??LI~~MSGHLP$$T_KEY_FACILITY "MSGHLP$$L_KEY_RECORD_ID ate(nb_TailCcb)00010 end structure+00011 integer*4 nb_MaxCcb/00012 parameter (nb_MaxCcb=1)(00013 record /st_Ccb/ tb_Ccb 00014 end EV$MAIN 1-Feb-1996 14:38:05 Digital Fortran V6.4-166 Page 201 1-Feb-199ۉ? A???LA??A  #NUSED, Variable was declared but not used [DCLOTURE] in module EV$MAIN 5%FORT-I-VARUNUSED, Variable was declared but not used [DCHANGE_T] in module EV$MAIN 5%FORT-I-VARUNUSED, Variable was declared but not used [DECHTIT] in module EV$MAIN 5%FORT-I-VARUNUSED, Variable was declared but not used [FAL] in module EV$MAIN 5%FORT-I-VARUNUSED, Variable was declared but not used [TB_CCB] in module EV$MAIN  0000 .PSECT $LOCAL 0000 DSYSTEME: 0000 .XBYTE 00 [8] 0008 DCLOTURE: 0008 .XBYTE 00 [8] 0010 DCHANGE_T: 0010 .XBYTE 00 [8] 0018 DECHTIT: 0018 .XBYTE 00 [8] 0020 DCAL: 0020 .XBYTE 00 [8] 002C TB_CCB+4: 002C .XBYTE 00 [8] 0034 TB_CCB+12: 0034 .XBYTE 00 [8] 003C TB_CCB+20: 003C .XBYTE 00 [8] 0044 TB_CCB+28: 0044 .XBYTE 00 [8] 004C TB_CCB+36: 004C .XBYTE 00 [8] 0054 TB_CCB+44: 0054 .XBYTE 00 [8] 005C TB_CCB+52: 005C .XBYTE 00 [8] 0064 TB_CCB+60: 0064 .XBYTE 00 [8] 006C TB_CCB+68: 006C .XBYTE 00 [8] 0074 TB_CCB+76: 0074 .XBYTE 00 [8] 0000 .PSECT $CODE ; 00001 0000 EV$MAIN:: 0000 .WORD ^M EV$MAIN 1-Feb-1996 14:38:05 Digital Fortran V6.4-166 Page 301 1-Feb-1996 14:34:52 FORD$:[LIONEL.V6]EV.FOR;3 # 0002 MOVAL $LOCAL+^X80, R11 ; 00014 0009 MOVL #1, R0 000C RET  .ENDPROGRAM SECTIONS Name Bytes Attributes\ 0 $CODE 13 PIC CON REL LCL SHR EXE RD NOWRT QUAD\ 2 $LOCAL 128 PIC CON REL LCL NOSHR NOEXE RD WRT QUAD. Total Space Allocated 141 ENTRY POINTS! Address Type Name ! 0-00000000 EV$MAIN RECORDSw Address Name Structure Bytes Address Name Structure Bytesw ** DCAL ST_DATE 8 ** DCHANGE_T ST_DATE 8w ** DCLOTURE ST_DATE 8 ** DECHTIT ST_DATE 8w ** DSYSTEME ST_DATE 8 ** TB_CCB ST_CCB 84 EV$MAIN 1-Feb-1996 14:38:05 Digital Fortran V6.4-166 Page 401 1-Feb-1996 14:34:52 FORD$:[LIONEL.V6]EV.FOR;3 COMMAND QUALIFIERS FORT/LIST/MACH EV: /ALIGN=(COMMONS=(PACKED,NOMULTILANGUAGE),RECORDS=PACKED)J /ASSUME=(ACCURACY_SENSITIVE,NOBYTERECL,NODUMMY_ALIASES,NOSOURCE_INCLUDE) /BLAS=(INLINE,MAPPED)A /CHECK=(NOALIGNMENT,NOASSERTIONS,NOBOUNDS,OVERFLOW,NOUNDERFLOW). /DEBUG=(PARAMETERS=USED,NOSYMBOLS,TRACEBACK)% /DESIGN=(NOCOMMENTS,NOPLACEHOLDERS) /DIRECTIVES=(DEPENDENCE) /MATH_LIBRARY=(ACCURATE,NOV5)" /PARALLEL=(NOAUTOMATIC,NOMANUAL)U /SHOW=(NODATA_DEPENDENCES,NODICTIONARY,NOINCLUDE,NOLOOPS,MAP,NOPREPROCESSOR,SINGLE)5 /STANDARD=(NOMIA,NOSEMANTIC,NOSOURCE_FORM,NOSYNTAX)b /WARNINGS=(NOALIGNMENT,NOAlpha,NODECLARATIONS,GENERAL,INFORMATIONAL,NOINLINE,NOTRUNCATED_SOURCE,C NOULTRIX,UNCALLED,UNINITIALIZED,UNUSED,USAGE,NOVAXELN)T /CONVERT=NATIVE /NOCROSS_REFERENCE /NOD_LINES /ERROR_LIMIT=30 /NOEXTEND_SOURCE< /F77 /NOG_FLOATING /I4 /MACHINE_CODE /OPTIMIZE=LEVEL=3L /NORECURSIVE /NOSYNCHRONOUS_EXCEPTIONS /TERMINAL=NOSTATISTICS /NOVECTOR /NOANALYSIS_DATA /NODIAGNOSTICS }t zFOR, Fortran Run-Tim,1]fxx+ADJARRDIM, adjustable array dimension errore Library0Upon entry to a subprogram, one of the following9errors was detected during the evaluation of dimensioning information:access a nonexistent record from a relative organization file.=o A direct access READ or FIND statement attempted to access1beyond the end of a sequential organization file.7o A keyed access READ statement attempted to access a 5nonexistent record from an indexed organization file. Q1IRBACERR, BACKSPACE errore Library)One of the following conditions occurred:3o The file was not a sequential organization file.;o The file was not opened for sequential access. (A unit =opened for append access can not be backspaced until a REWIND%statement is executed for that unit.)9o RMS detected an error condition during execution of a BACKSPACE statement. N1ENCLOERR, CLOSE errore Library-An error condition was detected by RMS duringexecution of a CLOSE statement. E1FODELERR, DELETE errore Library)One of the following conditions occurred:attributes without an intervening close operation. One of thefollowing conditions occurred:?o A DEFINE FILE was followed by another DEFINE FILE statement.3o A DEFINE FILE was followed by an OPEN statement.8o A CALL ASSIGN or CALL FDBSET was followed by an OPEN statement. o#$1T]"ENDDURREA, end-of-file during reade Library)One of the following conditions occurred:@o An RMS end-of-file condition was encountered during execution?of a READ statement that did not contain an END, ERR, or IOSTATspecification.=o An end-of-file record written by the ENDFILE statement was=encountered during execution of a READ statement that did not-contain an END, ERR, or IOSTAT specification.@o An attempt was made to read past the end of an internal file,?character string, or array during execution of a READ statement:that did not contain an END, ERR, or IOSTAT specification. {:1JSENDFILERR, ENDFILE errore Library)One of the following conditions occurred:7o The file was not a sequential organization file withvariable-length records.;o The file was not opened for sequential or append access.9o An unformatted file did not contain segmented records.8o RMS detected an error during execution of an ENDFILE statement.  F1NWERRDURREA, error during reade Library5RMS detected an error condition during execution of aREAD statement.  G1OXERRDURWRI, error during writee Library5RMS detected an error condition during execution of aWRITE statement.  )f1Zc(FILNAMSPE, file name specification errore Library4A file-name specification given to OPEN, INQUIRE, or0CALL ASSIGN statement was not acceptable to RMS.  L1KTFILNOTFOU, file not founde Library1A file with the specified name could not be foundduring an open operation.  F1DMFINERR, FIND errore Library5RMS detected an error condition during execution of aFIND statement. <,1]fNN+FLOCONFAI, floating point conversion failede Library4The attempted unformatted read or write of nonnative=floating-point data failed. A nonnative floating-point value>either exceeded the allowable maximum value for the equivalentinvalid and was set to invalid. Very small numbers are set to9zero (0).This could be caused by the specified nonnative =floating-point format not matching the floating-point format found in the specified file.?Make sure the correct file was specified. Make sure the recordDlayout matches the format Digital Fortran is expecting. Check that @the correct nonnative floating-point data format was specified, !as described in your user manual. )f1Zc(FORVARMIS, format/variable-type mismatche Library2An attempt was made either to read or write a real?variable with an integer field descriptor (I or L), or to read :or write an integer or logical variable with a real field @descriptor (D, E, F, or G). If execution continued, one of the following actions occurred:)o If I or L, conversion as if INTEGER*4.-o If D, E, F, or G, conversion as if REAL*4. *1[d)INCFILORG, inconsistent file organizatione Library)One of the following conditions occurred:?o The file organization specified in an OPEN statement did not,match the organization of the existing file.>o The file organization of the existing file was inconsistent=with the specified access mode; that is, either direct access?was specified with an indexed organization file or keyed access>was specified with a sequential or relative organization file. )41en;;3INCKEYCHG, inconsistent key change or duplicate keye Library2A WRITE or REWRITE to an indexed organization file>caused a key field to change or be duplicated. This condition? was not allowed by the attributes of the file, as established when the file was created. .;1_h-INCOPECLO, inconsistent OPEN/CLOSE parameterse Library1Specifications in an OPEN or CLOSE statement were-inconsistent. Some invalid combinations are:1o READONLY with STATUS='NEW' or STATUS='SCRATCH'2o ACCESS='APPEND' with READONLY, STATUS='NEW', orSTATUS='SCRATCH'=o DISPOSE='SAVE', 'PRINT', or 'SUBMIT' with STATUS='SCRATCH'!o DISPOSE='DELETE' with READONLY s&%1W`%INCRECLEN, inconsistent record lengthe Library)One of the following conditions occurred:o An existing file was opened in which the record length did 9not match the record size given in an OPEN or DEFINE FILE statement. $x1U^#INCRECTYP, inconsistent record typee Library1The RECORDTYPE value in an OPEN statement did not=match the record type attribute of the existing file that wasopened.  1QZINFFORLOO, infinite format loope Library0The format associated with an I/O statement that7included an I/O list had no field descriptors to use intransferring those values. #"1S\55!INPCONERR, input conversion errore Library5During a formatted input operation, either an invalidoverflowed the range representable in the input variable. The&value of the variable was set to zero. !1R[%% INPRECTOO, input record too longe Library3A record was read that exceeded the explicit or the;default record length specified in OPEN (or by the default :OPEN). To read the file, use an OPEN statement with a RECLvalue of the appropriate size. 2a1cl1INPSTAREQ, input statement requires too much datae Library4An unformatted READ statement attempted to read more+data than existed in the record being read. 't1Xa&INSVIRMEM, insufficient virtual memorye Library8The Digital Fortran Run-Time Library attempted to exceed:its virtual page limit while dynamically allocating space. 821ir7INVARGFOR, invalid argument to Fortran Run-Time Librarye Library)One of the following conditions occurred:5o An invalid argument was given to a PDP-11 FORTRAN )compatibility subroutine, such as ERRSET.Co The Digital Fortran compiler passed an invalid coded argument to>the Run-Time Library. This can occur if the compiler is newer!than the Run-Time Library in use. C%1V_UU$INVKEYSPE, invalid key specificatione Library0A key specification in an OPEN statement or in a>keyed access READ statement was invalid. For example, the key?length may have been zero or greater than 255 bytes, or the key?length may not conform to the key specification of the existingfile. 'W1Xa&INVLOGUNI, invalid logical unit numbere Library3A logical unit number greater than 119 or less than"zero was used in an I/O statement. c91jsuu8INVMATKEY, invalid key match specifier for key directione Library4A keyed READ used an invalid key match specifier for8the direction of that key. Use KEYGE and KEYGT only on ?ascending keys. Use KEYLE and KEYLT only on descending keys. >Use KEYNXT and KEYNXTNE to avoid enforcement of key direction and match specifier. ?1py..>INVREFVAR, invalid reference to variable "varname" in nameliste Library4The name of the variable in error is substituted for?"varname" in the message text. One of the following conditions occurred:7o The variable was not a member of the namelist group.8o An attempt was made to subscript the scalar variable.7o A subscript of the array variable was out-of-bounds.>o There were too many or too few subscripts for the variable.?o An attempt was made to specify a substring of a noncharactervariable or array name.5o A substring specifier of the character variable isout-of-bounds.@o A subscript or substring specifier of the variable was not aninteger constant.6o An attempt was made to specify a substring using anunsubscripted array variable. 11bk0KEYVALERR, keyword value error in OPEN statemente Library4An OPEN or CLOSE statement keyword requiring a value>had an improper value. Refer to the Digital Fortran Language 0Reference Manual for the allowed keyword values.  *1[d)LISIO_SYN, list-directed I/O syntax errore Library/The data in a list-directed input record had an=invalid format, or the type of the constant was incompatible ?with the corresponding variable. The value of the variable was unchanged.!! !/|1`i.LOGZERNEG, logarithm of zero or negative valuee Library4An attempt was made to take the logarithm of zero or9a negative number. The result returned was the reserved operand, -0."" !"#1T]33"MIXFILACC, mixed file access modese Library)One of the following conditions occurred:o An attempt was made to use an invalid combination of access?modes on a unit, such as direct and sequential. The only valid;combination is sequential and keyed access on a unit openedwith ACCESS='KEYED'.>o An attempt was made to execute a Fortran I/O statement on a>logical unit that was opened by a language other than Fortran.## #U1NWNO_CURREC, no current recorde Library5A REWRITE or current record DELETE was attempted whenno current record was defined.$$ $k1KTNO_SUCDEV, no such devicee Library0A file-name specification included an invalid or9unknown device name when an open operation was attempted.