% VAX-11 Librarian V04-003)QR 5  AboutOverview   1 About =TITLE About=TITLE About Printing Files=INCLUDE Overview Printing files with DECwindows# 2000 Compaq Computer Corporation7 Software Version: Compaq DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS, Version 1.2-64 COMPAQ, OpenVMS, VAX, VMS, the Compaq logo, and the5 DIGITAL logo Registered in U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.5 Bookreader, CDA, DDIF, DECalc, DECdecision, DECpage,. DECpresent, DECquery, DECwindows, and XUI are5 trademarks of Compaq Information  Technologies Group, L.P.6 Motif, OSF/1, UNIX, and the "X" device are trademarks of the The Open Group.4 All other product names mentioned herein may be the8 trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.3 Confidential computer software. Valid license from. Compaq or authorized sublicensor required for1 possession, use, or copying. Consistent with FAR1 12.211 and 12.212, Commercial Computer Software,8 Computer Software Documentation, and Technical Data for 5 Commercial Items are licensed to the U.S. Government, under vendor's standard commercial license.6 Compaq shall not be liable for technical or editorial& errors or omissions contained herein.2 The information in this publication is subject to6 change without notice and is provided "AS IS" WITHOUT5 WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. THE ENTIRE RISK ARISING OUT OF8 THE USE OF THIS INFORMATION REMAINS WITH THE RECIPIENT.3 IN NO EVENT SHALL COMPAQ BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT,7 CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL , SPECIAL, PUNITIVE, OR OTHER2 DAMAGES WHATSOEVER (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION,/ DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS, BUSINESS5 INTERRUPTION, OR LOSS OF BUSINESS INFORMATION), EVEN1 IF COMPAQ HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF 3 SUCH DAMAGES. THE FOREGOING SHALL APPLY REGARDLESS1 OF THE NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER FAULT OF EITHER PARTY3 AND REGARDLESS OF WHETHER SUCH LIABILITY SOUNDS IN3 CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE, TORT, OR ANY OTHER THEORY OF4 LEGAL LIABILITY, AND NOTWITHSTANDING ANY FAILURE OF) ESSENTIAL PURPOSE OF ANY LIMITED REMEDY./ The limited warranties for Compaq products are8 exclusively set forth in the documentation accompanying5 such products. Nothing herein should be construed as. consituting a further or additional warranty. ww) 1 Overview=TITLE Overview!=TITLE Overview of Printing Files=KEYWORD Overview3 DECwindows allows you to control the way files are8 printed. The Print Queue and Print Options dialog boxes6 allow you to set options such as the number of copies6 to be printed, printer queues, page size, and printer forms.8 To control the way a file is printed, click on the Show Queue Options button.7 To alter the way a print operation is performed, click5 on the Options... button in the Queue Options dialog box.2 For more information about printing files, double8 click MB1 on an item from the list of additional topics below.4 For information about using help, choose Using Help from the Help menu above. 2 DECBasics=TITLE DECBasics=INCLUDE Overview=KEYWORD Basics7 Information about using DECwindows, such as how to use5 windows, dialog boxes, and scroll bars, is available4 from Session Manager help. A glossary of DECwindows6 terms is also available. To get Session Manager help:5 1. Move the pointer to the Session Manager icon (the1 icon with your user name and the name of your system) in the Icon Box.7 2. Press mouse button 1 (MB1) twice quickly to display the Session Manager window.5 3. Move the pointer to the Help menu; press and hold MB1 to pull down this menu.2 4. Move the pointer to the Overview menu item and2 release MB1 to display information about using DECwindows. 2 que_options=TITLE que_options=TITLE Setting Queue Options=INCLUDE Overview print_options=INCLUDE Overview Err_mess=KEYWORD Queues Options4 The Queue Options dialog box contains file-specific5 options. By selecting an option, you can control the way a file is printed.0 "Default" displayed in an option menu indicates3 that the value used for this option is the default$ associated with the selected queue.4 Click on the Options... button to select additional printing options.7 For more information about queue options, double click5 on an item from the list of additional topics below. 