/*****************************************************************************/ /* DECnet.h */ /*****************************************************************************/ #ifndef DECNET_H_LOADED #define DECNET_H_LOADED 1 #include "wasd.h" /**************/ /* structures */ /**************/ typedef struct DECnetConnectStruct DECNET_CONNECT; struct DECnetConnectStruct { struct /* allows a list of these to be constructed */ ListEntryStruct DclListEntry; BOOL /* when the current request is finished disconnect from the task */ IsMarkedForDisconnect, /* task has indicated it is capable of reusing the connection */ ReuseConnection; unsigned short /* zero if no current channel, or channel number */ DECnetChannel; int /* timer tick when we'll expire */ LifeTimeSecond, /* number of times it has been reused */ ReUsageCount, /* number of times it has been used */ UsageCount; char /* node::"task=whatever" */ ConnectString [64]; unsigned long /* last used binary time ;^) */ LastUsedBinaryTime[2]; /* NULL if no associated request, or pointer to assosciated request */ REQUEST_STRUCT *RequestPtr; }; typedef struct DECnetTaskStruct DECNET_TASK; struct DECnetTaskStruct { BOOL /* */ AddNewline, /* build or delimited records from single bytes */ BuildRecords, /* an was set by the script */ OsuDnetCgi, /* an was set by the script */ OsuDnetRecMode, /* the script generated some output */ ScriptResponded; int /* when building records from single bytes */ BuildCount, /* */ CgiDialogState, /* */ CgiEofLength, /* */ ConnectStringLength, /* */ ContentCount, /* */ FindScriptCount, /* */ FindScriptLength, /* */ FindScriptTotalLength, /* */ OsuDialogState, /* outstanding request body reads */ QueuedBodyRead, /* outstanding DECnet I/Os */ QueuedDECnetIO, /* outstanding network (client) writes */ QueuedNetWrite, /* */ ScriptType, /* copied from request structure for WATCHing purposes */ WatchItem; unsigned short DECnetChannel, DECnetMbxChannel; char /* */ *ContentPtr, /* */ *FindScriptTypePtr, /* current position when sending request header */ *OsuDnetHdrPtr, /* */ *RunTimePtr, /* */ *ScriptPtr; char /* unsique string used to indicate end of script output */ CgiEof [48], /* node::"task=whatever" */ ConnectString [64], /* buffer for DCL commands */ DclCommand [256], /* VMS file script name used for searching */ FindScript [256], /* VMS file script name */ MappedScript [256], /* DCL required to execute the script */ CgiScriptDcl [256], /* the above command being set up as a foreign verb, if necessary */ CgiScriptForeignVerb [256], /* store the mapped runtime */ ScriptRunTime [256]; IO_SB DECnetConnectIOsb, DECnetReadIOsb, DECnetWriteIOsb; /* pointer a request using this DCL task structure */ REQUEST_STRUCT *RequestPtr; /* pointer to the DECnet connection */ struct DECnetConnectStruct *cnptr; /* pointer to function, used for specifying the next task */ REQUEST_AST NextTaskFunction; }; /***********************/ /* function prototypes */ /***********************/ DECnetBegin (REQUEST_STRUCT*, REQUEST_AST, char*, char*); DECnetCgiDialog (REQUEST_STRUCT*); DECnetConnect (REQUEST_STRUCT*, REQUEST_AST, char*); DECnetConnectAst (REQUEST_STRUCT*); DECnetEnd (REQUEST_STRUCT*); DECnetFindCgiScript (REQUEST_STRUCT*); DECnetOsuCgi (REQUEST_STRUCT*, char*); DECnetOsuDialog (REQUEST_STRUCT*); DECnetOsuDnetId (REQUEST_STRUCT*, DECNET_TASK*, BOOL); DECnetOsuDnetXlate (REQUEST_STRUCT*, DECNET_TASK*, char*); DECnetRead (REQUEST_STRUCT*); DECnetReadAst (REQUEST_STRUCT*); BOOL DECnetSupervisor (int); DECnetWrite (REQUEST_STRUCT*, char*, int); DECnetWriteAst (REQUEST_STRUCT*); DECnetWriteRequest (REQUEST_STRUCT*); DECnetWriteRequestBody (REQUEST_STRUCT*); DECnetWriteRequestAst (REQUEST_STRUCT*); #endif /* DECNET_H_LOADED */ /*****************************************************************************/