% Librarian T09-20* IU(IU* +  555 5 eLadd}6 advertise~blockNbootchange0clearconnectcreatedefine_(Tru64_UNIX)deleteO4Directory_Module8Fdisable disconnectZdump4echoHenable Entity_HierarchyDEvent_Messagesflush_(OpenVMS)<getnifgetsif ignorelimitload 4loopNCL_IntroductionNetwork_Management\passg4ping_(IP_Routers)VSNA_Peer_Server_Module 4loopNCL_IntroductionNetwork_Management\passg4ping_(IP_Routers)iPlease_Read_Metquery|Fread_(Tru64_UNIX)|removerenameresetrestrictsetL show shut shutdown snapshotVSNA_Peer_Server_Module Hstart . startloop lstop Nstoploop  synchronize ttest#  testevent& undefine_(Tru64_UNIX)' unlimit( Xupdate) zeroloadzerotete_(Tru64_UNIX)e ʜ) IU1 Entity_Hierarchy H The top-level entities (and the layers to which they correspond) are:+ application _DNS_Clerk, |_DNS_Server& |_DTSS2 |_Event_Dispatcher1 |_Alias (OpenVMS)6 |_Loopback_Application6 |_X25_Client (OpenVMS), |_X25_ Access3 |_X25_Relay (Alpha), |_X25_Server% |_DSA1 session |_Session_Control& |_OSAK% transport |_NSP/ Node---|_OSI_Transport) network |_Routing. |_X25_Protocol5 datalink |_XOT (OpenVMS Alpha)&  |_LAPB) |_CSMA-CD& |_LLC2% |_MOP& |_HDLC5 |_DDCMP (OpenVMS VAX)& |_FDDI/ |_Modem_Connect( |_Device1 |_Frame (OpenVMS)9 |_Token_Ring (Tru64 UNIX)E Select an entity listed b elow for a description of that particularD module and a listing of its subentities. Or to quickly view the E subentities beneath a particular module while at the NCL> prompt, . type HELP ENTITY SUBENTITIES. 2 NodeE The Node module has one entity, the global node entity that crownsA the hierarchy represented in the entity model described by theE Digital Network Architecture. All other modules in DECnet-Plus areF subordinate to the Node module. When ena bled, each node is visibleF to all other nodes on the network. Access to a node's entities must be made through the node.  For Tru64 UNIX:A To enable a node, use the command "enable node node-name" withB either the local CMIP listener or the address watcher argument.B For remote nodes with valid names, enabling the address watcherC changes the node state from "off" (service interface disable) toF "on" (service interface enabled). The CMIP listener must be enabledE o n that node. If the CMIP listener is not enabled, the node cannotE accept management commands, and therefore cannot be turned on. ForE the node on which the director is executing, two enable directivesH may be necessary to accomplish the same action. The first enables theA CMIP listener, and the second enables the address watcher, for example:: ncl> enable node node-name function [=] {cmip listener}= {address watcher} 2 DNS_Cle rk> The Digital Distributed Name Service (DECdns) is a network-? wide service that makes it possible to use network resources3 without having to know their physical location. > The DNS Clerk is the module of the DNA Naming Service that C interfaces directly with client applications. A clerk module is D required on every DECnet-Plus node whether or not that node also A functions as a DECdns nameserver. The clerk is created during ) configuration of the network software.G You can manage the DNS server and DNS clerk modules from either NCL H or the DECdns control program (DNSCP). The commands are the same for H both interfaces and are documented in the DECdns Management manual. 8 On-line help for DECdns is available from DNSCP only.3 Subentities4 The entity hierarchy for the DNS Clerk module is:' _Known_Namespace |, Node___DNS_Clerk___|_Remote_Clearinghouse |)  |_Manual_Nameserver 2 DNS_Server> The Digital Distributed Name Service (DECdns) is a network-? wide service that makes it possible to use network resources3 without having to know their physical location. G You can manage the DNS server and DNS clerk modules from either NCL H or the DECdns control program (DNSCP). The commands are the same for H both interfaces and are documented in the DECdns Management manual. 8 On-line help for DECdns is available from DNSCP only.3 Subentities5 The entity hierarchy for the DNS Server module is:$ Node___DNS_Server___Clearinghouse2 DSAF For information about the DSA entity and its subentities, refer to  HELP DIRECTORY_MODULE.3 SubentitiesF The subentities below the X.500 Directory Service (DSA) module are: _Naming_Context |' Node___DSA___|_Subordinate_Reference |$ |_Superior_Reference  | |_AccessorK For more detailed information about the DSA entity and its subentities, " refer to HELP DIRECTORY_MODULE.2 DTSSB The Digital Network Architecture (DNA) contains several modules@ that each relate to a functional area or product. All Digital= Distributed Time Service (DECdts) management functions areD contained in the DTSS module. The DTSS module has three entitiesB that enable you to synchronize, adjust, and maintain the system# clocks in a distributed network.3 Subentities/ The entity hierarchy for the DTSS module is:' Node___DTSS_____DECnet_Global_Server |& |_DECnet_Local_Server> The DTSS entity is the top-level entity in the DTSS module.< The dtss entity provides access to most of the managementB functions for the DTSS module and the DECdts product, includingA creating and deleting the software, enabling and disabling theA software, setting attributes, adjusting the clock, and forcing synchronizations.C The DTSS DECNET GLOBAL SERVER entity provides information about B a node's synchronization with one or more servers in the global set.B The DTSS DECNET LOCAL SERVER entity provides information about A a node's synchronization with one or more servers in the local set.2 Event_DispatcherG The event dispatcher in an integral component of the Digital Network> Architecture that processes events generated by entities in@ the network. Each component layer architecture of the Phase VA DNA architecture, such as Routing, NSP, and OSI Transport, mayB define certain occurrences, actions, transitions, or conditionsB as events that are reported and may be logged to assist networkA or system management. The Event Dispatcher module allows theseB conditions to be logged and monitored to allow a system managerE to view the state of the network. Individual messages for specific1 entities are listed under HELP EVENT_MESSAGES.3 Subentities; The entity hierarchy for the Event Dispatcher module is:. _Outbound_Stream |7 Node___Event_Dispatcher___|_Relay____________Logging |A |_Sink_____________Inbound_Stream = The EVENT DISPATCHER entity is the top-level entity in theB hierarchy of entities belonging to the Event Dispatcher module.4 Each DN A node must implement an event dispatcher. D An EVENT DISPATCHER OUTBOUND STREAM entity represents an outgoing> connection to a sink on a local or remote node. An outboundD stream entity manages the connection to the sink, and it filters,? processes, and transmits events to the sink. The simple-name9 refers to the outbound stream managed by this command.B The EVENT DISPATCHER RELAY entity is used for processing eventsD from Phase IV DECnet systems. It receives Phase IV fo rmat events 6 and posts them into the DECnet-Plus logging system.B Three EVENT DISPATCHER RELAY LOGGING entities are automatically@ created and enabled whenever an event dispatcher relay entity@ is enabled. The logging entities (console, file, and monitor)B control the destination of Phase IV events. Each logging entity? can be individually diabled and reenabled. All three loggingD entities are automatically deleted when the Phase IV relay entity is disabled.D An EVEN T DISPATCHER SINK entity represents a sink. A sink manages> incoming connections and filters incoming events. Each sink= maintains a filter that is applied to all streams that areD assigned to that sink. The simple-name refers to the sink managed by this command.C The EVENT DISPATCHER SINK INBOUND STREAM entity is the sink-sideB end of communication between an event dispatcher and a sink. AnC inbound stream entity is dynamically created, enabled, disabled,; and deleted i n tandem with the connection it represents.2 Alias_(OpenVMS)F The Alias module provides the means to define an alternate network E address which is shared by multiple nodes in the same VMScluster. B This makes it possible to treat a VMScluster, or several nodes G within a VMScluster, as though it were a single node in the network.? The first node in the VMScluster to create an Alias Port for> a particular alias address causes that alias to be created.A Subsequent nodes which create an Alias Port for the same aliasA establish connections (Ports) to that alias. The alias becomesD active when the first node enables its Alias Port for that alias.< The port-name refers to the port managed by this command.& NOTE< When a node enables an Alias Port, that node registers- itself with other members of the alias.3 Subentities( The subentity of the Alias module is: Node___Alias___Port< The ALI AS entity is the top-level entity in the hierarchyC belonging to the Alias module. The entity is the root from which' Alias Port subentity may be defined.B The ALIAS PORT entity provides the means to define an alternate@ network address for this node, which is shared by other nodesA in the same VMScluster. When the alias port entity is enabled,@ this node becomes an active member of the VMScluster alias it specifies.2 Session_ControlB The Session layer implement!s the user interface to the network.C It is responsible for connection negotiation and establishment. ? The Session Control module performs the following functions:@ o Manages transport connections on behalf of Session Control users.@ o Enforces access control policies to restrict communication8 between users and between Session Control modules.A o Maps from a DNA Naming Service object name to protocols and addresses.B o Selects from the set of prot"ocols supporting Session Control* to attempt connection establishment.9 o Maintains in the namespace the protocol and addressB information corresponding to objects that reside in the same/ node as the local Session Control module. 3 Subentities: The entity hierarchy for the Session Control module is:) _Application6 |_Backtranslation_Softlink" Node___Session_Control___|_Port/ #|_Tower_Maintenance0 |_Proxy (Tru64 UNIX)/ |_Transport_Service< The SESSION CONTROL entity is the top-level entity in theA hierarchy of entities belonging to the Session Control module.C A SESSION CONTROL APPLICATION entity stores information about anC end user that is activated for receipt of an incoming connection@ request when the request contains that end user's name in its= destination name field. The application-n$ame refers to the' application managed by this command.; A SESSION CONTROL BACKTRANSLATION SOFTLINK entity stores= information about entries in the backtranslation soft link9 database. The name is the unique name among the set of> backtranslation soft-link subentities maintained by session control.C A SESSION CONTROL PORT entity stores Session Control informationC about the transport connection. The port-name refers to the port managed by this command.= A % SESSION CONTROL PROXY entity stores the information thatB grants remote users proxy access to given application subentity instances.@ A SESSION CONTROL TOWER MAINTENANCE entity stores information< about entries in the tower maintenance data base. A towerC maintenance entity is automatically created when a client issuesB a dnaKeepMeHere call, using the programming interface. The nameB refers to the tower maintenance entity managed by this command.@ A SESSION CONTROL TRA&NSPORT SERVICE entity stores information< about modules in the Transport layer that support Session> Control. The transport-name refers to the transport service managed by this command.2 OSAKF The OSAK module provides network control and management facilities A for the OSAK software. The OSAK software implements the ACSE F protocol of the Application layer, the Presentation layer, and the , Session layer of the OSI Reference Model.E NOTE: For Tru64 UNIX, you ca'nnot modify any counter, identifier, / or status attributes within the OSAK module.3 Subentities/ The entity hierarchy for the OSAK module is:* Node___OSAK____Application___Invocation | |_Port> The OSAK entity is the top-level entity in the OSAK module D hierarchy of entities. The OSAK entity is concerned with address D management for applications that use the OSAK software for their  communications requirements. C An OSAK ( APPLICATION entity represents an OSI application and is A created each time an OSI application that is running over the 3 OSAK software opens an initiator or a responder.D The entity also records information about the name and address of an application.H For OpenVMS, an OSAK APPLICATION entity has zero or more application ? entity invocations, each represented by an OSAK APPLICATION F INVOCATION entity (see below). In addition to recording information@ about the name an )d address of an application, it also recordsA information that controls the way in which inbound associationB requests for that application are handled by the OSAK software.= For OpenVMS, you should create an OSAK APPLICATION and an E OSAK APPLICATION INVOCATION for each passive application that you @ want to run, identifying the application by its presentation F address. Also, an OSAK APPLICATION entity is created automatically F for an active application and deleted at the *end of the connection. B An OSAK APPLICATION INVOCATION entity represents one invocation of an application.D For Tru64 UNIX, an OSAK APPLICATION INVOCATION entity is created G each time an OSI application that is running over the OSAK software @ opens an initiator or a responder. You can use only the show D command with the OSAK APPLICATION INVOCATION entity on Tru64 UNIX8 systems, and you cannot modify any of the attributes.E For OpenVMS, an OSAK APPLIC+ATION INVOCATION entity can be created  in two ways:A - Automatically, each time an OSI application that is runningB over the OSAK software opens an initiator or a responder (as for Tru64 UNIX).0 - Manually, when you use the create command.C The create command creates a passive application, which becomes A active only when your OpenVMS system receives an OSI call for * that particular application invocation.@ Each OSAK PORT entity describes one associa,tion opened in an D OSI application. A port is opened each time an application opens  an initiator or a responder.2 NSPC The NSP module implements one of the protocols in the Transport 8 layer described by the Digital Network Architecture. ( NSP performs the following functions:D - Enables the creation and destruction of transport connections B used for sending messages within a network node and between  network nodes.F - Manages the movement of expe-dited and normal data from transmit @ buffers to receive buffers, using flow control mechanisms.? - Breaks up normal data messages into segments that can be D transmitted individually, and reassembles these segments into 2 correct order after they have been received.@ - Guarantees the delivery of data and control messages to a @ specified destination using an error correction mechanism.3 Subentities. The entity hierarchy for the NSP module is:) Node_.__NSP____Local_NSAP___Remote_NSAP | |_Port = The NSP entity is the top-level entity in the hierarchy of( entities belonging to the NSP module.B An NSP LOCAL NSAP entity is automatically created for each NSAPA address used by the nsp entity. Local NSAPs are used primarily@ to group together remote NSAPs (see the nsp local nsap remoteC nsap entity). The nsap-address is the local NSAP managed by this command.? An NSP LOCAL NSAP REMOT /E NSAP entity maintains the transportD counters and generates events resulting from interactions betweenD its superior local NSAP and a remote transport service. The localD nsap nsap-address is the local NSAP associated with the specified? remote NSAP. The remote nsap nsap-address is the remote NSAP managed by this command.B An NSP PORT entity represents one end of a transport connectionA and maintains status information about that connection. A portD is visible to the n 0etwork only when it is assigned to a transport? connection. The port-id is the port managed by this command.2 OSI_Transport? This module implements the OSI Connection-Oriented Transport@ Protocol specification (International Standard ISO 8073); andD the Connectionless-Mode Transport Service Protocol (InternationalC Standard ISO 8602) for Tru64 UNIX. For OpenVMS, this module alsoF implements RFC1006 and RFC1006 Extension. These protocols implementA the OSI Reference Mod 1el Transport Layer 4. These protocols, asA well as the NSP protocol, implement the transport protocols in$ the Digital Network Architecture.< The OSI Transport Protocol permits communication between F DECnet-Plus systems and other vendors' systems that also implement = the OSI Transport Protocol. You can set up OSI Transport  connections:5 o Between two systems on the same ISO 8802-3 LAN.> o Between two systems that are connected, either directly or via a2n X.25 connection.@ o Between two systems that are connected directly by an X.25 point-to-point link.> o Between two systems on different subnetworks, where the 1 linking subnetworks might mix technologies.8 o Between two systems that are connected via TCP/IP.B Refer to CONNECTION_PHASES below for a description of the three) phases of an OSI Transport connection.> The OSI Transport Protocol conforms to the ISO 8072 Service= Definition and the ISO 8073 P3rotocol Standard. They defineD OSI Transport Protocol classes 0, 2 and 4 (TP 0, TP 2, and TP 4).: This protocol can use two types of ISO Network service:0 o Connection-Oriented Network Service (CONS)0 o Connectionless-Mode Network Service (CLNS)? The Routing module provides a connectionless network serviceC (CLNS). The X.25 Access module, if configured into the system, B provides a reliable connection-oriented network service (CONS).E For Tru64 UNIX, any attribu4tes that are specific to CONS will onlyD be accessible if X.25/CONS has been installed and configured intoD the system. See X.25/CONS Configuration for more information. TheB Connectionless Transport Service, known as CLTS or CLTP, allowsC for the transfer of data between correspondent Transport ServiceD users on a connectionless basis. The service provides for single-B access data transfer for corresponding Transport Service users,C without the overhead of establishing a connec 5tion. This protocol? benefits those applications that require a one-time, one-way@ transfer of data toward one Transport Service user. CLTS runs over CLNS.A The OSI transport conforms to the RFC1006 Standard and to the F RFC1859 Standard. They define how to implement ISO 8073 Transport A Class 0 on top of TCP (RFC1006) and how to implement ISO 8073 D Transport Class 2 Non-use of Explicit Flow Control on top of TCP E (RFC1859, once known as 1006 Extension). The network 6service used D is provided by TCP. These OSI over TCP/IP and DECnet over TCP/IPG features require an installed TCP/IP product that supports the PWIP interface.? Refer to NETWORK_SERVICES below for a table which shows the @ relationship between the transport protocols and the network services.@ Refer to PROTOCOL_CLASSES for a table describing the protocolC classes, their functions, and which network service can be used. 3 Protocol_ClassesH The followi 7ng table describes the protocol classes, their functions, ) and which Network service can be used. D Protocol Functions Network Service ClassH ---------------------------------------------------------------------E TP 0 Provides a basic Transport Service. CONS and RFC1006J TP 2 Provides Provides all functions of CONS and RFC1006 Ext 1 TP 0. Provides multiplexing of more 2 than one transport connec8tion over a 3 Network Connection or TCP connection. - Provides flow control over CONS.C TP 4 Provides all functions of TP 2. CONS and CLNS 3 Provides error detection and recovery.# Some other differences are that:A o TP 0 relies on the upper layers to do its error correction.C This class is disconnected if the underlying Network layer is disconnected.) o TP 2 and 4 use disconnect requests.D o TP 4 r 9eassigns the OSI Transport connection to another Network1 layer connection if the existing one fails.D When a Transport user sets up a Transport connection, a preferredC protocol class for the connection is specified in the connectionC request. The responding Transport user must either agree to thisC protocol class, or suggest an alternative protocol class that isG acceptable to the initiating user. If no such agreement is possible,- the Transport connection cannot be se :t up.3 Connection_PhasesD An OSI Transport connection is an end-to-end connection. It is a B reliable two-way, data-transfer path between two OSI Transport 7 users. An OSI Transport connection has three phases:> o Setting up the connection -- an OSI Transport user (the G initiating user) on one end system (the initiating host) sends a A connection request TPDU to another OSI Transport user (the E responding user) on a second end system (the responding host ;). C When a successful connection is made, data transfer can take place in either direction.D o Using the connection to transfer data through -- OSI Transport5 connections support two kinds of data transfer:@ - Normal data transfer --- for usual message exchange or; - Expedited data transfer --- bypasses any blockageC due to the flow control applied to normal data; only for B sending small amounts of data; has its own type of TPDU <! and transmission rules.G o Releasing the connection -- either transport user can release the< OSI transport connection by sending a disconnect TPDU.3 Network_ServicesD The following table shows the relationship between the transport & protocols and the network services. 5 Table 1-1 Transport Protocols and Network ServicesJ _______________________________________________________________________H Class 4 Class 4 Class 2 Class 0 CLTS = RFC RFCI (COTS) (COTS) (COTS) (COTS) over 1006 1859E Port over over over over CLNS ? Att- CLNS CONS CONS CONS (Tru64 ; ributes UNIX)J _______________________________________________________________________ Acknow- * * ledgement delay time Checksums * *G Client * * * * > * *0 CONS * * * templateG CR timeout * * * *G Direction * * * * * *G ER timeout * * * *G Expedited * * * * data% Extended * * * format Inactivity * * time Initial * ? * retransmit time Keepalive * * time Local DTE0 address * * *+ Local * * RFC1006 IP address: Local nsap * * * * *G Local * * * * * * ReferenceG Local * * * * * * * transport selectorG Maximum nsdu * * * @ * * sizeG Name * * * * * * *0 Negotiable * * * * classes (Tru64 UNIX)G Negotiated * * * * * * tpdu sizeG Network port* * * *G Network * * * * * * * serviceG Protocol * * * * * *A class0 Remote DTE * * * addressG Remote * * * * identifierF Remote nsap * * * * RemoteG RFC1006 * * port number% Remote * * RFC1006 IP addressG Remote * * * * * * referenceG RemotBe * * * * * * transport selector Request ac- * * knowledgment Retransmit * * threshold Roundtrip * * delay estimateG Type * * * * * * *G UID * * * * * * * Use clns * error reports Template Attributes Acknow- * * ledgment delay timCe Checksums * *0 Classes * * * *0 CONS * * * templateG CR timeout * * * *G ER timeout * * * *% Expedited * * * dataG Inbound * * * * * * * Initial * * retransmit time Keepalive * * timDe: Local nsap * * * * *0 Maximum nsdu * * * size: Name * * * * *: Network * * * * * service Retransmit * * threshold+ RFC1006 * * port number0 Security * * * * Use clns * error reports 3 Subentities8 The entity hierarchy for the OSEI Transport module is:1 _Application (OpenVMS) |? Node___OSI_Transport___|_Local_NSAP______________Remote_NSAP | |_Port |$ |_TemplateD The OSI TRANSPORT entity is the top-level entity in the hierarchy5 of entities belonging to the OSI Transport module.B An OSI TRANSPORT APPLICATION entity stores information about anC F end user that is activated for receipt of an incoming connection@ request when the request contains that end user's name in its= Destination Name field. The application-name refers to the' application managed by this command.B An OSI TRANSPORT LOCAL NSAP entity is automatically created forB each NSAP address used by the osi transport entity. Local NSAPsA are used primarily to group together remote NSAPs (see the OSID transport local NSAP remote NSAP entity). The nsap-addres Gs refers- to the local NSAP managed by this command.; An OSI TRANSPORT LOCAL NSAP REMOTE NSAP entity maintains= the transport counters and generates events resulting from< interactions between its superior local NSAP and a remote@ transport service. The nsap-address refers to the remote NSAP managed by this command.A An OSI TRANSPORT PORT entity represents one end of a transport9 connection and maintains status information about that= connection. Although the conn Hectionless transport protocolA does not create transport connections, ports are still used to maintain status information.@ On Tru64 UNIX, a port can also represent a listener, which is? a passive endpoint awaiting connect requests from the remote> transport service provider. Normally, ports exist only whenB OSI transport is enabled. However, the port that represents theB session control listener (local transport selector 'DEC'0'H) isA a special case. This port can exist I even when OSI transport is disabled.A The port attributes type, and for Tru64 UNIX direction, can be@ used to distinguish the various uses of ports. The port-name : refers to the name of the port managed by this command.< An OSI TRANSPORT TEMPLATE entity provides a collection ofD characteristics that supply default values for certain parametersD that influence the operation of a port on a transport connection.9 One template, with the reserved identifier default, isB J automatically created when the osi transport entity is created.@ This template is used by default when a user does not specify= a template identifier in a call to establish a connection.= The default template is automatically deleted when the osi@ transport entity is deleted. Similarly, the initial values ofB the attributes in a template are the same as the current valuesD in the default template. The template-name refers to the template managed by this command.= For Tru K64 UNIX, the only attributes that apply to CLTS are- checksum, network service, and local nsap. 2 RoutingE The Routing module implements the Network Routing layer described C by the Digital Network Architecture. It routes messages in the C network and manages the message packet flow. The Routing module . components provide the following functions:= o Routing-determines packet paths. A path is the sequence> of connected nodes and links between a source node and L aA destination node. The combined knowledge of all the networkD Routing layer modules of all the nodes in a network is used toD determine the existence of a path, and route the packet to itsB destination. The routing component at a routing node has the# following specific functions:> - Extracts and interprets the route header in a packet.< - Performs packet forwarding based on the destination address.7 - Performs packet fragmentatiMon where necessary.A - Manages the characteristics of the path and if a node or8 link fails on a path, finds an alternate route.A - Interfaces with the Network Routing Subnetwork DependentA sublayer to receive reports concerning a circuit or nodeC that has failed or the subsequent recovery of a circuit or node.7 - Performs packet reassembly at the destination.A - Returns error reports to the source where necessary, forA N instance when the destination is unreachable or when theC packet would have needed to be fragmented but segmentationD permitted was not set in the packet. Segmentation permitted> is always set in data packets generated by DNA nodes.1 However, non-DNA nodes may do otherwise.B o Congestion control-manages the resources used at each packet< switching node (each node that permits route-through).D o Packet lifetime control-bounds the amount ofO time a packet can exist in the network.9 o Initialization-identifies the adjacent node and theB adjacent node's network routing layer. It also performs node verification, if required.D o Dynamic circuit management-determines when to dial calls, whenD to hang up calls, and (on dynamically assigned circuits) whichD DTE address to dial. It exists only on dynamically established data links.3 Subentities2 The entity hierarchy for the Routing Pmodule is:& _Destination_Area7 | _AdjacencyD | |_IP_Address_Translation: |_Circuit_______________|_IP_AdjacencyB | |_IP_Reachable_Address? | |_Reachable_Address Node___Routing___|I |_EGP_Group_______________EGP_Neighbor & |_Destin Qation_Node, |_IP_Destination_Address |_Port( |_Permitted_NeighborC The ROUTING entity is the top-level entity in the Routing moduleC hierarchy of entities. The Routing module controls the operation$ of network routing within a node.A A ROUTING DESTINATION AREA entity contains information about aC destination area or reachable address prefix. These entities are9 created and deleted dynamically by the Routing module R.B Destination areas exist only on nodes that are level 2 routers.= The address-prefix is the destination area managed by this command.C A ROUTING CIRCUIT entity represents a data link to another node.? The circuit-name refers the circuit managed by this command.= A ROUTING CIRCUIT ADJACENCY entity describes an adjacency,B which is a neighboring node that is accessible via a particular= circuit. The circuit-name refers to the circuit associatedA with the specif Sied adjacency. The adjacency-name refers to the% adjacency managed by this command.= The create and delete commands are allowed only if circuit@ is csma-cd and type is L1router or L2router. In addition, theC delete command is allowed on end systems only for x25 da circuit adjacencies.@ A ROUTING CIRCUIT IP ADDRESS TRANSLATION entity describes theC mapping between the IP address of an IP adjacency on a broadcast= circuit and its LAN address. This entity is supported o Tnly? on systems that support dual routing. ip address translationC entities are created automatically, but can be deleted manually.< A ROUTING CIRCUIT IP REACHABLE ADDRESS entity describes a? manually entered subnet address that is accessible by way of@ a specified circuit. An IP reachable address allows a level 2D router at the boundary of a routing domain to include information@ about the address and reachability of subnetworks outside theD domain. IP reachable addresse Us exist only on level 2 routers that support dual routing.D A ROUTING CIRCUIT REACHABLE ADDRESS entity describes information I about a manually entered address prefix accessible over that circuit. @ It exists only on L2 routers and end nodes. On L2 routers the# type may be outbound or inbound.D A reachable address of type outbound (default) describes address A prefixes in an external domain that are reachable by outbound B traffic over this circuit. For end systems, the V circuit can be C either an X.25 DA circuit or a broadcast circuit on L2 routers. A The routing information contained in the reachable address is 7 entered directly into the L2 decision process. When B ManualL2Algorithm has the value routing vector, only reachable G addresses with address prefixes corresponding to Phase IV areas are ! fed into the decision process.C On an L2 router, an inbound reachable address describes address @ prefixes corresponding to Phase IV area Ws which are reachable D through the local node by inbound traffic over this circuit. The J routing information contained in the reachable address (area and cost) ? is entered into a Phase IV routing vector message, which is . transmitted periodically over this circuit.A On an end system the type may be outbound or (for a broadcast F circuit only) filter. A reachable address of type outbound behaves D in a similar way to that on an L2 router except that the routing C informa Xtion is used to control the operation of the ES cache. A C reachable address of type filter (for a broadcast circuit only) D specifies the permitted LAN addresses of routers on the LAN that ' will be used by the cache algorithm.G For either outbound or filter type, the mapping attribute should be . set to manual because the default is X.121.A A ROUTING DESTINATION NODE entity contains information about aA particular destination node within the same area as this node.> Y These entities are created and deleted automatically by theA Routing module. Destination nodes exist only on nodes that are level 1 or level 2 routers.= A ROUTING EGP GROUP entity defines a set of systems in the= same autonomous system with which this system may exchangeA EGP messages. This entity is supported only on level 2 routersA that support dual routing (and, in particular, the EGP routing protocol).= A ROUTING EGP GROUP EGP NEIGHBOR entity defines one of th Ze< systems in the autonomous group defined by the owning egpA group entity. This entity is supported only on level 2 routersA that support dual routing (and, in particular, the EGP routing protocol).? A ROUTING IP DESTINATION ADDRESS entity describes IP routing= information in the shortest paths database. This entity is7 supported only on routers that support dual routing.D A ROUTING PERMITTED NEIGHBOR entity represents a neighboring nodeA on a nonbroadcast circu[it that is permitted to connect to this@ node. The neighbor-name is the name of the permitted neighbor managed by this command.C A ROUTING PORT entity represents a client of the Routing module,B and presents information associated with that client. The port-3 name refers to the port managed by this command.2 X25_ProtocolG The X.25 Protocol module resides in the Network layer of the Digital@ Network Architecture (DNA). It provides the X.25 Packet Level4 interfa\ce into the Packet Switching Data Network.3 Subentities7 The entity hierarchy for the X25 Protocol module is:# Node___X25_Protocol____DTE___PVC | |_Group> The X25 PROTOCOL entity is the top-level entity in the X.25B Protocol module hierarchy of entities. The X.25 Protocol module= operates the packet-level protocol interface to a PSDN, as/ defined by the CCITT and ISO specifications.4 An X25 PROTOCOL DTE entity de]scribes a local DTE.? An X25 PROTOCOL DTE PVC entity describes a permanent virtual circuit (PVC). D An X25 PROTOCOL GROUP entity specifies a number of DTEs that make up a Closed User Group (CUG). 2 X25_AccessI The X.25 Access module resides in the Application layer of the DigitalD Network Architecture (DNA). It interfaces with the X.25 Protocol,D X.25 Client, and X.25 Server modules to provide X.25 services and> functions as described in the DNA X.25 Access Arc^hitecture.3 Subentities5 The entity hierarchy for the X25 Access module is:" _DTE_Class* |_Reachable_Address |_Port Node___X25_Access___|_Filter8 |_Security_DTE_Class___Remote_DTE( |_Security_Filter! |_Template$ |_Application C The X25 ACCESS entity is the top-level entity in the X.25 Access module hierarchy of_ entities.@ An X25 ACCESS DTE CLASS entity defines a named class of DTEs.D The class-name refers to the class managed by this command. A DTE. class may refer to either of the following: o A group of local DTEs.1 o A group of DTEs on a remote gateway system.@ An X25 ACCESS FILTER entity defines the criteria by which the1 destination of an incoming call is determined.C When the x.25 access entity is created, the network manager mustB create an x25 access filter ` entity with the name osi transport.C This filter is used by the osi transport entity. The filter-name0 refers to the filter managed by this command.@ An X25 ACCESS PORT entity represents an X.25 virtual circuit.> Ports are created and deleted automatically as circuits areD established and cleared. The port-name refers to the port managed by this commandD An X25 ACCESS REACHABLE ADDRESS entity maps a destination NetworkC Service Access Point (NSAP) address in an outgoing acall to a DTEB class/DTE address pair. The address-name refers to the address  managed by this command.= An X25 ACCESS SECURITY DTE CLASS entity is used to controlA inbound and outbound calls. The class-name refers to the class managed by this command.: An X25 ACCESS SECURITY DTE CLASS REMOTE DTE entity is a? collection of access control attributes that control inbound< calls from and outbound calls to a particular remote DTE.A An X25 ACCESS SECURITY FILTER ent bity is a collection of accessB control attributes that controls access to one or more filters.@ The filter-name refers to the filter managed by this command.A An X25 ACCESS TEMPLATE entity is used to supply default valuesA for call parameters when an outgoing call is made. Values in a6 template can be overridden by user-supplied values.> For Tru64 UNIX, two x25 access template entities need to be? created by the network manger: the default and OSI TransportD templates. cThese templates are generated automatically if you run- either the basic or advanced configurator.@ An X25 ACCESS APPLICATION entity defines an application to beC initialized for an incoming call. The application-name refers toC the application managed by this command. An application type may be one of the following: o X.25 o X.29 o X.29 Login2 X25_Client_(OpenVMS)B The X.25 Client module resides in the Application layer of the D Digital Netwo drk Architecture. It interfaces with the X.25 Access G module to establish communications with its X.25 Server system over ; a DNA Session Control connection using the GAP protocol.5 The X.25 Client Module contains no other Entities.B The X25 CLIENT entity describes the X.25 client interface in an@ accessing system, through which X.25 clients gain access to a/ PSDN via an X.25 server in a gateway system.3 Subentities: There are no subentities beneath the X25 Client meodule.2 X25_Relay_(Alpha)A The X.25 Relay module resides in the application layer of the C Digital Network Architecture (DNA). It interfaces with the X.25 G Access module to receive an incoming switched virtual call and then E makes an outgoing call through the X.25 Access module. Facilities = also exist for relaying permanent virtual circuits (PVCs). D The x25 relay entity accepts an incoming call from one client and" redirects it to another client.3 Subentifties3 The entity hierarchy of the X25 Relay module is: Node___X25_Relay____Client | |_PVC D An X25 RELAY CLIENT entity provides a set of default values to beB used to set up a relay between an incoming call and an outgoing call.> An X25 RELAY PVC entity provides a set of default values toA be used to establish a connection to a client over a permanent virtual circuit. 2 X25_ServerB The X.25 Serverg module resides in the Application layer of the G Digital Network Architecture (DNA). This module interfaces with the C X.25 Access module to listen for incoming calls for X.25 Client A systems, and to make outgoing calls on behalf of X.25 clients.3 Subentities4 The entity hierarchy of the X25 Server module is: Node___X25_Server____Client |& |_Security_NodesB The X25 SERVER entity represents the X.25 server that runs on a hC gateway system. The X.25 server serves X.25 clients on accessing? systems, providing X.25 access to systems that do not have a direct connection to a PSDN.B An X25 SERVER CLIENT entity provides a set of default values toA be used to establish a session control connection with an X.25C client when an incoming call arrives for that client. You should? create an x25 server client entity for each X.25 client with* which the gateway system is associated.@ An X25 SERV iER SECURITY NODES entity defines the set of rights> identifiers associated with calls issued by the X.25 Server> module (on behalf of the X.25 Client module at an accessingA system) to the X.25 Access module at the gateway system. TheseC rights identifiers are used when making access control checks on/ the DTE class specified when a call is made.2 XOT_(OpenVMS_Alpha)E The X.25 Over TCP/IP (XOT) component of X.25 enables transmission ? of X.25 packets over a wide area jnetwork composed of TCP/IP 6 connections using the methods described in RFC1613.3 Subentities- The entity hierarchy of the XOT module is: Node___XOT____Port | |_SAP___Link= The XOT entity represents the datalink interface to X.25. = A XOT PORT entity provides information on each active XOT D connection over TCP/IP, showing which X.25 protocol DTE entity isD using a link. Ports are created and deleted dynamically as X.25 E c konnections are requested. There is one Port entity for each PVC  or SVC connection. E A XOT SAP entity specifies the point at which XOT gains access to C the TCP/IP environment for purposes of listening for inbound XOTB connections. There can be a single XOT SAP entity to listen onB any available IP interface; or one or more XOT SAP entities can/ be used to listen on specific IP interfaces.F A XOT SAP LINK entity represents a remote system with which XOT is E allow led to communicate. In the case of an inbound XOT connection,D there must be a LINK entity with a matching remote IP address andG remote port number in order for XOT to accept the TCP/IP connection.A In the case of an outbound connection, the LINK specifies the D remote IP address and remote port number of the system with which$ to attempt the TCP/IP connection.2 LAPBE The LAPB module implements one of the protocols in the Link layer 1 described by the Digital Network mArchitecture.# NOTE= For Tru64 UNIX, the WAN Device Drivers are provided as an D installable subset within the product Compaq Wide Area NetworkingF for Tru64 UNIX. You must install this subset before you can refer - to LAPB module entities in an NCL command.A For OpenVMS, you must install the WAN Device Drivers from the D Compaq X.25 for OpenVMS product before you can refer to the LAPB % module entities in an NCL command.3 Subentitines. The entity hierarchy of the LAPB module is: Node___LAPB____Link | |_Port= The LAPB entity is the top-level entity in the LAPB module= hierarchy of entities. The LAPB module implements the LAPBB link-level protocol which is a variation of the HDLC link-level protocol.A A LAPB LINK entity is associated with a port of the supportingC Physical layer, and contains attributes that describe local LAPB@ operation. The simple-name orefers to the link managed by this command.@ A LAPB PORT entity represents an access point for LAPB moduleC clients to Data Link layer services. The port-name refers to the port managed by this command. 2 CSMA-CDF A Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection (CSMA/CD) H Local Area Network (LAN) provides high-speed communications channels F for connecting computers and other digital devices located within aC moderate-sized geographic area. Like other LANs p, the CSMA/CD LANB falls between long-distance, low-speed networks that carry dataA for hundreds or thousands of kilometers, and specialized, veryD high-speed intercommunications that are generally limited to tensC of meters. The CSMA/CD LAN is intended primarily for use in suchD areas as office automation, distributed data processing, terminal= access, distributed systems and other situations requiringA economical connection to a local communication medium carrying, spora qdic traffic at high-peak data rates.D For Tru64 UNIX, the DNA CSMA/CD module incorporates the functionsD and operations defined in the Ethernet Specification V2.0 and theC ISO 8802-3 (IEEE 802.3) CSMA/CD Access Method and Physical Layer@ specification as well as parts of the ISO 8802-1 (IEEE 802.1)B Addressing, Internetworking, and Network Management and the ISOC 8802-2 (IEEE 802.2) Logical Link Control specifications. To thisD the DNA CSMA-CD module adds features often neededr by users of theC Data Link. A typical such Data Link user is the Network Layer of the DNA.3 Subentities0 The subentities below the CSMA-CD module are: Node___CSMA-CD____Port | |_StationA The CSMA-CD entity is the top-level entity in the hierarchy of, entities belonging to the CSMA-CD module.B A CSMA-CD PORT entity represents an access point to the serviceA offered by the CSMA-CD module. A client transmits and receives sC data through a port. Ports are created and deleted by client use@ of open and close service interface procedures. The port-name. refers to the port managed by this command.B A CSMA-CD STATION entity manages a CSMA/CD controller. WhereverA Phase IV DECnet manages a line, DECnet-Plus manages a station.@ Each station corresponds to a particular logical link controlC (LLC), medium access control (MAC), and physical attachment. The> station-name refers to the station managed tby this command. 2 LLC2C The LLC2 module implements one of the protocols in the Data Link7 layer described by the Digital Network Architecture." NOTE= For Tru64 UNIX, the WAN Device Drivers are provided as an D installable subset within the product Compaq Wide Area NetworkingF for Tru64 UNIX. You must install this subset before you can refer - to LLC2 module entities in an NCL command.A For OpenVMS, you must install theu WAN Device Drivers from the D Compaq X.25 for OpenVMS product before you can refer to the LLC2 % module entities in an NCL command.3 Subentities. The entity hierarchy of the LLC2 module is: Node___LLC2____Port | |_SAP___Link> The LLC2 entity is the top-level entity in the LLC2 module D hierarchy of entities. The LLC2 module controls the operation of D the LLC Type 2 data link protocol for local area networks (LANs).A An LLC2 PvORT entity represents an access point to the servicesE offered to clients by the LLC2 module. Each LLC2 PORT entity has A an LLC2 SAP (service access point) entity associated with it. > An LLC2 SAP entity allows links to be multiplexed over its  associated port.G An LLC2 SAP LINK entity represents one of the links operating over a) particular sap (service access point). 2 MOPF The Maintenance Operations Protocol (MOP) module is located in the D Appli wcation layer described by the Digital Network Architecture. C MOP has a direct connection with the Data Link layer; thus, for B certain functions, MOP can bypass the higher layers in the DNA E protocol tower. This is useful for nodes which do not (yet) have E all the higher layers of DNA protocol towers installed. Functions A provided by the MOP module include down-line loading, up-line ' dumping, and communications testing.3 Subentities) The entity hierarchy of MOP mxodule is:% Node___MOP____Circuit____Operation | |# | |_Station |_Client = The MOP entity is the top-level entity in the hierarchy of( entities belonging to the MOP module.D A MOP CIRCUIT entity is a data link circuit on which MOP services> are available. The status attribute functions specifies theB services enabled on the circuit. The circuit-name refers to the# circuit managed by this command. y? The MOP CIRCUIT OPERATION entities are created automatically> by MOP for all operations, including those initiated by NCLC action directives and those initiated by automatic load and dump@ service. They are deleted when the corresponding operation is complete.D The MOP CIRCUIT STATION entities are created automatically by theB Configuration Monitor. They are deleted when the circuit entityC is deleted. The Configuration Monitor function must be enabled A on the MO zP circuit for these entities to be created. For more7 information, refer to HELP NETWORK_MANAGEMENT TOOLS  CONFIGURATION_MONITOR.? A MOP CLIENT entity is a set of default characteristics usedA by these MOP functions: dump/load server, load requester, loop@ requester, and console requester. When a command or a request@ for one of these services does not supply all of the requiredA arguments, the values stored by the client are used to performA the operation. The client {-name refers to the client managed by this command.2 HDLCD The HDLC module implements one of the protocols in the Data Link G layer. The HDLC (High-level Data Link Control) protocol is intended G to cover a wide range of applications; for example, one-way, two-way? alternate or two way simultaneous data communication betweenD data stations which are usually buffered, including operations onB different types of data circuits; for example multipoint/point-@ to-point, | duplex/half-duplex, and switched/non-switched. ThisB implementation uses HDLC to offer reliable communication at theC Data Link layer for point-to-point synchronous data lines over aC wide area network link. The HDLC module typically runs as a Data/ Link module under the CLNS Network protocol." NOTE= For Tru64 UNIX, the WAN Device Drivers are provided as an D installable subset within the product Compaq Wide Area NetworkingF for Tru64 UNIX. }You must install this subset before you can refer - to HDLC module entities in an NCL command.A For OpenVMS, you must install the WAN Device Drivers from the D Compaq X.25 for OpenVMS product before you can refer to the HDLC % module entities in an NCL command. 3 Subentities. The entity hierarchy of the HDLC module is: ) Node___HDLC____Link____Logical_Station | |_Port> The HDLC entity is the top-level entity in the hierarch ~y of) entities belonging to the HDLC module.B An HDLC LINK entity is associated with a port of the supporting@ physical layer module. It contains attributes common to localB HDLC operations for all logical stations on the line. The link-8 name refers to the HDLC link managed by this command.D The HDLC LINK LOGICAL STATION entity controls the characteristicsC of an HDLC logical station. There is one station for each remoteA termination of a line associated with the HDLC link. The link-B name is the link entity within the HDLC module and the logical-= station-name refers to the logical station managed by this command.A The HDLC PORT entity represents one end of an HDLC connection.> The entity maintains information about that link. Ports areC created and deleted automatically when a client of HDLC uses theB link. The port-name refers to the port managed by this command.2 DDCMP_(OpenVMS_VAX)H The Digital Data Communications Message Protocol (DDCMP) module is a J data link control procedure that ensures a reliable data communication H path between communication devices connected by data links. DDCMP hasB been designed to operate over full- and half-duplex synchronousB and asynchronous channels in both point-to-point and multipoint= modes. It can be used in a variety of applications such as> distributed computer networking, host/front end processing,B remote terminal concentration, and remote job entry-exit system operation.3 Subentities0 The entity hierarchy for the DDCMP module is:) Node___DDCMP____Link___Logical_Station | |_Port? The DDCMP entity is the top-level entity in the hierarchy of* entities belonging to the DDCMP module.> The DDCMP LINK entity defines the attributes of a link to aB communications port that uses the DDCMP protocol. The link-name. refers to the link managed by this command.C The DDCMP LINK LOGICA L STATION entity manages a link to a remote? station. The link-name is the DDCMP link associated with the= logical station and the station-name refers to the logical# station managed by this command.B A DDCMP PORT entity represents an access point to the Data Link@ layer service offered by ddcmp. Ports are created and deletedD automatically when a client of ddcmp uses the link. The port-name. refers to the port managed by this command.2 FDDIC The FDDI module imple ments one of multiple possible Link level/-? Network level modules in the OSI layered architecture model.? DNA Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) is the basis forA the second generation of network interconnect architecture forC Digital. The FDDI module implements one of the multiple possibleD Link level/Physical level modules in the OSI layered architectureD model. The FDDI Physical level includes high speed, 125 megabaud,@ fiber optic links which may be many kilometers in length. The> FDDI Link level provides a high bandwidth, 100 megabits perC second local area network (LAN), and uses the ANSI standard FDDI Token Ring.3 Subentities/ The entity hierarchy for the FDDI module is:! Node___FDDI____Station____Link | |% | |_PHY Port |_Port< The FDDI module incorporates the functions and operationsB defined in the ANSI FDDI Token Ring Media Access Control (MAC),? t he ANSI FDDI Token Ring Physical Layer Protocol (PHY), FDDIB Physical Layer Medium Dependent (PMD), Station Management (SMT)C specifications, parts of the ISO 8802-1 (IEEE 802.1) Addressing,? Internetworking and Network Management, and parts of the ISOA 8802-2 (IEEE 802.2) Logical Link Control (LLC) specifications. > The FDDI entity is the top-level entity in the hierarchy of) entities belonging to the FDDI module.C An FDDI STATION entity represents an access point to th e serviceB offered by the FDDI module. The FDDI data link can be monitoredB and controlled through DNA network management. The station-name1 refers to the station managed by this command.B The FDDI STATION LINK entity is a subentity of the FDDI STATIONB entity. The fddi station link subentity provides the managementB view of LLC and the FDDI MAC. FDDI allows stations to be eitherC single MAC or dual MAC and therefore there can be up to two link@ subentities for each statio n. In most cases, a station has atC least one link entity. Concentrators may have no link entity andB are not addressable on the FDDI, though they may be using other communications channels.B An FDDI STATION PHY PORT entity provides the management view ofB the fddi station phy port and the fddi pmd. Each station has at@ least one phy port and a concentrator is a device that has at@ least one phy port of type M. A dual attached station or dualC attached concentrator has a phy port type A and type B. A single- attached station has a phy port of type B.@ An FDDI PORT entity represents an access point to the serviceC offered by the FDDI module. A client transmits and receives dataA through a port. Ports are created and deleted by client use ofD open and close service interface procedures. The port-name refers' to the port managed by this command.2 Modem_Connect? The Modem Connect module implements one of the protocols in D the Physi cal layer described by the Digital Network Architecture. # NOTE= For Tru64 UNIX, the WAN Device Drivers are provided as an D installable subset within the product Compaq Wide Area NetworkingF for Tru64 UNIX. You must install this subset before you can refer : to the modem connect module entities in an NCL command.A For OpenVMS, you must install the WAN Device Drivers from the E Compaq X.25 for OpenVMS product before you can refer to the modem - connect module entities in an NCL command.3 Subentities8 The entity hierarchy for the Modem Connect module is:$ Node___Modem_Connect____Data_Port | |_LineD The MODEM CONNECT entity is the top-level entity in the hierarchy5 of entities belonging to the Modem Connect module.C The MODEM CONNECT DATA PORT entity is associated with a line andC handles the transfer of data. Data ports are created and deletedA automatically when a client of the Modem Connect module uses a> line. The port-id is the data port managed by this command.D A MODEM CONNECT LINE entity is associated with a physical circuitC on the node. Usually, there is one line entity for each circuit.@ The line-id is the line managed by this command. The MODEM = CONNECT LINE entity has an extra set of status attributes D that let you examine the instantaneous status of the interchange I circuits on the line. These cir cuit attributes are known by different ? names in the various interface standards. For instance, the E DATA TERMINAL READY attribute is the name used for the CCITT V.24 C circuit 108/2, the EIA-232-D CD circuit, the RS-499 TR circuit, C and so on. For further information, refer to the Network Control Language Reference manual. 2 DeviceF The Device module provides management of physical devices attached C to a network system that must load microcode from a host syst em  before it is operational.& NOTE= For Tru64 UNIX, the WAN Device Drivers are provided as an D installable subset within the product Compaq Wide Area NetworkingF for Tru64 UNIX. You must install this subset before you can refer 3 to the device module entities in an NCL command.A For OpenVMS, you must install the WAN Device Drivers from the E Compaq X.25 for OpenVMS product before you can refer to the device% module entities in an NCL command.3 Subentities- The entity hierarchy for Device module is: Node___Device___Unit@ The DEVICE entity is the top-level entity in the hierarchy of+ entities belonging to the Device module.