% Librarian T09-20b^ |U|UTU  5COLLECT0CONVERT CREATE6,EDIT8VEXIT HELPREPORT% SHOW_PATH8Usage_Information   |U1 HELP!DThe DECNET_MIGRATE utility provides system and network managers withEfunctions to ease the transition from DECnet Phase IV to DECnet-Plus.These functions aid in:G - Creating a command file to create or delete interphase link entriesL in the reachable address table of a DECnet-Plus level 2 router that must? use both DECnet-Plus and DECnet Phase IV level 2 protocols.G - Collecting and reporting current network configuration information.G - De termining what paths node-to-node communication takes through the network.K - Converting NCP commands to their NCL equivalents, and using LSE to edit an NCL command file.! ww |U1 CREATE!KThis creates a DCL command file that may be used to aid setting up networksMthat use both DECnet-Plus and DECnet Phase IV level 2 routing protocols (link$state and routing vector protocols).GThe command file is used to create or delete interphase link entries inJa DE Cnet-Plus level 2 router's reachable address table. This is used on aIDECnet-Plus level 2 router that must route messages between a DECnet-Plus6level 2 network and a DECnet Phase IV level 2 network.8 CREATE IPL_INITIALIZATION_FILE command-file-name - FOR router-node-name!2 IPL_INITIALIZATION_FILE!DThis parameter specifies the name of the DCL command file to create.GThis command file makes use of secondary NCL command files to create orFdelete the interphase link ent ries in the DECnet-Plus Level 2 Router's@reachable address table. If no extension is supplied, a default!extension of ".COM" will be used.DThe names of the secondary NCL command files are the same as the DCLCcommand file name, with "_CRE" or "_DEL" appended to the extension.IThe DCL command file should be executed on either the DECnet-Plus level 2GRouter, or on a node that can access the DECnet-Plus level 2 Router fornetwork management.JIf the DECnet-Plus Level 2 Router is a dedicated server, the secondary NCLBcommand files can be applied to the server's load image, using the"appropriate configuration utility.4Example: CREATE IPL_INIT BOSTON_INIT.COM FOR BOSTON!2 FOR!AThis parameter specifies the full name or Phase IV synonym of the"target DECnet-Plus level 2 router.EWhen you issue the CREATE IPL_INITIALIZATION_FILE command, the targetJrouter must be accessible, and must have a communication path to all areasEin the level 2 link state network. Additionally, the adjacent level 2Erouters running the DECnet Phase IV routing vector protocol must haveDcommunication paths to all areas in their respective level 2 routingvector networks.?Example: CREATE IPL_INIT BOSTON_INIT FOR .NODES.ROUTERS.BOSTON! ww |U 1 COLLECT!FCollect information on the current configuration of the network. ThisIwill store the information in a configuration data file which may be used)as input for a subsequent REPORT command.$ COLLEC T collection-file-name -F [ROUTING_TYPE = { ALL | ROUTERS | L1_ROUTERS | L2_ROUTERS }] -4 [AREAS = { ALL | LOCAL | NODE:node-name }] -' [NODES = node-list-file-name] -( [STATUS = status-report-count] -( [RETRY = connection-retry-count]* COLLECT collection-file-name RECOVERGThe command will dynamically determine what nodes are accessible in theGnetwork, using both DECnet-Plus and DECnet Phase IV network management.EIt will then query each node for the specified information, and write,that information to the specified data file.IIt will also create an "address polling list" file. This file is used byDthe function to hold the addresses of the nodes to be polled, and isAdeleted when it is no longer needed. The file name is created by7appending "_SEA" to the collection file name extension.