(MILSPEC) (Generated by the LSE/SCA Report Tool, X0.1A, 6-NOV-1989 16:38:06.08) (Detailed Design\det_design_section)


Text for Abstract tag. (Parent Components)

This component is a sub-level component of: (UNNUMBERED) NAME_OF_COMPONENTS_PARENT (Component Information)

(Input/output data)

IN1: Description for IN1.

IN2: Description for IN2.

OUT1: Description for OUT1. (Algorithms)

Algorithm text. (Error handling)

No error handling needed. (Data conversion)

No data conversion needed. (Logic flow)

Highly illogical! (Requirements Allocation)

Requirements text. (Units)


Description of unit. (Input/output data elements)

IN3: Text for IN3.

IN4: Text for IN4. (Local data elements)

DATA1: Text for element DATA1. (Interrupts and signals)

INTERRUPT: Text for interupt.

SIGNAL: Text for signal. (Algorithms)

Unit algorithm text. (Error handling)

Unit error text. (Data conversion)

Unit conversion text. (Use of other elements)

Other element text. (Logic flow)

Unit logic text. (Data structures)

Data structures text. (Local data files)

Local data files text.

Local databases text. (Limitations)

Limitations text. (Requirements allocated)

Unit requirements text.