Index of  //*.conf

This directory contains some basic procedures to allow a site to generate certificates for use with SSL products such as WASD. This is a very basic environment. For further details see READMORE.HTML.

Due to changes in the OpenSSL build environment, with WASD v10.0.3 and earlier, the appropriate  BUILD_HTTPD_V10.COM  or  BUILD_HTTPD_V9.COM  procedure should be copied to  [SRC.HTTPD]BUILD_HTTPD.COM  before installing or updating.  OpenSSL v1.0.0e uses [.ALPHA] rather than [.AXP] for it's platform-specific files, and builds 32 or 64 bit specific libraries (this package provides only 32 bit versions).

[FIL]  Name                                 Revised         Size  Description

[FIL] cert/ 2-May-2014 14:23 512 subdirectory