%Example: COLLECT CONFIG_01_23_90.DAT!2 ROUTING_TYPE!FThis optional parameter allows you to specify the routing types of the(nodes from which to collect information.: ROUTING_TYPE = ALL Routers and end systemsC ROUTING_TYPE = ROUTERS Only Level 1 and Level 2 routers7 ROUTING_TYPE = L1_ROUTERS Only Level 1 routers7 ROUTING_TYPE = L2_ROUTERS Only Level 2 routers9If this parameter is not specified, the default is "ALL".5Example: COLLECT CONFIG_01_23_90.DAT ROUTING_TYPE=L2!2 AREAS!IThis optional parameter allows you to specify the network area from whichto collect information.) AREAS = ALL All areas5 AREAS = LOCAL The local node's areaF AREAS = NODE:node-name The area containing the specified nodeGIf the AREAS=NODE option is used, the full name or the Phase IV synonymfor the node must be supplied.IThe AREAS parameter is mutually exclusive with the NODES parameter. Onlyone of these may be used.FIf neither the AREAS nor the NODES parameter is specified, the defaultis "AREAS=ALL".0Example:  COLLECT CONFIG_01_23_90.DAT AREA=LOCAL> COLLECT CONFIG_01_23_90.DAT AREA=NODE:Paris.Hub_Node!2 NODES!IThis optional parameter allows you to specify a file containing a list of1specific nodes from which to collect information. NODES = node-list-file-nameLIf the NODE option is used, the specified file must contain a list of nodes,Kone node per line in the file. Each node may be specified using either theJnode's full name, its Phase IV synonym, its network entity title (NET), orits Phase IV address.EThe disk and directory for the node list file default to the disk andIdirectory specified for the collection file. The file extension defaults to "INP".IThe NODES parameter is mutually exclusive with the AREAS parameter. Onlyone of these may be used.FIf neither the NODES nor the AREAS parameter is specified, the defaultis "AREAS=ALL".@Example: COLLECT CONFIG_01_23_90.DAT NODES=DECNET_VAX_NODES.INP!2 STATUS!GThis optional parame ter causes a polling status message to be displayedBafter the specified number of nodes have been polled. This allowsDyou to monitor the progress of the information collection operation.The status message indicates:G o The number of nodes polled up to this time. Nodes are polled basedJ on a list of node addresses obtained from one or more network routers.C o The number of addresses in the node address list that have beenD skipped over, because they are equivalent to addresses that haveF already been polled (DECnet-Plus allows any node to have more than one node address).CIf not specified, the default is to report the polling status afterBeach node is polled (STATUS=1). If a polling status report is notdesired, specify "STATUS=NONE"..Example: COLLECT CONFIG_01_23_90.DAT STATUS=5/ COLLECT CONFIG_01_23_90.DAT STATUS=NO!2 RETRY!GThis optional parameter causes network connect attempts for any node toFcontinue for the specified num ber of times, waiting one minute betweenDattempts. If a connection cannot be made within this many attempts,Dthe utility will assume that it cannot connect to the node. This is?most useful when nodes might have network resource constraints.IA node connection will be retried only for errors that could be transientDin nature (such as resource errors). Other errors will result in an:immediate connect failure, and this count will be ignored.EIf not specified, the default is to try two conn ects to a node beforeEgoing on to the the next node. If only one connect attempt should be7made per node to speed up processing, use "RETRY=NONE".-Example: collect config_01_23_90.dat retry=5. collect config_01_23_90.dat retry=no! 2 RECOVER!FThis optional parameter allows the user to specify that the collectionGoperation should pick up from where it was last stopped. The recoveryFwill work only if the collection data file was not left in a corrupted,state (this can be detected by the utility).AThe operation may have stopped due to a system reboot, due to theDprocess being stopped, or due to the user pressing CTRL/C or CTRL/Y.GThis parameter may not be used in conjunction with any other parameter.IAny parameters that were in effect from the original COLLECT command willremain in effect.