% Librarian T09-20M^M^XY 5 APPEND CONNECT CREATE<DELETE DIRECTORYvDISABLE DISCONNECTENABLE)EXIT)GET1HHELP80LOGIN: PUTD\QUOTEERENAMEHNSETPSHOWUSPAWNVVIEW  _M^ 1 APPENDD Appends a local file to a remote file. The remote file can resideA on any system that supports FTP. To use this command, you must* have an FTP session with a remote host. DCL-Style Format' APPEND local_file [ remote_file ] UNIX Style Format' append local_file [ remote_file ] 2 Restrictions No wildcards. 2 Parameters local_file Required." Name of the local OpenVMS file. remote_file Optional.3 Name of the remote file, either UNIX or OpenVMS. 2 Example FTP> APPEND LARGE.TXT CHRONOS 200 PORT command successful.G 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for CHRONOS. (,1108) 226 Transfer complete/ local:work1:[samson]large.txt remote:CHRONOS: 15596 bytes sent in 00:00:00.10 seconds (152.30 Kbytes/s)7 Appends local file LARGE.TXT to UNIX file chronos. ww_M^ 1 CONNECTB Establishes an FTP connection to a re" mote host. The remote host1 can be any operating system that supports FTP. DCL-Style Format" CONNECT remote_host [ port ] UNIX Style Format open remote_host [ port ] 2 Parameters remote_host Required., Remote host to which you want to connect. port Optional. Default: 21. FTP port on the remote host. 2 Example FTP> CONNECT RETAIL  220 retail.good_4co.com FTP Server (Digital UNIX Version 5.60) ready. Connected to retail. Name (retail:dave):  331 Password required for dave9 Password: (password not echoed) 230 User dave logged in. FTP>, User dave connects to UNIX host retail. ww5M^ 1 CREATE 2 /DIRECTORY? Creates a directory on the remote host. The remote directory@ can be on any operating system that supports FTP. To use this< command, you must have an FTP session with a remote host. DCL-Style Format' CREATE/DIRECTORY remote_directory UNIX Style Format mkdir remote/path 2 Parameters remote_directory Required." Name for the created directory. 2 Qualifiers /DIRECTORY> The /DIRECTORY qualifier must immediately follow the DELETE command without a space.B Creates a new directory or subdirectory. Must have write accessC to the lowest level directory under which the new directory will be created.  2 Examples 1.FTP> CREATE/DIRECTORY TERM 257 MKD command successful. In this example: o The remote host is UNIX.0 o The working directory is /usr/staff/dir.: o The command creates directory /usr/staff/dir/term.' 2.FTP> CREATE/DIRECTORY [.TRANSFERS] 257 MKD command successful. In this example:# o The remote host is OpenVMS.0 o The working directory is DUA2:[CENTRAL].1 o The command creates the OpenVMS directory! DUA2:[CENTRAL.TRANSFERS]. ww5M^ 1 DELETED Deletes either UNIX or OpenVMS remote files. To use this command,3 you must have an FTP session with a remote host.& NOTE= Use caution with the mdelete command. The FTP DIRECTORYA command does not list hidden files (files that start with aB period). Using the mdelete command with any wildcard deletes) hidden files, which you might need. DCL"-Style Format DELETE remote_files' DELETE/DIRECTORY remote_directory UNIX Style Formats delete remote_file mdelete remote_files rmdir remote_directory 2 Parameters remote_file Required.' File, files, or directory to delete. 2 Qualifiers /DIRECTORYC Optional. The /DIRECTORY qualifier must follow immediately after& the DELETE command without a space.@ Deletes an empty directory. To delete a directory that is not> empty, you must first delete the contents of the directory. 2 Examples# 1.FTP> DELETE [MAIN.BRANCH]*.*;*/ 250 DELE of [MAIN.BRANCH]*.*;* successful.6 Deletes all files in the remote OpenVMS directory [MAIN.BRANCH].' 2.FTP> DELETE/DIRECTORY BRANCH.DIR;1 250 RMD command successful.) Deletes the directory [MAIN.BRANCH].( 3.FTP> DELETE "/USERS/VENTURE/CARTON"! 250 DELE command successful.< Deletes UNIX file with path name /users/venture/carton.) 4.FTP> mdelete /bids/west/january97/c*! 250 DELE command successful.! 250 DELE command successful.! 