%ì Librarian T09-20ŸzN?J®_³N?J®‘Þ’7775 \Advance v Adv_Scroll AppendŒ BackspaceªBackup„ Back_Scroll$ CharacterÚChngCaseHContinue_Search_Key†Continue_Search_Select æDelete_Beginning_Sentence#ÊDelete_Character&t Delete_Line'|Delete_Previous_Word*zDelete_Start_Line,  Delete_Word/0Del_EOL1<EDT_Line3 EDT_Replace6žEOL7ZFndNxt;XHalt<XInsert_Date_Time? Lower_CaseAÌNext_ParagraphD2 Next_ScreenF Next_Wordf3 EDT_Replace6žEOL7ZFndNxt;XHalt<XInsert_Date_Time? Lower_CaseAÌNext_ParagraphD2 Next_ScreenF Next_WordG¨ Open_LineIj Page_LeftKx Page_MarkerO Page_RightPª ParagraphS¢Previous_ScreenU€Prev_ParagraphWô Prev_WordYª Primary_Copy[º Primary_Cut]˜Primary_Selection_Restore_èRepeatbžRulerfàSearch_Right_Angleh˜Sectj¸Sentencem‚ Shift_DeletepSpecInstÜSubsx0Swap>ÿÿEDT_LineÿÿPrimary_Selection_RestoreÿÿWPS_Wordacen_èRepeatbžRulerfàSearch_Right_Angleh˜Sectj¸Sentencem‚ Shift_DeletepSpecInstÜSubsx0Swapz Tab_Position|î Upper_Case WPS_Copy‚XWPS_Cut†˜WPS_Line‰B WPS_PasteŒ” WPS_ReplaceœWPS_Word ­÷wE,‘Ÿ 1 Advance WPS AdvanceK Sets the direction of the buffer to FORWARD (right and down) and moves the cursor to the next character.6 Key: The WPS keypad defines KP0 as the Advance key. Usage notes:G o If the cursor is bound, then from the end of a line it moves to theJ start of the next line. (Setting the WPS keypad automatically enables bound cursor motion.)J o If the cursor is free, you can move it anywhere in the buffer, whetherI characters are already there or not. For example, you can move right of the right margin.H o You can use the WPS Advance key as a terminator for FIND or WILDCARD7 FIND to make the search begin in forward direction:F 1. Let FIND or WILDCARD FIND prompt you for the search string.E 2. Type the search string and then press the WPS Advance key.K If you press RETURN instead, the search starts in the current directionH of the buffer (shown in the status line). For more in formation, see" help on Prompts And Responses.G o With the WPS Ruler (GOLD-R), pressing KP0 sets the direction of theF ruler to forward and to move the cursor to the right---see help on Ruler Keys. Related topics:: CHANGE DIRECTION END OF LINE MOVE BY WORD= MOVE RIGHT SET CURSOR BOUND SET CURSOR FREEww­÷wE,‘Ÿ 1 Adv_Scroll WPS Scroll AdvanceI Scrolls vertically, moving forward until you halt scrolling or reach the bot tom of the buffer. Steps:4 1. Press the WPS Scroll Advance key (GOLD-KP0).J 2. To halt scrolling, press any key. The normal function of that keyJ is then executed. Typically, you press the WPS Halt key (GOLD-`). Usage notes:I o If the cursor is bound, it moves to the corresponding position on theH line where you halt the scrolling or to the end of buffer. (Setting7 the WPS keypad automatically enables bound cursor.)J o If the cursor is free, it move s down in the same column, regardless ofJ whether text is there or not. Conceptually, the cursor remains in the> same position on the screen while the buffer scrolls down. Related topics:@ BOTTOM NEXT SCREEN SET CURSOR BOUND SET CURSOR FREEww­äE,‘Ÿ1 Append EDT AppendK Cuts a range or box and adds it to the text you last copied or cut, so you& can paste all of this text elsewhere. Steps:G 1. Select or find the text to append (see help on SELECT or FIND).' 2. Press the EDT Append key (KP9).2 3. To append more text, repeat steps 1 and 2.@ To paste the text, use INSERT HERE, PASTE, or BOX PASTE. Usage notes:F o Depending on your setting, the text is appended to the INSERT HERED buffer or the DECwindows clipboard. Default is SET NOCLIPBOARD.J o With a standard, linear range, Append works like REMOVE or CUT, makingJ text after the range move left or up. The removed text is appended toC th e end of any text in the INSERT HERE buffer or the clipboard.I o If you use BOX SELECT, or if SET BOX SELECT is in effect, then AppendH works like BOX CUT, usually padding the area with spaces to keep theI column alignment of text to the right of the box---see help on RangesI And Boxes. The removed box of text is appended below any text in the( INSERT HERE buffer or the clipboard.J o To view the contents of the INSERT HERE buffer---for example, to checkI what you copied or cut and what you appended---use the command BUFFER INSERT HERE.H o If you are editing an unmodifiable buffer, Append copies and appendsD the range or box without removing it. (See help on SET BUFFER.) Related topics:A Ranges And Boxes BOX SELECT FIND SELECTH SET BOX PAD SET BOX SELECT SET CLIPBOARD WILDCARD FINDww­äE,‘Ÿ 1 Backspace EDT Backspace (Start Of Line). Moves the cursor back to the start of a line.D Key: The EDT keypad defines both CTRL/H and F12. On VT100-series< terminals, the BACKSPACE keys is the same as CTRL/H. Usage notes:C o At the start of a line, EDT Backspace moves to the start of theK previous line, if there is one. Thus, you can repeat the key until you reach the top of the buffer. Related topics:7 END OF LINE MOVE BY LINE START OF LINE TOPww­÷wE,‘Ÿ1 Backup WPS BackupH Sets the direction of the buffer to REVERSE (left and up) and moves the" cursor to the previous character.5 Key: The WPS keypad defines KP1 as the Backup key. Usage notes:I o If the cursor is bound, then from the start of a line it moves to theG end of the previous line, if there is one. (Setting the WPS keypad/ automatically enables bound cursor motion.)J o If the cursor is free, you can move it anywhere in the buffer, whetherI characters are already there or not. For example, if the left marginE is greater than 1, you can move left of the left margin, which is) useful for creating lists and tables.G o You can use the WPS Backup key as a terminator for FIND or WILDCARD7 FIND to make the search begin in reverse direction:F 1. Let FIND or WILDCARD FIND prompt you for the search string.D 2. Type the search string and then press the WPS Backup key.K If you press RETURN instead, the search starts in the current directionH of the buffer (shown in the status line). For more information, see" help on Prompts And Responses.G o With the WPS Ruler (GOLD-R), pressing KP1 sets the direction of theK ruler to reverse and to move the cursor to the left---see help on Ruler Keys. Related topics:6 CHANGE DIRECTION MOVE BY WORD MOVE LEFT: SET CURSOR BOUND SET CURSOR FREE START OF LINEww­÷wE,‘Ÿ 1 Back_Scroll WPS Scroll BackupH Scrolls vertically, moving back until you halt scrolling or until reach the top of the buffer. Steps:3 1. Press the WPS Scroll Backup key (GOLD-KP1).J 2. To halt scrolling, press any key. The normal function of that keyJ is then executed. Typically, you press the WPS Halt key (GOLD-`). Usage notes:I o If the cursor is bound, it moves to the corresponding position on theH line where you halt the scrolling or to the top of buffer. (Setting7 the WPS keypad automatically enables bound cursor.)H o If the cursor is free, it moves up in the same column, regardless ofJ whether text is there or not. Conceptually, the cursor remains in the< same position on the screen while the buffer scrolls up. Related topics:A PREVIOUS SCREEN SET CURSOR BOUND SET CURSOR FREE TOPww­äE,‘Ÿ 1 Character EDT CharacterA Moves the cursor a character at a time in the current direction.H The effect is similar to using MOVE RIGHT or MOVE LEFT (or pressing theJ right and left arrows) except the cursor is bound to the flow or shape of0 your text, even if your setting is free cursor. Steps:A 1. To set the direction, use FORWARD (KP4) or REVERSE (KP5).