-Example: COLLECT CONFIG_01_23_90.DAT RECOVER! ww4 |U1 REPORT!ICreate a text report from previously collected configuration information.BThe information must have been gathered using the COLLECT command." REPORT output-text-file-name' [DATA = input-data-file-name] -- [TYPES = { ALL | (node-type-list)}] -F [ROUTING_TYPE = { ALL | ROUTERS | L1_ROUTERS | L2_ROUTERS }] -4 [AREAS = { ALL | LOCAL | NODE:node-name }] -7 [INFORMATION = { ALL | BASIC | (info-list) }] -# [FORMAT = { FULL | BRIEF }]GMultiple REPORT commands may be issued against the same collected data.$Example: REPORT CONFIG_01_23_90.LIS!2 DATA!EThis optional parameter allows you to specify a particular collection,data file to use when generating the report.FIf not specified, the collection file is assumed to have the same name=as the output text file, with the extension changed to "DAT".>Example: REPORT CONFIG_01_23_90.LIS DATA=ARCHIVE_01_23_90.DAT!2 TYPES!CThis optional parameter allows you to specify the types of nodes toreport information on.1 TYPES = ALL  All DECnet node types2 TYPES = OSI Only DECnet-Plus nodes6 TYPES = PHASE_IV Only DECnet Phase IV nodes7 TYPES = PHASE_III Only DECnet Phase III nodesGMore than one type may be specified by placing the types in parenthesesand separating them by commas.9If this parameter is not specified, the default is "ALL".-Example: REPORT CONFIG_01_23_90.LIS TYPE=OSI? REPORT CONFIG_01_23_90.LIS TYPES=(PHASE_IV,PHASE_III)!2 ROUTING_TYPE!F This optional parameter allows you to specify the routing types of the(nodes on which to to report information.: ROUTING_TYPE = ALL Routers and end systemsC ROUTING_TYPE = ROUTERS Only Level 1 and Level 2 routers7 ROUTING_TYPE = L1_ROUTERS Only Level 1 routers7 ROUTING_TYPE = L2_ROUTERS Only Level 2 routersGIf a routing type is specified for which information was not collected,=the report will not contain information on that routing type.9If! this parameter is not specified, the default is "ALL".4Example: REPORT CONFIG_01_23_90.LIS ROUTING_TYPE=L2!2 AREAS!GThis optional parameter allows you to specify the network area on whichto report information.) AREAS = ALL All areas: AREAS = LOCAL The management node's areaF AREAS = NODE:node-name The area containing the specified nodeEIf the NODE option is used, the full name or the Phase IV synonym forCthe node must be supplie"d. If this parameter is not specified, thedefault is "ALL"./Example: REPORT CONFIG_01_23_90.LIS AREA=LOCAL> REPORT CONFIG_01_23_90.LIS AREA=NODE:.Paris.Hub_Node! 2 INFORMATION!JThis optional parameter allows you to specify which information to report.(The information that may be reported is:C INFORMATION = ALL Basic, adjacency, circuit, routing,A application, and area informationG INFORMATION = BASIC Name, ad #dress, phase, routing type, and: node id string information@ INFORMATION = ADJACENCIES Basic plus adjacency informationF INFORMATION = CIRCUITS Basic plus circuit id and circuit cost+ informationG INFORMATION = ROUTING Basic plus routing information (maximumF hops, maximum cost, and network buffer% size)G INFORMATION = APPLICATIONS Ba $sic plus application information (theD word OBJECTS may be used in place of- APPLICATIONS)G INFORMATION = AREAS Basic plus area information, indicatingA what other areas are known by theD level 2 routers in the current area.FIf more than one information type is specified, they must be placed in$parentheses and separated by commas.@If this parameter %is not specified, the default will be "BASIC".1Example: REPORT CONFIG_01_23_90.LIS INFO=ROUTINGA REPORT CONFIG_01_23_90.LIS INFO=(ADJACENCIES, CIRCUITS)!2 FORMAT!EThis optional parameter allows you to specify the output file format. Formats are:, FORMAT = FULL Multiple lines per node.C FORMAT = BRIEF One line per node, with information in columns.GThe BRIEF format may be used only when reporting BASIC information. IfFany other information is being reporte&d, the FULL format must be used.:If this parameter is not specified, the default is "FULL".1Example: REPORT CONFIG_01_23_90.LIS FORMAT=BRIEF0 REPORT CONFIG_01_23_90.LIS FORMAT=FULL! wwO|U 1 SHOW_PATH!CDisplay the possible paths that node-to-node communication may takeBthrough the network. This