3 number_copies_opt=TITLE number_copies_opt=TITLE Number of Copies,=INCLUDE Overview que_options page_range_opt/=INCLUDE Overview que_options print_formats_box*=INCLUDE Overview que_options printers_box(=INCLUDE Overview que_options orient_opt-=INCLUDE Overview que_options print_aft_field-=INCLUDE Overview que_options del_file_button'=INCLUDE Overview que_options ok_button)=INCLUDE Overview que_options canc_button,=INCLUDE Overview que_options options_button=KEYWORD Copies Pages6 Use the Number of Copies field to enter the number of copies you want printed.$ You can print from 1 to 255 copies. 3 page_range_opt=TITLE page_range_opt=TITLE Page Range/=INCLUDE Overview que_options number_copies_opt/=INCLUDE Overview que_options print_formats_box*=INCLUDE Overview que_options printers_box(=INCLUDE Overview que_options orient_opt-=INCLUDE Overview que_options print_aft_field-=INCLUDE Overview que_options del_file_button'=INCLUDE Overview que_options ok_button)=INCLUDE Overview que_options canc_button,=INCLUDE Overview que_options options_button5 DEC windows to print selected pages of a file without4 having to print the entire file. If you do not want6 to print an entire file, use the Page Range fields to& enter a range of pages to be printed.7 The Page Range entry fields are the From field and the7 To field. The From field should contain the first page5 number in a range of pages you want to print. The To6 field should contain the page number of the last page you want to print.4 The From field must be less than or equal to the To field if the To value is given.7 By default, the From field indicates the first page of the file and may be left blank.8 By default, the To field indicates the last page of the file and may be left blank. 3 print_formats_box=TITLE print_formats_box=TITLE Print Format=KEYWORD Formatting7 Files contain different character sets and data types.5 Each data type has a unique format. The Print Format8 list box allows you to describe what kind of data is in8 the file. DECwindows then interprets that data, formats the data, and prints the file.4 A highlighted format in the Print Format box is the3 default format unless you change it. The following/ formats are available in the Print Format box:1 Format Name Data Type Data Translation* Text ANSI Level 0 Text-only8 Line ANSI Level 1 Overstrike for emphasis Printer" Terminal - -4 ANSI2 ANSI Level 2 ANSI data including0  select graphics0 rendition (SGR)6 converted by the ANSI, translator.4 ANSI ANSI Level 3 ANSI data including2 the LN03 and LN044 ANSI translator for5 PostScript printers.3 PostScript(R)PostScript(R) PostScript program6 data proces sed by the7 PostScript interpreter4 without conversion.3 ReGIS ReGIS ReGIS command data7 converted by the ReGIS, translator.3 Tektronix Tektronix Tektronix graphics7 command data converted1 by the Tektronix, translator.1 DDIF DDIF Revisible-format0 images, generic 3 printers_box=TITLE printers_box=TITLE Printers/=INCLUDE Overview que_options number_copies_opt,=INCLUDE Overview que_options page_range_opt/=INCLUDE Overview que_options print_formats_box(=INCLUDE Overview que_options orient_opt-=INCLUDE Overview que_options print_aft_field-=INCLUDE Overview que_options del_file_button'=INCLUDE Overview que_options ok_button)=INCLUDE Overview que_options canc_button,=INCLUDE Overview que_options options_button=KEYWORD Printers Queues6 The Printer list box allows you to select the printer3 or the print queue to which your job will be sent./ By default, the printer or print queue that is highlighted will be used. 3 orient_opt=TITLE orient_opt=TITLE Orientation=KEYWORD Orientation5 Some printers allow you to control page orientation.7 That is, you can control how text or images are placed7 on the paper. To do this, use the Orientation options.4 DECwindows includes three page orientation options:" default, landscape, and portrait.4 Portrait and landscape orientation are indicated by6 symbols similar to the following in the Queue Options box:3 Landscape Orientation: Portrait Orientation:+ +-------------+ +-----++ | ~~~~~~~~~~~ | | ~~~ |+ | ~~~~~~~~~~~ | | ~~~ |+ | ~~~~~~~~~~~ | | ~~~ |+ +-------------+ | ~~~ |+ +-----+8 Click on the Default button to set the page orientation7 to the orientation that is defined in the print queue.. Click on the landscape symbol to set the page3 orientation to landscape printing mode. The symbol is then highlighted.- Click on the portrait symbol to set the page5 orientation to portrait printing mode. The symbol is then highlighted. 