% VAX-11 Librarian V04-00w' 5 NET$CONFIGURE_Help + \ BANKS NET$CONFIGURE_Help+Yxl6 BANKS NET$CONFIGURE_Help+"? BANKS NET$CONFIGURE_Help+`  BANKS NET$CONFIGURE_Help+)U' BANKS NET$CONFIGURE_Help+~+3 BANKS NET$CONFIGURE_Help+-B BANKS NET$CONFIGURE_Help+ ZpZ BANKS NET$CONFIGURE_Help+M;pa BANKS NET$CONFIGURE_Help+ge:i OLSON NET$CONFIGURE_Help+)Q BANKS NET$CONFIGURE_Help+[݁ BANKS NET$CONFIGURE_Help+Bxƙ BANKS NET$CONFIGURE_Help+`n BANKS NET$CONFIGURE_Help+Ҭd BANKS NET$CONFIGURE_Help+1 BANKS NET$CONFIGURE_Help 1 NET$CONFIGURE_Helps6 NET$CONFIGURE.COM V2.0 - for DECnet/OSI for OpenVMS1 Copyright 1994 Digital Equipment Corporationn h 2 DMU_helph/ "Do you want to convert Phase IV databases?"B If you answer YES to this question, the NET$CONFIGURE procedure? uses the system's existing Phase IV database to generate NCLdD scripts and configure the system. Depending on the content of theC database, NET$CONFIGURE will ask additional questions on some oru all of the following topics:e# o Node's full name and synonym.S o Node's time zone.C o OSI Transport.< o Any standard applications that are not in the existing$ database such as OpenVMS MAIL.A If you answer NO, the NET$CONFIGURE procedure does not use thelB system's existing Phase IV database to generate NCL scripts andA proceeds to ask all the configuration questions, starting with  your node full name.P e2 Convert_Node_Names_help< "Do you want to convert the Phase IV node name database?"B If you answer YES to this question, the NET$CONFIGURE procedureE uses the system's existing Phase IV node name database to generatenD a local name database. This file is used to translate node namesF if you include "LOCAL" in the list of directory services to be used on this system.H This will provide a flat naming space that is populated with the nodeA names from the existing Phase IV permanent database. This is wE unnecessary if you do not intend to include "LOCAL" in the list ofa0 directory services to be used on this system.2 Node_name_helpf( "What is the full name of this node?"E The node full name is the name of your system's node object in the.F directory service. It includes the namespace nickname, and the fullC list of directories leading to the node object name. Examples ofb node full names include:a LOCAL:.TomThumb vbo:.afsg.comms.wernerv( XYZ_CORP:.sales.west_coast.WillyL oman< Europe:.Erin.County_Cork.Bantry.Glengarriff_Road.MACotter? The namespace nickname is terminated with a colon (:). If nodC namespace nickname is given or if the namespace nickname "LOCAL" C is used, then the Local File is used. The node object name must nE begin with a dot (.), and no element of the name (namespace name, IE directory, or node object name) can be a null string. Please note lB that the namespace nickname "LOCAL" is reserved, and indicates 3 that the Local File will be used on this system.hI Enter the node full name you want to use. DECnet/OSI node full names cG should be planned carefully and must be unique within the directory sE service. If your network administrator has not assigned a unique iH node full name for your system, be sure that you read DECnet/OSI for C OpenVMS Introduction, Planning, and Glossary before you do so. f@ This manual also contains guidelines for using the directory & services DECdns and the Local Fil e.2 Node_synonym_help( "What is synonym name for this node?"? The node synonym is an alphanumeric character string betweenr@ 1 and 6 characters long that contains at least one alphabetic? character. If this system had previously been running DECnethB Phase IV software, then the old node name should be used as theD synonym. If this system is joining a DECnet network for the firstB time, any name can be used for the synonym, as long as it meets? the criteria listed above, and is unique within the network.C* Enter the node synonym you want to use. e2 PhaseIV_address_helph "Enter PhaseIV Address"A A DECnet/OSI system may or may not use a DECnet Phase IV stylehA node address. A node address of 0.0 indicates that this DECnetyC /OSI system will be communicating with DECnet/OSI nodes only. IfnB your network contains some systems running DECnet Phase IV, youC may want to specify a compatible address in order to communicaterB with them. If your network consists solely of DECnet/OSI and/or) OSI systems, this may not be required.o> The DECnet Phase IV node address consists of an area numberA (between 1 and 63), and a node number within the area (betweend 1 and 1023).uA Enter the PhaseIV address you want to use, or enter 0.0 if your2 want to communicate with DECnet/OSI nodes only. m2 Phaseiv_address_prefix_help "Enter Phase IV prefix"? Having chosen a Phase IV compatible address for this system, B you may also specify a Phase IV Prefix, which together with theC node address forms the complete network address for this system.C All nodes within a single addressing domain contain the same IDPA in their network addresses. The default value of "49::" is theD "private network" IDP, which is appropriate for a Phase IV DECnet@ network that contains some DECnet/OSI systems. Please contact@ your network manager if you are in doubt as to your network'sC Phase IV Prefix value, or ind eed if you are unsure how to answert this question at all.@ DECnet/OSI systems reference all network addresses (includingC Phase IV addresses) using OSI NSAP address formats. The Phase IVpA prefix and the Phase IV node address are used to construct thel@ complete NSAP address. All DECnet/OSI systems within a single@ routing domain use this Phase IV prefix to form the Phase IV-C compatible NSAP address. This prefix consists of the OSI addressh? initial domain part (IDP) and p ossibly the preDSP portion ofC the domain specific part (DSP). DECnet/OSI for VMS Introduction,D@ Planning, and Glossary contains more information about NSAPs.= The default value for the prefix is the number 49::, whicha= specifies that your system will be part of a private localuA network. This value is generally appropriate for networks thatu> will not be interconnected with other OSI networks. If your@ network is going to be connected with other OSI networks, you$ must en ter a globally unique IDP.& NOTEB If you are using an IDP other than 49::, it must be assigned? by an authorized standards organization, such as ANSI, or > you must construct an IDP that you know will be globally< unique (based on your telephone number, for instance).= DECnet/OSI for VMS Introduction, Planning, and Glossary @ contains a detailed description of how to construct an IDP> and how to apply to a standards organization for an IDP.D If you are in doubt about which prefix value to use, contact your network manager.m- Enter the Phase IV prefix you want to use.i 2 cdi_dirsvc_help6 "Enter the directory services to use on the system"G You have the option of choosing the following directory services forn your system: E Local File (LOCAL) - A local namespace that uses flat naming.s) DECdns - A distributed namespace.c5 Domain - A naming service that uses DNS/ BIND.rK The Local file has the capability to hold 100,000 nodes, and it can even L scale beyond that number. The actual number of nodes that the Local file: can hold depends on the space available on your system.C If you choose to enter more than one directory service for your rG system, the ordering of this list is *very important*, as the first aI directory service entered in this list will be considered the primary iB directory service to use on the system. The primary di2 cdi_fullname_help= "Enter the full name for directory service {DECDNS,LOCAL}".( "Enter the fully qualified host name"7 Enter a node name for each directory service chosen.fE For the directory service Domain, you will enter a fully qualifiedtG host name. The fully qualified host name includes the host name and the domain name. For example:' Domain - smilee.lkg.dec.comaJ For the directory services DECdns and Local file, you will enter a nodeJ full na2 cdi_fullname_help= "Enter the full name for directory service {DECDNS,LOCAL}" ( "Enter the fully qualified host name"7 Enter a node name for each directory service chosen. E For the directory service Domain, you will enter a fully qualified G host name. The fully qualified host name includes the host name and the domain name. For example:' Domain - smilee.lkg.dec.comfJ For the directory services DECdns and Local file, you will enter a nodeJ full na2 cdi_fullname_help= "Enter the full name for directory service {DECDNS,LOCAL}" ( "Enter the fully qualified host name"7 Enter a node name for each directory service chosen. E For the directory service Domain, you will enter a fully qualified G host name. The fully qualified host name includes the host name and the domain name. For example:' Domain - smilee.lkg.dec.comfJ For the directory services DECdns and Local file, you will enter a nodeJ full na2 cdi_fullname_help= "Enter the full name for directory service {DECDNS,LOCAL}" ( "Enter the fully qualified host name"7 Enter a node name for each directory service chosen. E For the directory service Domain, you will enter a fully qualified G host name. The fully qualified host name includes the host name and the domain name. For example:' Domain - smilee.lkg.dec.comfJ For the directory services DECdns and Local file, you will enter a nodeJ full na2 cdi_fullname_help= "Enter the full name for directory service {DECDNS,LOCAL}" ( "Enter the fully qualified host name"7 Enter a node name for each directory service chosen. E For the directory service Domain, you will enter a fully qualified G host name. The fully qualified host name includes the host name and the domain name. For example:' Domain - smilee.lkg.dec.comfJ For the directory services DECdns and Local file, you will enter a nodeJ full na !rectory H service is considered the first choice to use when looking up naming  information for the system.E Enter an *ordered* list of the directory services you want to use dA on the system. If you enter more than one directory service, s separate them by commas. G For example, if you enter "DECdns,Local,Domain" at the prompt, this CH means that you want to use the directory services DECdns, Local, and A Domain, and that the primary directory service will be DECdns.w 2 cdi_fullname_help= "Enter the full name for directory service {DECDNS,LOCAL}" ( "Enter the fully qualified host name"7 Enter a node name for each directory service chosen. E For the directory service Domain, you will enter a fully qualifiedG host name. The fully qualified host name includes the host name and the domain name. For example:' Domain - smilee.lkg.dec.comiJ For the directory services DECdns and Local file, you will enter a nodeJ full na!2 cdi_fullname_help= "Enter the full name for directory service {DECDNS,LOCAL}" ( "Enter the fully qualified host name"7 Enter a node name for each directory service chosen. E For the directory service Domain, you will enter a fully qualified G host name. The fully qualified host name includes the host name and the domain name. For example:' Domain - smilee.lkg.dec.comfJ For the directory services DECdns and Local file, you will enter a nodeJ full na"2 cdi_fullname_help= "Enter the full name for directory service {DECDNS,LOCAL}" ( "Enter the fully qualified host name"7 Enter a node name for each directory service chosen. E For the directory service Domain, you will enter a fully qualified G host name. The fully qualified host name includes the host name and the domain name. For example:' Domain - smilee.lkg.dec.comfJ For the directory services DECdns and Local file, you will enter a nodeJ full na #me. The node full name is the name of your system's node objectI in the directory service. It includes the namespace nickname, and the I full list of directories leading to the node object name. Examples oftL node full names for the directory services DECdns and Local file include:$ Local file - LOCAL:.TomThumb: DECdns - XYZ_CORP:.sales.west_coast.WillyLomanG For the Local file, the namespace nickname LOCAL is prepended to theeH full name and is terminated wit $h a colon (:). The namespace nicknameH "LOCAL" means that the Local file is used. The node object name mustG begin with a dot (.), and no element of the name (namespace name,aJ directory, or node object name) can be a null string. Please note thatG the namespace nickname "LOCAL" is reserved, and indicates that theo* Local file will be used on this system.K The Local file has the capability to hold 100,000 nodes, and it can eveniL scale beyond that number. The actual num %ber of nodes that the Local file: can hold depends on the space available on your system.G Enter the node full name you want to use. DECnet/OSI node full nameskF should be planned carefully and must be unique within the directoryD service. If your network administrator has not assigned a uniqueC node full name for your system, be sure that you read DECnet/OSIiE for OpenVMS Introduction, Planning, and Glossary before you do so.nI This manual also contains guidelines for using th&e directory services e DECdns and the Local File. 2 Node_synonym_directory_help "Node Synonym Directory"oA If you have a large network and would like to use an alternatelD node synonym directory rather than using the default node synonym= directory of ".DNA_NodeSynonym", you may enter one at this B prompt. The value for the alternate node synonym directory must? be a DECdns directory full name(for example: .USA_Synonyms).iB If you have the logical DECNET_MIGRATE_DI 'R_SYNONYM defined, theA default value for the node synonym directory will be the valueB you defined. If you do not have the logical DECNET_MIGRATE_DIR_< SYNONYM defined, the default value is ".DNA_NodeSynonym". t"2 naming_cache_timeout_value_help "Naming cache timeout value?"E With this release of DECnet/OSI, a naming cache is used to improveFI the performance of nodename address resolution. This cache supersedeslJ the existing DECdns cache and is used when looking for (addresses in theE Domain and Local services, in addition to DECdns. Note that otherH applications that use DECdns directly continue to utilize the DECdns cache.nK The naming cache includes a mechanism to "timeout" old entries. In thisaJ way, these entries are periodically refreshed to accurately reflect the actual network environment.I For example, say that node FOO has address 1234. After DECnet/OSI hastL looked up node FOO, it will store this address in its cache. ) If node FOOG were to change it address to 2345, the following events would occur:t@ - DECnet/OSI would retrieve address 1234 from the cache.= - a connection attempt would be made to address 1234.oJ - it the connection failed, DECnet/OSI would automatically look upI the address again, bypassing the naming cache. This new lookuprA would find address 2345, update the cache, and connect e successfully.hH However, if address 1234 had be *en reassigned to another node BAR, the following would occur:i@ - DECnet/OSI would retrieve address 1234 from the cache.= - a connection attempt would be made to address 1234.D - the connection would succeed - DECnet/OSI cannot tell that- it has connected to the wrong node. L To prevent this scenario, network administrators should not reassign nodeI addresses until the naming cache timeout period has passed. This willeE allow these addresses to +be automatically flushed from the caches.oL You have the option to set a value for the naming cache timeout interval.E Enter any legal OpenVMS delta time value (the default is 30 days).e(2 naming_cache_checkpoint_interval_help& "Naming cache checkpoint interval?"E With this release of DECnet/OSI, a naming cache is used to improverI the performance of nodename address resolution. This cache supersedesaJ the existing DECdns cache and is used when looking for addresses in the ,E Domain and Local services, in addition to DECdns. Note that otherCH applications that use DECdns directly continue to utilize the DECdns cache.K Periodically, DECnet/OSI saves a snapshot of the in-memory naming cache tI to disk. This allows systems, during startup, to have a naming cache tI that is already populated with entries. In other words, the contents ; of the naming cache are preserved across system reboots.iK The frequency of this checkpoint operation can -be changed. For example,cK $ MCR NCL Set Session Control Naming Cache Checkpoint Interval 12:00:00 + changes this interval to every 12 hours. G You have the option of setting the naming cache checkpoint interval. E Enter any legal OpenVMS delta time value (the default is 8 hours). '2 Autoconfigure_network_addresses_helpI# "Autoconfigure network address?"r? Your system must have at least one unique network address inc> order to use DECnet/OSI communications features .. DECnet/OSIB systems can be multihomed, that is, they can have more than one+ network address, but no more than three. ? If you answer YES to this prompt, the procedure supplies oneo network address for you.sA This method is the easiest way to configure a network address,r@ or Network Entity Title (NET), for your system. If you have aB Digital Equipment Corporation WANrouter adjacent to your systemC (on the same LAN or connected to your system by a point-to-point.C lin /k), the router will configure your network addresses for you.t& NOTEB If you have an OSI router from a supplier other than DigitalB Equipment Corporation adjacent to your system, do not chooseA autoconfiguration unless you know that the router uses NETstA with a selector of 00. This restriction applies even if you ? have a Digital Equipment Corporation WANrouter as well asu@ another supplier's OSI router on the same LAN. OSI rou 0tersB that specify NETs differently can cause you to autoconfigure< your network addresses incorrectly. If you have such a= router, you must choose to manually configure your NETs 8 by answering NO to the autoconfiguration question.> If you answer NO to the autoconfiguration question, you canB manually enter multiple addresses for your system. Your network; manager can supply them to you or you can construct them A yourself. Having multiple addresses allows your s 1ystem to haveaD both an OSI address and a Phase IV-compatible address, so you canD communicate with both Phase IV and DECnet/OSI systems on the sameA network. It also allows your system to belong to more than oneeD OSI network. This feature is particularly useful when you want toC combine two (or more) networks. Rather than have all the systemsdC in both networks get new addresses that reflect the new combineddC network, those systems that need to participate in both networksn# 2 can have an address in each one.,B If you choose not to autoconfigure your network addresses (alsoA known as Network Entity Titles [NETs]), the procedure displaysi the following prompt:( * Enter Manual Network Entity Titles? Y2 Manual_net_help( "Enter Manual Network Entity Titles?"B You can assign a maximum of three network addresses to a system? including the Phase IV address (if you assigned one). If yourB entered a Phase IV address and a Phase IV prefix in res4ponse toD the previous prompts, the Phase IV NET is automatically generated and assigned for you.? If you know which NETs to use, enter them at this prompt. IfiB you are entering more than one NET, separate them with a comma.B You can obtain them from your network manager or construct them yourself.D To create an NET manually, you need to know your system's Network( IDP, network local area, and Node ID.0 For example, given the following information: A network I4D If you want to establish a static asynchronous connection, answerC YES. A static asynchronous connection creates a permanent DECnetoB link to a single remote node. Two nodes are connected by eitherB a dialup line or by a physical line attached to a terminal portB at each end. Before the DECnet connection is made, the terminal> lines must be converted to static asynchronous DDCMP lines. n2 Async_static_lines_help/ "Terminal device name(s) (ex:TXA0,TXA2...)?" B Specify6DP of 41:45436192: A network local area of 43e A node ID of 258h% The NET is constructed as follows:a: IDP and selector = 41:45436192:local-area:node-id:007 43 decimal = 2B hexadecimal (local area)"& (43 * 1024) + 258 = 44290 decimal* 44290 decimal = AD02 hexadecimal4 AD02 swapped = 02AD hexadecimal (node ID)> The resulting NET is 41:45436192:00-2B:AA-00-04-00-02-AD:00& NOTE> NETs must be ent6D If you want to establish a static asynchronous connection, answerC YES. A static asynchronous connection creates a permanent DECneteB link to a single remote node. Two nodes are connected by eitherB a dialup line or by a physical line attached to a terminal portB at each end. Before the DECnet connection is made, the terminal> lines must be converted to static asynchronous DDCMP lines. e2 Async_static_lines_help/ "Terminal device name(s) (ex:TXA0,TXA2...)?" B Specify 8ered in DNA format, which uses colons to= separate fields and dashes to separate pairs of digits. B Make sure that you include the 00 selector when you manually specify a NET. 2 dna_address_format_help "DNA Address Format?"I You have the option of setting the value of the Routing characteristictJ "DNA Address Format" to either TRUE or FALSE. Answering YES indicatesJ that NSAP addresses are DNA structured. Enter TRUE if you want to set " the DNA Address F8D If you want to establish a static asynchronous connection, answerC YES. A static asynchronous connection creates a permanent DECneteB link to a single remote node. Two nodes are connected by eitherB a dialup line or by a physical line attached to a terminal portB at each end. Before the DECnet connection is made, the terminal> lines must be converted to static asynchronous DDCMP lines. e2 Async_static_lines_help/ "Terminal device name(s) (ex:TXA0,TXA2...)?" B Specify:ormat to TRUE.2 Async_support_helpa/ "Do you want Asynchronous datalink support?"yB If you have installed and configured the VAX WAN Device DriversD software on this system, you have the option of configuring it to$ support asynchronous connections.B Support for asynchronous connections is provided by the VAX WAN@ device driver software. This software gives you the option ofA connecting your OpenVMS system to another system by means of aoB low-cost, low-speed async:D If you want to establish a static asynchronous connection, answerC YES. A static asynchronous connection creates a permanent DECneteB link to a single remote node. Two nodes are connected by eitherB a dialup line or by a physical line attached to a terminal portB at each end. Before the DECnet connection is made, the terminal> lines must be converted to static asynchronous DDCMP lines. e2 Async_static_lines_help/ "Terminal device name(s) (ex:TXA0,TXA2...)?" B Specify <hronous line. Asynchronous connections? are implemented in software and can be run over any directly @ connected terminal line that the OpenVMS system supports. The> asynchronous protocol provides for a full-duplex connection@ and can be used for remote asynchronous communications over a telephone line using a modem.