%% %(u1Yb'NOTFORSPE, not a Fortran-specific errore Library/An error occurred in the user program or in the9Run-Time Library that was not a Fortran-specific error. =Therefore it was not reportable through any other message in @the table. If you call ERRSNS, an error of this kind returns a 9value of 1. Usethe fifth argument of the call to ERRSNS ;(condval) to obtain the unique system condition value that identifies the error.&& &<W1mv;OPEDEFREQ, OPEN or DEFINE FILE required for keyed or directe Library)One of the following conditions occurred:9o A direct access READ, WRITE, FIND, or DELETE statement7specified a file that was not opened with a DEFINE FILE?statement or with an OPEN statement specifying ACCESS='DIRECT'.>o A keyed access READ statement specified a file that was not8opened with an OPEN statement specifying ACCESS='KEYED'.'' 2'1FODDOPEFAI, open failuree Library5An error was detected by RMS while attempting to open:a file in an OPEN, INQUIRE, or other I/O statement. This @message is used when the error condition is not one of the more 8common conditions for which specific error messages are provided.(( &(#1T]88"OUTCONERR, output conversion errore Library3During a formatted output operation, the value of a=particular number could not be output in the specified field o A function subprogram that performs I/O to the same logical?unit was referenced in an expression in an I/O list or variableformat expression.;o An I/O statement was executed at AST level for the same logical unit.?o An exception handler (or a procedure it called) executed an @I/O statement in response to a signal from an I/O statement for the same logical unit.++ +'1Xa&RECNUMOUT, record number outside rangee Library.A direct access READ, WRITE, or FIND statement?specified a record number outside the range specified when the file was created.,, &,1FO88REWERR, REWIND errore Library)One of the following conditions occurred:3o The file was not a sequential organization file.;o The file was not opened for sequential or append access.?o RMS detected an error condition during execution of a REWIND statement.-- -I1JSREWRITERR, REWRITE errore Library5RMS detected an error condition during execution of aREWRITE statement... 5.)1ZcGG(SEGRECFOR, segmented record format errore Library1An invalid segmented record control data word was:detected in an unformatted sequential file. The file was =probably either written in a language other that Fortran, or 8created with RECORDTYPE='FIXED' or 'VARIABLE' in effect.// +/-1^g==,SIGLOSMAT, significance lost in math librarye Library4The magnitude of an argument or the magnitude of the?ratio of the arguments to a math library function was so large :that all significance in the result was lost. The result %returned was the reserved operand -0.00 0#j1T]"SPERECLOC, specified record lockede Library2A READ or direct access WRITE, FIND, or DELETE was6attempted on a record that was locked by another user.11 1"|1S\!SYNERRFOR, syntax error in formate Library1A syntax error was encountered while the Run-Time?Library was processing a format stored in an array or character variable.22 211bk0SYNERRNAM, syntax error in namelist input "text"e Library4The syntax of input to a namelist READ statement was:incorrect. The part of the record in which the error was 7detected is substituted for "text" in the message text.33 3-1^g11,TOOMANREC, too many records in I/O statemente Library)One of the following conditions occurred:=o An attempt was made to read or write more than one record #with an ENCODE or DECODE statement.:o An attempt was made to write more records than existed.44 4;1lu:TOOMANVAL, too many values for namelist variable "varname"e Library2An attempt was made to assign too many values to a;variable during a namelist READ statement. The name of the:variable is substituted for "varname" in the message text.55 5J1NWUNIALROPE, unit already opene Library5A DEFINE FILE statement specified a logical unit thatwas already opened.66 6I1FOUNLERR, UNLOCK errore Library3RMS detected an error condition during execution ofan UNLOCK statement.77 ^721clpp1VFEVALERR, variable format expression value errore Library1The value of a variable format expression was not@within the range acceptable for its intended use; for example, a?field width was less than or equal to zero. A value of one was>assumed, except for a P edit descriptor, for which a value of zero was assumed.88 8"x1S\!WRIREAFIL, write to READONLY filee Library2A write operation was attempted to a file that was> >)1Zc(FAIIMAGNAME, Failed to obtain image namee Library1The Fortran Run-Time Library could not obtain the8image name. Thus, it was unable to set up the parallel processing environment.?? ?.1_h-FAIOWNERID, Failed to obtain owner process IDe Library1The Fortran Run-Time Library could not obtain the=owner process identification. Thus, it was unable to set up $the parallel processing environment.@@ @&1W`%FAIPRCID, Failed to obtain process IDe Library1The Fortran Run-Time Library could not obtain the;process identification. Thus, it was unable to set up the parallel processing environment.AA A*1[d)FAIPRCNAME, Failed to obtain process namee Library1The Fortran Run-Time Library could not obtain the9process name. Thus, it was unable to set up the parallelprocessing environment.BB B:1kt  9FAISHRSTACK, Unable to share the stack region from x to ye Library/The Fortran Run-Time Library could not make the?specified stack region shared among processes participating in $the parallel processing environment.CC C'1Xa&FAISUBPRC, Failed to create subprocesse Library.The Fortran Run-Time Library could not get the;process identification. Thus, it was unable to set up the parallel processing environment.DD D81ir##7FATINTERR, Fatal internal error in the Fortran Parallele Library(The Fortran Run-Time Library detected an9unrecoverable, inconsistent condition. Submit a Software?Performance Report (SPR) that describes the conditions leading to the error.EE E+1\e//*INVCOMADR, Invalid memory region addressese Library-The Fortran Run-Time Library detected invalid;starting and ending addresses for a shared memory region. >Submit a Software Performance Report (SPR) that describes the conditions leading to the error.FF F*1[d$$)INVLCLADR, Invalid $LOCAL PSECT addressese Library-The Fortran Run-Time Library detected invalid;starting and ending addresses for a $LOCAL PSECT. Submit a?Software Performance Report (SPR) that describes the conditionsleading to the error.GG {G+(1\e*INVLOGNAM, Invalid logical name definitione Library'A logical name was defined incorrectly.HH H'1Xa&INVNUMPRC, Invalid number of processese Library0The Fortran Run-Time Library detected an invalid@number of processes. Submit a Software Performance Report (SPR)3that describes the conditions leading to the error.II I/N1`i.INVUNWIND, Invalid stack unwinding encounterede Library0The Fortran Run-Time Library detected an invalidattempt to unwind the stack.JJ JA71r{@LOCALACCESS, Subprocess unable to access the shared $LOCAL PSECTe Library/A subprocess could not access the shared $LOCALPSECT.KK K.1_h-LOCALSHRERR, Unable to share the $LOCAL PSECTe Library/The Fortran Run-Time Library could not make the<$LOCAL PSECT shared among the processes participating in the parallel processing environment.LL L |1QZMEMSHRERR, Memory sharing errore Library1The Fortran Run-Time Library failed to share datan1ox=NOTIMPRET, Routine not implemented in this version of FORRTL2e Library0An attempt was made to use a routine that is notthe Fortran parallel processing environment was exceeded. Thelimit is currently 32.TT T, Digital FortraXP1AINVCONST, Arithmetic error while evaluating constant or constant expressionn compilerThe order of ELSE IF, ELSE, or END IF statements is incorrect.=ELSE IF, ELSE, and END IF statements cannot stand alone. ELSE;IF and ELSE must be preceded by either a block IF statementThe END keyword was used illegally in a WRITE, REWRITE, direct,access READ, or keyed access READ statement.ZZ ?M1pz>INVENTRY, ENTRY within DO loop or IF block, statement ignoredn compiler:An ENTRY statement is not allowed within the range of a DOloop or IF block.[[ ;A1lv:INVEQVCOM, Invalid equivalence of two variables in commonn compiler9Variables in common blocks cannot be equivalenced to eachother.\\ ;1lv,,:INVFUNUSE, Invalid use of function name in CALL statementn compilerAn attempt was made in a BLOCK DATA subprogram to initialize a(variable that was not in a common block.^^  VY1@INVINTFUN, Name used in INTRINSIC statement is not an intrinsic functionn compiler=A function name which appeared in the INTRINSIC statement wasnot an intrinsic function.__  E1vDINVIOSPEC, Invalid I/O specification for this type of I/O statementn compiler:A syntax error occurred in the portion of an I/O statement%that precedes the I/O list. Examples: 1 TYPE (6), J2 WRITE 100, J``  CC1t~BINVKEYOPE, Incorrect keyword in OPEN, CLOSE, or INQUIRE statementn compiler9An OPEN, CLOSE, or INQUIRE statement contained an invalidkeyword.aa  F1wEINVLEFSID, Left side of assignment must be variable or array elementn compiler8The symbolic name to which the value of an expression is8assigned must be a variable, array element, or charactersubstring reference.bb W|1BINVLEXEME, Variable name, constant, or expression invalid in this contextn compiler8An entity was used incorrectly; for example, the name of8a subprogram was used where an arithmetic expression was required.cc ;1lv:INVLOGIF, Statement cannot appear in logical IF statementn compiler9A logical IF statement must not contain a DO statement or:another logical IF, IF THEN, ELSE IF, ELSE, END IF, or END statement.dd %S1V`$INVNMLELE, Invalid NAMELIST elementn compilerMore or fewer dimensions than were declared for the array were referenced.ff K<1mw]];INVPERARG, Invalid argument to %VAL, %REF, %DESCR, or %LOCn compilerINVREPCOU, Invalid repeat count in data initialization, count ignoredn compiler>The repeat count in a data initialization was not an unsigned,>nonzero integer constant. When this error occurs, the count isignored.kk 8y1is7INVSBSREF, Substring reference used in invalid contextn compiler=A substring reference was made to a variable or array that isnot of type CHARACTER. Example: REAL X(10) Y = X(J:K)ll ,1]g+INVSTALAB, Invalid statement label ignoredn compiler5An improperly formed statement label (namely, a labelEach keyword subparameter in an I/O statement or auxiliary I/O%statement can be specified only once.pp %`1V`$IOINVFMT, Format specifier in errorn compilerAn input statement I/O list contained an invalid element, suchas an expression or a constant.ss z$-1U_#IOSYNERR, Syntax error in I/O listn compiler,Improper syntax was detected in an I/O list. -GEM_TPL_PF_CTX_IV_TEST3GEM_TPL_PF_CTX_MEMORY_ACCESS+GEM_TPL_PF_CTX_FLAGS,GEM_TPL_PF_CTX_OP_NUM.GEM_TPL_PF_CTX_OPERATOR*GEM_TPL_PF_CREATION *GEM_TPL_PF_NEXT_USE *GEM_TPL_PF_PREV_USE )GEM_TPL_SQRT_COUNT )GEM_TPL_SQRT_DEPTH ,GEM_TPL_DFDSC_BV_LIST ,GEM_TPL_DFDSC_BV_LINK )GEM_TPL_DFDSC_LINK -GEM_TPL_DF_PREV_EFFECT +GEM_TPL_MOTION_LIMIT ,GEM_TPL_DA_SUBSCRIPTS 4GEM_TPL_INDUCTION_COEFFICIENT -GEM_TPL_INDUCTION_LOOP 'GEM_TPL_BASIC_IV *GEM_TPL_PF_USE_HEAD ,GEM_TPL_PF_USE_PARENT %GEM_TPL_SR_STV *GEM_TPL_SR_NEXT_USE L2LFORT, Digital Fortra MISSINGP }`FGEM_TB_HAS_OFFSET_ATTR$`FGEM_TB_HAS_EFFECTS,`FGEM_TB_HAS_DEPENDENCE_NODE)`FGEM_TB_HAS_DEPENDENCIES(`pFGEM_TB_HAS_BASE_SYMBOL.`hFGEM_TB_FLOW_TERMINATION_ATTR#`1oy++=LABASSIGN, Label in ASSIGN statement exceeds INTEGER*2 rangen compiler>A label whose value is assigned to an INTEGER*2 variable by an=ASSIGN statement must not be separated by more than 32K bytes4from the beginning of the code for the program unit.!S100:LENCHAFUN, Length specified must match CHARACTER FUNCTION declarationn compilerAn expression that must be of type LOGICAL was of another datatype.$F\1wELOWBOUGRE, Lower bound greater than upper bound in array declarationn compiler=The upper bound of a dimension declarator must be equal to orgreater than the lower bound.%i111ELSEDIAGS, 'unsigned decimal number' additional diagnostic(s) written" to LSE diagnostics filen compiler>Additional data dependence diagnostics were written to the VAX>Language-Sensitive Editor diagnostics file and can be reviewedin the editor.&1EMINDIGITS, CDD description specifies precision less than allowed for: datatype. Minimum precision has been supplied.n compileror a punctuation mark (such as a comma) was omitted. Examples: CIRCUM = 3.14 DIAM IF (I 10,20,30 ,0v1ak/MISSEND, Missing END statement, END is assumedn compiler9An END statement was missing at the end of the last input;file. When this error occurs, an END statement is inserted.