%ė Librarian T09-20b (ąJUŸbŪqąJUŸT*U5đxANALYZE! ATTACH$BACK&XCLEAR&čCOLLECTCommand_Summary)h DEFINE/KEY0Š DELETE/KEY1ŦEXIT22HELP3 REFRESH Running_TRACE4SHOW6äSPAWN<ZSTARTOüSTOP  Tracepoints­bÕ4ąJUŸ1 Running_TRACEFThe TRACE utility provides the Common Trace Facility command interfaceFthat allows you to collect and display information that passes betweenGprotocol layers in a network. CTF commands allow you to start tracing Fdata, stop tracing, and display an analysis of the traced information.,To run the TRACE utility, enter the command: TRACEHThe prompt CTF> will appear, indicating that you may enter CTF commands.=Alternatively, you can enter a CTF command directly from DCL: TRACE command-string 2 About_CTF-CTF provides user commands that allow you to:Ho Start and stop the collection of protocol information from specified D points within networking software, called tracepoints. Each timeE data is collected at a tracepoint, it is stored in a trace record.Do Display the collected trace information on your terminal, or save) it in a trace file for later analysis.EYou can collect protocol data from networkin g software running on theElocal VMS system or on remote servers. Note, however, that you cannot.collect protocol data from remote VMS systems.2 Rights_IdentifiersATo trace data on a local system or a remote server, you must holdBspecific rights identifiers in the rights database of the node you4are invoking CTF from. These rights identifers are:F NET$TraceHeaders - trace protocol header information on local node? NET$TraceAll - trace protocol header and data on local nodeH NET$TraceHeadersRemote - trace protocol header info on remote serverH NET$TraceAllRemote - trace protocol header and data on remote server@The difference between NET$TraceHeaders and NET$TraceAll is that?NET$TraceAll will allow you to see the user data portion of theGprotocol data unit, which may contain sensitive or private information.GThese rights identifiers must be granted through the Authorize utility: $ SET DEFAULT SYS$SYSTEM $ RUN AUTHORIZE% $ GRANT/ID  ww­\6ąJUŸ 1 TracepointsCThe DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS base system supports these tracepoints:! MOP CIRCUIT  NSP GLOBAL <*> NSP PORT  OSITP CR MESSAGES OSITP ER MESSAGES4 OSITP LSP RSP $ ROUTING CIRCUIT  SESSION PORT #2 VAX_WAN_Device_Driver tracepoints1VAX WAN Device Drivers support these tracepoints: DDCMP LINK  HDLC LI NK  LAPB LINK $ MODEM_CONNECT LINE 2 VAX_P.S.I. tracepoints2VAX P.S.I. Version 5.0 supports these tracepoints: LAPB LINK  LLC2 SAP LINK  X25L3 DTE " X25L3 CIRCUIT # X25GAP CIRCUIT #2 DEC_WANrouter_100/500 tracepoints5The DEC WANrouter 100/500 supports these tracepoints: HDLC LINK  DDCMP LINK  LAPB LINK $ MODEM_CONNECT LINE  NSP PORT $ ROUTING CIRCUIT ,2 DEC_Network_Integration_Server tracepoints>The DEC Network Integration Server supports these tracepoints: HDLC LINK  LAPB LINK  LLC2 SAP LINK $ MODEM_CONNECT LINE  NSP PORT $ ROUTING CIRCUIT " X25L3 CIRCUIT  X25L3 DTE # X25GAP CIRCUIT 2 OSITP tracepoints@OSITP CR MESSAGES shows all Connect Request protocol data units.6OSITP ER MESSAGES shows all Error protocol data units.9OSITP LSP RSP shows; all protocol data units exchanged between the specified' local and remote service providers.; The form of an lsp_address or rsp_address is the 6-byte& physical address, without hyphens:> CTF> trace start "OSITP LSP AA00040089FF RSP 08002B112233"ww­âī:ąJUŸ1 Command_Summary)The following CTF commands are available:FANALYZE Displays the trace records in a trace file, and specifiesC the format of this display (for both live and detached tracing).2ATTACH Transfers control to another process.8BACK Displays the previous screen of trace data.-CLEAR Clears the screen of trace data.ACOLLECT Collects trace records generated during a /NOCOLLECT'  session into a trace file.=DEFINE/KEY Associates a command with a key on the keyboard.:DELETE/KEY Deletes the key definitions you have defined.%EXIT Stops the TRACE utility.6HELP Displays on-line help about CTF commands.4NEXT Displays the next screen of trace data. REFRESH Redraws the screen.