& NOTE@ Asynchronous connections are not supported for maintenance4 operations or for controller loopback testing.B N<D If you want to establish a static asynchronous connection, answerC YES. A static asynchronous connection creates a permanent DECneteB link to a single remote node. Two nodes are connected by eitherB a dialup line or by a physical line attached to a terminal portB at each end. Before the DECnet connection is made, the terminal> lines must be converted to static asynchronous DDCMP lines. e2 Async_static_lines_help/ "Terminal device name(s) (ex:TXA0,TXA2...)?" B Specify =ormally, the OpenVMS operating system controls lines connected@ to terminal ports, as in interactive login. You can, however,B switch the line so that the DECnet/OSI for OpenVMS software canA use the line for an asynchronous connection to another system.oD Refer to the DECnet/OSI Network Management manual for informationC on the OpenVMS DCL SET TERMINAL commands used to switch terminalt lines to DECnet lines.rB You can establish two types of asynchronous DECnet connections:A ? o A static asynchronous connection, which creates a permanent B DECnet link to a single remote node. Two nodes are connected? by either a dialup line or by a physical line attached toh? a terminal port at each end. Before the DECnet connectiono= is made, the terminal lines must be converted to static  asynchronous DDCMP lines.oC o A dynamic asynchronous connection, which provides a temporary ? DECnet link. This type of line is usually switched on fora> ?D If you want to establish a static asynchronous connection, answerC YES. A static asynchronous connection creates a permanent DECneteB link to a single remote node. Two nodes are connected by eitherB a dialup line or by a physical line attached to a terminal portB at each end. Before the DECnet connection is made, the terminal> lines must be converted to static asynchronous DDCMP lines. m2 Async_static_lines_help/ "Terminal device name(s) (ex:TXA0,TXA2...)?"cB Specify A network use only for the duration of a dialup connection@ between two nodes. When the telephone is disconnected, the= line reverts to being a terminal line. The advantage of ? this type of connection is that you can use a single lineyC to establish dynamic connections to different remote nodes atr different times.D Also, when creating a dynamic asynchronous connection, you areA given the option of creating an explicit dynamic connectionsA or a floAD If you want to establish a static asynchronous connection, answerC YES. A static asynchronous connection creates a permanent DECneteB link to a single remote node. Two nodes are connected by eitherB a dialup line or by a physical line attached to a terminal portB at each end. Before the DECnet connection is made, the terminal> lines must be converted to static asynchronous DDCMP lines. e2 Async_static_lines_help/ "Terminal device name(s) (ex:TXA0,TXA2...)?" B SpecifyBating dynamic connection. The difference is that anrA explicit line is tied to a specific terminal device while a"@ floating line is not. When using a dynamic connection, youC can have the terminal line switched automatically to a DECnety0 line, or you can switch the line manually.@ If you answer YES, the procedure asks the following question:3 * Do you want to configure static lines? [YES] :n t2 Async_static_help+ "Do you want to configure static lines?"e CD If you want to establish a static asynchronous connection, answerC YES. A static asynchronous connection creates a permanent DECneteB link to a single remote node. Two nodes are connected by eitherB a dialup line or by a physical line attached to a terminal portB at each end. Before the DECnet connection is made, the terminal> lines must be converted to static asynchronous DDCMP lines. e2 Async_static_lines_help/ "Terminal device name(s) (ex:TXA0,TXA2...)?" B Specify D the device name of the terminal port to be used for the permanent DECnet link.m i2 Async_dynamic_help , "Do you want to configure dynamic lines?"> If you want to establish a dynamic asynchronous connection,; answer YES. A dynamic asynchronous connection provides aA temporary DECnet link. A dynamic asynchronous line is normallyi@ switched on for network use only for the duration of a dialup? connection between two nodes. When the telephone is hung up,oC the line reveErts to being a terminal line. The advantage of thishD type of connection is that you can use a single line to establishD dynamic connections to different remote nodes at different times. k 2 Async_support_more_lines_help4 "Do you want to configure any more Asynch lines?"D If you want to establish lines for more asynchronous connections,; answer YES. If you answer YES, the procedure repeats thew< questions regarding configuring static and dynamic lines. 2 Async_static_Flines_yn_helpA3 "Do you want to continue configuring this line?"bC This prompt is displayed if you failed to specify an appropriatee> terminal device name at the previous prompt. If you want toD terminate the configuration of a static asynchronous line, answer NO. l2 Async_dynamic_setup_helpn5 "Do you want to configure explicit dynamic lines?"cA If you want to configure a terminal port for use as a switchedi@ DECnet link so that explicit Dynamic connections can be mGade, answer YES. 2 Async_dynamic_lines_helpd0 "Terminal device name(s) (ex:TXA0,TXA2... )?"> Specify the device name of terminal port to be used for the dynamic DECnet link.o n2 Async_dynamic_lines_yn_help3 "Do you want to continue Configuring this line?"sC This prompt is displayed if you failed to specify an appropriated> terminal device name at the previous prompt. If you want to? terminate the configuration of an dynamic asynchronous line, answer NOH.  y/2 Async_floating_lines_number_modem_lines_helpfB "Number of floating 'line speed' bps 'modem control type' modem ctrl lines?"s@ This is the maximum number of terminal ports that can be usedB as dynamically allocated full modem control asynchronous DECnet? links. It should not exceed the number of available terminal ports.  D2 Async_floating_lines_yn_help 5 "Do you want to configure floating dynamic lines?"rC If you want to configure a terminal port thatI can be dynamicallym> allocated for use as a switched DECnet link so that Dynamic' connections can be made, answer YES.  S+2 Async_floating_lines_configure_more_help-6 "Do you want to configure any more floating lines?"< If you want to configure more floating lines, answer YES. t2 Async_line_speed_help+ "Line speed for 'terminal device name'?"v9 Specify the line speed in Bits per Second at which the : asynchronous link will run (for example, 2400 or 9600). J2 Async_modem_control_helps/ "Will this line require full modem control?"iA If you want the full DEC Standard 52 Modem control to be used,I answer YES. h2 Data_link_protocol_help7 "Data Link protocol for 'datalink name' ('device')?"B Specify either HDLC, DDCMP, or NONE for the point-to-point data' link protocol. The default is DDCMP.eC o DDCMP (Digital Data Communications Message Protocol) providesoD synchronous point-to-point connections and asynchronous stKatic, or dynamic point-to-point connections.B o HDLC (High-Level Data Link Control protocol) conforms to theC ISO standards. HDLC provides synchronous point-to-point linksm; that function like Digital's DDCMP synchronous links._? o Enter NONE if either of the following statements is true.D7 - You do not want to run DECnet over this device, - You are using X.25 over this device D2 Data_link_name_help( "Data Link name to use for 'device'?"@ L This prompt allows you to specify a data link name for one ofA the following data links depending on the type of device being C configured. If you do not want this device configured for DECnetb /OSI, enter NONE. o CSMACD o DDCMPe o HDLC= Ethernet devices can only be configured to run over CSMACDt? datalinks. Synchronous devices can be configured to run overn< DDCMP or HDLC datalinks. Asynchronous devices can only be* configured to run over DDCMP datalinks. MD Specify the simple-name that you want to use for the data link orB accept the system-supplied default. Digital recommends that youB take the default name even if you configure multiple data links of the same type. l!2 fddi_large_packet_support_helph "FDDI Large Packet Support"E If an FDDI-type circuit has been found on the system, you have thepC option of enabling FDDI large packet support. FDDI large packet = support allows you to fully utilize the bandwidth of NFDDI.eG If you choose not to enable FDDI large packet support on the system, > the FDDI circuit will use the bandwidth of CSMA-CD instead.D Note that a Phase V router on the LAN (preferably on the FDDI) is= required in order to enable the FDDI large packet support. 2 segregated_mode_routing_helpw "Segregated Mode Routing"C If you are using the ADVANCED configuration, you have the optione> of using segregated mode routing or integrated mode routing, (integrated mod Oe routing is the default).6 Segregated mode routing works in the following way:F A special check is made on the packet to determine if the packet isJ Phase IV translatable. If the packet is Phase IV translatable, it willJ translate the packet. It will then send the translated Phase IV packetJ (or the Phase V packet if it couldn't be translated) to the appropriateG router if the Phase IV or Phase V router is present. If no suitableeI router is present, then the packet is sen Pt directly to the destinationtH end system. (Essentially, Phase IV compatible packets are routed viaI the Phase IV backbone, and extended address packets are routed via thei Phase V backbone.) 6 Integrated mode routing works in the following way:F If a Phase V router is present, then the packet will be sent to it.C If a Phase V router is not present, then a check will be made to 2 determine if the packet is Phase IV compatible.F If the packet is Phase IV compatible th Qen it will check to see if aG Phase IV router is present and if it is then the packet will be senthG to the Phase IV router. If there is no Phase IV router present thenII the packet will be sent directly in Phase IV format to the destinationmA end system and multicast to all end systems in Phase V format.eG If the packet is not Phase IV compatible and a Phase V router is not C present, then the packet will be multicast to all end systems in  Phase V format.2 integrated_moRde_routing_helpi "Integrated Mode Routing"C If you are using the ADVANCED configuration, you have the optiont> of using segregated mode routing or integrated mode routing, (integrated mode routing is the default).6 Integrated mode routing works in the following way:F If a Phase V router is present, then the packet will be sent to it.C If a Phase V router is not present, then a check will be made tot2 determine if the packet is Phase IV compatible.F If the packet is SPhase IV compatible then it will check to see if aG Phase IV router is present and if it is then the packet will be sent(G to the Phase IV router. If there is no Phase IV router present thenSI the packet will be sent directly in Phase IV format to the destinationaA end system and multicast to all end systems in Phase V format.lG If the packet is not Phase IV compatible and a Phase V router is notuC present, then the packet will be multicast to all end systems inc Phase V formaTt.2 Routing_circuit_name_help/ "Routing Circuit Name for Data Link 'type'?" ? Specify the simple-name that you want to use for the routing D circuit or accept the system-supplied default. Digital recommends@ that you take the default name even if you configure multiple lines of the same type.A If you decide not to accept the default response, keep in mind A that the name you specify for the data link should reflect theiC type of routing circuit you are configuring. UThe following types. may be configured:y o CSMACDD Carrier Sense, Multiple Access with Collision Detect (CSMA/CD)A protocol is the data link protocol used by Ethernet and ISOc( 8802-3 local area networks (LANs). o DDCMPt= Digital Data Communications Message Protocol (DDCMP) isn> the data link protocol use by wide area networks (WANs).< It supports synchronous point-to-point connections and@ asynchronous static or dynamic point-to-point coVnnections.D DECnet software can use this protocol to make connections over WANs.t o HDLCB High-level Data Link Control (HDLC) is an ISO, bit-oriented,? Data Link layer (OSI layer 2) protocol that operates overm? synchronous, switched or unswitched communications links.dD DECnet software can use this protocol to make connections over WANs.y e2 X25_configure_yes_no_help/ "Do you want to configure DECnet over X.25?"iA If you want to confWigure DECnet over X.25 (data link mapping),y; answer YES. This question will only be asked if the X.25rD software (or the VAX P.S.I. software) is installed on the system.2 X25_Routing_circuit_help_3 "Which type of X.25 circuit do you want to use?"mC This prompt allows you to select the type of routing circuit youy7 want to use over X.25. The menu offers four choices:< o A dynamically assigned Routing circuit (menu option 1)> operates over a number of X.25 switcheXd virtual circuits) (SVCs); both incoming and outgoing.m@ o A static incoming Routing circuit (menu option 2) operatesA over a single incoming X.25 switched virtual circuit (SVC).i@ o A static outgoing Routing circuit (menu option 3) operatesA over a single outgoing X.25 switched virtual circuit (SVC).l? o A Permanent Routing circuit (menu option 4) simply uses a8 Permanent Virtual Circuit (PVC) instead of an SVC. l 2 X25_routing_circuit_name_help! "YRouting Circuit Name to use?"m? Specify the simple-name that you want to use for the routing A circuit. You can use the default or you can supply a name (forp example, X25-0).u g2 X25_template_name_helpp "Template name?"5? Specify the simple-name of an X25 Access template. A defaultu@ name is provided or you may enter your own name (for example, X25-DA-1).uA All X.25 Routing circuits use an X25 Access template to eitherA' make or accept a network connection.a Z= For a static outgoing circuit the X25 Access template must@ specify DTE class, destination DTE address and call data. TheB X25 Access template may also specify other call characteristics+ to make the outbound network connection. @ For a static incoming Routing circuit the X25 Access templateA may specify call characteristics to accept the inbound network  connection.A For a dynamic assigned Routing circuit the X25 Access template D must specify DTE class and call d[ata. The X25 Access template mayB also specify other call characteristics to make the outbound or* accept the inbound network connections.6 X25 Access templates are configured using the X.25  configuration program.m 2 X25_filter_name_helpI "Filter name?"g: If you chose to configure an X.25 Dynamic Assigned (DA)? circuit or an X.25 Static Incoming (IN) circuit, this prompttA is displayed. Specify the simple-name of an X25 Access filter.aA You may accept the defa\ult or you may enter your own name (form example, X25-IN-0).D Static incoming and dynamically assigned X.25 circuits use an X258 Access filter to receive inbound network connections.C For a static incoming circuit the X25 Access filter must specifyiC inbound DTE class, sending DTE address, call data value and call data mask. D For a dynamic assigned circuit the X25 Access filter must specify9 inbound DTE class, call data value and call data mask.t4 X25 Access filt]ers are configured using the X.25  configuration program.b a 2 X25_reachable_address_yn_help6 "Do you want to configure any reachable addresses?"C If you chose to configure an X.25 Dynamic Assigned (DA) circuit,mC this prompt is displayed. If you want to configure any ReachableeD Address sub-entities, answer YES. If you answer NO, the procedureB skips to the prompt "Configure another X.25 routing circuit for DECnet?". a"2 X25_reachable_address_name_help "Reacha_ble address name?"C Specify the simple-name of the reachable address sub-entity that 3 you want to create (for example, ACCOUNTS_DEPT).r t$2 X25_reachable_address_prefix_help "Reachable address prefix?"> The reachable address sub-entity name is used to select the< remote DTE address to where a routing packet is sent. TheC selection is done by finding a reachable address sub-entity thatnA has an address prefix that matches the beginning of the remotei NSAP in the rou_! 1. CLNS with Internet/ES-ISn@ Any transport connection can use CLNS with Internet/ES-= IS. The communicating end systems may be on the samel> subnetwork, or on different subnetworks. This networkD service is provided by the implementation of the ES-IS (endC system to intermediate system) Internet routing protocols,IC which route packets from the end system to an intermediatefD system on the same subnetwork. The intermediate systeating packet.@ Specify the address prefix for this reachable address entity.? The address prefix is a string of characters that is a valid @ beginning of an NSAP (for example, 41:45436192:). The address prefix will match all NSAPs.  &2 X25_reachable_address_dte_list_help "Reachable address dte list?"> The reachable address sub-entity name is used to select theD remote DTE address to where a routing packet is sent. A reachable< address sub-entity may be configured wia? Enter the number of the transport protocol class you want tot? use for this template. DECnet/OSI for OpenVMS supports threetA transport protocol classes: 0, 2, and 4. If you select CONS asu@ the network service type, the default is 0,2,4. If you select? CLNS, the default is 4. If you select RFC1006 as the network A service type, the default is 0,4. However, you can configure E multiple OSI templates.B The features of the transport service provided by each of these# pro cth one or more DTEB addresses. If more than one DTE address is configured then onlyA one is selected each time a packet is sent. All the remote DTEoB addresses must be accessible by the DTE class configured in theD X25 Access template already configured for the associated dynamic assigned circuit.> Specify the list of remote DTE addresses for this reachable< address entity. A DTE address consists of 1 to 15 decimal@ characters. The DTE addresses in the list should be separatc! 1. CLNS with Internet/ES-ISm@ Any transport connection can use CLNS with Internet/ES-= IS. The communicating end systems may be on the same > subnetwork, or on different subnetworks. This networkD service is provided by the implementation of the ES-IS (endC system to intermediate system) Internet routing protocols,oC which route packets from the end system to an intermediateeD system on the same subnetwork. The intermediate systeded" by commas (for example, 2,3,4). a#2 X25_reachable_address_again_helpe8 "Any more reachable addresses you want to configure?"D If you want to configure another reachable address sub-entity for this circuit, answer YES. 2 X25_configure_another_helpO7 "Configure another X.25 routing circuit for DECnet?"o@ If you want to configure another X.25 routing circuit, answer> YES. If you answer YES, the procedure repeats the questions6 regarding configuring another Xf.25 routing circuit. 2 Transport_NSP_helpa! "Configure the NSP Transport?"ID If you want the system to communicate with DECnet Phase IV nodes, answer YES. r2 Transport_OSI_help ! "Configure the OSI Transport?"oK Answer YES if you want the system to communicate with DECnet/OSI nodes, tH and especially if you plan to install OSAK, FTAM, or VT software, or * plan to run any other OSI applications.& NOTEB If you answer NOf! 1. CLNS with Internet/ES-ISm@ Any transport connection can use CLNS with Internet/ES-= IS. The communicating end systems may be on the same > subnetwork, or on different subnetworks. This networkD service is provided by the implementation of the ES-IS (endC system to intermediate system) Internet routing protocols,oC which route packets from the end system to an intermediateeD system on the same subnetwork. The intermediate systeg to this question, the procedure still loads= the OSI transport images. However, OSI Transport is notkA configured or usable until either you run the NET$CONFIGUREa? procedure and answer YES to the OSI Transport question orc5 you create an NCL script for OSI Transport use. p2 No_transport_help "Are you sure?"> If this question is asked, it means that you elected not to? configure both the NSP Transport and the OSI Transport. Thisn is not recommended.D i If you are sure that you do not want either transport configured,B answer YES. If you want to change your decision, answer NO. TheA procedure will then repeat the NSP Transport and OSI Transport A questions, thus allowing you to select one or both transports. 2 Config_multi_protocol_network: "Is this system operating in a multi-protocol network?" A One feature of Transport is the ability to use the "CongestionoB Experienced" field in the ConnectionLess Network Service i! 1. CLNS with Internet/ES-ISm@ Any transport connection can use CLNS with Internet/ES-= IS. The communicating end systems may be on the same > subnetwork, or on different subnetworks. This networkD service is provided by the implementation of the ES-IS (endC system to intermediate system) Internet routing protocols,oC which route packets from the end system to an intermediateeD system on the same subnetwork. The intermediate syste j(CLNS)F routing header, and to implement a "Congestion Avoidance" scheme inG heavily congested networks. The CLNS Congestion Experienced field isH used by routers that support this feature (such as DECnis) to give anD early indication of congestion. When Transport receives data thatG passed through a network path where the "Congestion Experienced" bitcH is set, Transport reduces the transmit rate of the sending end system( to help alieviate network congestion.H While this fe kature works well in networks where all network protocolsG support "Congestion Avoidance" mechanisms, it has been noted that inyC some heavily congested multi- protocol networks this feature cannD negatively impact the performance of DECnet/OSI compared to other protocols. G Digital, therefore recommends that Transport Congestion Avoidance beeF disabled when using DECnet/OSI in heavily congested, multi-protocolB networks, if other network protocols do not implement a similar m mechanism.e? Answering "Yes" to this question will disable the congestion  avoidance algorithm.t&2 Config_nsp_pt_to_pt_line_speed_help@ "Are the point-to-point lines utilizing line speeds less than 9600BPS?"B This question will only be asked if you have any point-to-point= lines (that is, any synchronous and/or asynchronous lines)H configured.B If you have any point-to-point lines running at low line speeds> (that is, lower than 9600 bps), answer YES. This wim! 1. CLNS with Internet/ES-ISO@ Any transport connection can use CLNS with Internet/ES-= IS. The communicating end systems may be on the samea> subnetwork, or on different subnetworks. This networkD service is provided by the implementation of the ES-IS (endC system to intermediate system) Internet routing protocols,dC which route packets from the end system to an intermediateeD system on the same subnetwork. The intermediate syste nll place@ additional NSP NCL commands into the NSP Transport NCL script? in order to accommodate the lower line speeds. If you do notsC have any point-to-point lines being utilized at low line speeds,a answer NO.C i!2 Config_OSI_ivp_applic_username 7 "Username for OSI loopback test application to use?"SC Press Return to accept the default user name for the applicationtA loopback test account. A message will be displayed to indicater4 that the default OSI templates have p been created. o'2 Config_OSI_template_create_more_helpe4 "Do you want to create additional OSI templates?"B If you configure the OSI Transport, the NET$CONFIGURE procedureD automatically creates the default OSI templates that are required@ by the OSAK and FTAM installation and verification proceduresB (IVPs) to perform loopback testing. However, if you plan to useA OSI applications to make connections to other OSI systems, you B must create OSI templates in addition to thp! 1. CLNS with Internet/ES-ISm@ Any transport connection can use CLNS with Internet/ES-= IS. The communicating end systems may be on the same > subnetwork, or on different subnetworks. This networkD service is provided by the implementation of the ES-IS (endC system to intermediate system) Internet routing protocols,oC which route packets from the end system to an intermediateeD system on the same subnetwork. The intermediate systeqose that are created> by default. The default OSI templates are used for loopback? testing only and cannot be used to make connections to other > OSI systems. Answer YES to create additional OSI templates. 