= The DEVICE UNIT entity controls the loading and dumping ofB microcode for a specific communications device. The simple-name5 refers to the device unit managed by this command.2 Frame_(OpenVMS)C The Frame module provides framing functions for a communicationsC link. It enables those who implement their own level 2 protocols0 to manage the links that use those protocols.$ NOTEC You must install the WAN Device Drivers from the Compaq X.25 forE OpenVMS product before you can refer to the frame module entities  in an NCL command. 3 Subentities0 The entity hierarchy for the Frame module is: Node___Frame____Link | |_Port < The FRAME entity is the top-level entity in the hierarchy= belonging to the Frame module. The entity provides framingC functions for a communications link. The entity does not provide@ any data link protocol capabilities, and is used by those who7 want or need to operate their own level 2 protocols.> A FRAME LINK entity is associated with a physical line, and@ controls the framing protocol used on that line. There is one, frame link entity for each physical line.= A FRAME PORT entity represents an access point to the dataB link service offered by the Frame module. Ports are created and> deleted automatically when a client of DDCMP uses the link.2 Token_Ring_(Tru64_UNIX)B The Token Ring module implements one of multiple possible Link F level/Physical level modules in the OSI layered architecture model.= The DNA IEEE 802.5/Token Ring Data Link provides either a D 4 or 16 Mbps local area network (LAN). It provides communication E service s for multiple concurrent users. The services provided are > LLC, Mapped Ethernet and Station Management (SMT) services.9 The DNA IEEE 802.5/Token Ring module incorporates the A functions and operations defined in the IEEE 802.5 Token Ring C Access Method, parts of the ISO 8802-1 (IEEE 802.1) Addressing, < Internetworking and Network Management, and parts of the F ISO 8802-2 (IEEE 802.2) Logical Link Control (LLC) specifications. C To this, the DNA 802.5/Token Ring Data Link adds features often @ needed by users of the data link. A typical such user is the ; Network Layer of the Digital Network Architecture (OSI). 3 Subentities4 The entity hierarchy of the Token Ring module is: Node___Token_Ring____Port |/ |_Station____Source_Route" |) |_FA_MapE The TOKEN RING entity is the top-level entity in the hierarchy of / entities be longing to the Token Ring module.F A TOKEN RING PORT entity represents an access point to the service = offered by the Token Ring module. A client transmits and C receives data through a port. Ports are created and deleted by ? client use of open and close service interface procedures. < The port-name refers to the port managed by this command.D A TOKEN RING STATION entity manages a Token Ring controller. Each; station corresponds to a particular instance of Logical A Link Control (LLC), Medium Access Control (MAC), and physical H attachment. The Token Ring data link can be monitored and controlled B through DNA network management. The station-name refers to the # station managed by this command.F A TOKEN RING STATION SOURCE ROUTE entity describes an entry in the F Source Routing database. In Transparent Source Routing, the Source B Route entities are typically created and enabled by the parent @ Station entity. The sourceroute-id refers to the source route" entity managed by this command. G The TOKEN RING STATION FA MAP (Functional Address Mapping) entities H describe the default Functional Address-Global Address mapping to be I applied to ports that are created with the same protocol identifiers. D The famap-id refers to the FA map entity managed by this command.2 Loopback_Application> The Loopback Application module allows a network manager to< invoke a loopback test between applications on two nodes,@ thus testing all the supporting layers of the Digital Network Architecture.6 The Loopback Application module has two components:? o The loop access module, which initiates the loopback test@ o The loop mirror module, which accepts connections from the@ remote loop access modules and mirrors any data sent to it back to the sender.D The Loopback Application module has only one entity: the loopbackC application entity. This loopback application entity describes C features of the Loopback Application module which allows you to A run a loopback test between two nodes or itself. The loopback D application entity is created and deleted automatically with the & node entity, and is always enabled.ww9k IU1 Network_ManagementG Some network management concepts and tools are described in this NCLE HELP file for easy access. For more detailed information refer to! the Network Management manual.2 Access_ControlC Available methods for controlling access to network information B and the policies used to determine that access depend upon the operating system(s) involved.3 Rights_Identifiers_(OpenVMS)A Compaq DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS uses VMS rights identifiers to C perform access checks on all manageable entities. This differs G from the Phase IV software, which used VMS privileges for access to C the permanent database and for write access. Read access to t he 1 volatile database in Phase IV was unprotected.F The rights identifier NET$EXAMINE grants a user read access to the G network configuration data. The NET$MANAGE rights identifier grants @ read and write access to the network configuration data, and E NET$SECURITY grants ability to set default accounts. These rights G allow the network manager to restrict access to network parameters. E Access is granted to an individual user by means of the AUTHORIZE D utility on OpenVMS. The following command examples grant access:% UAF> GRANT/ID NET$EXAMINE Joe 8 ! Grant user JOE read access to local network data% UAF> GRANT/ID NET$MANAGE Joe > ! Grant user JOE read/write access to local network data & UAF> GRANT/ID NET$SECURITY Joe 6 ! Grant user JOE ability to set default accountsA In lieu of NET$MANAGE rights, the BYPASS privilege will grant  read and write access.3 Proxies_(OpenVMS)A Proxies are managed using the AUTHORIZE facility. Each proxy B record should specify a default account, regardless of whether @ a default wildcard proxy exists, to ensure that at least one > valid destination account is specified. For example, if a , default wildcard proxy existed on PRKCHP: UAF> SHOW/PROXY * ( Default proxies are flagged with (D) LAMCHP::* * (D)A The SYSTEM user on node LAMCHP would have default proxy access% into the SYSTEM account on PRKCHP.= If the network manager then wished to add ALTERNATE as an C alternate account to be used from the SYSTEM account on LAMCHP, A while still retaining SYSTEM as the default, he would need to C explicitly specify that default in the new proxy record like so:: UAF> ADD/PROXY LAMCHP::SYSTEM SYSTEM/DEFAULT, ALTERNATE < So the proxy database on PRKCHP would now look like this: UAF> SHOW/PROXY * ( Default proxies are flagged with (D) LAMCHP::* * (D) LAMCHP::SYSTEM  SYSTEM (D) ALTERNATE  If he instead did this:* UAF> ADD/PROXY LAMCHP::SYSTEM ALTERNATE * So the proxy database looked like this: UAF> SHOW/PROXY * ( Default proxies are flagged with (D) LAMCHP::* * (D) LAMCHP::SYSTEM  ALTERNATE; then LAMCHP::SYSTEM would no longer have default access ? to PRKCHP's SYSTEM account. That is because only one proxy @ record is considered for proxy processing; and in this case, 8 the exact match LAMCHP::SYSTEM is preferred over the > LAMCHP::* match. This LAMCHP::SYSTEM proxy record does not specify any default account.< For further information on how proxies are used to grant : access, refer to HELP NETWORK_MANAGEMENT ACCESS_CONTROL OPENVMS_POLICY.3 OpenVMS_Policy: Access can be established using an explicitly specified= account, a default proxy account, an application-specific < default account, or a nonprivileged default account. The: following steps are used to determine if a remote user ? will be granted access. (Note that access control checking A is handled in the same fashion for a local user who specifies & the local node or 0 in a command.) @ 1. If explicit access control information is provided, this ( information is evaluated first. > When an empty access control string is provided, as in:  $ DIR PRKCHP""::  $ DIR 0""::@ No proxy checking is performed. Instead, access checking is continued at Step 3.B When both a username and password are explicitly provided, $ as in the following examples:) $ DIR PRKCHP"PRKCHP_USER PASSWD"::$ $ DIR 0"PRKCHP_USER PASSWD"::9 $ MCR NCL SHOW NODE PRKCHP"PRKCHP_USER PASSWD" ALLD that account must be accessible using that password (even if B a valid proxy exists), in order for access to succeed. If B this fails (say, for example, the password is wrong or the < account does not exist), then no further checking is ( performed and access is denied. < When only the username is explicitly provided, as in:" $ DIR PRKCHP"PRKCHP_USER":: $ DIR 0"PRKCHP_USER"::2 $ MCR NCL SHOW NODE PRKCHP"PRKCHP_USER" ALLA the local proxy database is searched for one proxy record = matching source_node::username_on_s ource. An exactly @ matching proxy record is preferred over a wildcard match.? (Refer to HELP NETWORK_MANAGEMENT ACCESS_CONTROL PROXIES> for more information if a wildcard proxy is present.) < If a match is not found, then no further checking is ( performed and access is denied. B If a match is found, the selected proxy record is examined = to determine if access should be attempted using this 9 explicitly specified local username. It does not ? matter if this local username is specified in the proxy > record as the default account or not. As long as that A username is included somewhere in that proxy record, then 3 access will be attempted via that account. C For example, if the following command were issued by SYSTEM  on LAMCHP:" $ DIR PRKCHP"PRKCHP_USER"::@ And PRKCHP had one of the following proxy records in its  database: LAMCHP::SYSTEM   PRKCHP_USER LAMCHP::SYSTEM  PRKCHP_USER (D) LAMCHP::SYSTEM # SYSTEM (D) PRKCHP_USER ; Then access would be attempted using the explicitly ' specified PRKCHP_USER account.  C If this access succeeds, the remote user is mapped into the < specified account and granted the rights and default A privileges for that account. If there is a problem (say, A for example, the directory for that account does not have A the correct owner), then no further checking is performed  and access is denied.A 2. If no access control information was provided at all (not $ even an empty string), as in: $ DIR PRKCHP:: $ DIR 0::% $ MCR NCL SHOW NODE PRKCHP ALL@ The proxy database is scanned for a proxy record matchingC source_node::username_on_source. (A default wildcard proxy ? may not be sufficient. Refer to HELP NETWORK_MANAGEMENT 4 ACCESS_CONTROL PROXIES for more information.)9 If no matching proxy record is found, then access + control checking proceeds to Step 3.< If a matching proxy record is found, but it does not : specify a default account, then access will NOT be > attempted using that proxy. Instead, access checking  proceeds to Step 3.A If the matching proxy record specifies a default account, = then access is attempted using that account. If this < succeeds, the user is granted the rights and default @ privileges of this default account. If this fails (say, < for example, the directory for that account does not @ have the proper owner), then no further checking is done  and access is denied.9 3. If an application-specific default is present, as > indicated by the session control application user name ; attribute, then access will be attempted using that = account. If this access fails (say, for example, the : specified account is non-existent), then no further3 checking is performed and access is denied. 7 If no default was specified for that particular = application, access checking is continued with Step 4.' --- NOTE ---6 The CMIP Management Listener (CML) application : uses this method of access to allow remote users to; perform NCL SHOW commands. This is why the session ; control application CML user name is usually set to 9 CML$SERVER, and this account is generally granted : the NET$EXAMINE right. Even if a remote user does : not include explicit access control information in 9 an NCL command, and even if he does not possess a 9 default proxy account with NET$EXAMINE or BYPASS, 9 his NCL SHOW requests will still be permitted via  the CML$SERVER account.8 4. If a non privileged default has been established,: as indicated by the session control non privileged ; user attribute, then access will be attempted using 5 that account. If this access fails, or if the8 session control non privileged user attribute has+ not been set, then access is denied.3 Tru64_UNIX_Policy6 On Tru64 UNIX, access control policy is as follows:1 o Any user is allowed to use the show command.F o To execute any command that modifies network data, the user must  hav e superuser privileges.G o When commands default to the local node (either by not specifying < a node, or using Node 0), NCL communicates with the CMLE application by way of pipes, and the priviledges are determined 4 by the user id (UID) that NCL is running under.F o When commands are issued to a remote node or to the local node by; explicitly including the node name (for example, usingD node alpha on the system named alpha), then the access granted @ depen ds on the access control provided; the session controlB attributes defined for CML on the target node; and the proxy ( accounts set up on the target node.E o The access control used with a command is determined as follows: H -- If any explicit access control is included on the command line,E that is what is used. The information can be provided eitherC after the node name (for example, node alpha/smith/abc or 7 through the use of a "by" clause, for example,* by user = smith, password = abc).F -- If no explicit access control is provided, then NCL checks ifE any default access has been previously set, and if so, uses / that. Default access is set using the D set ncl default access by user = USER, password = PASSWORD C command. The current state of NCL's default access can be : checked with the show ncl default access command.F -- If neither of the these cases applies, no a ccess information  is used. E o When an NCL command arrives at a target node, the access controlC accompanying the command, along with the session control proxy@ entries and session control application cml characteristicsH determine what will be allowed. By default (as DECnet is initially G installed), all show commands are allowed, and commands that alterG network data are allowed only if the root account and password are@ explicitly provided. To m odify this behavior, refer to the 3 appropriate manual entries on session control. 2 Naming_Service_Management= The decnet_register tool is the primary method used by the@ namespace administrator to manage the node objects contained @ in both the DECdns distributed name service (DECdns) and the @ Local namespace. The DECdns control program, dnscp, can also ; be used to manage the DECdns namespace and its contents.: Refer to HELP NETWORK_MANAGEMENT TOOLS DECNET_REG ISTER.A Or see the DECnet-Plus Network Management book for information> about decnet_register and for instructions on registering, 5 deregistering, modifying, and renaming node names.8 See the DECdns Management guide for information aboutA dnscp and for detailed instructions on managing the namespace  and its contents. ! 2 Remote_Node_ManagementC Phase V remote nodes are managed using NCL, and Phase IV remote F nodes are managed using NCP. Refer to the appropriate remote node # type below for more information.C For information on managing the remote console subsystem (ASCII 8 console) of a network server on a LAN, refer to HELP , NETWORK_MANAGEMENT TOOLS CONSOLE_CARRIER.3 Phase_V_NodesA To issue NCL commands to remote Phase V nodes, simply include A the remote nodename or address in the ncl command. Normally, B any access beyond an ncl "show" will require that some type of F access cont rol information is provided. For information about how = access control is handled on a remote node, refer to HELP % NETWORK_MANAGEMENT ACCESS_CONTROL.E To perform a series of ncl commands on a remote Phase V node, you F may find it convenient to set up default entity and access control ? information within ncl using SET NCL DEFAULT commands. For C information on how to modify this default NCL context, refer to  HELP NCL DEFAULT_CONTEXT.E To specify access control i nformation to be used for a single NCL F command on the remote Phase V node, use either the "by" prepositionH or an access control string. See HELP NCL SPECIFYING_ACCESS_CONTROL  for more information. 3 Phase_IV_NodesG DECnet-Plus lets you manage remote systems running Phase IV softwareF from a system running DECnet-Plus network management. To execute an: NCP command, follow the specific platform instructions.H Because NCL is not backwards compatible with NCP, NCP scripts do not G work under the NCL utility. To run NCP scripts, you need to use the < convert command in the decnet_migrate utility. For more G information on this utility, see the DECnet-Plus Network Management 8 book or HELP NETWORK_MANAGEMENT TOOLS DECNET_MIGRATE. 4 Tru64_UNIXD To manage remote Phase IV nodes on Tru64 UNIX, access NCP within  the NCL utility, as in:5 ncl> ncp tell foobar show executor characteristicsD You must enter the entire NCP command at the ncl> prompt or type . ncl ncp at the system prompt. For example:5 %ncl ncp tell foobar show executor characteristics 4 OpenVMS E You can use the NCP Emulator tool to manage remote Phase IV nodes C with the TELL and SET EXECUTOR NODE commands. The TELL command F allows you to perform a single NCP command on the remote node, and B you may choose to supply access control information within the D command. For example, to zero the executor counters on a remote @ Phase IV node from a local Phase V node, enter the following: $ run sys$system:ncp8 NCP> tell remnod"account password" zero exec countersC The NCP Emulator tool is not intended for management of Phase V @ nodes, so all NCP commands are not supported. The following ? error is returned if an unsupported NCP Emulator command is = attempted on a Phase V system without specifying a remote  Phase IV system:  NCP> zero exec countersC %NCP-W-SYSMGT, System-speci fic management function not supported C When you wish to perform a series of commands on a single remoteC Phase IV node, you can set your default NCP context to that nodeC using the NCP SET EXECUTOR NODE command; again you may choose toC supply default access control information within that command. E For example, after the following command is issued, all subsequent> commands within that NCP session will be performed on node 9 FAZ4ND using the specified access control information: $ mcr ncp2 NCP> set executor node faz4nd"account password"; See HELP NETWORK_MANAGEMENT TOOLS NCP_EMULATOR for more . information on the use of the NCP Emulator. 2 Logical_Names_(OpenVMS)6 System logical names can be defined in SYS$MANAGER:> NET$LOGICALS.COM which allow you to modify certain network < defaults. If you don't have a net$logicals procedure on < your node, you can create one by copying the SYS$MANAGER:@ NET$LOGIC ALS.TEMPLATE file. Here are some of those logicals:E NET$entity_name_STARTUP Specifies a logical name that points to anD alternate file location for that entity's+ startup script. F NET$IGNORE_DECNET If set to true, the network is not started.F If not defined or set to false, the network+ starts normally.F NET$IGNORE_EVD If set to true, the event dispatcher is n otH started. Use of this logical is unsupported.F NET$STARTUP_MOP If set to true, MOP starts. If not definedE or set to false, MOP is not started. NoteD that in order for MOP to start correctly,D the MOP startup scripts must exist on theD system, so MOP must have been configured G using net$configure. Simply defining this C logical is not enough to create the MOP " entity.H NET$STARTUP_QUIET_NCL If defined to false, NCL output is maximized 2 during network startup.G NET$NOISY_SHUTDOWN If defined to true, NCL output is displayed + during shutdown.F NCL$ENVIRONMENT Defining to "NoBackTrans" prevents NCL from@ translating addresses to fullnames. F In addition, logicals can be defined in NET$LOGICALS.COM to modify F default quotas for the NET$ACP, NET$EVD or NET$MOP processes or to F assign the output for those processes to certain files. Care must ( be taken in modifying these defaults.; Please refer to the .TEMPLATE file for more information.2 Startup_Scripts_(OpenVMS)> During configuration, net$configure creates ASCII files of ; NCL commands, called NCL scripts, for each configurable 5 entity. Here are some star tup scripts created by  net$configure:? NET$ALIAS_STARTUP.NCL NET$APPLICATION_STARTUP.NCLF NET$CSMACD_STARTUP.NCL NET$DDCMP_STARTUP.NCL > NET$DNS_CLERK_STARTUP.NCL NET$DTSS_CLERK_STARTUP.NCL8 NET$EVENT_STARTUP.NCL NET$FDDI_STARTUP.NCL9 NET$HDLC_STARTUP.NCL NET$MODEM_STARTUP.NCL> NET$MOP_CIRCUIT_STARTUP.NCL NET$MOP_CLIENT_STARTUP.NCLA NET$NODE_STARTUP.NCL NET$NSP_TRANSPORT_STARTUP.NCL> NET $OSI_TRANSPORT_STARTUP.NCL NET$SEARCHPATH_STARTUP.NCL NET$SESSION_STARTUP.NCLD As you can see, the script files are generally named as follows, ; where "entity_name" is almost always a module or entity: * SYS$MANAGER:NET$entity_name_STARTUP.NCL> If you need to customize the startup of network components D further than net$configure allows, you must edit the appropriate = script with a text editor and then execute it to save the 7 changes until the next time you r un net$configure. B For example, say you wished to modify all the Event Dispatcher C Sinks so that UIDs were no longer displayed in events. This is B not something you can easily configure the Event Dispatcher to C do using net$configure. (Refer to the DECnet-Plus Applications < Installation and Advanced Configurations manual for more C information regarding the script changes that net$configure can ? make.) In order to make this change, you could add the ncl B comma nd "set event dispatcher sink * displayuids false" to the = end of the SYS$MANAGER:NET$EVENT_STARTUP.NCL script, then ! re-execute that script, as in:* NCL> @SYS$MANAGER:NET$EVENT_STARTUP.NCL@ This would make the change you requested. However, the next ? time you run net$configure, depending upon what answers you B provide, your customized NET$EVENT_STARTUP.NCL script could be C replaced with a new script, essentially removing your changes. B Before this could happe n, however, net$configure would display B a list of NCL scripts that had been manually modified and warn D you that those customized scripts might be renamed to .NCL-OLD. ; If you then selected to have net$configure create a new ; NET$EVENT_STARTUP.NCL, you'd need to manually merge the B customizations from the .NCL-OLD file into the new .NCL file. ; Maintaining customized scripts in this way could become A cumbersome, so DECnet provides a method for retaining changes @ to certain scripts which users frequently customize. DECnet B allows you to permanently save any edits made to the following > scripts by renaming those customized script files to local scripts:5 NET$EVENT_STARTUP.NCL -> NET$EVENT_LOCAL.NCL: NET$MOP_CLIENT_STARTUP.NCL -> NET$MOP_CLIENT_LOCAL.NCL; NET$APPLICATION_STARTUP.NCL -> NET$APPLICATION_LOCAL.NCL: NET$SEARCHPATH_STARTUP.NCL -> NET$SEARCHPATH_LOCAL.NCLA At startup, if a NET$SEARCHPATH_LOCAL.NCL script is found, it B is executed in lieu of the NET$SEARCHPATH_STARTUP.NCL script. < If any local script exists for the EVENT, MOP_CLIENT, or < APPLICATION entities, then that local script is executed ? immediately after the standard version of that script. The B advantage to using these local scripts is that they will remainA unchanged when net$configure is run, even if you do choose to D have net$configure modify the standard versions of those scripts. !2 Shutdown_and_Restart_(OpenVMS)# To shut down DECnet-Plus, enter: $ @sys$startup:net$shutdown To restart DECnet, enter: $ @sys$startup:net$startup2 MOP_(OpenVMS)B With the MOP (Maintenance Operations Protocol) module, you can:# - Downline load and upline dump1 - Use the console carrier on a network server# - Use the configuration monitor - Run lookback testsA To set up a basic MOP configuration, invoke the configuration procedure: $ @sys$mana ger:net$configure? Then select Option 1 "Perform an entire configuration", and @ answer YES to the Load MOP question to create new MOP client = and circuit scripts. Then select Option 8 "Configure MOP @ Client database" as many times as necessary to ADD or DELETE  MOP Clients.> Once MOP has been correctly configured, net$configure will / have created net$mop_client_startup.ncl and @ net$mop_circuit_startup.ncl scripts. The client script must ; contain, in addition to any default client information, & CREATE MOP and ENABLE MOP commands.9 You may then add or delete MOP Clients at any time by @ invoking net$configure and selecting Option 8 "Configure MOP  Client database" option. : Anytime after MOP has been configured, you may control ; whether or not MOP starts automatically at boot time by ; defining (or not defining) the following system logical:- $ define/system/nolog net$startup_mop true? You will find this and ot her logicals (including some which A affect MOP performance) in the net$logicals.com procedure. 7 (Refer to HELP NETWORK_MANAGEMENT LOGICAL_NAMES for ? additional information on the net$logicals.com procedure.) @ Anytime after MOP has been configured, if no NET$MOP process / is present, you may re-start it manually by:$ $ @sys$system:startup network mopC For additional information on the configuration and use of MOP, 4 refer to the DECnet-Plus Network Management book.2 Event_Dispatcher_(OpenVMS)= By default, the NET$EVD process is started, and the event @ dispatcher is created and enabled. Thus, you need not start < EVD yourself. However, if you do need to re-start a new % NET$EVD process, you can do so by:$ $ @sys$system:startup network evd> You may modify the NET$EVENT_STARTUP.NCL script by invoking: net$configure, and selecting Option 6 "Configure Event @ Dispatcher". Choose the ADVANCED option of net$configure if 0 you wish to customize the Event Dispatcher. ? If you wish to tailor your Event Dispatcher further (say, to3 block certain events perhaps), you may create a : NET$EVENT_LOCAL.NCL script, which, if present, will be 4 automatically executed immediately following the > NET$EVENT_STARTUP.NCL script during startup. If you do notA have a SYS$MANAGER:NET$EVENT_LOCAL.NCL script on your system, 1 you may create one by copying and editing the / SYS$MANAGER:NET$EVENT_LOCAL.TEMPLATE file. < Refer to HELP NETWORK_MANAGEMENT STARTUP_SCRIPTS for more9 information concerning the NET$EVENT_LOCAL.NCL script.2 Running_Over_TCP-IP@ Compaq DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS allows you to run DNA and OSI ; applications over an IP network backbone. Applications ? include those supplied by Compaq, third-party applications, ! and user-written applications.@ RFC 1006 and RFC 1859 (formerly known as RFC 1006 Extension) = are standards of the Internet commu nity. RFC 1006 defines@ how to implement ISO 8073 Class 0 on top of TCP. Hosts that = implement RFC 1006 are expected to listen on TCP port 102.@ RFC 1859 defines how to implement ISO 8073 Transport Class 2 ? Non-use of Explicit Flow Control on top of TCP. Hosts that = implement RFC 1859 are expected to listen on TCP port 399.@ The DECnet over TCP/IP feature (RFC 1859) allows traditional @ DECnet applications (such as MAIL, CTERM, and FAL) to accept = IP names and addresses. The OSI applications over TCP/IP @ feature (RFC 1006) allows OSI applications (such as FTAM and ( VT) to accept IP names and addresses.3 ConfiguringA Methods of configuring OSI over TCP/IP and DECnet over TCP/IP + depend upon the operating system in use. 4 Tru64_UNIXC Running OSI applications over TCP/IP (RFC1006) is automatically D enabled when you install and configure DECnet. To enable DECnet C over TCP/IP (RFC1859), you can either run "decnetsetup advanced"E and answer "yes" to the question "Do you want to configure DECnet C over TCP/IP?" or you can run dxdecnetsetup, select the advanced @ format, and select the "Configure DECnet over TCP/IP" option. 4 OpenVMSA If you want to use OSI applications over TCP/IP and/or DECnet ? over TCP/IP, invoke NET$CONFIGURE with the ADVANCED option, A and select Option 4 ("Configure Transports") to configure (or > reconfigure) the OSI transport. You can then create a new > O SI transport NCL script (or replace the old script). You B must also include Domain in your Session Control naming search A path by selecting Option 2 to rename your node using a Domain ? secondary node name. This is described in Section 2 of the A Applications Installation and Advanced Configuration Manual. : For the changes to take effect, either disable the OSI : transport entity (if it exists) and invoke the new OSI . transport NCL script, or reboot the system. N CL> disable osi transport4 NCL> do sys$manager:net$osi_transport_startup.ncl@ Also, ensure that TCP/IP is started on the node and that the  PWIP driver is loaded.A When configuring RFC 1006, RFC 1859, or both, each element in = the OSI transport entity's set of RFC 1006 listener ports > attribute corresponds to a TCP listener port. By default, @ NET$CONFIGURE sets the OSI transport RFC 1006 listener ports B attribute to { 102, 399 }. Port 102 is required for RFC 1006 , ) and port 399 is required for RFC 1859. )3 Additional_Template_Creation_(OpenVMS)? To create RFC 1006 or RFC 1859 templates in addition to the ; default templates, use Option 4 under the NET$CONFIGURE < ADVANCED option. When the procedure asks if you want to = create additional OSI templates, answer yes. Then select # RFC 1006 as the network service.; The RFC 1006 port number attribute of the OSI transport < template subentity must contain a TCP port number that is? one of the chosen RFC 1006 or RFC 1859 listener ports. The A default value for the RFC 1006 port number attribute is 102. < If you create an OSI transport template subentity to use = with DECnet over TCP/IP (RFC 1859), then set the RFC 1006 1 port number attribute of that template to 399.3 Disabling_(OpenVMS)> DECnet-Plus only attempts to locate TCP/IP if the RFC 1006 ? listener ports attribute set of the OSI Transport entity is not empty.< To disable OSI over TCP/IP (RFC 1006) and/or DECnet over ; TCP/IP (RFC 1859), you can discontinue listening on the ; appropriate port(s). Port 102 applies to RFC 1006, and Port 399 applies to RFC 1859.= For example, this will disable both RFC 1006 and RFC 1859: NCL> disable osi transport= NCL> remove osi transport rfc1006 listener ports {102,399} NCL> enable osi transport 2 Tools3 Console_Carrier = The console carrier provides access to the remote console ; subsystem (ASCII console) of a network server on a LAN. < The console carrier interface does not use NCL. Instead, = you can enter commands at the operating system to use the  console carrier. 4 OpenVMS> The Phase IV NCP CONNECT NODE and NCP CONNECT VIA commands = have no Phase V equivalent. Instead, use SET HOST to use 2 the console carrier function of MOP on Phase V: $ SET HOST/MOP4 Either the NET$MANAGE or the NET$DIAGNOSE rights : identifiers or BYPASS privilege is required to use the  Console Carrier on OpenVMS.8 For further information about the console carrier on 5 OpenVMS systems, refer to the DECnet-Plus Network  Management book, Appendix I. 4 Tru64_UNIX> For further information about the console carrier on Tru64 < UNIX systems, see the ccr command in the DECnet-Plus for ' Network Management book, Appendix K."3 GUI_(Graphical_User_Interface) ? NCL can be accessed through either a command li ne interface ? or a Graphical User Interface (GUI). The GUI allows network A managers to view the status of network components and control 8 those components from a Motif-based window interface.> This utility provides a hierarchical graphical approach to @ the management of DECnet-Plus. The manageable components of 7 DECnet-Plus (modules, entities and subentities) are < represented in a tree-like structure below the icon that ? represents the node you are managing. This provides an easy> way to familiarize yourself with the organization of these ? manageable entities (the entity hierarchy). Another way to = view the entity hierarchy is to use this help facility --  see HELP ENTITY_HIERACHY.A For further information regarding the network management GUI, 4 refer to the DECnet-Plus Network Management book. 4 Invoking1 On Tru64 UNIX, the GUI is located at dna_mgmt.- On OpenVMS, you can invoke the NCL GUI by: $ run sys$sys tem:net$mgmt; The same OpenVMS rights required to run NCL on are also 0 required to run this utility. Refer to HELP A NETWORK_MANAGEMENT ACCESS_CONTROL RIGHTS_IDENTIFIERS for more ( information about rights identifiers.4 Displaying_NCL_Commands> You may choose to enable the displaying of NCL commands in B order to see what NCL commands are being issued on your behalf B by the GUI. Do so by pulling down the Options menu, selecting D the Default Actions menu item, and enabling Display NCL Commands B in the dialog box. The NCL commands will appear in the window @ from which you started the GUI. Viewing these commands will ( help familiarize you with NCL syntax.4 Tasks> The NCL GUI can also perform task-oriented functions which > involve many NCL commands or are complex in some way. The ) currently supported NCL GUI tasks are: o show known links o show known node counters o check transports= You can invoke these tasks by pulling down the Tasks menu & and selecting the appropriate task.3 Decnet_Migrate- Using the decnet_migrate utility, you can:C - Convert NCP commands to NCL commands (where equivalents exist)9 - Collect information about your network configuration 7 - Set up routing between Phase IV and Phase V areas.E For further information on the use of the decnet_migrate, you may 4 either Invoke the utility and access help, as in:" $ run sys$update:decnet_migrate DECNET_MIGRATE> help7 Or refer to the DECnet-Plus Network Management book.3 Decnet_RegisterE With decnet_register, you can manage the node names and addressingD information in both the Local namespace and the DECdns namespace,E using either the command-line or forms-driven version of the tool.? On OpenVMS, invoke decnet_register as follows. By default, E decnet_register starts in forms mode from a video terminal and in ) command mode from a hardcopy terminal.# $ run sys$system:decnet_registerG To obtain further help regarding the decnet_register utility, eitherE invoke the utility and enter "?" at the Option prompt, or refer to+ the DECnet-Plus Network Management book.3 Configuration_MonitorC The LAN configuration monitor listens for system id messages on B the LAN and records the results. Compaq-supplied LAN stations > transmit a system id message every 10 minutes on average. ? Therefore, by listening to these messages the configuration C monitor builds a database containing details about most systems  that are operational.@ To use the Configuration Monitor, MOP must be started on the A system, refer to HELP MOP for information on how to configure B and start MOP. If a mop circuit has already been created, you A may start the configuration monitor by enabling that function  on that MOP circuit, as in:D ncl> enable mop circuit csmacd-1 function {configuration monitor} C The configuration monitor then stores the data it collects as a A set of station subentities, one for each address from which a : system id is received. The name of a station entity isA constructed from a LAN address. Use the show command to view ( the contents of this database, as in:/ ncl> show mop circuit csmacd-1 station * allD To discontinue operation of the configuration monitor and delete C the contents of the database, you may disable that function, as  in:E ncl> disable mop circuit csmacd-1 function {configuration monitor}3 NCP_Emulator_(OpenVMS)@ Using the NCP Emulator, you can manage remote Phase IV nodes A with the "tell" and "set executor node" commands. Before you = invoke the NCP Emulator, make sure the NET$MOP process is / running. To invoke the NCP Emulator, enter: $ run sys$system:ncp? The following example modifies the cost on circuit sva-0 on " boston, a remote Phase IV node:. NCP> tell boston"bostonaccount bostonpwd" -! _NCP> set circuit sva-0 cost 48 The NCP Emulator was designed to facilitate software @ installations on DECnet Phase V systems; it was not intended > as a replacement for NCL. For more information on the NCP = Emulator and the limited set of NCP commands it supports, - refer to the Network Management manual. 3 DNS$ControlD With dns$control you can manage the components of DECdns and the & contents of the DECdns namespace. + To invoke dns$control on OpenVMS, enter: $ run sys$system:dns$controlE For more information about dns$control, you may either invoke the @ utility and enter "help" at the DNS> prompt, or refer to the ( DECnet-Plus DECdns Management manual. 3 NET$Configure_(OpenVMS)E This procedure is used to configure your DECnet-Plus system. The D net$configure options are: FAST, BASIC, or ADVANCED. For help inB determining which option to use and how to invoke that option, * refer to the option descriptions below.4 FAST= This option will be invoked the first time you configure a Phase V node by: $ @sys$manager:net$configure> Choose to continue with this FAST default configuration if:< - You are upgrading from a DECnet Phase IV node and you 6 plan to use the existing Phase IV configuration.# - The node is not in a cluster.? - You are not running and do not plan to run this as a DNS Server. B After the FAST configuration has been run once on your system, 9 the configuration option defaults to BASIC. For more A information about the FAST configuration option, refer to the / Installation and Basic Configuration manual.4 BASIC Choose this option if... - The node is in a cluster.5 - You are upgrading or reconfiguring DECnet-Plus.? - You need to access a DECdns server for network addresses.; - You want to run DECnet over TCP/IP (RFC 1859) and/or . OSI applications over TCP/IP (RFC 1006).; - You only have one communications device, or you have 6 multiple devices, all of which will be used for ! DECnet-Plus communications.< - You want to use the default names for all devices and > routing circuits (for example, default csmacd-0, rather  than sva-0).< - You want to autoconfigure your network addresses only.< - You want to configure both the NSP and OSI transports ? and only want to create default OSI templates. You want < to enable both DECnet over TCP/IP or OSI applications  over TCP/IP.: - You do not want to enable FDDI large packet support ) (if you have an FDDI-type circuit).= - You want to set the routing characteristic DNS Address 2 Format to TRUE (this attribute controls the - interpretation of address structuring).. - You want to use integrated mode routing.9 To invoke net$configure using the BASIC option, enter: $ @sys$manager:net$configure= For more information about the BASIC configuration, refer 6 to the Installation and Basic Configuration manual. 4 ADVANCED# Choose the ADVANCED option if...$ - Your configuration is complex.9 - You need to customize your network's configuration.> - Your system has multiple communication devices, and you * want them to run a mix of protocols.@ - You want to configure a cluster with both DECnet Phase IV  and DECnet Phase V nodes.@ - You want the option to give specific names to all devices = and routing circuits. You also want the option of not 3 configuring all your devices for DECnet-Plus.; - You want the option of manually entering your network addresses.@ - You want to configure either the NSP transport or the OSI : transport (or both). You want the option to create 8 additional OSI templates. You want the option of ? enabling/disabling DECnet over TCP/IP or OSI applications over TCP/IP.@ - You want the option of enabling FDDI large packet support ) (if you have an FDDI-type circuit).@ - You want the option of setting the routing characteristic : DNA Address Format to TRUE or FALSE (to control the - interpretation of address structuring).: - You want the option of using either intregated mode ) routing or segregated mode routing.> - You want the option to provide default accounts for FAL. < To invoke net$configure using the ADVANCED option, enter:( $ @sys$manager:net$configure advanced: For more information about the ADVANCED configuration, 7 refer to the Applications Installation and Advanced  Configuration manual.wwl IU1 NCL_Introduction> This help section describes how to use the Network Control ; Language (NCL) command line interface on DECnet/OSI and F Compaq DECnet-Plus for Tru64 UNIX and OpenVMS nodes. You should be B familiar with the concepts and terminology of the entity model B of network management, as described in the DECnet-Plus Network @ Management manual. This hierarchy of manageable entities is C also described in this help utility under HELP ENTITY_HIERARCHY.2 Invoking_NCLF Methods of invoking NCL differ depending upon the operating system. 3 Tru64_UNIX@ There are several ways to invoke the interactive NCL utility:< 1. Enter ncl at the shell prompt. The NCL prompt appears: % ncl ncl> 2. Enter an NCL command line.$ % ncl any ncl command : After the command executes, you return to the shell.) 3. Redirect a command script into NCL. % ncl script can use the exit status returned by NCL commands. % ncl_filename5 The following C shell script demonstrates this: #!/bin/csh7 ncl show routing circuit circuit-1 all attributes if ( $status != 0 ) then echo ""& echo "This ncl command failed." echo "" endifA This sample script uses the exit status from an NCL commandC to determine whether or not to echo a message. If the command1 fails, the shell script echoes the message. Other NCL operations include:C o To abort an NCL operation, press at the ncl> prompt.B o To continue a long command to the next line, use a hyphen asC the last character in the line. The _ncl> prompt is displayed on continuation lines:A ncl> set node moosie routing manual network entity titles -/ _ncl> { 49::00-0c:08-00-2b-12-34-56:00, -. _ncl> 49::00-0c:08-00-2b-12-34-57:00 }> o To include comments in NCL shell scripts or as part of aB command line in the interactive utility, use the exclamation@ point (!) or pound sign (#) character. NCL ignores hyphens. within and at the end of a comment line.G o To exit from NCL, enter exit, quit, or press at the ncl> prompt. 3 OpenVMS< There are several methods of invoking the interactive NCL utility:2 1. Type RUN SYS$SYSTEM:NCL at the DCL prompt $:# $ run sys$system:ncl NCL>= 2. Define a symbol at the DCL prompt (or insert the symbol@ in your login file) and then type NCL at the DCL prompt as follows:) $ ncl :== $ sys$system:ncl  $ ncl NCL> 3. Enter an NCL command line.$ $ ncl any ncl command > The system executes the command and returns you to the $ prompt.) NOTEB The third method works only if you define a symbol at the< DCL prompt or insert the symbol in your login file." 4. Enter MCR at the DCL prompt: $ mcr ncl NCL> 5. Enter an MCR command:( $ mcr ncl any ncl command  $@ The NCL> prompt indicates that you are using the NCL utility.< When you receive this prompt, you can enter NCL commands. Other NCL operations include:B o To abort an NCL operation, press or at the NCL> prompt.B o To continue a long command to the next line, use a hyphen asC the last character in the line. Place the continuation hyphenD between attributes in a list. The _NCL> prompt is displayed on continuation lines:A NCL> show node 0 osi transport delay factor, delay weight,-B _NCL> maximum receive buffers, maximum network connections,- _NCL> maximum remote nsapsA o To indicate comments that are not to be read by the system,> use an exclamation point (!) anywhere in a command line.? o To exit from NCL, type exit or press at the ncl> prompt. 2 Creating_LogsB To keep a record of the commands entered during an NCL session,! use the NCL logging facility. B All information printed out in an NCL session is stored in the ? log file after logging is enabled. This information includes? commands, output, and error messages. All information exceptA for the commands are preceded in the file by a comment symbol,@ so this file can be used as an NCL script in another session.C Use the set ncl logfile and enable ncl logging commands to begin NCL logging. For example:$ ncl> set ncl logfile filename.ncl ncl> enable ncl loggingB ncl> show node 0 session control application fal all attributes . . .D After saving the NCL commands to a log file, use the NCL log fileC as an indirect command file to be invoked (during subsequent NCLA sessions) with the do control verb or the at sign (@) symbol.  For example:% ncl> enable node 0 session control! ncl> do setup_applications.ncl . . .C To display the name of the log file, enter show ncl logfile. ForC Tru64 UNIX, the utility returns the default log file name if oneD was not previously set. For OpenVMS, the default file type for anB NCL log file is .ncl. The utility returns an error message if a log file does not exist.B Use the disable ncl logging command at any time to turn off NCL logging or exit NCL.; Commands saved in an NCL log file can be executed duringA subsequent NCL utility sessions. However, you must ensure that? the proper context for the commands in the log file has beenD established. Check the contents of an NCL log file before running it in the utility.  2 Common_Commands: Refer to HELP for brief descriptions of the most< commonly used NCL commands. The commonly used verbs are: add and remove create and delete disable and enable  set show> These commands have the same effect on any entity to which  they are applied.; In addition to these NCL commands, there are a number of? commands that apply only to specific entities; for example, ? the rename command for the Node entity, or the dump command  for the Device Unit entity.  2 Abbreviation_of_CommandsB All NCL commands are made up of the same components: keywords,< values, and punctuation. Keywords and punctuation are theB parts of the NCL syntax that remain the same for every network;? values are the parts that change depending on the particular= configuration of a network. Values include entity instanceD identifiers and attribute/argument values. In general, you cannotD abbreviate values, but you can abbreviate keywords as long as theA abbreviation is unique. A misspeling may cause NCL to treat anC entity name as if it were an attribute name. However, if spelled< correctly, it recognizes multiword keywords. For example:+ ncl> show node finance routing circuit * can be abbreviated to: ncl> sh n finance r c *B Where finance identifies which node is being used, therefore it cannot be abbreviated.? Values cannot be abbreviated. For example, the following two commands are not equivalent: ncl> show node finance name ncl> show node f name@ The latter command tries to communicate with node f, not node finance.8 Notice that, the following command line is ambiguous:$ ncl> s n finance r c * probe rateB The command is ambiguous because the abbreviation s could stand& for either the set or show command.A However, if the value itself consists of keywords, then it can= be abbreviated. For example, the data type EntityClass, by@ definition, contains keywords representing the various entityA class names. These keywords can be abbreviated in the same way> as normal keywords, as long as the abbreviations are uniqueD (unambiguous). See Appendix B of the DECnet-Plus Network Control9 Language Reference for more information on data types  and keywords.? As another example, note that the following two commands areD equivalent. Both pass all events received by the event dispatcher from the routing entity.4 ncl> pass ev d out s local_stream gl f ((r), all)< ncl> pass event dispatcher outbound stream local_stream -) _ncl> global filter (( routing ), all)? On Tru64 UNIX, the period character (".") can be used as an > abbreviation meaning "the entity specified in the previous  command." For example:) ncl> create routing circuit circuit-1 ncl> enable . 2 SyntaxB An NCL command can contain the following elements, in the order shown:C verb [entity name] [,argument/attribute] [,prepositional_phrase]0 and as demonstrated in the following example:B ncl> show node .mass.boston.welder routing circuit ethernet-1 -2  _ncl> all status,by user=harry, password=trumanB This command shows the current values for all status attributesB for routing circuit Ethernet-1 on node .mass.boston.welder with> access control information supplied. The components of this command are: o Verb (or directive): show; o Entity name: node .mass.boston.welder routing circuit ethernet-1, where:( - node is the global entity class@ - .mass.boston.welder is the instance name for class nodeC - routing identifies the module to which this entity belongs$ - circuit is the entity class? - ethernet-1 is the instance name for class circuit. The? entity name reflects the full naming hierarchy for the entity.( o all status, an attribute specifier6 o by (preceded by a comma), a prepositional phraseB o user=harry, password=truman, user name and password used for' access control on the remote node@ A comma must separate more than one attribute or argument and2 must always precede a preposition. For example:B ncl> show node moosie session control port * all status, all - , _ncl> counters, with direction = outgoing< If the command is directed to the local system, it is not? necessary to include the node entity's class/instance in the@ command. For example, this command would create the specified entity on the local node:# ncl> create routing type endnode 3 Data_Types 4 boolean= The boolean data type has two values, true and false, in an undefined order.< On output, the strings appear as true and false. On input,8 the words true or false may be abbreviated to a single= character and are not case-sensitive. The boolean data type/ does not support the use of wildcard symbols. 4 counters< All counters for an entity are created together and a time9 of creation is associated with the block. The following counter types are defined: Type Modulus Counter16 2[16] Counter32 2[32] Counter64 2[64]7 If no modulus is specified, or if the type Counter is7 specified without reference to a modulus, the modulus; 2[64] is assumed. The counter is displayed as an unsigned$ integer. It cannot be set to zero.; In DECnet-Plus, when a counter reaches its maximum value,7 its next value is zero. Counters never latch (as they9 did in Phase IV). Consequently, there is never any need9  to reset or zero the counters. This is called "wrapping< counters" because the values wrap around to zero (they are( like true modulo 2**n integer values).8 NCL and other network management applications are able6 to cope with wrapping counters and can still compute: counter differences, even if the second sampled value of= the counter is less than the first because of counter wrap.= The implicit assumption is that any counter with n (where n= is a power of 2) distinct possible values cannot be changed: more than n times between samples. Since all DECnet-Plus= counters are 64-bit counters, the number of possible values< is 2 raised to the 64th power, which is a 20-digit decimal< number. Very few counters will ever exceed 32 bits, and it= does not appear likely that a 64-bit counter will ever wrap once, let alone twice.4 DTE_address7 A DTE Address is an X.25-defined address of some data2 terminal equipment (DTE). It is represented as a9 latin1string whose length is 0 to 15 digits or wildcard6 characters. Wildcard characters can be embedded: the; asterisk (*) matches any sequence of zero or more digits;= the question mark (?) and percent sign (%) match any single digit.5 The user-visible syntax of a DTE address is {digit-6 wildcard}. For example, 5084865322 is a DTE address.4 entity_name6 The entity name data type holds an arbitrary name of8 an entity. It is usually used as a pointer, so that an6 attribute (or argument) can refer to another entity.: Entity names appear in two forms: as a full-entity-name,6 which includes both the global and the local portion9 of the entity's name, and as a local-entity-name, which9 includes only the local portion of the entity's name. A: local-entity-name is always assumed to be subordinate to: the node executing the directive. A local-entity-name is< a convenient method of describing the configuration of the" components that comprise a node.! Entity names can be wildcarded.= An entity class (the sequence of classes) is also a defined< type, both as a full class name and as a local class name.: For example, routing circuit csmacd-c2 is a local entity: name. Neither the full or local class name has a defined7 order, but allow wildcarding in the same manner as an entity name.9 Refer to HELP ENTITY_HEIRARCHY for further information.4 EthernetProtocol8 The EthernetProtocol data type consists of two octets,1 Octet #0 and #1. Octet #0 is transmitted first.= The user-visible representation is a pair of octets (each a< hex-digit) separated by a hyphen (-). For example 60-03 is a valid Ethernet data type. 4 filespec= Wildcard symbols may be supported, as defined by the target implementation.5 A file specification appears in one of three forms,: depending on the characters it contains. While most file7 specifications can be entered and displayed as simple8 names, the inclusion of certain punctuation characters: or any control character makes the interpretation of the< file specification ambiguous. The following three forms of3 a file specification may be entered or displayed: o Simple File Specification8 A file specification is a simple file specification if1 it consists solely of the following characters:$ alphanumeric Aa to Zz hyphen - and 1 to 9( dollar sign $ underscore _( period . brackets [ ]3 angle brackets <> backslash and slash \ /* asterisk * percent sign %# question mark ? colon : semicolon ;: The file specification may be input directly as a quoted: file specification or as a binary file specification. On# output, it is displayed directly. o Quoted File Specification4 When the file specification consists of any of the1 latin1string character set, but is not a simple4 file specification, then the file is a quote d file6 specification. On input, a quoted file specification4 is displayed as a latin1string or as a binary file/ specification. On output it is displayed as a latin1string. o Binary File Specification: If the file specification is not a simple or quoted file: specification, it is a binary file specification. Binary5 file specifications are entered and displayed as an octet-string. For example, '01'H (a^A); The filespec data type for a file specification shou ld be9 compatible with the transference of file specifications; in the DECnet DAP protocol. Since file specifications are8 interpreted according to the file system at the target9 entity, there is no guarantee that a file specification= for one operating system will be acceptable to another. The9 target implementation defines the ordering of filespec. 4 fullname; The fullname data type represents globally distinct names7 and does not have a defined ordering. It does supp ort9 wildcarding. The supported symbols include the asterisk= (*), which matches any sequence of zero or more characters,5 and the question mark (?), which matches any single8 character. For example, phasev_nsp.usa.mass.admin.fred is a full name.= For more information, refer to the DECdns Management Guide. 