% Librarian T09-20b^{U 3`{UTU 5  add& attributes(Vchange1clear3createN,deleteb directorywdisable|dumpenableentity initializemergerecreate removereplacedsetshowLNsupplementary_commands  3^{U1 add2 clearinghouse_access>Adds an access control entry (ACE) to a clearinghouse's accesscontrol set (ACS).SYNOPSIS; ADD CLEARINGHOUSE clearinghouse-name ACCESS principal) [AS GROUP] [FOR] access Argumentsclearinghouse-name=The name of the clearinghouse to which access is being added. principal?The principal for whom access is being added. You can specify a=principal as a group name, a collection of principals denoted?with w ildcards (for example, .org.name*), or an individual nameBin the format, nodename.username. To specify a DNS Version 1-styleAprincipal, use the format nodename::username. The phrase as groupAindicates the specified principal is a group. You cannot use this%phrase with wildcard principal names.access?The access rights for the specified principal. Rights are read,Cwrite, delete, test, control, and none, and you can specify them as=r, w, d, t, c, and non. Separate multiple rights wit h commas. DescriptionDThis command adds an access control entry (ACE) to a clearinghouse's9access control set. Access rights are defined as follows:BRead The principal can look up the clearinghouse by name and3 read any attribute of the clearinghouse.CWrite The principal can change the replica type of any replicaD stored in the clearinghouse, create or delete replicas inC the clearinghouse, alter any modifiable attribute of the* clearinghouse (except the ACS).6Delete The principal can delete the clearinghouse.DTest The principal can check the value of any attribute of the clearinghouse.CControl The principal can alter the clearinghouse's ACS and move/ the clearinghouse to another server..None The principal has no access rights. ACCESS RIGHTS>You must have control access to the clearinghouse whose access$control set (ACS) is being modified. 3 example:The following command grants an access control group named@.testgroup read, write, test, and control access to the .paris2_ch clearinghouse.5dns> add clearinghouse .paris2_ch access .testgroup -_> as group for r, w, t, c2 directory_accessBAdds an access control entry (ACE) to a directory's access control set (ACS).SYNOPSISB ADD DIRECTORY directory-name [access-option] ACCESS principal [AS GROUP] [FOR] access Argumentsdirectory-nameThe full name of the directory.  access-optionDThe extent to which the access rights apply. Possible access options?are default and nopropagate. Enter one or both of the following?options. If you enter both options, separate them with a comma.?If you omit this argument, the ACE applies to the directory and9automatically propagates to subsequent child directories.?default Indicates that the ACE applies to all new objectC entries created in this directory. Access to already> existing entries is not affected. A default ACED applies only to the contents of the directory, not toB the directory itself. If you do not use the default8 option, the ACE applies to the directory.@nopropagate Prevents the access rights in this ACE from beingB inherited by subsequently created child directoriesC of the specified directory. When used in conjunctionB with default, prevents the ACS from being inher itedB by the contents of future children of the specifiedD directory. Nopropagate is optional; if you do not use9 it, access rights propagate automatically. principal?The principal for whom access is being added. You can specify a=principal as a group name, a collection of principals denoted?with wildcards (for example, .org.name*), or an individual nameBin the format, nodename.username. To specify a DNS Version 1-styleAprincipal, use the format nodename::username. The phrase as groupAindicates the specified principal is a group. You cannot use this%phrase with wildcard principal names.access?The access rights for the specified principal. Rights are read,Cwrite, delete, test, control, and none, and you can specify them as=r, w, d, t, c, and non. Separate multiple rights with commas. Description@This command adds an access control entry (ACE) to a directory's9access control set. Access rights are defined as follo ws:CRead Enables the specified principal to look up the directoryD by name, list the contents of the directory, and read any directory attribute.CWrite Enables the specified principal to create object entriesB or soft links in the directory, to skulk the directory,> and to create, modify, or delete child directories.EDelete Enables the specified principal to delete the directory or% any name in the directory.DTest  Enables the specified principal to check the value of any& attribute of the directory.CControl Enables the specified principal to perform any operationE on any object entry, soft link, or child in the directory,; to read or modify any attribute of the directoryA (including its ACS), and to modify the replica type of9 a replica or the epoch value of the directory.DNone Does not grant the specified principal any access rights. ACCESS RIGHTS@You must have control access to the directory whose ACS is being:modified. You also need write access to the clearinghouse. 3 example@The following command grants read and write access for the .DNS_3Admin administration group to the .sales directory.<dns> add directory .sales access .DNS_Admin as group for r,w2 group 3 accessBAdds an access control entry (ACE) to a group's access control set(ACS).SYNOPSIS5 ADD GROUP group-name ACCESS principal [AS GROUP] [FOR] access Arguments group-nameThe full name of the group. principal?The principal for whom access is being added as a member of theCgroup. You can specify a principal as a group name, a collection ofBprincipals denoted with wildcards (for example, .org.name*), or anBindividual name in the format, nodename.username. To specify a DNSAVersion 1-style principal, use the format nodename::username. TheAphrase as group indicates the specified principal is a group. You5cannot use this phrase with wildcard principal names.access?The access rights for the specified principal. Rights are read,Cwrite, delete, test, control, and none, and you can specify them as=r, w, d, t, c, and non. Separate multiple rights with commas. DescriptionCThis command adds an access control entry (ACE) to a group's access2control set. Access rights are defined as follows:CRead The principal can look up the group by name  and read any" attribute of the group.BWrite The principal can change any modifiable group attribute except the ACS.DDelete The principal can remove the member from the set of group membersDTest The principal can check the value of any attribute of the group.3Control The principal can alter the group's ACS.5None The principal does not have access rights. ACCESS RIGHTS<You must have control access to the group whose ACS is being modified. 4 exampleCThe following command grants user .sales.deneb.smith read access tothe .DNS_admin group.9dns> add group .DNS_admin access .sales.deneb.smith for r 3 memberCAdds a member to an existing group. The member can be an individual@principal, a collection of principals denoted with wildcards, orAanother group. Use the optional keywords as group to specify that=the member you are adding is itself a group. If you omit this'argument, the principal is not a group.SYNOPSIS9 ADD GROUP group-name MEMBER [=] principal [AS GROUP] Arguments group-nameThe full name of the group. principal?The principal that is being added as a member of the group. YouCcan specify a principal as a group name, a collection of principalsBdenoted with wildcards (for example, .org.name*), or an individualGname in the format, nodename.username. To specify a DNS Version 1-styleAprincipal, use the format nodename::username. The phrase as groupCindicates the specified principal is itself a group. You cannot use+this phrase with wildcard principal names. ACCESS RIGHTSAYou must have write access to the group to which you are adding amember. 4 exampleCThe following command adds the member smith on node .sales.orion tothe admin group..dns>add group .admin member .sales.orion.smith2 link_accessBAdds an access control entry (ACE) to a soft link's access control set (ACS).SYNOPSIS@ ADD LINK link-name ACCESS principal [AS GROUP] [FOR] access Arguments link-nameThe full name of the soft link. principal?The principal for whom access is being added. You can specify a=principal as a group name, a collection of principals denoted?with wildcards (for example, .org.name*), or an individual nameBin the format, nodename.username. To specify a DNS Version 1-styleAprincipal, use the format nodename::username. The phrase as groupAindicates the specified principal is a group. You cannot use this%phrase with wildcard principal names. access rights?The access rights for the specified principal. Rights are read,Cwrite, delete, test, control, and none, and you can specify them as=r, w, d, t, c, and non. Separate multiple rights with commas. Description@This command adds an access control entry (ACE) to a soft link's9access control set. Access rights are defined as follows:DRead The principal can look up the soft link by name, read any=  soft link attribute, and perform wildcard lookups.CWrite The principal can change any modifiable attribute except the ACS.2Delete The principal can delete the soft link.DTest The principal can check the value of any attribute of the soft link.7Control The principal can alter the soft link's ACS.5None The principal does not have access rights. ACCESS RIGHTS@You must have control access to the soft link whose ACS is being modified. !3 example:The following command grants an access control group named8.testgroup read, write, and test access to the soft link .sales.asia.6dns> add link .sales.asia access .testgroup as group -_> for r, w, t 2 object=Adds a value to a modifiable, set-valued attribute (including@application-defined attributes) of an object entry. If the valueDis already defined for the attribute, no error message is generated.DUsually this task is performed through the client application, since@the "client application defines the name of the attribute and thesyntax of its value.SYNOPSIS> ADD OBJECT object-name attribute-name [=] attribute-value Arguments object-name!The full name of an object entry.attribute-name>The name of a particular attribute. Specify your own attribute?name or one of the DECdns-defined attributes. Separate multipleattributes with commas.attribute-valueBThe value of a particular attribute. You can express the values ofDapplic#ation-defined attributes as quoted strings, "ps"; hex strings,C%x FF00EE; or concatenations of them in parentheses, (%x0103 "ps"). ACCESS RIGHTSCYou must have write access to the object entry or control access to@the parent directory in which you intend to store the attribute. 3 example6The following command adds the value "ps" to the user->defined set-valued attribute printcap of an object entry named.sales.east.deskprinter.4dns>add object .sales.east.deskprinter printcap "ps"$ 3 access>Adds an access control entry (ACE) to an object entry's accesscontrol set (ACS).SYNOPSIS7 ADD OBJECT object-name ACCESS principal [AS GROUP] [FOR] access Arguments object-name"The full name of the object entry. principal?The principal for whom access is being added. You can specify a=principal as a group name, a collection of principals denoted?with wildcards (for example, .org.name*), or an individual nameBin the format, nodename.user%name. To specify a DNS Version 1-styleAprincipal, use the format nodename::username. The phrase as groupAindicates the specified principal is a group. You cannot use this%phrase with wildcard principal names.access1 ?The access rights for the specified principal. Rights are read,Cwrite, delete, test, control, and none, and you can specify them as=r, w, d, t, c, and non. Separate multiple rights with commas. DescriptionDThis com &mand adds an access control entry (ACE) to an object entry's9access control set. Access rights are defined as follows:CRead The principal can look up the object entry by name, read> any object attribute, and perform wildcard lookups.CWrite The principal can change any modifiable attribute except the ACS.5Delete The principal can delete the object entry.ATest The principal can check the value of the object entry.:Control The principal can alt'er the object entry's ACS.5None The principal does not have access rights.CYou must have control access to the object entry whose ACS is being modified. 4 exampleAThe following command grants read, write, and test access to userAsmith on node .sales.orion for an object entry named .admin.work_disk3.=dns> add object .admin.work_disk3 access .sales.orion.smith -_> for r, w, t wwL^{U 1 attributes?Every DECdns entity has (attributes, which are pieces or sets ofBdata associated with that entity. Attributes fall into one of four categories:Characteristics=Reflect or affect the operational behavior of an entity. Some@characteristics are static and cannot be modified; others can be$modified with DNSCP or NCL commands.CountersARecord the number of times a particular event or problem occurred"since the entity was last enabled. Identifiers5Uniquely distinguish an entity from any other entity.)Status Attributes3Reflect the current operational state of an entity.ww^{U 1 change 2 subtree 3 access?Replaces an existing principal with a new principal in all ACEs(associated with the subtree you specify.SYNOPSIS7 CHANGE SUBTREE tree-name[...] ACCESS old-principal6 new-principal [EXCLUDE entry-type] Arguments tree-nameCThe name of the topmost directory in the subtree. When used withoutAthe optional recursion n*otation (...), the change applies only toDthe specified directory and the links and objects in that directory.AThe recursion notation causes the change to additionally apply to)all child directories and their contents. old-principal8The principal that you want to change. Principals can be=specified as a group name or an individual name in the formatnodename.username. new-principalDThe new principal. Principals can be specified as a group name or an0individual name in the f+ormat nodename.username. entry-type@One or more of the following arguments to exclude from principalBmodification: objects, links, or directories. Multiple directories?can be excluded in a single command. Use any combination of theCfollowing entry-type specifiers, separating multiple arguments withcommas:objectslinksdirectory directory-name Description?This command changes all relevant access control entries (ACEs)<associated with the directory specified in tree-name , and allDrelevant ACEs associated with that directory's contents. You can useCthe optional recursion notation (...) to modify the ACEs associated?with all the child directories and their contents. You can alsoAuse the optional exclude argument to restrict the type of entriesaffected by this command. ACCESS RIGHTSCYou must have control and write access to the directory you specifyCas well as to the contents of the directory. If you use the command@recursively, you also need control a-nd write access to all child>directories (and their contents) of the directory you specify. 4 exampleAThe following command changes the old principal .pjl.smith to the?new principal .ins.smith in all ACEs associated with the .adminBdirectory and its contents. By using the recursion notation (...),Bthe command additionally changes the ACEs of all child directoriesand their contents.:dns> change subtree .admin... access .pjl.smith .ins.smith3 group_member@Replaces an existing g.roup member's principal specification withBa new group member's principal specification in all access control:groups named in the directory or subtree that you specify.SYNOPSIS: CHANGE SUBTREE tree-name[...] GROUP MEMBER old-memberA new-member [EXCLUDE DIRECTORY directory-name] Arguments tree-nameCThe name of the topmost directory in the subtree. When used withoutBthe optional recursion notation, the change applies only t/o groupsDin the specified directory. The recursion notation causes the change9to additionally apply to groups in all child directories. old-member?The name of the existing group member that you want to replace. new-member!The new name of the group member.directory-name?One or more directories that contain groups you want to excludeBfrom this change. Multiple directories can be excluded in a single1command. Separate multiple arguments with commas. Description:This0 command replaces an existing group member's principal?specification with a new group member's principal specification>in all access control groups named in the directory or subtree@that you specify. Use the recursion notation (...) to extend theDcommand's effect to the groups contained in all child directories ofCthat directory. If you use the command recursively, you can use theDoptional exclude directory directory-name argument to exclude groupsDnamed in a particular directory (and all its1 child directories) fromDgroup member modification. You can exclude multiple directories in aBsingle command. Separate multiple exclude directory directory-namearguments with commas. Access RightsAYou must have control access to the group whose member you intendDto change. If you use the command recursively, you must have control-access to all groups affected by the command. 4 exampleAThe following command replaces the old member .pjl.smith with new?member .jmh.smith in all group2s in the .admin directory and itschild directories.@dns> change subtree .admin... group member .pjl.smith .jmh.smithww _{U1 clear2 dns 3 server_clearinghouseBRemoves knowledge of the specified clearinghouse from the server's?memory. This assures that the clearinghouse is not auto-enabled=on server restarts, even if the clearinghouse data base filesCthemselves are not deleted. This command is useful after relocating@a clearinghouse. You can also enter th3is command through the NCL interface.SYNOPSIS2 CLEAR [NODE node-id] DNS SERVER CLEARINGHOUSE# clearinghouse-name Argumentsnode-idBThe name of the node. If you do not specify a node name, the localnode is assumed.clearinghouse-name#The full name of the clearinghouse. DescriptionBThis command removes the specified clearinghouse from the server'sBmemory. This ensures that the clearinghouse is not auto-enabled onDserver restarts, even if t4he clearinghouse database files themselvesBare not deleted. This command is part of the process of relocatingAa clearinghouse. You can also enter this command through the NCL interface.PRIVILEGES REQUIRED?You must have the NET$MANAGE rights identifier (VMS systems) or&superuser privileges (ULTRIX systems). 