--^1^h,MISSEXPO, Missing exponent after E, D, or Qn compiler5A floating-point constant was specified in E, D, or Q'notation, but the exponent was omitted..U1KUMISSKEY, Missing keywordn compilerstatements or a dummy argument was specified in an EQUIVALENCE statement.5X1AMULDECTYP, Multiple declaration of data type for variable, first type usedn compiler:A variable appeared in more than one data type declaration=statement. When this error occurs, the first type declarationis used.6Cw1t~BMULDEFLAB, Multiple definition of statement label, second ignoredn compiler=The same label appeared on more than one statement. When this8error occurs, the first occurrence of the label is used.7(W1Yc'MULFLDNAM, Multiply defined field namen compiler:Each field name within the same level of a given structuredeclaration must be unique.u8h1AMULSPEPAR, Multiple specification of parallel memory attributes,% first specification used.n compiler=A variable, array, record, or COMMON block was a given memory=attributes (shared and private or context-shared and private):in a parallel directive. When this error occurs, the first,attribute specified is the one that is used.9,71]g+MULSTRNAM, Multiply defined STRUCTURE namen compiler6A STRUCTURE name must be unique among STRUCTURE names.:+v1\f*NAMTOOLON, Name longer than 31 charactersn compilere^1BNODEPDEEP, Dependence analysis inhibited due to more than 7 loops! nested inside DO-loopn compiler:Dependence analysis is not performed on DO-loops that have"more than seven levels of nesting. ?b1CNODEPEQUIV, Dependence analysis inhibited due to EQUIVALENCEd loop control variablen compiler:Dependence analysis is not performed on DO-loops that have;a control variable that is also specified in an EQUIVALENCE statement.!!&@]188ENODEPFLOW, Dependence analysis inhibited due to transfer into or out of DO-loopn compiler=Dependence analysis is not performed on DO-loops that contain6transfers into or out of the loop. A STOP or RETURN is*considered as a transfer out of a DO-loop.""AZ~1DNODEPINT4, Dependence analysis inhibited due to non-integer control variablen compiler:Dependence analysis is not performed on DO-loops that have8a non-integer control variable. (Note - INTEGER*2 is now allowed.)##Be`1BNODEPNEST, Dependence analysis inhibited due to inhibitor in loop! nested inside DO-loopn compiler=Dependence analysis is not performed on DO-loops that contain!a nested DO-loop with inhibitors.$$CY1BNODEPOVLP, Dependence analysis inhibited due to potential overlap; dummy arguments and common variables in DO-loopn compiler=Dependence analysis is not performed on DO-loops that contain8references and stores into dummy arguments and variables8in a common block. The potential for dummy arguments and:variables in common blocks being aliased is the reason for9this inhibitor. This error is partially controlled by the3setting of the /ASSUME=[NO]DUMMY_ALIASES qualifier.%%1D_1CCDNODEPPAR, Dependence analysis inhibited due to parallel loop nested inside DO-loopn compiler=Dependence analysis is not performed on DO-loops that contain/G_FLOATING qualifier. Ignore the warning message or recompile.the program using the /NOG_FLOATING qualifier.))PH1bbBNOGFLOAT, CDD description specifies G_Floating datatype. The data; cannot be represented when compiling /NOG_FLOAT.n compiler8A G_floating data type was specified when compiling with:the /NOG_FLOATING qualifier. Ignore the warning message or3recompile the program using the /G_FLOAT qualifier.**I;_1lv:NONCONSUB, Non-constant subscript where constant requiredn compiler4Subscript and substring expressions used in DATA and)EQUIVALENCE statements must be constants.++J#1T^"NOPATH, No path to this statementn compilerWhen you specify /PARALLEL=AUTOMATIC or /VECTOR, you must omit /NOOPTIMIZE.--L%b1V`$NOSOUFILE, No source file specifiedn compiler;A command line was entered that specified only library file%names and no source files to compile...M9R1jt8NOTINLINED, Intrinsic reference was not expanded inlinen compiler6The reference to a BLAS intrinsic routine could not beexpanded into inline code.//Nmi1?NOVECACC, Vectorization inhibition: Qualifier /ASSUME=ACCURACY, prevents recurrence vectorizationn compiler>Vectorization is not performed. The /ASSUME=ACCURACY_SENSITIVE)option prevents recurrence vectorization.00Ori1@NOVECACCU, Vectorization inhibition: Qualifier /ASSUME=ACCURACY0 prevents recurrence vectorization onn compiler>Vectorization is not performed. The /ASSUME=ACCURACY_SENSITIVE)option prevents recurrence vectorization.11+P81is==7NOVECALIGN, Vectorization inhibition: Misaligned arrayn compilermust be aligned on natural boundaries, based on the data type.=An array is aligned on natural boundaries if all its elementsare so aligned.22QVU1BNOVECDTARR, Vectorization inhibition: Data type not supported for arrayn compiler;Vectorization is not performed because the data type is notsupported for the array.33R`\1CNOVECDTIND, Vectorization inhibition: Use of unsupported data type in array indexn compiler:Vectorization is not performed because an unsupported data type is used in the array index.44S>P1oy=NOVECSUBP, Vectorization inhibition: Reference to subprogramn compiler~1oy=NOVECVOLARR, Vectorization inhibition: Use of volatile arrayn compiler4Vectorization is not performed. Volatile arrays have9dependences the compiler is unaware of; thus, they cannotbe vectorized.77;U>1oyMM=ADJARRBOU, Adjustable array bound contains invalid data itemn compiler=An adjustable array dimension declarator expression contained-an operand that was not one of the following: o A constanto A variable in a common block8o A variable associated with a subprogram dummy argument88UD1u  CNOVECVOLIND, Vectorization inhibition: Use of volatile array indexn compilerThe terminal statement of a DO loop or the END IF statement of#an IF block was not found. Example: DO 20 I=1,10 X = Y END;;W5`1fp4ADJARRUSE, Adjustable array used in invalid contextn compiler>A reference to an adjustable array was made in a context where such a reference is not allowed.<<W:L1ku9OPENOTPER, Operation not permissible on these data typesn compiler;An invalid operation was specified, such as an .AND. of tworeal variables.==X4P1eo3STRDEPTH, STRUCTUREs/UNIONs/MAPs nested too deeplyn compiler>Xbo1  ;OPTLV4CHK, /OPTIMIZE=LEVEL=4 conflicts with /CHECK=BOUNDS;% /OPTIMIZE=LEVEL=4 ignoredn compiler.When you specify /CHECK=BOUNDS, you cannot use9/OPTIMIZE=LEVEL=4. A lower level of optimization has beenused.??YAx1r|@ADJLENUSE, Passed length character name used in invalid contextn compiler>A reference to a passed-length character array or variable was8made in a context where such a reference is not allowed.@@Yfd1=PARCHKCON, /PARALLEL=AUTOMATIC conflicts with /CHECK=BOUNDS;' /PARALLEL=AUTOMATIC ignoredn compiler.When you specify /CHECK=BOUNDS, you cannot use4/PARALLEL=AUTOMATIC. /PARALLEL=NOAUTOMATIC was used.AAZ<1mw;STRNAME, Outer level structure is missing a structure namen compiler=An outer level STRUCTURE statement must have a structure name;in order for a RECORD statement to be able to reference thestructure declaration.BBZ9Q1jt8PLACEEOL, Placeholder not terminated before end of linen compiler;The closing delimiter of a placeholder was not found beforethe end of the line.CC[@q1q{?AGGREFSIZ, Aggregate reference exceeds 65535 bytes per elementn compiler>Any aggregate reference larger than 65535 bytes cannot be used1in an I/O list or as an actual or dummy argument.DD[C`1t~BPLACENODESIGN, Placeholder not valid without /DESIGN=PLACEHOLDERSn compiler8A placeholder was found but /DESIGN=PLACEHOLDERS was not&specified on the compile command line.EE\;1lv++:STRNOTDEF, Structure name in RECORD statement not definedn compiler:Either a RECORD statement did not contain a structure namet1oy=PLACENODOT, Repetition of pseudocode placeholder not allowedn compilerw1oy=PLACENOOBJ, Placeholders detected - no object code generatedn compiler>One or more placeholders were found in the current compilation7unit and so no object code was generated for that unit.II^B1s}ASUBEXPVAL, Subscript or substring expression value out of boundsn compiler:A reference was made to either an array element beyond the9specified dimensions or a character substring outside thespecified bounds.JJ^4<1eo3PLACENOTVAL, Placeholder not valid in this contextn compiler;A placeholder was found in a context that is not supported.KKD_F1wVVEALTRETOMI, Alternate return omitted in SUBROUTINE or ENTRY statementn compiler;An asterisk is missing in the argument list of a subroutine5for which an alternate return is specified. Examples:1 SUBROUTINE XYZ(A,B) . . . RETURN 12 ENTRY ABC(Q,R) . . . RETURN I+4LL_Cz1t~BPROSTOREQ, Program storage requirements exceed addressable memoryn compiler>The storage space allocated to the variables and arrays of the:program unit exceeded the addressing range of the machine.MM`<w1mw;SUBNOTALL, Subqualifier not allowed with negated qualifiern compiler6A negated qualifier specified on the command line alsospecified subqualifier values.For example: /NOCHECK=UNDERFLOWNN`FQ1wEPRVCTLVAR, Control variable for parallel loop defaulting to PRIVATE.n compiler>The control variable for a parallel DO loop was not explicitlydeclared private.OOeaF1wwwEALTRETSPE, Alternate return specifier invalid in FUNCTION subprogramn compiler7The argument list of a FUNCTION declaration contains an7asterisk or a RETURN statement in a function subprogram(specifies an alternate return. Examples:o! INTEGER FUNCTION TCB(ARG,*,X)o FUNCTION IMAX . . . RETURN I+J ENDPPaTf1BPRVSYMILL, PRIVATE symbol invalid in routine without parallel DO- loopn compiler;One or more variables were declared as PRIVATE in a routine)which did not contain a parallel DO loop.QQbST1;TAGVARIAB, CDD description contains Tag Variable attribute (ignored).n compiler?Digital Fortran does not support the Common Data Dictionary TagVariable attribute.RRbDg1uCRECPARCON, /RECURSIVE conflicts with /PARALLEL; /RECURSIVE ignoredn compiler3If you specify /PARALLEL, you must omit /RECURSIVE.2Compilation uses /PARALLEL but ignores /RECURSIVE.SSc?1pz>ARGLISEXE, IARGCOUNT/IARGPTR used in non-executable statementn compiler5One of the argument list inquiry intrinsic functions,3IARGCOUNT and IARGPTR, was used in a non-executable3statement such as a statement function declaration.TTc0z1ak/REDCONMAR, Redundant continuation mark ignoredn compiler5A continuation mark was used where an initial line is:required. When this error occurs, the continuation mark isignored.UUd)p1Zd(TOOMANCOM, Too many named common blocksn compiler@Digital Fortran allows a maximun of 508 named common blocks. You.must reduce the number of named common blocks.VVdD61uCREFERENCE, CDD description contains Reference attribute (ignored).n compiler5Fortran does not support the CDD Reference attribute.WWeAb1r|@ARIVALREQ, Character expression where arithmetic value requiredn compiler>An expression that must be arithmetic (INTEGER, REAL, LOGICAL,"or COMPLEX) was of type CHARACTER.XXe@1q{""?ROUREFREC, Routine referenced recursively; /RECURSIVE requiredn compiler3A subroutine, function or entry name was referenced8recursively in the same program unit, but the /RECURSIVE9command or OPTIONS statement qualifier was not specified.YYf;+1lv:TOOMANCON, Too many continuation lines, remainder ignoredn compiler*Up to 99 continuation lines are permitted.ZZf;1lv:ROWMAJOR, Bounds reversed for CDD member row-major array.n compiler>A row-major multi-dimensioned array was found in a CDD record.:The bounds were reversed to allow for Fortran column-majorarray addressing.[[g8x1is7ASFUNUSED, Statement function was defined but not usedn compilerencountered. When this error occurs, the compiler assumes that1you omitted one or more END STRUCTURE statements.eelT1##DUNDARR, Undimensioned array or statement function definition out of ordern compiler6Either a statement function definition was found among:executable statements or an assignment statement involving!an undimensioned array was found.ffl]$1>STAINVSTR, Statement not allowed within structure definition, statement ignoredn compilerThis error only occurs with the CDEC$ PSECT compiler directive7statement and under any of the following circumstances:9o A common block is declared as both GBL (global) and LCL< (local), both WRT (write) and NOWRT (nowrite), or both SHR (shared) and NOSHR (noshared).9o More than one alignment (ALIGN=) to the COMMON block is specified.A statement was used in a place where it does not belong. When,this error occurs, the statement is ignored.kk)o<1mw;;;AUTDATINI, Variable is data-initialized; AUTOMATIC ignoredn compiler7A variable was declared as AUTOMATIC but was also data-6initialized in a DATA or type-specification statement.