250 DELE command successful.? Deletes three UNIX files starting with the letter "c" from; directory /bids/west/january97. Note that the messages@ generated depend on the server. For example, for an OpenVMSC server, messages would specify the names of the files deleted. ww5M^ 1 DIRECTORYD Lists the names of remote files and other information about them.B The remote files can be on any FTP server. To use this command,3 you must have an FTP session with a remote host.> The DCL-style DIRECTORY command supports the redirecting of output to a file. DCL-Style FormatB DIRECTORY [ /BRIEF | /OUT=output_file ] [ remote_directory ] UNIX Style Format ls [ /remote/path ] 2 Parameters remote_directory( Optional. Default: default directory.@ Directory with the file names you want to list. Wildcards and" multiple directories are valid. 2 Qualifiers /BRIEF# Optional. Default: full display.2 Produces output similar to the UNIX ls command. /OUT /OUT=output_fileC Optional. If you do not specify the /OUT qualifier, FTP displaysB output to SYS$OUTPUT. If you do specify the /OUT qualifier, you1 must supply a valid output_file specification.' Name of the file to hold the output. 2 Examples 1.FTP> DIRECTORY 200 PORT command successful? 150 Opening data connection for /bin/ls (,1150) total 76; -rwxr-x--x 1 geary users 261 Nov 6 1996 .cshrc< -rw-r--r-- 1 root users 128 May 21 11:16 .mailrc= -rwxr-x--x 1 geary users 182 Nov 6 1996 .profile8 drwxr-x--x 2 geary users 512 Nov 6 1996 bin . . . 226 Transfer complete.. 911 bytes received in 00:00:00.07 secondsA Displays a full listing of file names in the current default UNIX directory.( 2.FTP> ls disk3$:[banks.branch.bills] 200 PORT command successfulN 150 Opening data connection for DISK3$:[BANKS.BRANCH.BILLS] ( LOCAL_ACCTS.DIS;1 GO_FIGURE.EXE;14 COMPARE.EXE;4 SUMTOTAL.COM;1* 226 NLST Directory transfer complete.> 428 bytes received in 00:00:00.41 seconds (10.06 Kbyte/s) FTP>= Displays a listing of file names in the directory of the5 connected host, which is another OpenVMS system. ww5M^ 1 DISABLE 2 LOGA Turns off the display of FTP commands sent to the remote host. Default: DISABLE LOG. DCL-Style Format DISABLE LOG UNIX Style Format debug 3 Examples 1.FTP> DISABLE LOG FTP> PUT IBIS.TXT 200 PORT command successfulB 150 Opening data connection for IBIS.TXT. (,1165) 226 Transfer complete5 local: USER3:[DIBBLE]IBIS.TXT;3 remote: IBIS.TXT8 4 bytes sent in 00:00:00.02 seconds (0.19 Kbytes/s)? Turns off the display of commands sent to the remote host. 2 PARSED Disables the expansion of file name specifications during GET andB PUT operations. File name arguments are taken literally and not expanded.B During PUT operations, the expansion is done by the local host. DCL-Style Format DISABLE PARSE UNIX Style Format glob 2 PORT_COMMANDB Turns off the sending of the PORT FTP command to the remote FTP host.D By default, FTP sends a PORT protocol command when establishing aD connection for each data transfer. If the PORT command fails, FTP# uses the default data port (20).? Disable the PORT command when communicating with certain FTP- implementations that ignore PORT commands. DCL-Style Format DISABLE PORT_COMMAND UNIX Style Format ! sendport 2 REPLY? Turns off the display of all responses from the remote host. Default: ENABLE REPLY. DCL-Style Format DISABLE REPLY UNIX Style Format debug 2 TRANSFER_VERIFICATIOND Turns off the display of a number sign (#) for each 1000 bytes of% data transferred over the network.) Default: DISABLE TRANSFER_VERIFICATION DCL-Style Format" DISABLE TRANSFER_VERIFICATION UNIX Style Format hash 2 VMS_PLUSA Turns off VMS Plus Mode. This lets you specify a transfer mode3 based on file type, for example, ASCII or image.9 Disables the sending of the FTP SITE command for olderC implementations of the FTP server, which do not support the SITE@ command. The FTP client uses the FTP SITE command to identifyA itself (its SITE type) to the remote host. The SITE type of an FTP client can be either:* o +VMS+-the client is in VMS Plus mode- o NONE-the client is n$ot in VMS Plus mode Defaults:@ o When you FTP to an OpenVMS host, VMS Plus Mode is enabled.D o When you FTP to a non-OpenVMS host, VMS Plus