4 exampleBThe following command clears the clearinghouse .paris2_ch prior tomoving it to another server..dns> clear dns server clearinghouse .paris2_chww _5{U 1 create2 child;Creates a child pointer at the master replica of the parent@directory. When DECdns looks up a name in the namespace, it uses,child pointers to locate directory replicas.SYNOPSIS= CREATE CHILD child-name CLEARINGHOUSE clearinghouse-name ARGUMENTS child-name#The full name of the child pointer.clearinghouse-name@The name of a clearinghouse that contains a replica of the child directory.$ NOTE> The6 create child command should be used only to re-create a/ child pointer that was accidentally deleted. ACCESS RIGHTS>You must have read access to the orphaned child directory and 7write access to parent directory of the orphaned child directory.PRIVILEGES REQUIRED0You must have system administrator's privileges. 3 exampleCThe following command creates the child pointer for the .sales.east&directory in the .ny_ch clearinghouse.2dns> create child .sales.east clearinghouse 7.ny_ch 2 directory?Creates a directory. The master replica of the new directory isDstored in the same clearinghouse as the master replica of the parent'directory unless you specify otherwise.SYNOPSIS$ CREATE DIRECTORY directory-name( [CLEARINGHOUSE clearinghouse-name] Argumentsdirectory-nameThe full name of the directory.clearinghouse-name=The name of the clearinghouse where the directory is created. ACCESS RIGHTS@You must have write access to th8e clearinghouse in which you areDcreating the new directory and write access to the parent of the new directory. 3 example@The following command creates a new directory named .region1 andCstores it in a clearinghouse named .eng_ch1 rather than in the same<clearinghouse as the master replica of the parent directory.5dns> create directory .region1 clearinghouse .eng_ch12 dns 3 clerk>Creates a clerk on the specified node. You can also enter this<command th9rough the NCL interface. This command should not =normally be executed outside of the DECnet startup procedure.SYNOPSIS$ CREATE [NODE node-id] DNS CLERKArgumentnode-idBThe name of the node. If you do not specify a node name, the localnode is assumed.$ NOTE/ To create a clerk on a VMS system, enter the= @SYS$STARTUP:DNS$CLERK_STARTUP command from the VMS system< prompt. You must have the NET$MANAGE rights identifier to> exe:cute this command. You can only use the command locally;> you must be logged into the system where the clerk resides.PRIVILEGES REQUIRED?You must have the NET$MANAGE rights identifier (VMS systems) or&superuser privileges (ULTRIX systems). 4 example;The following command creates a clerk on node .mfg.umbriel.'dns> create node .mfg.umbriel dns clerk4 known_namespace@Adds a namespace to the list of namespaces cached by a specified DECdns clerk.SYNOPSIS$ CREATE [NOD;E node-id] DNS CLERK% KNOWN NAMESPACE name NSCTS nscts Argumentsnode-idBThe name of the node. If you do not specify a node name, the localnode is assumed.name A simple name for the namespace.nscts=The value of the namespace creation timestamp (NSCTS) that is@automatically assigned when the namespace is created. The format/of the NSCTS is 14 pairs of hex digits (xx-xx).PRIVILEGES REQUIRED?You must have the NET$MANAGE rights identifier (VMS systems) o<r&superuser privileges (ULTRIX systems). 5 exampleDThe following command adds the namespace with the name jns and NSCTSAvalue of 08-00-2B-0D-C0-9D-CD-3B-C6-16-EC-3B-94-00 to the list of%namespaces cached by the local clerk.1dns> create dns clerk known namespace jns NSCTS -,_> 08-00-2B-0D-C0-9D-CD-3B-C6-16-EC-3B-94-00: 4 manual_nameserver@Creates knowledge in the local clerk's cache about a server that(exists across a wide a=rea network (WAN).SYNOPSIS$ CREATE [NODE node-id] DNS CLERK* MANUAL NAMESERVER name TOWER TowerSet Argumentsnode-id=The name of the node on which the clerk exists. If you do not/specify a node name, the local node is assumed.nameCA simple name for the manual nameserver. The name is used only as a handle for managing this entity.TowerSet<The DNA TowerSet address of the server node. (You must use aCcontinuation character (-) for commands that exten >d beyond one lineDof text, but this only works if it is the very last character on the+line of text.) The format of a TowerSet is:# {([DNA_OSInetwork , nsap-value ])} DescriptionAThis command creates knowledge in the local clerk's cache about aCserver that exists across a WAN. It gives the clerk the information?it needs to contact the server across a WAN and cache the otherAinformation that the clerk needs to communicate with that server.:You can also enter this command through ?the NCL interface.$ NOTEA You should not normally enter this command from DNSCP. You can@ use the configuration program to accomplish what this command does.PRIVILEGES REQUIRED?You must have the NET$MANAGE rights identifier (VMS systems) or&superuser privileges (ULTRIX systems). 5 exampleBThe following command informs the clerk on node .mfg.umbriel about the existence of the server nrl.Edns> create node .mfg.umbriel dns clerk manual names@erver nrl tower -:_> {([ DNA_OSInetwork , 49::00-04:AA-00-04-00-6A-11:20 ])} 3 server;Creates a server on the specified node. The server software=must be installed on the target node. You can also enter this<command through the NCL interface. This command should not =normally be executed outside of the DECnet startup procedure.SYNOPSIS% CREATE [NODE node-id] DNS SERVERArgumentnode-idBThe name of the node. If you do not specify a node name, the localnode is asAsumed.$ NOTE0 To create a server on a VMS system, enter the? @SYS$SSTARTUP:DNS$SERVER_STARTUP command from the VMS system< prompt. You must have the NET$MANAGE rights identifier to> execute this command. You can only use the command locally;? you must be logged into the system where the server resides.PRIVILEGES REQUIRED?You must have the NET$MANAGE rights identifier (VMS systems) or&superuser privileges (ULTRIX systems). 4 example@ThBe following command creates a DECdns server on the local node.dns> create dns server4 clearinghouse>Creates a clearinghouse on the specified node. You can specify>the directory version, the initial replica to be stored in theDclearinghouse, and the filename. This command is useful after movingDa clearinghouse or if you have moved the clearinghouse file. You can2also enter this command through the NCL interface.SYNOPSIS CREATE [NODE node-id]0 DNS SERVER CLEARINGHOUSCE clearinghouse-name, [NEW DIRECTORY VERSION version-number,]4 [INITIAL REPLICA replica-name,] [FILE filespec] Argumentsnode-idBThe name of the node. If you do not specify a node name, the localnode is assumed.clearinghouse-name#The full name of the clearinghouse.version-number?The DECdns version number the new directories will have at this?clearinghouse. Specify the value as Vx.y.z, where x defines theAmajor release number, y specifies the minor veDrsion number, and zCspecifies an ECO level. This argument is optional. Set the value toCV1.0.0 if you intend to create DNS Version 1 directories. Set it toDV2.0.0 to create only DECdns Version 2 directories. If you omit this argument, the default is V2.0.0. replica-name<The full name of the first directory replica to store in theDclearinghouse. This argument is optional. If you omit this argument,>the parent directory of this clearinghouse becomes the initialreplica.filespec> EA file specification that will contain the clearinghouse. ThisDargument, which is optional, is useful if you have moved an existing?clearinghouse and do not want new default names to be generatedAautomatically. On ULTRIX systems, the default is /var/dss/dns. OnDVMS systems, the default is the default directory for the DNS$SERVERaccount.$ NOTE7 This command is normally executed only by the DECdns7 configuration program during the configuration of a 7 F DECdns server in an existing namespace. You should 5 use this command only to re-create a clearinghouse8 whose database files are relocated on another server system. ACCESS RIGHTS;The account executing the command needs write access to the=directory in which you want to name the clearinghouse. This <access must be propagated to all members of the directory's ;replica set before you enter this command. Otherwise, the command fails. PRIVGILEGES REQUIRED?You must have the NET$MANAGE rights identifier (VMS systems) or&superuser privileges (ULTRIX systems). 5 exampleCThe following command creates a clearinghouse named .sales.ny_ch onnode .sales.orion.Cdns> create node .sales.orion dns server clearinghouse .sales.ny_ch2 groupCreates a group.SYNOPSIS CREATE GROUP group-nameArgument group-nameThe full name of the group. ACCESS RIGHTSBYou must have write access to the directory in which yHou intend tocreate the group. 3 example@The following command creates a group named .sales_group1 in thedirectory .sales.%dns> create group .sales.sales_group12 linkCCreates a soft link and optionally specifies an expiration time andan extension time.SYNOPSIS7 CREATE LINK link-name DESTINATION destination-name< [EXPIRATION expiration-time] [EXTENSION extension-time] Arguments link-nameThe full name of the soft link.destination-name9IThe full name of the entry to which the soft link points.expiration-timeCA date and time after which DECdns checks for existence of the softDlink's target and either extends or deletes the soft link. The value?is specified as yyyy-mm-dd-hh:mm:ss. This argument is optional.@If you omit the argument, the soft link is permanent and must beexplicitly deleted.extension-time=A period of time in which to renew the soft link's life if itDexpires but still points to an existing nameJ. The value is specifiedHas ddd-hh:mm:ss. This argument is optional. The default is 000-00:00:00. ACCESS RIGHTSBYou must have write access to the directory in which you intend tocreate the soft link. 3 example9The following command creates a permanent soft link named=.sales.asia.price-server that points to an object entry named.sales.eur.price-server.7dns> create link .sales.asia.price-server destination -_> .sales.eur.price-server 2 object?Creates a new object entry. KThis task is usually done through aclient application.SYNOPSIS3 CREATE OBJECT object-name DNS$Class class-name DNS$ClassVersion value Arguments object-name"The full name of the object entry. class-name;The class of object entry being created. You can specify an@application-defined class name. A class is specified as a simplename limited to 31 characters.valueBThe version of the class assigned to the object. Specify the value@as v.n, where v Ldefines the major release number and n specifiesBthe minor version number. Specifying a class version is useful forAallowing the definition of a class to evolve as an application isrevised. ACCESS RIGHTS?You must have write access to the directory where you intend tostore the object entry. 3 example3The following command creates an object entry named5.sales.east.floor1ln03 with the DNS$Class printer and>DNS$ClassVersion value 1.0. The object entry describes an LN03Aprinter on tMhe first floor of the company's eastern sales office.=dns> create object .sales.east.floor1ln03 DNS$Class printer -_> DNS$ClassVersion 1.0 2 replica8Adds a replica of an existing directory to the specified?clearinghouse. You are creating a read-only replica, which is a9copy of the directory to which users cannot make changes.SYNOPSIS5 CREATE REPLICA directory-name [AT] CLEARINGHOUSE clearinghouse-name Argumentsdirectory-nameThe full name of the direcNtory.clearinghouse-nameBThe full name of the clearinghouse in which you want to create thereplica. ACCESS RIGHTS<You must have read, write, delete, and control access to theAdirectory you are replicating. You also need write access to thatCdirectory's parent directory, and write access to the clearinghouse%in which you are storing the replica. 3 exampleDThe following command creates a replica of the .mfg directory in theclearinghouse .paris1_ch:4dns> create replica .mOfg at clearinghouse .paris1_chwwB _{U 1 delete2 child+Deletes a child pointer from the namespace.SYNOPSIS DELETE CHILD child-name ARGUMENTS child-name#The full name of the child pointer.$ NOTEB The delete child command should be used only when the directory= to which the child pointer refers has been deleted and the& child pointer accidentally remains. ACCESS RIGHTS?You must have delete access toP the directory in which the childpointer is stored.PRIVILEGES REQUIRED0You must have system administrator's privileges. 3 exampleAThe following command deletes the child pointer that accidentally5remained after the .sales.east directory was deleted:dns> delete child .sales.east 2 directoryCDeletes a directory from the namespace. The directory must be emptyBand the master replica must be the only remaining replica of it inDthe namespace. Use the delete replica command iQf you need to removeread-only replicas.SYNOPSIS$ DELETE DIRECTORY directory-nameArgumentdirectory-nameThe full name of the directory. ACCESS RIGHTSAYou need write access to the clearinghouse that stores the masterCreplica of the directory and delete access to the directory itself. 3 example1The following command deletes the .eng directory.dns> delete directory .eng2 dns3 clerkBDeletes the DECdns clerk on the specified node. You must disable aRBclerk before you delete it (see the disable command). You can also-enter this command through the NCL interface.SYNOPSIS$ DELETE [NODE node-id] DNS CLERKArgumentnode-idBThe name of the node. If you do not specify a node name, the localnode is assumed.PRIVILEGES REQUIRED?You must have the NET$MANAGE rights identifier (VMS systems) or&superuser privileges (ULTRIX systems). 4 exampleCThe following command deletes a clerk running on node .mfg.umbriel.'dns>S delete node .mfg.umbriel dns clerk4 known_namespace:Removes a namespace from a specified clerk's list of known namespaces.SYNOPSIS$ DELETE [NODE node-id] DNS CLERK KNOWN NAMESPACE identifier Argumentsnode-idBThe name of the node. If you do not specify a node name, the localnode is assumed. identifierAThe identifier of the namespace. This is a required argument. Youcan use one of the following:?name The name of the namespace. The na Tme argument may@ be different from the nickname if the nickname is ambiguous.Dnscts The value of the namespace creation timestamp (NSCTS)> assigned to the specified namespace when it wasA created. The format is 14 pairs of hex digits (xx- xx).$ NOTE> You are not permitted to delete the known namespace that isB currently the default namespace (that is, the one shown by shUow dns clerk default namespace).PRIVILEGES REQUIRED?You must have the NET$MANAGE rights identifier (VMS systems) or&superuser privileges (ULTRIX systems). 5 exampleBThe following command removes the namespace with the name jns from%the clerk's list of known namespaces.)dns> delete dns clerk known namespace jns, 4 manual_nameserverCRemoves the knowledge of a server that exists across a WAN from theDlocal clerk's cache. You can aVlso enter this command through the NCL interface.SYNOPSIS$ DELETE [NODE node-id] DNS CLERK MANUAL NAMESERVER name Argumentsnode-id=The name of the node on which the clerk exists. If you do not/specify a node name, the local node is assumed.nameCThe simple name of the manual nameserver entity you want to delete.PRIVILEGES REQUIRED?You must have the NET$MANAGE rights identifier (VMS systems) or&superuser privileges (ULTRIX systems). 5 exampleWDThe following command removes knowledge of server nrl from the clerkcache on node .mfg.umbriel.=dns> delete node .mfg.umbriel dns clerk manual nameserver nrl 3 serverADeletes the DECdns server on the specified node and reclains all ?server resources except clearinghouses, which remain. You must >disable a server before you can delete it. You can also enter 'this command through the NCL interface.SYNOPSIS% DELETE [NODE node-id] DNS SERVERArgumentnode-idBThXe name of the node. If you do not specify a node name, the localnode is assumed.PRIVILEGES REQUIRED?You must have the NET$MANAGE rights identifier (VMS systems) or&superuser privileges (ULTRIX systems). 4 example9The following command deletes the DECdns server from node .mfg.polaris.Mdns> delete node .mfg.polaris dns server 4 clearinghouseADeletes a clearinghouse on the specified node. You must disable a?clearinghouse before you can dYelete it. You can also enter thisDcommand through the NCL interface. This command also automatically Ddeletes all read-only replicas from the clearinghouse when executed.CDECdns does not permit you to delete a clearinghouse that contains a master replica.SYNOPSIS3 DELETE [NODE node-id] DNS SERVER CLEARINGHOUSE clearinghouse-name Argumentsnode-idBThe name of the node. If you do not specify a node name, the localnode is assumed.clearinghouse-name#ThZe full name of the clearinghouse. ACCESS RIGHTSCYou must have delete access to the directories in the clearinghouse as well as to the clearinghouse.PRIVILEGES REQUIRED?You must have the NET$MANAGE rights identifier (VMS systems) or&superuser privileges (ULTRIX systems). 5 example@The following command deletes a clearinghouse named .sales.ny_chfrom the node .sales.orion.Cdns> delete node .sales.orion dns server clearinghouse .sales.ny_ch2 groupADeletes a group from t%[he namespace. The group does not have to beempty to be deleted.SYNOPSIS DELETE GROUP group-nameArgument group-nameThe full name of the group. ACCESS RIGHTS:You must have delete access to the group you are deleting. 