* 2. Press the EDT Character key (KP3). Usage notes:K o In forward direction, moves right one character or, if there is no next- character, to the start of the next line.E o In reverse direction, moves left one character or, if there is no8 previous character, to the end of the previous line.F o For continuous movement, you can hold down or repeat KP3 until you* reach the bottom or top of the buffer. Related topics:? CHANGE DIRECTION MOVE BY WORD MOVE LEFT MOVE RIGHTww­äE,‘Ÿ 1 ChngCase EDT ChngCaseI Changes the case of a range, a box, or the current character. Uppercase> letters become lowercase; lowercase letters become uppercase. Steps:I 1. Optionally, select or find the text to change (see help on SELECTH or FIND), or put the cursor on the character you want to change.. 2. Press the EDT ChngCase key (GOLD-KP1). Usage notes:I o If you do not select or find text, ChngCase changes the character theJ cursor is on (if it is a letter) and then moves to the next character.H o If SET BOX SELECT is in effect, ChngCase treats a found range like a1 box selection---see help on Ranges And Boxes. Related topics:= Ranges And Boxes BOX SELECT CAPITALIZE WORD FINDF LOWERCASE WORD SELECT UPPERCASE WORD WILDCARD FINDww­—þE,‘Ÿ1 Continue_Search_Key WPS Continue SearchG Searches for another occurrence of a string already entered with FIND,J GLOBAL REPLACE, REPLACE, or WILDCARD FIND, and highlights the found text.! (Same as the FIND NEXT command.) Steps:K 1. Optionally, set the direction of the buffer---press the WPS AdvanceK key (KP0) for forward direction or WPS Backup key (KP1) for reverseH directio n. Otherwise, the search will begin in the direction of your last FIND.C 2. Press the WPS Continue Search key (GOLD-. on the keyboard). Usage notes:I o The search begins in the direction of your last FIND or WILDCARD FINDH unless you changed the direction of the buffer (as in Step 1 above).I o If there is no occurrence in the initial direction, EVE automaticallyG searches in the other direction. If there is an occurrence in thatJ direction, EVE asks if y ou want to go there---press RETURN for Yes, or type No and press RETURN.F o If an occurrence is found, EVE puts the cursor at the start of theK found text and highlights the found text in bold video. If there is noG occurrence, a message tells you that EVE could not find the string.I o To edit the found text, use a command or key that works on a range orG box, such as COPY, BOX CUT, FILL, REMOVE, or UPPERCASE. If SET BOXI SELECT is in effect, an editing operation on the found range uses theI start and end of the range as diagonally opposite corners of a box---! see help on Ranges And Boxes.F o To cancel the highlighting, move the cursor out of the found rangeH or use RESET (with the WPS keypad, press GOLD-PERIOD on the keypad). Related topics:C Ranges And Boxes FIND FIND NEXT RESET WILDCARD FINDww­—þE,‘Ÿ1 Continue_Search_Select WPS Continue Search/SelectG Searches for another occurrence of a string already entered with FIND,H GLOBAL REPLACE, REPLACE, or WILDCARD FIND---and if it is found, selects the text. Steps:K 1. Optionally, set the direction of the buffer---press the WPS AdvanceK key (KP0) for forward direction or WPS Backup key (KP1) for reverseH direction. Otherwise, the search will begin in the direction of your last FIND.D 2. Press the WPS Continue Search/Select key (GOLD-/ or GOLD-?). Usage notes:I o The search begins in the  direction of your last FIND or WILDCARD FINDH unless you changed the direction of the buffer (as in Step 1 above).I o If there is no occurrence in the initial direction, EVE automaticallyG searches in the other direction. If there is an occurrence in thatJ direction, EVE asks if you want to go there---press RETURN for Yes, or type No and press RETURN.J o If an occurrence is found, EVE selects the found text, with the cursorI the end of the selection---canceling any o ther selection. If SET BOXF SELECT is in effect, the selection is a box, which uses bold video* highlighting instead of reverse video.H o To edit the selection, use a command or key that works on a range orH box, such as COPY, BOX CUT, FILL, REMOVE, or UPPERCASE---see help on Ranges And Boxes.I o Moving the cursor extends or shrinks the selection. To find the nextK occurrence without selecting it or canceling a current select , use theI FIND NEXT command or press! the WPS Continue Search key (GOLD-. on the keyboard).> o To cancel the selection, use SELECT, BOX SELECT, or RESET. Related topics:C Ranges And Boxes FIND FIND NEXT RESET WILDCARD FINDww­—3(E,‘Ÿ1 Delete_Beginning_Sentence WPS Delete Beginning SentenceD Erases the beginning of the current sentence or, if you are between) sentences, erases the previous sentence. Steps:; 1. Put the cursor where you want to erase the sentence "(see example below).> 2. Press the WPS Delete Beginning Sentence key (GOLD-F13,' GOLD-CTRL/J, or GOLD-LINEFEED). Usage notes:J o Sentence boundaries are a period, question mark, or exclamation point.F Periods in RUNOFF commands (such as .B or .LE;) or decimal numbers6 (such as 3.14) are treated as sentence boundaries.K o Depending on your cursor position, Delete Beginning Sentence erases all7 or part of a sentence, as in the following example:7 There # is no road to peace. Peace is the road.. | | |/ [1] [2] [3]H Cursor positions Effects of Delete Beginning SentenceH -----------------------------------------------------------------G [1] Between sentences Erases all of the previous sentenceB (white space) ("There is no road to peace.")J [2] Start of a sentence Erases that character ("P" in "P$eace")J [3] Within a sentence Erases left of the cursor to the startH of the sentence (erasing "Peace is")4 o To insert what you erased, use RESTORE SENTENCE.G o Deleting or restoring a sentence does not rewrap text. To reformat> your text, use FILL (with the WPS keypad, press GOLD-KP5). Related topics:D ERASE LINE ERASE START OF LINE RESTORE RESTORE SENTENCEww­WñE,‘Ÿ1 Delete_Character EDT/WPS Delet%e CharacterF Erases the character that the cursor is on (same as ERASE CHARACTER).$ Key: EDT keypad WPS keypad$ ---------------------------- COMMA PF4 Steps:: 1. Put the cursor on the character you want to erase.