3 print_aft_field=TITLE print_aft_field#=TITLE Print A fter Text Entry Field/=INCLUDE Overview que_options number_copies_opt,=INCLUDE Overview que_options page_range_opt/=INCLUDE Overview que_options print_formats_box*=INCLUDE Overview que_options printers_box(=INCLUDE Overview que_options orient_opt-=INCLUDE Overview que_options del_file_button'=INCLUDE Overview que_options ok_button)=INCLUDE Overview que_options canc_button,=INCLUDE Overview que_options options_button8 Use the Print After field to set the time and date when your print !job will be printed.5 You can use the Print After option to delay printing7 large jobs until after work hours. If you do not enter8 a time in the Print After field, the job is immediately submitted to the print queue.6 You must specify the date using the format day-month-5 year and the time using the format hour:minute. (For5 example, 23-SEP-1989 17:30.) The syntax is sometimes specified as follows: dd-mmm-yyyy hh:mm where:1 dd Specifies an integer in the r"ange 1 to 31.7 mmm Specifies the month as: JAN, FEB, MAR, APR, MAY,, JUN, JUL, AUG, SEP, OCT, NOV, or DEC.6 yyyy Specifies the year, which must be an integer in the range 1858 to 9999.6 hh Specifies the hour, which must be an integer in the range 0 to 23.8 mm Specifies the minute, which must be an integer in the range 0 to 59. 3 del_file_button=TITLE del_file_button&=TITLE Delete File When Printed Button/=INCLUDE Overview que_options number_c #opies_opt,=INCLUDE Overview que_options page_range_opt/=INCLUDE Overview que_options print_formats_box*=INCLUDE Overview que_options printers_box(=INCLUDE Overview que_options orient_opt-=INCLUDE Overview que_options print_aft_field'=INCLUDE Overview que_options ok_button)=INCLUDE Overview que_options canc_button,=INCLUDE Overview que_options options_button=KEYWORD Deleting3 Use the Delete File When Printed button to control7 whether a file is deleted after the print operation is$ done.5 A highlighted button indicates that the file will be5 deleted after it has been printed. By default, files are not deleted. 3 ok_button=TITLE ok_button=TITLE OK Button/=INCLUDE Overview que_options number_copies_opt,=INCLUDE Overview que_options page_range_opt/=INCLUDE Overview que_options print_formats_box*=INCLUDE Overview que_options printers_box(=INCLUDE Overview que_options orient_opt-=INCLUDE Overview que_options print_aft_field-=INCLUDE Overview que_option%s del_file_button)=INCLUDE Overview que_options canc_button,=INCLUDE Overview que_options options_button=KEYWORD Buttons OK1 Click on the OK button to indicate that you have3 finished modifying the Queue Option fields and you want to begin printing. 3 canc_button=TITLE canc_button=TITLE Cancel Button/=INCLUDE Overview que_options number_copies_opt,=INCLUDE Overview que_options page_range_opt/=INCLUDE Overview que_options print_formats_box*=INCLUDE Overview que_options pr&inters_box(=INCLUDE Overview que_options orient_opt-=INCLUDE Overview que_options print_aft_field-=INCLUDE Overview que_options del_file_button'=INCLUDE Overview que_options ok_button,=INCLUDE Overview que_options options_button=KEYWORD Buttons Cancel7 Click on the Cancel button to indicate that you do not want to print a file. 3 options_button=TITLE options_button=TITLE Options... Button/=INCLUDE Overview que_options number_copies_opt,=INCLUDE Overview que_options page '_range_opt/=INCLUDE Overview que_options print_formats_box*=INCLUDE Overview que_options printers_box(=INCLUDE Overview que_options orient_opt-=INCLUDE Overview que_options print_aft_field-=INCLUDE Overview que_options del_file_button'=INCLUDE Overview que_options ok_button)=INCLUDE Overview que_options canc_button=KEYWORD Buttons Options7 Click on the Options... button to set additional print4 options. The Print Options dialog box is displayed.3 The Print Options dialog box includ(es options that( allow you to control a print operation. 2 print_options=TITLE print_options=TITLE Print Options=INCLUDE Overview que_options=INCLUDE Overview Err_mess=KEYWORD Printing Options/ The Print Options dialog box allows you to set additional print options.0 In general, most print and queue operations are5 predefined; you rarely have to change them. However,7 you may decide that there are certain print operations( you would like to control. For example:6 -) If you are sending output to an LPS40 printer, you' may want to control tray selection.8 - If you are printing in landscape mode, you will need7 to select the appropriate form from the Print Forms list box.3 For more information about using the Print Options5 dialog box, double click on an item from the list of additional topics below. 