<SHOW KEY Displays the key definitions for your keyboard.9SPAWN Creates a subprocess of the current process.FSTART Starts live or detached tracing at specified tracepoints.4STOP Stops tracing at specified tracepoints.ww­âī:ąJUŸ 1 ANALYZEFThe ANALYZE command formats and displays the contents of a trace file.EThe command is also used to specify the format in which trace data isEdisplayed, either during live tracing or when the contents of a tracefile are displayed.Format:" ANALYZE [file-spec] [/qualifiers]?If you issue the ANALYZE command while displaying a trace file,Aand you do not specify a filename, the qualifiers you use will be+applied to the trace file being displayed. 2 Parameters1The command has the following optional parameter: file-spec6 Specifies the name of the trace file to be displayed.6 The default is the file CTF$TRACE.DAT in your default8 directory. You cannot specify this parameter if you are performing live tracing.9 If you do not specify a file version number, the ANALYZE; command starts at the lowest version of the trace file and, processes each version of the file in turn.2 Command qualifiers1The ANALYZE command has the following qualifiers:C /BEFORE /BRIEF /DATA /DISPLAY /FILTER /FULL /NAME= /OUTPUT /PAGE /PROTOCOL /REVERSE /SAVE_BUFFER_SIZE< /SCROLL /SELECT /SINCE /TRACE_LEVEL /TRUNCATE /WIDTH 2 /BEFORE /BEFORE=time7 Specifies that only trace records collected before the$ specified time are to be displayed.) Specify the time in standard VMS format.2 /BRIEF /BRIEF> Specifies that a single-line analysis of the protocol data in= each trace record is displayed. This qualifier is effective 8 only if the relevant protocol analysis routines support' abbreviated analysis of protocol data. /BRIEF is the default display.2 /DATA /DATA=(data-type,...) /NODATA8 Use /DATA to specify the format(s) of the output. Valid data-types are:4 DECIMAL, OCTAL, HEXADECIMAL, ASCII and EBCDIC 2 /DISPLAY /DISPLAY=(field,...) /NODISPLAY9 Specifies which fields of a trace record (other than the% protocol data itself) are displayed.& The fields that can be displayed are:3 [NO]ALL All the fields shown below are& displayed.5 [NO]CONTEXT Tracepoint-specific information.& [NO]EVENT Trace event code.: [NO]FUNCTION_CODE The tracepoint-specific function code: of the operation being traced.: [NO]NAME  The name of the tracepoint from whichA the trace record was collected. Names= longer than 16 characters will be3 truncated on the right.< [NO]SIZE The original size of the trace data, in" bytes.? [NO]STATUS If the value in this field is non-zero, itB is the current status of the operation) being traced.; [NO]TIME The time at which the trace record was& collected. The default display is: TIME EVENT SIZE 2 /FILTER /FILTER=(event-code,...) /NOFILTER& Specifies a filter for trace records.= A trace record is displayed only if its event code is one of8 those specified in the filter. This value overrides the current filter, if any.2 You cannot specify this qualifier with /SELECT or /TRACE_LEVEL. The default is /NOFILTER.2 /FULL /FULL= Specifies that a multi-line analysis of each trace record is; produced. This qualifier is effective only if the relevant= protocol analysis routines support full analysis of protocol data.5 The default, if you do not specify /FULL, is /BRIEF.2 /NAME /NAME=instance-name2 Specifies the instance part of a tracepoint name.? A trace record is displayed only if it came from the specified> tracepoint. If you specify only the first part of an instance= name, trace records are displayed from all tracepoints whose name begins with this string.8 The default is to display trace records from all active tracepoints. 2 /OUTPUT /OUTPUT[=output-filename]: Specifies the name of a file to which the formatted trace records are to be written.= If you specify /OUTPUT without a filename, the default is to% display the output on your terminal.9 You cannot use this qualifier if you are performing live tracing.2 /PAGE /PAGE=lines-per-page> Specifies the number of lines per page when writing output to a file.8 This qualifier has no effect if trace records are being displayed on your terminal.? The default is defined by the logical name SYS$LP_LINES, which usually has the value 66. 2 /PROTOCOL$ /PROTOCOL=(protocol-identifier,...) /NOPROTOCOL? Specifies the type of analysis performed on each trace record.? The protocol data in each trace record is analyzed for each of> the protocols listed in the /PROTOCOL qualifier, in the order in which they are specified.