< 2. Press the Delete Character key (see key list above). Usage notes:K o Delete Character depends on the mode of the buffer, shown in the statusF line. In insert mode, it erases the character, making text to theJ & right move left. In overstrike mode, it replaces the character with aG space. To change the mode of the buffer, press CTRL/A (see help on CHANGE MODE).K o At the end of a line---regardless of the mode---Delete Character erasesH only the line break (carriage return), making the next line (if any)E move up. This is useful to to join paragraphs for FILL commands.I o To put back the erased character, use RESTORE CHARACTER (with the EDT< keypad, press GOLD-COMMA), w'hich is also mode-sensitive. Related topics:4 DELETE ERASE CHARACTER RESTORE CHARACTERww­WñE,‘Ÿ 1 Delete_Line EDT Delete LineG Erases a line, starting with the current character. The next line (if2 any) moves up. (Same as the ERASE LINE command.) Steps:> 1. Put the cursor where you want to erase text---that is,= on the first character of the text you want to erase., 2. Press the EDT Delete Line key (PF4). Usage notes:J o (At the end of a line, Delete Line erases only the line break (carriageK return), making the next line, if any, move up. This is useful to join! paragraphs for FILL commands.I o To insert what you erased, use the RESTORE LINE command (with the EDT keypad, press GOLD-PF4). Related topics:4 ERASE START OF LINE RESTORE RESTORE LINEww­WñE,‘Ÿ1 Delete_Previous_Word EDT/WPS Delete Previous Word? Erases a word, starting with the character left of th)e cursor. Key: EDT keypad or WPS keypad ------------------------ F13, CTRL/J, or LINEFEED Steps:B 1. Put the cursor to the right of the text you want to erase.@ 2. Press the Delete Previous Word key (see key list above). Usage notes:F o Delete Previous Word erases all or part of a word depending on the cursor position, as follows:< Cursor positions Effects of Delete Previous WordG ---------------------------------------------- *---------------------G Start of a word or Erases all of the previous word, including6 between words the trailing white space.F Elsewhere in a word Erases left of the cursor to the start ofG the current word. For example, if you areG on the "t" in "Digital," you erase "Digi."H Start of a line Erases the line break (carriage return) forG the previous line, making+ the current lineJ move up. Useful to join paragraphs for FILL.I o To insert what you erased, use the RESTORE WORD command (with the EDT keypad, press GOLD-MINUS).F o On VT100-series terminals, the LINEFEED key is the same as CTRL/J. Related topics:? DELETE ERASE PREVIOUS WORD RESTORE RESTORE WORDww­WñE,‘Ÿ1 Delete_Start_Line EDT/WPS Delete Start LineG Erases a line, starting with the character left of the cursor,. If theD cursor is at the start of a line, erases the previous line, if any.$ Key: EDT keypad WPS keypad% -----------------------------% CTRL/U GOLD-DELETE Steps:B 1. Put the cursor to the right of the text you want to erase.= 2. Press the Delete Start Line key (see key list above). Usage notes:G o At the start of a line, Delete Start Line erases the previous line,I making the current line move up. This is useful if the pr-evious line7 is blank, so you join paragraphs for FILL commands.I o To insert what you erased, use the RESTORE LINE command (with the EDT keypad, press GOLD-PF4). Related topics:6 DELETE ERASE LINE RESTORE RESTORE LINEww­WñE,‘Ÿ 1 Delete_Word EDT/WPS Delete Word4 Erases a word, starting with the current character.$ Key: EDT keypad WPS keypad$ ---------------------------- MINUS PF3 Steps:8 1.. Put the cursor where you want to erase the word.7 2. Press the Delete Word key (see key list above). Usage notes:D o Delete Word erases all or part of a word depending on the cursor position, as follows:1 Cursor positions Effects of Delete WordJ ----------------------------------------------------------------------J Start of a word Erases all of that word, including the trailing' (non-white space white space. character)G Elsewh /ere in a word Erases from the current character to the endG of the word. For example, if you are on theF "g" in "Digital," erases "gital," including4 the trailing white space.H Between words Erases the white space until the start of theD (white space) next word, joining two words as one word.G End of a line Erases the line break, making the next line,F (carriage return0) if any, move up. Useful to join paragraphs- for FILL commands.I o To insert what you erased, use the RESTORE WORD command (with the EDT keypad, press GOLD-MINUS). Related topics:; ERASE LINE ERASE WORD RESTORE RESTORE WORDww­WñE,‘Ÿ 1 Del_EOL! EDT Del EOL (Delete End Of Line)I Erases a line, starting with the current character, until the line breakE (carriage return). This leaves the cursor at start of a blan1k line.+ Key: EDT keypad Motif function key+ -----------------------------------$ GOLD-KP2 CTRL/REMOVE Steps:> 1. Put the cursor where you want to erase text---that is,= on the first character of the text you want to erase.& 2. Press the Delete Character key7 3. Press the EDT Del EOL key (see key list above). Usage notes:I o At the end of a line, Del EOL erases from the line break and the text8 of the next line (if2 any) until the next line break.I o To insert what you erased, use the RESTORE LINE command (with the EDT keypad, press GOLD-PF4).> o Motif function keys are on by default on Motif DECwindows. Related topics:+ ERASE LINE RESTORE RESTORE LINE SET FUNCTION KEYS MOTIFww­äE,‘Ÿ 1 EDT_Line EDT LineJ Moves the cursor a line at a time in the current direction---always going to the start of a line. Steps:A 1. To set the direction, use 3FORWARD (KP4) or REVERSE (KP5).% 2. Press the EDT Line key (KP0). Usage notes:F o In forward direction, moves to the start of the next line, if any.G o In reverse direction, moves to the start of the current line or, if= already there, to the start of the previous line, if any.F o For continuous movement, you can hold down or repeat KP0 until you* reach the bottom or top of the buffer. Related topics:D CHANGE DIRECTION END OF LINE MOVE BY WORD STA4RT OF LINEww­·jE,‘Ÿ 1 EDT_Replace EDT ReplaceI Replaces a range or box with the text you last copied or cut---useful toD replace paragraphs or several lines rather than individual words or phrases. Steps:C 1. Copy or cut the text you want to use. Typically, you press= the SELECT key, type the text, and then press REMOVE.H 2. Select or find the text to replace (see help on SELECT or FIND).= 3. Press the EDT Replace key (GOLD-KP9). You can 5 repeat< steps 2 and 3 to make another replacement elsewhere. Usage notes:H o The replacement text is case-exact---EDT Replace does not change theG case of the replacement to match the case of the search string. ToE have the replacement match the case of the search string, use the' GLOBAL REPLACE or REPLACE commands.F o Depending on your setting, the replacement text is copied from theC INSERT HERE buffer or the DECwindows clipboard. Default is SET NOCL6IPBOARD.D o If the INSERT HERE buffer or the clipboard is empty, EDT ReplaceJ deletes the highlighted text without inserting anything. To check theK contents of the INSERT HERE buffer, use the command BUFFER INSERT HERE.K o With box editing, EDT Replace works like BOX CUT and BOX PASTE---usefulF to replace text in a list or table. See help on Ranges And Boxes.F o The EDT Subs key (GOLD-ENTER) combines the EDT Replace key and EDT FndNxt key (PF3). Related topics:7G Ranges And Boxes BOX SELECT FIND GLOBAL REPLACEF REPLACE SELECT SET CLIPBOARD WILDCARD FINDww­äE,‘Ÿ1 EOL EDT EOL (End Of Line)@ Moves the cursor to the end of a line in the current direction. Steps:A 1. To set the direction, use FORWARD (KP4) or REVERSE (KP5).