3 pg_size_button=TITLE pg_size_button=TITLE Page Size.=INCLUDE Overview print_options pg_size_button,=INCLUDE Overview pr *int_options sides_option)=INCLUDE Overview print_options number_up+=INCLUDE Overview print_options sheet_count)=INCLUDE Overview print_options layup_def0=INCLUDE Overview print_options file_start_sheet.=INCLUDE Overview print_options file_end_sheet0=INCLUDE Overview print_options file_burst_sheet3=INCLUDE Overview print_options start_sheet_comment+=INCLUDE Overview print_options message_log(=INCLUDE Overview print_options pass_all.=INCLUDE Overview print_options hold_print_job0=INCLUDE + Overview print_options notify_when_done.=INCLUDE Overview print_options sheet_size_opt*=INCLUDE Overview print_options input_tray+=INCLUDE Overview print_options output_tray-=INCLUDE Overview print_options printer_forms(=INCLUDE Overview print_options job_name.=INCLUDE Overview print_options priority_field+=INCLUDE Overview print_options setup_field0=INCLUDE Overview print_options operator_message-=INCLUDE Overview print_options header_button4=INCLUDE Overview print_options automatic_pa,gination5=INCLUDE Overview print_options double_spacing_button0=INCLUDE Overview print_options Print_options_ok4=INCLUDE Overview print_options print_options_cancel=INCLUDE Overview print_options=KEYWORD Buttons Options7 Use the Page Size option menu to set the logical paper5 size of the print image. Choose one of the following sizes:2 Option Size in Inches Size in Millimeters5 Default Specified in the Specified in the queue queue( Letter 8.5 x 11 - 216 x 279( Ledger 11 x 17 279 x 432( Legal 8.5 x 14 216 x 356( Executive 7.5 x 10 191 x 254( A5 5.8 x 8.3 148 x 210 2 Option Size in Inches Size in Millimeters( A4 8.3 x 11.7 210 x 297( A3 11.7 x 16.5 297 x 420( B5 7.2 x 10.1 176 x 250( B4 10.1 x 14.3 250 x 353( C4 9 x 12.8 229 x 324( C5 6.4 x 9 162 x 229( DL . 4.3 x 8.7 110 x 220* 10 x 13 10 x 13 254 x 330.2 Envelope, 9 x 12 9 x 12 228.6 x 304.8 Envelope, Business 4.125 x 9.5 104.8 x 241.3 Envelope 3 Sides_option=TITLE Sides_option =TITLE Sides=KEYWORD Sides Options4 Use the Sides option menu to specify how many sides6 of the paper your image will be printed. You can also8 specify the way a paper medium is turned as an image is$ printed from one side to the other.7 To sp /ecify a Sides option, click MB1 on the Sides list6 box. A pull-down menu is displayed. Choose one of the following: Option Description5 Default The default setting determined by6 the printer queue characteristics.6 Simplex One Sided Prints on one side of the sheet of paper.7 Simplex Two Sided Prints on two sides of the sheet of6 paper but uses a page layout as if7 formatted for si 0ngle-side printing.3 The layout reflects such things4 as placement of margins and page numbers.4 Duplex One Sided Prints only on the first side of3 each sheet but retains the page8 layout intended for duplex printing.3 The layout reflects such things4 as placement of margins and page numbers.7 Duplex Two Sided Prints on two side1s of a sheet; the6 second side is reached by flipping7 the page about its left edge, as in* the binding of a book.4 Tumble One Sided Prints only on the first side of3 each sheet but retains the page8 layout intended for tumble printing.3 The layout reflects such things4 as placement of margins and page numbers.  Option 2 Description3 Tumble Two Sided Prints on two sides; the second8 side is reached by flipping the page8 about its top edge, as in some legal documents5 For a description of each option, double click on an/ item from the list of additional topics below. 3 number_up=TITLE number_up=TITLE Number Up Field=KEYWORD Fields4 Use the Number Up field to specify how many logical5 images are to be printed on one side of a s3heet. You1 can specify 1 to 100 logical images on one side. 3 sheet_count=TITLE sheet_count=TITLE Sheet Count Field=KEYWORD Fields3 Use the Sheet Count field to specify the number of8 times each sheet is to be printed. You can specify from# 1 to 10,000 copies for each sheet.3 The sheet count option produces uncollated output.7 Thus, a number of page 1s are copied and followed by a number of page 2s, and so on. 3 layup_def=TITLE layup_def=TITLE Layup Definitio4n=KEYWORD Fields6 Use the Layup Definition field to enter a module name6 contained in the standard layup library. This module,6 in conjunction with the Number Up attribute, controls/ how the image will be deposited on the medium. 