
The _ADAWI function adds its source operand to the destination. This operation is interlocked against similar operations by other processors or devices in the system. Syntax: typedef enum {_adawi_sum_neg=-1, _adawi_sum_zero, _adawi_sum_pos} _ADAWI_STATUS; _ADAWI_STATUS _ADAWI(short __src, short *__dest);


Allocates n bytes from the stack and returns a pointer to the allocated memory. Syntax: void *__ALLOCA (unsigned int n);


The _BBCCI function performs the following functions in interlocked fashion: o Returns the complement of the bit specified by the two arguments o Clears the bit specified by the two arguments Syntax: typedef enum {_bbcci_oldval_1, _bbcci_oldval_0} _BBCCI_STATUS; _BBCCI_STATUS _BBCCI(int __position, void *__address);


The _BBSSI function performs the following functions in interlocked fashion: o Returns the status of the bit specified by the two arguments o Sets the bit specified by the two arguments Syntax: typedef enum {_bbssi_oldval_0, _bbcci_oldval_1} _BBSSI_STATUS; _BBSSI_STATUS _BBSSI(int __position, void *__address);


The _FFC function finds the position of the first clear bit in a field. The bits are tested for clear status starting at bit 0 and extending to the highest bit in the field. Syntax: typedef enum {_ff_bit_not_found, _ff_bit_found} _FF_STATUS; _FF_STATUS _FFC(int __start, char __size, const void * __base, int *__position);


The _FFS function finds the position of the first set bit in a field. The bits are tested for set status starting at bit 0 and extending to the highest bit in the field. Syntax: typedef enum {_ff_bit_not_found, _ff_bit_found} _FF_STATUS; _FF_STATUS _FFS(int __start, char __size, const void *__base, int *__position);


The _HALT function halts the processor when executed by a process running in kernel mode. This is a privileged function. Syntax: void _HALT(void);


The _INSQHI function inserts an entry into the front of a queue in an indivisible manner. This operation is interlocked against similar operations by other processors or devices in the system. Syntax: typedef enum {_insqi_inserted_many, _insqi_not_inserted, _insqi_inserted_only} _INSQI_STATUS; _INSQI_STATUS _INSQHI(void *__new_entry, void *__head);


The _INSQTI function inserts an entry at the end of a queue in an indivisible manner. This operation is interlocked against similar operations by other processors or devices in the system. Syntax: typedef enum {_insqi_inserted_many, _insqi_not_inserted, _insqi_inserted_only} _INSQI_STATUS; _INSQI_STATUS _INSQTI(void *__new_entry, void *__head);


The _INSQUE function inserts a new entry into a queue following an existing entry. Syntax: typedef enum {_insque_inserted_only, _insque_inserted_many} _INSQUE_STATUS; _INSQUE_STATUS _INSQUE(void *__new_entry, void *__predecessor);


The _LOCC function locates the first character in a string matching the target character. Syntax: unsigned short _LOCC(char __target, unsigned short __length, const char *__string, ...); where the optional argument (...) is char **position.


The _MFPR function returns the contents of a processor register. This is a privileged function. Syntax: void _MFPR(int register_num, int *destination); void _MFPR(int register_num, unsigned int *destination);


The _MOVC3 function copies a block of memory. It is the preferred way to copy a block of memory to a new location. Syntax: void _MOVC3(unsigned short __length, const char *__src, char *__dest, ...); where the ... is one or two optional arguments: o char **endscr o char **enddest


The _MOVC5 function allows the source string specified by the pointer and length pair to be moved to the destination string specified by the other pointer and length pair. If the source string is smaller than the destination string, the destination string is padded with the specified character. Syntax: void _MOVC5(unsigned short __srclen, const char *__src, char __fill, unsigned short __destlen, char *__dest, ...); where the ... is one to three optional arguments: o unsigned short *unmoved_src o char ** endscr o char **enddest


The _MOVPSL function stores the value of the Processor Status Longword (PSL). Syntax: void _MOVPSL(void *__psl);


The _MTPR function loads a value into one of the special processor registers. It is a privileged function. Syntax: int _MTPR(int src, int register_num);


The _PROBER function checks to see if you can read the first and last byte of the given address and length pair. Syntax: typedef enum {_probe_not_accessible, _probe_accessible} _PROBE_STATUS; _PROBE_STATUS _PROBER(char __mode, unsigned short __length, const void *__address);


The _PROBEW function checks the write accessibility of the first and last byte of the given address and length pair. Syntax: typedef enum {_probe_not_accessible, _probe_accessible} _PROBE_STATUS; _PROBE_STATUS _PROBEW(char __mode, unsigned short __length, const void *__address);


The _READ_GPR function returns the value of a general-purpose register. Syntax: int _READ_GPR(int register_number);


The _REMQHI function removes the first entry from the queue in an indivisible manner. This operation is interlocked against similar operations by other processors or devices in the system. Syntax: typedef enum {_remqi_removed_more, _remqi_not_removed, _remqi_removed_empty, _remqi_empty} _REMQI_STATUS; _REMQI_STATUS _REMQHI(void *__head), void *__removed_entry);


The _REMQTI function removes the last entry from the queue in an indivisible manner. This operation is interlocked against similar operations by other processors or devices in the system. Syntax: typedef enum {_remqi_removed_more, _remqi_not_removed, _remqi_removed_empty, _remqi_empty} _REMQI_STATUS; _REMQI_STATUS _REMQTI(void *__head, void *__removed_entry);


The _REMQUE function removes an entry from a queue. Syntax: typedef enum {_remque_removed_more, _remque_removed_empty, _remque_empty} _REMQUE_STATUS; _REMQUE_STATUS _REMQUE(void *__entry, void *__removed_entry);


The _SCANC function locates the first character in a string with the desired attributes. The attributes are specified through a table and a mask. Syntax: unsigned short _SCANC(unsigned short __length, const char *__string, const char *__table, char __mask, ...); where the optional argument (...) is char **match.


The _SKPC function locates the first character in a string that does not match the target character. Syntax: unsigned short _SKPC(char __target, unsigned short __length, const char *__string, ... ); where the optional argument (...) is char **position.


The _SPANC function locates the first character in a string without certain attributes. The attributes are specified through a table and a mask. Syntax: unsigned short _SPANC(unsigned short __length, const char *__string, const char *__table, char __mask, ...); where the optional argument (...) is char **mask.