$ 2. Press the EDT EOL key (KP2). Usage notes:E o In forward direction, moves to the end of the current line or, if/ already there, t8o the end of the next line.K o In reverse direction, moves the cursor to the end of the previous line, if any.F o For continuous movement, you can hold down or repeat KP2 until you* reach the bottom or top of the buffer. Related topics:E CHANGE DIRECTION MOVE BY LINE MOVE BY WORD START OF LINEww­·jE,‘Ÿ1 FndNxt EDT FndNxtG Searches for another occurrence of a string already entered with FIND,I GLOBAL REPLACE, REPLACE, or WILDCARD FIND, an9d highlights the found text (similar to FIND NEXT). Steps:K 1. Optionally, set the direction of the buffer---press the WPS AdvanceK key (KP0) for forward direction or WPS Backup key (KP1) for reverseH direction. Otherwise, the search will begin in the direction of your last FIND.' 2. Press the EDT FndNxt key (PF3). Usage notes:I o If there is no occurrence in the initial direction, EVE automaticallyG searches in the other direction. If : there is an occurrence in thatJ direction, EVE asks if you want to go there---press RETURN for Yes, or type No and press RETURN.F o If an occurrence is found, EVE puts the cursor at the start of theI found text, and highlights the found text in bold video. If there isJ no occurrence, a message tells you that EVE could not find the string.I o To edit the found text, use a command or key that works on a range orJ box, such as COPY, BOX CUT, FILL, REMOVE, or EDT ChngCas ;e. If SET BOXI SELECT is in effect, an editing operation on the found range uses theI start and end of the range as diagonally opposite corners of a box---! see help on Ranges And Boxes.I o To cancel the highlighting, move the cursor out of the found range or7 use RESET (with the EDT keypad, press GOLD-PERIOD).J o If there is no search string---for example, if you have not yet done aC FIND---then FndNxt moves the cursor to the nearest end of line. Related topics:<G Ranges And Boxes FIND FIND SELECTED RESET WILDCARD FINDww­÷wE,‘Ÿ1 Halt WPS HaltK Halts scrolling caused by another operation, such as the WPS Scroll Backup5 key (GOLD-KP1) or WPS Scroll Advance key (GOLD-KP0).E Key: The WPS keypad defines GOLD-` (grave accent) as the Halt key. Usage notes:J o You can also halt scrolling by pressing any key---whether a typing keyG or a function key. However, this executes the function assigned toJ =that key, whereas pressing the WPS Halt key simply stops the scrolling7 without inserting text or making any other changes.J o Pressing the WPS Halt key also ends ("remembers") a LEARN sequence, ifK one is active. Therefore, you cannot use WPS Halt in a learn sequence.. See help on the REMEMBER command (CTRL/R).ww­—3(E,‘Ÿ1 Insert_Date_Time WPS Insert Date/Time< Inserts the current date and time at your current position. Steps:B 1. Put the cursor whe>re you want to insert the date and time.> 2. Press the WPS Insert Date/Time key (GOLD-\ or GOLD-|). Usage notes:= o The resulting text looks like this: 31-AUG-1993 11:03:49J o The cursor appears to the right of the time field. Thus, to erase theF time, leaving the date, use DELETE (the ) at the start of a lineH o If there is no blank line or other paragraph boundary in the forward@ direction, Next Paragraph moves to the bottom of the buffer.I o To reformat the current paragraph, use the FILL command (with the WPS keypad, press GOLD-KP5).F o With the WPS keypad, CTRL/DOWN continues a case change as follows:A 1. Press the WPS Lower Case key (GOLD-KP3) or WPS Upper Case> key (KP3) to change the case of the Ecurrent character.G 2. Press CTRL/DOWN to continue the case change to the start of the next paragraph.> o Motif function keys are on by default on Motif DECwindows. Related topics:6 CHANGE DIRECTION FILL SET PARAGRAPH INDENT SET FUNCTION KEYS MOTIFww­äE,‘Ÿ 1 Next_Screen EDT Next ScreenI Scrolls vertically to show the next section of text---roughly 75% of the window size.> Key: The EDT keypad defines NEXT SCREEN on the mini kFeypad. Usage notes:K o If the cursor is free (which is the default), it moves down in the sameD column on the screen regardless of whether text is there or not.C o If the cursor is bound, it moves down to the corresponding lineC positions, depending on the shape of your text, as in real EDT.J o For continuous movement, you can hold down or repeat NEXT SCREEN until' you reach the bottom of the buffer. Related topics:1 BOTTOM SET CURSOR BOUND SET CURSOR FGREEww­7º)E,‘Ÿ 1 Next_Word% Next Word (Motif environment only)< Moves the cursor a word at a time in the forward direction. Steps:- 1. Press the Next Word key (CTRL/RIGHT). Usage notes:A o Next Word always moves to the start of the next word, if any.I o The start of a word is the first non-white space character. A seriesB of tabs, or tabs and spaces, is not treated as separate words.G o With the WPS keypad, CTRL/RIGHT continues a case change Has follows:A 1. Press the WPS Lower Case key (GOLD-KP3) or WPS Upper Case> key (KP3) to change the case of the current character.H 2. Press CTRL/RIGHT to continue the case change to the start of the next word.> o Motif function keys are on by default on Motif DECwindows. Related topics:1 CHANGE DIRECTION FILL SET WORD INDENT SET FUNCTION KEYS MOTIFww­·jE,‘Ÿ 1 Open_Line EDT Open LineG Starts a new line at your current pIosition, without moving the cursor. Steps:8 1. Put the cursor where you want to break the line./ 2. Press the EDT Open Line key (GOLD-KP0). Usage notes:I o This is useful to create room for adding text in the middle of a lineJ or paragraph, or to add a blank line as a paragraph boundary for FILL.F o The effect is similar to RETURN except Open Line does not move theF cursor. Text beginning with the current character is pushed down,3 starting a new line atJ the current left margin. Example:J You are editing the following line, with the cursor ([]) on the "t" in "three":- What I tell you [t]hree times is true.G Pressing the Open Line key results in the following---note that the cursor ([]) does not move: What I tell you [] three times is true.ww­×@+E,‘Ÿ 1 Page_Left Page Left Motif function keyA Shifts the current window to the left by an entire window width.I This does nKot shift text in the buffer, but only the horizontal positionF of the window relative to the buffer, so you can view the undisplayedF portion of very wide text, such as lines 100 characters long, without having to widen the EVE screen.' Key: CTRL/E5 Motif function key Usage notes:G o This key has no visible effect unless you shifted the window to theE right by using SHIFT RIGHT, or by pressing the Motif function key CTRL/E6.5 o You cannot shift the window left bLeyond column 1.I o On DECwindows, you can shift the window to the left by clicking M1 toK the left of the thumb in the horizontal scroll bar---see help on Scroll Bars.8 o Motif function keys are on by default on DECwindows. Related topics:A Scroll Bars SET WIDTH SHIFT LEFT SHIFT RIGHT SHOW SET FUNCTION KEYS MOTIFww­×@+E,‘Ÿ 1 Page_Marker WPS Page MarkerI Inserts a page marker or "soft" page break, putting it at the start of a linMe by itself.K A soft page break is a form feed followed by the null character, appearing as a small FF and small NL. Steps:G 1. Put the cursor where you want to start a new page (soft break)./ 2. Press the WPS Page Marker key (GOLD-P). Usage notes:I o EVE inserts the page break at the start of a line by itself and moves9 the cursor to the start of the next line, as follows:5 Cursor positions Effects of WPS Page MarkerF --------------------- N------------------------------------------F Start of a Inserts a soft break and then does a RETURN/ line of text to start a new line.F Start of a Inserts a soft break and moves to the startE blank line of the next line---without doing a RETURN.E Elsewhere Does a RETURN to start a new line, insertsF on a line a soft break, and then does another RETURN.H o Soft page breaks may be deleted or relocatOed by the PAGINATE command$ (with the WPS keypad, GOLD-PF2).H o By contrast, a "hard" page break is a form feed only, typically doneF with the INSERT PAGE BREAK command (CTRL/L or with the WPS keypad,+ GOLD-N) and is not deleted by PAGINATE.