3 exampleDThe following command deletes the group named .sales_group1 from the.sales directory:%dns> delete group .sales.sales_group1 2 linkDeletes a soft link.SYNOPSIS DELETE LINK link-nameArgument link-name\The full name of the soft link. ACCESS RIGHTS@You must have delete access to the soft link you want to delete. 3 example>The following command deletes the soft link named .sales.asia.dns> delete link .sales.asia& 2 object@Deletes an object entry from the namespace. This task is usuallyBdone through the client application that created the object entry,Dexcept under specific circumstances (for example, if the application6is obsolete or no ]longer has access to the namespace).SYNOPSIS DELETE OBJECT object-nameArgument object-name"The full name of the object entry. ACCESS RIGHTS@You must have delete access to the object entry that you want todelete. 3 exampleBThe following command deletes the object entry .floor1pr2 from thedirectory .sales.east.(dns> delete object .sales.east.floor1pr2 2 replica?Removes a replica of a directory from a clearinghouse. Use this>command to delete read-only ^replicas. Use the delete directory>command to delete the master replica and the entire directory.SYNOPSIS5 DELETE REPLICA directory-name [AT] CLEARINGHOUSE& clearinghouse-name Argumentsdirectory-nameThe full name of the directory.clearinghouse-name#The full name of the clearinghouse. ACCESS RIGHTS?You must have control access to the directory whose replica you>intend to delete, write access to the clearinghouse from which@you are dele_ting the replica, and write and delete access to thedirectory's parent. 3 exampleBThe following command deletes a replica of the .mfg directory fromthe .paris1_ch clearinghouse.4dns> delete replica .mfg at clearinghouse .paris1_ch 2 subtreeADeletes a specified directory and its contents, or a hierarchy ofdirectories and their contents.SYNOPSIS" DELETE SUBTREE tree-name[...]' [EXCLUDE DIRECTORY directory-name]Argument tree-name?The name of the to `pmost directory in the subtree. The recursion=notation causes the change to additionally apply to all child>directories and their contents. When used without the optional<recursion notation, the change applies only to the specifiedCdirectory. This then behaves just like the delete directory command2in that the directory must be empty to be deleted.directory-nameDThe full name of a directory that you want to exclude from deletion.@When you exclude a directory, its parent directory is apreserved. Description >This command deletes the specified directory and its contents,>or a hierarchy of directories and their contents. Before using<this command, you must delete all read-only replicas and all@clearinghouse object entries in any of the affected directories.AYou can use the optional recursion notation (...) to additionally=delete all child directories and their contents. The optionalCexclude directory argument lets you specify one or more directorbiesCto exclude from deletion. Multiple directories are specified in thefollowing format:;exclude directory directory-name, directory directory-name,directory directory-name ACCESS RIGHTSAYou must have read, write, and delete access to the directory you@specify as well as the contents of the directory. If you use theAcommand recursively, you also need read, write, and delete accessBto all child directories (and their contents) of the directory youspecify. 3 exampleDThe focllowing command deletes the .pjl directory and its contents as8well as all of its child directories and their contents.dns> delete subtree .pjl... ww|?_{U 1 directory2 child?Displays a list of all the child pointers whose names match thespecified child name.SYNOPSIS6 DIRECTORY CHILD child-name [prepositional-phrase] ARGUMENTS child-nameDA specific child name or a complete directory specification followedCby a w dildcard template for matching simple names of child pointers.prepositional_phraseCA phrase that affects the destination or content of command output.AYou can use one or more prepositional phrases. Be sure to precede>each of the following prepositional phrases with a comma and aspace:Dwith attribute [relop] value When used with a wildcard child-@ name, limits the output onlyB to directories whose specifiedeC attributes have certain values.;to file[=]filename Redirects the output toB filename. If the file does not? exist, this command createsC it. If the file does exist, its= contents are overwritten.<to extend file[=]filename Appends the output to anB existifng filename. If the fileB does not exist, it is created.=to terminal Directs the output to theA terminal. This is the default+ option. 3 example>The following command displays all child pointers named in the.paris directory.dns> directory child .paris.*2 clearinghouse?Displays a list of all the clearinghouses whose names match thespecified cleagringhouse name.SYNOPSIS/ DIRECTORY CLEARINGHOUSE clearinghouse-name3 [prepositional-phrase] Argumentsclearinghouse-name:A specific clearinghouse full name or a complete directoryAspecification followed by a wildcard template for matching simplenames of clearinghouses.prepositional-phraseCA phrase that affects the destination or content of command output.AYou can use one or more prepositional phrases. Be sure to precede>each of hthe following prepositional phrases with a comma and aspace:=with attribute [relop] value When used with a wildcard> clearinghouse-name, limitsB the output only to directoriesC whose specified attributes have3 certain values.;to file[=]filename Redirects the output toB filename. If the file idoes not? exist, this command createsC it. If the file does exist, its= contents are overwritten.<to extend file[=]filename Appends the output to anB existing filename. If the fileB does not exist, it is created.=to terminal Directs the output to theA j terminal. This is the default+ option. 3 exampleCThe following command displays all clearinghouses named in the root directory ..dns> directory clearinghouse .* 2 directory?Displays the names of all the directories whose names match thespecified directory name.SYNOPSIS> DIRECTORY DIRECTORY directory-name [prepositional-phrase] Argumentsdirectory-name?A specific directory name or a complete directory specification<kfollowed by a wildcard template for matching simple names of directories.prepositional-phraseCA phrase that affects the destination or content of command output.AYou can use one or more prepositional phrases. Be sure to precede>each of the following prepositional phrases with a comma and aspace:=with attribute [relop] value When used with a wildcard> directory-name, limits the> output only to directorieslC whose specified attributes have3 certain values.;to file[=]filename Redirects the output toB filename. If the file does not? exist, this command createsC it. If the file does exist, its= contents are overwritten.<to extend file[=]filename Appends the oumtput to anB existing filename. If the fileB does not exist, it is created.=to terminal Directs the output to theA terminal. This is the default+ option. 3 example?The following command displays the names of all the directories/whose names are stored in the directory .sales.!dns> directory directory .sales.*2 groupn?Displays a list of groups whose names match the specified groupname.SYNOPSIS6 DIRECTORY GROUP group-name [prepositional-phrase] Arguments group-nameDA specific group name or a complete directory specification followed;by a wildcard template for matching simple names of groups.prepositional-phraseCA phrase that affects the destination or content of command output.AYou can use one or more prepositional phrases. Be sure to precede>each of the following prepositio onal phrases with a comma and aspace:Dwith attribute [relop] value When used with a wildcard group-@ name, limits the output onlyB to directories whose specifiedC attributes have certain values.;to file[=]filename Redirects the output toB filename. If the file does not? exist, this command crea ptesC it. If the file does exist, its= contents are overwritten.<to extend file[=]filename Appends the output to anB existing filename. If the fileB does not exist, it is created.=to terminal Directs the output to theA terminal. This is the default+ qoption. 3 exampleDThe following command displays all the groups whose names are storedin the directory .dist.dns> directory group .dist.*2 linkBDisplays a list of soft links whose names match the link name that you specify.SYNOPSIS4 DIRECTORY LINK link-name [prepositional-phrase] Arguments link-nameDA specific name of a soft link or a complete directory specificationAfollowed by a wildcard template for matching simple names of softlinks.preposit rional-phraseCA phrase that affects the destination or content of command output.AYou can use one or more prepositional phrases. Be sure to precede>each of the following prepositional phrases with a comma and aspace:Cwith attribute [relop] value When used with a wildcard link-@ name, limits the output onlyB to directories whose specifiedC attributes have certain values.;to fsile[=]filename Redirects the output toB filename. If the file does not? exist, this command createsC it. If the file does exist, its= contents are overwritten.<to extend file[=]filename Appends the output to anB existing filename. If the fileB does not existt, it is created.=to terminal Directs the output to theA terminal. This is the default+ option. 3 exampleCThe following command displays all the soft links whose names begin!with the .admin.new.link1 string.%dns> directory link .admin.new.link1* 2 object?Displays a list of all the object entries (including groups and@clearinghouse object entries) whose names match the object entrynaume that you specify.SYNOPSIS8 DIRECTORY OBJECT object-name [prepositional-phrase] Arguments object-nameBA specific object entry name or a complete directory specificationCfollowed by a wildcard template for matching simple names of objectentries.prepositional-phraseCA phrase that affects the destination or content of command output.AYou can use one or more prepositional phrases. Be sure to precede>each of the following prepositional phrases with a comma and a vspace:=with attribute [relop] value When used with a wildcardB object-name, limits the output= only to directories whose= specified attributes have3 certain values.;to file[=]filename Redirects the output toB filename. If the file does not? exist, this comm wand createsC it. If the file does exist, its= contents are overwritten.<to extend file[=]filename Appends the output to anB existing filename. If the fileB does not exist, it is created.=to terminal Directs the output to theA terminal. This is the default+ !x option. 3 example<The following command displays all the object entries in thedirectory .emv.dns> directory object .emv.*wwBQ_{U 1 disable2 dns 3 clerk-Stops the DECdns clerk on the specified node.SYNOPSIS% DISABLE [NODE node-id] DNS CLERKArgumentnode-idBThe name of the node. If you do not specify a node name, the localnode is assumed. DescriptionBThis command stops the DECdns clerk on the specified node, causiyngAall active communication with any DECdns server to be aborted and@all client calls in progress to fail with an error. You can also@enter this command through the NCL interface. The clerk cache isDcopied to disk. When this procedure has completed, the clerk's Stateattribute is set to off.$ NOTE; If you are disabling a clerk on a node where a server is3 running, make sure you disable the server first.PRIVILEGES REQUIRED?You must have the NET$zMANAGE rights identifier (VMS systems) or&superuser privileges (ULTRIX systems). 4 example<The following command halts the DECdns clerk running on node .mfg.miranda.(dns> disable node .mfg.miranda dns clerk 3 server<Stops the DECdns server on the specified node. The server is?disabled after all transactions in process have completed. WhenCthis procedure is completed, the server's State attribute is set to?off. You can also enter this command through the NCL interface.SYNO{PSIS& DISABLE [NODE node-id] DNS SERVERArgumentnode-idBThe name of the node. If you do not specify a node name, the localnode is assumed.PRIVILEGES REQUIRED?You must have the NET$MANAGE rights identifier (VMS systems) or&superuser privileges (ULTRIX systems). 4 example<The following command halts the DECdns server running on the.eng.abc node.%dns> disable node .eng.abc dns server4 clearinghouse@Disables the specified clearinghouse on the specified node|. WhenCthis procedure is completed, the State attribute is set to Off. You6can also enter this command through the NCL interface.SYNOPSIS4 DISABLE [NODE node-id] DNS SERVER CLEARINGHOUSE clearinghouse-name Argumentsnode-idBThe name of the node. If you do not specify a node name, the localnode is assumed.clearinghouse-name-The name of the clearinghouse being disabled.PRIVILEGES REQUIRED?You must have the NET$MANAGE rights identifier (VMS systems) o}r&superuser privileges (ULTRIX systems). 5 exampleCThe following command disables the .ny_ch clearinghouse on the .engnode:+dns> disable node .eng clearinghouse .ny_chwwB^_{U1 dump2 dns 3 clerk?Dumps the clerk cache to the terminal for use in solving DECdns3problems. You can only dump a local clerk's cache.SYNOPSIS DUMP DNS CLERK CACHEPRIVILEGES REQUIRED>You must have superuser privileges (ULTRIX systems) or CMKRNL privileges~ (OpenVMS system).4 example @The following command dumps the clerk cache running on the localnode.dns> dump dns clerk cache 2 subtree%Dumps a subtree into an interim file.SYNOPSIS3 DUMP SUBTREE tree-name[...] INTO FILE filename [EXCLUDE entry-type] Arguments tree-nameCThe name of the topmost directory in the subtree. When used without=the optional recursion notation, the dump applies only to theCspecified directory and its contents. The recursion notation causes@the command to additionally dump all child directories and their contents.filename<The name of the interim file to which the subtree is dumped. entry-typeAOne or more of the following types of entries to exclude from theCdump: objects, links, or specific directories. Multiple directories?can be excluded in a single command. Use any combination of theCfollowing entry-type specifiers, separating multiple arguments withcommas:objectslink sdirectory directory-name Description?This command dumps a directory and its contents into an interim@file. Use the optional recursion flag (...) to additionally dumpBall child directories and their contents. Use the optional exclude=argument to omit links, objects, or specific directories from?the dump file. Use the file name extension .dat as a convention?for interim file names. This command is useful for backing up aDdirectory or as the first step of the merging directories procedure.3 ACCESS RIGHTS<You must have read access to the specified directory and its;contents. If you use the command recursively, you also need@read access to all child directories (and their contents) of thedirectory you specify. 3 example@The following command creates an interim file named pjl.dat that-contains the .pjl directory and its contents.(dns> dump subtree .pjl into file pjl.dat4  ww"b_{U 1 enable2 dns3 clerk;Starts the DECdns clerk on the specified node. You can alsoAenter this command through the NCL interface. When this procedure,completes, the State attribute is set to On.SYNOPSIS$ ENABLE [NODE node-id] DNS CLERKArgumentnode-idBThe name of the node. If you do not specify a node name, the localnode is assumed.PRIVILEGES REQUIRED?You must have the NET$MANAGE rights identifier (VMS systems) or&superuser privileges (ULTRIX systems). 4 example@The following command starts the DECdns clerk on the local node.dns> enable dns clerk 3 serverBStarts the DECdns server on the specified node. All clearinghousesDpresent at the server are automatically enabled when this command isDissued. When this procedure is completed, the State attribute is setAto on. You can also enter this command through the NCL interface.SYNOPSIS% ENABLE [NODE node-id] DNS SERVERArgumentnode-idBThe name of the node. If you do not specify a node name, the localnode is assumed.PRIVILEGES REQUIRED?You must have the NET$MANAGE rights identifier (VMS systems) or9superuser privileges on the target node (ULTRIX systems). 4 example5The following command starts the local DECdns server.dns> enable dns server 4 clearinghouse?Enables the specified clearinghouse on the specified node. When?this procedure is complete, the clearinghouse's State attribute>is set to on. Since the enable dns server command auto-enables@clearinghouses known to a server, this command is only necessary@when a clearinghouse has specifically been disabled (see disableBdns server clearinghouse command). You can also enter this commandthrough the NCL interface.SYNOPSIS3 ENABLE [NODE node-id] DNS SERVER CLEARINGHOUSE clearinghouse-name Argumentsnode-idBThe name of the node. If you do not specify a node name, the localnode is assumed.clearinghouse-nameAThe name of the clearinghouse being enabled. There is no default.PRIVILEGES REQUIRED?You must have the NET$MANAGE rights identifier (VMS systems) or9superuser privileges on the target node (ULTRIX systems). 5 exampleCThe following command enables the .ny_ch clearinghouse on the localnode.