Message is logged when the service is being deactivated.D [NO]ERRMOR Message is logged when an error is detected while7 processing a request to the service.> [NO]EXIT_ Message is logged when the service fails to@ CLEANUP complete startup (that is, the server did notC assign the BG device, with logical name SYS$NET,? or did not issue a C socket before exiting).> [NO]LOGIN Message is logged when a connected terminal9 server accepts a remote login request.N> [NO]LOGOUT Message is logged when a connected terminal2 server terminates a connection.? [NO]MODIFY Message is logged when the active service is" being modified.@ [NO]REJECT Message is logged when a request is rejected. /PORT /PORT=n Required.D Port number that the service will use. Specify a number from 1 to 65535. /PROCESS_NAME /PROCESS_NAME=process Required.! Name of the sOervice's process.D Specify a character string up to 15 characters long, truncated to 15 bytes if necessary. /PROTOCOL# /PROTOCOL=protocol [=options] Optional. Default: TCP.B Protocol, and its parameters, that the service will use. To set/ these parameters, use the following options: ( Protocol Option Meaning@ IP TYPE_OF_SERVICE=n Type of service, expressed as a9 value between 0 and 255.D P TIME_TO_LIVE=n Maximum number of hops that packetsC can traverse before being dropped.B TCP [NO]DELAY_ACK Delays the sending of acknowledge/ (Stream (ACK) packets.0 socket Default: DELAY. type)? DROP_ TCP connection-request timeout: COUNT=seconds interval for the service.C Maximum number of seconds to Qprobe@ for idle TCP connections before@ such a connection times out and( closes.A PROBE_ Number of seconds between probes6 TIMER=seconds for idle connections.5 UDP None Datagram socket type /REJECT /REJECT = {[NO]HOSTS=(hosts ) [NO]NETWORKS=(networks ) } [[NO]MESSAGE="text"]D Optional. Default: NoR rejections if /ACCEPT is set to its default (service all hosts).: o /REJECT=HOST=host denies host access to the service.> o /REJECT=NOHOST=host regrants host access to the service.' The following options are available. Option MeaningD HOSTS=hosts Makes the service unavailable to the specified hosts.$ Maximum is 32. Examples:B /REJECT=HOSTS=(host1_name,Shost2_name, host3_ address)% /REJECT=HOSTS=*A NOHOSTS=hosts Removes the specified hosts from the rejectB list. You can use the wildcard character (*)D in place of the hosts list to remove all hosts+ from the reject list.$ Maximum is 32. Examples:C /REJECT=NOHOSTS=(host1_name,host2_name,host3_ T address)' /REJECT=NOHOSTS=*C NETWORKS=networks Makes the service unavailable to the hosts on- the specified networks.$ Maximum is 16.B For each network, you can optionally specifyC the network mask. The default net mask equals> network's class number. For example, for> network, the default mask is U Example:? /REJECT=NETWORKS=(net1_name,net2_address,$ net3:net3mask)D NONETWORKS[=networks]moves the specified networks from the rejectB list. You can use the wildcard character (*)A in place of the networks list to remove all4 networks from the reject list.$ Maximum is 16.B For each network, you ca Vn optionally specifyC the network mask. The default net mask equals> network's class number. For example, for> network, the default mask is Example:A /REJECT=NONETWORKS=(net1_name,net2_address,$ net3:net3mask)@ [NO]MESSAGE=text Message sent to "reject-list" clients whenC NOMESSAGE TCP/IP Services rejectWs their request for the service. Optional.9 Specify a character string up to 63! characters.< Enclose the string in quotation marks.> Use this option only for a service whoseB clients require and support reject messages.C Messages are sent with a carriage return/line& feed at the end.A X For RLOGIN, RSH, and REXEC, this message isA preceded by a byte with a value of 1 and is? terminated with a byte with a value of 0.B /REJECT=NOMESSAGE deletes the stored message text. /RPC= /RPC=(PROGRAM_NUMBER=n, VERSION_NUMBER=(LOW=n, HIGH=n))@ Required for services that use the Portmapper; otherwise, not valid. Defaults:$ Program HighestY8 Service Number Version Lowest Version+ MOUNT 100005 1 1+ NFS server 100003 2 2+ PCNFS 150001 1 2+ PORTMAPPER 100000 1 1A Information that identifies the service to the Portmapper. Use5 this qualifier for all applications that use RPCs. /SEPARATOR! /SEPARATOR=option=character Optional. Default: 0 (null).< Character that separates the followinZg fields in received packets: o PORT=character o USER_NAME=character o PASSWORD=character o COMMAND=character /SOCKET_OPTIONS /SOCKET_OPTIONS=(options) Optional.. The following socket options are available.& Option Description Default> BROADCAST Sockets Null character (hexadecimal 00) are UDP NOBROADCAST broadcast. Sockets are not UDP broadca[st.> KEEPALIVE Sockets Null character (hexadecimal 00) are TCP NOKEEPALIVE keepalive. Sockets are not TCP keepalive.> RECEIVE Receive Null character (hexadecimal 00) socket quota.> SEND Send socket Null character (hexadecimal 00) quota. /USER_NAME! /USER_NAME=vms_user_account Required.C OpenVMS account information for users working\ on client systems.- Required for a user to access the service.A The user must also be defined in the system user authorization file (SYSUAF.DAT). 3 Examples5 1.TCPIP> SET SERVICE TOE /USER_NAME=LITTLE_PIGGY -9 _TCPIP /PROCESS_NAME=TOEd /PORT=1050 /PROTOCOL=UDP -4 _TCPIP /FILE=SYS$COMMON:[SYSMGR]TOE_STARTUP.COM: Defines the service TOE, which implements UDP on port? 1050. This service has the OpenVMS process context of user LITTLE_PIGGY.D] After you issue a SET SERVICE TOE command, the auxiliary server@ executes TOE_STARTUP.COM when a request arrives for service TOE. 2.TCPIP> SET SERVICE LPD -> _TCPIP> /REJECT=NETWORK=(, Sets the LPD service to be inaccessible to the two specified networks.; 3.TCPIP> SET SERVICE RSH /FLAGS=(PROXY,CASE_INSENSITIVE)C Sets the proxy and case-sensitivity flags for the RSH service. wwz  _1 SHOW"^ 2 ARP Displays ARP information. Related command: SET ARP Format" SHOW ARP [host] [/[NO]LOCAL] 3 Parameters host= Optional. Default: All hosts; same as specifying /NOLOCAL.7 Specifies the host about which you want information. 3 Qualifiers /LOCAL /LOCAL /[NO]LOCAL Optional. Default: /NOLOCAL.= If you either omit this qualifier or specify /NOLOCAL, theA software checks the hosts database. If a _lookup fails, it also checks the BIND resolver.> Limits name-to-address lookups to the local hosts database. 3 Examples 1.TCPIP> SHOW ARP; Cnt Flags Timer Host Phys AddrC 1: UC 425 * 00-00-f8-40-ad-91C 2: UC 60 08-00-2b-39-4b-40C 3: UC 438 00-00-f8-8d-24-d4C 4: UCS 878 00-00-f8-4f-f1-63`C 5: UCS 426 08-00-2b-a1-b1-93C 7: UC 104 aa-00-04-00-6d-10, Displays the contents of the ARP table.