# o To find and erase a page break:D 1. Use MOVE BY PAGE---or with the the WPS keypad, press PF2.: 2. Use ERASE WORD, ERASE LINE, or similar WPS key. Related topics:1 INSERT PAGE BREAK MOVE BY PAGE PAGINATEPww­×@+E,‘Ÿ 1 Page_Right Page Right Motif function keyB Shifts the current window to the right by an entire window width.I This does not shift text in the buffer, but only the horizontal positionF of the window relative to the buffer, so you can view the undisplayedF portion of very wide text, such as lines 100 characters long, without having to widen the EVE screen.( Key: CTRL/E6 Motif function key Usage notes:J o On DECwindows, you can shift the window toQ the right by clicking M1 toE the right of the thumb in the horizontal scroll bar---see help on Scroll Bars.I o Shift the window back to column 1 by using SHIFT LEFT, or by pressing# the Motif function key CTRL/E5.8 o Motif function keys are on by default on DECwindows. Related topics:A Scroll Bars SET WIDTH SHIFT LEFT SHIFT RIGHT SHOW SET FUNCTION KEYS MOTIFww­—3(E,‘Ÿ 1 Paragraph WPS ParagraphA Moves the cursor a paragraph at aR time in the current direction. Steps:I 1. To set the direction, you can press the WPS Advance key (KP0) forH forward direction or WPS Backup key (KP1) for reverse direction.* 2. Press the WPS Paragraph key (KP5). Usage notes:G o WPS Paragraph always moves to the start of a paragraph---in forwardE direction, to the start of the next paragraph, if any; in reverseA direction, to the start of the current or previous paragraph.2 o Paragraph boundaries a Sre any of the following: * Blank line% * Top or bottom of the buffer7 * Page break (form feed at the start of a line)A * RUNOFF command (such as .BREAK;) at the start of a line@ * VAX DOCUMENT tag (such as ) at the start of a lineH o If there is no blank line or other paragraph boundary in the currentF direction, WPS Paragraph moves to the top or bottom of the buffer.I o To reformat the current paragraph, use the FILL command (with the WPST keypad, press GOLD-KP5).@ o With the WPS keypad, KP5 continues a case change as follows:A 1. Press the WPS Lower Case key (GOLD-KP3) or WPS Upper Case> key (KP3) to change the case of the current character.A 2. Press KP5 to continue the case change to the start of the next paragraph. Related topics:6 CHANGE DIRECTION FILL SET PARAGRAPH INDENTww­äE,‘Ÿ1 Previous_Screen EDT Previous ScreenI Scrolls vertically to show thUe previous section of text---roughly 75% of the window size.> Key: The EDT keypad defines PREV SCREEN on the mini keypad. Usage notes:I o If the cursor is free (which is the default), it moves up in the sameD column on the screen regardless of whether text is there or not.A o If the cursor is bound, it moves up to the corresponding lineC positions, depending on the shape of your text, as in real EDT.J o For continuous movement, you can hold down or repeat PREV SCREVEN until$ you reach the top of the buffer. Related topics:. SET CURSOR BOUND SET CURSOR FREE TOPww­7º)E,‘Ÿ1 Prev_Paragraph* Prev Paragraph (Motif environment only)A Moves the cursor a paragraph at a time in the reverse direction. Steps:/ 1. Press the Prev Paragraph key (CTRL/UP). Usage notes:K O Prev Paragraph always moves to the start of the current or the previous paragraph, if any.2 O Paragraph boundaries are any of the foll Wowing: * Blank line% * Top or bottom of the buffer7 * Page break (form feed at the start of a line)A * RUNOFF command (such as .BREAK;) at the start of a line@ * VAX DOCUMENT tag (such as ) at the start of a lineH O If there is no blank line or other paragraph boundary in the reverse= direction, Prev Paragraph moves to the top of the buffer.I O To reformat the current paragraph, use the FILL command (with the WPS keypad, press GOLD-KXP5).D O With the WPS keypad, CTRL/UP continues a case change as follows:A 1. Press the WPS Lower Case key (GOLD-KP3) or WPS Upper Case> key (KP3) to change the case of the current character.E 2. Press CTRL/UP to continue the case change to the start of the previous paragraph.> O Motif function keys are on by default on Motif DECwindows. Related topics:6 CHANGE DIRECTION FILL SET PARAGRAPH INDENT SET FUNCTION KEYS MOTIFww­7ºY)E,‘Ÿ 1 Prev_Word% Prev Word (Motif environment only)< Moves the cursor a word at a time in the reverse direction. Steps:+ 1. Press the Prev Word key (CTRL/LEFT) Usage notes:K o Prev Word always moves to the start of the current or previous word, if any.I o The start of a word is the first non-white space character. A seriesB of tabs, or tabs and spaces, is not treated as separate words.F o With the WPS keypad, CTRL/LEFT continues a case change as foZllows:A 1. Press the WPS Lower Case key (GOLD-KP3) or WPS Upper Case> key (KP3) to change the case of the current character.G 2. Press CTRL/LEFT to continue the case change to the start of the previous word.> o Motif function keys are on by default on Motif DECwindows. Related topics:6 CHANGE DIRECTION END OF LINE START OF LINE SET FUNCTION KEYS MOTIFww­÷?E,‘Ÿ1 Primary_Copy Primary Copy Motif function key@ Copies the pr[imary DECwindows selection to the cursor location.- Key: ALT/SHIFT/E3 Motif function key Usage notes:D o You typically copy the primary selection from another DECwindowsF application. You can also copy it from one EVE buffer to another.E o A primary selection is typically created by SELECT and appears in> reverse video, or by BOX SELECT and appears in bold video.8 o Motif function keys are on by default on DECwindows. Related topics:E Mouse \ Quick Copy Ranges And Boxes5 BOX SELECT RESTORE BOX SELECTION& RESTORE SELECTION SELECT SET SELECTION GRAB FOCUSww­×@+E,‘Ÿ 1 Primary_Cut Primary Cut Motif function keyG Moves the primary DECwindows selection to the cursor location and then1 erases the selection from its original location.' Key: ALT/E3 Motif function key Usage notes:C o You typically cut the primary selection from another DECwind]owsE application. You can also cut it from one EVE buffer to another.J o To insert the text erased from EVE, put your cursor at the location ofG the erased text and use RESTORE SELECTION or RESTORE BOX SELECTION.E o A primary selection is typically created by SELECT and appears in> reverse video, or by BOX SELECT and appears in bold video.8 