4 hex_string2 A hex-string represents a string of zero or more: hexadecimal digits (also called semi-octets or nibbles).8 A hex-string differs from an octet-strin g only in that8 it allows for an odd number of hexadecimal digits. Two8 hex-strings are equal if they have the same length and; hexadecimal digits. Ordering is defined as with an octet-7 string, except the comparison is by hexadecimal digit9 rather than by octet. The hex-string data type does not support wildcards." Enter the hex-string as follows:' ' {hex-digit} ' h | % x { hex-digit }3 On output, the hex digits A to F are displayed in4 uppercase. For example, 'AABBCC' h is a hex-string.8 On OpenVMS, the %X format must be used to specify hex : strings in NCL foreign commands. Commands using the ''H 8 format for hex strings can only be issued at the NCL> prompt.4 ID802< An ID (or System ID or LAN Address), is a 48-bit quantity,9 uniquely assigned over space and used as an Ethernet or6 IEEE 802.3 CSMA/CD address (and for other purposes).; An ID consists of six octets (48-bits) numbered from zero6 to five. When transmitted on an 802.3 LAN, the least: significant bit of Octet #0 is transmitted first and the7 most significant bit of Octet #5 is transmitted last.7 The user-visible representation of a system ID is six8 octets, each displayed as a pair of hexadecimal digits8 separated by hyphens (-) in the order 0,1,2,3,4,5. For example: 08-00-2B-02-B0-C04 IEEE802SNAPPID: The IEEE802SNAPPID (IEEE 802 Sub-Network Access Protocol: (SNAP), Protocol Identification) consists of five octets: numbered from zero to four. When transmitted on an 802.3; LAN, the least significant bit of Octet #0 is transmitted< first, and most significant bit of Octet #4 is transmitted last.6 The user-visible representation is five octets, each8 displayed as a pair of hex digits separated by hyphens* (-) in the order 0,1,2,3,4. For example, 01-23-45-67-89.4 implementation< An implementation data type identifies the components that9 make up an entity and their implementation versions. An= implementation is a set of components, where each component8 is a record containing a registered component name and7 a version. The version field may be of any base type,7 although it is recommended that the common version or9 version-with-edit data type be used. The data type used8 for the version field is registered with the component name. Example: ncl> show imp Node 0& at 2000-04-10-11:08:20.290-04:00Iinf Characteristics) Implementation  = { [ Name = OpenVMS VAX , Version = "V7.2 " ] , [3 Name = Compaq DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS ,< Version = "V7.2-1 ECO02 3-APR-2000 12:17:03.79" ] } 4 integer= The integer data type represents signed or unsigned integer9 values. The signed integer values may range from -2[31]: to +2[31]-1, following the normal ordering. The unsigned< integer values may range from 0 to +2[32]-1, following the* normal ordering. Remember the following:< o Both signed and unsigned integers may be represented in 4 bytes.= o Accepted integer syntax should be followed when entering the integer values.( o Wildcard symbols are not supported. o Ordering is supported.4 latin1string5 The latin1string type represents general, printable8 strings. These strings can be of any length (including; zero). The characters in the Latin 1 set are described in% ISO DIS 8859/1 Latin Alphabet Nr 1.; Only printable characters appear in a Latin1String. ASCII7 control characters (00 to 1F, 7F, and 80 to 9F (hex)) cannot appear.; On OpenVMS on input and output of attributes, the string 8 is embedded either quote characters (") or apostrophe 8 characters ('). Double the quote character to embed a 6 quote within a string delimited by the same type of  quote character.3 On Tru64 UNIX, you are not required to embed the  string in quotes.4 Network_Layer_Addresses6 Network layer addresses in DNA may be of four types:: o Complete Network Service Access Point (NSAP) address.5 o Network Entity Title (NET)-NSAP address with the selector set to 00.; o Area address-NSAP address minus the last seven octets.9 o Address prefix-leading substring of an area address.5 None of these data types have a defined ordering or/ support wildcarding. Refer to the DECnet-Plus9 Introduction and User's Guide for your operating system9 for a description of the parts of a DECnet-Plus Network layer address. 4 node_name9 The node-name is used to represent names of nodes using6 either a full-name or a Phase IV node name. The only: difference between a node-name and a full-name is that a' node-name also be a Phase IV synonym.4 null< The null data type is used when the set of possible values8 is empty. This is used only to indicate that an entity9 class has no instance identifier, and then (to make the/ CMIP protocol complete) a null value is sent.5 The null type cannot be assigned to an attribute or argument.4 object_identifier7 The object-identifier data type represents registered< values of the ISO object identifier. Ordering is undefined9 and wildcarding symbols are not supported. For example,, represents a registered value.4 octet_and_octet_string; The octet string  data type is used to represent arbitrary8 data (octets). It is displayed as a hexadecimal string: (that is, HI-n in old NICE form). The length of an octet9 string is variable, without a maximum, and may be zero.: The octet data type represents a single byte (8-bits) of8 data. While similar to an octet-string of length 1, it; has a slightly different user-visible representation. The< ordering of octet is defined by considering an octet as an< unsigned 8-bit quantity. Two octets are equal only if they+ have the same length and the same octets.1 On output, the hex digits A to F are uppercase.9 The octet data types do not support the use of wildcard symbols.< The user-visible representation of an octet-string appears as follows: ' {octet} ' h | % x {octet}2 For example, %x89ABCDEF or '89ABCDEF'h are valid representations. 4 Phase4Name: The Phase4Name data type is used for Phase IV-style node8 names. It is a Latin1String whose length is restricted; from 1 to 6 characters from the set A to Z, or 0 to 9, at: least one of which is a letter. The type is ordered as a: normal character string. Node names can contain wildcard9 symbols: the asterisk (*) matches a sequence of zero or: more characters; the percent sign (%) matches any single character.& For example, LEAF97 is a Phase4Name.4 Phase4Address8 The Phase4Address data type is used for Phase IV-style= node addresses. It is an unsigned, 16-bit inte ger where the; least significant ten bits (bits 0 to 9) encode the local; address and the most significant six bits (bits 10 to 15): encode the area number. Local address is an integer from; 1 to 1023 and area number is an integer from 1 to 63. The= area number zero and the local address zero are reserved to< represent all areas and all local addresses, respectively,8 and are represented by the asterisk (*) character when; user-visible. Phase4Address data types are ordered by the+ value of the equivalent unsigned integer.' For example, 4.83 is a Phase4Address.4 presentation_address7 The presentation-address data type defines the format; that should be used for all presentation addresses in OSI applications.; This data type is a Latin1string. Its values must conform; to the following syntax (shown in BNF). This syntax is an9 extension of the Internet standard for representing OSI presentation addresses.: ::= [[[ "/" ] "/" ]@ "/" ]  ::=  ::=  ::= 7 ::= '"' '"' 13 | "#" 2' | "'" "'H" | ""B ::= [ "|" ]) | < ::= ["," ]7 ::= "CLNS" | "CONS" | "RFC1006" 37 ::= "NS" "+" 46 | "+" ["+" ]; | "+" 5; | RFC1006 "+" ["+" ] 6" ::= 7 ::= "d" 73 | "x" 83 | "l" 9> | "RFC1006" "+" "+" ["+"  ["+" ]]4 | "X.25(80)" "+" "+" 6 [ "+" "+" ]$ | "ECMA-117-Binary"0 "+" "+" "+" % | "ECMA-117-Decimal"4 "+" "+" " "+" " ::= 6 ::= "X121" | "DCC" | "TELEX" | "PSTN"/ | "ISDN" | "ICD" | "LOCAL"$ ::= 8 ::= 108 ::= 118 ::= "TCP" | "IP" | 12" ::=  # ::= "CUDF" | "PID". ::= | .  |  ::= [0-9]* ::=  | " ::= [0-9a-zA-Z-.]/ ::= # | 3 ::= "." 8 | "." ::= " | :: ::= [0-9a-fA-F]*! ::= + ::= ! | # ::= [0-9a-zA-Z+-.]* ::=  | + 1 Value restricted to printed characters 2 US GOSIP requirement2 3 Network type identifier (the default is CLNS)= 4 Concrete binary representation of network (NSAP) address value 5 ISO 8348 compatibility 6 RFC1006 prefe"rred format; 7 Abstract decimal format for domain specific part (DSP) 8 Abstract binary for DSP< 9 Printable character format for DSP (for local use only)6 10 Dotted decimal notation ( or domain name (twg.com)) 11 TCP port number (the default is 102)< 12 Internet transport protocol identifier (1 = TCP and 2 = UDP)= Keywords can be specified in either uppercase or lowercase.9 However, selector values are case sensitive. Spaces are signific#ant.7 Note that you can find more information about network? (NSAP) addresses in the Introduction, Planning, and Glossary manual.8 The following examples illustrate the use of this data type:" 1. "my_psel"/"my_ssel"/"my_tsel"6 /LOCAL++x0001aa000400d90621 "my_psel"/"my_ssel"/"my_$ tsel"/NS+490001aa000400d90621,CLNS5 These examples both specify the same presentation7 address. The first example uses the LOCAL authority7 and format identifier (AFI), which does $not have an7 initial domain identifier (IDI). The two plus signs: (++) indicate that the IDI is missing. By default, the; network type is CLNS. The second example uses the value" of the LOCAL AFI, which is 49., 2. "256"/NS+a433bb93c1,CLNS|NS+aa3106,CONS6 This is a presentation address which has a transport6 selector, (no presentation or session selector), and5 two network addresses. The first network address is4 CLNS (for a connectionless network) and the second4 is% CONS (for a connection-oriented network). These: network addresses are specified in concrete binary form.5 This form can be used only when the concrete binary1 representation of the network address is known.' 3. #63/#41/#12/X121+234219200300,CONS9 This presentation address has presentation, session and9 transport selectors, and a single network address which6 consists of an AFI (X121) and an IDI (234219200300).# There is no domain-specific part. 4. '3a'H: /TELEX+00 &728722+X.25(80)+02+00002340555+CUDF+"892796"8 This is a network address for X.25. Note that, because5 CONS is not specified, the network type defaults to CLNS. 5. RFC1006+,RFC10067 This is an RFC1006 address. The address is not an ISO: network address but the combination of an IP address and9 a TCP port number, which is 519 in this example. The IP9 address can be specified as either a DNS domain name or9 an IP address. For an RFC1006 address, the network type' can be omitted.4 simple_name9 This base data type allows most names to be represented< as unquoted strings. The simple-name data type also allows9 some values to be expressed as quoted strings and other values as binary data.< The simple-name data type does not have a defined ordering8 but it does support wildcarding. The supported symbols9 include the asterisk (*), which matches any sequence of; zero or more characters, and the question mark (?), which matches (any single character.. For example, tweedle_dee, "tweedle dee", and, %x4700050020AA0004005310 are simple names.4 time6 Four time data types are available for use with NCL.; Each is a built-in data type for management, and does not, support wildcarding symbols. The four are: o CharacterAbsoluteTime o BinaryAbsoluteTime o CharacterRelativeTime o BinaryRelativeTime= For example, 1992-08-18-14:47:47-05:00I0.168 is a time data+ type of the BinaryAbso)luteTime data type.5 You can order time values. For example, the command3 ncl> show node busy session control port * all, -$ with creation time > 16:45< makes use of the ordering property of the time data types.4 TransportSelector_(TSEL): The TransportSelector (or TSEL) data type is used by OSI8 Transport to identify a particular OSI Transport port.; A TransportSelector is an octet string, of 0 to 32 octets in length.< The user-visible representation,* ordering, and wildcarding% is the same as for an octet-string.4 UID2 The UID data type provides unique space and time7 identifiers and does not support wildcarding symbols.: No two UIDs are ever the same. A UID is hexadecimal. For9 example, 7834E80-E519-1119-8D8D-08002B16A872 is a valid UID.9 The user-visible presentation of a UID consists of four fields, separated by spaces:' UIDTime UIDVersion UIDClock UIDNodeID where! o UIDTime is InstantaneousTime+ o UIDVersion is Integer o UIDClock is Integer o UIDNodeID is ID 4 version= The version data type is used to encode a version number of< a particular entity (usually a module or node entity) in a6 standard way. Wildcarding symbols are not supported.9 The version number contains the four subfields: status,7 major version, minor version, and an edit or revision number.; The version status subfield indicates whether the version0 is Approved (V), Field T,est (T), or Draft (X).9 The order of version numbers is defined by checking the fields in the order: 1. Major 2. Minor 3. Status (with V > T > X) 4. Revision Number& Enter the version number as follows: version-status.major.minor.eco0 For example, T5.0.2 is a valid version number.4 version_with_edit= The version number with an edit number is commonly used and= is represented as a separate type called version-with-edit. Enter the number as fo-llows: version_number-edit_number For example: X5.0.13-967 4 bit_set; The bit-set data type is an efficient means of describing3 small quantities of a base type's sets of values.< The order of a bit-set is defined by A<=B if A is a subset: of B. A=B means normal set equality. No wildcard symbols are defined for bit sets.8 The user-visible representation of a set is to enclose: the set values in bracketing characters, with the values4 separated by comma.s. Braces are used as bracketing4 characters for both input and output. For example, {0,2,3,5}.4 end_user_specification9 An end-user-specification is defined by Session Control: and used as an address of a particular end user. This is: generally equivalent to Phase IV object name and number.6 The user-visible syntax is the standard syntax for a8 record. For example, Number=25 and Name=FAL are valid.< Note that end-user-specification does not work as a filter attribut /e in a with clause. 4 TowerSet; The TowerSet data type is used at the DNA Session Control7 interface to specify addressing information. The idea9 behind the tower set is that a given networking service: may be accessible through many different combinations of= protocols and addresses. The TowerSet data type is intended< to allow the end user to specify any arbitrary combination; of protocols and addresses to Session Control. Of course,< most end users do not want to do t0his, so normally the end= user would specify the name of the service, and DNA Session8 Control would look up the TowerSet of the service (its9 address) using the DNA Naming Service, and would try to; establish a connection using any one of the possible ways& of connecting to the remote service., Table A-2 TowerSet Levels of Specification. TowerSet A set of ProtocolTower+ ProtocolTower A sequence of Floor3 Floor (Protocol ID, address) p1air< Protocol ID Name or number of a network protocol< Address Address of this service with respect to_a_protocol< A ProtocolTower specifies a layering of protocols that can; be used to access the network service. The top floor in a= ProtocolTower corresponds to the highest-level protocol and< the bottom floor to the lowest-level protocol. Usually the< Network layer (layer three in the OSI model) is the lowest level of protocol needed.7 A Floo 2r is a particular (protocol, address) pair used8 within a ProtocolTower to access a remote service. The9 data type of the address is a function of the protocol.: For example, the DNA_OSInetwork protocol uses an NSAP as= the address, whereas DNA_SessionControlV3 uses an end-user-: specification. Some protocols do not require an address;9 for example, the Application layer (top layer) does not require an address.4 A protocol ID is the name or number of a protocol.; An address3 value specifies the SAP (Service Access Point)= to be used by the application for this particular protocol.; For example, the node entity's address attribute is given by NCL as: Address = { ( [ DNA_CMIP-MICE ] ,) [ DNA_SessionControlV3 , number=19 ] ,% [ DNA_OSItransportV1 , 'DEC0'H ] ,= [ DNA_OSInetwork , 41:45418715:00-41:08-00-2B-16-A8-72:21 ] ) , ( [ DNA_CMIP-MICE ] ,) [ DNA_SessionControlV3 , number=19 ] ,% [ DNA_OSIt4ransportV1 , 'DEC0'H ] ,5 [ DNA_OSInetwork , 49::00-0C:AA-00-04-00-50-30:21 ] ) , ( [ DNA_CMIP-MICE ] ,& [ DNA_SessionControlV3 , number=19 ] [ DNA_NSP ] ,@ [ DNA_OSInetwork , 41:45418715:00-41:08-00-2B-16-A8-72:20 ] , ) , ( [ DNA_CMIP-MICE ] ,) [ DNA_SessionControlV3 , number=19 ] , [ DNA_NSP ] ,5 [ DNA_OSInetwork , 49::00-0C:AA-00-04-00-50-30:20 ] ) }5 The above example shows all the possible methods of7 connecting to the CML (CMIP Mana5gement Listener) on a: DECnet-Plus node. There are four ProtocolTower values in8 this TowerSet because there are two possible transport protocols that can be used.! { DNA_OSItransportV1, DNA_NSP }; and two possible network addresses where this node can be reached< { 49::00-0C:AA-00-04-00-50-30:20, 41:45418715:00-41:08-00- 2B-16-A8-72:20 }= All possible combinations of members of these two sets will9 produce four combinations. The upper two floors of each Protoc 6olTower are identical.8 Usually, the node registers its TowerSet automatically; with the naming service; the end user would not enter it.8 However, if the naming service is unreachable from the9 network manager's node, it may be necessary to manually; enter a TowerSet. Enter a single ProtocolTower. It may be; possible to omit the upper floor since it is not yet used by applications.; If the node entity identifier is formally defined to be a; TowerSet, NCL allows the end use 7r to enter the identifier< by Phase IV address and by NSAP. In such cases, NCL infers< the TowerSet from a much more abbreviated form of address.4 enumeration3 The enumeration data type represents a collection1 of defined, named values, (for example, Sunday,9 Monday...Saturday). A keyword, which may be one or more= words, names each value. An integral number code represents7 each value in the protocol and in the interfaces. The8 architect constructing this type assigns t8he codes and keywords.9 Codes and keywords as defined here also identify entity9 classes, attributes, directives, responses, exceptions, event reports, and arguments.: On output, the keyword is presented as defined. The case& used in the definition is preserved.4 On input, any legal abbreviation of the keyword is; allowed. Legal abbreviation is determined by the director: architecture, allowing for some flexibility depending on the parser.4 range; The rang 9e type constructor defines a new type whose value: is a set of values selected from a base type. The set is: defined by specifying an upper and lower boundary of the9 set. The base type must have a well-defined ordering of8 values. Ranges can be defined for integers, enumerated: types, latin1strings, and so forth. The order of a range< type is undefined. range values may not contain wildcards.7 For example, if a value type is defined as a range of, integers, an example might be: [:10...100]. 4 record8 A record is a data type containing one or more fields,4 each with its own pre-defined data type. Recursive9 definitions are not allowed. The fields can be either a= fixed collection, that is, all the fields always appear and3 always in the defined order, or a variant record.= A record type's order is defined by the order of the fields defined in the records.= The fields within a record may contain wildcard symbols, as% allowed by their type. F;or example,+ [node=usa:.boston.admin, EndUser=michael] The brackets are optional.4 sequence_of_a_type8 A-type can be replaced by any one type, such as a LIST8 OF type. Sequence is used where the number of elements9 in a list varies, the order of the elements in the list; has meaning, and the elements of a list are repeated. The% syntax for declaring a sequence is: SEQUENCE OF element-type; The order of two sequences is undefined. Wildcard symbols< are allo<wed within the elements of the list, as allowed by the base type.9 On output, braces are used to bracket the elements. For. example, here is a sequence of simple-names:& { Diane, Patty, Mark, Cyndi, Carly }; Note that sequences do not work as filter attributes in a with clause.4 set_of_a_type= Set is used where the number of elements in the set varies,: the order of the elements in the set has no meaning, two< copies of an element value are equivalent to a single =copy8 of the element, and the element type has more possible= values than can be efficiently represented using a bit-set.= Set A <= set B if A is a subset of B. Aisting type to a subset in the new type. The mechanism< used to specify the subset depends upon the base type. The< user-visible representation is identical to the base type.9 The order of a subrange type is inherited from the base type.: For integers and enumeration, the subrange is defined by< the low and high values in the base type. The user-visible7 representation is that of the base type. For example: TYPE! CircuitCost = Integer [1...32];6 The following integer ?subranges are already defined: o Integer 8, [-2[7]...2[7]-1]# o Integer 16, [-2[15]...2[15]-1]# o Integer 32, [-2[31]...2[31]-1] o Unsigned, [0...2[32]-1] o Unsigned 8, [0...2[8]-1] o Unsigned 16, [0...2[16]-1] o Unsigned 32, [0...2[32]-1]4 variant_records7 Variant records extend the record type constructor by< allowing the structure of a record to vary, depending upon, the value of one of the nonvarying fields.; The user-visible represe@ntation is the same as that for a record.3 Verbs, NCL commands form three broad categories:C o Control commands (such as set ncl default, exit, help) enable> the user to perform certain tasks within the NCL utility? environment. These commands perform no network management functions.@ o Database commands (such as, show, set, add, remove) modifyC or display characteristics for existing entities, but may not@ immediately affect the network con Afiguration or operation.? o Action commands (such as create, delete, enable, disable)? have an immediate impact on the operation of the network,? often causing a state change to an entity. There are many@ entity-specific action commands (see the individual entityB description sections for details). Any command that is not aA control command or a database command is an action command.9 For descriptions of these verbs, refer to HELP .3 Entity_Name BsD Entities are specified by their full name in the entity hierarchyD and consist of one or more class/instance pairs. For example, theE routing circuit reachable address entity is one of the subentitiesE that comprises the Routing module. The Reachable Address entity isB subordinate to the Routing Circuit entity, which is subordinateD to the top-level Routing entity in the Routing module. An example of the entity's full name is:7 node 0 routing circuit ether-1 reachabl Ce address fooC Node 0 is a class/instance pair for the global Node entity. NodeC 0 is a designation for the local system and is the default valueH for the NCL commands. The "node node-name" element in an NCL command E is thus not required when the operation to be performed is for an  entity on the local system.8 For a diagram of the entity heirarchy, refer to HELP C ENTITY_HIERARCHY. For more information on specifying the global; Node entity in an NCL command, refer Dto HELP NCL SYNTAX  NODE_IDENTIFIER. 3 Attributes> Certain NCL commands, such as show, can include one or more attribute specifiers. @ You can specify one or several attribute groups, separated byD commas, in a show command. If you specify all, this is equivalent> to specifying all the attribute groups that are legal for a2 command. The common attribute group names are: o all [attributes] o all characteristics o all counters: o all identiEfiers (the default if no attribute group  is specified) o all status< See the individual show command descriptions to see which/ attribute groups are legal for each command. 4 CharacteristicsA Characteristics describe the operating parameters of an entity= as they are currently defined. You can modify the value ofA some characteristics by using the set, add, or remove command.C Some characteristics have read-only values; their values are set% by soFftware and cannot be altered.< Each entity section gives complete information about thatA entity's characteristics, if any, and explains if and how they can be modified. 4 Counters= Counters record the number of times the entity performed aB particular operation or the number of times a certain condition> or event has occurred since the entity was created. In some@ cases, a counter counts the number of times a similarly namedC event has occurred. Counter value Gs are dynamically maintained by8 the system and cannot be reset by the system manager. 4 IdentifiersD In most cases, an entity has one identifier: the simple name thatD is assigned to it when it is created. This identifier is a unique? instance name within the entity class and cannot be modified@ except by deleting the current entity and re-creating it with@ a new name. See specific entity description sections for more: information on entities that have multiple identiHfiers. 4 StatusB Status attributes record current conditions of the entity, suchA as its state. Usually status attributes are dynamically set by? the system to reflect current conditions set up by differentD operations. You can display current status values, but you cannotD directly modify them. However, certain network management actionsD (such as enabling or disabling an entity) may alter the values of status attributes. 3 Arguments< Certain NCL commaInds have required or optional arguments.? Arguments can indicate values to be set, data to be operated7 on, or instructions for performing a specified task. 3 Prepositional_Phrases? Most NCL commands accept two types of prepositional phrases:D o Use "by" phrase to specify an access control string for remote system management.A o Use "with" phrase to limit the action of an NCL command to 9 those entities that match the qualifying condition.? You can J specify one or both prepositional phrases in any NCLC command that accepts them. Separate the prepositional phrases by a comma.  4 By_PrepositionA The "by" prepositional phrase authenticates that an account or? proxy account for a particular user has been set up with the? proper access control information. Use of the by preposition> is portable to other DECnet-Plus systems. Use the following; format to append access control information using the by preposiKtion.= by user=username, password=password, account=account, - proxy={TRUE/FALSE}= For Tru64 UNIX, NCL ignores any use of the by proxy clause< so that the modifier "by proxy=true" (i.e., proxy access allowed) is always in effect.? If user j_smith has privileges to access the session control? application graphics_exchange on the remote node, he can use! the by preposition as follows: ncl> ! On node .admin.finance> ncl> show node .admin.artists ses Lsion control application -< _ncl> graphics_exchange all counters, by user=j_smith, -  _ncl> password=DoNotUse . . .D For Tru64 UNIX, access control does not have any effect when the C NCL command is directed to the local node. This happens because A NCL uses interprocess communication instead of DECnet-Plus to E communicate with node 0, the local node, and therefore the user's F privileges are determined by the user id that NCL is running under.M4 With_PrepositionC Use the "with" prepositional phrase to qualify an NCL command to@ limit the scope of its operation. Also called filtering, this> process is useful in displaying or acting upon only certainB information. The expression supplied as part of the with clauseD must be an attribute of the entity (or entities) specified in the command.D ncl> show session control application *, with maximum instances>0D For every session control application entity onN node 0 (the localA system), NCL finds the entities with maximum instances greaterA than zero, and returns the identifying information about those( session control application entities.A The with prepositional phrase is a boolean expression that can+ use the relational operators as follows: Symbol Meaning = Equals <> Not equals < Less than! <= Less than or equal to > Greater than$ >= Greater than or equal toO5 Restrictions_of_With_Clause; It is possible (but not improbable) for the value of an ; attribute to change between the time that the attribute > value is tested against the with clause value and the time = that the directive is actually issued to the entity. This 6 limitation can lead to cases such as the following:: ncl> show 0 session control port *, with send queue > 0) Node 0 Session Control Port %XCC354000) AT 1994-11-13-16:32:03.249-05:00I0.269 SPtatus Send Queue = 0; In this case, the attribute briefly goes non-zero, then 9 immediately returns to zero again. Unfortunately, the 8 attribute changed value between the time that it was = sampled by the entity filtering software in the CML (CMIP = Management Listener) and the time that the Show directive 8 was issued to that entity instance. This is generally> not a problem. Most attributes are stable enough that this  rarely happens.3 Using_Wildcards QB Using an asterisk (*) as a wildcard character in an NCL command? is helpful when the target of a command, particularly a show= command, is not easily identifiable. The asterisk wildcardA represents one or more characters. You can also use a questionB mark (?) as a wildcard. This represents a single character, and> can only be used in certain data types, such as simplename.A For Tru64 UNIX, if you use either the asterisk wildcard or theC question mark wildcard in a com Rplete NCL command line entered atD the shell prompt (%), remember to insert the escape character (\)A before the wildcard so that the asterisk or question mark will# not be interpreted by the shell.: The rules for using wildcard characters are as follows:> o Use wildcards only within an entity name (the class name9 or the instance name) in an NCL command. Do not use? wildcards within NCL verbs, attributes, or prepositional = phrases. In addition, do not use w Sildcards in attribute= values unless the use of wildcards is explicitly called' out in the attribute description.C o In all cases, wildcard characters can appear only in the lastB class name or last instance value. You cannot use a wildcardC for the global entity node name. All NCL commands that affectC entities include at least two class/instance pairs (the first> being "node node-name" even if it is not specified). For example:3 ncl> sho Tw node 0 routing circuit * all status; ncl> show node 0 session control application tp?_applE ncl> show node 0 session control application ma* all attributesA The first command requests a list of all status information? about all defined circuits. The second command requests aA listing of all applications that begin with tp and end withA _appl and have only one character between tp and _appl. TheD third command asks for information about all applicati Uons that? start with ma and end with any combination of characters.? o Do not use wildcard characters with NCL control commands.D o If you use wildcard characters with an entity instance name, a6 display of all the instances of a class appears.? o NCL supports wildcarding for any directive except create.D o For Tru64 UNIX, using a wildcard to show all subentities when F there are no subentities to be displayed may cause NCL to hang. B To return to the V ncl> prompt if this occurs, press .? o For Tru64 UNIX, using a wildcard in the entity class name? results in an operation on the enumerated entities of theE next layer down. For example, the "show node 0 *" command shows@ the identities of all module entities on the local system.D o If you use a wildcard in an entity instance name, an operationD occurs on all the instances of a class. For example, show nodeA 0 session control application * shows thWe identities of all# Session Control Applications.D For Tru64 UNIX, you can wildcard all the local entities on the3 local system or a remote system. For example:% ncl> show node .admin.artists * 3 Node_IdentifiersC In the absence of a default node entity, if no node is specifiedF in an NCL command, then the default node-id is 0, which represents  the local node.F You can specify a node-id in an NCL command in various ways, using A either Xa node name or address. Under certain conditions, the F unqualified node name (often identical to the node synonym) may be ) used in an NCL command as the node-id. 4 Addresses> If the name service is interrupted or unavailable, you can E still reach remote nodes to perform management functions. You can A use the remote node's Phase IV address (if the remote node is D configured to have one), or the remote node's NSAP. Refer to the > "Understanding and Creating NSAYP Addresses" chapter in the A DECnet-Plus Planning Guide for the Tru64 UNIX or OpenVMS NSAP  format to use.E For example, the following commands all perform the same function:. ncl> show node 12.5 routing circuit syn-0-0 For a Tru64 UNIX system:: ncl> show node 49::00-0C:AA-00-04-00-05-30:20 routing - _ncl> circuit syn-0-0 For an OpenVMS system:B ncl> show node net$49000CAA000400053020 routing circuit syn-0-0 < If both the local and remote nodes arZe configured to run C DECnet over TCP/IP (RFC 1859), you may refer to the remote node  using the IP address as in:# ncl> show node all 4 Names? Node names can be specified in different ways depending upon, the directory service(s) you are using. A If the local node is configured to use the DECdns name service= and the remote node is correctly registered in the DECdns A namespace, you may refer to the node using a DECdns fullname, as in: [( ncl> show node NS:.lkg.remotenode all@ If the local node is configured to use the LOCAL name service< and the remote node is correctly registered in the LOCAL > namespace, you may choose to use the LOCAL fullname, as in:( ncl> show node LOCAL:.remotenode all > If both the local and remote nodes are running DECnet over 9 TCP/IP (RFC 1859) and the remote host name is somehow @ translatable (perhaps using the Hosts Database or DNS/BIND), > you may refer to the remote n\ode using the fully qualified  host name, as in:, ncl> show node remotenode.lkg.dec.com all&4 Unqualified_Names_and_Node_Synonyms@ A node synonym is a Phase IV-style node name, between 1 and 6? characters long, that is unique within the namespace. This ? node synonym is required for Phase IV applications that can 4 handle only a maximum of 6-character node names.  ? An unqualified name is the final simplename -- that portion < of the DECdns or LOCAL full name ]following the last "." > Although this unqualified name is usually identical to the @ node synonym, it is not required to be identical to the node synonym.< An unqualified name may be substituted for a full name in< an NCL command only when the remote node specified in the9 command and the local node use the same primary naming= service and their full names are identical except for the unqualified names themselves.' For example, in the following cases:7 ^ LOCAL NODE REMOTE NODE> Full name: ns:.lkg.localnode ns:.lkg.remotenode6 Unqualified name: localnode remotenode2 Synonym: locnod remnod= Full name: local:.localnode local:.remotenode6 Unqualified name: localnode remotenode2 Synonym: locnod remnod? You can substitute the unqualified name for the full name in the NCL command:4 ncl> set ev_ent dispatcher outbound stream ost_1 - sink node remotenode' However, for the following examples:7 LOCAL NODE REMOTE NODE> Full name: ns:.uct.localnode ns:.lkg.remotenode6 Unqualified name: localnode remotenode2 Synonym: locnod remnod= Full name: ns:.localnode local:.remotenode6 Unqualified name: localnode remotenode2 Synonym: locnod ` remnod= Full name: local:.uct.localnode local:.remotenode6 Unqualified name: localnode remotenode2 Synonym: locnod remnod< You must specify the full name for the remote node in the NCL command:4 ncl> set event dispatcher outbound stream ost_1 -% _ncl> sink node ns:.lkg.remotenode  Or, on a Tru64 UNIX system:9 ncl> set session control proxy dth source end user = -? _ncl> { [ node=local:.remotenode , aend user=uic=[0,0]dan ] }= The node synonym cannot be substituted for a full name in A the NCL command. However, in most cases since the unqualified ; name and the node synonym are usually identical, it may 7 appear that the synonym substitution was successful.2 Recalling_Commands@ To recall previously entered NCL commands, press the up-arrowC key. After recalling an NCL command, modify it by using @ to switch between insert and overstrike modes of editbing. YouD can also use the key to edit a command line. Reenter theD command by pressing the key. Press the down-arrow key toB recall the next (most recent) command in the NCL command recall buffer. E For Tru64 UNIX, you can recall commands by string by starting the C line with a '^' or by ending a line by pressing the key,  for example: ncl> ^ena  or ncl> ena 9 Will recall the last command that started with "enac." 2 OutputA The output of NCL commands varies somewhat depending upon the  operating system. 3 Tru64_UNIX@ After you enter a command, the system responds with a display? that includes a summary of the command you entered, the UID ? of the entity (if enabled) referred to in the command, and a@ timestamp showing when the output was gathered or the command? executed. With some commands (for example, show), the output- also includes a display of certain valudes.@ Some of the timestamps displayed during ncl show commands are= returned with a value of undefined for some entities. This? indicates that the condition that causes the attribute to be$ timestamped has not occurred yet.9 The following is an example of a typical show display:5 ncl>show session control application fal all chara) Node 0 Session Control Application fal) AT 1994-02-21-14:54:01.609-05:00I0.137 Characteristics Addresses' { enumber=17 = }, Incoming Proxy = True- Node Synonym = False4 Image Name = /usr/etc/fal- User Name = guest* Incoming OSI TSEL =''H/ Data Abstraction = Message0 Accept Mode = Deferred0 Programming Interface = Phase IV) Maximum Instances = 03 Allow DECnet Internet Gatfeway Access = True Exception messagesB If a command does not complete successfully, you can get one orB more exception or error messages. There are three categories of error displays:A o Errors caused by incorrect command syntax. In these errors,D NCL issues the error message immediately and does not send the0 command to the entity itself. For example: # ncl show tree all7 SYNTAX ERROR: No match was found for this string. show tree algl ____ ^@ o Validation errors, in which NCL accepts the command syntaxB as valid, but subsequently returns an error message when the9 command violates a constraint or rule. For example:& # ncl set routing probe rate = 0= RANGE ERROR: The minimum value for this attribute is 1.! set routing probe range = 0! _________________________ ^B In this case, the value 0 was outside the allowable range ofG values for this attribute. NCL detechted this after it had parsed F the command, but before it had issued the command to the entity.> o Errors returned from the remote entity's agent. In theseC errors, NCL was able to interpret the command, but was unable1 to perform it for some reason. For example: Node 0 CSMA-CD, AT 1994-10-06-15:35:14.069-04:00I0.301! FAILED IN DIRECTIVE: Create3 DUE TO: Error specific to this entity's class REASON: Already Exists! Description: Alrieady ExistsA A response returned from the remote agent will be displayedF with an AT time stamp. See Appendix A of the DECnet-Plus NetworkC Control Language Reference for more information on responses.   Adjusting the Display FormatA Use the following local commands to adjust the display format.C To define how far over the values can be indented (default=34),  use the commands:' ncl> set ncl name display width = 50# ncl> show ncl name display jwidthF To control whether or not dots are filled in between the attribute ? name and its value (for example, state ..... = On), use the commands:  ncl> enable ncl dots ncl> disable ncl dotsE To control whether counters are displayed left justified or right  justified, use the commands:. ncl> set ncl counter justification = left / ncl> set ncl counter justification = right @ To determine if backtranslation will be done or not, use the commands:k " ncl> enable ncl backtranslation# ncl> disable ncl backtranslationF The page width is used to intelligently wrap error messages and to E decide if the snapshot display will require 1 line or 2 lines per B counter. Normally, NCL tracks the page width automatically. To 5 override the value if necessary, use the commands: ncl> set ncl page width = 50 ncl> show ncl page widthD When NCL is processing an NCL script, use the following commands G to determine ifl each command should be echoed before it is executed: ncl> enable ncl command echo ncl> disable ncl command echo 3 OpenVMS@ After you enter a command, the system responds with a display> that includes a summary of the command you entered, the UID= of the entity (if enabled) referred to in the command, and= a timestamp showing when the command was executed. On someD commands, (for example, show), the output also includes a display of certain values.@ The fmollowing is an example of a typical show command and the resulting display: NCL> show nsp all Node 0 NSP) AT 1992-06-03-10:35:12.234-04:00I0.277 StatusA UID = 9AF8477A-407E-11CB-...- State = On- Currently Active Connections = 14 Characteristics. Maximum Transport Connections = 200/ Maximum Receive Buffers = 2000, Delay Weight n = 3, Delay Factor = 2, Maximum Window = 81 DNA Version = T4.2.1, Acknowledgement Delay Time = 3. Maximum Remote NSAPS = 201- NSAP Selector = 32- Keepalive Time = 60, Retransmit Threshold = 50 Congestion Avoidance = FalseC A command that executes appropriately and completes o its assigned> task produces a Success Response. Success Responses are not@ documented in the command description sections of this manualA unless the Success Response contains arguments or the response> indicates that something other than the expected action has occurred.B If a command does not complete successfully, you can get one orB more exception or error messages. There are three categories of" error returns for NCL commands:C o OpenVMS NCL error messages; thatp is, errors that occur at the5 level where OpenVMS is processing NCL commands.? o Common NCL exception messages; that is, errors that occur: within NCL and which apply to more than one command.C o Command-specific exception messages, which are described with) the commands that can produce them.@ Each command description in this manual includes at least one@ example that shows a typical successful command with possible resulting output. 3 Displayin qg_UIDsA Any entity that has counters or generates events is assigned a? unique identification (UID) value. A UID is a 16-byte entityD attribute that is unique throughout the network and for all time;D that is, because the creation time of the entity is included as aB portion of the UID, no two identical UIDs will ever be created.? A UID identifies a unique instance of an entity. For network9 management, UIDs provide a guaranteed way to track theC characteristics and sta rtus of that precise entity instance. EachA entity having counter attributes also has a creation timestamp4 identifying, simply, when the entity was created.C The UID is included in any response or event from an entity thatC has a UID. Any entity that generates events or has counters must; have a UID, which is also visible as a status attribute.D Both the UID and the creation timestamp are included in any eventC logging report that returns one or more counters in its argumsent list.D By default on Tru64 UNIX, UID values are not displayed. The UID C value for an entity is not always needed and can clutter a show G display or an event-logging report. Use the enable ncl uid display D command if you wish to see this attribute. To turn UID displays * back off, type disable ncl uid display.  2 Specifying_Access_ControlA To set default access control information for a series of NCL F commands within a single NCL session (usually to tbe performed on a E remote system), use the SET NCL DEFAULT ACCESS command. Refer to D HELP NCL DEFAULT_CONTEXT for more information on the use of that command.E To provide access control information to be used for the executionE of a single NCL command, you may use one of the following methods:% o Use the by prepositional phraseB The by prepositional phrase authenticates that an account orB proxy account for a particular user has been set up with theB u proper access control information. Use of the by prepositionA is portable to other DECnet-Plus systems. Use the following> format to append access control information using the by preposition.= by user=username, password=password, account=account, - proxy={TRUE/FALSE}@ For Tru64 UNIX, NCL ignores any use of the by proxy clause? so that the modifier "by proxy=true" (i.e., proxy access # allowed) is always in effect.B If user j_smith vhas privileges to access the session controlB application graphics_exchange on the remote node, he can use$ the by preposition as follows:# ncl> ! On node .admin.financeA ncl> show node .admin.artists session control application -? _ncl> graphics_exchange all counters, by user=j_smith, -  _ncl> password=DoNotUse' o Specify an access control string A The access control string (ACS) consists of a user name and5 password, for an account on wthe remote system. = For Tru64 UNIX, enter the ACS as part of the node-name 5 specification nodename/usr/password as follows:F ncl> show node .admin.artists/j_smith/DoNotUse session control -6 _ncl> application graphics_exchange all countersA You do not need privileges to do a show operation. However,> to do a set operation, you need to have superuser access to the system. For OpenVMS:? NCL> show node .admin.artists"j_smith DoNotUse x" session -> _NCL> control application graphics_exchange all counters? To do a show operation, you need NET$EXAMINE right on theD remote OpenVMS system. For read and write access (for example,? set, disable, enable etc.), you need NET$MANAGE right or - BYPASS priviledge on the remote system. ; The use of proxy accounts is a more manageable method of? establishing access control schemes between two systems. SeeA the DECnet-Plus Network Management ma ynual for more informationC about controlling remote network access through the use of proxy? accounts, or refer to HELP NETWORK_MANAGEMENT ACCESS_CONTROL PROXIES. D For Tru64 UNIX, access control does not have any effect when the C NCL command is directed to the local node. This happens because A NCL uses interprocess communication instead of DECnet-Plus to E communicate with node 0, the local node, and therefore the user's F privileges are determined by the user id zthat NCL is running under.2 Default_ContextG When you wish to perform a series of commands on a particular entityG (either on your local node or a remote Phase V node), you may chooseG to set your default NCL context. The SET NCL DEFAULT ENTITY commandG allows you to specify an entity to be used for further NCL commands.G Similarly, the SET NCL DEFAULT ACCESS command allows you to specify  access control information. 3 OpenVMSE The NET$EXAMINE right is requir {ed to issue SET NCL DEFAULT ENTITY 7 and SET NCL DEFAULT ACCESS commands. Refer to HELP < NETWORK_MANAGEMENT ACCESS_CONTROL RIGHTS_IDENTIFIERS for % information on rights identifiers. C Once established, default entity and access control information B will remain in effect for the duration of an NCL session until @ it is modified by subsequent SET NCL DEFAULT commands. When @ supplying access information, both the username and password ; should be provided in a single |command. Here are a few 3 acceptable forms of the SET NCL DEFAULT command:  NCL>SET NCL DEFAULT ENTITY -@ _NCL>NODE nodename"username password" [subentity|subentities]E NCL>SET NCL DEFAULT ENTITY NODE nodename [subentity|subentities],-3 _NCL>ACCESS BY USER=username, PASSWORD=password C NCL>SET NCL DEFAULT ACCESS BY USER=username, PASSWORD=password,-4 _NCL>ENTITY NODE nodename [subentity|subentities]F When a SET NCL DEFAULT command contains new access informatio}n but & lacks a default node entity, as in:A NCL>SET NCL DEFAULT ACCESS BY USER=username, PASSWORD=password7 NCL>SET NCL DEFAULT ENTITY [subentity|subentities],-3 _NCL>ACCESS BY USER=username, PASSWORD=password C NCL>SET NCL DEFAULT ACCESS BY USER=username, PASSWORD=password,-& _NCL>ENTITY [subentity|subentities]A then the new access information is stored, but it will not be B used until some subsequent SET NCL DEFAULT ENTITY NODE command < is issued. In the fo~llowing example, new access control  information is stored: NCL>SHOW NCL DEFAULT& No NCL Default Access has been set  NCL Default Entity ()B NCL>SET NCL DEFAULT ACCESS BY USER=user1, PASSWORD=goodpassword NCL>SHOW NCL DEFAULT1 NCL Default Access by User user1, Password xxx NCL Default Entity ()@ but that access control information remains unused until the ? default node entity is modified. The following SET command B would then result in the establishmen t of a connection to node " remnod using the user1 account:) NCL>SET NCL DEFAULT ENTITY NODE remnod NCL>SHOW NCL DEFAULT1 NCL Default Access by User user1, Password xxx" NCL Default Entity Node remnod  B Once you have set a default node entity, all subsequent SET NCLC DEFAULT ENTITY [subentity | subentities] commands apply to that D node until the user attempts to modify the default node entity. D For example, now that the default node entity is remod, in or der C to set the default entity to Session Control on node remnod, you: can do so without re-specifying the node entity, as in:- NCL>SET NCL DEFAULT ENTITY Session Control NCL>SHOW NCL DEFAULT1 NCL Default Access by User user1, Password xxx1 NCL Default Entity Node remnod Session Control? To change to another subentity on the remote node, you must E include (or re-specify) any subentities beneath the node entity. B Even though the current default entity in this example is Node C remnod Session Control, you must re-specify the Session Control @ subentity if you want to set default to a lower subentity on A that node. In other words, NCL would not parse the following : command because the Session Control entity needs to be A re-specified. Since the command could not be parsed, the NCL  defaults remained unchanged:- NCL>SET NCL DEFAULT ENTITY Application fal. %NCL-E-INVALIDCOMMAND, unrecognized command+ SET NCL DEFAULT ENTITY \Application\ fal NCL>SHOW NCL DEFAULT1 NCL Default Access by User user1, Password xxx1 NCL Default Entity Node remnod Session ControlB Instead, this command would be necessary to change the default ' to a lower subentity on node remnod:> NCL>SET NCL DEFAULT ENTITY Session Control Application fal  NCL>SHOW NCL DEFAULT1 NCL Default Access by User user1, Password xxxA NCL Default Entity Node remnod Session Control Application fal@ Note that in the example above the "fal" instance identifier E specified a particular instance of a Session Control Application. E But it is also acceptable to use wildcards to specify the default A entity. In the example below, the wildcard "*" is used as an D instance identifier to refer to all session control applications  on the default node., ; NCL>SET NCL DEFAULT ENTITY Session Control Application * NCL>SHOW NCL DEFAULT1 NCL Default Access by U ser user1, Password xxx? NCL Default Entity Node remnod Session Control Application *? If default access control information and the default entity? were then modified, but no node entity was specified, as in: B NCL>SET NCL DEFAULT ACCESS BY USER=user2, PASSWORD=badpassword, _NCL>ENTITY Session Control NCL>SHOW NCL DEFAULT1 NCL Default Access by User user2, Password xxx? NCL Default Entity Node remnod Session Control Application * D The new default access in formation would be stored, but contrary D to the default access information displayed by SHOW NCL DEFAULT, @ the connection to node remnod through the user1 account will < remain in use until the default node entity is changed. C This next command would request a new connection to node remnod B using the latest default access information (through the user2 @ account), but the connection would fail because the password D information provided earlier for the user2 account was in correct:) NCL>SET NCL DEFAULT ENTITY NODE remnod/ %NCL-E-REQUESTFAILED, command failed due to:7 -CML-E-SESSPROB, error returned from session control+ -IPC-E-BADUSER, access control rejection? -NET-F-REMOTEDISCONN, connection disconnected by remote userG %NCL-E-NOCONNECTION, cannot establish CMIP connection to remote node% set ncl default entity node remnod E Whenever a connection to a default entity node fails, the default E entity will be reset to the local node entity. Default subentity ? information is cleared as well because subentities are node-E specific. The default access information will be left as is, but F it will remain unused until the default node entity is reset. For G example, after the above failure to modify the default node entity, ) the NCL defaults would look like this: NCL>SHOW NCL DEFAULT4 NCL Default Access by User user2, Password xxx NCL Default Entity () 3 Tru64_UNIX; When you are using NCL commands to manage one particularA entity, either set up a default for the entity, access control4 information for the entity, or both. For example:? ncl> set ncl default entity node .mfg.cadcam session control ncl> show ncl default entity8 ncl default entity = node .mfg.cadcam session control< The set ncl default access command sets up default accessA control independently of the default entity. Once established,= the default access control is applied to any command where= an explicit by prepositional phrase is omitted and no user+ information is given with the node name. ncl> ! on node .admin.financeA ncl> set ncl default access by user=j_smith, password=DoNotUse ncl> show ncl default access) ncl Default access = user name=j_smith account= proxy=false> ncl> show node .admin.artists session control application -' _ncl> graphics_exchange all countersB The set ncl default access overrides an embedded access control value in the entity. 2 Using_Snapshot? The following sections describe how to use snapshot on both  Tru64 UNIX and OpenVMS. 3 Tru64_UNIX9 Snapshot saves all of the counter attributes available@ from the specified entity at that time. You can snapshot only> counters, and the results are displayed using a subsequent 9 show command. For example, do either of the following:$ ncl> snapshot node 0 all counters or 2 ncl> snapshot node 0 all counters, to file_name= If you omit the attribute list entirely from the snapshot ) command, NCL defaults to all counters.@ If you do not choose a file name, NCL retains the binary data@ in memory. If you enter the show command for which the remote@ entity returns any counters, NCL tries to find snapshot data @ in the snapshot file you specified (or within its memory, if $ you did not specify a file name).B If your show command does not con tain the from preposition, NCL; tries to find a corresponding snapshot in memory. If youA have not performed a snapshot command in this NCL session, NCL" displays just the raw counters.C If the show command does contain the from preposition, NCL tries> to read the specified file. If NCL cannot open the file, it> returns the appropriate error message and displays the data@ returned from the entity. If a snapshot file exists, but doesB not contain data from the current entity, NCL displays just the raw counters.> If NCL succeeds in finding a saved snapshot of the entity'sA counters, then it displays the counters returned by the agent.? The following example shows a typical snapshot file, in this instance called x.tmp:8 ncl> snapshot 12.80 csm sta * oct se, oct r, to x.tmpA To recall the snapshot file x.tmp, you would use the following command:% show n 12.80 csm sta *, from x.tmp& Node 12.80 CSMA-CD Station csmacd-1) AT 1994-09-08-11:12:01.497-04:00I0.1650 Snapshot Elapsed Time = +0-02:01:47.536I0.4288 Current Snapshot Difference9 ------- -------- ----------- Counters6 Octets Sent 64354851 45070297 192845545 Octets Received 34030180 27575906 6454274 > To list all the snapshots that NCL is holding "in memory,"  use the command: ncl> show ncl snapshots< To eliminate the snapshot corresponding to a value, thus > allowing counters to be displayed in the normal name=value  format, use the command: ncl> clear ncl snapshot 50> without this, the only way to get back to a normal display " is to exit NCL and reinvoke it.> To periodically poll the value of a counter and display it < (using the snapshot format) until ^C'ed, use the command:  ncl> cmonitor entity counter < this is similar to netstat and iostat which allow you to - monitor a value by specifying an interval.