+ The flags have the following meanings: Flag Meaning U Up, or in use C Complete S Stale P Permanent D Dead 2.TCPIP> SHOW ARP PARROT. parrot ( at O8-CC-2B-12-C2-BB= Displays IP address-to-hardware address mapping for&a host PARROT. 2 BOOTP1 Displays client entries in the BOOTP database. Related command: SET BOOTP Format SHOW BOOTP [ host ]2 [ /HARDWARE=ADDRESS=hex_address ] [ /LOCAL ]! [ /OUTPUT=file ] 3 Parameters host+ Optional. Default: Displays all entries." Host entry you want to display. 3 Qualifiers /HARDWARE# /HARDWARE=ADDRESS=hex_address Optional.b Default: None., Identifies the entry by hardware address., Specify the address as hh-hh-hh-hh-hh-hh. /LOCALA Optional. Default: The command checks the hosts database; if a2 lookup fails, it also checks the BIND resolver.@ To display hardware-address/IP-identification matches, limits= host-name-to-IP-address lookup for each entry in the BOOTP( database to the local hosts database. /OUTPUT /OUTPUT=file% Optional. Default: Screen display.,c Output is directed to the specified file. 3 Examples! 1.TCPIP> SHOW BOOTP MYNA /FULL' Host: mynaP Hardware Address: 07-06-2B-05-04-03G Network mask: Type: Ethernet File: MYNA.SYS@ Time offset: 0 Vendor: Birds, Inc. Gateways: not defined Servers: Cookie: not defined IEN: ndot defined Impress: not defined Log: not defined LPR: not defined& Name: owl.wise.mouser.edu Resource: not defined Time: not defined TCPIP>C Displays the entry for client myna in the BOOTP database. WhenA myna requests a download, TCP/IP Services sends system image MYNA.SYS. 2 CFSD Displays statistical information about OpenVMS and container file systems.* The NFS server softwa'ere must be active. Related commands: SHOW NFS Format" SHOW CFS [ /CONTINUOUS[=n] ] [ /PARAMETERS ] [ /SUMMARY ] 3 Qualifiers /CONTINUOUS /CONTINUOUS[=n]4 Optional. Default: Static display; /CONTINUOUS=4.+ Continuously updates the screen display.* To terminate the display, press Ctrl/Z. /PARAMETERS Optional. Displays the parameters. /SUMMARY Optional.& Displays thfe following information: Wait states Data cache performance1 Summary of allocated services and resources 3 Examples 1.TCPIP> SHOW CFS 2.TCPIP> SHOW CFS /SUMMARY@ Displays service wait states, data cache performance, and a' summary of services and resources. 3.TCPIP> SHOW CFS /PARAMETERS& Displays file system information. 2 COMMUNICATIONC Displays the settings and status for the IP, TCP, UDP, and INET_C ACP software,#g including routing, buffers, sockets, and memory on the running system.& Related commands: SET COMMUNICATION Format$ SHOW COMMUNICATION [ /MEMORY ]# [ /ROUTE ]& [ /SECURITY ] 3 Qualifiers /MEMORY Optional.A Displays information about memory allocated to data structures& associated with network operations. /ROUTE Optional. Displays routing statistics. /SECURITY h Optional.B Displays the security settings specified with the following SET COMMUNICATION qualifiers: o /ACCEPT o /REJECT 3 Examples$ 1.TCPIP> SHOW COMMUNICATION/ROUTE Route statistics. Created by redirects 0. Modified by redirects 0. Wildcarded lookups 6. Invalid redirect calls 0. Failed lookups 0! Displays routing stat iistics.& 2.TCPIP> SHOW COMMUNICATION /MEMORY 1585 mbufs in use:( 490 mbufs allocated to data2 221 mbufs allocated to ancillary data0 2 mbufs allocated to packet headers5 131 mbufs allocated to socket structures; 198 mbufs allocated to protocol control blocks9 180 mbufs allocated to routing table entries> 246 mbufs allocated to socket names and addresses1 21 mbufs allocated to socket joptions6 76 mbufs allocated to interface addresses. 1 mbufs allocated to kernel table6 2 mbufs allocated to ip multicast options6 7 mbufs allocated to ip multicast address= 10 mbufs allocated to interface multicast addess1 1 mbufs allocated to 1 1 mbufs allocated to 1 3 mbufs allocated to 1 7 mbufs allocated to 2 k 28 mbufs allocated to 2 28 mbufs allocated to 1 3 mbufs allocated to 1 3 mbufs allocated to 1 5 mbufs allocated to - Displays information about memory usage.( 3.TCPIP> SHOW COMMUNICATION /SECURITY& Communication Security ParametersN Allow Log: Acpt Actv Dactv Conn Error Exit Logi Logo Mdfy Rjct TimO Addr Force Log: None Securlity device: disabled Access lists Accept host: Accept netw: Displays information about security parameters that were2 specified with the SET COMMUNICATION command. 2 CONFIGURATION? Displays the information in the configuration database. ThisA database, read by the TCP/IP Services startup procedure, holds information to:< o Configure the lower-layer protocols, including dynamic routing.3 o Configure and enablem the Internet interfaces.B o Configure the services you want enabled when TCP/IP Services starts up." o Configure the BIND resolver.> o Configure the BIND server, including the default domain. o Configure SMTP. o Configure SNMP. o Configure TIME. o Map file systems.B Because the SET CONFIGURATION commands do not take effect untilB the next time TCP/IP Services starts up, the SHOW CONFIGURATIONA command might not display the current snettings for the running; software. For example, the information you see from SHOW= CONFIGURATION PROTOCOL might differ from the SHOW PROTOCOL /PARAMETERS output.3 Related commands: All SET CONFIGURATION commands Format$ SHOW CONFIGURATION { component1 ENABLE SERVICE [service]( START ROUTING }$ [ /COMMON ]" [ /FULL ]) [ /OUTPUT=file ]o 3 Parameters componentB Required if you do not specify ENABLE SERVICE or START ROUTING.: Component, defined in the configuration database, whose% configuration you want to display. ENABLE_SERVICE [service]C Note: Specify ENABLE SERVICE without an underscore when entering this command.= Required if you do not specify component or START ROUTING.@ Displays either the specified component or all the components= that are enabled by the TCP/IP Seprvices startup procedure. START_ROUTINGB Note: Specify START ROUTING without an underscore when enteringC this command. Required if you do not specify component or ENABLE SERVICE.A Shows whether or not routing is configured to start running by) the TCP/IP Services startup procedure. 3 Qualifiers /COMMON$ Optional. Default: Node specific.5 Valid only with SHOW CONFIGURATION ENABLE SERVICE.A Displays the information in the configuration dqatabase for the1 clusterwide enabling or disabling of services. /FULL: Optional. The default is to give a brief listing of the information.! Displays complete information.& Valid with the component parameter. /OUTPUT /OUTPUT=file% Optional. Default: Screen display.' Writes output to the specified file. 3 Examples- 1.TCPIP> SHOW CONFIGURATION ENABLE SERVICE Enable service: FTP, FTP_CLIENT, LPD, MOUNT, NFS, NFrS_CLIENT, PCNFS,) PORTMAPPER, REXEC, RSH, SMTP, SNMPC Displays the services configured in the services database that> will be enabled by the TCP/IP Services startup procedure.