+dns> enable dns server clearinghouse .ny_chww)g_{U 1 entity<Any individually manageable DECdns component or piece of the@namespace is called an entity. A set of commands exists for eachBentity. The following is a list of the entities that are supportedin the name service: child clearinghouse directory dns clerk dns clerk known namespace dns clerk manual nameserver! dns clerk remote clearinghouse dns server dns server clearinghouse group link object replica subtree wwh_{U 1 initialize2 dns 3 serverCCreates a new namespace, assigns it the specified nickname, createsDa clearinghouse, and places the master replica of the root directoryBin that clearinghouse. You can also enter this command through theNCL interface.AINITIALIZE [NODE node-id] DNS SERVER NICKNAME namespace-nickname,1OWNER name, ROOT CLEARINGHOUSE clearinghouse-name Argumentsnode-idBThe name of the node. If you do not specify a node name, the localnode is assumed.namespace-nicknameThe nickname of the namespace.name?The simple name of a user or account to be given initial access<to the entities created with this command. Based on the name>you supply, the software generates ACEs that grant the user orAaccount read, write, delete, test and control access to the first=clearinghouse in the namespace and to the root directory. The@principal name in the ACEs is derived by attaching the full nameCof the node where the command originated to the front of the simplename you supply.clearinghouse-name5The name of the first clearinghouse in the namespace. Description>This command creates a new namespace, assigns it the specified@nickname, creates a clearinghouse, and places the master replicaBof the root directory in that clearinghouse. Initial access to theDclearinghouse and root directory is given to the specified user, whoAcan then define an access control policy. You can also enter this"command through the NCL interface.$ NOTE5 This command should be executed only by the DECnet@ configuration procedure. This operation can only be performed' once in the lifetime of a namespace.PRIVILEGES REQUIRED?You must have the NET$MANAGE rights identifier (VMS systems) or&superuser privileges (ULTRIX systems). 4 exampleBThe following command creates a namespace, assigns it the nicknameBjns, gives all access rights to the .root account, and creates the?clearinghouse .paris_ch, placing the master replica of the root directory in that clearinghouse.7dns> initialize dns server nickname jns, owner .root, -_> root clearinghouse .paris_chwwk_{U1 merge2 fileAMerges the contents of an interim file that has been created with2the DUMP SUBTREE command into an existing subtree.SYNOPSIS, MERGE FILE ifile INTO SUBTREE tree-name [FAILURES TO FILE=filename] Argumentsifile=The name of an interim file that contains a directory and its;contents, or a hierarchy of directories and their contents. tree-name1The name of the topmost directory in the subtree.; filename@The name of a file that contains names that could not be merged. DescriptionAThis command merges the contents of an interim file that has been?created using the dump subtree command into an existing subtreeBwhose top directory is specified in tree-name. If the target tree-Cname does not exist, the command returns an error and the user mustCuse the create directory command to create it. The failures to fileC= filename argument specifies a file name to contain the names thatcould not be merged. ACCESS RIGHTSCYou must have control and write access to the directory you specify)as well as the contents of the directory. 3 exampleCThe following command merges the interim file sth.dat with the .pjl directory.)dns> merge file sth.dat into subtree .pjl 2 subtreeBDumps a directory or subtree and its contents into an interim fileCand then merges the contents of that file into an existing subtree.AThis command is useful when all clearinghouses are available for Cevery directory in both subtrees and when no duplicate names exist !in source and target directories.SYNOPSIS2 MERGE SUBTREE old-tree-name[...] INTO SUBTREE' new-tree-name [EXCLUDE entry-type] Arguments old-tree-name>The name of the topmost directory in the subtree that is beingAchanged. When used without the optional recursion notation (...),=only the specified directory and its contents are merged. TheArecursion notation additionally causes all child directories (and1their contents) to merge into the target subtree. new-tree-name8The name of the topmost directory in the target subtree. entry-typeAOne or more of the following types of entries to exclude from theCchange: objects, links, or directories. Multiple directories can beBexcluded in a single command. Use any combination of the followingAentry-type specifiers, separating multiple arguments with commas:objectslinksdirectory directory name DescriptionAThis command dumps a subtree into an interim file and then merges;the contents of that file into an existing subtree. Use theArecursion flag (...) to merge an entire subtree and its contents.BIf you do not use the recursion flag, only the specified directory?and its contents are dumped and merged into the target subtree.@This command is useful when all clearinghouses are available forBevery directory in both subtrees and when no duplicate names existBin source and target directories. If a duplicate name is detected,Bor if any affected clearinghouse cannot be reached while the mergeBsubtree command is in progress, the command completes what it can.?In this situation, a named interim file or failures file with a@randomly generated name is created in the current directory. The?directory new-tree-name must already exi st. If it does not, theAcommand returns an error and you must use the create directory or(recreate directory command to create it. ACCESS RIGHTSCYou must have control and write access to the directory you specify@as well as the contents of the directory. If you use the command@recursively, you also need control and write access to all child>directories (and their contents) of the directory you specify.B 3 exampleDThe following command merges the contents of the .sth directory withthe .pjl directory.)dns> merge subtree .sth into subtree .pjl2 wwt_{U 1 recreate 2 directory?Re-creates a duplicate directory in the source subtree as a new directory in the target subtree.SYNOPSISG RECREATE DIRECTORY directory-name [AS] DIRECTORY newdirectory-name Argumentsdirectory-nameThe full name of the directory.newdirectory-name*The new name of the copy of the directory. DescriptionCThis command re-creates a duplicate directory in the source subtree<as a new directory in the target subtree. This is useful for>resolving duplicate name conflicts that result from a merge of@two subtrees. The command duplicates the directory only, not itsBcontents. Its writable attribute values (DNS$ACS, DNS$Convergence, and DNS$UpgradeTo) are retained.$ NOTEB Although all or iginal ACEs are retained, the new directory also? inherits all ACEs that may be propagated from the new parent? directory in the target subtree. The principal executing the? recreate directory command is granted full access to the new directory.;The following attribute values are updated and do not match;the values of the original directory: DNS$AllUpTo, DNS$CTS,7DNS$DirectoryVersion, DNS$InCHName, DNS$ParentPointers,ADNS$Replicas, and DNS$UTS. This command does not delete or modifythe source directory. ACCESS RIGHTS@You must have read, write, and delete access to the directory in3which you intend to re-create the source directory. 3 exampleDThe following command re-creates the existing directory .sales.quar1$as a new directory named .mkt.quar1.<dns> recreate directory .sales.quar1 as directory .mkt.quar12 linkDRe-creates a duplicate soft link in the source subtree as a new softlink in the target subtree.SYNOPSIS3 RECREATE LINK link-name [AS] LINK newlink-name Arguments link-nameThe full name of the soft link. newlink-nameBThe new name of the copy of the soft link. If you specify the name@of an existing directory in the target subtree, the soft link is8recreated in that directory with its original link name. Description@This command creates a copy of a soft link with a new full name.AThis is useful for resolving duplicate name conflicts that result@from a merge of two subtrees. The soft link's writable attributeAvalues are retained, but DNS$CTS and DNS$UTS attribute values arenot preserved.$ NOTE3 B Although all origianl ACEs are retained, the new soft link also? inherits all ACEs that may be propagated from the new parent? directory in the target subtree. The principal executing the? recreate link command is granted full access to the new soft link.AAsterisk wildcards are acceptable in both arguments. This command/does not modify or delete the source soft link. ACCESS RIGHTS@You must have read, write, and delete access to the directory in,which you intend to re-create the soft link. 3 exampleAThe following command re-creates all soft links that exist in the9.sales directory as new soft links in the .mkt directory.*dns> recreate link .sales.* as link .mkt.* 2 objectBRe-creates a duplicate object entry in the source subtree as a newAobject entry in the target subtree. Its writable attribute values>are retained, but DNS$CTS and DNS$UTS attribute values are not?preserved. Asterisk wildcards are acceptable in both arguments.?This command does not modify or delete the source object entry.SYNOPSIS; RECREATE OBJECT object-name [AS] OBJECT newobject-nameArgument object-name"The full name of the object entry.newobject-name@The new name of the copy of the object entry. If you specify theBname of an existing directory in the target subtree, the object is:recreated in that directory with its original object name. Description>This command creates a copy of an object entry with a new full@name. This is useful for resolving duplicate name conflicts thatDresult from a merge of two subtrees. The object's writable attributeAvalues are retained, but DNS$CTS and DNS$UTS attribute values arenot preserved.$ NOTE? Although all origianl ACEs are retained, the new object a lso? inherits all ACEs that may be propagated from the new parent? directory in the target subtree. The principal executing the< recreate object command is granted full access to the new object.AAsterisk wildcards are acceptable in both arguments. This command2does not modify or delete the source object entry. ACCESS RIGHTS@You must have read, write, and delete access to the directory in/which you intend to re-create the object entry.<  3 exampleDThe following command re-creates the existing object entry .sth.obj2&as a new object entry named .pjl.obj4.2dns> recreate object .sth.obj2 as object .pjl.obj4K ww…|_{U 1 remove2 clearinghouse_accessCDeletes an access control entry (ACE) from a clearinghouse's accesscontrol set (ACS).SYNOPSIS= REMOVE CLEARINGHOUSE clearinghouse-name ACCESS principal Argumentsclearinghouse-nameAThe name of the clearinghouse from which access is being deleted. principal?The principal for whom access is being removed. You can specify?a principal as a group name, a collection of principals denoted?with wildcards (for example, .org.name*), or an individual nameBin the format, nodename.username. To specify a DNS Version 1-style-principal, use the format nodename::username. ACCESS RIGHTSDYou must have control access to the clearinghouse whose ACS is being modified. 3 exampleBThe following command removes access for the user group .testgroup"from the .paris2_ch clearinghouse.6dns> remove clearinghouse .paris2_ch access .testgroup2 directory_access?Deletes an access control entry (ACE) from a directory's accessCcontrol set (ACS). The optional argument [as default] indicates theAACE to be deleted is a default ACE. If this argument is not used,CDECdns assumes the ACE is associated with the directory and not its contents.SYNOPSIS5 REMOVE DIRECTORY directory-name ACCESS principal [AS DEFAULT] Argumentsdirectory-nameThe full name of the directory. principal?The principal for whom access is being removed. You can specify?a principal as a group name, a collection of principals denoted?with wildcards (for example, .org.name*), or an individual nameBin the format, nodename.username. To specify a DNS Version 1-style-principal, use the format nodename::username. ACCESS RIGHTS@You must have control access to the directory whose ACS is being modified. 3 exampleDThe following command removes the default ACE for user smith on node!.admin from the .sales directory.;dns> remove directory .sales access .admin.smith as default2 group 3 accessCDeletes an access control entry (ACE) from a group's access control set (ACS).SYNOPSIS- REMOVE GROUP group-name ACCESS principal Arguments group-name>The full name of the group from which an ACE is being removed. principal>The principal whose access is being removed. You can specify a=principal as a group name, a collection of principals denoted?with wildcards (for example, .org.name*), or an individual nameBin the format, nodename.username. To specify a DNS Version 1-style-principal, use the format nodename::username. ACCESS RIGHTSCYou must have write access to the group from which you are removingaccess. 4 example@The following command removes the access rights of user smith on:node .sales.deneb from the administrator group .dns_admin.5dns>remove group .dns_admin access .sales.deneb.smith 3 member*Deletes one member from an existing group.SYNOPSIS; REMOVE GROUP group-name MEMBER[=] principal [AS GROUP] Arguments group-nameThe full name of a group. principalDThe principal who is being deleted from the group. You can specify aDprincipal as an individual name in the format, nodename.username, orBas a collection of principals denoted with wildcards (for example,@.org.name*). To specify a DNS Version 1-style principal, use theBformat nodename::username. Use the phrase as group to specify that.the member you are removing is itself a group. ACCESS RIGHTSCYou must have write access to the group from which you are removing a member. 4 exampleAThe following command removes the user smith on node .sales.orionfrom the group .admin.2dns> remove group .admin member .sales.orion.smith2 link_access?Deletes an access control entry (ACE) from a soft link's accesscontrol set (ACS).SYNOPSIS+ REMOVE LINK link-name ACCESS principal Arguments link-nameThe full name of the soft link. principal?The principal for whom access is being removed. You can specify?a principal as a group name, a collection of principals denoted?with wildcards (for example, .org.name*), or an individual nameBin the format, nodename.username. To specify a DNS Version 1-style-principal, use the format nodename::username. ACCESS RIGHTS@You must have control access to the soft link whose ACS is being modified. 3 exampleBThe following command removes access for the user group .testgroupfrom the .sales.asia soft link..dns> remove link .sales.asia access .testgroup 2 objectADeletes a value from an application-defined, set-valued attributeAof an object entry. If the value is not presently defined for the>attribute, no error message is generated. Usually this task is,accomplished through the client application.SYNOPSISA REMOVE OBJECT object-name attribute-name [=] attribute-value Arguments object-name"The full name of the object entry.attribute-nameDThe simple name of the attribute. Specify your own attribute name orBone of the DECdns-defined attributes. Separate multiple attributes with commas.attribute-valueBThe value of a particular attribute. You can express the values ofDapplication-defined attributes as quoted strings, "ps"; hex strings,C%x FF00EE; or concatenations of them in parentheses, (%x0103 "ps"). ACCESS RIGHTSDYou must have write access to the object entry whose attribute valueDyou intend to remove or have control access to the parent directory. 3 accessCDeletes an access control entry (ACE) from an object entry's accesscontrol set (ACS).SYNOPSIS/ REMOVE OBJECT object-name ACCESS principal Arguments object-name"The full name of the object entry. principal?The principal for whom access is being removed. You can specify?a principal as a group name, a collection of principals denoted?with wildcards (for example, .org.name*), or an individual nameBin the format, nodename.username. To specify a DNS Version 1-style-principal, use the format nodename::username.CYou must have control access to the object entry whose ACS is being modified. 4 example;The following command removes access for user smith on node5.sales.orion from the object entry .sales.work_disk2.@dns> remove object .sales.work_disk2 access .sales.orion.smith 3 example8The following command removes the value of "ps" from the7set-valued attribute printcap of the object entry named.sales.east.deskprinter.7dns>remove object .sales.east.deskprinter printcap "ps" 2 subtree 3 accessARemoves an access control entry (ACE) from the access control setA(ACS) of a directory and its contents, or from an entire subtree.SYNOPSIS) REMOVE SUBTREE tree-name[...] ACCESS# principal [EXCLUDE entry-type] Arguments tree-nameCThe name of the topmost directory in the subtree. When used without?the optional recursion notation, the change applies only to theDspecified directory and and the links and objects in that directory.AThe recursion notation causes the change to additionally apply to)all child directories and their contents. principal;The principal whose ACE is being removed. Principals can be=specified as a group name or an individual name in the formatnodename.user. entry-typeAOne or more of the following types of entries to exclude from theCchange: objects, links, or directories. Multiple directories can beBexcluded in a single command. Use any combination of the followingAentry-type specifiers, separating multiple arguments with commas:objectslinksdirectory directory name DescriptionBThis command removes an ACE from the a ccess control set (ACS) of aAparticular directory (and its contents) or from an entire subtreeDof directories. You can use the optional recursion notation (...) toDmodify the ACEs associated with all the child directories (and theirDcontents). You can use the optional exclude argument to restrict theBtype of entries affected by this command. You can also use exclude?with the recursion notation to prevent certain directories frombeing processed. ACCESS RIGHTSCYou must have control and write access to the directory you specify@as well as the contents of the directory. If you use the command@recursively, you also need control and write access to all child>directories (and their contents) of the directory you specify. 