= To control what the interval between polls should be, use  the commands:! ncl> set ncl cmonitor time = 5 ncl> show ncl cmonitor time 3 OpenVMS@ The snapshot function saves the counters' values and displays? those values. After the snapshot command is issued, the show> command can be used to display a comparison of the current 3 values and the registered values at later times.> The following command activates snapshot for the entity and  produces the snapshot output:4 NCL> snap nsp port nsp$port_0000200f all counters- Snapshot node 0 NSP Port NSP$PORT_0000200F2 at 1994-09-18-19:49:11.76078 - 04:00 I 52.08425 CountersA Creation Time = 1991-09-18-18:55:25.59899 - 04:00 I 52.08425 User Octets Received = 932 User Octets Sent = 246 User PDUs Received = 22 User PDUs Sent = 10 . . .< The following show command displays the snapshot for the + entity for which snapshot was activated:4 NCL> show nsp port nsp$port_0000200f all counters) Show node 0 NSP Port NSP$PORT_0000200F2 at 1994-09-18-19:49:11.76078 - 04:00 I 52.08425 CountersA Creation Time = 1994-09-18-18:55:25.59899 - 04:00 I 52.08425E Snapshot created at 1994-09-18-19:49:11.76078 - 04:00 I 52.08425C Actual Value Snapshot Value DifferenceB ------------- --------------- ---------= User Octets Received  2414 932 1482= User Octets Sent 262 246 16= User PDUs Received 25 22 3= User PDUs Sent 11 10 1= . . . .= . . . .= . . . .C Snapshot information is only retained for the duration of an NCLA session.  Therefore, the snapshot command and subsequent show A commands must be issued at the NCL> prompt rather than at the C DCL prompt. To gather snapshot information from a remote node, C you can either set the ncl default to the remote node entity or < include the nodename in each ncl command, as long as the 3 commands are issued within the same NCL session.2 Customizing_NCL9 You can customize your NCL environment using optional ? initialization files. In addition, on OpenVMS you have the 9 option of using a keypad definition file. Tru64 UNIX 1 allows you to define symbols for use with NCL.? Setting a default NCL context is another way of customizing A your NCL environment. This allows you to specify a particular? entity or default access control information to be used for B the remainder of an NCL session. For information on setting a : default NCL context, refer to HELP NCL DEFAULT_CONTEXT.  3 Initialization_FileC The initialization file contains NCL commands that are executed B when you start NCL; that is, before you receive the NCL prompt.? Alternatively, the initialization file is executed prior to C executing an NCL script file that is specified as part of a DCL C command line. In the following example, the initialization file 2 will be executed before the ROUTING.NCL script: $ ncl @routing.ncl 4 OpenVMS? NCL uses the default file name SYS$LOGIN:NCL$INIT.COM unlessA you have defined an alternative file use the NCL$INIT logical.? To use NCL$NODEA_INIT.COM as an initialization file, use the following DCL define command:' $ define ncl$init ncl$nodea_init.com 2 When NCL starts up, it will check for the file > NCL$NODEA_INIT.COM, and if it exists, will execute the ncl  commands within it. 4 Tru64_UNIX: For Tru64 UNIX, if the file .nclrc exists in the user's? top level directory, the command within it will be executed % aut omatically when NCL is started. 3 Key_Definition_File_(OpenVMS)@ The key definition file associates commonly used NCL commands@ with keys on the keypad. Use the define/key command to create the definition.B NCL uses the default file name SYS$LOGIN:NCL$KEYDEF.INIT unlessC you have defined an alternative file use the NCL$KEYDEF logical.D The SYS$EXAMPLES:SETUP_NCL_KEYPAD.COM command file creates files E that allow you to execute commonly used NCL commands using one or G two keystrokes on the keypad. This command file should be executed D from the system account. It works in a cluster environment, but C only for those roots on a single system disk and only for those E nodes booted into the cluster at the time you execute the command  file.# $ @sys$examples:setup_ncl_keypad= This command file creates Keypad definitions files for NCLD to be used with the Compaq DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS products. It E creates files in SYS$MANAGER: and SYS$HELP:. All files begin with? NCL$KEYDEF. A copy of this file will be made in SYS$UPDATE:E In a cluster environment, NCL scripts are created in SYS$SPECIFIC:1 directories for each node on this system disk.D This file may be copied to any system running Compaq DECnet-Plus  for OpenVMS. Note: Please add< "$ DEFINE/SYSTEM NCL$KEYDEF SYS$MANAGER:NCL$KEYDEF.INIT"% to your OpenVMS startup procedure. Continue? [Y/N Def: Y]:+ Creating NCL Key Definiti on Init File...1 Creating NCL Key Definition Help Text Files...B Installing in a cluster environment. Scripts created for each member.... %SYSMAN-I-ENV, current command environment:$ Clusterwide on local cluster< Username SYSTEM will be used on nonlocal nodes4 %SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node NODEA NSP Show Nodes Complete... OSI Show Nodes Complete...' Show Routing Adjacencies Complete...4 %SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node NODEB NSP Show Nodes Complete... OSI Show Nodes Complete...' Show Routing Adjacencies Complete...4 %SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node NODEA4 %SYSMAN-I-OUTPUT, command execution on node NODEB $@ Once in NCL, keypad (PF4) displays an introduction 5 and keypad PF2 provides help on the keypad layout. 3 Defining_Symbols_(Tru64_UNIX)5 You can define symbols to represent commonly used @ class/instance pairs of NCL commands. Symbol definitions are D provided to cut down on the amount of repetitive typing you must @ perform. Use the define and read control verbs to create and * verify symbol definitions. For example:) define ncl symbol NAME = "VALUE"' undefine ncl symbol [ NAME | * ]' show ncl symbol [ NAME | * ]' list ncl symbol [ NAME | * ]9 ncl> define ncl sym rc1 = "routing circuit circuit-1" ncl> show rc1$ Node 0 Routing Circuit circuit-1* AT 1994-07-14-15:10:10.976-04:00I0.226 Identifiers& Name = circuit-1? The first parameter to the define command is the symbol andB all remaining text is the equivalence string (the translation B of the symbol). The symbol can be from 1 to 500 characters in E length and contain any ISO latin-1 characters (?). At definition C time, the equivalence string is not parsed. NCL will parse the C full NCL command and any symbols that form part of the command.: To delete symbols, use the undefine verb. For example:A ncl> undefine Ether,Remote_Node ! To delete specific symbols . . .F ncl> undefine * ! To delete all remaining symbols . . .B You can use "." to mean "the entity used in the last command." wwj!IU1 SNA_Peer_Server_Module 2 SNA_Access_Server A The SNA Access Server entity provides an interface to the Peer H Server for client applic ations in the TCP/IP and DECnet-Plus networks.? By means of its two subentities: Port and Object, the Access E Server manages client connections and provides ports through which F the clients can communicate with their partners in the SNA network.  3 create C The create verb generates a new instance of the SNA Access ServerF entity or subentity. Create sets the entity state to off, sets the F entity's attributes to their default values, and allocates resources for the entity.   create sna access server 7 The create sna access server command creates the SNA ? Access Server entity. The create command allocates resources B for the single entity and sets its characteristic attributes to  their defaults.  $ Ex, ncl> create sna access server 4 Characteristic D Maximum (0-1024) Specifies the number of concurrentF Connections client connections supported by the ? Peer  Server. Set this numberA according to the number of SNA > sessions required by client A applications during peak usage.6 The default is 1024. 3 delete  delete sna access server G The delete sna access server command deletes the single instance SNA G Access Server entity. The entity must be in the Off entity state and> have no Object or Port subentities before it can be deleted. % Ex, ncl> delete sna access server  3 disable  disable sna access server  @ The disable sna access server command discontinues the serviceG provided by the SNA Access Server. Current Port subentities, if any,E are unaffected and the entity goes into the Shut entity state. TheF server enters the Off entity state when all the Ports are deleted.  % Ex, ncl> disable sna access server  3 enable  enable sna access server D The enable sna access server command enables the Access Server forC operation and use. The Server entity enters the on entity state. $ Ex, ncl> enable sna access server  3 set  set sna access server ? The set sna access server command lets you modify the number A of concurrent client connections supported by the Peer Server. > This is done through the Maximum Connections characteristic. ; Ex, ncl> set sna access server maximum connections = 512 4 Characteristic C Maximum (0-1024) Specifies the number of concurrentE Connections client connections supported by the ? Peer Server. Set this number @ according to the number of SNA A sessions required by Compaq SNA B applications during peak usage. 5 The default is 1024. 3 show  show sna access server E The show sna access server command displays the attributes for the B SNA Access Server entity. The SNA Access Server manages client F connections and provides ports through which TCP/IP and DECnet-Plus C applications can communicate with their partners on the IBM side. ( Ex, ncl> show sna access server all  4 Status E UID Displays the entity's unique identifier, which isF generated when the Peer Server creates the entity. E State Displays the operational state of the SNA Access > Server entity. The operational states are : Off The Access Server is disabled and not & available for use. > On The Access Server is enabled and available for use. < Shut The Access Server is acting on a disable< command. It enters the off state at the3  end of active sessions, if any. A Active Displays the current number of active client @ Connections connections to the SNA Access Server module. C Peak Displays the peak number of client connections : Connections that have been active at any one time. 4 Characteristics > Maximum (0-1024) Displays the number of concurrentA Connections client connections supported by the ) Peer Server. @ Version Displays the version number of the @ SNA Access Server software that is ' executing. 4 Counters B Creation Displays the time when the entity was created. Time  D Connections Displays the total number of client connections E Created created to and from the SNA Access Server module. C Connection Displays the total number of client connection  & Failures creation failures. D Inbound Displays the total number of client connections B Connections accepted by the SNA Access Server module from ; Accepted non-SNA applications. The Peer Server E increments this counter each time the SNA Access B Server entity generates an Inbound Connection # Accepted event. C Outbound Displays the total number of client connections@ Conn ections started by the SNA access server module and F Accepted accepted by non-SNA applications. The Peer Server E increments this counter each time the SNA Access C Server entity generates an Outbound Connection # Accepted event. D Inbound Displays the total number of client connections B Connections rejected by the SNA Access Server module from C Rejected nonSNA applications. The Peer Se rver incrementsA this counter each time the SNA Access Server C entity generates an Inbound Connection Rejected event. C Outbound Displays the total number of client connectionsA Connection attempted by the SNA access server module andE Rejected rejected by nonSNA applications. The Peer Server D increments this counter each time the SNA AccessB Server entity gene rates an Outbound Connection# Rejected event. D Transport Displays the number of times that an SNA Access D Abnormal Server Port entity was disconnected as a result G Terminations of failures within DECnet or TCP/IP. Such failuresE include any client connection termination that isC not initiated from either the SNA Access Server> module or the nonSNA application. The PeerD  Server increments this counter each time the SNAG Access Server entity generates a Transport Abnormal& Termination event. H SNA Abnormal Displays the number of instances when an SNA Access G Terminations Server Port entity was disconnected as a result of D failures within the SNA network. Such failures @ include any session termination that is not G initiated from either the SN A Access Server module F or the remote CP. The Peer Server increments thisC counter each time the SNA Access Server entity @ generates an SNA Abnormal Termination event. H Protocol Displays the total number of Gateway Access ProtocolD Violation (GAP) violations that have occurred with nonSNA ? Errors applications. This is a measure of internalG functioning. Refer problems involving  this counterF to your customer support representative. The PeerD Server increments this counter each time the SNAH Access Server entity generates a Protocol Violation Error event. D Resource Displays the total number of resource allocation= Allocation failures (for example, failures caused by) Failures insufficient memory). $3 SNA_Access_Server_Object_Subentity C The SNA Access Server Object entity describes an endpoint in the > non-SNA network to connect to when the SNA network sends an F unsolicited SNA Session startup request (BIND) to the Peer Server. E The SNA Access Server Object contains parameters that describe how E to connect to a remote application using TCP/IP, DECnet-Plus, or a F local transport for applications that run on the same system as the E Peer Server. Objects are not needed to handle inbound sessions to @ the SNA network (3270 Terminal emulator sessions for example). 4 create ! create sna access server object D The create sna access server object command creates an object and E defines values for the parameters that define the connection. The @ create command also sets the characteristics to their default 0 values and allocates resources for the entity. A Depending on the transport type, different parameters are used  during creation.  = o For decnet, the node name and number or task are used.  D o For tcpip, the internet node name and service or port are used. = o For local transport, the task or command name and local  username are used. @ The following three examples illustrate the use of the create B command for (i) decnet, (ii) tcpip, and (iii) a local transport. G i) In the following example, a connection is made to the DECnet-PlusE node .lkg.axp object number 143. Instead of an object number, ? you may specify a named DECnet  object (or Session Control application). F ncl> create sna access server object cpicprog node = .lkg.axp, -, _ncl> number = 143, transport = decnet D ii) In this example, a connection is made to the tcpip port numberF 7004 on the Internet node xxx.yyy.dec.com. Instead of using aE numbered port, you may use a TCP service name. The mapping of? name to number occurs on the local machine at the time of connection. 7 ncl> create sna ac cess server object dspiprog - = _ncl> internet node = xxx.yyy.dec.com, number = 7004, - _ncl> transport = tcpip D iii) In this example, a process is started on the local machine byC running the command line specified in the command attribute F under the local username that has been set. If a username has ? not been set, the program is run under the root username. 6 ncl> create sna access server object localprog -G _ncl> command = "/usr/local/ app1.ksh", local username = barney, - _ncl> transport = local 5 Characteristics ? Transport tcpip | Specifies the type of transportB decnet | protocol used to reach the object.B local The choices are decnet, tcpip, and& local. B Node dns-fullname Specifies the DECnet-Plus node to C which to connect. Applies to DECnet/  transport only. C Number (0-255) Specifies the number of the object.A Applies to decnet transport only. F Task Simplename Specifies the task name of the object.F This characteristic is used only when F the number characteristic is non-zero.C If this characteristic is specifiedC for objects wi th a non-zero number E characteristic, the value is ignored. E Local Simplename Specifies the name of the user to runD Username the application as. Applies to local/ transport only. F Command alpha-string Specifies the command to be passed to C the local object. Applies to local / transport only. C Internet  alpha-string Specifies the name of the Internet E Node node to which to connect in the namedF or "dotted" number format. Applies to 5 tcpip transport only. C Port (0-32767) The integer that identifies the TCPC port number on the remote node. TheB port characteristic should not be C set when the service characteristicB is set. Applies to tcpip transport% only. F Service Simplename The name of the service on the remote A node. Applies to tcpip transport % only.  4 delete ! delete sna access server object @ The delete sna access server object command deletes the named instance of the Object entity. 2 Ex, ncl> delete sna access server object obj-1 4 set  set sna access server object ? The set sna access server object command lets you modify the B values for the characteristics of the Object entity. The Object B entity of the SNA Access Server is the end-user address (called E an Object) to which the Peer Server connects in response to an IBM request. E The following three examples illustrate the use of the set command : for (i) decnet, (ii) tpcip, and (iii) a local transpor t. E i) In the following example, a connection exists to the DECnet-Plus< node .lkg.axp. The following set command establishes a C connection to object number 153. Instead of an object number, ? you may specify a named DECnet object (or Session Control  application). B ncl> set sna access server object cpicprog node = .lkg.axp, -+ _ncl> number = 153, transport = decnet A ii) In this example, a connection is made to the Internet node > xxx.yyy.dec.c om. The following example connects to port B number 1009. Instead of using a numbered port, you may use a C TCP service name. The mapping of name to number occurs on the - local machine at the time of connection. 1 ncl> set sna access server object dspiprog -< _ncl> internet node = xxx.yyy.dec.com, number = 1009, - _ncl> transport = tcpip B iii) In this example, a process exists on the local machine. TheC following set command establishes an object for the specified B username by running the command line specified in the commandD attribute. If a username is not set, the program is run under  the root username. 3 ncl> set sna access server object localprog - - _ncl> command = "/usr/local/app1.ksh", -5 _ncl> local username = barney, transport = local  5 Characteristics @ Transport tcpip | Specifies the type of transportC decnet | protocol used to reach the object .C local The choices are decnet, tcpip, and' local. C Node dns-fullname Specifies the DECnet-Plus node to D which to connect. Applies to DECnet0 transport only. D Number (0-255) Specifies the number of the object.B Applies to DECnet transport only. G Task Simplename Specifies the tas k name of the object.G This characteristic is used only when G the number characteristic is non-zero.D If this characteristic is specifiedD for objects with a non-zero number F characteristic, the value is ignored. F Local Simplename Specifies the name of the user to runE Username the applicati on as. Applies to local0 transport only.  F Command alpha-string Specifies the command to be passed toD the local object. Applies to local 0 transport only. D Internet alpha-string Specifies the name of the Internet F Node node to which to connect in the namedG or "dotted" number format. Applies to 6  tcpip transport only. E Port (0-32767) The integer that identifies the PortF on the remote node. Applies to tcpip 0 transport only. G Service Simplename The name of the service on the remote B node. Applies to tcpip transport & only.  4 show  show sna access server object G The show sna acc ess server object command displays the values of the H attributes for the SNA Access Server Object entity. The Object entityH of the SNA Access Server is the end-user address (called an Object) to? which the Peer Server connects in response to an IBM request. 3 Ex, ncl> show sna access server object obj-1 all 5 Characteristics A Transport tcpip | Displays the type of transport F decnet | protocol used to reach the object. D  local The choices are tcpip, decnet, and( local. G Node dns-fullname Displays the name of the DECnet node 6 to which to connect. D Number (0-255) Displays the number of the object.C Applies to DECnet transport only. @ Task Simplename Displays the task name of the F object. This character istic is used F only when the Number characteristic 8 is non-zero. If this B characteristic is specified for A objects with a non-zero Number ? characteristic, the value is * ignored. E Local Simplename Displays the name of the user that G Username is r unning the local object. Applies : to local transport only. G Command alpha-string Displays the command to be passed to E the local object. Applies to local 1 transport only. D Internet alpha-string Displays the name of the internet G Node node to which to connect. Applies to 7 tcpip transport only. B Port (0-32767) The integer that identifies the B TCP/IP Port on the remote node. B Applies to tcpip transport only. F Service Simplename The name of the TCP/IP service name F on the remote node. Applies to tcpip1 transport only. 5 Identifier D name Displays the string that you provided to identify   the entity.  "3 SNA_Access_Server_Port_Subentity B The SNA Access Server Port entity represents an access point to B the services of the SNA Access Server module. Ports are created> dynamically by the Peer Server to handle client connections. 4 show  show sna access server port 7 The show sna access server port command displays the 5 attributes for the SNA Access Server Port entity.  5 Ex, ncl> show sna access server port 37 all status 5 Identifier D Name Displays the name created by the Peer Server for this  Port. 5 Status > Protocol Displays the protocol state of the client  State connection. E Connecting The SNA Access Server is initiating a connection % Inbound to an IBM system. E Connecting The SNA Access Server is initiating a connection / Outbound to a nonSNA access routine. = Disconnect- The SNA Access Ser ver is terminating the  ing connection. > In Session The SNA Access Server has established the = connection and the session partners have E exchanged a BIND request and a positive response. F Not In Connection has been established; the BIND request ? Session and its positive response have not yet been exchanged. G Off The initial state of a port when the Access Server $ first creates it = Client Displays the name of the SNA LU Services 6 LU Session entity using this port. D Protocol Displays the negotiated Gateway Access protocol E Version version (GAP) in use over this client connection. C Authorization Displays the identifier of the SNA LU Services E Authorization entity that granted access to this  port. C Node  Displays the name of the user's node (relevant @ only if the underlying transport is decnet). C User Name Displays the name of the user connected by the & client connection. = Terminal Name Displays the name of the user's terminal. @ Process Displays the user's process identifier. NoteC Identifier that the identifier is always displayed as zeroB if the GAP protocol version is less than V3.0. < Program Name Displays the name of the program on the 9 remote node that is using this port.  C Local Transport Displays the client connection identifier used , Identifier on the Peer Server node.  C Remote Transport Displays the client connection identifier used 5 Identifier on the nonSNA application's node. < Internet Displays the name of the connected node B Node (relevant only if the underlying transport is  TCP/IP). B Transport Displays the name of the underlying transport.  2 SNA_LU_Services ? The SNA LU Services module contains the SNA Logical Services ? functions for the Peer Server. SNA LU Services contains the > following subentities: LU, Access Name, Authorization, and < Partner LU. The LU entity supports the Session subentity. 3 create  create sna lu services F The create sna lu services command creates a  single instance of the B SNA LU Services entity, allocates resources for the entity, and > initializes the entity's attributes to their default values. D Ex, ncl>create sna lu services default transmission group = tg-1 4 Characteristics C Default Simplename Specifies the Transmission Group F Transmission that should be used when processing A Group a Primary LU connection if the H Partner LU entity associated with the A connection has no Transmission F Group defined. This allows Partner A LU entities to name the remote E network ID and the LU name for the F remote LU but does not require that D the Transmission Group be named. D The default is to have no Default > Transmission Group name set. 3 delete   delete sna lu services B The delete sna lu services command deletes a single instance of D the SNA LU Services module. Before the entity can be deleted, all4 subentities of this entity must have been deleted. " Ex, ncl> delete sna lu services 3 set  set sna lu services G The set sna lu services command lets you set the default transmission6 group characteri stic for the SNA LU Services entity. A Ex, ncl> set sna lu services default transmission group = tg-1 4 Characteristic H Default Simplename Specifies the Transmission Group that C Transmission should be used when processing a F Group primary LU connection if the Partner? LU entity associated with theF connection has no Transmission GroupB  defined. This allows Partner LUH entities to name the remote network idG and the LU name for the remote LU butH does not require that the Transmission2 Group be named.  3 show  show sna lu services > The show sna lu services command displays the values of the , attributes for the SNA LU Services entity. < Ex, ncl> show sna lu services default transmission group 4 Status B Uid Displays the unique identifier for the SNA LU $ Services entity. A Active Displays the number of active LU-LU sessions. Sessions @ Queued Displays the total number of queued session ? Sessions requests. SNA LU Services queues sessions 8 when the session limit for the Peer < Server LU is reached in either direction<  (PLU or SLU) when the session initiation? requests queueing. On the Peer Server the D session limit for an LU is established with the < Maximum Active Sessions characteristic.  < Active SSCP- Displays the number of currently active % LU Sessions SSCP-LU sessions. 4 Characteristics  E Version Displays the version number of the 9 SNA LU S ervices module. H PU Type independent Displays the type of physical unit on E which SNA LU Services operates. TheD type defines the services and its / subentities.  G Default Simplename Displays the Transmission Group that A Transmission should be used when processing A Group a Primary LU connection if the H  Partner LU entity associated with the A connection has no Transmission E Group defined. This allows Partner A LU entities to name the remote E network ID and the LU name for the F remote LU but does not require that B the Transmission Group be named. 4 Counters ? Creation Displays the date and time this entity was  Time created. B Total Displays the number of LU-LU sessions started 2 Started by the SNA LU Services entity. Sessions  ? Total Displays the number of sessions terminated 8 Terminated since the SNA LU Services entity was Sessions created. A Session Displays the number of session requests that ? Start the SNA LU Service s entity could not honor.@ Failures SNA LU Services increments this counter each? time the SNA LU Services entity generates a0 Session Start Failure event. : ACTLUs Displays the number of ACTLU requests  Received received. ; DACTLUs Displays the number of DACTLU requests  Received received. D Resource Displays the total number of resource allocation9 Allocation failur es, such as failures caused by ( Failures insufficient memory. ? Protocol Displays the number of protocol violations ? Violation detected for all the sessions supported by ? Errors the SNA LU Services entity. SNA LU Services> increments this counter each time the SNA < LU Services entity generates a Protocol * Violation Error event. 3 Access_Name_Subentity E An SNA LU Services Acc ess Name entity contains information that is D required to establish a connection to the SNA network. The use of E access names offers the client applications a way of connecting to C the SNA network without having to know the exact IBM application B names or logon mode names required. The use of access names is optional. )4 add  ! add sna lu services access name G The add sna lu services access name command adds a set of additional  F LU names to the LU List characteristic of an existing Access Name. D The LU names may be complete names or contain wild cards (? or *).B The only characteristic that this command takes is the LU List, = which adds new LU names to an Access Name entity's LU List. 3 Ex, ncl> add sna lu services access name cics - ) _ncl> lu list = {lu001,lu002,lu1*} 5 Characteristics F LU List list of sna Optional characteristic that specifiesF network  the entire set or a member of the set D names of LUs accessible using this Access ? Name entity. The default is No E names. The elements of the list must E be separated by commas, and the list @ must be enclosed in braces, { }. 4 create  $ create sna lu services access name C The create sna lu services access name creates a s ingle instance B of the Access Name entity, allocates resources, and initializes % attributes to their default values. 6 Ex, ncl> create sna lu services access name cics - A _ncl> lu list = {lu003, lu004, lu20*}, partner lu = cics17 5 Characteristics > LU List sna-network- Specifies the set of SNA LU B name[,...]} Services LU entities accessible A using this Access Name entity. G  When users specify this access name, F the Peer Server can assign the user G to any available LU in the set. This F characteristic is optional. You can G use wild cards to specify the entire G set of LUs (for example, L1*) or to H specify one of the members in the set D  of LUs (for example, L1786, L19*, ) L18*).  B Logon Mode sna-network- Specifies the Logon Mode entity A name that LU Services should use if D the user does not specify a logon ? mode. This characteristic is, optional.  E User Data text-string Specifies optional user-level data E  (surrounded by quotation marks) to G pass to the remote LU. This data may B include, for example, user name C identification information. This G characteristic is optional. The user D data is entered as ASCII text and G is translated to EBCDIC before being 8  sent to the remote LU. E Partner LU sna-network- Specifies the instance name of the E name Partner LU entity that defines the A remote LU. For a secondary LU = connection, the Partner LU ? contains the name of the IBM E application that the connection is E to communicate with. For a primary @ LU connection, the Partner LU ? attribute names a Partner LU B entity in the Peer Server. The A Partner LU entity contains the D actual qualified SNA Network Name E and the Transmission Groups to use D when establishing a connection to F the remote application or terminal. B This characteristic is optional. 4 delete $ delete sna lu services access name 9 The delete sna lu services access name command removes 0 the Access Name and deallocates its resources. 7 Ex, ncl> delete sna lu services access name acnam-1 4 set ! set sna lu services access name > The set sna lu services access name command lets you set theE characteri stics of the SNA LU Services Access Name entity. Refer toF the create sna lu services access name command for more information " about the Access Name subentity. 4 Ex, ncl> set sna lu services access name lusvc2 -5 _ncl> logon mode = user08, partner lu = prtlu1 5 Characteristics > LU List sna-network- Specifies the set of SNA LU B name[,...]} Services LU entities accessible A using this Access Name entity. G When users specify this access name, F the Peer Server can assign the user G to any available LU in the set. This F characteristic is optional. You can G use wild cards to specify the entire F set of LUs (for example, L1*) or to D specify one of the members in the B set of LUs (for example, L1786, / L19*, L18*).  B Logon Mode sna-network- Specifies the Logon Mode entity A name that LU Services should use if D the user does not specify a logon ? mode. This characteristic is, optional.  E User Data text-string Specifies optional user-level data E (surrounded by quotation marks) to G pass to the remote LU. This data may B include, for example, user name C identification information. This G characteristic is optional. The user D data is entered as ASCII text and G is translated to EBCDIC befo re being 8 sent to the remote LU. E Partner LU sna-network- Specifies the instance name of the E name Partner LU entity that defines the A remote LU. For a secondary LU G connection, the Partner LU attribute ? contains the name of the IBM E application that the connection is E  to communicate with. For a primary @ LU connection, the Partner LU ? attribute names a Partner LU B entity in the Peer Server. The A Partner LU entity contains the D actual qualified SNA Network Name E and the Transmission Groups to use D  when establishing a connection to F the remote application or terminal. B This characteristic is optional. 4 show  " show sna lu services access name E The show sna lu services access name command displays the values ofD the attributes for the SNA LU Services Access Name entity. AccessD names are optional; they serve as shortcuts for supplying several ! parameter values with one name. @ Ex, show sna lu services access name cics logon mode, lu list 5 Identifier F Name Identifies the name given to the Access Name entity & when it was created. 5 Characteristics = LU List sna-network- Displays the set of SNA LU B name[,...]} Services LU entities accessible A using this Access Name entity. G When users specify this access name, F  the Peer Server can assign the user G to any available LU in the set. This F characteristic is optional. You can G use wild cards to specify the entire G set of LUs (for example, L1*) or to G specify one of the members in the setD of LUs (for example, L1786, L19*, )  L18*).  A Logon Mode sna-network- Displays the Logon Mode entity E name that SNA LU Services should use if D the user does not specify a Logon ? Mode. This characteristic is, optional.  D User Data text-string Displays optional user-level data E (surrounded by quotation marks) to G  pass to the remote LU. This data may B include, for example, user name C identification information. This G characteristic is optional. The user D data is entered as ASCII text and G is translated to EBCDIC before being 8 sent to the remote LU. D Partner LU sna-network- For a secondary LU connection, theD name Partner LU attribute contains the G name of the IBM application that the E connection is to communicate with. C For a primary LU connection, the G Partner LU attribute names a Partner D LU entity in the Peer Server. The A  Partner LU entity contains the D actual qualified SNA Network Name E and the Transmission Groups to use D when establishing a connection to F the remote application or terminal. B This characteristic is optional. 3 Authorization_Subentity H The Authorization subentity of the SNA LU Services entity is created F to describe connection parameters that are optionally matched to an E incoming client connection to validate access to Peer Server LUs. E You can create multiple instances of the Authorization entity each G with different characterisitics. If the information passed by a user D matches the characteristics of an Authorization entity associated H with the specified LU, then SNA LU Services allows the user to access H the LU. An Authorization entity can describe DECnet, TCP/IP, or local I connections. For a TCP/IP connection, the internet node characteristic  is used instead of node. 4 create  & create sna lu services authorization D The create sna lu services authorization command creates an SNA LUE Services Authorization entity. The command allocates and sets the $ characteristics to their defaults. ? Ex, ncl> create sna lu services authorization programmers - B _ncl> node=star, user=prg_*, password=axp, transport=decnet 5 Characteristics G User Simplename Specifies the user name that the userE must supply to be granted access toC the LU. If the null user name isE specified, SNA LU Services does notE perform any user name checking whenG using this Authorization entity. The B user name can contain wild card - characters. G Password Simplename Specifies the password that the user F must supply to be granted access to B the LU. If the null password is F specified, SNA LU Services does not G perform password checking when using G this Authorization entity. Note that :  you cannot display this 1 characteristic. E Node full name Specifies the DECnet node that the G user must supply to be granted accessG to the LU. If you do not specify theF node name (0:), SNA LU Services doesF not perform node name checking when D using this  Authorization entity. C Applies only if the transport is * DECnet.  G Terminal Simplename Specifies the terminal that the user G must use to be granted access to the D LU. If the null terminal name is F specified, SNA LU Services does not E perform any terminal name checking G  when using this Authorization entity.E The terminal name can contain wild 2 card characters. D Transport decnet | Specifies the transport that must @ tcpip | underlie a connection for the > local connection to be authorized. A Internet alpha-string Specifies the node name of the G Node  internet node that the user must use G to be granted access to the LU. You E can use wild cards when specifying B the node name, Further, SNA LU E Services performs no node checking ? if no node name is specified. 4 delete  & delete sna lu services authorization ; The delete sna lu services authorization command deletes 9 the Authorization entity and deallocates its resources. 3 Ex, ncl> delete lu services authorization auth-1 4 set  # set sna lu services authorization = The set sna lu services authorization command lets you set B the characteristics of the SNA LU Services Authorization entity. G Ex, ncl> set sna lu services authorization luauth1 password = secret 5 Characteristics G User Simplename Specifies the user name that the userE  must supply to be granted access toB the LU. If the null user name isE specified, SNA LU Services does notE perform any user name checking whenG using this Authorization entity. The B user name can contain wild card - characters. G Password Simplename  Specifies the password that the user F must supply to be granted access to B the LU. If the null password is F specified, SNA LU Services does not G perform password checking when using G this Authorization entity. Note that : you cannot display this 1 characteri stic. E Node full name Specifies the DECnet node that the G user must supply to be granted accessF to the LU. If you do not specify theF node name (0:), SNA LU Services doesF not perform node name checking when D using this Authorization entity. C Applies only if the transpor t is * DECnet.  G Terminal Simplename Specifies the terminal that the user G must use to be granted access to the D LU. If the null terminal name is F specified, SNA LU Services does not E perform any terminal name checking G when using this Authorization entity.E  The terminal name can contain wild 2 card characters. D Transport decnet | Specifies the transport that must @ tcpip | underlie a connection for the > local connection to be authorized. A Internet alpha-string Specifies the node name of the G Node internet node that the user must use F to be grante d access to the LU. You E can use wild cards when specifying A the node name. Further, SNA LU E Services performs no node checking ? if no node name is specified. 4 show $ show sna lu services authorization G The show sna lu services authorization command displays the values ofD the attributes for the SNA LU Services Authorization entity. The . password characteristic cannot be displayed. G Ex, ncl> show sna lu services authorization payroll internet node, - _ncl> terminal, user 5 Identifier G Name Identifies the name given to the Authorization entity % when it was created. 5 Characteristics G User Simplename Displays the user name that the user E must supply to be granted access toC the LU . If the null user name is F specified, SNA LU Services does not F perform any user name checking when G using this Authorization entity. The B user name can contain wild card - characters. D Node full name Displays the DECnet node that the G user must use to be granted access  toG the LU. If you specify the node name A (0:), SNA LU Services does not B perform node name checking when D using this Authorization entity. C Applies only if the transport is * DECnet.  F Terminal Simplename Displays the terminal that the user G  must use to be granted access to the C LU. If the null terminal name is F specified, SNA LU Services does not E perform any terminal name checking @ when using this Authorization A entity. The terminal name can ? contain wild card characters. C Transport decnet | Displays t he transport that must @ tcpip | underlie a connection for the > local connection to be authorized. @ Internet character Displays the node name of the E Node string Internet node. Applies only if the 5 transport is tcpip.* 3 LU_Subentity F A logical unit is a named access point into an SNA network. The SNA C LU Services LU  entity defines one logical unit that is owned and E managed by the Peer Server. Each logical unit has a corresponding F SSCP-LU session which is also owned and managed by the entity. An LUB can participate in one or more LU-LU sessions, each of which is 0 supported by a corresponding Session subentity 4 add  add sna lu services lu > The add sna lu services lu command adds a set of additional G Authorization entities to the authorization list characteristic of anG exis ting LU. The names of the Authorization entities may be complete& names or contain wildcards (? or *). + Ex, ncl> add sna lu services lu l1905 - 9 _ncl> authorization list = {programmers, managers} 5 Characteristics E Authorization list of Specifies the set of Authorization A List simple names entities securing this LU. EachE value in the list is the name of anE Authorization entity that defines aB set of user characteristics. By B associating particular Authoriz-A tion entities with this LU, youC authorize the users identified inD those entities to use this LU. In F order to activate the authorization A check, you must set the access F attribute of the LU to restricted. 6 There is no default. 4 create  create sna lu services lu @ The create sna lu services lu command creates one instance of E an LU entity . The command also allocates resources for the entity C and initializes attributes to their default values. An LU entity H can be defined so that is has the capability to represent a secondary I LU, a primary LU, or either a primary or secondary LU. You must define G secondary LUs for non-SNA applications that communicate with primary A LUs on an IBM system. You must define primary LUs for non-SNA C applications that communicate with secondary LUs owned by an IBM system. @ Ex, ncl> create sna lu services lu lu01 access = restricted, ! _ncl> capability = primary 5 Characteristics F Dependent LU Simplename Specifies the Transmission Group on C Transmission which the LU acts as a dependent % Group LU. B Dependent 1-byte Specifies the LU address on the E LU Address decimal transmission group on which the LU ; acts as a dependent LU.  B Maximum (0-65535) Specifies the maximum number of C Active sessions allowed on this LU. If > Sessions this LU is going to support D   Compaq SNA 3270 terminal emulation; or any other application F requiring single sessions on an LU, G set the capacity to 1. Otherwise, youH can set the capacity to 0, indicating D unlimited sessions. If you later E find that you want to restrict the E nu mber of sessions on this LU, you H can change this characteristic to the F maximum number of sessions you want + to allow. G Capability primary | Specifies whether this LU can act as G secondary | a primary LU, secondary LU, or both. H both The setting you choose depends on the ? capability of the Compaq SNA G applications that will use this LU. F If this LU is for applications that @ emulate a primary LU, set the H capability as primary. If this LU is @ for non-SNA applications that B emulate a secondary LU, set the G capability as secondary. If you want G this LU to be used for both types of @ non-SNA applications, set the 5 capability to both. ? Object Simplename Specifies the name of an SNA C Access Server Object entity that C the SNA Access Server should use @ to initiate a connection to anC  access routine in response to an F IBM-initiated session request. When G the IBM side requests a session usingD this LU, the Peer Server uses the E information provided in the Object E entity to determine how to connect 8 to the access routine. G Destination Simplename Specifies an optional parameter that A Unit the Peer Server name passes to E Compaq SNA access routine products E to identify a resource within the H Compaq SNA access routine. It applies E to IBM-initiated connections only. J The Compaq SNA access routine determinesB the use of  this characteristic. A This characteristic is used in : conjunction with Object B characteristics to identify the H non-SNA resource the Peer Server must - connect to. D Access restricted| Specifies whether SNA LU Services D unrestricted should check authorization when a >  non-SNA user or application F accesses this LU. If you set this LUF as restricted, you must also define = the specific authorization @ information required by using G Authorization entities, and you must = name those entities in the D Authorization Li st characteristic . for this LU. D Authorization {simple- Specifies the set of authorizationG List name[,...]} entities securing this LU. Each value@ in the list is the name of an F Authorization entity that defines a B set of user characteristics. By G associating particular Authorization H  entities with this LU, you authorize @ the users identified in those G entities to use this LU. In order toH activate the authorization check, you G must set the access characteristic to- restricted. D Old Name [pu-name] Specifies an alternative name for G session-  this LU, usable by applications that E number pair support only the older style of LU G identification. One application that H uses this older form is the Compaq SNAF 3270 Terminal Emulation product. An A Old Name characteristic must beD defined for a Peer Server LU only H when the application does not support > using an access name for LU E specification. If the name suppliedB contains a period (.), you must > enclose it with quotes (""). 4 delete   delete sna lu services lu B The delete sna lu services lu command deletes an SNA LU ServicesB LU entity instance and deallocates resources that were allocatedE for it . The LU must be in the off state for the delete to succeed. + Ex, ncl> delete sna lu services lu lu001 4 disable  disable sna lu services lu H The disable sna lu services lu command disables the ability of the LU F to establish a new LU-LU session without affecting current sessions.E Any passively connected user Ports are terminated and the LU entersG the Off entity state. You can also use the disable command to suspendF the operation of an entity temporarily. An LU cannot be disabled if 9 its dependent LU protocol state is in the active state. , Ex, ncl> disable sna lu services lu lu002 4 enable  enable sna lu services lu ? The enable sna lu services lu command puts the LU in a state F wherein it is able to become active. The LU's entity state is set toE on. Sessions can be started on a dependent LU when it is activated ? by the SSCP. For a dependent LU, the enable succeeds if the @ transmission group that is named exists in the SNA CP Services4 definition and the dependent LU address is unique. + Ex, ncl> enable sna lu services lu lu002 4 set   set sna lu services lu 6 The set sna lu services lu command lets you set the 4 characteristics for the SNA LU Services LU entity. @ Ex, ncl> set sna lu services lu l1905 access = restricted, - ! _ncl> capability = primary 5 Characteristics F Dependent LU Simplename Specifies the Transmission Group on C Transmission  which the LU acts as a dependent % Group LU. B Dependent 1-byte Specifies the LU address on the E LU Address decimal transmission group on which the LU ; acts as a dependent LU.  B Maximum (0-65535) Specifies the maximum number of B Active sessions allowed on this LU. If > Sessions this LU is going to support D  Compaq SNA 3270 terminal emulation; or any other application F requiring single sessions on an LU, D set the capacity to 1. Otherwise, A you can set the capacity to 0, H indictaing unlimited sessions. If you G later find that you want to restrict E  the number of sessions on this LU, D you can change this characteristicH to the maximum number of sessions you 2 want to allow.  G Capability primary | Specifies whether this LU can act as G secondary | a primary LU, secondary LU, or both. D both The setting you choose depends on C  the capability of the Compaq SNA G applications that will use this LU. F If this LU is for applications that @ emulate a primary LU, set the D capability as primary. If this LU C is for non-SNA applications that B emulate a secondary LU, set the F capability as secondary. If you wantG this LU to be used for both types of @ non-SNA applications, set the 5 capability to both. ? Object Simplename Specifies the name of an SNA C Access Server Object entity that C the SNA Access Server should use @ to initiate a connection to anC  access routine in response to an A IBM-initiated session request. G When the IBM side requests a session F using this LU, the Peer Server uses B the information provided in the D Object entity to determine how to @ connect to the access routine. G Destination Simple!name Specifies an optional parameter that A Unit the Peer Server name passes to E Compaq SNA access routine products E to identify a resource within the H Compaq SNA access routine. It applies E to IBM-initiated connections only. J The Compaq SNA access routine determinesB " the use of this characteristic. E This characteristic is used in con-G junction with Object characteristics G to identify the non-SNA resource the > Peer Server must connect to. D Access restricted| Specifies whether SNA LU Services D unrestricted should check authorization when a > # non-SNA user or application E accesses this LU. If you set this B LU as restricted, you must also D define the specific authorization @ information required by using G Authorization entities, and you must = name those entities in the D Authorization List charact $eristic . for this LU. D Authorization {simple- Specifies the set of authorizationG List name[,...]} entities securing this LU. Each value@ in the list is the name of an F Authorization entity that defines a B set of user characteristics. By G associating particular Authorization H % entities with this LU, you authorize @ the users identified in those H entities to use this LU. In order to H activate the authorization check, you G must set the access characteristic to- restricted. D Old Name [pu-name] Specifies an alternative name for G session- this LU,& usable by applications that E number pair support only the older style of LU G identification. One application that H uses this older form is the Compaq SNAF 3270 Terminal Emulation product. An A Old Name characteristic must beD defined for a Peer Server LU only H when the a'pplication does not support > using an access name for LU F specification. If the name suppliedB contains a period (.), you must > enclose it with quotes (""). 4 show  show sna lu services lu A The show sna lu services lu command displays the values of the / attributes for the SNA LU Services LU entity. 6 Ex, ncl> show sna lu services lu l(u01 all counters 5 Identifier E Name Identifies the name given to the LU entity when it  was created. 5 Status E UID Displays the unique identifier for the LU entity. E State Displays the operational state of this LU entity. ? Off You have issued a disable command for this > LU. The LU is in the inactive or pending # inactive state. : On )You have issued an enable command for B this LU. The LU is operational and is either = supporting sessions, is ready to support @ sessions, or is in the pending active state. ; Protocol Displays the protocol state of this LU. State B Active This LU is enabled and is ready to be used in  sessions. > Inactive This LU is not enabled. You must issue an > *enable command before SNA LU Services can $ activate the LU. > In Use This LU is active and is in session, has a; link to a non-SNA application, or both. 6 Active Ports Displays the number of SNA ACCESS @ Server Port entity instances that are using A this LU, which may or may not be involved in , an active LU-LU session. A Active Displays the number of active +LU-LU sessions > sessions on this LU. You can limit this number by 8 setting the Maximum Active Sessions 4 characteristic of the LU entity. B Peak Active Displays the highest number of LU-LU sessions 6 Sessions active at any one time on this LU. > Queued Displays the number of outstanding queued 1 Sessions session requests for this LU. B Peak Queued Displays the highest number of LU-LU ses,sions 6 Sessions queued at any one time on this LU. ? Activation Displays the time at which the LU was last * Time activated by the SSCP. : Dependent LU Displays an indication of whether the @ Protocol State dependent LU has been activated by the SSCP. 5 Characteristics E Dependent LU Simplename Displays the Transmission Group on C Transmission which the LU acts as a dependent % Group - LU. A Dependent 1-byte Displays the LU address on the E LU Address decimal Transmission Group on which the LU 9 acts as a dependent LU. A Maximum (0-65535) Displays the maximum number of A Active sessions allowed on this LU. AF Sessions value of 0 means unlimited sessions. G Capability primary | Displays whether this LU can act as a .E secondary | primary LU, secondary LU, or both.  both D Object Simplename Displays the name of an SNA AccessC Server Object entity that the SNAF Access Server should use to initiateC a connection to a non-SNA access < routine in response to an @ IBM-initiated session requ /est. F Destination Simplename Displays an optional parameter that A Unit the Peer Server name passes to B non-SNA access routine products E to identify a resource within the E non-SNA access routine. It appliesD to IBM-initiated connections only. C Access restricted| Displays whether SNA LU Services D 0 unrestricted should check authorization when a > non-SNA user or application 3 accesses this LU. D Authorization {simple- Displays the set of Authorization B List name[,...]} entities securing this LU. Each F value in the list is the name of an D Authorization entity that defines @ 1a set of user characteristics. C Old Name [pu-name] Displays an alternative name for = session- this LU, usable by non-SNA E number pair applications that support only the C older style of LU identification. 5 Counters > Creation Displays the date and time this entity was Time created. C SSCP-LU Displays the total number of bytes sent on the $ Octe2ts Sent SSCP-LU session. @ SSCP-LU Octets Displays the total number of bytes received + Received on the SSCP-LU session. A SSCP-LU Displays the total number of RUs sent on the $ RUs Sent SSCP-LU session. A SSCP-LU RUs Displays the total number of RUs received on $ Received SSCP-LU session. C Total Octets Displays the total number of bytes sent by the < Sent LU for all sessions (LU-LU and SSCP-LU). 3C Total Octets Displays the total number of bytes received by @ Received the LU for all sessions (LU-LU and SSCP-LU). A Total RUs Displays the total number of RUs sent by the < Sent LU for all sessions (SSCP-LU and LU-LU). A Total RUs Displays the total number of RUs received by @ Received the LU for all sessions (SSCP-LU and LU-LU). 