%ì Librarian T09-20ƒ'Ð4?J®D‚5?J®—˜5øADD˜ClassesCøDEFAULT_KEYPADE¶DEFINEGpDESELECTG”EXITIâFieldstÚHELPu¾ INITIALIZEvfMOVExrPANy Procedure{~REFRESH{6REMOVE‡vSAVEˆxSCROLL‹(SELECT^SET•DWRITE­—t+‘Ÿ1 ADDA Modifies the current display by including the specified field orC class in the display. The ADD command may also be used to includeE in the display, circuits that are in a particular state, connectionsC that are in a particular state or of a particular name, or systems7 of a particular node name, system ID or hardware type. Format:D ADD class[,...] [/qualifier...] [field[,...]] [/qualifier...] 2 examplesE 1. Several classes and/or fields may be added using one command:8 ADD CIRCUITS,CONNECTIONS,LOC_CONID,REM_CONIDC The above command adds the CIRCUITS and CONNECTIONS classesE to the display along with the LOC_CONID and REM_CONID fields.C 2. All of the fields in a class can be added to the display in one command: ADD SYSTEMS/ALLE The above command adds all the fields in the SYSTEMS class to the display.C 3. Systems may be added to the display by nodename, system-id, or by hardware-type:L ADD SYSTEMS /NODE=(STAR,GALAXY) /ID=(170,171) /TYPE="VAX 8800"A The above command adds two systems with nodenames of STAR? and GALAXY, two systems with system-ids of 170 and 171,0 and all VAX 6000 systems to the display.B 4. CIRCUITS and CONNECTIONS in open, closed, open-in-progress@ or close-in-progress states may be added to the display:< ADD CIRCUITS/TYPE=ALL, CONNECTIONS/TYPE=NOOPEN> The above command adds all types of CIRCUITS (OPEN and> NOOPEN) to the display, and adds only CONNECTIONS that$ are not open to the display.@ 5. CONNECTIONS may be added to the display by process name:0 ADD CONNECTIONS/NAME=VMS$VMScluster; The above command adds all connections with a local6 process name of VMS$VMScluster to the display. 2 qualifiers& Qualifiers apply only to class names.E The /ALL qualifier can be used to add all the fields in a particularH class to the display. Additional qualifiers apply only to the SYSTEMS," CIRCUITS and CONNECTIONS classes.D For additional information, see help on ADD examples and ADD class.2 fieldB Specifies the field or fields to be added to the current display. Format: ADD field[,...]; NOTE: For a complete list of field names type HELP FIELDS; from the command prompt. For a list of field na mes: in a particular class type HELP CLASSES class-name from the command prompt.2 classC Specifies the class or classes to be added to the current display. Format:) ADD class[,...] [/qualifier,...]; NOTE: For a description of each class and the field namesE within each class, type HELP CLASSES from the command prompt. 3 CLUSTER' Adds the Cluster class to the display. 4 Qualifiers/ALL9 Adds all the fields in the Cluster class to the display. Format: ADD CLUSTER/ALL 3 SYSTEMS= Adds the Systems class to the display. Optionally, specific> systems may be added to the display. The systems to be added: may be specified by type, system ID number, or node name.& By default all systems are displayed. Format:$ ADD SYSTEMS [/qualifier,...] 4 Qualifiers/ALL9 Adds all the fields in the Systems class to the display. Format: ADD SYSTEMS/ALL/ID@ Specifies the system ID number of the system to be added to the? display. The system is assumed to be removed from the display; via the REMOVE SYSTEMS/ID or /NODE commands. To specify a? hexadecimal value as the ID number, precede the value with %X.B Optionally, ALL may be specified to restore all SYSTEMS that were@ previously removed via the REMOVE SYSTEMS/ID or /NODE commands. Format:( ADD SYSTEMS/ID=(system-ID[,...]) ADD SYSTEMS/ID=ALLD If only one system ID is specified, the parenthesis may b e omitted. Examples: ADD SYSTEMS/ID=101" ADD SYSTEMS/ID=(206,%XF2A) ADD SYSTEMS/ID=ALL/NODE< Specifies the node name of the system(s) to be added to the? display. The system is assumed to be removed from the display> via the REMOVE SYSTEMS/ID or /NODE commands. Optionally, ALL= may be specified to restore all SYSTEMS that were previously5 removed via the REMOVE SYSTEMS/ID or /NODE commands. Format:* ADD SYSTEMS/NODE=(node-name[,...]),  ADD SYSTEMS/NODE=("node-name"[,...]) ADD SYSTEMS/NODE=ALLD If only one node name is specified, the parenthesis may be omitted.= Quotation marks are optional except when specifying a system with a node name of "ALL." Examples: ADD SYSTEMS/NODE=DARBY. ADD SYSTEMS/NODE=(DARBY,DOOLEY,ALICAT): ADD SYSTEMS/NODE=("DARBY","DOOLEY","ALICAT","ALL") ADD SYSTEMS/NODE=ALL/TYPE9 Specifies the type of system to be added to the display.= Systems of the specified type are assumed to be removed from; the display via the REMOVE SYSTEMS/TYPE command. The type9 may be any of the valid system types as displayed in the; HW_TYPE field prior to their removal. If the string which? specifies the system type contains spaces, slashes or hyphens,= then the string must be delimited by double quotation marks.; If /TYPE=ALL is specified, then all nodes are added to the display. Format:< ADD SYSTEMS/TYPE=(system-type,"system-type"[,...])  ADD SYSTEMS/TYPE=ALLF If only one system type is specified, the parenthesis may be omitted. Examples:# ADD SYSTEMS/TYPE="VAX 8650"* ADD SYSTEMS/TYPE=(HS90,"VAX 8800") ADD SYSTEMS/TYPE=ALL 3 MEMBERS' Adds the Members class to the display. Format: ADD MEMBERS 4 Qualifiers/ALL9 Adds all the fields in the Members class to the display. Format: ADD MEMBERS/ALL 3 CIRCUITS> Adds the Circuits class to the display. Optionally, circuits= which are in a particular state may be added to the display.' By default all circuits are displayed. Format:% ADD CIRCUITS [/qualifier,...] 4 Qualifiers/ALL: Adds all the fields in the Circuits class to the display. Format: ADD CIRCUITS/ALL/TYPEF Specifies the type of circuits to add to the display. Valid circuits types are:- OPEN - Circuits in the open state.< NOOPEN - Circuits in the closed state or any of the? open-in-progress or close-in progress states.( ALL - All types of circuits. Format:% ADD CIRCUITS/TYPE=(type[,...])? If only one type is specified, the parenthesis may be omitted. 3 CONNECTIONS8 Adds the Connections class to the display. Optionally,7 connections in a particular state, or connections of a- particular name may be added to the display.+ By default, all connections are displayed. Format:( ADD CONNECTIONS [/qualifier,...] 4 Qualifiers/ALL= Adds all the fields in the Connections class to the display. Format: ADD CONNECTIONS/ALL/NAMEA Specifies the local process names of connections which are to be? added to the display. The name must specify the local processB name of a connection that was previously removed from the display@ via the REMOVE CONNECTION/NAME command. Optionally, ALL may beB specified to restore all connections that were previously removed) via the REMOVE CONNECTIONS/NAME COMMAND.@ Up to 16 characters of the local process name may be specified.B If abbreviated, all connections with local process names matching7 the characters specified will be added to the display. Format:7 ADD CONNECTIONS/NAME=(local-process-name[,...]) ADD CONNECTIONS/NAME=ALL? If only one name is specified, the parenthesis may be omitted. Examples:@ ADD CONNECTIONS/NAME=(VMS$DISK_CL_DRVR,VMS$TAPE_CL_DRVR)! ADD CONNECTIONS/NAME=VMS$ ADD CONNECTIONS/NAME=ALL@ In the above examples, the connections with local process names@ VMS$DISK_CL_DRVR and VMS$TAPE_CL_DRVR are assumed to be removed@ from the display. The examples illustrate three different ways- to restore these connections to the display./TYPE@ Specifies the type of connections to add to the display. Valid connection types are:0 OPEN - Connections in the open state.A NOOPEN - Connections in the closed state, listen states,< or any of the connect, disconnect, accept,+ reject, or failed states.+ ALL - All types of connections. Format:* ADD CONNECTIONS/TYPE=(type[,...])? If only one type is specified, the parenthesis may be omitted. 