.TITLE TN3270DEF Translation Tables .IDENT /V01.01/ ; ; **************************************************************************** ; * * ; * Copyright (c) 1993 * ; * by DIGITAL Equipment Corporation, Maynard, Mass. * ; * * ; * This software is furnished under a license and may be used and copied * ; * only in accordance with the terms of such license and with the * ; * inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software or any other * ; * copies thereof may not be provided or otherwise made available to any * ; * other person. No title to and ownership of the software is hereby * ; * transferred. * ; * * ; * The information in this software is subject to change without notice * ; * and should not be construed as a commitment by DIGITAL Equipment * ; * Corporation. * ; * * ; * DIGITAL assumes no responsibility for the use or reliability of its * ; * software on equipment which is not supplied by DIGITAL. * ; * * ; **************************************************************************** ; ;++ ; ; FACILITY: TCPIP ; ; ABSTRACT: This is the file for generating ; an EBCDIC to DEC multi national and ; DEC multi national to EBCDIC ; translation table ; ; ENVIRONMENT: VAX/VMS ; ; AUTHOR: John Borchek ; ; CREATION DATE: 31-Jan-1993 ; ; Mod history: ; V01.01 Gabriel Shapira 28-May-1993 ; Modified comments to explain the file usage ; ;-- ;+ ; ; Loadable Translation Tables ; ; ; This file contains a 256 byte EBCDIC to DEC multinational character set (DMCS) ; and 256 byte DMCS to EBCDIC translation table. The translation tables ; are as per ANSI X3.26 1970. There is one exception, code hex FF translates ; to code hex FF in both tables. All characters in the top half of the ; DMCS set (128-255) translate to the EBCDIC SUB character (Hex 3F). No ; EBCDIC characters translate to a character in the top half of the DCMS ; table. All unnassigned EBCDIC characters translate to the DMCS/ASCII ; fill character. This character is defined in this file by assigning ; its value to a symbol DMFILL eg ; DMFILL = 45. ; will make backslash ('-') the substitution character. If you do not ; specify a value for DMFILL it defaults to 92. ('\') the fill character ; defined by ANSII X3.26 - 1970. ; ; This file alters the above two tables by the use of the following ; three macros ; ; ; REVTRA (Fully REVersible TRAnslation) ; ------------------------------------- ; ; This macro overlays an entry in the EBCDIC to DMCS and DMCS to EBCDIC ; translation tables. The macro is invoked as follows ; ; REVTRA EB, AS ; Comment ; ; EB is the code for the EBCDIC character, AS