VMS Help DCE_SECURITY, API Routines, sec_rgy_attr_sch_cursor_reset *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX) |
NAME sec_rgy_attr_sch_cursor_reset - Resets a cursor that has been allocated with either sec_rgy_attr_sch_cursor_init() or sec_rgy_attr_sch_cursor_alloc(). SYNOPSIS #include <dce/sec_rgy_attr_sch.h> void dce_attr_cursor_reset( sec_attr_cursor_t *cursor, error_status_t *status); PARAMETERS Input/Output cursor A pointer to a sec_attr_cursor_t. As an input parameter, an initialized cursor. As an output parameter, cursor is reset to the first attribute in the schema. status A pointer to the completion status. On successful completion, the routine returns error_status_ok. Otherwise, it returns an error. DESCRIPTION The sec_rgy_attr_sch_cursor_reset() routine resets a dce_attr_cursor_t that has been allocated by either a sec_rgy_attr_sch_cursor_init() or sec_rgy_attr_sch_cursor_alloc(). The reset cursor can then be used to process a new sec_rgy_attr_sch_scan query by reusing the cursor instead of releasing and re-allocating it. This is a local operation and makes no remote calls. Permissions Required None. FILES SYS$COMMON:[DCE$LIBRARY]SEC_RGY_ATTR_SCH.IDL The idl file from which dce/sec_rgy_attr_sch.h was derived. ERRORS sec_attr_bad_cursor error_status_ok RELATED INFORMATION Functions: sec_intro sec_rgy_attr_sch_cursor_init sec_rgy_attr_sch_cursor_alloc sec_rgy_attr_sch_scan