2 Config_OSI_template_name_help "Name of the template?"D Press Return to accept the default OSI template name (do not type "Return")D Enter the name you want to use for the OSI template (for example,< OSI_TEMPLATE_1) or press Return to accept the default OSI( r template name (do not type "Return"). e'2 Config_OSI_template_net_service_help 1 "Type of network service (CLNS/CONS/RFC1006)?"rB If you want to use Connectionless Network Service (CLNS), enter? CLNS. If you want to use Connection Oriented Network ServicenB (CONS), enter CONS. If you want to use RFC1006, enter RFC1006. o CLNS NETWORK SERVICEA There are two forms of the CLNS network service. Both forms < support only one class of transport protocol: class 4. s! 1. CLNS with Internet/ES-ISm@ Any transport connection can use CLNS with Internet/ES-= IS. The communicating end systems may be on the same > subnetwork, or on different subnetworks. This networkD service is provided by the implementation of the ES-IS (endC system to intermediate system) Internet routing protocols,oC which route packets from the end system to an intermediateeD system on the same subnetwork. The intermediate syste um willC ensure that packets reach their final destination. Two endP@ systems that implement ES-IS on the same subnetwork may@ communicate without an intervening intermediate system. 2. CLNS with Null InternetD A transport connection may use CLNS with Null Internet onlyA when the two end systems are on the same 802.3 LAN. ThisB network service is provided by the inactive subset of theA Internet protocol. No intermediate system iuD The first prompt displayed concerning sink configuration when you/ select menu option 6 is "Configure a Sink?".> If you want to customize information pertinent to the sink,B answer YES (for example, the sink name and where you would like: to send the output: a terminal, a printer, or a file?).? After you have configured a sink, the procedure displays the$ prompt "Configure another Sink?".= If you do not want to configure another sink, enter NO and? proceed to the vs involved int the network connection. o CONS NETWORK SERVICE= A transport connection can use CONS when the underlying D network connection is an X.25 connection. This type of networkE service is provided by the X.25 software in the DECnet/OSI for  OpenVMS product.< CONS supports transport connections using any class ofA transport protocol (that is, class 0, class 2, or class 4). 4 The underlying X.25 network connection can be:D w - A connection between two systems attached to an X.25 PacketA Switching Data Network (PSDN), either directly or via anc X.25 gatewayoC - A point-to-point connection using the LAPB protocol as the  data link protocolsA - A direct connection between two systems on the same IEEEr+ 802.3 LAN, using the LLC2 protocol L In each of these cases the two end systems are on the same subnetwork. o RFC1006 NETWORK SERVICEuA The netwxork service type RFC1006 tells the OSI transport to E run over the TCP/IP protocol stack. The network service type isc- specified in an OSI Transport template.dC When using DECnet applications over RFC1006 the OSI transport ? template osit$rfc1006 is used for the inbound connection.s= For outbound connections, the default template is used.e t#2 Config_OSI_template_classes_help " "Transport Classes to support?"? Enter the number of the transport protocol yclass you want toC? use for this template. DECnet/OSI for OpenVMS supports three A transport protocol classes: 0, 2, and 4. If you select CONS ass@ the network service type, the default is 0,2,4. If you select? CLNS, the default is 4. If you select RFC1006 as the networkIA service type, the default is 0,4. However, you can configure t multiple OSI templates.B The features of the transport service provided by each of these# protocol classes are as follows:g o Class 0r zC Class 0 is the most basic type of transport service, in which @ there is no flow control, multiplexing, or error recovery. o Class 2o? A class 2 transport service provides all the functions ofl@ a class 0 service, and also provides multiplexing and flowB control. The OSI Transport Service software always uses flow> control measures on class 2 connections, even though the? transport protocol standard defines this feature as beingu optional w{ithin class 2. o Class 4SA A class 4 transport service provides all the functions of ayD class 2 service and, in addition, provides error detection and recovery.o o#2 Config_OSI_template_X25_templated "X25 template name?"v0 Enter the X.25 template name you want to use. t"2 Config_OSI_template_x_data_help! "Allow use of expedited data?"e@ If you want to support the use of expedited data, answer YES. u%2 Config_OSI_template_checksums_helps| "Allow use of Checksums?"? If you want to use the error correction feature, answer YES.b o'2 Config_OSI_template_routing_protocole$ "Use Full CLNP or Null Internet?"B A CLNS OSI Transport template can specify use of Internet/ES-IS@ routing protocols or Null Internet routing protocol. The Null= Internet protocol only operates over LAN Routing circuits.CD A CLNS OSI Transport template for use with Internet/ES-IS routingA protocols may use any Routing circuits configur }ed; the Routingn< module will determine the most suitable circuit to use. AA CLNS OSI Transport template for use with Null Internet routingED protocol can only use one Routing circuit; the Routing circuit is/ selected based on its inactive area address.  p+2 Config_OSI_template_routing_circuit_nameu> "Which routing circuit is this Null Internet template for?"= Enter the routing circuit you want to use for the CLNS OSIeD Transport template (for use with Null Internet routin~g protocol). )2 Config_OSI_template_inactive_area_helpl% "Which CLNS Inactive Area to use?"yD A CLNS OSI Transport template specifying use of the Null InternetC routing protocol selects the Routing circuit to be used based on 4 the inactive area address of the Routing circuit.D If Null Internet routing is to be supported then an inactive area@ address must be configured for the circuit. The inactive areaB address for the circuit must be different to any area addresses?  used by DECnet/OSI routers on the same LAN. If more than oneB LAN Routing circuit is to be configured on this system and NullA Internet is required on each circuit, then each circuit shouldr* have a different inactive area address.A The CLNS inactive area should be the same as the inactive areas8 set in routing, or else Null Internet cannot be used.+2 CONFIG_OSI_TEMPLATE_INBOUND_PACKETS_HELP 4 "Will this template be used for inbound packets?"F If you want to use this template for inbound packets enter YES. If@ you want to use this template for outbound packets, enter NO.$2 CONFIG_OSI_TEMPLATE_CONS_TEMPLATE "CONS template name?"F If the CONS template is being used for inbound or outbound packets,C the CONS template name should be the same as the name being usedt@ for the X.25 Access template, or else you will not be able to make any CONS connections. 7 Enter the name of the CONS template you want to use.b"2 CONFIG_OSI_TEMPLATE_CONS_FILTER "CONS filter name?"> If the CONS template is being used for inbound packets, you> will be prompted for the CONS filter name. The CONS filter> name should be the same as the name being used for the X.25? Access filter, or else you will not be able to make any CONSi connections.r5 Enter the name of the CONS filter you want to use.E-2 CONFIG_OSI_TEMPLATE_RFC1006_LOCALPORT_HELPn "Local RFC1006 port number?"eF Enter the outgoing port number to use when establishing a transport connection at the TCP level. 02 CONFIG_OSI_TEMPLATE_RFC1006_LISTENERPORT_HELP" "RFC1006 listener port number?"A If the RFC1006 template is being used for inbound packets, youmF will be prompted for the RFC1006 listener port number. This numberC should be the same as the Local RFC1006 port number, or else the 1 template will not be used for inbound traffic.tD Enter the incoming port number used when establishing a transport connection at the TCP level.e 2 EVD_helpa3 "Do you want to customize the Event Dispatcher?"< Answer YES, if you want to customize the Event Dispatcher: configuration. Answer NO, if you want the default Event! Dispatcher configuration only.a 2 Applic_config_helptC "Do you want to use a default account for the 'application name'. application?"C The procedure creates the DECnet/OSI default application objects A to include in the application database. You have the option o f A creating default user accounts for the following applications: * FAL, CML, MAIL, VPM, MIRROR, and PHONE.A This prompt is displayed for the standard OpenVMS applicationsM, most commonly used. The applications are: o File Access Listener: File Access Listener (FAL) is an image that provides> authorized access to the file system of a DECnet node on= behalf of processes executing on any DECnet node in theeA network. FAL communicates with the initiating node by meanslC of the Data Access Protocol (DAP). If you want an account sett% up or used for FAL, answer YES.c o CMIP Management ListenerA CMIP Management Listener (CML) is the DECnet/OSI management > module that implements the Common Management InformationA Protocol (CMIP). It is a utility that enables the system tomC respond to remote management commands. If you want an accounto) set up or used for CML, answer YES.i o MAIL> If you wan= Specify the sink session control end user specification of> the sink associated with this outbound stream (for example, number=82). k2 Evd_obs_sink_address_help "Sink address?"B Specify the sink address tower of the sink associated with this outbound stream.a e2 Event_relay_helpp "Configure Phase IV Relay?"B Answer YES to use the Phase IV Relay. This allows you to recordB and process events that occur on an OpenVMS VAX systems runningC DECnet-VAX # Number Mnemonic Description$ 0 Task User program0 1-16 Reserved for Digital use@ 17 FAL File Access Listener for remote file and% record access= 18 HLD Host loader for RSX-11S downline task( loading requests: 19 NML Network Management Listener Object> 20 RSTS/E media transfer program (NETCPY)0 21-22 Reserved for Digt to use the OpenVMS MAIL utility, answer YES.$ o VMScluster Performance MonitorA If the system is to be a member of a VMScluster, you shouldc? answer YES to this question. An account is needed for VPMnA (VMScluster Performance Monitor) for your system to supportrD the OpenVMS Monitor Utility command MONITOR CLUSTER. Answer NO6 if the system is to be a non-cluster end system. o MIRRORA MIRROR is used for particular forms of loopback testing. Ifw)  you want to use MIRROR, answer YES. o PHONEc= The PHONE utility allows users on the same or differentt@ OpenVMS systems to communicate interactively. Unlike MAIL,D where messages are received and held for your attention, PHONEA requires an immediate reply to a call (connection request).pA The reply makes the connection and the interactive exchangen@ of messages begins. If you intend to use the OpenVMS PHONE utility, answer YES. 2 Start_n etwork_helpl& "Do you want to start the network?"< Enter YES if you want to proceed to start the network and0 complete your system's network configuration.@ If for some reason you want to postpone starting the network,> answer NO. However, answering NO will prevent completion of? your network configuration and you will have to perform somee= additional steps later when you are ready to complete youro< system's network configuration. Answering NO displays the following m essage:IG ********************************************************************t? You have decided not to start the network. NET$CONFIGURE.COMo? cannot complete your system's network configuration since itn@ needs the network to be partially started in order to performA certain operations. As a result, your system may be left in an @ inconsistent state if you try to startup the network manually= or if you decide to reboot your system. Once you are readyl< to start the network, please invoke the NET$CONFIGURE.COMA procedure and choose menu option 2 (Change node name/namespace < name) so that the configuration procedure can finish your> system's network configuration before starting the network.G ********************************************************************S Network Startup Incompletel v2 Config_basic_adv_help "Do you want to continue?"eB The two configuration options are BASIC and ADVANCED. Enter YESC if you want to continue with the particular configuration optionfB you have chosen. If you prefer at this time to choose the other? configuration option instead, enter NO and the configurationr procedure will exit.t o2 Config_option_help + "Which configuration option to perform?"sD Choose the option you want to perform. Selecting an option allows@ you to modify either the entire configuration or a particular portion.o o2 Satisfied_helph6 "Do you want to generate NCL configuration scripts"D If you answer YES, the configuration program uses the information< you entered to generate modified NCL scripts and, in some> cases, automatically modify the system's configuration. The> configuration program then returns you to the configuration> options menu. If you answer NO, the configuration procedure= returns you to the configuration options menu and does not"% generate any modified NCL scripts.e 2 Applic_supercede_help% "Replace application script file?"h; If you want to create a new NCL script file, answer YES.t n2 MOP_supercede_helpd$ "Replace MOP Client script file?"F If you want to create a new MOP Client NCL script file, answer YES. 2 Nodevice_help3 "Should a SYSGEN AUTOCONFIGURE ALL be executed?" A If you answer YES, the NET$CONFIGURE procedure will invoke thec? SYSGEN AUTOCONFIGURE ALL command to find devices. If you arey> performing the initial configuration of your system and you@ answer NO, then there will be no devices to configure. If youA are reconfiguring devices (that is, you selected Option 3 from"B the NET$CONFIGURE main menu) and you answer NO, then there will6 be no devices to configure and the procedure exits. o*2 Config_osi_template_replace_script_help< "Do you want to replace the existing NSP or OSI Transport script?"eC If you reconfigure the NSP or OSI Transport, you have the optiontB of accepting the existing transport script or replacing it withC a new one. Answer YES if you want to replace the existing NSP or  OSI transport script. 2 Event_supercede_helpt. "Replace Event Dispatcher NCL script file?"@ If you want to create a new Event Dispatcher NCL script file,A answer YES. If you want to keep the previously generated Event) Dispatcher NCL script file, answer NO.e s2 evd_see_block_events_help> "Display the events logged to the console of this machine?"F You have the option of displaying the events that are logged to theH console of this machine. If you do not want to see the events loggedF to the console of this machine, NET$CONFIGURE will block the events for you.eB Answer YES if you want to see the events that are logged to the@ console of this machine. If you do no want to see the eventsE logged to the console of this machine, answer NO and NET$CONFIGUREr! will block the events for you.D2 EVD_custom_config_sink_help# "Configure a (or another) Sink?" D The f irst prompt displayed concerning sink configuration when you/ select menu option 6 is "Configure a Sink?".e> If you want to customize information pertinent to the sink,B answer YES (for example, the sink name and where you would like: to send the output: a terminal, a printer, or a file?).? After you have configured a sink, the procedure displays thep$ prompt "Configure another Sink?".= If you do not want to configure another sink, enter NO and ? proceed to the next promp< Specify the files to be loaded when the client requests a: diagnostic image during a downline load operation. File? identifications are interpreted according to the file system of the local system. 2 Mop_management_image_help( "Management Image for 'client name'?"< Specify the files to be loaded when the client requests a: management image during a downline load operation. File? identifications are interpreted according to the file system of the local systemt. If you want to configure anothert? sink, enter YES. The procedure then returns you to the "Sinks> name?" prompt and repeats the prompts required to configure another sink. e2 Evd_sink_name_helpe "Sink name?"eB Specify the name of the sink you want to use for the local node (for example, local_sink).o s2 Event_sink_maxbuff_help "Maximum buffer size?"e? Specify the maximum number of octets that the sink allows to-' process events (for example, 16384)._B Specify the address of the files to write to when the client is upline dumped. 2 Mop_verification_help$ "Verification for 'Client name'?"B Specify the verification string to be sent in a boot message to the specified client. 2 Mop_iv_client_address_help= "Phase IV Client Address (aa.nnnn) for 'mop client name'?"> Specify the Phase IV node address to be given to the client= system when it is loaded. This address is passed in a load? characteristics e2 Evd_sink_object_name_help "Object name?"p; Specify the full DECdns name of the object for which thea> sink accepts incoming connections. Unless the value of this? characteristic is null, the sink employs the Session ControloC layer's Keep me Here function to maintain the object name in theo namespace._ p2 Evd_sink_end_user_helpr "End user specification?"C Specify the DNA session control local address for which the sinke9 accepts incoming connections (for example, number=82).t m!2 Evd_sink_catch_all_filter_helpu "Catch all filter action?" D Specify the action to take if neither the specific filter setting@ nor the global filter setting matches an event or if a filterA setting that does match an event is set to Ignore. The choiceso are:h o BLOCK - Discard the event. o PASS - Report the event. e2 Event_sink_description_help "Description?"bC Specify an informational string that can be used to describe theg sink. u2 Event_sink_displayuids_help "Display UIDs?"B Answering YES displays the entity's unique identifier, which is( generated when the entity is created. c2 Evd_sink_client_helps "Client type?" B Specify how the application is to accept the events received by the sink. The choices are:r9 o CONSOLE - Events go the operator's console (OPCOM).s% o DEVICE - Events go to a device.h! o FILE - Events go to a file.  2 Evd_sink_file_name_help "File name?"E? Enter the file specification that you want to use to capturet4 events (for example, SYS$MANAGER:EVD_EVENTS.LOG). 2 Evd_sink_device_name_help "Device name?" ? Enter the device that you want to use to capture events (forc example, TWA1:).t T 2 Evd_custom_configure_obs_help/ "Configure an (or another) Outbound Stream?"s8 The first prompt displayed concerning outbound stream? configuration when you select menu option 6 is "Con figure anuB Outbound Stream?". If you want to configure an outbound stream, answer YES.> After you have configured an outbound stream, the procedure< displays the prompt "Configure another Outbound Stream?".D If you do not want to configure another outbound stream, enter NOC and proceed to the next prompt. If you want to configure anotheryD outbound stream, enter YES. The procedure then returns you to theB "Outbound Stream name?" prompt and repeats the prompts required(  to configure another outbound stream. a2 Evd_obs_name_help "Outbound Stream name?"A Specify the outbound stream name that is to be managed by this' command (for example, local_stream).c l2 Evd_sink_maxbuff_help "Maximum buffer size?"n? Specify the number of octets that the outbound stream allowsg< to process events. This value is derived from (but is notB necessarily equal to) the value specified in the MAXIMUM BUFFER< SIZE argument of the CREATE command (for example, 16384). o2 Evd_sink_template_helpk "OSI transport template?"? Specify the transport template for this stream's connection.n t#2 Evd_obs_connect_retry_timer_helpt "Connect retry timer?"s; Specify the number of seconds to wait between connectionS? attempts. The connect retry timer operates continuously from > the time the outbound stream is enabled until the stream is@ disabled or until the CONNECT TIMER ENABLED characteristic isC set to FALSE. If 6the outbound stream is already connected to thehB sink when the timer expires, no connection is attempted at thatC time. The timer resets and connection attempts continue whenevero the timer expires.t w%2 Evd_obs_connect_timer_enabled_helpE "Connect timer enabled?"r? Answer YES to have the connect retry timer operational. A NO  reply disables it.  d 2 Evd_obs_disconnect_timer_help "Disconnect timer?"@ Specify the number of seconds to wait before shutting dowBߛd1 NET$CONFIGURE_Help6 NET$CONFIGURE.COM V2.0 - for DECnet/OSI for OpenVMS1 Copyright 1994 Digital Equipment Corporation 2 DMU_help/ "Do you want to convert Phase IV databases?"B If you answer YES to this question, the NET$CONFIGURE procedure? uses the system's existing Phase IV database to generate NCLD scripts and configure the system. Depending on the content of theC database, NET$CONFIGURE will ask additional questions on some or all of the following topics:# o Node's full name and synonym. o Node's time zone. o OSI Transport.