3 COUNTERS( Adds the Counters class to the display. Format: ADD COUNTERS 4 Qualifiers/ALL: Adds all the fields in the Counters class to the display. Format: ADD COUNTERS/ALL 3 CRED$ITS' Adds the Credits class to the display. Format: ADD CREDITS 4 Qualifiers/ALL9 Adds all the fields in the Credits class to the display. Format: ADD CREDITS/ALL 3 LOCAL_PORTS+ Adds the Local Ports class to the display. Format: ADD LOCAL_PORTS 4 Qualifiers/ALL= Adds all the fields in the Local_Ports class to the display. Format: ADD LOCAL_PORTS/ALL3 ERRORS& Adds the Errors class to the display. Format: ADD ERRORS 4 Qualifiers/ALL8 Adds all the fields in the Errors class to the display. Format: ADD ERRORS/ALLww­—’+‘Ÿ 1 ClassesE You can ADD and REMOVE classes of information from the SHOW CLUSTER E display. Each class consists of one or more fields. For example, theJ SYSTEMS class displays fields that list information about all systems in H the cluster, such as their identification numbers, node names, hardware types, and software versions. 2 CLUSTERB The cluster class contains general information about the cluster.A This class includes information such as the time the cluster wasA formed, the time of the last transition, and the cluster quorum.3 CL_EXPECTED_VOTESB The CL_EXPECTED_VOTES field displays the number of votes expectedA to be contributed by all members of the cluster as determined by? the connection manager. This value is based on the maximum of4 EXPECTED_VOTES and the maximized value of CL_VOTES. 3 CL_MEMBERS> The CL_MEMBERS field displays the number of systems which are" currently members of the cluster. 3 CL_QDVOTESC The CL_QDVOTES field displays the number of quorum votes currently& being contributed by the quorum disk. 3 CL_QUORUMB The CL_QUORUM field displays the number of votes required for the cluster to have quorum. 3 CL_VOTES= THE CL_VOTES field displays the total number of quorum votesB currently being contributed by all cluster members and the quorum disk.3 FORMED* The time at which the cluster was formed. (DD-MMM-YY HH:MM).3 LAST_TRANSITIONA The LAST_TRANSITION time is the time at which a system last left* or joined the cluster. (DD-MMM-YY HH:MM)3 MEMSEQ@ The MEMSEQ field displays the membership state sequence number. 3 QD_NAME) The full device name of the quorum disk. 3 QF_VOTE> The QF_VOTE field indicates whether or not the quorum disk is contributing any votes. 2 SYSTEMSI The systems class contains information about the systems in the cluster.F This class includes information such as the system ID, the node name,D the type of system, the type of software, the software version, the! number of virtual circuits, etc.0 The fields which make up the systems class are: 3 DG_SIZEF The DG_SIZE field displays the maximum number of bytes of application0 data in datagrams transferred over the circuit. 3 HW_VERS@ The HW_VERS field displays a 12-byte hexadecimal number. The 1 contents vary depending on the type of hardware.E  For example, if the remote system is an HSC then the twelve bytes G displayed in this field reflect the hardware type and microcode level E of one of six requestors in the HSC. The left byte in each pair is F the hardware type, the right byte is the microcode version. If zeros> appear in both bytes, then the requestor is not present. The> requestors are numbered 2 through 7 as shown in the following= table. T is the hardware type. V is the microcode version.< Req. 7 Req. 6 Req. 5 Req. 4 Req. 3 Req. 2> +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+? | T V | T V | T V | T V | T V | T V | > +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+; If the remote system is a VAX, then the lower four bytesC reflect the contents of the system ID register for the processor. A The upper two bytes contain the CPU model number. The remainingA six bytes are processor specific and are defined as shown in the f ollowing table:@ B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8F +---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+G 8600 | unused | Processor | F +---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+G 785 | WCS (1) |flags (2)| WCS | PCS(3)| PCS | F +---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+G 780/782 | WCS (1) |flags (2)| WCS | PCS | FPLA | F +---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+G 750 | unused | F +---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+C All fields unless noted below refer to microcode revision levels. (1) WCS size! (2) FPA, G and H floating flags (3) PCS/WCA match revision 3 HW_TYPEB The HW_TYPE field displays the type of hardware or processor type of the remote system.C NOTE: The hardware-types displayed in this field can be used with@ the ADD and REMOVE SYSTEM/TYPE=("hw-type",...) commands. 3 INCARNATIONB The value displayed in the INCARNATION field is a unique 16 digit4 (hex) number established when the system is booted. 3 MSG_SIZEG The MSG_SIZE field displays the maximum number of bytes of application/ data in messages transferred over the circuit.3 NODE; The NODE field displays the nodename of the remote system.; The nodename is determined by t!he SYSGEN parameter SCSNODE, and should be the same the DECnet nodename.C NOTE: The node-names displayed in this field can be used with the< ADD and REMOVE SYSTEM/NODE=(node-name,...) commands.3 NUM_CIRCUITSA The NUM_CIRCUITS field displays a count of the number of virtual> circuits established between the local and the remote system. 3 SOFTWAREB The SOFTWARE field displays the name and version of the operating' system being run on the remote system.3 SYS_IDF The SYS_ID fi "eld displays identification number of the remote system.F This ID number is determined by the SYSGEN parameters SCSSYSTEMID andC SCSSYSTEMIDH. The system-id should be the same as the DECnet node address.C NOTE: The system-ids displayed in this field can be used with the: ADD and REMOVE SYSTEM/ID=(system-id,...) commands. 2 MEMBERSC The members class contains information about the systems that areC actively participating in the cluster. This class includes fields@ such a #s the system's cluster-wide ID number and the system's" membership status in the cluster.0 The fields which make up the MEMBERS class are: 3 ACKR_SQ; The ACKR_SQ field displays the sequence number of the last4 acknowledge received via the VMScluster connection.3 ACK_LMD The ACK_LM field displays the maximum number of VMScluster messagesC that can be received by the remote system before an acknowledgment reply is sent. 3 CNX_STATEE The CNX_STATE field displays the state of the VMS $cluster connection. The possible displays are:5 ACCEPT Accepting the initial connection.- CLOSED The connection is closed.6 CONNECT Attempting the initial connection.. DEAD No connection is possible.3 DISCONNECT A disconnection is in progress.F NEW No attempt to make a connection has been made yet.+ OPEN The connection is open.F REACCEPT The connection is accepting the reconnect request.> % RECONNECT The connection is attempting to reconnect.. WAIT A time-out is in progress.3 CSID The Cluster System ID.3 DIR_WTA The DIR_WT field displays the Lock Manager distributed directory8 weight as determined by the LOCKDIRWT SYSGEN parameter.3 EXPECTED_VOTES@ The EXPECTED_VOTES field displays the number of votes which are@ expected to be contributed by all members of the cluster as set( by the EXPECTED_VOTES SYSGEN parameter. 3 PROTOCOL@ The PROTOCOL field &displays the protocol version number and ECO- level of the connection management software. 3 QDVOTESC The QDVOTES field displays number of votes which the remote system? recommends be contributed by the quorum disk. The recommended? number of votes is determined by the SYSGEN QDVOTES parameter. 3 QF_ACTIVEA The QF_ACTIVE field indicates whether or not the remote system's quorum file is accessible. 3 QF_SAMEA The QF_SAME field indicates whether or not the remote system and8 local ' system agree as to which disk is the quorum disk.3 QUORUM? The QUORUM field displays the recommended quorum value derived from the EXPECTED_VOTES value. 3 RCVD_SQC The RCVD_SQ field displays the sequence number of the last message. to be received via the VMScluster connection.3 RECNXINTERVALF The RECNXINTERVAL field displays the amount of time (in seconds) thatC the connection manager will wait before timing out its connection.? The value displayed is the maximum of the intervals s(et on theA local and remote nodes as determined by the RECNXINTERVAL SYSGEN parameter. 