% VAX-11 Librarian V04-00ID?@ 5 9: Aboutframe1CSH4Glossary Overview  ɿ܇ 1 Overview=TITLE Overview=TITLE Overview of Using Help=KEYWORD overview-=INCLUDE overview over_guide_functions cshelp5=INCLUDE overview over_guide_functions buttons_goback=INCLUDE glossary=INCLUDE aboutframe3=INCLUDE overview over_guide_functions buttons_exit4 This is information about how to use the DECwindows1 help system. (If you are looking for help on the6 application that you are using, go to the main window8 of the application, pull down the Help  menu, and select an appropriate topic.)4 The help system allows you to see additional topics6 that are related to the current one, to return to the8 previous topic, to see a glossary of help terms, and to obtain context-sensitive help.6 See the additional topics below for more information.6 To dismiss this Help window, click on the Exit button below. 2 over_basics=TITLE over_basics=TITLE DECwindows Basics$=KEYWORD basics session manager help=INCLUDE overview-=INCLUDE overview Over_guide_functions cshelp=INCLUDE glossary4 To display information about using DECwindows, such7 as how to use windows, menus, dialog boxes, and scroll bars:4 1. Move the pointer to the Help menu on the Session Manager's menu bar.. 2. Press and hold MB1 to pull down this menu.3 3. Move the pointer to the On Basics menu item and release MB1.5 The Session Manager displays a Help window, which4 includes a list of additional topics about using DECwindows. 2 Over_guide_functions=TITLE Over_guide_functions"=TITLE Selecting Additional Topics=INCLUDE overview=INCLUDE glossary2 Most help topics include a list of related topics3 in the additional topics area. To see one of these5 additional topics, position the pointer on the topic you want and double click MB1.3 To see a list of all available help topics, choose Title... from the Search menu. 3 buttons_goback=TITLE buttons_goback#=TITLE Returning to Previous Topics=KEYWORD buttons goback3=INCLUDE overview over_guide_functions buttons_exit8=INCLUDE overview over_guide_functions over_guide_window=INCLUDE overview4 To return to the help topic that was displayed just6 before the one that is currently in the window, click5 on the Go Back button. This feature is useful if you4 want to review something, or you find that you have6 taken the wrong path and you are not getting the help# you thought you were going to get.7 The Go Back button is dimmed if the current help topic6 is the first topic displayed in the Help window after* you chose an item on the Using Help menu. 3 cshelp =TITLE cshelp&=TITLE What is Context-Sensitive Help?=KEYWORD context,sensitive=INCLUDE overview&=INCLUDE overview over_guide_functions3=INCLUDE overview over_guide_functions buttons_exit6 Context-sensitive help is information about a part of6 an application window or dialog box that you identify using the location pointer.0 Y ou can get context-sensitive help in two ways:1 - Choose On Context from the application's Help5 menu. The shape of the mouse pointer changes to a6 question mark. Move the pointer to the area of the4 application window or dialog box about which you want help and click MB1.5 - Move the mouse pointer or use the keyboard to get7 to the area of the application window or dialog box7 about which you want help; then press the Help key.2 Sometimes you will see information about only the2 particular field, button, or whatever the pointer5 is on. At other times you will see information about4 several screen objects. Each application determines7 how its windows and dialog boxes are divided into help5 regions, as well as what information is provided for6 each region when a request for context-sensitive help is made. 3 buttons_exit=TITLE buttons_exit=TITLE Exiting Help=KEYWORD buttons goback=INCLUDE overview8=INCLUDE overview over_guide_functions over_guide_window5=INCLUDE overview over_guide_functions buttons_goback-=INCLUDE overview over_guide_functions cshelp=INCLUDE glossary4 To close the Help window, click on the Exit button.8 Note that you do not need to exit the Help window after5 each use of help. If you leave the Help window open,8 your subsequent help requests will be displayed in that window. 