[ INHERIT('SYS$LIBRARY:DECW$MOTIF','SYS$LIBRARY:STARLET') ] PROGRAM HELLOMOTIF (OUTPUT); {+ COMPONENT: HELLOMOTIF.PAS PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Example program to demonstrate use of the Motif toolkit from Pascal. Requires SYS$LIBRARY:DECW$MOTIF.PEN, the Pascal environment file compiled from DECW$MOTIF.PAS as follows: $ @SYS$LIBRARY:DECW$PEN_BUILD To compile and link: $ PASCAL PASCAL$EXAMPLES:HELLOMOTIF $ LINK HELLOMOTIF,SYS$INPUT:/OPTIONS SYS$LIBRARY:DECW$DXMLIBSHR/SHARE SYS$LIBRARY:DECW$XTSHR/SHARE SYS$LIBRARY:DECW$XMLIBSHR/SHARE To run, HELLOMOTIF.UID must be in your default directory. To create it: $ UIL/MOTIF PASCAL$EXAMPLES:HELLOMOTIF Then: $ RUN HELLOMOTIF A window will be displayed that will contain a pushbutton widget that says "Hello World!". Click once on the button to cause the callback routine to be called to change the label. The second click on the button will exit the program. CREATION DATE: 21-Feb-1991 MODIFICATION HISTORY: Date | Name | Description --------------+---------+------------------------------------------------------- 21-Feb-1991 | SBL/RDJ | Original Motif version 15-Apr-1994 | JRR | Convert to use IADDRESS of literal instead of using | | IADDRESS of VAR/READONLY parameter. 24-May-1996 | JRR | Change type of ARGC from Cardinal to Integer. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -} VAR PUSHED: BOOLEAN := FALSE; {+ Routine to set an entry in an Arg list. -} PROCEDURE SET_ARG ( VAR ARG_ENTRY: Arg; NAME: [UNSAFE,READONLY] INTEGER_ADDRESS; VAR VALU: [UNSAFE,READONLY] INTEGER); BEGIN ARG_ENTRY.NAME := NAME; ARG_ENTRY.VALUE := VALU::XtArgVal; END; {+ Routine to set an entry in an MrmRegisterArg list. -} PROCEDURE SET_REGISTER_ARG ( VAR ARG_ENTRY: MrmRegisterArg; NAME: [UNSAFE,READONLY] INTEGER_ADDRESS; VAR VALU: [UNSAFE,READONLY] INTEGER); BEGIN ARG_ENTRY.NAME := NAME; ARG_ENTRY.VALUE := VALU::Opaque; END; {+ Callback routine which is called each time the pushbutton is pressed. -} PROCEDURE HELLOWORLD_BUTTON_ACTIVATE (VAR W : [READONLY] Widget; VAR TAG: [READONLY] INTEGER ; VAR REASON: [READONLY] INTEGER ); VAR ARG_LIST : ARRAY [1..1] OF ARG; CSTRING: XmString; BEGIN { If button was pushed before, then exit the program. } IF PUSHED THEN $exit (1) { Else change the label and set the PUSHED flag. } ELSE BEGIN CSTRING := XmStringCreateLtoR ('Goodbye'(10)'World!'(0), XmString_Default_Charset); SET_ARG (ARG_LIST[1],IADDRESS(XmNlabelString),CSTRING); XtSetValues (W,ARG_LIST,1); XtFree (CSTRING); PUSHED := TRUE; END; END; { Begin main program declarations. } VAR TOPLEVEL, HELLOWORLD_MAIN: WIDGET; ARG_LIST : ARRAY [1..1] OF ARG; ARGC : INTEGER := 0; HIERARCHY : MrmHierarchy := nil; CLASS : MrmType; REGVEC : ARRAY [1..1] OF MrmRegisterArg; APPLICATION_CONTEXT : XtAppContext; DPY : Display; TYPE POINTER = [UNSAFE] ^INTEGER; VAR HIERARCHY_FILE_NAME : PACKED ARRAY [1..15] OF CHAR := 'HELLOMOTIF.UID'(0); HIERARCHY_FILE_NAME_ARRAY: ARRAY [1..1] OF POINTER; BEGIN (* Set up UID file specification and pointer array *) HIERARCHY_FILE_NAME_ARRAY[1]:= IADDRESS (HIERARCHY_FILE_NAME); (* Initialize the toolkit *) XtToolkitInitialize; (* Initialize Mrm *) MrmInitialize; (* Create a new application context *) APPLICATION_CONTEXT := XtCreateApplicationContext; (* Open the display *) DPY := XtOpenDisplay (APPLICATION_CONTEXT, %IMMED XtNull, 'Hello Motif in Pascal'(0), 'helloworldclass'(0), %IMMED XtNull, 0, ARGC, %IMMED XtNull); IF DPY::INTEGER = 0 THEN BEGIN WRITELN ( 'Unable to open display' ); $EXIT( 1 ); END; (* Create a resizable toplevel application shell *) SET_ARG (ARG_LIST[1], IADDRESS(XmNallowShellResize), XtTrue); TOPLEVEL := XtAppCreateShell (%IMMED XtNull, %IMMED XtNull, applicationshellwidgetclass, DPY, ARG_LIST, 1); (* Define the Mrm hierarchy (only 1 file) *) IF MrmOpenHierarchy (1, HIERARCHY_FILE_NAME_ARRAY, %Immed 0, HIERARCHY) <> MrmSUCCESS THEN BEGIN WRITELN ('Unable to open hierarchy'); $EXIT(1); END; (* Register our callback routines *) SET_REGISTER_ARG (REGVEC[1], IADDRESS('helloworld_button_activate'(0)), IADDRESS( HELLOWORLD_BUTTON_ACTIVATE)); MrmRegisterNames ( REGVEC, 1 ); (* Call Mrm to fetch and create the widget hierarchy *) If MrmFetchWidget( HIERARCHY, 'helloworld_main'(0), TOPLEVEL, HELLOWORLD_MAIN, CLASS ) <> MrmSUCCESS THEN BEGIN WRITELN ('Unable to fetch interface'); $EXIT (1); END; (* Make the toplevel widget "manage" the main window (or whatever *) (* the uil defines as the topmost widget). This will *) (* cause it to be "realized" when the toplevel widget is "realized" *) XtManageChild (HELLOWORLD_MAIN); (* Realize the toplevel widget. This will cause the entire *) (* "managed" widget hierarchy to be displayed *) XtRealizeWidget (TOPLEVEL); (* Loop and process events *) XtAppMainLoop (APPLICATION_CONTEXT); END.