9 ACTLUs Displays the number of ACTLU requests Received received. 4 : Started Displays the number of times an LU-LU 4 Sessions successfully started on this LU. > Terminated Displays the number of LU-LU sessions thatD Sessions have terminated on the LU since it was created. A SNA LU Services increments this counter each ; time the LU entity generates a Session % Terminated event. ; DACTLUs Displays the number of DACTLU requests  Received 5 received. > BIND Displays the number of BIND requests that 2 Failures have been rejected on this LU. C Authorization Displays the total number of access violations = Failures caused by lack of authorization. Access D violations occur when the Access characteristic C of an LU entity is set to Restricted and valid ; authorization information has not been 4 supplied 6 in the session request. 3 Partner_LU_Subentity B The SNA LU Services Partner LU entity is an internal definition D that corresponds to a remote LU. Partner LUs contain information E that describes an LU in the SNA network that is to be connected to F when the non-SNA application acts as the Primary LU (PLU). The real I IBM LU name and network ID are contained in the Partner LU definition, H along with a list of Peer Server Transmission Groups that can be used H to connect to 7the remote LU. The Partner LU database is not used for G Dependent LU sessions (3270 TE or RJE, for example). An instance of B the Partner LU entity must exist to describe each LU in the SNA A network that is to be connected to by non-SNA PLU applications.4 add add sna lu services partner lu B The add sna lu services partner lu command lets you add a set ofC additional transmission group entries to the list of transmissionE groups for the Partner LU. Be sure to use b8races to confine a list? of values. Remember to separate list values and two or more  characteristics with commas. 3 Ex, ncl> add sna lu services partner lu l1905 - ( _ncl> transmission group = {tg03} 5 Characteristics G Transmission list of Specifies a list of the Transmission E Group Simplenames Groups to be used to connect to the, remote LU. 4 create  # create sna lu services partner lu B 9 The create sna lu services partner lu command creates an SNA LU E Services Partner LU entity instance. The create command allocates F resources for the entity and initializes entity attributes to their  default values. 4 Ex, ncl> create sna lu services partner lu cics17 5 Characteristics F Destination Simplename Specifies the name of the remote LU > Name as known to the SNA network. B Destination Simplename Specifies the :network id of the @ Network network in which the remote LU* resides. F Transmission list of Specifies a list of the TransmissionB Group Simplenames Groups to be used to connect to 0 the remote LU. 4 delete  # delete sna lu services partner lu 8 The delete sna lu services partner lu command removes + the entity and deallocates its resources. 4 Ex, ncl> ;delete sna lu services partner lu cics17 4 set  set sna lu services partner lu > The set sna lu services partner lu command lets you set the 7 attributes for the SNA LU Services Partner LU entity. 2 Ex, ncl> set sna lu services partner lu l1905 -/ _ncl> transmission group = {tg01, tg02} 5 Characteristics E Destination Simplename Specifies the name of the remote LU> Name as known to the SNA network. B Destination < Simplename Specifies the network ID of the @ Network network in which the remote LU* resides. F Transmission list of Specifies a list of the TransmissionB Group Simplenames Groups to be used to connect to 0 the remote LU.4 show ! show sna lu services partner lu E The show sna lu services partner lu command displays the attributesB for the SNA LU Service=s Partner LU entity. The SNA LU Services ' Partner LU has no counter attributes. F Ex, ncl> show sna lu services partner lu cics17 all characteristics 5 Identifier C Name Displays the name given to the Partner LU by the 2 Peer Server when it was created.5 Status F Definition Displays how the Partner LU was created. Values are ) "Static" and "Dynamic."5 Characteristics E Destination sna-network- Displays t>he name of the remote LU > Name name as known in the SNA network. A Destination sna-network- Displays the network ID of the @ Network name network in which the remote LU* resides. E Transmission list of Displays a list of the TransmissionB Group Simplenames Groups to be used to connect to 0 the remote LU. 3 LU_Session_Subentity E The ?SNA LU Services LU Session entity is created dynamically by theD Peer Server in response to LU-LU session initiation requests. It C is deleted dynamically when the corresponding session terminates.. Multiple instances of this entity can exist. 4 show  ! show sna lu services lu session E The show sna lu services lu session command displays the values of F the attributes for the SNA LU Services LU Session entity. The SNA LU> Services LU Session entity has no characteristic@ attributes. H Ex, ncl> show sna lu services lu lu01 session 2 transmission group, - _ncl> lfsid 5 Identifier F Name Identifies the name given to the Session entity byC the Peer Server when it was created by the Peer Server. 5 Status C SID Displays the 8-byte identifier assigned to the A session by the CP of the initiating LU. This ; identifier is used in coAntrol messages. @ LFSID Displays the session identifier for a given  session. A Protocol State Displays the operational state of this LU-LU  session: : Active The LU-LU session BIND negotiation wasB successful, and the two LUs are now exchanging) data on this session. A BINDing The primary and secondary LUs are negotiating3 the BIND for the LBU-LU session. @ Initiating The Peer Server has started internal session& startup operation. B Ready The session has initiated and is waiting for a? BIND request from either the SNA or non-SNA$ session partner. B Terminating The LUs have unbound the session, and the Peer@ Server and the remote CP are now terminating the session. A UNBINDing The two CLUs are exchanging UNBIND commands to$ end the session. > Port Displays the name of the SNA Access Server@ Port entity supporting this session. Each @ Port entity represents a non-SNA application link. B Remote LU Displays the name of the external LU that the 6 Peer Server LU is in session with. B Remote Network Displays the name of the network in which the &D remote LU resides. C Initiating Displays the name of the LU that requested the  LU session. B Role Displays the role (primary or secondary) this 7 LU is assigned in he LU-LU session. @ Transmission Displays the name of the Transmission Group 4 Group that the LU-LU session is using. C Logon Mode Displays the logon mode used to establish this  session. < E Primary Displays the maximum RU size that can be; RU Size sent by the primary LU on this session. A Primary Displays the primary LU's send pacing window * Send Pacing size for this session. = Primary Displays the primary LU's receive pacing 1 Receive Pacing window size for this session. = Secondary Displays the maximum RU size that can be = RU Size sent by the secondary LU on this session. F < Secondary Displays the secondary LU's send pacing 1 Send Pacing window size for this session. ? Secondary Displays the secondary LU's receive pacing 1 Receive Pacing window size for this session. C LU Type Displays the LU type specified in the BIND for ! this session. ? Session Type Displays whether the session is a dependent. or independent LU session. 5 Counters ? Creation G Displays the date and time this entity was  Time created. D Octets Sent Displays the total number of bytes sent on this & session by the LU. ? Octets Displays the total number of bytes received. Received on this session by the LU. B RUs Sent Displays the total number of RUs sent on this & session by the LU. @ RUs Displays the total number of RUs received on+ ReceivHed this session by the LU. 4 stop ! stop sna lu services lu session B The stop sna lu services lu session command starts the protocol : procedures that terminates the LU-LU session. The stop @ command completes without waiting for the session to complete. E Ex, ncl> stop sna lu services lu lu01 session 2 severity = cleanup 5 Arguments @ Severity The type of termination of the LU-LU sessionD that you want to initiate. The ar Igument values # are as follows: C Cleanup This is the severest form of termination. The < session is ended without acknowledgment @ from the Remote LU or the Remote SSCP. Use / this form as a last resort. C Forced This type is also a severe form of termination.? The session is being ended immediately and $ unconditionally. A Orderly J This type of termination ends the session as @ soon as the PLU can do so. It is the least / severe form of termination.2 SNA_CP_Services H The SNA CP Services entity contains all the information that pertains G to the Control Point, Path Control, and DLC Manager components. The F module represents the SNA T2.1 node component that manages the T2.1-C specific node component. Its only subentity is the Transmission  Group entity.  3 Kcreate  create sna cp services F The create verb creates the SNA CP Services entity. The create sna G cp services command also allocates resources for the entity and sets . its characteristics to their default values. 6 Ex, ncl> create sna cp services cp name = xcp01, -# _ncl> network id = usdec101 4 Characteristics B Network ID Simplename Specifies the network id of the D T2.1 node. The required name must D L conform to SNA naming conventions.B You should consult with the SNA @ administrator about this name. D CP Name Simplename Specifies the network name of the = CP. The required name must E conform to SNA naming conventions. C You should consult with the SNA @ M administrator about this name. B Maximum (1-2048) Specifies the maximum number of I Active TGs Transmission Groups that can be D concurrently active. This optionalD value can be set at any time. The 5 default value is 4. 3 delete  delete sna cp services  A The delete sna cp services command deletes the SNA CP Services E entiNty. Before you can delete the SNA CP Services entity, you must 6 first delete all its Transmission Group subentities. " Ex, ncl> delete sna cp services 3 set  set sna cp services C The set sna cp services command lets you set the characteristics > for the SNA CP Services entity. The SNA CP Services entity C contains all the information that pertains to the Control Point, + Path Control, and DLC Manager components. 8 Ex, ncl> set sna cp services maximum active O tgs = 250 4 Characteristic B Maximum (1-2048) Specifies the maximum number of G Active TGs Transmission Groups that can A be concurrently active. If you G specify a value less than the number B of currently active TransmissionB Groups, you cannot activate new G Transmission G Proups until the number C of currently active Transmission E Groups falls below this value. This? value can be set at any time. 3 show  show sna cp services H The show sna cp services command displays the values of the attributesG for the SNA CP Services entity. The SNA CP Services entity contains H all the information that pertains to the Control Point, Path Control,  and QDLC Manager components. 5 Ex, ncl> show sna cp services cp name, network id 4 Status B UID Display the UID associated with the SNA CP( Services entity. : Active PUs Displays the number of active PUs. C Active TGs Displays the number of active Transmission  Groups. 4 Characteristics D Version Displays the version number of theC R SNA CP Services software that is , executing. B Network ID Simplename Specifies the network ID of the D T2.1 node. The required name must D conform to SNA naming conventions.B You should consult with the SNA @ administrator about this name. D CP Name Simplename Specifies the network name o Sf the = CP. The required name must E conform to SNA naming conventions. B You should consult with the SNA @ administrator about this name. B Maximum (1-2048) Specifies the maximum number of B Active TGs Transmission Groups that can be D concurrently active. This optional@ T value can be set at any time.  4 Counters B Successful TG Displays the total number of successfully @ Activations completed Transmission Group activation # procedures. A TG Activation Displays the total number of TransmissionE Failures Group activations procedures that have failedA to complete due to an XID exchange error. ; TG Deactivations Displays the total number Uof times B Transmission Groups have been deactivated. = TG Connections Displays the total number of times a A Lost Connection Lost event has been generated. A COLD ACTPUs Displays the total number of COLD ACTPUs ! Received received. @ ERP ACTPUs Displays the total number of ERP ACTPUs ! Received received. G ACTPUs Rejected Displays the total number of negative responses V/ sent to ACTPU requests. F DACTPUs Displays the total number of DACTPUs received. Received B Protocol Displays the total number of SNA protocol ? Violations violations detected by the Peer Server. C Resource Displays the number of resource allocation D Allocation failures (for example, insufficient memory). Failures C Creation Time Displays the time that the SNA CP Services W+ entity was created. .3 SNA_CP_Services_Transmission_Group_Subentity E The SNA CP Services Transmission Group subentity represents a link F between a Peer Server local link station and an adjacent SNA system C link station. The connection type can be permanent in which the G datalink connection remains active when unused, or temporary in which= the connection is automatically terminated and restarted in? response to local session or remote link activat Xion requests. 4 create + create sna cp services transmission group D The create sna cp services transmission group command creates the H SNA CP Services Transmission Group subentity, which represents a link E between a Peer Server local link station and an adjacent SNA systemC link station. The connection type can be permanent in which the G datalink connection remains active when unused, or temporary in which= the connection is automatically terminated and restarted in Y2 response to session or link activation requests. D During creation you can specify that the Transmission Group be an B Intranode type. An Intranode Transmission Group provides routingD of PIUs for sessions between NAUs that reside on the same (local) A node. Only one Intranode Transmission Group instance may exist. G Ex, ncl> create sna cp services transmission group data link = sdlc  5 Characteristics F Intranode yes | no Specifies whether this Transmi Zssion E Group is an Intranode Transmission C Group. The default is no. If you G specify yes, note the characteristics3 that do to apply. G Connection permanent | Permanent means that the TransmissionG Type temporary Group is activated when it is enabledA and remains active until it is A [ disabled. Temporary means that F the Transmission Group is activated E when a local session is created or @ when a remote link station is H activated, and deactivated when there B are no sessions. The default is - permanent.  B Dependent yes | no Specifie\s whether Dependent LUs C LU Support exist for the Transmission Group.> This attribute controls the F acceptance of ACTPU, DACTPU, ACTLU, F and DACTLU RUs as well as the LFSID D address space assignments for the E Transmission Group. The default is G no. Characteristic does no ]t apply if 3 Intranode is yes. H Segmentation session | Specifies the kind of segmentation to G Support station | be performed by the Peer Server when G none communicating with the adjacent link D station. The default is session. C Characteristic does not apply if 3 Intranode is yes. @ Bind Pacing ^ (1-32767) Specifies the amount that the A Window adaptive BIND pacing algorithm E Increment increases the receiver window size ? when a larger window size is C requested by the BIND sender and 9 when there are adequateF resources. This parameter is valid B when receive _r BIND pacing is in D effect for the Transmission Group.C The default is 1. Characteristic E does not apply if Intranode is yes. C Disconnect (0-3600) Specifies the amount of time (in D Timer seconds) a temporary Transmission @ Group should delay after zero = sessions are active before `A deactivating the link station. 4 The default is 30. F XID Retry (1-60) Specifies the interval (in seconds) D Timer specified for XID send expiration > (retry). The default is 3. C Characteristic does not apply if 3 Intranode is yes. E Data Link Simplename Specifies athe local entity name forD data link and instance used by theE Transmission Group (TG). In the ex-F ample, qllc link qllc-0 station ncp,E ncp is the name of the local entity1 used by the TG. E Node ID 1- to 8-hexa- Specifies the node identifier valueD decimal char- for the Peer Server. This valu be isF acters (pre- used in XID exchange if the value isG ceded by %x) specified. The default is hexadecimalC 00000000. Characteristic does not< apply if Intranode is yes. F Required 1- to 8-hexa- Specifies the node identifier value F Adjacent decimal char- of the adjacent node. If specified, H Node ID acters (pre- value must match that of the adjacent Ec ceded by %x) node. Characteristic does not applyD if Intranode is yes. If you do notA specify this characteristic, noF checking is done by the Peer Server.B Required Simplename Specifies the network id of the C Adjacent adjacent node. If specified, thisA Network ID value must match the network IDB d supplied by the adjacent node atE connect time or the connection willE fail. The value must be a valid SNAG network name. Characteristic does notF apply if Intranode is yes. If you doE not specify this characteristic, noF checking is done by the Peer Server. H Required eSimplename Specifies the cp name of the adjacent F Adjacent node. If specified, the CP Name mustA CP name match the name supplied by the H adjacent link station at connect time C or the connection will fail. The D value must be a valid SNA network F name. Characteristic does not apply D f if Intranode is yes. If you do notA specify this characteristic, no> checking is done by the Peer) Server. 4 delete + delete sna cp services transmission group D The delete sna cp services transmission group command deletes the G SNA CP Services Transmission Group entity instance. To succeed with : the delete command, the entity must be in the Off state. : Ex, n gcl> delete sna cp services transmission group tg-1 4 disable , disable sna cp services transmission group G The disable sna cp services transmission group command makes the SNA F CP Services Transmission Group unavailable for use by disabling its G normal operation. If the disable command is issued with the ImmediateD argument set to no, the Transmission Group enters the Shut entity G state (this is the default action). Similarly, if the disable commandF is issued without hspecifying Immediate=Yes, the entity state is thenE Shut. Current sessions remain unaffected, but new sessions (whetherE initiated locally or remotely) cannot be established. When the lastA session ends, the Transmission Group changes from the ConnectedG protocol state to the Idle protocol state, and, finally, to the ResetG protocol state (the Idle protocol state status is not displayed). TheF entity state modulates from Shut to the Off. The Transmission Group % then reports the Dea ictivated event. F If the disable command is issued with the Immediate argument set to H Yes, all active sessions terminate without regard to their status. TheJ entity state then changes to Off and the protocol state is set to Reset.< The Transmission Group then reports the deactivated event. ; Ex, ncl> disable sna cp services transmission group tg-1 5 Arguments D Immediate yes | no Determines the performance of the C disable jcommand according to the , following: C If no (the default), the possibleD entity states* of the Transmission+ Group are D Off The Transmission Group is E disabled and not available 2 for use. D Shut k The Transmission Group is @ waiting for all activeG sessions to end. This is theH result of issuing the disable D command without immediate . yes. H If yes, all currently active sessions A are aborted. The only possible l< resulting entity state* is D Off The Transmission Group is E disabled and not available 2 for use. G *Refer to the show sna cp services transmission group command Status D Attributes listings for the Protocol States and the entity States  for the Transmission Group. 4 enable + enable sna cp services transmission group m @ The enable sna cp services transmission group command makes a F Transmission Group available for use, setting the entity state to OnE and the protocol state to Connecting, unless the Connection Type isE Temporary, in which case the protocol state is set to Idle. If the E Transmission Group Connection Type is Temporary, the connection is H not initiated. However, the Transmission Group can be activated eitherF locally by a session initiation request from the non-SNA network or E nremotely when the link station is activated from the adjacent node. G If the connection type is permanent, the Transmission Group initiates7 a datalink connection with the adjacent link station. ; Ex, ncl> enable sna cp services transmission group tg-1 4 set ( set sna cp services transmission group F The set sna cp services transmission group command lets you set the G characteristics for the SNA CP Services Transmission Group subentity.H You can set the attribut oes for SNA CP Services Transmission Group only when the entity is disabled. ; Ex, ncl> set sna cp services transmission group tg-1 - ) _ncl> connection type = temporary 5 Characteristics F Intranode yes | no Specifies whether this Transmission E Group is an Intranode Transmission C Group. The default is no. If you G specify yes, note the characteristics3 p that do to apply. G Connection permanent | Permanent means that the TransmissionG Type temporary Group is activated when it is enabledA and remains active until it is A disabled. Temporary means that F the Transmission Group is activated E when a local session is created or @ q when a remote link station is H activated, and deactivated when there B are no sessions. The default is - permanent.  B Dependent yes | no Specifies whether Dependent LUs C LU Support exist for the Transmission Group.> This attribute controls the F acceptance of ACTPU, DACTPU, A rCTLU, F and DACTLU RUs as well as the LFSID D address space assignments for the E Transmission Group. The default is G no. Characteristic does not apply if 3 Intranode is yes. H Segmentation session | Specifies the kind of segmentation to G Support station | be performed by the Peer Server when G s none communicating with the adjacent link E station. The default is session. C Characteristic does not apply if 3 Intranode is yes. @ Bind Pacing (1-32767) Specifies the amount that the A Window adaptive BIND pacing algorithm E Increment increases the receiver window size ? t when a larger window size is C requested by the BIND sender and 9 when there are adequateE resources. This parameter is valid B when receiver BIND pacing is in D effect for the Transmission Group.C The default is 1. Characteristic E does not apply if Intranod ue is yes. C Disconnect (0-3600) Specifies the amount of time (in D Timer seconds) a temporary Transmission @ Group should delay after zero = sessions are active before A deactivating the link station. 4 The default is 30. F XID Retry (1-60) Specifies the interval (in seconds) D Timer v specified for XID send expiration > (retry). The default is 3. C Characteristic does not apply if 3 Intranode is yes. E Data Link Simplename Specifies the local entity name forD data link and instance used by theA Transmission Group (TG). In theD example, qllc link qll wc-0 station D ncp, ncp is the name of the local 8 entity used by the TG. E Node ID 1- to 8-hexa- Specifies the node identifier valueD decimal char- for the Peer Server. This value isF acters (pre- used in XID exchange if the value isD ceded by %x) specified. Default is hexadecimalC 00000000. Characteristic does not< x apply if intranode is yes. F Required 1- to 8-hexa- Specifies the node identifier value F Adjacent decimal char- of the adjacent node. If specified, D Node ID acters (pre- this value must match that of the E ceded by %x) adjacent node. Characteristic does H not apply if Intranode is yes. If you F do not specify this characteristic, B y no checking is done by the Peer ) Server. B Required Simplename Specifies the network id of the C Adjacent adjacent node. If specified, thisA Network ID value must match the network IDB supplied by the adjacent node atE connect time or the connection willE fail. The value must be za valid SNAG network name. Characteristic does notF apply if Intranode is yes. If you doE not specify this characteristic, noF checking is done by the Peer Server. H Required Simplename Specifies the cp name of the adjacent F Adjacent node. If specified, the CP Name mustA CP name match the name sup {plied by the H adjacent link station at connect time C or the connection will fail. The D value must be a valid SNA network F name. Characteristic does not apply D if Intranode is yes. If you do notA specify this characteristic, no> checking is done by the Peer) | Server. 4 show ) show sna cp services transmission group C The show sna cp services transmission group command displays the F values of the attributes for the SNA CP Services Transmission Group F entity. The SNA CP Services Transmission Group subentity representsF a link between a Peer Server local link station and an adjacent SNA F system link station. The connection type can be permanent in which G the data link connection remains active }when unused, or temporary in ? which the connection is automatically terminated when unused. : Ex, ncl> show sna cp services transmission group tg-1 -% _ncl> connection type, node id  5 Identifier B Name The unique Simplename of the Transmission Group ? entity that is maintained by the Peer Server. 5 Status < UID Displays the unique identifier that the 4 Peer Server associates with the ' ~ Transmission Group. 6 State Displays the operational state of 7 the Transmission Group subentity. 5 Setting the state is a result of 4 execution of the enable/disable - commands. The states are 7 Off The Transmission Group is disabled . and not available for use. 6 On The Transmission Group is enabled * and available for use. 6 Shut The Transmission Group is waiting ; for the end of active sessions, if any. 7 Protocol Displays the protocol state of the 9 State Transmission Group. These states are 7 Connected The Transmission Group is active. 7 The Transmission Group enters this : state from the connecting state after , successful XID exchange. 7 Connected  The link station is active and the 7 Pending Transmission Group connection type 7 Disconnect is temporary. A transition to zero > sessions has started the disconnect timer. ; Connected - The link station is active and capable 5 PU Active of supporting dependent LUs. The 9 Transmission Group enters this state 5 from the connected state when an 4 ACTPU is successfully pr ocessed. 5 Connecting An enabled Transmission Group is 9 being activated locally by a session 6 initiation request from a non-SNA 4 network or remotely when a link : station is activated from an adjacent  node. : Disconnecting The link station is in the process of 7 deactivating. This is for permanent9 Transmission Groups. The entity stat e remains on.  : Disconnect For temporary Transmission Groups, the9 Reset link station is in the process of de-8 activating. The entity state is off. 6 Idle The link station is available but 9 inactive. This state is entered when 9 the Transmission Group is enabled. A 4 temporary Transmission Group is 3 activated lo cally by a session = initiation request from a non-SNA network7 or remotely when a link station is 4 activated from an adjacent node. 9 Reset Resets the link station. This is the # creation state. 7 INIT_SELF Displays whether the adjacent link = Supported station supports receipt of INIT_SELF. : This attribute is relevant only if the1 Transmission Group is active. ; BIND Displays, if the Transmission Group is 8 Supported active, whether the Peer Server can 7 send Rq (BIND) RUs to the adjacent ! link station. 7 Adjacent Node Displays whether the adjacent node / BIND Assembly can assemble BIND segments. ; BIND Pacing Displays, if the Transmission Group is 9 Support active, the type of BIND pacing that 4  the Transmission Group supports. ; Dependent LU Displays, if the Transmission Group is 8 BIND Pacing active, whether BIND pacing applies % to dependent LUs. 7 SSCP Displays whether the adjacent node # Mediated requires ACTPU. Sessions  9 Adjacent Displays the node id of the adjacent 8 Station node. This value is supplied during  Node ID connection. 3 Adjacent Displays the  network id of the " Network ID adjacent node. 7 Adjacent Displays the non-network qualified 8 Station name of the CP of the adjacent link  CP Name station. 8 Adjacent Displays the network name of the PU 8 Station at the adjacent link station. This = PU Name attribute is either blank or it contains 9 the non network qualified PU name of . the adjacent link station.; Adja cent Displays the local name of the Adjacent3 Station ALS Link Station at the XID sender. Name 5 Characteristics E Intranode yes | no Displays whether this Transmission E Group is an Intranode Transmission C Group. The default is no. If you G specify yes, note the characteristics3 that do to apply. H Connection  permanent | Permanent means that the Transmission H Type temporary Group is activated when it is enabled A and remains active until it is F disabled. Temporary means that the G Transmission Group is activated when F a local session is created or a rem-D ote link station is activated, and?  deactivated when there are noF sessions. The default is permanent.  A Dependent yes | no Displays whether Dependent LUs C LU Support exist for the Transmission Group.> This attribute controls the F acceptance of ACTPU, DACTPU, ACTLU, F and DACTLU RUs as well as the LFSID D address space assignments for the E Transmission Group. The default is G No. Characteristic does not apply if 3 Intranode is yes. G Segmentation session | Displays the kind of segmentation to G Support station | be performed by the Peer Server when G none communicating with the adjacent link E station. The default is session. C Characteristic does not apply if 3 Intranode is yes. G BIND Pacing (1-32767) Displays the amount that the adaptiveF Window BIND pacing algorithm increases the D Increment receive window size when a larger G window size is requested by the BIND D sender and when there are adequateF resources. This parameter is valid A when receive BIND pacing is in D effect for the Transmission Group.G The default is 1. Characteristic does@ not apply if Intranode is yes. B Disconnect (0-3600) Displays the amount of time (in D Timer seconds) a temporary Transmission @  Group should delay after zero = sessions are active before A deactivating the link station. 4 The default is 30. E XID Retry (1-60) Displays the interval (in seconds) E Timer specified for XID send expiration > (retry). The default is 3. C Characterist ic does not apply if 3 Intranode is yes. E Data Link Simplename Specifies the local entity name forD data link and instance used by theE Transmission Group (TG). In the ex-F ample, qllc link qllc-0 station ncp,E ncp is the name of the local entity1 used by the TG. D Node ID  1- to 8-hexa- Displays the node identifier valueD decimal char- for the Peer Server. This value isF acters (pre- used in XID exchange if the value isG ceded by %x) specified. The default is hexadecimalC 00000000. Characteristic does not< apply if Intranode is yes. G Required 1- to 8-hexa- Displays the node identifier value ofG Adjacent de cimal char- the adjacent node. If specified, thisH Node ID acters (pre- value must match that of the adjacent E ceded by %x) node. Characteristic does not apply6 if Intranode is yes. A Required Simplename Displays the network id of the C Adjacent adjacent node. If specified, thisB Network ID value must match the network ID C suppli ed by the adjacent node at F connect time or the connection will F fail. The value must be a valid SNA G network name. Characteristic does not< apply if Intranode is yes. G Required Simplename Displays the CP Name of the adjacent F Adjacent node. If specified, the CP Name mustA CP Name match the na me supplied by the H adjacent link station at connect time C or the connection will fail. The D value must be a valid SNA network G name. Characteristic does not apply 6 if Intranode is yes. 5 Counters < Creation Displays the time that the Transmission 0 Time Group subentity was created. 8 Su ccessful Displays the number of Transmission 5 Activations Group activation procedures that 1 Transmission Group completed ! successfully. 8 Activation Displays the number of Transmission 5 Failures Group activation procedures that 8 failed due to an XID exchange error. 5 Deactivations Displays the number of times the 0 Transmission Group has been deactivated. 5 Connections Displays the number of times the 4 Lost Transmission Group reported the + connections lost event. ; Octets Sent Displays the number of octets that the , Transmission Group sent. ; Octets Displays the number of octets that the 0 Received Transmission Group received. 9 BTUs Sent Displays the number of BTUs that the , Transmission Group sent. 9 BTUs Displays the number of BTUs that the 0 Received Transmission Group received. 6 COLD ACTPUs Displays the number of COLD ACTPUs9 Received that the Transmission Group received. 6 ERP ACTPUs Displays the number of ERP ACTPUs 9 Received that the Transmission Group received. 4 ACTPUs Displays the number of negative 5 Rejected responses sent to ACTPU requests. 3 DACTPUs Displays t he number of DACTPUs 9 Received that the Transmission Group received. 8 Protocol Displays the number of SNA protocol 5 Violations violations that the Transmission # Group detected. 2 LLC2B The LLC2 entity represents the LLC2 protocol on the Peer Server @ and its accessibility by client applications. The LLC2 module H controls the operation of the LLC Type 2 data link protocol for local F area networks (LANs). The Peer Server supports a single instance of G the LLC2 entity. The subordinate entities of the LLC2 entity are the E Port and the SAP (service access point). The Port subentity exists G when an LLC2 connection is established to an adjacent link station. H Ports are dynamically created and deleted as connections are made and K broken. An instance of the SAP subentity must exist for each LLC2 port. H The SAP subentity is the access point to the underlying LAN station. H There is one SAP for each protocol on the LAN adapter. The SAP entity H has the Link subentity, which represents a remote LAN station and its  associated SAP.3 create create llc2I The create llc2 command creates an LLC2 entity, which provides support F for LLC Type 2 data link protocol for local area networks. There is " only one instance for each node. Ex, ncl> create llc23 delete delete llc2E The delete llc2 command deletes the single LLC2 entity. You cannot = delete the entity while subentities (Ports and SAPs) exist. Ex, ncl> delete llc23 show show llc2C The show llc2 command displays the attributes of the LLC2 entity. Ex, ncl> show llc2 all4 Characteristic? version Displays the version number of the SNA LLC2/ software that is executing.3 SAP_subentityC An instance of the SAP subentity must exist for each LLC2 port. F The SAP (service access point) subentity is the access point to the D underlying LAN station. There is one SAP for each protocol on the  LAN adapter.4 create create llc2 sapB The create llc2 sap command creates an instance of the LLC2 SAP F subentity for each protocol that LLC2 uses. The create command also E allocates resources for the subentity and sets its characteristics  to their default values." Ex, ncl> create llc2 sap sna-04 delete delete llc2 sapB The delete llc2 sap command deletes a named LLC2 SAP instance. @ You can delete a SAP instance only when it has no active Link ! subentities and it is disabled." Ex, ncl> delete llc2 sap sna-0 4 disable disable llc2 sapB The disable llc2 sap command disables a named LLC2 SAP instance.# Ex, ncl> disable llc2 sap sna-04 enable enable llc2 sap@ The enable llc2 sap command enables a named LLC2 SAP instance." Ex, ncl> enable llc2 sap sna-04 set set llc2 sap? The set llc2 sap command lets you set the attributes for the  LLC2 SAP subentity.D Ex, ncl> set llc2 sap sna-0 lan station token ring station trn-05 CharacteristicsH LAN Station Local entity Specifies the name of the LAN station H entity used by the name SAP. You must F specify this value before trying to 1 enable the SAP.C Local LSAP 2 characters Specifies the local link service < Address (hexadecimal)  access point (LSAP) to be E used. The address must be unique. E For use with the Peer Server, this > value is normally set to 04.4 show show llc2 sapE The show llc2 sap command displays the attributes for the LLC2 SAP subentity.$ Ex, ncl> show llc2 sap sna-0 all 5 IdentifierG Name Displays the simplename assigned when the LLC2 SAP was  created.5 StatusC State Displays the entity state of the LLC2 SAP entity. $ Possible values are:$ off The SAP is disabled.# on The SAP is enabled.: LAN Port Displays the name of the LAN Port that is A opened and enabled when this SAP is successfully A enabled. The status has a null value if the SAP  is not enabled.A Maximum PDU Displays the largest frame size, in octets, that @ Size can be used to send or receive data on this SAP.A UID Displays the entity's unique identifier that was 5 assigned when the entity was created.5 CharacteristicsG LAN Station Local entity Displays the name of the LAN station H entity used by the name SAP. You must F specify this value before trying to 1 enable the SAP.B Local LSAP 2 characters Displays the local link service A Address (hexadecimal) access point (LSAP) to be used. 5 Counters@ Creation Displays the time that the entity was created. TimeA Times SAP Displays the number of times the SAP state has < State Changed changed from on to off, or from off to on.3 SAP_Link_subentityD The Link subentity of the SAP represents a remote LAN station and  its associated SAP. 4 create create llc2 sap linkB The create llc2 sap link command creates a link to a remote LAN E station that operates over a particular service access point (SAP).. Ex, ncl> create llc2 sap sna-0 link link-24 delete delete llc2 sap linkA The delete llc2 sap link command deletes a named LLC2 SAP Link H instance. You can delete a SAP Link instance only when it is disabled 6 and the transmission group that uses it is disabled.. Ex, ncl> delete llc2 sap sna-0 link link-2 4 disable disable llc2 sap linkC The disable llc2 sap link command disables a named LLC2 SAP Link instance./ Ex, ncl> disable llc2 sap sna-0 link link-24 enable enable llc2 sap link? The enable llc2 sap link command makes a named LLC2 SAP Link % instance available for connections.. Ex, ncl> enable llc2 sap sna-0 link link-24 set set llc2 sap link@ The set llc2 sap link command lets you set the attributes for  the LLC2 SAP Link subentity.B Ex, ncl> set llc2 sap sna-0 link link-2 acknowledge timer = 20005 CharacteristicsE Acknowledge (1-60000) Specifies the time (in milliseconds) ; Timer that the link waits for an A acknowledgment before initiating E recovery action. The default is 1000.G Holdback Timer (0-60000) Specifies the delay (in milliseconds) G before an acknowldgment must be sent. 3  The default is 500.E Maximum (1-65531) Specifies the largest frame size (in F Data Size octets) that the link can use to send E or receive data. This value does not G include the size of the frame header. 4 The default is 1028.F Local Receive (1-127) Specifies the size of the window used F Window Size by the lin k for receiving frames. The / default is 127.F Retry Maximum (1-255) Specifies the maximum number of times B that the link retransmits a frame B before assuming a fatal error and E taking more drastic recovery action. 2 The default is 10.E Remote Mac LAN Specifies the unique destination MAC D Address address address to be used by the link. The = default is 00-00-00-00-00-00.D Remote LSAP 2 character Specifies the unique address of the @ Address (hexa- destination LSAP (local service G decimal) access point) to be used by the link. C For use with the Peer Server, this < value is normally set to 04.4 show show llc2 sap linkD The show llc2 sap link command displays the attributes for a link = that operates over a particular service access point (SAP).1 Ex, ncl> show llc2 sap sna-0 link link-2 all 5 IdentifierE Name Displays the Simplename assigned to the link when it  was created.5 StatusB Active Maximum Displays the negotiated maximum frame sizeD Data Size (excluding the header) that can be sent and @ received on this link. The value is the D smallest maximum data size of the Link, the 3 SAP, and the adjacent link. E State Displays the entity state of the llc2 link. , Possible values are: - off The link is disabled., on The link is enabled.E Protocol Displays the state of the LLC2 protocol with A State respect to the remote station. Possible #  states are:D error The protocol is in a recognized error state.; disconnecting The protocol is being disconnected.0 halted The protocol has halted.: initializing The protocol is being initialized.G inoperative The protocol cannot be started because the LAN H station cannot provide a connection to a remote station.4 resetting The protocol is being reset.9 running The protocol is running normally.? Remote LLC Class Displays the class of the remote LLC. - Possible classes are:? 1 Class 1 LLC. Only type 1 operation is " supported.= 2 Class 2 LLC. Both type 1 and type 2 1 operations are supported.D unknown The class has not yet been established. The A  class is established during XID exchange 9 between the local and remote LLC ( implementations.D Remote Receive Displays the window size used by the remote @ Window Size station for receiving frames. The local B station uses this value as its window for , transmitting frames.F UID Displays the unique identifier of the entity, F which is generated when the entity is created.5 CharacteristicsD Acknowledge (1-60000) Displays the time (in milliseconds) ; Timer that the link waits for an A acknowledgment before initiating 0 recovery action.E Holdback Timer (0-60000) Displays the delay (in milliseconds) F before an acknowledgment must be sent.D Maximum (1-65531) Displays t he largest frame size (in F Data Size octets) that the link can use to send E or receive data. This value does not E include the size of the frame header.F Local Receive (1-127) Displays the size of the window used A Window Size by the link for receiving frames.E Retry Maximum (1-255) Displays the maximum number of times B that the link retransmits a frame B before assuming a fatal error and D taking more drastic recovery action.D Remote MAC LAN Displays the unique destination MAC ? Address address address to be used by the link. C Remote LSAP 2 characters Displays the unique address of the @ Address (hexa- destination LSAP (local service E decimal) access point) to be used by the li nk. 5 CountersC Data Octets Displays the number of data octets received in F Received I-frames and UI-frames from the remote end of the F link. This value does not include retransmissions.? Data Octets Displays the number of data octets sent in D Sent I-frames and UI-frames to the remote end of the F link. This value does not include retransmissions.B Data PDUs Displays the number of I-frames and UI -frames C Received received from the remote end of the link. This ; value does not include retransmissions.F Data PDUs Displays the number of I-frames and UI-frames sentC Sent to the remote end of the link. This value does 0 not include retransmissions.? REJs Received Displays the number of REJ (reject) frames  received.? REJs Sent Displays the number of REJ (reject) frames  transmitted.C RNRs Received Displays the number of RNR (receive not ready) $ frames received.C RNRs Sent Displays the number of RNR (receive not ready) ' frames transmitted.? XIDs Received Displays the number of XID frames received.B XIDs Sent Displays the nubmer of XID framed transmitted.F FRMRs Received Displays the number of FRMR (frame reject) frames  received.E FR MRs Sent Displays the number of FRMR (frame reject) framesE generated as a result of invalid incoming frames.C Polls Received Displays the number of command frames received ' with the P-bit set.G Times Acknowledge Displays the number of times the local acknowledge' Timer Expired timer has expired.F Times Poll Displays the number of times the local poll timer Timer Expired has expired.B Times Reject Disp lays the number of times the local reject & Timer Expired timer has expired.F Times Busy Displays the number of times the local busy timer Timer Expired has expired.B Times Link Displays the number of times the link's state > State Changed changed from on to off, or from off to on.E Times Link Displays the number of times the link's protocol D Running state status attribute was set to running. When D the link enters the running state, the protocol ? has been successfully initialized or reset.E Times Link Displays the number of times the link's protocol C Initializing state status attribute was set to initializing.E Times Link Displays the number of times the link's protocol @ Resetting state status attribute was set to resetting.E Times Link Displays the number of times the link's protocol = Halted state status attribute was set to halted.E Times Link Displays the number of times the link's protocol B Inoperative state status attribute was set to inoperative.C Times Link Displays the number of times the LLC2 fails to E Setup Failed initialize correctly after the maximum number of  retries.F Creation Time Displays the time at which the entity was created.3 Port_subentityC The Port subentity exists when an LLC2 connection is established I to an adjacent link station. Ports are dynamically created and deleted % as connections are made and broken.4 show show llc2 portF The show llc2 port command displays the attributes of the LLC2 Port entity.- Ex, ncl> show llc2 port llc2-port-000 all 5 IdentifierE name A unique value assigned to the Port by the LLC2 D entity. The value is in the form LLC2-port-nnn,6 where nnn is an unsigned integer.5 StatusE Client Displays the name of the client that opened the  port.> Link Displays the name of the SAP Link entity / associated with this port.E State Displays the entity state of the port. Possible & state values are:D open The port is assigned to a client and is enabled.E open disabled The port is assigned to a client but is disabled.2 QLLCF The QLLC entity represents the QLLC protocol on the Peer Server and E its accessibility by client applications. The Peer Server supports B a single instance of QLLC. The subordinate entities of the QLLC H entity are the Port and the Link. Ports exists when a QLLC connection D is established to an adjacent link station. Ports are dynamically B created and deleted as client connections are made and broken. G A Link must exist for each X.25 communication line. The Link defines H the local link station t o the Peer Server and contains the management E attributes for the operation of all supported station components. F It also contains information that permits the identification of the D associated X.25 server component. The Link entity has the Station D subentity that represents the remote DTE (Data Terminal Equipment E address) of a station that operates over a particular X.25 logical  link.3 create create qllcH The create qllc command creates a QLLC entity, which provi des support G for communication over X.25 networks. There is only one instance for D each node. There is one QLLC Link for each local X.25 DTE address I (only one link can exist on the Peer Server). For each remote X.25 DTE I address that can be reached using a QLLC link, QLLC uses a subordinate J Station entity. For each QLLC connection between a QLLC link and a QLLC J station, QLLC creates a dynamic PORT entity to represent the connection  to the network. Ex, ncl> create qllc3 delete delete qllcH The delete qllc command deletes the single QLLC instance. You cannot C delete the QLLC entity while subentities (Links and Ports) exist. Ex, ncl> delete qllc3 show show qllcD The show qllc command displays the attributes for the qllc entity.# Ex, ncl> show qllc all counters4 StatusG UID Displays the entity's unique identifier, which is G generated when the Peer Server creates the entity.A Connections Displays the number of connections that are & currently active.4 CharacteristicA Version Displays the version number of the SNA QLLC 0 software that is executing. 4 Counters@ Resource Allocation The total number of resource allocation C Failures failures; for example, insufficient memory.B Creation Time The time that the QLLC entity was created.3 Link_subentityG Th e Link subentity defines the local link station to the Peer Server B and contains the management attributes for the operation of all C supported station components. It also contains information that G permits the identification of the associated X.25 server component. G An instance of this subentity must exist for each X.25 communication  line.4 create create qllc linkD The create qllc link command creates an instance of the QLLC Link G subentity for each local X.25 DTE address. The Link subentity is the E access point into the X.25 protocol for QLLC connections to remote H system. The create command also allocates resources for the subentity 7 and sets its characteristics to their default values.> Ex, ncl> create qllc link qllc-0 dte address = 123456789015 CharacteristicsE Subsequent 1-8 characters Specifies an octet string that is E Protocol (hexadecimal) used to filter incoming X.25 calls F Identifier  for a specific protocol. This value D corresponds to the Data Call value< in the X.25 configuration.G It is only needed to handle incoming D connections. The default value is A hexadecimal C3 (QLLC Protocol).F Filter Name Simplename Specifies the name of the Filter to C be used for incoming QLLC (X.25) A connections. This name must be C specified for links that will useC both incoming or outgoing connec-B tions. The name must also match F an X25 Access Filter that exists in E the node's X.25 configuration. The 9 default is filter_qllc .E Template Name Simplename Specifies the name of the Template F to be used for creating an outbound C QLLC connection. This name must F match an X25 Access Template in the A node's X.25 configuration. The ; default is template_qllc.F DTE Class Simplename Specifies the name of the DTE class F  to be used for creating an outbound F connection. This name must match an B X25 Access DTE Class names that B exists in the local node's X.25 @ configuration. The default is - class_qllc.4 delete delete qllc linkD The delete qllc link command deletes an instance of the QLLC Link C subentity and deallocates resources for the subentity. The Link > subentity must be in the off state and must have no Station  subentities.$ Ex, ncl> delete qllc link qllc-0 4 disable disable qllc linkJ The disable qllc link disables an instance of the QLLC Link subentity. H You can only disable a previously enabled entity. The disable command E stops the operation of the Link subentity. For the disable command G to be successful, all Station subentities on the Link must have been E disabled. At the completion of the command the subentity is in the  off entity state.% Ex, ncl> disable qllc link qllc-04 enable enable qllc linkA The enable qllc link command places the QLLC Link subentity in  its enabled state (on).$ Ex, ncl> enable qllc link qllc-04 set set qllc link? The set qllc link command lets you set the attributes of the F QLLC Link subentity. The QLLC Link subentity defines the data link 8 attributes that are shared by its Station subentities.; Ex, ncl> set qllc link qllc-0 dte address = 123456789015 CharacteristicsG Subsequent 1-8 characters Specifies an octet string that is used D Protocol (hexadecimal) to filter incoming X.25 calls for a E Identifier specific protocol. This value corres-D ponds to the Call Data value in the F X.25 configuration. It is only needed D  to handle incoming connections. The F default value is hexadecimal C3 (QLLC * Protocol).G Filter Name Simplename Specifies the name of the Filter to be E used for incoming QLLC (X.25) connec-G tions. This name must be specified for E links that will use both incoming or D outgoing connectio ns. The name must E also match an X25 Access Filter that : exists in the node's X.25 ; configuration. The default / is filter_qllc.G Template Simplename Specifies the name of the Template to F Name be used for creating an outbound QLLC G connection.This name must match an X25 C  Access Template in the node's X.25 > configuration. The default is . template_qllc.G DTE Class Simplename Specifies the name of the DTE class to A be used for creating an outbound D connection. This name must match an G X25 Access DTE Class names that exists I in the local node's X.25 configuration. : The default is class_qllc.4 show show qllc linkG The show qllc link command displays the attributes for the QLLC Link G subentity. The QLLC Link subentity defines the data link attributes . that are shared by its Station subentities. - Ex, ncl> show qllc link qllc-0 all status 5 Identifier1 Name Displays the name of the Link.5 StatusE UID Displays the entity's unique identifier, which is E generated when the Peer Server creates the entity.D State Displays the operational state of this QLLC Link  subentity.0 inoperable The Link cannot be enabled.F off You have issued a disable command for this Link. E The Link is in the Inactive or Pending Inactive  state.F on You have issued an enable command for this Link. 5 Characteristics F Subsequent 1-8 characters Displays an octet string that is used D Protocol (hexadecimal) to filter incoming X.25 calls for a E Identifier specific protocol. This value corres-D ponds to the Call Data value in the F X.25 configuration. It is only needed ? to handle incoming connections.F Filter Simplename Displays the name of the Filter to be E Name  used for incoming QLLC (X.25) connec-D tions. This name must be specified F for links that will use both incoming C or outgoing connections. The name E must also match an X25 Access Filter 9 that exists in the node's3 X.25 configuration.F Template Simplename Displays  the name of the Template to F Name be used for creating an outbound QLLC G connection.This name must match an X25 C Access Template in the node's X.25 . configuration.F DTE Class Simplename Displays the name of the DTE class to A be used for creating an outbound D connection. This name must match an H X25 Access DTE Class names that exists G in the local node's X.25 configuration. 5 CountersE Creation Time Displays the time that the QLLC Link subentity " was created.3 Link_Station_subentityB The QLLC Link Station subentity represents the remote DTE (Data @ Terminal Equipment address) of a station that operates over a  particular X.25 logical link.4 create create qllc link stationB The create qllc link station command creates an instance of the F Station subentity of a QLLC Link entity for each remote DTE address J and allocates resources for the subentity. There is a station subentity E for each remote DTE (data terminal equipment) address with which a A virtual circuit can be associated. The create command sets the 4 characteristic attributes to their default values.2 Ex, ncl> create qllc link qllc-0 station stn-05 CharacteristicsG Usage Type outgoing | Specifies the type of connections that D incoming | can run over this station. If set toG both incoming, then only IBM initiated X.25 C connections are allowed. If set to D outgoing, then the Peer Server will E initiate connections. If set to both = both either end can initiate F  connections. The default is outgoing.F Retry (0-255) Specifies the maximum number of times C Maximum to retry when an error occurs. The - default is 4.F Retry (1-600) Specifies the time in seconds to wait C Timeout between retries. The default is 10.