< o Any standard applications that are not in the existing$ database such as OpenVMS MAIL.A If you answer NO, the NET$CONFIGURE procedure does not use theB system's existing Phase IV database to generate NCL scripts andA proceeds to ask all the configuration questions, starting with your node full name. 2 Convert_Node_Names_help< "Do you want to convert the Phase IV node name database?"B If you answer YES to this question, the NET$CONFIGURE procedureE uses the system's existing Phase IV node name database to generateD a local name database. This file is used to translate node namesF if you include "LOCAL" in the list of directory services to be used on this system.H This will provide a flat naming space that is populated with the nodeA names from the existing Phase IV permanent database. This is E unnecessary if you do not intend to include "LOCAL" in the list of0 directory services to be used on this system.2 Node_name_help( "What is the full name of this node?"E The node full name is the name of your system's node object in theF directory service. It includes the namespace nickname, and the fullC list of directories leading to the node object name. Examples of node full names include: LOCAL:.TomThumb vbo:.afsg.comms.werner( XYZ_CORP:.sales.west_coast.WillyLoman< Europe:.Erin.County_Cork.Bantry.Glengarriff_Road.MACotter? The namespace nickname is terminated with a colon (:). If noC namespace nickname is given or if the namespace nickname "LOCAL"C is used, then the Local File is used. The node object name must E begin with a dot (.), and no element of the name (namespace name, E directory, or node object name) can be a null string. Please note B that the namespace nickname "LOCAL" is reserved, and indicates 3 that the Local File will be used on this system.I Enter the node full name you want to use. DECnet/OSI node full names G should be planned carefully and must be unique within the directory E service. If your network administrator has not assigned a unique H node full name for your system, be sure that you read DECnet/OSI for C OpenVMS Introduction, Planning, and Glossary before you do so. @ This manual also contains guidelines for using the directory & services DECdns and the Local File.2 Node_synonym_help( "What is synonym name for this node?"? The node synonym is an alphanumeric character string between@ 1 and 6 characters long that contains at least one alphabetic? character. If this system had previously been running DECnetB Phase IV software, then the old node name should be used as theD synonym. If this system is joining a DECnet network for the firstB time, any name can be used for the synonym, as long as it meets? the criteria listed above, and is unique within the network.* Enter the node synonym you want to use. 2 PhaseIV_address_help "Enter PhaseIV Address"A A DECnet/OSI system may or may not use a DECnet Phase IV styleA node address. A node address of 0.0 indicates that this DECnetC /OSI system will be communicating with DECnet/OSI nodes only. IfB your network contains some systems running DECnet Phase IV, youC may want to specify a compatible address in order to communicateB with them. If your network consists solely of DECnet/OSI and/or) OSI systems, this may not be required.> The DECnet Phase IV node address consists of an area numberA (between 1 and 63), and a node number within the area (between 1 and 1023).A Enter the PhaseIV address you want to use, or enter 0.0 if you2 want to communicate with DECnet/OSI nodes only. 2 Phaseiv_address_prefix_help "Enter Phase IV prefix"? Having chosen a Phase IV compatible address for this system,B you may also specify a Phase IV Prefix, which together with theC node address forms the complete network address for this system.C All nodes within a single addressing domain contain the same IDPA in their network addresses. The default value of "49::" is theD "private network" IDP, which is appropriate for a Phase IV DECnet@ network that contains some DECnet/OSI systems. Please contact@ your network manager if you are in doubt as to your network'sC Phase IV Prefix value, or indeed if you are unsure how to answer this question at all.@ DECnet/OSI systems reference all network addresses (includingC Phase IV addresses) using OSI NSAP address formats. The Phase IVA prefix and the Phase IV node address are used to construct the@ complete NSAP address. All DECnet/OSI systems within a single@ routing domain use this Phase IV prefix to form the Phase IV-C compatible NSAP address. This prefix consists of the OSI address? initial domain part (IDP) and possibly the preDSP portion ofC the domain specific part (DSP). DECnet/OSI for VMS Introduction,@ Planning, and Glossary contains more information about NSAPs.= The default value for the prefix is the number 49::, which= specifies that your system will be part of a private localA network. This value is generally appropriate for networks that> will not be interconnected with other OSI networks. If your@ network is going to be connected with other OSI networks, you$ must enter a globally unique IDP.& NOTEB If you are using an IDP other than 49::, it must be assigned? by an authorized standards organization, such as ANSI, or> you must construct an IDP that you know will be globally< unique (based on your telephone number, for instance).= DECnet/OSI for VMS Introduction, Planning, and Glossary@ contains a detailed description of how to construct an IDP> and how to apply to a standards organization for an IDP.D If you are in doubt about which prefix value to use, contact your network manager.- Enter the Phase IV prefix you want to use. 2 cdi_dirsvc_help6 "Enter the directory services to use on the system"G You have the option of choosing the following directory services for your system:E Local File (LOCAL) - A local namespace that uses flat naming.) DECdns - A distributed namespace.5 Domain - A naming service that uses DNS/BIND.K The Local file has the capability to hold 100,000 nodes, and it can evenL scale beyond that number. The actual number of nodes that the Local file: can hold depends on the space available on your system.C If you choose to enter more than one directory service for your G system, the ordering of this list is *very important*, as the first I directory service entered in this list will be considered the primary B directory service to use on the system. The primary directory H service is considered the first choice to use when looking up naming  information for the system.E Enter an *ordered* list of the directory services you want to use A on the system. If you enter more than one directory service,  separate them by commas.G For example, if you enter "DECdns,Local,Domain" at the prompt, this H means that you want to use the directory services DECdns, Local, and A Domain, and that the primary directory service will be DECdns.2 cdi_fullname_help= "Enter the full name for directory service {DECDNS,LOCAL}"( "Enter the fully qualified host name"7 Enter a node name for each directory service chosen.E For the directory service Domain, you will enter a fully qualifiedG host name. The fully qualified host name includes the host name and the domain name. For example:' Domain - smilee.lkg.dec.comJ For the directory services DECdns and Local file, you will enter a nodeJ full na2 cdi_fullname_help= "Enter the full name for directory service {DECDNS,LOCAL}" ( "Enter the fully qualified host name"7 Enter a node name for each directory service chosen. E For the directory service Domain, you will enter a fully qualified G host name. The fully qualified host name includes the host name and the domain name. For example:' Domain - smilee.lkg.dec.comfJ For the directory services DECdns and Local file, you will enter a nodeJ full na2 cdi_fullname_help= "Enter the full name for directory service {DECDNS,LOCAL}" ( "Enter the fully qualified host name"7 Enter a node name for each directory service chosen. E For the directory service Domain, you will enter a fully qualified G host name. The fully qualified host name includes the host name and the domain name. For example:' Domain - smilee.lkg.dec.comfJ For the directory services DECdns and Local file, you will enter a nodeJ full na2 cdi_fullname_help= "Enter the full name for directory service {DECDNS,LOCAL}" ( "Enter the fully qualified host name"7 Enter a node name for each directory service chosen. E For the directory service Domain, you will enter a fully qualified G host name. The fully qualified host name includes the host name and the domain name. For example:' Domain - smilee.lkg.dec.comfJ For the directory services DECdns and Local file, you will enter a nodeJ full na2 cdi_fullname_help= "Enter the full name for directory service {DECDNS,LOCAL}" ( "Enter the fully qualified host name"7 Enter a node name for each directory service chosen. E For the directory service Domain, you will enter a fully qualified G host name. The fully qualified host name includes the host name and the domain name. For example:' Domain - smilee.lkg.dec.comfJ For the directory services DECdns and Local file, you will enter a nodeJ full na2 cdi_fullname_help= "Enter the full name for directory service {DECDNS,LOCAL}" ( "Enter the fully qualified host name"7 Enter a node name for each directory service chosen. E For the directory service Domain, you will enter a fully qualified G host name. The fully qualified host name includes the host name and the domain name. For example:' Domain - smilee.lkg.dec.comfJ For the directory services DECdns and Local file, you will enter a nodeJ full na2 cdi_fullname_help= "Enter the full name for directory service {DECDNS,LOCAL}" ( "Enter the fully qualified host name"7 Enter a node name for each directory service chosen. E For the directory service Domain, you will enter a fully qualified G host name. The fully qualified host name includes the host name and the domain name. For example:' Domain - smilee.lkg.dec.comfJ For the directory services DECdns and Local file, you will enter a nodeJ full na2 cdi_fullname_help= "Enter the full name for directory service {DECDNS,LOCAL}" ( "Enter the fully qualified host name"7 Enter a node name for each directory service chosen. E For the directory service Domain, you will enter a fully qualified G host name. The fully qualified host name includes the host name and the domain name. For example:' Domain - smilee.lkg.dec.comfJ For the directory services DECdns and Local file, you will enter a nodeJ full name. The node full name is the name of your system's node objectI in the directory service. It includes the namespace nickname, and the I full list of directories leading to the node object name. Examples oftL node full names for the directory services DECdns and Local file include:$ Local file - LOCAL:.TomThumb: DECdns - XYZ_CORP:.sales.west_coast.WillyLomanG For the Local file, the namespace nickname LOCAL is prepended to theeH full name and is terminated with a colon (:). The namespace nicknameH "LOCAL" means that the Local file is used. The node object name mustG begin with a dot (.), and no element of the name (namespace name,aJ directory, or node object name) can be a null string. Please note thatG the namespace nickname "LOCAL" is reserved, and indicates that theo* Local file will be used on this system.K The Local file has the capability to hold 100,000 nodes, and it can eveniL scale beyond that number. The actual number of nodes that the Local file: can hold depends on the space available on your system.G Enter the node full name you want to use. DECnet/OSI node full nameskF should be planned carefully and must be unique within the directoryD service. If your network administrator has not assigned a uniqueC node full name for your system, be sure that you read DECnet/OSIiE for OpenVMS Introduction, Planning, and Glossary before you do so.nI This manual also contains guidelines for using the directory services e DECdns and the Local File. 2 Node_synonym_directory_help "Node Synonym Directory"oA If you have a large network and would like to use an alternatelD node synonym directory rather than using the default node synonym= directory of ".DNA_NodeSynonym", you may enter one at this B prompt. The value for the alternate node synonym directory must? be a DECdns directory full name(for example: .USA_Synonyms).iB If you have the logical DECNET_MIGRATE_DIR_SYNONYM defined, theA default value for the node synonym directory will be the valueB you defined. If you do not have the logical DECNET_MIGRATE_DIR_< SYNONYM defined, the default value is ".DNA_NodeSynonym". t"2 naming_cache_timeout_value_help "Naming cache timeout value?"E With this release of DECnet/OSI, a naming cache is used to improveFI the performance of nodename address resolution. This cache supersedeslJ the existing DECdns cache and is used when looking for addresses in theE Domain and Local services, in addition to DECdns. Note that otherH applications that use DECdns directly continue to utilize the DECdns cache.nK The naming cache includes a mechanism to "timeout" old entries. In thisaJ way, these entries are periodically refreshed to accurately reflect the actual network environment.I For example, say that node FOO has address 1234. After DECnet/OSI hastL looked up node FOO, it will store this address in its cache. If node FOOG were to change it address to 2345, the following events would occur:t@ - DECnet/OSI would retrieve address 1234 from the cache.= - a connection attempt would be made to address 1234.oJ - it the connection failed, DECnet/OSI would automatically look upI the address again, bypassing the naming cache. This new lookuprA would find address 2345, update the cache, and connect e successfully.hH However, if address 1234 had been reassigned to another node BAR, the following would occur:i@ - DECnet/OSI would retrieve address 1234 from the cache.= - a connection attempt would be made to address 1234.D - the connection would succeed - DECnet/OSI cannot tell that- it has connected to the wrong node. L To prevent this scenario, network administrators should not reassign nodeI addresses until the naming cache timeout period has passed. This willeE allow these addresses to be automatically flushed from the caches.oL You have the option to set a value for the naming cache timeout interval.E Enter any legal OpenVMS delta time value (the default is 30 days).e(2 naming_cache_checkpoint_interval_help& "Naming cache checkpoint interval?"E With this release of DECnet/OSI, a naming cache is used to improverI the performance of nodename address resolution. This cache supersedesaJ the existing DECdns cache and is used when looking for addresses in theE Domain and Local services, in addition to DECdns. Note that otherCH applications that use DECdns directly continue to utilize the DECdns cache.K Periodically, DECnet/OSI saves a snapshot of the in-memory naming cache tI to disk. This allows systems, during startup, to have a naming cache tI that is already populated with entries. In other words, the contents ; of the naming cache are preserved across system reboots.iK The frequency of this checkpoint operation can be changed. For example,cK $ MCR NCL Set Session Control Naming Cache Checkpoint Interval 12:00:00 + changes this interval to every 12 hours. G You have the option of setting the naming cache checkpoint interval. E Enter any legal OpenVMS delta time value (the default is 8 hours). '2 Autoconfigure_network_addresses_helpI# "Autoconfigure network address?"r? Your system must have at least one unique network address inc> order to use DECnet/OSI communications features. DECnet/OSIB systems can be multihomed, that is, they can have more than one+ network address, but no more than three. ? If you answer YES to this prompt, the procedure supplies oneo network address for you.sA This method is the easiest way to configure a network address,r@ or Network Entity Title (NET), for your system. If you have aB Digital Equipment Corporation WANrouter adjacent to your systemC (on the same LAN or connected to your system by a point-to-point.C link), the router will configure your network addresses for you.t& NOTEB If you have an OSI router from a supplier other than DigitalB Equipment Corporation adjacent to your system, do not chooseA autoconfiguration unless you know that the router uses NETstA with a selector of 00. This restriction applies even if you ? have a Digital Equipment Corporation WANrouter as well asu@ another supplier's OSI router on the same LAN. OSI routersB that specify NETs differently can cause you to autoconfigure< your network addresses incorrectly. If you have such a= router, you must choose to manually configure your NETs 8 by answering NO to the autoconfiguration question.> If you answer NO to the autoconfiguration question, you canB manually enter multiple addresses for your system. Your network; manager can supply them to you or you can construct them A yourself. Having multiple addresses allows your system to haveaD both an OSI address and a Phase IV-compatible address, so you canD communicate with both Phase IV and DECnet/OSI systems on the sameA network. It also allows your system to belong to more than oneeD OSI network. This feature is particularly useful when you want toC combine two (or more) networks. Rather than have all the systemsdC in both networks get new addresses that reflect the new combineddC network, those systems that need to participate in both networksn# can have an address in each one.,B If you choose not to autoconfigure your network addresses (alsoA known as Network Entity Titles [NETs]), the procedure displaysi the following prompt:( * Enter Manual Network Entity Titles? Y2 Manual_net_help( "Enter Manual Network Entity Titles?"B You can assign a maximum of three network addresses to a system? including the Phase IV address (if you assigned one). If yourB entered a Phase IV address and a Phase IV prefix in response toD the previous prompts, the Phase IV NET is automatically generated and assigned for you.? If you know which NETs to use, enter them at this prompt. IfiB you are entering more than one NET, separate them with a comma.B You can obtain them from your network manager or construct them yourself.D To create an NET manually, you need to know your system's Network( IDP, network local area, and Node ID.0 For example, given the following information: A network IDP of 41:45436192: A network local area of 43e A node ID of 258h% The NET is constructed as follows:a: IDP and selector = 41:45436192:local-area:node-id:007 43 decimal = 2B hexadecimal (local area)"& (43 * 1024) + 258 = 44290 decimal* 44290 decimal = AD02 hexadecimal4 AD02 swapped = 02AD hexadecimal (node ID)> The resulting NET is 41:45436192:00-2B:AA-00-04-00-02-AD:00& NOTE> NETs must be entD If you want to establish a static asynchronous connection, answerC YES. A static asynchronous connection creates a permanent DECnetB link to a single remote node. Two nodes are connected by eitherB a dialup line or by a physical line attached to a terminal portB at each end. Before the DECnet connection is made, the terminal> lines must be converted to static asynchronous DDCMP lines. 2 Async_static_lines_help/ "Terminal device name(s) (ex:TXA0,TXA2...)?"B Specifyered in DNA format, which uses colons to= separate fields and dashes to separate pairs of digits. B Make sure that you include the 00 selector when you manually specify a NET. 2 dna_address_format_help "DNA Address Format?"I You have the option of setting the value of the Routing characteristictJ "DNA Address Format" to either TRUE or FALSE. Answering YES indicatesJ that NSAP addresses are DNA structured. Enter TRUE if you want to set " the DNA Address FD If you want to establish a static asynchronous connection, answerC YES. A static asynchronous connection creates a permanent DECneteB link to a single remote node. Two nodes are connected by eitherB a dialup line or by a physical line attached to a terminal portB at each end. Before the DECnet connection is made, the terminal> lines must be converted to static asynchronous DDCMP lines. e2 Async_static_lines_help/ "Terminal device name(s) (ex:TXA0,TXA2...)?" B Specifyormat to TRUE.2 Async_support_helpa/ "Do you want Asynchronous datalink support?"yB If you have installed and configured the VAX WAN Device DriversD software on this system, you have the option of configuring it to$ support asynchronous connections.B Support for asynchronous connections is provided by the VAX WAN@ device driver software. This software gives you the option ofA connecting your OpenVMS system to another system by means of aoB low-cost, low-speed asyncD If you want to establish a static asynchronous connection, answerC YES. A static asynchronous connection creates a permanent DECneteB link to a single remote node. Two nodes are connected by eitherB a dialup line or by a physical line attached to a terminal portB at each end. Before the DECnet connection is made, the terminal> lines must be converted to static asynchronous DDCMP lines. e2 Async_static_lines_help/ "Terminal device name(s) (ex:TXA0,TXA2...)?" B Specifyhronous line. Asynchronous connections? are implemented in software and can be run over any directly @ connected terminal line that the OpenVMS system supports. The> asynchronous protocol provides for a full-duplex connection@ and can be used for remote asynchronous communications over a telephone line using a modem.& NOTE@ Asynchronous connections are not supported for maintenance4 operations or for controller loopback testing.B ND If you want to establish a static asynchronous connection, answerC YES. A static asynchronous connection creates a permanent DECneteB link to a single remote node. Two nodes are connected by eitherB a dialup line or by a physical line attached to a terminal portB at each end. Before the DECnet connection is made, the terminal> lines must be converted to static asynchronous DDCMP lines. e2 Async_static_lines_help/ "Terminal device name(s) (ex:TXA0,TXA2...)?" B Specifyormally, the OpenVMS operating system controls lines connected@ to terminal ports, as in interactive login. You can, however,B switch the line so that the DECnet/OSI for OpenVMS software canA use the line for an asynchronous connection to another system.oD Refer to the DECnet/OSI Network Management manual for informationC on the OpenVMS DCL SET TERMINAL commands used to switch terminalt lines to DECnet lines.rB You can establish two types of asynchronous DECnet connections:AD If you want to establish a static asynchronous connection, answerC YES. A static asynchronous connection creates a permanent DECneteB link to a single remote node. Two nodes are connected by eitherB a dialup line or by a physical line attached to a terminal portB at each end. Before the DECnet connection is made, the terminal> lines must be converted to static asynchronous DDCMP lines. e2 Async_static_lines_help/ "Terminal device name(s) (ex:TXA0,TXA2...)?" B Specify o A static asynchronous connection, which creates a permanent B DECnet link to a single remote node. Two nodes are connected? by either a dialup line or by a physical line attached toh? a terminal port at each end. Before the DECnet connectiono= is made, the terminal lines must be converted to static  asynchronous DDCMP lines.oC o A dynamic asynchronous connection, which provides a temporary ? DECnet link. This type of line is usually switched on fora> D If you want to establish a static asynchronous connection, answerC YES. A static asynchronous connection creates a permanent DECneteB link to a single remote node. Two nodes are connected by eitherB a dialup line or by a physical line attached to a terminal portB at each end. Before the DECnet connection is made, the terminal> lines must be converted to static asynchronous DDCMP lines. e2 Async_static_lines_help/ "Terminal device name(s) (ex:TXA0,TXA2...)