# 2.TCPIP> SHOW CONFIGURATION SNMP SNMP Configuration Flags: AuthenTraps Sets Contact: Sam Spade Location First: Falcon Building& Second: Los Angeles, California0 Community Type Address_list+ public Read s trapit Read Trap< trapit2 Read Trap, rw2 Read Write, Displays the SNMP configuration.+ 3.TCPIP> SHOW CONFIGURATION NAME_SERVICE BIND Resolver Configuration Transport: UDP& Domain: fred.parrot.brd.com Retry: 4 Timeout: 4- Servers:,$ Path: Nto values defined TCPIP>A Displays, from the configuration database, the BIND resolver configuration.( 4.TCPIP> SHOW CONFIGURATION INTERFACEA Displays the permanent definition of Internet interfaces DE1 and LO0.# 5.TCPIP> SHOW CONFIGURATION SMTP% Displays the SMTP configuration. 3 PROTOCOLD Displays information in the configuration database which sets theD parameters for ICMP, IP, TCP, and UDP when TCP/IP Services starts up.="u Related commands: SET CONFIGURATION PROTOCOL, SET PROTOCOL Format. SHOW CONFIGURATION PROTOCOL [ protocol ]1 [ /PARAMETERS ] 4 Parameters protocol$ Optional. Default: All protocols.4 Specify one of the following: ICMP, IP, TCP, UDP. 4 Qualifiers /PARAMETERS Optional.: Shows parameter settings. You can specify any protocol. 4 Examples 1.TCPIP> SHOW CONFIGURATION PROTOCOLv ICMP& Redirect: enabled& Unreachable: disabled IP& Forward: disabled& Reassembly timer: 0 TCP& Delay ACK: enabled& Window scale: enabled& Drop count: 0& Probe timer: 0: Receive Send: Push: disabled disabled: Quota: w 0 0 UDP& Unpriv. broadcast: disabled: Receive Send: Checksum: enabled enabled: Quota: 0 08 Displays information in the configuration database. 2 DEVICE_SOCKET Displays: o Device socket counters? o Current settings from the running communications softwareA (A device socket is composed xof two parts: the internet device (interface) and the socket.) Format* SHOW DEVICE_SOCKET [ device_socket ], [ /CONTINUOUS[=n] ]" [ /FULL ]' [ /HOST=host ]' [ /[NO]LOCAL ]$ [ /PORT=n ]- [ /SERVICE=service ]. [ /TYPE=socket_type ] 3 Parameters device_socket) Optional. Defyault: All device sockets.0 Device socket for which you want information.> Specify the characters BG and the device's unit number, for example, BG3, BG17. 3 Qualifiers /CONTINUOUS /CONTINUOUS[=n]4 Optional. Default: Static display; /CONTINUOUS=4.% Automatically updates the display.? Screen update interval in seconds. Valid only for a specific device socket.* To terminate the display, press Ctrl/C. /FULL: Optional. The defzault is to give a brief listing of the information., Displays complete information, including:? o Application option settings, for example, ACCEPT or FULL_ DUPLEX_CLOSE o State of the service0 o Counters for receiving and sending buffers /HOST /HOST=host Optional. Default: All hosts.A Displays information for device sockets bound to the specified host.? This does not include device sockets bound to the "ANY host" (address { /LOCAL /LOCAL /NOLOCAL Optional. Default: /LOCAL.@ Displays information for device sockets bound to hosts in the local hosts database.C /NOLOCAL: Displays information for device sockets bound to hosts> in the hosts database and hosts known by the BIND resolver. /PORT /PORT=n& Optional. Default: All local ports.A Displays information for device sockets bound to the specified local port. /SERVICE |/SERVICE=service# Optional. Default: All services.A Displays information for device sockets used for the specified service. /TYPE /TYPE=socket_type Optional. Default: /TYPE=ALL.@ Displays information for the specified type of device socket. Specify one of the following: o STREAM o DGRAM 3 Examples) 1.TCPIP> SHOW DEVICE_SOCKET BG21 /FULL< Displays complete information about device socket BG21,? including the opt}ions that are set, for example, the FULL_ DUPLEX_CLOSE option.; (With the FULL_DUPLEX_CLOSE option set, the first dataA transmission on a TCP connection that has been closed by the? remote application returns an EPIPE error. Subsequent send< operations on the half-closed socket proceed normally.)C The following table describes the counters in the first column of the display. Counter MeaningC Q0LEN Number of sockets that are about t ~o be connected to$ the specified socketD QLEN Number of sockets that have established a connection? but have not yet been accepted by the specified socket@ QLIMIT Number of sockets for the Q0LEN and QLEN sockets TIMEO Not used; ERROR Error code temporarily stored on the socket OOBMARK Out-of-band mark2 2.TCPIP> SHOW DEVICE_SOCKET BG75 /CONTINUOUS=10D Displays information about device socket BG75 every 10 seconds.+ 3.TCPIP> SHOW DEVICE_SOCKET /HOST="lark"B Displays information about all device sockets for remote host lark.% 4.TCPIP> SHOW DEVICE_SOCKET BG1898B Port RemoteA Device_socket Type Local Remote Service HostI bg1898 STREAM 23 2568 TELNET Displays socket type, service, and host information for device BG1898. 2  EXPORTD Displays disks/directories available for mounting by NFS clients,? in the form of UNIX path names. It also displays the clients% allowed to mount these path names.8 Related commands: ADD EXPORT, REMOVE EXPORT, MAP, SET= CONFIGURATION MAP, SET CONFIGURATION NOMAP, SHOW MAP, SHOW CONFIGURATION MAP Format" SHOW EXPORT [ "/path/name" ] [ /HOST=host ]# [ /OUTPUT=file] ] 3 Restrictions/ Requires read acces s to the export database. 3 Parameters "/path/name"0 Optional. Default: All exported file systems.2 Exported files for which to show access rights.C To specify multiple directory names, separate them with slashes. 3 Qualifiers /HOST /HOST="host_name" Optional. Default: All hosts.@ NFS client hosts for which you want to display access rights. /OUTPUT /OUTPUT=fileC Optional. Default: Screen display. Sends output to the specified file. 2 HOST0 Displays information from the hosts database.= If the BIND resolver is enabled, information from the BIND database is also displayed. Related commands: SET HOST Format SHOW HOST [ host ]' [ /ADDRESS=IP_address ]" [ /DOMAIN=domain ] [ /LOCAL ] [ /OUTPUT=file ]" [ /SERVER=server ] 3 Restrictions. Requires read access to the hosts database. 3 Parameters host Optional. Default: All hosts.8 All alias names for the specified host are displayed.@ o If a host has more than one IP address and you specify the8 name, all its addresses and aliases are displayed.B o If a host has multiple IP addresses and you specify an aliasA that is defined on multiple IP addresses, only the first IP( address and aliases are displayed.? o If you do not specifiy the host parameter or if you use a? wildcard, all hosts from the local and BIND databases are displayed.< o If you use a wildcard to complete a host name, no BIND information is displayed.A o If you specify a host, entries first are displayed from theA local host database, if they exist; otherwise, entries from5 the BIND database are displayed, if they exist. 