3 SEND_SQC The SEND_SQ field displays the sequence number of the next message* to be sent via the VMScluster connection.3 STATUSD The STATUS field indicates the remote system's membership status in) the cluster. The possible displays are:? (blank) The system is not being considered for cluster membership.? BRK_MEM The system is a member of the cluster, but th )eC connection manager has lost communication with it.C BRK_NEW The system has just booted, but has not yet joined@ the cluster and the connection manager has lost' communication with it.C BRK_NON The connection manager has lost communication withC the system and the system is no longer a member of6 the cluster. It is now a non-member.C BRK_REM The connection manager has lost com *munication withD the system and the system has been removed from the cluster.F MEMBER The system is participating in the cluster (A defaultB SYSGEN parameter allows 90 seconds delay before aB failing system is removed from cluster membership status.)C NEW The system has just booted, but has not yet joinedH the cluster. If this system would normally be a memberE + of the cluster, and is displaying NEW in this field,G you can expect that the display will eventually change to MEMBER.; NON The system is not a member of the cluster.> REMOVED The system has been removed from the cluster. 3 SW_VERSD The SW_VERS field contains a numeric representation of the software version running on the node.3 TRANSITION_TIMEA The TRANSITION_TIME field displays the time of the system's last cha ,nge in membership status. 3 UNACKEDC The UNACKED field displays the number of unacknowledged VMScluster( messages received by the remote system.3 VOTES? The VOTES field displays the number of votes the remote system? contributes toward quorum. The number of votes contributed is* determined by the SYSGEN VOTES parameter. 3 WARMCDRPSC The WARMCDRPS field displays a count of the number of CDRPS on the CDRP free queue.@ For additional information, see help on classes MEMBERS STATU -S. 2 CIRCUITSH The circuits class contains information about the virtual circuits on aI system. This class includes fields such as local port name, remote portK type and number, number of connections on the circuit, circuit state, etc.1 The fields which make up the circuits class are:3 CABLE_STATUSD The CABLE_STATUS field indicates status of the path for the circuitE from the CI interface on the local system to the CI interface on theE remote system. The field indicates which of the .two paths (A and B)D are good, or if the cables are crossed. The possible displays are:' - Paths A and B are bad. A- Path A is good. -B Path B is good.( A-B Paths A and B are good.( CROSSED The cables are crossed. 3 CIR_STATED The CIR_STATE field displays the state of the virtual circuit. The< circuit may be OPEN, CLOSED, in one of the open or close in9 progress states, or VC_FAIL. The possible displays are:' CL /OSED The circuit is closed.' OPEN The circuit is opened.2 ST_REC The circuit has a start received.. ST_SENT The circuit has a start sent.: VC_FAIL A virtual circuit failure is in progress. 3 LPORT_NAME@ The LPORT_NAME field displays the device name of the local port associated with the circuit.3 NUM_CONNECTIONSB The NUM_CONNECTIONS field is a count of the number of connections@ established on the circuit between the local and remote system. 3 REM_ 0STATEJ The REM_STATE field indicates the state of the port on the remote system. The possible displays are:. DISAB The remote port is disabled.- ENAB The remote port is enabled.@ M_DISAB The remote port is in maintenance mode, and is disabled.? M_ENAB The remote port is in maintenance mode and is enabled.A M_UNINIT The remote port is in maintenance mode, and has' not been initializ1ed.; UNINIT The remote port has not been initialized. 3 RPORT_NUMB The RPORT_NUM field displays the number of the port on the remote$ system associated with the circuit.3 RP_FUNCTIONSA The RP_FUNCTIONS field displays the function mask of port on the remote system. 3 RP_OWNERE The RP_OWNER field displays the port number of the owner of the port on the remote system. 3 RP_REVISION> The RP_REVISION field indicates the hardware and/or microcode. revision number of port on 2the remote system. 3 RP_TYPEA The RP_TYPE field displays the type of port on the remote systemM associated with the circuit. Some examples of possible ports might include:- CI780 ETHERNET,FDDI= CI750 HSC40,HSC50,HSC60,HSC70,HSC907 CIBCA-A, CIBCA-B CIMNA, KFMSA, SHAC, SIIE CIBCI PASSTH (port is in pass-through mode)7 BVPSSP CINT (CI node tester)= TF85 3 RF30,RF31,RF35,RF71,RF72,RF73% CIXCD CIPCA 3 SCS_WAITERSD The SCS_WAITERS field displays a count of the number of connections= waiting to send SCS control messages on the virtual circuit. 2 CONNECTIONSL The connections class contains information about the connection establishedJ over a virtual circuit. This class includes fields such as the names andD ID numbers of the local and remote processes, and the state of the connection.4 The fields which 4make up the connections class are: 3 CON_STATE: The CON_STATE field displays the state of the connection. The possible displays are:3 ACCP_SENT An accept request has been sent., CLOSED The connection is closed.D CON_ACK A connect request has been sent and acknowledged.7 CON_REC A connect request has been received.3 CON_SENT A connect request has been sent.0 DISC_ACK A disconnect is acknowledged.4 DISC_MTCH A disconnect 5request has matched.: DISC_REC A disconnect request has been received.6 DISC_SENT A disconnect request has been sent.9 LISTEN The connection is in the listen state.* OPEN The connection is open.* REJ_SENT A reject has been sent.2 VC_FAIL The virtual circuit has failed. 3 LOC_CONID> The LOC_CONID field displays the identification number of the< process on the local system associated with the connection.3 LOC_PROC_NAME@ The LOC_P 6ROC_NAME field displays the name of the process on the- local system associated with the connection. 3 REM_CONID> The REM_CONID field displays the identification number of theC process on the remote system associated with the connection. ThisB information is not available for connections in the listen state.3 REM_PROC_NAME@ The REM_PROC_NAME field displays the name of the process on theC remote system associated with the connection. This information is3 not available for connections i 7n the listen state. 3 SCS_STATEA The SCS_STATE field displays the SCS send blocked state. If theB an SCS control message is waiting to be sent over the connection,= the SCS send blocked state indicates what kind of message is0 waiting to be sent. The possible displays are:5 ACCP_PEND Waiting to send an accept request. CLEAR Not blocked.8 CON_PEND Waiting to send a connection request.* CR_PEND Waiting to send credit.> DCR_PEND Waiting 8 to send credit in preparation for a disconnect.8 DISC_PEND Waiting to send a disconnect request.4 REJ_PEND Waiting to send a reject request. 2 COUNTERSA The counters class displays the counts for the total accumulated@ traffic over a connection for the life of the connection. ThisB class includes fields such as the number of application datagrams? sent and received, the number of application messages sent andB received, and the number of kilobytes sent 9and requested in block transfer mode. 3 BDT_WAITSF The BDT_WAITS field is a count of the number of times this connection% had to wait for a buffer descriptor. 3 BLKS_REQC The BLKS_REQ field is a count of the number of block request datas> initiated to block transfer data from the remote to the local system. 3 BLKS_SENTA The BLKS_SENT field is a count of the number of block send datas> initiated to block transfer data from the local to the remote system. 3 CR_WAITSE The CR_WAIT :S field is a count of the number of times this connection had to wait for send credit. 3 DGS_DSCRD< The DGS_DSCRD field is a count of the number of application( datagrams discarded by the port driver. 3 DGS_RCVD; The DGS_RCVD field is a count of the number of application> datagrams received from the remote system by the local system and given to the sysap. 3 DGS_SENT; The DGS_SENT field is a count of the number of application@ datagrams sent over the connection from the local to the ;remote system. 