3 Over_guide_window=TITLE Over_guide_window=TITLE Help Window=KEYWORD window help=INCLUDE overview menus_file=INCLUDE overview menus_edit=INCLUDE overview menus_go=INCLUDE overview menus_search5=INCLUDE overview over_guide_functions buttons_goback3=INCLUDE overview over_guide_functions buttons_exit=INCLUDE overview0 The Help window display includes the following:8 - Menu bar with the following menus: File, Edit, View, Search, Using Help.2 - Area for the help text. You can make this area2 longer or shorter by resizing the Help window,7 - Additional topics list. You can double click on any( additional topic to display its text - Go Back and Exit buttons.3 To find out more about a specific part of the Help7 window, double click on the appropriate topic from the! list of additional topics below. 4 over_guide_help_frame=TITLE over_guide_help_frame=TITLE Help Text Area=KEYWORD topicL=INCLUDE overview over_guide_functions over_guide_window over_guide_list_box5=INCLUDE overview over_guide_functions buttons_goback=INCLUDE csh resizing-=INCLUDE overview over_guide_functions cshelp7 The help text area is the part of the window where the7 text that explains the topic is displayed. If the text6 is too wide or too long for the current area, you can8 resize the Help window. You can also scroll through the6 topic if the text is too long for the help text area. 4 over_guide_list_box=TITLE over_guide_list_box =TITLE List of Additional Topics=KEYWORD additionaltopics listN=INCLUDE overview over_guide_functions over_guide_window over_guide_help_frame5=INCLUDE overview over_guide_functions buttons_goback=INCLUDE overview menus_go-=INCLUDE overview over_guide_functions cshelp6 The list of additional topics identifies other topics that you can select.6 To choose a topic, double click on it. Alternatively,8 you can single click on the topic and then choose Go To) Topic or Visit Topic from the View menu. 2 Menus_File=TITLE Menus_File=TITLE Help Window File Menu=KEYWORD file save=INCLUDE overview menus_edit=INCLUDE overview menus_go=INCLUDE overview menus_search=INCLUDE overview menus_help=INCLUDE overview8 The Help window File menu contains the following items: - Save As...5 Saves a copy of the current help topic in a file.0 Specify the file name in the dialog box that appears. - Exit7 Closes the current Help window. Note that this does4 not affect any other Help windows that are open.6 You do not need to exit the Help window after each8 use of help. If you leave the Help window open, your6 subsequent help requests will be displayed in that window. 2 Menus_Edit=TITLE Menus_Edit=TITLE Help Window Edit Menu =KEYWORD edit=INCLUDE overview menus_file=INCLUDE overview menus_go=INCLUDE overview menus_search=INCLUDE overview menus_help=INCLUDE overview8 The Help window Edit menu contains the following items: - Copy7 Copies a selected portion of text to the clipboard.4 This item is dimmed if you have not selected any text. - Select All6 Selects all the text in the current topic. You can3 then use the Copy item to copy that text to the clipboard.7 For more information, choose the appropriate menu item$ from the list of additional topics. 3 Menus_Edit_Copy=TITLE Menus_Edit_Copy=TITLE Copy Menu Item =KEYWORD copy.=INCLUDE overview menus_edit menus_edit_select=INCLUDE overview menus_file=INCLUDE overview menus_edit=INCLUDE overview menus_go=INCLUDE overview menus_search=INCLUDE overview menus_help=INCLUDE overview8 The Copy menu item in the Edit menu copies the selected" portion of text to the clipboard.1 This function is useful for copying details into5 another application, for example, to insert a detail( from the text into a Calendar timeslot.6 If you want to copy the whole topic, it is quicker to8 use the Select All menu item to select all the text and then use the Copy item. 3 Menus_Edit_Select=TITLE Menus_Edit_Select=TITLE Select All Menu Item=KEYWORD select copy,=INCLUDE overview menus_edit menus_edit_copy=INCLUDE overview menus_file=INCLUDE overview menus_edit=INCLUDE overview menus_go=INCLUDE overview menus_search=INCLUDE overview menus_help=INCLUDE