3 Qualifiers /ADDRESS /ADDRESS=IP_address Optional. Default: None.- Allows you to select a host by IP address.@ o If a host has more than one IP address and you specify theD name, all IP addresses and aliases for the host are displayed.B o If a host has multiple IP addresses and you specify an aliasA that is defined on multiple IP addresses, only the first IP( address and aliases are displayed.D o Recommended: Use the host parameter instead of this qualifier. /DOMAIN /DOMAIN=domain* Optional. Default: Name service domain.B Domain to be used by the local host. However, the definition ofD the domain name is valid only during the execution of the current? SHOW HOST command. The BIND request is sent to the specified domain. /LOCAL Optional.> Limits name-to-address lookups to the local hosts database. /OUTPUT /OUTPUT=file% Optional. Default: Screen display.< Specifies a file for the output of the SHOW HOST command. /SERVER /SERVER=server ' Optional. Default: Name server list.B BIND servers to be used. The definition of the server name list> is valid only during the execution of the current SHOW HOST8 command. The request is sent to the specified server.> The list is ordered by request preference. For example, theA initial request is sent to the first host in the list. If thatA host is unavailable, the request is sent to the second host in the list, and so on.. You can specify a maximum of three servers. 3 Examples 1.TCPIP> SHOW HOST /LOCAL> The /LOCAL qualifier displays only the hosts in the local database. 2.TCPIP> SHOW HOST ABCXYZB Displays information about a host found in the BIND database.D Note that the display includes the name and address of the BIND* server that supplied the information. 3.TCPIP> SHOW HOST *A Displays the entire hosts database and BIND database (if the resolver is enabled).? In the following examples, host heron has the following IP addresses and aliases: IP AddressHost Aliases 100.1 heron HOST_1A HOST_1B HOST_ALIAS 100.2 heron HOST_2A HOST_2B HOST_ALIAS 4.TCPIP> SHOW HOST HERON? Shows all the IP addresses and aliases for the host HERON. 5.TCPIP> SHOW HOST HOST_1AA Shows IP address 100.1 and the aliases HOST_1A, HOST_1B, and HOST_ALIAS. 6.TCPIP> SHOW HOST HOST_ALIASB Shows the host and all aliases for addresses 100.1 and 100.2.; Shows all the IP addresses and aliases for host heron. 2 INTERFACE< Displays information from the running system for Internet# interfaces and pseudointerfaces.A Related commands: SHOW CONFIGURATION INTERFACE, SET INTERFACE. Format" SHOW INTERFACE [ interface ]! [ /CLUSTER ] [ /FULL ] 3 Param"eters interface% Optional. Default: All interfaces.B Specifies the name of an Internet or pseudo-Internet interface.' Examples include ZE0, LO0, QE2, QE3. 3 Qualifiers /CLUSTER Optional. Default: None.C Displays information about the cluster of which the interface is a member. /FULL5 Optional. Default: Brief description is displayed. Displays full information. 3 Examples$ 1.TCPIP> SHOW INTERFACE DE0 /FULL  Interface: DE0P IP_Addr: NETWRK: BRDCST: Ethernet_Addr:AA-00-05-CC-2D-2B MTU: 65535 Flags: UP BRDCST RUN: RECEIVE SEND: Packets 3817269 595744. Errors 0. Collisions: 0. Displays information about interface DE0.6 The flags that can appear in the display include:; o AMCST-The interface will receive multicast packets.D o BRDCAST-Indicates the interface supports broadcast messages.. o DBG-Driver-level debugging is enabled.B o LOOP-The interface is a loopback mode. Packets transmittedC on this interface will be looped back in the driver and not* be transmitted out on the network.@ o MCAST-The interface supports multicast packets. However,A this does not mean that a multicast address is configured for the interface.D o NOARP-The interface is not using address resolution protocolD (ARP). It will neither transmit nor respond to ARP requests.B o PFCPY-All packets transmitted on this interface are copied0 and passed to the packet filter program.B o PTP- The interface is point-to-point link. This is a read-, only flag that is set by the driver.> o RUN-Indicates the interface is operational. The driverA has allocated resources for the interface and is ready toC transmit and receive packets. This option is not applicable. to loopback devices, for example, LO0.= o SMPX-The interface cannot hear its own transmissions.6 o UP-Indicates the interface is enabled for use.A o VMTU-The interface supports variable maximum transmission unit (MTU) sizes. 2 MAIL# Displays SMTP queue information.+ Related commands: REMOVE MAIL, SEND MAIL For"mat SHOW MAIL [ user ] [ /FULL ]( [ /RECIPIENT[=options] ] [ /ENTRY=n ] 3 RestrictionsA Requires SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege to display information for other users. 3 Parameters user Optional. Default: All users.; Displays SMTP process information of the specified user. 3 Qualifiers /FULL5 Optional. Default: Brief description is displayed.! Displays detailed information. /RECIPIENT /RECIPIENT[=options] Optional. Default: ALL.B Used with /FULL, displays selected recipient classes. Available! options include the following:; ALL Shows failed, sent, and unsent mail messages.D FAILED Shows messages that could not be read for a particular recipient.D SENT Shows successful deliveries to a particular recipient.4 UNSENT Shows messages that are as yet unsent. /ENTRY /ENTRY=n) Optional. Default: Your queue entries.? Displays information about the specified queue entry number. 3 Examples 1.TCPIP> SHOW MAIL< Displays information about mail messages queued to your process's user name.! 2.TCPIP> SHOW MAIL /ENTRY=1234C Displays information about the mail message 1234 in the queue.* 3.TCPIP> SHOW MAIL /FULL /RECIPIENT=ALLB Displays detailed information about all mail messages sent by* the user of your process's user name. 2 MAP@ Displays the names of mapped (logically linked) file systems, also called NFS file systems. Applies to: NFS server@ Related commands: MAP, UNMAP, ADD EXPORT, SHOW EXPORT, REMOVE? EXPORT, SET CONFIGURATION MAP, SET CONFIGURATION NOMAP, SHOW CONFIGURATION MAP Format SHOW MAP [ /path/name ] 3 Parameters /path/name Optional.> Name of the file system (the first element of the UNIX file specification). 3 Examples 1.TCPIP> SHOW MAP' Dynamic Filesystem Map@ Pathname Logical File System /water USER$DKC100:@ /water USER$DKC100:[WATER]I /duck/pond USER$DKC100:[DUCK.POND.TEAL] TCPIP>& Displays all mapped file systems. 2.TCPIP> SHOW MAP "/bird"' Dynamic Filesystem Map@ Pathname  Logical File System5 /bird $1$DUA7: TCPIP>$ Lists mapped file system /bird. 2 MOUNTC Displays a list of mounted directories at all mount points or at a particular mount point.