VMS Help TCPIP Services, Programming Interfaces, RPC Client Routines, clnt_broadcast, Arguments *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX) |
prognum The program number associated with the remote procedure. versnum The version number associated with the remote procedure. procnum The procedure number associated with the remote procedure. inproc The XDR routine used to encode the remote procedure's arguments. in A pointer to the remote procedure's arguments. outproc The XDR routine used to decode the remote procedure's results. out A pointer to the remote procedure's results. eachresult Called each time the routine receives a response. Specify the routine as follows: int eachresult(char *resultsp, struct sockaddr_in *addr) resultsp is the same as the parameter passed to clnt_broadcast(), except that the remote procedure's output is decoded there. addr is a pointer to a sockaddr_in structure containing the address of the host that sent the results. If eachresult is NULL, the clnt_broadcast routine returns without waiting for any replies.