3 file_start_sheet=TITLE file_start_sheet=TITLE File Start Sheet.=INCLUDE Overview print_options file_end_sheet=KEYWORD Flag_Page Options6 The File Start Sheet option controls whether a "flag"4 page is printed before a file. The file start sheet65 contains the name of the user submitting the job, the7 job entry number, and other information about the file being printed.$ To use the File Start Sheet option:1 1. Move the pointer to the File Start Sheet box.3 2. Press and hold MB1. A pop-up menu is displayed.' 3. Choose a menu item and release MB1. 4. Click on the OK button.5 The File Start Sheet box contains the Default, None,3 One, and All menu items. For a description of each2 item, double click on the additiona6l topic below. 4 filest_items=TITLE filest_items"=TITLE File Start Sheet Menu Items=KEYWORD Flag_Page Options4 The following table provides a brief description of! each File Start Sheet menu item: Setting Description7 Default Prints according to what is defined in the print queue.( None Prints no file start sheet.5 One Prints a file start sheet before the the# first file in the job.7 All Prints a file start sheet7 before each file in the job. 3 file_end_sheet=TITLE file_end_sheet=TITLE File End Sheet0=INCLUDE Overview print_options file_start_sheet=KEYWORD Trailer_Page Options7 The File End Sheet option controls whether a "trailer"/ page is printed at the end of a file. The file3 end sheet contains the job entry number as well as6 information about the user submitting the job and the files being printed." To use the File End Sheet option:/ 1. Move the pointer t8o the File End Sheet box.3 2. Press and hold MB1. A pop-up menu is displayed.' 3. Choose a menu item and release MB1. 4. Click on the OK button.8 The File End Sheet box contains the Default, None, One,4 and All menu items. For a description of each item,, double click on the additional topic below. 4 filend_items=TITLE filend_items =TITLE File End Sheet Menu Items=KEYWORD Trailer_Page Options4 The following table provides a brief description of each File End Sheet9 menu item: Setting Description7 Default Prints according to what is defined in the print queue.& None Prints no file end sheet.8 One Prints a file end sheet after the last file in the job.7 All Prints a file end sheet after each file in the job. 3 file_burst_sheet=TITLE file_burst_sheet=TITLE File Burst Sheet=KEYWORD Bursting5 The File Burst Sheet option controls whether a burst6 page is print:ed before a file. A burst page is a flag4 page printed over the perforation between pages for) easy identification of individual files.$ To use the File Burst Sheet option:1 1. Move the pointer to the File Burst Sheet box.3 2. Press and hold MB1. A pop-up menu is displayed.' 3. Choose a menu item and release MB1. 4. Click on the OK button.5 The File Burst Sheet box contains the Default, None,3 One, and All menu items. For a description of each2 item, double click on the a;dditional topic below. 4 filburst_items=TITLE filburst_items"=TITLE File Burst Sheet Menu Items=KEYWORD Burst_Page Options4 The following table provides a brief description of! each File Burst Sheet menu item: Setting Description7 Default Prints according to what is defined in the print queue.( None Prints no file burst sheet.5 One Prints a file burst sheet before the the# first file in the job.7 All Prints a fi<le burst sheet before each file in the job. 3 start_sheet_comment=TITLE start_sheet_comment =TITLE Start Sheet Comment Field=KEYWORD Fields6 The Start Sheet Comment field allows you to specify a8 message string of up to 255 characters to appear on the file start sheet of the job.5 To enter a message in the Start Sheet Comment field:5 1. Move the pointer to the Start Sheet Comment entry field., 2. Click MB1. Enter a message in the field. 3. Click on= the OK button. 3 message_log=TITLE message_log=TITLE Message Log=KEYWORD Messages2 The Message Log option allows you to control what4 happens to error messages that occur during a print operation. To use the Message Log option:, 1. Move the pointer to the Message Log box.3 2. Press and hold MB1. A pop-up menu is displayed.' 3. Choose a menu item and release MB1. 