$ Related commands: MOUNT, DISMOUNT Format SHOW MOUNT [ device ] [ /ALL ] [ /FULL ] [ /HOST=host ] 3 Parameters device/ Optional. Default: All mounted file systems.C Local device for which to display mount information. Specify one of the following:? o DNFSn: - the full NFS device name and directory tree, for! example, DNFS3:[USER.NOTES] o Volume label! o Logical name for the device+ You can use abbreviations and wildcards. 3 Qualifiers /ALL Optional.? If you also specify device, displays information for all NFS9 server hosts with mounted file systems on this device.A  If you do not specify device, displays information for all NFS8 server hosts with mounted file systems on any device. Not valid with /HOST. /FULL5 Optional. Default: Brief description is displayed.B Displays the full, current operating parameters related to each mount. /HOST /HOST=hostA Optional. Default: All NFS servers with file systems currently mounted.1 NFS server on which the physical files reside. Not valid with /ALL. 3 Examples 1.TCPIP> SHOW MOUNTJ _DNFS1:[000000] automount (inactivity timer 0 00:23:00.00), mounted# SIGMA.PROCESS.COM:/usr _DNFS2:[000000] mounted( IRIS.PROCESS.COM:/usr/usersA Shows the characteristics of all mounted file systems on all local NFS devices." 2.TCPIP> SHOW MOUNT DNFS3: /ALL _DNFS3:[A.B] mounted# SIGMA.PROCESS.COM:/usr _DNFS3:[A.C] mounted$ SIGMA.PROCESS.COM:/workC  Shows the characteristics of all mounted file systems on local device DNFS3:. 2 MX_RECORDB Displays SMTP routing information. If you omit destination, youC see the entries in the local Mail Exchange (MX) database. If youD specify destination, you see all the entries in all the databasesC that TCP/IP Services would look at, if necessary, to resolve the address.A To send mail, SMTP looks up addresses in one or more databases) (if necessary) in the followi&ng order: 1. Local MX databse 2. Remote MX database 3. BIND server database 4. Local hosts database! Related command: SET MX_RECORD Format$ SHOW MX_RECORD [ destination ]& [ /GATEWAY=host ]% [ /OUTPUT=file ] 3 Parameters destination; Optional. Default: All entries in the local MX database. Final destination host name. 3 Qualifiers /GATEWAY /GATEWAY=host' Optional. Default: All destinations.D Displays the destinations that are accessed through the specified gateway. /OUTPUT /OUTPUT=file% Optional. Default: Screen display.* Sends the output to the specified file. 3 Examples 1.TCPIP> SHOW MX_RECORD SWAN3 BIND MX database; Server: GREAT.HORNED.OWL.COM0 Gate address Preference Gate nameB  50 WATER.PIPIT.WEBBED.FEET.COM> 100 bd-gw.purple.martin.com; 200 great.horned.owl.com@ 300 bird.food.seeds.worms.com0 BIND databaseB Server: WATER.PIPIT.WEBBED.FEET.COM0 Host address Host name; SWAN.WEBBED.FEET.COM@ Displays, in order of preference, the routing hops to reachA host SWAN if an attempt fails. The local host tries to route through:# 1. WATER.PIPIT.WEBBED.FEET.COM 2. bd-gw.purple.martin.com 3. great.horned.owl.com! 4. bird.food.seeds.worms.com< Both the alternate gateway and the zone affect how SMTP- determines where to relay nonlocal mail.A MX records tell mailers where to relay mail that is destined& for a given host. In the display:: o The Gate name field tells where to relay the mail.> o The Gate address field gives the gateway's IP address.A o The Preference field gives each MX record a precedence. A: lower preference number means a higher precedence.# 2.TCPIP> SHOW MX_RECORD CROW.COM2 BIND MX databaseB Server: WATER.PIPIT.WEBBED.FEET.COM0 Gate address Preference Gate name6 1 cawcaw.crow.com5 2 scare.crow.com TCPIP>A Displays the MX record for destination host crow.com. In the display:: o The Gate name field tells where to relay the mail.> o The Gate address field gives the gateway's IP address.A o The Preference field gives each MX record a precedence. A8 lower preference number means higher precedence.A In this example, the local host name is WATER, the alternate= gateway  is scare.crow.com, and the zone is crow.com. The@ first preference for delivering mail to crow.com is to send to cawcaw.crow.com.@ If you have not defined an alternate gateway, SMTP tries toB relay the mail to scare.crow at IP address It@ uses the MX records to determine the host to which to relay@ mail. SMTP tries to relay the mail to each gateway host, inD order of preference, until it either successfully transfers theD mail or runs out of  MX records to try. If there is no alternate# gateway, the zone is not used.@ If you have defined an alternate gateway, SMTP goes throughA the list of MX records, but it does not automatically try to@ relay the mail directly to the gateway. SMTP checks whetherA the gateway host name is outside or inside the SMTP zone (asC defined with SET SMTP CONFIGURATION). If the gateway is inside@ the SMTP zone, SMTP tries to relay the mail directly to theA gateway host. If the gateway is outside the zone, SMTP sends' the mail to the alternate gateway. 2 NAME_SERVICE, Logs information about the BIND resolver.& Related commands: SET NAME_SERVICE," SHOW CONFIGURATION NAME_SERVICE Format( SHOW NAME_SERVICE [ /STATISTICS ] 3 Qualifiers /STATISTICS Optional.6 Dumps statistics to the log file TCPIP$BIND_SERVER_> STATISTICS.LOG. In previous versions of the TCP/IP Services? product, this qualifier displayed statistical information on the screen. 3 Examples 1.TCPIP> SHOW NAME_SERVICE BIND Resolver Parameters% Local domain: TCPIP.OWL.ROC.COM System" State: Started, Enabled Transport: UDP# Domain: tcpip.owl.roc.com Retry: 4 Timeout: 4. Servers: LOCALHOST, tcpip.owl.roc.com Process" State: Started, Enabled Transport: UDP Domain: Retry: 4 Timeout: 43 Servers: LOCALHOST, lark, crow.moa.awk.com TCPIP>A Shows systemwide and process-specific parameter settings for the BIND resolver.) 2.TCPIP> SHOW NAME_SERVICE /STATISTICS4 Logs current BIND server statistics to the fileA TCPIP$BIND_SERVER_STATISTICS.LOG. The following sample shows such a log file.> +++ Statistics Dump +++ (922292822) Wed Mar 24 11:27:02% 34250 time since boot (secs)& 15670 time since reset (secs)" 12 Unknown query types 20000 A queries 540 SOA queries 2399 MX queries 867 ANY queries 3 AXFR queries# ++ Name Server Statistics ++ (Legend)4 RR RNXD RFwdR RDupR RFail4 RFErr RErr RAXFR RLame ROpts3 SSysQ SAns SFwdQ SDupQ SErr3 RQ RIQ RFwdQ RDupQ RTCP3  SFwdR SFail SFErr SNaAns SNXD (Global)D 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0# -- Name Server Statistics -- ++ Memory Statistics ++1 3: 9 gets, 2 rem= 4: 7 gets, 0 rem (1 bl, 10221 5: 16 gets, 1 rem1 6: 7 gets, 5 rem1 7: 10 gets, 5 rem@ 8: 97 gets, 16 rem (1 bl, 485 ff)1 13: 6 gets, 4 rem . . .> 664: 5 gets, 1 rem (1 bl, 5 ff)> 732: 2 gets, 0 rem (1 bl, 5 ff)> 1040: 1 gets, 1 rem (1 bl, 2 ff)1 >= 1100: 23 gets, 9 rem -- Memory Statistics --C --- Statistics Dump --- (907337687) Fri Jan 2 10:14:47 1999 2 NETWORK4 Displays information about the networks database. Related command: SET NETWORK Format SHOW NETWORK [ network ]' [ /ADDRESS=address ]# [ /OUTPUT=file ] 3 Restrictions1 Requires read access to the networks database. 