@ Contact yes | no Specifies whether the secondary H Terminal station awaits  receipt of a QRR command B or of the first data frame before H establishment of the link connection is @ acknowledged. The default is no.@ Capability primary | Specifies the capability of the < secondary| Station subentities of this E negotiable Link entity. Negotiable stations can E become either primary or secondary.  : The default is negotiable.E Call User 2 characters Specifies the hexadecimal string thatG Data (hexadecimal) identifies the type of X.25 to be made A to create a QLLC connection. The F default value is hexadecimal C3 (QLLC * protocol).F Remote DTE DTEaddress Specifies the X.25 DTE address of the C Address remote station. If the Peer Server F initiates the connection, this is the H address that will be called. For an IBM H initiated connection, if the Usage Type B parameter is set to Incoming, thisD address will be matched against the E caller's address and if not matched, : the call w ill be rejected.D Maximum BTU (128-4095) Specifies the size that SNA messagesD Size will be segmented into before being D sent to the X.25 network. (The X.25 D network may further segment packets = based on the level 2 profile 8 information being used.)3 The default is 512.4 delete delete qllc link stationG The delete qllc link station command deletes the Station subentity. B The Station subentity must be in the off state before it can be deleted2 Ex, ncl> delete qllc link qllc-0 station stn-0 4 disable disable qllc link stationC The disable qllc link station command stops the operation of the F Station subentity of the Link. If a connection exists, the disable C command halts protocol operation. When execution of the command < completes, the Station  entity enters the off entity state.3 Ex, ncl> disable qllc link qllc-0 station stn-04 enable enable qllc link stationE The enable qllc link station command enables the Station for use. I An enabled Station can accept incoming connection requests or initiate G outgoing connection requests. The Link entity must be enabled before I you issue this command. An association may be made between the station G subentity and the X.25 service provider by selecting an X.25 logical . channel on which the QLLC protocol operates.2 Ex, ncl> enable qllc link qllc-0 station stn-04 set set qllc link stationH The set qllc link station command let you set the attributes for QLLC H Link Station subentity. The QLLC Station subentity contains the data ; link attributes that are configured for this connection. D Ex, ncl> set qllc link qllc-0 station stn-0 capability = primary5 CharacteristicsG Usage Type outgoing | Specifies the type of connections that D incoming | can run over this station. If set toG both incoming, then only IBM initiated X.25 C connections are allowed. If set to D outgoing, then the Peer Server will E initiate connections. If set to both D then either end can initiate connec-@ tions. The default is outgo ing.F Retry (0-255) Specifies the maximum number of times C Maximum to retry when an error occurs. The - default is 4.F Retry (1-600) Specifies the time in seconds to wait C Timeout between retries. The default is 10.@ Contact yes | no Specifies whether the secondary H Terminal station awaits receipt of a QRR command B  or of the first data frame before H establishment of the link connection is @ acknowledged. The default is no.@ Capability primary | Specifies the capability of the < secondary| Station subentities of this E negotiable Link entity. Negotiable stations can E become either primary or secondary. : The default is  negotiable.E Call User 2 chars Specifies the hexadecimal string thatG Data (hexa- identifies the type of X.25 to be made A decimal) to create a QLLC connection. The F default value is hexadecimal C3 (QLLC * protocol).F Remote DTEaddress Specifies the X.25 DTE address of the C DTE Address remote station. If the Peer Server F  initiates the connection, this is the D address that will be called. For an < IBM initiated connection, ifC the Usage Type parameter is set to G Incoming, this address will be matched H against the caller's address and if not C matched, the call will be rejected.D Maximum BTU (128-4095)  Specifies the size that SNA messagesD Size will be segmented into before being D sent to the X.25 network. (The X.25 D network may further segment packets = based on the level 2 profile 8 information being used.)3 The default is 512.4 show show qllc link stationF The show qllc link station displays the attributes of the QLLC Link C Station subentity. The QLLC Station subentity contains the data ; link attributes that are configured for this connection. A Ex, ncl> show qllc link qllc-0 station stn-0 maximum btu size 5 Identifier6 Name Displays the name of the Station.5 StatusB UID Displays the UID that is associated with the  station.C Client Displays the name of the user of this station,D  an instance of the SNA CP Services Transmission" Group entity.F XPI State Displays the internal state of the XPI interface D (the service interface to X.25) that QLLC uses.@ State Displays the operational state of the link 3 station. Possible values are:3 off The station has been disabled.2 on The station has been enabled.5 CharacteristicsF Usage Type outgoing | Displays the type of connections that D incoming | can run over this station. If set toG both incoming, then only IBM initiated X.25 C connections are allowed. If set to D outgoing, then the Peer Server will E initiate connections. If set to both = then either end can initiate ,  connections.E Retry Maximum (0-255) Displays the maximum number of times > to retry when an error occurs.E Retry Timeout (1-600) Displays the time in seconds to wait 0 between retries.G Contact yes | no Displays whether the secondary station F Terminal awaits receipt of a QRR command or of F the first data frame before establish-?  ment of the link connection is - acknowledged.G Capability primary | Displays the capability of the Station B secondary| subentities of this Link entity. F negotiable Negotiable stations can become either 5 primary or secondary.D Call User Data 2 chars Displays the hexadecimal string thatG (hexa- identifies the typ e of X.25 to be made < decimal) to create a QLLC connection.E Remote DTE DTEaddress Displays the X.25 DTE address of the C Address remote station. If the Peer Server F initiates the connection, this is the H address that will be called. For an IBM H initiated connection, if the Usage Type B parameter is set to Inco ming, thisD address will be matched against the E caller's address and if not matched, : the call will be rejected.C Maximum BTU (128-4095) Displays the size that SNA messagesD Size will be segmented into before being D sent to the X.25 network. (The X.25 D network may further segment packets =  based on the level 2 profile 8 information being used.) 5 CountersC Octets Sent Displays the total number of octets in all A information packets sent by this station.C Octets Received Displays the total number of octets in all E information packets received by this station.A Data PDUs Sent Displays the total number of information 5 pa ckets sent to this station.A Data PDUs Received Displays the total number of information 9 packets received by this station.C QXID Frames Sent Displays the total number of QXID messages - sent by this station.C QXID Frames Received Displays the total number of QXID messages 1 received by this station.D QTEST Frames Sent Displays the total number of QTEST messages - sent b y this station.D QTEST Frames Displays the total number of QTEST messages 1 Received received by this station.C Outgoing Calls Displays the total number of outgoing call - Accepted made by this station.D Incoming Calls Displays the total number of incoming calls > Accepted received and accepted by this station.E Clears Received Displays the total number of clears received ( by this station.B Retry Exceeded Displays the total number of unsuccessful ' outgoing calls.C Protocol Error Displays the total number of QLLC protocol 8 errors detected on this station.D Local Error Displays the total number of times that the E client has not reacted according to the QLLC ! protocol.F Receive Over Size Displays the total number of oversized frames !  received.= QFRMR Frames Displays the total number of times a = Received frame-reject type frame was received.= QFRMR Frames Sent Displays the total number of times a 9 frame-reject type frame was sent.> XPI Error Displays the number of X.25 interface ( Indication errors reported.B Creation Time Displays the time at which the entity was created.3 Port_subentity show qllc portB The show qllc port command displays the attributes for the QLLC C Port subentity. A Port subentity is created dynamically for each > connection to a remote station. Each Port is created when a ? connection is established and deleted when the connection is 7 terminated. To show all the existing ports issue the  show qllc port * command.* Ex, ncl> show qllc port 1 all counters 4 Identifier@ Name A unique value assigned to the Port by the QLLC entity.4 StatusC UID Displays the entity's unique identifier, which is C generated when the Peer Server creates the entity.F Station Displays the name of the QLLC Link Station subentity E that the client specified in the connection request.B Client Displays the name of the user of this station, anC instance of the SNA CP Services Transmission Group entity. B Protocol Displays the currently defined state of the QLLC 7 State entity. The possible state values are:E outgoing call An X.25 outgoing call is being made on this port.A inoperable The initial state for a QLLC link connection.F closed An X.25 connection is established, but a QLLC link? connection has not yet taken place. The XID: negotiation is executed in this state.F opening The QLLC link connection is being established. If D negotiation is enabled, the role must change to ; primary or secondary within this state.B opened The normal operation state. Data link PDUs areI exchanged in both directions across the X.25 logical ( channel connection. ? closing The QLLC link is in the process of closing.G recovery A secondary station may enter this state to reco ver= after a QLLC protocol error was detected.C Predicate Displays a substate of the current protocol state. > For more information, please refer to the IBM  documentation.H Role Displays whether the Peer Server is primary or secondaryA in the QLLC connection that this Port represents.F Maximum Displays the size that SNA messages will be segmented F BTU Size into before being sent to the X.25 network. (The X.25 A network may further segment packets based on the 8 level 2 profile information being used.)C Remote Displays the X.121 coded DTE address of the remote 9 DTE Address station to which this port is connected. 4 CountersG Octets Displays the total number of octets in all information B Sent packets sent in on QLLC connection represented by  this port.G Octets Displays the total number of octets in all information F Received packets received in on QLLC connection represented by  this port.F Data PDUs Displays the total number of data packets sent on the ! Sent QLLC connection. F Data PDUs Displays the total number of data packets received on % Received the QLLC connection. C Creation Displays the time that the QLLC Port subentity was  Time created.2 SDLC = The SDLC entity provides support for communication links. D There is only one instance per node. For each physical line, SDLC D creates a Link subentity, which manages all stations on the line. E For each logical station, SDLC creates a Station subentity that is E subordinate to the Link entity, which manages the station. For eachE enabled Station that establishes a connection, SDLC creates a Port entity.  3 create create sdlc A The create verb generates a new instance of the SDLC entity or F subentity. Create sets the entity state to off and sets the entity'sF attributes to their default values. There are no attributes for the  create sdlc command.  Ex, ncl> create sdlc 3 delete delete sdlc F The delete sdlc command deletes the single SDLC instance. You cannotC delete the SDLC entity while subentities (Links, Stations) exist.  Ex, ncl> delete sdlc 3 show show sdlc B The show sdlc command displays the attributes for communication 9 lines or links. There is only one instance per node.  " Ex, ncl> show sdlc all counters 4 Status A UID Displays the entity's unique identifier, which @ is generated when the Peer Server creates the  entity. > Connections Displays the number of connections that are # currently active. 4 Characteristics B Version Displays the version number of the SDLC software$ that is executing. 4 Counters < Creation The time that the SDLC entity was created. Time C Resource The total number of resource allocation failures;3 Allocation for example, insufficient memory. Failures 3 Link_subentity E The SDLC Link subentity instance exists for each physical line and # manages all stations on the line. 4 create  create sdlc link  D The create sdlc link command creates an instance of the SDLC Link F subent ity for each physical line, which manages all stations on the E line. Creation also allocates resources for the subentity, and set. its characteristics to their default values. G Ex, ncl> create sdlc link sdlc-1 line modem connect line line-0, - _ncl> capability primary 5 Characteristics F Line local entity Specifies the Modem Connect Line on E name which the SDLC protocol operates. D For more information about Modem < Connect Line refer to the > DECnet-Plus Network Control 5 Language Reference. B Capability primary | Specifies the capability of the C secondary | Station subentities of this Link C negotiable entity. Negotiable stations can G become either primary or secondary. <  The default is negotiable. F Configuration pointtopoint | Specifies whether the Link supports F multipoint only a point-to-point connection or @ can also support a multipoint G connection. Multipoint supports one D or more than one connection. The D default is pointtopoint. The PeerE  Server does not support multipoint 6 primary connections. F Connection nonswitched | Specifies whether the Link supports F Type switched switched or nonswitched connections.= The default is nonswitched. C Receive (1-32764) Specifies the maximum frame size E Frame Size (excluding the header) that can be F received  on the line represented by A this Link. The default is 1000. F Reply Timer (100-60000) Specifies the time (in milliseconds)G to wait for an acknowledgment before G starting the recovery procedure. The 2 default is 3000. C Retry (0-128) Specifies that, when the Link is A Maximum secondary, this is the m aximum = number of times a frame is B retransmitted before assuming a A fatal error. When the Link is F primary, this is the number of timesE that a retry will be attempted. The0 default is 15. D Poll Pause (0-60000) The time in milliseconds to pause F  when the end of the polling list is G reached. Used only when the Link is > primary. The default is 200. B Service (1-255) Specifies the maximum number of E Limit regular scans of the service order D table for secondary Stations that E will be made before a special scan B is m ade. Used when the Link is E multipoint primary. The default is ; 4. Not used at this time. F TWA Send no | yes Specifies whether the Link provides F Priority priority for outbound services when E configured for Two-Way Alternating E (half-duplex) data transfer in the ? multipoint primary mode. Yes B means that PIUs that arrive for F transmission while data is being re-F ceived are transmitted immediately. G No, the default, means that outbound F transmission is strictly determined E by the position of station service E order entries in the Service Order @ Table. This attribute is not B relevant to SDLC point-to-point D operations. Not used at this time. 4 delete  delete sdlc link D The delete sdlc link command deletes an instance of the SDLC Link C subentity and deallocates resources for the subentity. The Link = subentity must be in the off state and must have no Station subentities. $ Ex, ncl> delete sdlc link sdlc-0 4 disable  disable sdlc link F The disable sdlc link command disables an instance of the SDLC Link E subentity. You can only disable a previously enabled entity. The C disable command stops the operation of the Link subentity. To beD successful with this command, all Station subentities on the Link @ must have been disabled. At the completion of the command the subentity is off. % Ex, ncl> disable sdlc link sdlc-0 4 enable  enable sdlc link E The enable sdlc link command places the SDLC Link subentity in its C enabled state (on). An association may be made between the Link C subentity and the Modem Connect Line entity of the physical line D on which the protocol operates. For more information about Modem @ Connect Line refer to the DECnet-Plus Network Control Language Reference. $ Ex, ncl> enable sdlc link sdlc-0 4 set  set sdlc link D The set sdlc link command let you set the attribut es for the SDLC A Link subentity. The SDLC Link subentity defines the data link 9 attributes that are shared by its Station subentities.  6 Ex, ncl> set sdlc link sdlc-0 capability = primary 5 Characteristics F Line local entity Specifies the Modem Connect Line on E name which the SDLC protocol operates. B This attribute is settable only B when the Link is disabled.  For @ more information about Modem < Connect Line refer to the G DECnet-Plus Network Control Language , Reference. B Capability primary | Specifies the capability of the C secondary | Station subentities of this Link B negotiable entity. Negotiable stations can G become  either primary or secondary. G This attribute is settable only when G the Link is disabled. The default is - negotiable. F Configuration pointtopoint | Specifies whether the Link supports F multipoint only a point-to-point connection or @ can also support a multipoint G connection. Multipoint supp orts one E or more than one connection. This E attribute is settable only when theB Link is disabled. The default isD pointtopoint. The Peer Server doesA not support multipoint primary . connections. F Connection nonswitched | Specifies whether the Link supports H Type sw itched switched or nonswitched connections. G This attribute is settable only when G the Link is disabled. The default is . nonswitched. C Receive (1-32764) Specifies the maximum frame size E Frame (excluding the header) that can be F Size received on the line represented by H this  Link. This attribute is settable F only when the Link is disabled. The 2 default is 1000. F Reply Timer (100-60000) Specifies the time (in milliseconds)G to wait for an acknowledgment before G starting the recovery procedure. The 2 default is 3000. C Retry (0-128) Specifies that, when the Link is  A Maximum secondary, this is the maximum = number of times a frame is B retransmitted before assuming a A fatal error. When the Link is G primary, this is the number of times C that a retry will be tried. This E attribute is settable only when theF  Link is disabled. The default is 15. D Poll Pause (0-60000) The time in milliseconds to pause F when the end of the polling list is F reached. Used only when the Link is > primary. The default is 200. B Service (1-255) Specifies the maximum number of E Limit regular scans of the Service Order D  Table for secondary Stations that E will be made before a special scan B is made. Used when the Link is E primary. Is settable only when theF Link is disabled. The default is 4.8 Not used at this time. F TWA Send no | yes Specifies whether the Link provides F Priority priority f or outbound services when F configured for Two-Way Alternating E (half-duplex) data transfer in the @ multipoint primary mode. Yes B means that PIUs that arrive for C transmission while data is being G received are transmitted immediately.G No, the default, means  that outbound F transmission is strictly determined E by the position of station service E order entries in the service order ( table.D This attribute is not relevant to F SDLC point-to-point operations. ThisE attribute is settable only when theE   Link is disabled. Not used at this ' time. 4 show  show sdlc link C The show sdlc link command displays the values of the attributes D for the SDLC Link subentity. The SDLC Link subentity defines the C data link attributes that are shared by its Station subentities.  - Ex, ncl> show sdlc link sdlc-0 all status 5 Identifier A Name A Simplename that is unique among the SDLC LinkE  entities maintained by the SDLC module. The networkB manager specifies Name when the Link is created. 5 Status D UID Displays the entity's unique identifier, which is ; generated when the the entity is created. C State Displays the operational state of this SDLC Link 1 subentity. Possible states are - Inoperable The Link cannot be enabled. 8 Off You have issued a disable command for 0 this Link. The Link is in the5 inactive or pending inactive state. 8 On You have issued an enable command for  this Link. D Role Displays the role this Link has taken. Values for  Role are: / Idle No role has been assumed yet. 5 Primary The role is that of a primary Link. 7 Secondary The role is that of a secondary Link. 5 Characteristic s E Line local entity Displays the Modem Connect Line on E name which the SDLC protocol operates. > You must specify a value in F order to enable the link. For more B information about Modem Connect ? Line refer to the DECnet-PlusE Network Control Language Reference. A Capabi lity primary | Displays the capability of the C secondary | Station subentities of this Link C negotiable entity. Negotiable stations can G become either primary or secondary. < The default is negotiable. E Configuration pointtopoint | Displays whether the Link supports F multipoint only a point-to-point connection or @  can also support a multipoint G connection. Multipoint supports one D or more than one connection. The C default is pointtopoint. The PeerD Server does not support multipoint6 primary connections. E Connection nonswitched | Displays whether the Link supports G Type switched switched or nonswitched connections. = The default is nonswitched. B Receive (1-32764) Displays the maximum frame size E Frame (excluding the header) that can be F Size received on the line represented by A this Link. The default is 1000. F Reply Timer (100-60000) Displays the time (in milliseconds) G to wait for an ackno wledgment before G starting the recovery procedure. The 2 default is 3000. B Retry (0-128) Displays that, when the Link is A Maximum secondary, this is the maximum = number of times a frame is B retransmitted before assuming a A fatal error. When the Link is G  primary, this is the number of times B that a retry will be tried. The0 default is 15. G Poll Pause (0-60000) Displays the time in milliseconds to D pause when the end of the polling G list is reached. Used only when the F link is primary. The default is 200. A Service (1-255) Di splays the maximum number of E Limit regular scans of the Service Order D Table for secondary Stations that E will be made before a special scan B is made. Used when the Link is C primary. The default is 4. Not 4 used at this time. E TWA Send no | yes Displays whether the Link prov ides F Priority priority for outbound services when F configured for Two-Way Alternating E (half-duplex) data transfer in the @ multipoint primary mode. Yes B means that PIUs that arrive for C transmission while data is being H received are transmitted immediately. G  No, the default, means that outbound F transmission is strictly determined E by the position of station service E order entries in the service order ( table.D This attribute is not relevant to F SDLC point-to-point operations. Not4 used at this time. 5 Counters B Group Polls The number of unnumbered group polls received on  this link.E Frame Receive The number of times the physical layer encountered 5 Errors an error trying to receive a frame. D Underlying The number of times the Link's underlying Line wasF Lines deleted after the Link had established a connection  Deleted to it. D Creation Time The time that the SDLC Link subentity was created. 3 Link_Station_Subentity G For each logical station on a line, SDLC creates a Station subentity D that is subordinate to the Link entity, which manages the station. 4 create  create sdlc link station B The create sdlc link station command creates an instance of the E Station subentity of the SDLC Link entity for each logical station C on a line and allocates resources for the subentity. The create E command sets the characteristic attributes to their defaul t values. @ Ex, ncl> create sdlc link sdlc-0 station stn-0 address = c2  5 Characteristics E Address 2 characters Specifies the address defined for F hexadecimal the secondary Station. The default ( is 40. H Group 2 characters Specifies the group poll address for G Address hexadecimal this Station. A value of 0 indicates G that the Station is not in a group. 9 The default value is 0. E Transfer twa | tws Specifies the link level transmit/-F Mode receive capability of the Station. F The default is twa. TWA is Two Way < Alternate; TWS is Two Way / Simultaneous. F Modulo normal | Specifies that the Station supports D exte nded normal response mode (window size @ ranges from 1 to 7) or normal A response mode extended (window D size ranges from 1 to 127). This G attribute is ignored for connections F that perform XID3 negotiation. The 4 default is normal. B Window Size (1-127) Specifies the ma ximum number of @ received I-frames that may be B outstanding before this station F requires an acknowledgment response.F This value allows for the detection C of erroneous sequence numbers in D received frames. The default is 7. C Send Frame (1-32764) Specifies the maximum frame size  F Size (excluding the header) this Station F can send. This value may be reduced ; during preconnection XID B negotiation or by the Station's = client. The default is 265. E Inactivity (0-7200) Specifies the time (in seconds) to G Timer wait for a command before initiating E  recovery action. This is used when D the Link is secondary. The default( is 30. B Pass Limit (1-254) Specifies the maximum number of F BLUs that can be sent to the second-B ary Station before starting dataE transmission to the next Station inG the Link Service O !rder Table. This isD used when the Link is primary. TheF default is 1. Not used at this time. G Select (1-60000) Specifies the time (in milliseconds) E Pause to pause before sending a response G with the final bit set. This is used B when the Link is secondary. The 0 default is 50. " E Retry (0-255) Specifies the time (in seconds) to A Sequence pause after completing a retry G Pause sequence before beginning a new retryB sequence. This is used when the D Link is primary. The default is 0.8 Not used at this time. B Retry (0-127) Specifies the maximum number of C Sequence # retry sequences allowed. This is E Limit used when the Link is primary. The F default is 0. Not used at this time. > Immediate no | yes Specifies whether a Station H Poll subentity will be repolled when there H Retry is a reply time-out before proceeding G to next Station on the Link's ServiceF $ Order Table. The default is no. Not 4 used at this time. 4 delete  delete sdlc link station E The delete sdlc link station command deletes the Station subentity.A The Station subentity must be in the off state before it can be deleted. 2 Ex, ncl> delete sdlc link sdlc-0 station stn-0 4 disable  disable sdlc link station C The disable sdlc link station command stops the operation of the F Station subentity %of the Link. If a connection exists, the disable C command halts protocol operation. When execution of the command ; completes the Station entity enters the off entity state. 3 Ex, ncl> disable sdlc link sdlc-0 station stn-0 4 enable  enable sdlc link station E The enable sdlc link station command enables the Station for use. B You must enable the link to be successful with this command. AnC association may be made between the Link subentity and the Modem A Co&nnect Line entity of the physical line on which the protocol G operates. An enabled Station can accept incoming connection requestsG or initiate outgoing connection requests. For more information aboutF Modem Connect Line refer to the DECnet-Plus Network Control Language Reference. 2 Ex, ncl> enable sdlc link sdlc-0 station stn-0 4 set  set sdlc link station C The set sdlc link station command let you set the attributes for ; SDLC Link Station subentity. The 'SDLC Station subentity @ contains the data link attributes that are configured for this connection.  ; Ex, ncl> set sdlc link sdlc-0 station stn-0 address = 62 5 Characteristics H Address 2 characters Specifies the address defined for the G hexadecimal secondary Station. You can set this E attribute only when the Station is ? disabled. The default is 40. C Group ( 2 characters Specifies the group poll address A Address hexadecimal for this Station. A value of 0 G indicates that the Station is not in B a group. The default value is 0. G Transfer twa | tws Specifies the link level transmit/- G Mode receive capability of the Station. F The default is twa. TWA is Two Way < ) Alternate; TWS is Two Way D Simultaneous. This attribute is D settable only when the Station is + disabled. F Modulo normal | Specifies that the Station supports D extended normal response mode (window size @ ranges from 1 to 7) or normal A response mode extended (wind *ow D size ranges from 1 to 127). This G attribute is ignored for connections F that perform XID3 negotiation. The H default is normal. This attribute is D settable only when the Station is + disabled. A Window Size (1-127) Specifies the maximum number ofG + received I-frames that may be B outstanding before this station G requires an acknowledgment response. F This value allows for the detection C of erroneous sequence numbers in F received frames. This attribute is D settable only when the Station is > , disabled. The default is 7. C Send Frame (1-32764) Specifies the maximum frame size F Size (excluding the header) this Station G can send. This value may be reduced = during pre-connection XID B negotiation or by the Station's F client. This attribute is settable D only when th -e Station is disabled.5 The default is 265. E Inactivity (0-7200) Specifies the time (in seconds) to G Timer wait for a command before initiating F recovery action. This is used when H the Link is secondary. The default isG 30. This attribute is settable only ? when the Station is di .sabled. B Pass Limit (1-254) Specifies the maximum number of F BLUs that can be sent to the second-C ary Station before starting data F transmission to the next Station in G the Link service order table. This isF used when the Link is primary. The C default is 1. This attribute /is D settable only when the Station is C disabled. Not used at this time. G Select (1-60000) Specifies the time (in milliseconds) E Pause to pause before sending a response G with the final bit set. This is usedC when the Link is secondary. The 0 default is 50. E Retry 0 (0-255) Specifies the time (in seconds) to A Sequence pause after completing a retry G Pause sequence before beginning a new retryC sequence. This is used when the E Link is primary. The default is 0.8 Not used at this time. B Retry (0-127) Specifies the maximum number of G Sequence 1 retry sequences allowed. This is usedG Limit when the Link is primary. The defaultH is 0. This attribute is settable onlyD when the Station is disabled. Not4 used at this time. G Immediate no | yes Specifies whether a Station subentityC Poll will be repolled when there is a F Retry reply time 2-out before proceeding to A the next Station on the Link's G service order table. This attribute G is settable only when the Station is D disabled. The default is no. Not 4 used at this time. 4 show  show sdlc link station @ The show sdlc link station command displays the values of the E attributes for the SDLC 3Link entity's Station subentity. The SDLC ? Station subentity contains the data link attributes that are " configured for this connection.  G Ex, ncl> show sdlc link sdlc-0 station stn-0 address, protocol state 5 IdentifierB Name Displays the unique name assigned to the StationC subentity by the network manager when the Station is created.5 Status F UID Displays the entity's unique identifier, which is F 4 generated when the Peer Server creates the entity. B State Displays the operational state of the Station A subentity. Setting the state is a result of ? execution of the enable/disable commands. " The states are F Off The Station is disabled and not available for use. A On The Station is enabled and available for use. G Protocol The protocol state for the 5 SDLC connection on this < State Station entity. The possible states are @ Inactive This Station is not enabled. You must issue A an enable command before the SDLC entity can ) activate the Station. A Normal The subentity can accept incoming connection = Disconnect requests or initiate outgoing connection  Mode requests. < Normal An SDLC logical link connection has been 6 Response established. Mode  B Pending This Station is enabled but other Peer Server E Active resources, must be active before the Station can " become active. ? Pending You have issued a disable command for this B Inactive Station; no new sessions can use this Station.A The state will change to Inactive as soon as @ all active sessions and non-SNA application : 7 links on this Station have terminated. 5 Characteristics > Address 2 characters Displays the address of the E hexadecimal secondary Station. The default is % 40. F Group 2 characters Displays the group poll address for F Address hexadecimal Station. A value of 0 indicates the A Station is not in a group. The 5 8 default value is 0. F Transfer twa | tws Displays the link level transmit/- F Mode receive capability of the Station. E The default is twa. TWA is Two Way < Alternate; TWS is Two Way / Simultaneous. ? Modulo normal | Displays whether the Station ? extended supports normal response mode@ 9 (window size ranges from 1 to = 7) or normal response mode F extended (window size ranges from 1 E to 127). This attribute is ignored D for connections that perform XID3 E negotiation. The default is normal. A Window Size (1-127) Displays the maximum number of @ : received I-frames that may be B outstanding before this station G requires an acknowledgment response. F This value allows for the detection C of erroneous sequence numbers in D received frames. The default is 7. B Send Frame (1-32764) Displays the maximum frame size F Size (excludi ;ng the header) this Station F can send. This value may be reduced = during pre-connection XID B negotiation or by the Station's = client. The default is 265. D Inactivity (0-7200) Displays the time (in seconds) to G Timer wait for a command before initiating E recovery action. This is u <sed when G the Link is secondary. The default is% 30. A Pass Limit (1-254) Displays the maximum number of F BLUs that can be sent to the second-C ary Station before starting data F transmission to the next Station in G the Link service order table. This isE = used when the Link is Primary. The / default is 1. D Select (1-60000) Displays time (in milliseconds) toG Pause pause before sending a response with F the final bit set. This is used whenE the LINK is secondary. The default ( is 50. D Retry (0-255) Displays the time (in seconds) t >o F Sequence pause after completing a retry sequ-C Pause ence before beginning a new retryB sequence. This is used when the D Link is primary. The default is 0.8 Not used at this time. A Retry (0-127) Displays the maximum number of G Sequence retry sequences allowed. This is used@ Limit ? when the Link is primary. The F default is 0. Not used at this time. = Immediate no | yes Displays whether a Station H Poll subentity will be repolled when there H Retry is a reply time-out before proceeding H to next Station on the Link's service B order table. The default is no.  5 Counters B Creati@on The time that the Station subentity was created. Time G Connections The number of times a connection was established for  Established this Station. C Connections The number of times the SDLC connection was lost. Lost D Connections The number of times an established connection was @ Reset lost and subsequently re-established for this / Station by the snrm or snrme. C Polls The number of Information and Su Apervisory frames C sent by the primary or received by the secondary - station with the P-bit set. @ Reply The number of times the local reply timer has A Timeouts expired after the transmission of a frame with the P-bit set. F Secondary The number of times a primary station encountered a > Protocol protocol violation committed by an adjacent $ Errors secondary station. @ SNRM Frames B The number of times a SNRM or SNRME frame was C sent by the primary or received by the secondary  station. C DISC Frames The number of times a DISC frame was sent by the ? primary or received by the secondary station. A DM Frames The number of times a DM frame was sent by the ? primary or received by the secondary station. C Octets Sent The total of the number of octets in I-frames and! C UI-frames sent. C Octets The total of the number of octets in I-frames and% Received UI-frames received. D BLUs Sent The total of the number of I-frames and UI-frames  sent. D BLUs The total of the number of I-frames and UI-frames  Received received. D BLUs Resent The total of the number of I-frames and UI-frames 8 resent because of timeouts or rejects. 7 FRMR Frames ThDe total number of FRMR-frames sent. Sent  ; FRMR Frames The total number of FRMR-frames received. Received 5 REJ Frames The number of SDLC REJ-frames sent. Sent 9 REJ Frames The number of SDLC REJ-frames received. Received  @ RNR Frames The number of times RNR-frames have been sent. Sent  D RNR Frames The number of times RNR-frames have been received. Received  7 TEST Frames The total number of TEST-frames seEnt. Sent  ; TEST Frames The total number of TEST-frames received. Received  B TESTs Received The total number of TEST-frames received with a  Invalid CRC bad CRC. 6 XID Frames The total number of XID frames sent. Sent  : XID Frames The total number of XID frames received. Received 3 Port_Subentity G For each Enabled Station that establishes a connection, SDLC creates  a Port entity.  4 show  show sdlc port B Th Fe show sdlc port command displays the attributes for the SDLC D Port subentity. A Port subentity is created dynamically for each ? connection to a remote station. Each Port is created when a ? connection is established and deleted when the connection is E terminated. Use the command show sdlc port * to display a listing  of the existing Ports. ) Ex, ncl> show sdlc port 1 all counters 5 Identifier A Name A unique value assigned to the Port by the SDLC< G entity. The value is an unsigned integer. 5 Status A UID Displays the entity's unique identifier, which G is generated when the Peer Server creates the entity. G Station Displays the name of the SDLC Link Station subentity F that the client specified in the connection request. D Client Displays the name of the client that connected to & this Port's Station. E Role Di Hsplays whether the station role is to be primary 6 or secondary when it becomes active. @ Address Displays the address of the secondary station. F Transfer Displays the link-level transmit/receive capability G Mode for the connection, which is set to the transfer modeF characteristic of the SDLC Station. Might be altered) during XID negotiation. F Modulo Displays the Response Mode supported by Ithe Station.G Normal Response Mode supports Send and Receive WindowB Sizes of 1 to 7. Normal Response Mode Extended E supports Send and Receive Window Sizes of 1 to 127. G Send Window Displays the negotiated maximum number of transmittedG Size I-frames that may be outstanding before the adjacent D station requires an acknowledgment response. The G value is initialized as the SDLC Stati Jon window size ? and might be reduced during preconnection XID negotiation. 9 Receive Displays the negotiated maximum number ? Window Size of received I-frames that may be outstanding A before this station requires an acknowledgment A response. The value is initialized as the SDLC ; Station Window Size and might be reduced 7 during preconnection XID negotiation. A K Send Frame Displays the negotiated maximum size of frames C Size (excluding header) sent by the connection. This A value is initialized as the SDLC receive frame ; size. The value might be reduced during 0 preconnection XID negotiation. A Receive Displays the negotiated maximum size of frames B Frame Size (excluding header) received by the connection. E This value is initialized as tLhe SDLC Station send A frame size. The value might be reduced during 0 preconnection XID negotiation. 5 Counters A Creation Displays the time that the SDLC Port subentity  Time was created. G Polls Displays the number of frames sent by the primary or ? received by the secondary with the P-bit set. G Octets Sent Displays the total number of octets sent in I-frames and MUI-frames. ? Octets Displays the total number of octets received , Received in I-frames and UI-frames. < BLUs Sent Displays the total number of I-frames and ! UI-frames sent. F BLUs Displays the total number of I-frames and UI-frames  Received received. F BLUs Resent Displays the total number of I-frames and UI-frames ; retransmitted due to timeouts or rejects. wwJ!IU N1 addA Some characteristic attributes have a value that consists of aC set of values. Use the add command to add one or more new values to a set value. For example:A ncl> add node 0 osi transport cons filters {filter_2,filter_3}C adds two new values, filter_2 and filter_3, to the set of values< represented by the cons filters characteristic of the OSI@ Transport entity. The values are enclosed in { }, and if moreC than one value is to be added in the same commandO, each value is0 separated from the previous value by a comma.D To specify the empty set (that is, a set with no values), specify {} as the value.A Similarly, use the remove command to remove one or more values! from a set value. For example:; ncl> remove node 0 osi transport cons filters {filter_3}+ removes the value filter_3 from the set.C Use the add and remove commands only on characteristics with setB values (as indicated in the description of the charPacteristic).B You can also use the set command to change the values of a set-? valued characteristic. However, the set command replaces the= current contents of the set with the values you specified. 2 modem_connect< Adds a set of modem capabilities of a modem connect line.3 add [node node-id] modem connect line line-id -+ modem options {option[,option...]} The modem options are:D dialout The modem can dial the remote modem. Supported Q@ only if the value of communications type is < switched. Supported on Tru64 UNIX only.A direct The modem is directly connected to the remoteA modem through a non-switched line. SupportedB only if accompanied with dialout and used only@ when the modem protocol type supports direct8 dial. Supported on Tru64 UNIX only.@ rate select The modem is capable of Rdata rate selection.? You can issue this command only when the entity is disabled. Example:< add node remnod modem connect line dsb-0-0_callit-zwa-1 -$ modem options {rate select} 2 mop_clientB The add command can be used to modify the following attributes B of a particular MOP Client entity: addresses, or device types. 3 addresses? Modifies the Addresses attribute of the specified MOP ClientE to include at least the address or addresses in the sSpecified set.. add [node node-id] mop client client-name -0 addresses {lan-address[,lan-address...]} > For OpenVMS, Phase IV nodes can use an extended DECnet LAN > address in addition to their hardware address, so you must < include both of these addresses in the addresses set. To ? calculate the extended DECnet address, express the Phase IV : node address as a four-digit hex integer, then add the  prefix AA-00-04-00.8 For example, if the Phase IV node named ITMPLY has an  address of 4.260: 4.260 => 4 * 1024 + 260 => 4356 (decimal) => 1104 (hex) => AA-00-04-00-04-11  Example: add mop client imply -7 addresses {08-00-2b-13-d6-e0, aa-00-04-00-04-11}3 device_types< Modifies the Device Types attribute of the MOP Client to 9 include at least the specified device type or types. . add [node node-id] mop client client-name -$ device types {type[,type...U]}G Use Device Type and omit the address if you want to set up a generic; client entity. The entity will be used for any incoming? load and dump requests that specify a matching communication device type. 2 osi_transportE The add command can be used to modify the following attributes of @ the OSI Transport module: cons nsap addresses, cons filters,E or rfc1006 listener ports. For more information on those commands$ select the appropriate attribute.C SelVect template for the add command that modifies the classes of an osi transport template.3 cons_nsap_addressesB Modifies the CONS NSAP Addresses attribute of the OSI Transport< entity to include at least the specified NSAP or NSAPs. & add [node node-id] osi transport -- cons nsap addresses {nsap[,nsap...]}D CONS NSAP Addresses is a set of the valid NSAP addresses for use D with CONS. One or more NSAPs must be specified to run COTS over B CONS. See the WDECnet-Plus Planning Guide for more information.3 cons_filtersE Modifies the CONS Filters attribute of the OSI Transport entity to9 include at least the specified filter name or names. & add [node node-id] osi transport -2 cons filters {simplename[,simplename...]}G This CONS Filters attribute specifies the set of X.25 Access module G filters used to determine which inbound network connection requests D should be directed to the transport entity. You can Xmodify this 4 characteristic only when the entity is disabled. A For each CONS Filter, there must be a corresponding X25 AccessB Template with the same name. One or more of these filters must@ be specified in order to run COTS over CONS. The X.25 access4 filter named "OSI Transport" is typically used. Example:/ add node remnod osi transport cons filters - {"OSI Transport"} 3 templateA Modifies the Classes attribute of the specified OSI Transport Y@ Template instance to include at least the specified class or classes.; add [node node-id] osi transport template template-id -# classes {class[,class...]}A The Classes attribute is a set of protocol classes that can beA negotiated for use on a transport connection. If the value ofD the Network Service attribute is CLNS, the class must be a subset? of the classes supported by the OSI Transport attribute CLNS@ Classes Supported. If the value is CONS, tZhe classes must beC a subset of the classes supported by the OSI Transport attribute? CONS Classes Supported. If the value of the Network ServiceA attribute is ANY, the classes must be a subset of the combined: classes in the CLNS Classes Supported and CONS Classes  supported attributes. Example:" add node remnod osi transport -3 template osit$loop_cons classes {0,2,4} #3 rfc1006_listener_ports_(OpenVMS) E Modifies the RFC1006 Listener Ports a [ttribute of the OSI Transport< entity to include at least the port or ports specified. & add [node node-id] osi transport -1 RFC1006 listener ports {port[,port...]} F The RFC1006 Listener Ports attribute set contains the names of the B TCP listener ports used to receive inbound RFC 1006 connection D requests. Port 102 is applicable for RFC 1006 (OSI over TCP/IP) E connections, and port 399 is applicable for RFC 1859 (DECnet over D TCP/IP) connections. You can\ only remove RFC1006 Listener Ports  when the entity is disabled. Example:3 add node remnod osi transport RFC1006 listener - ports {102, 399} 2 routingE The add command can be used to modify the following attributes of A the Routing module: manual area addresses, or manual network  entity titles.D Select one of those attributes for further information, or select= circuit for information on add commands that apply to the > routing circuit e]ntity and its reachable address subentity. 3 circuitE The add command can be used to modify the manual routers attribute< of a routing circuit. Select manual_routers for further  information on that command.A Select reachable_address for information on add commands that B modify the dte addresses and permitted LAN addresses attributes5 of a particular routing circuit reachable address.4 manual_routersA Modifies the Manual Routers attribute of the specifie^d Routing@ Circuit instance to include at least the address or addresses specified.5 add [node node-id] routing circuit circuit-name -- manual routers {address[,address...]}  Manual Routers Support: End9 Default: No router IDs Value: Set of LAN addresses = Manually entered IDs of routers. If this set is empty, theB circuit will auto-configure the routers. This characteristic isB supported only if the circuit's characteristic type is csma_-cd.< For Tru64 UNIX, a maximum of 5 routers can be in the set. Example:0 add routing circuit csmacd-1 manual routers - {aa-00-04-00-12-34}4 reachable_addressA The add command can be used to modify the following attributes< of a particular routing circuit reachable address entity:- dte addresses, or permitted lan addresses. 5 dte_addressesB Modifies the DTE Addresses attribute of the specified Reachable> Address instance on a particular `Routing Circuit to include/ at least the address or addresses specified.5 add [node node-id] routing circuit circuit-name -& reachable address simplename -, dte addresses {address[,address...]} DTE Addresses Support: End,L2? Default: No DTE addresses Value: Set of DTE addresses B A set of DTE addresses to which a call may be directed in order> to reach an address that matches the address prefix of this reachable address.D This ch aaracteristic is supported if the node is a level 2 router,D where the owning circuit's characteristic type is one of the X.25A circuit types, and the reachable address's characteristic typeC is outbound. It is also supported by end nodes operating over anC x25 da circuit. You can modify this characteristic only when the entity is disabled.5 permitted_LAN_addressesC Modifies the Permitted LAN Addresses attribute of the specified A Reachable Address instance on a particublar Routing Circuit to 7 include at least the address or addresses specified.5 add [node node-id] routing circuit circuit-name -& reachable address simplename -6 permitted lan addresses {address[,address...]} Permitted LAN Addresses Support: End? Default: No LAN addresses Value: Set of LAN addresses ? This is a set of LAN addresses corresponding to routers thatA are permitted to be used for forwarding to this prefix. This @ attribucte is supported only if the Type characteristic is set< to "filter" on broadcast circuits only. At least one LAN address is required. Example:= add routing circuit csmacd-1 reachable address to-bulean -3 permitted lan addresses {aa-00-04-00-23-45}3 manual_area_addresses> Modifies the Manual Area Addresses attribute of the Routing: entity to include at least the specified area or areas.5 add [node node-id] routing manual area addresses - d{area[,area...]} Manual Area Addresses  Support: L1,L2A Default: No area addresses Value: Set of area addresses B Area addresses to be used for this node. An area address cannot4 be a Phase IV address or the address DefaultArea.B If the characteristic manual L1 algorithm has the value routingB vector, this set must be empty, and the characteristic phase ivB address must not be 0.0. If the characteristic phase iv address3 is 0.0, there must be at leaset one area address.3 manual_network_entity_titlesE Modifies the Manual Network Entity Titles attribute of the Routing8 entity to include at least the specified NET or NETs.5 add [node node-id] routing manual network entity - titles {NET[,NET...]} Manual Network Entity Titles Support: End, Default: No NETs Value: Set of NETs@ Network entity titles (NETs) to be used for this node. If theC characteristic dna address format is set to falsef, there must be at least one NET. Example: add routing -D manual network entity titles {49::00-04:AA-00-04-00-45-13:00}2 session_controlE Select application for the add command that modifies the addresses$ of a session control application.@ Select proxy for the add commands that modify the application> and source end users attributes of a session control proxy.3 application D Modifies the Addresses attribute of the specified Session CongtrolH Application instance to include at least the specified object name(s) and/or number(s).( add [node node-id] session control -& application application-name -D addresses {object-name-or-number[,object-name-or-number...]} Addresses? Default: Empty set Value: Set of end-user specifications; A set of end-user specifications, any one of which, whenD specified in the destination name field of an incoming connection< request, causes application hs defined by this entity to be invoked. D You can identify an application with an object name or an object B number. Usually, applications are identified by network objectF number 0, but you can optionally assign it a nonzero object number,A in the range from 128 to 255. A nonzero object number can be C specified without an application name. Object numbers 1 throughA 127 are reserved for use by Compaq. Specific network services< are identified by nonzero object numberis; for example, 27 represents the mail utility. Examples:= add session control application mail addresses {number=27}= add session control application task addresses {name=task}3 proxy_(Tru64_UNIX)A The add command can be used to modify the following attributesA of a session control proxy: application, or source end users.4 application3 add [node node-id] session control proxy name -1 application {simplename[,simplename...]} Ajpplication* Default: None Value: Set of simple-name> Set of application identifiers, one of which must match the> application requested. If this attribute value is null, any$ requested application will match.4 source_end_users3 add [node node-id] session control proxy name -. source end users {record[,record...]} Source End Users% Default: None Value: Set of record@ Set of remote end users for whom this proxy entry applies. AnC unspecified eknd user implies all end users on the node specifiedC in the same record. The record format has two fields: node whichB has a data type of fullname, and end user which has a data type of enduserspecification. 2 x25_accessC Select application for the add command that modifies the filters of an x25 access application.D Select dte_class for the add command that modifies the local dtes of an x25 access dte class.B Select security_dte_class for the add command thalt modifies theE rights identifiers of an x25 access security dte class remote dte. C Select template for the add command to modify the rpoa sequence  of an x25 access template.3 application= Modifies the Filters attribute of the specified X25 AccessA Application instance to include at least the specified name or names.@ add [node node-id] x25 access application application-name -! filters {name[,name...]} Filters0 Default: None m Value: Set of names> Set of filters that are associated with filtering calls for? either X.25 or X.29 applications represented by this entity. Example:5 add x25 access application X29_LOGIN filters {X29} 3 dte_class@ Modifies the Local DTEs attribute of the specified X25 AccessC DTE Class instance to include at least the specified DTE name or names:7 add [node node-id] x25 access dte class class-name -* local dtes {dte-name[,dte-name...]} n Local DTEs1 Default: No names Value: Set of DTE namesC Names of the local x25 protocol dte entities that belong to thisD DTE class. Note that these DTE entities need not exist when theirA names are entered in this set; DTEs that do not exist when theB DTE class is used are not considered when the DTE class is used for an outgoing call.B If an x25 protocol dte entity has status attribute state set toA running when its name is added to local dtes, you must disaobleC the DTE entity and reenable it (see the disable x25 protocol dteC and enable x25 protocol dte commands) in order for the DTE to be? considered when this DTE class is used for an outgoing call.