4. Click on the OK button.6 The following table describes each item listed in the Message Log> pop-up menu. Item Description3 Default Defined by what is set in the print queue.1 Ignore Error messages are not displayed.6 Print Error messages are written to the file end sheet.8 Keep Error messages are retained in the file.6 Keep and Error messages are written to the file7 Print end sheet and are retained in the file. 3 pass_all=TITLE pass_all"=TITLE Pass All Control Characte?rs=KEYWORD Passall8 The Passall All Control Characters option allows you to7 specify whether special control characters in the file6 are to be ignored or whether they are to be passed on directly to the printer./ To use the Pass All Control Characters option:7 1. Move the pointer to the Pass All Control Characters box.3 2. Press and hold MB1. A pop-up menu is displayed.' 3. Choose a menu item and release MB1. 4. Click on the OK button.7 The following table provide@s a description of the Pass# All Control Characters menu items: Option Description3 Default Defined by what is set in the print queue.4 Yes Control characters are passed to the printer.8 No Control characters are recognized by the printer. 3 hold_print_job=TITLE hold_print_job=TITLE Hold Print Job=KEYWORD Holding Buttons4 The Hold Print Job button controls whether a job is8 availabAle for printing immediately. When the Hold Print6 Job button is on (signified by a highlighted button),4 the job is held until it is manually released using queue management commands." To use the Hold Print Job option:2 1. Move the pointer to the Hold Print Job button.7 2. Click MB1 on the button. When turned on, the button is highlighted. 3. Click on the OK button. Off is the default setting. 3 notify_when_done=TITLE notify_when_done=TITLE Notify When DoneB=KEYWORD Buttons7 The Notify When Done button controls whether a message7 is broadcast to your terminal when the job is printed.$ To use the Notify When Done option:4 1. Move the pointer to the Notify When Done button.7 2. Click MB1 on the button. When turned on, the button is highlighted. 3. Click on the OK button. On is the default setting. 3 sheet_size_opt=TITLE sheet_size_opt=TITLE Sheet Size=KEYWORD Sheet Sizing2 The Sheet Size list box allows yoCu to specify the+ physical size of the sheets being printed. To change the sheet size:+ 1. Move the pointer to the Sheet Size box., 2. Press and hold MB1. Choose a sheet size. 3. Release MB1. 4. Click on the OK button./ DECwindows supports the following sheet sizes:2 Option Size in Inches Size in Millimeters5 Default Specified in the Specified in the queue queue( Letter 8.5 x 11 216 x 279( Ledger 11 x 17 279 x 432 D( Legal 8.5 x 14 216 x 356( Executive 7.5 x 10 191 x 254( A5 5.8 x 8.3 148 x 210( A4 8.3 x 11.7 210 x 297( A3 11.7 x 16.5 297 x 420( B5 7.2 x 10.1 176 x 250( B4 10.1 x 14.3 250 x 353( C4 9 x 12.8 229 x 324( C5 6.4 x 9 162 x 229( DL 4.3 x 8.7 110 x 220* 10 x 13 10 x 13 254 x 330.2 Envelope, 9 x 12 9 x 12 E 228.6 x 304.8 Envelope, Business 4.125 x 9.5 104.8 x 241.3 Envelope 3 input_tray=TITLE input_tray=TITLE Input Tray3 The Input Tray box lists selections that determine) which tray contains the requested paper." To change the input tray setting:+ 1. Move the pointer to the Input Tray box. 2. Press and hold MB1.+ 3. Choose an input tray item. Release MB1. 4. Click on the OK button.5 For multiple tray printers, the following menu items are aFvailable: - Default - Top - Middle - Bottom6 The print widget default setting is the Default input8 tray item. This setting is determined by the input tray" parameter specified in the queue. 3 output_tray=TITLE output_tray=TITLE Output Tray Option=KEYWORD Options7 The Output Tray box lists selections that determine to# which tray the paper is deposited.# To change the output tray setting:, 1. Move the pointer to the Output Tray box. 2. Press anGd hold MB1., 3. Choose an output tray item. Release MB1. 4. Click on the OK button.5 For multiple tray printers, the following menu items are available: - Default - Top - Side - Face Up - Upper - Lower - Large Capacity 3 printer_forms=TITLE printer_forms=TITLE Printer Forms=KEYWORD Forms8 The Printer Forms list box allows you to specify a form4 for the print queue. The highlighted choice will be' used unless you select another opHtion.! To use the Printer Forms option:. 1. Move the pointer to the Printer Forms box.5 2. Choose an item and click on MB1. The form is then highlighted. 3. Click on the OK button.2 Note that you must choose the appropriate form to produce landscape output. 