?" B Specify network use only for the duration of a dialup connection@ between two nodes. When the telephone is disconnected, the= line reverts to being a terminal line. The advantage of ? this type of connection is that you can use a single lineyC to establish dynamic connections to different remote nodes atr different times.D Also, when creating a dynamic asynchronous connection, you areA given the option of creating an explicit dynamic connectionsA or a floD If you want to establish a static asynchronous connection, answerC YES. A static asynchronous connection creates a permanent DECneteB link to a single remote node. Two nodes are connected by eitherB a dialup line or by a physical line attached to a terminal portB at each end. Before the DECnet connection is made, the terminal> lines must be converted to static asynchronous DDCMP lines. e2 Async_static_lines_help/ "Terminal device name(s) (ex:TXA0,TXA2...)?" B Specifyating dynamic connection. The difference is that anrA explicit line is tied to a specific terminal device while a"@ floating line is not. When using a dynamic connection, youC can have the terminal line switched automatically to a DECnety0 line, or you can switch the line manually.@ If you answer YES, the procedure asks the following question:3 * Do you want to configure static lines? [YES] :n t2 Async_static_help+ "Do you want to configure static lines?"eD If you want to establish a static asynchronous connection, answerC YES. A static asynchronous connection creates a permanent DECneteB link to a single remote node. Two nodes are connected by eitherB a dialup line or by a physical line attached to a terminal portB at each end. Before the DECnet connection is made, the terminal> lines must be converted to static asynchronous DDCMP lines. e2 Async_static_lines_help/ "Terminal device name(s) (ex:TXA0,TXA2...)?" B Specify the device name of the terminal port to be used for the permanent DECnet link.m i2 Async_dynamic_help , "Do you want to configure dynamic lines?"> If you want to establish a dynamic asynchronous connection,; answer YES. A dynamic asynchronous connection provides aA temporary DECnet link. A dynamic asynchronous line is normallyi@ switched on for network use only for the duration of a dialup? connection between two nodes. When the telephone is hung up,oC the line reverts to being a terminal line. The advantage of thishD type of connection is that you can use a single line to establishD dynamic connections to different remote nodes at different times. k 2 Async_support_more_lines_help4 "Do you want to configure any more Asynch lines?"D If you want to establish lines for more asynchronous connections,; answer YES. If you answer YES, the procedure repeats thew< questions regarding configuring static and dynamic lines. 2 Async_static_lines_yn_helpA3 "Do you want to continue configuring this line?"bC This prompt is displayed if you failed to specify an appropriatee> terminal device name at the previous prompt. If you want toD terminate the configuration of a static asynchronous line, answer NO. l2 Async_dynamic_setup_helpn5 "Do you want to configure explicit dynamic lines?"cA If you want to configure a terminal port for use as a switchedi@ DECnet link so that explicit Dynamic connections can be made, answer YES. 2 Async_dynamic_lines_helpd0 "Terminal device name(s) (ex:TXA0,TXA2... )?"> Specify the device name of terminal port to be used for the dynamic DECnet link.o n2 Async_dynamic_lines_yn_help3 "Do you want to continue Configuring this line?"sC This prompt is displayed if you failed to specify an appropriated> terminal device name at the previous prompt. If you want to? terminate the configuration of an dynamic asynchronous line, answer NO.  y/2 Async_floating_lines_number_modem_lines_helpfB "Number of floating 'line speed' bps 'modem control type' modem ctrl lines?"s@ This is the maximum number of terminal ports that can be usedB as dynamically allocated full modem control asynchronous DECnet? links. It should not exceed the number of available terminal ports.  D2 Async_floating_lines_yn_help 5 "Do you want to configure floating dynamic lines?"rC If you want to configure a terminal port that can be dynamicallym> allocated for use as a switched DECnet link so that Dynamic' connections can be made, answer YES.  S+2 Async_floating_lines_configure_more_help-6 "Do you want to configure any more floating lines?"< If you want to configure more floating lines, answer YES. t2 Async_line_speed_help+ "Line speed for 'terminal device name'?"v9 Specify the line speed in Bits per Second at which the : asynchronous link will run (for example, 2400 or 9600). 2 Async_modem_control_helps/ "Will this line require full modem control?"iA If you want the full DEC Standard 52 Modem control to be used,I answer YES. h2 Data_link_protocol_help7 "Data Link protocol for 'datalink name' ('device')?"B Specify either HDLC, DDCMP, or NONE for the point-to-point data' link protocol. The default is DDCMP.eC o DDCMP (Digital Data Communications Message Protocol) providesoD synchronous point-to-point connections and asynchronous static, or dynamic point-to-point connections.B o HDLC (High-Level Data Link Control protocol) conforms to theC ISO standards. HDLC provides synchronous point-to-point linksm; that function like Digital's DDCMP synchronous links._? o Enter NONE if either of the following statements is true.D7 - You do not want to run DECnet over this device, - You are using X.25 over this device D2 Data_link_name_help( "Data Link name to use for 'device'?"@ This prompt allows you to specify a data link name for one ofA the following data links depending on the type of device being C configured. If you do not want this device configured for DECnetb /OSI, enter NONE. o CSMACD o DDCMPe o HDLC= Ethernet devices can only be configured to run over CSMACDt? datalinks. Synchronous devices can be configured to run overn< DDCMP or HDLC datalinks. Asynchronous devices can only be* configured to run over DDCMP datalinks.D Specify the simple-name that you want to use for the data link orB accept the system-supplied default. Digital recommends that youB take the default name even if you configure multiple data links of the same type. l!2 fddi_large_packet_support_helph "FDDI Large Packet Support"E If an FDDI-type circuit has been found on the system, you have thepC option of enabling FDDI large packet support. FDDI large packet = support allows you to fully utilize the bandwidth of FDDI.eG If you choose not to enable FDDI large packet support on the system, > the FDDI circuit will use the bandwidth of CSMA-CD instead.D Note that a Phase V router on the LAN (preferably on the FDDI) is= required in order to enable the FDDI large packet support. 2 segregated_mode_routing_helpw "Segregated Mode Routing"C If you are using the ADVANCED configuration, you have the optione> of using segregated mode routing or integrated mode routing, (integrated mode routing is the default).6 Segregated mode routing works in the following way:F A special check is made on the packet to determine if the packet isJ Phase IV translatable. If the packet is Phase IV translatable, it willJ translate the packet. It will then send the translated Phase IV packetJ (or the Phase V packet if it couldn't be translated) to the appropriateG router if the Phase IV or Phase V router is present. If no suitableeI router is present, then the packet is sent directly to the destinationtH end system. (Essentially, Phase IV compatible packets are routed viaI the Phase IV backbone, and extended address packets are routed via thei Phase V backbone.) 6 Integrated mode routing works in the following way:F If a Phase V router is present, then the packet will be sent to it.C If a Phase V router is not present, then a check will be made to 2 determine if the packet is Phase IV compatible.F If the packet is Phase IV compatible then it will check to see if aG Phase IV router is present and if it is then the packet will be senthG to the Phase IV router. If there is no Phase IV router present thenII the packet will be sent directly in Phase IV format to the destinationmA end system and multicast to all end systems in Phase V format.eG If the packet is not Phase IV compatible and a Phase V router is not C present, then the packet will be multicast to all end systems in  Phase V format.2 integrated_mode_routing_helpi "Integrated Mode Routing"C If you are using the ADVANCED configuration, you have the optiont> of using segregated mode routing or integrated mode routing, (integrated mode routing is the default).6 Integrated mode routing works in the following way:F If a Phase V router is present, then the packet will be sent to it.C If a Phase V router is not present, then a check will be made tot2 determine if the packet is Phase IV compatible.F If the packet is Phase IV compatible then it will check to see if aG Phase IV router is present and if it is then the packet will be sent(G to the Phase IV router. If there is no Phase IV router present thenSI the packet will be sent directly in Phase IV format to the destinationaA end system and multicast to all end systems in Phase V format.lG If the packet is not Phase IV compatible and a Phase V router is notuC present, then the packet will be multicast to all end systems inc Phase V format.2 Routing_circuit_name_help/ "Routing Circuit Name for Data Link 'type'?" ? Specify the simple-name that you want to use for the routing D circuit or accept the system-supplied default. Digital recommends@ that you take the default name even if you configure multiple lines of the same type.A If you decide not to accept the default response, keep in mind A that the name you specify for the data link should reflect theiC type of routing circuit you are configuring. The following types. may be configured:y o CSMACDD Carrier Sense, Multiple Access with Collision Detect (CSMA/CD)A protocol is the data link protocol used by Ethernet and ISOc( 8802-3 local area networks (LANs). o DDCMPt= Digital Data Communications Message Protocol (DDCMP) isn> the data link protocol use by wide area networks (WANs).< It supports synchronous point-to-point connections and@ asynchronous static or dynamic point-to-point connections.D DECnet software can use this protocol to make connections over WANs.t o HDLCB High-level Data Link Control (HDLC) is an ISO, bit-oriented,? Data Link layer (OSI layer 2) protocol that operates overm? synchronous, switched or unswitched communications links.dD DECnet software can use this protocol to make connections over WANs.y e2 X25_configure_yes_no_help/ "Do you want to configure DECnet over X.25?"iA If you want to configure DECnet over X.25 (data link mapping),y; answer YES. This question will only be asked if the X.25rD software (or the VAX P.S.I. software) is installed on the system.2 X25_Routing_circuit_help_3 "Which type of X.25 circuit do you want to use?"mC This prompt allows you to select the type of routing circuit youy7 want to use over X.25. The menu offers four choices:< o A dynamically assigned Routing circuit (menu option 1)> operates over a number of X.25 switched virtual circuits) (SVCs); both incoming and outgoing.m@ o A static incoming Routing circuit (menu option 2) operatesA over a single incoming X.25 switched virtual circuit (SVC).i@ o A static outgoing Routing circuit (menu option 3) operatesA over a single outgoing X.25 switched virtual circuit (SVC).l? o A Permanent Routing circuit (menu option 4) simply uses a8 Permanent Virtual Circuit (PVC) instead of an SVC. l 2 X25_routing_circuit_name_help! "Routing Circuit Name to use?"m? Specify the simple-name that you want to use for the routing A circuit. You can use the default or you can supply a name (forp example, X25-0).u g2 X25_template_name_helpp "Template name?"5? Specify the simple-name of an X25 Access template. A defaultu@ name is provided or you may enter your own name (for example, X25-DA-1).uA All X.25 Routing circuits use an X25 Access template to eitherA' make or accept a network connection.a= For a static outgoing circuit the X25 Access template must@ specify DTE class, destination DTE address and call data. TheB X25 Access template may also specify other call characteristics+ to make the outbound network connection. @ For a static incoming Routing circuit the X25 Access templateA may specify call characteristics to accept the inbound network  connection.A For a dynamic assigned Routing circuit the X25 Access template D must specify DTE class and call data. The X25 Access template mayB also specify other call characteristics to make the outbound or* accept the inbound network connections.6 X25 Access templates are configured using the X.25  configuration program.m 2 X25_filter_name_helpI "Filter name?"g: If you chose to configure an X.25 Dynamic Assigned (DA)? circuit or an X.25 Static Incoming (IN) circuit, this prompttA is displayed. Specify the simple-name of an X25 Access filter.aA You may accept the default or you may enter your own name (form example, X25-IN-0).D Static incoming and dynamically assigned X.25 circuits use an X258 Access filter to receive inbound network connections.C For a static incoming circuit the X25 Access filter must specifyiC inbound DTE class, sending DTE address, call data value and call data mask. D For a dynamic assigned circuit the X25 Access filter must specify9 inbound DTE class, call data value and call data mask.t4 X25 Access filters are configured using the X.25  configuration program.b a 2 X25_reachable_address_yn_help6 "Do you want to configure any reachable addresses?"C If you chose to configure an X.25 Dynamic Assigned (DA) circuit,mC this prompt is displayed. If you want to configure any ReachableeD Address sub-entities, answer YES. If you answer NO, the procedureB skips to the prompt "Configure another X.25 routing circuit for DECnet?". a"2 X25_reachable_address_name_help "Reachable address name?"C Specify the simple-name of the reachable address sub-entity that 3 you want to create (for example, ACCOUNTS_DEPT).r t$2 X25_reachable_address_prefix_help "Reachable address prefix?"> The reachable address sub-entity name is used to select the< remote DTE address to where a routing packet is sent. TheC selection is done by finding a reachable address sub-entity thatnA has an address prefix that matches the beginning of the remotei NSAP in the routing packet.@ Specify the address prefix for this reachable address entity.? The address prefix is a string of characters that is a valid @ beginning of an NSAP (for example, 41:45436192:). The address prefix will match all NSAPs.  &2 X25_reachable_address_dte_list_help "Reachable address dte list?"> The reachable address sub-entity name is used to select theD remote DTE address to where a routing packet is sent. A reachable< address sub-entity may be configured with one or more DTEB addresses. If more than one DTE address is configured then onlyA one is selected each time a packet is sent. All the remote DTEoB addresses must be accessible by the DTE class configured in theD X25 Access template already configured for the associated dynamic assigned circuit.> Specify the list of remote DTE addresses for this reachable< address entity. A DTE address consists of 1 to 15 decimal@ characters. The DTE addresses in the list should be separated" by commas (for example, 2,3,4). a#2 X25_reachable_address_again_helpe8 "Any more reachable addresses you want to configure?"D If you want to configure another reachable address sub-entity for this circuit, answer YES. 2 X25_configure_another_helpO7 "Configure another X.25 routing circuit for DECnet?"o@ If you want to configure another X.25 routing circuit, answer> YES. If you answer YES, the procedure repeats the questions6 regarding configuring another X! 1. CLNS with Internet/ES-ISn@ Any transport connection can use CLNS with Internet/ES-= IS. The communicating end systems may be on the samel> subnetwork, or on different subnetworks. This networkD service is provided by the implementation of the ES-IS (endC system to intermediate system) Internet routing protocols,IC which route packets from the end system to an intermediatefD system on the same subnetwork. The intermediate syste.25 routing circuit. 2 Transport_NSP_helpa! "Configure the NSP Transport?"ID If you want the system to communicate with DECnet Phase IV nodes, answer YES. r2 Transport_OSI_help ! "Configure the OSI Transport?"oK Answer YES if you want the system to communicate with DECnet/OSI nodes, tH and especially if you plan to install OSAK, FTAM, or VT software, or * plan to run any other OSI applications.& NOTEB If you answer NO? Enter the number of the transport protocol class you want ton? use for this template. DECnet/OSI for OpenVMS supports threemA transport protocol classes: 0, 2, and 4. If you select CONS asl@ the network service type, the default is 0,2,4. If you select? CLNS, the default is 4. If you select RFC1006 as the network A service type, the default is 0,4. However, you can configure a multiple OSI templates.B The features of the transport service provided by each of these# pro to this question, the procedure still loads= the OSI transport images. However, OSI Transport is notkA configured or usable until either you run the NET$CONFIGUREa? procedure and answer YES to the OSI Transport question orc5 you create an NCL script for OSI Transport use. p2 No_transport_help "Are you sure?"> If this question is asked, it means that you elected not to? configure both the NSP Transport and the OSI Transport. Thisn is not recommended.D! 1. CLNS with Internet/ES-ISm@ Any transport connection can use CLNS with Internet/ES-= IS. The communicating end systems may be on the same > subnetwork, or on different subnetworks. This networkD service is provided by the implementation of the ES-IS (endC system to intermediate system) Internet routing protocols,oC which route packets from the end system to an intermediateeD system on the same subnetwork. The intermediate syste If you are sure that you do not want either transport configured,B answer YES. If you want to change your decision, answer NO. TheA procedure will then repeat the NSP Transport and OSI Transport A questions, thus allowing you to select one or both transports. 2 Config_multi_protocol_network: "Is this system operating in a multi-protocol network?" A One feature of Transport is the ability to use the "CongestionoB Experienced" field in the ConnectionLess Network Service (CLNS)F routing header, and to implement a "Congestion Avoidance" scheme inG heavily congested networks. The CLNS Congestion Experienced field isH used by routers that support this feature (such as DECnis) to give anD early indication of congestion. When Transport receives data thatG passed through a network path where the "Congestion Experienced" bitcH is set, Transport reduces the transmit rate of the sending end system( to help alieviate network congestion.H While this fe! 1. CLNS with Internet/ES-ISm@ Any transport connection can use CLNS with Internet/ES-= IS. The communicating end systems may be on the same > subnetwork, or on different subnetworks. This networkD service is provided by the implementation of the ES-IS (endC system to intermediate system) Internet routing protocols,oC which route packets from the end system to an intermediateeD system on the same subnetwork. The intermediate systeature works well in networks where all network protocolsG support "Congestion Avoidance" mechanisms, it has been noted that inyC some heavily congested multi- protocol networks this feature cannD negatively impact the performance of DECnet/OSI compared to other protocols. G Digital, therefore recommends that Transport Congestion Avoidance beeF disabled when using DECnet/OSI in heavily congested, multi-protocolB networks, if other network protocols do not implement a similar  mechanism.e? Answering "Yes" to this question will disable the congestion  avoidance algorithm.t&2 Config_nsp_pt_to_pt_line_speed_help@ "Are the point-to-point lines utilizing line speeds less than 9600BPS?"B This question will only be asked if you have any point-to-point= lines (that is, any synchronous and/or asynchronous lines)H configured.B If you have any point-to-point lines running at low line speeds> (that is, lower than 9600 bps), answer YES. This wi! 1. CLNS with Internet/ES-ISm@ Any transport connection can use CLNS with Internet/ES-= IS. The communicating end systems may be on the same > subnetwork, or on different subnetworks. This networkD service is provided by the implementation of the ES-IS (endC system to intermediate system) Internet routing protocols,oC which route packets from the end system to an intermediateeD system on the same subnetwork. The intermediate systell place@ additional NSP NCL commands into the NSP Transport NCL script? in order to accommodate the lower line speeds. If you do notsC have any point-to-point lines being utilized at low line speeds,a answer NO.C i!2 Config_OSI_ivp_applic_username 7 "Username for OSI loopback test application to use?"SC Press Return to accept the default user name for the applicationtA loopback test account. A message will be displayed to indicater4 that the default OSI templates have been created. o'2 Config_OSI_template_create_more_helpe4 "Do you want to create additional OSI templates?"B If you configure the OSI Transport, the NET$CONFIGURE procedureD automatically creates the default OSI templates that are required@ by the OSAK and FTAM installation and verification proceduresB (IVPs) to perform loopback testing. However, if you plan to useA OSI applications to make connections to other OSI systems, you B must create OSI templates in addition to th! 1. CLNS with Internet/ES-ISm@ Any transport connection can use CLNS with Internet/ES-= IS. The communicating end systems may be on the same > subnetwork, or on different subnetworks. This networkD service is provided by the implementation of the ES-IS (endC system to intermediate system) Internet routing protocols,oC which route packets from the end system to an intermediateeD system on the same subnetwork. The intermediate systeose that are created> by default. The default OSI templates are used for loopback? testing only and cannot be used to make connections to other > OSI systems. Answer YES to create additional OSI templates. 2 Config_OSI_template_name_help "Name of the template?"D Press Return to accept the default OSI template name (do not type "Return")D Enter the name you want to use for the OSI template (for example,< OSI_TEMPLATE_1) or press Return to accept the default OSI(  template name (do not type "Return"). e'2 Config_OSI_template_net_service_help 1 "Type of network service (CLNS/CONS/RFC1006)?"rB If you want to use Connectionless Network Service (CLNS), enter? CLNS. If you want to use Connection Oriented Network ServicenB (CONS), enter CONS. If you want to use RFC1006, enter RFC1006. o CLNS NETWORK SERVICEA There are two forms of the CLNS network service. Both forms < support only one class of transport protocol: class 4.! 