Mode is disabled. Format DISABLE VMS_PLUS wwuM^ 1 DISCONNECTB Terminates your session with the remote host and returns to the FTP prompt. DCL-Style Format DISCONNECT UNIX Style Formats close disconnect wwuM^ 1 ENABLE 2 LOGC Enables or disables the display of all protocol commands sent to the remote host. Default: DISABLE LOG. DCL-Style Format ENABLE LOG DISABLE LOG UNIX Style Format debug 3 Example FTP> ENABLE LOG Bell off. Debugging on (debug=1). FTP> ENABLE REPLY Reply on. Verbose mode on. FTP> PUT PRICES.TXT YEAR.PRICES ---> PORT 1,2,3,4,7,138 200 PORT command successful. ---> STOR PRICES.TXTF 150 Opening ASCII mode data connectio n for small.txt (1,2,3,4,7,138). 226 Transfer complete.8 local: WORK1$:[samson]prices.txt;1 remote: year.prices8 609 bytes sent in 00:00:00.02 seconds (179.36 Kbytes/s)! FTP> GET LAKE.IBIS LAKE_IBIS.DAT ---> PORT 1,2,3,4,7,138 200 PORT command successful ---> RETR lake.ibisC 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for lake.ibis (,193) 226 Transfer complete& local: LAKE_IBIS.DAT remote:lake.ibis8 4 bytes received in 00:00:00.03 seconds (0.13 Kbytes/s) FTP>D Turns on !the display of commands sent to the remote host. ShowsB all the commands sent to the remote host during the execution of PUT and GET. 2 PARSE@ Enables or disables the expansion of remote file names during file transfers.: o PUT operations: expansion is done by the local host.; o GET operations: expansion is done on the remote host.@ During GET operations, an expansion of a directory name mightB be different from the expansion of other file names. The resu"ltB depends on the operating systems of the remote and local hosts. DCL-Style Format ENABLE PARSE DISABLE PARSE UNIX Style Format glob 3 Examples 1.FTP> ENABLE PARSE FTP> PUT BIRDS*.TXTC Enables parsing and the expansion of wildcards. Copies all theA files starting with the characters BIRDS to the remote host. 2.FTP> ENABLE PARSE FTP> GET *.DOC< Because parsing is enabled, the remote host expands theB # wildcard. All remote files ending in ".doc" are copied to the local system." The command is equivalent to: FTP> ENABLE PARSE FTP> MGET *.DOC 2 PORT_COMMANDC Enables or disables the sending of the FTP protocol PORT command to the remote host.; By default, FTP sends a PORT command when establishing a? connection. If this command fails, FTP uses the default data port (20).D Disable the sending of the PORT command when you communicate wi$th* remote hosts that ignore PORT commands. Default: ENABLE PORT_COMMAND. DCL-Style Format ENABLE PORT_COMMAND DISABLE PORT_COMMAND UNIX Style Format sendport 3 Example FTP> ENABLE PORT_COMMAND FTP> PUT CODE.TXT 200 PORT command successful= 150 Opening data connection for CODE.TXT (,1182) 226 Transfer complete> local: DISK$PROJECT6:[MANAGEMENT]CODE.TXT;9 remote: CODE.TXT8 3634 bytes sent in 00:00:00.04 seconds (88.72 K%bytes/s)8 FTP enters a PORT command before the file transfer. 2 REPLY@ Enables or disables the display of all the responses from the remote host. Default: ENABLE REPLY. DCL-Style Format ENABLE REPLY DISABLE REPLY UNIX Style Format debug 3 Example FTP> ENABLE REPLY Reply on. Verbose mode on. FTP> get birds.txt dogs.txt 200 PORT command successful.O 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for birds.txt (130,180,10,&8,1570) (2405 bytes). 226 Transfer complete.4 local: WORK1$:[SAMSON]DOGS.TXT;1 remote: birds.txt< 2405 bytes received in 00:00:00.03 seconds (60.22 Kbytes/s) FTP> DISABLE REPLY Bell off. Reply off. Verbose off. FTP> get birds.txt dogs.txt FTP>C Enables the display of all the responses from the remote host.D Copies birds.txt from the remote host, showing all the executed FTP commands in progress. 2 TRANSFER_VERIFICATION> Enables or disables the d'isplay of # for each 1000 bytes of transferred data.* Default: DISABLE TRANSFER_VERIFICATION. DCL-Style Format! ENABLE TRANSFER_VERIFICATION" DISABLE TRANSFER_VERIFICATION UNIX Style Format hash 3 Example" FTP> ENABLE TRANSFER_VERIFICATION Bell off.( Hash mark printing on (1024/hash mark).