=AUTOMATIC variables cannot be data-initialized. The AUTOMATICattribute was ignored.llo9Of1jt)8FLDMISALN, Record contains one or more misaligned fieldsn compiler1One or more fields are not naturally aligned in a?RECORD structure. If the record is or contains a record array,?one or more of the array elements may not be naturally aligned.;Specifying /NOALIGN or /ALIGN=RECORDS=PACKED, the default, Acauses Digital Fortran to pack the fields within records instead of naturally aligning them. 5Consider specifying the /ALIGN qualifier or rearrange/fields so that they fall on natural boundaries.mmp#71T^"UNRECSTMT, Unrecognized statementn compiler6The statement encountered was not recognized as valid.nnnpXN12BALNNOMAT, Alignment settings of common block are inconsistent withprevious declarationn compiler6Occurs when using CDEC$ OPTIONS/ALIGN (or /WARN=ALIGN);if the same COMMON is declared in multiple places within a >single compilation unit and /ALIGN or /WARN=ALIGN has changed between places. For example:% CDEC$ OPTIONS /ALIGN=COMMON=NATURAL0 COMMON /COM1/ A,B ! naturally aligned CDEC$ END OPTIONS$ CDEC$ OPTIONS /ALIGN=COMMON=PACKED% COMMON /COM1/ C,D ! packed CDEC$ END OPTIONS END=Note that COMMON declarations can also take place in SAVE and?VOLATILE statements and in CDEC$ PSECT, CPAR$ PRIVATE and CPAR$>SHARED directives. All declarations must be in the scope of a8consistent setting for alignment and alignment warnings.7User Action: Modify the program to remove inconsistent alignment directives.ooOq?1pzaa>AUTSAVALL, SAVE of all variables specified; AUTOMATIC ignoredn compilerUser Action: Remove extraneous CDEC$ END OPTIONS directives or,add CDEC$ OPTIONS directives as appropriate.ssbs>1oytt=AUTSHARED, SHARED or SHARED_ALL specified; AUTOMATIC ignoredn compiler9A variable was declared as AUTOMATIC was named in a CPAR$;SHARED directive or was in a program unit which contained a9CPAR$ SHARED_ALL directive. AUTOMATIC variables cannot be=shared among parallel task processes. The AUTOMATIC attribute was ignored.ttsJ=G1{ 8TOOMNYOPT, CDEC$ OPTIONS directives nested too deeply - this one ignoredn compiler4CDEC$ OPTIONS directives cannot be nested beyond 100levels.1Modify source so that CDEC$ OPTIONS nesting depthdoes not exceed 100.uu,t_1>:USEBEFDEF, Use of variable before definition; name in SAVE# statement if appropriaten compiler.A variable in a subprogram was used before its;value was defined. This may have been intentional, with an=assumption of implicit SAVE semantics, but may also have been9a programming error. This message can be suppressed with/WARNINGS=NOUNINITIALIZED.+If intentional, name the variable in a SAVE8statement and make sure that it is properly initialized.@Initialization to zero is not guaranteed on all implementations.vv!t:jT1ku39COMALNERR, COMMON alignment error, too small for variablen compiler3A field in the COMMON block is larger than the size4of alignment requested by the CDEC$ PSECT directive.3Specify a larger alignment value in the CDEC$ PSECTdirective for the COMMON block.wwu*e1[e)BADALIGN, Variable not naturally alignedn compiler>A variable or array was declared in such a way that it crossed%a natural boundary for its data size.xxuQy1(@EXT_KEYCONF, Extension to FORTRAN-77: nonstandard combination ofkeywords/valuesn compiler:A statement included a nonstandard combination of keywordsor keyword values, for example:? In an OPEN statement, FILE= specified when STATUS='SCRATCH'9This is an informational message - no action is required.3Howver, the program may behave differently on other platforms.yyv*1[e)USEUNIVAR, Use of uninitialized variablen compiler=A variable was used before it was initialized. Initialize thevariable before using it.>This message can be suppressed with /WARNINGS=NOUNINITIALIZED.GEM_TA_G_REALH_NEGATIVE_HUGE&pGEM_TA_G_REALH_HUGE%HkGEM_TA_G_REALH_TWO.8kGEM_TA_G_REALH_NEGATIVE_ONE%(kGEM_TA_G_REALH_ONE&8xFGEM_TA_G_REALH_ZERO/lGEM_TA_G_REALQ_NEGATIVE_HUGE&lGEM_TA_G_REALQ_HUGE%lGEM_TA_G_REALQ_TWO.lGEM_TA_G_REALQ_NEGATIVE_ONE%lGEM_TA_G_REALQ_ONE(lGEM_TA_G_REALQ_ZERO_N&tlGEM_TA_G_REALQ_ZERO/TlGEM_TA_G_REALE_NEGATIVE_HUGE&LlGEM_TA_G_REALE_HUGE%4lGEM_TA_G_REALE_TWO.,lGEM_TA_G_REALE_NEGATIVE_ONE%$lGEM_TA_G_REALE_ONE(lGEM_TA_G_REALE_ZERO_N& lGEM_TA_G_REALE_ZERO/GEM_TA_G_REALG_NEGATIVE_HUGE&pGEM_TA_G_REALG_HUGE'jGEM_TA_G_REALG_THREE%jGEM_TA_G_REALG_TWO.jGEM_TA_G_REALG_NEGATIVE_ONEw|jFORT, Digital Fortrav,a1NXSTREMPTY, Structure is emptyn compiler+A STRUCTURE declaration contains no fields.*This informational message may indicate an5unintended coding error. If so, correct the problem.w21cm1BADEND, END [STRUCTURE|UNION|MAP] must match topn compiler3A STRUCTURE, UNION, or MAP statement did not have a=corresponding END STRUCTURE, END UNION, or END MAP statement, respectively.x;1lv:VARINCEQV, Variable inconsistently equivalenced to itselfn compiler;EQUIVALENCE statements specified inconsistent relationships-between variables or array elements. Example: EQUIVALENCE (A(1), A(2))y5O1fp4BADFIELD, Field name not defined for this structuren compilerThis error commonly occurs if you use an arithmetic assignment9statement instead of the ASSIGN statement. If the program&executes, the result is unpredictable.{@U1q{?BADRECREF, Aggregate reference where scalar reference requiredn compilerAlthough this might be valid if the FORTRAN 66 "extended range>of a DO loop" feature was being used, it generally indicates a?programming error. A common case involves two or more DO loopstermination statement is considered to belong to the innermostDO loop.6This message can be suppressed with /WARNINGS=NOUSAGE. BZ1s}AVECCHKCON, /VECTOR conflicts with /CHECK=BOUNDS; /VECTOR ignoredn compiler;When you specify /CHECK=BOUNDS, you cannot use /VECTOR. The/VECTOR qualifier is ignored. EF1wWWECDDALNARY, CDD description specifies an aligned array (unsupported).n compiler;The CDD description contained an array field whose elements:have an alignment that Digital Fortran cannot accommodate.:When this error is encountered, the array is replaced by a"structure of the appropriate size. FS1wEVFUFEANEX, This feature is unsupported and non-executable on Ultrix.n compiler?The program attempted to use a Digital Fortran I/O feature thatA field that specified an initial value was present in the CDDdescription being expanded.=When this error is encountered, the initial value is ignored.Z1?WRONGCLD, Wrong command definition installed - please see your system managern compiler4The current command tables do not include the propersystem command tables were updated but a user process is stillusing an older version.+1\f*CDDNOTSTR, CDD record is not a structure.n compiler@Digital Fortran requires structure definitions (elementary field=descriptions in CDDL). The data described by the CDD is not a structure.l1PZZERLENSTR, Zero-length stringn compiler=The length specified for a character, Hollerith, hexadecimal,-octal, or Radix-50 constant must not be zero.'\1Xb&CDDRECDIM, CDD record is dimensioned.n compilerBy means of an EQUIVALENCE statement, certain memory locationsFor more information about compiler optimizations, see the DEC2Fortran Performance Guide for OpenVMS VAX Systems.""=`1nxcannot be more than 31 characters. Any other values, including=PARAMETER statement constants that are defined to be strings, are invalid on these directives.++U1>ENTDUMVAR, ENTRY dummy variable previously used in executable statementn compilerused previously in an executable statement in the same programunit.,,ET1vDEQVEXPCOM, EQUIVALENCE statement incorrectly expands a common blockn compilerunit. Compilation of this unit was terminated, but compilation"continued for other units, if any.//>1oy=EXCCHATRU, Non-blank characters truncated in string constantn compiler8A character constant or Hollerith constant was converted;to a data type that was not large enough to contain all thesignificant characters.0021cm1EXCDIGTRU, Non-zero digits truncated in constantn compiler7A Hollerith, character literal or typeless constant was=converted to a data type that was not large enough to containall the significant digits.11RX1dd1oyXX=EXTARYUSE, Extension to FORTRAN-77: Nonstandard use of arrayn compiler-One of the following extensions was detected:6o An array was used as a FILE specification in an OPEN statement.1>EXTBADCONT, Extension to FORTRAN-77: Nonstandard continuation charactern compiler=A nonstandard character was used as a continuation indicator.66FP1wEEXTCATDARG, Extension to FORTRAN-77: Concatenation of dummy argumentn compiler6A character dummy argument appeared as an operand in aconcatenation operation.779o1jt8EXTCHAFOL, Extra characters following a valid statementn compiler8Superfluous text was found at the end of a syntactically5correct statement. Check for typing or syntax errors.889]1jt8EXTCHARREQ, Extension to FORTRAN-77: Character requiredn compiler>A character variable was initialized with a noncharacter valueby means of a DATA statement.99;%1lv:EXTCHASOU, Extra characters in source line were truncatedn compiler9A source line was read that was longer than the statement=field width and /WARNINGS=TRUNCATED_SOURCE was specified. The=source line was truncated to the statement field width; 72 or<132 characters, depending on the value of the /EXTEND_SOURCE1command or OPTIONS statement qualifier in effect.:: Y1CEXTCHRARG, Extension to FORTRAN-77: CHARACTER*(*) argument used as functionn compiler1A formal argument used as a function was declared:CHARACTER*(*). The FORTRAN-77 standard requires the lengthto be an integer constant.;;<h1NNEEXTCOMPARNAM, Extension to FORTRAN-77: COMMON block has same name as! PARAMETER constantn compiler7A COMMON blocks was declared to have the same name as a=PARAMETER constant, a PARAMETER constant was declared to have4the same name as a previously declared COMMON block.<<E@1vDEXTCONT19, Extension to FORTRAN-77: More than 19 continuation linesn compiler4More than 19 continuation lines were defined for the statement.==:F1wLLEEXTDATACOM, Extension to FORTRAN-77: Nonstandard DATA initializationn compiler)One of the following extensions occurred::o An element in a blank common block was data initialized.9o An element of a named common block was data initialized) outside of the BLOCK DATA program unit.>>A1r|@EXTDATORD, Extension to FORTRAN-77: DATA statement out of ordern compiler=A DATA statement occurred before a declaration statement. All=DATA statements must occur after the declaration section of aprogram.??W31CEXTILDOCNT, Extension to FORTRAN-77: Negative implied-Do iteration countn compiler2The iteration count of an implied DO was negative.@@D+1uCEXTINTRIN, Extension to FORTRAN-77: Nonstandard intrinsic functionn compiler*A nonstandard intrinsic function was used.AAXG1>EXTLSTINF, Extension to FORTRAN-77: Nonstandard list directed internal I/On compiler`1oy=EXTMISSUB, Extension to FORTRAN-77: Missing array subscriptsn compilerA character constant was used in an assignment statement wherea numeric value is required.HHE=1vDEXT_ARIREQ, Extension to FORTRAN-77: Arithmetic expression requiredn compilerextensions to FORTRAN-77. The standard form of .XOR. is .NEQV.:The % operators are extensions provided to allow access to)non-Fortran parts of the VMS environment.UU&T188AEXT_RETTYP, Extension to FORTRAN-77: Nonstandard function return typen compiler-One of the following conditions was detected::o The function was not declared with a standard data type.=o The entry point was not declared with a standard data type.VVV\1BEXT_SOURC, Extension to FORTRAN-77: Tab indentation or lower case sourcen compilerEXT_STMT, Extension to FORTRAN-77: Nonstandard statement typen compiler&A nonstandard statement type was used.XX61gq115EXT_SYN, Extension to FORTRAN-77: Nonstandard syntaxn compiler5One of the following syntax extensions was specified:o PARAMETER name = value, Error: Typeless syntax without parentheseso type name/value/0 Error: Data initialization in type declaration!o DATA (ch(exp:exp),v=e2)/values/9 Error: Substring initialization with implied-DO in DATA statemento CHARACTER FUNCTION NAME*n- Error: Character function length after nameo INCLUDE '(module)'6 Error: Library-based INCLUDE (only if /STANDARD=MIA)o CALL name(arg2,,arg3) Error: Null actual argumento READ (...),iolist4 Error: Comma between I/O control and element listso PARAMETER (name2=ABS(name1))" Error: Function use in PARAMETER o e1 ** -e2" Error: Two consecutive operatorsYY!S1339EXT_TYPE, Extension to FORTRAN-77: Nonstandard data type specificationn compiler5The following DATA type specifications are extensions7to FORTRAN-77. The FORTRAN-77 equivalent is given where;available. This message is issued when these types are used9in the IMPLICIT statement or in a numeric type statement. Extension Standard --------- -------- BYTE - LOGICAL*1 -$ LOGICAL*2 LOGICAL (/NOI4)" LOGICAL*4 LOGICAL (/I4) INTEGER*1 -$ INTEGER*2 INTEGER (/NOI4)" INTEGER*4 INTEGER (/I4) REAL*4 REAL% REAL*8 DOUBLE PRECISION REAL*16 - COMPLEX*8 COMPLEX COMPLEX*16 - DOUBLE COMPLEX -ZZ3p1dn2FEANOTSUP, Feature not supported on this platformn compiler>Detected a language feature supported on other Digital Fortran0platforms that is not suported on this platform.