1. CLNS with Internet/ES-ISm@ Any transport connection can use CLNS with Internet/ES-= IS. The communicating end systems may be on the same > subnetwork, or on different subnetworks. This networkD service is provided by the implementation of the ES-IS (endC system to intermediate system) Internet routing protocols,oC which route packets from the end system to an intermediateeD system on the same subnetwork. The intermediate system willC ensure that packets reach their final destination. Two endP@ systems that implement ES-IS on the same subnetwork may@ communicate without an intervening intermediate system. 2. CLNS with Null InternetD A transport connection may use CLNS with Null Internet onlyA when the two end systems are on the same 802.3 LAN. ThisB network service is provided by the inactive subset of theA Internet protocol. No intermediate system is involved int the network connection. o CONS NETWORK SERVICE= A transport connection can use CONS when the underlying D network connection is an X.25 connection. This type of networkE service is provided by the X.25 software in the DECnet/OSI for  OpenVMS product.< CONS supports transport connections using any class ofA transport protocol (that is, class 0, class 2, or class 4). 4 The underlying X.25 network connection can be:D  - A connection between two systems attached to an X.25 PacketA Switching Data Network (PSDN), either directly or via anc X.25 gatewayoC - A point-to-point connection using the LAPB protocol as the  data link protocolsA - A direct connection between two systems on the same IEEEr+ 802.3 LAN, using the LLC2 protocol L In each of these cases the two end systems are on the same subnetwork. o RFC1006 NETWORK SERVICEuA The netw ork service type RFC1006 tells the OSI transport to E run over the TCP/IP protocol stack. The network service type isc- specified in an OSI Transport template.dC When using DECnet applications over RFC1006 the OSI transport ? template osit$rfc1006 is used for the inbound connection.s= For outbound connections, the default template is used.e t#2 Config_OSI_template_classes_help " "Transport Classes to support?"? Enter the number of the transport protocol class you want toC? use for this template. DECnet/OSI for OpenVMS supports three A transport protocol classes: 0, 2, and 4. If you select CONS ass@ the network service type, the default is 0,2,4. If you select? CLNS, the default is 4. If you select RFC1006 as the networkIA service type, the default is 0,4. However, you can configure t multiple OSI templates.B The features of the transport service provided by each of these# protocol classes are as follows:g o Class 0r C Class 0 is the most basic type of transport service, in which @ there is no flow control, multiplexing, or error recovery. o Class 2o? A class 2 transport service provides all the functions ofl@ a class 0 service, and also provides multiplexing and flowB control. The OSI Transport Service software always uses flow> control measures on class 2 connections, even though the? transport protocol standard defines this feature as beingu optional w ithin class 2. o Class 4SA A class 4 transport service provides all the functions of ayD class 2 service and, in addition, provides error detection and recovery.o o#2 Config_OSI_template_X25_templated "X25 template name?"v0 Enter the X.25 template name you want to use. t"2 Config_OSI_template_x_data_help! "Allow use of expedited data?"e@ If you want to support the use of expedited data, answer YES. u%2 Config_OSI_template_checksums_helps "Allow use of Checksums?"? If you want to use the error correction feature, answer YES.b o'2 Config_OSI_template_routing_protocole$ "Use Full CLNP or Null Internet?"B A CLNS OSI Transport template can specify use of Internet/ES-IS@ routing protocols or Null Internet routing protocol. The Null= Internet protocol only operates over LAN Routing circuits.CD A CLNS OSI Transport template for use with Internet/ES-IS routingA protocols may use any Routing circuits configured; the Routingn< module will determine the most suitable circuit to use. AA CLNS OSI Transport template for use with Null Internet routingED protocol can only use one Routing circuit; the Routing circuit is/ selected based on its inactive area address.  p+2 Config_OSI_template_routing_circuit_nameu> "Which routing circuit is this Null Internet template for?"= Enter the routing circuit you want to use for the CLNS OSIeD Transport template (for use with Null Internet routing protocol). )2 Config_OSI_template_inactive_area_helpl% "Which CLNS Inactive Area to use?"yD A CLNS OSI Transport template specifying use of the Null InternetC routing protocol selects the Routing circuit to be used based on 4 the inactive area address of the Routing circuit.D If Null Internet routing is to be supported then an inactive area@ address must be configured for the circuit. The inactive areaB address for the circuit must be different to any area addresses? used by DECnet/OSI routers on the same LAN. If more than oneB LAN Routing circuit is to be configured on this system and NullA Internet is required on each circuit, then each circuit shouldr* have a different inactive area address.A The CLNS inactive area should be the same as the inactive areas8 set in routing, or else Null Internet cannot be used.+2 CONFIG_OSI_TEMPLATE_INBOUND_PACKETS_HELP 4 "Will this template be used for inbound packets?"F If you want to use this template for inbound packets enter YES. If@ you want to use this template for outbound packets, enter NO.$2 CONFIG_OSI_TEMPLATE_CONS_TEMPLATE "CONS template name?"F If the CONS template is being used for inbound or outbound packets,C the CONS template name should be the same as the name being usedt@ for the X.25 Access template, or else you will not be able to make any CONS connections. 7 Enter the name of the CONS template you want to use.b"2 CONFIG_OSI_TEMPLATE_CONS_FILTER "CONS filter name?"> If the CONS template is being used for inbound packets, you> will be prompted for the CONS filter name. The CONS filter> name should be the same as the name being used for the X.25? Access filter, or else you will not be able to make any CONSi connections.r5 Enter the name of the CONS filter you want to use.E-2 CONFIG_OSI_TEMPLATE_RFC1006_LOCALPORT_HELPn "Local RFC1006 port number?"eF Enter the outgoing port number to use when establishing a transport connection at the TCP level. 02 CONFIG_OSI_TEMPLATE_RFC1006_LISTENERPORT_HELP" "RFC1006 listener port number?"A If the RFC1006 template is being used for inbound packets, youmF will be prompted for the RFC1006 listener port number. This numberC should be the same as the Local RFC1006 port number, or else the 1 template will not be used for inbound traffic.tD Enter the incoming port number used when establishing a transport connection at the TCP level.e 2 EVD_helpa3 "Do you want to customize the Event Dispatcher?"< Answer YES, if you want to customize the Event Dispatcher: configuration. Answer NO, if you want the default Event! Dispatcher configuration only.a 2 Applic_config_helptC "Do you want to use a default account for the 'application name'. application?"C The procedure creates the DECnet/OSI default application objects A to include in the application database. You have the option of A creating default user accounts for the following applications: * FAL, CML, MAIL, VPM, MIRROR, and PHONE.A This prompt is displayed for the standard OpenVMS applicationsM, most commonly used. The applications are: o File Access Listener: File Access Listener (FAL) is an image that provides> authorized access to the file system of a DECnet node on= behalf of processes executing on any DECnet node in theeA network. FAL communicates with the initiating node by meanslC of the Data Access Protocol (DAP). If you want an account sett% up or used for FAL, answer YES.c o CMIP Management ListenerA CMIP Management Listener (CML) is the DECnet/OSI management > module that implements the Common Management InformationA Protocol (CMIP). It is a utility that enables the system tomC respond to remote management commands. If you want an accounto) set up or used for CML, answer YES.i o MAIL> If you want to use the OpenVMS MAIL utility, answer YES.$ o VMScluster Performance MonitorA If the system is to be a member of a VMScluster, you shouldc? answer YES to this question. An account is needed for VPMnA (VMScluster Performance Monitor) for your system to supportrD the OpenVMS Monitor Utility command MONITOR CLUSTER. Answer NO6 if the system is to be a non-cluster end system. o MIRRORA MIRROR is used for particular forms of loopback testing. Ifw)  you want to use MIRROR, answer YES. o PHONEc= The PHONE utility allows users on the same or differentt@ OpenVMS systems to communicate interactively. Unlike MAIL,D where messages are received and held for your attention, PHONEA requires an immediate reply to a call (connection request).pA The reply makes the connection and the interactive exchangen@ of messages begins. If you intend to use the OpenVMS PHONE utility, answer YES. 2 Start_network_helpl& "Do you want to start the network?"< Enter YES if you want to proceed to start the network and0 complete your system's network configuration.@ If for some reason you want to postpone starting the network,> answer NO. However, answering NO will prevent completion of? your network configuration and you will have to perform somee= additional steps later when you are ready to complete youro< system's network configuration. Answering NO displays the following message:IG ********************************************************************t? You have decided not to start the network. NET$CONFIGURE.COMo? cannot complete your system's network configuration since itn@ needs the network to be partially started in order to performA certain operations. As a result, your system may be left in an @ inconsistent state if you try to startup the network manually= or if you decide to reboot your system. Once you are readyl< to start the network,= Specify the sink session control end user specification ofa> the sink associated with this outbound stream (for example, number=82). a2 Evd_obs_sink_address_help "Sink address?"B Specify the sink address tower of the sink associated with this outbound stream.d i2 Event_relay_helpb "Configure Phase IV Relay?"B Answer YES to use the Phase IV Relay. This allows you to recordB and process events that occur on an OpenVMS VAX systems runningC DECnet-VAX  please invoke the NET$CONFIGURE.COMA procedure and choose menu option 2 (Change node name/namespace < name) so that the configuration procedure can finish your> system's network configuration before starting the network.G ********************************************************************S Network Startup Incompletel v2 Config_basic_adv_help "Do you want to continue?"eB The two configuration options are BASIC and ADVANCED. Enter YESC if you want to continue with the particular configuration optionfB you have chosen. If you prefer at this time to choose the other? configuration option instead, enter NO and the configurationr procedure will exit.t o2 Config_option_help + "Which configuration option to perform?"sD Choose the option you want to perform. Selecting an option allows@ you to modify either the entire configuration or a particular portion.o o2 Satisfied_helph6 "Do you want to generate NCL configuration scripts"D If you answer YES, the configuration program uses the information< you entered to generate modified NCL scripts and, in some> cases, automatically modify the system's configuration. The> configuration program then returns you to the configuration> options menu. If you answer NO, the configuration procedure= returns you to the configuration options menu and does not"% generate any modified NCL scripts.e 2 Applic_supercede_help% "Replace application script file?"h;  If you want to create a new NCL script file, answer YES.t n2 MOP_supercede_helpd$ "Replace MOP Client script file?"F If you want to create a new MOP Client NCL script file, answer YES. 2 Nodevice_help3 "Should a SYSGEN AUTOCONFIGURE ALL be executed?" A If you answer YES, the NET$CONFIGURE procedure will invoke thec? SYSGEN AUTOCONFIGURE ALL command to find devices. If you arey> performing the initial configuration of your system and you@ answer NO, then there! will be no devices to configure. If youA are reconfiguring devices (that is, you selected Option 3 from"B the NET$CONFIGURE main menu) and you answer NO, then there will6 be no devices to configure and the procedure exits. o*2 Config_osi_template_replace_script_help< "Do you want to replace the existing NSP or OSI Transport script?"eC If you reconfigure the NSP or OSI Transport, you have the optiontB of accepting the existing transport script or replacing it withC a n"ew one. Answer YES if you want to replace the existing NSP or  OSI transport script. 2 Event_supercede_helpt. "Replace Event Dispatcher NCL script file?"@ If you want to create a new Event Dispatcher NCL script file,A answer YES. If you want to keep the previously generated Event) Dispatcher NCL script file, answer NO.e s2 evd_see_block_events_help> "Display the events logged to the console of this machine?"F You have the option of displaying the events that a#re logged to theH console of this machine. If you do not want to see the events loggedF to the console of this machine, NET$CONFIGURE will block the events for you.eB Answer YES if you want to see the events that are logged to the@ console of this machine. If you do no want to see the eventsE logged to the console of this machine, answer NO and NET$CONFIGUREr! will block the events for you.D2 EVD_custom_config_sink_help# "Configure a (or another) Sink?" D The f$irst prompt displayed concerning sink configuration when you/ select menu option 6 is "Configure a Sink?".e> If you want to customize information pertinent to the sink,B answer YES (for example, the sink name and where you would like: to send the output: a terminal, a printer, or a file?).? After you have configured a sink, the procedure displays thep$ prompt "Configure another Sink?".= If you do not want to configure another sink, enter NO and ? proceed to the next promp%t. If you want to configure anothert? sink, enter YES. The procedure then returns you to the "Sinks> name?" prompt and repeats the prompts required to configure another sink. e2 Evd_sink_name_helpe "Sink name?"eB Specify the name of the sink you want to use for the local node (for example, local_sink).o s2 Event_sink_maxbuff_help "Maximum buffer size?"e? Specify the maximum number of octets that the sink allows to-' process events (for example, 16384)._& e2 Evd_sink_object_name_help "Object name?"p; Specify the full DECdns name of the object for which thea> sink accepts incoming connections. Unless the value of this? characteristic is null, the sink employs the Session ControloC layer's Keep me Here function to maintain the object name in theo namespace._ p2 Evd_sink_end_user_helpr "End user specification?"C Specify the DNA session control local address for which the sinke9 accepts incoming connections '(for example, number=82).t m!2 Evd_sink_catch_all_filter_helpu "Catch all filter action?" D Specify the action to take if neither the specific filter setting@ nor the global filter setting matches an event or if a filterA setting that does match an event is set to Ignore. The choiceso are:h o BLOCK - Discard the event. o PASS - Report the event. e2 Event_sink_description_help "Description?"bC Specify an informational string that can be used to des(cribe theg sink. u2 Event_sink_displayuids_help "Display UIDs?"B Answering YES displays the entity's unique identifier, which is( generated when the entity is created. c2 Evd_sink_client_helps "Client type?" B Specify how the application is to accept the events received by the sink. The choices are:r9 o CONSOLE - Events go the operator's console (OPCOM).s% o DEVICE - Events go to a device.h! o FILE - Events go to a file.  2 Evd_sink_)file_name_help "File name?"E? Enter the file specification that you want to use to capturet4 events (for example, SYS$MANAGER:EVD_EVENTS.LOG). 2 Evd_sink_device_name_help "Device name?" ? Enter the device that you want to use to capture events (forc example, TWA1:).t T 2 Evd_custom_configure_obs_help/ "Configure an (or another) Outbound Stream?"s8 The first prompt displayed concerning outbound stream? configuration when you select menu option 6 is "Con*figure anuB Outbound Stream?". If you want to configure an outbound stream, answer YES.> After you have configured an outbound stream, the procedure< displays the prompt "Configure another Outbound Stream?".D If you do not want to configure another outbound stream, enter NOC and proceed to the next prompt. If you want to configure anotheryD outbound stream, enter YES. The procedure then returns you to theB "Outbound Stream name?" prompt and repeats the prompts required( + to configure another outbound stream. a2 Evd_obs_name_help "Outbound Stream name?"A Specify the outbound stream name that is to be managed by this' command (for example, local_stream).c l2 Evd_sink_maxbuff_help "Maximum buffer size?"n? Specify the number of octets that the outbound stream allowsg< to process events. This value is derived from (but is notB necessarily equal to) the value specified in the MAXIMUM BUFFER< SIZE argument of the CREATE command (,for example, 16384). o2 Evd_sink_template_helpk "OSI transport template?"? Specify the transport template for this stream's connection.n t#2 Evd_obs_connect_retry_timer_helpt "Connect retry timer?"s; Specify the number of seconds to wait between connectionS? attempts. The connect retry timer operates continuously from > the time the outbound stream is enabled until the stream is@ disabled or until the CONNECT TIMER ENABLED characteristic isC set to FALSE. If -the outbound stream is already connected to thehB sink when the timer expires, no connection is attempted at thatC time. The timer resets and connection attempts continue whenevero the timer expires.t w%2 Evd_obs_connect_timer_enabled_helpE "Connect timer enabled?"r? Answer YES to have the connect retry timer operational. A NO  reply disables it.  d 2 Evd_obs_disconnect_timer_help "Disconnect timer?"@ Specify the number of seconds to wait before shutting dow.n anA idle connection. A 0 value indicates that the disconnect timer @ is not operating and that connections are never automatically disconnected. 2 Evd_obs_catch_all_filter_help "Catch all filter action?" D Specify the action to take if neither the specific filter setting@ nor the global filter setting matches an event or if a filterA setting that does match an event is set to Ignore. The choices_ are:e o BLOCK - Discard the event. o PASS - Report th/e event. c2 Evd_obs_sink_object_helpm "Sink object?".= Specify the full DECdns object name of the sink associated B with this outbound stream. This object name is used to make the connection with the sink. a2 Evd_obs_sink_node_helpt "Sink node?"pA Specify the full node name (DECdns namespace name included) ofh, the sink associated with outbound stream. 2 Evd_obs_sink_end_user_helpt "Sink end user?"o= Specify the sink session control end user s0pecification ofU> the sink associated with this outbound stream (for example, number=82). 2 Evd_obs_sink_address_help "Sink address?"B Specify the sink address tower of the sink associated with this outbound stream.e s2 Event_relay_helps "Configure Phase IV Relay?"B Answer YES to use the Phase IV Relay. This allows you to recordB and process events that occur on an OpenVMS VAX systems runningC DECnet-VAX Phase IV software. The Phase IV Relay entity rec1eiveseD the events from a Phase IV node, encapsulates them and posts them- in the DECnet/OSI system event dispatcher.d i2 Applic_add_delete_helpa1 "Do you want to ADD or DELETE an Application?" A Answer ADD to create the application entity on the local node,oD allocate resources for it, and open the service interface. Answer@ DELETE to delete the entity and reclaim associated resources. 2 Applic_name_helpe) "What is the name of the Application?"rB When defini2ng an application, you must identify the name of theC object. DECnet object names are descriptive alphanumeric stringst of up to twelve characters. e2 Applic_areyousure_helpe6 "Are you sure you want to DELETE this application?"5 If you want to delete the application, answer YES.c o2 Applic_destination_type_help54 "What is the destination type for 'application'?"? The destination type can be either NAME or NUMBER. To select@ NAME, simply press Return. To select 3NUMBER, enter NUMBER and press Return. 2 Applic_destination_name_help @ "What is the destination name (or number) for 'application'?"9 The destination type can be either a name or a number. > If you selected name as the destination type in response to? the previous prompt, your reply to this prompt can be either > the application name (for example, NOTES), or a destination@ object name (for example, IAF:.SALES.BOSTON). The destinationD object name is the DECdns ful4l name of the node that provides the application.t; The application name can be from 1 to 16 characters. ThenA destination object name can be a maximum of 512 characters andV is entered in this format: . NamespaceNickname:.DirectoryPath.NodeObject@ If you selected number as the destination type in response toC the previous prompt, your reply to this prompt must be an objectl number.D DECnet software uses object numbers as unique object identifiers.C Object numb5ers have a range of 1 to 255. Generic objects such aseB MAIL and FAL have object numbers that are recognized throughoutC the network. User-defined images may have unique object numbers;d= numbers between 128 and 255 are reserved for this purpose. C If you are adding a user-defined application, pick a number fromhC 128 to 255. If you are adding an application defined by Digital, : select the appropriate number from Object Type Numbers. Table 1 Object Type Numbers# Numbe>r Mnemonic Description $ 0 Task User program0 1-16 Reserved for Digital use@ 17 FAL File Access Listener for remote file and% record accessp= 18 HLD Host loader for RSX-11S downline tasko( loading requests: 19 NML Network Management Listener Object> 20 RSTS/E media transfer program (NETCPY)0 21-22 Reserved for Digital use<7n anA idle connection. A 0 value indicates that the disconnect timer @ is not operating and that connections are never automatically disconnected. 2 Evd_obs_catch_all_filter_help "Catch all filter action?" D Specify the action to take if neither the specific filter setting@ nor the global filter setting matches an event or if a filterA setting that does match an event is set to Ignore. The choices_ are:e o BLOCK - Discard the event. o PASS - Report th8e event. c2 Evd_obs_sink_object_helpm "Sink object?".= Specify the full DECdns object name of the sink associated B with this outbound stream. This object name is used to make the connection with the sink. a2 Evd_obs_sink_node_helpt "Sink node?"pA Specify the full node name (DECdns namespace name included) ofh, the sink associated with outbound stream. 2 Evd_obs_sink_end_user_helpt "Sink end user?"o= Specify the sink session control end user s9pecification ofU> the sink associated with this outbound stream (for example, number=82). 