allows you to determine what effect the@transition from Phase IV to DECnet-Plus has had on the network'scommunication paths. SHOW PATH -J [FRO 'M = {node-name | osi-net | osi-area | ph4-addr | ph4-area }] -J [TO = {node-name | osi-net | osi-area | ph4-addr | ph4-area }] -% [FORMAT = { BRIEF | FULL }] -( [OUTPUT_FILE = output-file-name]DThe command will dynamically determine what nodes might be traversedEwhen a packet is sent from a source node to a destination node, basedFon information obtained from the starting node and from the routers inCthe path. It will then display the resulting lists of nodes. More((than one possible path may be displayed.HAll nodes in the path must be able to respond to either NICE or DNA CMIPnetwork management requests.-Example: SHOW PATH TO .FR.CANNES FORMAT=FULL!2 FROM!GThis optional parameter allows you to specify the node to start at when)determining a set of communication paths.You may enter either: FROM = node-name FROM = osi-net FROM = osi-area FROM = ph4-addr FROM = ph4-areawhere:I node-name identifi )es the starting node using either the node's full9 DECdns name or its Phase IV synonym name.6 For example ".USA.Boston" or "BOSTON".L osi-net identifies the starting node using one of the node's networkI entity titles (NETs). This may be entered in the format:5 afi:idi:predsp-locarea:nodeid:selH For example "43:15084745192:00-0C:aa-00-04-00-50-30:00".D osi-area identifies the starting node* using one of the node'sE network areas. In this case, the first node found inH the area becomes the starting node. This may be entered in the format:* afi:idi:predsp-locarea3 For example "43:15084745192:00-0C".F ph4-addr identifies the starting node using the node's Phase IVD network address. This may be entered in the format: area.nodeid% Fo+r example "12.102".F ph4-area identifies the starting node using the node's Phase IVH network area. In this case, the first node found in theG area becomes the starting node. This may be entered in the format: area.*# For example "12.*".FIf FROM is not specified, the starting node is assumed to be the localDnode. If TO is not specified, the terminating node is assumed to beDthe local node. Y,ou must specify at least one of these (they cannotboth be defaulted).2Example: SHOW PATH FROM .USA.BOSTON TO .FR.CANNESB SHOW PATH FROM 43:15084745192:00-0C:AA-00-04-00-50-30:00!2 TO!FThis optional parameter allows you to specify the node to stop at when)determining a set of communication paths.You may enter either: TO = node-name TO = osi-net TO = osi-area TO = ph4-addr TO = ph4-areawhere:H node-name identifies the terminating- node using either the node's > full DECdns name or its Phase IV synonym name.6 For example ".USA.Boston" or "BOSTON".G osi-net identifies the terminating node using one of the node'sE network entity titles (NETs). This may be entered in the format:5 afi:idi:predsp-locarea:nodeid:selH For example "43:15084745192:00-0C:aa-00-04-00-50-30:00".G osi-area identifies the termina.ting node using one of the node'sE network areas. In this case, the first node found inC the area becomes the terminating node. This may be& entered in the format:* afi:idi:predsp-locarea3 For example "43:15084745192:00-0C".I ph4-addr identifies the terminating node using the node's Phase IVD network address. This may be entered in the format: area.nodeid% / For example "12.102".I ph4-area identifies the terminating node using the node's Phase IVH network area. In this case, the first node found in theJ area becomes the terminating node. This may be entered in the format: area.*# For example "12.*".GIf TO is not specified, the terminating node is assumed to be the localGnode. If FROM is not specified, the starting node is assumed 0to be theHlocal node. You must specify at least one of these (they cannot both be defaulted).2Example: SHOW PATH FROM .USA.BOSTON TO .FR.CANNES@ SHOW PATH TO 43:15084745192:00-0C:AA-00-04-00-50-30:00!2 FORMAT!IThis optional parameter allows you to specify the output format. Formatsare:D FORMAT = BRIEF Display only the names of the nodes in the path.D FORMAT = FULL Display the node type and the NETs for each node in the path.;If thi1s parameter is not specified, the default is "BRIEF".