o Motif function keys are on by default on DECwindows. Related topics:E Mouse Quick Copy Ran^ges And Boxes5 BOX SELECT RESTORE BOX SELECTION& RESTORE SELECTION SELECT SET SELECTION GRAB FOCUSww­÷?E,‘Ÿ1 Primary_Selection_Restore- Primary Selection Restore Motif function keyG Restores the primary DECwindows selection and its highlighting to EVE,/ possibly grabbing it from another application.. Key: CTRL/SHIFT/E4 Motif function key Usage notes:E o A primary selection is typically created by SELECT and appears _ in> reverse video, or by BOX SELECT and appears in bold video.H o When you move ownership of the primary selection from EVE to anotherA Motif application, EVE removes the highlighting and saves theH selection. Pressing CTRL/SHIFT/E4 restores the primary selection to EVE.H o If SET SELECTION GRAB FOCUS is in effect, then when you give EVE theK input focus, EVE automatically grabs the primary selection and restoresC the selection, if any, that was active when it los`t the primaryG selection. The alternate behavior is to grab the primary selectionI only when you select text. See help on SET SELECTION GRAB SELECTION.8 o Motif function keys are on by default on DECwindows. Related topics:E Mouse Quick Copy Ranges And Boxes5 BOX SELECT RESTORE BOX SELECTION& RESTORE SELECTION SELECT< SET SELECTION GRAB FOCUS SET SELECTION GRAB SELECTIONww­÷wE,‘Ÿ1 Reapeat EDT/WPS Repeat? Repeats the next command or keystroke as often as you specify. Steps:A 1. Press GOLD (usually PF1) and type the number of times you@ want the operation repeated. For example, to repeat the9 next operation five times, press GOLD and type 5.? 2. Type a command or press a key that you want repeated---> whether a typing key, such as the dash or hyphen, or a@ function key, such as the Delete Word key or down arrow. Usageb notes:K o To cancel a pending repeat count---for example, if you mistakenly pressI a GOLD-number sequence---use RESET (with the EDT or WPS keypad, press GOLD-PERIOD on the keypad).F o You cannot use GOLD-number sequences to repeat the following keys: DELETE (the )3 Searches the buffer for a right angle bracket (>). Steps:I 1. To set the direction, you can press the WPS Advance key (KP0) forH forward direction or WPS Backup key (KP1) for reverse directiohn.C 2. Press the WPS Search Right Angle key (ENTER on the keypad). Usage notes:H o If a right angle bracket is found, the cursor moves to the characterI that follows it. You can repeat the key to find the next right angle bracket.D o If there is no right angle bracket in the current direction, EVED automatically searches in the other direction. If a right angleG bracket is found in the other direction, EVE asks if you want to go> there---press RETURN for Yies, or type No and press RETURN.I o If there is no right angle bracket in the buffer, the cursor does notH move. A message tells you EVE could not find a right angle bracket.F o Search Right Angle is independent of FIND---it does not change the? search string for FIND NEXT or the WPS Continue Search key. Related topics:/ CHANGE DIRECTION FIND WILDCARD FINDww­·jE,‘Ÿ1 Sect EDT SectJ Scrolls vertically a section at a time in the current directijon---roughly 75% of the window size. Steps:A 1. To set the direction, use FORWARD (KP4) or REVERSE (KP5).% 2. Press the EDT Sect key (KP8). Usage notes:H o If the cursor is free (which is the default), it moves up or down inH the same column on the screen regardless of whether text is there or not.I o If the cursor is bound, it moves to the corresponding line positions,8 depending on the shape of your text, as in real EDT.F o For continuous movemenkt, you can hold down or repeat KP8 until you* reach the bottom or top of the buffer. Related topics:; CHANGE DIRECTION SET CURSOR BOUND SET CURSOR FREEww­—3(E,‘Ÿ 1 Sentence WPS Sentence@ Moves the cursor a sentence at a time in the current direction. Steps:I 1. To set the direction, you can press the WPS Advance key (KP0) forI forward direction, or WPS Backup key (KP1) for reverse direction.5 2. Press the WPS Sentence key (KP7 or G lOLD-KP7). Usage notes:E o WPS Sentence always moves to the start of a sentence---in forwardJ direction, to the start of the next sentence; in reverse direction, to' the start of the previous sentence.J o Sentence boundaries are a period, question mark, or exclamation point.G Periods in RUNOFF (DSR) commands (such as .B or .LE;) or in decimal> numbers (such as 3.14) are treated as sentence boundaries.K o If there are no sentence boundaries in the current direction, mEVE tellsI you it cannot find the end of a sentence and then moves to the top or bottom of the buffer.E o To delete a sentence, press the WPS Delete Beginning Sentence key. (GOLD-CTRL/J, GOLD-LINEFEED, or GOLD-F13).C o With the WPS keypad, KP7 or GOLD-KP7 continues a case change as follows:A 1. Press the WPS Lower Case key (GOLD-KP3) or WPS Upper Case> key (KP3) to change the case of the current character.@ 2. Press KP7 or GOLD-KP7 to continue the ncase change to the# start of the next sentence. Related topics:% CHANGE DIRECTION MOVE BY LINEww­÷wE,‘Ÿ1 Shift_Delete Shift DeleteJ Erases the character that the cursor is on (same as ERASE CHARACTER). If/ pending delete is enabled, erases a selection.. Key: SHIFT/DELETE Motif function key Steps:: 1. Put the cursor on the character you want to erase. 2. Press SHIFT/DELETE. Usage notes:G o SHIFT/DELETE depends o on the mode of the buffer, shown in the statusF line. In insert mode, it erases the character, making text to theJ right move left. In overstrike mode, it replaces the character with aG space. To change the mode of the buffer, press CTRL/A (see help on CHANGE MODE).G o At the end of a line---regardless of the mode---SHIFT/DELETE erasesH only the line break (carriage return), making the next line (if any)E move up. This is useful to to join paragraphs for FILL comman pds.I o To put back the erased character, use RESTORE CHARACTER (with the EDT< keypad, press GOLD-COMMA), which is also mode-sensitive.H o If you use SET PENDING DELETE, you can erase a selection as follows:G 1. Select the text to erase (see help on SELECT or BOX SELECT).J 2. Use SHIFT/DELETE or type new text (for example, press the space bar).F o To put back what you erased with a pending delete, use the RESTORE/ SELECTION or RESTORE BOX SELECTION cqommand.> o Motif function keys are on by default on Motif DECwindows. Related topics:J Pending Delete Ranges And Boxes DELETE ERASE CHARACTERG RESTORE CHARACTER RESTORE SELECTION SET FUNCTION KEYS MOTIF SET PENDING DELETEww­·jE,‘Ÿ 1 SpecIns EDT SpecInsI Enters a character or control code according to its ASCII decimal value,% specified by a GOLD-number sequence. Steps:C 1. Press GOLD (usually, PF1) and type the decim ral value of theD character---such as 27 for escape or 181 for micro (µ). The> number appears in reverse video in the command window.