This directory contains software of doubtful integrity and with some known bugs. It was just a vehicle for experimentation at the time. Unfortunately one application grew out of it, "HyperDisk", which means it cannot be junked. You have been warned!
Name Size
obj_vax/ 512
alpha_08pt.h 5K
alpha_09pt.h 6K
alpha_10pt.h 8K
alpha_11pt.h 9K
alpha_12pt.h 11K
alpha_14pt.h 15K
alpha_16pt.h 17K
alpha_18pt.h 22K
alpha_20pt.h 27K
alpha_24pt.h 37K
alpha_28pt.h 50K
alpha_36pt.h 85K
alpha_48pt.h 149K 1K
gift.c 65K
gift.h 2K
giftcgi.c 8K
readme.html 319