= If you do not specify this qualifier, only the protocol data= supplied at the protocol level of the originating tracepoint< is analyzed; protocol data from higher levels is displayed, unanalyzed, as user data.< If you specify /NOPROTOCOL, no analysis is performed on the? protocol data in the trace record; it is all presented as user data. 2 /REVERSE /REVERSE /NOREVERSE: Specifies that received data will be displayed in reverse- video, and titles will be displayed in bold. The default is /REVERSE.2 /SAVE_BUFFER_SIZE /SAVE_BUFFER_SIZE=n: Specifies how many screens of saved lines of data will be kept.9 These screens can be examined by using the NEXT and BACK commands.= The default is 30. The minimum is one screen. The maximum is 1000 screens. 2 /SCROLL /SCROLL /NOSCROLL> Specifies whether data is displayed continuously or a page at a time.= If you specify /NOSCROLL, you have to issue the NEXT or BACK7 command to display the next screen or previous screen.: The default is /SCROLL, which causes data to be displayed continuously. 2 /SELECT" /SELECT=(protocol-identifier,...) 7 Specifies which protocol analyses are to be displayed.= This qualifier is only useful if you have used the /PROTOCOL; qualifier to request multiple protocol analysis of a trace record.> The default is to display all the protocol analyses requested by the /PROTOCOL qualifier.2 /SINCE /SINCE=time6 Specifies that only trace records collected since the$ specified time are to be displayed.) Specify the time in standard VMS format.2 /TRACE_LEVEL' /TRACE_LEVEL=(protocol-identifier,...)? Normally, CTF will display the analysis for a single protocol,= even if the trace file contains trace records from more than< one protocol. By default, CTF will analyze only those trace< records with the same protocol as the first trace record in the trace fil e.7 However, if you use this qualifier, all the specified  protocols will be analyzed.> You cannot use this qualifier with either /FILTER or /SELECT. 2 /TRUNCATE /TRUNCATE /NOTRUNCATE8 Specifies whether data that will not fit on one line is) truncated or continued on the next line.> The default is /TRUNCATE for live tracing and /NOTRUNCATE for analysis of a file.2 /WIDTH /WIDTH=n4 Specifies the width of the output page, in columns.6 If the data is written to a f!ile, the default is 132.> If the data is displayed on your terminal, the default is the width of your screen. 2 Examples!CTF> ANALYZE/OUTPUT=TRACE_ASC.LIS= This command formats the contents of the default trace file,> CTF$TRACE.DAT, and places the formatted data in a file called TRACE_ASC.LIS.CTF> ANALYZE/FILTER=(RX,TX)> This command displays the contents of the default trace file,? CTF$TRACE.DAT, on your terminal. Only trace records with event, code RECEIVE or TRANSMIT "will be displayed.ww­b?MąJUŸ1 ATTACH>The ATTACH command transfers control to the specified process.Format:$ ATTACH [process-name] [/qualifiers] 2 Parameters'The command has one optional parameter. process-name> Specifies the name of a parent process or spawned sub-process> to which control passes. The process must already exist, must; be part of your current job, and must share the same input? stream as your current process. However, the process cannot be= y#our current process or a sub-process created with the SPAWN% command using the /NOWAIT qualifier.4 Process names can contain from 1 to 15 alphanumeric? characters. If a connection to the specified process cannot be% made, an error message is displayed.= You may not specify a process name if you specify either the& /IDENTIFICATION or /PARENT qualifier.2 Command qualifiers)The command has the following qualifiers: /IDENTIFICATION /PARENT2 /IDENTIFICATION /IDENTIFICATION$=PID= Specifies the process identification of the process to which control is to be transferred.9 If you use this qualifier, you cannot specify either the1 /PARENT qualifier or the process-name parameter. 2 /PARENT /PARENT< This is only valid if used from a sub-process. It specifies6 that control is to be returned to the parent process.9 If you use this qualifier, you cannot specify either the9 /IDENTIFICATION qualifier or the process-name parameter. 