>Example: SHOW PATH FROM .USA.BOSTON TO .FR.CANNES FORMAT=FULL! 2 OUTPUT_FILE!GThis optional parameter allows you to specify an output file. If used,Fthe path information will be written to the output file rather than to the terminal.EExample: SHOW PATH FROM .USA.BOSTON TO .FR.CANNES OUTPUT=FRANCE.PATH! ww" |U 1 CONVERT!EConvert NCP commands to the closest equivalent NCL commands. You mayFconvert 2either a DCL command file containing embedded NCP commands, anBNCP command file, or a single NCP command entered at the terminal.A CONVERT DCL_FILE command-file-name [TO new-command-file-name]A CONVERT NCP_FILE command-file-name [TO new-command-file-name]( CONVERT COMMAND "ncp-command-string"HThese commands are provided to help facilitate training in NCL, and will3not provide a complete command conversion facility.! 2 DCL_FILE!HThis will convert a DCL command file contain 3ing embedded NCP commands toDa DCL command file containing equivalent NCL commands. Embedded NCP7commands must be of the following form to be converted:9 $ NCP or $ RUN NCP4 4 4 ' $FThe conversion will generally not be complete, due to the differecncesEbetween 4NCP and NCL. Some additional editing will be required beforethe NCL commands may be used.GThe source NCP commands will be preserved in the target file as commentHlines, to help provide a reference for determining how NCP commands wereconverted to NCL.+Example: CONVERT DCL_FILE DECNET_SETUP.COM! 2 NCP_FILE!EThis will convert a command file containing only commands to NCP to aEcommand file containing equivalent commands to NCL. Commands must be&of the following form to be 5converted:   DThe commands should appear as they would if they were typed directlyto the "NCP>" prompt.EThe conversion will generally not be complete, due to the differencesEbetween NCP and NCL. Some additional editing will be required beforethe NCL commands may be used.GThe source NCP commands will be preserved in the target file as commentHlines, to help provide a reference for determining how NCP commands wereconverte6d to NCL.'Example: CONVERT NCP_FILE CIRCUITS.COM!2 TO!IThis optional parameter can be used to supply the name of the output file*to create, when converting a command file.KIf this parameter is not specified, the output file will have the same nameas the input file.CExample: CONVERT DCL_FILE DECNET_SETUP.COM TO DECNET_SETUP_NCL.COM! 2 COMMAND!EThis will convert a single NCP command to the equivalent NCL command.GThe resulting command will generally not be direct7ly usable, due to theDdifferences between NCP and NCL, but it will help provide a guide to*how the NCL command should be constructed.BThe command should appear as it would if it were typed directly tothe "NCP>" prompt.5Example: CONVERT COMMAND "SHOW EXEC CHARACTERISTICS"! wwv|U1 EDIT!HCreate and edit a file containing NCL commands, using language sensitiveDediting. This requires the LSE editor to be installed and licensed. EDIT ncl-command-file-name 8KThe command file extension should be either COM or NCL to use the automaticFLSE environment setup features. You may also use the LSE command "SET1LANGUAGE NCL" to set up the language environment.FSyntax support is included for verbs, entities, attributes, arguments,and prepositional clauses.EMenu support is included for frequently used verb, entity, attribute,Dargument, and preposition keywords. This is limited to the keywords!used with the NODE global entity.ESome minimal seman9tic support is provided in that the keywords listedDin a menu depend on the previous keywords selected. If a keyword is@entered manually, and is not selected from a menu, this semanticcapability is lost.LThe initial placeholder used to start expanding a command is "{NCL_SCRIPT}".Example: EDIT DECNET_SETUP.NCL! ww|U1 EXIT!Exit the utility. EXIT or ! ww|U1 