3 KB_MAPPED@ The KB_MAPPED field displays the number of kilobytes mapped for block transfer. 3 KB_RCVD@ The KB_RCVD field is a count of the number of kilobytes of data@ received by the local from the remote system via request datas. 3 KB_SENT@ The KB_SENT field is a count of the number of kilobytes of data9 sent from the local to the remote system via send datas. 3 MSGS_RCVDB The MSGS_RCVD field is a count of the number of messages received@ over the connection by th <e local system from the remote system. 3 MSGS_SENT> The MSGS_SENT field is a count of the number of messages sent9 over the connection from the local to the remote system. 2 CREDITSG The credits class displays the send and receive credit counts for eachK connection. This class includes fields that indicate the minimum, current and initial credit counts.0 The fields which make up the credits class are: 3 INIT_RECD Initial receive credit extended to remote when connection was made.= 3 MIN_RECB Minimum receive credit. (Minimum send credit required by remote.) 3 MIN_SEND Minimum send credit. 3 PEND_REC+ Receive credit not yet extended to remote. 3 RECEIVE. Receive credit. (Send credit held by remote.)3 SEND Current send credit. 2 LOCAL_PORTSK The local ports class displays information regarding the port interface onI the local system. This class includes fields such as the port name, portH number, port status, and the number of entries in the queues asso>ciated with each port.3 The fields which make up the local port class are: 3 CMDS_QUEUEDB Total number of messages, datagrams, and port commands queued for, transmission at all priorities by the port.3 COUNTER_OWNERC The name of the process currently using the port traffic counters. 3 DGI_MAPF A sixteen bit bit-map displayed as 4 hex digits. Each bit in the mapH represents a port in the cluster from which datagram reception has been disabled. 3 DGS_FREEC The number of free data?gram buffers currently queued for receives.3 DG_OVRHD_SIZEG The number of bytes of port header, SCS header, and DECnet header in a datagram. 3 FORM_CIRCS0 The number of formative circuits from the port.6 (for example, virtual circuits with open-in-progress) 3 LB_STATUSF The loop-back status of each cable from the port to the star coupler. The possible displays are:2 A-B Loopback tests pass on paths A and B.+ A- Loopback tests pass on path A.+ -B Loopbac @k tests pass on path B.3 - Loopback tests failed on paths A and B/ N/A Loopback tests are not being done. 3 LOG_MAPF A sixteen bit bit-map displayed as 4 hex digits. Each bit in the mapD represents a port in the cluster for which an error has been loggedF upon the discovery of conflicting data between the information in the? configuration database on the local system and the informationE provided by the remote system. Once set, establishment of a virtual3 circuit to Athe remote system is no longer allowed. 3 LP_STATUS9 Status of the local port. (for example, online, offline) 3 LP_TYPEF The device type of the local port. (for example, CI780, CI750, etc.) 3 MAX_PORTC The largest port number to which we try to open a virtual circuit. 3 MSGS_FREEB The number of free message buffers currently queued for receives.3 MSG_HDR_SIZE@ The number of bytes of port header and SCS header in a message.3 NAME# The device name of the local port. 3 OPEN_CIRCS3B The number of virtual circuits open from the port.3 POOL_WAITERSI The number of processes waiting for non-paged pool resources for message buffers. 3 PORT_NUM& The port number assigned to the port. 3 PRT_MAPE A sixteen bit bit-map displayed as 3 hex digits. Each bit in the mapF represents a port in the cluster that has been recognized by the host system. 3 RSPS_QUEUEDK Total number of responses of all kinds received from the port, but not yet processed.2 ERRORSK The error Cs class displays a running count of the errors on each port alongG with the current number of reinitialization attempts remaining and the; maximum number of times reinitialization can be attempted./ The fields which make up the errors class are: 3 ERT_COUNT8 The number of port reinitialization attempts remaining. 3 ERT_MAXC The total number of times a recovery from fatal port errors can beD attempted by shutting down all virtual circuits and connections and reinitializing the port.D 3 NUM_ERRORSH The number of errors that have been logged on the port since the systemK was booted. This includes errors encountered in reinitialization attempts? as well as recoverable errors such as virtual circuit failure.ww­w¦x+‘Ÿ1 DEFAULT_KEYPAD7 By default, the numeric keypad is defined as follows:4 Parentheses indicate string equivalents with state$ set to GOLD (key PF1 typed first).- +--------+--------+--------+--------+. | | E| | | . | Gold | Help |Refresh | Init | . | | | | | - +--------+--------+--------+--------+. | Set | Set | Set | Set | . |Function|Function|Function|Function| . | Pan | Scroll | Move | Edit | - +--------+--------+--------+--------+. | | | Set | | . | Add | Remove |Auto_pos| | . | | |off (on)| | - F +--------+--------+--------+--------+. | | | | | . | Set | Save | Write | | . | | | | | . +--------+--------+--------+ | . | | | | . | | Select | | . | |(Desel) | | - +--------+--------+--------+--------+ww­w¦x+‘Ÿ1 DEFINE4 The DEFINE command associates an equivalencGe string3 and a set of attributes with a key on the terminal+ keyboard. The /KEY qualifier is required.7 For additional information, see the DEFINE/KEY command5 in the OpenVMS DCL Dictionary. In addition, control7 keys may be defined as shown in the following example. Format:, DEFINE/KEY key-name equivalence-string example:+ DEFINE/KEY CNTRLW "REFRESH"/TERMINATE2 Note: The control-W key is defined by default as# shown in the above example.3 H For additional information on other default4 key definitions, see help on DEFAULT_KEYPAD.ww­w¦x+‘Ÿ 1 DESELECT( Deselects a previously selected window.2 Deselecting a window while a the window is in the6 process of being moved manually will cause the window! to be moved to its new position.3 For additional information, see help on SELECT and MOVE.ww­w¦x+‘Ÿ1 EXITE The EXIT command is used to return the user to the DCL command levelE when Sh Iow Cluster is executed in the /CONTINUOUS mode. The originalC terminal characteristics are restored and the terminal's screen isE cleared. The DCL prompt will appear in the upper left corner of the screen.C When Show Cluster is executed in the /NONCONTINUOUS mode, the user= is returned to the DCL command level after all data has beenF displayed. The one exception is if an initialization file is presentE and the initialization file changes the screen width. In this case,A Show ClusJter waits one display update interval before returning.5 Note: CONTROL-Z has the same effect as typing EXIT.J CONTROL-C restores the original terminal characteristics, however,J the screen is not cleared and the DCL prompt will appear9 in the lower left corner of the screen.D CONTROL-Y causes Show Cluster to exit immediately. TerminalC characteristics are restored upon image run-down.ww­÷*—+‘Ÿ1 FieldsJ K You can specify valid field names with the ADD, REMOVE, or SET commands. '! The fields available for display are: ! @! ACKR_SQ ACK_LM BDT_WAITS BLKS_REQJ! BLKS_SENT CABLE_STATUS CIR_STATE CL_EXPECTED_VOTES H! CL_MEMBERS CL_QDVOTES CL_QUORUM CL_VOTES F! CMDS_QUEUED CNX_STATE CON_STATE COUNTER_OWNER A! CR_WAITS CSID DGI_MAP DGS_DSCRDG! DGS_FREE L DGS_RCVD DGS_SENT DG_OVRHD_SIZE J! DG_SIZE DIR_WT ERT_COUNT ERT_MAX H! EXPECTED_VOTES FORMED FORM_CIRCS HW_TYPE J! HW_VERS INCARNATION INIT_REC KB_MAPPED A! KB_RCVD KB_SENT LAST_TRANSITION LB_STATUSB! LOC_CONID LOC_PROC_NAME LOG_MAP LPORT_NAMEJ! LP_STATUS LP_TYPE MAX_PORT MEMSEQ J! MIN_REC M MIN_SEND MSGS_FREE MSGS_RCVD J! MSGS_SENT MSG_HDR_SIZE MSG_SIZE NAME J! NODE NUM_CIRCUITS NUM_CONNECTIONS NUM_ERRORS J! OPEN_CIRCS PEND_REC POOL_WAITERS PORT_NUM J! PROTOCOL PRT_MAP QDVOTES QD_NAME J! QF_ACTIVE QF_SAME QF_VOTE QUORUM J! RCVD_SQ RECEIVE RECNXINTERVAL REM_CO NNID J! REM_PROC_NAME REM_STATE RPORT_NUM RP_FUNCTIONS J! RP_OWNER RP_REVISION RP_TYPE RSPS_QUEUED J! SCS_STATE SCS_WAITERS SEND SEND_SQ J! SOFTWARE STATUS SW_VERS SYS_ID A! TRANSITION_TIME UNACKED VOTES WARMCDRPS 2 ACKR_SQ; The ACKR_SQ field displays the sequence number of the last4 acknowledge received via the VMScluster conneOction.2 ACK_LMD The ACK_LM field displays the maximum number of VMScluster messagesC that can be received by the remote system before an acknowledgment reply is sent. 2 BDT_WAITSF The BDT_WAITS field is a count of the number of times this connection% had to wait for a buffer descriptor. 