2 ExamplesCTF> ATT%ACH SMITH_11 Transfers control to the process called SMITH_1.CTF> ATTACH /IDENT=39400067= Also transfers control to the process SMITH_1, using its PID rather than its name.CTF> ATTACH /PARENT. Transfers control back to the parent process.ww­ÆNąJUŸ1 BACK=The BACK command displays the previous screen of trace data. Format: BACKDIf you are displaying the contents of a trace file, the BACK commandEputs the screen into scroll mode, in which you & can display trace dataFone screen at a time using the NEXT and BACK commands. Each subsequent8BACK command displays the previous screen of trace data.CDuring live tracing, the first use of the BACK command suspends theFcollection of trace records and puts the screen into scroll mode. EachFSubsequent BACK command displays the previous screen of trace data. To@scroll forward to the next screen of data, issue a NEXT command.CTo resume scrolling of trace data, issue an ANALYZE/SCROLL command'.DAll saved records are scrolled through before tracing starts again. ww­ĸLPąJUŸ1 CLEAR2The CLEAR command clears the screen of trace data.Format: CLEARSee also the REFRESH command.ww­ĸLPąJUŸ 1 COLLECTAThe COLLECT command takes a snapshot of current tracing activity.Format: COLLECT [qualifier]IIf you start tracing with a START/NOCOLLECT command, the collected trace Hrecords are copied to an internal CTF buffer. When the buffer is (full, Cnew trace records overwrite the oldest trace records in the buffer.FThus, the buffer provides a snapshot of the most recent trace history.DWhen you issue a COLLECT command, the current contents of the bufferEare then processed as they normally are for live or detached tracing.2 Comand Qualifiers,The command has a single optional qualifier: /PROCESS_NAME2 /PROCESS_NAME: Specifies the name of the trace server process that is to collect the data.6 This must be the sa)me process that you specify in the< /PROCESS_NAME qualifier in the START/NOCOLLECT command that& you issued to start snapshot tracing.< If you do not specify a process name, then CTF will use the process named username$CTF.; You cannot specify a process name if you issue the COLLECT' command while performing live tracing. 2 Examples CTF> COLLECT= If you are performing detached tracing, writes trace records? collected by the default trace server process username$CTF and9 writes *them to CTF$TRACE.DAT. If you are performing live; tracing, the trace records are displayed on your terminal.CTF> COLLECT /PROC=SMITH$CTF_Z= Writes trace records collected by the process SMITH$CTF_Z to1 CTF$TRACE.DAT. You must have previously issued a2 START/NOCOLLECT command naming SMITH$CTF_Z in the /PROCESS_NAME qualifier.ww­‚āTąJUŸ 1 DEFINE/KEYCThe DEFINE/KEY command associates a string with a particular key onyour keyboard.Format:) DEFINE/KEY key-na+me string [/qualifiers]!See also SHOW KEY and DELETE/KEY. 2 Parameters3The command has the following mandatory parameters.key-name5 Specifies the name of the key that you are defining.string> Specifies the character string to be processed when you press: the specified key. Enclose the string in double quotes to+ preserve spaces and lower case characters.2 Command qualifiers)The command has the following qualifiers:: /ECHO /IF_STATE /LOCK_STATE /SET_STATE /T,ERMINATE2 /ECHO /ECHO /NOECHO; Specifies whether the command line is echoed to the screen when you press the defined key. The default is /ECHO. 2 /IF_STATE /IF_STATE=(state,...) /NOIF_STATE> Specifies a list of states, at least one of which must be set* for the specified key definition to work. 2 /LOCK_STATE /LOCK_STATE /NOLOCK_STATE9 Specifies that the state set by the /SET_STATE qualifier< remains in effect until a DEFINE/KEY/NOSET_STATE command is issue-d to unset the state.9 The default is /NOLOCK_STATE, meaning that the effect of< /SET_STATE lasts only until the next definable key that you< press or the next read-terminating character that you type. 2 /SET_STATE /SET_STATE=state /NOSET_STATE= Specifies that the named state is set when the specified key is pressed./ The state name can be any alphanumeric string.= The default is /NOSET_STATE, meaning that the current locked( state is unset when the key is pressed.> S.ee the description of the DCL command DEFINE/KEY in your VMS5 documentation for more information about key states. 2 /TERMINATE /TERMINATE /NOTERMINATE9 Specifies whether the string executes when you press the specified key.