- 2. Press the EDT SpecIns key (GOLD-KP3). Usage notes:H o SpecIns depends on the mode of the buffer, shown in the status line.H In insert mode, the character you specify is inserted at the currentI position, pushing text to the right. In overstrike mode, it replacesJ the current character. To change the mode of the buffer s, press CTRL/A (see help on CHANGE MODE).F o Some control codes or non-printing characters, such as escape, mayJ appear in editing as a backwards question mark or as a gray rectangle,, depending on the terminal you are using.F o You cannot repeat SpecIns by using a GOLD-number sequence (such asI GOLD-5) because SpecIns uses the sequence as the character code to beA entered. Instead, to repeat SpecIns, use the REPEAT command.H o You can also enter multinational chara tcters, such as the micro, withJ the COMPOSE CHARACTER key (on DECwindows or DECterm, press ALT/SPACE).J To enter control codes or non-printing characters, such as escape, useJ CTRL/V (see help on QUOTE). Note that on older keyboards, the COMPOSEE CHARACTER key serves as the ALT key. Some newer keyboards have a separate ALT key.H o To insert a special character from within an EVE initialization fileK (such as in batch editing), use the TPU command and the EVE$INSERT_TEXuTI procedure. For example, the following command line inserts an escape character:( TPU EVE$INSERT_TEXT (ASCII (27)); Related topics:- INSERT MODE OVERSTRIKE MODE QUOTEww­·jE,‘Ÿ1 Subs EDT SubsK Replaces a range or box with text you last copied or cut and then searchesG for another occurrence of the text you replaced so you can continue toG substitute---in effect, combining the EDT Replace and FndNxt keys in a single key definition.v Steps:C 1. Copy or cut the text you want to use. Typically, you press= the SELECT key, type the text, and then press REMOVE.H 2. Select or find the text to replace (see help on SELECT or FIND)., 3. Press the EDT Subs key (GOLD-ENTER).J 4. After the substitution, EVE searches for another occurrence of theH text you replaced (effectively, doing a FndNxt). If the text is. found again, you can do the following:B * To make another subwstitution (and continue the search),1 press the Subs key (GOLD-ENTER) again.= * To skip this occurrence (no substitution) and find8 the next one, press the EDT FndNxt key (PF3).> * To cancel the search, use the RESET command or with- the EDT keypad, press GOLD-PERIOD. Usage notes:I o The replacement text is case-exact---Subs does not change the case ofH the replacement to match the case of the search string. To have theK repl xacement match the case of the search string, use the GLOBAL REPLACE or REPLACE commands.F o Depending on your setting, the replacement text is copied from theC INSERT HERE buffer or the DECwindows clipboard. Default is SET NOCLIPBOARD.I o If the INSERT HERE buffer or the clipboard is empty, EDT Subs deletesK the highlighted text without inserting anything. To check the contentsB of the INSERT HERE buffer, use the command BUFFER INSERT HERE.K o With box editing, yEDT Subs works like BOX CUT and BOX PASTE---useful toC replace text in a list or table. See help on Ranges And Boxes. Related topics:G Ranges And Boxes BOX SELECT FIND GLOBAL REPLACEF REPLACE SELECT SET CLIPBOARD WILDCARD FINDww­×@+E,‘Ÿ1 Swap WPS SwapC Swaps the character that the cursor is on with the next character.D This is useful for correcting spelling errors. For example, if youA mistakenly typed "teh" zinstead of "the," do the following steps:E 1. Put the cursor on the letter to swap---in this case, the "e.", 2. Press the WPS Swap key (GOLD-ENTER).J This swaps, or transposes, the letters "e" and "h": the result is "the," with the cursor on the "e." Usage notes:I o On the last text character of a line, Swap moves that character---and/ the cursor---to the start of the next line.F o At the end of a line (carriage return), nothing is swapped and the cursor d{oes not move.ww­—3(E,‘Ÿ1 Tab_Position WPS Tab PositionI Moves the cursor to the next or previous tab character, depending on the current direction. Steps:I 1. To set the direction, you can press the WPS Advance key (KP0) forI forward direction, or WPS Backup key (KP1) for reverse direction.- 2. Press the WPS Tab Position key (KP8). Usage notes:G o If there is no tab character in the current direction, Tab PositionB moves to the nea |rest start of line (same as the WPS Line key).I o The command SET TABS MOVEMENT makes the TAB key a cursor-movement keyI ---that is, to move to the next tab stop, regardless of whether there% are tab characters in the buffer.B o To make tab characters visible (appearing as a small HT duringF editing), use the command SET TABS VISIBLE. Default is INVISIBLE.@ o With the WPS keypad, KP8 continues a case change as follows:A 1. Press the WPS Lower Case key (GOLD-KP3) or W}PS Upper Case> key (KP3) to change the case of the current character.> 2. Press KP2 to continue the case change to the next tab. Related topics:: CHANGE DIRECTION CONVERT TABS SET TABS TABww­7º)E,‘Ÿ 1 Upper_Case WPS Upper CaseH Makes one or more letters uppercase, and sets the direction to FORWARD. Steps:I 1. Optionally, select or find the text to change (see help on SELECTH or FIND), or put the cursor on the character you~ want to change.+ 2. Press the WPS Upper Case key (KP3). Usage notes:G o If you do not select or find text, WPS Upper Case makes the currentI character uppercase (if it is a letter), and then moves the cursor toK the next character. To continue making characters uppercase, use these WPS keys to move the cursor:A Line ........... KP2 or GOLD-KP2 Paragraph ...... KP5= Word ........... KP4 or GOLD-KP4 Page ....... PF2@ Tab Position ... KP8 Bottom ..... GOLD-B@ Sentence ... KP7 or GOLD-KP7 Top ........ GOLD-TG o To cancel this effect---so you can move the cursor without changingK case---press any other cursor-movement key, such as <-- (left arrow) orI the WPS Advance key (KP0). To reverse the effects, use the WPS Lower Case key (GOLD-KP3).G o If SET BOX SELECT is in effect, WPS Upper Case treats a found range8 like a box selection---see help on Ranges And Boxes. Relat€ed topics:= Ranges And Boxes BOX SELECT CAPITALIZE WORD FINDF LOWERCASE WORD SELECT UPPERCASE WORD WILDCARD FINDww­÷¬&E,‘Ÿ 1 WPS_Copy WPS CopyI Copies a range or box without removing it, so you can paste it elsewhere8 ---optionally using a WPS-style alternate paste buffer. Steps:E 1. Select or find the text to copy (see help on SELECT or FIND).D 2. Optionally, press GOLD and type a number from 1 through 9 to* specify an alternate paste buffer.: 3. Press the WPS Copy key (GOLD-MINUS on the keypad).G 4. To paste the copied text, press GOLD and type the number of theI alternate paste buffer (if you used one in copying the text), andI then press the WPS Paste key (COMMA, GOLD-COMMA, or INSERT HERE). Usage notes:F o If you do not specify an alternate paste buffer, WPS Copy uses theF INSERT HERE buffer. WPS keys do not use the DECwindows clipboard.K o If you use BOX S ‚ELECT, or if SET BOX SELECT is in effect, then WPS Copy4 is like BOX COPY---see help on Ranges And Boxes.I o To check the contents your paste buffers, use SHOW SYSTEM BUFFERS andH select a buffer from the list---for example, the INSERT HERE buffer, PASTE_BUFFER_1, and so on.H o On DECwindows, you can also copy text from EVE to another DECwindows5 application by using M2---see help on Quick Copy. Related topics:< Ranges And Boxes BOX COPY BOX SELECT ƒFINDE SELECT SET BOX SELECT STORE TEXT WILDCARD FINDww­÷¬&E,‘Ÿ 1 WPS_Cut WPS CutG Cuts a range or box which you can paste elsewhere---optionally using aJ WPS-style alternate paste buffer. In the BUFFER LIST, deletes the buffer whose name the cursor is on. Steps:D 1. Select or find the text to cut (see help on SELECT or FIND).J 2. Optionally, press GOLD and a number from 1 through 9 to specify an alternate paste buffer.