overview6 The Select All menu item in the Edit menu selects all$ the text in the current help topic.6 You can then copy the topic to the clipboard by using the Copy menu item. 2 Menus_Go=TITLE Menus_Go=TITLE Help Window View Menu =KEYWORD view=INCLUDE overview menus_file=INCLUDE overview menus_edit=INCLUDE overview menus_search=INCLUDE overview menus_help=INCLUDE overview8 The Help window View menu contains the following items:4 - Go To Topic - displays the selected topic in the6 current Help window. Equivalent to double clicking3 on a topic. This item is dimmed if you have not selected a topic.5 Contrast with Visit Topic, which opens a new Help window./ - Go Back - displays the previous help topic.1 Equivalent to clicking on the Go Back button.8 You can repeatedly choose Go Back or click on the Go8 Back button to step back through the help topics you have seen.1 - Go To Overview - displays the Overview topic.6 - Visit Topic - displays the selected topic in a new4 Help window. This item is dimmed if you have not selected a topic.5 Contrast with Go To Topic, which uses the current  Help window.1 - Visit Glossary - displays a glossary of help- specific terms.6 For more information about any View menu item, choose- it from the list of additional topics below. 3 Menus_Go_Goto=TITLE Menus_Go_Goto=TITLE Go To Topic=KEYWORD Go To(=INCLUDE overview menus_go menus_go_back,=INCLUDE overview menus_go menus_go_gotoover)=INCLUDE overview menus_go menus_go_visit.=INCLUDE overview menus_go menus_go_visitgloss=INCLUDE overview menus_file=INCLUDE overvie !w menus_edit=INCLUDE overview menus_go=INCLUDE overview menus_search=INCLUDE overview menus_help1 After you have selected a topic from the list of4 additional topics, you can perform a Go To or Visit6 operation on that selection. If no topic is selected,4 these menu items are dimmed. Double clicking on the7 selected topic achieves the same result as selecting a- topic and then choosing the Go To menu item.3 If you perform a Go To operation on the selection,5 the new topic replaces "the current topic in the Help window. Contrast with Visit Topic. 3 Menus_Go_Back=TITLE Menus_Go_Back=TITLE Go Back=KEYWORD go back)=INCLUDE overview menus_go menus_go_visit(=INCLUDE overview menus_go menus_go_goto,=INCLUDE overview menus_go menus_go_gotoover.=INCLUDE overview menus_go menus_go_visitgloss=INCLUDE overview menus_file=INCLUDE overview menus_edit=INCLUDE overview menus_go=INCLUDE overview menus_search=INCLUDE overview menus_help1 Go Back replaces the #current help topic with the4 preceding help topic. You can step back through the3 help topics you have seen by repeating the Go Back operation.8 You can also step back through previous topics by using6 the Go Back button or by choosing the History... item6 on the Search menu. Both these methods can be quicker4 than using the Go Back menu item, especially if you' want to step back through many topics. 3 Menus_Go_Visit=TITLE Menus_Go_Visit=TITLE Visit Topic=KEYWORD visit( $=INCLUDE overview menus_go menus_go_goto(=INCLUDE overview menus_go menus_go_back,=INCLUDE overview menus_go menus_go_gotoover.=INCLUDE overview menus_go menus_go_visitgloss=INCLUDE overview menus_file=INCLUDE overview menus_edit=INCLUDE overview menus_go=INCLUDE overview menus_search=INCLUDE overview menus_help1 After you have selected a topic from the list of4 additional topics, you can perform a Visit or Go To2 operation on that selection. These menu items are) dimmed if you have %not selected a topic.3 When you perform a Visit operation on a topic, the2 information about the new topic is displayed in a5 separate window, so that you can see the old and new topics at the same time. 3 Menus_Go_Gotoover=TITLE Menus_Go_Gotoover=TITLE Go To Overview=KEYWORD overview Go To(=INCLUDE overview menus_go menus_go_goto(=INCLUDE overview menus_go menus_go_back)=INCLUDE overview menus_go menus_go_visit.=INCLUDE overview menus_go menus_go_visitgloss=INCLUDE o&verview menus_file=INCLUDE overview menus_edit=INCLUDE overview menus_go=INCLUDE overview menus_search=INCLUDE overview menus_help1 Choosing the Go To Overview menu item causes the7 current help topic to be replaced by the Overview help6 topic for the current application. This topic usually4 contains general information and several additional topics. 