/*****************************************************************************/ #ifdef COMMENTS_WITH_COMMENTS /* ws_mouse.c A demonstrator for CGIplus Web Socket scripts. The JavaScript-driven client-side of this demonstrator is in WASD_ROOT:[SRC.WEBSOCKET]WS_MOUSE.HTML To help manage potential bandwidth consumption the update rate is explicitly limited. To disable this for experimentation with maximum granularity define the logical name "WS_MOUSE_UPDATE_MAX" and HTTPD/DO=DCL=DELETE. Suppress host name lookup by defining the logical name WS_MOUSE_NO_LOOKUP. COPYRIGHT --------- Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Mark G.Daniel This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under the conditions of the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, version 3, or any later version. http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt VERSION HISTORY --------------- 21-JUL-2012 MGD v1.1.1, WsLibDestroy() deprecated 03-DEC-2011 MGD v1.1.0, a touch more sophistication 24-JUL-2010 MGD v1.0.0, initial development */ #endif /* COMMENTS_WITH_COMMENTS */ /*****************************************************************************/ #define SOFTWAREVN "1.1.1" #define SOFTWARENM "WS_MOUSE" #ifdef __ALPHA # define SOFTWAREID SOFTWARENM " AXP-" SOFTWAREVN #endif #ifdef __ia64 # define SOFTWAREID SOFTWARENM " IA64-" SOFTWAREVN #endif #ifdef __VAX # define SOFTWAREID SOFTWARENM " VAX-" SOFTWAREVN #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "wslib.h" #define VMSok(x) ((x) & STS$M_SUCCESS) #define VMSnok(x) !(((x) & STS$M_SUCCESS)) #define Debug 0 #define FI_LI "WS_MOUSE", __LINE__ #define EXIT_FI_LI(status) { printf ("[%s:%d]", FI_LI); exit(status); } int ConcurrentMax, ConnectedCount, UpdateMax, UsageCount; void (*UpdateFunction)() = NULL; struct MouseClient { int UpdateCount, YouIdent; char ConnectTime [32], InputBuffer [256], MouseCoord [32], RemoteHostPort [128+16]; struct WsLibStruct *WsLibPtr; }; /* function prototypes */ void AddClient (); void RemoveClient (struct WsLibStruct*); void RemoteHostPort (struct MouseClient*); void UpdateClient (struct WsLibStruct*); void UpdateAllClients (); /*****************************************************************************/ /* AST delivery is disabled during client acceptance and the add-client function is deferred using an AST to help minimise the client setup window with a potentially busy WebSocket application. */ main () { /*********/ /* begin */ /*********/ /* don't want the C-RTL fiddling with the carriage control */ stdout = freopen ("SYS$OUTPUT", "w", stdout, "ctx=bin"); UpdateMax = (getenv("WS_MOUSE_UPDATE_MAX") != NULL); /* no clients is two minutes in seconds */ WsLibSetLifeSecs (2*60); while (WsLibIsCgiPlus()) { WsLibCgiVar (""); sys$setast (0); UsageCount++; AddClient (); WsLibCgiPlusEof (); sys$setast (1); } exit (SS$_NORMAL); } /*****************************************************************************/ /* Allocate a client structure and add it to the head of the list. */ void AddClient () { int len, status; char ConnectTime [32], YouString [32]; $DESCRIPTOR (TimeFaoDsc, "!20%D\0"); $DESCRIPTOR (TimeDsc, ""); struct WsLibStruct *wsptr; struct MouseClient *clptr; /*********/ /* begin */ /*********/ clptr = calloc (1, sizeof(struct MouseClient)); if (!clptr) EXIT_FI_LI (vaxc$errno); RemoteHostPort (clptr); TimeDsc.dsc$a_pointer = clptr->ConnectTime; TimeDsc.dsc$w_length = sizeof(clptr->ConnectTime); sys$fao (&TimeFaoDsc, 0, &TimeDsc, 0); clptr->YouIdent = UsageCount; /* create a WebSocket library structure for the client */ if (!