< The default is /NOTERMINATE, which means that you can press3 other keys before the command string is processed.!2 Default key definitions for CTF3The default key definitions for CTF are as follows:" Key CTF Function" --- / ------------ HELP HELP) PF2 HELP KEYPAD DEFAULT" PF3 SHOW KEY/ALL KP0 NEXT KP2 START KP3 STOPF KP4 ANALYZE/DATA=ASCII/NOSELECT/NODISPLAY/NOTRUNCATE0 KP6 ANALYZE/DISP=ALL/WIDTH=132( KP7 ANALYZE/DATA=ASCII. KP8 ANALYZE/DATA=HEXADECIMAL( KP9 ANALYZE/DATA=OCTAL* MINUS ANALYZE/DATA0=DECIMAL& COMMA ANALYZE/TRUNCATE PERIOD BACK NEXT_SCREEN NEXT PREV_SCREEN BACK CTRL/L CLEAR CTRL/W REFRESH( GOLD COMMA ANALYZE/NOTRUNCATE$ GOLD KP0 ANALYZE/SCROLL GOLD KP2 START/LIVE' GOLD KP6 ANALYZE/NODISPLAY$ GOLD NEXT_SCREEN ANALYZE/SCROLL 2 Examples4CTF> DEFINE/KEY KP2 "START/LIVE/NOCOLLECT/TERMINATE"+ Causes KP2 to start live snapshot tracing.1?CTF> DEFINE/KEY KP2/IF_STATE="GOLD" "START/NOCOLLECT/TERMINATE"4 Causes GOLD KP2 to start detached snapshot tracing.ww­btYąJUŸ 1 DELETE/KEYEThe DELETE/KEY command deletes key definitions that have been definedby the DEFINE/KEY command.Format:! DELETE/KEY key-name [/qualifier]EIf you delete the definition of a key, the use of that key within CTFbecomes undefined. 2 Parameters2The command has the following mandatory parameter.key-name8 Specifies the2 name of the key whose definition is to be deleted.2 Command qualifiers1The command has the following optional qualifier: /STATE2 /STATE=(state,...)5 Specifies the name of the state(s) for which the key definition is to be deleted." The default is the current state. 2 ExamplesCTF> DELETE/KEY KP28 Deletes the current definition of KP2, leaving this key undefined within CTF.ww­btYąJUŸ1 EXIT@The EXIT command stops the TRACE utility and returns you3 to VMS.Format: EXITDIf you are performing live tracing, all trace record collection willAstop. If you are performing detached tracing, however, collectionCwill continue unless you explicitly stop it using the STOP command./CTRL/Z has the same effect as the EXIT command.ww­ûZąJUŸ1 HELP9The HELP command displays information about CTF commands.Format: HELP [command-name]@You can request additional information on command parameters andFqualifiers by 4specifying the name of a topic in response to the Topic?prompt. 2 Parameters1The command has the following optional parameter. command-name2 Specifies the command for which help is required.> If you do not specify a command name, HELP lists the commands+ and topics for which you can request help. 2 ExamplesCTF> HELP ANALYZE0 Displays information about the ANALYZE command.ww­ûZąJUŸ 1 REFRESH'The REFRESH command redraws the screen.Format: REFRESH5ww­ĸ\ąJUŸ 1 SHOW KEYBThe SHOW KEY command displays the current key definitions for your keyboard.Format:" SHOW KEY [key-name] [/qualifiers] 2 Parameters1The command has the following optional parameter.key-name8 Specifies the name of the key whose definition is to be displayed.< If you do not specify a key-name, you must specify the /ALL qualifier.2 Command qualifiers)The command has the following qualifiers: /ALL /BRIEF /FULL /STATE62 /ALL /ALL4 Displays all the key definitions for your keyboard.6 You must not specify /ALL if you specify the key-name parameter.2 /BRIEF /BRIEF6 Shows a brief display of the key definitions for your keyboard. The default is /BRIEF.2 /FULL /FULL= Specifies that all key definitions and qualifiers associated! with a definition are displayed.2 /STATE /STATE=(state,...)9 Displays the key definitions for the specified state(s).; The default is to s7how the key definitions for all states. 2 ExamplesCTF> SHOW KEY KP23 Shows the current definition of KP2 in all states.CTF> SHOW KEY /ALL8 Shows the current definition of all keys in all states.ww­B^ąJUŸ1 SPAWN?The SPAWN command creates a sub-process of the current process.Format:& SPAWN [/qualifiers] [command-string] 2 Parameters1The command has the following optional parameter.command-string> Specifies a command string of up to 131 chara8cters that is to7 be executed in the context of the created sub-process.; When the command completes, the sub-process terminates and' control returns to the parent process.9 If you do not specify a command string, a sub-process is' created and remains until you log out.2 Command qualifiers)The command has the following qualifiers:< /INPUT /LOGICAL_NAMES /OUTPUT /PROCESS_NAME /PROMPT /SYMBOLS /WAIT2 /INPUT /INPUT=file-spec6 Specifies an input file that contai9ns one or more DCL4 commands to be executed by the spawned sub-process.? Once processing of the input file is complete, the sub-process is terminated.