> „ 3. Press the WPS Cut key (MINUS on the keypad or REMOVE).J 4. To paste the text, press GOLD and type the number of the alternateJ paste buffer (if you used one in cutting the text), and then press> the WPS Paste key (COMMA, GOLD-COMMA, or INSERT HERE). Usage notes:E o If you do not specify an alternate paste buffer, WPS Cut uses theF INSERT HERE buffer. WPS keys do not use the DECwindows clipboard.J o Cutting a standard, linear range makes text after the …cut move left orK up, similar to erasing text. The remaining text does not automaticallyH rewrap. To reformat your text, use FILL (with the WPS keypad, press GOLD-KP5).J o If you use BOX SELECT, or if SET BOX SELECT is in effect, then WPS CutE is like BOX CUT, usually padding the area with spaces to keep theI column alignment of text to the right of the box---see help on Ranges And Boxes.I o To check the contents your paste buffers, use SHOW SYSTEM BUFFERS andH † select a buffer from the list---for example, the INSERT HERE buffer, PASTE_BUFFER_1, and so on.G o In the Buffer List, WPS Cut deletes a buffer without your having to% type the buffer name, as follows:H 1. Use the SHOW BUFFERS command to list the buffers you created.G 2. Put the cursor on the name of the buffer you want to delete.7 3. Press the WPS Cut key to delete that buffer.@ For more information, see help on the DELETE BUFFER command.E o If‡ you are editing an unmodifiable buffer, WPS Cut is the same as( WPS Copy. (See help on SET BUFFER.)H o On DECwindows, you can also copy text from EVE to another DECwindows5 application by using M2---see help on Quick Copy. Related topics:= Ranges And Boxes BOX CUT BOX SELECT FINDF SELECT SET BOX PAD SET BOX SELECT WILDCARD FINDww­—3(E,‘Ÿ 1 WPS_Line WPS Line< Moves the cursor a line at a time in the current directioˆn. Steps:I 1. To set the direction, you can press the WPS Advance key (KP0) forH forward direction or WPS Backup key (KP1) for reverse direction.1 2. Press the WPS Line key (KP2 or GOLD-KP2). Usage notes:K o WPS Line always moves to the start of a line---in forward direction, toJ the start of the next line, if any; in reverse direction, to the start$ of the current or previous line.F o For continuous movement, you can hold down or repeat KP2 until you‰* reach the bottom or top of the buffer.K o When you use the WPS Ruler (GOLD-R), pressing KP2 moves to the start or. end of the ruler---see help on Ruler Keys.C o With the WPS keypad, KP2 or GOLD-KP2 continues a case change as follows:A 1. Press the WPS Lower Case key (GOLD-KP3) or WPS Upper Case> key (KP3) to change the case of the current character.H 2. Press KP2 to continue the case change to the next start of line. Related topics:D CHANGE DIRŠECTION END OF LINE MOVE BY LINE START OF LINEww­÷¬&E,‘Ÿ 1 WPS_Paste WPS PasteG Pastes a range or box you cut or copied---optionally using a WPS-style alternate paste buffer. Steps:8 1. Put the cursor where you want to paste the text.J 2. Optionally, press GOLD and a number from 1 through 9 to specify anC alternate paste buffer if you used one for the copy or cut.D 3. Press the WPS Paste key (COMMA, GOLD-COMMA, or INSERT HERE). Usa ‹ge notes:G o If you do not specify an alternate paste buffer, WPS Paste uses theF INSERT HERE buffer. WPS keys do not use the DECwindows clipboard.J o By default, WPS Paste inserts what you cut or copied, pushing existingI text to the right and down. SET BOX SELECT makes WPS Paste work likeI BOX PASTE, usually overwriting existing text---see help on Ranges And Boxes.I o To check the contents your paste buffers, use SHOW SYSTEM BUFFERS andH select a buffer from t Œhe list---for example, the INSERT HERE buffer, PASTE_BUFFER_1, and so on.I o WPS Paste does not automatically rewrap text. Depending on where andJ how much you paste, your text may go past the right margin or even outI of view. To reformat your text, use FILL (with the WPS keypad, press GOLD-KP5).H o You cannot repeat WPS Paste by using a GOLD-number sequence (such asH GOLD-5) because WPS Paste uses the sequence to specify the alternateH paste buffer. Instead, to repeat WPS Paste, use the REPEAT command. Related topics:E Ranges And Boxes BOX PASTE SET BOX PAD SET BOX SELECTww­×@+E,‘Ÿ 1 WPS_Replace WPS ReplaceI Replaces a range or box with the text you last copied or cut---useful toD replace paragraphs or several lines rather than individual words or phrases. Steps:G 1. Copy or cut the text you want to use. Typically, you press theB SELECT key, type the text, and then press the WPS Cut key. ŽH 2. Select or find the text to replace (see help on SELECT or FIND).C 3. Press the WPS Replace key (GOLD-' or GOLD-"). You can thenC repeat steps 2 and 3 to make another replacement elsewhere. Usage notes:H o The replacement text is case-exact---WPS Replace does not change theG case of the replacement to match the case of the search string. ToE have the replacement match the case of the search string, use theB REPLACE command (with the WPS keypad, pres s GOLD-; or GOLD-:).I o The WPS Replace key uses the INSERT HERE buffer---it does not use theG clipboard or alternate paste buffers. If the INSERT HERE buffer isE empty, WPS Replace deletes the highlighted text without insertingG anything. To check the contents of the INSERT HERE buffer, use the command BUFFER INSERT HERE.K o With box editing, WPS Replace works like BOX CUT and BOX PASTE---usefulF to replace text in a list or table. See help on Ranges And Boxes. Related topics:C Ranges And Boxes BOX SELECT FIND GLOBAL REPLACE3 REPLACE SELECT WILDCARD FINDww­—3(E,‘Ÿ 1 WPS_Word WPS WordI Moves the cursor a word at a time in the current direction (same as MOVE BY WORD). Steps:I 1. To set the direction, you can press the WPS Advance key (KP0) forI forward direction, or WPS Backup key (KP1) for reverse direction.1 2. Press the WPS Word key (KP4 or GOLD-KP4). ‘ Usage notes:K o WPS Word always moves to the start of a word---in forward direction, toJ the start of the next word, if any; in reverse direction, to the startK of the current or previous word, if any. Note that a series of tabs is" not treated as separate words.F o For continuous movement, you can hold down or repeat KP4 until you* reach the bottom or top of the buffer.J o When you use the WPS Ruler (GOLD-R), pressing KP4 moves to the next orG previous indicator (I, L, P, R, T, or W) in the ruler---see help on Ruler Keys.C o With the WPS Keypad, KP4 or GOLD-KP4 continues a case change as follows:A 1. Press the WPS Lower Case key (GOLD-KP3) or WPS Upper Case> key (KP3) to change the case of the current character.@ 2. Press KP4 or GOLD-KP4 to continue the case change to the start of the next word. Related topics:6 CHANGE DIRECTION END OF LINE START OF LINEww