is the code for the DMCS ; character. EB is specified as a 1 or 2 digit hex number. AS is specified as ; a 1 or 2 digit HEX number or by the 2 character sequence 'x where x is the ; DMCS character. The second method of specifying EB can only be used for ; printable ASCII characters. The result of using this macro is that the EBCDIC ; character EB translates to the DMCS character AS and the DMCS character AS ; translates to the EBCDIC character EB. Thus fully reversible translation is ; provided for this character pair. This macro is recommended in preference to ; the following two macros. The macros EB2AS and AS2EB should only be used if ; non reversible translation is desired. ; ; Examples ; ; REVTRA 4A, A2 ; EBCDIC cent sign <--> DMCS cent sign ; REVTRA 5A, '! ; EBCDIC exclamation mark <--> DMCS exclamation ; ; mark ; ; ; EB2AS (EBCDIC to DMCS translation) ; ---------------------------------- ; ; This macro changes an entry in the EBCDIC to DMCS table but not the DMCS ; to EBCDIC table. The macro is invoked as follows ; ; EB2AS EB, AS ; ; The arguments are as per REVTRA. ; ; Examples ; ; EB2AS 4A, A2 ; EBCDIC cent sign --> DMCS cent sign ; EB2AS 5A, '! ; EBCDIC exclamation mark --> DMCS exclamation ; ; mark ; ; ; AS2EB (DMCS to EBCDIC translation) ; ---------------------------------- ; ; This macro changes an entry in the DMCS to EBCDIC table but not the EBCDIC ; to DMCS table. The macro is invoked as follows ; ; AS2EB AS, EB ; Comment ; ; The arguments are as per REVTRA. ; ; Examples ; ; AS2EB A2, 4A ; DMCS cent sign --> EBCDIC cent sign ; AS2EB '!, 5A ; DMCS exclamation mark --> EBCDIC exclamation ; ; mark ; ; This file is edited to produce a loadable translation table for the ; TCPIP TELNET/TN3270 client software. To produce a loadable translation ; table follow the procedure outlined below. ; ; Procedure for producing a loadable translation table ; ---------------------------------------------------- ; ; 1) Create the translation table: ; Take a copy of this file and insert calls to the macros REVTRA, EB2AS ; and/or AS2EB at the end of this file just before the .END statement. The ; following assumes that you have called the copy of this file TN3270DEF.MAR ; and that it is in your current default directory. ; ; 2) Assemble this file: ; $ MACRO/LIST TN3270DEF ; ; 3) Link: ; Link TN3270DEF.OBJ, it does not matter how you link TN3270DEF as long as the ; image is produced with a header. The smallest file is produced with the ; following command:- ; $ LINK/SYSTEM/HEADER TN3270DEF ; ; If you wish you can use the command $ LINK