[[9_1jt8FEAUNSAXP, This feature is unsupported on Alpha systemsn compiler;Detected a language feature supported on this platform that"is not supported on Alpha systems.\\21cm1FLDNAME, Structure field is missing a field namen compiler>Unnamed fields are not allowed. The effect of an unnamed field1Xb&FMTEXTCOM, Extra comma in format listn compiler'A format list contained an extra comma.Example: FORMAT(I4,)^^(F1Yc'FMTEXTNUM, Extra number in format listn compiler-A format list contained an extraneous number.Example: FORMAT (I4,3)__7K1hr6FMTINVCHA, Format item contains meaningless charactern compiler8An invalid character or a syntax error was detected in aFORMAT statement.``11bl0FMTINVCON, Constant in format item out of rangen compiler;A numeric value in a FORMAT statement exceeds the allowableBrange. For information about range limits, see the Digital FortranLanguage Reference Manual.aa*J1[e)FMTMISNUM, Missing number in format listn compiler2An expected number was missing from a format list.Example: FORMAT (F6.)bb3Q1dn2FMTMISSEP, Missing separator between format itemsn compiler>A required separator character was omitted between fields in aFORMAT statement.cc*41[e)FMTNEST, Format groups nested too deeplyn compiler3Format groups cannot be nested beyond eight levels.dd1O1bl0FMTPAREN, Unbalanced parentheses in format listn compilerA function did not have its return value defined at the end of the routine.ggF1wEHOLCOURED, Count of Hollerith or Radix50 constant too large, reducedn compiler;The value specified by the integer preceding the H or R was=greater than the number of characters remaining in the source statement.hhR01akdd/IDOINVOP, Invalid operation in implied-DO listn compiler;An invalid operation was attempted in an implied-DO list in:a DATA statement; for example, a function reference in the:subscript or substring expression of an array or charactersubstring reference. Example:' DATA (A(SIN(REAL(I))), I=1,10) /101./ii5x1fp4IDOINVPAR, Invalid DO parameters in implied-DO listn compiler:An invalid control parameter was detected in an implied-DOAn input statement I/O list contained an invalid element, suchas an expression or a constant.ss z$-1U_#IOSYNERR, Syntax error in I/O listn compiler,Improper syntax was detected in an I/O list._AFTERX_BEFORE7I(LIT_NODE7 _TUPLE,?O7 X_LAST X_FIRSTIX_AFTERX_BEFORE79(LIT_NODE7 _TUPLE#.B+7 X_LAST X_FIRST9X_AFTERX_BEFORE+7 _TUPLE67i _SOURCE_NODE>I]7 MASK_SIZEMASK_VALMASK_TPL 1DP.ACR7 X_LAST X_FIRST)X_AFTERX_BEFORE7I(LIT_NODEϐ7 _TUPLE)8H 7 X_LAST X_FIRSTIX_AFTERX_BEFORE 7 _TUPLE7i _SOURCE_NO)"PFORT, Digital Fortra9$1jt8IDOINVREF, Invalid reference to name in implied-DO listn compiler>A control parameter expression in an implied-DO list in a DATA=statement contained a name that was not the name of a control:variable within the scope of any implied-DO list. Example:+ DATA (A(J), J=1,10),(B(I), I=J,K) /1001./=Both J and K in the second implied-DO list are invalid names.Cw1t~BIDOSYNERR, Syntax error in implied-DO list in data initializationn compiler:Improper syntax was detected in an implied-DO list in data;initialization; for example, improperly nested parentheses.+E1\f*ILDIRSPEC, Unrecognized directive ignoredn compiler?A directive with a valid Digital Fortran prefix was encounteredA CDEC$ directive that applies to DO loops was found but no DO loop was found within its range.;;1lv:ILLBRANCH, Illegal branch into or out of parallel DO-loopn compiler:A branch into or out of a parallel DO loop is not allowed.=c1nxspecified. Check that the name was not accidentally created by$an undetected syntax error. Example: DO 10 I = 1.108The apparent DO statement is really an assignment to the$accidentally created variable DO10I. /31`j.IMPSYNERR, Syntax error in IMPLICIT statementn compiler2Improper syntax was used in an IMPLICIT statement. 2G1cm1INCDONEST, DO or IF statement incorrectly nestedn compiler)One of the following conditions occurred:8o A statement label specified in a DO statement was used previously. Example: 10 I = I + 1 J = J + 1 DO 10 K=1,107o A DO loop contains an incomplete DO loop or IF block. Examples: 1 DO 10 I=1,10 J = J + 1 DO 20 K=1,10 J = J + K 10 CONTINUE< 2 The start of the incomplete IF block can be a block IF, ELSE IF, or ELSE statement. DO 10 I=1,10 J = J + I IF (J .GT. 20) THEN J = J - 1 ELSE J = J + 1 10 CONTINUE END IFUQ1AINCFILNES, INCLUDE files and/or DICTIONARY statements nested too deeplyn compiler6Up to 10 levels of nested INCLUDE files and DICTIONARYstatements are permitted.|-&1^h,INCFUNTYP, Inconsistent function data typesn compiler;The function name and entry points in a function subprogramThe INCMODNAM message is issued when the specified module name=cannot be found in any of the libraries. Note that one of the>causes of this search failure may be an open failure on one ofto be present in the library, check to ensure that the library#itself can be read by the compiler.oA1r|@INCNOTSUP, INCLUDE not supported for current source file devicen compiler>An INCLUDE statement was found while the current source device>was not random-access, for example a tape drive or a terminal.8The compiler requires that it be able to close and later:reopen and reposition the source file before processing anINCLUDE statement.)1Zd(INCOPEFAI, Open failure on INCLUDE filen compiler;The specified file could not be opened, possibly because oflocate the library. (FORSYSDEF contains Digital Fortran source2definitions for related groups of system symbols.)61gq5INCSTAFUN, Inconsistent Statement Function referencen compiler>The actual arguments in a statement function reference did not;agree in either order, number, or data type with the formalarguments declared.7j1hr6INCSYNERR, Syntax error in INCLUDE file specificationn compiler8The file-name string was not acceptable (invalid syntax,0invalid qualifier, undefined device, and so on).ZS1EINQUNIT, Missing or invalid use of UNIT or FILE specifier in INQUIRE statementn compiler9An INQUIRE statement must have a UNIT specifier or a FILEspecifier, but not both.@e1q{?INSVIRMEM, Insufficient virtual memory to complete compilationn compiler>The compiler was not able to acquire sufficient virtual memory%in order to complete the compilation.6Increase your process page file quota (AUTHORIZE quote;PGFLQUO) and/or the system virtual page count limit (SYSGEN:parameter VIRTUALPAGECNT), specify the /NOOPTIMIZE compile9command qualifier or reduce the size or complexity of thecompilation unit.(g1:>INTACTARG, Intrinsic routine used as actual argument should be' named in INTRINSIC statementn compiler?Explanation: An identifier which had been previously used as an1intrinsic routine was used as an actual argument,1but was not named in an INTRINSIC statement. The3compiler assumed that the intrinsic routine of thatname was intended.3If the identifier is intended to be a routine name,3declare it in an EXTERNAL or INTRINSIC statement as appropriate.6This message can be suppressed with /WARNINGS=NOUSAGE.Y1CINTFUNARG, Arguments incompatible with intrinsic function, assumed EXTERNALn compiler9A function reference was made using an intrinsic functionerror occurs, the function is assumed to be supplied by you asan EXTERNAL function.@B1q{?INTVALREQ, Non-integer expression where integer value requiredn compiler;An expression that must be of type integer was another datatype.FH1wEINVACTARG, Invalid use of intrinsic function name as actual argumentn compiler=A generic name of an intrinsic function was used as an actual argument.4q1eo3INVASSVAR, Invalid ASSOCIATEVARIABLE specificationn compilerFor more information on valid nonprinting characters in sourcefiles, see your user manual.!!/F1`j.INVCHAUSE, Invalid character used in constantn compiler=An invalid character was used in a constant. Valid charactersare:# Hexadecimal: 0 - 9, A - F, a - f Octal: 0 - 7 Binary: 0 - 11 Radix-50: A - Z, 0 - 9, $, period, or space4For Radix-50, a space is substituted for the invalid9character. For hexadecimal and octal, the entire constantis set to zero.s must be constants.++J#1T^"NOPATH, No path to this statementn compilerWhen you specify /PARALLEL=AUTOMATIC or /VECTOR, you must omit /NOOPTIMIZE.--L%b1V`$NOSOUFILE, No source file specifiedn compiler;A command line was entered that specified only library file%names and no source files to compile...M9R1jt8NOTINLINED, Intrinsic reference was not expanded inlinen compiler6The reference to a BLAS intrinsic routine could not beexpanded into inline code.//Nmi1?NOVECACC, Vectorization inhibition: Qualifier /ASSUME=ACCURACY, prevents recurrence vectorizationn compiler>Vectorization is not performed. The /ASSUME=ACCURACY_SENSITIVE)option prevents recurrence vectorization.00Ori1@NOVECACCU, Vectorization inhibition: Qualifier /ASSUME=ACCURACY0 prevents recurrence vectorization onn compiler>Vectorization is not performed. The /ASSUME=ACCURACY_SENSITIVE)option prevents recurrence vectorization.11+P81is==7NOVECALIGN, Vectorization inhibition: Misaligned arrayn compilermust be aligned on natural boundaries, based on the data type.=An array is aligned on natural boundaries if all its elementsare so aligned.22QVU1BNOVECDTARR, Vectorization inhibition: Data type not supported for arrayn compiler;Vectorization is not performed because the data type is notsupported for the array.33R`\1CNOVECDTIND, Vectorization inhibition: Use of unsupported data type in array indexn compiler:Vectorization is not performed because an unsupported data type is used in the array index.44S>P1oy=NOVECSUBP, Vectorization inhibition: Reference to subprogramn compiler~1oy=NOVECVOLARR, Vectorization inhibition: Use of volatile arrayn compiler4Vectorization is not performed. Volatile arrays have9dependences the compiler is unaware of; thus, they cannotbe vectorized.77;U>1oyMM=ADJARRBOU, Adjustable array bound contains invalid data itemn compiler=An adjustable array dimension declarator expression contained-an operand that was not one of the following: o A constanto A variable in a common block8o A variable associated with a subprogram dummy argument88UD1u  CNOVECVOLIND, Vectorization inhibition: Use of volatile array indexn compilerThe terminal statement of a DO loop or the END IF statement of#an IF block was not found. Example: DO 20 I=1,10 X = Y END;;W5`1fp4ADJARRUSE, Adjustable array used in invalid contextn compiler>A reference to an adjustable array was made in a context where such a reference is not allowed.<<W:L1ku9OPENOTPER, Operation not permissible on these data typesn compiler;An invalid operation was specified, such as an .AND. of tworeal variables.==X4P1eo3STRDEPTH, STRUCTUREs/UNIONs/MAPs nested too deeplyn compiler>Xbo1  ;OPTLV4CHK, /OPTIMIZE=LEVEL=4 conflicts with /CHECK=BOUNDS;% /OPTIMIZE=LEVEL=4 ignoredn compiler.When you specify /CHECK=BOUNDS, you cannot use9/OPTIMIZE=LEVEL=4. A lower level of optimization has beenused.??YAx1r|@ADJLENUSE, Passed length character name used in invalid contextn compiler>A reference to a passed-length character array or variable was8made in a context where such a reference is not allowed.