2 BLKS_REQC The BLKS_REQ field is a count of the number of block request datas> initiated to block transfer data from the remote to the local system. 2 BLKS_SENTA The BLKS_SENT field is a count of P the number of block send datas> initiated to block transfer data from the local to the remote system.2 CABLE_STATUSD The CABLE_STATUS field indicates status of the path for the circuitE from the CI interface on the local system to the CI interface on theE remote system. The field indicates which of the two paths (A and B)D are good, or if the cables are crossed. The possible displays are:' - Paths A and B are bad. A- Path A is good. -B Pat Qh B is good.( A-B Paths A and B are good.( CROSSED The cables are crossed. 2 CIR_STATED The CIR_STATE field displays the state of the virtual circuit. The< circuit may be OPEN, CLOSED, in one of the open or close in9 progress states, or VC_FAIL. The possible displays are:' CLOSED The circuit is closed.' OPEN The circuit is opened.2 ST_REC The circuit has a start received.. ST_SENT The circuit has a start sent.: VC_FAIL R A virtual circuit failure is in progress.2 CL_EXPECTED_VOTESB The CL_EXPECTED_VOTES field displays the number of votes expectedA to be contributed by all members of the cluster as determined by? the connection manager. This value is based on the maximum of4 EXPECTED_VOTES and the maximized value of CL_VOTES. 2 CL_MEMBERS> The CL_MEMBERS field displays the number of systems which are" currently members of the cluster. 2 CL_QDVOTESC The CL_QDVOTES field displays the number of quorum voteSs currently& being contributed by the quorum disk. 2 CL_QUORUMB The CL_QUORUM field displays the number of votes required for the cluster to have quorum. 2 CL_VOTES= THE CL_VOTES field displays the total number of quorum votesB currently being contributed by all cluster members and the quorum disk. 2 CMDS_QUEUEDB Total number of messages, datagrams, and port commands queued for, transmission at all priorities by the port. 2 CNX_STATEE The CNX_STATE field displays the state of the V TMScluster connection. The possible displays are:5 ACCEPT Accepting the initial connection.- CLOSED The connection is closed.6 CONNECT Attempting the initial connection.. DEAD No connection is possible.3 DISCONNECT A disconnection is in progress.F NEW No attempt to make a connection has been made yet.+ OPEN The connection is open.F REACCEPT The connection is accepting the reconnect request. U> RECONNECT The connection is attempting to reconnect.. WAIT A time-out is in progress. 2 CON_STATE: The CON_STATE field displays the state of the connection. The possible displays are:3 ACCP_SENT An accept request has been sent., CLOSED The connection is closed.D CON_ACK A connect request has been sent and acknowledged.7 CON_REC A connect request has been received.3 CON_SENT A connect request has been sent.0 V DISC_ACK A disconnect is acknowledged.4 DISC_MTCH A disconnect request has matched.: DISC_REC A disconnect request has been received.6 DISC_SENT A disconnect request has been sent.9 LISTEN The connection is in the listen state.* OPEN The connection is open.* REJ_SENT A reject has been sent.2 VC_FAIL The virtual circuit has failed.2 COUNTER_OWNERC The name of the process currently using the port traffic counters. 2 WCR_WAITSE The CR_WAITS field is a count of the number of times this connection had to wait for send credit.2 CSID The Cluster System ID. 2 DGI_MAPF A sixteen bit bit-map displayed as 4 hex digits. Each bit in the mapH represents a port in the cluster from which datagram reception has been disabled. 2 DGS_FREEC The number of free datagram buffers currently queued for receives. 2 DGS_DSCRD< The DGS_DSCRD field is a count of the number of application( datagrams discarded by the poXrt driver. 2 DGS_RCVD; The DGS_RCVD field is a count of the number of application> datagrams received from the remote system by the local system and given to the sysap. 2 DGS_SENT; The DGS_SENT field is a count of the number of application@ datagrams sent over the connection from the local to the remote system.2 DG_OVRHD_SIZEG The number of bytes of port header, SCS header, and DECnet header in a datagram. 2 DG_SIZEF The DG_SIZE field displays the maximum number of bytes of appli Ycation0 data in datagrams transferred over the circuit.2 DIR_WTA The DIR_WT field displays the Lock Manager distributed directory8 weight as determined by the LOCKDIRWT SYSGEN parameter. 2 ERT_COUNT8 The number of port reinitialization attempts remaining. 2 ERT_MAXC The total number of times a recovery from fatal port errors can beD attempted by shutting down all virtual circuits and connections and reinitializing the port.2 EXPECTED_VOTES@ The EXPECTED_VOTES field displays the numZber of votes which are@ expected to be contributed by all members of the cluster as set( by the EXPECTED_VOTES SYSGEN parameter.2 FORMED* The time at which the cluster was formed. (DD-MMM-YY HH:MM). 2 FORM_CIRCS0 The number of formative circuits from the port.6 (for example, virtual circuits with open-in-progress) 2 HW_TYPEB The HW_TYPE field displays the type of hardware or processor type of the remote system.C NOTE: The hardware-types displayed in this field can be used with@ [ the ADD and REMOVE SYSTEM/TYPE=("hw-type",...) commands. 2 HW_VERS@ The HW_VERS field displays a 12-byte hexadecimal number. The 1 contents vary depending on the type of hardware.E For example, if the remote system is an HSC then the twelve bytes H displayed in this field reflect the hardware type and microcode level H of one of six requestors in the HSC. The left byte in each pair is theB hardware type, the right byte is the microcode version. If zeros> appear in both byte \s, then the requestor is not present. The> requestors are numbered 2 through 7 as shown in the following= table. T is the hardware type. V is the microcode version.< Req. 7 Req. 6 Req. 5 Req. 4 Req. 3 Req. 2> +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+? | T V | T V | T V | T V | T V | T V | > +----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+6 If the remote system is a VAX node, then the lower C four bytes refl ]ect the contents of the system ID register for the C processor. The upper two bytes contain the CPU model number. The E remaining six bytes are processor specific and are defined as shown  in the following table:@ B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8F +---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+G 8600 | unused | Processor | F +---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+^G 785 | WCS (1) |flags (2)| WCS | PCS(3)| PCS | F +---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+G 780/782 | WCS (1) |flags (2)| WCS | PCS | FPLA | F +---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+G 750 | unused | F +---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+C All fields unless noted below refer to microcode revision leve_ls. (1) WCS size! (2) FPA, G and H floating flags (3) PCS/WCA match revision 2 INCARNATIONB The value displayed in the INCARNATION field is a unique 16 digit4 (hex) number established when the system is booted. 2 INIT_RECD Initial receive credit extended to remote when connection was made. 2 KB_MAPPED@ The KB_MAPPED field displays the number of kilobytes mapped for block transfer. 2 KB_RCVD@ The KB_RCVD field is a count of the number of kilobytes of data@ received by the loc `al from the remote system via request datas. 2 KB_SENT@ The KB_SENT field is a count of the number of kilobytes of data9 sent from the local to the remote system via send datas.2 LAST_TRANSITIONA The LAST_TRANSITION time is the time at which a system last left* or joined the cluster. (DD-MMM-YY HH:MM) 2 LB_STATUSF The loop-back status of each cable from the port to the star coupler. The possible displays are:2 A-B Loopback tests pass on paths A and B.