@ You can specify this characteristic only for DTE classes with characteristic type local. Example:: add x25 access dte class dte-0 local dtes {dte-0,dte-1}3 security_dte_class= Modifies the Rights Identifiers attribute of the specified@ Remote DTE instancep for a given X25 Access Security DTE Class> to include at least the specified identifier name or names.A add [node node-id] x25 access security dte class class-name -@ remote dte dte-name rights identifiers {name[,name...]} Rights Identifiers9 Default: No rights identifiers Value: Set of names D Rights identifiers possessed by this remote DTE. Wildcards can beA used in the identifiers that form part of each Access Control > Entry (ACE) in an Access qControl List (ACL). It is used forA incoming call checking against the ACL attribute of a security0 filter entity that is used to guard a filter. Example:. add x25 access security dte class default - remote dte MATCHALL -. rights identifiers {PSI$OPEN_SECURITY} 3 template= Modifies the RPOA Sequence attribute of a given X25 Access: Template instance to include at least the specified DTE address or addresses.: add [node node-id] x25 access rtemplate template-name -5 rpoa sequence {dte-address[,dte-address...]} RPOA Sequence> Default: No DTE addresses Value: Set of DTE addresses C Private Operating Agency sequence of transit networks to be used@ in setting up the call. Format the values to specify a set ofD DTE addresses. Each DTE address is four digits long. An empty set? indicates that no sequence is included in the outgoing call. Example:, add x25 access template "OSI Transsport" -& rpoa sequence {%x9999,%x8888}2 x25_protocolB Select dte for the add command that modifies the outgoing list  of an x25 protocol dte.D Select group for the add command that modifies the members of an  x25 protocol group.3 dte? Modifies the Outgoing List attribute of a given X25 ProtocolB DTE instance to include at least the specified range or ranges.2 add [node node-id] x25 protocol dte dte-name -) outgoing list {range[,range...]}t Outgoing List6 Default: [1...4095] Value: Set of range (0-4095)@ Channel number ranges that define the LCNs that are availableB for calls on outgoing or two-way channels. Format the values toA specify a set of channel number ranges. Each channel number isD the concatenation of the logical channel group number and logical' channel number of an SVC on the DTE. Example:8 add x25 protocol dte dte-0 outgoing list {[10..4095]} 3 group ? Modifieus the Members attribute of a given X25 Protocol Group> instance to include at least the specified member record or records.6 add [node node-id] x25 protocol group group-name -% members {record[,record...]} Members/ Default: No DTEs Value: Set of records> DTEs at a gateway system that make up the group. Format the@ values to specify a set of records. Each record consists of aA name that identifies an X25 protocol dte entity and an integerC (inv the range 0 to 9999) that identifies the CUG number assignedA by the network. If a DTE is already created and enabled and is@ then added to the set of members, it must be disabled and re-7 enabled to service the specified CUG number or BCUG. Example:" add x25 protocol group group1 -0 members {[dte = dte-1, index = 4444], -. [dte = dte-0, index = 8787]}2 x25_relay_(Alpha)B Select client for the add commands that modify the filters and 8 w rights identifiers attributes of an x25 relay client.G Select pvc for the add command that modifies the rights identifiers  of an x25 relay pvc. 3 client 4 filters= Modifies the Filters attribute of a given X25 Relay Client7 instance to include at least the specified filter or filters.6 add [node node-id] x25 relay client client-name -- filters {simplename[,simplename...]} Filters4 Default: No filters Value: Set of simple namesx@ Set of filters that are listened to by this client. Each nameB is the name of an x25 access filter entity. For the add and setA commands, the x25 relay client entity must be in the Off state0 before the filters attribute can be modified. 4 rights_identifiersA Modifies the Rights Identifiers attribute of a given X25 Relay? Client instance to include at least the specified identifier name or names.6 add [node node-id] x25 relay client client-name -8 y rights identifiers {simplename[,simplename...]} Rights Identifiers4 Default: No rights Value: Set of simple names identifiersC Set of rights identifiers that this client possesses. It is used" when placing the outgoing call. 3 pvcA Modifies the Rights Identifiers attribute of a given X25 Relay= Permanent Virtual Circuit instance to include at least the& specified identifier name or names.0 add [node node-id] x25 relay pvc pvc-name -7 zrights identifiers {simplename[,simplename...]}  Rights Identifiers? Default: No rights identifiers Value: Set of simple names @ Rights identifiers possessed by this entity. These rights areA used to access the local PVC and relayed PVC if it resides on  the local system. 2 x25_server> Select client for the add command that modifies the filters of an x25 server client.> Select security_nodes for the add commands that modify the ; rights identi{fiers or nodes attributes of an x25 server  security nodes entity. 3 client> Modifies the Filters attribute of a given X25 Server Client@ instance to include at least the specified filter or filters.6 add [node node-id] x25 server client simple-name -, filters {simplename[,simplename...]} Filters4 Default: No default Value: Set of simple names> Set of filters to be used by the server to filter calls forB this X.25 client. Each name is the name o|f an x25 access filter entity.3 security_nodes= The add command can be used to modify the nodes and rightsA identifiers attributes of an x25 server security nodes entity.4 nodes> Modifies the Nodes attribute of a given X25 Server Security? Nodes instance to include at least the specified fullname or fullnames.> add [node node-id] x25 server security nodes simple-name -' nodes {fullname[,fullname...]} Nodes7 Default: No node names } Value: Set of full-name B DNS full names of accessing systems, or the wildcard full name.D Note, when managing entities on an OpenVMS system, this name must be a Phase IV node name. 4 rights_identifiersB Modifies the Rights Identifiers attribute of a given X25 Server= Security Nodes instance to include at least the specified  identifier name or names.> add [node node-id] x25 server security nodes simple-name -8 rights identifiers {simplename[,sim~plename...]} Rights Identifiers@ Default: No rights identifiers Value: Set of simple names C Set of rights identifiers to be associated with the set of nodesC named in the nodes characteristic for purposes of access control& to DTE classes at the gateway node.wwz!IU 1 advertiseF Modifies the DECdns directory of DECdts global servers and adds the# DECdts server to the global set.8 advertise [node node-id] dtss server name simple-namewwz!IU1 block2 event_dispatcher3 outbound_stream@ Sets the filters to block the specified events for the entity? instance or class. It causes the named events to be blocked.> See the appropriate filter type below for command examples.4 global_filterF block [node node-id] event dispatcher outbound stream simple-name -@ global filter ((class-name[,class-name...]), event-name ) Global Filter 8 Specifies a class name, excluding all instance names D (for example, node, mop, circuit), and identifies the event to beF blocked. To block all events for the class, specify "all" instead  of an individual event. Examples:8 block event dispatcher outbound stream local_stream -F global filter ((NODE,CSMA-CD,STATION), Unavailable User Buffer)8 block event dispatcher outbound stream local_stream -4 global filter ((NODE,Event Dispatcher), All )5 Exception_Messageso illegal block= The attempted block operation is illegal; for example, theB command attempted to block the event dispatcher outbound stream" events lost or shutdown events. o illegal element< The command did not include a class-name or instance-nameB argument, or an argument contained one of the following illegal< elements: wildcard, node name, node class, illegal class.'o entity class not supported (OpenVMS)B The Event Dispatcher is not registered with EMAA. The NET$EVD @  process is probably not started. For instructions on how to * restart the Event Dispatcher, refer to , HELP NETWORK_MANAGEMENT EVENT_DISPATCHER.o no such object instance@ The specified event dispatcher outbound stream instance does not exist.4 specific_filter* block [node node-id] event dispatcher -$ outbound stream simple-name -3 specific filter (instance-name, event-name ) Specific Filter D Specifies an entity including instance name, and names the event A to be blocked. To block all events for the instance, specify ( "all" instead of an individual event. Examples:8 block event dispatcher outbound stream local_stream -; specific filter (Node LOCAL:.LAMCHP Event Dispatcher -/ Outbound Stream local_stream, Events Lost)8 block event dispatcher outbound stream local_stream -C specific filter (Node LOCAL:.LAMCHP MOP Circuit CSMACD-1, All)5 Exception_Messageso illegal block= The attempted block operation is illegal; for example, theB command attempted to block the event dispatcher outbound stream" events lost or shutdown events. o illegal element< The command did not include a class-name or instance-nameB argument, or an argument contained one of the following illegal< elements: wildcard, node name, node class, illegal class.'o entity class not supported (OpenVMS)B The Event Dispatcher is not registered with EMAA. The NET$EVD @ process is probably not started. For instructions on how to * restart the Event Dispatcher, refer to , HELP NETWORK_MANAGEMENT EVENT_DISPATCHER.o no such object instance@ The specified event dispatcher outbound stream instance does not exist.3 sink@ Sets the filters to block the specified events for the entity? instance or class. It causes the named events to be blocked.4 global_filter< block [node node-id] event dispatcher sink simple-name -9 global filter ((class-name[,class-name...]), - event-name) Global Filter< Specifies a class name, excluding all instance names (for? example, node, mop, circuit), and identifies the event to be> blocked. To block all events for the class, specify "all" " instead of an individual event. Example:+ block event dispatcher sink local_sink -> global filter ((Node, Event Dispatcher, SINK), All)5 Exception_Messageso illegal element?  The command did not include a class or instance argument, or? an argument contained one of the following illegal elements:2 wildcard, node name, node class, illegal class.'o entity class not supported (OpenVMS)B The Event Dispatcher is not registered with EMAA. The NET$EVD @ process is probably not started. For instructions on how to * restart the Event Dispatcher, refer to , HELP NETWORK_MANAGEMENT EVENT_DISPATCHER.o no such object instance? The specified event dispatcher sink instance does not exist.4 specific_filter: block [node node-id] event dispatcher sink simple-name6 specific filter (instance-name, event-name) Specific Filter> Specifies an entity, including instance name, and name the @ event to be blocked. To block all events for this instance, 0 specify "all" instead of an individual event. Examples:+ block event dispatcher sink local_sink -= specific filter (Node LOCAL:.LAMCHP Event Dispatcher - Sink local_sink, all); block event dispatcher sink local_sink specific filter -= (Node LOCAL:.LAMCHP Event Dispatcher Sink local_sink -) Inbound stream EVD$IBS$0000, all)5 Exception_Messageso illegal element? The command did not include a class or instance argument, or? an argument contained one of the following illegal elements:2 wildcard, node name, node class, illegal class.'o entity class not supported (OpenVMS)B The Event Dispatcher is not registered with EMAA. The NET$EVD @ process is probably not started. For instructions on how to * restart the Event Dispatcher, refer to , HELP NETWORK_MANAGEMENT EVENT_DISPATCHER.o no such object instance? The specified event dispatcher sink instance does not exist.ww"IU1 boot2 mop 3 circuitC Causes the system specified by node-id to send a boot message toG an adjacent system. Circuit-name specifies the name of the circuit / over which the boot operation is to occur. 2 boot [node node-id] mop circuit circuit-name -5 address lan-address [,optional arguments...] G If an Address is not supplied in the command on a LAN circuit, then D the Client argument must be specified so the address information 2 can be obtained from the MOP Client database. 2 boot [node node-id] mop circuit circuit-name -4 client client-name [,optional arguments...]F Optional arguments for this boot mop circuit command are: device, , script id, software id, and verification.D The NCL boot mop circuit and boot mop client commands are similar to the NCP trigger command. 4 address C Address is the LAN address of the remote system on that circuit.D This argument is required for LAN circuits. If you do not supply > this information as an argument for this command, you must A specify a Client in the MOP Client database which can provide  default Address information. 2 boot [node node-id] mop circuit circuit-name -5 address lan-address [,optional arguments...]F Optional arguments for this boot mop circuit command are: device, , script id, software id, and verification. Example:6 boot mop circ csmacd-1 address 08-00-2B-00-33-44  4 client = Client-name is the client entity to be used for this boot B operation. The default information for this client is obtained ? from the MOP Client database. Address information for this ? client must be present in the database if it is not provided on the command line.2 boot [node node-id] mop circuit circuit-name -4 client client-name [,optional arguments...]/ > Optional arguments for this boot mop circuit command are: 4 device, script id, software id, and verification. Example:* boot mop circuit csmacd-1 client lamchp 4 device B Device is an optional argument which can be used if the target ? system requires device information for the boot operation. E Address information is required for the boot mop circuit command; B it must be obtainable either from the command line or from the  MOP Client database.2 boot [node node-id] mop circuit circuit-name -2 address lan-address, device device-stringA Or, to override any default Device Types information for this % Client in the MOP Client database:2 boot [node node-id] mop circuit circuit-name -1 client client-name, device device-string Examples:B boot mop circuit fddi-1 address 08-00-2b-00-33-44, device "sva"8 boot mop circuit csmacd-1 client lamchp, device "sva" 4 script_idC Script Id is an optional argument which can be used if a Script B File is required by the target system for the boot operation. E Address information is required for the boot mop circuit command; B it must be obtainable either from the command line or from the  MOP Client database.2 boot [node node-id] mop circuit circuit-name -. address lan-address, script id string@ Or, to override any default Script File information for this % Client in the MOP Client database:2 boot [node node-id] mop circuit circuit-name -- client client-name, script id string Examples:D boot mop circuit fddi-1 address 08-00-2b-00-33-44, script id "-1"8 boot mop circuit csmacd-1 client test, script id "-1"4 software_id > Software Id is an optional argument which can be used if a > System Image is required by the target system for the boot @ operation. Address information is required for the boot mop B circuit command; it must be obtainable either from the command ( line or from the MOP Client database.2 boot [node node-id] mop circuit circuit-name -0 address lan-address, software id stringA Or, to override any default System Image information for this % Client in the MOP Client database:2 boot [node node-id] mop circuit circuit-name -/ client client-name, software id string Examples:F boot mop circuit fddi-1 address 08-00-2b-00-33-44, software id "-1"< boot mop circuit csmacd-1 client lamchp, software id "-1" 4 verification B Verfication is a string that must match a verification code at D the receiving system in order to trigger the bootstrap mechanism.E The default verif ication is '0000000000000000'H. Verification is E an optional argument, but Address information is required, either 9 from the command line or from the MOP Client database.2 boot [node node-id] mop circuit circuit-name -5 address lan-address, verification hex-stringA Or, to override any default Verification information for this % Client in the MOP Client database:2 boot [node node-id] mop circuit circuit-name -4 client client-name, verification hex-string Examples:7 boot mop circuit fddi-1 address 08-00-2b-00-33-44, -( verification %x0000000000000011- boot mop circuit csmacd-1 client lamchp, -( verification %x0000000000000011 4 Exception_Messageso data link error0 An error was reported by the Data Link layer. o unrecognized clientB There is no client with the specified identification in the MOPA Client database. Run net$configure to add that client entity  to the MOP Client database. o unrecognized circuit9 There is no circuit with the specified identification.o required argument omittedA An Address must be provided either in the command line or the  MOP Client database.'o entity class not supported (OpenVMS)E MOP is not registered with EMAA. The NET$MOP process is probably E not started. For instructions on how to restart the MOP process, ( refer to HELP NETWORK_MANAGEMENT MOP. 3 clientC Causes the system specified by node-id to send a boot message toD an adjacent system. Client-name specifies the name of the clientF entity to receive the boot message. Default information to be usedG in sending the boot message to this client will be obtained from the MOP Client database. E boot [node node-id] mop client client-name [,optional argument...] F Both Address and Circuit information is required on a LAN circuit, D so if that default information is not provided in the MOP Client ; database, then it must be specified in the command line./ boot [node node-id] mop client client-name -F address lan-address, circuit circuit-name [,optional argument...]E Optional arguments for this boot mop client command are: device, D script id, software id, and verification. Refer to the arguments. listed below for specific command examples. 4 address A Address is the LAN address of the remote system on the circuitD over which the boot message is to be sent. Both the Circuit and C the Address arguments must be specified, either directly or via 4 the client entity in the MOP Client database. 0 boot [node node-id] mop client client-name -4 address lan-address [,optional argument...]E Optional arguments for this boot mop client command are: device, , script id, software id, and verification. Example:6 boot mop client lamchp address 08-00-2B-00-33-44  4 circuitE Circuit-name specifies the name of the circuit over which the bootF operation is to occur. Both the Circuit and the Address arguments F must be specified, either directly or via the client entity in the  MOP Client database. 0 boot [node node-id] mop client client-name -5 circuit circuit-name [,optional argument...]E Optional arguments for this boot mop client command are: device, , script id, software id, and verification. Example:* boot mop client lamchp circuit csmacd-1 4 device F To override any default Device Type information for this Client in G the MOP Client database, whenever device information is required by . the target system for the boot operation: C boot [node node-id] mop client client-name device device-stringG Device is an optional argument, but Address and Circuit information D is required, either from the command line or from the MOP Client database. Example:& boot mop client lamchp device "sva" 4 script_idC To override any default Script File information for this Client C in the MOP Client database, whenever Script File information is 8 required by the target system for the boot operation:? boot [node node-id] mop client client-name script id string> Script Id is an optional argument, but Address and Circuit A information is required, either from the command line or from  the MOP Client database. Example:( boot mop client lamchp script id "-1"4 software_id = To override any default System Image information for this < Client in the MOP Client database, whenever System Image = information is required by the target system for the boot operation:A boot [node node-id] mop client client-name software id string@ Software Id is an optional argument, but Address and Circuit A information is required, either from the command line or from  the MOP Client database. Example:* boot mop client lamchp software id "-1" 4 verification D To override any default Verification information for this Client  in the MOP Client database:F boot [node node-id] mop client client-name verification hex-string@ Where Verfication is a string that must match a verification B code at the receiving system in order to trigger the bootstrap F mechanism so that the downline load can be performed. The default E verification is '0000000000000000'H. Verification is an optional E argument, but Address and Circuit information is required, either 9 from the command line or from the MOP Client database. Example:9 boot mop client lamchp verification %x00000000000000114 Exception_Messages o data link errorD An error was reported by the Data Link layer on the boot command. o unrecognized clientC There is no client with the specified identification on the bootC command. Run net$configure to add this client to the MOP Client database. o required argument omittedB Address and Circuit information must be provided either on the . command line or in the MOP Client database.o process failure? There is no circuit with the specified identification. The D circuit provided in the command does not exist, or if no circuit B is provided in the command, then the circuit provided for that 6 client in the MOP Client database does not exist. 'o entity class not supported (OpenVMS)< MOP is not registered with EMAA. The NET$MOP process is A probably not started. For instructions on how to restart the 9 NET$MOP process, refer to HELP NETWORK_MANAGEMENT MOP.wwJ"IU 1 changeE The change dtss command modifies the epoch number and time on the  local node.A change [node node-id] dtss epoch integer [,time absolute-time]B Epoch is a required argument that specifies the server's epoch B number. The default is 0. The integer must be in the range of 0-255.A Time specifies a new clock setting for the new epoch. If this> argument is not supplied, the current clock time is used. Examples: change dtss epoch 1 A change dtss epoch 1, time 1996-11-30-10:58:00.000-05:00I02.000wwJ"IU1 clear 2 x25_access1 clear [node node-id] x25 access port port-nameww"IU 1 connect2 node_(OpenVMS)E The Phase IV NCP CONNECT NODE command has no Phase V equivalent. D Instead, use the following command to access the console carrier  function of MOP on Phase V: $SET HOST/MOP? For further information about the Console Carrier, refer to 7 the DECnet-Plus Network Management book, Appendix I.2 via_(OpenVMS)D The Phase IV NCP CONNECT VIA command has no Phase V equivalent. D Instead, use the following command to access the console carrier  function of MOP on Phase V: $SET HOST/MOP? For furth er information about the Console Carrier, refer to 7 the DECnet-Plus Network Management book, Appendix I.2 event_dispatcherC Causes the outbound stream entity to request a connection to itsC sink partner. This directive causes the entity to issue a singleC session connect request to its sink partner, unless the state isA already OnConnected, in which case the directive has no effect$ and returns the success response.- connect [node node-id] event dispatcher -#  outbound stream simple-name3 Exception_Messageso connection failed; The connection attempt failed. The exception may include< additional arguments that give more information about the failure. Arguments:B reason The connection failed at the Session Control layer.B data This field can include optional data that describes8 the reason the connection attempt failed. o no sink specified1 All of the sink specifier attributes are null. o wrong state: The operation failed because the entity was not in off,* onconnecting, or ondisconnecting state.'o entity class not supported (OpenVMS)B The Event Dispatcher is not registered with EMAA. The NET$EVD @ process is probably not started. For instructions on how to B restart the Event Dispatcher, refer to HELP NETWORK_MANAGEMENT  EVENT_DISPATCHER.ww "IU 1 create = Use the create command to create a module entity or a new  instance of an entity.C Most entities support the create command; however, some entities? are created automatically by software, and so do not support? the create command. For example, entities that correspond to@ communications links are usually created dynamically as these links are opened.2 alias_(OpenVMS)A Creates the Alias module. Refer to HELP ENTITY ALIAS for more3 information about this entity and its subentity. create [node node-id] aliasC Select port for information on creating an alias port subentity.3 Exception_Messageso already exists" An alias entity already exists. o wrong node type6 An alias entity cannot be created on an alias node.3 portE Creates an instance of an alias port entity. An alias port entityD provides a means to define an alternate network address for this F node, which is shared by other nodes in the same OpenVMS cluster.  C create [node node-id] alias port port-name [node id LAN-address]D The first node in the OpenVMS cluster to create an alias port for@ a particular alias address causes that alias to be created. A Subsequent nodes that create an alias port for the same alias C establish connections (ports) to that alias. The alias becomes D active when the first node enables its alias port for that alias.B The Node Id argument is optional. It is a LAN address used to  build the Alias node NSAP. Example:> create alias port dec:.lkg.bulean node id aa-00-04-00-45-134 Exception_Messageso already exists" An alias entity already exists.o too many alias port entities9 The maximum number of port entities has been exceeded. 2 csma-cd@ Creates the CSMA-CD module. Refer to HELP ENTITY CSMA-CD for9 for information about this entity and its subentities.! create [node node-id] csma-cd7 Select station for information on creating a csma-cd station subentity.3 Exception_Messageso already exists9 A csma-cd module already exists on the node specified. 3 stationA Creates an instance of a CSMA-CD station, using the specified > communications device. The Communication Port argument is required.8 create [node node-id] csma-cd station station-name -% communication port port-id Communication Port@ The Communication Port is the system device name assigned to  this station. A On Tru64 UNIX the port-id must be in the format ddn, where dd 8 is the device name prefix and n is the device number.A On OpenVMS the port-id must be in the format ddc, where dd is 9 the device name prefix and c is the controller letter.$ Device Type Tru64 UNIX OpenVMS% DEBNA et% DEBNI et% DELQA xq% DELUA xe% DEMNA xna  ex% DESVA es% DEUNA xe% DE422 ln er% KFE-32 ef LANCE ln % PMAD ln ec% SGEC ez TGEC te% TULIP tu ew Example:: create csma-cd station csmacd-0 communication port EWA 4 Exception_Messages o already existsA A csma-cd station entity by that instance name already exists. o contraint violationC That controller is already in use by some other csma-cd station.o process failure. The communication port provided is invalid.o communication port in use@ The communication port is already reserved by another entity. o invalid communications portA You cannot run CSMA/CD data links on this communications port. o no such object instance> The CSMA-CD module has probably not been created yet. On ? OpenVMS, verify the contents of your NET$CSMACD_STARTUP.NCL B script. You may need to run net$configure to reconfigure your devices.2 ddcmp_(OpenVMS_VAX)< Creates the DDCMP module. Refer to HELP ENTITY DDCMP for: more information about this entity and its subentities. create [node node-id] ddcmp9 Select link for information on creating ddcmp link and* ddcmp link logical station subentities.3 Exception_Messageso already exists! A DDCMP module already exists.3 link< Creates an instance of a ddcmp link entity which defines ? the attributes of a link to a communications port that uses DDCMP. ! create [node node-id] ddcmp -. link link-name [protocol protocol-type]C The optional Protocol argument specifies the protocol mode used  by the local station.D point The local station is one end of a point-to-point link.; This is the default and only supported value.C tributary The local station acts as a tributary of a multipoint link. Example: create ddcmp link ddcmp-0 @ Select logical_station for information on creating ddcmp link logical station subentities.4 Exception_Messageso already exists< A ddcmp link entity by that instance name already exists.4 logical_station? Creates an instance of a ddcmp link logical station entity, . which manages a link to a remote station. 0 create [node node-id] ddcmp link link-name -$ logical station station-name@ Station-name is the simplename chosen to identify this ddcmp ! link logical station instance. Example:4 create ddcmp link ddcmp-0 logical station ddcmp-0 5 Exception_Messageso already exists6 A ddcmp link logical station entity already exists.o maximum stations exceeded> The station cannot be created because there are already the? maximum stations defined for this link. This can occur when > there is already one logical station defined for that link. 2 device? Creates the Device module. For more information about this ; entity and its subentities, refer to HELP ENTITY DEVICE. create [node node-id] deviceC Select unit for information on creating a device unit subentity.3 Exception_Messageso already exists" A device module already exists.3 unitB Creates an instance of a device unit entity, which controls theB loading and dumping of microcode for a specific communications device. 4 create [node node-id] device unit devunit-name - name device-nameC Name is a required argument which specifies the physical device : this device unit entity controls. Devunit-name is the 9 simplename which identifies this device unit instance. Example:) create device unit device-0 name DSV-02 dtssB Creates a DECdts clerk or server process on the specified node.0 create [node node-id] dtss type type-argumentA The type argument is required. It specifies whether the node  is a DECdts clerk or server. Example: create dtss type clerk2 event_dispatcherC Creates the Event Dispatcher module. For more information about- this entity and its subentities, refer to HELP ENTITY EVENT_DISPATCHER.) create [node node-id] event dispatcherF Select outbound_stream for information on  creating event dispatcher@ outbound stream subentities. Select relay for information onB creating the event dispatcher relay subentity. Select sink for= information on creating event dispatcher sink subentities.3 Exception_Messages'o entity class not supported (OpenVMS)C The Event Dispatcher has not registered with EMAA. The NET$EVD D process is probably not running. For instructions on restarting B the process, refer to HELP NETWORK_MANAGEMENT EVENT_DISPATCHER.3 outbound_streamE Creates an instance of an event dispatcher outbound stream entity.+ create [node node-id] event dispatcher -B outbound stream stream-name [maximum buffer size integer] E An event dispatcher outbound stream entity represents an outgoing G connection to a sink on a local or remote node. Stream-name is the E simplename which identifies this event dispatcher outbound stream < instance. Maximum buffer size is an optional argument. Example:7 create event dispatcher outbound stream local_stream4 maximum_buffer_sizeB Maximum buffer size is an optional argument that specifies the D maximum number of octets to be used for event processing of this D stream. The current value is displayed in the buffer size status 6 attribute. You can specify a size smaller than the E implementation's default, provided it is still sufficient to hold E the events lost event. It is recommended that you use the default  buffer size, which is 16384. Example:9 create event dispatcher outbound stream local_stream - maximum buffer size 163844 Exception_Messages'o entity class not supported (OpenVMS)C The Event Dispatcher has not registered with EMAA. The NET$EVD D process is probably not running. For instructions on restarting B the process, refer to HELP NETWORK_MANAGEMENT EVENT_DISPATCHER.3 relayD Creates an event dispatcher replay entity which processes events B from Phase IV systems. It receives Phase IV format events and 2 posts them into the DECnet-Plus logging system.0 create [node node-id] event dispatcher relay4 Exception_Messageso process failure= The event dispatcher relay entity probably already exists.'o entity class not supported (OpenVMS)C The Event Dispatcher has not registered with EMAA. The NET$EVD D process is probably not running. For instructions on restarting B the process, refer to HELP NETWORK_MANAGEMENT EVENT_DISPATCHER.3 sink< Creates an instance of an event dispatcher sink entity. + create [node node-id] event dispatcher -4 sink sink-name [maximum buffer size integer] E A sink manages incoming connections and filters incoming events. D Each sink maintains a filter that is applied to all streams that > are assigned to that sink. Sink-name is a simplename that ? identifies this particular event dispatcher sink instance. / Maximum buffer size is an optional argument. Example:* create event dispatcher sink local_sink4 maximum_buffer_sizeA Maximum buffer size is an optional argument that specifies theD maximum number of octets to be used for event processing of this C sink. The current value is displayed in the buffer size status 6 attribute. You can specify a size smaller than the E implementation's default, provided it is still sufficient to hold C the events lost event. If the value specified is inadequate for C the events lost event, an "insufficient resources" exception is F returned. It is recommended that you use the default buffer size,  which is 16384. Example:, create event dispatcher sink local_sink -! maximum buffer size 163844 Exception_Messages'o entity class not supported (OpenVMS)C The Event Dispatcher has not registered with EMAA. The NET$EVD D process is probably not running. For instructions on restarting B the process, refer to HELP NETWORK_MANAGEMENT EVENT_DISPATCHER.2 fddi9 Creates the FDDI module. Refer to HELP ENTITY FDDI for: more information about this entity and its subentities. create [node node-id] fddi: Select station for information on creating fddi station subentities. 3 Exception_Messageso already exists8 The FDDI module already exists on the specified node. 3 station? Creates an instance of an FDDI station, using the specified < communications device. Station-name is a simplename that : identifies this particular FDDI station instance. The + Communication Port argument is required.5 create [node node-id] fddi station station-name -% communication port port-idE The Communication Port is the system device name assigned to this station. A On Tru64 UNIX the port-id must be in the format ddn, where dd 8 is the device name prefix and n is the device number.A On OpenVMS the port-id must be in the format ddc, where dd is 9 the device name prefix and c is the controller letter.$ Device Type Tru64 UNIX OpenVMS& DEFAA faa fa& DEFEA fta fr& DEFTA fta fc DEFPA fta) DEFQA fq & DEFZA fza fc& DEMFA mfa fx& FOCUS fw OpenVMS Example:5 create fddi station fddi-0 communication port FWA 4 Exception_Messageso required argument omitted? Communications port is a required argument for this command.o already exists8 An fddi station by that instance name already exists.o no such object instanceC The FDDI module has probably not been created yet. On OpenVMS,A verify the contents of your NET$FDDI_STARTUP.NCL script. You = may need to run net$configure to reconfigure your devices.2 frame_(OpenVMS)A Creates the Frame module. Refer to HELP ENTITY FRAME for more5 information about this entity and its subentities. create [node node-id] frameB Select link for information on creating frame link subentities.3 linkH Creates an instance of a frame link entity, which is associated with I a physical line and controls the framing protocol used on that line. F There is one frame link entity for each physical line. The link-id> is a simplename that identifies this frame link instance. . create [node node-id] frame link link-id -4 protocol protocol-type [,control mode mode]A The Protocol argument is required. It determines the framing C protocol used over the link. Possible protocol-type values are:8 bisync, hdlc, chips, sdlc, ddcmp, swift, and genbyte.) The Control Mode argument is optional.4 control_modeB The optional Control Mode argument specifies the mode in which A the link operates. This argument determines the value of the A control mode characteristic. The default is point-to-point. < Possible mode values are: multipoint master, multipoint ! tributary, and point-to-point.4 Exception_Messageso parent is disabled< The frame entity was disabled when you issued this createB command. Enable the frame entity and then reissue this command.2 hdlcB Creates an HDLC module entity. For more information, refer to  HELP ENTITY HDLC. create [node node-id] hdlcB Select link for information on creating hdlc link and hdlc link logical station subentities.3 linkH Creates an instance of an HDLC link entity, which is associated with @ a port of the supporting physical layer module. It contains G attributes common to local HDLC operations for all logical stations  on that line. create [node node-id] hdlc -B link link-name [linktype link-type] [,profile latin1string] E Link-name is a simplename that identifies this HDLC link instance.3 The Linktype and Profile arguments are optional. Example: create hdlc link hdlc-0@ Select logical_station for information on creating hdlc link  logical station subentities. 4 linktypeD The optional Linktype argument specifies the operational mode of E the HDLC link, determining how the logical station operates. This > value is negotiated with the remote station. This argument 8 determines the value of the link type characteristic.C balanced The logical station operates in asynchronous response= balanced mode. This is the default value of the argument.@ primary The logical station is the primary and operates in# normal response mode. @ secondary The logical station is a secondary and operates in# normal response mode. Example:, create hdlc link hdlc-0 linktype primary 4 profileC The optional Profile argument specifies a string of information C that can be used when the HDLC protocol is dependent on network C subscription time commitments pertinent to the Data Link layer. A When specified, the values of some link characteristics may beA overridden. This argument determines the value of the profile @ characteristic. The default value of this argument is a null + string, meaning that no profile is used.4 logical_station? Creates an instance of the HDLC link logical station entity,B which controls the characteristics of an HDLC logical station. / create [node node-id] hdlc link link-name -' logical station station-name= There is one station for each remote termination of a line9 associated with the HDLC link. The station-name is a = simplename that identifies this HDLC link logical station  instance.  Example:1 create hdlc link hdlc-0 logical station hdlc-02 lapb@ Creates the LAPB module. Refer to HELP ENTITY LAPB for more 5 information about this entity and its subentities. create [node node-id] lapbA Select link for information on creating lapb link subentities.3 linkC Creates an instance of a LAPB link entity. Such an instance is ? associated with a port of the supporting Physical Layer and < contains attributes that describe local LAPB operation. < create [node node-id] lapb link link-name profile string< Link-name is a simplename that identifies this LAPB link ? instance. The required argument Profile is the name of the : X.25 Level 2 Profile that defines subscription details ; associated with the PSDN to which this DTE is connected. Example:, create lapb link link-0 profile "AUSTPAC"2 llc2< Creates an LLC2 module. For more information about this 9 entity and its subentities, refer to HELP ENTITY LLC2. create [node node-id] llc2 ; Select sap for information on creating llc2 sap and llc2 sap link subentities.3 sap@ Creates an instance of an LLC2 service access point entity. < Such an instance allows links to be multiplexed over its = associated LLC2 port. This instance is identified by the  simplename sap-name.* create [node node-id] llc2 sap sap-name Example: create llc2 sap sap-0 9 Select link for information on creating llcs sap link  subentities.4 linkC Creates an instance of the LLC2 sap link entity. Each instance ? of an LLC2 sap link entity represents one of the links that B operates over a particular service access point. Link-name is @ the simplename that identifies this particular LLC2 sap link instance.9 create [node node-id] llc2 sap sap-name link link-name Example:# create llc2 sap sap-0 link dte-12 modem_connect G Creates the Modem Connect module. For more information about this C entity and its subentities, refer to HELP ENTITY MODEM_CONNECT.) create [node node-id] modem connect ? Select line for information on creating modem connect line  subentities.3 Exception_Messageso Already exists@ A modem connect module already exists on the specified node.3 line? Creates an instance of the modem connect line entity. This F modem connect line entity is associated with a physical circuit on C the node. Usually, there is one line entity for each circuit. D  Line-name is a simplename that identifies this modem connect line instance.8 create [node node-id] modem connect line line-name -A communication port port-name [,optional arguments...]C The required Communications Port argument specifies the name of ? the communications port to which the communications line is  connected. D The optional arguments for the create modem connect line command D are: communications mode, duplex, connection type (Tru64 UNIX), & profile, and rate select (OpenVMS). Examples:& create modem connect line DSY-0-0 -" communication port DSY-0-0& create modem connect line DDCMP-0 -% communication port DMB-0-0, -4 communications mode synchronous, duplex full$ create modem connect line dsv-0 -% communication port DSV-0-0, - profile "NORMAL"4 communications_mode ; The optional Communications Mode argument specifies the ? communications method used on the link. Possible comm-mode ; values are: asynchronous and synchronous. The default : value is taken from the device capability. If that is ) unknown, the default is synchronous. Example:& create modem connect line DSY-0-0 -% communication port DSY-0-0, -' communications mode synchronous4 connection_type_(Tru64_UNIX)? The optional Connection Type argument specifies the type of ? connection. Possible conn-type values are: nonswitched and 9 switched. The default value is taken from the device = capability. If this is unknown, the default is switched. 4 duplex ; The optional Duplex argument specifies whether the line < is full or half duplex. Possible duplex-type values are:3 full The line has full-duplex capabilities.8 half The line has only half-duplex capabilities.: The default value is taken from the device capability. , If that is unknown, the default is full. Example:& create modem connect line DDCMP-0 -/ communication port DMB-0-0, duplex full 4 profile: The optional Profile attribute specifies the name of a < local profile to be used with the line. Specify the name ? as a latin1string. On OpenVMS, you must include the profile name in quotes. Example:$ create modem connect line dsv-0 -% communication port DSV-0-0, - profile "NORMAL"4 rate_select_(OpenVMS)< The optional Rate Select argument specifies which of the = line rates is to be used if none is specified when a call  is set up. < high The value of the "speed" characteristic is used.  This is the default.= low The value of the "alternate speed" characteristic  is used. Example:& create modem connect line DSY-0-0 -% communication port DSY-0-0, - rate select low4 Exception_Messageso already exists? A modem connect line entity with the specified name already exists on the specified node.o communications port in useC Another entity has reserved the communications port specified inB the command. Check that you specified the correct port. ReissueD the command specifying another port or modify the other entity to use a different port.2 mopB Creates the MOP module. For information about this entity and D its subentities, refer to HELP ENTITY MOP. For information about6 managing MOP, refer to HELP NETWORK_MANAGEMENT MOP. create [node node-id] mopF Select circuit for information on creating mop circuit subentities.D Select client for information on creating mop client subentities.3 Exception_Messages o already exists A MOP module already exists.'o entity class not supported (OpenVMS)G MOP has not registered with EMAA. The NET$MOP process has probably B not been properly started. See HELP NETWORK_MANAGEMENT MOP for further information. 3 circuitB Creates an instance of a mop circuit entity, identified by the G circuit-name simplename. This mop circuit entity is a data link on B which MOP services are available. The required Type attribute ! specifies the type of circuit.A create [node node-id] mop circuit circuit-name type circ-type Example:+ create mop circuit csmacd-1 type csma-cd4 Exception_Messages'o entity class not supported (OpenVMS)> MOP has not registered with EMAA. The NET$MOP process has = probably not been properly started. For more information,# see HELP NETWORK_MANAGEMENT MOP.o unsupported circuit type? Type argument value is not supported in this implementation.o already exists- A mop circuit by this name already exists. 3 clientA Creates an instance of a mop client entity, identified by the = client-name simplename. A mop client is a set of default 6 characteristics saved in the MOP Client database. 0 create [node node-id] mop client client-nameE These default characteristics are used by several MOP functions: A dump/load server, load requester, loop requester, and console : requester. When a command or request for one of these ? services does not supply all of the required arguments, the @ values stored in the MOP client database for that client are ! used to perform the operation. Example: create mop client lamchp4 Exception_Messages'o entity class not supported (OpenVMS)= The MOP entity has not registered with EMAA. The NET$MOP @ process has probably not been started. For more information,# see HELP NETWORK_MANAGEMENT MOP.o already exists9 The a mop client by that instance name already exists.o no such object instance3 MOP has not been properly started or configured.2 nspD Creates the NSP module. Refer to HELP ENTITY NSP for information) about this entity and its subentities.  create [node node-id] nsp3 Exception_Messageso Already Exists5 The create fails if the nsp module already exists.2 osakF Creates the OSAK module. Refer to HELP ENTITY OSAK for information) about this entity and its subentities. create [node node-id] osakC Select application for information on creating osak application : and osak application invocation subentities on OpenVMS.3 Exception_Messageo entity exists! An osak entity already exists.3 application_(OpenVMS)I Creates an osak application entity which represents an OSI applicationG and is created each time an OSI application that is running over theD OSAK software opens an initiator or a responder. The entity alsoD records information about the name and address of an application.A create [node node-id] osak application "presentation address"H For OpenVMS, an osak application entity has zero or  more application-I entity invocations, each represented by an OSAK application invocationD entity. In addition to recording information about the name and G address of an application, it also records information that controlsE the way in which inbound association requests for that application$ are handled by the OSAK software.A You should create an osak application and an osak application A invocation for each passive application that you want to run, B identifying the application by its presentation address. Also,D an osak application entity is created automatically for an active8 application and deleted at the end of the connection. Example:? create osak application "'0001'H/'0001'H/'0004'H/NS+21,CLNS"4 invocation_(OpenVMS)E Creates an osak application invocation entity which represents one" invocation of an application. A create [node node-id] osak application "presentation address"+ invocation invocation-identifierD An osak application invocation entity can be created in two ways:F o Automatically, each time an OSI application that is running over9 the OSAK software opens an initiator or a responderD o Manually, when you use this create command to create a passiveE application, which becomes active only when your OpenVMS systemF receives an OSI call for that particular application invocation. Example:A create osak application "'0001'H/'0001'H/'0004'H/NS+21,CLNS" -> invocation [AP_Invocation = -1, AE_Invocation = -1]2 osi_transportH Creates the OSI Transport module. Refer to HELP ENTITY OSI_TRANSPORT> for information concerning this entity and its subentities.' create [node node-id] osi transport? Select application for information on creating osi transport( application subentities on OpenVMS. G Select template for information on creating osi transport templates.3 Exception_Messages o  already exists* An osi transport entity already exists.3 application_(OpenVMS) F Creates an instance of the osi transport application entity. That ? instance is identified by the simplename application-name. ) create [node node-id] osi transport -& application application-nameE An OSI Transport Application stores information about an end user H that is activated for receipt of an incoming connection request when E the request contains that end user's name in its Destination Name field. Example:, create osi transport application osit$ivp 3 templateF Creates a instance of an osi transport template entity, identified 3 by the simplename used in place of template-id. < create [node node-id] osi transport template template-id= An OSI Transport Template entity provides a collection of E characteristics that supply default values for certain parameters F that influence the operation of a port on a transport connection. @ One template, with the reserved template-id of "default", is D automatically created when the osi transport entity is created. C This template is used by default when a user does not specify a A template-id in a call to establish a connection. The default C template is deleted automatically when the osi transport entity E is deleted. Similarly, the initial values of the attributes in a > template are the same as the current values in the default template. Example:1 create osi transport template osit$rfc1006plus4 Exception_Messages o already existsB An osi transport template entity by that instance name already exists. 2 routingA Creates the routing entity. For information about the Routing< entity and its subentities, refer to HELP ENTITY ROUTING.4 create [node node-id] routing type routing-type: The Type argument is required. It determines the value@ of the type characteristic attribute. These are the possible routing-type values:( endnode The node is an end system.+ L1router The node is a level 1 router.+ L2router The node is a level 2 router. Example: create routing type endnode> Select circuit for information on creating routing circuit,; routing circuit adjacency, and routing circuit reachable address subentities.; Select egp_group for information on creating routing egp8 group and routing egp group egp neighbor subentities.9 Select permitted_neighbor for information on creating * routing permitted neighbor subentities.3 Exception_Messages o already exists# A routing entity already exists. o invalid router typeC The type argument specifies an invalid router type on the create command. 3 circuitD Creates an instance of a routing circuit entity which represents = a data link to another node, specified by the simple name  circuit-name. 8 create [node node-id] routing circuit circuit-name - type circuit-typeD The Type argument is required. Possible circuit-type values are:, csma-cd - a broadcast circuit( ddcmp - a DDCMP circuit5 fddi - an FDDI large packet circuit( hdlc - an HDLC circuit= x25 da - a dynamically allocated X.25 circuit: x25 permanent - an X.25 permanent virtual circuit7 x25 static incoming - a static incoming X.25 circuit7 x25 static outgoing - a static outgoing X.25 circuitA On OpenVMS for FDDI routing circuits, the type should only be E fddi if large packet support is in use, otherwise the type should  be csma-cd. Examples:- create routing circuit fddi-1 type csma-cdE create routing circuit fddi-1 type fddi ! for large packet support? Select adjacency for information on creating routing circuit adjacency subentities. @ Select reachable_address for information on creating routing ) circuit reachable address subentities.4 Exception_Messages o invalid circuit type) The specified circuit type is invalid. Argument:5 reason Reason why the circuit type is invalid.> 1 A dynamically allocated X.25 circuit type is not- permitted for a level 1 router. o maximum circuits exceededB An attempt has been made to create more than the maximum number of circuits allowed. 4 adjacency; Creates an instance of a routing circuit adjacency. An = adjacency describes a neighboring node that is accessible " through a particular circuit. ; This create command is allowed only if the circuit is a : csma-cd circuit and the type is L1router or L2router. 8 create [node node-id] routing circuit circuit-name -- adjacency adjacency-name, -- endnode ids {id[,id...]}, -? LAN address LAN-address [,data format string]? The required Endnode IDs argument is a set of source system ; IDs. The required LAN Address argument is the Data LinkA address from which the adjacency receives end system hellos. D The optional Data Format argument is the format of the reachable address.4 reachable_address> Creates a routing circuit reachable address entity instance? which contains information about a manually entered address = prefix accessib le over that circuit. It exists only on L2  routers and end nodes. 8 create [node node-id] routing circuit circuit-name -' reachable address simple-name -% address prefix address-prefix: On an end system, the type may be "outbound" or (for a < broadcast circuit only) "filter". A reachable address of: type outbound behaves in a way similar to that on an L29 router except that the routing information is used to > control the operation of the ES cache. A  reachable address< of type filter (for the broadcast circuit only) specifies> the permitted LAN addresses of routers on the LAN that will: be used by the reverse path cache algorithm. To switch; between outbound and filter types, the reachable address? must first be disabled. For either outbound or filter type,< the mapping attribute should be set to manual because the default is X.121.> The address prefix argument is required. It specifies the > address prefix to which this reachable address corresponds. Example:@ create routing circuit csmacd-1 reachable address to-bulean - address prefix 49::45 Exception_Messages o address prefix not unique@ A reachable address already exists with the specified address prefix. o invalid address prefixB Specified address prefix has more than two digits, and does not correspond to a valid AFI.o non DA circuit@ A reachable address on an endnode can only be created on a DA circuit. 3 egp_groupD Creates a routing egp group defining a set of systems in the sameE autonomous system with which this sytem may exchange EGP messages.6 create [node node-id] routing egp group group-nameE This entity is supported only on Level 2 routers that support dual: routing (and, in particular, the EGP routing protocol).4 egp_neighborH Creates a routing egp group egp neighbor entity which defines one of F the systems in the same autonomous group defined by the owning egp  group entity. E create [node node-id] routing egp group group-name egp neighbor -/ neighbor-name ip address ip-address9 This entity is supported only on Level 2 routers that G support dual routing (and, in particular, the EGP routing protocol).5 Exception_Messages o duplicate ip addressB An EGP neighbor with this IP address already exists in this EGP group.3 permitted_neighbor > Creates a routing permitted neighbor entity instance which @ represents a neighboring node on a nonbroadcast circuit that = is permitted to connect to this node. Neighbor-name is a @ simple name. ID is the node ID of a potential neighbor node.