4 exampleAThe following command removes all ACEs that specify the principalC.pjl.smith from the .admin directory and all its child directories./dns> remove subtree .admin... access .pjl.smith3 group_memberARemoves a specified group member from all groups in the specifiedsubtree.SYNOPSIS/ REMOVE SUBTREE tree-name[...] GROUP MEMBER3 member-name [EXCLUDE DIRECTORY directory-name] Arguments tree-nameCThe name of the topmost directory in the subtree. When used without?the optional recursion notation, the change applies only to theDspecified directory and and the links and objects in that directory.AThe recursion notation causes the change to additionally apply to+all child directories (and their contents). member-name5The name of the group member that you want to remove.directory-name<One or more directories and their associated ACEs to excludeAfrom the change. Multiple directories can be excluded in a single1command. Separate multiple arguments with commas. Description@This command removes a specified group member specification from>all groups in the directory specified in tree-name. If you use>the recursive notation (...), you can use the optional exclude>directory di rectory-name argument to exclude groups named in a?particular directory (and all its child directories) from group>member modification. You can exclude multiple directories in aBsingle command. Separate multiple exclude directory directory-namearguments with commas. ACCESS RIGHTSAYou must have control access to the group whose member you intendDto modify. If you use the command recursively, you must have control-access to all groups affected by the command. 4 exampleDThe following command removes user .pjl.smith from membership in all%groups named in the .admin directory.2dns> remove subtree .admin group member .pjl.smithww_{U 1 replace2 linkDDeletes an individual soft link and replaces it with a new soft linkCto redirect lookups from the original location to the new location.CThis command is useful when you need to redirect lookups only for a!subset of a directory's contents.SYNOPSIS4 REPLACE LINK link-name [WITH] LINK newtree-name Arguments link-name3The full name of the soft link in its old location. newtree-nameBThe full name of the directory into which the soft link has moved. Description?This command deletes a specified soft link and replaces it with?a soft link whose link target is the corresponding entry in the=specified newtree-name directory. This command is useful when?you need to redirect lookups only for a subset of a directory's contents. ACCESS RIGHTS@You must have read, write, and delete access to the directory in)which you intend to create the soft link. 3 exampleCThe following command replaces the soft link .ceb.link1 with a softBlink whose link target is the corresponding entry in the directory.pjl.+dns> replace link .ceb.link1 with link .pjl3 2 object@Deletes a specified object entry and replaces it with a new softDlink whose link target is the corresponding entry in a new location.CThis command is useful when you need to redirect lookups only for a!subset of a directory's contents.SYNOPSIS8 REPLACE OBJECT object-name [WITH] LINK newtree-name Arguments object-name6The full name of the object entry in its old location. newtree-nameCThe full name of the directory to which the object entry was moved. DescriptionBThis command deletes a specified object entry and replaces it with?a soft link whose link target is the corresponding entry in the=specified newtree-name directory. This command is useful when?you need to redirect lookups only for a subset of a directory's contents. ACCESS RIGHTS@You must have read, write, and delete access to the directory in)which you intend to create the soft link. 3 example>The following command replaces the object entry .ceb.obj2 with?a soft link whose link target is the corresponding entry in thedirectory .pjl.,dns> replace object .ceb.obj2 with link .pjl  2 subtree>Deletes the contents of a subtree that has just been merged or<appended to a new location and replaces the information withAsoft links whose targets are the corresponding entries in the new location.SYNOPSIS< REPLACE SUBTREE tree-name[...] [WITH] LINK newtree-name [EXCLUDE entry-type]:Arguments tree-name6The full name of the topmost directory in the subtree. newtree-name=The full name of the topmost directory in the target subtree. entry-typeAOne or more of the following types of entries to exclude from theBchange: objects, links, or directories. Use any combination of theCfollowing entry-type specifiers, separating multiple arguments withcommas:objectslinksdirectory directory name DescriptionBThis command is useful after you have merged or appended a subtreeBthat contains clearinghouse object entries. For all entries exceptAclearinghouse object entries, this command deletes the entries in>a directory specified in tree-name and replaces them with soft@links. These soft links redirect lookups of the names from their=old (source) locations to their new (target) locations. Using>this command preserves both the clearinghouse object entry and?its enclosing directory while deleting the directory's contentsBand replacing each name with an individual soft link. The optional<recursion notation (...) also applies the delete and replace@operation to the contents of all child directories of tree-name. ACCESS RIGHTSAYou must have read, write, and delete access to the directory you@specify as well as the contents of the directory. If you use theAcommand recursively, you also need read, write, and delete accessBto all child directories (and their contents) of the directory youspecify. 3 example:The following command deletes the entries in the directory@.sales.quar1 and replaces them with soft links whose targets are-their corresponding entries in .total.quar1 .8dns> replace subtree .sales.quar1 with link .total.quar1wwb_{U1 set 2 directory5Modifies characteristics for the specified directory.SYNOPSIS0 SET DIRECTORY directory-name characteristic Argumentsdirectory-name.The full name of the directory to be modified.characteristicDThe name and value of the characteristic to be modified. Specify oneor more of the following:DNS$Convergence [=] valueDNS$InCHName [=] booleanDNS$UpgradeTo [=] v.n DescriptionBThis command modifies characteristics for the specified directory.?You can specify one or more of the listed characteristics to be2modified. Use a comma to separate characteristics.CharacteristicsDNS$Convergence [=] value?Specifies the degree of consistency among replicas. Specify the'value argument as one of the following:CLow The next skulk distributes all updates that occurredC since the previous sk ulk. Skulks occur at least once every 24 hours.<Medium DECdns attempts to propagate an update to allA replicas. If the attempt fails, the next scheduledC skulk makes the replicas consistent. Skulks occur at) least once every 12 hours.<High DECdns attempts to propagate an update to all? replicas. If that attempt fails (for example, if> one of the replicas is unavailable), a skulk isB  scheduled for within 1 hour. Background skulks willC occur at least once every 12 hours. Use this setting@ temporarily and briefly because it uses extensive system resources.CBy default, every directory inherits the convergence setting of itsBparent at creation time. The default setting of the root directory is medium.DNS$InCHName [=] booleanASpecifies whether a directory or any of its descendants can storeDclearinghouse names. The boolean argument can be specified as one ofthe following:CTrue The directory or its descendants can store clearinghouse names.8False The directory or its descendants cannot store: clearinghouse names. This is the default value.DNS$UpgradeTo [=] v.nCControls the upgrading of a directory from one version of DECdns toDanother. By modifying this attribute, you can initiate the upgradingBof a directory to a higher version of DECdns. Specify the value asBv.n where v indicates the major version number and n specifies the*minor version number. There is no default. ACCESS RIGHTS?You must have write access to the directory whose attribute youintend to modify. 3 example>The following command sets a low convergence value on the .mfg directory.-dns> set directory .mfg DNS$Convergence = low3 to_new_epochAReconstructs a directory's replica set, allowing you to exclude a$replica or re-specify replica types.SYNOPSIS5  SET DIRECTORY directory-name TO NEW EPOCH MASTER= clearinghouse-name [,READ-ONLY clearinghouse-name] [...]" [,EXCLUDE clearinghouse-name]directory-nameThe full name of the directory.clearinghouse-name?The name of the clearinghouse in which an individual replica is@located. The first clearinghouse-name specifies where the masterreplica is stored. ACCESS RIGHTS@You must have read and control access to all the replicas in the?replica set. To change the type of replica, you must have writeAaccess to the clearinghouse that stores the replica whose type isbeing changed. 4 example>The following command sets a new epoch for the directory .mfg.AThe master replica is in .paris_ch, and read-only replicas are inD.chicago1_ch, .seattle_ch, and .ny1_ch. The new replica set excludesthe replica in .ny1_ch.9dns> set directory .mfg to new epoch master .paris1_ch, -A_> read-only .chicago1_ch, read-only .seattle_ch, exclude .ny1_ch 3 to_skulkASkulks a directory immediately. The control program prompt (dns>)Adoes not return until skulking completes. It may take a while forskulking to complete.SYNOPSIS* SET DIRECTORY directory-name TO SKULKArgumentdirectory-nameThe full name of the directory. ACCESS RIGHTS@You must have write access to the directory you intend to skulk. 4 example@The following command initiates a skulk on the .admin directory."dns> set directory .admin to skulk2 dns3 clerkCModifies characteristics of the clerk entity on the specified node.SYNOPSIS0 SET [NODE node-id] DNS CLERK characteristic Argumentsnode-idBThe name of the node. If you do not specify a node name, the localnode is assumed.characteristicDThe name and the value of the characteristic to be modified. Specify>one or any combination of the following for the characteristic argument:DClerk Timeout Specifies the default timeout of client interface;[[=]secs] calls. If no response is received in the< specified timeout, the clerk generates anB error message. If you use this argument withoutC specifying a value, it is set to the default (60 seconds).?Default Namespace Designates the Known Namespace whose name isD[=]name given, as the default namespace for this clerk. A> name must be supplied; there is no default.@Solicit Holddown Specifies the time (in seconds) to wait afterB[[=]secs] initialization before soliciting advertisementsA from servers. If you use this argument withoutC specifying a value, it is set to the default (15 seconds). Description9This command modifies characteristics of the clerk entity9on the specified node. You can specify one or more of the>listed characteristics to be modified. Use a comma to separate@characteristics. If you do not specify a value, the attribute is@set to its default if that attribute has a default. You can also-enter this command through the NCL interface.PRIVILEGES REQUIRED?You must have the NET$MANAGE rights identifier (VMS systems) or&superuser privileges (ULTRIX systems). 4 example=The following command sets the clerk timeout to a value of 901seconds for the clerk running on node .eng.rigel.3dns> set node .eng.rigel dns clerk clerk timeout 904 known_namespace;Modifies characteristics for the specified known namespace.SYNOPSIS< SET [NODE node-id] DNS CLERK KNOWN NAMESPACE identifier NAME[=]new-name Argumentsnode-idBThe name of the node. If you do not specify a node name, the localnode is assumed. identifierAThe identifier of the namespace. This is a required argument. Youcan use one of the following:+name A simple name for the namespace.Enscts The value of the namespace creation timestamp (NSCTS) thatC  is automatically assigned when the namespace is created.E The format of the NSCTS is 14 pairs of hex digits (xx-xx).new-nameBSpecifies a new name for this known namespace, in effect, renamingthe known namespace.PRIVILEGES REQUIRED?You must have the NET$MANAGE rights identifier (VMS systems) or&superuser privileges (ULTRIX systems). 5 example>The following command renames the IAF_1 namespace in the local$clerk's cache with the new name NDL.1dns> set dns clerk known namespace IAF_1 name NDL2 groupDModifies characteristics of the specified group. The DNS$GroupRevoke=characteristic specifies a timeout that determines how long aDpositive result from a group membership test operation may be cached%by the clerk that issued the request.SYNOPSIS) SET GROUP group-name DNS$GroupRevoke% (expiration-time extension-time) Arguments group-nameThe full name of the group.expiration-time@A date and time after which a clerk must verify that a principalCis still a member of a group. The value is specified as yyyy-mm-dd- hh:mm:ss.extension-timeBA period of time for which to renew the clerk's reliance on cached<data when checking for group membership. After the specified>expiration time, a clerk must verify group membership from theBserver. If the test is positive, the clerk adds the extension timeCto obtain a new expiration date. The extension time is specified as ddd-hh:mm:ss. ACCESS RIGHTSBYou must have write access to the group whose attribute you intend to modify. 3 exampleDThe following command specifies a group membership test of the groupD.sales.admingroup with an expiration time of December 31, 1991, that9is extended 90 days if the clerk verifies membership. 2dns> set group .sales.admingroup DNS$GroupRevoke -%_> (1991-12-31-12:00:00 090-00:00:00)2 link4Modifies characteristics of the specified soft link.SYNOPSIS& SET LINK link-name characteristic Arguments link-nameThe full name of the soft link.characteristicDThe name and the value of the characteristic to be modified. Specify=one or both of the following for the characteristic argument:DNS$LinkTarget [=] fullname6DNS$LinkTimeout [=] [(expiration-time extension-time)] DescriptionAThis command modifies characteristics of the specified soft link.@Enter one or both of the following characteristics. If you enter1both characteristics, separate them with a comma.DNS$LinkTarget@Specifies the full name of the directory, object entry, or other(soft link to which the soft link points.DNS$LinkTimeout=Specifies a timeout value after which the soft link is eitherBextended or deleted. The timeout value contains both an expirationAtime and an extension time. If a soft link expires and its targetCentry has been deleted, the soft link is deleted. If the link stillCpoints to an existing entry, its life is extended by the expirationDti me. Specify expiration-time in the format yyyy-mm-dd-hh:mm:ss. TheBdefault value of 0 means "never expire." Specify extension-time in;the format ddd-hh:mm:ss. The default value is 000-00:00:00. ACCESS RIGHTSAYou must have write access to the soft link you intend to modify. 3 exampleDThe following command sets the expiration value of a soft link namedA.eng.link01 to December 31, 1992, at 12:00 p.m. and sets the soft"link's extension value to 90 days.+dns> set link .eng.link01 dns$linktimeout -%_> (1992-12-31-12:00:00 090-00:00:00) 2 object:Changes the value of a modifiable, single-valued attributeC(including application-defined attributes) of an object entry. ThisBtask is usually accomplished through the client application. Use aCcomma to separate attributes. Enclose in parentheses any value that'has multiple parts separated by spaces.SYNOPSIS> SET OBJECT object-name attribute-name [=] attribute-value Arguments object-nameBThe full name of the object entry. Specify your own attribute name(or one of the DECdns-defined attributes.attribute-name)The name of the attribute to be modified.attribute-value>The value of the attribute to be modified. You can express theAvalues of application-defined attributes as quoted strings, "ps";@hex strings, %x FF00EE; or concatenations of them in parentheses(%x0103 "ps"). Description=This command changes the value of a modifiable, single-valuedAattribute (including application-defined attributes) of an object;entry. This task is usually accomplished through the client0application. Use a comma to separate attributes. ACCESS RIGHTSBYou must have write access to the object entry whose attribute you@intend to modify or have control access to the parent directory. 3 exampleFThe following command changes the .sales_records attribute value to 2.%dns> set object .sales_records Q1 %x2ww"r_{U1 show2 child?Displays current information about the specified child pointer.0 SHOW CHILD child-name [attribute-specifier]& [prepositional-phrase] ARGUMENTS child-nameDA specific child name or a complete directory specification followedCby a wildcard template for matching simple names of child pointers. attribute-specifierDThe name of an attribute or an attribute group. Enter one or more of#the following attribute-specifiers:all [attributes]all characteristics DNS$ChildCTSDNS$CTS DNS$ReplicasDNS$UTS prepositional-phraseCA phrase that affects the destination or content of command output. DESCRIPTION?This command displays the names and values of the attributes orCattribute groups named in attribute-specifier. If you do not supply@any attribute specifier, the command displays all attributes andAtheir values. You can use any combination of attribute specifiers<in any sequence in a single command. Use a comma to separate specifiers. ACCESS RIGHTS=You must have read access to the directory in which the childpointer is located. 3 characteristics?Every DECdns entity has attributes, which are pieces or sets of@data associated with that entity. Characteristics are attributesAthat reflect or affect the operational behavior of an entity. The4following are descriptions of valid characteristics: DNS$ChildCTS=Specifies the creation timestamp (CTS) of the child directory referenced by the child pointer. DNS$CTS1Specifies the CTS of the specified child pointer. DNS$Replicas?Specifies the address, CTS, and name of a set of clearinghousesCwhere a copy of the child directory referenced by the child pointerDis located. This attribute also specifies whether the directory in a:particular clearinghouse is a master or read-only replica. DNS$UTSDSpecifies the timestamp of the most recent update to an attribute ofthe child pointer. 