> If both the command-string parameter and the /INPUT qualifier= are specified, the command string is executed before the DCL8 commands in the file specified by the /INPUT qualifier.2 /LOGICAL_NAMES /LOGICAL_NAMES /NOLOGICAL_NAMES9 Specifies whether process logical names and logical name4 tables are to be copied to the spawned :sub-process. The default is LOGICAL_NAMES. 2 /OUTPUT /OUTPUT=file-spec; Specifies the name of the output file to which the spawned sub-process writes its output. The default is SYS$OUTPUT.2 /PROCESS_NAME /PROCESS_NAME=subprocess-name5 Specifies the name of the sub-process to be created.< By default, a unique process name is assigned with the same5 base name as the parent process and a unique number. 2 /PROMPT /PROMPT=string< Specifies the prompt for DCL ;to use within the sub-process.< By default, SPAWN copies the current prompt from the parent process. 2 /SYMBOLS /SYMBOLS /NOSYMBOLS9 Specifies whether the system passes DCL global and local symbols to the sub-process. The default is /SYMBOLS.2 /WAIT /WAIT /NOWAIT5 Specifies whether the system waits until the current= sub-process is completed before allowing more commands to be issued by the parent process. The default is /WAIT. 2 ExamplesCTF> SPAWN "<SHOW SYSTEM"7 Spawns a sub-process in which a SHOW SYSTEM command is= executed, after which control returns to the parent process.CTF> SPAWN /INPUT=CMDS.COM6 Spawns a sub-process and executes the DCL commands in= CMDS.COM, after which control returns to the parent process.5CTF> SPAWN /INPUT=CMDS.COM/OUTPUT=CMDS_OUT.LIS/NOWAIT8 Also executes the DCL commands in CMDS.COM, but returns> control immediately to the parent process without waiting for< the spawned sub-process to co=mplete. Any output produced by, the sub-process is written to CMDS_OUT.LIS.ww­Â"dąJUŸ1 STARTFThe START command starts tracing on one or more specified tracepoints.Format:* START [tracepoint-name,...] [/qualifiers]HOnly one trace session at a time can collect data from the local system,Ethough it can collect more than one tracepoint at a time. For remoteEtracing, data can be collected from only one remote server at a time. 2 Parameters1A tracepoint name has the >following general form:6 [node-name ["user-name password"]::]"tracepoint-name" node-name, Specifies the node name of a remote system.4 You must specify a node name when starting a remote tracepoint. user-name? Specifies the user name associated with the remote CTF object. < You must specify this user name if the remote CTF object is protected.password> Specifies the password associated with the remote CTF object.; You must specify this password if the remote CT?F object is protected.tracepoint-name; Specifies the name of a tracepoint that you want to trace.> If you are specifying more than one tracepoint, separate each tracepoint name with a comma.2 Command qualifiers@The following qualifiers are relevant only for detached tracing:? /BLOCKS /OUTPUT /PRIORITY /PROCESS_NAME /VERSION_LIMIT<The following qualifiers are relevant only for live tracing:: /BRIEF /DATA /DISPLAY /FULL /NAME /PAGE /PROTOCOL5 /REVERSE /S@AVE_BUFFER_SIZE /SELECT /TRUNCATE /WIDTH@The following qualifiers are relevant for both detached and livetracing:< /BUFFER_SIZE /CAPTURE_SIZE /COLLECT /FILTER /LIVE /MAXIMUM_BUFFERS /TIME_OUT 2 /BLOCKS /BLOCKS=n: Specifies the size, in blocks, of the trace file to which: trace records from the specified tracepoints are written.? If a trace file reaches its maximum size, a new version of the trace file is created.> The default file size is 200 blocks. The miniAmum file size is 20 blocks.2 /BRIEF /BRIEF> Specifies that a single-line analysis of the protocol data in= each trace record is displayed. This qualifier is effective 8 only if the relevant protocol analysis routines support' abbreviated analysis of protocol data. The default is /BRIEF.2 /BUFFER_SIZE /BUFFER_SIZE=n9 Specifies the size, in bytes, of each CTF internal trace' buffer (used for remote tracing only).< You can set this value larger to enable CTF to inclBude more" trace records in a single buffer.