$ FTP> GET FUTURES.DIS FUTURES_H2.DIS 200 PORT command successful> 150 Opening data connection for futures.dis (,26) ############### 226( Transfer complete.* local: FUTURES_H2.DIS remote: futures.dis> 15596 bytes received in 00:00:00.11 seconds (138.45 Kbytes/s) FTP>@ Enables the display of # for each 1000 bytes of transferredB data. Copies futures.dis to FUTURES_H2.DIS, showing when 1000 bytes are transferred. 2 VMS_PLUS= Enables or disables VMS Plus Mode. This lets you specify aA transfer mode based on file type, for example, ASCII or image.> With VMS Plus Mode disabled, FTP does not sen)d the FTP SITEC command. (Older implementations of the FTP server do not support= this command.) The FTP client uses the FTP SITE command to? identify itself (its SITE type) to the remote host. The SITE' type of an FTP client can be either:- o +VMS+ - The client is in VMS Plus mode.0 o NONE - The client is not in VMS Plus mode. Defaults:C o When you use FTP to connect to an OpenVMS host running TCP/IP5 Services for OpenVMS, VMS Plus Mode is enabled.@* o When you use FTP to connect to a non-OpenVMS host or a VMSD system running software that does not recognize VMS Plus Mode, VMS Plus Mode is disabled. Format ENABLE VMS_PLUS DISABLE VMS_PLUS wwuM^1 EXIT> Closes an open connection and exits FTP. Entering Ctrl/Z is" equivalent to the EXIT command. DCL-Style Format EXIT UNIX Style Format quit wwuM^1 GET& The GET command+ does the following:, o Copies remote files to the local host.& o Copies files from a DECnet node.B To use this command, you must have an FTP session with a remote host. DCL-Style Format8 GET [ /CONFIRM | /FDL ] remote_file [ local_file ] UNIX Style Formats$ get remote_file [ local_file ] mget remote_files 2 Parameters remote_file Required.# Name of the remote file to copy.D o To copy multiple files, separa,te the names with commas or plus signs.B o When you specify multiple remote files, you cannot specify a local file name.< o To copy a file from a remote DECnet node, use the full= specification: node name, device, directory, file name. local_file@ Optional. Default: Same name (without any device or directory names).@ New name for the copied file. You cannot specify a local file name if you specify: o Multiple remote files+ o Wild-cards in the the remote file name 2 Qualifiers /CONFIRM* Optional. Default: immediate execution.A Asks you for confirmation before executing the copy operation. /FDL0 Optional. Default: no secondary file created.B Uses a secondary file with the copied file's OpenVMS RMS recordD attributes (if you previously entered a PUT/FDL command). The SET, TYPE command determines the type of file:A o Specifying ASCII results in a sequential file with variabl.eC records. Select this type when transferring ASCII text files.> o Specifying IMAGE results in a sequential file with fixed> records of 512 bytes. Select this type when transferring5 non-ASCII files such as executable image files. 2 Examples? 1.FTP> GET "/seasons/standings/spring.deliveries" SPORTS.TXT 200 PORT command successful= 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for spring.stats. . . .@ Copies the UNIX f/ile spring.deliveries to the OpenVMS host," where it is named SPORTS.TXT.* 2.FTP> GET spring.deliveries SPORTS.TXT@ Copies the same file (spring.deliveries) when it is in your remote working directory. 3.FTP> MGET *.DOC 200 PORT command successfulK 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for cast.doc;1 (,27) 226 Transfer complete.* local:cast.doc;1 remote: cast.doc;1@ 1222 bytes received in 00:00:00.01 seconds (70.19 Kbytes/s) 0 200 PORT command successfulO 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for director.doc;3 (,28) 226 Transfer complete.3 local: director.doc;1 remote: director.doc;3= 90 bytes received in 00:00:00.01 seconds (5.49 Kbytes/s) FTP>/ Copies all the UNIX files ending with doc. 4.FTP> GET/CONFIRM *.*;*% Get EDTINI.EDT ? [Y or N] [Y]: Y . . .