@@Yfd1=PARCHKCON, /PARALLEL=AUTOMATIC conflicts with /CHECK=BOUNDS;' /PARALLEL=AUTOMATIC ignoredn compiler.When you specify /CHECK=BOUNDS, you cannot use4/PARALLEL=AUTOMATIC. /PARALLEL=NOAUTOMATIC was used.AAZ<1mw;STRNAME, Outer level structure is missing a structure namen compiler=An outer level STRUCTURE statement must have a structure name;in order for a RECORD statement to be able to reference thestructure declaration.BBZ9Q1jt8PLACEEOL, Placeholder not terminated before end of linen compiler;The closing delimiter of a placeholder was not found beforethe end of the line.CC[@q1q{?AGGREFSIZ, Aggregate reference exceeds 65535 bytes per elementn compiler>Any aggregate reference larger than 65535 bytes cannot be used1in an I/O list or as an actual or dummy argument.DD[C`1t~BPLACENODESIGN, Placeholder not valid without /DESIGN=PLACEHOLDERSn compiler8A placeholder was found but /DESIGN=PLACEHOLDERS was not&specified on the compile command line.EE\;1lv++:STRNOTDEF, Structure name in RECORD statement not definedn compiler:Either a RECORD statement did not contain a structure namet1oy=PLACENODOT, Repetition of pseudocode placeholder not allowedn compilerw1oy=PLACENOOBJ, Placeholders detected - no object code generatedn compiler>One or more placeholders were found in the current compilation7unit and so no object code was generated for that unit.II^B1s}ASUBEXPVAL, Subscript or substring expression value out of boundsn compiler:A reference was made to either an array element beyond the9specified dimensions or a character substring outside thespecified bounds.JJ^4<1eo3PLACENOTVAL, Placeholder not valid in this contextn compiler;A placeholder was found in a context that is not supported.KKD_F1wVVEALTRETOMI, Alternate return omitted in SUBROUTINE or ENTRY statementn compiler;An asterisk is missing in the argument list of a subroutine5for which an alternate return is specified. Examples:1 SUBROUTINE XYZ(A,B) . . . RETURN 12 ENTRY ABC(Q,R) . . . RETURN I+4LL_Cz1t~BPROSTOREQ, Program storage requirements exceed addressable memoryn compiler>The storage space allocated to the variables and arrays of the:program unit exceeded the addressing range of the machine.MM`<w1mw;SUBNOTALL, Subqualifier not allowed with negated qualifiern compiler6A negated qualifier specified on the command line alsospecified subqualifier values.For example: /NOCHECK=UNDERFLOWNN`FQ1wEPRVCTLVAR, Control variable for parallel loop defaulting to PRIVATE.n compiler>The control variable for a parallel DO loop was not explicitlydeclared private.OOeaF1wwwEALTRETSPE, Alternate return specifier invalid in FUNCTION subprogramn compiler7The argument list of a FUNCTION declaration contains an7asterisk or a RETURN statement in a function subprogram(specifies an alternate return. Examples:o! INTEGER FUNCTION TCB(ARG,*,X)o FUNCTION IMAX . . . RETURN I+J ENDPPaTf1BPRVSYMILL, PRIVATE symbol invalid in routine without parallel DO- loopn compiler;One or more variables were declared as PRIVATE in a routine)which did not contain a parallel DO loop.QQbST1;TAGVARIAB, CDD description contains Tag Variable attribute (ignored).n compiler?Digital Fortran does not support the Common Data Dictionary TagVariable attribute.RRbDg1uCRECPARCON, /RECURSIVE conflicts with /PARALLEL; /RECURSIVE ignoredn compiler3If you specify /PARALLEL, you must omit /RECURSIVE.2Compilation uses /PARALLEL but ignores /RECURSIVE.SSc?1pz>ARGLISEXE, IARGCOUNT/IARGPTR used in non-executable statementn compiler5One of the argument list inquiry intrinsic functions,3IARGCOUNT and IARGPTR, was used in a non-executable3statement such as a statement function declaration.TTc0z1ak/REDCONMAR, Redundant continuation mark ignoredn compiler5A continuation mark was used where an initial line is:required. When this error occurs, the continuation mark isignored.UUd)p1Zd(TOOMANCOM, Too many named common blocksn compiler@Digital Fortran allows a maximun of 508 named common blocks. You.must reduce the number of named common blocks.VVdD61uCREFERENCE, CDD description contains Reference attribute (ignored).n compiler5Fortran does not support the CDD Reference attribute.WWeAb1r|@ARIVALREQ, Character expression where arithmetic value requiredn compiler>An expression that must be arithmetic (INTEGER, REAL, LOGICAL,"or COMPLEX) was of type CHARACTER.XXe@1q{""?ROUREFREC, Routine referenced recursively; /RECURSIVE requiredn compiler3A subroutine, function or entry name was referenced8recursively in the same program unit, but the /RECURSIVE9command or OPTIONS statement qualifier was not specified.YYf;+1lv:TOOMANCON, Too many continuation lines, remainder ignoredn compiler*Up to 99 continuation lines are permitted.ZZf;1lv:ROWMAJOR, Bounds reversed for CDD member row-major array.n compiler>A row-major multi-dimensioned array was found in a CDD record.:The bounds were reversed to allow for Fortran column-majorarray addressing.[[g8x1is7ASFUNUSED, Statement function was defined but not usedn compilerencountered. When this error occurs, the compiler assumes that1you omitted one or more END STRUCTURE statements.eelT1##DUNDARR, Undimensioned array or statement function definition out of ordern compiler6Either a statement function definition was found among:executable statements or an assignment statement involving!an undimensioned array was found.ffl]$1>STAINVSTR, Statement not allowed within structure definition, statement ignoredn compilerThis error only occurs with the CDEC$ PSECT compiler directive7statement and under any of the following circumstances:9o A common block is declared as both GBL (global) and LCL< (local), both WRT (write) and NOWRT (nowrite), or both SHR (shared) and NOSHR (noshared).9o More than one alignment (ALIGN=) to the COMMON block is specified.A statement was used in a place where it does not belong. When,this error occurs, the statement is ignored.kk)o<1mw;;;AUTDATINI, Variable is data-initialized; AUTOMATIC ignoredn compiler7A variable was declared as AUTOMATIC but was also data-6initialized in a DATA or type-specification statement.=AUTOMATIC variables cannot be data-initialized. The AUTOMATICattribute was ignored.llo9Of1jt)8FLDMISALN, Record contains one or more misaligned fieldsn compiler1One or more fields are not naturally aligned in a?RECORD structure. If the record is or contains a record array,?one or more of the array elements may not be naturally aligned.;Specifying /NOALIGN or /ALIGN=RECORDS=PACKED, the default, Acauses Digital Fortran to pack the fields within records instead of naturally aligning them. 5Consider specifying the /ALIGN qualifier or rearrange/fields so that they fall on natural boundaries.mmp#71T^"UNRECSTMT, Unrecognized statementn compiler6The statement encountered was not recognized as valid.nnnpXN12BALNNOMAT, Alignment settings of common block are inconsistent withprevious declarationn compiler6Occurs when using CDEC$ OPTIONS/ALIGN (or /WARN=ALIGN);if the same COMMON is declared in multiple places within a >single compilation unit and /ALIGN or /WARN=ALIGN has changed between places. For example:% CDEC$ OPTIONS /ALIGN=COMMON=NATURAL0 COMMON /COM1/ A,B ! naturally aligned CDEC$ END OPTIONS$ CDEC$ OPTIONS /ALIGN=COMMON=PACKED% COMMON /COM1/ C,D ! packed CDEC$ END OPTIONS END=Note that COMMON declarations can also take place in SAVE and?VOLATILE statements and in CDEC$ PSECT, CPAR$ PRIVATE and CPAR$>SHARED directives. All declarations must be in the scope of a8consistent setting for alignment and alignment warnings.7User Action: Modify the program to remove inconsistent alignment directives.ooOq?1pzaa>AUTSAVALL, SAVE of all variables specified; AUTOMATIC ignoredn compilerUser Action: Remove extraneous CDEC$ END OPTIONS directives or,add CDEC$ OPTIONS directives as appropriate.ssbs>1oytt=AUTSHARED, SHARED or SHARED_ALL specified; AUTOMATIC ignoredn compiler9A variable was declared as AUTOMATIC was named in a CPAR$;SHARED directive or was in a program unit which contained a9CPAR$ SHARED_ALL directive. AUTOMATIC variables cannot be=shared among parallel task processes. The AUTOMATIC attribute was ignored.ttsJ=G1{ 8TOOMNYOPT, CDEC$ OPTIONS directives nested too deeply - this one ignoredn compiler4CDEC$ OPTIONS directives cannot be nested beyond 100levels.1Modify source so that CDEC$ OPTIONS nesting depthdoes not exceed 100.uu,t_1>:USEBEFDEF, Use of variable before definition; name in SAVE# statement if appropriaten compiler.A variable in a subprogram was used before its;value was defined. This may have been intentional, with an=assumption of implicit SAVE semantics, but may also have been9a programming error. This message can be suppressed with/WARNINGS=NOUNINITIALIZED.+If intentional, name the variable in a SAVE8statement and make sure that it is properly initialized.@Initialization to zero is not guaranteed on all implementations.vv!t:jT1ku39COMALNERR, COMMON alignment error, too small for variablen compiler3A field in the COMMON block is larger than the size4of alignment requested by the CDEC$ PSECT directive.3Specify a larger alignment value in the CDEC$ PSECTdirective for the COMMON block.wwu*e1[e)BADALIGN, Variable not naturally alignedn compiler>A variable or array was declared in such a way that it crossed%a natural boundary for its data size.xxuQy1(@EXT_KEYCONF, Extension to FORTRAN-77: nonstandard combination ofkeywords/valuesn compiler:A statement included a nonstandard combination of keywordsor keyword values, for example:? In an OPEN statement, FILE= specified when STATUS='SCRATCH'9This is an informational message - no action is required.3Howver, the program may behave differently on other platforms.yyv*1[e)USEUNIVAR, Use of uninitialized variablen compiler=A variable was used before it was initialized. Initialize thevariable before using it.>This message can be suppressed with /WARNINGS=NOUNINITIALIZED.GEM_TPL_SP_PSB 0GEM_TPL_IND_OFFSET_INV_VP -GEM_TPL_IND_OFFSET_INV 2GEM_TPL_IND_OFFSET_CONST_VP /GEM_TPL_IND_OFFSET_CONST -GEM_TPL_PF_CTX_IV_TEST3GEM_TPL_PF_CTX_MEMORY_ACCESS+GEM_TPL_PF_CTX_FLAGS,GEM_TPL_PF_CTX_OP_NUM.GEM_TPL_PF_CTX_OPERATOR*GEM_TPL_PF_CREATION *GEM_TPL_PF_NEXT_USE *GEM_TPL_PF_PREV_USE )GEM_TPL_SQRT_COUNT )GEM_TPL_SQRT_DEPTH ,GEM_TPL_DFDSC_BV_LIST ,GEM_TPL_DFDSC_BV_LINK )GEM_TPL_DFDSC_LINK -GEM_TPL_DF_PREV_EFFECT +GEM_TPL_MOTION_LIMIT ,GEM_TPL_DA_SUBSCRIPTS 4GEM_TPL_INDUCTION_COEFFICIENT -GEM_TPL_INDUCTION_LOOPP}lP$LOCALFP JP KP65535[PABORTEDP PCCESSP " P J PURACYN P O PROSS PTIVE;PUALP P P DDITIONAL%PRESSPABLE_P ESEP FPJARRBOUUPDIMPUSEWPLENUSEYPUSTABLEP UP WPFTER-P GGREFSIZ[PGATE[ P {!!PLIGNEDu""P ##PMENTp$$P t%%P &&P Lq''POWED&((P S))P \**P `++P k,,P l--PNNOMATp..PPHA//PREADY500PTERNATE]11P _22P a33PRETLAB]44POMI_55PSPEa66PNALYSIS77P =88P >99P ?::P @;;P A<<P B==P C>>P D??P E@@P FAAP D=BBP CCCP jDDP EEP FFP GGP HHP POSTROPHE(IIPPEARJJP ROPRIATEtKKP REpLLP MMPGLISEXEcNNPUMENTOOP PPP QQP RRP SSP TTP UUP VVP WWP  SCXXP YYP ITHMETICZZP e[[P \\P ]]PVALREQe^^PRAY__P  ``P aaP bbP ccP $ddP PeeP QffP RggP ThhP UiiP UjjP WkkP fllP immP lnnP ooP ppP qqP SFUNUSEDgrrPSARRUSEissPDOVARkttPIGN uuP zvvP EDzwwPMENT xxP kyyPOCIATEVARIABLEzzPUMEN{{P O||P D,}}P i~~P P TTACCNONPEMPTPRIBUTE'P bP dP jP mP P P  S8P mP P P PERRmP UTDATINIoPOMATICKP YP oP qP sPSAVALLqPHAREDsP VAILABLEMP PBACERRPKSPACEPDALIGNuPENDwPFIELDyPRECREF{PEEN&P PFOREZP tPTWEENP ITPLANKP POCKP )P 3P VP gP pP P P P SdPOUND$P UP SXP YP ^P fP PRANCHP P NCHINTOBLKPUFFERQPGCHECK}P TgP |PYTEP S[PCALLP =PNNOTP P GP HP P P SEP DD&P 'P GP HP bP dP fP jP rP P P P P P P P P P P PALNARYPBITSIZPERRORPINIVALPNOTSTRPRECDIMPSCALEDPTOOBIGPDEEPPEC$qP rP sP HACONCONTDPNAMINCP GEPRACTER!P (P YP eP P P P P P P P P P P P P P  S:P iP P P PSBSLIMPVALREQPECKXP YP PLOERRP SE  P    P   P Dk  PODE]  PMALNERRtP BINATIONuP MAP NDPENTP SP P P P ONP  P )P 3P =P CP dP gP iP m  P p!!P t""P ##P $$P %%P &&P ''P PILATION((P ))P ER**P ++PINGG,,P H--PLETE..P XT//PITY00P 11PSHRERR922PVARDECL33P NCATENATION44PDITION55PFLICTm66P ING77P 88P  SK99P X::P Y;;P b<<P ==PMEMEQV>>P SISTENCY}??PZEXC@@PTANTAAP BBP (CCP *DDP 2EEP IFFP VGGP HHP IIP JJP KKP LLP MMP NNP OOP PPP QQP RRPTAINS'SSP UTTP bUUP dVVP jWWP oXXP YYP ZZP [[PEXT\\P ]]P ^^P W__P Y``P ]aaP ^bbP iccP INUATIONcddP feeP ffP ggP EDhhPROLiiP =jjP ?kkP AllP FmmP `nnP hooP ppPVERSIONqqP rrP (ssPUNTttP ;uuP vvP wwP PU;xxPREATECyyPURRENT#zzP {{PDATA||P }}P ~~P P 5P GP HP QP RP UP WP oP P P P P P P P PTYPE&P GP HP rP PBGOPTPEBUGP CPIMAL%P LARATIONP !P $P 4P 5P pP P P E<P D"P gP hP |P P PEPLYXP jP sP P PFAULT:P mP PING`PINE&P D7P 9P \P gP yPITION6P GP kP lP lP tP PSTAUNKPVALUSED:PLERRP TEPIMITER+P PENDENCE=P >P ?P @P AP BP CP DP EP FPITEMP SP SCOMABORTPERRPNOLSEPSEVERRP RP PIPTION&P 'P GP HP bP dP jP rP P P P P P P P PIGN[P P P P P PTOOOLDPTECTEDQP ]PVICEP $P P IAGNOSTIC%P  S%PCTABORTPIONARYP PGITSPMENSIONP  EDP  ShPRECT&P ED P PIONP VEP ;P P P P P  SsPSTRREQPOESP _PARALLELP UE=P >  P ?  