2 Evd_obs_sink_address_help "Sink address?"B Specify the sink address tower of the sink associated with this outbound stream.e s2 Event_relay_helps "Configure Phase IV Relay?"B Answer YES to use the Phase IV Relay. This allows you to recordB and process events that occur on an OpenVMS VAX systems runningC DECnet-VAX Phase IV software. The Phase IV Relay entity rec:eiveseD the events from a Phase IV node, encapsulates them and posts them- in the DECnet/OSI system event dispatcher.d i2 Applic_add_delete_helpa1 "Do you want to ADD or DELETE an Application?" A Answer ADD to create the application entity on the local node,oD allocate resources for it, and open the service interface. Answer@ DELETE to delete the entity and reclaim associated resources. 2 Applic_name_helpe) "What is the name of the Application?"rB When defini;ng an application, you must identify the name of theC object. DECnet object names are descriptive alphanumeric stringst of up to twelve characters. e2 Applic_areyousure_helpe6 "Are you sure you want to DELETE this application?"5 If you want to delete the application, answer YES.c o2 Applic_destination_type_help54 "What is the destination type for 'application'?"? The destination type can be either NAME or NUMBER. To select@ NAME, simply press Return. To select <NUMBER, enter NUMBER and press Return. 2 Applic_destination_name_help @ "What is the destination name (or number) for 'application'?"9 The destination type can be either a name or a number. > If you selected name as the destination type in response to? the previous prompt, your reply to this prompt can be either > the application name (for example, NOTES), or a destination@ object name (for example, IAF:.SALES.BOSTON). The destinationD object name is the DECdns ful=l name of the node that provides the application.t; The application name can be from 1 to 16 characters. ThenA destination object name can be a maximum of 512 characters andV is entered in this format: . NamespaceNickname:.DirectoryPath.NodeObject@ If you selected number as the destination type in response toC the previous prompt, your reply to this prompt must be an objectl number.D DECnet software uses object numbers as unique object identifiers.C Object numb Aers have a range of 1 to 255. Generic objects such aseB MAIL and FAL have object numbers that are recognized throughoutC the network. User-defined images may have unique object numbers;d= numbers between 128 and 255 are reserved for this purpose. C If you are adding a user-defined application, pick a number fromhC 128 to 255. If you are adding an application defined by Digital, : select the appropriate number from Object Type Numbers. Table 1 Object Type Numbers# Numbe? 23 REMACP Network terminal handler (host side)@ 24 Network terminal handler (terminal side)' 25 MIRROR Loopback mirror & 26 EVL Event receiver, 27 MAIL OpenVMS Mail Utility0 28 Reserved for Digital use@ 29 PHONE OpenVMS Phone Utility and RSX-11M/M-PLUS% Phone Utilityn0 30-41 Reserved for Digital use0 42 CTERM Network terminal han@dler0 43-62 Reserved for Digital use3 63 DTR DECnet Test Receiver object0 64-127 Reserved for Digital use1 128-255 Reserved for customer user p!2 Applic_another_address_yn_help8 "Do you want to specify another application address?"A If a node has more than one application address, enter YES andn) the previous prompts will be repeated.q t2 Applic_client_helpi6 "What is the name of the Client for 'applicatioFn'?"A Specify the name of the local user that will be activated uponoA receipt of the connect request containing the destination nameA matching one of the values in the destination names attribute._ u2 Applic_image_name_help . "What is the Image name for 'application'?"A Specify the filename of the program to be invoked upon receipteD of a Connect Request containing a DestinationName matching one of1 the values in the DestinationNames: attribute.E h2 Applic_inco Br Mnemonic Description $ 0 Task User program0 1-16 Reserved for Digital use@ 17 FAL File Access Listener for remote file and% record accessp= 18 HLD Host loader for RSX-11S downline tasko( loading requests: 19 NML Network Management Listener Object> 20 RSTS/E media transfer program (NETCPY)0 21-22 Reserved for Digital use< C 23 REMACP Network terminal handler (host side)@ 24 Network terminal handler (terminal side)' 25 MIRROR Loopback mirror & 26 EVL Event receiver, 27 MAIL OpenVMS Mail Utility0 28 Reserved for Digital use@ 29 PHONE OpenVMS Phone Utility and RSX-11M/M-PLUS% Phone Utilityn0 30-41 Reserved for Digital use0 42 CTERM Network terminal hanDdler0 43-62 Reserved for Digital use3 63 DTR DECnet Test Receiver object0 64-127 Reserved for Digital use1 128-255 Reserved for customer user p!2 Applic_another_address_yn_help8 "Do you want to specify another application address?"A If a node has more than one application address, enter YES andn) the previous prompts will be repeated.q t2 Applic_client_helpi6 "What is the name of the Client for 'applicatioEn'?"A Specify the name of the local user that will be activated uponoA receipt of the connect request containing the destination nameA matching one of the values in the destination names attribute._ u2 Applic_image_name_help . "What is the Image name for 'application'?"A Specify the filename of the program to be invoked upon receipteD of a Connect Request containing a DestinationName matching one of1 the values in the DestinationNames: attribute.E h2 Applic_incoPming_alias_help . "Incoming Alias for 'application' enabled?"= Specify how the specified application responds to incoming?> connect requests directed to the alias node address. If you< specify FALSE, the application does not allow a specifiedB application to receive incoming connect requests that have been& directed to the alias node address. 2 Applic_incoming_proxy_help . "Incoming Proxy for 'application' enabled?"? Controls whether incoming proxy requests are honoGming_alias_help . "Incoming Alias for 'application' enabled?"= Specify how the specified application responds to incoming?> connect requests directed to the alias node address. If you< specify FALSE, the application does not allow a specifiedB application to receive incoming connect requests that have been& directed to the alias node address. 2 Applic_incoming_proxy_help . "Incoming Proxy for 'application' enabled?"? Controls whether incoming proxy requests are honoHred. If youeA specify FALSE, requests to invoke proxies on incoming requestst will be ignored.e n2 Applic_outgoing_alias_helpn. "Outgoing Alias for 'application' enabled?": Specify whether a particular object uses the alias node> identifier in its outgoing connect requests. If you specifyC FALSE, the specified object is not allowed to use the alias noder, address in its outgoing connect requests. 2 Applic_outgoing_proxy_help . "Outgoing Proxy for 'application'I enabled?"= Specify the default action to execute when a user does noti> explicitly specify whether or not to invoke a proxy. If you2 specify FALSE, there will be no default action. y2 Applic_require_synonym_help4 "Require node synonym for 'application' enabled?"? If you specify TRUE, then by default the remote node name isnA passed to the application in synonym form. If a synonym is not D available, then the full name is used. If you specify FALSE, then9 the full naJme is passed to the application by default.- e2 Applic_osi_tsel_help,5 "What is the Incoming OSI TSEL for 'application'?" C Specify the transport service access point (TSAP) identifier for ; which the specified application will accept connections. & NOTEA This function is currently not implemented. Press Return tos" continue to the next prompt. e2 Applic_config_user_name_help - "What is the User Name for 'application'?"=K Enter the user name that you want to use when creating thep3 account for the application you are configuring.eD If you do not want to create an account for that application, youD can either enter NONE and press Return or press the space bar and press Return. r2 Applic_UIC_help' "What UIC should 'application' use?"> Specify the UIC allocated upon creation of this application entity instance.i t2 Applic_rights_id_help* "Rights identifiers for 'application'L?"8 Specify the rights identifiers (if any) needed by the< application. If there are two or more rights identifiers, separate them with commas.g e2 Mop_add_delete_help/ "Do you want to ADD or DELETE a MOP Client?"eA Answer ADD to create an entity on the specified node, allocatea; resources for it, and open the service interface. AnsweriB DELETE to delete the entity from the specified node and reclaim associated resources. t2 Mop_client_name_help" "Name oMf the MOP Client?"? Specify the simple-name of the client (for example, SUPERX).w n2 Mop_client_areyousure1 "Are you sure you want to DELETE this client?"e1 If you want to delete this client, answer YES.g n2 Mop_circuit_helpe "Circuit for 'client name'?"B Specify the name of the MOP circuit to be used for this client. n2 Mop_address_helpn* "Physical addresses for 'client name'?"C Specify the set of LAN addresses for the specified client on the3 cNircuit specified by the CIRCUIT characteristic.c n2 Mop_secondary_loader_help( "Secondary Loader for 'client name'?"< Specify the files to be loaded when the client requests a: secondary loader during a downline load operation. File? identifications are interpreted according to the file systeml of the local system.i 2 Mop_tertiary_loader_helps' "Tertiary Loader for 'client name'?"m: Specify the files to be loaded when the client requests; a tertiary loader dOuring a downline load operation. Filet? identifications are interpreted according to the file systemo of the local system.f '2 Mop_system_image_help$ "System Image for 'client name'?": Specify the files to be loaded when the client requests; a tertiary loader during a downline load operation. Fileo? identifications are interpreted according to the file system  of the local system.  s2 Mop_diagnostic_image_help( "Diagnostic Image for 'client name'?"< Speci[fy the files to be loaded when the client requests a: diagnostic image during a downline load operation. File? identifications are interpreted according to the file systemo of the local system.e i2 Mop_management_image_help( "Management Image for 'client name'?"< Specify the files to be loaded when the client requests a: management image during a downline load operation. File? identifications are interpreted according to the file systemP of the local system.e sQred. If youeA specify FALSE, requests to invoke proxies on incoming requestst will be ignored.e n2 Applic_outgoing_alias_helpn. "Outgoing Alias for 'application' enabled?": Specify whether a particular object uses the alias node> identifier in its outgoing connect requests. If you specifyC FALSE, the specified object is not allowed to use the alias noder, address in its outgoing connect requests. 2 Applic_outgoing_proxy_help . "Outgoing Proxy for 'application'R enabled?"= Specify the default action to execute when a user does noti> explicitly specify whether or not to invoke a proxy. If you2 specify FALSE, there will be no default action. y2 Applic_require_synonym_help4 "Require node synonym for 'application' enabled?"? If you specify TRUE, then by default the remote node name isnA passed to the application in synonym form. If a synonym is not D available, then the full name is used. If you specify FALSE, then9 the full naSme is passed to the application by default.- e2 Applic_osi_tsel_help,5 "What is the Incoming OSI TSEL for 'application'?" C Specify the transport service access point (TSAP) identifier for ; which the specified application will accept connections. & NOTEA This function is currently not implemented. Press Return tos" continue to the next prompt. e2 Applic_config_user_name_help - "What is the User Name for 'application'?"=T Enter the user name that you want to use when creating thep3 account for the application you are configuring.eD If you do not want to create an account for that application, youD can either enter NONE and press Return or press the space bar and press Return. r2 Applic_UIC_help' "What UIC should 'application' use?"> Specify the UIC allocated upon creation of this application entity instance.i t2 Applic_rights_id_help* "Rights identifiers for 'application'U?"8 Specify the rights identifiers (if any) needed by the< application. If there are two or more rights identifiers, separate them with commas.g e2 Mop_add_delete_help/ "Do you want to ADD or DELETE a MOP Client?"eA Answer ADD to create an entity on the specified node, allocatea; resources for it, and open the service interface. AnsweriB DELETE to delete the entity from the specified node and reclaim associated resources. t2 Mop_client_name_help" "Name oVf the MOP Client?"? Specify the simple-name of the client (for example, SUPERX).w n2 Mop_client_areyousure1 "Are you sure you want to DELETE this client?"e1 If you want to delete this client, answer YES.g n2 Mop_circuit_helpe "Circuit for 'client name'?"B Specify the name of the MOP circuit to be used for this client. n2 Mop_address_helpn* "Physical addresses for 'client name'?"C Specify the set of LAN addresses for the specified client on the3 cWircuit specified by the CIRCUIT characteristic.c n2 Mop_secondary_loader_help( "Secondary Loader for 'client name'?"< Specify the files to be loaded when the client requests a: secondary loader during a downline load operation. File? identifications are interpreted according to the file systeml of the local system.i 2 Mop_tertiary_loader_helps' "Tertiary Loader for 'client name'?"m: Specify the files to be loaded when the client requests; a tertiary loader dXuring a downline load operation. Filet? identifications are interpreted according to the file systemo of the local system.f '2 Mop_system_image_help$ "System Image for 'client name'?": Specify the files to be loaded when the client requests; a tertiary loader during a downline load operation. Fileo? identifications are interpreted according to the file system  of the local system.  s2 Mop_diagnostic_image_help( "Diagnostic Image for 'client name'?"< SpeciYfy the files to be loaded when the client requests a: diagnostic image during a downline load operation. File? identifications are interpreted according to the file systemo of the local system.e i2 Mop_management_image_help( "Management Image for 'client name'?"< Specify the files to be loaded when the client requests a: management image during a downline load operation. File? identifications are interpreted according to the file systemP of the local system.e sZ2 Mop_script_file_helpd# "Script File for 'client name'?"dA Specify the files to be loaded when the client requests a CMIPn? initialization script during a downline load operation. File_B identifications are interpreted according to the file system of the local system. e2 Mop_dump_file_help ! "Dump File for 'client name'?"sB Specify the files to write to when the client is upline dumped. e2 Mop_dump_address_help$ "Dump Address for 'client name'?"B Specibfy the address of the files to write to when the client is upline dumped.o d2 Mop_verification_help$ "Verification for 'Client name'?"B Specify the verification string to be sent in a boot message to the specified client. 2 Mop_iv_client_address_helpe= "Phase IV Client Address (aa.nnnn) for 'mop client name'?"> Specify the Phase IV node address to be given to the client= system when it is loaded. This address is passed in a loadr? characteristics message; \2 Mop_script_file_helpd# "Script File for 'client name'?"dA Specify the files to be loaded when the client requests a CMIPn? initialization script during a downline load operation. File_B identifications are interpreted according to the file system of the local system. e2 Mop_dump_file_help ! "Dump File for 'client name'?"sB Specify the files to write to when the client is upline dumped. e2 Mop_dump_address_help$ "Dump Address for 'client name'?"B Speci]fy the address of the files to write to when the client is upline dumped.o d2 Mop_verification_help$ "Verification for 'Client name'?"B Specify the verification string to be sent in a boot message to the specified client. 2 Mop_iv_client_address_helpe= "Phase IV Client Address (aa.nnnn) for 'mop client name'?"> Specify the Phase IV node address to be given to the client= system when it is loaded. This address is passed in a loadr? characteristics message; ^whether it is needed depends on the" software being loaded.e (2 Mop_iv_client_name_help0 "Phase IV Client Name for 'mop client name'?"B Specify the Phase IV node name to be given to the client systemC when it is loaded. This name is passed in a load characteristicsm> message; whether it is needed depends on the software being loaded. 02 Mop_iv_host_address_helpc1 "Phase IV Host Address for 'mop client name'?" B Specify the Phase IV node address to be passed _as the host node? address when a client is loaded. This address is passed in aiD load characteristics message; whether it is needed depends on the software being loaded. 2 Mop_iv_host_name_help. "Phase IV Host Name for 'mop client name'?"? Specify the Phase IV node name to be passed as the host node > name when a client is loaded. This name is passed in a load? characteristics message; whether it is needed depends on thea software being loaded.  A2 Alias_add`_delete_help+ "Do you want to ADD or DELETE an alias?" > Answer ADD to add the specified node to the cluster. Answer8 DELETE to remove the specified node from the cluster. 2 Alias_name_help "Full name of Cluster Alias"l? Specify the full name that uniquely identifies the node (fors example, IAF:.SALES.BOSTON).g 2 Alias_areyousuret0 "Are you sure you want to DELETE this alias?"A If you answer YES to this prompt, the node is removed from the. cluster.ea m2 Alias_address_helpgB "Cluster Alias Phase IV Address (aa.nnnn OR AA-00-04-00-xx-xx)"> Specify either the system's DECnet Phase IV node address or Ethernet physical address.o@ o The Phase IV node address has the format area-number.node-# number (for example, 63.171).WB o The Ethernet physical address has the format AA-00-04-00-xx-C xx, where xx-xx is calculated from the Phase IV node address. < To determine the Ethernet physical address, proceed ash follows:D 1. Convert the Phase IV node address to its decimal equivalent follows:d@ (area-number * 1024) + node-number = decimal equivalent9 (For example, (63 * 1024) + 171 = 64683 decimal)l< 2. Convert the decimal node address to its hexadecimalB equivalent and reverse the order of the bytes to form the" hexadecimal node address.C (For example, 64683 decimal = FCAB hexadecimal, reversed =? ABFC hexnodeaddrecwhether it is needed depends on the" software being loaded.e (2 Mop_iv_client_name_help0 "Phase IV Client Name for 'mop client name'?"B Specify the Phase IV node name to be given to the client systemC when it is loaded. This name is passed in a load characteristicsm> message; whether it is needed depends on the software being loaded. 02 Mop_iv_host_address_helpc1 "Phase IV Host Address for 'mop client name'?" B Specify the Phase IV node address to be passed das the host node? address when a client is loaded. This address is passed in aiD load characteristics message; whether it is needed depends on the software being loaded. 2 Mop_iv_host_name_help. "Phase IV Host Name for 'mop client name'?"? Specify the Phase IV node name to be passed as the host node > name when a client is loaded. This name is passed in a load? characteristics message; whether it is needed depends on thea software being loaded.  A2 Alias_adde_delete_help+ "Do you want to ADD or DELETE an alias?" > Answer ADD to add the specified node to the cluster. Answer8 DELETE to remove the specified node from the cluster. 