> Before executing the copy operation for every file in the? rem1ote default directory, FTP asks, one-by-one, to confirm% that you want to copy each file.? To confirm MPUT, MGET, and MDELETE operations, use the FTP? prompt command before entering the MPUT, MGET, and MDELETE commands. FTP> prompt Interactive mode on. FTP> mget C*. Get CHRONOS ? [Y or N or Q or G] [Y]: y# 200 PORT command successful.R 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for CHRONOS (,2150) (1596 bytes).2 226 Transfer complete.6 local: WORK1$:[VANA]CHRONOS.;2 remote: CHRONOSB 1596 bytes received in 00:00:00.04 seconds (31.80 Kbytes/s) 5.FTP> GET/FDL FEATHERS.DISC Copies and preserves the record attributes of feathers.dis. (A- PUT/FDL command was previously entered.) ww M^1 HELP@ Displays information about how to type FTP commands. Provides? help for both DCL-style and UNIX Style commands, as follows:4 o HELP - Display3s all the DCL-style FTP commandsD o HELP ftp_command - Displays DCL-style help information for the specified command2 o ? - Displays all the UNIX Style FTP commandsD o ? command - Displays help for the specified UNIX Style command DCL-Style Format" HELP [ /REMOTE ] [ command ] UNIX Style Formats help [ command ] ? [ command ] 2 Parameters command Optional.6 FTP command about which you would like information.4 2 Qualifiers /REMOTE! Optional. Default: local host.C The remote host displays the FTP help information. If the remoteC host is a UNIX host, the FTP help is all UNIX style. If you want? to display information about a specific command, the /REMOTE> qualifier must follow the HELP command and precede the nameA of any command for which you want information, as shown in the second example. 2 Examples 1.FTP> HELP Information available5:E APPEND CONNECT CREATE DELETE DIRECTORY DISABLEL DISCONNECT ENABLE EXIT GET HELP LOGIN PUTB QUOTE RENAME SET SHOW SPAWN VIEW Topic?: The local system displays the FTP DCL-style commands. 2.FTP> HELP/REMOTE7 214-The following commands are recognized (* =>'s)H USER PORT RETR MSND* ALLO DELE SITE* XMKD CDUPH PASS PASV STOR MSOM* REST* 6 CWD STAT* RMD XCUPH ACCT* TYPE APPE MSAM* RNFR XCWD HELP XRMD STOUH REIN* STRU MLFL* MRSQ* RNTO LIST NOOP PWD QUIT9 MODE MAIL* MRCP* ABOR NLST MKD XPWD FTP>B The remote host, a UNIX system, displays the FTP commands you2 can use in your FTP session with this system. 3.FTP> HELP/REMOTE USER# 214 Syntax: USER username FTP>< The remote host displays information about the 7FTP USER command. 4.FTP> ?0 Commands may be abbreviated. Commands are:I append disconnect mkdir remotehelp viewK ascii form mls rename view/pL bell get mode reset view/paM binary glob mput rmdir view/pagN bye hash open rstatus view/pageH case 8 image prompt send vmsF cd lcd sendport status ?F cdup ls put struct !< close lpwd pwd sunique9 delete mdelete quit type9 debug mdir quote user< dir mget recv verbose FTP>@ This example shows you how to obtain FTP HELP9 on UNIX Style commands. ww M^1 LOGINA Initiates the login process and completes it if no password is@ required. If a password is required, enter it at the password prompt.= Use this command if the connection is active but the login1 procedure fails when you request a connection. DCL-Style Format LOGIN user_name UNIX Style Format user user_name 2 Parameters user_name Required.- Your accoun:t on the connected remote host. 2 Example $ FTP FTP> open bygnetG 220 bygnet.band2.stat.com FTP server (Digital UNIX Version 5.60) ready Connected to bygnet. Name (bygnet:vana): evt 331 Password required for evt. Password: 530 Login incorrect., %TCPIP-E-FTP_LOGREJ, login request rejected FTP> LOGIN "evt" 331 Password required for evt.5 Password: (password not echoed) 230 User evt logged in. FTP>C While trying to connect and log i;n to remote UNIX host bygnet,B user evt entered an incorrect passsword. Although host bygnetD completes the connection, bygnet rejects the login request. TheA LOGIN command successfully completes the login to the remote host. ww M^1 PUT& The PUT command does the following:* o Copies local files to a remote host.$ o Copies files to a DECnet node.