%ė Librarian T09-20—F―Ā+‘Ÿ·ŅĀ+‘Ÿî 5 D ķCONNECTŽDATA$ DISCONNECT DTS* INTERRUPT  ­–ÏĀ+‘Ÿ1 DTSF DTS and DTR are cooperating tasks that perform various functions toB exercise network software. DTR functions as a slave to DTS. DTSB initiates each test by issuing a connection request to DTR. DTSD passes parameters pertinent to the type of test request to DTR inE the optional data of the connection request. The user interface to$ DTS consists a group of commands: CONNECT DATA DISCONNECT INTERRUPTH You may abbreviate command keywords and qualifiers to four characters or less (if unique).L Note that, when using DTS commands in a batch job, you must use uppercase characters in the command.ww­–ÏĀ+‘Ÿ 1 CONNECT Invokes a connection test.2 GENERAL QUALIFIERS /NODENAME /NODENAME=node-idG Identifies the node (by name or address) on which DTR is to run. TheC default is the local node. DTR runs on the default nonprivilegedG account on the remote node because access control information cannotC be used as part of the node name. To run DTR on an account otherC than the default, you must create a new account and associate it with the DTR object. /PRINT /PRINT /NOPRINT (D)I Instructs DTS to print (or log) test results. The default is /NOPRINT./SPEED /SPEED=numberH Indicates the line speed (bits per second) of the test line. DTS usesE this qualifier for reporting statistics (DTS does not control line* speeds). The default number is 1000000.2 COMMAND-SPECIFIC QUALIFIERS/TYPE /TYPE=test-typeJ Indicates the subtest for the connection test. There are two subtests:C ACCEPT Indicates a connect accept test. The default test type., REJECT Indicates a connect reject test./RETURN /RETURN=return-option /NORETURN (D)G Indicates the type of optional user data DTR returns. There are two  possibilities:+ STANDARD Indicates standard user data.+  RECEIVED Indicates received user data.> The default is /NORETURN that disables return of user data. 2 Example/ _Test: CONNECT/TYPE=ACCEPT/RETURN=RECEIVEDL This command invokes the connection test with the connect accept subtest.J DTS attempts to connect to DTR on the local node (by default). Connect3 user data is to be returned as part of the test.ww­–ÏĀ+‘Ÿ1 DATA Invokes a data test.2 GENERAL QUALIFIERS /NODENAME /NODENAME=node-idG Identifies the node (by name or address) on which DTR is to run. TheC default is the local node. DTR runs on the default nonprivilegedG account on the remote node because access control information cannotC be used as part of the node name. To run DTR on an account otherC than the default, you must create a new account and associate it with the DTR object. /PRINT /PRINT /NOPRINT (D)G Instructs DTS to print or log test results. The default is /NOPRINT. /STATISTICS /STATISTICS (D) /NOSTATISTICSE Instructs DTS to print statistics on data and interrupt tests. The default is /STATISTICS./DISPLAY /DISPLAY=number /NODISPLAY (D)H Instructs DTS to print the specified number of bytes (in hexadecimal)E of data and interrupt messages transmitted to DTR. The default is /NODISPLAY./SPEED /SPEED=numberH Indicates the line speed (bits per second) of the test line. DTS usesE this qualifier for reporting statistics (DTS does not control line* speeds). The default number is 1000000.2 COMMAND-SPECIFIC QUALIFIERS/TYPE /TYPE=test-typeE Indicates the subtest for the data test. There are four subtests:7 SINK Indicates a sink test. The default test type.$ SEQ Indicates a sequence test.# PAT Indicates a pattern test.! ECHO Indicates an echo test./SIZE /SIZE=numberI Indicates the data message length in bytes. The lower bounds are 0 forH a sink or echo test; 4 for a sequence test; and 5 for a pattern test.H The upper bound is 4096 bytes for all tests. The default size is 128./[TEST-DURATION] /[TEST-DURATION]D Indicates the duration of the test. There are three units of time for this parameter: /SECONDS=number /MINUTES=number /HOURS=numberF The number specifies the duration of the test. The default unit is M /SECONDS=30. The maximum test duration is 3,600,000 seconds or 1000 hours. 