3 exampleBThe following command displays the creation timestamp (CTS) of the9child directory .sales to which the child pointer refers.dns> show child .sales dns$cts3 prepositional_phrasesCA phrase that affects the destination or content of command output.AYou can use one or more prepositional phrases. Be sure to precede>each of the following prepositional phrases with a comma and aspace:Dwith attribute [relop] value When used with a wildcard child-@ name, limits the output onlyB to directories whose specifiedC attributes have certain values.;to file[=]filename Redirects the output toB filename. If the file does not? exist, this command createsC it. If the file does exist, its= contents are overwritten.<to extend file[=]filename Appends the output to anB existing filename. If the fileB does not exist, it is created.=to terminal Directs the output to theA terminal. This is the default+ option.2 clearinghouse9Displays DECdns attribute information about the specifiedclearinghouse.SYNOPSIS* SHOW CLEARINGHOUSE clearinghouse-name1 [attribute-specifier] [prepositional-phrase] Arguments clearinghouse-nameCA specific clearinghouse name or a complete directory specification<followed by a wildcard template for matching simple names ofclearinghouses. attribute-specifierDThe name of an attribute or an attribute group. Enter one or more of#the following attribute specifiers:all [attributes]all characteristicsall identifiers all statusDNS$ACS DNS$CHCTSDNS$CHDirectoriesDNS$CHLastAddress DNS$CHName DNS$CHStateDNS$CHUpPointers DNS$NSCTSDNS$NSNicknameDNS$UTS prepositional-phraseCA phrase that affects the destination or content of command output.;Specify one or more of the following prepositional phrases:with attribute [relop] valueto file[=]filenameto extend file[=]filename to terminal Description?This command displays the names and values of the attributes or>attribute groups named in attribute-specifier. You can use any?combination of attribute specifiers in any sequence in a singleAcommand. Use a comma to separate specifiers. If you do not supply@any attribute specifier, the command displays all attributes and their values. ACCESS RIGHTSDYou need read access to the clearinghouse to display a list of known(attributes or the value of an attribute. 3 access3Displays the access control set of a clearinghouse.SYNOPSIS1 SHOW CLEARINGHOUSE clearinghouse-name ACCESS [prepositional-phrase] Arguments clearinghouse-nameBThe name of the clearinghouse for which you want to see the accessBcontrol set. It can be a specific clearinghouse name or a completeDdirectory specification followed by a wildcard template for matchingsimple names of clearinghouses. prepositional-phraseDYou can affect the destination or content of command output by usingprepositional phrases. ACCESS RIGHTS*You need read access to the clearinghouse. 4 exampleCThe following example is a command that displays the access control set of the .ny_ch clearinghouse.%dns> show clearinghouse .ny_ch access 4 prepositional_phrasesCA phrase that affects the destination or content of command output.AYou can use one or more prepositional phrases. Be sure to precede>each of the following prepositional phrases with a comma and aspace:;to file[=]filename Redirects the output toB filename. If the file does not?  exist, this command createsC it. If the file does exist, its= contents are overwritten.<to extend file[=]filename Appends the output to anB existing filename. If the fileB does not exist, it is created.=to terminal Directs the output to theA terminal. This is the default+ option. 3 characteristics?Every DECdns entity has attributes, which are pieces or sets of@data associated with that entity. You can use any combination of?attribute specifiers in any sequence in a single command. Use a@comma to separate specifiers. If you do not supply any attributeDspecifier, the command displays all attributes and their values. The=following are descriptions of valid clearinghouse attributes:CHARACTERISTICS DNS$ACS7Specifies the access control set for the clearinghouse. DNS$CHCTS:Specifies the time at which the clearinghouse was created. DNS$CHLastAddressDSpecifies the current reported network address of the clearinghouse. DNS$CHUpPointersASpecifies pointers to clearinghouses that contain replicas closer>to the root than those in this clearinghouse. If the attribute@has no values, either this clearinghouse stores a replica of theCroot directory, or it has not yet obtained the necessary up-pointer&information from other clearinghouses. DNS$NSCTS>Specifies the creation timestamp of the namespace of which theclearinghouse is a part. DNS$NSNicknameBSpecifies the nickname of the namespace of which the clearinghouse is a part. DNS$UTSDSpecifies the timestamp of the most recent update to an attribute ofthe clearinghouse. IDENTIFIER DNS$CHName-Specifies the full name of the clearinghouse.STATUS ATTRIBUTES DNS$CHDirectories=Specifies the full name and creation timestamp (CTS) of every3directory that has a replica in this clearinghouse. DNS$CHState)Specifies the state of the clearinghouse.9Broken The clearinghouse has a fatal error condition.?Initial The clearinghouse is in the process of initializing..Off The clearinghouse is not available.6On The clearinghouse is running and available.<Shut The clearinghouse is in the process of an orderly  shutdown. 3 example@The following command displays the current values of the DNS$ACS9attribute associated with the .chicago1_ch clearinghouse.,dns> show clearinghouse .chicago1_ch DNS$ACS3 prepositional_phrasesCA phrase that affects the destination or content of command output.AYou can use one or more prepositional phrases. Be sure to precede>each of the following prepositional phrases with a comma and aspace:Dwith attribute [relop] value When used with a wildcar d child-@ name, limits the output onlyB to directories whose specifiedC attributes have certain values.;to file[=]filename Redirects the output toB filename. If the file does not? exist, this command createsC it. If the file does exist, its=  contents are overwritten.<to extend file[=]filename Appends the output to anB existing filename. If the fileB does not exist, it is created.=to terminal Directs the output to theA terminal. This is the default+ option. 2 directory;Displays current information about the specified directory.SYNOPSIS8 SHOW DIRECTORY directory-name [attribute-specifier]+ [prepositional-phrase]) Arguments directory-name?A specific directory name or a complete directory specification<followed by a wildcard template for matching simple names of directories.attribute-specifierCThe name of an attribute group or a particular attribute. Enter one.or more of the following attribute specifiers: all [attributes]all characteristicsDNS$ACS DNS$AllUpToDNS$ConvergenceDNS$CTSDNS$DirectoryVersion DNS$InCHNameDNS$ParentPointer DNS$Replicas DNS$UpGradeToDNS$UTSprepositional phraseCA phrase that affects the destination or content of command output.;Specify one or more of the following prepositional phrases:with attribute [relop] valueto file[=]filenameto extend file[=]filename to terminal Description?This command displays the names and values of the attributes orCattribute groups named in attribute-specifier. If you do not supply@any attribute specifier, the command displays all attributes andAtheir values. You can use any combination of attribute specifiers<in any sequence in a single command. Use a comma to separate specifiers. ACCESS RIGHTS>You need read access to the directory to use the show command. 3 access/Displays the access control set of a directory.SYNOPSIS@ SHOW DIRECTORY directory-name ACCESS [prepositional-phrase] Arguments  directory-name?A specific directory name or a complete directory specification<followed by a wildcard template for matching simple names of directories.prepositional-phrase ACCESS RIGHTS+You must have read access to the directory. 4 example<The following command displays the access control set of the?directory .sales and stores the output in a file called sdshow.1dns> show directory .sales access, to file sdshow4 prepositional_phrasesCA phrase that affects the destination or content of command output.AYou can use one or more prepositional phrases. Be sure to precede>each of the following prepositional phrases with a comma and aspace:# ;to file[=]filename Redirects the output toB filename. If the file does not? exist, this command createsC it. If the file does exist, its= contents are overwritten.<to extend file[=]filename Appends the output to anB existing filename. If the fileB does not exist, it is created.=to terminal Directs the output to theA terminal. This is the default+ option. 3 attributes?Every DECdns entity has attributes, which are pieces or sets of@data associated with that entity. Characteristics are attributes@that reflect or affect the operational behavior of an entity. If?you do not supply any specified attribute, the command displays?all attributes and their values. You can use any combination of?specified attributes in any sequence in a single command. Use a?comma to separate attributes. The following are descriptions ofvalid attributes:CHARACTERISTICSDNS$ACS3Specifies the access control set for the directory. DNS$AllUpToD ?Indicates the date and time of the last successful skulk on the?directory. All replicas of the directory are guaranteed to have@received all updates whose timestamps are less than the value ofthis characteristic.DNS$ConvergenceDSpecifies the degree of consistency among replicas. This attribute's"value can be one of the following:CLow The next skulk distributes all upda tes that occurredC since the previous skulk. Skulks occur at least once every 24 hours.<Medium DECdns attempts to propagate an update to allA replicas. If the attempt fails, the next scheduledC skulk makes the replicas consistent. Skulks occur at) least once every 12 hours.<High DECdns attempts to propagate an update to all> replicas. If the attempt fails (for example, if>  one of the replicas is unavailable), a skulk isB scheduled for within 1 hour. Background skulks willC occur at least once every 12 hours. Use this settingA temporarily and briefly, because it uses extensive system resources.CBy default, every directory inherits the convergence setting of itsBparent at creation time. The default setting of the root directory is medium.DNS$CTS?Specifies the creation timestamp (CTS) of the directory DECdns.DNS$DirectoryVersion@Specifies the current version of the directory (derived from the DNS$DirectoryAVersion attribute of the clearinghouse in which the directory wasCcreated). Multiple directory versions are supported in a namespace. DNS$InCHNameASpecifies whether a directory or any of its descendants can storeCclearinghouse names. If this value is True, the directory can store?clearinghouse names. If it is False, the directory cannot storeclearinghouse names.DNS$ParentPointerDContains a set of pointers to replicas of this directory's parent inthe namespace. DNS$Replicas<Specifies the address, creation timestamp (CTS), and name ofAevery clearinghouse where a replica of this directory is located.AThis attribute also specifies whether the replica in a particular/clearinghouse is a master or read-only replica. DNS$UpgradeToCControls the upgrading of a directory from one version of DECdns toDanother. By modifying this attribute, you can initiate the upgrading,of a directory to a newer version of DECdns.DNS$UTSDSpecifies the timestamp of the most recent update to an attribute ofthe directory. 3 example@The following command displays the creation timestamp (CTS), the/time at which the .admin directory was created."dns> show directory .admin dns$cts3 prepositional_phrasesCA phrase that affects the destination or content of command output.AYou can use one or more prepositional phrases. Be su re to precede>each of the following prepositional phrases with a comma and aspace:Dwith attribute [relop] value When used with a wildcard child-@ name, limits the output onlyB to directories whose specifiedC attributes have certain values.;to file[=]filename Redirects the output toB filename. If the file does not?  exist, this command createsC it. If the file does exist, its= contents are overwritten.<to extend file[=]filename Appends the output to anB existing filename. If the fileB does not exist, it is created.=to terminal Directs the output to theA terminal. This is the default+ option.$ 2 dns3 clerk>Displays current information about the specified DECdns clerk.SYNOPSIS8 SHOW [NODE node-id] DNS CLERK [attribute-specifier] Argumentsnode-idBThe name of the node. If you do not specify a node name, the localnode is assumed.attribute-specifierDThe name of an attribute or an attribute group. Enter one or more of#the following attribute specifiers:all [attributes]all characteristics all counters all statusAuthentication FailuresCache Bypasses Cache Hits Clerk Timeout Creation TimeDefault NamespaceIncompatible Protocol ErrorsMiscellaneous OperationsRead OperationsSolicit HolddownStateUIDVersionWrite Operations Description?This command displays the names and values of the attributes orAattribute groups named in attribute-specifier. You can also enterCthis command through the NCL interface. You can use any combination@of attribute specifiers in any sequence in a single command. UseBa comma to separate specifiers. If you do not supply any attributeAspecifier, the command displays all identifiers and their values.7The following is a description of the clerk attributes: 4 attributesCHARACTERISTICS Clerk Timeout>Specifies the default timeout of client interface calls. If noAresponse is received in the specified time, an error message will(be generated. The default is 60 seconds.Default Namespace3Contains the name of the clerk's default namespace.Solicit HolddownCSpecifies the time (in seconds) to wait after initialization beforeBsoliciting advertisements from servers. The default is 15 seconds.UIDUniquely identifies the entity.VersionDSpecifies the version of the DECdns architecture implemented by thisclerk.COUNTERSAuthentication Failures<Specifies the number of times a requesting principal failed authentication procedures.Cache BypassesASpecifies the number of requests to read attributes for which the@clerk was specifically directed by the requesting application to?bypass its own cache. Instead, a server is contacted to get theArequested information. This counter does not account for requestsBthat the clerk is unable to satisfy from the cache or for requests:to look up names or enumerate the contents of directories. Cache HitsBSpecifies the total number of read requests directed to this clerk@that were satisfied entirely by the information contained in itsCown cache. This figure accounts only for requests to read attributeBvalues and does not include requests to look up names or enumeratethe contents of directories. Creation Time4Specifies the time at which this entity was created.Incompatible Protocol Errors?Specifies the number of times this clerk received a response toCone of its own requests from a server running a protocol version ofBDECdns software that was incompatible with the protocol version ofADECdns software the clerk was running. Clerk requests directed to?servers running incompatible protocol versions do not complete.Miscellaneous Operations<Specifies the number of operations other than read and writeA(that is, skulks, enumerating contents of directories, and so on)performed by this clerk.Read OperationsBSpecifies the number of lookup operations performed by this clerk.CThis counter accounts only for requests to read attributes and does;not include name lookups or enumerations of multiple names.Write OperationsASpecifies how many requests to modify data were processed by thisclerk.STATUS ATTRIBUTESState(Specifies the state of the DECdns clerk.8Broken The DECdns clerk has a fatal error condition.>Initial The DECdns clerk is in the process of initializing.-Off The DECdns clerk is not available.5On The DECdns clerk is running and available.EShut The DECdns clerk is in the process of an orderly shutdown.PRIVILEGES REQUIREDCYou must have the NET$EXAMINE rights identifier on a VMS system. No4special privileges are required on an ULTRIX system. 4 example@The following command displays the state of the clerk running onnode .mfg.ariel.)dns> show node .mfg.ariel dns clerk state4 known_namespace;Displays current information about the specified namespace.SYNOPSIS= SHOW [NODE node-id] DNS CLERK KNOWN NAMESPACE identifier1 [attribute-specifier] [prepositional-phrase] Argumentsnode-idBThe name of the node. If you do not specify a node name, the localnode is assumed. identifierAThe identifier of the namespace. You can use one of the followingAidentifiers: the simple name for the namespace, which can contain<wildcard characters, or the NSCTS, which is the value of the@namespace creation timestamp that is automatically assigned whenDthe namespace is created. The format of the NSCTS is 14 pairs of hexdigits (xx-xx).attribute-specifierDThe name of an attribute or an attribute group. Enter one or more of#the following attribute specifiers:all [attributes] all countersall identifiers all status Ambiguous Creation TimeExplicit CreationNameNicknameNSCTS prepositional-phrase@A phrase that affects the content of command output. Specify thefollowing prepositional phrase:with attribute [ relop] value Description?This command displays the names and values of the attributes orAattribute groups named in attribute-specifier. You can also enterCthis command through the NCL interface. You can use any combinationDof attribute specifiers in a single command. Use a comma to separateAthe specifiers. If you do not supply any attribute specifier, the2command displays all identifiers and their values.3 PRIVILEGES REQUIREDCYou must have the NET$EXAMINE rights identifier on a VMS system. No4special privileges are required on an ULTRIX system. 