> File names are copied in lowercase without version numbers.B To use this command, "<you must have an FTP session with a remote host. DCL-Style Format8 PUT [ /qualifier(s)* ] local_file [ remote_file])0 *Choose from the following qualifiers: [ /CONFIRM ] [ /CONVERT ] [ /FDL ] [ /RAW] ] ) UNIX Style Formats$ put local_file [ remote_file ]% send local_file [ remote_file ] mput local_files 2 Parameters local_file Required." Name of the local fil=e to copy.@ o To specify multiple files, separate the names with commas.B o To use wildcards, enable parsing (See ENABLE PARSE command).6 put file_name.ext - Copies the latest version2 put file_name.ext;* - Copies all versions: o To copy a file to a remote DECnet node, use the full specification:- nodename, device, directory, file name. remote_fileC Optional. Default: same name, same case, no version number (UNIX systems).: Nam>e of the new file on the remote host. You cannot use wildcards. 2 Qualifiers /CONFIRMA Optional. Default: immediate execution. The /CONFIRM qualifierA must follow immediately after the PUT command without a space.A Asks you for confirmation before executing the copy operation. /CONVERT Optional.A Translates the internal file-formatting characters of Variable@ Forms Control (VFC) files. The /CONVERT qualifier must follow5 immediately after t?he PUT command without a space. /FDLC Optional. Default: no secondary file created. The /FDL qualifierA must follow immediately after the PUT command without a space.: Creates a secondary file with the file's OpenVMS record@ attributes. The SET TYPE command determines the type of file:A o Specifying ASCII results in a sequential file with variableC records. Select this type when transferring ASCII text files.> o Specifying IMAGE results in a sequential fil@e with fixed> records of 512 bytes. Select this type when transferring5 non-ASCII files such as executable image files. /RAW Optional.A Maintains block mode of files regardless of the TCPIP$FTP_RAW_A BINARY logical name definition. The /RAW qualifier must follow5 immediately after the PUT command without a space. 2 Examples 1.FTP> PUT SALES.LIS;* 200 PORT command successfulN 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for sales.lis.2 (130.1 A80.4.8,1028) 226 Transfer complete; local: DISK3$:[TRANS]SALES.LIS;2 remote: sales.lis.2= 3634 bytes sent in 00:00:00.01 seconds (394.31 Kbytes/s) 200 PORT command successfulN 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for sales.lis.1 (,1029) 226 Transfer complete; local: DISK3$:[TRANS]SALES.LIS;1 remote: sales.lis.1= 3634 bytes sent in 00:00:00:01 seconds (394.31 Kbytes/s) FTP>B Copies all versions of the local file SALES.LIS to Bthe remote UNIX host.+ o File names are copied in lowercase.C o OpenVMS file version numbers become the last element of the copied files., o Semicolons are converted to periods.A o If the Store Unique feature is toggled on (sunique), then= when you copy a file to an OpenVMS host, the host FTP@ server gives the file a new, unique version number. WhenC you specify the version number of a file to be copied (PUT)B to a r Cemote UNIX host, the file retains the version number@ on the remote host, with the semicolon (;) replaced by aD period (.). The UNIX host adds another version number to theC file name as well. For example, if you PUT file BASES.TMP;2> to a UNIX host, the file name on the UNIX host will be bases.tmp.2.1.' 2.FTP> PUT/FDL STAT.BCK "cygnet.bck" 200 PORT command successfulE 150 Opening data connection for cygnet.bckfdl (,1028) 226 D Transfer complete0 local: cygnet.bckfdl remote: cygnet.bckfdl> 21700 bytes sent in 00:00:00.03 seconds (662.23 Kbytes/s) 200 TYPE set to IMAGE 200 PORT command successfulB 150 Opening data connection for cygnet.bck (,1029) 226 Transfer complete( local: STAT.BCK remote: cygnet.bck+ 8152 bytes sent in 00:00:00.12 seconds FTP>C Copies the local file STAT.BCK to a UNIX host, giving the copyD the name cygnet.bck. Also creates a sEecondary file with the RMS- record attributes of file cygnet.bckfdl. wwM^1 QUOTEA Sends your input directly to the remote host. Lets you use FTPD commands that are implemented by the remote host but not known to the local host.