> The default buffer size is 512 bytes. The minimum buffer size is 68 bytes. 2 /CAPTURE_SIZE /CAPTURE_SIZE=n? Specifies the amount of data, in bytes, captured in each trace record.@ The default data size is 140 bytes. The minimum data size is 0.% The maximum data size is 5000 bytes. 2 /COLLECT /COLLECT /NOCOLLECT> NOCOLLECT prevents collected trace records being written to a; trace file or displayed on your terminal untiCl you issue a COLLECT command.? The buffer into which trace records are collected is used as a< circular buffer; when the buffer is full, new trace records$ overwrite the oldest trace records. The default is /COLLECT.2 /DATA /DATA=(data-type,...) /NODATA8 Use /DATA to specify the format(s) of the output. Valid data-types are:4 DECIMAL, OCTAL, HEXADECIMAL, ASCII and EBCDIC 2 /DISPLAY /DISPLAY=(field,...) /NODISPLAY= Specifies which field Ds (apart from the protocol data itself)! in a trace record are displayed.& The fields that can be displayed are:> [NO]ALL All the fields shown below are displayed.5 [NO]CONTEXT Tracepoint-specific information.$ [NO]EVENT The event code.= [NO]FUNCTION_CODE The tracepoint-specific function code of7 the operation being traced.> [NO]NAME The name of the tracepoint from which theD trace record E was collected. Names longerC than 16 characters will be truncated on& the right.< [NO]SIZE The original size of the trace data, in" bytes.? [NO]STATUS If the value in this field is non-zero, itB is the current status of the operation) being traced.; [NO]TIME The time at which the trace record was& Fcollected. The default display is: TIME EVENT SIZE 2 /FILTER /FILTER=(event-code,...) /NOFILTER8 Specifies a filter for trace records. A trace record is> collected only if its event code is one of those specified in the filter.2 This filter overrides the current filter, if any.0 You cannot specify this qualifier with /SELECT.= The default is /NOFILTER, meaning that all trace records are collected.2 /FULL /FULLD Specifies that a multi-line analGysis of the protocol data inB each trace record is produced. This qualifier is effectiveD only if the relevant protocol analysis routines support full" analysis of protocol data.4 If you do not specify /FULL, the default is /BRIEF.2 /LIVE /LIVE /NOLIVE? Specifies whether live or detached tracing is performed on the specified tracepoints.< The default is /NOLIVE, indicating that detached tracing is performed.2 /MAXIMUM_BUFFERS /MAXIMUM_BUFFERS=nH< Specifies the maximum number of CTF internal trace buffers. The default is 5.2 /NAME /NAME=instance-name2 Specifies the instance part of a tracepoint name.? A trace record is displayed only if it came from the specified> tracepoint. If you specify only the first part of an instance= name, trace records are displayed from all tracepoints whose name begins with this string.8 The default is to display trace records from all active tracepoints. 2 /OUTPUT /OUTPUT=filenIame< Specifies the name of the trace file to which trace records are written.9 The default trace file is the file CTF$TRACE.DAT in your default directory.2 /PAGE /PAGE=lines-per-page> Specifies the number of lines per page when writing output to a file.8 This qualifier has no effect if trace records are being displayed on your terminal.? The default is defined by the logical name SYS$LP_LINES, which usually has the value 66. 2 /PRIORITY /PRIORITY=priorityJ> Specifies the base priority for the trace server process that( writes trace records to the trace file.9 The default is 8. The lowest is 0 and the highest is 15.2 /PROCESS_NAME /PROCESS_NAME=process-name; Specifies the name to be given to the trace server process: that is created to write trace records to the trace file.* The default process name is username$CTF. 2 /PROTOCOL$ /PROTOCOL=(protocol-identifier,...) /NOPROTOCOL? Specifies the type of analysis performed on e Kach trace record. ? The protocol data in each trace record is analyzed for each of> the protocols listed in the /PROTOCOL qualifier, in the order8 in which they are specified. If you do not specify this; qualifier, only the protocol data supplied at the protocol? level of the originating tracepoint is analyzed; protocol data: from lower levels is displayed, unanalyzed, as user data.