P @  P A  P B  P CP DP EP FP PMMYP CP P PPFILSPEPLICATEP P  DPRINGP  P  P _FLOATINGGPEDITORPLEMENT   P !!P ""P [##P S$$P %%P SE&&PMPTYv''P NCOUNTEREDI((P D))P **P ,++P Z,,P q--P r..P w//P 00PDURREA11PFILE22P RR33P IF44POPTMISq55PTDUMVAR66P RY77P _88P 99P VIRONMENTM::P QUIVALENCE;;P <<P ==P >>P  D???P x@@P AAPVEXPCOMBBPSAVCOMCCP RRDURREA DDPWRI EEPLIMEXCFFP ORGGP HHP IIP JJP KKP LLP  MMP  NNP  OOP  PPP QQP RRP SSP TTP  UUP %VVP (WWP ,XXP -YYP .ZZP 1[[P 2\\P 6]]P 7^^P D__P L``P PaaP tbbP ccP ddP eeP ffP ggP hhP iiP jjP kkP VALUATINGllP XCCHATRUmmPDIGTRUnnPEED_ooP ppP qqP EDrrP S ssP [ttP uuP vvP wwPNAMDATxxPVALDATyyP ECUTABLEczzP {{P ||PISTENT}}P T<~~PPANDEDMP SPLICITLYPONENT-PRESSIONP P #P 7P ^P eP P P P P P P PSTAOVEPTARYUSEPBADCONTPCATDARGPHAFOLPRREQPSOUPRARGP OMPARNAMPNT19PDATACOMPORDPENSIONuP P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P PRNALPILDOCNTPNTRINPLSTINFPMISSUBPXCOMPEQVPOPERATP RAP P P PCTIONPECUSEPUSECCONP_ARIREQP SFARGNAMPCOMPNSTPDOEXPRPFMTPINTREQPVINTARGPKEYPCONFuPLEXPOGREQPNAMEPOPERPRETTYPPSOURCPTMTP YNPTYPEP FAIACTCPU;PDCLEXIT<PIDPRC=PMAGNAME>PLEDP ;P <P =P >P ?P @P AP CPURE'P }P POWNERID?PPRCID@PNAMEAP SHRSTACKBPUBPRCCPTALDPINTERRDP EANOTSUPPTURE~P P P P PUNSAXPPIELD7P yP P P P SoP LEP P   P    P    P   P "  P %P &P 8P LP P P P P P P SPNAMSPE POTFOU P ND PERR PRST5P 8P LDMISALNoPNAME  POATING!!PCONFAI""P MTEXTCOM##PNUM$$PINVCHA%%P ON&&PMISNUM''PSEP((PNEST))PPAREN**PSIGN++POLLOWED,,P --PING..P R //P 00P 11P 22P &33P &44P 455P 566P :77P Q88P `99P f::P h;;P q<<P r==P t>>P y??P @@P AAP BBP CCPMATDDP EEP FFP .GGP 1HHP 7IIP JJP KKP LLP MMP NNP OOP PPP QQP RRP SSPRTL2NTTPSYSDEFUUP T$LIBRARYVVPRANWWP %XXP DYYP uZZP [[P \\P ]]P ^^P __P ``P aaP bbP ccP ddP eeP ffP ggP hhP iiP jjP kkP llP mmP nnP ooP ppP qqP rrP ssP ttP uuP vvP wwP xxP yyP zzP {{P ||P }}P ~~PVARMISPUND P PROM9P BPUNCTIONP  P !P aP gP lP P P P P P P P P P PVALUNDP GENERATED]PREATER$POUPP SP_FLOATGPINGHPHANDLER<P S&P P P P OLCOUREDPLERITHP P IARGCOUNTcPPTRcPDENTIFY=POINVOPPPARPREFPSYNERRPGNOREDP P P P 'P 6P ;P KP XP YP bP bP cP dP fP hP jP lP mP nP oP qP sP sP P P P P P P P LDIRSPECPOPARCTLPDIRPIDFDIRPLBRANCHPEGALP PPARSTMTPMAGE>PPDECLARP LEMENTATIONP P  EDNPICITP P P EDP P P P PMULTYPPNONEPSYNERRP NCDONESTPFILNESPORGPUNTYPPKEYCHGPLABUSEPENMODPUDEP P P P P PMODNAMPNOTSUPP OMPATIBLEP NSISTENTP P P P P pP P P P  LYxPPECLOPFAIPNFORTPSYSLPRRECT P P  LYP P PRECLENPTYPPSTAFUNPYNERRP DENTATIONP XR  P U  PFFORLOO  PINITE  P ORMATION  PHIBITED=P >P ?P @P AP BP CP DP EP FPIONNP OP PP QP RP SP TP UP ORB  P E!!PITIAL""PIZATION ##P $$P %%P &&P ''P ((P ))P  EDo**P ++PLINEM,,PPCONERR--PRECTOO..PSTAREQ//P UT00P 11P 22P 33P 244PQUIRE 55P 66PNIT77PSIDE>88P B99P D::P E;;P <<PTALL==PATION>>P ED??P UFFICIENT@@P AAPVIRMEMBBP CCPTACTARGDDPEGER EEP AFFP GGP HHP IIPRNALDJJP }KKP LLP MMPFUNARGNNP O@OOP PPP QQP RRPRINSIC SSP MTTP UUP VVP WWP XXP YYPVALREQZZPVACTARG[[PLID\\P ]]P ^^P __P ``P aaP  bbP  ccP ddP eeP ffP ggP hhP iiP jjP kkP llP mmP nnP ooP ppP qqP rrP ssP EttP FuuP GvvP HwwP IxxP UyyP WzzP Y{{P ]||P a}}P a~~P iP P P P P P P P PRGFORPSSVARPCHASOUPUSEPOMADREPNSTP  RPDEVSPEPOTERMPUMARGPENDKEYPTRYPQVCOMPFUNUSEPINIVAR PTFUN POSPEC PKEYOPE PSPEPLCLADRFPEFSID PXEMEPOGIFPNAMGPUNIPMATKEYPNMLELEPUMPRCHPSUBPPERARGPUSEPQUALPRECUSEPFVARPPCOUPSBSREFPTALABPUBREFPTYPUSEPUNWINDIPODUPKEYPINVFMTPKEYPLISTPSYNERRPTEMUP P P P P P P SPRATIONPSELFxPKEYP P P ED&PVALERRPWORDP  P P P P .P 1P P SuP LABASSIGN P ELP  P /P 6P ]P nP zP PNGUAGEPRGEP STPEFT PNCHAFUN!PGTHP !P VP YP P P SS&PTTERPVELXP ZPXICALPIBRARYP /P PMITP P P EDiP SP NEZP P SfP P PSIO_SYN P TP P  P <P P P P P P P P P P OCP ALACCESSJPSHRERRKP K"P ED0P G4LCKREQ"PARITHM!PICALP   P "  P #  P :  P G  P PVALREQ#PZERNEG!P NGP iP ER:P OPP P P =P >P ?P @P BP CP DP EP OP V  P `!!P a""P k##P $$P %%P &&P ''P ((P ))P S;**P >++P h,,P ST/--PWBOUGRE$..P ER$//P 00P SE%11P 22PDIAGS%33PMAJORf44PNAGER55P Y366P 477P S88P d99P f::P Pw;;P SX<<P RKc==PTCH>>P ??P !@@P wAAPINGqBBP rCCP H/DDPXIMUMSEEP VFFP YGGP HHP EANINGLESSIIPMBERfJJP KKPORYLLP MMP 8NNP 9OOP EPPP LQQP _RRP SSP TTPSHRERRLUUPNTIONEDVVP INDIGITS&WWPIMUM&XXP 'YYPOCCURS'ZZP SALIGNEDP[[P o\\PMATCH]]PSAPOS(^^PCOM)__PNST*``PDEL+aaPEND,bbPXPO-ccPING(ddP )eeP *ffP +ggP ,hhP -iiP .jjP /kkP 0an I/O list.H .GEM_FRM_POSITIVE_LENGTH 4GEM_FRM_NEGATIVE_GROWTH_BOUND 4GEM_FRM_POSITIVE_GROWTH_BOUND *GEM_FRM_FE_SPECIFIC # GEM_FRM_NEXT 1GEM_FRM_PARTITION_INSERTED'GEM_FRM_IMPORTED+GEM_FRM_UNKNOWN_SIZE(GEM_FRM_ALIGNMENT&GEM_FRM_SUBKIND%GEM_FRAME_BASE&GEM_FRM_DUMMY_3# GEM_FRM_NAMEx+GEM_FRM_SECTION_NAMEt *GEM_FRM_SECTION_PTRp +GEM_FRM_SECTION_KINDp -GEM_FRM_SECTION_OFFSETl *GEM_FRM_ASSOC_FRAMEh ,GEM_FRM_STAB_FD_ENTRYh -GEM_FRM_STAB_GST_ENTRYd ,GEM_FRM_ORIGIN_SYMBOL` +GEM_FRM_LINKAGE_ROOT\ +GEM_FRM_IV_LIST_TAILX +  MISSING1 2 3 Z      ment contained a name that was not the name of a control:variable within the scope of any implied-DO list. Example:+ DATA (A(J), J=1,10),(B(I), I=J,K) /1001./=Both J and K in the second implied-DO list are invalid names.Cw1t~BIDOSYNERR, Syntax error in implied-DO list in data initializationn compiler:Improper syntax was detected in an implied-DO list in data;initialization; for example, improperly nested parentheses.+E1\f*ILDIRSPEC, Unrecognized directive ignoredn compiler?A directive with a valid Digital Fortran prefix was encounteredA CDEC$ directive that applies to DO loops was found but no DO loop was found within its range.;;1lv:ILLBRANCH, Illegal branch into or out of parallel DO-loopn compiler:A branch into or out of a parallel DO loop is not allowed.=c1nxspecified. Check that the name was not accidentally created by$an undetected syntax error. Example: DO 10 I = 1.108The apparent DO statement is really an assignment to the$accidentally created variable DO10I. /31`j.IMPSYNERR, Syntax error in IMPLICIT statementn compiler2Improper syntax was used in an IMPLICIT statement. 2G1cm1INCDONEST, DO or IF statement incorrectly nestedn compiler)One of the following conditions occurred:8o A statement label specified in a DO statement was used previously. Example: 10 I = I + 1 J = J + 1 DO 10 K=1,107o A DO loop contains an incomplete DO loop or IF block. Examples: 1 DO 10 I=1,10 J = J + 1 DO 20 K=1,10 J = J + K 10 CONTINUE< 2 The start of the incomplete IF block can be a block IF, ELSE IF, or ELSE statement. DO 10 I=1,10 J = J + I IF (J .GT. 20) THEN J = J - 1 ELSE J = J + 1 10 CONTINUE END IFUQ1AINCFILNES, INCLUDE files and/or DICTIONARY statements nested too deeplyn compiler6Up to 10 levels of nested INCLUDE files and DICTIONARYstatements are permitted.|-&1^h,INCFUNTYP, Inconsistent function data typesn compiler;The function name and entry points in a function subprogramThe INCMODNAM message is issued when the specified module name=cannot be found in any of the libraries. Note that one of the>causes of this search failure may be an open failure on one ofto be present in the library, check to ensure that the library#itself can be read by the compiler.oA1r|@INCNOTSUP, INCLUDE not supported for current source file devicen compiler>An INCLUDE statement was found while the current source device>was not random-access, for example a tape drive or a terminal.8The compiler requires that it be able to close and later:reopen and reposition the source file before processing anINCLUDE statement.)1Zd(INCOPEFAI, Open failure on INCLUDE filen compiler;The specified file could not be opened, possibly because oflocate the library. (FORSYSDEF contains Digital Fortran source2definitions for related groups of system symbols.)61gq5INCSTAFUN, Inconsistent Statement Function referencen compiler>The actual arguments in a statement function reference did not;agree in either order, number, or data type with the formalarguments declared.7j1hr6INCSYNERR, Syntax error in INCLUDE file specificationn compiler8The file-name string was not acceptable (invalid syntax,0invalid qualifier, undefined device, and so on).ZS1EINQUNIT, Missing or invalid use of UNIT or FILE specifier in INQUIRE statementn compiler9An INQUIRE statement must have a UNIT specifier or a FILEspecifier, but not both.@e1q{?INSVIRMEM, Insufficient virtual memory to complete compilationn compiler>The compiler was not able to acquire sufficient virtual memory%in order to complete the compilation.6Increase your process page file quota (AUTHORIZE quote;PGFLQUO) and/or the system virtual page count limit (SYSGEN:parameter VIRTUALPAGECNT), specify the /NOOPTIMIZE compile9command qualifier or reduce the size or complexity of thecompilation unit.(g1:>INTACTARG, Intrinsic routine used as actual argument should be' named in INTRINSIC statementn compiler?Explanation: An identifier which had been previously used as an1intrinsic routine was used as an actual argument,1but was not named in an INTRINSIC statement. The3compiler assumed that the intrinsic routine of thatname was intended.3If the identifier is intended to be a routine name,3declare it in an EXTERNAL or INTRINSIC statement as appropriate.6This message can be suppressed with /WARNINGS=NOUSAGE.Y1CINTFUNARG, Arguments incompatible with intrinsic function, assumed EXTERNALn compiler9A function reference was made using an intrinsic functionerror occurs, the function is assumed to be supplied by you asan EXTERNAL function.@B1q{?INTVALREQ, Non-integer expression where integer value requiredn compiler;An expression that must be of type integer was another datatype.FH1wEINVACTARG, Invalid use of intrinsic function name as actual argumentn compiler=A generic name of an intrinsic function was used as an actual argument.4q1eo3INVASSVAR, Invalid ASSOCIATEVARIABLE specificationn compilerFor more information on valid nonprinting characters in sourcefiles, see your user manual.!!/F1`j.INVCHAUSE, Invalid character used in constantn compiler=An invalid character was used in a constant. Valid charactersare:# Hexadecimal: 0 - 9, A - F, a - f Octal: 0 - 7 Binary: 0 - 11 Radix-50: A - Z, 0 - 9, $, period, or space4For Radix-50, a space is substituted for the invalid9character. For hexadecimal and octal, the entire constantis set to zero.s must be constants.++J#1T^"NOPATH, No path to this statementn compilerWhen you specify /PARALLEL=AUTOMATIC or /VECTOR, you must omit /NOOPTIMIZE.--L%b1V`$NOSOUFILE, No source file specifiedn compiler;A command line was entered that specified only library file%names and no source files to compile...M9R1jt8NOTINLINED, Intrinsic reference was not expanded inlinen compiler6The reference to a BLAS intrinsic routine could not beexpanded into inline code.//Nmi1?NOVECACC, Vectorization inhibition: Qualifier /ASSUME=ACCURACY, prevents recurrence vectorizationn compiler>Vectorization is not performed. The /ASSUME=ACCURACY_SENSITIVE)option prevents recurrence vectorization.00Ori1@NOVECACCU, Vectorization inhibition: Qualifier /ASSUME=ACCURACY0 prevents recurrence vectorization onn compiler>Vectorization is not performed. The /ASSUME=ACCURACY_SENSITIVE)option prevents recurrence vectorization.11+P81is==7NOVECALIGN, Vectorization inhibition: Misaligned arrayn compilermust be aligned on natural boundaries, based on the data type.=An array is aligned on natural boundaries if all its elementsare so aligned.22QVU1BNOVECDTARR, Vectorization inhibition: Data type not supported for arrayn compiler;Vectorization is not performed because the data type is notsupported for the array.33R`\1CNOVECDTIND, Vectorization inhibition: Use of unsupported data type in array indexn compiler:Vectorization is not performed because an unsupported data type is used in the array index.44S>P1oy=NOVECSUBP, Vectorization inhibition: Reference to subprogramn compiler~1oy=NOVECVOLARR, Vectorization inhibition: Use of volatile arrayn compiler4Vectorization is not performed. Volatile arrays have9dependences the compiler is unaware of; thus, they cannotbe vectorized.77;U>1oyMM=ADJARRBOU, Adjustable array bound contains invalid data itemn compiler=An adjustable array dimension declarator expression contained-an operand that was not one of the following: o A constanto A variable in a common block8o A variable associated with a subprogram dummy argument88UD1u  CNOVECVOLIND, Vectorization inhibition: Use of volatile array indexn compilerThe terminal statement of a DO loop or the END IF statement of#an IF block was not found. Example: DO 20 I=1,10 X = Y END;;W5`1fp4ADJARRUSE, Adjustable array used in invalid contextn compiler>A reference to an adjustable array was made in a context where such a reference is not allowed.<<W:L1ku9OPENOTPER, Operation not permissible on these data typesn compiler;An invalid operation was specified, such as an .AND. of tworeal variables.==X4P1eo3STRDEPTH, STRUCTUREs/UNIONs/MAPs nested too deeplyn compiler>Xbo1  ;OPTLV4CHK, /OPTIMIZE=LEVEL=4 conflicts with /CHECK=BOUNDS;% /OPTIMIZE=LEVEL=4 ignoredn compiler.When you specify /CHECK=BOUNDS, you cannot use9/OPTIMIZE=LEVEL=4. A lower level of optimization has beenused.??YAx1r|@ADJLENUSE, Passed length character name used in invalid contextn compiler>A reference to a passed-length character array or variable was8made in a context where such a reference is not allowed.