3 Parameters network) Optional. Default: All known networks.. Network about which to display information.8 o Displays all alias names of the specified network.A o If you specify an alias, the n$etwork name and all its alias names are displayed. 3 Qualifiers /ADDRESS /ADDRESS=address Optional. Default: None. Selects networks by address.( Not valid with the network parameter. /OUTPUT /OUTPUT=file% Optional. Default: Screen display.+ Output is written to the specified file. 3 Examples 1.TCPIP> SHOW NETWORK COBNET$ Network address Network name COBNET< Displays the entry for COBNET in the networks database. 2.TCPIP> SHOW NETWORK Z*$ Network address Network name$ zznet, ZZNET2 zzo-net, ZZO-NET, zz01-netA From the networks database, displays the entries for all the@ networks with names or aliases beginning with the letter Z. 2 NFS_SERVERA Displays NFS server performance counters and current parameter settings.4 Related commands: SET NFS_SERVER, ZERO NFS_SERVER Format/ SHOW NFS_SERVER [ /CONTINUOUS[=seconds] ] [ /RPC]+ [ /SERVER=host_name ]* [ /VERSION=[V2|V3] ] 3 Restrictions' Requires SYSNAM and WORLD privilege. 3 Qualifiers /CONTINUOUS /CONTINUOUS[=seconds]5 Optional. Defaults: Static display; /CONTINUOUS=4.D Provides a dynamic display, with optional screen-update interval.* To terminate the display, press Ctrl/Z. /RPC Optional.* Displays statistics for the RPC server. /SERVER /SERVER=host_name Optional.' Displays information about the host. /VERSION /VERSION=[V2|V3]A Optional. The default is to show statistics for both versions.C Displays version-specific NFS statistics. You can include either6 or both arguments (for example, /VERSION =(V2,V3)). 2 PORTMAPPER@ Displays a list of all registered remote procedure call (RPC)C programs. The Portmapper running on the specified host gets this list. Format SHOW PORTMAPPER [ host ] 3 Parameters host! Optional. Default: Local host.. Host with the Portmapper you want to query. 3 Examples 1.TCPIP> SHOW PORTMAPPERO Program Number Version Protocol Port-number Process Service-nameO --------------------- ------- -------- ----------- -------- ------------M 000186A0 ( 100000)  2 TCP 111 56E0021D PORTMAPPERM 000186A0 ( 100000) 2 UDP 111 56E0021D PORTMAPPERF 000186A3 ( 100003) 3 UDP 2049 56E0021F NFSH 000186A5 ( 100005) 1 UDP 10 56E00220 MOUNTH 000249F1 ( 150001) 1 UDP 5151 56E00222 PCNFS< Lists information about all of the currently registered applications." 2.TCPIP> SHOW PORTMAPPER PARROTO Program Number Versi on Protocol Port-number Process Service-nameO --------------------- ------- -------- ----------- -------- ------------M 000186A0 ( 100000) 2 TCP 111 24800126 PORTMAPPERM 000186A0 ( 100000) 2 UDP 111 24800126 PORTMAPPER? Queries host PARROT for a list of registered applications. 2 PROTOCOL< Displays statistics and configuration information for the specified protocol.1 Related commands: SET PROTOCOL, ZER%O PROTOCOL, SET CONFIGURATION PROTOCOL Format SHOW PROTOCOL [ protocol ]# [ /PARAMETERS ] 3 Parameters protocol$ Optional. Default: All protocols.4 Specify one of the following: ICMP, IP, TCP, UDP. 3 Qualifiers /PARAMETERS Optional.: Shows parameter settings. You can specify any protocol. 3 Examples 1.TCPIP> SHOW PROTOCOL TCP tcp: 64213 packets sent8  56262 data packets (44164814 bytes)@ 49 data packets (39372 bytes) retransmitted9 7792 ack-only packets (7923 delayed)' 0 URG only packets+ 0 window probe packets- 10 window update packets( 100 control packets# 50000 packets received4 37102 acks (for 44165036 bytes)' 381 duplicate acks+ 0 a cks for unsent dataF 23176 packets (194520 bytes) received in-sequenceA 233 completely duplicate packets (290 bytes)D 50 packets with some dup. data (65 bytes duped)7 57 out-of-order packets (43 bytes)F 4 packets (4294967292 bytes) of data after window$ 0 window probes. 916 window update packets3 0 packets received after close2  0 discarded for bad checksums= 0 discarded for bad header offset fields9 0 discarded because packet too short# 54 connection requests" 35 connection accepts; 89 connections established (including accepts)6 91 connections closed (including 3 drops)+ 1 embryonic connection dropped; 30253 segments updated rtt (of 30286 attempts)# 14 retransmit timeouts< 0 connections dropped by rexmit timeout 1 persist timeout! 2 keepalive timeouts, 2 keepalive probes sent7 0 connections dropped by keepalive! Displays the TCP statistics.> The following abbreviations are used for the TCP counters display: ack - acknowledge URG - urgent dup. - duplicate= embryonic connections-connections not yet established  rtt - retries rexmt - retransmit) 2.TCPIP> SHOW PROTOCOL TCP /PARAMETERS TCP& Delay ACK: enabled& Window scale: enabled& Drop count: 8& Probe timer: 150: Receive Send: Push: disabled disabled: Quota: 32768 32768! Displays the TCP parameters. 2 PROXY* Displays entries in the proxy database., Related commands: ADD PROXY, REMOVE PROXY< Applies to: NFS server, NFS client, PC-NFS, Remote Shell,, LPR/LPD, and customer-developed services. Format SHOW PROXY [ user_name ]# [ /COMMUNICATION ] [ /GID=n ] [ /HOST=host ]$ [ /NFS =[options] ] [ /UID=n ] 3 Restrictions. Requires read access to the proxy database. 3  Parameters user_name1 Optional. Default: SHOW PROXY * (all entries).? Specifies the local OpenVMS identity for the user of the NFS8 server, NFS client, PC-NFS, Remote Shell, or LPR/LPD. 3 Qualifiers /COMMUNICATIONB Optional. Default: Displays both communication and NFS proxies." Displays communication proxies. /GID /GID=n/ Optional. Default: Displays all NFS proxies.C Displays the database entries for all clients with the specified GID. /HOST /HOST=hostA Optional. Default: Displays information for all hosts (same as /HOST=*).< Specifies the remote host from which information is to be displayed. /NFS /NFS=option Optional. Default:B o If you omit this /NFS qualifier, displays both communication and NFS proxies.A o If you omit the option, displays both incoming and outgoing proxies. Displays NFS proxies.? These entries might be for local clients, remote clients, or9 PC-NFS clients. You can include the following options:/ /NFS=OUTGOING Proxy to use NFS client/ /NFS=INCOMING Proxy to use NFS serverD /NFS=(OUTGOING,INCOMIProxy to use both the NFS client and the NFS server /UID /UID=n& Optional. Default: All NFS proxies.