Usage_Information!DThe DECNET_MIGRATE utility provides sy:stem and network managers withEfunctions to ease the transition from DECnet Phase IV to DECnet-Plus.These functions aid in: Interphase link creation' Network configuration determination Network path determination NCL command creationJTo obtain the list of options for any command, type a question mark (?) atKthe end of the command line. This will list the available command options,/and prompt you for the desired option (if any).!2 Invocation_and_Termination! ;IThe DECNET_MIGRATE utility is normally invoked using the RUN command. ItAmay also be invoked using a foreign command symbol. For example:G $ RUN SYS$UPDATE:DECNET_MIGRATE !Invoke the utilityK $ DECNET_MIGRATE :== $SYS$UPDATE:DECNET_MIGRATE !Foreign command symbolG $ DECNET_MIGRATE !Invoke the utilityJIf a foreign command symbol is used, a command line may be passed directly?to DECNET_MIGRATE on the invocation command line. F<or example:* $ DECNET_MIGRATE EDIT NCL_COMMANDS.COMGThe EXIT command will cause DECNET_MIGRATE to terminate execution. The* key combination may also be used.FIf a command was specified on the invocation command line, the utility;will exit immediately after the command has been processed.!#2 Network_Configuration_Information!FThis function collects network configuration information on nodes thatGare currently accessible in the network, and creates a report from that=2information. This function consists of two steps.HThe first step is to collect the information into a data file, using thefollowing command:" COLLECT collection-file-name -D [ROUTING_TYPE = { ALL | ROUTERS | L1_ROUTERS | L2_ROUTERS }] -2 [AREAS = { ALL | LOCAL | NODE:node-name }] -% [NODES = node-list-file-name] -& [STATUS = status-report-count] -& [RETRY = connection-retry-count]CThe second step is to use the collected information to generate theGdesi >red report. This may be done multiple times for the same collecteddata. REPORT output-text-file-name% [DATA = input-data-file-name] -+ [TYPES = { ALL | (node-type-list)}] -D [ROUTING_TYPE = { ALL | ROUTERS | L1_ROUTERS | L2_ROUTERS }] -2 [AREAS = { ALL | LOCAL | NODE:node-name }] -5 [INFORMATION = { ALL | BASIC | (info-list) }] -# [FORMAT = { FULL | BRIEF }] -AThe node types that can be specified in "node-type-list" are OSI,EPHASE_IV, and PHASE_ ?III. If more than one is specified, they must be1contained in parentheses and separated by commas.KThe information types that can be specified in "info-list" are ADJACENCIES,KCIRCUITS, ROUTING, APPLICATIONS, and AREAS. If more than one is specified,Bthey must be contained within parentheses and separated by commas.!2 Network_Path_Information!DThis function displays the paths that node-to-node communication mayGtake through the network. This allows you to determine what effect th @e@transition from Phase IV to DECnet-Plus has had on the network'scommunication paths. SHOW PATH -H [FROM = {node-name | osi-net | osi-area | ph4-addr | ph4-area }] -H [TO = {node-name | osi-net | osi-area | ph4-addr | ph4-area }] -# [FORMAT = { BRIEF | FULL }] -& [OUTPUT_FILE = output-file-name]IThe first and last nodes in the path can be specified using either DECdnsIfull names, Phase IV synonym names, OSI network entity titles (NETs), OSIDnetwork areas, A Phase IV addresses, or Phase IV areas. If an area is:specified, the first node found in that area will be used.JIf FROM is not specified, the first node is assumed to be the local node. FIf TO is not specified, the last node is assumed to be the local node.GYou must specify at least one of these (they cannot both be defaulted).IIf more than one path can be found between the specified nodes, all pathswill be displayed.!!2 Interphase_Link_Setup !HThis function creates a BDCL command file, with two secondary NCL commandCfiles, that may be used to create or delete interphase link entriesHin the reachable address table of a DECnet-Plus Level 2 Router that mustJroute messages between a DECnet-Plus level 2 network and a DECnet Phase IVlevel 2 