@@Yfd1=PARCHKCON, /PARALLEL=AUTOMATIC conflicts with /CHECK=BOUNDS;' /PARALLEL=AUTOMATIC ignoredn compiler.When you specify /CHECK=BOUNDS, you cannot use4/PARALLEL=AUTOMATIC. /PARALLEL=NOAUTOMATIC was used.AAZ<1mw;STRNAME, Outer level structure is missing a structure namen compiler=An outer level STRUCTURE statement must have a structure name;in order for a RECORD statement to be able to reference thestructure declaration.BBZ9Q1jt8PLACEEOL, Placeholder not terminated before end of linen compiler;The closing delimiter of a placeholder was not found beforethe end of the line.CC[@q1q{?AGGREFSIZ, Aggregate reference exceeds 65535 bytes per elementn compiler>Any aggregate reference larger than 65535 bytes cannot be used1in an I/O list or as an actual or dummy argument.DD[C`1t~BPLACENODESIGN, Placeholder not valid without /DESIGN=PLACEHOLDERSn compiler8A placeholder was found but /DESIGN=PLACEHOLDERS was not&specified on the compile command line.EE\;1lv++:STRNOTDEF, Structure name in RECORD statement not definedn compiler:Either a RECORD statement did not contain a structure namet1oy=PLACENODOT, Repetition of pseudocode placeholder not allowedn compilerw1oy=PLACENOOBJ, Placeholders detected - no object code generatedn compiler>One or more placeholders were found in the current compilation7unit and so no object code was generated for that unit.II^B1s}ASUBEXPVAL, Subscript or substring expression value out of boundsn compiler:A reference was made to either an array element beyond the9specified dimensions or a character substring outside thespecified bounds.JJ^4<1eo3PLACENOTVAL, Placeholder not valid in this contextn compiler;A placeholder was found in a context that is not supported.KKD_F1wVVEALTRETOMI, Alternate return omitted in SUBROUTINE or ENTRY statementn compiler;An asterisk is missing in the argument list of a subroutine5for which an alternate return is specified. Examples:1 SUBROUTINE XYZ(A,B) . . . RETURN 12 ENTRY ABC(Q,R) . . . RETURN I+4LL_Cz1t~BPROSTOREQ, Program storage requirements exceed addressable memoryn compiler>The storage space allocated to the variables and arrays of the:program unit exceeded the addressing range of the machine.MM`<w1mw;SUBNOTALL, Subqualifier not allowed with negated qualifiern compiler6A negated qualifier specified on the command line alsospecified subqualifier values.For example: /NOCHECK=UNDERFLOWNN`FQ1wEPRVCTLVAR, Control variable for parallel loop defaulting to PRIVATE.n compiler>The control variable for a parallel DO loop was not explicitlydeclared private.OOeaF1wwwEALTRETSPE, Alternate return specifier invalid in FUNCTION subprogramn compiler7The argument list of a FUNCTION declaration contains an7asterisk or a RETURN statement in a function subprogram(specifies an alternate return. Examples:o! INTEGER FUNCTION TCB(ARG,*,X)o FUNCTION IMAX . . . RETURN I+J ENDPPaTf1BPRVSYMILL, PRIVATE symbol invalid in routine without parallel DO- loopn compiler;One or more variables were declared as PRIVATE in a routine)which did not contain a parallel DO loop.QQbST1;TAGVARIAB, CDD description contains Tag Variable attribute (ignored).n compiler?Digital Fortran does not support the Common Data Dictionary TagVariable attribute.RRbDg1uCRECPARCON, /RECURSIVE conflicts with /PARALLEL; /RECURSIVE ignoredn compiler3If you specify /PARALLEL, you must omit /RECURSIVE.2Compilation uses /PARALLEL but ignores /RECURSIVE.SSc?1pz>ARGLISEXE, IARGCOUNT/IARGPTR used in non-executable statementn compiler5One of the argument list inquiry intrinsic functions,3IARGCOUNT and IARGPTR, was used in a non-executable3statement such as a statement function declaration.TTc0z1ak/REDCONMAR, Redundant continuation mark ignoredn compiler5A continuation mark was used where an initial line is:required. When this error occurs, the continuation mark isignored.UUd)p1Zd(TOOMANCOM, Too many named common blocksn compiler@Digital Fortran allows a maximun of 508 named common blocks. You.must reduce the number of named common blocks.VVdD61uCREFERENCE, CDD description contains Reference attribute (ignored).n compiler5Fortran does not support the CDD Reference attribute.WWeAb1r|@ARIVALREQ, Character expression where arithmetic value requiredn compiler>An expression that must be arithmetic (INTEGER, REAL, LOGICAL,"or COMPLEX) was of type CHARACTER.XXe@1q{""?ROUREFREC, Routine referenced recursively; /RECURSIVE requiredn compiler3A subroutine, function or entry name was referenced8recursively in the same program unit, but the /RECURSIVE9command or OPTIONS statement qualifier was not specified.YYf;+1lv:TOOMANCON, Too many continuation lines, remainder ignoredn compiler*Up to 99 continuation lines are permitted.ZZf;1lv:ROWMAJOR, Bounds reversed for CDD member row-major array.n compiler>A row-major multi-dimensioned array was found in a CDD record.:The bounds were reversed to allow for Fortran column-majorarray addressing.[[g8x1is7ASFUNUSED, Statement function was defined but not usedn compilerencountered. When this error occurs, the compiler assumes that1you omitted one or more END STRUCTURE statements.eelT1##DUNDARR, Undimensioned array or statement function definition out of ordern compiler6Either a statement function definition was found among:executable statements or an assignment statement involving!an undimensioned array was found.ffl]$1>STAINVSTR, Statement not allowed within structure definition, statement ignoredn compilerThis error only occurs with the CDEC$ PSECT compiler directive7statement and under any of the following circumstances:9o A common block is declared as both GBL (global) and LCL< (local), both WRT (write) and NOWRT (nowrite), or both SHR (shared) and NOSHR (noshared).9o More than one alignment (ALIGN=) to the COMMON block is specified.A statement was used in a place where it does not belong. When,this error occurs, the statement is ignored.kk)o<1mw;;;AUTDATINI, Variable is data-initialized; AUTOMATIC ignoredn compiler7A variable was declared as AUTOMATIC but was also data-6initialized in a DATA or type-specification statement.=AUTOMATIC variables cannot be data-initialized. The AUTOMATICattribute was ignored.llo9Of1jt)8FLDMISALN, Record contains one or more misaligned fieldsn compiler1One or more fields are not naturally aligned in a?RECORD structure. If the record is or contains a record array,?one or more of the array elements may not be naturally aligned.;Specifying /NOALIGN or /ALIGN=RECORDS=PACKED, the default, Acauses Digital Fortran to pack the fields within records instead of naturally aligning them. 5Consider specifying the /ALIGN qualifier or rearrange/fields so that they fall on natural boundaries.mmp#71T^"UNRECSTMT, Unrecognized statementn compiler6The statement encountered was not recognized as valid.nnnpXN12BALNNOMAT, Alignment settings of common block are inconsistent withprevious declarationn compiler6Occurs when using CDEC$ OPTIONS/ALIGN (or /WARN=ALIGN);if the same COMMON is declared in multiple places within a >single compilation unit and /ALIGN or /WARN=ALIGN has changed between places. For example:% CDEC$ OPTIONS /ALIGN=COMMON=NATURAL0 COMMON /COM1/ A,B ! naturally aligned CDEC$ END OPTIONS$ CDEC$ OPTIONS /ALIGN=COMMON=PACKED% COMMON /COM1/ C,D ! packed CDEC$ END OPTIONS END=Note that COMMON declarations can also take place in SAVE and?VOLATILE statements and in CDEC$ PSECT, CPAR$ PRIVATE and CPAR$>SHARED directives. All declarations must be in the scope of a8consistent setting for alignment and alignment warnings.7User Action: Modify the program to remove inconsistent alignment directives.ooOq?1pzaa>AUTSAVALL, SAVE of all variables specified; AUTOMATIC ignoredn compilerUser Action: Remove extraneous CDEC$ END OPTIONS directives or,add CDEC$ OPTIONS directives as appropriate.ssbs>1oytt=AUTSHARED, SHARED or SHARED_ALL specified; AUTOMATIC ignoredn compiler9A variable was declared as AUTOMATIC was named in a CPAR$;SHARED directive or was in a program unit which contained a9CPAR$ SHARED_ALL directive. AUTOMATIC variables cannot be=shared among parallel task processes. The AUTOMATIC attribute was ignored.ttsJ=G1{ 8TOOMNYOPT, CDEC$ OPTIONS directives nested too deeply - this one ignoredn compiler4CDEC$ OPTIONS directives cannot be nested beyond 100levels.1Modify source so that CDEC$ OPTIONS nesting depthdoes not exceed 100.uu,t_1>:USEBEFDEF, Use of variable before definition; name in SAVE# statement if appropriaten compiler.A variable in a subprogram was used before its;value was defined. This may have been intentional, with an=assumption of implicit SAVE semantics, but may also have been9a programming error. This message can be suppressed with/WARNINGS=NOUNINITIALIZED.+If intentional, name the variable in a SAVE8statement and make sure that it is properly initialized.@Initialization to zero is not guaranteed on all implementations.vv!t:jT1ku39COMALNERR, COMMON alignment error, too small for variablen compiler3A field in the COMMON block is larger than the size4of alignment requested by the CDEC$ PSECT directive.3Specify a larger alignment value in the CDEC$ PSECTdirective for the COMMON block.wwu*e1[e)BADALIGN, Variable not naturally alignedn compiler>A variable or array was declared in such a way that it crossed%a natural boundary for its data size.xxuQy1(@EXT_KEYCONF, Extension to FORTRAN-77: nonstandard combination ofkeywords/valuesn compiler:A statement included a nonstandard combination of keywordsor keyword values, for example:? In an OPEN statement, FILE= specified when STATUS='SCRATCH'9This is an informational message - no action is required.3Howver, the program may behave differently on other platforms.yyv*1[e)USEUNIVAR, Use of uninitialized variablen compiler=A variable was used before it was initialized. Initialize thevariable before using it.>This message can be suppressed with /WARNINGS=NOUNINITIALIZED.%$PGEM_CP_G_QUAL_SHOW&$XPGEM_CP_G_QUAL_SFILE)$0PGEM_CP_G_QUAL_OPTIMIZE'$PGEM_CP_G_QUAL_OBJECT-$OGEM_CP_G_QUAL_MACHINE_CODE%$OGEM_CP_G_QUAL_LIST($OGEM_CP_G_QUAL_LIBRARY($hOGEM_CP_G_QUAL_GPVALUE'$@OGEM_CP_G_QUAL_GLEVEL-$OGEM_CP_G_QUAL_GEN_FEEDBACK)$NGEM_CP_G_QUAL_FEEDBACK,$NGEM_CP_G_QUAL_DIAGNOSTICS&$NGEM_CP_G_QUAL_DEBUG.$xNGEM_CP_G_QUAL_ANALYSIS_DATA'GEM_QUAL_DUMMY_1%GEM_QUAL_ORDER -GEM_QUAL_OMITTED_VALUE -GEM_QUAL_DEFAULT_VALUE /GEM_QUAL_OPT_DISTRIBUTED,GEM_QUAL_OPT_ATTACHED+GEM_QUAL_NO_ARGUMENT(GEM_QUAL_EXISTING&GEM_QUAL_NOREAD+GEM_QUAL_DELETE_FILE/X  MISSKEY.LABEL/NAME0UNIT1VAR2COM3XED"    FILACC" ODES" IFIER ULE RE> h o UCHLDECNAM4TYP5FLAB6FLDNAM7SPEPAR8TRNAM9TIPLE4 5 6 8 Y7 9 ST   !!! 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U// t00 v11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88BEFDEFt99 D :: ;; << == 5>> 8?? :@@ WAA YBB ]CC cDD gEE iFF |GG HH II JJ KK LL MM NNUNIVARvOOINGPP mQQVALRR SS ID[TT ^UU mVV WW UEXX YY !ZZ #[[ 7\\ :]] ^^^ e__ `` aa bb cc dd S4ee uff gg hhRIABLE ii  jj kk ll mm nn "oo 0pp 2qq 3rr 4ss 5tt 7uu =vv ?ww Axx Fyy `zz b{{ g|| h}} k~~ o t t u v x z |        S C qNCEQVxNAME 4OTASSzUNUSED|XELN~UNS~ ECCHKCONTORK IZATIONN O P Q R S T URSIONN  FEVALERR7UFEANEXUNSSRCUNAIRTUAL OLATILEF T U WARNINGS SM M Q g |EREHENG H RE# I e {  ILEITH < K X Y ` b p      IN k k lOUT[ a RIREAFIL8 TE  8TEN%ONGCLDYOUR ZERLENSTR O!   vP P P EDP P P P PMULTYPPNONEPSYNERRP NCDONESTPFILNESPORGPUNTYPPKEYCHGPLABUSEPENMODPUDEP P P P P PMODNAMPNOTSUPP OMPATIBLEP NSISTENTP P P P P pP P P P  LYxPPECLOPFAIPNFORTPSYSLPRRECT P P  LYP P PRECLENPTYPPSTAFUNPYNERRP DENTATIONP XR  P U  PFFORLOO  PINITE  P ORMATION  PHIBITED=P >P ?P @P AP BP CP DP EP FPIONNP OP PP QP RP SP TP UP ORB  P E!!PITIAL""PIZATION ##P $$P %%P &&P ''P ((P ))P  EDo**P ++PLINEM,,PPCONERR--PRECTOO..PSTAREQ//P UT00P 11P 22P 33P 244PQUIRE 55P 66PNIT77PSIDE>88P B99P D::P E;;P <<PTALL==PATION>>P ED??P UFFICIENT@@P AAPVIRMEMBBP CCPTACTARGDDPEGER EEP AFFP GGP HHP IIPRNALDJJP }KKP LLP MMPFUNARGNNP O@OOP PPP QQP RRPRINSIC SSP MTTP UUP VVP WWP XXP YYPVALREQZZPVACTARG[[PLID\\P ]]P ^^P __P ``P aaP  bbP  ccP ddP eeP ffP ggP hhP iiP jjP kkP llP mmP nnP ooP ppP qqP rrP ssP EttP FuuP GvvP HwwP IxxP UyyP WzzP Y{{P ]||P a}}P a~~P iP P P P P P P P PRGFORPSSVARPCHASOUPUSEPOMADREPNSTP  RPDEVSPEPOTERMPUMARGPENDKEYPTRYPQVCOMPFUNUSEPINIVAR PTFUN POSPEC PKEYOPE PSPEPLCLADRFPEFSID PXEMEPOGIFPNAMGPUNIPMATKEYPNMLELEPUMPRCHPSUBPPERARGPUSEPQUALPRECUSEPFVARPPCOUPSBSREFPTALABPUBREFPTYPUSEPUNWINDIPODUPKEYPINVFMTPKEYPLISTPSYNERRPTEMUP P P P P P P SPRATIONPSELFxPKEYP P P ED&PVALERRPWORDP  P P P P .P 1P P SuP LABASSIGN P ELP  P /P 6P ]P nP zP PNGUAGEPRGEP STPEFT PNCHAFUN!PGTHP !P VP YP P P SS&PTTERPVELXP ZPXICALPIBRARYP /P PMITP P P EDiP SP NEZP P SfP P PSIO_SYN P TP P  P <P P P P P P P P P P OCP ALACCESSJPSHRERRKP K"P ED0P G4LCKREQ"PARITHM!PICALP   P "  P #  P :  P G  P PVALREQ#PZERNEG!P NGP iP ER:P OPP P P =P >P ?P @P BP CP DP EP OP V  P `!!P a""P k##P $$P %%P &&P ''P ((P ))P S;**P >++P h,,P ST/--PWBOUGRE$..P ER$//P 00P SE%11P 22PDIAGS%33PMAJORf44PNAGER55P Y366P 477P S88P d99P f::P Pw;;P SX<<P RKc==PTCH>>P ??P !@@P wAAPINGqBBP rCCP H/DDPXIMUMSEEP VFFP YGGP HHP EANINGLESSIIPMBERfJJP KKPORYLLP MMP 8NNP 9OOP EPPP LQQP _RRP SSP TTPSHRERRLUUPNTIONEDVVP INDIGITS&WWPIMUM&XXP 'YYPOCCURS'ZZP SALIGNEDP[[P o\\PMATCH]]PSAPOS(^^PCOM)__PNST*``PDEL+aaPEND,bbPXPO-ccPING(ddP )eeP *ffP +ggP ,hhP -iiP .jjP /kkP 0an I/O list. &GEM_FLND_LFENCE %GEM_FLND_LDEF2 (GEM_FLND_LOOP_DOM +GEM_FLND_LOOP_BOTTOM &GEM_FLND_IFENCE $ GEM_FLND_LDEF $ GEM_FLND_IDEF -GEM_FLND_LIFE_SCC_LINK 0GEM_FLND_LIFE_SCC_LOWLINK /GEM_FLND_LIFE_SCC_NUMBER /GEM_FLND_LIFETIME_BOTTOM ,GEM_FLND_LIFETIME_TOP +GEM_FLND_GREEN_LOOPS /GEM_FLND_LOOP_BOTTOM_DOM .GEM_FLND_LOOP_EDGE_NEST .GEM_FLND_LOOP_EDGE_HEAD %GEM_FLND_FILL2 1GEM_FLND_DESIRABILITY_MARK /GEM_FLND_DOM_BUCKET_LINK /GEM_FLND_DOM_BUCKET_HEAD )GEM_FLND_DOM_LABEL ,GEM_FLND_DOM_ANCESTOR (GEM_FLND_DOM_SEMI *                           !! 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