# create [node node-id] routing -- permitted neighbor neighbor-name - id node-id Examples:8 create routing permitted neighbor nashua_decnet-osi - id 08-00-2b-12-34-566 create routing permitted neighbor nashua_phase_iv - id aa-00-04-00-12-344 Exception_Messages o duplicate node idA A routing permitted neighbor entity with the specified node ID already exists. Argument:A name The name of the permitted neighbor that already has this node ID. $o permitted neighbor already exists> A routing permitted neighbor entity with the specified name already exists.2 session_controlB Creates the Session Control module. For information about thisD entity and its subentities, refer to HELP ENTITY SESSION_CONTROL.) create [node node-id] session controlA Select application for information on creating session control application subentities.A Select proxy for information on creating session control proxy subentities on Tru64 UNIX.? Select transport_service for information on creating session) control transport service subentities.3 Exception_Messages o already exists+ A session control entity already exists.3 applicationE Creates a session control application entity instance which storesF information about an end user that this activated for receipt of anH incoming connection request when the request contains that end user'sF name in its destination name field. Application-name is the simple7 name assigned to the application when it is created.F create [node node-id] session control application application-name Example:* create session control application task4 Exception_Messages o already existsC An instance of a session control application entity by that name already exists.3 proxy_(Tru64_UNIX)4 create [node node-id] session control proxy nameE Name is the simple name assigned to a particular entity instance. F The name is the management identifier for the proxy database entry F and is kept unique among the entries in this database maintained by Session Control.4 Exception_Messages o already exists1 A session control proxy entity already exists.3 transport_service> Creates an instance of a session control transport service 8 entity which stores information about modules in the 2 Transport layer that support Session Control. + create [node node-id] session control -. transport service transport-name -2 protocol protocol-id [,tsel hex-string]B The Protocol argument is required. It specifies the transport 1 protocol to be used by this transport service:< '04'H This transport service uses the NSP transport  protocol.; '05'H This transport service uses version 1 of the % OSI transport protocol. = The optional TSEL argument is only applicable for the OSI  transport. Examples:= create session control transport service nsp protocol %X04= create session control transport service osi protocol %X054 tsel > The Transport Selector is used by the OSI Transport Module < to bind incoming connection requests to session control. : The default value is the hexadecimal representation of = "DEC0". This argument is not applicable for NSP transport. Example: create session control -: transport service osi protocol %X05, tsel %DEC0 4 Exception_Messages o already exists@ This session control transport service entity already exists. o duplicate protocolA The session control transport service entity fails on creation' because the protocol already exists. o protocol not supportedA The session control transport service entity fails on creation8 because the protocol is not supported by this module.2 token_ring_(Tru64_UNIX) D Creates the Token Ring module. For information about this entity8 and its subentities, refer to HELP ENTITY TOKEN_RING.$ create [node node-id] token ringA Select station for information on creating token ring station - and token ring station fa map subentities.3 Exception_Messageso already exists& A token ring entity already exists. 3 station/ Creates an instance of a token ring station.: create [node node-id] token ring station station-name -@ communication port device-name [,mode loopback-or-normal], [,transparent source routing enabled]B The Communication Port is required. It specifies a Tru64 UNIX B device name to assign to this station. The name must be in the ? format ddn, where dd is the device name prefix and n is the  device number. Device device-name DETRA tra0? Select FA_map for information on creating token ring station fa map subentities. 4 FA_map; create [node node-id] token ring station station-name -) FA map famap-id5 Exception_Messageso already exists< An FA map entity with the same identifier already exists. 4 mode ; The mode in which this station will be enabled. Can be ' either normal (default) or loopback. 4 transparent_source_routing 4 Indicates whether the transparent source routing = functionality will or will not be enabled. The default is * enabled. This value cannot be disabled.4 Exception_Messageso already exists. A token ring station entity already exists.o communication port in use> A communication port is already reserved by another entity.o invalid communication port> Cannot run Token Ring data link on this communication port. 2 x25_accessD Creates the X.25 Access module on the system. The Maximum ActiveC Ports argument is optional. It specifies the maximum number of - ports that can be created on this system. C create [node node-id] x25 access [maximum active ports integer]= For more information about the X.25 Access entity and its 1 subentities, refer to HELP ENTITY X25_ACCESS. 3 applicationF Creates an X.25 Access Application entity instance which defines an3 application to be executed for an incoming call.A create [node node-id] x25 access application application-name Examples:* create x25 access application X29_LOGIN) create X25 access application X25_MAIL. create X25 access application APPLICATION_0 3 dte_classH Creates an X25 access dte class entity which defines a named class ofE DTEs which is a group of local DTEs or a group of DTEs on a remote gateway system. ; create [node node-id] x25 access dte class class-name -! type local-or-remote / [,profile profile-name] (Tru64 UNIX)= Type is a required argument. Profile is an optional Tru64D UNIX argument used to supply default values for the X.121 mapping attribute in this entity. Examples:/ create x25 access dte class dte-0 type local1 create x25 access dte class AUSTPAC type local9 create x25 access dte class REMOTE-CLASS-0 type remote 3 filterE Creates an X.25 access filter entity which defines the criteria by; which the destination of an incoming call is determined.7 create [node node-id] x25 access filter filter-name Example:$ create x25 access filter FILTER_03 reachable_address? Creates an X.25 access reachable address entity which maps aA destination network service access point (NSAP) address in an 3 outgoing call to a DTE class/DTE address pair. % create [node node-id] x25 access -+ reachable address address-name -( address prefix address-prefix? The Address Prefix argument is required. It is the leading ? substring of an NSAP address associated with this reachable  address entity. Example:= create x25 access reachable address x121 address prefix 37 4 Exception_Messages o address prefix not unique@ A reachable address with the specified prefix already exists.3 security_dte_classD Creates an X.25 access security dte class entity which is used to& control inbound and outbound calls.& create [node node-id] x25 access -( security dte class class-name 4 remote_dteA Creates an X.25 access security dte class remote dte instance ; which is a collection of access control attributes that = control inbound calls from and outbound calls to a set of  remote DTEs. & create [node node-id] x25 access -* security dte class class-name - remote dte dte-name -3 remote address prefix dte-address-prefix< The Remote Address Prefix argument is required. It is a ; leading substring of a DTE address associated with this ? remote address entity. Wildcards can be used in the address prefix. Example: create x25 access -: security dte class Default remote dte remdte-0 -% remote address prefix 9876*3 security_filter< Creates an X.25 access security filter entity which is a ? collection of access control attributes that control access  to one or more filters.? create [node node-id] x25 access security filter filter-name Example:7 create x25 access security filter APPL_APPLICATION_0 3 template; Creates an X.25 access template entity which is used to > supply default values for call parameters when an outgoing < call is made. Values in a template can be overridden by  user-supplied values.; create [node node-id] x25 access template template-name Example:( create x25 access template TEMPLATE-02 x25_client_(OpenVMS)A Creates an X.25 client module which describes the X.25 client E interface in an accessing system, through which X.25 clients gain A access to a PSDN via an X.25 server in a gateway system. For A information about the X25 Client entity, refer to HELP ENTITY  X25_CLIENT.$ create [node node-id] x25 client1 [maximum session connections integer]4 [,incoming session template simple-name]A The Maximum Session Connections and Incoming Session Template  arguments are optional.3 maximum_session_connections D Maximum number of concurrent Session Control connections that canC be supported by the X.25 Client module. This argument determinesB the value of the maximum session connections characteristic. IfB not specified, the implementation-specific default value of the6 characteristic maximum session connections is used.3 incoming_session_template? The Session Control template specified for an open/incoming 8 connection at the end-user Session Control interface.2 x25_protocolC Creates the X.25 Protocol module which operates the packet levelA protocol interface to a PSDN, as defined by the CCITT and ISO.& create  [node node-id] x25 protocolE For information about the X25 Protocol entity and its subentities,% refer to HELP ENTITY X25_PROTOCOL.? Select dte for information on creating x25 protocol dte and $ x25 protocol dte pvc subentities.@ Select group for information on creating x25 protocol groups.3 dteC Creates an X.25 protocol dte entity which describes a local DTE.5 create [node node-id] x25 protocol dte dte-name -C profile profile-name [,maximum activ e circuits integer]D The Profile argument is required. It is the name of the profile F that supplies subscription details of the PSDN to which the DTE is  connected. B The Maximum Active Circuits argument is optional. It specifiesD the number of virtual circuits that can be active at any time on ( the DTE for SVCs and PVCs (OpenVMS). Example:2 create x25 protocol dte dte-1 profile "ISO8881"4 pvc= Creates an X.25 protocol dte pvc entity which descr ibes a % permanent virtual circuit (PVC). 4 create [node node-id] x25 protocol dte dte-name - pvc pvc-name -D channel integer [,packet size integer] [,window size integer]E The Channel argument is required. It is the concatenated logical @ channel group and logical channel number for the PVC, and it C should be a unique value among PVCs on this DTE. These channel E numbers must not be present in the incoming list or outgoing list  of the parent DTE.  6 Packet Size and Window Size are optional arguments. Example:4 create x25 protocol dte dte-0 pvc PVC-0 channel 5 5 packet_size @ Packet size, in octets, for the PVC. This argument determinesA the value of the packet size characteristic. This value shouldA be within the maximum and minimum packet size specifier by the parent DTE. 5 window_size A Window size for the PVC. This argument determines the value ofB the window size characteristic. T his value should be within the? maximum and minimum window size specifier by the parent DTE.5 Exception_Messageso name not unique6 The PVC entity is not unique at the gateway system.3 groupD Creates an X.25 protocol group entity which specifies a number of/ DTEs that make up a closed user group (CUG).7 create [node node-id] x25 protocol group group-name Example:$ create x25 protocol group GROUP-02 x25_relay_(Alpha)G Creates an X.25 rel ay entity which accepts an incoming call from oneE client and redirects it to another client. For information about 6 the X25 Relay entity and its subentities, refer to  HELP ENTITY X25_RELAY.G create [node node-id] x25 relay [maximum active connections integer]E The Maximum Active Connections argument is optional. It specifies6 the maximum number of active connections supported. 3 clientF Creates an X.25 relay client which provides a set of default values@ to be used to set up a relay between an incoming call and an  outgoing call.7 create [node node-id] x25 relay client client-name3 pvc; Creates an X.25 relay pvc entity which provides a set of< default values to be used to establish a connection to a 3 client over a permanent virtual circuit (PVC). 3 create [node node-id] x25 relay pvc pvc-name - type local-or-remote9 The Type argument is required, either local or remote. Example:( create x25 relay pvc pvc-0 type local 2 x25_serverH Creates X.25 server module which represents the X.25 server that runsI on a gateway system. The X.25 server serves X.25 clients on accessingF systems, providing X.25 access to systems that do not have a directE connection to a PSDN. For information about the X25 Server entity8 and its subentities, refer to HELP ENTITY X25_SERVER.$ create [node node-id] x25 server0 [maximum session connections number]B [,incoming session template simple-name] (Tru64 UNIX)D The Maximum Session Connections optional argument that specifies ? the number of incoming and outgoing connections that may be  supported concurrently.C Incoming Session Template is an optional argument for Tru64 UNIX> that specifies the Session Control template used to filter 1 incoming session control connection requests. 3 client? Creates an x25 server client entity which provides a set of < default values to be used to establish a Session Control @ connection with an X.25 client when an incoming call arrives C for that client. You should create an x25 server client entity D for each X.25 client with which the gateway system is associated.7 create [node node-id] x25 server client simple-name3 security_nodesE Creates an x25 server security nodes entity which defines a set ofE rights identifiers associated with calls issued by the X.25 ServerF  module (on behalf of the X.25 Client module at an accessing system)B to the X.25 Access module at the gateway system. These rights D identifiers are used when making access control checks on the DTE' class specified when a call is made.? create [node node-id] x25 server security nodes simple-name2 xot_(OpenVMS_Alpha)0 Creates the X.25 Over TCP/IP (XOT) module.  create [node node-id] xot3 sap) create [node node-id] xot sap sap-nameB Creates a Service  Access Point (SAP) entity which specifies the< point at which the XOT entity gains access to the TCP/IP = environment for the purposes of listening for inbound XOT < connections. The sap-name is a simple name that uniquely( identifies a particular SAP instance.@ By default a XOT SAP is created with the local ip address of ;, which indicates that the SAP will listen on any' available IP interface, for example: create xot sap sap-0  enable xot sap sap-0 A Or you may choose to create one or more SAP entities to listen$ on specific IP interfaces, as in:% create xot sap sap-0 $ set xot sap sap-0 - % local ip address % enable xot sap sap-0 % create xot sap sap-1 $ set xot sap sap-1 - % local ip address  enable xot sap sap-1? However, if multiple SAP entities are created, then none of 2 them can use the local ip address of  4 link9 create [node node-id] xot sap sap-name link link-name: Creates a LINK entity which represents a remote system : with which XOT is allowed to communicate. The sap-name: and link-name are simple names which uniquely identify % particular SAP and LINK instances.< To set up a XOT link, you must first create a SAP. A SAP= is required so that a number of XOT links can use a single RFC1613 port. Example: create xot sap sap-0  enable xot sap sap-0# create xot sap sap-0 link link-0" set xot sap sap-0 link link-0 -$ remote ip addr enable xot sap sap-0 link link-05 Exception_messageso Already exists/ The link entity by this name already exists.4 Exception_messageso Already exists. A SAP entity by this name already exists. ww*;~"IU1 define_(Tru64_UNIX)B On Tru64 UNIX you can define symbols to represent commonly used* class/instance pairs of NCL commands. ( define symbol-name ncl-class-instanceH For more information, refer to HELP NCL CUSTOMIZING DEFINING_SYMBOLS. Example:8 ncl> define ncl sym rc1 = "routing circuit circuit-1"ww"IU 1 delete@ Use the delete command to delete an entity or an instance of ? an entity. As with create, most entities support the delete@ command; however, some entities are deleted automatically by D s oftware, and so do not support the delete command. For example, @ entities that correspond to communications links are usually C deleted dynamically as these links are closed. You cannot delete@ an entity if it has child entities; you must delete all childC entities before you can delete the parent entity. It is usually,> though not always, the case that you must disable an entity before you can delete it. 2 alias_(OpenVMS) Deletes the alias module. delete [node! node-id] alias3 Exception_Messageso module enabled7 Disable the alias entity before trying to delete it. 3 port. delete [node node-id] alias port port-name NOTE: Disable routing before manually deleting an alias port. Example:% delete alias port dec:.lkg.bulean 4 Exception_messages/o cannot delete the entity while it is enabled< Disable the alias port entity before trying to delete it. 2 csma-cd! delete [node node-id] csma-cd3 Exception_Messageso has children (Tru64 UNIX)) Cannot delete while subentities exist. 2o cannot delete while subentities exist (OpenVMS)6 Cannot delete while csma station subentities exist. 3 station6 delete [node node-id] csma-cd station station-name Example: delete csma station csmacd-14 Exception_Messageso station in use (Tru64 UNIX)D Attempt to delete the csma-cd station entity failed because thereB is at least one active port still associated with this station.A You must wait until the ports go away to delete this station.  o wrong state8 The csma-cd station must be disabled before deletion.2 ddcmp_(OpenVMS_VAX) delete [node node-id] ddcmp3 link. delete [node node-id] ddcmp link link-name Example: delete ddcmp link ddcmp-04 Exception_Messages)o Cannot delete while subentities exist.D Cannot delete the link until its logical station subentities have been disabled and deleted. o wrong state- The link must be disabled before deletion.4 logical_station0 delete [node node-id] ddcmp link link-name -$ logical station station-name Example:4 delete ddcmp link ddcmp-0 logical station ddcmp-05 Exception_Messageso wrong state8 The logical station must be disabled before deletion. 2 device delete [node node-id] device3 Excep!tion_Messageso has children) Cannot delete while subentities exist.3 unit1 delete [node node-id] device unit simple-name2 dtss delete [node node-id] dtss2 event_dispatcher3 outbound_stream, delete [node node-id] event dispatcher -# outbound stream simple-name Example:7 delete event dispatcher outbound stream local_stream4 Exception_Messageso wrong stateC The operation failed because the entity was not i%n an off state.3 relay0 delete [node node-id] event dispatcher relay4 Exception_Messageso entity has children) Cannot delete while subentities exist. o wrong state. The relay must be disabled before deletion.3 sink; delete [node node-id] event dispatcher sink simple-name Example:* delete event dispatcher sink local_sink4 Exception_Messages  o has children+ Cannot delete while subentities exist.  o  wrong state- The sink must be disabled before deletion.2 fddi delete [node node-id] fddi3 Exception_Messageso has children9 Cannot delete while subentities exist. FDDI Stations ; must be disabled and deleted before the FDDI module can  be deleted. 3 station3 delete [node node-id] fddi station station-name Example: delete fddi station fddi-14 Exception_Messageso wrong state0 The station must be disabled before d' eletion.2 frame_(OpenVMS) delete [node node-id] frame3 link2 delete [node node-id] frame link frame-link-id Example: delete frame link frame-02 hdlc delete [node node-id] hdlc3 link- delete [node node-id] hdlc link link-name Example: delete hdlc link hdlc-04 Exception_Messageso wrong state8 The logical station must be disabled before deletion. o has children7 Cannot delete while subentities! exist. The Logical ; Station subentities must be disabled and deleted before  this link can be deleted.o link enabled4 The link is still enabled. Disable the link and  reissue the delete command.4 logical_station/ delete [node node-id] hdlc link link-name -/ logical station logical-station-name Example:1 delete hdlc link hdlc-0 logical station hdlc-02 lapb delete [node node-id] lapb3 link/ delete [node nod&"e-id] lapb link simple-name Example: delete lapb link link-02 llc2 delete [node node-id] llc2 3 sap- delete [node node-id] llc2 sap simple-name Example: delete llc2 sap sap-04 link/ delete [node node-id] llc2 sap simple-name - link simple-name Example:# delete llc2 sap sap-0 link dte-12 modem_connect ) delete [node node-id] modem connect 3 Exception_Messageso has children7 # The modem connect entity has subentities. You must 7 delete these subentities before you can delete the  modem connect entity.3 line 6 delete [node node-id] modem connect line line-name Example:$ delete modem connect line DSY-0-02 mop delete [node node-id] mop3 Exception_Messages o has childrenC Cannot delete while subentities exist. MOP Client Circuits and @ Clients must be deleted before the MOP Module can be deleted.!$ 3 circuit2 delete [node node-id] mop circuit circuit-name Example: delete mop circuit csmacd-14 Exception_Messages o has children8 Cannot delete while MOP Circuit Operation or Station  subentities exist. 3 client0 delete [node node-id] mop client client-name Example: delete mop client lamchp2 nsp  delete [node node-id] nsp3 Exception_Messageso Wrong State4 You cannot delete the entity while it is enable%d.2 osakH Deletes an OSAK entity and reclaims the resources associated with it.I The entity must be in the NotAvailable state before it can be deleted. delete [node node-id] osak3 Exception_Messageso subentity exists) Cannot delete while subentities exist.o wrong state= The osak entity is in the wrong state for the command you @ have tried to use on it. The text accompanying the exception 0 message specifies which command has failed. 3 a&pplication_(OpenVMS)A delete [node node-id] osak application "presentation address" Example:? delete osak application "'0001'H/'0001'H/'0004'H/NS+21,CLNS"4 Exception_Messages o wrong state; Disable the osak application before trying to delete it.  4 invocation_(OpenVMS)  delete [node node-id] osak -/ application "presentation address" -, invocation invocation-identifier Example:A delete osak application "'0'001'H/'0001'H/'0004'H/NS+21,CLNS" -> invocation [AP_Invocation = -1, AE_Invocation = -1]5 Exception_Messageso wrong stateC You cannot delete an osak application invocation entity when it  still has open ports.2 osi_transport' delete [node node-id] osi transport3 Exception_Messages o wrong state? Disable the osi transport entity before trying to delete it.3 application_(OpenVMS)D delete [node node-id] osi transport applic(ation application-name Example:, delete osi transport application osit$ivp 3 template< delete [node node-id] osi transport template template-id Example:- delete osi transport template osit$rfc10064 Exception_Messages !o cannot delete default template= Attempt to delete the osi transport template entity failed8 because the template named Default cannot be deleted. 2 routing! delete [node node-id] routing3 Exception_Messages") o wrong state7 Routing module cannot be deleted when it is enabled. o has children) Cannot delete while subentities exist. 3 circuit6 delete [node node-id] routing circuit circuit-name Example:" delete routing circuit csmacd-1 4 adjacency8 delete [node node-id] routing circuit circuit-name -# adjacency adjacency-name Example:5 delete routing circuit csmacd-1 adjacency RTG$00015 Exception_Messages o d*eletion not permittedC An attempt has been made to delete an automatic adjacency, or anA adjacency on a circuit that is not a dynamically assigned X.25 circuit. 4 reachable_address8 delete [node node-id] routing circuit circuit-name -( reachable address simple-name Example:> delete routing circuit csmacd-1 reachable address to-bulean 3 egp_group6 delete [node node-id] routing egp group group-name4 egp_neighbor8 delete [node nod+e-id] routing egp group group-name -% egp neighbor neighbor-name3 permitted_neighbor B delete [node node-id] routing permitted neighbor neighbor-name2 session_control Supported only on Tru64 UNIX:* delete [node node-id] session control 3 Exception_Messages o wrong stateA Disable the session control entity before trying to delete it.3 application+ delete [node node-id] session control -$ application application-name, Example:/ delete session control application SMISERVER3 backtranslation_softlink+ delete [node node-id] session control -( backtranslation softlink name Example:+ delete session control backtranslation -B softlink DEC:.DNA_BACKTRANSLATION.%X49.%X0004.%XAA00040074133 port 8 delete [node node id] session control port port-name Example:0 delete session control port SCL$PORT$1202002C3 proxy_(Tru64_UNIX)4 delet-e [node node-id] session control proxy nameC Name is a simple name assigned to a particular entity instance. F The name is the management identifier for the proxy database entry F and is kept unique among the entries in this database maintained by Session Control.3 tower_maintenanceD delete [node node-id] session control tower maintenance fullname Example:: delete session control tower maintenance DEC:.LKG.FALSE3 transport_service+ delete [node n.ode-id] session control -) transport service transport-name Examples:/ delete session control transport service OSI/ delete session control transport service NSP4 Exception_Messageo wrong state (Tru64 UNIX)B This entity cannot be deleted while there are connections using this transport.2 token_ring_(Tru64_UNIX)$ delete [node node-id] token ring3 Exception_Messageso has children) Cannot delete while subentities exist. 3 / station9 delete [node node-id] token ring station station-name4 Exception_Messageso wrong state? Failure to delete the token ring station entity because the , station must be disabled before deletion. 4 FA_map; delete [node node-id] token ring station station-name -) FA map famap-id4 source_route; delete [node node-id] token ring station station-name -5 source route sourceroute-id 2 x25_acces 0s$ delete [node node-id] x25 access3 applicationA delete [node node-id] x25 access application application-name Example:) delete x25 access application X25_MAIL 3 dte_class9 delete [node node-id] x25 access dte class class-name Example:- delete x25 access dte class REMOTE-CLASS-04 Exception_Messageso inbound DTE class1 The DTE Class is referenced by an enabled DTE. 3 filter7 delete [node node-id] x25 access filte1r filter-name Example: delete x25 access filter X293 reachable_addressC delete [node node-id] x25 access reachable address address-name Example:+ delete x25 access reachable address x1213 security_dte_classB delete [node node-id] x25 access security dte class class-name 4 remote_dte& delete [node node-id] x25 access -* security dte class class-name - remote dte dte-name3 security_filter& delete [no!2de node-id] x25 access -$ security filter filter-name Example:7 delete x25 access security filter APPL_APPLICATION_0 3 template; delete [node node-id] x25 access template template-name Example:( delete x25 access template TEMPLATE-02 x25_client_(OpenVMS)$ delete [node node-id] x25 client2 x25_protocol& delete [node node-id] x25 protocol3 dte3 delete [node node-id] x25 protocol dte dte-name Example: del 3ete x25 protocol dte dte-04 pvc( delete [node node-id] x25 protocol -% dte dte-name pvc pvc-name Example:* delete x25 protocol dte dte-0 pvc PVC-03 group7 delete [node node-id] x25 protocol group group-name Example:$ delete x25 protocol group GROUP-04 Exception_Messages o referenced dte enabled7 One or more of the DTEs referenced by this group is  still enabled.2 x25_relay_(Alpha)# delete [node node-id!4] x25 relay 3 client7 delete [node node-id] x25 relay client client-name4 Exception_Messageso has active connections 7 One or more active connections exist on this client.3 pvc1 delete [node node-id] x25 relay pvc pvc-name 2 x25_server$ delete [node node-id] x25 server 3 client7 delete [node node-id] x25 server client simple-name3 security_nodes& delete [node node-id] x25 server -' security nodes 5simple-name2 xot_(OpenVMS_Alpha)/ Deletes the X.25 Over TCP/IP (XOT) module.   delete [node node-id] xotC Before the XOT module can be deleted, all of its associated SAPs* and LINKs must be disabled and deleted. Example:H show xot sap * state ! To find all SAPs and their statesB show xot sap sap-0 link * state ! To find all links for a SAPI disable xot sap sap-0 link link-0 ! All links must be disabled/deleted# delete xot sap sap-0 6link link-0H disable xot sap sap-0 ! All SAPs must be disabled/deleted delete xot sap sap-0G delete xot ! Before XOT itself can be deleted3 Exception_Messageso has children C The XOT module cannot be deleted when it has active subentities. 3 sapB Deletes a disabled Service Access Point (SAP) entity. Sap-name= is a simple name that uniquely identifies a particular SAP instance.* delete [node node-id] xo7t sap sap-nameC Before a SAP can be deleted, all of its associated LINK entities must be disabled and deleted. Example: show xot sap * -= local ip addr, state ! Identifies the sap to delete.@ show xot sap sap-0 link * ! There can be no link subentities; disable xot sap sap-0 ! and SAP must be disabled @ delete xot sap sap-0 ! before the SAP can be deleted.4 link@ Deletes a previously disabled LINK entity, which represents a? rem8ote system with which XOT is allowed to communicate. The: sap-name and link-name are simple names which uniquely . identify particular SAP and LINK instances.9 delete [node node-id] xot sap sap-name link link-name Example:= show xot sap sap-0 link * - ! Finds link to delete.% remote ip address, state = disable xot sap sap-0 link link-0 ! LINK must be disabled: delete xot sap sap-0 link link-0 ! before deletion.5 Exception_messageso 9 wrong state: The XOT SAP LINK entity must be disabled before it can  be deleted.4 Exception_Messageso wrong state@ The XOT SAP entity must be disabled before it can be deleted. o has children E The XOT SAP entity cannot be deleted when it has LINK subentities. wwJ{"IU 1 disableB Many entities have a status attribute called state, whose valueB reflects the current operational state of the entity. The value of state is u :sually either:D off The entity is disabled. In this state the entity exists andC can be manipulated in various ways (for example, by having@ its characteristics modified), but will not perform its primary functions.A on The entity is enabled. In this state the entity is fully operational.> Use the disable command to place the entity in its disabled? (off) state. Many entities do not permit you to modify their> characteristics while t;hey are enabled, so you must use theA disable command before using the add, remove, or set commands.D Also, it is often the case that you cannot delete an entity whileB it is enabled, so you must use the disable command before using# the delete command. For example,) ncl> disable modem connect line line-1? disables the entity to suspend its operation temporarily and9 suspends operation of the corresponding physical line.2 alias_(OpenVMS)3 port/ disable <[node node-id] alias port port-name 2 csma-cd 3 station7 disable [node node-id] csma-cd station station-name Example: disable csma station csmacd-12 ddcmp_(OpenVMS_VAX)3 link/ disable [node node-id] ddcmp link link-name Example: disable ddcmp link ddcmp-04 logical_station0 disable [node node-id] ddcmp link link-name -' logical station station-name Example:5 disable ddcmp link ddcmp-0 logical station dd=cmp-02 dtss disable [node node-id] dtss2 event_dispatcher+ disable [node node-id] event dispatcher3 outbound_stream= Disables an event dispatcher outbound stream entity which = represents an outgoing connection to a sink on a local or  remote node. - disable [node node-id] event dispatcher -; outbound stream simple-name [method disable-method]> The optional Method argument specifies whether an existing ? connection should b>e aborted immediately or shut down in an - orderly fashion. The disable methods are:? abort The stream calls the disconnect operation to abort ( the connection immediately. A orderly The stream calls the shutdown operation to perform an= orderly shutdown of the connection. This is the  default method. Examples:8 disable event dispatcher outbound stream local_stream disable event dispatcher -3 outbound stream lo?cal_stream method abort4 Exception_Messages o incompleteB Orderly disable could not be completed due to lack of transport confidence.3 relay1 disable [node node-id] event dispatcher relay 4 logging9 Transitions the state of the specified logging entity to off.- disable [node node-id] event dispatcher -& relay logging logging-type Examples:1 disable event dispatcher relay logging console1 disable event dispatche @r relay logging monitor. disable event dispatcher relay logging file3 sink< disable [node node-id] event dispatcher sink simple-name Example:+ disable event dispatcher sink local_sink2 fddi 3 station4 disable [node node-id] fddi station station-name Example: disable fddi station fddi-14 link6 disable [node node-id] fddi station station-name - link link-index OpenVMS Example:% disable fddi station fddiA-0 link 0 Tru64 UNIX Example:% disable fddi station fddi-1 link 15 Exception_Messages%o invalid item list format (OpenVMS)9 Confirm that latest LAN driver patch kit from OpenVMS  has been installed.1o return data corrupt or incorrectly encoded on  remote system (OpenVMS)9 Confirm that latest LAN driver patch kit from OpenVMS ; has been installed on both the local and remote systems. 4 phy_port6 disable [node node-id] fddi station Bstation-name - phy port port-index OpenVMS Example:) disable fddi station fddi-0 phy port 0 Tru64 UNIX Example:) disable fddi station fddi-1 phy port 15 Exception_Messages%o invalid item list format (OpenVMS)9 Confirm that latest LAN driver patch kit from OpenVMS  has been installed.1o return data corrupt or incorrectly encoded on  remote system (OpenVMS)9 Confirm that latest LAN driver patch kit from OpenVMS ; has been instal%Cled on both the local and remote systems. 2 frame_(OpenVMS) disable [node node-id] frame3 link3 disable [node node-id] frame link frame-link-id Example: disable frame link frame-02 hdlc3 link. disable [node node-id] hdlc link link-name Example: disable hdlc link hdlc-04 logical_station0 disable [node node-id] hdlc link link-name -0 logical station logical-station-name Example:3 disab&Dle hdlc link hdlc-0 logical station hdlc-0 2 lapb3 link0 disable [node node-id] lapb link simple-name Example: disable lapb link link-02 llc23 sap. disable [node node-id] llc2 sap simple-name Example: disable llc2 sap sap-04 link0 disable [node node-id] llc2 sap simple-name - link simple-name Example:$ disable llc2 sap sap-0 link dte-12 modem_connect3 line 7 disable [node node-id] mEodem connect line line-name Example:% disable modem connect line DSY-0-02 mop disable [node node-id] mop 3 circuitA Removes a set of MOP service functions from the specified MOP circuit.5 disable [node node-id] mop circuit circuit-name -. functions {function[,function...]}B The Functions argument is required for the disable mop circuit 0 commands. The MOP Circuit Functions include:. configuration monitor load servFer1 console requester loop requester3 dump server query requester 7 load requester (Tru64 UNIX) test requester Examples:! disable mop circuit csmacd-1 -) functions {configuration monitor} disable mop circuit fddi-1 -, functions {dump server, load server}2 ncl 3 logging disable ncl loggingC This will discontinue the logging of ncl commands to the NCL logB file. This logging was establiGshed earlier in the NCL session E with the "set ncl logfile" and "enable ncl logging" commands. To B determine the name of the log file, use the "show ncl logfile" command.  For example, on OpenVMS: NCL>set ncl logfile test NCL>enable ncl logging NCL>show all NCL>disable ncl logging NCL>show ncl logfile Logfile name is: test Logfile is DisabledE The results will be in the file TEST.NCL. That file will contain E the logged NCL command(s), Hand the output will be commented out. 5 You may then reissue the command(s) you logged by: NCL>do test.ncl3 uid_display_(Tru64_UNIX)F By default, unique identification (UID) values are not displayed inE NCL output. Use the enable ncl uid display command if you wish toC see this attribute displayed. Use the following command to turn UID displays back off: disable ncl uid displayB For more information, refer to HELP NCL OUTPUT DISPLAYING_UIDS. 2 fuInction 2 disable [node node-id] function function-arg Example:$ disable function address watcherF Disables node entity functions as specified by the function-arg. % Possible function-arg values are:A address Disabling this function causes the state attributeB watcher to be set to off, but the node can still respond toA management through its CMIP interface. The disable5 function is only supported on OpenVMS.: CMIPJ Enabled automatically by the software. ThisA listener function permits the node to respond to management< through its CMIP listener interface. The CMIP< listener function is only supported on OSF/1.2 nsp disable [node node-id] nsp2 osakF Puts the OSAK entity in the NotAvailable state in which it does notA accept any more inbound or outbound association requests, and G existing associations are aborted. If the OSAK entity is K already in5 the NotAvailable state, the command has no effect. disable [node node-id] osak2 osi_transport( disable [node node-id] osi transport 2 routing" disable [node node-id] routing 3 circuit7 disable [node node-id] routing circuit circuit-name Example:# disable routing circuit csmacd-14 ip_reachable_address9 disable [node node-id] routing circuit circuit-name -, ip reachable address simple-name4 reaLchable_address9 disable [node node-id] routing circuit circuit-name -) reachable address simple-name Example:? disable routing circuit csmacd-1 reachable address to-bulean 3 egp_group7 disable [node node-id] routing egp group group-name4 egp_neighbor9 disable [node node-id] routing egp group group-name -& egp neighbor neighbor-name2 session_control+ disable [node node-id] session control 2 token_ring_(Tru64_U#MNIX): disable [node node-id] token ring station station-name 2 x25_access% disable [node node-id] x25 access3 application' disable [node node-id] x25 access -% application application-name Example:* disable x25 access application X25_MAIL2 x25_client_(OpenVMS)% disable [node node-id] x25 client2 x25_protocol4 disable [node node-id] x25 protocol dte dte-name Example:! disable x25 protocol dte dte-12 N x25_relay_(Alpha) 3 client8 disable [node node-id] x25 relay client client-name3 pvc2 disable [node node-id] x25 relay pvc pvc-name 2 x25_server% disable [node node-id] x25 server 3 client8 disable [node node-id] x25 server client simple-name2 xot_(OpenVMS_Alpha)3 sap+ disable [node node-id] xot sap sap-name: Disables a Service Access Point (SAP) subentity of the ; X.25 Over TCP/IP (XOT) module. The sap-name is a simple3O name which uniquely identifies a particular SAP instance. Example: disable xot sap sap-04 link: disable [node node-id] xot sap sap-name link link-name> Disables XOT communications with a particular remote system? identified by the LINK's remote IP addres and remote RFC1613< port number. The sap-name and link-name are simple names= which uniquely identify particular SAP and LINK instances. Example:+ show xot sap sap-0 link * remote ip addrP$ disable xot sap sap-0 link link-0ww*D"IU1 Directory_ModuleAThis is the X.500 Directory Service help module. It contains helpfor the DSA entity.AA Directory System Agent (DSA) is a component of the Compaq X.500CDirectory Service product. It is responsible for holding directory Cinformation and satisfying user requests for directory information.>The DSA entity represents the X.500 DSA on a given system, andEenables you to manage that DSA. You use the entity t Qo turn the DSA onAand off, to enable it to receive and make connections to and fromDother X.500 components. You also use the entity to configure the DSAEto perform its intended role as part of your X.500 Directory Service.2 DSA:A DSA entity enables you to manage a DSA for a given node.?A DSA entity must be created and enabled before it can receive 6connections from directory applications or other DSAs.IThere is only one DSA entity per node. A DSA entity has four subentities,illust Rrated below:( DSA entity$ |: +--------------+-------+------+--------------+: | | | |> Naming Subordinate Superior Accessor< Context Reference Reference entity, entity entity entity 3 Accessor=An Accessor entity can be used to represent a user of the DSA;such that the DSA can verify the user's id Sentity when they attempt to connect.<Normally, a DSA verifies the identity of a directory user by?reference to directory information. However, an Accessor entity?provides a way of giving a DSA information about a user withoutDhaving to represent that user in the directory. This might be usefulFin some problem solving situations. However, it is not the recommended"way to represent users of the DSA.ENote that the Accessor entity is a volatile entity. If you delete theIDSA entity for a T given system, then all Accessor entities for that systemare deleted permanently. 4 ANote also that an Accessor entity only permits a user to identify@themselves to this DSA. If the user wants identify themselves to:another DSA, then that DSA also needs an Accessor entity. 4 Characteristics9An Accessor entity has only one characteristic attribute::Password. You can use the SET directive on this attribute.Syntax:* SET DSA ACCESS UOR PASSWORD ?where is the name of the user whose password you want to?set a new value, and is the new value for the password.CSpecify the password as a Latin1 string. There is no default value.>The name and the password must both be quoted. The password isa case sensitive attribute. 4 Directives@You can use the CREATE, DELETE, SET and SHOW directives with theAccessor entity.AThe CREATE and DELETE directives are used to create and delete anAccessor entVity.AThe SET and SHOW directives are used to set and show attributes, respectively.5 CREATEFUse this directive to create an Accessor entity of the specified name.Syntax:, CREATE DSA ACCESSOR PASSWORD 2You must quote the name and password. For example:D > CREATE DSA ACCESSOR "/C=US/O=Abacus/CN=Manager" PASSWORD "mumble" 6 Arguments9The CREATE directive has an identifier and one argument. +The argument is mandatory. The argument is: - PASSWORD7The identiWfier specifies the name of a directory user. 8This is in the form of a distinguished name or AE title.;The PASSWORD argument identifies the password for the user..Specify this argument in the following format: PASSWORD 4where is the password is a Latin1 string of Ebetween 1 and 128 characters long. The password value must be quoted.6 Errors<The CREATE directive can return one of the following errors:REASON: Wrong State;DESCRIPTION: The DSA entity is Xnot in the correct state. <This means that the DSA is in one of the transitional states3UPDATING, CREATING, ENABLING, or DISABLING. The DSAAmust be in state ON or OFF when you create an Accessor entity. 0The response indicates what state the DSA is in.REASON: Already Exists4DESCRIPTION: This Accessor entity already exists.=This means that the name you specified is already the name ofan Accessor entity.REASON: Invalid Name>DESCRIPTION: The Yentity name is not a valid directory name.5This means that the name you specified is not in the <distinguished name format. The response displays the invalidname component.5 DELETE0Use this directive to delete an Accessor entity.Syntax: DELETE DSA ACCESSOR 6 Errors4The DELETE directive can return the following error:REASON: Wrong State;DESCRIPTION: The DSA entity is not in the correct state.0 =This mZeans that the DSA is in one of the transitional states 4UPDATING, CREATING, ENABLING, or DISABLING. The DSA >must be in state ON or OFF when you delete an Accessor entity.0The response indicates what state the DSA is in. 5 Examples6 > CREATE DSA ACCESSOR "/C=US/O=Abacus/CN=Jon Smith" - _> PASSWORD "mumble"2 > SHOW DSA ACCESSOR "/C=US/O=Abacus/CN=Jon Smith"6 The first command creates an Accessor entity and the  second command displays it. : Note you cannot use the SHOW dir[ective to display = the Password attribute of an Accessor entity, because$ it is a read-only attribute.4 > DELETE DSA ACCESSOR "/C=US/O=Abacus/CN=Jon Smith"+ This command deletes the Accessor entity. 5 SET9Use the SET directive to change the value of the AccessorPassword attribute.Syntax:) SET DSA ACCESSOR PASSWORD 2where is the value you want to set for the-Password attribute. The value must be quoted.5 SHOW6Use the SHOW directive\ to display an Accessor entity. 7The Password characteristic attribute is not displayed.Syntax: SHOW DSA ACCESSOR AYou can also use the wildcard "*" in a SHOW directive, to display-a list of all Accessor entities, for example:SHOW DSA ACCESSOR * 4 Identifier?Each Accessor entity is uniquely identified by a name. This is Bthe name of the user that you want to give access to the DSA, and >must be in same format as a distinguished name or an AE title.,For example, "/C]=US/O=Abacus/CN=Jon Smith". 2Refer to DSA Common_Datatypes for more information<on how to specify an AE title. Refer to the CREATE directive9for more information on how to create an Accessor entity.3 Common_Datatypes<Many of the management directives of the DSA entity and its <subentities require you to specify AE titles, distinguished "names, and presentation addresses.CThe syntaxes of these commonly used datatypes are described in the subtopics listed below. 4 AE_Title?An AE ^title is a unique name used in many management directives+of the Directory Module to identify a DSA. CThe syntax for AE titles supported by the management directives of Bthe Directory Module is the same as the distinguished name syntax 8supported by Compaq's X.500 Information Manager (DXIM). For example:, AE Title = "/C=US/O=Abacus/OU=Sales/CN=dsa"!Note that the AE title is quoted.CRefer to Distinguished_Name for more information on how to specify <an AE title or distinguished _ name in a management directive.4 Distinguished_Name>A distinguished name uniquely identifies a directory user. The@syntax of a distinguished name is exactly the same as the syntaxof an AE title. ;A distinguished name is a sequence of one or more relative ;distinguished names (RDNs) each preceded by a / character. BEach RDN is a sequence of one or more attribute value statements, Dsuch as commonName=John. Usually an RDN contains only one attribute =value statement, but it is possibl`e to specify a sequence of <attribute value statements separated by commas, for example: - commonName=John,organizationalUnitName=Sales4Many of the attribute types, such as commonName and =organizationalUnitName, can be abbreviated. For example, the CcommonName can be abbreviated to cn, and organizationalUnitName canbe abbreviated to ou.AIn management directives, a distinguished name (or AE title) must3always be enclosed in quotation marks, for example:& Distinguished Name = a"/C=US/O=Abacus"; AValues in a distinguished name can include commas, equals signs, Band backslash characters, in which case the value must be quoted. !For example, commonName='Smith,' <The following is an example of a distinguished name that has>three RDNs, the last of which is quoted because it contains anequals character:6 Distinguished Name = "/C=US/O=Abacus/CN='sales=toys'"=Note the use of two types of quotation mark, " b..." to enclose=the entire distinguished name, and '...' to enclose the value+sales=toys, which contains an equals sign. 4 Presentation_AddressB The PresentationAddress datatype defines the format that shouldD be used for all presentation addresses in OSI applications. It isC also the format in which presentation addresses are displayed by OSI network management.C This datatype is a Latin1 string. Its values must conform to the? following syntax (shown in BNF). This synctax is an extension= of the Internet standard for representing OSI presentation addresses.; Note that the numbers 1 to 12 shown to the right of this< syntax description are not part of the syntax. They refer? to explanations which are provided at the end of this syntax description.; ::= [[[ "/" ] "/" ]A "/" ] ::= ::= ::= 8 ::= '"' '"' 18 | "#" 2, | "'" "'H" | ""C ::= [ "|" ]& | = ::= ["," ]8 ::= "CLNS" | "CONS" | "RFC1006" 38 :: e= "NS" "+" 43 | "+" ["+" ]8 | "+" 58 | RFC1006 "+" ["+" ] 6# ::= 8 ::= "d" 78 | "x" 88 | "l" 9C | "RFC1006" "+" "+" ["+" # f ["+" ]]9 | "X.25(80)" "+" "+" ; [ "+" "+" ]) | "ECMA-117-Binary"5 "+" "+" % "+" * | "ECMA-117-Decimal"9 "+" "+" ' "+" # ::= 7 ::= "X121" | "DCC" |g "TELEX" | "PSTN"0 | "ISDN" | "ICD" | "LOCAL"% ::= 9 ::= 109 ::= 119 ::= "TCP" | "IP" | 12# ::= $ ::= "CUDF" | "PID"/ ::= | / |  ::= [0-9]h+ ::=  | # ::= [0-9a-zA-Z-.]0 ::= $ | 4 ::= "." 9 | "." ! ::= # | ! :: ::= [0-9a-fA-F]+ ::= , ::= " | $ ::= [0-9a-zA-Z+-.]+ ::=  | , 1 Value restricted to printed characters 2 US GOSIP requirement3 3 Network type identifier (the default is CLNS)D 4 Concrete binary representation of network (NSAP) address value 5 ISO 8348 compatibility 6 RFC 1006 preferred format< 7 Abstract decimal format for domajin specific part (DSP) 8 Abstract binary for DSP= 9 Printable character format for DSP (for local use only)B 10 Dotted decimal notation (e.g. or domain name (e.g. twg.com)* 11 TCP port number (the default is 102)B 12 Internet transport protocol identifier (1 = TCP and 2 = UDP): Keywords can be specified in either upper case or lower@ case. However, selector values are case sensitive. Spaces are significant. 5 Examples? The following examp kles illustrate the syntax of presentation? addresses. Note that some types of presentation address are A applicable only to specific operating systems. When specifyingC a presentation address in a management directive, always enclose? it in '' quotation marks. Note that the easiest way to set a= DSA's presentation address is to use the DSA configuration procedure. 4 1. "DSA"/"DSA"/"DSA"/NS+490001aa000400d90621,CLNS> This is a typical presentation a lddress for a Compaq DSA.? In a management command, this must be quoted, as follows:6 '"DSA"/"DSA"/"DSA"/NS+490001aa000400d90621,CLNS'> 2. "my_psel"/"my_ssel"/"my_tsel"/LOCAL++x0001aa000400d90621@ "my_psel"/"my_ssel"/"my_tsel"/NS+490001aa000400d90621,CLNSD These examples both specify the same presentation address. TheB first example uses the LOCAL authority and format identifierD (AFI), which does not have an initial domain identifier (IDI).B The tw mo plus signs (++) indicate that the IDI is missing. ByD default, the network type is CLNS. The second example uses the* value of the LOCAL AFI, which is 49.- 3. "256"/NS+a433bb93c1,CLNS|NS+aa3106,CONS: This is a presentation address which has a transport> selector, (no presentation or session selector), and two? network addresses. The first network address is CLNS (for= a connectionless network) and the second is CONS (for a? connection-oriented netw nork). These network addresses areC specified in concrete binary form. This form can be used onlyD when the concrete binary representation of the network address is known.( 4. #63/#41/#12/X121+234219200300,CONS= This presentation address has presentation, session and= transport selectors, and a single network address which@ consists of an AFI (X121) and an IDI (234219200300). There! is no domain specific part.@ 5. '3a'H/TELEX+00728722+X.25(80 o)+02+00002340555+CUDF+"892796"B This is an network address for X.25. Note that, because CONS: is not specified, the network type defaults to CLNS.! 6. RFC1006+,RFC1006C This is an RFC1006 address. The address is not an ISO networkA address but the combination of an IP address and a TCP portA number, which is 519 in this example. The IP address can beD specified as either a DNS domain name or an IP address. For an7 RFC1006 address, the npetwork type can be omitted.3 CharacteristicsAEach DSA characteristic attribute is listed below. You can assignBvalues (using the SET directive) to all of these attributes except@for the Version attribute. You can display the current value of /all of the attributes using the SHOW directive.Syntax: SET DSA [, ...] SHOW DSA [, ...]6where is the attribute name and is the ;value. You can specify more than one attribute in a single 5directivqe by separating the attributes with a comma. For example:5 SET DSA AE TITLE="/C=US/CN=DSA3", PASSWORD="mumble" SHOW DSA AE TITLE, PASSWORDBYou can use the ALL CHARACTERISTICS keywords in a SHOW directive, for example:$ SHOW DSA ALL CHARACTERISTICSACharacteristic attributes can be reset to their default values by@specifying the characteristic attribute without a value in a SET?directive. For example, the following command resets the DSA AE0Title attribute to its defaultr value (no value): SET DSA AE TITLE 4 Accounting_FacilityBThe Accounting Facility characteristic attribute controls whether @the accounting facility is enabled on a DSA. (Note that previous<versions of the DSA used an Accounting State attribute. The /Accounting State attribute has been withdrawn.)Syntax:% SET DSA ACCOUNTING FACILITY  SHOW DSA ACCOUNTING FACILITY>When you enable the accounting facility, the DSA generates the>Accounting Enabled event. If the accou snting facility cannot beCstarted, the DSA generates the Accounting Start Failure event. When;you disable the accounting facility, the DSA generates theAccounting Disabled event.<The setting of this attribute is maintained when you disableEand re-enable the DSA, and also when you delete and recreate the DSA. 4 Accounting_OptionsCThe Accounting Options characteristic attribute controls the amountDof information included in Operation records in the accoun tting file.@If this attribute is not set, the DSA provides a summary of userErequests. The information included in Operation records is described 3in Digital X.500 Directory Service Problem Solving.?If you set this attribute, in addition to summary information, =the DSA can include the protocol data unit (PDU) of the user Brequest and/or the error returned to the user if the operation is ?not successful. The error PDU and request PDU are described in CCITT Recommendation X.511.CYou ucan set the attribute such that the DSA includes either the PDU=of a successful user request, the PDU of an error returned in-response to a user request, both, or neither.Syntax:( SET DSA ACCOUNTING OPTIONS {REQUESTPDU}& SET DSA ACCOUNTING OPTIONS {ERRORPDU}2 SET DSA ACCOUNTING OPTIONS {REQUESTPDU, ERRORPDU} SET DSA ACCOUNTING OPTIONS {}# SHOW DSA ACCOUNTING OPTIONSDTo stop the DSA including either the request PDU or the error PDU in/Operation records, enter the followingv command: > SET DSA ACCOUNTING_OPTIONS {}>This attribute has no effect if the Accounting Facility statusattribute is set to OFF.4 Accounting_Rollover_IntervalBThe Accounting Rollover Interval characteristic attribute controlsBhow often the DSA closes the current accounting file and creates aCnew one, that is, rolls over the accounting file. The interval uses=the accounting rollover start time as its starting point. ForDexample, if you set the accounting rollover interval to 6 howurs, theDfirst accounting file rollover will take place at the time specified?by the Accounting Rollover Start Time attribute, and the secondrollover six hours later.Syntax:, SET DSA ACCOUNTING ROLLOVER INTERVAL