TN3270DEF, this will produce the ; warning error that there is no user transfer address. You can ignore this ; error since you will never be running the image! $ LINK/SHARE TN3270DEF also ; works. ; ; 4) Copy the resultant image to a place where it is accessible to ; everybody that wants to use it. If you wish to make it the default ; translation table for TCPIP TELNET/TN3270 client do the following. ; ; $ COPY TN3270DEF.EXE SYS$LIBRARY:TN3270DEF.TBL ; .NLIST ; ; Declare MAC$32 if this is the ; VMS assembler ; .IIF EQ, <10/2>-5, MAC$32 = 0 .IIF NDF MAC$32, .ENABL LC .LIST MEB .SBTTL Macro definitions ; ; Convert 1 or 2 hex characters ; to a hex byte ; .MACRO .HEX VAL .NLIST .DSABL CRF .NCHR LEN, .IF DF, MAC$32 HEXVAL = ^X .IFF HEXVAL = 0 .NCHR .HEX0, .HEX1 = 0 .IRPC X, .HEX2 = 16. .IIF IDN ,<0>, .HEX2 = 0 .IIF IDN ,<1>, .HEX2 = 1 .IIF IDN ,<2>, .HEX2 = 2 .IIF IDN ,<3>, .HEX2 = 3 .IIF IDN ,<4>, .HEX2 = 4 .IIF IDN ,<5>, .HEX2 = 5 .IIF IDN ,<6>, .HEX2 = 6 .IIF IDN ,<7>, .HEX2 = 7 .IIF IDN ,<8>, .HEX2 = 8. .IIF IDN ,<9>, .HEX2 = 9. .IIF IDN ,, .HEX2 = 10. .IIF IDN ,, .HEX2 = 11. .IIF IDN ,, .HEX2 = 12. .IIF IDN ,, .HEX2 = 13. .IIF IDN ,, .HEX2 = 14. .IIF IDN ,, .HEX2 = 15. .IF GT .HEX2-15. .ERROR ; Invalid HEX character .MEXIT .ENDC .IF EQ .HEX1 .HEX3 = .HEX2 .HEX1 = 1 .IFF .HEX1 = 0 .HEX2 = <.HEX3*16.>+.HEX2 .ENDC .ENDR HEXVAL = .HEX2 .ENDC .ENABL CRF .LIST .ENDM .HEX ; ; Calculate a value from a string argument ; .MACRO .VAL STR VALUE = 0 .NCHR LEN, .IF NE, LEN-1 .IF NE, LEN-2 .ERROR ; Invalid argument, only 1 or 2 characters allowed .MEXIT .ENDC .ENDC CHRNUM = 0 ITSHEX = 1 .IRPC X, CHRNUM = CHRNUM + 1 .IF EQ, CHRNUM - 1 .IF DF MAC$32 .IIF EQ APOS - ^A/X/, ITSHEX = 0 .IFF .IIF EQ APOS - <''X>, ITSHEX = 0 .ENDC .IFF .IF DF MAC$32 .IIF EQ, ITSHEX, VALUE = ^A/X/ .IFF .IIF EQ, ITSHEX, VALUE = <''X> .ENDC .ENDC .ENDR .IF EQ, ITSHEX .IF EQ, EBCARG - 1 .ERROR ; EBCDIC argument must be 1 or 2 digit HEX number .MEXIT .ENDC .IFF .IF DF, MAC$32 VALUE = ^X .IFF .HEX VALUE = HEXVAL .ENDC .ENDC .ENDM ; ; Add an element to the EBCDIC, to DEC multinational translation ; table ; .MACRO EB2AS EB, AS EBCARG = 1 ; Indicate EBCDIC argument .VAL ; Compute value of EBCDIC argument . = $EB2AS + VALUE ; Position to correct offset in table EBCARG = 0 ; Indicate ASCII argument .VAL ; Compute value of ASCII argument ; and store the translated character .BYTE VALUE .ENDM ; ; Add an element to the DEC multinational, ; to EBCDIC translation table ; .MACRO AS2EB AS, EB EBCARG = 0 ; Indicate ASCII argument .VAL ; Compute value of ASCII argument . = $AS2EB + VALUE ; Position to