5 attributes?Every DECdns entity has attributes, which are pieces or sets of@data associated with that entity. Characteristics are attributesAthat reflect or affect the operational behavior of an entity. The@following are descriptions of valid characteristics: You can useBany combination of attribute specifiers in a single command. Use aDcomma to separate the specifiers. If you do not supply any attributeAspecifier, the command displays all identifiers and their values.BThe following are descriptions of valid counters, identifiers, andstatus attributes:COUNTER Creation TimeCSpecifies the time at which the clerk added this known namespace to its cache. IDENTIFIERSNameASpecifies an external, human-readable name by which the namespace@can be identified. If the namespace nickname is unique, the Name@is the same as the Nickname. Otherwise, the Name is generated by>appending _n to the nickname for some value of n that makes it>unique. The Ambiguous attribute is then set true for the known namespace.NSCTS2Specifies the creation timestamp of the namespace.STATUS ATTRIBUTES Ambiguous?Indicates whether the nickname for this namespace is ambiguous;Athat is, more than one namespace known to this clerk has the sameAnickname. If true, the namespace nickname is ambiguous. If false,!the namespace nickname is unique.Explicit CreationCSpecifies whether the namespace was created by a create command. If5false, the namespace was created by the clerk itself.Nickname4The name given to the namespace when it was created. 5 example@The following command displays the identifiers of all namespaceswith ambiguous nicknames.:dns> show dns clerk known namespace *, with ambiguous=true5 prepositional_phrasesCA phrase that affects the destination or content of command output.BBe sure to precede the following prepositional phrase with a comma and a space:Dwith attribute [relop] value When used with a wildcard child-@ name, limits the output onlyB to directories whose specifiedC attributes have certain values.4 manual_nameserver?Displays the knowledge in the clerk's cache about a server that(exists across a wide area network (WAN).SYNOPSIS9 SHOW [NODE node-id] DNS CLERK MANUAL NAMESERVER name1 [attribute-specifier] [prepositional-phrase] Argumentsnode-idBThe name of the node. If you do not specify a node name, the localnode is assumed.nameBThe name of the manual nameserver entity that you want to show. It can contain wildcard characters.attribute-specifierDThe name of an attribute or an attribute group. Enter one or more of#the following attribute specifiers:%  all [attributes]all characteristics all countersall identifiers all status Creation TimeFailed Solicits Last SolicitNameSuccessful SolicitsTowersUIDprepositional-phrase@A phrase that affects the content of command output. Specify thefollowing prepositional phrase:with attribute [relop] value DescriptionAThis command displays the names and values from the attributes orAattribute groups named in attribute-specifier. You can also enterCthis command thr ough the NCL interface. You can use any combinationDof attribute specifiers in a single command. Use a comma to separateAthe specifiers. If you do not supply any attribute specifier, the2command displays all identifiers and their values.PRIVILEGES REQUIREDCYou must have the NET$EXAMINE rights identifier on a VMS system. No4special privileges are required on an ULTRIX system. 5 attributesBThe following are descriptions of valid characteristics, counters,#identifiers, and status attr ibutes:CHARACTERISTICSTowers>Specifes the DECnet/OSI address of the server that this entity represents.UIDUniquely identifies the entity.COUNTERS Creation Time?Specifies the time at which the clerk created knowledge of thisserver in its cache.Successful SolicitsBThe number of times the clerk made a successful solicit connectionAto the server and received clearinghouse advertisement data back.Failed SolicitsDThe number of times solicitati on of clearinghouse advertisement datafrom the nameserver failed. IDENTIFIERNameBSpecifies an external, human-readable name by which the nameservercan be identified.STATUS ATTRIBUTE Last Solicit@Indicates the time at which the clerk last tried to solicit this nameserver.5 prepositional_phrasesCYou can affect the content of command output by using prepositionalCphrases. Be sure to precede the following prepositional phrase witha comma and a space:with att ribute [relop] value9When used with a wildcard name, limits the output only to;directories whose specified attributes have certain values. 5 example?The following command displays the Name attribute of the manualnameserver rns..dns> show dns clerk manual nameserver rns Name4 remote_clearinghouse7Displays current information about the specified remoteclearinghouse.SYNOPSIS7 SHOW [NODE node-id] DNS CLERK REMOTE CLEARINGHOUSED clearinghouse-name [attribute-specifier] [prepositional-phrase] Arguments node-idBThe name of the node. If you do not specify a node name, the localnode is assumed. clearinghouse-nameCA specific clearinghouse name or a complete directory specification<followed by a wildcard template for matching simple names ofclearinghouses. attribute-specifierDThe name of an attribute or an attribute group. Enter one or more of#the following attribute specifiers:all [attributes]all characteristics all countersall identifiers Creation TimeCTSMiscellaneous OperationsNameRead OperationsUIDWrite Operations prepositional-phrase@A phrase that affects the content of command output. Specify thefollowing prepositional phrase:with attribute [relop] value Description?This command displays the names and values of the attributes orAattribute groups named in attribute-specifier. You can also enterCthis command through the NCL interface. You can use any combination@of attribute specifiers in any sequence in a single command. UseBa comma to separate specifiers. If you do not supply any attributeAspecifier, the command displays all identifiers and their values.PRIVILEGES REQUIREDCYou must have the NET$EXAMINE rights identifier on a VMS system. No4special privileges are required on an ULTRIX system. 5 attributesBThe following are descriptions of valid characteristics, counters,and identifiers:CHARACTERISTICSUID+Identifies the remote clearinghouse entity.COUNTERS Creation Time4Specifies the time at which this entity was created. Miscellaneous OperationsBSpecifies the number of operations other than read and write (thatAis, skulks, new epochs, and so on) performed by this clerk on theremote clearinghouse. Read OperationsBSpecifies the number of lookup operations of any sort performed by&the clerk on the remote clearinghouse. Write OperationsCSpecifies the number of write operations performed by this clerk onthe remote clearinghouse. IDENTIFIERS CTS6Indicates the creation timestamp (CTS) of this entity. Name-Specifies the full name of the clearinghouse.5 prepositional_phrasesCYou can affect the content of command output by using prepositionalCphrases. Be sure to precede the following prepositional phrase witha comma and a space: with attribute [relop] valueDWhen used with a wildcard clearinghouse-name, limits the output only>to directories whose specified attributes have certain values. 5 exampleBThe following command displays the CTS of the remote clearinghouse,.paris2_ch cached by the clerk on node .jmh.Adns> show node .jmh dns clerk remote clearinghouse .paris2_ch cts 3 server8Displays current information about the specified server.SYNOPSIS9 SHOW [NODE node-id] DNS SERVER [attribute-specifier] Argumentsnode-idBThe name of the node. If you do not specify a node name, the localnode is assumed.attribute-specifierDThe name of an attribute or an attribute group. Enter one or more of#the following attribute specifiers:all [attributes]all characteristics all counters all statusAuthentication FailuresChild Pointer Update Failures Creation Time#Crucial Replica Removals Backed Out Future SkewIncompatible Protocol ErrorsMaximum Protocol VersionMinimum Protocol VersionPossible Cycles Read AccessesSecurity FailuresSkulks CompletedSkulks InitiatedStateTimes Lookup Paths BrokenUIDVersionWrite Accesses Description?This command displays the names and values of the attributes or?attribute groups named in the attribute-specifier argument. You>can also enter this command through the NCL interface. You can>use any combination of attribute specifiers in any sequence in<a single command. Use a comma to separate specifiers. If you?do not supply any attribute specifier, the command displays allidentifiers and their values.PRIVILEGES REQUIREDCYou must have the NET$EXAMINE rights identifier on a VMS system. No4special privileges are required on an ULTRIX system. 4 attributesBThe following are descriptions of valid characteristics, counters,and status attributes:CHARACTERISTICS Future SkewCSpecifies the maximum amount of time that a timestamp can vary fromAlocal system time at the server node. This characteristic ensuresdata consistency.Maximum Protocol VersionASpecifies the maximum version of the DECdns clerk/server protocol,that this particular DECdns server supports.2 Minimum Protocol VersionASpecifies the minimum version of the DECdns clerk/server protocol,that this particular DECdns server supports.UIDUniquely identifies the entity.Version=Specifies the version of the architecture implemented by thisserver.COUNTERSAuthentication Failures Specifies@the number of times a requesting principal failed authentication procedures.Child Pointer Update Failures?Specifies the number of times the server background process was=unable to contact all the clearinghouses where a replica of a@particular child directory's parent directory is stored, and wasDtherefore unable to apply the child updates that have occurred sinceCthe last skulk. This counter increases by one at each occurrence of&the Cannot Update Child Pointer event. Creation  Time=Specifies the time when the DECdns server entity was created.#Crucial Replica Removals Backed OutASpecifies the number of times a user attempted (from this server)<to remove a replica that is crucial to the connectivity of aAdirectory hierarchy. The server background process prevents usersDfrom accidentally disconnecting lower-level directories from higher-Alevel directories. When it detects an attempt to remove a crucial?replica, it will not execute the command to do so. This counterAincreases by one at each occurrence of the Crucial Replica event.Incompatible Protocol ErrorsAAccounts for the total number of requests received by this serverCfrom a clerk running an incompatible protocol version. A server canDcommunicate with any clerk running the same protocol version, or theDversion previous to the one it is running. This counter increases by9one at each occurrence of the Incompatible Request event.Possible Cycles>Specifies the number of times this server followed a chain andCencountered an entry already in the chain. For example, a soft linkAis created that points to a series of links that eventually pointDback to the first link, or a group which is a member of itself. ThisDcounter increases by one at occurrence of the Possible Cycles event. Read Accesses?Specifies the number of read operations directed to this DECdnsserver.Security Failures=Specifies the number of times the Security Failures event wasAgenerated. This counter is increased whenever a DECdns server has>insufficient access rights to a directory or object to perform;either a client-requested action or a background operation.Skulks CompletedBSpecifies the number of skulks that were successfully completed bythis DECdns server. Skulks InitiatedASpecifies the number of skulks that were initiated by this DECdnsserver.Times Lookup Paths BrokenASpecifies the number of broken connections between clearinghouses>on this server and clearinghouses closer to the root. Incoming=requests to this server that require a downward lookup in theDdirectory hierarchy may still succeed, but requests requiring lookupCin directories closer to the root will fail. This counter increases;by one at each occurrence of the Broken Lookup Paths event.Write Accesses?Specifies the number of write operations to this DECdns server.STATUS ATTRIBUTESState)Specifies the state of the DECdns server.2Broken The server has a fatal error condition.&Initial The server is initializing.'Off The server is not available./On The server is running and available.8Shut The server is undergoing an orderly shutdown. 4 example>The following command displays information about the number of<completed skulks on the server running on node .sales.orion.7dns> show node .sales.orion dns server skulks completed4 clearinghouse>Displays current NCL attribute information about the specifiedclearinghouse.SYNOPSIS1 SHOW [NODE node-id] DNS SERVER CLEARINGHOUSED clearinghouse-name [attribute-specifier] [prepositional-phrase] Argumentsnode-idBThe name of the node. If you do not specify a node name, the localnode is assumed.clearinghouse-nameCA specific clearinghouse name or a complete directory specificationAfollowed by a wildcard template for matching clearinghouse simplenames.attribute-sp ecifierDThe name of an attribute or an attribute group. Enter one or more of#the following attribute specifiers:all [attributes]all characteristics all countersall identifiers all status Creation TimeData CorruptionsDisable CountsCTS Enable CountsName Read AccessesReferences ReturnedSkulk FailuresState!Times Clearinghouse Entry MissingTimes Root Not ReachableUIDUpgrades Not PossibleWrite Accessesprepositional phrase@A phrase that affects th!e content of command output. Specify thefollowing prepositional phrase:with attribute [relop] value Description?This command displays the names and values of the attributes orAattribute groups named in attribute-specifier. You can also enterCthis command through the NCL interface. You can use any combination@of attribute specifiers in any sequence in a single command. UseBa comma to separate specifiers. If you do not supply any attributeAspecifier, the command displays all iden"tifiers and their values. ACCESS RIGHTSDYou need read access to the clearinghouse to display a list of known(attributes or the value of an attribute.PRIVILEGE REQUIREDCYou must have the NET$EXAMINE rights identifier on a VMS system. No4special privileges are required on an ULTRIX system.5 characteristicsDEvery DECdns entity has attributes, which are pieces or sets of dataDassociated with that entity. The following are descriptions of validncl attributes:CHARACTERISTIC"#CTS=Specifies the creation timestamp (CTS) of this clearinghouse.UIDUniquely identifies the entity.COUNTERS Creation TimeASpecifies the time at which the clearinghouse entity was created.Data Corruptions@Specifies the number of times that the Data Corruption event was generated.Disable CountsASpecifies the number of times that the clearinghouse was disabledsince it was last started. Enable Counts@Specifies the number of times that the c$learinghouse was enabledsince it was last started. Read Accesses8Specifies the number of read operations directed to thisclearinghouse.References ReturnedDSpecifies the number of requests directed to this clearinghouse thatDresulted in the return of a partial answer instead of satisfying theclient's request.Skulk FailuresDSpecifies the number of times that a skulk of a directory, initiatedBfrom this clearinghouse, failed to complete-usually because one of0the repl%icas in the replica set was unreachable.!Times Clearinghouse Entry MissingCSpecifies the number of times the Clearinghouse Entry Missing eventwas generated.Times Root Not Reachable@Specifies the number of times the Root Lost event was generated.Upgrades Not Possible=Specifies the number of times that the clearinghouse tried toupgrade a directory and failed.Write Accesses9Specifies the number of write operations directed to thisclearinghouse. IDENTIFIER&Name-Specifies the full name of the clearinghouse.STATUS ATTRIBUTESState)Specifies the state of the clearinghouse.9Broken The clearinghouse has a fatal error condition.?Initial The clearinghouse is in the process of initializing..Off The clearinghouse is not available.6On The clearinghouse is running and available.<Shut The clearinghouse is in the process of an orderly shutdown. PREPOSITIONAL PHRASES'CYou can affect the content of command output by using prepositionalCphrases. Be sure to precede the following prepositional phrase witha comma and a space:with attribute [relop] valueDWhen used with a wildcard clearinghouse-name, limits the output only>to directories whose specified attributes have certain values. 5 example=The following command displays the current value of the Write?Accesses counter associated with the .chicago1_ch clearinghouseon server node .midwest1. (Bdns> show node .midwest1 dns server clearinghouse .chicago1_ch 0 -_> Write Accesses5 prepositional_phrasesCA phrase that affects the destination or content of command output.BBe sure to precede the following prepositional phrase with a comma and a space: Dwith attribute [relop] value When used with a wildcard child-@ name, limits the output onlyB to directories whose specified)C attributes have certain values.B 2 group7Displays current information about the specified group.SYNOPSIS0 SHOW GROUP group-name [attribute-specifier] [prepositional-phrase] Arguments group-nameDA specific group name or a complete directory specification followed;by a wildcard template for matching simple names of groups.attribute-specifierDThe name* of an attribute or an attribute group. Enter one or more of#the following attribute specifiers:all [attributes]all characteristicsDNS$ACSDNS$CTSDNS$GroupRevoke DNS$MembersDNS$UTSprepositional-phraseCA phrase that affects the destination or content of command output.;Specify one or more of the following prepositional phrases:with attribute [relop] valueto file[=]filenameto extend file[=]filename to terminal Description?This command displays the names +and values of the attributes or>attribute groups named in attribute-specifier. You can use any>combination of attribute specifiers in a single command. Use aDcomma to separate the specifiers. If you do not supply any attribute@specifier, the command displays all attributes and their values. ACCESS RIGHTSIYou need read access to the group for which you want to display attribute information. 