[INHERIT('Interface_Module')] PROGRAM Main_Program(INPUT,OUTPUT); { This program inherits the interface module. } { Since just the implementation is modified } { during development, the interface is } { unchanged. Therefore, this program does } { not have to be recompiled. } { } { The entire application is built using: } { } { $ PASCAL INTERFACE_MODULE } { $ PASCAL IMPLEMENTATION_MODULE } { $ PASCAL MAIN_PROGRAM } { $ LINK MAIN_PROGRAM, INTERFACE_MODULE, - } { _$ IMPLEMENTATION_MODULE } { } { Subsequent changes to the implementation } { requires only compiling the module under } { development and relinking: } { } { $ PASCAL IMPLEMENTATION_MODULE } { $ LINK MAIN_PROGRAM, INTERFACE_MODULE, - } { _$ IMPLEMENTATION_MODULE } { } VAR A,B : Interesting_Type; BEGIN A := Make_One; Invert_One(A,B); Delete_One(A); END.