3 Menus_Go_Visitgloss=TITLE Menus_Go_Visitgloss=TITLE Visit Glossary=KEYWORD glossary visit Go To(=INCLUDE overview menu's_go menus_go_goto(=INCLUDE overview menus_go menus_go_back,=INCLUDE overview menus_go menus_go_gotoover)=INCLUDE overview menus_go menus_go_visit=INCLUDE overview menus_file=INCLUDE overview menus_edit=INCLUDE overview menus_go=INCLUDE overview menus_search=INCLUDE overview menus_help1 Choosing the Visit Glossary menu item displays a3 glossary of terms for the current application in a5 separate Help window. You can then choose individual! terms and see their definitions.7 Not(e: Not all applications use the Glossary menu item.5 In applications that do not, the Visit Glossary menu7 item on the View menu and the Glossary... menu item on% the Help menu are dimmed or missing. 2 Menus_Search=TITLE Menus_Search=TITLE Help Window Search Menu=KEYWORD search=INCLUDE overview menus_file=INCLUDE overview menus_edit=INCLUDE overview menus_go=INCLUDE overview menus_help=INCLUDE overview3 The Help window Search menu contains the following items:) - History...8 Displays a list of help topics you have already seen6 and lets you perform a Go To or Visit operation on any of them. - Title...3 Displays a list of all the available help topic5 titles and allows you to perform a Go To or Visit8 operation on visit any of them. You can also enter a6 word or phrase, and only those topics that contain it are displayed. - Keyword...6 Displays a list of help keywords and allows you to6 select a*ny of them. All topics having that keyword6 are displayed, and you can then perform a Go To or# Visit operation on any of them.4 For more information, choose the menu item from the! list of additional topics below. 3 Menus_Search_History=TITLE Menus_Search_History=TITLE History...1=INCLUDE overview menus_search menus_search_title3=INCLUDE overview menus_search menus_search_keyword=INCLUDE overview menus_file=INCLUDE overview menus_edit=INCLUDE overview menus_go+=INCLUDE overview menus_search=INCLUDE overview menus_help8 The History... item displays a dialog box that includes8 a list of all topics you have viewed during the current5 help session. The list of topics is in chronological) order, but duplicates are not displayed.5 You can view any of the topics that are displayed by3 double clicking on the topic or by single clicking5 on the topic and then clicking on the Go To or Visit button. 3 Menus_Search_Title=TITLE Menus_Searc,h_Title=TITLE Title...=KEYWORD search title3=INCLUDE overview menus_search menus_search_history3=INCLUDE overview menus_search menus_search_keyword=INCLUDE overview menus_file=INCLUDE overview menus_edit=INCLUDE overview menus_go=INCLUDE overview menus_search=INCLUDE overview menus_help8 The History... item displays a dialog box that includes3 a Title entry box and an area for displaying topic titles.2 To display a list of all help topics containing a5 specific word or ph-rase, enter the word or phrase in3 the Title entry box and click on the Apply button.5 You can view any of the topics that are displayed by3 double clicking on the topic or by single clicking5 on the topic and then clicking on the Go To or Visit button. 3 Menus_Search_Keyword=TITLE Menus_Search_Keyword=TITLE Keyword...=KEYWORD search keyword3=INCLUDE overview menus_search menus_search_history1=INCLUDE overview menus_search menus_search_title=INCLUDE overview menus_.file=INCLUDE overview menus_edit=INCLUDE overview menus_go=INCLUDE overview menus_search=INCLUDE overview menus_help4 The Keyword... menu item displays a dialog box that4 includes the available keywords, which are subjects0 associated with certain topics. The application0 determines what the keyword names are and which3 keywords are associated with specific help topics.8 To see a list of help topics associated with a specific4 keyword, either select the keyword from the list or5 ent/er it in the Keyword entry box, and then click on the Apply button.5 You can view any of the topics that are displayed by4 double clicking on the topic, or by single clicking5 on the topic and then clicking on the Go To or Visit button. 