network.G CREATE IPL_INITIALIZATION_FILE command-file-name FOR router-node-nameEExecuting the resulting command file allows the target router to sendFrouting information to Level 2 routers using either the DECnet-Plus CorADECnet Phase IV routing protocols (link state and routing vector,respectively) at level 2.HThe target router's reachable address table will have "outbound" entriesJcreated for all areas that are reachable through the adjacent routers thatJare running the DECnet Phase IV routing vector protocols at level 2. TheHtarget router's reachable address table will also have "inbound" entriesJcreated for all areas that are currently reachable through the DECnet-Pluslink state level 2 network. DJEvery DECnet-Plus Level 2 Router that has interphase links should have itsJreachable address table updated whenever the Level 2 network configurationchanges.!+3 Singly_and_Multiply_Connected_Subnetworks!EThe generally recommended network configuration for use of interphaseGlinks is one where only one circuit exists between a subnetwork runningHthe DECnet-Plus link state protocols at level 2 and a subnetwork runningCthe DECnet Phase IV routing vector protocols at level 2. The majo ErEdisadvantage of this configuration is that it provides a single point?of failure between the subnetworks. An example of this type of"configuration might be as follows.D +--------------------+ +------------------------+D |Link State L2 router| |Routing Vector L2 router|D | Area 1 | | Area 4 |D +--------------------+ +------------------------+7 | F |D +--------------------+ Circuit running +------------------------+D |Link State L2 router|- - - - - - - - - -|Routing Vector L2 router|D | Area 2 | Interphase Links | Area 5 |D +--------------------+ +------------------------+7 | |D +--------------------+ +------------------------+D |Link State L2 router| |Routing Vector L2 router|D | Area 3 G | | Area 6 |D +--------------------+ +------------------------+GIt is possible to use a configuration such as that shown below in orderBto provide communication path redundancy between the subnetworks. <However, this may produce problems under some circumstances.D +--------------------+ Circuit running +------------------------+D |Link State L2 router|- - - - - - - - - -|Routing Vector L2 router|D | Area 1 | Interphase H Links | Area 4 |D +--------------------+ +------------------------+7 | |D +--------------------+ Circuit running +------------------------+D |Link State L2 router|- - - - - - - - - -|Routing Vector L2 router|D | Area 2 | Interphase Links | Area 5 |D +--------------------+ +------------------------+7 | |D +-- I------------------+ +------------------------+D |Link State L2 router| |Routing Vector L2 router|D | Area 3 | | Area 6 |D +--------------------+ +------------------------+GThis type of configuration can result in looping data. For example, ifEthe lowest cost path from area 1 to area 5 is through area 4, and theEcircuits connecting area 4 to area 5 go down, messages from area 1 toCarea 5 wil Jl still be sent to area 4. This is because area 1 cannotGdetect the loss of connectivity between areas 4 and 5. The result willFbe that area 1 will send these messages to area 4 (lowest cost path toIarea 5), and area 4 will send them back to area 1 (only path to area 5). BThe messages will continue to loop between areas 1 and 4, using up>bandwidth and network resources, until their lifetimes expire.GThis problem can be minimized by providing redundant or highly reliable/paths between thKe areas within each subnetwork.!3 Simple_Configurations!?The simplest configuration that combines DECnet-Plus link stateCsubnetworks connected to DECnet Phase IV routing vector subnetworksAis one in which only two subnetworks are connected, with only one&area in each subnetwork. For example:* +----------+ Interphase +--------------+* |Link State| Link circuit|Routing Vector|* |L2 router |- - - - - - -|L2 router |* |in Area 1 | |in Area 2 |* +----------+ L +--------------+DIn this case, no interphase links are required, since adjacent areas+will automatically configure to each other.