< If you specify /NOPROTOCOL, no analysis is performed on the? protocol data in the trace record; it is Lall presented as user data. 2 /REVERSE /REVERSE /NOREVERSE: Specifies that received data will be displayed in reverse- video, and titles will be displayed in bold. The default is /REVERSE.2 /SAVE_BUFFER_SIZE /SAVE_BUFFER_SIZE=n: Specifies how many screens of saved lines of data will be= kept. These lines can be examined by using the NEXT and BACK commands.8 The default is 30 screens. The minimum is 1 screen. The maximum is 1000 screens. 2 /SELECT" /SELECTM=(protocol-identifier,...)7 Specifies which protocol analyses are to be displayed.= This qualifier is only useful if you have used the /PROTOCOL; qualifier to request multiple protocol analysis of a trace record.> The default is to display all the protocol analyses requested by the /PROTOCOL qualifier. 2 /TIME_OUT /TIME_OUT=n: Specifies the interval, in seconds, for which CTF support: waits before flushing partially filled buffers to the the trace server process.0 The dNefault for detached tracing is 30 seconds;+ the default for live tracing is 5 seconds. 2 /TRUNCATE /TRUNCATE /NOTRUNCATE8 Specifies whether data that will not fit on one line is) truncated or continued on the next line. The default is /NOTRUNCATE.2 /VERSION_LIMIT /VERSION_LIMIT=n< Specifies the number of versions of the trace file to keep.? When this many versions have been created, each new version of7 the trace file causes the oldest current version to be deletedO. The default is 10.2 /WIDTH /WIDTH=n# Specifies the width of the output.2 The default is the width of your terminal screen. 2 Examples"CTF> START "ROUTING CIRCUIT UNA-0"; Starts detached tracing at the specified local tracepoint.; Trace records are written to CTF$TRACE.DAT in your default8 directory. The trace server process that collects trace records is username$CTF. :CTF> START NODEB"netman netmanpw"::"ROUTING CIRCUIT UNA-2"< Starts detached tracing at thPe specified remote tracepoint.;CTF> START "ROUTING CIRCUIT UNA-1" /OUT=UNA-1/PROC=UNA1PROC; Starts detached tracing at the specified local tracepoint.> Trace records are written to the file UNA-1.DAT, and the name= of the trace server process that is created to collect trace records is UNA1PROC.-CTF> START "ROUTING CIRCUIT UNA-3" /LIVE/FULL7 Starts live tracing at the specified local tracepoint.: A full analysis of each trace record is displayed on your screen.ww­QbŪqąJUŸ1 STOP:The STOP command stops collection at one or more specified tracepoints.Format:( STOP [tracepoint-name,...] [/qualifier]@If you do not specify a tracepoint, all tracing will be stopped.EIf you stop all detached tracing, the trace server process will exit.DIf you stop all tracing on the local VMS system, the process CTF$DCPwill also exit. 2 Parameters1A tracepoint name has the following general form:6 [node-name ["user-name password"]::]"tracepoint-nRame" node-name, Specifies the node name of a remote system.8 You must specify a node name when referring to a remote tracepoint. user-name? Specifies the user name associated with the remote CTF object. < You must specify this user name if the remote CTF object is protected.password> Specifies the password associated with the remote CTF object.; You must specify this password if the remote CTF object is protected.tracepoint-name; Specifies the name of aS tracepoint that you want to trace.> If you are specifying more than one tracepoint, separate each tracepoint name with a comma. 2 Command qualifiers1The command has the following optional qualifier: /PROCESS_NAME2 /PROCESS_NAME=process-name7 Specifies the process name of the trace server process< associated with the specified tracepoints. This must be the= process name specified in the /PROCESS_NAME qualifier of the( START command that started the tracing.6 This qualifTier is only relevant for detached tracing.* The default process name is username$CTF. 2 Examples CTF> STOP8 Stops all current tracing associated with username$CTF.CTF> STOP "ROUTING CIRCUIT *"5 Stops tracing on all local ROUTING CIRCUIT entities.0CTF> STOP "ROUTING CIRCUIT UNA-1" /PROC=UNA1PROC: Stops tracing at the specified tracepoint, which is being; traced by the UNA1PROC detached process. The START command8 that started tracing at ROUTING CIRCUIT UNA-1 must have specified /PROC=UNA1PROC.ww