@ To use the QUOTE command, you must have an FTP session with aA remote host. The QUOTE command is not valid for file transfer.@ For a list of commands implemented by the remote host, enter: FTP> HELP/REMOTE "F DCL-Style Format QUOTE command_line UNIX Style Format quote command_line 2 Parameters command_line Required.& Remote command you want to execute. 2 Example FTP> QUOTE CDUP 250 CWD command successful. FTP>> FTP sends the cdup command to the UNIX host to change the# remote directory up one level. ww5M^ 1 RENAMEC Renames a remote file. To use this command, you must have an FTP session wit(Gh a remote host. DCL-Style Format RENAME old_name new_name UNIX Style Format rename old_name new_name 2 Parameters old_name Required.* File name on the remote host to rename. new_name Required. New name for the remote file. 2 Examples 1.FTP>ls BEARS bears your.doc.1 sports.txt.txt STUDENTS.LIS 226 Transfer complete.? 265 bytes received in 00:00:00.00 seconds (64H.69 Kbytes/s)/ FTP> RENAME STUDENTS.LIS TEST_STUDENTS.LIS0 350 File exists, ready for destination name! 250 RNTO command successful. FTP>A This example shows how to use the RENAME command to rename a file on a UNIX system.- 2.FTP> RENAME STUDENT.LIS TEST_STUDENT.LIS8 350 File WORK1$:[VANA[STUDENT.LIS; will be renamed.I 250 File WORK1$:[VANA]STUDENT.LIS;1 renamed to WORK1$:[VANA]TEST_STU DENT.LIS;1 FTP>> This example shows !Ihow to rename a file that exists on an OpenVMS system. ww5M^1 SET 2 DEFAULT? Sets your default directory on either the remote host or theA local host. To set the default directory on a remote host, you/ must have an FTP session with a remote host. DCL-Style Format& SET DEFAULT [ /LOCAL ] directory UNIX Style Formats cd directory lcd directory 3 Parameters directory Required.8 Name Jof the directory to which to change the default. 3 Qualifiers /LOCAL Optional. Default: remote.3 Changes the working directory on the local host. 3 Examples+ 1.FTP> SET DEFAULT "/USR/USERS/ROLLINGS" 250 CWD command successful.A Changes the remote working directory to /usr/users/rollings. 2.FTP> SET DEFAULT ~ 250 CWD command successful., 250 New default directory is /USR/USERSC Changes the remote working directory back tKo the default login directory.1 3.FTP> SET DEFAULT /LOCAL USER$1:[PRESS.CHECK]- Local Directory now USER$1:[PRESS.CHECK]B Changes your local working directory to USER$1:[PRESS.CHECK]. 2 ERROR_LEVEL+ Sets maximum tolerance level for errors:B o ERROR - FTP tolerates errors and warnings, and will not exit! when running in batch mode.B o SUCCESS - The default; FTP does not tolerate errors and will& exit when running in batch mode.= o WALRNING - FTP tolerates warnings and will not exit when running in batch mode. Format! SET ERROR_LEVEL error_level 3 Parameters error_level Required.D Severity of errors tolerated. Specify ERROR, SUCCESS, or WARNING. The default is SUCCESS. 3 Example FTP> SET ERROR_LEVEL ERROR Error level is ERROR.- Sets the error level tolerance to ERROR. 2 PASSIVED Controls whether FTP client or server initiates data connections.M DCL-Style Format SET PASSIVE keyword UNIX-Style Format passive keyword 3 Parameters keywordA The FTP client program starts with the value AUTO. All keywordD comparisons are done without regard for typographical case (case- blind). o ALL0 Does nothing. Un-implemented IPv6 feature. o AUTOC The FTP client uses the version of network protocol in use onA the control connection to determine how the data conNnectionD is initiated. If the network protocol is IPv4, FTP client actsB as though SET PASSIVE OFF had been specified. If the networkD protocol is IPv6, FTP client acts as though SET PASSIVE ON had been specified. o OFF3 The FTP server initiates the data connection. o ONA The FTP client initiates the data connection. This is oftenC useful when a network firewall exists on the path between theC client and the server and prevents tOhe FTP server from making outbound connections. 