2 Menus_Help=TITLE Menus_Help"=TITLE Help Window Using Help Menu =KEYWORD help=INCLUDE overview menus_file=INCLUDE overview menus_edit=INCLUDE overview menus_go=INCLUDE overview menus_search=INCLUDE overview0 The Help window Using0 Help menu contains the On Window... item. 3 Menus_Help_Help=TITLE Menus_Help_Help(=TITLE On Window... Using Help Menu Item =KEYWORD help=INCLUDE overview menus_file=INCLUDE overview menus_edit=INCLUDE overview menus_go=INCLUDE overview menus_search=INCLUDE overview menus_help6 The On Window... item on the Using Help menu displays# information about how to use help. 3 Menus_Help_About=TITLE Menus_Help_About)=TITLE On Version... Using Help Menu Item=KEYWORD a1bout,=INCLUDE overview menus_help menus_help_help0=INCLUDE overview menus_help menus_help_glossary=INCLUDE overview menus_file=INCLUDE overview menus_edit=INCLUDE overview menus_go=INCLUDE overview menus_search=INCLUDE overview menus_help. The On Version... item on the Using Help menu0 displays information about the current software3 name and version. It includes the copyright notice3 and an additional topic with trademark and product information. 3 Menus_Help_Glossary=T2ITLE Menus_Help_Glossary'=TITLE On Terms... Using Help Menu Item=KEYWORD glossary,=INCLUDE overview menus_help menus_help_help-=INCLUDE overview menus_help menus_help_about=INCLUDE overview menus_file=INCLUDE overview menus_edit=INCLUDE overview menus_go=INCLUDE overview menus_search=INCLUDE overview menus_help5 The On Terms... item on the Using Help menu displays6 a glossary of help system terms. (It is not a general DECwindows glossary.) ww)<1 CSH 3=TITLE CSH'=TITLE Context-Sensitive Overhead Topic7 Context-sensitive help is available for the additional topics listed below. 2 resizing=TITLE resizing=TITLE Resizing the Help Window=INCLUDE overview8 You can resize the Help window by moving the pointer to$ any window border or to any corner.1 - To change only the vertical or the horizontal2 dimension, move the pointer to the appropriate border.4 - To change both dimensions, move the pointer to a7 co4rner from which you want to enlarge or shrink the window.8 The pointer changes its shape to indicate the direction5 or directions in which you will be moving the window border or borders.5 To move the border or borders, press and hold MB1 on3 the border or corner, then move the pointer to the6 desired new location of the window borders. (You will7 see a "ghost" outline change as you move the pointer.)6 When the outline reaches the desired new window size, release MB1. 52 error =TITLE error#=TITLE Acknowledging Error Messages=INCLUDE overview. Any error message you receive should be self- explanatory.6 Click on the OK or Acknowledged button to dismiss the5 error message; then correct the error or problem and try the operation again.2 You cannot do anything else in the Help window or1 in your application until you click on the OK or Acknowledged button. wwg> 1 Glossary=TITLE Glossary=TITLE Glossary of Help 6Terms=INCLUDE overview7 This is a glossary of DECwindows Help terms. It is not a general DECwindows glossary.5 Choose the term you want from the list of additional topics below. 2 Go_back=TITLE Go_back=TITLE Go Back=KEYWORD Go Back5=INCLUDE overview over_guide_functions buttons_goback=INCLUDE glossary=INCLUDE overview4 The Go Back button and the Go Back item on the View& menu display the previous help topic.7 Every time you perform a Visit Topic operation or a7 Go5 To Topic operation, the topic title is recorded in a6 history list. The Go Back operation uses this history7 list to display each previous topic as you request it. 2 Go_to =TITLE Go_to =TITLE Go To=KEYWORD Go To(=INCLUDE overview menus_go menus_go_goto=INCLUDE glossary=INCLUDE overview5 A Go To operation displays the selected topic in the5 current Help window, replacing the information about the previous topic.5 The Go To Topic item appears on the Help window Vie8w menu.7 Contrast Go To with Visit, in which the current window3 remains open and an additional window is opened to! display the requested new topic. 