(clptr->WsLibPtr = wsptr = WsLibCreate (clptr, RemoveClient))) { /* failed, commonly on some WebSocket protocol issue */ free (clptr); return; } /* open the IPC to the WebSocket (mailboxes) */ status = WsLibOpen (wsptr); if (VMSnok(status)) EXIT_FI_LI(status); /* no user interaction is two minutes in seconds */ WsLibSetIdleSecs (wsptr, 2*60); len = sprintf (YouString, "you=%u", clptr->YouIdent); WsLibWrite (wsptr, YouString, len, WSLIB_ASYNCH); /* if maximum granularity then convey this to the JavaScript client */ if (UpdateMax) WsLibWrite (wsptr, "update=max", 10, WSLIB_ASYNCH); ConnectedCount++; WsLibRead (wsptr, clptr->InputBuffer, sizeof(clptr->InputBuffer), UpdateClient); } /*****************************************************************************/ /* Destory the wsLIB structure and free the client structure memory. */ void RemoveClient (struct WsLibStruct *wsptr) { struct MouseClient *clptr; /*********/ /* begin */ /*********/ clptr = WsLibGetUserData (wsptr); free (clptr); if (ConnectedCount) ConnectedCount--; } /*****************************************************************************/ /* Read from WebSocket client has concluded. These are the mouse coordinates. Ensure they look like they should and store them. Update all (other) clients with this change. */ void UpdateClient (struct WsLibStruct *wsptr) { static unsigned long OneTenthDelta [2] = { -1000000, -1 }; int mx, my, status; struct MouseClient *clptr; /*********/ /* begin */ /*********/ if (!UpdateFunction) { UpdateFunction = UpdateAllClients; status = sys$setimr (0, &OneTenthDelta, UpdateFunction, 1, 0); if (VMSnok(status)) EXIT_FI_LI (status); } if (VMSnok (WsLibReadStatus(wsptr))) { /* WEBSOCKET_INPUT read error (can be EOF) */ WsLibClose (wsptr, 0, NULL); return; } clptr = WsLibGetUserData(wsptr); clptr->UpdateCount++; if (clptr->InputBuffer[0]) { sscanf (clptr->InputBuffer, "%d,%d", &mx, &my); sprintf (clptr->MouseCoord, "%d,%d", mx, my); } else clptr->MouseCoord[0] = '\0'; WsLibRead (wsptr, clptr->InputBuffer, sizeof(clptr->InputBuffer), UpdateClient); } /*****************************************************************************/ /* Build a string buffer with the details of all connected clients. Write this buffer to all connected clients simultaneously updating all with the new details. No UTF-8 conversion is required because the text is all 7 bit ASCII. By default the update rate is explicitly limited to 100mS. */ void UpdateAllClients () { static char UpdateBuffer [2048]; int cnt = 0, status; char *sptr, *zptr; struct WsLibStruct *wsptr; struct MouseClient *clptr; /*********/ /* begin */ /*********/ UpdateFunction = NULL; zptr = (sptr = UpdateBuffer) + sizeof(UpdateBuffer)-128; for (wsptr = NULL; WsLibNext(&wsptr);) { clptr = WsLibGetUserData(wsptr); sptr += sprintf (sptr, "%u|%d|%s|%s|%d|%s\n", clptr->YouIdent, ++cnt, clptr->ConnectTime, clptr->RemoteHostPort, clptr->UpdateCount, clptr->MouseCoord); if (sptr > zptr) break; } if (sptr > zptr) sptr += sprintf (sptr, "[overflow]||||||"); *sptr = '\0'; for (wsptr = NULL; WsLibNext(&wsptr);) WsLibWrite (wsptr, UpdateBuffer, sptr-UpdateBuffer, WSLIB_ASYNCH); } /*****************************************************************************/ /* Get the remote host name/address and port number (blocking, IPv4 only). */ void RemoteHostPort (struct MouseClient *clptr) { int IpAddr; struct hostent *HostEntryPtr; /*********/ /* begin */ /*********/ /* if the server has host name resolution enabled */ strcpy (clptr->RemoteHostPort, WsLibCgiVar("REMOTE_HOST")); /* otherwise resolve it ourselves */ if (!strcmp (clptr->RemoteHostPort, WsLibCgiVar("REMOTE_ADDR"))) if (!getenv ("WS_MOUSE_NO_LOOKUP")) if ((IpAddr = inet_addr (clptr->RemoteHostPort)) != -1) if (HostEntryPtr = gethostbyaddr (&IpAddr, 4, AF_INET)) strcpy (clptr->RemoteHostPort, HostEntryPtr->h_name); strcat (clptr->RemoteHostPort, ":"); strcat (clptr->RemoteHostPort, WsLibCgiVar("REMOTE_PORT")); } /*****************************************************************************/