
CGI scripts implemented as DCL procedures. These will need to be copied into HT_ROOT:[CGI-BIN] to make them available to the server. They are delivered with the package in this directory so that they may be examined in the world-readable [SRC] directory.

[FIL]  Name                                 Revised         Size  Description

[TXT] cgi_symbols.com 2-May-2014 14:23 1,494 DCL procedure [TXT] cookie_demo.com 2-May-2014 14:23 2,779 DCL procedure [TXT] gateway_bg_example.com 2-May-2014 14:23 2,366 DCL procedure [TXT] httpd_admin_report_clust+ 2-May-2014 14:23 1,989 DCL procedure [HTM] readme.html 2-May-2014 14:23 261 HyperText Markup Language [TXT] request_error_msg.com 2-May-2014 14:23 3,706 DCL procedure [TXT] server_neutral_cgi.com 2-May-2014 14:23 1,698 DCL procedure [TXT] show.com 2-May-2014 14:23 4,996 DCL procedure [TXT] welcome.com 2-May-2014 14:23 2,132 DCL procedure