+ A- Loopbac ak tests pass on path A.+ -B Loopback tests pass on path B.3 - Loopback tests failed on paths A and B/ N/A Loopback tests are not being done. 2 LOC_CONID> The LOC_CONID field displays the identification number of the< process on the local system associated with the connection.2 LOC_PROC_NAME@ The LOC_PROC_NAME field displays the name of the process on the- local system associated with the connection. 2 LOG_MAPF A sixteen bit bit-map displayed as 4 hex digi bts. Each bit in the mapD represents a port in the cluster for which an error has been loggedF upon the discovery of conflicting data between the information in the? configuration database on the local system and the informationE provided by the remote system. Once set, establishment of a virtual3 circuit to the remote system is no longer allowed. 2 LPORT_NAME@ The LPORT_NAME field displays the device name of the local port associated with the circuit. 2 LP_STATUS9 Status of the localc port. (for example, online, offline) 2 LP_TYPEG The device type of the local port. (for example, CI780, CI750, etc.) 2 MAX_PORTC The largest port number to which we try to open a virtual circuit.2 MEMSEQ@ The MEMSEQ field displays the membership state sequence number. 2 MIN_RECB Minimum receive credit. (Minimum send credit required by remote.) 2 MIN_SEND Minimum send credit. 2 MSGS_FREEB The number of free message buffers currently queued for receives. 2 MSGS_RCVDB The MSGS_ dRCVD field is a count of the number of messages received@ over the connection by the local system from the remote system. 2 MSGS_SENT> The MSGS_SENT field is a count of the number of messages sent9 over the connection from the local to the remote system.2 MSG_HDR_SIZE@ The number of bytes of port header and SCS header in a message. 2 MSG_SIZEG The MSG_SIZE field displays the maximum number of bytes of application/ data in messages transferred over the circuit.2 NAME# The device name oef the local port.2 NODE; The NODE field displays the nodename of the remote system.; The nodename is determined by the SYSGEN parameter SCSNODE, and should be the same the DECnet nodename.C NOTE: The node-names displayed in this field can be used with the< ADD and REMOVE SYSTEM/NODE=(node-name,...) commands.2 NUM_CIRCUITSA The NUM_CIRCUITS field displays a count of the number of virtual> circuits established between the local and the remote system.2 NUM_CONNECTIONSB The f NUM_CONNECTIONS field is a count of the number of connections@ established on the circuit between the local and remote system. 2 NUM_ERRORSH The number of errors that have been logged on the port since the systemK was booted. This includes errors encountered in reinitialization attempts? as well as recoverable errors such as virtual circuit failure. 2 OPEN_CIRCS3 The number of virtual circuits open from the port. 2 PEND_REC+ Receive credit not yet extended to remote.2 POOL_WAITERSI T ghe number of processes waiting for non-paged pool resources for message buffers. 2 PORT_NUM& The port number assigned to the port. 2 PROTOCOL@ The PROTOCOL field displays the protocol version number and ECO- level of the connection management software. 2 PRT_MAPE A sixteen bit bit-map displayed as 4 hex digits. Each bit in the mapF represents a port in the cluster that has been recognized by the host system. 2 QDVOTESC The QDVOTES field displays number of votes which the remote sys htem? recommends be contributed by the quorum disk. The recommended? number of votes is determined by the SYSGEN QDVOTES parameter. 2 QD_NAME) The full device name of the quorum disk. 2 QF_ACTIVEA The QF_ACTIVE field indicates whether or not the remote system's quorum file is accessible. 2 QF_SAMEA The QF_SAME field indicates whether or not the remote system and8 local system agree as to which disk is the quorum disk. 2 QF_VOTE> The QF_VOTE field indicates whether or not the quiorum disk is contributing any votes.2 QUORUM? The QUORUM field displays the recommended quorum value derived from the EXPECTED_VOTES value. 2 RCVD_SQC The RCVD_SQ field displays the sequence number of the last message. to be received via the VMScluster connection. 2 RECEIVE. Receive credit. (Send credit held by remote.)2 RECNXINTERVALF The RECNXINTERVAL field displays the amount of time (in seconds) thatC the connection manager will wait before timing out its connection.? The v jalue displayed is the maximum of the intervals set on theA local and remote nodes as determined by the RECNXINTERVAL SYSGEN parameter. 2 REM_CONID> The REM_CONID field displays the identification number of theC process on the remote system associated with the connection. ThisB information is not available for connections in the listen state.2 REM_PROC_NAME@ The REM_PROC_NAME field displays the name of the process on theC remote system associated with the connection. This information k is3 not available for connections in the listen state. 2 REM_STATEJ The REM_STATE field indicates the state of the port on the remote system. The possible displays are:. DISAB The remote port is disabled.- ENAB The remote port is enabled.@ M_DISAB The remote port is in maintenance mode, and is disabled.? M_ENAB The remote port is in maintenance mode and is enabled.A M_UNINIT The remote port is iln maintenance mode, and has' not been initialized.; UNINIT The remote port has not been initialized. 2 RPORT_NUMB The RPORT_NUM field displays the number of the port on the remote$ system associated with the circuit.2 RP_FUNCTIONSA The RP_FUNCTIONS field displays the function mask of port on the remote system. 2 RP_OWNERE The RP_OWNER field displays the port number of the owner of the port on the remote system. 2 RP_REVISION> The RP_REVISION field ind micates the hardware and/or microcode. revision number of port on the remote system. 2 RP_TYPEA The RP_TYPE field displays the type of port on the remote system: associated with the circuit. Some possible displays are:- CI780 ETHERNET,FDDI= CI750 HSC40,HSC50,HSC60,HSC70,HSC907 CIBCA-A, CIBCA-B CIMNA, KFMSA, SHAC, SIIE CIBCI PASSTH (port is in pass-through mode)7 BVPSSP CINT n (CI node tester)= TF85 RF30,RF31,RF35,RF71,RF72,RF73% CIXCD CIPCA 2 RSPS_QUEUEDK Total number of responses of all kinds received from the port, but not yet processed. 2 SCS_STATEA The SCS_STATE field displays the SCS send blocked state. If theB an SCS control message is waiting to be sent over the connection,= the SCS send blocked state indicates what kind of message is0 waiting to be sent. The possible displays are:5 o ACCP_PEND Waiting to send an accept request. CLEAR Not blocked.8 CON_PEND Waiting to send a connection request.* CR_PEND Waiting to send credit.> DCR_PEND Waiting to send credit in preparation for a disconnect.8 DISC_PEND Waiting to send a disconnect request.4 REJ_PEND Waiting to send a reject request. 2 SCS_WAITERSD The SCS_WAITERS field displays a count of the number of connections= waiting to send SCS contrpol messages on the virtual circuit.2 SEND Current send credit. 2 SEND_SQC The SEND_SQ field displays the sequence number of the next message* to be sent via the VMScluster connection. 2 SOFTWAREB The SOFTWARE field displays the name and version of the operating' system being run on the remote system.2 STATUSD The STATUS field indicates the remote system's membership status in) the cluster. The possible displays are:? (blank) The system is not being considered for cluste qr membership.? BRK_MEM The system is a member of the cluster, but theC connection manager has lost communication with it.C BRK_NEW The system has just booted, but has not yet joined@ the cluster and the connection manager has lost' communication with it.C BRK_NON The connection manager has lost communication withC the system and the system is no longer a member of6 r the cluster. It is now a non-member.C BRK_REM The connection manager has lost communication withD the system and the system has been removed from the cluster.F MEMBER The system is participating in the cluster (A defaultB SYSGEN parameter allows 90 seconds delay before aB failing system is removed from cluster membership status.)C NEW The system has just booted, but has s not yet joinedH the cluster. If this system would normally be a memberE of the cluster, and is displaying NEW in this field,G you can expect that the display will eventually change to MEMBER.: NON The system is not a member of the cluster> REMOVED The system has been removed from the cluster.2 SYS_IDF The SYS_ID field displays identification number of the remote system.F This ID number is determinetd by the SYSGEN parameters SCSSYSTEMID andC SCSSYSTEMIDH. The system-id should be the same as the DECnet node address.C NOTE: The system-ids displayed in this field can be used with the: ADD and REMOVE SYSTEM/ID=(system-id,...) commands. 