2 Alias_name_help "Full name of Cluster Alias"l? Specify the full name that uniquely identifies the node (fors example, IAF:.SALES.BOSTON).g 2 Alias_areyousuret0 "Are you sure you want to DELETE this alias?"A If you answer YES to this prompt, the node is removed from the. cluster.ef m2 Alias_address_helpgB "Cluster Alias Phase IV Address (aa.nnnn OR AA-00-04-00-xx-xx)"> Specify either the system's DECnet Phase IV node address or Ethernet physical address.o@ o The Phase IV node address has the format area-number.node-# number (for example, 63.171).WB o The Ethernet physical address has the format AA-00-04-00-xx-C xx, where xx-xx is calculated from the Phase IV node address. < To determine the Ethernet physical address, proceed asg follows:D 1. Convert the Phase IV node address to its decimal equivalent follows:d@ (area-number * 1024) + node-number = decimal equivalent9 (For example, (63 * 1024) + 171 = 64683 decimal)l< 2. Convert the decimal node address to its hexadecimalB equivalent and reverse the order of the bytes to form the" hexadecimal node address.C (For example, 64683 decimal = FCAB hexadecimal, reversed =? ABFC hexnodeaddremss)pB 3. Incorporate the hexadecimal node address in the following format:A AA-00-04-00-hexnodeaddress (For example, AA-00-04-00-AB-t FC) e2 Selection_weight_help> "Selection weight for this cluster node [0 for satellites]"D The selection weight determines the number of sequential incoming@ connects to be passed to this alias member node in the round-B robin sequence before proceeding to the next member node in the? sequence. A value of zeiss)pB 3. Incorporate the hexadecimal node address in the following format:A AA-00-04-00-hexnodeaddress (For example, AA-00-04-00-AB-t FC) e2 Selection_weight_help> "Selection weight for this cluster node [0 for satellites]"D The selection weight determines the number of sequential incoming@ connects to be passed to this alias member node in the round-B robin sequence before proceeding to the next member node in the? sequence. A value of zejro means this node is not eligible toh@ receive incoming connections to this alias address. SelectionC Weight is used to apportion incoming alias connections accordings@ to the capacity of each alias member. For example, nodes withB greater capacity should have larger values of Selection Weight,? while LAVC satellites should generally have a value of zero.f= Specify a nonzero selection weight if this node is locallyw@ connected to a dual-ported disk, or if it will be serving anyAk multihost disks, such as RFxx or HSC-connected disks, to other : cluster members. Values between 0 and 10 are suggested. l2 Pwdlck_help4 "Do you want to continue with the Configuration?"C Password generation is not allowed on your system. If you answereB YES, the configuration will continue and null passwords will be@ used. If you answer NO, the configuration procedure will end.2 Script_Common_helpt* Create a cluster common startup script?G There is no startup slcript found for the component being configured,tC meaning that NET$CONFIGURE will create one. Because this scripttC does not contain node specific information, it may be created to @ be common to all systems in this cluster, or specific to this@ cluster member only. If you answer YES to this question, theD script will be made common to all systems in the cluster, and allE further configuration of this component will affect all members of  the cluster.r2 Script_MoveCommon_htelpg6 Move the startup script to the cluster common area?H The component being configured has a startup script that is used onlyH by this cluster node. Since this component's startup script containsG no system specific information, it may be made common to all systemseG in this cluster, so that all systems in the cluster may use a commoniH script. If you answer YES to this question, the existing script fileA will be moved to the cluster common directory, and all furtheriA c nro means this node is not eligible toh@ receive incoming connections to this alias address. SelectionC Weight is used to apportion incoming alias connections accordings@ to the capacity of each alias member. For example, nodes withB greater capacity should have larger values of Selection Weight,? while LAVC satellites should generally have a value of zero.f= Specify a nonzero selection weight if this node is locallyw@ connected to a dual-ported disk, or if it will be serving anyAo multihost disks, such as RFxx or HSC-connected disks, to other : cluster members. Values between 0 and 10 are suggested. l2 Pwdlck_help4 "Do you want to continue with the Configuration?"C Password generation is not allowed on your system. If you answereB YES, the configuration will continue and null passwords will be@ used. If you answer NO, the configuration procedure will end.2 Script_Common_helpt* Create a cluster common startup script?G There is no startup s pcript found for the component being configured,tC meaning that NET$CONFIGURE will create one. Because this scripttC does not contain node specific information, it may be created to @ be common to all systems in this cluster, or specific to this@ cluster member only. If you answer YES to this question, theD script will be made common to all systems in the cluster, and allE further configuration of this component will affect all members of  the cluster.r2 Script_MoveCommon_h qelpg6 Move the startup script to the cluster common area?H The component being configured has a startup script that is used onlyH by this cluster node. Since this component's startup script containsG no system specific information, it may be made common to all systemseG in this cluster, so that all systems in the cluster may use a commoniH script. If you answer YES to this question, the existing script fileA will be moved to the cluster common directory, and all furtheriA c ronfiguration of this component will affect all members of thes cluster.l2 Script_OverrideCommon_help 6 Override the cluster common default startup script?F The component being configured uses a startup script that is commonH to all systems in this cluster. You may create a copy of this scriptG which is specific to this system only. All further configuration of.E this component will affect only this system. If you answer YES toC this question, a copy of the startup scrispt will be created that/ overrides the cluster common startup script.s2 Script_DeleteOverride_helpt# Delete the local startup script?eF The component being configured has a system specific startup scriptF that overrides the cluster's default startup script. If you answerD YES to this question, all further configuration of this component* will affect all members of the cluster.2 Script_DeleteCommon_helps, Delete the cluster common startup script?F The component b }eing configured has a system specific startup scriptF that overrides the cluster's default startup script. Answering YESH to this question will delete the cluster common startup script. ThisA should not be done unless all members of the cluster have alsoh? created system specific startup scripts for this component. b2 Autoconfig_RootDevice_helpi" Device containing system roots:G Configuring cluster satellites involves finding the system root froms@ which the satellite boouonfiguration of this component will affect all members of thes cluster.l2 Script_OverrideCommon_help 6 Override the cluster common default startup script?F The component being configured uses a startup script that is commonH to all systems in this cluster. You may create a copy of this scriptG which is specific to this system only. All further configuration of.E this component will affect only this system. If you answer YES toC this question, a copy of the startup scrivpt will be created that/ overrides the cluster common startup script.s2 Script_DeleteOverride_helpt# Delete the local startup script?eF The component being configured has a system specific startup scriptF that overrides the cluster's default startup script. If you answerD YES to this question, all further configuration of this component* will affect all members of the cluster.2 Script_DeleteCommon_helps, Delete the cluster common startup script?F The component bweing configured has a system specific startup scriptF that overrides the cluster's default startup script. Answering YESH to this question will delete the cluster common startup script. ThisA should not be done unless all members of the cluster have alsoh? created system specific startup scripts for this component. b2 Autoconfig_RootDevice_helpi" Device containing system roots:G Configuring cluster satellites involves finding the system root froms@ which the satellite booxts. Normally, this is SYS$SYSDEVICE:,A although it is possible to install system roots to a different volume.E The device given in response to this question will be searched forCA all system roots. Those that are found which do not contain ai> checksum database are assumed to be Phase IV nodes, and are> candidates for being flagged for Phase V autoconfiguration.2 Autoconfigure_Satellite_helpa Upgrade Phase IV satellite?C A system root was found that does not contayin a Phase V checksums? database, and is therefore assumed to be a Phase IV system. D Answering Yes to this question will cause that cluster node to beA flagged to run a Phase V autoconfiguration on its next reboot.t2 Autoconfigure_FullName_help Enter the full nameG Enter the node full name you want to use. DECnet/OSI node full namesrF should be planned carefully and must be unique within the directoryD service. If your network administrator has not assigned a uniqueC z node full name for your system, be sure that you read DECnet/OSIsE for OpenVMS Introduction, Planning, and Glossary before you do so.iI This manual also contains guidelines for using the directory services h DECdns and the Local File.o2 Root_Device_helpt Device for node root:A In configuring a cluster member other than the system on whichiH NET$CONFIGURE executes, the location of the member's system root mustC be specified. The answer to this question is the disk device{ onn2 which the cluster member's system root resides.2 Root_Directory_Help Directory for node root:tA In configuring a cluster member other than the system on which A NET$CONFIGURE executes, the system root directory name must bexH specified. The system root directory is of the form "SYSxxxx", whereF "xxxx" is the hexadecimal root number from which that member loads.2 MOP_Run_Help Load MOP on this system?tH By default, MOP is not started by NET$STARTUP. In or|der to make thisB system service MOP requests, NET$STARTUP_MOP must be defined toH signal NET$STARTUP to load the MOP software. This symbol is normally+ defined in SYS$STARTUP:NET$LOGICALS.COM. : Answering YES to this question will modify SYS$STARTUP:D NET$LOGICALS.COM for you, to enable MOP service on this system. < Answering NO will remove the logical name definition fromG SYS$STARTUP:NET$LOGICALS.COM. Note that this will have no effect if , the NET$STARTUP_MOP is defined elsewhere.!2 enable_phaseiv_addressing_help 1 Enable Phase-IV Addressing on Routing Circuit? I This allows Phase IV addressing to be enabled on a broadcast circuit. "G There should be only one such circuit enabled for each LAN connectediC to the system. If the system is connected to only one LAN, thise* should be enabled for only one circuit.H By default, NET$CONFIGURE will only enable Phase IV addressing on the) first broadcast circuit it configures.a2 max_tran_ ~ts. Normally, this is SYS$SYSDEVICE:,A although it is possible to install system roots to a different volume.E The device given in response to this question will be searched forCA all system roots. Those that are found which do not contain ai> checksum database are assumed to be Phase IV nodes, and are> candidates for being flagged for Phase V autoconfiguration.2 Autoconfigure_Satellite_helpa Upgrade Phase IV satellite?C A system root was found that does not conta in a Phase V checksums? database, and is therefore assumed to be a Phase IV system. D Answering Yes to this question will cause that cluster node to beA flagged to run a Phase V autoconfiguration on its next reboot.t2 Autoconfigure_FullName_help Enter the full nameG Enter the node full name you want to use. DECnet/OSI node full namesrF should be planned carefully and must be unique within the directoryD service. If your network administrator has not assigned a uniqueC  node full name for your system, be sure that you read DECnet/OSIsE for OpenVMS Introduction, Planning, and Glossary before you do so.iI This manual also contains guidelines for using the directory services h DECdns and the Local File.o2 Root_Device_helpt Device for node root:A In configuring a cluster member other than the system on whichiH NET$CONFIGURE executes, the location of the member's system root mustC be specified. The answer to this question is the disk device onn2 which the cluster member's system root resides.2 Root_Directory_Help Directory for node root:tA In configuring a cluster member other than the system on which A NET$CONFIGURE executes, the system root directory name must bexH specified. The system root directory is of the form "SYSxxxx", whereF "xxxx" is the hexadecimal root number from which that member loads.2 MOP_Run_Help Load MOP on this system?tH By default, MOP is not started by NET$STARTUP. In or der to make thisB system service MOP requests, NET$STARTUP_MOP must be defined toH signal NET$STARTUP to load the MOP software. This symbol is normally+ defined in SYS$STARTUP:NET$LOGICALS.COM. : Answering YES to this question will modify SYS$STARTUP:D NET$LOGICALS.COM for you, to enable MOP service on this system. < Answering NO will remove the logical name definition fromG SYS$STARTUP:NET$LOGICALS.COM. Note that this will have no effect if , the NET$STARTUP_MOP is defined elsewhere.!2 enable_phaseiv_addressing_help 1 Enable Phase-IV Addressing on Routing Circuit? I This allows Phase IV addressing to be enabled on a broadcast circuit. "G There should be only one such circuit enabled for each LAN connectediC to the system. If the system is connected to only one LAN, thise* should be enabled for only one circuit.H By default, NET$CONFIGURE will only enable Phase IV addressing on the) first broadcast circuit it configures.a2 max_tran_connects Maximum Logical LinksD The maximum number of active transport connections allowed at one time.2 max_tran_rcv_wino4 Transmit/Receive Windows and Recieve Buffer countF Digital recommends setting a value of 20 for "Maximum Transmit and H Receive Window" and the value of "Maximum Receive Buffers" to be set G to no more than ("Maximum Window" * "Maximum Transport Connections")A for normal network operation in a typical network environment.e@ Selecting other  values than these can significantly alter theF behavior of your system and network and should only be done after a< thorough analysis of your network traffic and application requirements.D High values of "Maximum Receive Buffers" may require considerableH buffering capacity on your node; therefore, non-paged pool should beF allocated accordingly. If your node does not have enough non-paged I pool, "Maximum Receive Buffers" should be set to a smaller value than 8 ("Maximum  Window" * "Maximum Transport Connections").D The transport receiver's window is determined by a combination ofC "Maximum Transport Connections", "Maximum Receive Buffers", and E "Maximum Window". During the life of the connection, the receiver @ quota fluctuates according to the value of ("Maximum ReceiveF Buffers" / "Currently Active Connections"). The credit window sentA to the remote transmitter may or may not be this quota value,rF depending on the value of "Maximum Wiconnects Maximum Logical LinksD The maximum number of active transport connections allowed at one time.2 max_tran_rcv_wino4 Transmit/Receive Windows and Recieve Buffer countF Digital recommends setting a value of 20 for "Maximum Transmit and H Receive Window" and the value of "Maximum Receive Buffers" to be set G to no more than ("Maximum Window" * "Maximum Transport Connections")A for normal network operation in a typical network environment.e@ Selecting other values than these can significantly alter theF behavior of your system and network and should only be done after a< thorough analysis of your network traffic and application requirements.D High values of "Maximum Receive Buffers" may require considerableH buffering capacity on your node; therefore, non-paged pool should beF allocated accordingly. If your node does not have enough non-paged I pool, "Maximum Receive Buffers" should be set to a smaller value than 8 ("Maximum Window" * "Maximum Transport Connections").D The transport receiver's window is determined by a combination ofC "Maximum Transport Connections", "Maximum Receive Buffers", and E "Maximum Window". During the life of the connection, the receiver @ quota fluctuates according to the value of ("Maximum ReceiveF Buffers" / "Currently Active Connections"). The credit window sentA to the remote transmitter may or may not be this quota value,rF depending on the value of "Maximum Window". If "Maximum Window" isF set to less than the determined receiver quota, this value is used= instead for the credit granted to the remote transmitter.oI The transmitter of a transport connection uses the credit sent by the tF remote receiver as its transmit window, unless its "Maximum Window"D is a lower value. In that case, "Maximum Window" is used for the transmitter window.u2 eshello_timerB The Default ESHello Timer attribute determines the interval, in/  seconds, when the ES sends out its hello. gH This interval multiplied by three is the amount of time the other endH of a routing adjacency will wait before determining that this system, is no longer able to accept connections.2 addr_update_int+ Session Control Address Update Interval?"I This sets the Session Control Address Update Interval characteristic. wF This characteristic specifies the minimum time (in seconds) allowedG between updates of address information. This prevents modificationsrD to the set of local towers to be updated more frequently than the! value given by this parameter.s 2 routing_circuit_cost_help$ Level n Cost for Routing Circuit?F This sets the Routing Circuit cost for Level 1 or Level 2 traffic. C This question is relevant only to systems that are configured aseE L1ROUTER or L2ROUTER. This cost is used in the computation of theE optimum network routing of packets originating from the system, orr forwarded by the system.i 2 routing_circuit_priority_help/ Level n Router Priority for Routing Circuit?oE This sets the priority for becoming a LAN designated router. ThistF attribute is supported only if the circuit's characteristic type isD CSMA-CD, and if the system is configured as L1ROUTER or L2ROUTER.2 routing_type_help) What type of node (Endnode or Router)? G This sets the routing type for the node; whether the node will be antG end system, or whether it will be capable of routing network trafficoF that originates elsewhere. Answer "Endnode" if the system only hasA one connection to the network, or if there are other dedicatedH routers accessible to the system. Answer "Router" only if you indend( this system to route network traffic.H If you answer "Router," you must have the proper license for the host& based routing software to function.2 router_type_help# Type of routing node (L1 or L2)?H A routing node may route traffic ndow". If "Maximum Window" isF set to less than the determined receiver quota, this value is used= instead for the credit granted to the remote transmitter.oI The transmitter of a transport connection uses the credit sent by the tF remote receiver as its transmit window, unless its "Maximum Window"D is a lower value. In that case, "Maximum Window" is used for the transmitter window.u2 eshello_timerB The Default ESHello Timer attribute determines the interval, in/  seconds, when the ES sends out its hello. gH This interval multiplied by three is the amount of time the other endH of a routing adjacency will wait before determining that this system, is no longer able to accept connections.2 addr_update_int+ Session Control Address Update Interval?"I This sets the Session Control Address Update Interval characteristic. wF This characteristic specifies the minimum time (in seconds) allowedG between updates of address information. This prevents modificationsrD to the set of local towers to be updated more frequently than the! value given by this parameter.s 2 routing_circuit_cost_help$ Level n Cost for Routing Circuit?F This sets the Routing Circuit cost for Level 1 or Level 2 traffic. C This question is relevant only to systems that are configured aseE L1ROUTER or L2ROUTER. This cost is used in the computation of theE optimum network routing of packets originating from the system, orr forwarded by the system.i 2 routing_circuit_priority_help/ Level n Router Priority for Routing Circuit?oE This sets the priority for becoming a LAN designated router. ThistF attribute is supported only if the circuit's characteristic type isD CSMA-CD, and if the system is configured as L1ROUTER or L2ROUTER.2 routing_type_help) What type of node (Endnode or Router)? G This sets the routing type for the node; whether the node will be antG end system, or whether it will be cap able of routing network trafficoF that originates elsewhere. Answer "Endnode" if the system only hasA one connection to the network, or if there are other dedicatedpH routers accessible to the system. Answer "Router" only if you indend( this system to route network traffic.H If you answer "Router," you must have the proper license for the host& based routing software to function.2 router_type_helph# Type of routing node (L1 or L2)?iH A routing node may route traffic at two levels; Level 1 refers to theE traffic in the portion of the network that is local to the routingrC node. Level 2 refers to traffic between major network segments.r2 maximum_path_splits Maximum path splits?tH A routing node may use multiple paths of equal cost to route traffic.H The answer to this question will be the maximum number of these paths& that traffic will be split between.2 phaseiv_max_address Phase IV Maximum Address?D When forwarding Phase I V packets, a routing system will refuse toA forward any packets for node addresses higher than the routing D PHASEIV Maximum Address. The answer to this question will be theE maximum Phase IV address that the router will consider; a value ofn 1023 is recommended.r2 phaseiv_max_area Phase IV Maximum Area?D When forwarding Phase IV packets, a level 2 router will refuse toF forward any packets for node area addresses higher than the routingG PHASEIV Maximum Area parameat two levels; Level 1 refers to theE traffic in the portion of the network that is local to the routingC node. Level 2 refers to traffic between major network segments.2 maximum_path_splits Maximum path splits?H A routing node may use multiple paths of equal cost to route traffic.H The answer to this question will be the maximum number of these paths& that traffic will be split between.2 phaseiv_max_address Phase IV Maximum Address?D When forwarding Phase IV packets, a routing system will refuse toA forward any packets for node addresses higher than the routingD PHASEIV Maximum Address. The answer to this question will be theE maximum Phase IV address that the router will consider; a value of 1023 is recommended.2 phaseiv_max_area Phase IV Maximum Area?D When forwarding Phase IV packets, a level 2 router will refuse toF forward any packets for node area addresses higher than the routingG PHASEIV Maximum Area parameter. The answer to this question will beD the maximum Phase IV area number that the router will consider; a value of 63 is recommended.2 create_namespace_help( Does the DNS namespace already exist?G This question is asked when NET$CONFIGURE determines that the systemE will be a DNS server, and when it appears that a node rename is inG progress. If the name space already exists, this question should be4 answered in the affirmative (the default answer).E If it is your intention to create a new name space, answer "NO" toF this question. NET$CONFIGURE must first start the network with the> node registered in the Local: directory service in order toH facilitate the name space creation. This will cause the following to occur:F 1) The naming information will be changed to contain "LOCAL" as theG primary directory service, and the DNS name will be (temporarily)- removed from the directory search path.C 2) NET$CONFIGURE will continue with the creation of the system's network configuration." 3) The network will be started.) 4) The new name space will be created.F 5) The system will be renamed to the originally specified DNS name,< as per the information supplied to this configuration.2 nsp_flow_policy+ "NSP flow control policy (SEGMENT, NO)?"F The NSP flow control policy to be used on this system. The allowedF options are SEGMENT FLOW CONTROL (the default) and NO FLOW CONTROL.ww ter. The answer to this question will beD the maximum Phase IV area number that the router will consider; a value of 63 is recommended.2 create_namespace_help( Does the DNS namespace already exist?G This question is asked when NET$CONFIGURE determines that the systemE will be a DNS server, and when it appears that a node rename is inG progress. If the name space already exists, this question should be4 answered in the affirmative (the default answer).E If it is your intention to create a new name space, answer "NO" toF this question. NET$CONFIGURE must first start the network with the> node registered in the Local: directory service in order toH facilitate the name space creation. This will cause the following to occur:F 1) The naming information will be changed to contain "LOCAL" as theG primary directory service, and the DNS name will be (temporarily)- removed from the directory search path.C 2) NET$CONFIGURE will continue with the creation of the system's network configuration." 3) The network will be started.) 4) The new name space will be created.F 5) The system will be renamed to the originally specified DNS name,< as per the information supplied to this configuration.2 nsp_flow_policy+ "NSP flow control policy (SEGMENT, NO)?"F The NSP flow control policy to be used on this system. The allowedF options are SEGMENT FLOW CONTROL (the default) and NO FLOW CONTROL.2 escache_sizeF The Routing ES Cache Size attribute specifies the maximum number ofE entries in the ES Cache. This parameter may take values from 1 to" 4096; the default value is 512.ww