correct offset in table EBCARG = 1 ; Indicate EBCDIC argument .VAL ; Compute value of EBCDIC argument ; and store the translated character .BYTE VALUE .ENDM ; ; Add an element to both translation tables ; so that the translation is reversible. Thus ; ; REVTRA 5A, '! ; ; would cause EBCDIC '!' to be translated to ASCII '!' ; and ASCII to '!' to EBCDIC '!' ; .MACRO REVTRA EB, AS EB2AS EB, AS ; Enter in EBCDIC to ASCII table AS2EB AS, EB ; Enter in ASCII to EBCDIC table .ENDM .SBTTL Context and symbol initialisation ; ; Handy symbol for ' and \ ; .IF DF MAC$32 APOS = ^A/'/ EBSSUB = ^X3F .IFF APOS = '' .HEX 3F EBSSUB = HEXVAL .ENDC .SBTTL Table Initialisation .IF DF MAC$32 .PSECT _SNASYS$GLOBAL, NOEXE, RD, WRT .IFF .PSECT $$TRTB .ENDC ;+ ; Initialise the DEC multinational to EBCDIC ; table with EBCDIC SUB character. ; Initialise the EBCDIC to DEC multinational ; with the '\' character as per ANSI X3.26 -1970. ; Note FF maps to FF. ;- $EB2AS:: .REPT 255. .BYTE DMFILL .ENDR .BYTE 255. $AS2EB:: .REPT 255. .BYTE EBSSUB .ENDR .BYTE 255. .SBTTL EBCDIC International translation tables .SBTTL International EBCDIC to DEC multinational . = $EB2AS .BYTE 0. ; NUL --> NUL .BYTE 1. ; --> ^A .BYTE 2. ; --> ^B .BYTE 3. ; --> ^C .BYTE DMFILL .BYTE 9. ; PT --> HT .BYTE DMFILL .BYTE 127. ; --> DEL .BYTE DMFILL .BYTE DMFILL .BYTE DMFILL .BYTE 11. ; --> ^K .BYTE 12. ; FF --> FF .BYTE 13. ; CR --> CR .BYTE 14. ; --> ^N .BYTE 15. ; --> ^O .BYTE 16. ; --> ^P .BYTE 17. ; SBA --> ^Q .BYTE 18. ; EUA --> ^R .BYTE 19. ; IC --> ^S .BYTE DMFILL .BYTE DMFILL .BYTE 8. ; --> ^H .BYTE DMFILL .BYTE 24. ; --> ^X .BYTE 25. ; EM --> ^Y .BYTE DMFILL .BYTE DMFILL .BYTE 28. ; DUP --> ^\ .BYTE 29. ; SF --> ^] .BYTE 30. ; FM --> ^^ .BYTE 31. ; --> ^_ . = $EB2AS + 37. .BYTE 10. ; --> ^J .BYTE 23. ; --> ^W .BYTE 27. ; --> ESC .BYTE DMFILL .BYTE DMFILL .BYTE DMFILL .BYTE DMFILL .BYTE DMFILL .BYTE 5. ; --> ^E .BYTE 6. ; --> ^F .BYTE 7. ; --> ^G . = $EB2AS + 50. .BYTE 22. ; --> ^V .BYTE DMFILL .BYTE DMFILL .BYTE DMFILL .BYTE DMFILL .BYTE 4. ; --> ^D .BYTE DMFILL .BYTE DMFILL .BYTE DMFILL .BYTE DMFILL .BYTE 20. ; RA --> ^T .BYTE 21. ; --> ^U .BYTE DMFILL .BYTE 26. ; SUB --> SUB .BYTE 32. ; SP --> SP .BYTE DMFILL .BYTE DMFILL .BYTE DMFILL .BYTE DMFILL .BYTE DMFILL .BYTE DMFILL .BYTE DMFILL .BYTE DMFILL .BYTE DMFILL .BYTE 91. ; CENT --> '[ .BYTE 46. ; '. --> '. .BYTE 60. ; '< --> '< .BYTE 40. ; '( --> '( .BYTE 43. ; '+ --> '+ .BYTE 33. ; LOG OR --> '! .BYTE 38. ; '& --> '& .BYTE DMFILL .BYTE DMFILL .BYTE DMFILL .BYTE DMFILL .BYTE DMFILL .BYTE DMFILL .BYTE DMFILL .BYTE DMFILL .BYTE DMFILL .BYTE 