2 Example3 -Test: DATA/PRINT/TYPE=SEQ/SIZE=128/SECONDS=100 _DTS-S-NORMAL, normal successful completion Test parameters: Test duration (sec) 10 Target nodemane "" Linespeed (baud) 1000000 Message size (bytes) 128 Summary statistics:$ Total messages XMIT 788 RECV 0 Total bytes XMIT 100864 Messages per second 78.8 Bytes per seconds 10086" Line throughput (baud) 80691 - Line utilization 8.0D This command invokes the data test with the sequence subtest. DTSJ sends messages to DTR on the local node where test information is to beG printed. The message size is 128 bytes, and the duration of the test is 10 seconds.ww­·ŅĀ+‘Ÿ 1 DISCONNECT Invokes a disconnection test.2 GENERAL QUALIFIERS /NODENAME /NODENAME=node-idG Identifies the node (by name or address) on which DTR is to run. TheC default is the local node. DTR runs on the default nonprivilegedG account on the remote node because access control information cannotC be used as part of the node name. To run DTR on an account otherC than the default, you must create a new account and associate it with the DTR object. /PRINT /PRINT /NOPRINT (D)I Instructs DTS to print (or log) test results. The default is /NOPRINT.2 COMMAND-SPECIFIC QUALIFIERS/TYPE /TYPE=test-typeM Indicates the subtest for the disconnection test. There are two subtests:9 SYNCHRONOUS Indicates a synchronous disconnect test.J ABORT Indicates a disconnect abort test. The default test type./RETURN /RETURN=return-option /NORETURN (D)G Indicates the type of optional user data DTR returns. There are two  possibilities:+ STANDARD Indicates standard user data.+ RECEIVED Indicates received user data.> The default is /NORETURN that disables return of user data. 2 Example1 _Test: DISCONNECT/NODENAME=DENVER/TYPE=ABORTH This command invokes the disconnection test with the disconnect abortD subset. DTS performs this test with DTR on remote node DENVER. No( optional user data is to be returned.ww­·ŅĀ+‘Ÿ 1 INTERRUPT Invokes an interrupt test.2 GENERAL QUALIFIERS /NODENAME /NODENAME=node-idG Identifies the node (by name or address) on which DTR is to run. TheC default is the local node. DTR runs on the default nonprivilegedG account on the remote node because access control information cannotC be used as part of the node name. To run DTR on an account otherC than the default, you must create a new account and associate it with the DTR object. /PRINT /PRINT /NOPRINT (D)I Instructs DTS to print (or log) test results. The default is /NOPRINT. /STATISTICS /STATISTICS (D) /NOSTATISTICSE Instructs DTS to print statistics on data and interrupt tests. The default is /STATISTICS./DISPLAY /DISPLAY=number /NODISPLAY (D)H Instructs DTS to print the specified number of bytes (in hexadecimal)E of data and interrupt messages transmitted to DTR. The default is /NODISPLAY./SPEED /SPEED=numberH Indicates the line speed (bits per second) of the test line. DTS usesE this qualifier for reporting statistics (DTS does not control line* speeds). The default number is 1000000.2 COMMAND-SPECIFIC QUALIFIERS/TYPE /TYPE=test-typeJ Indicates the subtest for the interrupt test. There are four subtests:7 SINK Indicates a sink test. The default test type.$ SEQ Indicates a sequence test.# PAT Indicates a pattern test.! ECHO Indicates an echo test./SIZE /SIZE=numberI Indicates the data message length in bytes. The lower bounds are 0 forH a sink or echo test; 4 for a sequence test; and 5 for a pattern test.E The upper bound is 16 bytes for all tests. The default size is 16./[TEST-DURATION] /[TEST-DURATION]D Indicates the duration of the test. There are three units of time for this parameter: /SECONDS=number /MINUTES=number /HOURS=numberF The number specifies the duration of the test. The default unit is M /SECONDS=30. The maximum test duration is 3,600,000 seconds or 1000 hours. 2 Example< -Test: INTERRUPT/NODENAME=DALLAS/PRINT/TYPE=PAT/SIZE=160 _DTS-S-NORMAL, normal successful completion Test parameters: Test duration (sec) 30 Target nodemane "DALLAS" Linespeed (baud) 1000000 Message size (bytes) 16 Summary statistics:% Total messages XMIT 2734 RECV 0 Total bytes XMIT 43744 Messages per second 91.1 Bytes per seconds 1458" Line throughput (baud) 11665 - Line utilization 1.1H This command invokes the interrupt test with the pattern subtest. DTSH sends interrupt messages to DTR on node DALLAS where test informationI is to be printed. The interrupt message size is 16 bytes, and the test! is 30 seconds (by default). ww