@If either subnetwork contains more than one area, or if multipleHsubnetworks are interconnected, then interphase links must be created to9provide routing information about the non-adjacent areas.!3 Complex_Configurations!BIf your network configuration consists of multiple DECnet Phase IV>routing vector subnetworks connected by DECnet-Plus link M stateCsubnetworks, you must run the CREATE IPL function multiple times onGeach DECnet-Plus link state level 2 router that needs interphase links.2An example of this type of configuration might be:G +--------------+ Interphase +----------+ +--------------+G |Routing Vector| Link circuit|Link State| |Routing Vector|G |L2 router |- - - - - - -|L2 router | |L2 router |G |in Area 1 | |in Area 3 | |in Area 5 |G +N--------------+ +----------+ +--------------+? | | |G +--------------+ +----------+ Interphase +--------------+G |Routing Vector| |Link State| Link circuit|Routing Vector|G |L2 router | |L2 router |- - - - - - -|L2 router |G |in Area 2 | |in Area 4 | |in Area 6 |G +--------------+ +----------+ +--------------+ OFIf you use the CREATE IPL command only once for each target router, inDarea 3 first and area 4 second, the area 1 router will only be givenIrouting information about areas 4 and 6, and not about area 5 (the area 1Crouter will already have information about areas 2 and 3). This isHbecause area 3 does not yet have information about area 5, since this is?a non-adjacent area. The area 6 router will, however, be givenGinformation on all areas in the network, because the area 4 router will@ Phave already been given information about area 2 from the area 3interphase links.BTo rectify this, you must use the CREATE IPL command on the area 3Erouter a second time, so that it can pick up the new information thatarea 4 now has about area 5.HThe same is true for configurations that consist of multiple DECnet-PlusBlink state subnetworks connected by DECnet Phase IV routing vectorsubnetworks. For example:C +----------+ Interphase +--------------+ +----------+C |LiQnk State| Link circuit|Routing Vector| |Link State|C |L2 router |- - - - - - -|L2 router | |L2 router |C |in Area 1 | |in Area 3 | |in Area 5 |C +----------+ +--------------+ +----------+= | | |C +----------+ +--------------+ Interphase +----------+C |Link State| |Routing Vector| Link circuit|Link State|C |L2 router | R|L2 router |- - - - - - -|L2 router |C |in Area 2 | |in Area 4 | |in Area 6 |C +----------+ +--------------+ +----------+@Because there are many ways these types of configurations can beHarranged, the simplest way to guarantee that all target routers have all required interphase links is to:> 1) Use the CREATE IPL command on each router in turn, waitingE approximately 15 minutes between using the resulting command fileB to c Sreate interphase links on one target router, and executingG the CREATE IPL command against the next target router. The waitingA period is intended to help guarantee that routing informationI resulting from the newly created interphase links is fully propagatedH throughout the network. A period of 15 minutes should be sufficient! for even very large networks.D 2) Do step 1 "n" times, where "n" is the number of routers that are% to have interphase links created.!2 TNCL_Command_Creation!EThis allows you to convert NCP commands to the closest equivalent NCLBcommands, or to edit NCL commands using language sensitive editing capabilities.+ CONVERT DCL_FILE ncp-file [TO ncl-file]+ CONVERT NCP_FILE ncp-file [TO ncl-file]! CONVERT COMMAND "ncp-command" EDIT ncl-fileHWhen converting commands, the conversion will generally not be complete,Idue to the differences between NCP and NCL. Some additional editing willKbe required before the NCL commands may be used. This is particularly trueJfor entity names which may change between DECnet Phase IV and DECnet-Plus.JThese functions are provided mainly to help facilitate training in the useof NCL.ww