2 SW_VERSD The SW_VERS field contains a numeric representation of the software version running on the node.2 TRANSITION_TIMEA The TRANSITION_TIME field displays the time of the system's last change in membership status.6 For addituional information, see help on field STATUS. 2 UNACKEDC The UNACKED field displays the number of unacknowledged VMScluster( messages received by the remote system.2 VOTES? The VOTES field displays the number of votes the remote system? contributes toward quorum. The number of votes contributed is* determined by the SYSGEN VOTES parameter. 2 WARMCDRPSC The WARMCDRPS field displays a count of the number of CDRPS on the CDRP free queue.ww­w¦x+‘Ÿ1 HELP9 Type (Tvype HELP first if you are at the command prompt):2 CLASSES - for a list of classesD CLASSES class-name - for a description of a particular class1 FIELDS - for a list of fieldsD FIELDS field-name - for a description of a particular fieldB PROCEDURE - for information on command procedures? and startup initialization filesww­w¦x+‘Ÿ 1 INITIALIZEB Resets the display to a known swtate. The state of the display is2 set according to a set predefined default values.ww­w¦x+‘Ÿ1 MOVE0 The MOVE command allows a window to be manually repositioned on the screen.8 To MOVE a window, it must be either selected or it must: be the only window in the display. AUTO_POSITIONING will< be turned off since the act of moving a window implies that8 the user does not want Show Cluster to determine window: position. The window can then be repositioned using MOVE; cxommands. As MOVE commands are entered, an outline of the< window will indicate the new position. The original window9 will remain in its original starting position. When the= window is deselected or a new window is selected, the window; will move to its new position as indicated by the outline.= For additional information, see help on SELECT and DESELECT. Format: MOVE UP value MOVE DOWN value MOVE LEFT value MOVE RIGHT value9 Note: The aryrow keys may be redefined as MOVE commands.6 For more information see help on SET FUNCTION.ww­w¦x+‘Ÿ1 PAN2 The PAN command pans the entire display by column or by line.2 The PAN command functions in a way similar to the2 panning of a television or motion-picture camera.4 By entering a PAN command, a portion of the display2 that previously extended beyond the limits of the! screen can be brought into view. Format: PAN UP value PAN DOWN valzue PAN LEFT value PAN RIGHT value9 Note: The display description message at the top of the) screen always remains stationary.8 The arrow keys may be redefined as PAN commands.6 For more information see help on SET FUNCTION.ww­÷”¯+‘Ÿ 1 ProcedureE Requests the internal command interpreter to read subsequent commandF input from a specific file or device. The file may contain any validE interactive command. Command files may be nest{ed to 16 levels. The file type defaults to .COM. Format: @file-specC Note: If the logical name SHOW_CLUSTER$INIT is defined, then ShowC Cluster will use the directory defined by SHOW_CLUSTER$INITC to locate the command file specified. If SHOW_CLUSTER$INITB is not defined Show Cluster will look for the command file) in the current default directory.E To execute a command procedure upon invoking SHOW CLUSTER define theH logical name SHOW|_CLUSTER$INIT to equate to the filespec you would like: SHOW CLUSTER to execute. The file type defaults to .INI.ww­w¦x+‘Ÿ 1 REFRESH> Causes the entire screen to be repainted and all fields to be updated.? Note: Typing CONTROL-W has the same effect as typing REFRESH.ww­7™u+‘Ÿ1 REMOVEG Modifies the current display by excluding the specified field or classF from the display. The remove command can be used to exclude circuitsK that are in a particular }state, connections that are in a particular stateI or of a particular name, or systems of a particular node name, system ID or hardware type.2 field> Specifies the field or fields to be removed from the display. Format: REMOVE field[,...]; NOTE: For a complete list of field names type HELP FIELDS; from the command prompt. For a list of field names; in a particular class type HELP CLASSES class-name.2 class? Specifies the class or classes to be ~removed from the display. Format: REMOVE class[,...]; NOTE: For a description of each class and the field names= within each class, type HELP CLASSES from the command prompt. 3 CLUSTER, Removes the Cluster class from the display. 3 SYSTEMS9 Removes the Systems class from the display. Optionally,> specific systems may be removed from the display. The system= to be removed may be specified by type, system ID number, or node name.5 By default all systems are removed from the display. Format:' REMOVE SYSTEMS [/qualifier,...] 4 Qualifiers/TYPE= Specifies the type of system to be removed from the display.; The type may be any of the valid system types as displayed9 in the HW_TYPE field. If the string which specifies the: system type contains spaces, slashes or hyphens, then the4 string must be delimited by double quotation marks.; If /TYPE=ALL is specified, then all nodes are removed from the display. F€ormat:> REMOVE SYSTEMS/TYPE=(system-type,"system-type"[,...])  REMOVE SYSTEMS/TYPE=ALL Examples:& REMOVE SYSTEMS/TYPE="VAX 9000"- REMOVE SYSTEMS/TYPE=(HS70,"VAX 8300") REMOVE SYSTEMS/TYPE=ALL /ID@ Specifies the system ID number of the system to be removed from; the display. The system ID may be any of the valid IDs as? displayed in the SYS_ID field. To specify a hexadecimal value> as the ID number, precede the value with %X. Optionally, ALL9 may be specified to remove all systems from the display. Format:+ REMOVE SYSTEMS/ID=(system-ID[,...]) REMOVE SYSTEMS/ID=ALLD If only one system ID is specified, the parenthesis may be omitted. Examples: REMOVE SYSTEMS/ID=101% REMOVE SYSTEMS/ID=(206,%XF2A) REMOVE SYSTEMS/ID=ALL/NODE= Specifies the node name of the system to be removed from the8 display. The node name may be any of the node names as? displayed in the NODE f‚ield. Optionally, ALL may be specified( to remove all systems from the display. Format:- REMOVE SYSTEMS/NODE=(node-name[,...])/ REMOVE SYSTEMS/NODE=("node-name"[,...]) REMOVE SYSTEMS/NODE=ALLD If only one node name is specified, the parenthesis may be omitted.= Quotation marks are optional except when specifying a system with a node name of "ALL". Examples:! REMOVE SYSTEMS/NODE=DARBY1 REMOVE SYSTEMS/NODE=(DARBY,DOOLEY,ALICAT)= ƒ REMOVE SYSTEMS/NODE=("DARBY","DOOLEY","ALICAT","ALL") REMOVE SYSTEMS/NODE=ALL 3 MEMBERS, Removes the Members class from the display. Format: REMOVE MEMBERS 3 CIRCUITS7 Removes the circuits class from the display or removes: circuits that are in a particular state from the display. Format:( REMOVE CIRCUITS [/qualifier,...] 4 Qualifiers/TYPE; Specifies the type of circuits to remove from the display. Valid circuits types are:- OPEN „ - Circuits in the open state.< NOOPEN - Circuits in the closed state or any of the? open-in-progress or close-in-progress states.( ALL - All types of circuits. Format:* REMOVE CIRCUITS /TYPE=(type[,...])? If only one type is specified, the parenthesis may be omitted. 3 CONNECTIONS= Removes the connections class from the display. Optionally,6 removes connections that are in a particular state or3 connections of a particular name from t…he display. Format:+ REMOVE CONNECTIONS [/qualifier,...] 4 Qualifiers/NAME@ Specifies the local process name of connections which are to beC removed from the display. The name must specify the local processE name of a connection currently displayed in the LOC_PROC_NAME field.E Optionally, ALL may be specified to remove all connections currently" being displayed from the display.