3 Example FTP> SET PASSIVE ON Passive is ON@ This command sets passive mode to ON. The FTP client always# initiates the data connection. FTP> PASSIVE AUTO- Passive is AUTO (IPv4: OFF, IPv6: ON).1 This command sets passive mode back to AUTO. 2 TYPE( Defines the data representation type:3 o ASCII - Appropriate for text files (default).? o IMAGE - Appropriate foPr transferring binary files,such as executable images. DCL-Style Format SET TYPE type UNIX Style Format type type 3 Parameters type Required.B Data representation type. Specify ASCII or IMAGE. If you do not; use the SET TYPE command, the default is SET TYPE ASCII. 3 Example FTP> SET TYPE IMAGE 200 Type set to I.= Sets the data representation type to IMAGE for files you- transfer during the current FTP sQession. wwM^1 SHOW 2 DEFAULT@ Displays the name of the working directory on the remote host@ or the local host. To use the SHOW DEFAULT command to displayA the working directory on the remote host, you must have an FTP session with a remote host. DCL-Style Format SHOW DEFAULT [ /LOCAL ] UNIX Style Format pwd 3 Qualifiers /LOCAL' Optional. Default: remote directory.( Displays the local working Rdirectory. 3 Examples 1.FTP> SHOW DEFAULT7 257 "/usr/staff/hurry/items" is current directory.@ Displays the name of the working directory on the connected remote host. 2.FTP> SHOW DEFAULT /LOCAL' Local directory is WORKS$:[CROWE].B Displays the name of the working directory on the local host. 2 PASSIVED Displays the current setting of the FTP client passive parameter. Format SHOW PASSIVE 3 Examples 1.FTP> SSHOW PASSIVE- Passive is AUTO (IPv4: OFF, IPv6: ON).1 This commands shows that passive mode is on. 2 STATUSB Displays the current FTP parameter settings and, if you have an@ open connection, the name of the connected host and parameter' settings relative to the connection. DCL-Style Format SHOW STATUS UNIX Style Format status 3 Examples 1.FTP> SHOW STATUS 211-FTP Server Status. 211-SITE set to +VMS+. T 211-TYPE set to ASCII. 211-STRU set to FILE. 211-MODE set to STREAM.) 211 Multiline responses are enabled.$ Connected to: HANKS.ABC.UCB.EDU VMS Plus mode enabledE Mode = stream , Type = ascii, Form = non_print, Structure = file Error level is SUCCESS Reply display is on Parsing is on Prompting is off Port command is on5 Case: Filenames will be transferred in lowercase> Displays the status of the connection with remoteU OpenVMSB host HANKS. By default, FTP sets VMS Plus Mode for rapid fileB transfers between two OpenVMS systems running TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS. 2.FTP> status2 211-eagle.store1.equip.com FTP server status: Version 5.60- Connected to eagle.store1.equip.com Logged in as jones= TYPE: Image; STRUcture: File; transfer MODE: Stream 211- No data connection 211 End of status Connected to: eagle VMS Plus modeV disabledE Mode = stream , Type = image, Form = non_print, Structure = file Error level is SUCCESS )< Displays the current FTP parameters, which control data3 transfers with the connected UNIX host, eagle. wwM^1 SPAWNB Suspends your current FTP session and runs the DCL command that you type. DCL-Style Format SPAWN [ command ] UNIX Style Format ! [ command ] 2 Examples 1.FTP> SPAWN SHOW DEFAULT"W# SYS$LOGIN_DEVICE:[PERCY.DISTR]C Interrupts your FTP process to display your default directory. 2.FTP> ! SHOW DEFAULT WORK1$:[VANA.FTP] FTP>/ You can also use the ! to spawn a command. wwM^1 VIEWC Displays the contents of a file onto your current output device. DCL-Style Format VIEW [ /PAGE ] filespec UNIX Style Format view filespec 2 Parameters filespec Required.AX Specifies the file to be displayed. Wildcard characters (*, %)B are not allowed in place of the directory name, file name, file& type, or file version number field. 2 Qualifiers /PAGE Optional.? Displays one screen at a time until the end of file (EOF) isA reached. You can terminate the display at any time by pressing Ctrl/Z. 2 Examples 1.FTP> VIEW FUNDING.TXTA Scrolls through the contents of the FUNDING.TXT file, in the@ current working directory, and displays the contents on the current output device. 2.FTP> VIEW/PAGE FUNDING.TXTC Displays the contents of the FUNDING.TXT file, one screen at a( time, on the current output device.ww