VMS Help FDL Routines, FDL$CREATE, Condition Values Returned *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX) |
SS$_NORMAL Normal successful completion. FDL$_ABKW Ambiguous keyword in statement number<CRLF>reference-text. FDL$_ABPRIKW Ambiguous primary keyword in statement number<CRLF>reference-text. FDL$_BADLOGIC Internal logic error detected. FDL$_CLOSEIN Error closing filename as input. FDL$_CLOSEOUT Error closing filename as output. FDL$_CREATE Error creating filename. FDL$_CREATED Filename created. FDL$_CREATED_STM Filename created in stream format. FDL$_FDLERROR Error parsing FDL file. FDL$_ILL_ARG Wrong number of arguments. FDL$_INSVIREM Insufficient virtual memory. FDL$_INVBLK Invalid RMS control block at virtual address 'hex-offset'. FDL$_MULPRI Multiple primary definition in statement number. FDL$_OPENFDL Error opening filename. FDL$_OPENIN Error opening filename as input. FDL$_OPENOUT Error opening filename as output. FDL$_OUTORDER Key or area primary defined out of order in statement number. FDL$_READERR Error reading filename. FDL$_RFLOC Unable to locate related file. FDL$_SYNTAX Syntax error in statement number reference- text. FDL$_UNPRIKW Unrecognized primary keyword in statement number<CRLF> reference-text. FDL$_UNQUAKW Unrecognized qualifier keyword in statement number<CRLF> reference-text. FDL$_UNSECKW Unrecognized secondary keyword in statement number<CRLF> reference-text. FDL$_VALERR Specified value is out of legal range. FDL$_VALPRI Value required on primary in statement number. FDL$_WARNING Parsed with warnings. FDL$_WRITEERR Error writing filename. RMS$_ACT File activity precludes operation. RMS$_CRE Ancillary control process (ACP) file create failed. RMS$_CREATED File was created, not opened. RMS$_DNF Directory not found. RMS$_DNR Device not ready or not mounted. RMS$_EXP File expiration date not yet reached. RMS$_FEX File already exists, not superseded. RMS$_FLK File currently locked by another user. RMS$_PRV Insufficient privilege or file protection violation. RMS$_SUPERSEDE Created file superseded existing version. RMS$_WLK Device currently write locked.