3 job_name=TITLE job_name=TITLE Job Name Field=KEYWORD Fields5 The Job Name field allows you to enter a text string that names the print job.% To enter text in the Job Name field:1 1. Move theI pointer to the Job Name entry field., 2. Click MB1. Enter a message in the field. 3. Click on the OK button.7 The default is the name of the first (or only) file in the job. 3 priority_field=TITLE priority_field=TITLE Priority Field=KEYWORD Fields6 The Priority field allows you to specify the priority2 of the print job. The value can be from 1 to 255,6 where 1 is the lowest priority and 255 is the highest priority. To use the Priority field:1 1. Move theJ pointer to the Priority entry field.+ 2. Click MB1. Enter a number in the field. 3. Click on the OK button.6 If no priority is specified, the default priority for that queue will be used. 3 setup_field=TITLE setup_field=TITLE Setup Field=KEYWORD Fields8 The Setup field allows you to enter the names of one or7 more setup modules from the device control library and5 copies the modules to the printer before the file is printed.* To enter module names in the SetuKp field:. 1. Move the pointer to the Setup entry field.0 2. Click MB1. Enter a module name in the field. 3. Click on the OK button.0 If you want to enter more than one module name," separate each module with commas. 3 operator_message=TITLE operator_message=TITLE Operator Message Field=KEYWORD Fields1 The Operator Message field allows you to enter a2 message of up to 255 characters to be sent to the' operator when the job begins to print.2 To enter a message inL the Operator Message field:2 1. Move the pointer to the Operator Message entry field., 2. Click MB1. Enter a message in the field. 3. Click on the OK button. 3 header_button=TITLE header_button=TITLE Header Button=KEYWORD Buttons4 The Header toggle button controls whether a heading) line is printed at the top of each page. To use the Header option:* 1. Move the pointer to the Header button.7 2. Click MB1 on the button. When turned on, the button is higMhlighted. 3. Click on the OK button. Off is the default setting. 3 automatic_pagination=TITLE automatic_pagination=TITLE Automatic Pagination=KEYWORD Pagination Buttons5 The Automatic Pagination button controls whether the7 printer will skip to top of page when pages are within! four lines of the end of a page.8 When the button is turned off, the printer may print on the paper perforation.( To use the Automatic Pagination option:8 1. Move the pointer to thNe Automatic Pagination button.7 2. Click MB1 on the button. When turned on, the button is highlighted. 3. Click on the OK button. On is the default setting.5 The Automatic Pagination button should be turned off8 when you print files that are not ANSI-formatted files. 3 double_spacing_button=TITLE double_spacing_button=TITLE Double Spacing=KEYWORD Spacing5 The Double Spacing button controls whether the print8 job output is double-spaced. When this button is tuOrned8 on, a blank line will be inserted on the printout after each line in the file." To use the Double Spacing option:2 1. Move the pointer to the Double Spacing button.7 2. Click MB1 on the button. When turned on, the button becomes highlighted. 3. Click on the OK button. Off is the default setting. 3 Print_options_ok=TITLE Print_options_ok =TITLE OK=KEYWORD Buttons OK8 The OK button allows you to confirm the setting changes8 you have made in the Print POptions dialog box. When you8 click on the OK button, the print widget returns to the Queue Options dialog box. 3 print_options_cancel=TITLE print_options_cancel =TITLE Cancel=KEYWORD Buttons Cancel8 The Cancel button allows you to cancel changes you have& made to the Print Options dialog box.8 Any fields you changed in the Print Options box will be1 reset to the values set before you made changes.4 Note that this does not cancel the print operation;3 only the changes maQde to the Print Options box are cancelled. 2 Err_mess=TITLE Err_mess=TITLE Error Messages=INCLUDE Overview que_options=INCLUDE Overview print_options=KEYWORD Messages Errors8 The MSG widget is used to report an error that has been8 discovered. You must correct the error before you click on the OK button again.8 Click on the Cancel button to reset fields in the Queue Options or Print Options box.7 Click on the Queue Options Cancel button to cancel the entire print operation.8 Click on the Acknowledge button to signal that you have5 seen the message and want to return to what you were doing.ww