93. ; '! --> '] .BYTE 36. ; '$ --> '$ .BYTE 42. ; '* --> '* .BYTE 41. ; ') --> ') .BYTE 59. ; '; --> '; .BYTE 94. ; LOG NOT --> '^ .BYTE 45. ; '- --> '- .BYTE 47. ; '/ --> '/ .BYTE DMFILL .BYTE DMFILL .BYTE DMFILL .BYTE DMFILL .BYTE DMFILL .BYTE DMFILL .BYTE DMFILL .BYTE DMFILL .BYTE 124. ; Split vertical bar --> LOG OR .BYTE 44. ; ', --> ', .BYTE 37. ; '% --> '% .BYTE 95. ; '_ --> '_ .BYTE 62. ; '> --> '> .BYTE 63. ; '? --> '? . = $EB2AS + 121. .BYTE 96. ; '` --> '` .BYTE 58. ; ': --> ': .BYTE 35. ; '# --> '# .BYTE 64. ; '@ --> '@ .BYTE 39. ; '' --> '' .BYTE 61. ; '= --> '= .BYTE 34. ; '" --> '" .BYTE DMFILL .BYTE 97. ; 'a --> 'a .BYTE 98. ; 'b --> 'b .BYTE 99. ; 'c --> 'c .BYTE 100. ; 'd --> 'd .BYTE 101. ; 'e --> 'e .BYTE 102. ; 'f --> 'f .BYTE 103. ; 'g --> 'g .BYTE 104. ; 'h --> 'h .BYTE 105. ; 'i --> 'i . = $EB2AS + 145. .BYTE 106. ; 'j --> 'j .BYTE 107. ; 'k --> 'k .BYTE 108. ; 'l --> 'l .BYTE 109. ; 'm --> 'm .BYTE 110. ; 'n --> 'n .BYTE 111. ; 'o --> 'o .BYTE 112. ; 'p --> 'p .BYTE 113. ; 'q --> 'q .BYTE 114. ; 'r --> 'r . = $EB2AS + 161. .BYTE 126. ; '~ --> '~ .BYTE 115. ; 's --> 's .BYTE 116. ; 't --> 't .BYTE 117. ; 'u --> 'u .BYTE 118. ; 'v --> 'v .BYTE 119. ; 'w --> 'w .BYTE 120. ; 'x --> 'x .BYTE 121. ; 'y --> 'y .BYTE 122. ; 'z --> 'z . = $EB2AS + 192. .BYTE 123. ; '{ --> '{ .BYTE 65. ; 'A --> 'A .BYTE 66. ; 'B --> 'B .BYTE 67. ; 'C --> 'C .BYTE 68. ; 'D --> 'D .BYTE 69. ; 'E --> 'E .BYTE 70. ; 'F --> 'F .BYTE 71. ; 'G --> 'G .BYTE 72. ; 'H --> 'H .BYTE 73. ; 'I --> 'I . = $EB2AS + 208. .BYTE 125. ; '} --> '} .BYTE 74. ; 'J --> 'J .BYTE 75. ; 'K --> 'K .BYTE 76. ; 'L --> 'L .BYTE 77. ; 'M --> 'M .BYTE 78. ; 'N --> 'N .BYTE 79. ; 'O --> 'O .BYTE 80. ; 'P --> 'P .BYTE 81. ; 'Q --> 'Q .BYTE 82. ; 'R --> 'R . = $EB2AS + 224. .BYTE 92. ; '\ --> '\ .BYTE DMFILL .BYTE 83. ; 'S --> 'S .BYTE 84. ; 'T --> 'T .BYTE 85. ; 'U --> 'U .BYTE 86. ; 'V --> 'V .BYTE 87. ; 'W --> 'W .BYTE 88. ; 'X --> 'X .BYTE 89. ; 'Y --> 'Y .BYTE 90. ; 'Z --> 'Z . = $EB2AS + 240. .BYTE 48. ; '0 --> '0 .BYTE 49. ; '1 --> '1 .BYTE 50. ; '2 --> '2 .BYTE 51. ; '3 --> '3 .BYTE 52. ; '4 --> '4 .BYTE 53. ; '5 --> '5 .BYTE 54. ; '6 --> '6 .BYTE 55. ; '7 --> '7 .BYTE 56. ; '8 --> '8 .BYTE 57. ; '9 --> '9 .SBTTL DEC multinational to International EBCDIC . = $AS2EB .BYTE 0. ; NUL --> NUL .BYTE 1. ; ^A .BYTE 2. ; ^B .BYTE 3. ; ^C .BYTE 55. ; ^D .BYTE 45. ; ^E .BYTE 46. ; ^F .BYTE 47. ; ^G .BYTE 22. ; ^H .BYTE 5. ; HT --> PT .BYTE 37. ; ^J .BYTE 11. ; ^K .BYTE 12. ; FF --> FF .BYTE 13. ; CR --> CR .BYTE 14. ; ^N .BYTE 15. ; ^O .BYTE 16. ; ^P .BYTE 17. ; ^Q --> SBA .BYTE 