@ Displays the database entry for the client with the specified UID. 3 Examples 1.TCPIP> SHOW PROXY /NFS@ VMS User_name Type User_ID Group_ID Host_name8 WEBSTER OD 311 10 *8 SHERMAN ND 115 10 *8 COHEN OND 115 10 *8 SILK ON 115 10 *1 Shows the NFS entries in the proxy database:= o WEBSTER has authorization to use the local NFS client (outgoing rights).? o SHERMAN can use the local NFS server (incoming rights).5 o COHEN can use both the NFS server and client.9 o SILK can use both the NFS server and client. ThisA information is not currently known to NFS because SILK is+ not loaded in the dynamic database.7 In the display, the values in the Type field mean: N NFS server O NFS client# ON NFS server and client C Communication% OD, Loaded in the NFS cache ND, OND/ CD  Loaded in the communication cache1 To set up N, O, or ON proxies, see ADD PROXY /NFS=INCOMING=OUTGOING.% 2.TCPIP> SHOW PROXY /COMMUNICATION@ VMS User_name Type Remote User_name Host_name8 BLUEJAY CD JAY *J QUETZAL CD quetzal central.america.com; FALCON CD FALCON HAWKD MYNA C MYNA PARROT,parrot@  CANVASBACK CD CBACK DUCK,duck* Shows all the communication proxies. 2 ROUTEA Displays the permanent or volatile routes database. To display8 the permanent database, use the /PERMANENT qualifier.C Looks up the destination you specify first in the hosts database< and then, if this lookup fails, in the networks database.1 Displays the following routes and their types:> o A - Active route (created manually or associated with an interface)C o D - Dynamic route (created by ROUTED or GATED routing daemon)( o H - Host route (a route to a host). o N - Network route (a route to a network)- o P - Permanent (from the route database) Related command: SET ROUTE Format SHOW ROUTE [ destination ] [ /FULL ]" [ /GATEWAY=host ] [ /LOCAL ]! [ /OUTPUT=file ] [ /PERMANENT ] 3 Restr!ictions/ Requires read access to the routes database. 3 Parameters destination* Optional. Default: Displays all routes. Destination host. 3 Qualifiers /FULL@ Optional. Default: Displays routes as specified in the routes database.? Displays mapping between destination addresses and names and gateway addresses and names. /GATEWAY /GATEWAY=host# Optional. Default: All gateways.A Displays information for the specified host that performs as a gateway. /LOCALA Optional. Default: The command checks the hosts database; if a- lookup fails, it checks the BIND resolver.> Limits name-to-address lookups to the local hosts database. /OUTPUT /OUTPUT=file% Optional. Default: Screen display.& Sends output to the specified file. /PERMANENT Optional./ Displays only the permanent routes database.@ o If TCP/IP Services is running and you omit /PERMANENT, the% volatile database is displayed.B o If TCP/IP Services is not running, the permanent database is displayed. 3 Examples 1.TCPIP> SHOW ROUTE TCPIP> show route) DYNAMICA Type Destination Gateway< AN> AN> AH AH! Displays all defined routes. 2.TCPIP> SHOW ROUTE "robin". Displays the network route to host robin. 2 SERVICE@ Displays the following information about configured services: Service name Port for listening Protocol Process name IP address State RPC informationA Related commands: SET SERVICE, DISABLE SERVICE, ENABLE SERVICE Forma%t SHOW SERVICE [ service ]' [ /ADDRESS=address ] [ /FULL ]! [ /PERMANENT ] [ /PORT=n ]' [ /PROCESS=process ]) [ /PROTOCOL=protocol ] [ /RPC ] 3 Parameters service# Optional. Default: All services.* Service for which you want information. 3 Qualifiers /ADDRESS /ADDRESS=address# Optional. Default: All services.D Displays information for only the services that use the specified address. /FULL5 Optional. Default: Brief description is displayed. Provides a full display. /PERMANENT Optional. Defaults:A o If TCP/IP is running and you omit the /PERMANENT qualifier,) the volatile database is displayed.B o If TCP/IP Services is not running, the permanent database is displayed.A You must include the /PERMANENT qualifier when you specify the /RPC qualifier. /PORT /PORT=n# Optional. Default: All services.@ Displays information only for services that use the specified port. /PROCESS /PROCESS=process# Optional. Default: All services.D Displays information for only the services that use the specified process. /PROTOCOL /PROTOCOL=protocol# Optional. Default: All services.@ Displays information only for services that use the specified protocol. /RPC6 Optional. Default: No RPC information is displayed.D Displays a brief summary of the services that are configured withB RPC information. You must include the /PERMANENT qualifier when" you specify the /RPC qualifier. 3 Examples( 1.TCPIP> SHOW SERVICE /RPC /PERMANENT@ RPC Protocol Versions@ Service Program Number Lowest / Highest@ MOUNT  100005 1 1@ NFS 100003 2 2@ PCNFS 150001 1 2@ PORTMAPPER 100000 2 2 TCPIP>1 Displays all previously set RPC information.- 2.TCPIP> SHOW SERVICE NFS /FULL /PERMANENT Service: NFSJ Port: 2049 Protocol: UDP Address: Inactivity: 0 User_name: TCPIP$NFS Process: TCPIP$NFS Limit: 10 File: TCPIP$SYSTEM:TCPIP$NFS_RUN.COM Flags: TCPIP Socket Opts: Rcheck Scheck5 Receive: 64000 Send: 64000J Log Opts: Acpt Actv Dactv Conn Error Exit Logi Mdfy Rjct TimO Addr< File: SYS$SYSDEVICE:[TCPIP$NFS]TCPIP$NFS_RUN.LOG RPC OptsJ Program number: 100003 Lowest version: 2 Highest version: 2 Security Reject msg: not defined Accept host: Accept netw: TCPIP>D The /FULL and /PERMANENT qualifiers display RPC information forC the NFS server, whose program number is 100003, lowest versionA is 2, and highest version is 2. This information is required for the NFS server to run./ 3.TCPIP> SHOW SERVICE PCNFS /FULL /PERMANENT? Shows the full configuration in the permanent database forB PC-NFS. The RPC information shows that PC-NFS runs as programC 150001; its lowest version number is 1 and its highest version number is 2.# 4.TCPIP> SHOW SERVICE PORTMAPPERH Service Port Protocol Process Address StateL PORTMAPPER 111 TCP,UDP TCPIP$PORTM Enabled> Monitors the Portmapper service process, showing that the service is enabled.1 5.TCPIP> SHOW SERVICE LBROKER /FULL /PERMANENT Service: LBROKERL Port: 6570 Protocol: UDP Address: Inactivity: 0 User_name: TCPIP$LD_BKR Process: TCPIP$LBROKER Limit: 15 File: TCPIP$SYSTEM:TCPIP$LBROKER_RUN.COM Flags: None Socket Opts: Rcheck Scheck5 Receive: 0 Send: 0P Log Opts: Acpt Actv Dactv Conn Error Exit Logi Logo Mdfy Rjct TimO AddrD File: SYS$SYSDEVICE:[TCPIP$LD_BKR]TCPIP$LBROKER_RUN.LOG Security Reject msg: not defined Accept host: Accept netw: Displays the settings for cluster load balancing./ 6.TCPIP> SHOW SERVICE REXEC /FULL /PERMANENT Service: REXECF Port: 512 Protocol: TCP Address: Inactivity: 5 User_name: not defined Process: TCPIP$REXECD Limit: 33 File: TCPIP$SYSTEM:TCPIP$REXEC_RUN.COM) Flags: Case Listen Rexe TCPIP Socket Opts: Rcheck Scheck2 Receive: 0 Send: 0A Log Opts: Acpt Actv Dactv Error Exit Mdfy Rjct TimO Addr" File: TCPIP$REXEC.LOG Separators:> Port: 0 User_name: 0 Password: 0 Command: 0 Security Reject msg: not defined Accept host: Accept netw: Shows the full configuration in the permanent database for REXEC. 