2 history=TITLE history=TITLE History=KEYWORD history3=INCLUDE overview menus_search menus_search_history=INCLUDE glossary=INCLUDE overview8 Every time you perform a Go To or Visit To operation on7 a help topic, the topic title is recorded in a history list.4 The Go Back button and the Go Back item of the View4 m9enu use this history list to display each previous topic as you request it.1 You can also access the history list through the8 History... item of the Search menu. The History... item7 lets you return quickly to a topic that is far back in the history list. 2 keyword=TITLE keyword=TITLE Keyword=KEYWORD keyword3=INCLUDE overview menus_search menus_search_keyword=INCLUDE glossary=INCLUDE overview6 A keyword is a subject that is associated with one or4 more help topics.: A help topic can have one or more keywords associated with it.8 You can use the Keyword... menu item of the Search menu8 to see the list of keywords and to see topics that have) a specific keyword associated with them. 2 topic =TITLE topic =TITLE Topic=KEYWORD topic=INCLUDE glossary=INCLUDE overview8 A topic is a basic unit of help information. If a topic3 is longer than the help text area, you can use the* scroll bar to view the rest of the topic. 2 Visit =TIT;LE Visit =TITLE Visit=KEYWORD visit)=INCLUDE overview menus_go menus_go_visit=INCLUDE glossary=INCLUDE overview3 A Visit operation displays the selected topic in a separate help window.5 The Visit Topic item appears on the Help window View menu.4 Contrast with Go To, in which the selected topic is4 displayed in the current Help window, replacing the current topic. wwID 1 Aboutframe=TITLE Aboutframe=TITLE About DECwindows Help=INCLUDE overv<iew=INCLUDE overview over_basics=INCLUDE glossary# 2000 Compaq Computer Corporation7 Software Version: Compaq DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS, Version 1.2-64 COMPAQ, OpenVMS, VAX, VMS, the Compaq logo, and the5 DIGITAL logo Registered in U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.5 Bookreader, CDA, DDIF, DECalc, DECdecision, DECpage,. DECpresent, DECquery, DECwindows, and XUI are5 trademarks of Compaq Information Technologies Group, L.P.6 Motif, OSF/1, UNIX, and the "X" device =are trademarks of the The Open Group.4 All other product names mentioned herein may be the8 trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.3 Confidential computer software. Valid license from. Compaq or authorized sublicensor required for1 possession, use, or copying. Consistent with FAR1 12.211 and 12.212, Commercial Computer Software,8 Computer Software Documentation, and Technical Data for5 Commercial Items are licensed to the U.S. Government, under vendor' >s standard commercial license.6 Compaq shall not be liable for technical or editorial& errors or omissions contained herein.2 The information in this publication is subject to6 change without notice and is provided "AS IS" WITHOUT5 WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. THE ENTIRE RISK ARISING OUT OF8 THE USE OF THIS INFORMATION REMAINS WITH THE RECIPIENT.3 IN NO EVENT SHALL COMPAQ BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT,7 CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, PUNITIVE, OR OTHER2 DAMAGES WHATSOEVER (INCLUDING WITHOUT L?IMITATION,/ DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS, BUSINESS5 INTERRUPTION, OR LOSS OF BUSINESS INFORMATION), EVEN1 IF COMPAQ HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF 3 SUCH DAMAGES. THE FOREGOING SHALL APPLY REGARDLESS1 OF THE NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER FAULT OF EITHER PARTY3 AND REGARDLESS OF WHETHER SUCH LIABILITY SOUNDS IN3 CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE, TORT, OR ANY OTHER THEORY OF4 LEGAL LIABILITY, AND NOTWITHSTANDING ANY FAILURE OF) ESSENTIAL PURPOSE OF ANY LIMITED REMEDY./ The limited warranties for Compaq products are8 exclusively set forth in the documentation accompanying5 such products. Nothing herein should be construed as. consituting a further or additional warranty.ww