@ Up to 16 characters of the local process name may be specified.B If abbreviated, all con†nections with local process names matching; the characters specified will be removed from the display. Format:: REMOVE CONNECTIONS/NAME=(local-process-name[,...])# REMOVE CONNECTIONS/NAME=ALL? If only one name is specified, the parenthesis may be omitted. Examples:C REMOVE CONNECTIONS/NAME=(VMS$DISK_CL_DRVR,VMS$TAPE_CL_DRVR). REMOVE CONNECTIONS/NAME=VMS$VMScluster# REMOVE CONNECTIONS/NAME=ALL/TYPEB Specifies the type of connections to ‡removed from to the display. Valid connection types are:0 OPEN - Connections in the open state.A NOOPEN - Connections in the closed state, listen states,< or any of the connect, disconnect, accept,+ reject, or failed states.+ ALL - All types of connections. Format:- REMOVE CONNECTIONS/TYPE=(type[,...])? If only one type is specified, the parenthesis may be omitted. 3 COUNTERS- Removes the counters class ˆfrom the display. Format: REMOVE COUNTERS 3 CREDITS, Removes the credits class from the display. Format: REMOVE CREDITS 3 LOCAL_PORTS0 Removes the Local Ports class from the display. Format: REMOVE LOCAL_PORTS3 ERRORS+ Removes the Errors class from the display. Format: REMOVE ERRORSww­w¦x+‘Ÿ1 SAVEA The SAVE command builds a command procedure based on the current? display. The command procedure may then ‰be invoked at a laterC time to restore the display or it may be used as an initialization: file. The output filename defaults to SHOW_CLUSTER.COM . Format: SAVE [file-spec]> For additional information, see the OpenVMS System ManagementC Utilities Reference Manual. For additional information on command # procedures, see help on PROCEDURE.ww­×w+‘Ÿ1 SCROLL8 The SCROLL command provides a means of quickly scanning4 through a large window without changing the cur Šrent- selection of information within that window.9 To SCROLL a window it must either be selected or it must8 be the only window in the display. The window may then8 be scrolled vertically by a specific number of lines or9 horizontally by a specific number of fields. Entering a: SCROLL LEFT or SCROLL RIGHT command will cause the window9 to scroll left or right respectively. Entering a SCROLL: UP or SCROLL down command will cause the data area of the; window to scroll up or down respe‹ctively. The header will remain stationary.8 It is important to note that the left, right and bottom: border lines, or the lack thereof, as well as lines which8 separate fields where the lines join the header portion7 of the window, serve as indication that the window has5 been scrolled left, right, down or up. There may be6 pertinent information which is not currently visible.Format: SCROLL UP value SCROLL DOWN value SCROLL LEFT value SCROŒLL RIGHT value7 Note: If AUTO_POSITIONING is turned ON, other windows9 on the screen may be repositioned as the selected window is scrolled.; The arrow keys may be redefined as SCROLL commands.6 For more information see help on SET FUNCTION.ww­w¦x+‘Ÿ1 SELECT* Selects a window to be scrolled or moved.= The SELECT command allows you to select a specific window by4 specifying the SCS, CLUSTER, or LOCAL_PORTS window.@ The SELECT command also allows you to cycle through all windowsA on the screen, selecting each one in turn. Windows are selectedA in the order in which they first appear on the screen. With theA last window selected, entering the SELECT command will cause the> last window to be deselected before the cycle repeats itself.@ Selecting a new window while a previously selected window is in> the process of being moved manually will cause the previously- selected window to move to its new position.. For additŽional information, see help on MOVE. Format: SELECT [window-name]ww­×w+‘Ÿ1 SET= The SET command is used to change several options including:2 The number of columns used by the display.6 The number of seconds between display updates.2 The characteristics of a particular field.' The function of the arrow keys.- The automatic positioning of windows. Format: SET option2 AUTO_POSITIONING5 Enables or disabl es automatic positioning of windows on the screen.3 By default, AUTO_POSITIONING is ON and windows are5 automatically positioned based on their size and the9 order in which they were originally added to the screen.7 The windows will be positioned such that they will not7 overlap, but they may extend, fully or in part, beyond# the physical limits of the screen.9 Attempting to MOVE a window sets AUTO_POSITIONING to OFF2 and allows windows to be positioned manually. To8 reposition a window you must first SELECT the window to: be moved if there is more than one window being displayed4 and then MOVE the window to its new position. When9 positioning windows manually, the windows are allowed to overlap.7 For additional information on moving windows manually, see help on SELECT and MOVE. Format: SET AUTO_POSITIONING ON SET AUTO_POSITIONING OFF: Note: The SET FUNCTION MOVE command and the MOVE command0 implicitly sets auto-positio‘ning to off. 2 FUNCTION7 By default, the arrow keys function as editing keys to7 provide command line recall and line editing. The SET5 FUNCTION command redefines the function of the arrow0 keys on the terminal to one of three additional functions: PAN, SCROLL or MOVE.7 For example, by entering the SET FUNCTION PAN command,5 the left arrow, right arrow, up arrow and down arrow7 keys, are defined as PAN LEFT 1, PAN RIGHT 1, PAN UP 1 and PAN DOWN 1 respectively.7 The SET FUNCT’ION SCROLL and SET FUNCTION MOVE commands6 redefine the arrow keys in a similar manner. Command9 line recall and line editing can be restored by entering the SET FUNCTION EDIT command. Format:" SET FUNCTION function-name5 Note: The SET FUNCTION MOVE command implicitly sets auto-positioning to off.2 SCREEN> Sets the maximum number of columns to be used by the display. Accepted range is 1 to 511.9 Note: For certain types of terminals, character size is7 “ dependent on the number of columns per line and9 will change as the number of columns is increased or decreased. Format: SET SCREEN = width 2 INTERVAL= Specifies the amount of time to wait between display updatesA expressed in seconds. Using the SET INTERVAL commands overrides/ the /INTERVAL qualifier used at the DCL level. Format: SET INTERVAL = seconds2 field3 Changes the characteristics of a particular field. Format:”- SET field-name[,...] [/qualifier,...]; NOTE: For a complete list of field names type HELP FIELDS; from the command prompt. For a list of field names: in a particular class type HELP CLASSES class-name from the command prompt. 3 qualifiers/WIDTHA Sets the number of columns to use to display a particular field.B Specifying a value less than the minimum allowed for a particularC field will set the number of columns for that field to the minimum> val•ue. Specifying a value greater than the maximum number of> columns allowed for a particular field will set the number of- columns for that field to the maximum value. Format:: SET field-name[,...] /WIDTH=value [/qualifier,...]/FORMATA Sets the radix to be used to display a particular field. FORMATB applies only to decimal and hexadecimal fields. Ascii fields can not be changed. Format:; SET field-name[,...] /FORMAT=radix [/qualifier,...]>Note: – The HW_VERS field can be displayed in hexidecimal only.ww­w¦x+‘Ÿ1 WRITE3 The WRITE command outputs the current display to a3 file which is suitable from printing on a hardcopy) device. The output filename defaults to SHOW_CLUSTER.DAT . Format: WRITE [/ALL] [filespec] 2 qualifiers/ALL2 The /ALL qualifier to the WRITE command indicates. that the output file should contain a display* consisting of all classes and all fields.3 The use of the /ALL quali —fier to produce an output1 file or hardcopy is recommended when reporting a$ cluster related problem to Digital.5 Note: One display update occurs prior to the output9 of the file when the /ALL qualifier is specified.5 This is required because Show Cluster may not3 currently have the information necessary to4 display all the possible fields. This means8 that the output file may differ from the display+ currently on the terminal's screen.ww