18. ; ^R --> EUA .BYTE 19. ; ^S --> IC .BYTE 60. ; ^T --> RA .BYTE 61. ; ^U .BYTE 50. ; ^V .BYTE 38. ; ^W .BYTE 24. ; ^X .BYTE 25. ; ^Y --> EM .BYTE 63. ; ^Z --> SUB .BYTE 39. ; ESC .BYTE 28. ; ^\ --> DUP .BYTE 29. ; ^] --> SF .BYTE 30. ; ^^ --> FM .BYTE 31. ; ^_ .BYTE 64. ; SP --> SP .BYTE 79. ; '! --> LOG OR .BYTE 127. ; '" --> '" .BYTE 123. ; '# --> '# .BYTE 91. ; '$ --> '$ .BYTE 108. ; '% --> '% .BYTE 80. ; '& --> '& .BYTE 125. ; '' --> '' .BYTE 77. ; '( --> '( .BYTE 93. ; ') --> ') .BYTE 92. ; '* --> '* .BYTE 78. ; '+ --> '+ .BYTE 107. ; ', --> ', .BYTE 96. ; '- --> '- .BYTE 75. ; '. --> '. .BYTE 97. ; '/ --> '/ .BYTE 240. ; '0 --> '0 .BYTE 241. ; '1 --> '1 .BYTE 242. ; '2 --> '2 .BYTE 243. ; '3 --> '3 .BYTE 244. ; '4 --> '4 .BYTE 245. ; '5 --> '5 .BYTE 246. ; '6 --> '6 .BYTE 247. ; '7 --> '7 .BYTE 248. ; '8 --> '8 .BYTE 249. ; '9 --> '9 .BYTE 122. ; ': --> ': .BYTE 94. ; '; --> '; .BYTE 76. ; '< --> '< .BYTE 126. ; '= --> '= .BYTE 110. ; '> --> '> .BYTE 111. ; '? --> '? .BYTE 124. ; '@ --> '@ .BYTE 193. ; 'A --> 'A .BYTE 194. ; 'B --> 'B .BYTE 195. ; 'C --> 'C .BYTE 196. ; 'D --> 'D .BYTE 197. ; 'E --> 'E .BYTE 198. ; 'F --> 'F .BYTE 199. ; 'G --> 'G .BYTE 200. ; 'H --> 'H .BYTE 201. ; 'I --> 'I .BYTE 209. ; 'J --> 'J .BYTE 210. ; 'K --> 'K .BYTE 211. ; 'L --> 'L .BYTE 212. ; 'M --> 'M .BYTE 213. ; 'N --> 'N .BYTE 214. ; 'O --> 'O .BYTE 215. ; 'P --> 'P .BYTE 216. ; 'Q --> 'Q .BYTE 217. ; 'R --> 'R .BYTE 226. ; 'S --> 'S .BYTE 227. ; 'T --> 'T .BYTE 228. ; 'U --> 'U .BYTE 229. ; 'V --> 'V .BYTE 230. ; 'W --> 'W .BYTE 231. ; 'X --> 'X .BYTE 232. ; 'Y --> 'Y .BYTE 233. ; 'Z --> 'Z .BYTE 74. ; '[ --> CENT .BYTE 224. ; '\ --> '\ .BYTE 90. ; '] --> '! .BYTE 95. ; '^ --> LOG NOT .BYTE 109. ; '_ --> '_ .BYTE 121. ; '` --> '` .BYTE 129. ; 'a --> 'a .BYTE 130. ; 'b --> 'b .BYTE 131. ; 'c --> 'c .BYTE 132. ; 'd --> 'd .BYTE 133. ; 'e --> 'e .BYTE 134. ; 'f --> 'f .BYTE 135. ; 'g --> 'g .BYTE 136. ; 'h --> 'h .BYTE 137. ; 'i --> 'i .BYTE 145. ; 'j --> 'j .BYTE 146. ; 'k --> 'k .BYTE 147. ; 'l --> 'l .BYTE 148. ; 'm --> 'm .BYTE 149. ; 'n --> 'n .BYTE 150. ; 'o --> 'o .BYTE 151. ; 'p --> 'p .BYTE 152. ; 'q --> 'q .BYTE 153. ; 'r --> 'r .BYTE 162. ; 's --> 's .BYTE 163. ; 't --> 't .BYTE 164. ; 'u --> 'u .BYTE 165. ; 'v --> 'v .BYTE 166. ; 'w --> 'w .BYTE 167. ; 'x --> 'x .BYTE 168. ; 'y --> 'y .BYTE 169. ; 'z --> 'z .BYTE 192. ; '{ --> '{ .BYTE 106. ; LOG OR --> Split vertical bar .BYTE 208. ; '} --> '} .BYTE 161. ; '~ --> '~ .BYTE 7. ; DEL DMFILL = 92. ; Default DM fill character to '\ ; as per ANSII X3.26 - 1970 ; ; INSERT CHANGES HERE ; .END