2 VERSION? Displays the version of the TCP/IP Services software that is6 currently running, including individual components. Format SHOW VERSION [ /ALL ] 3 Qualifiers /ALL. Optional. Default: TCP/IP Services version.B Displays the version of all running TCP/IP Services components. 3 Examples 1.TCPIP> SHOW VERSION9 Compaq TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Alpha Version 5.1: on an AlphaServer 1000 4/200 running OpenVMS V7.2( Displays the following information:3 o Version of TCP/IP Services that is running.# o Model of hardware platform.+ o Version of OpenVMS that is running. 2.TCPIP> SHOW VERSION /ALL< Compaq TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Alpha Version V5.1; on a AlphaServer 4100 5/300 2MB running OpenVMS V7.1O Image name Image ID Link Date Image location Core Environment:S TCPIP$ACCESS_SHR;1 TCPIP V5.1 21-DEC-2000 SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]T TCPIP$BGDRIVER;1 TCPIP V5.1 21-DEC-2000 SYS$COMMON:[SYS$LDR]S TCPIP$GATED;1 TCPIP V5.1 21-DEC-2000 SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]S TCPIP$INETACP;1 TCPIP V5.1 21-DEC-2000 SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]T TCPIP$INETDRIVER;1 TCPIP V5.1 21-DEC-2000 SYS$COMMON:[SYS$LDR]S TCPIP$IPC_SHR;1 TCPIP V5.1 21-DEC-2000 SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]S TCPIP$MSG;1 TCPIP V5.1 21-DEC-2000 SYS$COMMON:[SYSMSG]S T CPIP$PING;1 TCPIP V5.1 21-DEC-2000 SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE] . . .0 Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP):" TCPIP$DHCP_BPASCIITODBMOD;1S TCPIP V5.1 21-DEC-2000 SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]S TCPIP$DHCP_BPISAMTOASCII;1 TCPIP V5.1 21-DEC-2000 SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]S TCPIP$DHCP_DBDUMP;1 TCPIP V5.1 21-DEC-2000 SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]S TCPIP$DHCP_DBMODIFY;1 TCPIP V5.1  21-DEC-2000 SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE] . . .C Displays the version of the running TCP/IP Services components9 and operating system. Also shows the hardware model. wwQ4 _1 START 2 MAIL; Manually starts the SMTP sender queues (not the receiver [server]).9 Related commands: SHOW MAIL, ENABLE SERVICE SMTP, SHOW CONFIGURATION SMTP Format START MAIL 3 Restrictions' Requires SYSPRV or BYPASS privilege.A SMTP consists of the sender and the receiver. Start the sender" before you enable the receiver.B Do not issue this command unless SMTP has been configured (with' the SET CONFIGURATION SMTP command). 3 Examples 1.TCPIP> START MAIL Starts the SMTP sender.B (To start the SMTP sender when TCP/IP Services starts up, seeD the SET CONFIGURATION ENABLE_SERVICE command. To start the SMTP/ receiver, see the ENABLE SERVICE command.) 2 ROUTING> Starts dynamic routing with ROUTED or GATED. If you want toB change from one to the other, you must stop the current dynamicD routing daemon then start the desired daemon. You cannot run both% GATED and ROUTED at the same time., Related commands: STOP ROUTING, SET GATED Format START ROUTING [/GATED ] [ /LOG ]) [ /SUPPLY[=DEFAULT] ] 3 Qualifiers /GATED Optional.. Enables the gateway routing daemon (GATED).; If you enable dynamic GATED routing, you will be able to> configure this host to use any combination of the followingA routing protocols to exchange dynamic routing information with other hosts on the network:: o RIP (Routing Information Protocol), Versions 1 and 2' o RDISC (Router Discovery Protocol)% o OSPF (Open Shortest Path First)% o EGP (Exterior Gateway Protocol)* o BGP (Border Gateway Protocol), BGP-4 o Static routes /SUPPLY /SUPPLY[=DEFAULT]< Optional. Applies only to ROUTED. Do not use with /GATED.= Broadcasts routing information to other hosts in 30-second intervals.> If you specify /SUPPLY=DEFAULT, the local host supplies the default network route. /LOG7 Optional. Applies to ROUTED. Do not use with /GATED. Logs routing activity to0 SYS$SYSDEVICE:[TCPIP$ROUTED]TCPIP$ROUTED.LOG. Default: No logging. 3 Examples 1.TCPIP> START ROUTING /GATED8 Starts GATED dynamic routing on the running system. 2.TCPIP> START ROUTING? Interactively starts ROUTED dynamic routing on the running system.! 3.TCPIP> START ROUTING /SUPPLYC Immediately starts ROUTED dynamic routing. The local host both9 broadcasts and receives network routing information. ww5 _1 STOP 2 ROUTINGA Stops dynamic routing. If GATED routing is used, stops dynamic; routing but preserves GATED routes in the routing table.A Use with SET NOROUTE when you require full manual control over the routing table.! Related command: START ROUTING Format STOP ROUTING [ /GATED ] 3 Qualifiers /GATED Optional.C Use to stop GATED dynamic routing and to remove all GATED routes from routing table. ww5 _1 UNMAP= Makes unknown to the NFS server either a mapped (logically3 linked) OpenVMS disk or a container file system.D Unmapping removes a logical file system, also called Network FileC System (NFS). Unmapped file systems are not accessible to remote users working on NFS clients.@ Related commands: MAP, SHOW MAP, SET CONFIGURATION NOMAP, ADDD EXPORT, SHOW EXPORT, REMOVE EXPORT, MAP, UNMAP, SET CONFIGURATIONA MAP, SET CONFIGURATION NOMAP, SHOW MAP, SHOW CONFIGURATION MAP Applies to: NFS server Format) UNMAP "/path/name" [ /[NO]CONFIRM ]$ 2 Restrictions( Requires SYSPRV and BYPASS privilege. 2 Parameters "/path/name" Required.) UNIX name of the file system to unmap. You can use wildcards. 2 Qualifiers /CONFIRM /CONFIRM /NOCONFIRM5 Optional. Default: /CONFIRM if you use a wildcard.; Requests confirmation before unmapping each file system. 2 Examples 1.TCPIP> UNMAP "/disk_host"A Unmaps the NFS file system /remote, making it una#vailable to client users. ww5 _1 ZERO 2 NFS_SERVER. Resets the NFS server performance counters.4 Related commands: SET NFS_SERVER, SHOW NFS_SERVER Format$ ZERO NFS_SERVER [ /HOST=host ]# [ /SERVICES ]2 [ /USER_NAME=vms_user_name ] 3 Restrictions( Requires SYSNAM and WORLD privileges. 3 Qualifiers /HOST /HOST=host+ Optional. Default: All users, all hosts.A With /USER_NAME, clears the counters relating to the specified/ users sharing the specified OpenVMS account. /SERVICES* Optional. Default: NFS server services.; Resets the counters for the NFS server and the Mount and Portmapper services. /USER_NAME /USER_NAME=vms_user_name+ Optional. Default: All users, all hosts.B With /HOST, clears the counters relating to the specified users) sharing the specified OpenVMS account.> D o not specify a list of names; specify only a single name. 3 Examples= 1.TCPIP> ZERO NFS_SERVER /USER_NAME=NESTING /HOST="pigeon"C Clears the NFS server counters for the remote NFS clients from5 host pigeon who use the OpenVMS account NESTING.ww