3 access+Displays the access control set of a group.FORMAT8 SHOW GROUP group-name A,CCESS [prepositional-phrase] Arguments group-nameDA specific group name or a complete directory specification followed;by a wildcard template for matching simple names of groups.prepositional-phrase ACCESS RIGHTS'You must have read access to the group. 4 exampleBThe following command displays the access control set of the group.eng.testgroup.%dns> show group .eng.testgroup access+ 4 prepositional_phrasesCA phrase tha -t affects the destination or content of command output.AYou can use one or more prepositional phrases. Be sure to precede>each of the following prepositional phrases with a comma and aspace:;to file[=]filename Redirects the output toB filename. If the file does not? exist, this command createsC it. If the file does exist, its= cont .ents are overwritten.<to extend file[=]filename Appends the output to anB existing filename. If the fileB does not exist, it is created.=to terminal Directs the output to theA terminal. This is the default+ option. 3 attributesBIf you do not supply any attribute specifier, the command displays all attributes and/ their values.CHARACTERISTICS8The following are descriptions of valid characteristics:DNS$ACS.Specifies the access control set of the group." DNS$CTS/Specifies the creation timestamp of this group.DNS$GroupRevokeCSpecifies a timeout that determines how long a positive result fromAa group membership test operation may be cached by the clerk thatissued the request. DNS$MembersCSpecifies the DECdns full name of each membe0r of the group. MembersAare specified as a group name, a collection of principals denoted?with wildcards (for example, .org.name*), or an individual nameAin the format nodename.username. To specify a DNS Version 1-style-principal, use the format nodename::username.DNS$UTSDSpecifies the timestamp of the most recent update to an attribute of the group. 3 exampleBThe following command displays the full name of each member of thegroup .sales_group1.)dns> show group .sales_group11 DNS$members3 prepositional_phrasesDYou can affect the destination or content of command output by using?prepositional phrases. Be sure to precede each of the following/prepositional phrases with a comma and a space:with attribute [relop] value?When used with a wildcard group-name, limits the output only to;directories whose specified attributes have certain values.to file[=]filename=Redirects the output to filename. If the file does not exist,Athis command creates it.2 If the file does exist, its contents are overwritten.to extend file[=]filename@Appends the output to an existing filename. If the file does notexist, it is created. to terminal?Directs the output to the terminal. This is the default option.2 link;Displays current information about the specified soft link.SYNOPSIS. SHOW LINK link-name [attribute-specifier] [prepositional-phrase] Arguments link-nameDA specific name of a soft link or a comp3lete directory specificationAfollowed by a wildcard template for matching simple names of softlinks.attribute-specifierDThe name of an attribute or an attribute group. Enter one or more of#the following attribute specifiers:all [attributes]all characteristicsDNS$ACSDNS$CTSDNS$LinkTargetDNS$LinkTimeoutDNS$UTSprepositional-phraseCA phrase that affects the destination or content of command output.;Specify one or more of the following prepositional phrases:4with attribute [relop] valueto file[=]filenameto extend file[=]filename to terminal Description?This command displays the names and values of the attributes orCattribute groups named in attribute-specifier. If you do not supply@any attribute specifier, the command displays all attributes andAtheir values. You can use any combination of attribute specifiers<in any sequence in a single command. Use a comma to separate specifiers. ACCESS RIGHTS+You must have read access to t5he soft link. 3 access/Displays the access control set of a soft link.SYNOPSIS6 SHOW LINK link-name ACCESS [prepositional-phrase] Arguments link-nameDA specific name of a soft link or a complete directory specificationAfollowed by a wildcard template for matching simple names of softlinks.prepositional-phrase ACCESS RIGHTS+You must have read access to the soft link. 4 exampleAThe following command displays the access control set of the softDlink 6 .sales.australia and stores the output in a file called slshow.5dns>show link .sales.australia access, to file=slshow4 prepositional_phrasesCA phrase that affects the destination or content of command output.AYou can use one or more prepositional phrases. Be sure to precede>each of the following prepositional phrases with a comma and aspace:;to file[=]filename Redirects the output toB filename. If the file does not? 7 exist, this command createsC it. If the file does exist, its= contents are overwritten.<to extend file[=]filename Appends the output to anB existing filename. If the fileB does not exist, it is created.=to terminal Directs the output to theA terminal. This is th8e default+ option. 3 attributesCHARACTERISTICS8The following are descriptions of valid characteristics.DNS$ACS3Specifies the access control set for the soft link.DNS$CTS3Specifies the creation timestamp of this soft link.DNS$LinkTarget@Specifies the full name of the directory, object entry, or other(soft link to which the soft link points.DNS$LinkTimeout =Specifies a timeout value af9ter which the soft link is eitherBextended or deleted. The timeout value contains both an expiration>time and an extension time. If the soft link does not point to+anything when it is checked, it is deleted.DNS$UTSDSpecifies the timestamp of the most recent update to an attribute ofthe soft link. 3 example;The following command shows the full name of the directory,=object entry, or other soft link to which the soft link named.sales.australia points..dns> show link .sales.:australia DNS$LinkTarget3 prepositional_phrasesDYou can affect the destination or content of command output by using?prepositional phrases. Be sure to precede each of the following/prepositional phrases with a comma and a space:with attribute [relop] value>When used with a wildcard link-name, limits the output only to;directories whose specified attributes have certain values.to file[=]filename=Redirects the output to filename. If the file does not exist,Athis command c;reates it. If the file does exist, its contents are overwritten.to extend file[=]filename@Appends the output to an existing filename. If the file does notexist, it is created. to terminal?Directs the output to the terminal. This is the default option. 2 object>Displays current information about the specified object entry.SYNOPSIS2 SHOW OBJECT object-name [attribute-specifier] [prepositional-phrase] Arguments object-nameBA specific object <entry name or a complete directory specificationCfollowed by a wildcard template for matching simple names of objectentries.attribute-specifier:The name of an application-defined attribute, user-definedDattribute, or an attribute group. Enter one or more of the followingattribute specifiers:all [attributes]all characteristics DNA$TowersDNS$ACS DNS$Address DNS$ClassDNS$ClassVersionDNS$CTS DNS$ObjectUIDDNS$UTSprepositional-phraseCA phrase that affects =the destination or content of command output.;Specify one or more of the following prepositional phrases:with attribute [relop] valueto file[=]filenameto extend file[=]filename to terminal Description) DThis command displays current information about the specified object@entry. Application-defined attributes for an object are included?in the output of this command (if they exist). Names and valuesBof the attributes or attribute groups na>med in attribute-specifierAare also shown. If you do not supply any attribute specifier, theAcommand displays all attributes and their values. You can use any?combination of attribute specifiers in any sequence in a single,command. Use a comma to separate specifiers. ACCESS RIGHTS(You must have read access to the object. 3 access3Displays the access control set of an object entry.SYNOPSIS# SHOW OBJECT object-name ACCESS [prepositional-phrase] Arguments? object-nameBA specific object entry name or a complete directory specificationCfollowed by a wildcard template for matching simple names of objectentries.prepositional-phrase ACCESS RIGHTS.You must have read access to the object entry. 4 exampleCThe following command displays the access control set of the objectCentry .sales.east.floor1Ln03 and stores the output in a file calledcoshow.>dns> show object .sales.east.floor1ln03 access, to file=coshow4 prepositional @_phrasesCA phrase that affects the destination or content of command output.AYou can use one or more prepositional phrases. Be sure to precede>each of the following prepositional phrases with a comma and aspace:;to file[=]filename Redirects the output toB filename. If the file does not? exist, this command createsC it. If the file does exist, its= A contents are overwritten.<to extend file[=]filename Appends the output to anB existing filename. If the fileB does not exist, it is created.=to terminal Directs the output to theA terminal. This is the default+ option. 3 attributesCHARACTERISTICS8The following are descriptions of valid characteBristics: DNA$TowersBSpecifies the DECnet/OSI address of every node at which the objectCentry may be found. This attribute is used only by DECnet/OSI nodes and servers.DNS$ACS6Specifies the access control set for the object entry. DNS$Address@Specifies the DECnet Phase IV address of every node at which theBobject entry may be found. This attribute is used only by Phase IVnodes and servers. DNS$Class?Classifies objects according to the type of object being namCed.CClient application programs can define their own classes for object'entries that their application creates.DNS$ClassVersion@Allows the definition of an object class to be evolved over time>(for example, by changing the definition of the class-specificAattributes) without confusing the clients of the DECdns directoryservice.DNS$CTS0Specifies the creation timestamp of this object. DNS$ObjectUID@Specifies the unique identifier (UID) associated with the object@entrDy. This attribute is optional and, if present, its value canCbe null. Clients are responsible for maintaining the UIDs of object?entries that they are using; DECdns does not ensure that objectentry UIDs are valid or unique.DNS$UTSDSpecifies the timestamp of the most recent update to an attribute ofthe object entry.DIn addition, application-specific attributes may exist for an objectAentry. See your application programmer for a list of application-defined attributes. 3 eExampleAThe following command lists the DNS$CTS value of the object entrynew_dev. dns> show object new_dev DNS$CTS3 prepositional_phrasesDYou can affect the destination or content of command output by using?prepositional phrases. Be sure to precede each of the following/prepositional phrases with a comma and a space:with attribute [relop] value@When used with a wildcard object-name, limits the output only to;directories whose specified attributes have certain values.to fFile[=]filename=Redirects the output to filename. If the file does not exist,Athis command creates it. If the file does exist, its contents are overwritten.to extend file[=]filename@Appends the output to an existing filename. If the file does notexist, it is created. to terminal?Directs the output to the terminal. This is the default option. 2 replica9Displays current information about the specified replica.SYNOPSIS SHOW REPLICA directory-name* [AT G] CLEARINGHOUSE clearinghouse-name1 [attribute-specifier] [prepositional phrase] Argumentsdirectory-nameThe full name of the directory.clearinghouse-name#The full name of the clearinghouse.attribute-specifierCThe name of an attribute or an attribute group. Specify one or more&of the following attribute specifiers:all [attributes]all characteristicsall identifiers all statusDNS$CTS DNS$Epoch DNS$LastSkulkDNS$LastUpdateDNS$ReplicaStateHDNS$ReplicaTypeDNS$ReplicaVersionDNS$RingPointerprepositional phraseCA phrase that affects the destination or content of command output.;Specify one or more of the following prepositional phrases:to file[=]filenameto extend file[=]filename to terminal DescriptionAThis command displays the names and values from the attributes orDattribute groups named in attribute-specifier. This command displays@directory-specific attributes as well as per-replica attributes.BIf yIou do not supply any attribute specifier, the command displays?all attributes and their values. You can use any combination of9attribute specifiers in any sequence in a single command. ACCESS RIGHTSBYou must have read access to the directory from which this replica was created. 3 attributesEThe following are descriptions of valid characteristics, identifiers,and status attributes:CHARACTERISTICSDNS$CTS@Specifies the creation timestamp (CTJS) of the directory of whichthis replica is a copy. DNS$LastSkulkBRecords the timestamp of the last skulk that began processing thisCparticular replica of a directory. This will be zero for read-only8replicas since they do not start processing for a skulk.DNS$LastUpdate@Records the timestamp of the last update to any attribute of the@replica, or any change to the contents of the replica, includingBobject entries, child pointers, and soft links. This will be zerofor read-onlKy replicas.DNS$ReplicaType*Specifies the replica type of a directory.DNS$ReplicaVersion-Specifies the replica version of a directory.DNS$RingPointer<Specifies the creation timestamp (CTS) of all clearinghouses-containing another replica of this directory. IDENTIFIER DNS$Epoch;Identifies a replica as part of a directory's complete set.STATUS ATTRIBUTEDNS$ReplicaStateDSpecifies the internal state of a replica. When you create or delete*a replica,L it goes through various states. 3 example;The following command displays the replica type of the .eng,directory in the .chicago2_ch clearinghouse.Ddns> show replica .eng at clearinghouse .chicago2_ch DNS$ReplicaType3 prepositional_phrasesDYou can affect the destination or content of command output by using?prepositional phrases. Be sure to precede each of the following/prepositional phrases with a comma and a space:to file[=]filename=Redirects the output to filename. If tMhe file does not exist,Athis command creates it. If the file does exist, its contents are overwritten.to extend file[=]filename@Appends the output to an existing filename. If the file does notexist, it is created. to terminal?Directs the output to the terminal. This is the default option. ww 3`{U1 supplementary_commands8These commands allow you to perform the following tasks:o Read commands from fileso Write results to files.o ContrNol confidence levels or timeout values4o Customize the display of timestamps and nicknamesDo Specify a preferred clearinghouse to examine an attribute's value o Specify a default entity nameDUse the do command or run @filename from inside DNSCP to read a file of commands.CYou can also create a dnscp initialization file if you want DECdns Fto execute a set of commands automatically when you start the control Gprogram. For Ultrix, this file is .dnscpinit and resides in your home OEdirectory. For OpenVMS, this file is dnscpinit. and resides in your login directory.CYou can include any of the following supplementary commands in your.dnscpinit file. 2 confidenceCThese commands set and display the confidence level of clerk calls.DSetting the confidence controls the accuracy level and cost of clerk?calls. The value of the confidence can be one of the following:Dlow, medium, or high. A low confidence level means the clerk obtains?information from caches orP the most convenient server. A mediumAlevel means the clerk obtains information directly from a server,Cand a high level means the clerk obtains information only at master&replicas. The initial value is medium.SYNOPSIS# SET DNSCP CONFIDENCE [=] value SHOW DNSCP CONFIDENCE 3 exampleAThe following command sets the confidence level of clerk calls tohigh.dns> set dnscp confidence high 2 nicknameBThese commands control the format in which namespace nicknQames areAdisplayed in DNSCP. You can specify value as one of the followingBunits: time, hex, timestamp, name, or default. The initial settingis the default value name.SYNOPSIS) SET DNSCP NICKNAME DISPLAY [=] value SHOW DNSCP NICKNAME DISPLAY 3 exampleCThe following command sets the nickname to be displayed in the same=way as its namespace creation timestamp (NSCTS) is displayed:)dns> set dnscp nickname display timestamp 2 preferred_clearinghouseBThese Rcommands enable you to specify a clearinghouse from which toCread attribute values for entries stored in that clearinghouse. You?cannot specify a preferred clearinghouse for any modifications.SYNOPSIS9 SET DNSCP PREFERRED CLEARINGHOUSE clearinghouse-name' SHOW DNSCP PREFERRED CLEARINGHOUSE 3 exampleDThe following command sets the preferred clearinghouse to .paris_ch.0dns> set dnscp preferred clearinghouse .paris_ch 2 timeoutCThese commands set and display tShe length of time, in seconds, thatCthe control program will wait for a clerk call to complete. You can@use this command to increase the timeout value if you are having@trouble with calls not completing. The SET DNSCP TIMEOUT commandAsets the value as either a number of seconds or the word default,Ewhich is 30 seconds for most operations. You can also use the value 0to indicate the default value.SYNOPSIS SET DNSCP TIMEOUT [=] value SHOW DNSCP TIMEOUT 3 example;TThe following command sets the timeout value to 60 seconds.dns> set dnscp timeout 60 2 timestampAThese commands set and display the format of timestamps, which isCuseful for troubleshooting or if you need to discover the timestampAfor a namespace. You can specify the value of the timestamp unitsBas time, hex, or default. The initial setting is the default value%time, a human-readable date and time.SYNOPSIS* SET DNSCP TIMESTAMP DISPLAY [=] value! SHOW DNSCP TIME STAMP DISPLAY 3 example;The following command causes the control program to display#timestamps in hexadecimal notation:$dns> set dnscp timestamp display hexww