A proxy entry similar to the following is a minimum requirement.
When the server is configured to support OSU scripts the following provide a basis for testing and demonstration.
OSU (via DECnet) | Description |
TESTCGI.C | Simple test of the OSU CGI environment. |
Simple POST test of the OSU environment. | |
TESTFORM.HTML | An OSU document testing SET_DCL_ENV.C and CGI-MAILTO.C (the latter requires specific configuration!) |
TMAIL.HTML | Another OSU document, demonstrating the use of TMAIL.C |
HELPGATE | This script provides access to VMS Help libraries, in a similar fashion to WASD's own Conan The Librarian. For this script to behave itself properly it really should own the "/help" path via a mapping rule! |
WebBook | WebBook is a Bookreader emulator similar to WASD's HyperReader (some of these may not work for local environment reasons). |
PREPROC.HTMLX | The OSU document demonstrating the use of OSU's SSI processor. Some paths have been modified for WASD's directory structure. The ACCESSES.PERMISSIONS (read this file) may need to be modified for this to work on any particular site. |
PREPROC2.HTMLX | Same as above, with the accesses disabled. (A minor correction, not modification, was needed to the source code for it to work at all ;^) |
Of course standard CGI scripts may also be transparently executed within the DECnet environment. Here is a sample ...
Process CGI | CGI via DECnet | Description |
[CGI_symbols] | [CGI_symbols] | Simple CGI environment test. |
[calendar] | [calendar] | Calendar generator. |
[conan] | [conan] | Conan The Librarian |
Name Revised Size Description
obj_vax/ 2-May-2014 14:23 1,536 subdirectory
readme.html 2-May-2014 14:23 3,914 "OSU directory README"
testform.html 2-May-2014 14:23 1,745 "Fill out forms example"
tmail.html 2-May-2014 14:23 5,426 "Tmail demo"